_______________________________________________________ Contents Preface 1 Installation Overview 1.1 Overview of theInstallation Steps..... 1-1 1.2 Prerequisite and OptionalProducts .... 1-3 2 Installing the3270 Terminal OptionDistribution Software 2.1 Contents of the3270 Terminal Option Distribution Kit...................... 2-1 2.2 Preparing for Installation............ 2-1 2.3 Installing the Softwareon the LoadHost 2-2 iii 3 Appending the3270 Software tothe DECserver 500 Software 3.1 Configuring the DECserver500 Software. 3-1 3.2 Defining a VTLanguage for 3270 Terminals............................. 3-3 3.3 Down-Line Loading theServer Image..... 3-4 4 Verifying theInstallation 4.1 Switching from 3270Mode to VTMode .... 4-2 4.2 Logging In tothe Server............... 4-3 4.3 Entering a FewServer Commands......... 4-4 A Examples: Installation and Verification A.1 Sample Installation................... A-1 A.2 Sample of Appending3270 Software...... A-5 A.3 Sample Verification................... A-5 Index iv 3270 Terminal OptionSoftware Installation (VMS) Order No. First DraftReview June, 1989 This guide tellsyou how toinstall the 3270Terminal Option software ontoa VMS system,how to configure the 3270 softwarein the serverimage on aload host, and how toverify that thesoftware is functioning. This manual isintended for theVMS system manageror the network manager. Software 3270 Terminal Option V1.0, DECserver 500 V2.0 OperatingSystem VMS V5.0 This manual appliesto Version 1.0of the 3270Terminal Option software, Version2.0 of theDECserver 500 software, Version 5.0of the VMSoperating system, and all subsequent maintenancereleases of theseproducts up to thenext major productrelease. DIGITAL ii Published June 1989 The information inthis document issubject to change without notice andshould not beconstrued as acom- mitment by DigitalEquipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumesno responsibility for any errors thatmay appear inthis document. The software describedin this documentis furnished under a licenseand may beused or copiedonly in ac- cordance with theterms of suchlicense. No responsibility isassumed for theuse or reliabil- ity of softwareon equipment thatis not suppliedby Digital Equipment Corporationor its affiliatedcom- panies. Copyright©1989 by DigitalEquipment Corporation AllRights Reserved Printedin U.S.A. The postpaid READER'SCOMMENTS form onthe last page of this documentrequests the user'scritical evalua- tion to assistin preparing futuredocumentation. The following aretrademarks of DigitalEquipment Corporation: DEC DIBOL UNIBUS DEC/CMS EduSystem VAX DEC/MMS IAS VAXcluster DECnet MASSBUS VMS DECsystem-10 PDP VT DECSYSTEM-20 PDT DECUS RSTS DECwriter RSX DIGITAL This manual wasproduced by Networksand Communications Publications. _______________________________________________________ Preface This document describeshow to installthe 3270 Terminal Option distribution softwareonto a VMSsystem and how to append thatsoftware to aDECserver 500 serverim- age. The image isthen down-line loadedto the server hardware. This document alsosuggests some waysto verify that thesoftware is functioningproperly. Intended Audience This guide isfor system managersor network managers who are responsiblefor maintaining andconfiguring terminal servers ona local areanetwork (LAN). Touse this guide, youshould be familiarwith both DECnet network management conceptsand the VMSoperating sys- tem. Structure of ThisGuide This guide containsthe following chaptersand ap- pendixes: v Chapter Summarizes the installationand postinstal- 1 lation procedures. Chapter Explains how toprepare and installthe 3270 2 Terminal Option software. Chapter Explains how toappend the 3270Terminal 3 Option software tothe DECserver 500server image on theload host. Chapter Describes how toverify that the3270 Terminal 4 Option software isfunctioning. Appendix Gives examples ofinstalling and append- A ing the 3270Terminal Option softwareto the DECserver 500V2.0 server image. This appendix also givesexamples which verify that the 3270Terminal Option softwareis functioning. Graphic Conventions Usedin This Guide The installation procedureand program examplesuse the following conventions. Convention Meaning This special typeindicates system output or userinput. System input Special type is in redtype. Press the RETURNkey. vi UPPERCASE Uppercase letters incommand lines indicates keywords thatmust be entered. You can enterkeywords in either uppercase orlowercase. You can abbreviatecommand keywords to thesmallest number of characters thatdistinguish the keyword tothe server orto the TSC. lowercase italics Lowercase italics incommand syntax or examplesindicate variables for whicheither the user or thesystem supplies a value. [ ] In the VMSINSTALcommand procedure, indicates thatthe enclosed value isthe default. To specify the default,press . To specify anothervalue, type it after thebrackets and press . (Do not typethe brackets.) Indicates that youpress the specified key. vii Indicates a controlcharacter keying sequence ona Digital VT terminal: CTRL +x. You simultaneously hold theCTRL key down and pressthe key specified by x. The serverdisplays this key combination as ^x. Onyour 3270 terminal, to simulatethe CTRL/x function of aVT220 terminal, see the 3270Terminal Option Use manual viii ______________________________________________________1 Installation Overview This chapter discussesthe steps forinstalling the 3270 Terminal Optionsoftware and liststhe files created by theinstallation. It also discussesthe post installation tasks. NOTE Thismanual refers tothe 3270 TerminalOption software asthe 3270software. 1.1 Overview of theInstallation Steps Installing the 3270Terminal Option distribution software involves thefollowing steps: _ Performing preinstallation procedures _ Installing the 3270Terminal Option softwareon a load host _ Performing postinstallation procedures _ Verifying that the3270 software isfunctioning You install the3270 Terminal Optionsoftware onto a load host runningthe VMS V5.0software. Installation Overview 1-1 VMSINSTAL is aninteractive procedure thatis part of the VMSoperating system. You useVMSINSTAL to install the 3270Terminal Option softwareonto a VMS system. The 3270software distribution kit includes a procedurefile that VMSINSTALuses to do the following: _ Copies the 3270 Terminal Optionfiles from thedistribution media into theSYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER] server directory onthe load host. For VAXclusters, VMSINSTAL copiesthe files into SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]. If a[DECSERVER] directory does not alreadyexist on theload host, VMSINSTAL creates this directory. _ Optionally prints acopy of the3270 Terminal Option release notes. _ Optionally runs theInstallation Verification Procedure (IVP). Refer to theGuide to VAX/VMSSoftware Installation manual for acomplete description ofVMSINSTAL. Installing the 3270software creates thefollowing files on theVMS load host: _ CXM$FIRMWARE.SYS _ CXM$NORTH_AMERICAN.KEYS _ CXM$BRITISH.KEYS _ CXM$FRENCH.KEYS _ CXM$GERMAN.KEYS _ CXM$IVP.COM _ CXM010.RELEASE_NOTES 1-2 3270Terminal Option SoftwareInstallation (VMS) CXM$FIRMWARE.SYS is the3270 Terminal Option software, the KEYSfiles are keyboardtranslation table files, theCXM$IVP.COM is theInstallation Verification Procedure, andCXM010.RELEASE_NOTES is the 3270 TerminalOption release notes. Once installed, the3270 software mustbe appended to the DECserver500 V2.0 imageon the loadhost (see Chapter 3). The imagemust then bedown-line loaded to the server hardware(see Section 3.3)containing the CXM04 line card. Theserver then automaticallyloads the 3270 softwareonto the CXM04line card. Note that down-lineloading a DECserver500 server image without the3270 software disablesthe ports associated with theCXM04 line card. Whenthis occurs, the server givesthe CXM04 devicestatus as "WrgTyp" in the SHOWDEVICES display. To verify thatthe 3270 softwareand hardware are installed properly, entera few servercommands from a 3270 terminalattached to theCXM04 line card(see Chapter 4). 1.2 Prerequisite and OptionalProducts The 3270 TerminalOption Software ProductDescription contains a listof prerequisite andoptional products for the 3270Terminal Option software. Installation Overview 1-3 ______________________________________________________2 Installingthe 3270 TerminalOption Distribution Software This chapter explainshow to preparefor installation and how toinstall the 3270Terminal Option software onto a VMSV5.0 system. 2.1 Contents of the3270 Terminal OptionDistribution Kit The 3270 TerminalOption distribution kitconsists of the following: _ Operational software forthe CXM04 linecard _ Keyboard language tablefiles _ Release notes _ Software documentation kit 2.2 Preparing for Installation You use theVMSINSTAL procedure toinstall 3270 Terminal Option software. TheVMSINSTAL procedure requires the VMSoperating system. Refer tothe 3270 Terminal Option Software(VMS) Software Product Description (SPD) forsupported versions ofVMS. The Installing the3270 Terminal OptionDistribution Software 2-1 3270 Terminal Optionsoftware installation requires only one tailoringclass: VMS Required Saveset. Check the followingitems before installingthe 3270 software. _ Ensure that theCXM04 line cardis or willbe installed in theserver hardware. _ Determine the VMSV5.0 load host(s)on which you want to installthe 3270 software. _ Ensure that theVMS V5.0 loadhost(s) have orwill have DECserver 500V2.0 software installed. _ Ensure that youhave appropriate privilegesto run VMSINSTAL.COM from thesystem manager's account. (Refer to theVMS System Manager'sManual for a list of thenecessary privileges.) _ Back up thesystem disk (optional,but recommended). _ Check for adequatedisk space. The 3270 distribution software requires450 blocks offree disk space onthe VMS loadhost; however, peak block usage is500 blocks. 2.3 Installing the Softwareon the LoadHost The installation proceduretakes approximately oneto two minutes. This sectiondiscusses the stepsthat you take to installthe 3270 software. Installation Notes 1.If you wishto abort theinstallation procedure at any time,enter . The installation procedure then deletesall files ithas created up to thatpoint and returnsyou to theDCL level. You must invokeVMSINSTAL again toretry the installation procedure. 2-2 3270Terminal Option SoftwareInstallation (VMS) 2.You can installthe 3270 TerminalOption software before installing theDECserver 500 V2.0software. However, in orderto append the3270 software to the server image(see Chapter 3),the DECserver 500 software mustbe installed. Refer tothe DECserver 500 SoftwareInstallation (VMS) manual for information aboutinstalling the DECserver500 software on aVMS load host. 3.Notice that the3270 Terminal Optionsoftware is sometimes calledCXM in theinstallation procedure. Installation Procedure Perform the followingsteps to installthe distribution software: Step 1: Place the3270 distribution mediumon the appropriate device drive. Step 2: Log theinstallation procedure. Digital Equipment Corporationrecommends that youlog the installation procedurewith the followingcommand before you invokeVMSINSTAL. $ SET HOST/LOG node-name Here, node-name isthe name ofyour system. Step 3: Invoke VMSINSTAL. Invoking VMSINSTAL.COM requiresthe appropriate privileges. Refer to theVMS System Manager'sManual for a listof the necessaryprivileges. Log in tothe system manageraccount, and enterthe following commands: Installing the3270 Terminal OptionDistribution Software 2-3 $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL CXM device-identifier OPTIONS N Here, CXM isthe VMS three-letterfacility code for the3270 Terminal Optionproduct, and device-identifier is thedevice on whichthe distribution medium ismounted. OPTIONS N isan optional parameterthat indicates that you want tobe prompted todisplay or printthe 3270 Terminal Option ReleaseNotes. If you donot include the OPTIONS Nparameter, VMSINSTAL doesnot prompt you to displayor print therelease notes. Digital Equipment Corporation stronglyrecommends that you use OPTIONSN and readthe release notesbefore proceeding with thisinstallation. If you donot want to print therelease notes orif you areinterested in other VMSINSTAL options,see the VMSSystem Manager's Manual, which ispart of theVMS documentation set. 2-4 3270Terminal Option SoftwareInstallation (VMS) Step 4: Answer theVMSINSTAL questions: VMSINSTAL displays theprocedure title andthe date and time. It is da-mon-year at hh:mm. VMSINSTAL then continueswith the following(the warning message appearsonly if DECnetis running). %VMSINSTAL-W-DECNET, Your DECnet network is up and running. * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? 1.Type Y; thenpress toanswer YES andproceed with the installation. VMSINSTAL asks: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? 2.If backup issatisfactory, press theRETURN key to answer YES (thedefault). If you answerNO, the installationprocedure terminates. Take appropriate actionand start the procedure again. If you areinstalling from thedistribution media rather than fromcopied savesets, VMSINSTAL prompts you tomount the firstvolume, which you did at step1: Please mount the first volume of the set on device-identifier. * Are you ready: 3.Type YES andpress the RETURNkey. A confirmation message says thatthe medium ismounted. The procedure continues. Installing the3270 Terminal OptionDistribution Software 2-5 The following product will be processed: CXM Vn.n Beginning installation of CXM Vn.n at hh:mm %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... NOTE The3270 Terminal Option softwareversion number isnot specified inthis chapter. Forexample, the3270 Terminal Option softwareis shown asCXM Vn.n. Here,n.n represents theversion number; ifyou areinstalling Version 1.0, the3270 software appearsas CXMV1.0. The acronym CXM representsthe DS550 line cardwhere the 3270software willreside. Step 5: Print and/orDisplay the ReleaseNotes: Next, the procedurelists your optionsfor printing and displaying therelease notes. Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. Copy release notes to SYS$HELP 5. Do not display, print, or copy release notes * Select option [3]: Select one ofthese options. Digital recommendsthat you select option2. _ If you selectoption 1, yousee: 2-6 3270Terminal Option SoftwareInstallation (VMS) VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD.CXMnnn]CXMnnn.RELEASE_NOTES;1 The release notesimmediately start scrolling at your terminal. Therelease notes contain approximately 72 screens. _ If you selectoption 2, VMSINSTALasks you which queue you wantto send thefile to forprinting: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Specify another printqueue, or pressthe RETURN key to printthe release noteson the default printer. A message indicatesthat the systemhas queued the file. _ If you selectoption 3, VMSINSTALfirst asks you which queueyou want tosend the fileto for printing: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Specify another printqueue, or pressthe RETURN key to printthe release noteson the default printer. A message indicatesthat the systemhas queued the filefor printing. Next, VMSINSTAL displays the following,then the releasenotes immediately start scrollingat your terminal. VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD.CXMnnn]CXMnnn.RELEASE_NOTES;1 After the systemqueue message andthe release notes are displayed (ifyou selected oneof the display options), the procedurecontinues by asking: * Do you want to continue the installation [N]? If you haven'tread the releasenotes, press the RETURN keyto stop theprocedure and review the releasenotes. Check for any changes that canaffect this installation. (VMSINSTAL places therelease notes file, CXMnnn.RELEASE_NOTES, in theSYS$HELP directory.) Installing the3270 Terminal OptionDistribution Software 2-7 Step 6: Restart VMSINSTALif you stoppedto read the release notes. If you discontinuedthe installation procedureat the end of step5, enter thisform of theVMSINSTAL command to restart theprocedure: $ @VMSINSTAL CXM device-identifier After entering thiscommand, you mustanswer the VMSINSTAL questions (referto step 4). Step 7: Initiate theInstallation Verification Procedure (IVP) (recommended). After the releasenotes option menu,the procedure continues: The following products will be processed: CXM Vn.n Beginning installation of CXM Vn.n at hh:mm %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... %VMSINSTAL-I-REMOVED, the product's release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Press the RETURNkey to havethe files purged. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? The installation verificationprocedure (IVP) verifies that theDECSERVER directory exists,that all the filesfrom the distributionkit are inthe directory, and thatthe release notesare in the SYS$HELP directory. Digital recommendsthat you press the RETURN keyto initiate theIVP. 2-8 3270Terminal Option SoftwareInstallation (VMS) You have completedyour installation. The procedure continues as follows: %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... 3270 Terminal Option V1.0 Beginning installation verification procedure for 3270 Software /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Successful creation of SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER] directory. Installation of SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER]CXM$FIRMWARE.SYS was successful. SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER]CXM$NORTH_AMERICAN.KEYS was located successfully. SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER]CXM$BRITISH.KEYS was located successfully. SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER]CXM$FRENCH.KEYS was located successfully. SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER]CXM$GERMAN.KEYS was located successfully. SYS$HELP:CXMnnn.RELEASE_NOTES was located successfully. SYS$TEST:CXM$IVP.COM was located successfully. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ 3270 Terminal Option V1.0 Step 8: Read theMessages and ExitVMSINSTAL. The procedure thendisplays the following: Your installation verification is now complete. Be sure to install the DECserver 500 V2.0 software if you have not done so already. If the DECserver 500 V2.0 software is already installed, the system manager must now run TSC or TSM to reconfigure the DECserver 500 software to include the 3270 software. Installation of CXM Vn.n completed at hh:mm VMSINSTAL procedure done at hh:mm $ Step 9: After ExitingVMSINSTAL: 1.Check the 3270Terminal Option ReleaseNotes to see if youhave to installany additional software from the distributionmedia. If so, installthose distribution files. Installing the3270 Terminal OptionDistribution Software 2-9 2.Give the releasenotes to theserver manager. 3.Go to Chapter3 to configurethe DECserver 500V2.0 software so thatit includes the3270 Terminal Option software. 2-10 3270Terminal Option SoftwareInstallation (VMS) ______________________________________________________3 Appendingthe 3270 Softwareto the DECserver500 Software This chapter describeshow to configurethe DECserver 500 software sothat it includesthe 3270 software. This chapter alsodiscusses VT terminalkeyboard languages supported bythe 3270 softwareand the down-line loading ofthe 3270 softwareto the CXM04 line card inthe server hardwareunit. 3.1 Configuring the DECserver500 Software Once you installthe 3270 software,you need toappend it to theDECserver 500 V2.0image on theload host. You do thisby configuring theDECserver 500 software to include the3270 Terminal Optionsoftware. The 3270 software controlsthe operation ofthe CXM04 line card. If the DECserver500 software isnot already installed, install itand use TSCor TSM toconfigure the DECserver 500software and the3270 Terminal Option software. TSC isincluded in theDECserver 500 V2.0 softwareinstallation kit andis meant specifically for configuringthe server image. TSMis an optional softwareproduct that managesall Digital Equipment Corporation terminalservers. The DECserver Appendingthe 3270 Softwareto the DECserver500 Software 3-1 500 Software Installation(VMS) manual describeshow to install theDECserver 500 software. If this isthe first timethat a CXM04line card is being defined inthe DECserver 500V2.0 server image, TSC or TSMautomatically appends the3270 software to that server image. Thisoccurs when youexecute the TSC or TSMDEFINE DEVICE TYPEcommand (you specify CXM04 as thedevice type). To configure theDECserver 500 V2.0software, you need to know howmany 3270 terminalsare attached tothe CXM04 line card. Checkwith the servermanager to find out if theCXM04 line cardhardware is configuredfor four or eightterminals. Your software andthe CXM04 line card configurationmust be configuredfor the same number ofterminals. You can configurethe DECserver 500V2.0 software so that the3270 Terminal Optionsoftware supports either four oreight terminals onthe CXM04 linecard as follows: _ Configuration 4. Four 3270terminals (the default) allow the terminalsto operate indynamic mode. In dynamic mode,a 3270 terminaluser can switch between VT modeand 3270 mode. In3270 mode, 3270 terminal users canaccess IBM resourcesthrough the local IBM clustercontrol unit (CCU).You can use the TSC/TSM DEFINEPORT command torestrict any of the four terminalsto VT modeor to 3270mode. _ Configuration 8. Eight 3270terminals allow the terminals to operatein VT modeonly. In VT mode, the terminals behaveas VT220 terminals,and 3270 users can accessDigital Equipment Corporation's resources only onthe local areanetwork. 3-2 3270Terminal Option SoftwareInstallation (VMS) The following exampleconfigures the softwarefor the CXM04 linecard to operatein both modes,but restricts port 2to VT mode: TSC> DEFINE DEVICE LC1 TYPE CXM04 CONFIGURATION 4 TSC> DEFINE PORT 2 MODE VT Refer to theDECserver 500 Managementmanual for additional information abouthow the CXM04line card operates. Notice that thecommand in thisexample appended the 3270Terminal Option tothe DECserver 500 server image. 3.2 Defining a VTLanguage for 3270Terminals The 3270 softwaresupports four VTterminal keyboard languages. The default languageis North American. If you want toreplace an existinglanguage in theserver image, use thefollowing procedure: 1.First, use thefollowing TSC commandto display a list ofthe languages currentlydefined in the server image. TSC> LIST LANGUAGES 2.Then, use thePURGE command toremove one ofthe existing four languagesfrom the serverimage. For example: TSC> PURGE LANGUAGE FRENCH 3.Next, use theTSC DEFINE LANGUAGEcommand to append your language tothe DECserver 500V2.0 server image. For example, thefollowing example appends the language GERMANto the serverimage: Appendingthe 3270 Softwareto the DECserver500 Software 3-3 TSC> DEFINE LANGUAGE GERMAN FILE FOO::SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]CXM$GERMAN.KEYS NOTE TSCand TSM preventyou from purgingall of thelanguages fromthe server image. The serverimage must consist ofat least onelanguage in orderto down-line loadand operate. Refer to theDECserver 500 Managementmanual for more information aboutadding languages tothe server image. 4.Finally, the defaultkeyboard language, North American, is ineffect for yourterminal when you first startup the server. Usethe VT Set-Up feature to setup the desiredkeyboard language for your 3270terminal (refer tothe 3270 Terminal Option Use manual). 3.3 Down-Line Loading theServer Image Once you configurethe 3270 softwarein the server image, you needto down-line loadthat image tothe server hardware. The DECserver500 Management manual describes how todown-line load theserver image. After the serverimage is down-lineloaded, the server loads the 3270software onto theCXM04 line card. This line cardthen becomes operationalfor the 3270 terminal ports. Chapter 4 explainshow to verifythat the 3270 software is installedproperly. 3-4 3270Terminal Option SoftwareInstallation (VMS) ______________________________________________________4 Verifyingthe Installation This chapter describeshow to verifythe 3270 software installation. The commands describedmust be issued at a 3270terminal connected toa CXM04 linecard port. The sample installationassumes that the3270 Terminal Option softwareis appended tothe server image to operatefour 3270 terminalson the CXM04line card (see Chapter3). These four 3270terminals can access Digital EquipmentCorporation resources onthe local area network. Theterminals can alsoaccess IBM resources through thelocal IBM clustercontrol unit (CCU). The installation verificationprocedures described in this chapter arenot associated withthe Installation Verification Procedure inVMSINSTAL (Chapter 2). The procedures here verifyspecifically that the3270 software is runningproperly on theterminal server with the CXM04line card installed. The procedures consistof the followingtasks: 1.Switching the 3270terminal from 3270mode to VT mode 2.Logging in tothe server Verifying the Installation 4-1 3.Entering a fewserver commands 4.1 Switching from 3270Mode to VTMode If your terminalport supports both3270 mode andVT mode (see Section3.1), your terminalstarts in 3270 mode when youfirst boot orreboot the server. When your terminal ispowered off andpowered up again, the mode thatyou were usingat power offremains in effect. In 3270 mode,the IBM screenis displayed onyour screen. To switch from3270 mode toVT mode, enterthe default hot-key sequence + . (Holddown the ALT keyand press theSHIFT key; thenrelease both keys.) Or, enter thealternative sequence + . If youare using aPC that requiresan alternate hotkey sequence,enter +. You can alsouse the hot-keysequence alternative + . Referto the DECserver500 Management manual foradditional information about enabling the alternatekey. When you switchto VT mode,your terminal clears the main partof of your3270 screen. Your terminal then displays "VTMode" in thebottom left corner of your screen. Thisarea of thescreen is knownas the operator informationarea. The 3270 Terminal Option Use manualdescribes the VTfeatures that are available to 3270terminal users. Once "VTMode" is displayed, you needto log into your serverto use network services. NOTE Ifyour terminal isrestricted toVT mode or3270 mode, the hot-keysequence does notswitch yourterminal to theother mode. 4-2 3270Terminal Option SoftwareInstallation (VMS) 4.2 Logging In tothe Server Once your 3270terminal is inVT mode, login to the server by pressingthe 3270 keythat corresponds to the VT RETURNkey (on most3270 keyboards, thisis the NEWLINE key) severaltimes until youget a response. If the log-inpassword is enabledfor your port,the server responds byprompting you witha pound signas follows: # password (does not display) After you enterthe log-in password,or if apassword was not required,the server displaysa log-in message and issues aprompt. The prompt thatthe server issues depends on whetheryou defined apermanent user name for your port: _ Local mode prompt: Ifthe server displaysthe local mode prompt,you can beginentering server commands. A permanent username is definedfor your port. _ User name prompt: Ifthe server promptsyou for a user name (Enterusername>), you mustenter a user name for yourport. If the serverprompts you fora user name,enter either a 1- to20-character name thatidentifies you toother users on theserver. to assign theport name asyour user name. You canalso use VT (or thekey on your keyboardthat corresponds toVT ) to assign the portname as youruser name. In the followingexample, the userenters "BJ" asthe user name: Verifying the Installation 4-3 DECserver 500 Terminal Server V2.0 - LAT V5.1 MODERN Server - Don't forget to lock terminal when unattended Please type HELP if you need assistance Enter username> BJ Local> 4.3 Entering a FewServer Commands Once you getthe local modeprompt, you canenter server commands atyour 3270 terminalto change port characteristics andto connect tolocal area network services. In orderto connect toa service, you must haveone or moreof the groupcodes for the service enabled onyour port (seethe DECserver 500 Management manual). The followingcommand displays port characteristics foryour 3270 terminal: Local> SHOW PORT CHARACTERISTICS Port 3: Joe Smith Server: LEROY Flow Control: XON Access: Local Local Switch: None Backward Switch: None Name: LC-1-3 Break: Local Session Limit: 4 Forward Switch: None Type: ANSI Mode: Dynamic Language: German Preferred Service: BEAUX Node: BEAUX Destination: LTA15 Authorized Groups: 0-10, 20-50, 200-255 (Current) Groups: 0-10, 20-50, 200-255 Enabled Characteristics: Broadcast, Lock, Verification Local> Refer to the3270 Terminal OptionUse manual for information about accessingresources on theEthernet local area network. TheDECserver 500 Usemanual has additional information aboutaccessing resources 4-4 3270Terminal Option SoftwareInstallation (VMS) on the Ethernetlocal area network. Seethe server manager if youhave problems withthe 3270 Terminal Option software. Verifying the Installation 4-5 ______________________________________________________A Examples: Installationand Verification This appendix showsan example ofthe installation procedure. It also showsverification of the3270 software by testinga few servercommands from a3270 terminal. A.1 Sample Installation The example usedin this appendixdepicts the successful installation ofthe 3270 TerminalOption software onto aVMS V5.0 system. Theexample assumes a single volume distributionmedium (magnetic tape)for the 3270 software. Forother media types,such as TU58 cartridges, additional promptsduring the procedure instruct you tomount the additionalvolumes. This example alsoshows the procedureas Digital Equipment Corporation suggestsyou run it. 1.Use the optionthat prints therelease notes. 2.Print the releasenotes. 3.Stop the procedureto read them. 4.Rerun the procedure. Examples: Installation and Verification A-1 In this example,the procedure assumesthat DECnet is running onthe load host. Notethat the procedure sometimes refers tothe 3270 TerminalOption software as CXM. $ SET HOST/LOG BEAUX Unauthorized access is prohibited Username: SYSTEM Password: (does not display) Last interactive login on Thursday, 15-JUL-1989 12:55 Last non-interactive login on Thursday, 15-JUL-1989 07:47 VMS V5.0 on node BEAUX, Thursday, 15-JUL-1989 12:56 $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL CXM MUA0 OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.0 It is 15-JUL-1989 at 13:00. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-DECNET, Your DECnet network is up and running. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Please mount the first volume of the set on MUA0:. * Are you ready [YES]? %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, CXM mounted on _GAMA$MUA0: The following products will be processed: CXM V1.0 Beginning installation of CXM V1.0 at 13:02 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. Copy release notes to SYS$HELP 5. Do not display, print, or copy release notes A-2 3270 Terminal OptionSoftware Installation (VMS) * Select option [3]: 2 * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Job CXM010.RELEASE_NOTES (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 324) started on SYS$PRINT * Do you want to continue the installation [N]? VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:09 Read the releasenotes. Run VMSINSTAL again: $ @VMSINSTAL CXM MUA0 VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.0 It is 15-JUL-1989 at 14:50. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-DECNET, Your DECnet network is up and running. * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Y * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Are you ready? [YES] %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, CXM mounted on _GAMA$MUA0: The following products will be processed: CXM V1.0 Beginning installation of CXM V1.0 at 14:51 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, The product's release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... 3270 Terminal Option V1.0 Beginning installation verification procedure for 3270 Software /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Examples: Installation and Verification A-3 Successful creation of SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER] directory. Installation of SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER]CXM$FIRMWARE.SYS was successful. SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER]CXM$NORTH_AMERICAN.KEYS was located successfully. SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER]CXM$BRITISH.KEYS was located successfully. SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER]CXM$FRENCH.KEYS was located successfully. SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER]CXM$GERMAN.KEYS was located successfully. SYS$HELP:CXMnnn.RELEASE_NOTES was located successfully. SYS$TEST:CXM$IVP.COM was located successfully. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ A-4 3270 Terminal OptionSoftware Installation (VMS) 3270 Terminal Option V1.0 Your installation verification is now complete. Be sure to install the DECserver 500 software if you have not done so already. If the DECserver 500 V2.0 software is already installed, the system manager must now run TSC or TSM to reconfigure the DECserver 500 V2.0 software to include the 3270 software. Installation of CXM V1.0 completed at 13:32 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 13:32 A.2 Sample of Appending3270 Software This example showshow to configurethe DECserver 500 software sothat TSC appendsthe 3270 Terminal Option software tothe server image. Thefollowing command appends the3270 software. The command also configures the3270 software sothat four 3270 terminals connected tothe CXM04 linecard can operate in VT modeand IBM mode(dynamic mode): TSC> DEFINE DEVICE LC1 TYPE CXM04 CONFIGURATION 4 Refer to theDECserver 500 Managementmanual for additional information abouthow the CXM04line card operates. A.3 Sample Verification This example showsverification of the3270 software installation. This example assumesthe following: _ You as theinstaller configured theDECserver 500 V2.0 software sothat four 3270terminals attached to the CXM04line card canoperate in dynamicmode (see Section A.2). Examples: Installation and Verification A-5 _ You are ata 3270 terminalconnected to aCXM04 line card port ona terminal server. _ You powered onyour 3270 terminal. _ You switched your3270 terminal toVT mode (Section 4.1). The following exampledisplays logging into the server with BILLYJOas the username. Next, the example shows theSHOW DEVICES commandto look at the line-card deviceson your server. Finally,the example shows theSHOW SERVICES commandto look atthe network services availableto you. You activate theVT RETURN key,, by pressing the equivalent 3270key, which onmost keypads isthe NEWLINE key. DECserver 500 Terminal Server V2.0 - LAT V5.1 MODERN Server - Don't forget to lock terminal when unattended Please type HELP if you need assistance Enter username> BILLYJO Local> SHOW DEVICES Device Device Port Device CSR Vector Total Slot Name Type List Status Address Address Errors CONSOLE DL 0 Running 177560 60 0 1 NETWORK DESQA Running 174440 120 0 2 LC1 CXA16 1-16 Running 160440 310 0 3 LC2 CXM04 17-20 Running 160460 320 0 4 LC3 CXM04 33-36 Running 160500 330 0 5 LC4 CXA16 49-64 Running 160520 340 0 6 LC5 CXA16 65-80 Running 160540 350 0 7 LC6 CXA16 81-96 Failed 160560 360 0 8 LC7 CXA16 97-112 Running 160600 370 0 9 LC8 CXM04 Fm Fail 160620 400 0 10 LC9 CXM04 Standby 160640 410 0 11 LC10 CXM04 Wrg Typ 160660 420 0 12 A-6 3270 Terminal OptionSoftware Installation (VMS) Local> SHOW SERVICES Service Name Status Identification DEVELOP 2 Connected Hardware Timesharing Service Ident DOCUMENT Available Documentation Timesharing TEST Unavailable As usual TIMESHARING Unknown Server Software Development SYSTEM Available VAX/VMS 8600 See the DECserver500 Use manualfor information about connecting to aservice. To cancel alocal command andreturn to localmode, enter the 3270key that correspondsto the VTBREAK key. To log outfrom VT mode,enter LOGOUT atthe local prompt. To return to3270 mode, enterthe default hot-key sequence +. (Hold down theALT key and press the SHIFTkey; then releaseboth keys.) Or, enter the alternativesequence +. If you areusing a PCthat requires analternate hotkey sequence, enter + . You canalso use the hot-key sequencealternative +. Refer to theDECserver 500 Managementmanual for additional information aboutenabling the alternate key. Examples: Installation and Verification A-7 _______________________________________________________ Index A DECserver 500 software Aborting the installation, (Cont.) 2-2 configuring, 3-1 Appending the 3270soft- DEFINE DEVICE command, ware 3-1, 3-3,A-5 discussion, 3-1 DEFINE LANGUAGE command, example of, A-5 3-3 DEFINE PORT command, 3-3 C Down-line loading to server hardware, 3-4 CXM04 line card, 1-3 in display, A-6 I software for, 3-1 Installation D disk space required, 2-2 down-line loading, 3-4 3270 distribution software example of, A-2 appending, 1-2, 3-1 files created, 1-2 command for appending, media, A-1 A-5 overview, 1-1 disk space required, 2-2 preparation, 2-1 file names, 1-2 savesets, 2-1 kit contents, 2-1 time involved, 2-2 DECserver 500 software verifying, 4-1 Index-1 Installation Verification SHOW DEVICES command, A-6 Procedure SHOW PORT command, 4-4 file name, 1-2 SHOW SERVICES command, A-7 initiating, 2-8 location, 2-9 T L 3270 terminals alternate hot-key Line-card devices sequence, 4-2, A-7 display of, A-6 configurations for, 3-2 LIST LANGUAGES command, default language, 3-4 3-3 languages for, 3-3 Logging in tothe server, using, 4-2 4-3 Terminal Server Configurator , 3-1 P Terminal Server Manager, 3-1 Prerequisite products, 1-3 PURGE LANGUAGE command, V 3-3 Verifying the installation R discussion, A-1 example of, A-5 Release notes steps, 4-1 directory in, 2-7 VMSINSTAL displaying, 2-4 aborting, 2-2 file name, 1-2 after exiting, 2-10 location, 2-9 displaying release notes printing, 2-4, 2-7 , 2-4 example procedure, A-2 invoking, 2-4 S overview, 1-1 Savesets, 2-8 printing release notes, Server 2-4, 2-7 hardware, 1-3 VMS tailoring classes, 2-1 logging in example, 4-3 VT languages log-in password, 4-3 defining for 3270 prompts, 4-3 terminals, 3-3 Index-2