DEChub Consolidated Firmware Kit Installation Instructions Version 1.1 August 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation August 1994. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC, DECagent, DECbridge, DECconcentrator, DEChub, DECndu Plus, DECpacketprobe, DECrepeater, Digital, MultiSwitch, and the DIGITAL logo. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. About the Kit _________________________________________________________________ About the Kit KIT CONTENTS This release of the DEChub Consolidated Firmware Kit contains the firmware images and product release notes for the following DEChub products: ___________________________________________________________ Firmware Product_________________Version_____Image_Name_____________ DECagent 90 V2.1.3 DENMA021.SYS DECbridge 90, 90FL V3.1 DEWGB310.SYS DECbridge 900MX v1.4.0 DEFBA140.BIN * DECconcentrator 900MX V2.8.0 DEF6X280.BIN * DEChub 900 MultiSwitch V3.1.0 DMHUB310.BIN * DECpacketprobe 90 V2.1 NS3210.S * DECrepeater 90FS v1.1 DEFMI110.BIN * DECrepeater 90TS v1.1.0 DETMI110.BIN * DECrepeater 900FP v1.1 DEFMM110.BIN * DECrepeater 900GM v1.1 DETTM110.BIN * DECrepeater 900TM V1.1.0 DETMM110.BIN * ___________________________________________________________ Image names marked with an asterisk (*) are new images or supersede the version in the DEChub Consolidated Firmware Kit V1.0. 1 About the Kit HOW TO LOAD IMAGES Firmware images for all products, with the exception of the DECpacketprobe 90, are loaded via the DECndu Plus utility which is provided as a separate kit. See the file HOW2LOAD.TXT for details. Examples of how to load the firmware images for all the DEChub devices are provided in the file HOW2LOAD.TXT. See the Kit Installation section in this document for the location of this file. IMPORTANT NOTE The DEChub 900 MultiSwitch hub manager should be upgraded before upgrading other modules in the hub. RELEASE NOTES Product release notes are provided in ASCII text and PostScript formats. _________________________________________________________________ Kit Installation HOW TO INSTALL To install the kit on the OpenVMS VAX operating system, log into the system manager's account and type the following at the DCL prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DCF011 ddnuu: ddnuu: is the device containing the distribution media (for example, MUA0:). 2 Kit Installation DISK SPACE The following table indicates the amount of disk space that each group of files selected for installation consumes. Depending on the installation options you select, up to 16,200 blocks of disk space (all values rounded up to the nearest 100 blocks) may be consumed after the installation is complete. ___________________________________________________________ Files______________________Blocks_Consumed_________________ Firmware Images 9,700 blocks[*] ASCII text release notes 600 blocks PostScript release notes 5,900 blocks [*] Includes DCF011.RELEASE_NOTES and HOW2LOAD.TXT which are always installed regardless of the installation options selected. ___________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION PROMPTS For this release, you will be prompted for the device and directories into which the firmware images and product release notes will be installed. The defaults are MOM$LOAD for the firmware images (if it exists, otherwise SYS$SYSTEM) and SYS$HELP for the release notes. You may, however, specify other devices and directories if you wish. Also for this release, you will be prompted for the format of the release notes you would like to install. You can select ASCII text, PostScript or both. EXAMPLES The file HOW2LOAD.TXT contains examples for loading all the DEChub devices. This file can be found in same directory where the product release notes are installed. 3 Online Information _________________________________________________________________ Online Information HOW TO ACCESS IMAGES AND RELATED FILES Updated firmware images, product release notes, MIBs and RFCs are available online via anonymous ftp from ( Firmware images are located in the /pub/dec/hub900/firmware directory. MIBs and RFCs can be found in the /pub/dec/hub900/mibs directory. Product release notes are in the /pub/dec/hub900/release directory. See the README file in each of the above directories for information about what is available in that directory. 4