DIGITAL OpenVMS[TM] VAX[TM] Software Product Library-December 1997 AV-R5FBC-TE Welcome to this month's OpenVMS VAX Software Product Library Package. The December 1997 package includes the changes de- scribed in the following sections. Changes planned for NAS Products Beginning with the March 1998 Software Products Library, the NAS Package component products will not ship on separate NAS discs within the Software Products Library, but will be found on the Software Products Library discs themselves. The NAS base kits (including the group license table) and NAS documentation will still be delivered on the Software Products Library. The NAS component product kits can be obtained as a part of the Software Product Library or as separate component kits. Product Retirements The following products have been removed from the December 1997 Software Library Package due to their retirement: Product Name Version UPILV POLYCENTER[TM] Extended Lan 1.4 GX8AA Manager for OpenVMS VAX POLYCENTER Fault Diagnostic 1.4 MDLAA Package POLYCENTER Framework 1.4 VM9AA POLYCENTER Framework Historian 1.4 MDNAA Option POLYCENTER Framework Notifica- 1.4 MDSAA tion Option POLYCENTER Network Statistics 1.4 MDQAA Option POLYCENTER Network Topology 1.4 MDJAA Option POLYCENTER Terminal Server 1.4 GVTAA Access Module for OpenVMS VAX Distributed Name Service 1.1A VERAA ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1997. All rights reserved. Future Product Removals There are no products scheduled for removal from the March 1998 Software Products Library. Product Name Changes The following products have changed their names with this pack- age release: Former Product Name New Product Name UPILV (No change) DEC DATATRIEVE[TM] for DIGITAL DATATRIEVE for 898AA OpenVMS VAX Systems OpenVMS VAX Systems DECintact[TM] DIGITAL DECintact VF1AA, VF2AA, VF3AA Also, please note, new customers for Archive Backup System will find the product in this kit under its previous name: Storage Library System. The new product name, "Archive Backup System" will be phased in with the next major update of this product. A Final Note If you have questions or concerns regarding the Software Prod- ucts Library, please contact us at: ___________________ [TM] DATATRIEVE, DEC, DIGITAL, DECintact, OpenVMS, POLYCENTER, VAX, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 2