KAV30_________________________________________ Software Installation and System Testing Information Order Number: AA-PEYAB-TE | | January 1992 | | This guide describes how to install the KAV30 | software. | | | | | Revision Information: This draft manual | supersedes the KAV30 | Software Installation | and System Testing | Information, Version | 1.0 (Order Number | AA-PEYAA-TE). | | Operating System and Version: VMS Version 5.0 or | higher, | VAXELN Version 4.3 | | Software Version: VAXELN KAV Toolkit | Extensions for VMS | Version 1.1 | Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ January 1992 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1992. All Rights Reserved. The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document request your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: CVAX, DEC, DECnet, Digital, VAX Ada, VAX C, VAX FORTRAN, VAX-11/780, VAXcluster, VAXELN, VAXELN Pascal, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo. 68000 is a registered trademark of Motorola, Inc. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.0. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. v 1 Preparing for a KAV30 Software Installation 1.1 Checking Installation Requirements.............. 1-1 1.1.1 Software Requirements ........................ 1-1 1.1.2 Hardware Requirements ........................ 1-1 1.1.3 Privilege and Disk Space Requirements ........ 1-2 1.1.4 System Parameter Requirements ................ 1-2 1.1.5 Process Account Quota Requirements ........... 1-2 1.1.6 VMSINSTAL Requirements ....................... 1-3 1.2 Backing Up The System Disk...................... 1-3 1.3 Registering the License......................... 1-3 2 Installing the KAV30 Software 2.1 Installation Procedure.......................... 2-1 2.2 Error Recovery.................................. 2-12 3 After Installing the KAV30 Software 3.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure....................................... 3-1 3.2 Reporting Problems.............................. 3-2 iii A Sample Installation B Files Modified and Installed Glossary Index Tables 1-1 Disk Space Requirements ...................... 1-2 iv ________________________________________________________________ Preface This guide describes how to install the VAXELN[TM] KAV Toolkit Extensions for VMS[TM] (KAV30 software). | | This guide applies to Version 1.1 of the KAV30 software | and all the subsequent maintenance releases up to the next | major product release. | Who Should Read This Guide This guide is for system managers who want to install the | KAV30 software. | | To install the KAV30 software, you must be familiar with | the VMS operating system. | Structure of This Guide This guide is divided into three chapters, two appendixes, | a glossary, and an index: | o Chapter 1 describes how to prepare to install the KAV30 software. o Chapter 2 describes how to install the KAV30 software. o Chapter 3 describes what you can do after you install the KAV30 software. o Appendix A contains a sample KAV30 software installa- tion. o Appendix B lists the files that the KAV30 software installation modifies and installs on the system. o The Glossary defines some important terms used in this guide. v Associated Documents For more information, see the following documents: o KAV30 Software Product Description (AE-PFB5B-TE) o KAV30 System Support Addendum (AE-PFB6B-TE) o KAV30 Software Cover Letter (AV-PEYFB-TE) o KAV30 Programmer's Reference Information (AA-PEYCB-TE) o KAV30 Hardware Cover Letter (AV-PFSSB-TE) o KAV30 Hardware Release Notes (AV-PJRKA-TE) o KAV30 Hardware Installation and User's Information (AA-PFM6B-TE) Conventions The following conventions are used in this guide: __________________________________________________________ Convention____________Description_________________________ Note A note contains information that is of special importance to the reader. Ctrl/x Ctrl/x indicates that you hold down the Ctrl key while you press another key (indicated here by x). [] Brackets enclose optional command arguments in command descriptions. Brackets are also used in the syntax of a directory name in a VMS file specification. italic type Italic type emphasizes important information and complete titles of manuals. UPPERCASE Words in uppercase indicate a command, the name of a file, or an abbreviation for a system privilege. Monospace type Monospace type indicates both system ______________________displays_and_user_input.____________ vi 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing for a KAV30 Software Installation This chapter describes how to prepare for a KAV30 software installation. It gives information on the following: o Checking installation requirements o Backing up the system disk o Registering the license The bill of materials (BOM) and Indented Bills Report (BIL) specify the number and contents of the media. Verify the contents of the kit with this information. If the kit is damaged, or if you find that parts of it are missing, contact your Digital[TM] Equipment Corporation representative. 1.1 Checking Installation Requirements This section gives the KAV30 software installation requirements. 1.1.1 Software Requirements You must have the following software on the system: o VMS Version 5.0 or higher o VAXELN Version 4.3 1.1.2 Hardware Requirements You must have either a hardcopy or a video terminal. Use the terminal to communicate with the operating system and to respond to installation prompts. Preparing for a KAV30 Software Installation 1-1 Preparing for a KAV30 Software Installation 1.1.3 Privilege and Disk Space Requirements To install the KAV30 software, you must login to an account that has the SETPRV or SYSPRV privilege. Note that VMSINSTAL turns off the BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation. You must have read (R) and write (W) access to the ELN$ directory. You must have a certain amount of free disk space while installing the KAV30 software. After you install the KAV30 software, you need less space. Table 1-1 summarizes the KAV30 software disk space requirements. Table_1-1_Disk_Space_Requirements_________________________ Blocks During Blocks After Kit_____________________Installation_____Installation_____ KAV30 software Version 2,500 2,500 1.1_______________________________________________________ To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE 1.1.4 System Parameter Requirements The installation account does not require nonstandard system parameter settings. Standard system parameter settings are those that Digital ships with the system account. 1.1.5 Process Account Quota Requirements The installation account does not require nonstandard process account quotas. Standard process account quotas are those that Digital ships with the system account. 1-2 Preparing for a KAV30 Software Installation Preparing for a KAV30 Software Installation 1.1.6 VMSINSTAL Requirements When you invoke VMSINSTAL, it checks the following: o If you have set the default device and directory to SYS$UPDATE o If you are logged in to a privileged account o If the installation account has adequate process account quotas o If DECnet[TM] is running o If other users are logged into the system VMSINSTAL requires the installation account to have the following minimum quotas: ASTLM = 24 BIOLM = 18 BYTLM = 18,000 DIOLM = 18 ENQLM = 30 FILLM = 20 1.2 Backing Up The System Disk This section gives guidelines on backing up the system disk. Digital recommends that you back up the system disk before installing software. Use the backup procedures that are established at your site. For details on performing a system disk backup, see the Backup Utility manual in the VMS System Management Subkit. 1.3 Registering the License This section gives guidelines on registering the license. Register and load the KAV30 software license before installing the KAV30 software. Use the VMS license management facility (LMF) to register and load the license. This kit includes a product authorization key (PAK). The PAK contains the information that you must have to register the license. Preparing for a KAV30 Software Installation 1-3 Preparing for a KAV30 Software Installation When you plan to use the KAV30 software from more than one node in a VAXcluster[TM], follow these steps: 1. Before you install the KAV30 software, register the license on the node from which you are installing 2. After you install the KAV30 software, register the license on the nodes from which you plan to use the KAV30 software See the License Management Utility manual in the VMS documentation set for complete information on using LMF. 1-4 Preparing for a KAV30 Software Installation 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing the KAV30 Software This chapter describes how to install the KAV30 software. It gives information on the following: o Installation procedure o Error recovery Before you install the KAV30 software, read Chapter 1, which describes how to prepare for the installation. The installation takes between five and 20 minutes, depending on the type of media and the system configu- ration. Installing the KAV30 software and running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) on a standalone VAX-11/780[TM] system takes seven minutes. 2.1 Installation Procedure This section describes the KAV30 software installation procedure. The KAV30 software installation consists of a series of questions and informational messages. See Appendix A for a sample installation. ________________________Note ________________________ When you press Ctrl/Y, the installation deletes all the files that it has created up to that point, and exits. _____________________________________________________ To install the KAV30 software, follow these steps: 1. Invoke VMSINSTAL $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL saveset-name device-name options Installing the KAV30 Software 2-1 Installing the KAV30 Software To start the installation, invoke VMSINSTAL from a privileged account, such as the SYSTEM account. VMSINSTAL is in the SYS$UPDATE directory. 2-2 Installing the KAV30 Software Installing the KAV30 Software The following list defines the VMSINSTAL parameters: saveset-name The name of the saveset that you want to install. For | Version 1.1 of the KAV30 software, use the following | saveset name: | | KAV011 | | device-name The name of the device on which you want to mount the media containing the KAV30 software. For example, MKB500: is the device name for a tape drive. It is not necessary to use the console drive for this installation. However, if you do use the console drive, replace removed media after the installation. options An optional parameter specifying the VMSINSTAL options. You can specify the following VMSINSTAL options: o Release_note option (N): Displays the release notes menu. o Auto_answer option (A): Creates an answer file. The answer file contains your answers to VMSINSTAL questions. You can use this option (and an answer file) to save time during a reinstallation. o Get saveset option (G): Temporarily stores product savesets on a magnetic tape or in a disk directory. o File log option (L): Logs installation actions on the screen. o Alternate root option (R): Installs the product to a system root other than that of the running system. To specify an option, type OPTIONS and the letter representing the option you want to specify. For example, to specify the release notes option, type: OPTIONS N Installing the KAV30 Software 2-3 Installing the KAV30 Software To specify more than one option, type OPTIONS and the letters representing options that you want to specify. Separate the options with commas and enclose the options in parentheses. For example, to specify the release notes and the log file options, type: OPTIONS (N,L) See the VMS System Management Subkit for more information on the options parameter. 2-4 Installing the KAV30 Software Installing the KAV30 Software The following example invokes VMSINSTAL to install the KAV30 software from tape drive MKB500: and shows the system response. This example uses the OPTIONS N parameter. | | $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL KAV011 MKB500: | | VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4-2 | | It is dd-mmm-yyyy at hh:mm. | | Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. | | 2. Confirm DECnet status %VMSINSTAL-W-DECNET, Your DECnet network is up and running. . . . * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? When you install with VMS Version 5.1 or lower, VMSINSTAL notifies you if DECnet is running and displays a list of the active processes. It then asks if you want to continue the installation. Digital recommends that you install the KAV30 software on a standalone system or cluster when DECnet is shut down. NO is the default response to the question. Press Return to choose this default response. When you install with VMS Version 5.2 or higher, VMSINSTAL does not check the DECnet status. You can install the KAV30 software while DECnet is up and running. 3. Confirm system disk backup * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? VMSINSTAL asks if you are satisfied with the system disk backup: o Press Return when you are satisfied and want to continue the installation. o Type NO and press Return when you are not satisfied and want to stop the installation. After you back up the system disk, restart the installation. Installing the KAV30 Software 2-5 Installing the KAV30 Software | 4. Read informational messages | | The following products will be processed: | | KAV V1.1 | | Beginning installation of KAV V1.1 at hh:mm | | %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... | VMSINSTAL displays informational messages. 5. Choose a release notes option If you specified OPTIONS N at the start of the installation, VMSINSTAL now offers you the release notes options. When you install with VMS Versions 5.0 or 5.1, VMSINSTAL displays the following options: Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. Copy release notes to SYS$HELP 5. Do not display, print or copy release notes * Select option [2]: When you install with VMS Version 5.2 or higher, VMSINSTAL displays the following options: Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: Choose option 1 to display the release notes on the terminal. Press Ctrl/C to clear release notes from the screen. 2-6 Installing the KAV30 Software Installing the KAV30 Software Choose option 2 to print the release notes. VMSINSTAL prompts you for a print queue name, as follows: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Take one of the following actions: o Enter a print queue name. o Press Return. When you press Return you send the file to the default output print device Choose option 3 to both display the release notes on the terminal and print the release notes. VMSINSTAL displays the release notes on the terminal, and when you finish reading the release notes, VMSINSTAL prompts you for a print queue name. When you install with VMS Version 5.0 or 5.1, choose option 4 to copy the release notes to the system help directory. When you install with VMS Version 5.2 or higher, choose option 4 if you have reviewed the release notes and are restarting the installation. When you install with VMS Version 5.0 or 5.1, choose option 5 if you have reviewed the release notes and are restarting the installation. * Do you want to continue the installation [N]?: VMSINSTAL then asks you if you want to continue the installation: o Type YES and press Return to continue the installa- tion o Press Return to stop the installation %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. In either case, VMSINSTAL copies the release notes to | the SYS$HELP:KAV011.RELEASE_NOTES file. | ________________________Note ________________________ The name of the release notes file installed by VMSINSTAL is denoted by the current product name and version number. Do not delete release notes for previous versions of the KAV30 software. _____________________________________________________ Installing the KAV30 Software 2-7 Installing the KAV30 Software 6. Read Informational Messages DEC VAXELN KAV TOOLKIT EXTENSIONS FOR VMS %KAV-I-VMS, Checking VMS version %KAV-I-VERSION, VMS Version 054, RELEASED VMSINSTAL displays informational messages. | 7. Respond to license registration query | | Product: KAV-TOOLKIT-V | Producer: DEC | Version: 1.1 | Release Date: 20-DEC-1991 | | * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? | The installation procedure displays license information about the product and asks if you have registered and loaded the Product Authorization Key (PAK): o Type NO and press Return when you have not registered and loaded the PAK. Register and load the PAK before continuing with the installation. o Type YES and press Return when you have registered and loaded the PAK. 8. Choose the IVP option This kit contains an Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). The IVP verifies that the installed software is available on your system. You can run the IVP to verify the DEC VAXELN KAV Toolkit Extensions for VMS installation. You can run the IVP either during or after the installation. To run the IVP after the installation, execute the following command at the Digital Command Language (DCL) prompt: $ @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.KAV]KAV$IVP.COM To run the IVP during the installation procedure, answer YES to the following question: * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? 2-8 Installing the KAV30 Software Installing the KAV30 Software The installation procedure now asks if you want to run the IVP. The KAV30 IVP verifies that the KAV30 software and hardware are available on the system. Digital recommends that you run the IVP. 9. Purge files This installation modifies the following files on your system: ELN$:RTL.OLB ELN$:RTLOBJECT.OLB ELN$:SHARED_STATUS_TEXT.EXE This installation installs the following files on your system: ELN$:300KER.EXE | ELN$:300KER.MAP | ELN$:300KER.STB | ELN$:KAV$RTL_OBJLIB.OLB | ELN$:KRDRIVER.EXE | ELN$:SCSI53C700.OBJ | ELN$:SCSI53C700.OPT | ELN$:SCSI53C700_SCRIPT.OBJ | ELN$:KAVDEF.H, .PAS, .FOR, .ADA | This installation installs the following example programs on your system: [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]KAV_MVME.FOR [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]KAV_TIMER.C [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]MVMEDEF.H [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]MVMEDRIVER.C [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]MVMEDRIVER_AST.C [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]MVMEDRIVER_ISR.C [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]MVMEDRIVER_ISR_AST.C [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]VDADDRIVER.C [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]FIFO_AST_ROUTINES.ADA [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]FIFO_CONSUMER.ADA [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]FIFO_CONSUMER.DAT [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]FIFO_PRODUCER.ADA [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]FIFO_PRODUCER.DAT [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]FIFO_SIGNALLER_TASK.ADA * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? The KAV30 software installation installs and modifies Installing the KAV30 Software 2-9 Installing the KAV30 Software a number of files on the system. See Appendix B for a description of these files. You have the option to purge any previous versions of these files that are on the system. Digital recommends that you purge these files. 10.Read informational messages The installation procedure will not ask any more questions. The remainder of the installation takes between 5 and 20 minutes, depending on the processor configuration. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... The installation procedure renames all ELN$:300KER.* files to ELN$:300KER.OLD_*, and deletes previous versions of ELN$:300KER.OLD_* files. The installation procedure updates ELN$:RTL.OLB and ELN$:RTLOBJECT.OLB. If either of these files is not present, the installation procedure aborts. %KAV-I-UPDLIB, updating ELN$:RTL.OLB... %KAV-I-UPDOBJ, updating VAXELN Kernel global data... %KAV-I-UPDOBJ, updating VAXELN global parameter... %KAV-I-INSOBJ, inserting KAV Kernel global data... %KAV-I-UPDOBJ, updating VAXELN Kernel vector table... %KAV-I-UPDOBJ, updating VAXELN Kernel messages/text... %KAV-I-UPDLIB, updating ELN$:RTLOBJECT.OLB... %KAV-I-UPDOBJ, updating VAXELN Kernel messages for EPASCAL... | %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory | SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]. | %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory | SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.KAV]. | %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... VMSINSTAL displays informational messages. 11.Observe the IVP The installation procedure invokes the IVP. 2-10 Installing the KAV30 Software Installing the KAV30 Software If you chose to run the IVP, VMSINSTAL runs it now. System image size is 495 pages (248 Kbytes); file size is 496 blocks This IVP provides a downline loadable system KAV$IVP.SYS in SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.KAV]. This system can be used to verify the correct installation of the KAV software and the KAV30 hardware, it however requires the KAV30 to be installed and ready. Before you downline load the IVP system use the following commands to setup the NCP database: $ MC NCP Set Node Address $ MC NCP Set Node Hardware Address 08-00-2B-nn-nn-nn $ MC NCP Set Node Load File SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.KAV]KAV$IVP.SYS Upon successful installation and bootup, the KAV30 module will start counting up starting with 00 in the status display. The IVP displays informational messages as it runs. When the IVP runs successfully, it displays the following message: DEC VAXELN KAV Toolkit Extensions for VMS IVP completed successfully. When the IVP fails, it displays one or more of the following messages: 300KER.EXE not found - IVP failed. 300KER.STB not found - IVP failed. 300KER.MAP not found - IVP failed. KAV Object Library not found - IVP failed. KAVDEF.H not found - IVP failed. KAVDEF.PAS not found - IVP failed. KAVDEF.ADA not found - IVP failed. KAVDEF.FOR not found - IVP failed. RTL.OBJ not found - IVP failed. New module 1 in RTL.OBJ not found - IVP failed. New module 2 in RTL.OBJ not found - IVP failed. New module 3 in RTL.OBJ not found - IVP failed. New module 4 in RTL.OBJ not found - IVP failed. New module 5 in RTL.OBJ not found - IVP failed. Installing the KAV30 Software 2-11 Installing the KAV30 Software See Section 3.2 for information on what to do when the IVP fails. | 12.End the installation procedure | | Installation of KAV V1.1 completed at hh:mm | | VMSINSTAL procedure done at hh:mm | VMSINSTAL indicates that the installation is complete. | You can now log out of the privileged account: | | $ LOGOUT | SYSTEM logged out at dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.ss | ________________________Note ________________________ VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. If you are going to continue using the system manager's account and you want to restore these symbols, log out of the account and log in again. _____________________________________________________ 2.2 Error Recovery This section describes how to recover from errors that occur while you install the KAV30 software. When the installation fails, VMSINSTAL displays the following message: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of KAV V1.1 has failed. Errors occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect o Prerequisite software is absent o You did not register and load the product license For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the VMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and VMS software installation. When the system indicates that any of these conditions exist, 2-12 Installing the KAV30 Software Installing the KAV30 Software take the appropriate action, as described in the error message. Installing the KAV30 Software 2-13 3 ________________________________________________________________ After Installing the KAV30 Software This chapter describes what you can do after installing the KAV30 software. It gives information on the following: o Running the IVP o Reporting problems 3.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure This section describes how to run the KAV30 IVP. The IVP verifies that the KAV30 software and hardware function correctly. You usually run the IVP during the installation procedure. However, you might want to run the IVP after the installation procedure. For example, after a system failure, you must run the KAV30 IVP to make sure that users can access the KAV30 software and hardware. To run the IVP after the installation procedure, follow these steps: 1. Set-up the network control program (NCP) database so that you can downline load the IVP system to the KAV30. To include details of the KAV30 in the NCP database, enter the following commands: $ MC NCP SET NODE ADDRESS $ MC NCP SET NODE HARDWARE ADDRESS $ MC NCP SET NODE LOAD FILE SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.KAV]KAV$IVP.SYS Replace with the node name. Replace with the node address. Replace with the Ethernet address. 2. Downline load the IVP system to the KAV30. The SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.KAV]KAV$IVP.SYS file contains the IVP system. After Installing the KAV30 Software 3-1 After Installing the KAV30 Software 3. Boot the KAV30. When you boot the KAV30 via Ethernet, the host system downline loads the system file KAV30$IVP.SYS and begins executing the IVP on the KAV30. When the IVP is successful, the KAV30 will start counting up, starting with 00 in the status display. To stop the KAV30 from executing, press the Reset/Halt switch on the KAV30 front panel. See Section 3.2 for information on what to do when the IVP fails. 3.2 Reporting Problems This section describes how to report problems to Digital. When you encounter a problem while using the KAV30 software, report it to Digital. Depending on the nature of the problem and the type of support that is available to you, take one of the following actions: o Call Digital when the software contract or warranty agreement entitles you to telephone support. o Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o Fill out and submit a Reader's Comments form when the problem has to do with this documentation. There are two Reader's Comments forms at the back of each KAV30 guide. Use the form from the guide in which you found the error. Include the section and page number. Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty addendum for an explanation of warranty. When you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as indicated above, or follow alternate instructions provided by Digital for reporting SPD nonconformance problems. 3-2 After Installing the KAV30 Software A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation This appendix contains a sample KAV30 software installa- tion. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal kav011 mkb500: options n VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4-2 It is 22-DEC-1991 at 15:47. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? y The following products will be processed: KAV V1.1 Beginning installation of KAV V1.1 at 15:48 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 4 * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? yes %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. DEC VAXELN KAV TOOLKIT EXTENSIONS FOR VMS %KAV-I-VMS, Checking VMS version %KAV-I-VERSION, VMS Version 054, RELEASED Sample Installation A-1 Sample Installation Product: KAV-TOOLKIT-V Producer: DEC Version: 1.1 Release Date: 20-DEC-1991 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? yes This kit contains an Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). The IVP verifies that the installed software is available on your system. You can run the IVP to verify the DEC VAXELN KAV Toolkit Extensions for VMS installation. You can run the IVP either during or after the installation. To run the IVP after the installation, execute the following command at the Digital Command Language (DCL) prompt: $ @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.KAV]KAV$IVP.COM To run the IVP during the installation procedure, answer YES to the following question: * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? yes This installation modifies the following files on your system: ELN$:RTL.OLB ELN$:RTLOBJECT.OLB ELN$:SHARED_STATUS_TEXT.EXE This installation installs the following files on your system: ELN$:300KER.EXE ELN$:300KER.MAP ELN$:300KER.STB ELN$:KAV$RTL_OBJLIB.OLB ELN$:KRDRIVER.EXE ELN$:SCSI53C700.OBJ ELN$:SCSI53C700.OPT ELN$:SCSI53C700_SCRIPT.OBJ ELN$:KAVDEF.H, .PAS, .FOR, .ADA This installation installs the following example programs on your system: A-2 Sample Installation Sample Installation [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]KAV_MVME.FOR [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]KAV_TIMER.C [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]MVMEDEF.H [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]MVMEDRIVER.C [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]MVMEDRIVER_AST.C [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]MVMEDRIVER_ISR.C [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]MVMEDRIVER_ISR_AST.C [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]VDADDRIVER.C [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]FIFO_AST_ROUTINES.ADA [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]FIFO_CONSUMER.ADA [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]FIFO_CONSUMER.DAT [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]FIFO_PRODUCER.ADA [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]FIFO_PRODUCER.DAT [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]FIFO_SIGNALLER_TASK.ADA * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? yes The installation procedure will not ask any more questions. The remainder of the installation takes between 5 and 20 minutes, depending on the processor configuration. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... The installation procedure renames all ELN$:300KER.* files to ELN$:300KER.OLD_*, and deletes previous versions of ELN$:300KER.OLD_* files. The installation procedure updates ELN$:RTL.OLB and ELN$:RTLOBJECT.OLB. If either of these files is not present, the installation procedure aborts. %KAV-I-UPDLIB, updating ELN$:RTL.OLB... %KAV-I-UPDOBJ, updating VAXELN Kernel global data... %KAV-I-UPDOBJ, updating VAXELN global parameter... %KAV-I-INSOBJ, inserting KAV Kernel global data... %KAV-I-UPDOBJ, updating VAXELN Kernel vector table... %KAV-I-UPDOBJ, updating VAXELN Kernel messages/text... %KAV-I-UPDLIB, updating ELN$:RTLOBJECT.OLB... %KAV-I-UPDOBJ, updating VAXELN Kernel messages for EPASCAL... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.KAV]. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Sample Installation A-3 Sample Installation The installation procedure invokes the IVP. System image size is 533 pages (267 Kbytes); file size is 534 blocks This IVP provides a downline loadable system KAV$IVP.SYS in SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.KAV]. This system can be used to verify the correct installation of the KAV software and the KAV30 hardware, it however requires the KAV30 to be installed and ready. Before you downline load the IVP system use the following commands to setup the NCP database: $ MC NCP Set Node Address $ MC NCP Set Node Hardware Address 08-00-2B-nn-nn-nn $ MC NCP Set Node Load File SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.KAV]KAV$IVP.SYS Upon successful installation and bootup, the KAV30 module will start counting up starting with 00 in the status display. DEC VAXELN KAV Toolkit Extensions for VMS IVP completed successfully. Installation of KAV V1.1 completed at 16:13 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 16:13 $ A-4 Sample Installation B ________________________________________________________________ Files Modified and Installed This appendix lists the files that the KAV30 software installation modifies and installs on the system. The installation modifies the following files in the ELN$ directory: __________________________________________________________ File___________________Modification_______________________ RTL.OLB Add KAV data structures, KAV routine entry points, and extended VAXELN kernel message codes RTLOBJECT.OLB Add VAXELN Pascal extended VAXELN kernel message codes SHARED_STATUS_ Add KAV kernel-specific message TEXT.EXE_______________codes_and_message_texts____________ The installation installs the following files in the ELN$ directory: __________________________________________________________ File________________________Description___________________ 300KER.EXE KAV30 kernel image 300KER.MAP KAV30 link map 300KER.STB KAV30 symbol table EBUILD.EXE VAXELN System Builder image EBUILD.HLB VAXELN System Builder help library KAV$RTL_OBJLIB.OLB KAV30 runtime library KRDRIVER.EXE SCSI port driver image Files Modified and Installed B-1 Files Modified and Installed __________________________________________________________ File________________________Description___________________ SCSI53C700.OBJ SCSI NCR 53C700 port driver object code SCSI53C700.OPT SCSI NCR 53C700 port driver option file SCSI53C700_SCRIPT.OBJ SCSI NCR 53C700 port driver script KAVDEF.H KAV30 VAX C[TM] language definitions KAVDEF.PAS KAV30 VAXELN Pascal language definitions ELN$:KAVDEF.FOR KAV30 VAX FORTRAN[TM] language definitions KAVDEF.ADA KAV30 VAX Ada[TM] language ____________________________definitions___________________ B-2 Files Modified and Installed Files Modified and Installed The installation installs the following example programs in the [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.KAV] directory: __________________________________________________________ File___________________Description________________________ KAV_MVME.FOR VAX FORTRAN program that implements an MVME 335 device driver KAV_TIMER.C VAX C program that shows you how to use the KAV$TIMERS VAXELN KAV Toolkit Extensions for VMS system service MVMEDEF.H Contains definitions required the MVME 335 card MVMEDRIVER.C VAX C program that implements an MVME 335 device driver MVMEDRIVER_AST.C VAX C program that uses ASTs to implement an MVME 335 device driver MVMEDRIVER_ISR.C VAX C program containing an interrupt service routine for the MVMEDRIVER.C program MVMEDRIVER_ISR_AST.C VAX C program containing an interrupt service routine for the MVMEDRIVER_AST.C program VDADDRIVER.C A VAX C program that implements a VDAD device driver FIFO_AST_ VAX Ada program containing the AST ROUTINES.ADA routines that the FIFO_CONSUMER.ADA and FIFO_PRODUCER.ADA programs use FIFO_CONSUMER.ADA VAX Ada program that implements a KAV30 FIFO consumer FIFO_CONSUMER.DAT VAXELN System Builder data file for the FIFO_CONSUMER.ADA program. FIFO_PRODUCER.ADA VAX Ada program that implements a KAV30 FIFO consumer FIFO_PRODUCER.DAT VAXELN System Builder data file for the FIFO_PRODUCER.ADA program. Files Modified and Installed B-3 Files Modified and Installed __________________________________________________________ File___________________Description________________________ FIFO_SIGNALLER_ VAX ADA program containing the TASK.ADA signaler task that the FIFO_ CONSUMER.ADA and FIFO_PRODUCER.ADA _______________________programs_use_______________________ B-4 Files Modified and Installed ________________________________________________________________ Glossary The glossary defines some important terms used in this guide. application program A program that performs an end-user task. AST Asynchronous system trap. A procedure that the operating system calls when a particular event occurs. autovectored interrupt An interrupt for which the interrupt handler provides the interrupt vector address. backup process The process of making copies of the data stored on the disk, so that you can recover that data after an accidental loss. Make backup copies on RX33 diskettes, TK50 tape cartridges, or over a network. backup copy A copy of the data stored on the disk. BIL Indented Bills Report. A list of specific types and amounts of direct materials that a Digital customer is charged for. big-endian device A device based on the 68000® family of processors. See also little-endian. Glossary-1 BOM Bill of materials. A list of specific types and amounts of direct materials that a Digital customer receives. cluster A group of computers networked together that share disk storage, application programs, and other computer resources. CVAX A real-time microprocessor that is based on the VAX[TM] architecture. ECL VAXELN command language. FIFO First-in/first-out. The order in which processing is performed. For example, a FIFO queue processes data on a first-come, first-served basis. FIFO buffer An area in which devices can store and retrieve data. host system The primary or controlling computer in a multiple-computer network. interactive A method of communicating with the system. In an interactive session, you type a command at the keyboard and the system executes the command and responds with a prompt character for another command. interrupt A break in the usual flow of a program to process an external request. Glossary-2 interrupt handler A device that executes interrupt service routines for interrupt requesters. The device receives interrupt requests from the bus. interrupt requester A device that requests the execution of an interrupt service routine. The device sends an interrupt request on the bus, which an interrupt handler responds to. IRQ Interrupt-request signal. A request, issued by a device, to execute an interrupt service routine. IVP Installation Verification Procedure. The IVP verifies that the LAT-11 server and local area transport (LAT) node systems are working properly. little-endian device A device based on the Intel[TM] family of processors. LMF License management facility. A VMS utility that allows you to register and load Digital software licenses. NCP Network control program. The block that contains the necessary information to set up a virtual circuit or to accept or reject a request to set up a virtual circuit. network A group of individual computer systems that are connected by communications lines to share information and resources. PAK Product authorization key. The product authorization key is a paper certificate that contains software license registration information. Glossary-3 operating system A collection of system programs that control the operation of the system and allow the user access to data files, input/output devices, and application programs. The operating system software performs such tasks as assigning memory to programs and data, processing requests, and scheduling jobs. RAM Random-access memory. A read/write memory device. SCSI Small computer systems interface. An interface designed for connecting disks and other peripheral devices to computer systems. SCSI is defined by an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard. SPD Software Product Description. Defines the function of a product and minimum hardware needed to support it. It describes software, components, and service. SPR Software Performance Report. A form given to customers so that Digital can receive feedback on the performance of software. vectored interrupt An interrupt for which the interrupt requester provides the interrupt vector address. VMSINSTAL A Digital software product that helps end users to install Digital software on computers running the VMS operating system. Glossary-4 ________________________________________________________________ Index A__________________________ F__________________________ Answer file, 2-3 FILLM quota, 1-3 ASTLM quota, 1-3 B I__________________________ ___________________________ Installation Backup, 1-3, 2-5 aborting the, 2-1 BIL, 1-1 answer file, 2-3 Bill of materials device, 2-3 See BOM duration, 2-1 BIOLM quota, 1-3 error recovery, 2-12 BOM, 1-1 failure, 2-12 to 2-13 BYPASS privilege, 1-2 files, 2-9 to 2-10, B-1 BYTLM quota, 1-3 to B-4 logging actions, 2-3 C__________________________ media, 2-3 Console drive, 2-3 on a VAXcluster, 1-4 procedure, 2-1 to 2-12 D prompts, 1-1 ___________________________ sample, A-1 DECnet, 1-3, 2-5 Installation requirements, DIOLM quota, 1-3 1-1 to 1-3 Disk space, 1-2 disk space, 1-2 hardware, 1-1 E__________________________ privilege, 1-2 ELN$ directory, 1-2, B-1 process account quotas, ENQLM quota, 1-3 1-2, 1-3 Error recovery, 2-12 software, 1-1 Example programs, B-3 system parameters, 1-2 VMSINSTAL, 1-3 Index-1 Installation Verification Procedure R__________________________ See IVP Reader's Comments form, 3-2 Intended Bills Report Reinstallation, 2-3 See BIL Release notes, 2-3 IVP, 2-8 options, 2-3, 2-6 to 2-7 display, 2-10 to 2-11 Reporting problems, 3-2 downline loading the, 3-1 running the, 2-9, 3-1 to S__________________________ 3-2 Saveset name, 2-3 SCSI port L__________________________ driver, B-1 License, 2-8 SETPRV privilege, 1-2 registering the, 1-3 SHOW DEVICE, 1-2 License management facility Software contract, 3-2 See LMF Software Performance Report LMF, 1-3 See SPR logging in, 1-2 Software Product Description N__________________________ See SPD NCP SPD, 3-2 database, 3-1 SPR, 3-2 Network control program SYS$UPDATE directory, 2-2 See NCP SYSPRV privilege, 1-2 SYSTEM account, 2-2 System disk P__________________________ backup, 1-3, 2-5 PAK, 1-3, 2-8 System failure, 3-1 Privileges, 1-2 System parameters, 1-2 BYPASS, 1-2 SETPRV, 1-2 T__________________________ SYSPRV, 1-2 Telephone support, 3-2 Process account quotas, 1-2, 1-3 V__________________________ Process symbol tables, 2-12 VAX Ada Product authorization key language definitions, B-2 See PAK VAX C language definitions, B-2 VAXcluster, 1-4 VAXELN Pascal language definitions, B-2 message codes, B-1 Index-2 VAX FORTRAN language definitions, B-2 VMSINSTAL, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1 to 2-12 parameters, 2-3 to 2-4 W__________________________ Warranty addendum, 3-2 Warranty agreement, 3-2 Index-3