DECalc-PLUS Installation and System Manager's Guide Order Number AA-HU06D-TE This manual provides installation information for DECalc-PLUS and includes support information for the interactive DATATRIEVE interface and the DECgraph interface. Software Version: DECalc-PLUS Version 4.0 Operating System: VMS Version 5.4 and higher Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________ August 1991 __________ The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. __________ © Digital Equipment Corporation 1991. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. __________ The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document request your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corpora- tion: ALL-IN-1 DECnet RSTS DATATRIEVE DECsystem-10 RSX DEC DECSYSTEM-20 UNIBUS DEC/CMS DECwriter VAX DEC/MMS DIBOL VAXcluster DECpage EduSystem VMS DECUS IAS VT DECalc MASSBUS DECalc-PLUS PDP DECgraph PDT DIGITAL Lotus and 1-2-3 are registered trademarks of Lotus Develop- ment Corporation. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.0. Contents_________________________________________________________ Preface_________________________________________________________v Chapter_1__Installation_Preparations_____________________________ 1.1 The Distribution Kit .....................................1-1 1.2 Prerequisite Software ....................................1-1 1.3 Optional Software ........................................1-2 1.4 Pre-Installation Checklist ...............................1-2 1.5 Procedure for Checking System Parameters .................1-2 1.6 DECalc-PLUS Directories and Files .......................1-3 Chapter_2___DECalc-PLUS_Installation_____________________________ 2.1 Post Installation Procedures .............................2-8 2.2 Installation Error Messages ..............................2-9 Chapter_3__Modifying_UICs_Within_Grid_Files______________________ 3.1 Overview .................................................3-1 3.2 Running CALC$SET_UIC.COM .................................3-1 3.3 Error Messages ...........................................3-3 3.4 Warning Messages .........................................3-4 3.5 Informational Messages ...................................3-5 Chapter_4__DECalc-PLUS_Logical_Names_____________________________ iii Chapter_5__Installation_Verification_Procedure___________________ Chapter_6__DECalc-PLUS_and_Interactive_DATATRIEVE_Interface______ Chapter_7__DECalc-PLUS_and_DECgraph_Interface____________________ Appendix_A__DECalc-PLUS_Sample_Log_File__________________________ Tables___________________________________________________________ 1-1 Directories and Files for DECalc-PLUS Installation ..1-4 iv Preface__________________________________________________________ Purpose This manual describes how to install DECalc-PLUS Version 4.0 on the VMS operating system. Audience This manual is designed for system managers installing DECalc-PLUS on the VMS operating system. They should have experience using the VMS Install Utility (VMSINSTAL) to install the software. v Organization This manual contains the following chapters: Chapter 1, Installation Preparations, describes how you prepare for the installation of DECalc-PLUS Version 4.0 software on your VMS system. Chapter 2, Installation, shows the step-by-step procedures to follow when you install DECalc-PLUS. Chapter 3, Modifying UICs Within Grid Files, describes the procedure for changing the protection of grids for private or group use. Chapter 4, DECalc-PLUS Logical Names, contains the logical names that are automatically defined and additional logical names to define default directories. Chapter 5, Installation Verification Procedure, provides the details for running the installation verification procedure. Chapter 6, DECalc-PLUS Interactive DATATRIEVE Interface, provides the details for supporting DATATRIEVE within DECalc-PLUS. Chapter 7, DECalc-PLUS and DECgraph Interface, provides the logicals required to run the DECgraph Interface within DECalc-PLUS. Appendix A, DECalc-PLUS Sample Log File, provides a sample log file of a DECalc-PLUS installation. vi Associated Documents The release notes are provided online. You can display or print the release notes from within the installation procedure. To read the installation notes after installation, type or print the file SYS$HELP:PLUS040.RELEASE_NOTES. o The DECalc-PLUS Reference Manual, contains detailed information on how to start DECalc-PLUS , how to enter and handle data, and how to use its commands and functions. In addition, it discusses how to use command files. o The DECalc-PLUS Tutorial, presents the basic features of DECalc-PLUS and provides examples of how you use DECalc-PLUS. o The DECalc-PLUS Quick Lookup/Lotus 1-2-3 Reference Card, provides a concise summary of the DECalc-PLUS features, and a cross-reference of DECalc-PLUS and Lotus 1-2-3 (TM) features. o The Guide to Setting up a VMS System, describes the concepts and procedures you need to be familiar with to set up a VMS system for daily operation. o The VMS Linker Manual, provides information that will help you write and link your own routines. vii Chapter__1_______________________________________________________ Installation Preparations This chapter describes how to prepare for the installation of DECalc-PLUS Version 4.0 software on your VMS system. 1.1 The Distribution Kit DECalc-PLUS Version 4.0 can be supplied on two different media types: o MAG tape (16MT9) o TK50 Each distribution kit includes all files necessary to install and execute DECalc-PLUS Version 4.0. The DECalc-PLUS kit contains two savesets: o PLUS040.A o PLUS040.B Release notes regarding the DECalc-PLUS installation and operation are available online and can be displayed and printed from within the installation procedure. 1.2 Prerequisite Software To run DECalc-PLUS Version 4.0, you must have VMS Version 5.4 or higher on your system. Installation Preparations 1-1 1.3 Optional Software DECalc-PLUS provides users with the ability to execute DECgraph from within a spreadsheet session. DECalc-PLUS Version 4.0 supports DECgraph Version 1.6. See Chapter 7 for complete information. DECalc-PLUS provides users with the ability to execute DATATRIEVE from within a spreadsheet session. DECalc-PLUS Version 4.0 supports DATATRIEVE Version 5.0 or higher. See Chapter 6 for complete information. 1.4 Pre-Installation Checklist Before you can install DECalc-PLUS, you must have the following: o A DECalc-PLUS distribution kit o Access to a privileged system manager's account o A minimum of 6,000 free blocks during installation; a minimum of 3,600 free blocks after installation o A minimum of 1,000 unused global pages and a minimum of 5 unused global sections o A proper license installed and loaded 1.5 Procedure for Checking System Parameters Before you install DECalc-PLUS, you must compare the required number of global pages and global sections with the values on your system. The installation procedure does not check these system parameters. If a parameter does not meet the minimum value, the results are unpredictable. To determine the number of global pages and global sections on your system, do the following: 1. Show the number of current free global pages by entering: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") This command displays the number of free global pages available on your system. If the number diplayed is less than 900, you must increase the SYSGEN GBLPAGES parameter. 2. Show the number of current free global sections by entering: $WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 1-2 Installation Preparations This command displays the number of free global sections available on your system. If the number displayed is less than 5, you must increase the SYSGEN GBLSECTIONS parameter. NOTE If either GBLPAGES or GBLSECTIONS needs to be increased, use the Automatic Generation Utility (AUTOGEN). For more information refer to the Guide to Setting up a VMS System. 1.6 DECalc-PLUS Directories and Files In previous DECalc-PLUS versions, it was possible for the utility and library directories to be created un- der SYS$SYSROOT. Under VMS Version 5.0 and higher, this could have resulted in these directories existing in both SYS$SPECIFIC and SYS$COMMON. Now, the directories will exist under one specified directory: SYS$SPECIFIC, SYS$COMMON, or a user specified directory. To prevent the files from being installed in the wrong directory, you should check the current definition of the PLUS$UTILITY logical by entering the following command line: $ SHOW LOGICAL PLUS$UTILITY If the logical evaluates to SYS$SYSROOT:[PLUS$UTILITY], then delete the files in SYS$SYSROOT:[PLUS$UTILITY], delete the directory itself, and deassign the logical. It could be necessary to delete the directory from SYS$SPECIFIC: and SYS$COMMON:. The same should be done for PLUS$LIBRARY. DECalc-PLUS operation requires permanent disk space in the following directories: o PLUS$LIBRARY [1] o PLUS$UTILITY [2] o SYS$HELP o SYS$MANAGER o SYS$SHARE o SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.PLUS040] o SYS$SYSTEM o SYS$TEST Table 1-1 shows the files in the directories. ____________________ [1] The logical PLUS$LIBRARY (by default) equals SYS$COMMON:[PLUS$LIBRARY]. [2] The logical PLUS$UTILITY (by default) equals SYS$COMMON:[PLUS$UTILITY]. Installation Preparations 1-3 Table_1-1:_Directories_and_Files_for_DECalc-PLUS_Installation_ Directory________File_________________________________________ PLUS$LIBRARY[1] ANOVA1.TPL ANOVA2.TPL ANOVAK.TPL AUTOCORRE.TPL BASTAT.TPL BESSELI.TPL BESSELJ.TPL BESSELK.TPL BESSELY.TPL CHIFIT.TPL CIMEAN.TPL COLSORT.TPL CONTGTBLE.TPL CORRE.TPL CROSSTAB.TPL CUMBINOM.TPL CUMCHI.TPL CUMF.TPL CUMNORM.TPL CUMPOIS.TPL CUMSTUDT.TPL DIFFEQ.TPL DIFF_ABM.TPL DIFF_STIFF.TPL DISCRIM.TPL EIGEN.TPL FFTC.TPL FFTR.TPL GAMMA.TPL INTGRT.TPL INVBINOM.TPL INVCHI.TPL INVF.TPL [1]___________________________________________________________ The logical PLUS$LIBRARY (by default) equals SYS$COMMON:[PLUS$LIBRARY]. 1-4 Installation Preparations Table 1-1 (Cont.): Directories and Files for DECalc-PLUS ___________________Installation_______________________________ Directory________File_________________________________________ INVNORM.TPL INVPOIS.TPL INVSTUDT.TPL KNDLRANK.TPL KS1.TPL KS2.TPL LINKEXT.COM LIN_REGR.TPL LOGGAMMA.TPL MADD.TPL MANWHTNY.TPL MINV.TPL MOMENTS.TPL MPRD.TPL MSCALAR.TPL MSUB.TPL MTRANS.TPL MULTREGR.TPL POLYREGR.TPL POL_REGR.TPL QUADRT.TPL ROWSORT.TPL SIMULEQ.TPL SPRMRANK.TPL SYMEIGEN.TPL TABULATE.TPL TTEST1.TPL TTEST2.TPL ZPOLY.TPL PLUS$UTILITY BAR.GRG [2] CALC$CONVERT_GET_PARAMS.COM CALC$CONVERT_GRIDS.COM CALC$CONVERT_GRIDS.EXE COMMODITIES.CALC$DTF COMMODITIES.PLUS$SED DIVISION_PROJ.CALC$DTF FACTOR.EXE [2]___________________________________________________________ The logical PLUS$UTILITY (by default) equals SYS$COMMON:[PLUS$UTILITY]. Installation Preparations 1-5 Table 1-1 (Cont.): Directories and Files for DECalc-PLUS ___________________Installation_______________________________ Directory________File_________________________________________ FACTOR.FOR HUGHES.CALC$DTF LINE.GRG MARTIN.CALC$DTF PIE.GRG PLUS$CONVERT_GRID.DOC PLUS$DTRSHR.COM PLUS$DTRSHR.OPT Q1SALESPROJ1.CALC$DTF Q1SALESPROJ2.CALC$DTF SESSION_5.CALC$DTF SESSION_5.TPL SESSION_6.CALC$DTF SESSION_6.TPL SESSION_7_A.CALC$DTF SESSION_7_A.TPL SESSION_7_B.CALC$DTF SESSION_7_B.TPL SESSION_8.CALC$DTF SESSION_8_A.TPL SESSION_8_B.TPL SMITH.CALC$DTF TYLER.CALC$DTF SYS$HELP PLUS040.RELEASE_NOTES PLUS.HLB SYS$MANAGER CALC$SET_PASSWORD.COM CALC$SET_PASSWORD.EXE PLUS$START.COM SYS$SHARE PLUS$ANALYSIS_LIB.EXE PLUS$MATRIX_LIB.EXE PLUS$MISC_LIB.EXE PLUS$NONPARA_LIB.EXE PLUS$NUMERIC_LIB.EXE PLUS$SERVICES.EXE PLUS$SHARE.EXE PLUS$STATFUNC_LIB.EXE PLUS$STATS_LIB.EXE SYS$SYSTEM PLUS$MAIN.EXE SYS$TEST PLUS$IVP.COM [SYSTEST.PLUS040]PLUS$IVP.CALC$COM____________________________ 1-6 Installation Preparations Chapter__2_______________________________________________________ DECalc-PLUS Installation This chapter shows a step-by-step procedure to follow when you are installing DECalc-PLUS. See Appendix A for a sample log file of a DECalc-PLUS installation. To begin the installation, you have to log in to the system manager's account. After logging in, you should make a backup of the system disk and check all system parameters. See Chapter 1 for complete information. Next you need to determine if you have enough free disk blocks on your system disk (or target disk system) to install DECalc-PLUS. Enter the following command: $SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE You should install DECalc-PLUS in a stand-alone mode. You must be sure that all users have logged out of the system, and that all batch jobs have been completed. Then, you shut down the DECnet network and invoke VMSINSTAL to install DECalc-PLUS. During the installation, the system prompts you to enter information. Most of the questions require a simple YES or NO answer. Respond with Y or N, as appropriate, or press Return to choose the default. NOTE Enhancements to VMSINSTAL in future releases of VMS may result in additional prompts appearing during the course of the installation. Although such prompts are not documented in this installation guide, the installation proceeds normally. DECalc-PLUS Installation 2-1 The DECalc-PLUS installation procedure takes between 2 and 30 minutes to complete depending on your particular VAX configuration. To install DECalc-PLUS, complete the following steps: 1. Log in to the system manager's account. Set the default directory to SYS$UPDATE by entering: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE Make a backup of the system disk, and check the system parameters. See Chapter 1 for complete information. 2. Start the installation by entering: $ @VMSINSTAL PLUS040 [device] OPTIONS N [device] is the name of the device on which you mount the DECalc-PLUS distribution media. The option N is the Additional Release Notes option that you use to display or print the DECalc-PLUS release notes. VMSINSTAL displays information similar to the following: VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4 It is 22-APR-1990 at 08:08. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. VMSINSTAL checks to see if DECnet is running and if users are logged in to the system. If either case exists, a warning message displays. You can stop VMSINSTAL by pressing Return when prompted to continue the installation procedure. The system then asks the following question: Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? If you have not made a backup of your system disk, enter N and press Return. You then exit from VMSINSTAL. If you have backed up your system disk, enter Y or just press Return to continue VMSINSTAL. 3. Mount the first installation kit volume when the system displays a message similar to the following: Please mount the first volume of the set on [device] Are you ready? [device] is the name of the device on which you mount the DECalc-PLUS distribution media. 2-2 DECalc-PLUS Installation 4. After mounting the first volume, enter Y and press Return to continue VMSINSTAL. The system displays the following messages: %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, PLUS mounted on [device]: The following products will be processed: PLUS V4.0 Beginning installation of PLUS V4.0 at 08:10 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2] : 5. Select a release notes option. If you select option 1, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on your terminal. If you select option 2 or 3, VMSINSTAL prompts you for a queue name with the following prompt: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Enter a queue name or press Return to select the default output print device SYS$PRINT. If you select option 4, VMSINSTAL does not display or print the release notes. VMSINSTAL asks if you want to continue with the installa- tion by displaying the following prompt: Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? : Enter N or press Return to stop the installation. Enter Y to continue. If you continue, VMSINSTAL displays the following message: %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. 6. VMSINSTAL asks if your license is loaded. Product: DECalc-PLUS Producer: DEC Version: 4.0 Release Date: 01-JUL-1990 DECalc-PLUS Installation 2-3 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? o If your license is not loaded, VMSINSTAL tells you and then gives you the option of continuing with the installation. You can continue with the installation, but you cannot use DECalc-PLUS: You do not have the DECalc-PLUS license currently installed on your system. You may continue with this installation, or you may stop to load the license at this time. If you do continue, you will not be able to use the DECalc-PLUS product until the license is loaded. * Do you wish to continue with the DECalc-PLUS installation? [N]? o You also can choose to quit the installation so you can load the DECalc-PLUS license. If you choose to quit, the screen displays the following message: You have chosen to quit this installation. To install the DECalc-PLUS license, use the procedure: SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of PLUS V4.0 has failed. VMSINSTAL procedure done at 11:11 o If your license is loaded and you enter Y, the installa- tion continues. 7. VMSINSTAL now searches for DECgraph on the system. o If DECgraph Version 1.6 is installed on the system, VMSINSTAL displays the following messages: %PLUS-I-GRAPHFOUND, DECgraph V1.6 has been located on this system. %PLUS-I-HASGRAPH, PLUS V4.0 will be installed with the callable DECgraph option. o If an earlier version than DECgraph Version 1.6 is installed on the system (for example, Version 1.4), VMSINSTAL displays the following messages: %PLUS-I-GRAPHFOUND, DECgraph V1.4 has been located on this system. %PLUS-I-WRONGGRAPH, PLUS V4.0 requires DECgraph V1.6 or later. PLUS V4.0 will not have the callable DECgraph option. o If DECgraph is not installed on the system, VMSINSTAL continues the installation without displaying any messages. 2-4 DECalc-PLUS Installation 8. VMSINSTAL displays the following information: ******************************************************** * * * VAX DECalc-PLUS V4.0 * * * * Integrated Electronic Spreadsheet Package * * * * Installation Procedure * * * * Copyright 1991, Digital Equipment Corporation * * * ******************************************************** During this installation, new files will be provided to replace existing versions. You may purge these older versions to save disk space, or keep them if you feel they may be of use. Purging is recommended. 9. VMSINSTAL asks if you want to purge the files the current installation replaces: * Do you want to purge the files replaced by this installation [YES]? Press Return or enter Y to purge the old version of DECalc-PLUS from your system. Enter N to keep the old version of DECalc-PLUS. 10.VMSINSTAL asks you where you would like to place PLUS V4.0 utility files. The recommended location for this directory is SYS$COMMON:[PLUS$UTILITY]. To specify a location, enter a valid VMS directory specification in the form: device:[directory]. If the directory that you specify does not exist, the installation creates one. The system logical PLUS$UTILITY points to the directory you specify. If the directory PLUS$UTILITY currently exists on your system, the following message displays: Type ? for help The directory PLUS$UTILITY currently exists on your system. * Would you like to place the PLUS V4.0 utility files there [YES]? If you enter Y, VMSINSTAL places the files in PLUS$UTILITY. If you enter N, you see the following prompt: Where would you like to place the PLUS V4.0 utility files [SYS$COMMON:[PLUS$UTILITY]]: Enter the device and directory that you want to use. If the device you specify does not exist on the system, the prompt repeats. Specify the device and directory you want to use. DECalc-PLUS Installation 2-5 11.The next prompt asks you where you would like to place PLUS V4.0 library files. The recommended location for this directory is SYS$COMMON:[PLUS$LIBRARY]. If you do not have enough space on your system disk, you can specify another location. To specify a location other than the default, enter a valid VMS directory specification in the form:device:[directory]. If the directory that you specify does not exist, the installation creates it.The system logical PLUS$LIBRARY equates to the directory that you specify. If the directory PLUS$LIBRARY currently exists on your system, the following message displays: Type ? for help The directory PLUS$LIBRARY currently exists on your system. * Would you like to place the PLUS V4.0 library files there [YES]? If you enter Y, VMSINSTAL places the files in PLUS$LIBRARY. If you enter N, you see the following prompt: Where would you like to place the PLUS V4.0 library files [SYS$SYSROOT:[PLUS$LIBRARY]]: Enter the device and directory that you want to use. If the device you specify does not exist on the system, the prompt repeats. Specify the desired device and directory. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system directory [PLUS$LIBRARY] %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$COMMON:[SYSTEST.CALC040] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$SPECIFIC:[SYSTEST.CALC040] already exists 12.VMSINSTAL displays the following message: %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system directory [SYSTEST.PLUS040] If you intend to execute this layered product on other nodes in your VAXcluster, and you have the appropriate software license, you must prepare the system-specific roots on the other nodes by issuing the following command on each node (using a suitably privileged account): $ CREATE /DIRECTORY SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSTEST.PLUS040] 2-6 DECalc-PLUS Installation 13.VMSINSTAL displays the following message: ******************************************************** IMPORTANT NOTE: The PLUS V4.0 startup command procedure PLUS$START.COM has been written to SYS$STARTUP. Be sure to modify your system startup command procedure to execute this command procedure. ******************************************************** This important note informs you that you must modify the system startup file to run the command procedure. 14.VMSINSTAL now gives you the choice of running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). The IVP guarantees that the installation was successful. The IVP takes from 2 to 20 minutes to complete, depending on your configuration. However, you cannot run the IVP if your DECalc-PLUS license is not loaded. If it is not loaded, VMSINSTAL displays the following message: You do not have a license installed on your system. Without it the Installation Verification procedure fails. If you would like to run the IVP by hand, exit, install the license, and then type: @SYS$TEST:PLUS$IVP.COM If your license is loaded, VMSINSTAL displays the following prompt: * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? 15.To run the Installation Verification Procedure, press Return. You have answered all the questions necessary to install PLUS V4.0. This installation continues from 2 to 30 minutes depending on your particular configuration... 16.VMSINSTAL copies files from the distribution kit and performs the installation. It displays the following message: DECalc-PLUS Installation 2-7 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B... %VMSINSTAL-I_RESTORE, Restoring product save set C... %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... ******************************************************** * * * VAX DECalc-PLUS V4.0 * * * * Integrated Electronic Spreadsheet Package * * * * Installation Verification Procedure * * * * Copyright 1991, Digital Equipment Corporation * * * ******************************************************** When the installation is completed the system runs the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) and displays the following message: The DECalc-PLUS V4.0 Installation Verification completed successfully. Installation of PLUS V4.0 completed at 08:20 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 08:20 If the installation did not pass the verification procedures, a failure message is displayed. Refer to the section on Installation Error Messages for an explanation regarding the failure. The DECalc-PLUS installation is complete. 2.1 Post Installation Procedures After you have completed the DECalc-PLUS installation, you must do the following: 1. Modify the system startup file to run the command procedure. The PLUS Version 4.0 startup command procedure PLUS$START.COM has been written to the SYS$STARTUP directory. If you have installed DECalc-PLUS in a clustered environ- ment, you must run SYS$STARTUP:PLUS$START.COM on each node in the cluster. This can be done manually, or by using the VMS SYSMAN Utility. See the VMS SYSMAN Utility Manual for more information. 2-8 DECalc-PLUS Installation 2. The file format for DECalc-PLUS Version 3.x to Version 4.0 has been upgraded to the Digital Table Interchange Format (DTIF) standard. Before you can use DECalc-PLUS Version 4.0, you must upgrade your files to the DTIF standard. DECalc-PLUS Version 4.0 provides the CALC$CONVERT_GRIDS Conversion Utility that converts grids into a readable format. It can be run interactively or in batch mode. The command procedure is found in the directory indicated by the logical PLUS$UTILITY. See the DECalc-PLUS Reference Manual, Appendix D for instructions on running this grid conversion utility. 2.2 Installation Error Messages This section describes error messages that can occur during installation. Operating System Failure If the power goes off during the installation procedure or the operating system fails for any other reason, you must restart the system and VMSINSTAL. The following errors can occur during the installation procedure: %PLUS-E-BADVMS, PLUS V4.0 requires VMS version V5.4 or higher to install Facility: DECalc-PLUS Severity: Error Explanation: Your VAX system must be running VMS V5.4 or higher to install DECalc-PLUS V4.0. The installation procedure detected that an earlier version of VMS is running on your system. Upgrade to VMS V5.4 and then restart the DECalc-PLUS V4.0 installation. %PLUS-E-NOSPACE, There is insufficient disk space to continue the installation. PLUS V4.0 requires 6,000 free blocks to install. Facility: DECalc-PLUS Severity: Error Explanation: The system disk on your system must have at least 6,000 free blocks in order to install DECalc-PLUS V4.0. VMSINSTAL found fewer than 6,000 blocks and terminated. Make sure that at least 6,000 blocks are available on your system disk and restart the DECalc-PLUS V4.0 installation. DECalc-PLUS Installation 2-9 %PLUS-I-DEVNOTSPEC, No device was specified, please re- specify. Facility: DECalc-PLUS Severity: Information Explanation: When prompted for a directory specifica- tion, you did not specify a device. The installation procedure reprompts for the directory specification. Be sure to include a valid device. %PLUS-I-NODEVICE, The specified device does not exist on this system, please re-specify. Facility: DECalc-PLUS Severity: Information Explanation: When prompted for a directory specifica- tion, you specified a device that does not currently exist on your system. VMSINSTAL reprompts for the direc- tory specification. Be sure to include a valid device. %PLUS-I-DIRNOTSPEC, No directory was specified, please re-specify. Facility: DECalc-PLUS Severity: Information Explanation: When prompted for a directory specifica- tion, your did not specify a directory. The installation procedure reprompts for the directory specification. Be sure to include a valid directory. 2-10 DECalc-PLUS Installation Chapter__3_______________________________________________________ Modifying UICs Within Grid Files 3.1 Overview DECalc-PLUS Version 4.0 provides a command procedure (CALC$SET_UIC.COM) that lets the system manager modify the grid's internal owner user identification code (UIC). The grid's internal UIC is used with the GLOBAL Protection command (\ G P). 3.2 Running CALC$SET_UIC.COM To run CALC$SET_UIC.COM, do the following steps: 1. You can find the CALC$SET_UIC.COM file in the SYS$MANAGER directory. To use CALC$SET_UIC.COM, log into the SYSTEM account and enter the following command line: @SYS$MANAGER:CALC$SET_UIC.COM With CALC$SET_UIC.COM, you can change the UIC of a specific grid. You can change more than one grid in a given session of CALC$SET_UIC.COM. The CALC$SET_UIC.COM prompts you for the grid name, the old UIC (the UIC currently stored in the grid), and the new UIC (the UIC that replaces the old UIC). 2. CALC$SET_UIC.COM first prompts you for the grid's file name: Enter grid file name: You can enter any valid VMS file name, including wildcards. If you enter an incorrect file specification, CALC$SET_ UIC.COM displays an error message and prompts for a grid file name again. If you do not specify an extension, the default is .CALC$DTF. If you enter a file specification that includes wildcards, CALC$SET_UIC.COM selects all matching files for modification. If you press Return before Modifying UICs Within Grid Files 3-1 you enter the file name, CALC$SET_UIC.COM does not modify any files and exits. 3. CALC$SET_UIC.COM prompts you for the UIC currently stored in the grid and displays the following prompt: Enter old UIC: You can now specify the UIC of the file. The following are valid responses to this prompt: o An octal UIC Example: [300,40] The_left_and_right_brackets_are_optional;_300,40_is_also_ valid. o User name or identifier Example: SMITH o A wildcard character (*) for the group number, member number, or both. Examples: * Select all UICs 300,* Select all UICs with the group number 300 *,40 Select all UICs with the member number 40 You_cannot_specify_a_number_with_a_wildcard_character,___ for example: 30*,40 If you press Return and do not enter a UIC, CALC$SET_ UIC.COM exits and does not modify any files. 4. CALC$SET_UIC.COM prompts you for the new UIC that replaces the old UIC and displays the following prompt: Enter new UIC: You can specify the new UIC in the same manner as the old UIC. 5. CALC$SET_UIC.COM prompts for more files to modify and displays the following prompt: Do you wish to enter more grid names (y/n) : [n]: If there are no more grids to modify, press Return or enter N. If you wish to enter more grids, enter Y. If you enter Y, CALC$SET_UIC.COM prompts you for the grid's file name: Enter grid file name, RETURN to start modifications: 3-2 Modifying UICs Within Grid Files 6. If you enter a file name, CALC$SET_UIC.COM will prompt you for the old UIC and the new UIC. The defaults for the old and new UICs are the ones you entered for the previous file. To continue to use the default UICs, you should press Return at the corresponding UIC prompt, or you can enter a different UIC. The default UIC is enclosed in brackets, for example: Enter old UIC : [[300,40]] : After you enter the UIC, CALC$SET_UIC.COM prompts you for more grids to modify. After all grids have been entered, press Return. 7. If you do not wish to enter any more files, press Return to continue with the modifications of the grids selected. CALC$SET_UIC.COM now prints a list of the files you selected and the corresponding old and new UICs. Then, the following prompt is displayed: Continue with the modifications (y/n) : [n] : You should enter Y to continue or press Return not to continue. If you press Return or enter N, CALC$SET_UIC.COM exits and does not modify any files. If you enter Y, CALC$SET_UIC.COM prompts you to submit a batch job for executing the conversion and displays the following prompt: Submit as batch job (y/n) : [n] : 8. If you press Return or enter N, the modifications begin and CALC$SET_UIC.COM displays the results on the screen. If you enter Y, CALC$SET_UIC.COM submits a batch job to execute the modifications and exits. CALC$SET_UIC.COM creates a log file called CALC$CHANGE_UIC.LOG in the current default directory. The log file contains the results of the modifications. The system notifies you when the execution of the batch job finishes. You can now check the log file for the completion status. 3.3 Error Messages CALC$SET_UIC.COM displays warning and informational messages, informing you of errors. If the utility is run from any account besides SYSTEM, the utility displays the following message and exits. CALC-F-BADACCT, CALC$SET_UIC must be run from a privileged account. Modifying UICs Within Grid Files 3-3 3.4 Warning Messages CALC-W-BADFILE, Error accessing There is an error in the grid name or the grid does not exist. The reason given varies with the particular error. The reason is an RMS error message, such as "File not found", "Directory not found", or "Error in directory name". Enter another file name. CALC-W-UICINV, UIC contains invalid characters. Re-enter UIC. You entered a UIC that contains illegal characters. CALC-W-UICLONG, UIC too long. Re-enter UIC. You entered a UIC that is too long (contains more than 255 characters). Enter another UIC that has no more than 255 characters. CALC-W-NOMATCH, UIC entered does not match the UIC of the grid. You entered a UIC that does not match the UIC stored in the grid. CALC-W-BADGRID, Grid file invalid. File is corrupted or not a DECalc-PLUS V4.0 grid. The grid file does not contain a Version 4.0 DECalc-PLUS grid, it is not a DECalc-PLUS grid file, or it is corrupted. The file might contain a Version 3.1 or earlier DECalc-PLUS grid. Versions prior to Version 4.0 did not have the UIC stored in the grid file, therefore the grids cannot be modified. CALC-W-FILELONG, Grid file name too long (255 character limit). Re-enter file name. You entered a grid file name that is too long. CALC-W-NOTV40, Grid file not a DECalc-PLUS V4.0 file. The grid was not created by DECalc-PLUS Version 4.0. The file was created by another application program and, therefore, does not have the UIC information stored internally. 3-4 Modifying UICs Within Grid Files CALC-W-MEMINV, Invalid member number. Re-enter UIC. You entered an invalid number as the UIC member number. CALC-W-GRPINV, Invalid group number. Re-enter UIC. You entered an invalid number as the UIC group number. CALC-W-INVSYN, Invalid UIC syntax. Re-enter UIC. You did not specify the UIC correctly. 3.5 Informational Messages CALC-I-UICCHNG, File UIC CHANGED to on The UIC of the grid has been changed. The new UIC is shown in the message. CALC-I-UICSAME, Grid owner UIC not changed. The utility program exited before the UIC was changed. The grid was not modified. Modifying UICs Within Grid Files 3-5 Chapter__4_______________________________________________________ DECalc-PLUS Logical Names The following logical names are automatically defined when the system startup command procedure executes: o PLUS$UTILITY-is assigned during the installation to point to the directory containing DECalc-PLUS related files. o PLUS$GRAPH_PRESENT-is assigned the value TRUE if DECgraph Version 1.6 is located on your system during installation; otherwise, it is assigned the value FALSE. DECalc-PLUS translates this logical name to determine if DECgraph can be called from within DECalc-PLUS. See Chapter 7 for more information. You can use the following additional DECalc-PLUS logical names to define default directories for DECalc-PLUS files: o PLUS$PRIVATE-points to your private grid directory. DECalc-PLUS reads and writes grid files from your private directory if you do not specify a directory when you execute the STORAGE command. You can change the default private directory by executing the Private option of the STORAGE command. o PLUS$COMMON-points to your default common grid directory. Common directories are grid file directories that are typically shared by at least two users. You can change the default common directory by executing the New common directory option of the STORAGE command. o PLUS$FORMS-points to the default directory in which DECalc-PLUS reads and writes form files. If you do not define PLUS$FORMS, DECalc-PLUS uses the current directory. DECalc-PLUS Logical Names 4-1 Chapter__5_______________________________________________________ Installation Verification Procedure You can execute the DECalc-PLUS Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) from a privileged or nonprivileged account any time after you install DECalc-PLUS. To execute the IVP, enter the following: $ @PLUS$UTILITY:PLUS$IVP The following message appears: ************************************************************ VAX DECalc-PLUS V4.0 Integrated Electronic Spreadsheet Package Installation Verification Procedure Copyright 1991, Digital Equipment Corporation ************************************************************ Please wait for the Installation Verification Procedure to complete. The IVP takes from 2 to 20 minutes to complete depending on your configuration. If the IVP completes successfully, the following message appears: The VAX DECalc-PLUS V4.0 Installation Verification completed successfully. If the IVP fails, a message indicating the reason for failure appears. See Chapter 2 for complete information on error messages. Installation Verification Procedure 5-1 Chapter__6_______________________________________________________ DECalc-PLUS and Interactive DATATRIEVE Interface If you have DATATRIEVE Version 5.0 or higher on your system, you can execute DATATRIEVE interactively from within DECalc-PLUS using the Database Interactive option of the EXTERNAL command (\ X D I). To support the interactive DATATRIEVE option on your system, execute the following command procedure from the system account after you install DECalc-PLUS on your system: PLUS$UTILITY:PLUS$DTRSHR.COM PLUS$DTRSHR.COM creates PLUS$DTRSHR.EXE as a shareable image. DECalc-PLUS requires this image to execute the Database Interactive option of the EXTERNAL command. To support the interactive DATATRIEVE option on your system, perform the following steps: 1. Log in to the system account. 2. Enter the following command: @PLUS$UTILITY:PLUS$DTRSHR The command procedure displays the following message: This command procedure creates the shareable image PLUS$DTRSHR.EXE, which is needed to use the DECalc-PLUS V4.0 interactive DATATRIEVE option. The command procedure determines whether you have DATATRIEVE installed on your system. The command procedure displays the name of the DATATRIEVE image. If your system has more than one version of DATATRIEVE installed, the names of each of the located images displays. The command procedure displays the following: DECalc-PLUS and Interactive DATATRIEVE Interface 6-1 The following DTR shareable images have been located on your system: DTRSHR Which DTR shareable image would you like to link with [DTRSHR]: 3. You should do one of the following: o Enter the name(s) of the DATATRIEVE image(s) that you want to execute from within DECalc-PLUS. o Press Return to select the default. 4. Choose the directory where you want DECalc-PLUS to write the image(s). The command procedure displays the following: Where would you like PLUS$DTRSHR.EXE to be written [SYS$SHARE]: You should write the image(s) to the default location, SYS$SHARE. If you choose to write the image(s) elsewhere, define the logical PLUS$DTRSHR to point to the image file. If you write the image(s) to SYS$SHARE, no logical definition is necessary. 6-2 DECalc-PLUS and Interactive DATATRIEVE Interface Chapter__7_______________________________________________________ DECalc-PLUS and DECgraph Interface You can call DECgraph from within a DECalc-PLUS session to graphically display spreadsheet data. You can call DECgraph by the Graph option of the EXTERNAL command (\ X G). Your system must be running DECgraph Version 1.6 to run the DECalc-PLUS and DECgraph interface. DECalc-PLUS deter- mines if an appropriate version of DECgraph resides on your system by translating the logical PLUS$GRAPH_PRESENT. If DECgraph Version 1.6 is on your system when DECalc-PLUS is installed, PLUS$GRAPH_PRESENT is defined TRUE in SYS$MANAGER:PLUS$START.COM. Otherwise, PLUS$GRAPH_PRESENT is defined FALSE. If DECgraph Version 1.6 is installed after DECalc-PLUS has been installed, you do not need to reinstall DECalc-PLUS. You can edit the file SYS$MANAGER:PLUS$START.COM and change the definition of PLUS$GRAPH_PRESENT from FALSE to TRUE. After reexecuting the DECalc-PLUS startup procedure, you can access DECgraph from within DECalc-PLUS. DECalc-PLUS and DECgraph Interface 7-1 Appendix__A______________________________________________________ DECalc-PLUS Sample Log File The following runoff is a sample log file of a DECalc-PLUS installation: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL PLUS040 MUA0 OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4 It is 8-MAY-1991 at 13:46. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: DECW$TE_1 _TWA241: GREANEY DECW$WM_1 GREANEY_SM1 GREANEY_SM2 _TWA242: * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? YES * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Please mount the first volume of the set on MUA0:. * Are you ready? YES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, PLUS mounted on _MUA0: The following products will be processed: PLUS V4.0 Beginning installation of PLUS V4.0 at 13:51 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. DECalc-PLUS Sample Log File A-1 Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 4 * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Product: DECALC-PLUS Producer: DEC Version: 4.0 Release Date: 01-JUL-1990 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES %PLUS-I-GRAPHFOUND, DECgraph V1.6 has been located on this system. %PLUS-I-HASGRAPH, PLUS V4.0 will be installed with the callable DECgraph option. ********************************************************** * * * VAX DECalc-PLUS V4.0 * * * * Integrated Scientific Electronic Spreadsheet Package * * * * Installation Procedure * * * * Copyright 1991, Digital Equipment Corporation * * * ********************************************************** DURING THIS installation, new files will be provided to replace existing versions. You may purge these older versions to save disk space, or keep them if you feel they may be of use. Purging is recommended. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Type ? for help The directory PLUS$UTILITY currently exists on your system. * Would you like to place the PLUS V4.0 utility files there [YES]? Type ? for help The directory PLUS$LIBRARY currently exists on your system. * Would you like to place the PLUS V4.0 library files there [YES]? %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system directory [SYSTEST.PLUS040]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$COMMON:[SYSTEST.PLUS040] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$SPECIFIC:[SYSTEST.PLUS040] already exists A-2 DECalc-PLUS Sample Log File If you intend to execute this layered product on other nodes in your VAXcluster, and you have the appropriate software license, you must prepare the system-specific roots on the other nodes by issuing the following command on each node (using a suitably privileged account): $ CREATE /DIRECTORY SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSTEST.PLUS040] *********************************************************** IMPORTANT NOTE: The PLUS V4.0 startup command procedure PLUS$START.COM has been written to SYS$STARTUP. Be sure to modify your system startup command procedure to execute this command procedure. *********************************************************** * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? You have answered all the questions necessary to install PLUS V4.0. This installation will continue from 2 to 30 minutes depending on your particular configuration ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... ************************************************************ * * * VAX DECalc-PLUS V4.0 * * Integrated Scientific Electronic Spreadsheet Package * * * * Installation Verification Procedure * * * * Copyright 1991, Digital Equipment Corporation * * * ************************************************************ Please wait for the Installation Verification Procedure to complete. The IVP takes from 2 to 20 minutes to complete depending on your configuration. The VAX DECalc-PLUS V4.0 Installation Verification completed successfully. Installation of PLUS V4.0 completed at 14:22 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:23 $ DECalc-PLUS Sample Log File A-3