DIGITAL_SNA_Peer_Server_______________________ Installation and Configuration Part Number: AA-Q1P8D-TE May 1997 This document describes how to install and configure the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server software on an Alpha system running the DIGITAL UNIX operating system. Revision/Update Information: This is a revised manual. Operating System and Version: DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 Software Version: DIGITAL SNA Peer Server V1.4 Electronic Data Systems Corporation and Digital Equipment Corporation make no representations that the use of their products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment from Electronic Data Systems Corporation or Digital Equipment Corporation. Electronic Data Systems Corporation and Digital Equipment Corporation assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. © 1997 Electronic Data Systems Corporation. All rights reserved. © 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC, DECnet, OpenVMS, ULTRIX, VAX, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking, APPN, IBM, NetView and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. AS/400,CICS, DISOSS, Displaywriter, OS/2, OS/2 EE, OS/400 PROFS, TSO, and VTAM are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. ix Part I Installation 1 Preparing to Install the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Software 1.1 Inspecting the Distribution Kit.............. 1-1 1.2 System Requirements.......................... 1-1 1.2.1 Required Hardware........................ 1-1 1.2.2 Required Software........................ 1-2 1.2.3 Optional Software........................ 1-3 1.2.4 Peer Server Subsets...................... 1-4 1.2.5 Installation Time........................ 1-4 1.3 Preparing to Install......................... 1-4 1.3.1 Obtaining Superuser Privileges........... 1-4 1.3.2 Verifying Disk Space..................... 1-4 1.3.3 Backing Up Your System................... 1-5 1.3.4 Deleting Old Versions of the Peer Server................................... 1-5 1.3.5 Registering the Product Authorization Key (PAK).................................... 1-6 1.4 Stopping the Installation.................... 1-7 iii 2 Installing the Peer Server 2.1 Installation from the CD-ROM or Your Network...................................... 2-1 2.1.1 Installing from a CD-ROM Drive........... 2-1 2.1.2 Installing over the Local Area Network with Remote Installation Service (RIS)... 2-5 2.2 Running wddsetup to Configure the Underlying Data Links................................... 2-5 2.3 Reboot the System............................ 2-10 2.4 Configure the DIGITAL UNIX Operating System for the Peer Server.......................... 2-10 2.5 Reboot the System............................ 2-13 Part II Planning and Configuration 3 Beginning the Peer Server Configuration Process 3.1 The Configuration Process.................... 3-1 3.2 Planning Activities.......................... 3-2 3.3 Using the Peer Server's Configuration Utility...................................... 3-3 3.3.1 Invoking the Configuration Utility....... 3-4 3.3.2 Input and Output Files................... 3-6 3.3.3 The Configuration Dialog................. 3-7 4 Configuring the Peer Server's SNA Access Server 4.1 Planning for the SNA Access Server........... 4-1 4.2 Dialog Section 1: SNA Access Server Configuration................................ 4-3 5 Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5.1 Planning the Peer Server Data Links.......... 5-1 5.1.1 Planning for SDLC Data Links............. 5-2 5.1.2 Planning for QLLC Data Links............. 5-5 5.1.3 Planning for LLC2 Data Links............. 5-7 5.2 Dialog Section 2: Data Link Layer Configuration................................ 5-10 5.2.1 Dialog Section 2.1: SDLC Configuration... 5-11 5.2.2 Dialog Section 2.2: QLLC Configuration... 5-16 iv 5.2.3 Dialog Section 2.3 - LLC2 Configuration............................ 5-20 6 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6.1 Planning the Peer Server's SNA LU Services... 6-1 6.1.1 Planning the LU Authorizations........... 6-2 6.1.2 Planning Logical Units Using the List Method................................... 6-4 6.1.3 Planning Logical Units Using the Populate Method................................... 6-6 6.1.4 Planning Access Names.................... 6-9 6.1.5 Planning Partner LUs..................... 6-11 6.2 Dialog Section 3: SNA Logical Unit Services Configuration................................ 6-13 6.2.1 Dialog Section 3.1: Authorization Information.............................. 6-13 6.2.2 Dialog Section 3.2: Logical Unit Configuration Information................ 6-17 6.2.3 Dialog Section 3.3: Access Name Configuration Information................ 6-25 6.2.4 Dialog Section 3.4: Partner LU Configuration Information................ 6-28 7 Configuring the Peer Server's Control Point 7.1 Planning the Peer Server's Control Point..... 7-1 7.2 Dialog Section 4: SNA CP Services Configuration................................ 7-4 8 Completing the Peer Server's Configuration Process 8.1 Generating an NCL Script File................ 8-1 8.2 Running the Configuration Script File........ 8-2 8.3 Solving Configuration Problems............... 8-2 8.4 Modifying the Configuration with NCL......... 8-2 8.5 Reconfiguring the Peer Server................ 8-3 v 9 Starting and Shutting Down the Peer Server 9.1 Starting the Peer Server..................... 9-1 9.1.1 Checking the Status of the Startup....... 9-1 9.2 Shutting Down the Peer Server................ 9-2 Part III Appendixes A DIGITAL SNA Peer Server NCL Startup Scripts B Peer Server Configuration Error Messages C Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) on the Peer Server C.1 SDLC Modem Control Configurations............ C-1 C.1.1 Point-to-Point Full-Duplex (4-wire) SDLC Data Links............................... C-2 C.1.2 Point-to-Point Half-Duplex (2-wire) SDLC Data Links............................... C-2 C.1.3 Single-Station Full-Duplex Multipoint Secondary (4-wire)....................... C-3 C.1.4 Multiple-Station Full-duplex Multipoint Secondary (4-wire)....................... C-4 C.1.5 Single-Station Half-Duplex Multipoint (2-wire)................................. C-5 C.1.6 Multiple-Station Half-Duplex Multipoint (2-wire)................................. C-5 C.1.7 Multipoint Primary....................... C-6 C.2 SDLC Link Station 'Modulo' Characteristic.... C-6 D Qualified Logical Link Control (QLLC) on the Peer Server D.1 The Peer Server and the X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Configuration................................ D-1 D.2 X.25 Relay Considerations.................... D-1 vi E Logical Link Control Type 2 (LLC2) on the Peer Server E.1 SAP Link Remote MAC Address Format........... E-1 E.2 MAC Address Format when DECnet/OSI is Running...................................... E-3 E.3 Comparison of NCL Attributes and IBM Parameters................................... E-3 F Installing the Required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Subsets F.1 Installation from the CD-ROM or Your Network...................................... F-1 F.1.1 Installing from a CD-ROM Drive........... F-1 F.1.2 Installing over the Local Area Network with Remote Installation Service (RIS)... F-7 Examples 4-1 Configuration Example (Section 1)........ 4-5 5-1 SDLC Configuration Example (Section 2.1)..................................... 5-15 5-2 QLLC Configuration Example (Section 2.2)..................................... 5-19 5-3 LLC2 Configuration Example (Section 2.3)..................................... 5-23 6-1 Configuration of an Authorization (Section 3.1)............................ 6-16 6-2 Configuration Using Populate Option (Section 3.2)............................ 6-21 6-3 Configuration Using List Option (Section 3.2)..................................... 6-24 6-4 Configuration of Access Names (Section 3.3)..................................... 6-27 6-5 Configuration of a Partner LU (Section 3.4)..................................... 6-30 A-1 Mainframe Example (T2.0 Dependent LUs)... A-2 A-2 AS/400 Example (T2.1 Independent LUs).... A-7 vii Tables 3-1 Peer Server Configuration Utility Editing Keys..................................... 3-4 4-1 The SNA Access Server Objects Worksheet................................ 4-3 5-1 The SDLC Link Information Worksheet...... 5-4 5-2 The QLLC Link Information Worksheet...... 5-6 5-3 The LLC2 SAP Link Information Worksheet................................ 5-9 6-1 The LU Authorizations Worksheet.......... 6-3 6-2 The SNA Logical Units Worksheet (List Method).................................. 6-5 6-3 The SNA Logical Units (Populate Method) Worksheet................................ 6-7 6-4 The Access Names Worksheet............... 6-10 6-5 The Partner LUs Worksheet................ 6-12 7-1 The General SNA Information Worksheet.... 7-3 E-1 Relationship Between NCL Attributes and IBM Parameters........................... E-4 viii ________________________________________________________________ Preface Digital Equipment Corporation's DIGITAL SNA Peer Server software allows users of TCP/IP and DECnet[TM] networks to communicate with programs running on IBM® systems. These systems must be part of a network configured according to IBM's Systems Network Architecture (SNA). Objectives DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Installation and Configuration contains information about installing and configuring the Peer Server. Audience This manual is written for anyone responsible for managing and maintaining the Peer Server and related products. Structure This manual consists of the following chapters and appendixes: o Chapter 1 lists prerequisites for installing the Peer Server. o Chapter 2 describes the installation of the Peer Server on your DIGITAL system. o Chapter 3 describes how to begin the Peer Server configuration process. o Chapter 4 describes how to plan for and configure the Peer Server's SNA Access Server. ix o Chapter 5 describes how to plan for and configure the Peer Server's data links. o Chapter 6 describes how to plan for and configure the Peer Server's SNA logical units and associated information. o Chapter 7 describes how to plan for and configure the Peer Server's control point. o Chapter 8 describes how to finish the Peer Server configuration process. o Chapter 9 describes how to start and stop the Peer Server. o Appendix A provides example NCL startup script configurations for SDLC in two different environments. o Appendix B lists the error messages generated by the Peer Server Configuration utility. o Appendix C contains additional information about configuring SDLC data links. o Appendix D contains additional information about configuring QLLC data links. o Appendix E contains additional information about configuring LLC2 data links. o Appendix F describes the installation of the required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems software subsets on your system. Associated DIGITAL Documents You should have available for reference the following documents in the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server product set: o DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Management o DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Network Control Language Reference o DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Guide to IBM Resource Definition x Associated IBM Documents You may find the following IBM documents useful: o Enterprise Networking with SNA Type 2.1 Nodes (IBM Order No. GG24-3433) o An Introduction to Advanced Program-to-Program Communication (APPC) (IBM Order No. GG24-1584) o SNA Type 2.1 Node Reference (IBM Order No. SC30-3422) o Systems Network Architecture Concepts and Products (IBM Order No. GC30-3072) o Systems Network Architecture Reference Summary (IBM Order No. GA27-3136) o Systems Network Architecture Technical Overview (IBM Order No. GC30-3073) Conventions Used in This Guide The following documentation conventions are used throughout this manual: Special type This special type in examples indicates system output or user input. System output is in plain type; user input is shown in bold type. In examples, the symbol (#) is used to represent the system prompt. This prompt may be different on your system. lowercase- Lowercase italic type in command syntax italics or examples indicates variables for which either the user or the system supplies a value. xi { } Braces indicate a choice you must make. Braces enclose values that either are separated by a vertical bar (|) or are listed vertically. Choose either from the values separated by the vertical bar or from the list enclosed by the braces. Do not type the braces in the line of code. [ ] Brackets enclose operands or symbols that are either optional or conditional. Specify the operand and value if you want the condition to apply. Do not type the brackets in the line of code. | A vertical bar indicates a choice you must make from the values separated by the bar. Do not type the vertical bar in the line of code. Indicates that you should hold the Ctrl key down and press the key specified by the x. The server displays the key combination as ^x. Indicates that you should press the Return key. The Return key, which you must press to execute commands, is assumed in most command examples. Therefore, the Return key is not always shown in command examples. Acronyms The following acronyms appear throughout this manual: BOM Bill of Materials CP control point DLC Data Link Control DTE data terminal equipment FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface I-frame Information frame LDB License Database xii LLC2 Logical Link Control type 2 LMF License Management Facility LU logical unit NPSI X.25 Network Control Program Packet Switching Interface NRZI non-return-to-zero-inverted PAK Product Authorization Key PIU path information unit PLU primary logical unit PSDN X.25 Packet Switched Data Network PU physical unit QLLC Qualified Logical Link Control RIS Remote Installation Service RU request/response unit SAP Service Access Point SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control SLU secondary logical unit SNA Systems Network Architecture SNRM set normal response mode SNRME set normal response mode extended SPD Software Product Description SSCP system services control point SSA System Support Addendum TG transmission group Terminology This manual uses the following terminology: Interconnect Refers to the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server system software. Interconnect Refers to the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server and products the SNA access routines. xiii Network manager Refers to the person responsible for the installation and management of an interconnect product. Non-SNA Refers to a TCP/IP or DECnet system. xiv Part I ________________________________________________________________ Installation This part describes how to prepare for the Peer Server software installation and how to use the setld utility to install the the Peer Server software. 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Software This chapter discusses the planning you must do prior to installing the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server product (referred to in this document as the Peer Server). Planning issues covered here include an overview of the installation procedure, system requirements, installation choices, software license Product Authorization Key (PAK) requirements, and other system dependencies. 1.1 Inspecting the Distribution Kit The software Bill of Materials (BOM) that shipped with your Peer Server media distribution kit lists the contents of the kit. Carefully compare the items you received with the items listed in the BOM. If any components are missing or damaged, contact your DIGITAL representative before continuing. Before proceeding with the installation, DIGITAL strongly recommends that you read the Release Notes which ship as part of the online documentation. 1.2 System Requirements This section lists and describes the hardware and software requirements your site must meet in order to install the Peer Server. 1.2.1 Required Hardware To install the Peer Server successfully, you must have the following minimum hardware configuration: o Alpha workstation or server o 64 MB RAM recommended (minimum) Preparing to Install the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Software 1-1 See the Software Product Description (SPD) for a list of the processors which support the Peer Server. 1.2.2 Required Software The Peer Server requires the following software: o DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0 or later In addition to DIGITAL UNIX software, the Peer Server requires the following software subsets from the X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems software product: o CTF Collector Components (CTABASEnnn) o CTF User Environment (CTAANALnnn) o DECnet/OSI Network Management (DNANETMANnnn) o DECnet/OSI Kernel Components (DNAKBINnnn) o WAN Utilities Base (ZZAUTILnnn) o WDD Base Component (WDABASEnnn) o WDD Datalink Protocols (WDADATALNKSnnn) If you plan to use an SDLC data link, the Peer Server requires the following additional X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems software subset: o WDD Synchronous Device Drivers (WDADRIVERSnnn) If you plan to use an LLC2 data link, the Peer Server requires the following additional X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems software subset: o DECnet/OSI Base Components (DNABASEnnn) ________________________Note ________________________ If you have the X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems software installed, these subsets are already on your system. If you need to install these subsets, Appendix F describes the procedure for installing them. _____________________________________________________ 1-2 Preparing to Install the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Software 1.2.3 Optional Software The following software allows the Peer Server to support additional functionality: o DECnet/OSI for DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0 or later o X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Version 3.0 or later The Peer Server supports both DECnet and TCP/IP networks. If you plan to have DECnet/SNA access routines, you must install DECnet/OSI for DIGITAL UNIX software on the Peer Server. If you do not plan to use DECnet/SNA access routines, you do not need to install DECnet/OSI for DIGITAL UNIX software on the Peer Server system. ________________________Note ________________________ If you need to install or upgrade DECnet/OSI for DIGITAL UNIX software on a system already running a version of the Peer Server software, you must delete the Peer Server subsets before installing or upgrading the DECnet/OSI software. See Section 1.3.4 for information about how to delete Peer Server subsets. _____________________________________________________ The X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems software allows the Peer Server to send and receive data over X.25 Packet Switched Data Networks (PSDNs) using the Qualified Logical Link Control (QLLC) protocol. This allows the non-SNA applications using the Peer Server to communicate with IBM systems using SNA protocols over X.25 networks. The Peer Server's QLLC implementation supports both direct synchronous communications link access (LAPB) and LAN access to an X.25 relay node (LLC2). To use the X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems software you must also have companion software installed and configured on the IBM system (for example, the X.25 Network Control Program Packet Switching Interface (NPSI) software for IBM front-end communications processors). If you do not plan to use the QLLC protocol, you do not need to install X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems software on the Peer Server system. Preparing to Install the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Software 1-3 1.2.4 Peer Server Subsets The following subsets are included in the Peer Server kit. o DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Management (T21MGMT140) o DIGITAL SNA Peer Server (T21SRVR140) 1.2.5 Installation Time Installation of the Peer Server requires approximately 5 minutes. 1.3 Preparing to Install Before you begin the actual installation, prepare your system for the Peer Server. Preparation includes the following activities: o Obtaining superuser privileges. o Checking for sufficient system disk space. o Optionally, backing up your system disk. DIGITAL strongly recommends that you perform a full system backup before installation. o Registering your Product Authorization Key (PAK). 1.3.1 Obtaining Superuser Privileges To install and configure the Peer Server, you must have superuser privileges. To acquire these privileges, enter the following command followed by the root password. See the DIGITAL UNIX system manager documentation for more details. % su - root password: password # 1.3.2 Verifying Disk Space Check the free disk space on your system. You must have sufficient free space to install and configure the Peer Server. The installation will fail if there is insufficient space for copying the software from the distribution media. 1-4 Preparing to Install the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Software Minimum space requirements for the Peer Server are as follows: o 8 MB in the /usr partition. To check the free space in the /usr partition, enter the following command: # df -k /usr 1.3.3 Backing Up Your System Before installing the Peer Server, back up your system disk. See the document DIGITAL UNIX Guide to System Administration for further details. 1.3.4 Deleting Old Versions of the Peer Server Before you begin the installation, check to see whether a previous version of the Peer Server exists on your system. If it does, you must delete those subsets before you install the new Peer Server software. NCL scripts or answer files previously created will remain in the /var/sna directory for use with the new software version. Use the following command to see whether the Peer Server is installed on your system, where T21 is the subset name prefix of the Peer Server: # setld -i | grep "^T21" The system displays a list of subsets. If the word "installed" follows the name of the subset, then that subset is installed. To delete the software from your system, log in as superuser and enter the setld command with the -d option, as follows: # setld -d subset [subset...] where subset is the name of one of the Peer Server subsets listed in Section 1.2.4. Preparing to Install the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Software 1-5 1.3.5 Registering the Product Authorization Key (PAK) The Peer Server supports the License Management Facility (LMF). You must register your license PAK in the License Database (LDB) to use the Peer Server on a newly licensed node. LMF maintains a file of registered software license PAKs. Also, LMF keeps a library of functions used by DIGITAL licensed software. To register the Peer Server license PAK using LMF, proceed as follows: 1. Log on to your system as superuser. % su - root password: password # 2. Enter the following command from the superuser prompt. Press Return after the confirmation message appears: # lmfsetup Register PAK (type q or quit to exit) [template] 3. After you confirm the procedure, the system prompts you for information related to the fields on your PAK form. This form ships with your Peer Server distribution kit if you ordered the license and media together. Otherwise, DIGITAL ships it separately to a location based on your license order. Using the information from your Peer Server PAK form, reply to each question. Any fields left blank in your PAK form should be left blank when you enter the data. 4. After you have answered all questions, the system displays the following completion message. Enter quit and press Return: Register PAK (type q or quit to exit) [template] quit 5. After leaving lmfsetup, enter the following reset command: # lmf reset 1-6 Preparing to Install the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Software 6. If you attempted to load a PAK when a previous PAK was already installed, a message similar to the following appears: Combine SNA-PEER-SERVER-USER auth-num with SNA-PEER-SERVER-USER auth-num 7. After completing the LMF procedure, verify your registration: # lmf list For further information concerning the use of the LMF software or for more details about obtaining a license and PAK, see the document DIGITAL UNIX Guide to Software License Management. You can also reference the lmf and lmfsetup man pages (lmf(8) and lmfsetup(8)). This completes the preinstallation procedure for the Peer Server. Chapter 2 describes the actual Peer Server installation process. 1.4 Stopping the Installation To stop the installation at any time, press Ctrl/C. You must then delete files created up to this point interactively. The directories and files created during Peer Server installation are listed in the Release Notes. Preparing to Install the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Software 1-7 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing the Peer Server This chapter describes the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server installation process. Before installing the Peer Server, you must register your software license Product Authorization Key (PAK) using License Management Facility (LMF). See Chapter 1 for details. 2.1 Installation from the CD-ROM or Your Network You can install the Peer Server software from two locations: the Consolidated Software Distribution CD- ROM or a remote node in your local-area network using the Remote Installation Service (RIS). 2.1.1 Installing from a CD-ROM Drive To install the Peer Server subset from the Consolidated Software Distribution CD-ROM, do the following: 1. Determine the location of the Peer Server files on the CD-ROM. See the master index table in the document Consolidated Software Distribution Disk User's Guide for the directory containing the files. 2. Insert the CD-ROM into the drive and mount the disk using the drive's device name. If you do not know the device name, enter the following command to list available drives. The drive will be either RRD40 or RRD42. # file /dev/rr*c To mount the disk, enter the following command, where dev-name is the block device name of your drive. # mount -r -d /dev/dev-name /mnt Installing the Peer Server 2-1 For example, a character special device of /dev/rrz4c, shown by the command file /dev/rr*c, would be entered as the block device /dev/rz4c. 3. Install the Peer Server software using the following setld command, where T21140/kit is the name of the directory on the CD-ROM where the Peer Server files are located: # setld -l /mnt/T21140/kit After you enter the setld command, the system displays the following messages. When you have read them, press Return to continue. DIGITAL SNA Peer Server V1.4-0 (Rev. 1) Copyright Electronic Data Systems Corporation 1997. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1996. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation or an authorized sublicensor. RESTRICTED RIGHTS: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. To install and configure the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server on this system, choose all subsets in the following selection. To install just the management support, select just those subsets in the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Management section. The installation will complete in 3-5 minutes depending on processor type. Consult the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Installation & Configuration guide for more details. Hit to continue: You now select the combination of optional subsets you wish to install from a menu. You are required to install all of the Peer Server subsets. Enter the number of your selection and press Return. The system asks for confirmation. 2-2 Installing the Peer Server The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. - DIGITAL SNA Peer Server: 1) DIGITAL SNA Peer Server - DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Management: 2) DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Management Or you may choose one of the following options: 3) ALL of the above 4) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 5) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 3 You are installing the following optional subsets: - DIGITAL SNA Peer Server: DIGITAL SNA Peer Server - DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Management: DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Management Is this correct? (y/n): y Once you have verified your selection, the system installs the subsets and displays a series of in-progress messages. Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. 2 subset(s) will be installed. Loading 1 of 2 subset(s).... DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Management Copying from /mnt/T21140/kit (disk) Verifying Loading 2 of 2 subset(s).... Installing the Peer Server 2-3 DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Copying from /mnt/T21140/kit (disk) Verifying 2 of 2 subset(s) installed successfully. Installing DIGITAL SNA Peer Server V1.4-0 (Rev. 1) Copyright Electronic Data Systems Corporation 1997. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1996. All Rights Reserved. Creating softlinks for T21MGMT140 ... done. Configuring "DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Management " (T21MGMT140) Installing DIGITAL SNA Peer Server V1.4-0 (Rev. 1) Copyright Electronic Data Systems Corporation 1997. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1996. All Rights Reserved. Creating softlinks for T21SRVR140 ... done. Configuring "DIGITAL SNA Peer Server" (T21SRVR140) The system next displays some instructions on how to complete the installation process. After you have read them, press Return to continue. To complete the installation of the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server, software, underlying WAN Datalink Protocols and WAN Device Drivers (if any), please execute the command # /usr/sbin/wddsetup Reboot the system if you get such an instruction while running wddsetup and execute the command # /usr/sbin/t21setup Refer to the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Installation & Configuration guide for details. Hit to continue: This completes the setld phase of the installation pro- cess. Proceed to Section 2.2 to continue the installation process. 2-4 Installing the Peer Server 2.1.2 Installing over the Local Area Network with Remote Installation Service (RIS) If you are installing the Peer Server over your local area network, use the RIS utility. See the document Sharing Software on a Local Area Network for RIS requirements. Enter the following command, where host-name is the name of the node from which you are loading the software. # setld -l host-name: The installation then proceeds as described in the previous section. 2.2 Running wddsetup to Configure the Underlying Data Links After completing the installation script as described in Section 2.1.1, you must run the wddsetup script included in the X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems software to configure the underlying data links that the software implements. # /usr/sbin/wddsetup The wddsetup script begins by configuring several of the required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems subsets: Configuring "CTF Collector Components" (CTABASE301) WAN Device Drivers for DIGITAL UNIX Configurator. (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Reserved. Configuring "WDD Base Component" (WDABASE300) Configuring "WDD Datalink Protocols" (WDADATALNKS300) Now you specify the hardware devices on which you want the WAN Device Drivers and Datalink Protocols (WDA) software to be run. The system displays the devices supported on your system and asks you to choose. The system prompts you for your choice and asks for confirmation before proceeding. ________________________Note ________________________ The choices discussed in this section do not address data link considerations outside the scope of the Peer Server. If you have other network applications on the system, they may use other data link protocol Installing the Peer Server 2-5 combinations not discussed in this section. This may require you to change your answers to some of the following questions. For example, consider the case where the system, in addition to supporting the Peer Server, is independently supporting an application that uses the X.25 relay node feature of the X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems software. Further, assume that you are configuring the Peer Server to support only SDLC data links and therefore no Level 2 datalink protocol is needed. Despite the fact that the Peer Server requires no Level 2 datalinks, you must choose both HDLC/LAPB and LLC2 protocols when prompted to select the datalink protocol options. _____________________________________________________ Configuring "WDD Synchronous Device Drivers" (WDADRIVERS300) You must now specify the hardware device(s) on which you want the WAN Device Drivers and Datalink Protocols (WDA) software to be run. Note that with the LLC2 datalink protocol, no synchronous drivers need to be specified as this protocol operates over a LAN. The synchronous devices supported on your system are: scc - DEC 3000 (all models) synchronous line dsy - TURBOchannel T1/E1 synchronous line option none - No synchronous device driver is required Please specify which device(s) {dsy scc none} are to be used. Note that the modem connect lines will use the devices according to the order they appear in (i.e. line line-0 will use the first device and so on). [scc]: The scc driver will be configured. Is this correct? (y/n) [y]: ________________________Note ________________________ The script next prompts you to specify which datalink protocols are needed for your Peer Server installation. If you are using only SDLC, choose option (1) to indicate that you do not need any 2-6 Installing the Peer Server Level 2 protocol. If you are using QLLC over local synchronous datalinks, choose option (2) to indicate that you require only HDLC/LAPB support. If you are using LLC2 or you are using QLLC over an X.25 relay node, choose option (3) to indicate that you require only LAN datalink support. If you are using a combination of QLLC and LLC2 or both QLLC over an X.25 relay node and QLLC over local synchronous datalinks, choose option (4), indicating that you need both HDLC/LAPB support and LAN datalink support. The example that follows selects an installation option for a Peer Server that supports SDLC connections, QLLC connections, and LLC2 connections. _____________________________________________________ Select one of the following datalink protocol options: 1) No Level 2 datalink protocol is required. 2) The HDLC/LAPB Synchronous datalink protocols are required. 3) The LLC2 (LAN) datalink protocol is required. 4) All datalink protocols (HDLC/LAPB/LLC2) are required. Enter datalink protocol option(s) required [2]: 4 You have selected both the WAN (HDLC/LAPB) and LAN (LLC2) datalinks. Is this correct? (y/n) [y]: Next, you specify which of the synchronous ports you have selected will operate in half-duplex mode. Specify half- duplex for point-to-point half-duplex lines. Specify full- duplex for full-duplex multipoint lines. The specification of the line as multipoint is made during the Peer Server configuration process. See Chapter 5. You must now specify which of the synchronous ports you have configured will operate in half-duplex mode. The ports you have configured on your system are: sscc0 Please specify which port(s) will operate in half-duplex mode. [none]: No lines will operate in half-duplex mode. Installing the Peer Server 2-7 Is this correct? (y/n) [y]: Enter the line speed to be used on half-duplex point-to- point and multipoint lines. The Peer Server software uses this value to run the half-duplex modem control protocols properly. If you do not enter a value a line, then the Peer Server software assumes the line is running at 1200 bps. ______________________ Warning ______________________ The actual clocking on the line is always derived from the DCE. If your line modem is operating at a different line speed than the one you specify here, the data link may not synchronize properly or communication may be highly error prone. If your line modem changes line speed dynamically, you should specify the lowest line speed supported by the modem. _____________________________________________________ You must enter the line speed for any ports which will be used for IBM multipoint. Line speed must be entered in bits/second. Eg. 19.2Kbits/sec should be entered as "19200". Enter the Line Speed for port sscc0 [no default] : 9600 Port sscc0 will run at 9600 BPS. Is this correct? (y/n) [y]: Next, the script asks you to enter those lines that use nonreturn-to-zero-inverted (NRZI) bit encoding to maintain bit synchronization across longer frames. ______________________ Warning ______________________ It is mandatory that you specify those devices that use NRZI encoding. A misconfigured link will result in the total inability to receive or transmit data with no apparent cause for the failure. _____________________________________________________ 2-8 Installing the Peer Server Some communication devices utilize NRZI (nonreturn-to-zero-inverted) bit encoding to maintain bit synchronization across longer frames. From the list of device ports displayed, select those that you want to use NRZI encoding. A port should only be selected to use NRZI encoding if its hardware and the remote device(s) are configured to require it. If you are uncertain as to the correct response, check with your network administrator. The ports you have configured on your system are: sscc0 Please specify which port(s) are to use NRZI. [none]: No lines will use NRZI encoding. Is this correct? (y/n) [y]: The script now prints a series of messages telling you how to complete the configuration of the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX product. ______________________ CAUTION ______________________ DO NOT FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTION TO RUN THE /usr/sbin/wansetup SCRIPT. These instructions are for users of the full X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems product. _____________________________________________________ To complete the configuration of WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX, create a WAN network configuration by running the command: /usr/sbin/wansetup [BASIC|ADVANCED] NOTE: If you wish to verify that WAN Support has installed correctly, you may verify the Wide Area Device Driver component by executing the command: setld -v WDABASE300 X.25 components may be verified by executing the command: setld -v .lk Running either of these verifications will invalidate any existing BASIC or ADVANCED configuration information and you will have to reboot the system. Installing the Peer Server 2-9 Wide Area Configuration is complete. The script now prints a series of messages telling you how to either restart the X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems product or reboot the DIGITAL UNIX system to have the modifications you made take effect. ______________________ CAUTION ______________________ DO NOT FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTION TO RUN THE /usr/sbin/wanstartup SCRIPT. These instructions are for users of the full X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems product. You should reboot the DIGITAL UNIX system using either the shutdown or reboot program. _____________________________________________________ For the WAN configuration modifications to take effect, either restart the WAN services by running the following command: /usr/sbin/wanstartup [START|RESTART] or reboot the system with the following command. /usr/sbin/shutdown -r now The script then completes and exits. wddsetup completed successfully. 2.3 Reboot the System Reboot the system containing the Peer Server software. You can enter either of the following commands: o # shutdown -r now o # /sbin/reboot 2.4 Configure the DIGITAL UNIX Operating System for the Peer Server Once the system has been rebooted, you must configure the DIGITAL UNIX operating system for the Peer Server software. Enter the following command: # /usr/sbin/t21setup 2-10 Installing the Peer Server The system needs to know what Data Link Control (DLC) interfaces to include in the Peer Server configuration. It prompts you to identify which of these interfaces (SDLC, LLC2, and QLLC) you want to include in the system. # /usr/sbin/t21setup DIGITAL SNA Peer Server V1.4-0 for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 CONFIGURATION PROCEDURE Copyright Electronic Data Systems Corporation 1997. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1996. All Rights Reserved. There will be a pause while this procedure gathers some information from your system. DIGITAL SNA Peer Server updating dependent products done. This procedure allows you to add DIGITAL SNA Peer Server support to your DIGITAL UNIX kernel. The SNA Peer Server must be configured with one or more of the following datalink control interfaces: SDLC (WAN synchronous connect), LLC2 (LAN connect), or QLLC (SNA over X.25). LLC2 is required for SNA over token ring. Do you wish to configure SDLC? (y/n) [n]: y You have chosen to include the SDLC datalink Is this correct? (y/n) [y]: SDLC included... Do you wish to configure QLLC? (y/n) [n]: You have chosen to not include the QLLC datalink Is this correct? (y/n) [y]: Do you wish to configure LLC2? (y/n) [n]: You have chosen to not include the LLC2 datalink Is this correct? (y/n) [y]: Installing the Peer Server 2-11 The script creates and links the Peer Server special files. The script displays the following informational messages: DIGITAL SNA Peer Server creating system startup/shutdown links DIGITAL SNA Peer Server creating streams special files ... done. Next, the script gives you an opportunity to invoke the Peer Server's Configuration utility to create the initial Peer Server startup configuration. See Chapter 3 for information on using the Peer Server's Configuration utility. The script displays the following prompt: Do you wish to configure the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server startup now? [y] n The script also gives you the opportunity to invoke the Configuration utility for the TN3270 Server that ships as part of the Peer Server. You can configure the server to listen on multiple TCP/IP ports for incoming TN3270 client requests with each separate port mapped by the TN3270 server to use a specific access name defined in the Peer Server. The TN3270 Configuration Utility dialog is described in the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Management manual. ________________________Note ________________________ If you want to configure the TN3270 Server configu- ration at some later time, execute the script file /usr/sbin/tn3270_setup. _____________________________________________________ The script displays the following prompt: Do you wish to configure the tn3270 server? [y] n t21setup completed successfully. 2-12 Installing the Peer Server 2.5 Reboot the System Reboot the system containing the Peer Server software. You can enter either of the following commands: o # shutdown -r now o # /sbin/reboot This completes the installation of the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server software on your DIGITAL UNIX operating system. Now that you have configured the DIGITAL UNIX operating system for the Peer Server, turn to Chapter 3 to begin configuring the Peer Server. Installing the Peer Server 2-13 Part II ________________________________________________________________ Planning and Configuration This part describes how to plan for and configure the Peer Server software. 3 ________________________________________________________________ Beginning the Peer Server Configuration Process 3.1 The Configuration Process To configure the Peer Server, follow these steps: 1. Install the Peer Server software (discussed in Chapter 2). 2. Plan the SNA and Data Link Control (DLC) operating parameters needed for a successful Peer Server configuration (see Section 3.2 and Chapters 4 through 7). You may also wish to read the introductory material in the document DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Management to better understand the structure of the Peer Server software. 3. Configure the Peer Server using the Configuration utility and create the Network Control Language (NCL) script file (see Section 3.3 and Chapters 4 through 8). 4. Configure the host IBM system. The document DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Guide to IBM Resource Definition discusses the configuration of the IBM host systems. 5. Use the startup NCL script to initialize the Peer Server. (If the configuration was done on a different system, copy the startup NCL script to the Peer Server system first.) 6. If necessary, modify the Peer Server configuration with NCL. Beginning the Peer Server Configuration Process 3-1 3.2 Planning Activities Before you begin the actual configuration process, you should gather the information that you will need during the Peer Server's configuration. To better correlate the planning activities with the configuration activities, Chapters 4 through 7 discuss both the planning activities and configuration activities for the manageable entities that make up the Peer Server. The planning sections include worksheets that you can use to capture the information you will need during the configuration stage. To use the information in these chapters most effectively, you should make 2 passes through these chapters. First, read the brief planning section and then use the information in the configuration section to help you determine your answers. Second, use the information in the configuration sections if you encounter problems as you proceed through the configuration dialog. The following list itemizes the information that you must have before configuring the Peer Server and references the chapter that discusses the information. o SNA Access Server object parameters (see Chapter 4) o DLC information based on your data link type: (see Chapter 5) - Logical Link Control type 2 (LLC2) Service Access Point (SAP) parameters - Qualified Logical Link Control (QLLC) link parameters - Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) link parame- ters o SNA logical unit (LU) information: (see Chapter 6) o LU authorization parameters o Local LU parameters o Access name parameters o Partner LU parameters 3-2 Beginning the Peer Server Configuration Process o Control point (CP) parameters (see Chapter 7) Proceed to Chapter 4 and begin your planning activities. You may wish to read additional material in the document DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Management to aid you in the planning process. After you have completed your planning, proceed to Section 3.3. 3.3 Using the Peer Server's Configuration Utility After you have completed the planning activities discussed in the planning sections of Chapter 4 through 7, you should use the Peer Server Configuration utility to create an NCL startup script file which starts the Peer Server software. The file contains the NCL commands necessary to create the various Peer Server management entities (such as SDLC Link and Station entities and SNA LU Services LU and Access Name entities). The Configuration utility prompts you for the information necessary to build the NCL script file using a simple command-line interface that you can use from any terminal or terminal emulator that generates ANSI escape sequences. The utility saves your responses in an answer file and can read the answer file to obtain default answers. The utility can read, edit, and resave the answer file, so you can run the utility repeatedly until you are satisfied with the results. By default, the Configuration utility writes the NCL script to a file whose name stems from an output answer file name appended with the .ncl extension. If the output answer file name is t21_answer.ans, then the NCL script file name is t21_answer.ncl (see Section 8.1). You can then copy this file to the Peer Server startup script (/var/sna/t21_init_sna_server.ncl). In this way, you can manage multiple separate configurations using different answer file names and output NCL script files. For any special commands that are needed that the Configuration utility does not prompt for, you have the option of supplying an additional file containing NCL commands that is appended to the NCL script file generated Beginning the Peer Server Configuration Process 3-3 by the Configuration utility when the NCL script file is written. 3.3.1 Invoking the Configuration Utility Before you invoke the Configuration utility, you should set your default directory to the location where you wish to keep the answer files, the NCL startup files, and optional NCL files. (The installation procedure creates the directory /var/sna to store the Peer Server startup NCL script; you might choose to keep the associated files there as well.) To invoke the Configuration utility, enter the following command: # /var/sna/t21icu The utility provides command-line recall and editing. Table 3-1 lists editing keys. ________________________Note ________________________ The Configuration utility provides context-sensitive help for all questions. If you enter a question mark (?) in response to any question, the utility will present you with text to explain the current question or syntax. _____________________________________________________ Table_3-1_Peer_Server_Configuration_Utility_Editing_Keys__ Editing_Key___________Function____________________________ (sometimes Exit the program. labeled "Exit") , Recall previous entry (go up the , or command stack). or Go down the command stack. Move the cursor left. (continued on next page) 3-4 Beginning the Peer Server Configuration Process Table 3-1 (Cont.) Peer Server Configuration Utility __________________Editing_Keys____________________________ Editing_Key___________Function____________________________ Move the cursor right. or Go to the beginning of the line. Go to the end of the line. Delete one character to the left. Delete one character to the right. Delete one word to the left. Delete from the cursor to the beginning of the line. or Redisplay the line. , , Toggle insert/overstrike mode. or ______________Toggle_CRT/hardcopy_mode.___________ When you invoke the Configuration utility, it displays the following information. # /var/sna/t21icu DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Configuration Procedure V1.4 Copyright Electronic Data Systems Corporation 1997. All Rights Reserved. Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1996. All Rights Reserved. Please respond to the questions that follow, providing configuration input specific to your Peer Server installation. After all questions are answered, an NCL script file will be created. The configuration questions are grouped into several sections, with the option to repeat each section as you go along. Enter ? at any time for help. Enter F10 at any time to quit. Completed sections are saved in the specified answer file, which can be used for default input values the next time the procedure is run. You can terminate a configuration dialog at any time by entering F10 in response to a question. The Configuration utility will save all your answers through the last completed section. You can continue a terminated session later by using the saved partial answer file as the input answer file in a future run of the Configuration utility. Beginning the Peer Server Configuration Process 3-5 ________________________Note ________________________ When editing your input data, either repeating a section or reading and editing the answer file, you can delete an entity by entering a space and pressing Return. _____________________________________________________ 3.3.2 Input and Output Files The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the name of a saved answer file generated during a previous configuration dialog: Input answer file name : o If you have saved the Configuration utility answer file and wish to use it, enter the file name; or press Return if you do not have an answer file or do not wish to use it. Answer files created with earlier versions of the Configuration utility are automatically updated to this version of the utility. o If you specify an input answer file, the Configuration utility reads the information in the file until it reaches the end of a section then you are prompted as to whether or not you want to repeat the section. If you answer yes, the section gets repeated without reading the input answer file contents until the next section. o If you are using a saved answer file that you created during an incomplete dialog, the Configuration utility generates a warning message and switches back to prompting you for all information when it reaches the end of the saved answer input file. The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the name of an output answer file that will save the answers you provide. Output answer file name : 3-6 Beginning the Peer Server Configuration Process The input answer file name you specified becomes the default name for the output answer file name. If you did not specify an input answer file name, t21_init_ sna_server.ans is the default output answer file name. To override the default, you must provide a name. Note the following rules for answer file names: o If you accept the default output answer file name that is the same as the input answer file name, the latter one will be overwritten. Earlier versions will be lost. The original contents will be saved in a backup file with the same name as the original input file name appended with a "~". If the input answer file name is t21_answ.ans, the backup name then becomes t21_ answ.ans~. o If you specify an output answer file that is different than the input answer file name, and the file already exists, the original file contents will be saved in a backup file with a name derived from the previous rule. 3.3.3 The Configuration Dialog After getting the input and output file information, the Configuration utility enters the first of the dialog sections. The following list shows the four Configuration utility dialog sections and references the chapter that discusses the section. o Section 1 - SNA Access Server Configuration - see Chapter 4 o Section 2 - DLC Configuration - see Chapter 5 o Section 3 - SNA LU Services Configuration - see Chapter 6 o Section 4 - SNA CP Services Configuration - see Chapter 7 After completing dialog Section 4, the Configuration utility enters the script file generation phase. Chapter 8 discusses the questions in this phase and how to run the resulting script file. Beginning the Peer Server Configuration Process 3-7 4 ________________________________________________________________ Configuring the Peer Server's SNA Access Server The configuration dialog lets you create SNA Access Server objects. These are used by the Peer Server to create outbound sessions to the TCP/IP or DECnet network that are initiated on receipt of a BIND request from the IBM network. You can reference these object names when you create the Peer Server's logical units (LUs). If you are not using outbound sessions, you do not need to define SNA Access Server objects. Go to Chapter 5. 4.1 Planning for the SNA Access Server Use the SNA Access Server Objects worksheet (Table 4-1) to record information about the applications that users can gain access to by way of the SNA Access Server. SNA Access Server objects are references to non-SNA applications. These applications are available to the SNA network. IBM users connect to one of these applications by connecting to Peer Server LUs that you link to one of the SNA Access Server objects. For each object you create, you will be asked for the type of network transport to use to connect to the remote object. You can select TCPIP, DECnet, or LOCAL. Next, you will be asked to identify the application and its location, as follows: o For DECnet transport, indicate the node where the application resides and the DECnet object number or task name of the application on the node. The DECnet object number can range from 0 to 255. The object number 0 is a special case; use this object number to identify the application by task name instead of by DECnet object number. See the documentation for the SNA access routines you will be using to find the DECnet Configuring the Peer Server's SNA Access Server 4-1 object numbers, if any, that each SNA access routine uses. o For TCP/IP transport, indicate the IP node name where the application resides and the port number or service name of the application. If you enter a port number the Service name prompt is omitted (since you may set one field or the other but not both). o For objects residing on the local system (the one the Peer Server is running on), you can create TCP/IP or DECnet connections using the DECnet or TCP/IP parameters, or you can use the local transport. In this case, you can specify the command to be issued and the local user name to run the command under. The command specifies the full path of a shell script or program to run. For more detailed information about the SNA Access Server dialog questions, see the prompt discussions in Section 4.2. For each object, enter the name of the object, the transport that the Peer Server should use to reach the object, and the appropriate transport-specific information about the object. Repeat the process for all objects the Peer Server supports. Make additional copies of the worksheet if you need more space. 4-2 Configuring the Peer Server's SNA Access Server Table_4-1_The_SNA_Access_Server_Objects_Worksheet_________ Object name: __________________________ Transport (TCPIP, DECnet, _______________ local) [TCPIP]: Node/internet node: __________________________ Object/port number (0-32767) ____ ____ ____ ____ [0]: ____ Task/service name: ___________________________ Object name: __________________________ Transport (TCPIP, DECnet, _______________ local) [TCPIP]: Node/internet node: __________________________ Object/port number (0-32767) ____ ____ ____ ____ [0]: ____ Task/service name: ___________________________ Object name: __________________________ Transport (TCPIP, DECnet, _______________ local) [TCPIP]: Node/internet node: __________________________ Object/port number (0-32767) ____ ____ ____ ____ [0]: ____ Task/service name: ___________________________ __________________________________________________________ 4.2 Dialog Section 1: SNA Access Server Configuration Section 1 of the configuration dialog lets you create the Peer server's SNA Access Server objects. These are used by the Peer Server to create outbound sessions in the TCP/IP or DECnet network initiated on receipt of a BIND request from the IBM network. You reference the object names in Section 3 when creating logical units. If you are not Configuring the Peer Server's SNA Access Server 4-3 using outbound sessions, you can skip this dialog section by pressing Return at the Object name: prompt. Section 1 - SNA Access Server Configuration. -------------------------------------------- The following questions gather Object information for zero or more Objects. Enter the object name; it must be a name from 1 to 32 characters long. Pressing Return with no object name indicates that no more object names follow. Object name [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the transport protocol used to reach the object. Enter tcpip, decnet, or local; the default is tcpip. Transport [TCPIP] : Based on your answer to the Transport prompt, the Configuration utility uses one of the following prompts to ask you to enter the name of the node to which to connect. Enter an internet host name or a DECnet node name; the default is none. Internet node [] : Node [] : Based on your answer to the Transport prompt, the Configuration utility uses one of the following prompts to ask you the TCP port number or DECnet object number on the remote node. Enter the TCP port number from 0 to 32767 or DECnet object number from 0 to 255. If you wish to access the object by service name or object name, press Return. Port number [] : Object number [0] : If you indicated that you wanted to access the object by service name or object name, the Configuration utility prompts you to enter the the TCP service name or DECnet object name on the remote node. The default is none. Service name [] : Task [] : 4-4 Configuring the Peer Server's SNA Access Server The Configuration utility repeats this series of prompts for another object. When you have defined all the objects, you can continue to the next section by pressing Return. Object name [] : The utility asks if you wish to repeat the section. Press Return to continue: Do you wish to repeat Section 1, SNA Access Server Configuration [N] ? Example 4-1 uses the Configuration utility to create one object to connect to port 2534 on internet node and another to connect to DECnet object 231 on DECnet node .corp.mynode. Example 4-1 Configuration Example (Section 1) Section 1 - SNA Access Server Configuration. -------------------------------------------- The following questions gather Object information for zero or more Objects. Object name [] : cpicprog Transport [TCPIP] : tcpip Internet node [] : Port number [] : 2534 Object name [] : dspiprog Transport [TCPIP] : decnet Node [] : .corp.mynode Object number [0] : 231 Object name [] : Do you wish to repeat Section 1, SNA Access Server Configuration [N] Configuring the Peer Server's SNA Access Server 4-5 5 ________________________________________________________________ Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5.1 Planning the Peer Server Data Links The configuration dialog ask you several question to define the Peer Server's data links. You refer to these data links when you define the Peer Server's transmission groups. The Peer Server supports the following data links: o synchronous data links using the Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) protocol o synchronous data links using the Qualified Logical Link Control (QLLC) protocol o local area network (LAN) data links using the Logical Link Control type 2 (LLC2) protocol Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5-1 5.1.1 Planning for SDLC Data Links Use the SDLC Link Information worksheet (Table 5-1) to record information about the Peer Server's SDLC links. For each link, you must define the following information: o SDLC link name - Modem Connect Line name - Configuration type (point-to-point or multipoint) - Link station capability (primary, secondary, or negotiable) - Receive frame size - Maximum number of retries o SDLC station name - SDLC station address - Group address - Transfer mode (two-way-alternate or two-way- simultaneous) - Modulo (normal or extended) - Window size - Inactivity timer value - Send frame size For more detailed information about the SDLC link and station dialog questions, see the prompt discussions Section 5.2.1. Some of the planning you do for SDLC data links must be done in conjunction with planning the underlying Modem Connect Line entity. Appendix C discusses the possible configurations and resulting physical line characteristics. Repeat the process for all SDLC links the Peer Server supports. Make additional copies of the worksheet if you need more space. 5-2 Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links ________________________Note ________________________ Appendix C contains a detailed discussion of certain SDLC data link characteristics. _____________________________________________________ Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5-3 Table_5-1_The_SDLC_Link_Information_Worksheet_____________ SDLC link name [SDLC-0]: __________________________ Modem Connect Line: ________________ Configuration [point-to- ___________________________ point]: (point-to-point, multipoint) Link Station capability ___________________ [NEGOTIABLE]: (primary, secondary, negotiable) Receive frame (1-32765) __________ [1000]: Retry maximum (0-128) [15]: __________ SDLC station name [STN-0]: _____________________ Station address (01-FE) [40]: ____ ____ Group address (00 - FE) [00]: ____ ____ Transfer mode (twa/tws) [TWA]: _________ Modulo [NORMAL]: _____________________ (normal or extended) Window size (1-127) [7]: ____ ____ ____ Inactivity timer (0-7200) ____ ____ ____ ____ [30]: Send frame (1-32765) [1000]: ____ ____ ____ ____ __________________________________________________________ 5-4 Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5.1.2 Planning for QLLC Data Links Use the QLLC Link Information worksheet (Table 5-2) to record information about the Peer Server's QLLC links. For each link, you must define the following information: o QLLC link name - Filter name - Template name - DTE class o QLLC station name - QLLC usage type (outgoing, incoming, or both) - Maximum number of retries - Retry timeout in seconds - QLLC station capability (primary, secondary, or negotiable) - Remote DTE address - Maximum BTU size For more detailed information about the QLLC link and station dialog questions, see the prompt discussions in Section 5.2.2. Some of the planning you do for QLLC data links must be done in conjunction with planning the underlying X.25 entities. Appendix D discusses the critical X.25 parameters and describes the special case of using an X.25 relay. Repeat the process for all QLLC links the Peer Server supports. Make additional copies of the worksheet if you need more space. ________________________Note ________________________ Appendix D contains a detailed discussion of certain QLLC data link characteristics. _____________________________________________________ Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5-5 Table_5-2_The_QLLC_Link_Information_Worksheet_____________ QLLC link name [QLLC-0]: ___________________________ Filter name [FILTER_QLLC]: ___________________________ Template name [TEMPLATE_QLLC]: ___________________________ DTE class [CLASS_QLLC]: ___________________ QLLC station name [STN-0]: _____________________ Usage type [BOTH]: _____________________ (outgoing, incoming, both) Retry Maximum (0 - 255) [4]: ____ ____ ____ Retry Timeout (1 - 600) [10]: ____ ____ ____ Link Station Capability _____________________ [NEGOTIABLE]: (primary, secondary, negotiable) Remote DTE Address: _____________________ Maximum BTU Size (128 - 512) ____ ____ ____ [512]: __________________________________________________________ 5-6 Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5.1.3 Planning for LLC2 Data Links Use the LLC2 SAP Link Information worksheet (Table 5-3) to record information about the Peer Servers LLC2 links. For each service access point (SAP), you must define the following information: o LLC2 SAP name - LAN station type - LAN station name - Local LSAP address o SAP link name - Maximum receive data size - Remote LSAP address - Remote MAC address (xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx) After configuring the LLC2 data link, the Configuration utility gives you a chance to configure the underlying data line. The Configuration dialog prompts you to enter the following: o Token Ring, CSMA-CD, or FDDI station name o Communication port name o For Token Ring data lines, the Token Ring speed (4 or 16 megabits per second) For more detailed information about the LLC2 SAP and link dialog questions, see the prompt discussions in Section 5.2.3. Some of the planning you do for LLC2 data links involves planning MAC address information. Appendix C contains a detailed discussion of how to determine and specify MAC addresses. Repeat the process for all LLC2 links the Peer Server supports. Make additional copies of the worksheet if you need more space. Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5-7 ________________________Note ________________________ Appendix E contains a detailed discussion of certain LLC2 data link characteristics. _____________________________________________________ 5-8 Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links Table_5-3_The_LLC2_SAP_Link_Information_Worksheet_________ LLC2 SAP name [SNA-0]: __________________________ LAN station type [Token Ring]: _____________________ (Token Ring, Ethernet, FDDI) LAN station name [TRN-0]:1 _____________________ Local LSAP address (00 - FE) ____ ____ [04]: SAP link name [LINK-0]: __________________________ Maximum receive data size (1 - ____ ____ ____ ____ 65531) [1028]: ____ Remote LSAP address (00 - FE) ____ ____ [04]: Remote MAC address (xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx): ____ ____ - ____ ____ - ____ ____ - ____ ____ - ____ ____ - ____ Token Ring 2 station name __________________________ [TRN-0]:3 Communication port name __________________________ [TRA0]:4 Token Ring speed (4 or 16) ____ ____ [16]: __________________________________________________________ 1 If the LAN station type specified is Ethernet, the default LAN station name is [CSMACD-0]. If the LAN station type specified is FDDI, the default LAN station name is [FDDI-0]. 2 Ethernet if you are configuring for CSMA/CD. FDDI if you are configuring for Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI). 3 The Ethernet default value is [CSMACD-0]. The FDDI default value is [FDDI-0]. 4 The Ethernet default value is [ln0]. The FDDI default value is [fta0]. Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5-9 5.2 Dialog Section 2: Data Link Layer Configuration Section 2 of the configuration dialog lets you select the DLC type you wish to configure. The DLC entities available for configuration are SDLC, QLLC, and LLC2. The Configuration utility prompts you to start a DLC entity configuration. Enter yes, no or skip. If you have not already configured any link, the default is yes. Do you wish to configure dlc-type [YES] ? where dlc-type is SDLC, QLLC or LLC2. ________________________Note ________________________ Enter yes if you want to configure the data link type currently displayed by the Configuration utility. Enter skip if you want to maintain an existing configuration of this data link type, and continue on to the next DLC type or next section. Enter no if you want to omit this configuration, and at the same time void an existing configuration of this data link type. If you enter no and you already have a data link configured, you receive the following warning: WARNING: Your Data Link is already configured; answering NO will void the configuration. _____________________________________________________ 5-10 Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5.2.1 Dialog Section 2.1: SDLC Configuration Section 2.1 of the configuration dialog lets you configure SDLC links and stations that connect the Peer Server to the IBM SNA environment. For each SDLC link you configure, you also configure information for one or more (if configured as multipoint) remote SDLC stations on the link. Press Return at the LINK Name: prompt when you have completed the SDLC configuration section. For a more detailed discussion about configuring the different types of SDLC data links supported by the Peer Server, see Appendix C. Section 2.1 - SDLC Configuration. --------------------------------- This section gathers information for one or more SDLC links. The Configuration utility prompts you to enter a link name. Enter the name of the SDLC link to configure. Links are named with character strings of 1 to 32 characters; SDLC-0 is the default name of the first link. LINK name [SDLC-0] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter a modem connect line name. Enter the Modem Connect Line that this SDLC link will use to communicate with the remote system. The Peer Server has physical lines named "Modem Connect Line Line-n," where n is determined by the number and type of synchronous devices available on the system. Enter only the "line-n" part of the name. The default is LINE-0. Modem Connect Line name [LINE-0] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the configuration in which this link is to operate. If this link is the only device on the line being used, you can use the default configuration (pointtopoint). If this link is sharing the communication line with other SDLC devices, specify multipoint. You can enter p or m. For multipoint links, the Configuration dialog prompts you for more than one station name. Configuration [PointToPoint] : Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5-11 The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the capability of the stations on this link. SDLC stations on the link can be either primary or secondary stations. On links that negotiate roles, such as NCP attached lines coded with XID=YES or AS/400 controllers, you can use the default (negotiable). For multipoint links, the capability is set to secondary, and you are not prompted for this information. Capability [NEGOTIABLE] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the maximum receive frame size that can be received by this link. If you are using the built-in synchronous adapter on the Alpha system instead of a DEC WANcontroller 720 (DSYT1), this value cannot exceed 1000 bytes due to hardware limitations. If you are using a DEC WANcontroller 720 line, this value cannot exceed 4000 bytes. Enter a value from 1 to 32765; the default is 1000. Receive frame size [1000] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the number of times an SDLC frame is retransmitted before the Peer Server declares a fatal error has occurred and resets the link. Enter a value from 0 to 128; the default is 15. A value of zero implies unlimited retries. The default value should work for most configurations. Retry maximum [15] : After configuring the link parameters, you configure the parameters for the link's station (or stations for multipoint links). The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the station name. Stations are named with character strings of 1 to 32 characters; The default for the first station is STN-0. STATION name [STN-0] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the station address for this station. If the SDLC link is defined as secondary, or it is defined as negotiable and adopts a secondary role at run time, then the Peer Server uses this parameter for the station address. If the SDLC link is defined as primary, or it is defined as negotiable and adopts a primary role at run time, then the Peer 5-12 Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links Server does not use this parameter and the address of the secondary station is determined at run time. Enter the address in the form of two hexadecimal characters from 01 to FE; the default is 40. Station address [40] : Enter the group address for this station. This prompt is issued only if the SDLC link is configured as multipoint. Enter the address in the form of two hexadecimal characters from 00 to FE; the default is 00, which is interpreted as no group address. Group address [00] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the station's transfer mode. Enter the link level trans- mit/receive capabilities of the station: twa (Two-Way Alternate) corresponds to half-duplex communication, tws (Two-Way Simultaneous) corresponds to full-duplex communication. On links that negotiate roles, such as NCP attached lines coded with XID=YES or AS/400 controllers, the actual type of connection established depends on the capabilities of the two link stations. TWS is used if both stations support it. If negotiation is not performed then the value of this parameter must match the configuration of the remote system. A station cannot operate two-way simultaneous over a physical half-duplex line. The default is twa. Transfer mode [TWA] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the default modulus to use. normal modulus uses a modulus-8 numbering system for frames, and thus there can only be a maximum of 7 frames outstanding at any time. extended modulus uses modulus-128 numbering, which allows for up to 127 frames to be outstanding. On links that negotiate roles, such as NCP attached lines coded with XID=YES or AS/400 controllers, the modulus used is determined at run time from the configured window sizes (normal is used unless both systems have window sizes greater than 7). For links that do not perform negotiation, the value of this parameter must match the configuration of the remote system. The default is normal. Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5-13 Modulo [NORMAL] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the window size to set the number of frames the station can receive before sending an acknowledgment response. The value of this parameter is used to determine the modulus used on links that negotiate roles. Enter a value from 1 to 127; the default is 7. A station with modulo normal supports the range 1 to 7; a station with modulo extended supports the range 1 to 127. Unless you have a line with a high error rate, you should use the default value. Window size [7] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the station's inactivity timer value. This is the number of seconds the Peer Server waits for a message from the remote system before considering the line to have failed. This timeout is used when the Peer Server is operating as a secondary link station, and reflects the maximum amount of time expected between polls from the primary station. If the timer expires, then the link is disconnected. Enter a value from 0 to 7200 seconds; the default is 30 seconds. A value of 0 implies that the station does not time out due to inactivity on the line. Inactivity timer [30] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the maximum size of the frame that the station can send. This value can differ from station to station on the same link if the link is defined as multipoint with multiple secondary stations. Enter a value from 1 to 32765; the default is 1000. Send frame size [1000] : If you are defining a multipoint link, the Configuration utility repeats the series of station prompts for another station. When you have defined all the stations, you can continue to the next link by pressing Return: STATION name [] : 5-14 Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links The Configuration utility repeats this series of prompts for another link. When you have defined all the links, you can continue to the next section by pressing Return: LINK name [] : The utility asks if you wish to repeat the section. If you want to create a different SDLC configuration, answer yes; if not, press Return to continue: Do you wish to repeat Section 2.1, SDLC Configuration [N] ? Example 5-1 uses the Configuration utility to configure a multipoint SDLC link and station operating over Modem Connect Line line-0. It uses a receive frame size of 265 bytes. Example 5-1 SDLC Configuration Example (Section 2.1) Section 2.1 - SDLC Configuration. --------------------------------- This section gathers information for one or more SDLC links. LINK name [SDLC-0] : Modem Connect Line name [LINE-0] : Configuration [PointToPoint] : multipoint Receive frame size [1000] : 265 Retry maximum [15] : STATION name [STN-0] : Station address [40] : Group address [00] : Transfer mode [TWA] : Modulo [NORMAL] : Window size [7] : Inactivity timer [30] : Send frame size [1000] : STATION name [] : LINK name [] : Do you wish to repeat Section 2.1, SDLC Configuration [N] ? Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5-15 5.2.2 Dialog Section 2.2: QLLC Configuration Section 2.2 of the configuration dialog lets you configure QLLC links and stations that connect the Peer Server to the IBM SNA environment. For each QLLC link you configure, you also configure information for one remote QLLC station on the link. Press Return at the Link Name: prompt when you have completed the QLLC configuration section. For a more detailed discussion about configuring the underlying X.25 entities required by the Peer Server, see Appendix D. Section 2.2 - QLLC Configuration. --------------------------------- This section gathers information for a QLLC link. The Configuration utility prompts you to enter a link name. Enter the name of the QLLC link to configure. Links are named with character strings of 1 to 32 characters; QLLC-0 is the default name of the first link. LINK name [QLLC-0] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the filter name to be used for both QLLC incoming and outgoing connections. The name must match the name of an X25 Access Filter entity that exists in the node's X.25 configuration. The default name is FILTER_QLLC. Filter name [FILTER_QLLC] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the template name to be used for QLLC outgoing connections. The name must match the name of an X25 Access Template entity that exists in the node's X.25 configuration. If the name does not match, each outgoing connection attempt fails. The default name is TEMPLATE_QLLC. Template name [TEMPLATE_QLLC] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the DTE Class name. The name must match the name an X25 Access DTE Class entity that exists in the node's X.25 configuration. The default is CLASS_QLLC. DTE Class [CLASS_QLLC] : 5-16 Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links After configuring the link parameters, the utility prompts you to enter information for one or more stations that will operate over the link. Stations are named with character strings of 1 to 32 characters; STN-0 is the default for the first station. Station name [STN-0] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the type of connections using this station. The values are outgoing, incoming, and both. Enter incoming if only IBM-initiated connections use this station. Enter outgoing if only Peer Server initiated connections use this station. Enter both if both outgoing and incoming connections use this station, or you are unsure of the type of connections that use this station. The default is both. Usage Type [BOTH] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the maximum number of retries to attempt before disconnecting the connection. Enter a value from 0 to 255; the default is 4. A value of zero implies unlimited retries. The default value should work for most configurations. Retry Maximum [4] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the time in seconds to wait between retries. Enter a value from 1 to 600; the default is 10. Retry Timeout [10] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the capability of the stations on this link. QLLC stations on the link can be either primary or secondary stations. On links that negotiate roles, such as NCP attached lines coded with XID=YES or AS/400 controllers, you can use the default (negotiable). Capability [NEGOTIABLE] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the remote DTE address for this station. Enter the remote DTE address that corresponds to the remote station with which this station communicates. For a Peer Server initiated connection, this is the address to which the X.25 call is directed. For an incoming connection, if the usage type of Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5-17 the station is set to incoming, the Peer Server matches the caller's X.25 address against this value and if it does not match, rejects the connection. If you are using a direct X.25 connection, that is, no PSDN, then enter 0. Remote DTE Address [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the maximum basic transmission unit (BTU) size for this station. Enter the size that SNA messages should be segmented into before being sent to the X.25 network. (The X.25 network may further segment packets based on the level 2 profile information being used.) Enter a value from 128 to 512; the default is 512. Maximum BTU Size [512] : The Configuration utility repeats the series of station prompts for another station. When you have defined all the stations, you can continue to the next link by pressing Return: STATION name [] : The Configuration utility repeats this series of prompts for another link. When you have defined all the links, you can continue to the next section by pressing Return: LINK name [] : The utility asks if you wish to repeat the section. If you want to create a different QLLC configuration, answer yes; if not, press Return to continue: Do you wish to repeat Section 2.2, QLLC Configuration [N] ? Example 5-2 uses the Configuration utility to configure a QLLC link and station. 5-18 Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links Example 5-2 QLLC Configuration Example (Section 2.2) Section 2.2 - QLLC Configuration. --------------------------------- This section gathers information for a QLLC link. LINK name [QLLC-0] : Filter name [FILTER_QLLC] : Template name [TEMPLATE_QLLC] : DTE Class [CLASS_QLLC] : STATION name [STN-0] : Usage Type [BOTH] : Retry Maximum [4] : Retry Timeout [10] : Capability [BOTH] : Remote DTE Address [] : 12345 Maximum BTU Size [512] : STATION Name [] : LINK Name [] : Do you wish to repeat Section 2.2, QLLC Configuration [N] ? Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5-19 5.2.3 Dialog Section 2.3 - LLC2 Configuration Section 2.3 of the configuration dialog lets you configure LLC2 SAPs and links that connect the Peer Server to the SNA environment by a LAN. Press Return at the SAP Name: prompt when you have completed the LLC2 configuration section. Section 2.3 - LLC2 Configuration. ------------------------------- This section gathers information for LLC2 links. The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the SAP name. Enter the name of the LLC2 SAP to configure. SAP are named with character strings of 1 to 32 characters. The default for the first SAP is SNA-0. SAP name [SNA-0] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the LAN station type. The supported station types are Token Ring, Ethernet, and FDDI. The default type is Token Ring. LAN Station type [Token Ring] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the LAN station to be used by the SAP. For Token Ring networks, the default for the first SAP is TRN-0. LAN Station name [TRN-0] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the local link service access point (LSAP) address. The lowest significant bit of the address must be clear, and the address must be unique. Enter the address in the form of 2 hexadecimal characters; the default is 04. Local LSAP Address [04] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the SAP link name. Enter the name of the SAP link with character strings of 1 to 32 characters. The default for the first link is LINK-0. LINK name [LINK-0] : 5-20 Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the maximum data size that can be received by this link. Enter a value from 1 to 65531; the default is 1028. Maximum Data Size [1028] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the destination LSAP address to be used by the link. The lowest significant bit of the address must be clear, and the address must be unique. Enter the address in the form of two hexadecimal characters; the default is 04. Remote LSAP Address [04] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the destination medium access control (MAC) address to be used by the link. Enter the value of a valid LAN address. It is important for the remote MAC address to be specified in canonical format, which is derived by reversing each bit in a byte of the remote MAC address. For example, if the remote MAC address is 40-00-2D-EC-DE-C0, the canonical form of it is 02-00-B4-37-7B-03. For a detailed discussion about LLC2 remote MAC address format, see Appendix E. Remote MAC Address (xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx) [ ] : The Configuration utility repeats the series of link prompts for another link. When you have defined all the links, you can continue to the next SAP by pressing Return: LINK name [] : The Configuration utility repeats this series of prompts for another SAP. When you have defined all the SAPs, you can continue to the next section by pressing Return: SAP name [] : If you have not already done so, you need to configure the LAN module entity (Token Ring, Ethernet, or FDDI) and the LAN station while running the Configuration utility, You can omit this step if the LAN entity is already configured for use with DECnet or X.25. Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5-21 Before you complete this section, you are prompted to configure the specified LAN station. If you answer yes, the Configuration utility detects which LAN station type you entered (Token Ring, Ethernet, or FDDI) and issues the appropriate set of prompts. The Token Ring module entity and its subentity, station, are necessary for LLC2 operation over Token Ring LAN. The entities may have already been created while configuring DECnet or X.25. If not, you will need to do it now. Do you wish to configure Token Ring [YES] ? The Configuration utility displays the LAN station name used by the SAP. This name matches the one listed in the beginning of dialog Section 2.3 and is in agreement with the LAN station type (Token Ring, Ethernet, or FDDI). Configuring LAN station: station-name The Configuration utility prompts you to enter a communication port name. If you specified Token Ring as the LAN station type, the port name default is tra0; if you specified Ethernet as the LAN station type, the port name default is ln0; if you specified FDDI as the LAN station type, the port name default is fta0. Press Return to accept the default value or enter a name according to the syntax ddn, where dd represents an adapter name, and n represents the number. Communication port name [default] : If you specified Token Ring as the LAN station type, the Configuration utility prompts you to enter a Token Ring speed. You may choose 4 or 16 megabits per second as the speed. The default value is 16. Token Ring speed [16] : The utility asks if you wish to repeat the section. If you want to create a different LLC2 configuration, answer yes. Press Return to continue: Do you wish to repeat Section 2.3, LLC2 Configuration [N] ? 5-22 Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links Example 5-3 LLC2 Configuration Example (Section 2.3) Section 2.3 - LLC2 Configuration. ------------------------------- This section gathers information for LLC2 links. SAP name [sna-0] : LAN Station type [Token Ring] : LAN Station name [TRN-0] : Local LSAP Address [04] : LINK name [LINK-0] : Maximum Data Size [1028] : Remote LSAP Address [04] : Remote MAC Address (xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx)[ ] : 08-00-cb-17-14-3c LINK Name [] : SAP Name [] : The Token Ring module entity and its subentity, station, are necessary for LLC2 operation over Token Ring LAN. The entities may have already been created while configuring DECnet or X.25. If not, you will need to do it now. Do you wish to configure Token Ring [YES] ? Configuring LAN Station: TRN-0 Communication port name [tra0] : Token Ring speed [16] : Do you wish to repeat Section 2.3, LLC2 Configuration [N] ? Do you wish to repeat Section 2, Data Link Layer Configuration [N] ? Example 5-3 uses the Configuration utility to configure an LLC2 SAP and link. Configuring the Peer Server's Data Links 5-23 6 ________________________________________________________________ Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6.1 Planning the Peer Server's SNA LU Services Planning for the Peer Server's logical units (LUs) involves the following tasks: o Planning for the authorization records that control the access to the Peer Server's LUs. o Planning for the Peer Server's LUs. o Planning for the shortcut access names that some SNA access routines can use to access the Peer Server's LUs. o Planning for the remote LUs that the Peer Server can contact. Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6-1 6.1.1 Planning the LU Authorizations Use the LU Authorizations worksheet (Table 6-1) to record information about authorization records that control access to Peer Server LUs. You can specify from 2 to 6 fields for each authorization. Any field for which you specify a value causes the Peer Server to check the information a user supplies against that value. If no matches occur using all the authorizations you specified for the LU, the Peer Server denies the user access to the LU. Any field that you leave unspecified allows users specifying any value, including no value, to access the LUs protected by this authorization (unless other authorizations prevent access). Note that you can use wildcards in the terminal name and the user name. Record the first LU authorization. If the transport mode is DECnet, the node name is a DECnet node name. If the transport mode is TCP/IP, the node name is an internet node name. If the transport mode is local, the node name is not used. Repeat the process for as many authorizations as you need. Make additional copies of the worksheet if you need more space. 6-2 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units Table_6-1_The_LU_Authorizations_Worksheet_________________ Authorization name: _________________________ Transport (TCPIP, DECnet, ____________ local): Node name: __________________________ User name: __________________________ Terminal name: __________________________ Password: __________________________ Authorization name: _________________________ Transport (TCPIP, DECnet, ____________ local): Node name: __________________________ User name: __________________________ Terminal name: __________________________ Password: __________________________ Authorization name: _________________________ Transport (TCPIP, DECnet, ____________ local): Node name: __________________________ User name: __________________________ Terminal name: __________________________ Password: __________________________ __________________________________________________________ Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6-3 6.1.2 Planning Logical Units Using the List Method Use the SNA Logical Units (List Method) worksheet to record information about Peer Server LUs. This manual contains two SNA Logical Units worksheets. One allows you to specify individual LUs; the other allows you to specify a range of LUs with similarities in the LU name. On the list-oriented worksheet (Table 6-2), you must specify each LU name individually or specify a list of LU names. This parallels the List option in the Configuration utility. Start by recording the LU names in the first set. You can specify a single LU name or a list of LU names. For dependent LUs, list the dependent LU transmission group (TG) and the LU address. Next, specify the capability you desire for this set of LUs. LUs can act as secondary LUs, primary LUs, or both, depending on the individual sessions they support. If the LUs can assume the role of a primary LU, record the SNA access server object that will handle incoming connec- tion requests. Next, record the list of authorizations you wish to use to limit access to the set of LUs. Repeat the process for as many LU sets that you wish to specify using the List method. Make additional copies of the worksheet if you need more space. 6-4 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units Table_6-2_The_SNA_Logical_Units_Worksheet_(List_Method)___ Logical Unit names: __________________________ For dependent LU: Transmission group: ___________________________ LU address: ___________________________ Capability: Primary ____ Secondary ____ Both ____ Object name: _________________________ Authorizations: _________________________ Old name: _________________________ Logical Unit names: __________________________ For dependent LU: Transmission group: ___________________________ LU address: ___________________________ Capability: Primary ____ Secondary ____ Both ____ Object name: _________________________ Authorizations: _________________________ Old name: _________________________ __________________________________________________________ Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6-5 6.1.3 Planning Logical Units Using the Populate Method The SNA Logical Units (Populate Method) worksheet (Table 6-3) allows you to specify LUs by specifying the information needed to construct a range of LUs. This parallels the Populate option in the Configuration utility. In addition to the LU information discussed for the list- oriented LU worksheet, you should record the information necessary to specify the range of LUs included in each set. You specify the range by specifying an LU prefix, an LU base number, the number of LUs in the group, and the LU suffix. The prefix, base number, and suffix cannot exceed 8 characters. You must not begin the prefix with a digit and you must use only the following characters: A to Z, 0 to 9, $, @, or #. For instance, to specify the LUs LS1900X through LS1950X, start by recording the group prefix as LS. Next, record the base number as 1900. Note that you can use hexadecimal digits for the base numbers if you want. Third, record the number of LUs you want (51). Finally, record the group suffix as X. Repeat the process for as many LU sets that you wish to specify using the Populate method. Make additional copies of the worksheet if you need more space. 6-6 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units Table 6-3 The SNA Logical Units (Populate Method) __________Worksheet_______________________________________ Information for logical units: ___________________________ Group prefix:_________ Base number: ______________ Number in group:________ Group suffix: ___________ For dependent LU: Transmission group: _________________________ Base address: _________________________ Capability: Primary ____ Secondary ____ Both ____ Object name: _________________________ Authorizations: _________________________ Old name: _________________________ Information for logical units: ___________________________ Group prefix:_________ Base number: ______________ Number in group:________ Group suffix: ___________ For dependent LU: Transmission group: _________________________ Base address: _________________________ Capability: Primary ____ Secondary ____ Both ____ Object name: _________________________ (continued on next page) Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6-7 Table 6-3 (Cont.) The SNA Logical Units (Populate Method) __________________Worksheet_______________________________ Authorizations: _________________________ Old name: _________________________ __________________________________________________________ 6-8 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6.1.4 Planning Access Names Use the Access Names worksheet (Table 6-4) to record information about the Peer Server access names. Access names allow Peer Server users to request certain Peer Server LUs by a group name rather than individually. Start by recording the names of the LUs you wish users to access when they use this access name. Second, record the name of the partner LU to which they will connect when they use this access name. If you do not specify a partner LU name, the users must specify it when they initiate a session. Next, record the logon mode that the Peer Server will use when this LU requests a session with the remote LU. If you do not specify a logon mode, the users must specify the logon mode when initiating the session. Finally, record any optional user data you wish to provide to the remote LU. Repeat the process for as many access names as you need. Make additional copies of the worksheet if you need more space. Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6-9 Table_6-4_The_Access_Names_Worksheet______________________ Access name: _________________________ LU list: ________________________ ________________________ Partner LU: __________________________ Logon mode: _________________________ User data: __________________________ Access name: _________________________ LU list: ________________________ ________________________ Partner LU: __________________________ Logon mode: _________________________ User data: __________________________ Access name: _________________________ LU list: ________________________ ________________________ Partner LU: __________________________ Logon mode: _________________________ User data: __________________________ __________________________________________________________ 6-10 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6.1.5 Planning Partner LUs Use the Partner LUs worksheet (Table 6-5) to record information about the remote LUs accessible from the Peer Server. Partner LUs for the Peer Server contain the actual SNA network name and network ID of a remote LU for a primary logical unit (PLU) connection from a non-SNA network. Record the partner LU destination name and the destination network ID, and the list of transmission groups to connect to the remote LU. Repeat the process for as many partner LUs as you need. Make additional copies of the worksheet if you need more space. Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6-11 Table_6-5_The_Partner_LUs_Worksheet_______________________ Partner LU: ______________________ Destination name: ___________ Destination network: ___________ Transmission groups: _________________________ _________________________ Partner LU: ______________________ Destination name: ___________ Destination network: ___________ Transmission groups: _________________________ _________________________ Partner LU: ______________________ Destination name: ___________ Destination network: ___________ Transmission groups: _________________________ _________________________ Partner LU: ______________________ Destination name: ___________ Destination network: ___________ Transmission groups: _________________________ _________________________ (continued on next page) 6-12 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units Table_6-5_(Cont.)_The_Partner_LUs_Worksheet_______________ __________________________________________________________ 6.2 Dialog Section 3: SNA Logical Unit Services Configuration Section 3 of the configuration dialog lets you specify the SNA LU Services configuration in the Peer Server. This configuration information includes LU authorization, LU, access name, and partner LU information. 6.2.1 Dialog Section 3.1: Authorization Information Section 3.1 of the configuration dialog collects LU authorization information. This section lets you create authorization records that can be used to secure access to LUs defined in the Peer Server to specific users or groups of users. The parameters that make up an authorization record are the connecting user's node name (either DECnet or TCP/IP), the type of network the connection arrives on, the remote user's name, the terminal being used for the connection, and a password. Any or all of this information can be defined for each LU authorization record. Any information that is defined must match successfully with an incoming user's connection request before the Peer Server grants access to the protected LU. Enter authorization information as described in the following paragraphs. Press Return at the Authorization Name: prompt to complete the section. Section 3 - SNA LU Services Configuration. ------------------------------------------ Section 3.1 - Authorization Configuration. ------------------------------------------ The following questions gather Authorization information for zero or more Authorizations. The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the authorization name. This is the name you will specify when defining the authorization list for an LU. Enter a name of 1 to 255 characters; the default is none. Pressing Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6-13 Return with no authorization name indicates that no more authorization information follows. Authorization name [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the transport protocol used to reach the LU. The response local refers to the transport used to connect applications running on the same system that the Peer Server is running on. If you specify decnet, the node name field is used to match against an incoming connection. If you specify tcpip, the internet node field is used instead. Transport [] : Depending on the answer you entered for the Transport prompt, the Configuration utility prompts you to enter the name of the internet node or DECnet node to which to connect. The name is matched with simple text matching to that used in the client connection. Wildcarded names are allowed. Since the Peer Server is a DECnet/OSI end system, most DECnet nodes are specified with namespace names. Ensure that the name you enter is a full name and not just a simple synonym, otherwise, it might not match the string comparison. Enter a node name; the default is none. Note that the Configuration utility does not ask either question if you replied local to the Transport prompt. Internet node [] : Node [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the name of an authorized user. Specify the user name that the client must be logged in as on the remote node for access to be granted. Wildcarded names are allowed. Enter the user name; the default is none. If you leave this field blank, no user name checking is performed during authorization checking. User [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the terminal identification of this authorized user. Specify the terminal that the client must use for access to be granted; the default is none. For systems that provide terminal names that map to physical terminals, such as LAT terminal servers or hard-wired lines, you can use 6-14 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units this mechanism to restrict access to specific physical terminals. Dynamic terminal names, such as ttypx style names under DIGITAL UNIX or RTAnn under OpenVMS, provide no usable means of physical security; for those operating systems you should omit this field. Terminal [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the password of this authorized user. Enter a password that the user must supply on the connection to be allowed access to the restricted LU. For those applications that allow specification of a password, such as 3270 terminal emulators, this provides an additional validation of the client. Enter the password; the default is none. If you leave this field blank, it is not checked against the user's connection parameters. Password [] : The Configuration utility repeats this series of prompts for another LU authorization. When you have defined all the LU authorizations, you can continue to the next section by pressing Return: Authorization name [] : The utility asks if you wish to repeat the section. Press Return to continue: Do you wish to repeat Section 3.1, Authorization Configuration[N]? Example 6-1 uses the Configuration utility to con- strain a successful connection to user fred on node making a client connection using TCP/IP and providing the password hillary. Unless all of these conditions match, access is denied and an event is generated to warn of the failure. Note that the internet node, like the DECnet node, is a simple text match. If the internet node is unknown to the Peer Server node, and the Domain Name Service is not able to translate the name, a dotted name form of the node name (for example, a.b.c.d) may be presented for matching. The Peer Server makes no attempt to match a dotted name against a text node name. Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6-15 Example 6-1 Configuration of an Authorization (Section 3.1) Section 3.1 - Authorization Configuration. ------------------------------------------ The following questions gather Authorization information for zero or more Authorizations. Authorization name [] : fred_only Transport [] : TCPIP Internet node [] : User [] : fred Terminal [] : Password [] : hillary Authorization name [] : Do you wish to repeat Section 3.1, Authorization Configuration [N] ? 6-16 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6.2.2 Dialog Section 3.2: Logical Unit Configuration Information This section of the configuration dialog lets you create the Peer Server's LUs. LUs provide clients with access to the SNA network. Depending on the type of IBM environment you are connecting to and the type of SNA client applications you are running, you may need to configure LUs to be capable of dependent sessions or independent sessions. For most of the SNA client applications available today, you will need to configure dependent LUs. You do this by specifying as part of the LU definition the LU address (LOCADDR) and the TG name that connects to the IBM system. You can also configure independent LUs. These LUs can be used by client applications that are not dependent on the IBM subarea network, such as those connecting to AS/400 systems or those participating in peer-to-peer applications. You can create LUs individually using the Configuration utility's List option or in groups using the Populate option. When creating a range of LUs using the Populate option, the Configuration creates the LU name using the prefix you supply, a few characters that contain the LU number, and an optional suffix. If you are configuring a dependent LU, the dependent LU address is automatically generated using the base address you supply. You then define the LU capability, an optional outbound object to connect to, the authorization records to secure the LU, and an "old name" prefix. You need only supply the PU- name part of the old name when populating LUs because the session number is again generated using the base address you provide. When creating a single LU using the List option, you are asked most of the same questions as when using the Populate option. If you are defining a dependent LU, you specify the dependent LU address and also the complete old name, not just the PU-name part. Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6-17 Section 3.2 - LU Configuration. ------------------------------- The following questions gather LU information for zero or more LUs. The Configuration utility prompts you to begin defining information for the Peer Server's local LUs. Create/Quit [Quit] : If you want to create LUs, enter create. To skip to the next section, enter quit. The default is quit. (You can enter c or q.) You can define a range of LUs using the Populate option or you can define them individually using the List option: Populate/List/Quit [Populate] : Enter populate if you wish to define a set of LUs using the Populate feature. Enter list if you wish to define a set of LUs by specifying them individually. Enter quit if you have no more LUs to define. The default is populate. (You can enter p, l, or q.) Populate Option If you choose to use the Populate option, the Configuration utility prompts you for the LU names as follows: o The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the character string to be used as a prefix for the LUs you are defining: LU populate, name prefix [] : Enter a value of 1 to 7 characters; there is no default. The value must begin with a letter and contain only the characters A to Z, 0 to 9, @, $, or #. The length of the resulting names (prefix + number + suffix) cannot exceed 8 characters. o The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the starting number for the series of LUs. If you enter a decimal base number, then the LU name created also uses decimal numbering; if you enter a hexadecimal base number, then hexadecimal numbering is used in the LU name. 6-18 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units LU populate, base number [1] : Enter a value from 0 to 9999999 or from %X0 to %XFFFFFFF; the default is 1. Preceding the number with "%X", "X", or "0X" indicates that the number is hexadecimal. This determines whether the sequence of numbers used for the LU names will be decimal or hexadecimal. The sum of this number plus the number of LUs to populate, minus 1, cannot exceed 9999999 or %XFFFFFFF. The length of the resulting names (prefix + number + suffix) cannot exceed 8 characters. o The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the number of LUs you wish in this set: LU populate, number of LUs [1] : Enter a value from 1 to 1024. The sum of the starting number plus this number, minus 1, cannot exceed 9999999. The length of the resulting names (prefix + number + suffix) cannot exceed 8 characters. o The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the character string to be used as a suffix for the LUs you are defining: LU populate, name suffix [] : Enter a value of 0 to 6 characters; the default is none. This string must contain only the characters A to Z, 0 to 9, @, $, or #. The length of the resulting names (prefix + number + suffix) cannot exceed 8 characters. If you are configuring LUs as dependent (that is, connected to an IBM front end processor), enter the name of the Peer Server's TG that is connected to the front-end processor. If you are not defining dependent LUs, press Return to leave the entry blank. Dependent LU transmission group (TG) [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the capability of the LU: primary, secondary, or both. The default is secondary. (You can enter p, s, or b.) The LU capability determines whether the LU can be used for secondary LU or primary LU connections. If the client applications that use this LU require the ability to send Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6-19 an SNA session start message (BIND), then configure the LU as primary. If the applications receive BIND messages from the IBM system, as is the case for most existing SNA client applications, you can configure the LU as either secondary or both. Capability [Secondary] : If you plan to use IBM-initiated sessions through this LU, you can configure an SNA Access Server object on the LU that will be used when an unsolicited BIND request is received on the LU. If you are not using this, then leave the object name blank. Object name [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the authorization list for the LUs. If you want to restrict access to the LU to specific clients, you can add one or more authorization records to the LU. If you enter more than one authorization name, separate the names with commas. The authorization records you list must have previously been defined in dialog Section 3.1, otherwise, a warning message appears. Press Return to indicate that any user can access the LU. Authorizations for this LU [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter an alternative name for this LU. Enter a value from 0 to 6 characters long; the default is none. Old names are of the form of pu-name.session-number pairs. An "old name" is an alternate name for a Peer Server LU. An old name characteristic must be defined for the Peer Server only when the application does not support using an access name for LU specification. Previous DIGITAL SNA gateway products named their LUs using a PU name and a local address on the PU. Access routines (for example, the DIGITAL SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator product) specified a PU name and a session number when connecting. To allow the older applications to continue to work, the old name can be used to give a Peer Server LU a name similar to those used for previous DIGITAL SNA gateways. This name is made up of a PU specifier and a session number. When populating LUs, you need to specify the PU specifier only; the session number is automatically generated by the 6-20 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units Configuration utility using the base address you specify. A client terminal emulator can stipulate a specific LU to apply by using the PU-name and session number command line arguments. When creating a single LU, you can supply the whole old name. Old name [] : Example 6-2 uses the Populate option to configure a group of 128 LUs, named XLU01 to XLU80, with the LU numbering in hexadecimal. Example 6-2 Configuration Using Populate Option (Section 3.2) Section 3.2 - LU Configuration. ------------------------------- The following questions gather LU information for zero or more LUs. Create/Quit [Quit] : create Populate/List/Quit [Populate] : populate LU populate, name prefix [] : XLU LU populate, base number [1] : %x1 LU populate, number of LUs [1] : 128 LU populate, name suffix [] : Dependent LU transmission group (TG) [] : TG-2 Capability [Secondary] : both Object name [] : Authorizations for this LU [] : Old name [] : SNA-1 Populate/List/Quit [Populate] : List Option If you choose to use the List option, the Configuration utility begins by prompting you for the list of LU names. Enter one or more LU names. LU names must contain only the characters A to Z, 0 to 9, @, $, or #. They must not begin with a number, and they must not exceed 8 characters. Use commas or spaces to separate names. Press Return with no LU name to indicate that no more LUs follow. Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6-21 LU names [] : If you are configuring LUs as dependent (that is, connected to an IBM front-end processor), enter the name of the Peer Server's TG that is connected to the front-end processor. If you are not defining dependent LUs, press Return to leave the entry blank. Dependent LU transmission group (TG) [] : If the LU is a dependent LU, you must enter the dependent LU address. This corresponds to the LOCADDR parameter on the IBM NCP definitions for the PU being used. Valid addresses are in the range of 1 to 255 decimal. If you previously entered a blank name for the dependent LU TG, this prompt is skipped. Dependent LU address [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the capability of the LU: primary, secondary, or both. The default is secondary. (You can enter p, s, or b.) The LU capability determines whether the LU can be used for secondary LU or primary LU connections. If the client applications that use this LU require the ability to send an SNA session start message (BIND), then configure the LU as primary. If the applications receive BIND messages from the IBM system, as is the case for most existing SNA client applications, you can configure the LU as either secondary or both. Capability [Secondary] : If you plan to use IBM-initiated sessions through this LU, you can configure an SNA Access Server object on the LU that will be used when an unsolicited BIND request is received on the LU. If you are not using this, then leave the object name blank. Object name [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the authorization list for the LUs. If you want to restrict access to the LU to specific clients, you can add one or more authorization records to the LU. If you enter more than one authorization name, separate the names with commas. The authorization records you list must have 6-22 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units previously been defined in dialog Section 3.1, otherwise, a warning message appears. Press Return to indicate that any user can access the LU. Authorizations for this LU [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter an alternative name for this LU. Enter a value from 0 to 6 characters long; the default is none. Old names are of the form of pu-name.session-number pairs. An "old name" is an alternate name for a Peer Server LU. An old name characteristic must be defined for the Peer Server only when the application does not support using an access name for LU specification. Previous DIGITAL SNA gateway products named their LUs using a PU name and a local address on the PU. Access routines (for example, the DIGITAL SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator product) specified a PU name and a session number when connecting. To allow the older applications to continue to work, the old name can be used to give a Peer Server LU a name similar to those used for previous DIGITAL SNA gateways. This name is made up of a PU specifier and a session number. When populating LUs, you need to specify the PU specifier only; the session number is automatically generated by the Configuration utility using the base address you specify. A client terminal emulator can stipulate a specific LU to apply by using the PU-name and session number command line arguments. When creating a single LU, you can supply the whole old name. ________________________Note ________________________ When configuring a dependent LU, the session address used in the old name should match the dependent LU address. _____________________________________________________ Old name [] : Example 6-3 uses the List option to configure an LU named T00FE. Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6-23 Example 6-3 Configuration Using List Option (Section 3.2) Section 3.2 - LU Configuration. ------------------------------- The following questions gather LU information for zero or more LUs. Create/Quit [Quit] : create Populate/List/Quit [Populate] : list LU names [] : T00FE Dependent LU transmission group (TG) [] : TG-1 Dependent LU address [] : 254 Capability [Secondary] : both Object name [] : Authorizations for this LU [] : fred_only Old name [] : SNA-1.254 Populate/List/Quit [List] : The Configuration utility repeats this series of prompts to further populate or list LUs. When you have defined all the LUs, enter quit. After entering quit, the utility asks if you wish to repeat the section. Press Return to continue. Populate/List/Quit [List] : quit Do you wish to repeat Section 3.2, LU Configuration [N] ? 6-24 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6.2.3 Dialog Section 3.3: Access Name Configuration Information Section 3.3 of the configuration dialog collects access name configuration information. Access names are referenced by client applications to provide such information as which Peer Server LU to use, what IBM application name to connect to, and what logon mode name to use. By creating access names with this information in them, details about how to connect to a specific IBM application can be kept in a single place and modified later if needed without the clients needing to change. An access name is a simple text name, 1 to 16 characters long. When naming new access names, remember that some older SNA applications allow access names of only up to 8 characters. Section 3.3 - Access Name Configuration. ---------------------------------------- The following questions gather Access Name information for zero or more Access Names. The Configuration utility prompts you to enter an access name. This is the name that client applications specify when connecting to the service named by the parameters in the access name. Enter a name of 1 to 16 characters; the default is none. Press Return to complete the Access Name configuration section. Access name [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter a list of LUs accessible using this access name. Enter a list of LU names separated by commas; the default is none. You can use wildcards or name the entities explicitly. If no LUs are named in the list, then any Peer Server LU will be used when processing an incoming client connection that specifies this access name. LU list [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the optional name of the partner LU. For secondary LU connections, enter the name of the IBM application (the VTAM APPLID) to which the Peer Server should connect. This value should be available from your IBM system administrator. For primary LU connections (those where Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6-25 the client application will send a BIND request to a secondary IBM resource), enter the name of entry in the Peer Server's partner LU list (you define this list in Section 3.4 of the dialog). Enter an SNA network name; the default is none. Partner LU [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the optional logon mode that you want the Peer Server to use for this access name. Enter a logon mode; the default is none. The logon mode parameter specifies an entry in the IBM Logon Mode table that should be used when the IBM system is generating a BIND request. This value should be available from your IBM system administrator. Logon mode [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter an optional user-level data string that you want to send the remote LU. Enter a data string of 0 to 255 characters, surrounded by quotation marks; the default is none. The data is assumed to be ASCII text and translated to EBCDIC before being sent to the remote LU. User data [] : The Configuration utility repeats this series of prompts for another access name. When you have defined all the access names, you can continue to the next section by pressing Return. Next, the utility asks if you wish to repeat the section. Press Return to continue. Access name [] : Next, the utility asks if you wish to repeat the section. Press Return to continue. Do you wish to repeat Section 3.3, Access Name Configuration [N] ? Example 6-4 uses the Configuration utility to configure two access names. In the first, an access name of tso is created that will use any LU in the Peer Server and connect to the IBM application called tsol and specify a logon mode name of mcauto on the session initiation request. In the second, since no IBM application name is specified, this entry is usable only if the client wishes 6-26 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units to use a terminal emulator and gain access to the SSCP-LU session screen, otherwise known as the USS screen. Example 6-4 Configuration of Access Names (Section 3.3) Section 3.3 - Access Name Configuration. ---------------------------------------- The following questions gather Access Name information for zero or more Access Names. Access name [] : tso LU list [] : * Partner LU [] : tsol Logon mode [] : mcauto User data [] : Access name [] : uss LU list [] : xlu* Partner LU [] : Logon mode [] : User data [] : Access name [] : Do you wish to repeat Section 3.3, Access Name Configuration [N] ? Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6-27 6.2.4 Dialog Section 3.4: Partner LU Configuration Information Section 3.4 of the configuration dialog lets you create Partner LU definitions for clients wishing to run primary LU sessions. If you do not require this ability, skip this section by pressing Return at the Partner LU name: prompt. Section 3.4 - Partner LU Configuration. --------------------------------------- The following questions gather Partner LU information for zero or more Partner LUs. The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the name of the default TG to use when no Peer Server partner LU list is found or if a partner LU record with no TG defined is found. Enter the name of a TG that will be defined in Section 4. Default transmission group (TG) name []: The Configuration utility prompts you to enter a partner LU name. This is the name that a client specifies directly or by using an access name when it wants to set up a primary LU session with the partner named in this entry. Enter an SNA network name; the default is none. The name must conform to IBM LU naming rules: up to 8 characters long, containing only the characters A to Z, 0 to 9, $, #, and @, and starting with an alphabetic character. Press Return with no partner LU name to indicate that no more partner LUs follow. Partner LU name [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the name of the IBM application or resource to which it is to be connected. Enter an SNA network name; the default is none. Destination name [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the name of the network where the application or resource entered in response to the previous question exists. Enter an SNA network name; the default is none. Destination network [] : 6-28 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the TG name that should be used when establishing a connection to the remote LU defined previously. You can enter a single name or a list of names if the Peer Server is configured with multiple TGs. If you enter a list of names separate them with commas. The default is none. The Peer Server attempts to contact the partner LU using the first active TG in the list. Transmission group list [] : The Configuration utility repeats this series of prompts for another partner LU name. When you have defined all the partner LU names, you can continue to the next section by pressing Return. The utility asks if you wish to repeat the section, and then asks if you wish to repeat Section 3.0. Press Return to continue: Partner LU name [] : Do you wish to repeat Section 3.4, Partner LU Configuration [N] ? Do you wish to repeat Section 3, SNA LU Services Configuration[N]? Example 6-5 uses the Configuration utility to configure a Partner LU that will establish communication with the LU named usxxx101.cics17b when a client application uses the partner LU named cicsplu. Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 6-29 Example 6-5 Configuration of a Partner LU (Section 3.4) Section 3.4 - Partner LU Configuration. --------------------------------------- The following questions gather Partner LU information for zero or more Partner LUs. Partner LU name [] : cicsplu Destination name [] : cics17b Destination network [] : usxxx101 Transmission group list [] : tg-1 Partner LU name [] : Do you wish to repeat Section 3.4, Partner LU Configuration [N] ? Do you wish to repeat Section 3, SNA LU Services Configuration[N]? 6-30 Configuring the Peer Server's Logical Units 7 ________________________________________________________________ Configuring the Peer Server's Control Point 7.1 Planning the Peer Server's Control Point Use the General SNA Information worksheet (Table 7-1) to record information about the SNA environment in which the Peer Server will operate. The general SNA information you need to collect is as follows: o Network identification of the Peer Server. o Control Point (CP) name of the Peer Server. o Maximum number of active transmission groups (TGs) supported by the SNA network. The TG information you need to collect is as follows: o TG name o Data link control (DLC) type (SDLC, QLLC, LLC2) o DLC-type link o DLC-type station o Dependent LU support (Y/N) o Connection type (permanent or temporary) - (If temporary) Disconnect timer o Node ID Configuring the Peer Server's Control Point 7-1 o Incoming restrictions (Y/N) - (If Yes) Required adjacent node ID: - (If Yes) Required adjacent network ID: - (If Yes) Required adjacent CP name: Repeat the process for all TGs the Peer Server supports. Make additional copies of the worksheet if you need more space. 7-2 Configuring the Peer Server's Control Point Table_7-1_The_General_SNA_Information_Worksheet___________ Network ID: _________________________ CP name: _________________________ Max active transmission ____________ groups: Transmission Group information Transmission group name [ ]: _________________________ Data link type (SDLC, QLLC, ______________ LLC2) [ ]: DLC-type1 Link2 [ ]: _________________________ DLC-type1 Station3 [ ]: _________________________ Dependent LU support (y/n) _____________ [yes]: Connection type [permanent]: __________________________ (permanent or temporary) (If temporary) Disconnect __________ timer [30]: Node ID [%X00000000]: %X ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Incoming restrictions (y/n) __________ [n]: (If Yes) Required Adjacent ____ ____ ____ ____ Node ID: ____ ____ ____ ____ (If Yes) Required Adjacent __________ Network ID: (If Yes) Required Adjacent __________ CP_Name:__________________________________________________ 1 DLC-type is SDLC, QLLC, or LLC2. 2 If the DLC-type is LLC2, this is SAP instead of Link. Configuring the Peer Server's Control Point 7-3 3 If the DLC-type is LLC2, this is Link instead of Station. 7.2 Dialog Section 4: SNA CP Services Configuration Section 4 of the configuration dialog lets you establish and customize SNA CP Services which is responsible for managing the SNA T2.1 node and its resources. SNA CP Services manages one or more TGs. A single TG corresponds to an underlying datalink definition, and represents the pairing of a local and remote datalink station to comprise a connection over which sessions flow. In this section, you are required to enter one set of parameters for the SNA CP Services and then a set of parameters for each TG you wish to define. For DLC connections, you need a TG defined for each physical link over which sessions flow, which is generally one TG for each connection between the SNA Peer Server and each T2.1 peer node. The SNA CP Services-specific parameters consist of the Peer Server's network ID (NETID), its CP name, and the maximum number of concurrently active TGs to allow. The network ID and CP name are conventional SNA names, each limited to 8 characters. The network ID is common to other T2.1 nodes in the same APPN network, and should, therefore, be obtained from your SNA network administrator. The CP name is unique to this installation of the Peer Server, but it too should be coordinated with your overall SNA network administrator since it will be known to other machines as well. The number of maximum active TGs serves to limit resource utilization on Peer Servers with multiple, dynamic TGs. This number includes the intranode TG. For example, on a Peer Server with one standard (internode) TG that utilizes the intranode TG as well, a value of 2 (or greater) would be used to allow concurrent use of both TGs. Section 4 - SNA CP Services Configuration. ------------------------------------------ 7-4 Configuring the Peer Server's Control Point The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the network identifier (NETID) of the T2.1 node. Enter a value; there is no default. The name must conform to SNA naming conventions. You should consult with the SNA administrator about this name. Network ID [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the designated CP name of the T2.1 node. Enter a value; there is no default. The name must conform to SNA naming conventions. You should consult with the SNA administrator about this name. CP name [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the maximum number of TGs that can be concurrently active. Enter an integer from 1 to 255; the default is 4. You can change this value while TGs are active. This value can include, if selected, the intranode TG. Maximum active transmission groups [4] : The Configuration utility prompts you to indicate whether or not this TG should be designated as the intranode TG. Enter yes or no; the default is yes. (You can enter y or n.) Intranode, as defined by IBM in the T2.1 node architec- ture, provides for the routing of PIUs between NAUs that reside in the same (Peer Server) node. Should you elect to define it, the intranode TG can be used to establish independent LU SNA sessions between two clients that both reside in the non-SNA network (TCP/IP, DECnet, or local transports). This can be useful, since the same API can be used for both SNA and non-SNA connections. The name of the Intranode TG is INTRANODE. Only one intranode TG can exist. Once you answer yes for a TG, you cannot designate another TG as the intranode TG unless you repeat the section. Create an Intranode transmission group [Yes] : Configuring the Peer Server's Control Point 7-5 Following the intranode TG, the Configuration utility begins a series of prompts for each TG. You can define up to 255 TGs. The sequence for defining a given TG begins with a prompt for a TG name. When the series of parameters required for a TG is complete, the Configuration utility returns to the Transmission Group name prompt for the next TG. Press Return to end both the TG definition sequence and the CP Services section. The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the TG name. Enter a value; the default is none. TG names should correspond to those specified in the LU Services LU and LU Services Partner LU definitions in Section 3.2 and 3.4 of this configuration dialog. TG names are local resource names and are not generally registered in the network. Transmission group name [] : In addition to the name, each defined TG requires several characteristic definitions that determine the TG's relationship to the underlying Data Link Control layer, its capabilities, and optional parameters that allow the restriction of incoming TG activation requests. The DLC link and station names provide the correlation between the TG and a specific data link, and must uniquely match the link and station name pair as defined in Section 2 (DLC Configuration) of the Configuration utility. The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the data link type. You can configure SDLC, QLLC, or LLC2. You should respond to this prompt using a data link type that you configured in Section 2. (Error checking is performed if you configured SDLC in Section 2, and then you select LLC2 at this prompt as the data link type. Your response will be rejected and you will receive an error message.) Using the data link type that you provide the Configuration utility prompts you for the appropriate data link and station names. Data link type (SDLC/QLLC/LLC2) [] : 7-6 Configuring the Peer Server's Control Point The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the DLC link name for the designated TG. Enter a value. The name must correspond to a DLC link name specified in Section 2 of the configuration dialog. dlc-name link [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the DLC station name for the designated TG. Enter a value; the default is STN-0 for the first QLLC or SDLC station name, and LINK-0 for the first LLC2 link name. The name must correspond to a DLC station name specified in Section 2 of the configuration dialog. dlc-name station [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to indicate whether or not the designated TG supports dependent LUs. Enter yes or no (you can enter y or n.); the default is yes. Specifying yes partitions the TG LFSID address space to include dependent LUs and (providing XID3s are exchanged) causes the TG to request an ACTPU from the adjacent node. This designates how the Peer Server should internally partition the TG session address space. Dependent LUs are those requiring SSCP assistance. If you are going to use the Peer Server for 3270 terminal emulation, Remote Job Entry, LU type 0, or general mainframe connectivity of any type that was supported with previous DEC SNA Gateways, you should answer yes. Note that a TG that supports dependent LUs can also support independent LUs (as used by APPN LU6.2 sessions between peer T2.1 nodes); they are not mutually exclusive. Dependent LU support [yes] : The Configuration utility prompts you to indicate the connection type. Enter temporary or permanent; the default is temporary. (You can enter t or p.) Permanent connections are those which retain an active datalink connection even when no sessions are active. Temporary connections activate and deactivate the datalink as necessary on demand of session activity. Note that if the TG was created to support dependent LUs, the SSCP-PU session is included in the "active sessions" criteria, and the datalink connection remains active as long as the PU corresponding to the temporary TG is active. Configuring the Peer Server's Control Point 7-7 Connection type [Temporary] : If you specified the connection type as temporary, the Configuration utility prompts you to enter the disconnect timer value. This parameter specifies the number of seconds to delay deactivation of the designated temporary TG's data link connection. The timer is initiated when the last independent LU-LU session exits (or the SSCP-LU session if dependent LUs are supported). Enter a value from 0 to 3600 seconds; the default is 30 seconds. Disconnect timer [30] : The Configuration utility prompts you to enter the node identifier value for the TG. The node ID is an optional four-byte value that further identifies the local node in XID3 exchanges with the peer node. Enter an octet string of 1 to 8 hexadecimal digits preceded by %X; the default is %X00000000. The node identifier is optionally specified in the Format 0 section of the XID. Consult your SNA network administrator for the correct response. If the TG is connected to a mainframe boundary node, this value specifies the IDNUM and IDBLK VTAM parameters. Consult your SNA network administrator to determine what value to use. If in doubt, take the default. Node ID [] : The Configuration utility prompts you to specify whether the TG is to include optional parameters that restrict incoming connection requests on the TG to those with a specific node ID, network ID, or CP name. Enter yes or no (you can enter y or n.); the default is no. This is useful for dynamic TG activations where more than one peer node may be establishing the connection, as with dial-in lines. The network ID can limit the adjacent node to be one of a specific APPN network; the node ID and CP name (together or separately) can limit the incoming connection to a specific node. Note that these are not true security or authentication mechanisms, since an incoming node that has been purposely misconfigured will not be detected. Incoming restrictions [No] : 7-8 Configuring the Peer Server's Control Point If (and only if) you answer yes, the utility displays 3 additional prompts as follows: o The utility prompts you for the name of the adjacent node identification. Required adjacent node ID [] : Enter the node identifier for the adjacent node, expressed in 1 to 4 bytes as 1 to 8 hexadecimal digits; there is no default. This value is compared with an adjacent node's node ID. Link activation is disallowed unless it matches. Consult your SNA network administrator if you are uncertain of the response. o The Configuration utility prompts you for the adjacent network identification. Required adjacent network ID [] : Enter the network identifier (NETID) of the adjacent T2.1 node; there is no default. The name must conform to SNA naming conventions. The name you supply is compared with an adjacent node's network ID. Link activation is disallowed unless it matches. Consult your SNA network administrator if you are uncertain of the response. o The Configuration utility prompts you for the adjacent CP name. Required adjacent CP name [] : Enter the CP name of the adjacent T2.1 node; there is no default. The name must conform to SNA naming conventions. The name is not checked against the network. The name you supply is compared with an adjacent node's CP name; link activation is disallowed unless it matches. Consult your SNA network administrator if you are uncertain of the response. The Configuration utility repeats this series of prompts for another TG. You can add more TGs to create additional links between the Peer Server and adjacent nodes. To do so, you must include an underlying DLC link and station (or SAP and link for LLC2) for each TG. When you have defined all the TGs, you can continue to the next section by pressing Return. The utility asks if you wish to repeat Configuring the Peer Server's Control Point 7-9 the section. Press Return to continue. This completes the Peer Server configuration process. Transmission group name [] : Do you wish to repeat Section 4, SNA CP Services Configuration[N]? 7-10 Configuring the Peer Server's Control Point 8 ________________________________________________________________ Completing the Peer Server's Configuration Process 8.1 Generating an NCL Script File After completing the individual dialog sections discussed in Chapters 4 through 7, the Configuration utility continues by prompting you for information concerning the NCL script file. NCL Script File Generation. --------------------------- The Configuration utility prompts you for the name of an optional file containing any special NCL commands that need to be included into the Peer Server startup script. The file should contain only valid NCL command syntax, because the Configuration utility does not check the validity of the entries. If you have no optional file, press Return to skip the question. NCL optional file name [] : The Configuration utility now asks for the name you wish to give to the startup NCL script file that will configure the Peer Server in the manner in which you have described. By default, the output NCL script is named as the output answer file with the addition of the .ncl extension. If you give the script file a different name, you should keep the file extension .ncl to indicate that the file contains NCL commands. NCL file name [answer-file-name.ncl] : The Configuration utility displays the following messages and exits: Completing the Peer Server's Configuration Process 8-1 Creating NCL file ncl-file.ncl... Copy this NCL script to /var/sna/t21_init_sna_server.ncl to use this script when the Peer Server is started. End of DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Configuration Procedure V1.4 # This completes the Peer Server Configuration utility dialog. 8.2 Running the Configuration Script File To run the configuration script created by the Peer Server Configuration utility, enter the following command: # /sbin/init.d/t21_sna_server start 8.3 Solving Configuration Problems The Configuration utility has extensive configuration checking routines that attempt to ensure that the configuration you create is a workable one. Many of the error messages that the Configuration utility generates indicate that you are using an entity name that you did not define previously in the dialog. Other error messages indicate that you are defining an entity twice or that you have already referenced a non-shareable entity while defining a second entity. See Appendix B for a full explanation of all errors generated by the Peer Server Configuration utility. 8.4 Modifying the Configuration with NCL After you load the Peer Server, you can modify the run- time configuration by using NCL commands. See the document DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Management for details about using NCL to manage or reconfigure the Peer Server. 8-2 Completing the Peer Server's Configuration Process 8.5 Reconfiguring the Peer Server After the Peer Server has been in service for some time, you may find that you wish to reconfigure it. You can use one of the three methods described to make changes to the configuration: 1. Run NCL manually. 2. Edit the NCL startup file, t21_init_sna_server.ncl. 3. Rerun the Configuration utility using the answer file created on the last pass. This is the preferred method. You must shut down and restart the Peer Server to read the new NCL file. ________________________Note ________________________ The new NCL script goes into effect the next time you shut down and restart the Peer Server. See Chapter 9 for information on restarting the Peer Server. _____________________________________________________ Completing the Peer Server's Configuration Process 8-3 9 ________________________________________________________________ Starting and Shutting Down the Peer Server Once you have installed the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server software, you can start it and shut it down. This chapter describes how to start and shut down the Peer Server. 9.1 Starting the Peer Server Normally, the Peer Server is started up as part of the system startup. You can restart the Peer Server by running the startup script file with a parameter of start as follows: # /sbin/init.d/t21_sna_server start The startup procedure displays the following messages: Loading DIGITAL SNA Peer Server modules... t21sd... t21spd...t21sdlc... t21llc... Starting DIGITAL SNA Peer Server daemons... t21mcd... t21smc... 9.1.1 Checking the Status of the Startup The startup script file can take several minutes to complete processing the /var/sna/t21_init_sna_server.ncl file. You can verify that the startup file is still processing, and that the Peer Server daemons are launched and active by typing: # ps ax | grep t21 During the startup process, a log file is created. The log file is located in /var/tmp/t21_init_sna_server.log. If the startup process fails, refer to this file to determine the cause of the problem. You cannot view this file until the startup procedure completes. Starting and Shutting Down the Peer Server 9-1 9.2 Shutting Down the Peer Server Issue the following command to shut down the Peer Server: # /sbin/init.d/t21_sna_server stop This command will: o Terminate all active sessions. o Terminate all Data Link Control (DLC) connections to the IBM environment. o Cancel the Peer Server daemons running on the DIGITAL UNIX system. See Section 9.1 if you wish to restart the Peer Server. 9-2 Starting and Shutting Down the Peer Server Part III ________________________________________________________________ Appendixes This part contains appendixes that provide additional reference material for the Peer Server. A ________________________________________________________________ DIGITAL SNA Peer Server NCL Startup Scripts The DIGITAL SNA Peer Server reads the t21_init_sna_ server.ncl NCL startup script from the /var/sna directory at Peer Server startup (typically during system boot time). This appendix provides examples to illustrate t21_init_sna_server.ncl configurations in two typical environments. Example A-1 assumes a conventional connection to an IBM mainframe using traditional dependent LUs as a T2.0 node. Example A-2 assumes a connection to an IBM AS/400 using LUs capable of both dependent and independent LU use, as a T2.1 node. Dependent LUs are capable of only a single session per LU, and the "non-SNA" (client) side of the session is always the secondary logical unit (SLU). Dependent LUs support LU types 0, 1, 2, 3, and 6.2 and are represented by applications such as the DIGITAL SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS, DIGITAL SNA Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS, DIGITAL SNA 3270 Data Stream Programming Interface for OpenVMS, and DIGITAL SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS. Independent LUs are capable of multiple and parallel sessions per LU, and either LU in the session may be the primary logical unit (PLU). LU type 6.2 is required to use independent LUs. For clarity, Example A-1 and Example A-2 use a single transmission group and the SDLC data link. DIGITAL SNA Peer Server NCL Startup Scripts A-1 Example A-1 Mainframe Example (T2.0 Dependent LUs) ! ! Set up SNA Access Server Entity ! create node 0 sna access server ! ! Set up SNA Data Link Entity ! ! Set up SDLC Entity ! create node 0 sdlc create node 0 sdlc link SDLC-0 - line = modem connect line LINE-0, - 1 capability = NEGOTIABLE, - configuration = PointToPoint, receive frame size = 1000, - 2 retry maximum = 15 create node 0 sdlc link SDLC-0 station STN-0 - address = 40, - 3 transfer mode = TWA, - modulo = NORMAL, - window size = 7, - inactivity timer = 30,- send frame size = 1000 ! ! Set up SNA LU Services Entity ! create node 0 sna lu services set node 0 sna lu services default transmission group = TG-1 (continued on next page) A-2 DIGITAL SNA Peer Server NCL Startup Scripts Example A-1 (Cont.) Mainframe Example (T2.0 Dependent LUs) ! ! Set up SNA LU Services LU Entities ! create node 0 sna lu services lu T01 - dependent lu transmission group = TG-1, - 4 dependent lu address = 1, - capability = Both, - maximum active sessions = 0, - 5 old name = "SNA-0.1" create node 0 sna lu services lu T02 - dependent lu transmission group = TG-1, - dependent lu address = 2, - capability = Both, - maximum active sessions = 0, - old name = "SNA-0.2" . . . . create node 0 sna lu services lu T32 - dependent lu transmission group = TG-1, - dependent lu address = 32, - capability = Both, - maximum active sessions = 0, - old name = "SNA-0.32" ! ! Set up SNA LU Services Access Name Entities ! create sna lu serv acc name CICS - lu list = {T*},- 6 partner lu = CICS17,- 7 logon mode = LU24096 8 create sna lu serv acc name DTF - lu list = {T*},- partner lu = DTFV31,- 1ogon mode = LU24096 (continued on next page) DIGITAL SNA Peer Server NCL Startup Scripts A-3 Example A-1 (Cont.) Mainframe Example (T2.0 Dependent LUs) create sna lu serv acc name NETVIEW - lu list = {T*},- partner lu = CNM02,- logon mode = MCAUTO ! ! Set up SNA LU Services Authorization Entities ! ! ! Set up SNA LU Services Partner LU Entities ! ! ! Set up SNA CP Services Entities ! create node 0 sna cp services - network id = USDEC101, - 9 cp name = PEERSRVR, - 10 maximum active TGs = 4 create node 0 sna cp services transmission group TG-1 - data link = SDLC link SDLC-0 station STN-0, - 11 intranode = No, - dependent lu support = Yes, - connection type = Permanent, - node id = %XDEC00124 12 ! ! Enable all entities ! enable node 0 sdlc - link SDLC-0 enable node 0 sdlc - link SDLC-0 station * enable node 0 sna lu services lu * enable node 0 sna cp services transmission group * enable node 0 sna access server 1. The line parameter associates the SDLC link with the underlying modem connect entity line. A-4 DIGITAL SNA Peer Server NCL Startup Scripts 2. The receive (and, when specified, send) frame sizes will be automatically adjusted on this link (since it is negotiable), however, there are hardware limitations that must be observed (in this case, the scc built-in synchronous communications port limits the size to 1000 bytes). 3. The SDLC station poll address is specified with this parameter; since the link capability is negotiable the address will be conveyed to the adjacent node. 4. The combination of a supplied dependent LU transmission group (TG) and a dependent LU address specifies that this LU is a dependent-capable LU. 5. A maximum active session number of zero indicates an unlimited number of sessions (for dependent LUs, however, only a single session per LU is required). 6. This syntax selects any available defined LU whose name begins with "T". 7. For a dependent LU, the partner LU name is the actual IBM APPLID name to send in the SNA "init self" RU. 8. The logon mode name to include in an SNA "init self" RU. 9. The network ID must match that used in the existing SNA subnet; check with your network administrator. 10. The CP name is unique to this node, but is usually assigned by the network administrator. 11. The underlying SDLC link and station, defined near the top of the script. 12. The node ID (XID IDBLK and IDNUM fields); commonly must correspond with the mainframe definition (check with your network administrator). ________________________Note ________________________ o Since there are no IBM-initiated (outbound) sessions needed, no SNA Access Server objects need to be configured. DIGITAL SNA Peer Server NCL Startup Scripts A-5 o Since there are no independent LU sessions (in which the DIGITAL system is the primary LU) needed, no SNA LU Services partner LU definitions need to be configured. _____________________________________________________ A-6 DIGITAL SNA Peer Server NCL Startup Scripts Example A-2 AS/400 Example (T2.1 Independent LUs) ! ! Set up SNA Access Server Entity ! create node 0 sna access server create node 0 sna access server object outbound_alpha - transport = TCPIP, - internet node =, - port = 4567 ! ! Set up SNA Data Link Entity ! ! ! Set up SDLC Entity ! create node 0 sdlc create node 0 sdlc link SDLC-1 - line = modem connect line line-1, - capability = NEGOTIABLE, - configuration = PointToPoint, - receive frame size = 1000, - retry maximum = 15 create node 0 sdlc link SDLC-1 station STN-0 - address = 40, - transfer mode = TWA, - modulo = NORMAL, - window size = 7, - inactivity timer= 30,- send frame size = 1000 ! ! Set up SNA LU Services Entity ! create node 0 sna lu services set node 0 sna lu services default transmission group = TG-AS400 (continued on next page) DIGITAL SNA Peer Server NCL Startup Scripts A-7 Example A-2 (Cont.) AS/400 Example (T2.1 Independent LUs) ! ! Set up SNA LU Services LU Entities ! create node 0 sna lu services lu INDEP01 - capability = Both, - 1 maximum active sessions = 0, - object = outbound_alpha 2 ! ! Set up SNA LU Services Access Name Entities ! create node 0 sna lu serv acc name AS400ACC - 3 lu list = {INDEP01},- partner lu = AS400APP,- logon mode = LU24096 ! ! Set up SNA LU Services Authorization Entities ! ! ! Set up SNA LU Services Partner LU Entities ! create node 0 sna lu serv partner lu AS400APP - destination name = AS4PROG1, - 4 destination network = USDEC101, - 5 transmission group = {TG-AS400} 6 ! ! Set up SNA CP Services Entities ! create node 0 sna cp services - network id = USDEC101, - cp name = PEERSRVR, - maximum active TGs = 4 create node 0 sna cp services transmission group TG-AS400 - data link = SDLC link SDLC-1 station STN-0, - intranode = No, - dependent lu support = yes, - connection type = Permanent (continued on next page) A-8 DIGITAL SNA Peer Server NCL Startup Scripts Example A-2 (Cont.) AS/400 Example (T2.1 Independent LUs) ! ! Enable all entities ! enable node 0 sdlc - link SDLC-1 enable node 0 sdlc - link SDLC-1 station * enable node 0 sna lu services lu * enable node 0 sna cp services transmission group * enable node 0 sna access server 1. The value "both" indicates that the LU can be both primary and secondary (PLU and SLU), without restriction. 2. The object name refers to the SNA Access Server object defined above. 3. The application may specify this access name to provide both the LU and partner LU names necessary to establish a session with the AS/400 application "AS4PROG1". 4. The LU name known by the AS/400, to which the session is established. 5. The network ID common with the AS/400. 6. The locally defined transmission group used to establish connectivity with the AS/400. ________________________Note ________________________ o Only a single LU is required for bidirectional AS/400 session use, as it is configured for both DIGITAL and IBM-side initiated sessions. o For IBM-initiated sessions, a TCP/IP con- nection is created to TCP/IP port 4567 on node by use of the object name configured in the SNA Access Server configuration section. DIGITAL SNA Peer Server NCL Startup Scripts A-9 o This configuration can be combined with the previous one to create a configuration that supports both environments. In that case, you could use one SDLC line to the mainframe, and another to the AS/400. _____________________________________________________ A-10 DIGITAL SNA Peer Server NCL Startup Scripts B ________________________________________________________________ Peer Server Configuration Error Messages This appendix lists the error messages generated by the Peer Server Configuration utility. %T21-E-ACCEXIST, Access Name already exists Explanation: You entered an access name that has already been specified. User Action: Enter an access name that is unique. If you are uncertain which names you specified, press Return at the Access Name: prompt and repeat the entire section 3.3, noting the access names listed. %T21-E-ADDROVFL, Dependent LU address overflow Explanation: When populating an LU range, you configured the LUs to be dependent capable (by specifying both an address and a dependent LU transmission group) and calculated dependent LU address exceeded 255. If the base address plus the number of LUs to populate exceeds 255, the remaining LUs that get created are not configured as dependent capable. User Action: Reconfigure the LU population by re-running Section 3.2 of the Configuration utility, or understand that some of the LUs created were not defined as dependent capable. %T21-W-ANSFILEOF, Answer file end of file reached Explanation: You have reached the end of the input answer file prior to completing the Configuration utility dialog. You must be using an answer file created by an earlier prematurely aborted Configuration utility session. User Action: Continue the Configuration utility session. Peer Server Configuration Error Messages B-1 %T21-E-ANSNOTOPEN, Cannot open answer file Explanation: The Configuration utility could not open the file whose name you entered for either an input or output answer file. Either the file does not exist or you do not have permission to open the file. User Action: Enter the file name with the correct path, or check your access to the file. %T21-E-AUTHEXIST, Authorization already exists Explanation: You entered an authorization name that has already been specified for another authorization record. User Action: Enter an authorization name that is unique. If you are uncertain which names you specified, press Return at the Authorization Name: prompt and repeat the entire Section 3.1 noting the authorization names listed. %T21-W-AUTHNOTEXIST, Corresponding Authorization not defined Explanation: You entered the authorization name that has not been defined in Section 3.1, Authorization Configuration. User Action: Enter an authorization name that has been specified in Section 3.1. If you are uncertain which names you specified, press Return at the Authorizations for this LU prompt. You may wish to repeat the entire Section 3 and then Section 3.1 to view the valid authorization names. %T21-E-INVAL, Invalid parameter value or invalid answer Explanation: You were prompted to enter a keyword, but your response did not match the expected values, or you were prompted to enter a numeric value within a certain range but your response was outside the range. User Action: Enter the correct value. Enter a ? at the prompt to see the correct data type and range. %T21-E-INVALSTNADDR, Invalid local secondary station address Explanation: You were prompted to enter an SDLC station address and you entered a hexadecimal value of FF as a response. FF is an invalid station address. User Action: Enter a valid hexadecimal value in the range from 00 to FE. B-2 Peer Server Configuration Error Messages %T21-E-INVALGRPADDR, Invalid group address Explanation: You were prompted to enter an SDLC group address and you entered a hexadecimal value of FF as a response. FF is an invalid group address. User Action: Enter a valid hexadecimal value in the range from 00 to FE. %T21-E-INVALLSAPADDR, Invalid LSAP address Explanation: You were prompted to enter a local or remote link service access point (LSAP) address and you entered a hexadecimal value with the lowest significant bit set. The valid LSAP address is any hexadecimal number in the range from 00 to FE with its lowest significant bit clear, which implies that only even values are correct. User Action: Enter an even hexadecimal number in the range from 00 to FE. %T21-E-INVALMACADDR, Invalid MAC address Explanation: You were prompted to enter a remote MAC address and you entered an invalid string. The MAC address syntax must match the following string: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx, where x is a hexadecimal digit. User Action: Enter a valid MAC address according to its syntax. %T21-E-INVANSVER, Invalid answer file version Explanation: You entered a file name at the Input answer file name: prompt that referenced a file that is not a valid Configuration utility answer file. User Action: Enter the name of a previously saved answer file, or press Return. %T21-E-LINKLINEEXIST, Link already exists with this Line name Explanation: You were prompted to enter a Modem Connect Line name and you entered a name that has already been specified for another Modem Connect Line. User Action: Enter a Modem Connect Line name that is unique. Peer Server Configuration Error Messages B-3 %T21-E-LLC2LNKEXIST, SAP Link already exists Explanation: You were prompted to enter an LLC2 SAP link name and you entered a name that has already been specified for another SAP link. User Action: Enter a SAP link name that is unique among all links of the same SAP. %T21-E-LLC2SAPEXIST, SAP already exists Explanation: You were prompted to enter an LLC2 SAP name and you entered a name that has already been specified for another SAP. User Action: Enter a SAP name that is unique. %T21-E-LUEXIST, LUs already exist Explanation: You entered an LU name that has already been configured. In Section 3.2 (LU Configuration) you have two optional ways to configure the LUs. One method is by populating a number of LUs with the same characteristics and another method is by listing one or more LUs with the same characteristics. If you were using the Populate method, some or all of the LUs specified were overlapping those listed in a previous group of LUs. In a List method, you entered an LU name that was previously configured. User Action: In a Populate method, enter the LU name characteristics that is different from the previously configured. If the LU name prefix and suffix are identical, you must ensure that the LU number range does not overlap the range already specified, otherwise specify a different name prefix or suffix. If you are using a List method, enter an LU name that has not been previously configured. %T21-E-NCLNOTOPEN, Cannot open NCL file Explanation: You entered a name for the optional NCL file, but the Configuration utility could not open it. You may have entered the name or a path incorrectly, or you may not have permission to access the file. User Action: Enter the correct file name; check your access to the file. B-4 Peer Server Configuration Error Messages %T21-E-OBJEXIST, Object already exists Explanation: You entered an object name that has already been specified for another Access Server object. User Action: Enter the object name that is unique. If you are uncertain which names you specified, press Return at the Object name: prompt and repeat the entire Section 1 noting the object names listed. %T21-W-OBJNOTEXIST, Corresponding Object not defined Explanation: You were prompted in Section 3.2 (LU Configuration) to enter an object name and you entered a name of an object that has not been specified in Section 1 (SNA Access Server Configuration). User Action: You may want to repeat Section 3.2 to reenter the object name that matches an object name listed in Section 1, or enter Space to clear the object name. %T21-E-QLLCLINKEXIST, Link already exists Explanation: You were prompted to enter a QLLC link name and you entered a name that has already been specified for another link. User Action: Enter a link name that is unique. %T21-E-QLLCSTNEXIST, Station already exists Explanation: You were prompted to enter a QLLC link station name and you entered a name that has already been specified for another station. User Action: Enter a station name that is unique among all the station names for this particular link. %T21-E-RLUEXIST, Remote LU already exists Explanation: You were prompted to enter a partner LU name and you entered a name that has already been specified for another partner LU. User Action: Enter a partner LU name that is unique. Peer Server Configuration Error Messages B-5 %T21-E-SDLCLINKEXIST, Link already exists Explanation: You were prompted to enter an SDLC link name and you entered a name that has already been specified for another link. User Action: Enter an SDLC link name that is unique. %T21-E-SDLCSTNEXIST, Station already exists Explanation: You were prompted to enter an SDLC link station name and you entered a name that has already been specified for another station. User Action: Enter a station name that is unique among all the station names for this particular link. %T21-E-TOOLONG, Parameter value too long Explanation: In Section 3.3 (Access Name Configuration), you entered a user data string longer than 255 ASCII characters. User Action: Enter a user data string that does not exceed 255 characters. %T21-W-UNDEFLULIST, Undefined LUs in the LU list Explanation: You were prompted to enter an LU list in Section 3.3 and you responded with an LU name list that does not match any LU name specified in the Section 3.2 - LU Configuration. User Action: If you configured LUs in the Section 3.2, repeat Section 3.3 and enter the valid LU names or a wildcard character (*). If you did not specify any LU name in the Section 3.2, press Return. %T21-E-VERNOTSUP, Answer file version Vn.n not supported Explanation: The input answer file contains a version number (n.n) that is not supported. The support for your file version may have been discontinued, or the version in your saved answer file has been modified. User Action: Create a new answer file using the Configuration utility. B-6 Peer Server Configuration Error Messages C ________________________________________________________________ Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) on the Peer Server This appendix discusses issues concerning the support of Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) data links on the Peer Server. The Peer Server supports IBM's SDLC wide-area network (WAN) data link protocol for the SNA connection to the adjacent PU T2.1 or PU T4 node. (The AS/400 is an example of a PU T2.1 node. A mainframe front-end communications processor, such as a 3745 running IBM's NCP software is an example of a PU T4.) The Peer Server can be configured with multipoint secondary station support (multiple SDLC stations on a given physical link when that link is configured with the Peer Server assuming the secondary role). By providing more than one station address on a link, this feature permits the Peer Server to support more than 255 dependent logical units on a single physical line, thus saving costs. C.1 SDLC Modem Control Configurations The sections that follow describe the different SDLC link configurations you can create. The configurations are specified using the SDLC link capability and configuration characteristics, as well as the duplex characteristic of the underlying Modem Connect Line and, in the case of multipoint secondary, the number of stations on the SDLC link. The capability, configuration, duplex, and station characteristics are initially set during the t21setup and wddsetup steps, and are saved in /var/dna/scripts/wdd.mconnect.ncl and /var/sna/t21_init_sna_server.ncl, respectively. See the DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Management manual for full details. Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) on the Peer Server C-1 C.1.1 Point-to-Point Full-Duplex (4-wire) SDLC Data Links Use this configuration for leased line or local modem eliminator connections, or for V.32 dialup full-duplex modems. The Peer Server may be either secondary or primary (if connecting to an adjacent PU T2.1 node). Unless configured as a PU T2.0 device to the peer node, the role is typically negotiated by XID3 negotiation at link initialization time. Set the SDLC link configuration to point-to-point and the Modem Connect Line duplex to full to establish the link as a point-to-point, full-duplex link. Configure a single station on the link. Likewise, configure the adjacent SNA node for full-duplex, typically by specifying DUPLEX=FULL in the NCP LINE macro or AS/400 line definition. In this configuration, the Peer Server's Request to Send (RTS) signal is constantly asserted; Clear to Send (CTS) and Data Carrier Detect (DCD) are expected from the DCE. As is true for all the configurations discussed in this section, Data Set Ready (DSR) is constantly asserted and Data Terminal Ready (DTR) is expected in return from the DCE. C.1.2 Point-to-Point Half-Duplex (2-wire) SDLC Data Links Use this configuration for connections over switched, dialup links. The Peer Server may be either secondary or primary (if connecting to an adjacent PU T2.1 node). Unless configured as a PU T2.0 device to the peer node, the role is typically negotiated by XID3 negotiation at link initialization time. Set the SDLC link configuration to point-to-point and the Modem Connect Line duplex to half to establish the link as a point-to-point, half-duplex link. Configure a single station on the link. Likewise, configure the adjacent SNA node for half-duplex, typically by specifying DUPLEX=HALF in the NCP LINE macro or AS/400 line definition. In this configuration, the Peer Server's Request to Send (RTS) signal is toggled as necessary for data transmission; Clear to Send (CTS) from the DCE is expected to rise accordingly (and be lowered as RTS drops). Data C-2 Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) on the Peer Server Carrier Detect (DCD) is expected to rise and fall in concert with data received from the DCE. C.1.3 Single-Station Full-Duplex Multipoint Secondary (4-wire) Use this configuration when the Peer Server is a single secondary station sharing the SDLC link with other secondary stations on other nodes. The adjacent primary station is configured to support multiple secondary station addresses (multiple PUs or devices), one of which is the Peer Server. SDLC polling is accomplished by cycling through the configured secondary station addresses. The other tributary nodes may be at remote sites (through multidrop modems) or locally situated. In the local case, physical splitting of the link from the primary station is typically done with a modem sharing device. Set the SDLC link configuration to multipoint and the Modem Connect Line duplex to full to establish the link as a multipoint, full-duplex link. Configure a single station on the link. Set up the IBM host (primary) multipoint configuration as a 4-wire, full-duplex connection with multiple stations per PU, typically by specifying DUPLEX=FULL in the NCP LINE macro or AS/400 line definition. Each tributary (secondary) station generates modem control signals in half-duplex fashion. In this configuration, the Peer Server link will toggle its Request to Send (RTS) with data transmission, in the same manner as with point- to-point half-duplex. Full-duplex multipoint, however, differs from point-to-point half-duplex in that the primary station holds its own Request to Send (RTS) high constantly, meaning the Peer Server sees constant Data Carrier Detect (DCD) from the DCE. ________________________Note ________________________ The use of two-way simultaneous (TWS) transfer mode (as specified on the SDLC link station) in the full-duplex multipoint case is not recommended. A known restriction with RTS/CTS handling in the Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) on the Peer Server C-3 Wide Area Device Drivers (wdd) product can cause retransmission and, ultimately, link failure. _____________________________________________________ C.1.4 Multiple-Station Full-duplex Multipoint Secondary (4-wire) Use this configuration when the Peer Server is host to a set of secondary stations possibly sharing the SDLC link with other secondary stations on other nodes. The adjacent primary station is configured to support multiple secondary station addresses (multiple PUs or devices), more than one of which is on the Peer Server. In this configuration, the Peer Server link appears to the adjacent node as if it consists of multiple physical stations, and hence multiple corresponding transmission groups are created. The advantage to a multiple secondary configuration is for dependent LU capable links: where a single link and station can architecturally support up to 255 LUs, the multiple secondary configuration can support 255 dependent LUs for each station configured on the link. The Peer Server is seen by the adjacent node (typically an IBM mainframe front-end processor) as consisting of multiple physical units (PUs). This gives the Peer Server access to larger numbers of dependent LUs while saving the costs associated with running multiple SDLC links. With the multiple secondary configuration, a tradeoff exists with respect to performance. While additional line costs are avoided, higher numbers of addressable LUs must contend for a fixed amount of link layer bandwidth. Response time will increase as stations (and LUs) are added. However, multipoint secondary is designed to be as efficient as possible by taking advantage of the SDLC group poll feature, where the primary station may issue a "general" poll addressed to all stations on the link, rather than polling each in succession. The primary station must be generated with group polling to take advantage of this feature. See the document DIGITAL SNA Peer Server Guide to IBM Resource Definition for more information. C-4 Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) on the Peer Server Set the SDLC link configuration to multipoint and the Modem Connect Line duplex to full to establish the link as a multipoint, full-duplex link. Configure a set of stations on the link. Physical modem control signals are maintained by the Peer Server in this configuration as they would be for point-to-point full-duplex. Request to Send (RTS) is maintained high consistently and Data Carrier Detect (DCD) is expected to remain high as well. (Note that this differs from the modem control used in the single station per link case, all other characteristic values being equal.) This will minimize turnaround latency, and thus achieve optimal throughput. The partner node must be configured as full-duplex as well. Since the Peer Server holds RTS high in this case, this configuration will not function with other physical devices on the same SDLC link, either as true remote physical drops or through a modem splitter or modem sharing device. C.1.5 Single-Station Half-Duplex Multipoint (2-wire) This configuration is typically not used with SNA network configurations. If required, set the SDLC link configuration to multipoint and the Modem Connect Line duplex to half to establish the link as a multipoint, half-duplex link. Configure a single station on the link. C.1.6 Multiple-Station Half-Duplex Multipoint (2-wire) This configuration is also not typically used in IBM environments; it is equivalent to the configuration discussed in Section C.1.5 except that you configure multiple stations on the link. This configuration is the same as that described in Section C.1.4 except that you set the underlying Modem Connect Line duplex to half instead of full. Unlike full-duplex multipoint secondary, this config- uration may be used with additional physical devices multidropped on the link, provided the primary station is itself half-duplex (with RTS transitioning with each transmit). Likewise, there are no restrictions with the use of modem sharing or modem splitting devices. Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) on the Peer Server C-5 ________________________Note ________________________ The use of this configuration is currently not recommended. _____________________________________________________ C.1.7 Multipoint Primary The Peer Server does not support multipoint primary link configurations. If the Peer Server SDLC link is primary, the SDLC link cannot have more than one link station. C.2 SDLC Link Station 'Modulo' Characteristic The SDLC Link Station "modulo" characteristic has no effect on incoming SDLC connections. If XID3 negotiation is done, then the expected modulo value is defined by the exchanged window sizes. If XID3 negotiation is not done, then the expected value is defined by the "window size" characteristic of the SDLC Link Station alone (if window size > 7, then SNRME is expected). If a SNRM command is received when SNRME is expected (window size > 7), or vice versa, the unexpected command is ignored. C-6 Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) on the Peer Server D ________________________________________________________________ Qualified Logical Link Control (QLLC) on the Peer Server The Peer Server supports the QLLC protocol, a popular method for transferring SNA traffic over X.25 networks. D.1 The Peer Server and the X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Configuration To use QLLC data links, you must install the X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems product prior to installing the Peer Server. It is also essential that you perform the Peer Server QLLC configuration step (see Chapter 5) based strictly on the existing X.25 configuration, such that the QLLC link characteristics align with the corresponding parameters established with the X.25 setup. Achieving the necessary conformity between X.25 and the Peer Server QLLC configuration generally requires that you also modify X.25 itself. Specifically: o The template name must be a valid X.25 access template. o The DTE class must be a valid X.25 access DTE class. o The filter name must be a valid X.25 access filter. o QLLC links you intend to use for incoming calls must have a subsequent protocol identifier that matches the call data value of the X.25 access filter you use. D.2 X.25 Relay Considerations If you are planning X.25 access to an IBM mainframe environment using QLLC over LLC2 (LAN connection to a DIGITAL UNIX X.25 node using the X.25 relay feature), be aware that the IBM X.25 Network Control Program Packet Switching Interface (NPSI) configuration may require an additional configuration parameter. The X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems software on the relay node adds additional Qualified Logical Link Control (QLLC) on the Peer Server D-1 facilities (0xCB caller extension subset) to the X.25 call, which is considered non-standard by NPSI V3R4 and earlier. Use the NSTDFAC (non-standard facility) parameter on the X25.NET statement to prevent the CB facility specification from clearing the call. An example of the X25.NET statement with NSTDFAC coded appears below: X25.NET DM=YES,NETTYPE=1,CPHINDX=2,OUHINDX=3,NSTDFAC=(CB)... D-2 Qualified Logical Link Control (QLLC) on the Peer Server E ________________________________________________________________ Logical Link Control Type 2 (LLC2) on the Peer Server LLC2 is supported over CSMA-CD (Ethernet), Token Ring, and FDDI MAC layers. The Peer Server Configuration utility creates and configures the MAC entities (station and communications port) if required. This is the case if the device is not already in use for alternate LAN access (DECnet/OSI, X.25, etc.). E.1 SAP Link Remote MAC Address Format During the Peer Server configuration step, it is essential that you enter the 12-digit LAN adapter address (known as the remote MAC address) of the remote device in the proper format. The Configuration utility requires that you specify the address in "canonical" format, not in the "wire" format as it would appear on the physical token- ring. The utility will not convert "wire" format addresses automatically. Confusion often arises around the address format because Ethernet and Token Ring LANs typically require that the address be specified in opposite form. Specifically, the bits in each octet of the address are reversed. If you are configuring the Peer Server LLC2 SAP link remote MAC address to be used with Ethernet, you normally use the address as it is supplied for the IBM node network interface (as specified in the Local Adapter Address parameter of the AS/400 line description). Note that the specific form used may differ by IBM device type; check with your network administrator if in doubt. Logical Link Control Type 2 (LLC2) on the Peer Server E-1 If you are configuring the Peer Server to be used with Token Ring, in general you will need to normalize the 12- digit address specified by IBM (for example, in the AS/400 line description) into canonical form. Address conversion through network bridge devices should generally be transparent in this regard. For example, if you are configuring a Peer Server Ethernet data link that will pass through a bridge to on an AS/400 on a Token Ring, you would still convert the address as specified for Ethernet on the Peer Server. Perform the address conversion to canonical form as follows: 1. Separate the 12-digit hexadecimal address into byte sets (sets of two digits each), for example 62 89 C2 B8 7A 31. 2. Reverse the positions of the characters in each of the 2-digit sets (26 98 2C 8B A7 13). 3. Mirror the bit pattern in each "nibble" (digit), such as 46 91 43 1D 5E 8C. It may be helpful to visualize each nibble as a series of four bits to perform this, and a basic understanding of hex arithmetic is required. For example, 0x2 is '0010', which when mirrored is '0100', or 0x4. 4. Enter the result from the previous step, separated by dashes, as the remote MAC address (for example, 46-91-43-1d-5e-8c). The help text for the remote MAC address prompt in the Configuration utility contains an additional example. If you are unsure as to whether a given MAC address should be normalized or not before entering it, consult your network administrator or DIGITAL support. E-2 Logical Link Control Type 2 (LLC2) on the Peer Server E.2 MAC Address Format when DECnet/OSI is Running DECnet/OSI modifies the LAN address supplied by the physical LAN adapter when the DECnet routing circuit specifies that the address is to be set to a DECnet Phase IV-style format. For example, AA-00-04-00-nn-nn is used where nn-nn is calculated from the DECnet address. You must be aware of this fact when configuring your LAN node MAC addresses. For example, the AS/400 LAN remote adapter address parameter value must correspond with the modified form of the Peer Server's MAC address when the AS/400 is to communicate with a Peer Server running DECnet/OSI. Installing DECnet/OSI at a later time following Peer Server installation and SNA LAN node configuration will thus require that your adjacent SNA LAN nodes (e.g. AS/400) have their remote MAC addresses reconfigured for the Peer Server node's changed local MAC address. The correct Peer Server address may be obtained from the LAN Station entity MAC address attribute, or from the DECnet/OSI utility /usr/sbin/dna_getaddr. E.3 Comparison of NCL Attributes and IBM Parameters Table E-1 shows the relationship between LLC2 SAP Link attributes and their IBM parameter counterparts. The Comments column discusses any issues when setting the NCL parameter. Logical Link Control Type 2 (LLC2) on the Peer Server E-3 Table E-1 Relationship Between NCL Attributes and IBM __________Parameters______________________________________ IBM NCL_Attribute____Parameter[1]Comments_____________________ acknowledge T1TIMER(T1) The default value of 1000 timer (milliseconds) is acceptable. holdback timer T2TIMER(T2) The default value of 500 is too high. DIGITAL recommends setting this value to 20 to 50 (milliseconds). maximum data MAXTSL(N1) The default is 1028 bytes. size Note that the NCL attribute does not include the frame header, whereas the IBM parameter does. retry maximum RETRIES(N2) The default value of 10 is acceptable. not settable T2TIMER(N3) None. not settable T1TIMER(Ti) None. not settable MAXOUT(Tw) The maximum pdu size status attribute of the LLC2 SAP entity displays this information. local receive RVCBUFC(Rw) DIGITAL recommends setting window size this NCL attribute and the IBM MAXOUT parameter to the highest possible setting of 127 frames. not settable DYNWIND(Nw) None. [1]The_parameter_in_this_column_is_IBM's_NCP_parameter____ as documented in the IBM document NCP V7.3 Resource Definition Reference (SC31-6224). The value shown in parenthesis is the architectural shorthand for the parameter as defined in the IBM document Token Ring Architecture Reference (SC30-3374). __________________________________________________________ E-4 Logical Link Control Type 2 (LLC2) on the Peer Server F ________________________________________________________________ Installing the Required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Subsets This appendix describes how to install and configure the X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems subsets that the Peer Server software requires. F.1 Installation from the CD-ROM or Your Network You can install the required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems subsets from two locations: the Consolidated Software Distribution CD-ROM or a remote node in your local-area network using the Remote Installation Service (RIS). System input and output during installation will vary depending on your current configuration and on the requirements for the configuration. The Configuration utility prompts for a Logical Link Control type 2 (LLC2) configuration will depend on your Local Area Network (LAN) station type: Ethernet, Token Ring, or Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI). If you have DECnet/OSI Network Management software installed on your system, this will not appear on the list of optional subsets. F.1.1 Installing from a CD-ROM Drive To install the required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems subsets from the Consolidated Software Distribution CD- ROM, do the following: 1. Determine the location of the X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems files on the CD-ROM. See the master index table in the document Consolidated Software Distribution Disk User's Guide for the directory containing the files. 2. Insert the CD-ROM into the drive and mount the disk using the drive's device name. If you do not know the device name, enter the following command to list Installing the Required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Subsets F-1 available drives. The drive will be either RRD40 or RRD42. # file /dev/rr*c To mount the disk, enter the following command, where dev-name is the block device name of your drive. # mount -r -d /dev/dev-name /mnt For example, a character special device of /dev/rrz4c, shown by the command file /dev/rr*c, would be entered as the block device /dev/rz4c. 3. Install the required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems subsets using the following setld command, where X25300/kit is the name of the directory on the CD- ROM where the required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems subsets are located: # setld -l /mnt/X25300/kit After you enter the setld command, the system displays the following messages. When you have read them, press Return to continue. X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX V3.0-0 (Rev. 0) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1993, 1997. All Rights Reserved. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation or an authorized sublicensor. RESTRICTED RIGHTS: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. The installation will complete in 3-5 minutes depending on processor type. Hit to continue: You now select the required subsets from a menu. Enter the number of your selection and press Return. The system asks for confirmation. F-2 Installing the Required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Subsets ________________________Note ________________________ The following selection assumes that the CTF Collector Components, WAN components, and DECnet are not already installed on your system. _____________________________________________________ The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. - Common Trace Facility Components: 1) CTF Collector Components 2) CTF User Environment - DECnet/OSI Standard Run-time Environment: 3) DECnet/OSI Base Components 4) DECnet/OSI Kernel Components 5) DECnet/OSI Network Management - WAN Device Drivers and Datalinks Components: 6) WDD Base Component 7) WDD Datalink Protocols 8) WDD Example Programs 9) WDD Manual Pages 10) WDD Synchronous Device Drivers - WAN Support Utilities Components: 11) RoamAbout Transport Server Support 12) WAN Kernel Programming Tools 13) WAN Utilities Base - X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Components: 14) X.25 Base Component 15) X.25 Example Programs 16) X.25 IP Support 17) X.25 Manual Pages 18) X.25 Relay Or you may choose one of the following options: 19) ALL of the above 20) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 21) EXIT without installing any subsets Installing the Required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Subsets F-3 Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 1 2 4-7 10 13 You are installing the following optional subsets: - Common Trace Facility Components: CTF Collector Components CTF User Environment - DECnet/OSI Standard Run-time Environment: DECnet/OSI Kernel Components DECnet/OSI Network Management - WAN Device Drivers and Datalinks Components: WDD Base Component WDD Datalink Protocols WDD Synchronous Device Drivers - WAN Support Utilities Components: WAN Utilities Base Is this correct? (y/n): y Once you have verified your selection, the system installs the subsets and displays a series of in-progress messages. Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. 8 subset(s) will be installed. Loading 1 of 8 subset(s).... Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993-1997. All Rights Reserved. WAN Utilities Base Copying from /mnt/X25300/kit (disk) Verifying Loading 2 of 8 subset(s).... Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993-1997. All Rights Reserved. WDD Base Component Copying from /mnt/X25300/kit (disk) Verifying Loading 3 of 8 subset(s).... Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993-1997. All Rights Reserved. F-4 Installing the Required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Subsets WDD Synchronous Device Drivers Copying from /mnt/X25300/kit (disk) Verifying Loading 4 of 8 subset(s).... Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993-1997. All Rights Reserved. WDD Datalink Protocols Copying from /mnt/X25300/kit (disk) Verifying Loading 5 of 8 subset(s).... Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993-1997. All Rights Reserved. DECnet/OSI Kernel Components Copying from /mnt/X25300/kit (disk) Verifying Loading 6 of 8 subset(s).... Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993-1997. All Rights Reserved. DECnet/OSI Network Management Copying from /mnt/X25300/kit (disk) Verifying Loading 7 of 8 subset(s).... Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993-1997. All Rights Reserved. CTF Collector Components Copying from /mnt/X25300/kit (disk) Verifying Loading 8 of 8 subset(s).... Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993-1997. All Rights Reserved. CTF User Environment Copying from /mnt/X25300/kit (disk) Verifying 8 of 8 subset(s) installed successfully. Next, the procedure links and configures the subsets. Linking "WAN Utilities Base" Configuring "WAN Utilities Base " (ZZAUTIL301) Linking "WDD Base Component" Configuring "WDD Base Component " (WDABASE300) Installing the Required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Subsets F-5 Linking "WDD Synchronous Device Drivers" Configuring "WDD Synchronous Device Drivers " (WDADRIVERS300) Linking "WDD Datalink Protocols" Configuring "WDD Datalink Protocols " (WDADATALNKS300) Configuring "DECnet/OSI Kernel Components " (DNAKBIN400) Configuring "DECnet/OSI Network Management " (DNANETMAN400) Linking "CTF Collector Components" Configuring "CTF Collector Components " (CTABASE301) Linking "CTF User Environment" Finally, the procedure displays messages describing how to complete the installation. ______________________ Caution ______________________ DO NOT FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTION TO RUN the /usr/sbin/wddsetup script. These instructions are for users of the full X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems product. Once you have installed the required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems subsets, proceed to Chapter 2 for information about installing and configuring the Peer Server software. _____________________________________________________ To complete your installation of WDD Synchronous Device Drivers, please perform the following steps: - Configure WAN driver interfaces by executing the command: # /usr/sbin/wddsetup Press to continue: Configuring "CTF User Environment " (CTAANAL301) # F-6 Installing the Required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Subsets F.1.2 Installing over the Local Area Network with Remote Installation Service (RIS) If you are installing the required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX subsets over your local area network, use the RIS utility. See the document Sharing Software on a Local Area Network for RIS requirements. Enter the following command, where host-name is the name of the node from which you are loading the software. # setld -l host-name: The installation then proceeds as described in the previous section. Installing the Required X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Subsets F-7