DEC/EDI_______________________________________ Installing the Application Client and Server Order Number: AA-Q8WTD-TE IMPORTANT-The only software components revised in this release of DEC/EDI are the Digital UNIX Client and Server. The HP-UX, IBM-AIX and SUN Solaris Clients are those released with DEC/EDI Version 3.1. Revision/Update Information: Revised for DEC/EDI Version 3.1A Operating System: Digital UNIX Version 3.2C IBM AIX Version 3.2 HP-UX Version 9.0 Sun Solaris Version 2.4 IBM MVS Version 4.3.0 Date: December 2, 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ December 1996 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. While Digital believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1990, 1996. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC, DEC/EDI, MAILbus, MAILbus 400, OpenVMS, VAX, VMS, Pathworks, Digital and the DIGITAL logo. Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks, and ODBC is a trademark, of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. INFORMIX is a registered trademark of Informix Software, Inc. Oracle is a registered trademark, and Oracle Rdb, Oracle7 and SQL/Services are trademarks, of the Oracle Corporation. IBM, AIX and RS/6000 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. HP and HP-UX are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Sun and Solaris are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. xi Part I Installing an Application Client 1 Preparing to Install on IBM AIX 1.1 Reading the Online Release Notes............. 1-1 1.2 Checking the Software Distribution Kit....... 1-1 1.3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements ............................................. 1-2 1.3.1 Checking Login Privileges................ 1-2 1.3.2 Checking Hardware Requirements........... 1-2 1.3.3 Checking Software Requirements........... 1-2 1.3.4 Determining Which Subsets to Load........ 1-3 1.3.5 Determining Disk Space Requirements...... 1-3 1.4 Backing Up Your System Disk.................. 1-4 2 Preparing to Install on HP-UX 2.1 Reading the Online Release Notes............. 2-1 2.2 Checking the Software Distribution Kit....... 2-1 2.3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements ............................................. 2-2 2.3.1 Checking Login Privileges................ 2-2 2.3.2 Checking Hardware Requirements........... 2-2 2.3.3 Checking Software Requirements........... 2-2 2.3.4 Determining Which Subsets to Load........ 2-3 2.3.5 Determining Disk Space Requirements...... 2-3 2.4 Backing Up Your System Disk.................. 2-4 iii 3 Preparing to Install on Sun Solaris 3.1 Reading the Online Release Notes............. 3-1 3.2 Checking the Software Distribution Kit....... 3-1 3.3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements ............................................. 3-2 3.3.1 Checking Login Privileges................ 3-2 3.3.2 Checking Hardware Requirements........... 3-2 3.3.3 Checking Software Requirements........... 3-2 3.3.4 Determining Which Subsets to Load........ 3-3 3.3.5 Determining Disk Space Requirements...... 3-3 3.4 Backing Up Your System Disk.................. 3-4 4 Installing the DEC/EDI Client 4.1 Installing From CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media .......................... 4-1 4.2 Installing From an RIS Distribution Area .... 4-2 4.3 Installing From Tape ........................ 4-3 4.4 Running the Installation Procedure .......... 4-4 4.4.1 Specifying Subsets....................... 4-5 4.4.2 Specifying Name and Type of Server ...... 4-6 4.4.3 Messages Displayed During the Loading Process.................................. 4-7 5 After Client Installation 5.1 After the Client Installation................ 5-1 5.2 Set up Proxies for Client to Server for ObjectBroker................................. 5-1 5.2.1 Testing Proxies.......................... 5-3 5.3 Running the Installation Verification Procedure ................................... 5-3 5.4 Deleting DEC/EDI Application Client from Your System....................................... 5-4 iv Part II Installing a DEC/EDI Client and/or Server 6 Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.1 Introduction................................. 6-1 6.2 Upgrade from DEC/EDI Version 3.0 for Digital UNIX......................................... 6-1 6.2.1 Step 1-Shut Down DEC/EDI................. 6-1 6.2.2 Step 2-Shut down DEC/EDI ObjectBroker processes................................ 6-2 6.2.3 Step 3-Perform a Secondary Archive....... 6-3 6.2.4 Step 4-Backup the Database............... 6-3 6.2.5 Step 5-Backup the System................. 6-4 6.2.6 Step 6-Upgrade any PCs running Cockpit and CommandCenter........................ 6-4 6.2.7 Step 7-Deinstall DEC/EDI................. 6-4 6.2.8 Step 8-Install DEC/EDI Version 3.1A...... 6-5 6.2.9 Step 9-Check ObjectBroker is Installed and Running.............................. 6-5 6.2.10 Step 10-Reconfigure ObjectBroker......... 6-6 6.2.11 Step 11-Migrate the Database............. 6-7 6.2.12 Step 12-Create a new DEC/EDI Profile Cache.................................... 6-8 6.2.13 Step 13-Start up DEC/EDI................. 6-9 6.2.14 Step 14-Run the Network Tester........... 6-9 6.2.15 Step 15-Upgrade any Mapping Tables....... 6-9 6.3 Upgrade from DEC/EDI Field Test 3.1 or V3.1 for Digital UNIX............................. 6-10 6.3.1 Steps to Perform......................... 6-10 6.4 Migration from DEC/EDI Version 2.1C for OpenVMS...................................... 6-11 6.4.1 Migrating V2.1C Profiles to Version 3.1A..................................... 6-11 6.4.2 Migrating FileBridge Mapping Tables...... 6-12 v 7 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.1 Reading the Online Release Notes............. 7-1 7.2 Installation Options......................... 7-2 7.2.1 Additional Information on DEC/EDI Subsets.................................. 7-4 7.3 Checking the Software Distribution Kit....... 7-5 7.4 Registering Your Software Licenses on Digital Systems ..................................... 7-5 7.4.1 Registering Licenses on Digital UNIX..... 7-7 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements.......... 7-7 7.5.1 Login Privileges......................... 7-7 7.5.2 Hardware Requirements.................... 7-7 7.5.3 Checking Software Requirements........... 7-8 7.5.4 Checking ObjectBroker is Installed....... 7-11 7.5.5 Checking Digital UNIX Documentation Subset is Installed...................... 7-14 7.5.6 Checking that Oracle7 is Installed....... 7-14 Setting Oracle7 Environment Variables.............................. 7-14 Running the Oracle7 Installer.......... 7-15 Checking for Individual Oracle7 Components............................. 7-15 Checking for the Server Manager and DBMS.................................. 7-15 Checking for SQLPLUS.................. 7-15 Checking for TCP/IP Services.......... 7-16 7.5.7 Checking Informix-OnLine is Installed.... 7-17 7.5.8 Checking Informix-ESQL/C is Installed.... 7-17 7.5.9 Checking Oracle Rdb is Installed......... 7-18 7.5.10 Checking Oracle SQL Services is Installed................................ 7-18 7.5.11 Checking Mailbus 400 is Installed........ 7-19 7.5.12 Checking DEC X.25 is Installed........... 7-20 7.5.13 Checking the DEC/EDI account............. 7-20 7.5.14 Determining Disk Space Requirements...... 7-20 7.6 Backing Up Your System Disk.................. 7-22 7.7 Deleting DEC/EDI from Your System............ 7-22 7.8 Stopping the Installation.................... 7-23 7.9 Time Required for Complete Installation...... 7-23 vi 8 Installing DEC/EDI 8.1 Installing From CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media........................... 8-1 8.2 Installing From a Remote Installation Services (RIS) Distribution Area ............ 8-2 8.3 Running the Installation Procedure .......... 8-3 8.3.1 Specifying Subsets....................... 8-3 8.3.2 Messages Displayed During the Loading Process.................................. 8-5 8.3.3 Problems During Product Installation .... 8-6 8.4 Files Created During Installation............ 8-6 9 After Installation 9.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure ................................... 9-1 9.2 Configuring the System ...................... 9-1 9.3 Problems After Installation ................. 9-2 Part III Sample Installation Logs A Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ................................ A-1 A.2 Sample Installation Verification Procedure ............................................. A-13 B Sample Installation on IBM AIX B.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ................................ B-1 B.1.1 Sample Installation...................... B-1 B.2 Sample Installation Verification Procedure ............................................. B-4 vii C Sample Installation on HP-UX C.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ................................ C-1 C.1.1 Sample CORBA Installation................ C-1 C.1.2 Sample ACAS Installation................. C-4 C.2 Sample Installation Verification Procedure ............................................. C-6 D Sample Installation on Sun Solaris D.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ................................ D-1 D.1.1 Sample Installation...................... D-1 D.2 Sample Installation Verification Procedure ............................................. D-3 E Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ................................ E-1 E.2 Sample DEC/EDI Server Installation .......... E-5 E.3 Sample Installation Verification Procedure ............................................. E-16 F Files Installed on Your System F.1 DEC/EDI Application Client Files Installed... F-1 F.2 Server Files Installed....................... F-12 F.2.1 User Documentation....................... F-13 F.2.2 Examples and Script Files................ F-13 F.2.3 Header Files............................. F-15 F.2.4 Message Catalog.......................... F-15 F.2.5 System Images............................ F-15 F.2.6 Online Help.............................. F-18 F.2.7 Shared Libraries......................... F-19 F.2.8 DEC/EDI Configuration Files.............. F-20 F.2.9 EDI and Message Definitions.............. F-22 viii G Recovering from Errors G.1 Problems During Product Installation ........ G-1 G.2 Problems After Installation ................. G-2 Tables 1-1 Space Required For Client ............... 1-4 1-2 Space Required For Client Man Pages ..... 1-4 2-1 Space Required For Client ............... 2-4 2-2 Space Required For Client Man Pages ..... 2-4 3-1 Space Required For Client ............... 3-4 3-2 Space Required For Client Man Pages ..... 3-4 6-1 Examples Data Label Formats.............. 6-13 7-1 DEC/EDI Component Subsets................ 7-2 7-2 DEC/EDI Component Licensing.............. 7-6 7-3 DEC/EDI Software Requirements............ 7-8 7-4 Disk Space Requirements.................. 7-21 F-1 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Client Subset-Digital UNIX........ F-1 F-2 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Client Subset-IBM AIX............. F-3 F-3 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Client Subset-HP-UX............... F-5 F-4 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Client Subset- Sun Solaris........ F-7 F-5 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Reference Pages Subset-Digital UNIX .................................... F-9 F-6 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Reference Pages Subset-IBM AIX ... F-10 F-7 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Reference Pages Subset-HP-UX ..... F-11 F-8 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Reference Pages Subset-Sun Solaris ......................................... F-12 F-9 User Documentation Files................. F-13 F-10 Examples and Script Files................ F-13 F-11 Header Files............................. F-15 ix F-12 Message Catalog.......................... F-15 F-13 System Images............................ F-15 F-14 Online Help.............................. F-18 F-15 Shared Libraries......................... F-19 F-16 DEC/EDI Configuration Files.............. F-20 F-17 EDI and Message Definitions.............. F-22 F-18 New Server Files in an Oracle7 Setup..... F-25 x ________________________________________________________________ Preface Product Name: DEC/EDI Version 3.1A Purpose of This Book This book tells you how to install any of the supported DEC/EDI Application Clients, the DEC/EDI Server, and the DEC/EDI Message Update Service components. Intended Audience This book is written for System Managers or Administrators who are responsible for either installing one or more of the DEC/EDI components, or subsequently troubleshooting an installation. It assumes that you have some experience of installing software on UNIX systems. How to Use This Book This book details the preparation, installation and post- installation tasks that you have to complete in installing any of the supported DEC/EDI Clients and the DEC/EDI Server. The book also provides sample installation logs for your guidance during installation, and information to help you troubleshoot any problems you may encounter. If you are an existing DEC/EDI user running a previous version of the product, it is very important that you refer to this book's chapter on migration. You need to complete all the relevant tasks it stipulates for migrating successfully from your existing setup. When you finish installing DEC/EDI, refer to the DEC/EDI: User's Guide for advice and details on configuring your system. xi This three-part book has the following structure: o Part I describes how you prepare, and then install the Application Client. It describes the DEC/EDI components, and their subsets. It also describes what hardware and software you need before you can install the DEC/EDI components, and their subsets, and what tests should be performed before starting the installation. The final chapter in this part outlines the post- installation tasks you need to complete, and how to test your installation. o Part II describes how you prepare, and then install the Server. It outlines the post-installation tasks that you must carry out before you can use your installation, and how to test your installation. Chapter 6 in this part of the book details the migration tasks that you need to complete if you are upgrading from an earlier version of DEC/EDI. o Part III provides sample logs generated during the installation of the Application Client on each supported platform, and during the installation of the Server. It provides lists of the files installed on your system, and describes how to recover from errors. Related Books This is one of a set of DEC/EDI books. The complete list is as follows: o DEC/EDI: Introduction This book is an introduction to EDI, and to Digital's EDI system, DEC/EDI. It describes the main components of the DEC/EDI system, and how business documents are processed and communicated to trading partners. The book seeks to establish the concepts and terms used by DEC/EDI. These are also summarised in a glossary. You are strongly recommended to become familiar with the material in this book before proceeding to install or use DEC/EDI. o DEC/EDI: Installing the Application Client and Server xii This book describes how to install the DEC/EDI Application Client and Server software, and how to verify such an installation. o DEC/EDI: Cockpit and CommandCenter Installation This book describes how to install the DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter software respectively, on a PC running MS[R]-Windows[TM], Windows 95[R] or Windows NT[R]. o DEC/EDI: Application Development This book describes the Application Client interfaces and the means of connecting business applications to the Application Client. It also details the creation and deployment of mapping tables as part of the process of integrating applications with DEC/EDI. o DEC/EDI: User's Guide This multi-part book starts with a quick guide to getting started with DEC/EDI using pre-configured example data supplied with the software kit, con- centrating on what needs to be done rather than why. Part I of the book also includes a "guided tour" around the CommandCenter and then concentrates on the more detailed tasks of configuring a DEC/EDI system to cope with specific requirements. Part II describes what you need to do to maintain a reliable and well tuned DEC/EDI system, and Part III describes how to approach problem solving on running systems. Further to the above, each software kit contains a set of release notes applicable to that software. These release notes contain information about known product problems (with workarounds where appropriate) and any operational tips or hints not provided as part of the above documentation set. You are strongly recommended to review these release notes before installing the software. Refer to the appropriate installation guide for information on how to locate the release notes. There is also extensive on-line documentation supplied as part of the DEC/EDI software: for example, on-line help libraries and manpage help information. In addition the DEC/EDI Cockpit kit contains the DEC/EDI: Error xiii Message Help Library. This contains all error messages the product may log along with a description of why the message occurred and what to do about it. It is provided in MS-Windows help library format. xiv Part I ________________________________________________________________ Installing an Application Client This part of the book tells you how to prepare to install any of the supported Application Clients, install it, and then what to do after you have completed your installation. 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install on IBM AIX This chapter describes the tasks that you should carry out before installing the DEC/EDI Client on an IBM AIX system. It also describes the prereqisites for installing the DEC/EDI Client. 1.1 Reading the Online Release Notes DEC/EDI Application Client provides online release notes. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before using the product. The release notes may contain information about changes to the application. The release notes for DEC/EDI Application Client are in the following file: /usr/doc/decedi_client_release_notes.txt You can use the following command to read the release notes after DEC/EDI Application Client is installed: # more /usr/doc/decedi_client_release_notes.txt 1.2 Checking the Software Distribution Kit Use the Bill of Materials (BOM) to check the contents of your DEC/EDI Application Client software distribution kit. If your software distribution kit is damaged or incom- plete, contact your Digital representative. Preparing to Install on IBM AIX 1-1 Preparing to Install on IBM AIX 1.3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements 1.3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements This section discusses requirements for installing DEC/EDI Application Client. Installing DEC/EDI Application Client, including running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), takes approximately 1 minute, depending on your type of media and system configuration. 1.3.1 Checking Login Privileges You must have superuser privileges to install the DEC/EDI Application Client software. 1.3.2 Checking Hardware Requirements To install DEC/EDI Application Client, you need the following hardware: o Terminal You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure. See the DEC/EDI Application Client Software Product Description (SPD) for additional hardware requirements. 1.3.3 Checking Software Requirements DEC/EDI Application Client Version 3.1 requires the IBM AIX operating system Version 3.2. This operating system includes TCP/IP, which must be configured as described in an applicable IBM AIX Installation DEC/EDI Application Client also requires that the following software subset be loaded on the system where you install DEC/EDI Application Client: o bos.obj - the "Base System" subset. DEC/EDI Application Client also requires that an Objectbroker subset is loaded on the system where you install DEC/EDI Application Client. For details of the version number, refer to the Software Product Description (SPD) issued with this release. 1-2 Preparing to Install on IBM AIX Preparing to Install on IBM AIX 1.3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements Checking Whether These Subsets Are Loaded To check whether the required subsets are loaded, do the following: 1. Log in to the system where you will install DEC/EDI Application Client. 2. To see if Objectbroker is installed, for example, enter the following command: # lslpp -i | grep -i objectbroker Check the displayed rows for the name of the relevant subset and any related patches. The word "committed" appears in a row after the subset identifier when a subset is loaded. If the word "committed" does not appear, the subset or patch is not loaded. In this case, you must load the missing software before installing DEC/EDI Application Client. (For information on how to load the operating system software, see IBM AIX Installation Guide.) 1.3.4 Determining Which Subsets to Load You must choose which DEC/EDI Application Client subsets you want to load. The subsets have the following titles: o DEC/EDI V3.1 IBM AIX Client. The Client software. o DEC/EDI V3.1 IBM AIX Client Man Pages. Reference manual pages for Client's command line interface. 1.3.5 Determining Disk Space Requirements Table 1-1 and Table 1-2 list the disk space requirements for loading DEC/EDI Application Client software subsets: you need this space available on the disks where you choose to load the software subsets. The figures shown in these tables are peak requirements. After installation, slightly less disk space is required. The tables list the disk space requirements per directory. This is relevant if you are doing installations on systems where these directories are mount points for different disk partitions. Preparing to Install on IBM AIX 1-3 Preparing to Install on IBM AIX 1.3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements Table_1-1_Space_Required_For_Client_______________________ Directory________Space_required_(Kilobytes)_______________ /usr 500 /var 110 /etc 50 Total____________660______________________________________ Table_1-2_Space_Required_For_Client_Man_Pages_____________ Directory________Space_required_(Kilobytes)_______________ /usr 100 Total____________100______________________________________ Using these disk space requirements, total the values for the subsets you will load in each directory. Compare the space required for subsets with the free space currently on the disks where DEC/EDI Application Client files will reside. To determine the amount of disk space available on your system, enter the df command. For example: # df /usr Filesystem Total KB free %used iused %iused Mounted on /dev/hd2 307200 47336 84% 10341 13% /usr This display shows that there are 47336 Kilobytes free. This free space must accommodate the requirements listed in Table 1-1 and Table 1-2. 1.4 Backing Up Your System Disk Digital recommends that you back up your file systems before installing any software. For information about backing up your file systems, see the IBM AIX system documentation. 1-4 Preparing to Install on IBM AIX 2 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install on HP-UX This chapter describes the tasks that you should carry out before installing the DEC/EDI Client on an HP-UX system. It also describes the prereqisites for installing the DEC/EDI Client. 2.1 Reading the Online Release Notes DEC/EDI Application Client provides online release notes. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before using the product. The release notes may contain information about changes to the application. The release notes for DEC/EDI Application Client are in the following file: /usr/doc/decedi_client_release_notes.txt You can use the following command to read the release notes after DEC/EDI Application Client is installed: # more /usr/doc/decedi_client_release_notes.txt 2.2 Checking the Software Distribution Kit Use the Bill of Materials (BOM) to check the contents of your DEC/EDI Application Client software distribution kit. If your software distribution kit is damaged or incom- plete, contact your Digital representative. Preparing to Install on HP-UX 2-1 Preparing to Install on HP-UX 2.3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements 2.3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements This section discusses requirements for installing DEC/EDI Application Client. Installing DEC/EDI Application Client, including running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), takes approximately 2 minutes, depending on your type of media and system configuration. 2.3.1 Checking Login Privileges You must have superuser privileges to install the DEC/EDI Application Client software. 2.3.2 Checking Hardware Requirements To install DEC/EDI Application Client, you need the following hardware: o Terminal You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure. See the DEC/EDI Application Client Software Product Description (SPD) for additional hardware requirements. 2.3.3 Checking Software Requirements DEC/EDI Application Client Version 3.1 requires the HP-UX operating system Version 9.0 or Version 10.01. This operating system includes TCP/IP, which must be configured as described in an applicable HP UNIX installation guide. DEC/EDI Application Client also requires that an Objectbroker subset is loaded on the system where you install DEC/EDI Application Client. Refer to the Software Product Description (SPD) for details about the version number required for this release. 2-2 Preparing to Install on HP-UX Preparing to Install on HP-UX 2.3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements If you wish to use the old ACAS-style interfaces, you also need to install the ACAS compatability subset: acas.obj. Refer to the SPD for details of the version number. ________________________Note ________________________ For DEC/EDI V2.1D OpenVMS and DEC/EDI 3.1A Digital UNIX Servers onwards, only CORBA based clients are supported. Digital strongly recomends not to instal the ACAS compatability kits, or to select the ACAS based clients unless you absolutely have to connect to an older version of the DEC/EDI Server'. _____________________________________________________ 2.3.4 Determining Which Subsets to Load You must choose which DEC/EDI Application Client subsets you want to load. The subsets have the following titles: o DEC/EDI V3.1 HP-UX Client. The Client software. o DEC/EDI V3.1 HP-UX Client Man Pages. Reference manual pages for Client's command line interface. 2.3.5 Determining Disk Space Requirements Table 2-1 and Table 2-2 list the disk space requirements for loading DEC/EDI Application Client software subsets: you need this space available on the disks where you choose to load the software subsets. The figures shown in these tables are peak requirements. After installation, slightly less disk space is required. The tables list the disk space requirements per directory. This is relevant if you are doing installations on systems where these directories are mount points for different disk partitions. Preparing to Install on HP-UX 2-3 Preparing to Install on HP-UX 2.3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements Table_2-1_Space_Required_For_Client_______________________ Directory________Space_required_(Kilobytes)_______________ /usr 500 /var 110 /etc 50 Total____________660______________________________________ Table_2-2_Space_Required_For_Client_Man_Pages_____________ Directory________Space_required_(Kilobytes)_______________ /usr 100 Total____________100______________________________________ Using these disk space requirements, total the values for the subsets you will load in each directory. Compare the space required for subsets with the free space currently on the disks where DEC/EDI Application Client files will reside. To determine the amount of disk space available on your system, enter the df command. For example: # df /usr2 /usr2 (/dev+/localroot/dsk/c201d6s0): 346548 blocks 160626 i-nodes The available space must accommodate the requirements listed in Table 2-1 and Table 2-2. 2.4 Backing Up Your System Disk Digital recommends that you back up your file systems before installing any software. For information about backing up your file systems, see the HP-UX system documentation. 2-4 Preparing to Install on HP-UX 3 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install on Sun Solaris This chapter describes the tasks that you should carry out before installing the DEC/EDI Client on an Sun Solaris system. It also describes the prereqisites for installing the DEC/EDI Client. 3.1 Reading the Online Release Notes DEC/EDI Application Client provides online release notes. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before using the product. The release notes may contain information about changes to the application. The release notes for DEC/EDI Application Client are in the following file: /usr/doc/decedi_client_release_notes.txt You can use the following command to read the release notes after DEC/EDI Application Client is installed: # more /usr/doc/decedi_client_release_notes.txt 3.2 Checking the Software Distribution Kit Use the Bill of Materials (BOM) to check the contents of your DEC/EDI Application Client software distribution kit. If your software distribution kit is damaged or incom- plete, contact your Digital representative. Preparing to Install on Sun Solaris 3-1 Preparing to Install on Sun Solaris 3.3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements 3.3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements This section discusses requirements for installing DEC/EDI Application Client. Installing DEC/EDI Application Client, including running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), takes approximately 1 minute, depending on your type of media and system configuration. 3.3.1 Checking Login Privileges You must have superuser privileges to install the DEC/EDI Application Client software. 3.3.2 Checking Hardware Requirements To install DEC/EDI Application Client, you need the following hardware: o Terminal You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure. See the DEC/EDI Application Client Software Product Description (SPD) for additional hardware requirements. 3.3.3 Checking Software Requirements DEC/EDI Application Client Version 3.1 requires the Sun Solaris operating system Version 2.4. This operating system includes TCP/IP, which must be configured as described in the applicable Sun Solaris installation mguidebook. DEC/EDI Application Client also requires that Objectbroker is loaded on the system where you install DEC/EDI Application Client. Refer to the Software Product Description (SPD) for details on the version number that you require with this release. 3-2 Preparing to Install on Sun Solaris Preparing to Install on Sun Solaris 3.3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements Checking Whether These Subsets Are Loaded To check whether the required subsets are loaded, do the following: 1. Log in to the system where you will install DEC/EDI Application Client. 2. To see if Objectbroker is installed, for example, enter the following command: # pkginfo | grep OBB Check the displayed row for "ObjectBroker Run-Time". If it is not installed, then you must install it before installation of the DEC/EDI client. 3.3.4 Determining Which Subsets to Load You must choose which DEC/EDI Application Client subsets you want to load. The subsets have the following titles: o DEC/EDI V3.1 Sun Solaris Client. The Client software. o DEC/EDI V3.1 Sun Solaris Client Man Pages. Reference manual pages for Client's command line interface. 3.3.5 Determining Disk Space Requirements Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 list the disk space requirements for loading DEC/EDI Application Client software subsets: you need this space available on the disks where you choose to load the software subsets. The figures shown in these tables are peak requirements. After installation, slightly less disk space is required. The tables list the disk space requirements per directory. This is relevant if you are doing installations on systems where these directories are mount points for different disk partitions. Preparing to Install on Sun Solaris 3-3 Preparing to Install on Sun Solaris 3.3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements Table_3-1_Space_Required_For_Client_______________________ Directory________Space_required_(Kilobytes)_______________ /usr 500 /var 110 /etc 50 Total____________660______________________________________ Table_3-2_Space_Required_For_Client_Man_Pages_____________ Directory________Space_required_(Kilobytes)_______________ /usr 100 Total____________100______________________________________ Using these disk space requirements, total the values for the subsets you will load in each directory. Compare the space required for subsets with the free space currently on the disks where DEC/EDI Application Client files will reside. To determine the amount of disk space available on your system, enter the df command. For example: # df /usr /usr (/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s6 ): 330498 blocks 173631 files 3.4 Backing Up Your System Disk Digital recommends that you back up your file systems before installing any software. For information about backing up your file systems, see the Sun Solaris system documentation. 3-4 Preparing to Install on Sun Solaris 4 ________________________________________________________________ Installing the DEC/EDI Client This chapter describes how to install the DEC/EDI Application Client. Before you start the installation, read or Chapter 1 or Chapter 2 or Chapter 3, whichever is applicable. The first sections of this chapter describe how to enter setld to start the installation procedure. The way you do this depends on whether you are installing: o Locally, using CD-ROM media - see Section 8.1. o From a server area - see Section 8.2 o From tape - see Section 4.3. Then Section 4.4 explains the installation dialogue, in which you are prompted for details about how the installation is to take place. 4.1 Installing From CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media This procedure is for SUN Solaris only. It loads DEC/EDI Application Client files on to a disk belonging to the system where you perform the installation. When DEC/EDI Application Client is run, its executable images are mapped into memory on your system. Follow these steps to install DEC/EDI Application Client from CD-ROM media: 1. Mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. 2. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you will install the DEC/EDI Application Client. Installing the DEC/EDI Client 4-1 Installing the DEC/EDI Client 4.1 Installing From CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media 3. Move to an area on disk (for example, /kits) where you have some space to unpack the tar file. # cd /kits You need approximately 800 Kb. 4. Copy the files from the CD-ROM onto disk by using the tar command: # tar -xvf /cdrom/sun_solaris/decedi310_sun_client.tar This creates an output directory from which you can install the kit. The tar command also puts a copy of the setld command in the /etc area. Use it to install the client software, as follows: # /etc/setld -l output The installation procedure now displays the names of the DEC/EDI Application Client subsets, and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. See Section 4.4 to continue the installation. The installation procedure now displays the names of DEC/EDI Application Client subsets and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. See Section 4.4 to continue the installation. 4.2 Installing From an RIS Distribution Area If you are installing DEC/EDI Application Client subsets that reside in an /etc/ris RIS distribution area on a remote system, follow these steps: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you will install DEC/EDI Application Client. 2. Make sure you are at the root directory (/) by entering the following command: #cd / 4-2 Installing the DEC/EDI Client Installing the DEC/EDI Client 4.2 Installing From an RIS Distribution Area 3. Enter a setld command that requests the load function (-l option) and identifies the system where the DEC/EDI Application Client subsets are located. For example, if you are loading DEC/EDI Application Client subsets from a RIS distribution area on node orion, enter the following: #setld -l orion: Remote Installation Services now displays a menu that lists all the software subsets available to you and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. See Section 4.4 to continue the installation. 4.3 Installing From Tape The Application Client software may be supplied on tape: 4mm DDS DAT or QIC tape. Before installing from either of these tapes, you have to move the tape contents onto disk, using the tar command. You then install the DEC/EDI Application Client subsets, using the setld command. You do all this as follows: o Insert the tape into the tape drive, and make sure it is rewound. For example, if your drive is called nrmt0h, you would enter the following command: # mt -f /dev/nrmt0h rewind o Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you will install the DEC/EDI Application Client. o Create a directory called /kit on a disk where there is enough space to hold the software; then move to this directory: # mkdir /kit # cd /kit o Restore the tape contents onto disk. For example, if your drive is called nrmt0h, you would enter the following command: # tar -xvf /dev/nrmt0h This creates a disk directory called /output from which you will install the software. Installing the DEC/EDI Client 4-3 Installing the DEC/EDI Client 4.3 Installing From Tape o Enter a setld command that requests the load function (-l), and identifies the directory in the mounted file system where DEC/EDI Application Client subsets are located. For example: # setld -l /kit/output You may need to use the Bourne shell sh to run setld. You may need to specify the full pathname (/etc/setld) to run setld as well. (The setld command is provided as part of the DEC/EDI Client software.) See Section 4.4 to continue the installation. 4.4 Running the Installation Procedure Once you have entered the setld command to install the software, the system takes you through a dialogue in which you are prompted for details about how the installation is to take place. This section (and the subsections below) explain some of the prompts. At each prompt during the dialogue, you can do any of the following: o Enter your reply and press . o Enter ? for more information about what is required. o Abort the installation by pressing . The examples in this section come from the IBM AIX dialogue. There are some minor differences in the Sun Solaris and HP-UX dialogues. For a full listing of the dialogues, see Appendix D or Appendix B or Appendix C, depending on which platform you are installing on. If you encounter any failures during the installation dialogue, see Appendix G. 4-4 Installing the DEC/EDI Client Installing the DEC/EDI Client 4.4 Running the Installation Procedure 4.4.1 Specifying Subsets You are prompted to specify which DEC/EDI Application Client subsets you want to load. For example, when installing the DEC/EDI Client on IBM AIX, the dialogue is as follows: *** Enter Subset Selections *** The subsets listed below are optional: 1) DEC/EDI V3.1 IBM AIX Client Man Pages 2) DEC/EDI V3.1 IBM AIX Client 3) All of the Above 4) None of the Above 5) Exit without installing subsets Enter your choice(s): If you specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space, not a comma. ________________________Note ________________________ Note that if you are installing from a RIS distribu- tion area, the number of subsets can vary, depending on what products are available in the RIS area and how many subsets they have. _____________________________________________________ Next, the dialogue lets you verify your choice. For example, if you enter 3 in response to the previous prompt, you will see the following display: You are installing the following optional subsets: DEC/EDI V3.1 IBM AIX Client Man Pages DEC/EDI V3.1 IBM AIX Client Is this correct? (y/n): If the displayed subsets are the ones you want to load, enter y. Installing the DEC/EDI Client 4-5 Installing the DEC/EDI Client 4.4 Running the Installation Procedure If the displayed subsets are not the ones you intended to choose, enter n. In this case, the subset selection menu is again displayed and you can correct your choice of optional subsets. 4.4.2 Specifying Name and Type of Server You are prompted to specify the name of the DEC/EDI Server to which the DEC/EDI Client is to be linked. The following is the relevant section of a sample installation dialog: Configuring ObjectBroker Enter the name of the DEC/EDI Server [OBB_LOCAL] : ...creating repository ...registering servers ...creating client object ...creating context object ObjectBroker Configuration Complete Press to continue. If the name of the DEC/EDI Server node has already been entered on an earlier installation, then you are prompted to say whether these details have changed since then. Enter y if the details have changed; you are then promted for the new details. For the name of the Server, you need to enter the full node name. If this were an HP-UX client installation, and you specified that ACAS-style interfaces were to be used, you would be prompted for the type of server as well as the name of the server. For examplel: 1. OpenVMS (AXP) 2. OpenVMS (VAX) 3. Digital UNIX Enter the type of the server (1-3) [1] : 4-6 Installing the DEC/EDI Client Installing the DEC/EDI Client 4.4 Running the Installation Procedure 4.4.3 Messages Displayed During the Loading Process The installation procedure loads and verifies the selected DEC/EDI Application Client subsets. During this process, you see a sequence of messages on the screen. When you see the "Verifying" message during the subset installation, the installation procedure is checking to see that the files are copied correctly; it is not an Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) message. During a Digital UNIX installation, if you get errors from the setld utility, see the Diagnostics section of the setld(8) reference page for an explanation of the errors, and the appropriate actions to take. Chapter 5 explains how to run the IVP after installation, and how to delete old DEC/EDI Application Client subsets before installing a new version of DEC/EDI Application Client. Installing the DEC/EDI Client 4-7 5 ________________________________________________________________ After Client Installation This chapter explains what you need to do after the installation to make DEC/EDI Application Client ready for use. 5.1 After the Client Installation After installing the DEC/EDI Client, you must: o Set up proxies for ObjectBroker You are strongly advised to: o Run the DEC/EDI Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) o Delete any older DEC/EDI client from your system o Refer to Chapter 6 for advice on any database migration tasks that you may need to complete 5.2 Set up Proxies for Client to Server for ObjectBroker Proxy access must be set up for any remote Application Client nodes that will be used to access the DEC/EDI server. This proxy access also allows files to be copied between the client and the server. First, you must ensure that the server node may be reached using the name or the alias by the ObjectBroker agent. You can test this by using the ObjectBroker network test, obbntst. You run obbntst on both the client and the server at the same time as follows. On the Server node, enter the following command: # obbntst -s After Client Installation 5-1 After Client Installation 5.2 Set up Proxies for Client to Server for ObjectBroker This gives you a connection identifier that you will use on the client side. On the Client node, enter the following command: # obbntst -n server-node-name -c connection-id If this test fails, verify the network addresses on both the client and server. Also check that the server-node- name (or alias) is defined on the client. Next, initiate these tests again in the opposite direction. That is, run the server node test on the client and the client node test on the server. This is important because it verifies that data can be passed in either direction, which the TRADE POST and TRADE FETCH commands do. Once you have verified that the client and server recognize each other at the network level, you can add the proxies. Note that proxies need to be added on both the client and server side. If you are a UNIX -based requester, proxies may not be recognised by name. If this happens, you need to use your user's id (uid). To obtain the uid from the UNIX system, use the id command. On the client node, you must add a proxy for decedi, so that it may access the client files to be copied to or from the server. You need to ensure that the local user account has the following access privileges: o Read access to any application files o Write access to the directory It may be necessary to enter the node name in both the long and short forms. It is safer to make this a habit. For example, to add a proxy for the server,, on the client node,, for client user, johnb, enter the following commands. On the client node: # obbadpxy -h -u decedi johnb # obbadpxy -h edisrv -u decedi johnb 5-2 After Client Installation After Client Installation 5.2 Set up Proxies for Client to Server for ObjectBroker On the server node: # obbadpxy -h -u '*' decedi # obbadpxy -h ediclt -u '*' decedi You can show the proxies by using the ObjectBroker command, obbshpxy. 5.2.1 Testing Proxies To test that your proxy works, try a simple request to the agent on the node to which you have added proxy access. For example: # obbmsho -A -n If you have set up your proxies successfully to , the reply to your request should tell you the agent's details. If your proxy has not been set correctly, the reply will tell you that you are not authorized. 5.3 Running the Installation Verification Procedure After installing DEC/EDI Application Client, you can run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access DEC/EDI Application Client. The DEC/EDI Application Client IVP verifies the installa- tion as follows: o Checks that the client subset is installed. To run the IVP after an installation, enter the following command, where subsetname can be any DEC/EDI Application Client subset: # setld -v subsetname For a sample DEC/EDI Application Client IVP, see Section A.2 or Section B.2 or Section C.2. After Client Installation 5-3 After Client Installation 5.3 Running the Installation Verification Procedure If the verification process fails, look in the /var/adm /smlogs/fverify.log file for information to help diagnose the problem. 5.4 Deleting DEC/EDI Application Client from Your System If you must remove a version of DEC/EDI Application Client from your system, delete each subset that you previously installed. To delete subsets: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root). 2. Make sure you are at the root directory (/) by entering the following command: # cd / 3. Enter the following setld command (you may need to use the Bourne shell sh to run setld): # setld -i | grep DEDI For example: # setld -i | grep DEDI DEDICLT200 DEC/EDI OSF/1 UNIX Client DEDICLT210 DEC/EDI V2.1 OSF/1 UNIX Client DEDICLT310 installed DEC/EDI V3.1 Digital UNIX Client DEDIMAN200 DEC/EDI OSF/1 UNIX Client Man Pages DEDIMAN210 DEC/EDI V2.1 OSF/1 UNIX Client Man Pages DEDIMAN310 installed DEC/EDI V3.1 Digital UNIX Client Man Pages 4. Look for the word "installed" in the listing produced, and then delete the installed subsets. For example: # setld -d DEDICLT310 DEDIMAN310 DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (Digital UNIX ):- Removing softlinks ... done. Deleting "DEC/EDI V3.1 Digital UNIX Client Man Pages" (DEDIMAN310). ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (Digital UNIX ) has been deleted ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX ):- Removing softlinks ... done. 5-4 After Client Installation After Client Installation 5.4 Deleting DEC/EDI Application Client from Your System Deleting "DEC/EDI V3.1 Digital UNIX Client" (DEDICLT310). ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX ) has been deleted ******************************************************************************** # After Client Installation 5-5 Part II ________________________________________________________________ Installing a DEC/EDI Client and/or Server This part of the book tells you how to prepare to install a DEC/EDI Client or a Client and Server, install the software, and then what to do after you have completed your installation. It also details the tasks you need to complete in migrating from an earlier version of DEC/EDI. 6 ________________________________________________________________ Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.1 Introduction This section describes the steps involved in upgrading or migrating from a previous version of DEC/EDI to Version 3.1A. The following upgrade and migration paths are described: - Upgrade from DEC/EDI V3.0 for Digital UNIX to DEC/EDI Version 3.1A for Digital UNIX. See Section 6.2. - Upgrade from DEC/EDI T3.1 Field Test Releases 1 through 4 to DEC/EDI Version 3.1A for Digital UNIX. See Section 6.3. - Upgrade from DEC/EDI Version 3.1 to DEC/EDI Version 3.1A for Digital UNIX. See Section 6.3. - Migration from DEC/EDI V2.1C for OpenVMS (Alpha and VAX) to DEC/EDI Version 3.1A for Digital UNIX. See Section 6.4. 6.2 Upgrade from DEC/EDI Version 3.0 for Digital UNIX This section describes the steps involved in upgrading from DEC/EDI Version 3.0. 6.2.1 Step 1-Shut Down DEC/EDI This step is mandatory. Ensure that the system has reached a stable state, and that all documents and transmission files have been processed. From the root account, shut down DEC/EDI. # decedi_stop For further information, see the chapter on Maintaining the Server in DEC/EDI User's Guide. Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6-1 Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.2 Upgrade from DEC/EDI Version 3.0 for Digital UNIX 6.2.2 Step 2-Shut down DEC/EDI ObjectBroker processes This step is mandatory. If DEC/EDIhas been configured for use with ObjectBroker, ensure that all DEC/EDI ObjectBroker processes have been shut down. ________________________Note ________________________ This step is necessary to ensure that the ObjectBroker processes are restarted using the upgraded DEC/EDI images once they have been installed. _____________________________________________________ For example: # obbmsho Implementation Servers on node Implementation Name Username Status ------------------------------------------ ------------ ------ DECEDI_GUI_IMPL decedi Executing Inst UUID: 76ffe2309174. Pid: 7063 Impl UUID: 6c38779ff54b. Registered at: Thu Aug 1 12:09:11 1996 Server has no attributes DECEDI_GUI_IMPL root Executing Inst UUID: 770004083913. Pid: 7120 Impl UUID: 6c38779ff54b. Registered at: Thu Aug 1 12:45:16 1996 Server has no attributes OBB_CMD_NUMMSRVSFND (i), 2 servers found. # obbmstp 76ffe2309174. # obbmstp 770004083913. If you have installed the ACAS compatibility kit for ObjectBroker, and DEC/EDI has been configured for use with ACAS based clients, you must ensure that all DEC/EDI ACAS processes have been shut down. For example: 6-2 Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.2 Upgrade from DEC/EDI Version 3.0 for Digital UNIX # acasmsho . . . # acasmstp '*' For further information, see the chapter on Initial Server and Application Client Configuration in DEC/EDI User's Guide. 6.2.3 Step 3-Perform a Secondary Archive This step is optional. Perform a secondary archive of the audit database, to minimise the amount of information in the database that needs to be upgraded. # decedi_arch -o DECEDI_9505Archive.tar -v initializing environment at Tue May 30 11:37:50 1995 selecting documents to archive at Tue May 30 11:37:54 . . . deletion completed by Tue May 30 11:39:57 1995 For further information, see the chapter on Secondary Archive and Retrieve in DEC/EDI User's Guide. 6.2.4 Step 4-Backup the Database This step is optional. Use the decedi_config Dump Database option to create a backup copy of the database to a file. Alternatively, you may use the database tools provided with the database to create a backup of the DEC/EDI database. For further information, see the section on Saving a Copy of the Database in DEC/EDI User's Guide. Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6-3 Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.2 Upgrade from DEC/EDI Version 3.0 for Digital UNIX 6.2.5 Step 5-Backup the System This step is optional. You are advised to perform a system backup prior to installing any new software including DEC/EDI. 6.2.6 Step 6-Upgrade any PCs running Cockpit and CommandCenter Any PCs that are currently running the DEC/EDI Cockpit or CommandCenter that access this server must be upraded to Version Version 3.1A before upgrading the Server. The Cockpit and CommandCenter Version 3.1A installed on those PCs may continue to access other Servers that are running DEC/EDI Version 3.0 and Version 3.1, in addition to Version 3.1A. The Server Version registered within the Cockpit and CommandCenter must specify DEC/EDI V3.1A. To install the Cockpit or CommandCenter kit, run the appropriate SETUP.EXE, and in the Setup dialog box, set the Server Version to DEC/EDI V3.1A. If you are installing the DEC/EDI CommandCenter, it is recommended that you also install the Online Documentation. For further information, see DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter Installation. 6.2.7 Step 7-Deinstall DEC/EDI This step is mandatory. You must deinstall all DEC/EDI installation subsets from and replace them with newer versions. This deinstalls the image files and system files used by DEC/EDI. It does not remove any user configuration data or audit data. For example: 6-4 Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.2 Upgrade from DEC/EDI Version 3.0 for Digital UNIX # setld -i | grep EDI DEDIAMSGBASE210 installed DEC/EDI Message Updates Base DEDIAMSGEDIF210 installed DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files DEDIAMSGMAN210 installed DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages DEDIAMSGODET210 DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files DEDIBASE300 installed DEC/EDI Base DEDICLT300 installed DEC/EDI Client DEDICLTMAN300 installed DEC/EDI Client Man Pages DEDIOFTP300 DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway DEDIPEDI300 DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway DEDISERV300 installed DEC/EDI Server DEDISERVMAN300 installed DEC/EDI Server Man Pages DEDITRAN300 installed DEC/EDI Translation Services # setld -d DEDIAMSGBASE210 DEDIAMSGEDIF210 DEDIAMSGMAN210 DEDIBASE300 \ DEDICLT300 DEDICLTMAN300 DEDISERV300 DEDISERVMAN300 DEDITRAN300 . . . For further information, see Section 7.7. 6.2.8 Step 8-Install DEC/EDI Version 3.1A This step is mandatory. Install the new version of DEC/EDI as described in Chapter 8. 6.2.9 Step 9-Check ObjectBroker is Installed and Running This step is mandatory. You need to ensure that ObjectBroker is installed and that the agent is running. For example: # obbmsho -A Agent on node: Version: OBB V2.6 Username: root Time Started: Thu Aug 1 15:29:13 1996 Pid: 10438 Log Filename: /tmp/obbagent.log Attributes: Authentication is DISABLED Active transports are TCPIP OrbV12 style Agent Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6-5 Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.2 Upgrade from DEC/EDI Version 3.0 for Digital UNIX At this point, you may upgrade to a newer version of ObjectBroker, though this may not be required. For information on the minimum supported version of ObjectBroker, see DEC/EDI: Software Product Description. ________________________Note ________________________ A server with ObjectBroker V2.6 will accept requests from older ObjectBroker versions such as V2.5A. However, there may be restrictions when doing this. For example, you may lose concurrent application access. We strongly recomend that you upgrade the remote DEC/EDI clients to the latest versions available, and at the earliest possible time. _____________________________________________________ 6.2.10 Step 10-Reconfigure ObjectBroker This step is mandatory. After installation, you must reconfigure ObjectBroker for the Server system and use the ObjectBroker (CORBA) style interface. The ACAS style interface is not supported now. 6-6 Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.2 Upgrade from DEC/EDI Version 3.0 for Digital UNIX # decedi_config 1. Configure ACAS 2. Configure ObjectBroker 3. Configure database 4. Modify database users 5. Dump database 6. Load database 7. Manage database 8. Exit Configuration Select option [8] : 2 Configuring ObjectBroker Enter the name of the DEC/EDI Server [OBB_LOCAL] : Will the client local to this server communicate using ACAS or ObjectBroker (CORBA) interfaces? 1. ACAS 2. CORBA Enter either 1 or 2 [2] : 2 For further information, see Initial Server and Application Client Configuration in DEC/EDI User's Guide. 6.2.11 Step 11-Migrate the Database This step is mandatory. This step upgrades the database format to that required by DEC/EDI Version 3.1A. The migration procedure automatically determines the previous database format and applies the appropriate set of database changes. Select the Manage database option within the DEC/EDI Configuration Utility to ensure that the database monitor is running correctly. Select the Configure database option within the DEC/EDI Configuration Utility to migrate the database. Within the Configure database option, select [m] to migrate the database. For example: Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6-7 Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.2 Upgrade from DEC/EDI Version 3.0 for Digital UNIX # decedi_config 1. Configure ACAS 2. Configure ObjectBroker 3. Configure database 4. Modify database users 5. Dump database 6. Load database 7. Manage database 8. Exit Configuration Select option [8] : 3 Configuring Database Enter the database to be used (Rdb, Inf, Ora) [Rdb] : Enter Oracle Rdb database location [/var/adm/decedi/db/decedi_db.rdb] : The Oracle Rdb database /var/adm/decedi/db/decedi_db.rdb already exists. Do you wish to [m]igrate this database to current version of DEC/EDI Server or [c]onfigure a new scratch database. Do you wish to [m]igrate, [c]onfiure or [q]uit [q]: m . . . For further information, see Setting up the Server and Local Application Clients in DEC/EDI: User's Guide. 6.2.12 Step 12-Create a new DEC/EDI Profile Cache This step is mandatory. The profile cache needs to be recreated prior to starting DEC/EDI. To do this, it is recommended that you use the DEC/EDI Profile Cache Constructor tool from the root account on the Server. # cd /var/adm/decedi/data # cp DECEDI_PC.MMF DECEDI_PC.MMF_PRE_UPGRADE # /usr/sbin/decedi_pcc # mv DECEDI_PC.MMF_NEW DECEDI_PC.MMF # chown decedi DECEDI_PC.MMF 6-8 Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.2 Upgrade from DEC/EDI Version 3.0 for Digital UNIX 6.2.13 Step 13-Start up DEC/EDI This step is mandatory. Start of DEC/EDI and which will perform the normal system recovery and startup phases. # decedi_start . . . For further information, see DEC/EDI User's Guide. 6.2.14 Step 14-Run the Network Tester This step is optional. Use the CommandCenter Network Tester application to ensure that both the ODBC (database) and ObjectBroker connections to the upgraded Server are functioning properly. For further information, see Cockpit and CommandCenter Installation 6.2.15 Step 15-Upgrade any Mapping Tables This step is optional. The DEC/EDI Version 3.1A Server is capable of using existing Mapping Tables that have been compiled using the DEC/EDI Version 3.0 CommandCenter Mapping Table Editor. You therefore do not need to recompile existing Mapping Tables at this stage. However, if you wish to use new features available within the Version 3.1A Mapper, you will need to do the following: o Load the existing Mapping Table into the Mapping Table Editor. o From the File menu, select the Options.. option. o Set the FBI File Format to V3.1A. o Compile the Mapping Table. o If the compilation is successful, copy the Mapping Table to the Server. Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6-9 Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.2 Upgrade from DEC/EDI Version 3.0 for Digital UNIX Further information on the new features available within the Mapper may be found in DEC/EDI Release Notes, the Online Help within the Mapping Table Editor, and DEC/EDI Application Development. 6.3 Upgrade from DEC/EDI Field Test 3.1 or V3.1 for Digital UNIX This section describes the steps involved in upgrading from DEC/EDI Field Test Releases 1 through 4 of DEC/EDI Version 3.1, and for upgrading from DEC/EDI Version 3.1. ________________________Note ________________________ The procedure outlined in the following section is almost exactly the same as that which you follow in upgrading from Version 3.1 to V3.1A. There are two differences: o You do not have to rebuild the Profile Cache o You need to run decedi_config to configure ObjectBroker _____________________________________________________ 6.3.1 Steps to Perform Follow all the steps as for migration from V3.0 as described in Section 6.2. You are required to perform the mandatory steps, and may choose whether to follow the optional steps. The migration procedure automatically determines the current version of DEC/EDI that has been installed, and takes the approriate action. In particular, you will need to upgrade all Cockpit and CommandCenter installations that are accessing the Server, as there are differences in the way that the Cockpit and CommandCenter communicate with the Server. For further information see DEC/EDI Release Notes. 6-10 Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.4 Migration from DEC/EDI Version 2.1C for OpenVMS 6.4 Migration from DEC/EDI Version 2.1C for OpenVMS The DEC/EDI V2.1C audit database, communications profiles, and EDI directory definitions cannot be automatically migrated to DEC/EDI Version 3.1A. Digital can offer consulting services to assist in this migration process. For further information please contact your Digital representative. However, the following may be migrated: o DEC/EDI Trading Partner Profiles that have been extracted using the INTERCHANGE command EXTRACT PROFILE o Mapping Tables that have been developed using FileBridge Version 1.1 or later. 6.4.1 Migrating V2.1C Profiles to Version 3.1A Trading Partner profiles may be extracted using the EXTRACT PROFILE command. For example: $ INTERCHANGE EDI> EXTRACT PROFILE SHINY-NEW-SYSTEMS _File Name: SHINY.PRF EDI> EXIT The extracted profile should then be copied to the PC on which the CommandCenter has been installed. Use FTP in binary mode to ensure that the file attributes are preserved. For example: Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6-11 Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.4 Migration from DEC/EDI Version 2.1C for OpenVMS C:\EDICC ftp Connected to 220 edivms FTP Server (Version 3.2) Ready. User ( ediuser 331 Username EDIUSER requires a Password. Password: 230 User logged in. ftp> bin 200 TYPE set to IMAGE. ftp> get shiny.prf 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection for shiny.prf (x.x.x.x,1066) 226 Transfer complete. 1070 bytes received in 0.00 seconds (1070000.00 Kbytes/sec) ftp> quit 221 Goodbye. Within the Trading Partner Editor, log into the Server, and use the File option Import to load the imported profile onto the Server. There may be some warnings, for example if private or Trading Partner specific documents have not yet been defined on the Server. To define these, you need to need to use the EDI Tables Editor. Also, you need to define the connection details for any Connection IDs that are referenced within the profiles. One the profiles have been imported, use the Build menu option to build and replace the profile cache on the Server. For further information, see DEC/EDI Introduction, DEC/EDI User's Guide and the Online Help for the Trading Partner Editor. 6.4.2 Migrating FileBridge Mapping Tables DEC/EDI Version 2.1C comes with a utility called FBEXPORT which may be used to export FileBridge Mapping Tables from OpenVMS to the format required by the CommandCenter. 6-12 Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.4 Migration from DEC/EDI Version 2.1C for OpenVMS For further information refer to the following: DECEDI$TOOLS:FBEXPORT_USER_GUIDE.PS DECEDI$TOOLS:FBEXPORT_USER_GUIDE.TXT After running FBEXPORT, copy the Mapping Table (file extension .FBI) to the PC, using FTP in ASCII mode. Within the Mapping Table Editor, load the Mapping Table, and resolve any problems that were reported as warnings by FBEXPORT. In the EDI Document view, determine the Standard and Version being used, and the format of data labels that have been used within the Mapping Table. This is required so that you may specify the format of data lables to be generated using the Data Label Generator on the Server system. See Table 6-1 for example data label formats, and the corresponding switches required for use with the Data Label Generator command decedi_dlg: Table_6-1_Examples_Data_Label_Formats_____________________ Example Data Standard___SegmenLabel____________decedi_dlg_Switches_____ EDIFACT PAC PAC_C402_7064_1 -f=ID TRADACOMS CDT CDT_CADD_D003_ -f=ID -w=2 01 X12________BIG___BIG01____________-f=POS_-w=2_-d=NONE_____ ________________________Note ________________________ Note that user defined data label formats such as NAD_NAME_AND_ADDR, are not supported under DEC/EDI Version 3.1A. Mapping Tables that use data labels of this format must be modified to use the standard formats that may be auto-generated by Data Label Generator tool. _____________________________________________________ Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6-13 Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.4 Migration from DEC/EDI Version 2.1C for OpenVMS Use the EDI Tables Editor Manage..Formats option to determine whether the Standard and Version has been installed. If the Standard and Version has not yet been installed, use the Message Updates Service on the Server to install the new Standard and Version. For further information, see User's Guide. Use the Data Label Generator tool to generate data labels in the format required by the Mapping Table. For example: # decedi_dlg -s=EDIFACT -v=921 -f=ID DEC/EDI Data Label Generator V3.1A (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1991,1996. All Rights Reserved. Now generating the data labels... please wait processing segment AGR processing segment AJT processing segment ALC processing segment ALI processing segment API . . . processing segment TSR The data labels were successfully generated NOTE: Data labels are cached, so replace the relevant tables caches for these data labels to take effect. Now exiting the Data Label Generator... Compile the Mapping Table using the Mapping Table Editor, and if successful, copy the compiled Mapping Table to the Server. In the Mapping Table Editor, use the Mapping Table Attributes Security tab to determine the names of the Applications which need to be registered on the Server node. Use the Management Services Editor to define and register these Applications for the Server node. 6-14 Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6.4 Migration from DEC/EDI Version 2.1C for OpenVMS Determine whether there is a default Trading Partner Name defined in the Mapping Table. This may be: o Mapping Table Attributes - Defaults The Defaults tab specifies the default options which may override any Command Line or API qualifiers. o Record Sequence - Outermost (Level 1) Record The outermost (level 1) record in the record sequence may specify default values for the Trading Partner ($PARTNER) and Object Name ($DOCTYPE). o Mapping Set - Trading Partner Specific Maps The Mapping Set may specify the Trading Partner if it is a Trading Partner specific mapping. o Initializations - $PARTNER The Initializations section may specify the default Trading Partner name. Use the Trading Partner Editor to ensure that there are corresponding Trading Partner Agreements defined for any Application, Trading Partner and EDI Document combinations used within the Mapping Table. If the direction is Outgoing, use the TRADE POST command to verify that the Mapping Table works. If the direction is Incoming, import a Transmission File and verify that the EDI Documents are succesfully processed and become AVAILABLE for fetching. In either direction, use the DEC/EDI Cockpit to monitor the flow of Documents and Transmission Files through the Server system. Once the documents have become AVAILABLE, use the TRADE FETCH command to fetch the incoming documents using the specified Mapping Table. For further information, see the section Creating a Normal Configuration in DEC/EDI User's Guide, and DEC/EDI Application Development. Upgrading or Migrating from Previous Versions of DEC/EDI 6-15 7 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install DEC/EDI Before attempting to proceed with the instructions contained within this book you should be familiar with the contents of DEC/EDI: Introduction and have decided on which components will be installed on this and any other nodes. Before installing DEC/EDI software on your system, complete the preparation requirements outlined in this chapter. This chapter provides all the necessary information to make your installation run smoothly for all supported platforms by describing: o Installation options. o Contents of the distribution kit. o Hardware, software and disk space requirement. o How to register a Digital Product Authorization Key (PAK). 7.1 Reading the Online Release Notes DEC/EDI provides online release notes. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before using the product. The release notes may contain information about changes to the application. The release notes for DEC/EDI will be placed in the following location after installation: /usr/doc/DECEDI311.release_notes /usr/doc/ Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7-1 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.2 Installation Options 7.2 Installation Options Your media kit contains one or more DEC/EDI components. These components are as follows: o DEC/EDI Application Client. If applications on the installation platform wish to either exchange files with the DEC/EDI Server, or track files in the DEC/EDI Server using the DEC/EDI Application Programming Interface (API) or the DEC/EDI Command Line Interface (CLI) then this component needs to be selected. This is true irrespective of whether the DEC/EDI Server is on the same platform as the applications or a different one. o DEC/EDI Server. If you wish to provide Communications Services, EDI Translation Services, or Mapping Services on this installation platform then this component needs to be selected. This is also true if you just which to use this platform as the common connection point for Application-to-Application routing. o DEC/EDI Message Update Service. If you which to install a new set of EDI message standards for use by the EDI Translation Services, or for use when developing mapping tables then this component needs to be selected. It can be installed only on a platform with the DEC/EDI Server component. The components share some common subsets and have other subsets which are specific to themselves and which may be either mandatory or optional. The components, and their subsets are detailed in Table 7-1. Table_7-1_DEC/EDI_Component_Subsets_______________________ Component___________Subset___________________Requirement__ DEC/EDI Application DEC/EDI Base Mandatory Client (continued on next page) 7-2 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.2 Installation Options Table_7-1_(Cont.)_DEC/EDI_Component_Subsets_______________ Component___________Subset___________________Requirement__ DEC/EDI Client Mandatory DEC/EDI Client Man Optional Pages DEC/EDI Server DEC/EDI Base Mandatory DEC/EDI Server Mandatory DEC/EDI Server Man Optional Pages DEC/EDI EDI Translation Optional Services DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Optional Gateway DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway Optional DEC/EDI SMTP/MIME Optional Communications Gateway DEC/EDI 3780 (BISYNC) Optional Communications Gateway DEC/EDI Message DEC/EDI Message Updates Mandatory Update Service Base (MUS) DEC/EDI Message Updates Optional Man Pages DEC/EDI Message Updates Optional EDIFACT IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates Optional ODETTE IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates Optional X12 files DEC/EDI Message Updates Optional TDCC files DEC/EDI Message Updates Optional ____________________TRADACOMS_files_______________________ Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7-3 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.2 Installation Options 7.2.1 Additional Information on DEC/EDI Subsets The following provides additional information on the DEC/EDI subsets: o The DEC/EDI Client Man Pages optional subset should be selected if the man pages for the DEC/EDI API and CLI calls are required. o The DEC/EDI Server Man Pages optional subset should be selected if the man pages for the DEC/EDI System Administrator Utilities, such as Secondary Archiving, are required. o The DEC/EDI EDI Translation Services optional subset should be selected if any EDI Translation is required for either outgoing or incoming files. o The DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server is to provide X.400 or X.435 Communications Services. o The DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server is to provide OFTP Communications Services. o The DEC/EDI SMTP/MIME Communications Gateway optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server is to provide SMTP/MIME Communications Services. o The DEC/EDI 3780 (BISYNC) Communications Gateway optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server is to provide 3780 (BISYNC) Communications Services. o The DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages optional subset should be selected if the man pages for the DEC/EDI Message Updates Service are required. o The DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server requires that new EDIFACT tables need to be installed on the system or to replace existing tables already on the system. 7-4 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.2 Installation Options o The DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server requires that new ODETTE tables need to be installed on the system or to replace existing tables already on the system. o The DEC/EDI Message Updates X12 files optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server requires that new X12 tables need to be installed on the system or to replace existing tables already on the system. o The DEC/EDI Message Updates TDCC files optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server requires that new TDCC tables need to be installed on the system or to replace existing tables already on the system. o The DEC/EDI Message Updates TRADACOMS files optional subset should be selected if the DEC/EDI Server requires that new TRADACOMS tables need to be installed on the system or to replace existing tables already on the system. 7.3 Checking the Software Distribution Kit Use the Bill of Materials (BOM) to check the contents of your DEC/EDI software distribution kit. If your software distribution kit is damaged or incom- plete, contact your Digital representative. 7.4 Registering Your Software Licenses on Digital Systems DEC/EDI includes support for the License Management Facility (LMF). You must register your License Product Authorization Key(s) (License PAK(s)) in the License Database (LDB) in order to use DEC/EDI on a newly licensed node. If you ordered the licenses and media together then the License PAK(s) will be shipped along with the kit. Otherwise, the License PAK(s) are shipped separately to a location cited on your license order. DEC/EDI supports a number of license types, depending on which DEC/EDI component subsets you wish to use. Table 7-2 details the individual License PAK names, and what they control. Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7-5 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.4 Registering Your Software Licenses on Digital Systems Table_7-2_DEC/EDI_Component_Licensing_____________________ Subset___________Functionality_________LMF_PAK_Name_______ DEC/EDI Client Post, Fetch, Track EDI-APP-SERV or via API or CLI. EDI-X400-PACKAGE or This includes bypass EDI-OFTP-PACKAGE translation. DEC/EDI Server Import/Export No license Gateway, Run-time required. Mapper, Application- to-Application Routing DEC/EDI EDI Convert to EDI EDI-TRANSLATION- Translation Format, Build EDI SERV or EDI-X400- Transmissions, Split PACKAGE or EDI- EDI Transmissions, OFTP-PACKAGE Translate from EDI Format DEC/EDI Mailbus X.400 (84) P0 and EDI-X400-SERV or 400 Gateway P2, X.400 (88) P0 EDI-X400-PACKAGE and P2, X.435 DEC/EDI OFTP OFTP send and EDI-OFTP-SERV or Gateway receive EDI-OFTP-PACKAGE DEC/EDI SMTP send and EDI-SMTP-LICENSE or SMTP/MIME receive EDI-SMTP-PACKAGE Communications license Gateway DEC/EDI 3780 3780 send and EDI-BISYNC-LICENSE (BISYNC) receive or EDI-BISYNC- Communications PACKAGE license Gateway___________________________________________________ _____________________ Important _____________________ In addition, you must install the EDI-COMCEN license on the Server. This permits the DEC/EDI CommandCenter to manage the Server node. _____________________________________________________ 7-6 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.4 Registering Your Software Licenses on Digital Systems If you are installing prerequisite or optional software along with DEC/EDI, review the PAK status and install the PAKs for any prerequisite or optional software before you install DEC/EDI. 7.4.1 Registering Licenses on Digital UNIX To register a license under the Digital UNIX operating system: 1. Log in as superuser. 2. At the superuser prompt, enter the following command to edit your License PAK: # lmf register An empty PAK template is displayed in a text editor (vi by default). Enter all the information from your License PAK form. After you register your license, use the following command to copy the license details from the LDB to the kernel cache: # lmf reset For complete information on using the License Management Facility, see the Guide to Software License Management and the lmf(8) reference page. 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements This section discusses requirements for installing DEC/EDI. 7.5.1 Login Privileges You must have superuser privileges to install the DEC/EDI software and to register the license PAK(s). 7.5.2 Hardware Requirements To run the DEC/EDI Application Client, DEC/EDI Server or DEC/EDI Message Update Service you need a Digital machine running the Digital UNIX Operating System. Please refer to the DEC/EDI Software Product Description (SPD) for the additional details of the hardware models and supported versions of the operating system. Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7-7 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements To perform the installation, you need the following hardware: o A software distribution device (if installing from media) You need a distribution device that corresponds with the software distribution media. For example, if you have a CD-ROM, you need a CD-ROM drive. The documentation for the tape or disk drive explains how to load the media supplied with the software distribution kit. o A terminal You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure. If you wish to install the DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway subset, you may require additional hardware that supports specific communication protocols to provide external connectivity. See the Mailbus 400 Software Product Description (SPD) for more information on these requirements. If you wish to install the DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway subset, you may require additional hardware to provide the X.25 connectivity. See the DEC X.25 Software Product Description (SPD) for more information on these requirements. 7.5.3 Checking Software Requirements The software requirements for DEC/EDI are given in Table 7-3. Table_7-3_DEC/EDI_Software_Requirements___________________ Subset___________Software_required_____Requirement________ DEC/EDI Base Digital UNIX Mandatory TCP/IP Mandatory (included with O/S) (continued on next page) 7-8 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements Table_7-3_(Cont.)_DEC/EDI_Software_Requirements___________ Subset___________Software_required_____Requirement________ ObjectBroker Mandatory DEC/EDI Client DEC/EDI Base Mandatory DEC/EDI Client Digital UNIX Mandatory Man Pages Documentation Subset DEC/EDI Server DEC/EDI Base Mandatory Informix-OnLine Mandatory if using runtime Informix OnLine Informix-ESQL/C Mandatory if using runtime Informix OnLine Oracle Rdb Mandatory if using Oracle Rdb Oracle7 Mandatory if using Oracle7 Oracle SQL Services Mandatory if using Oracle Rdb Oracle SQL*NET V2 Mandatory if using Oracle7 DEC/EDI Server Digital UNIX Optional Man Pages Documentation Subset DEC/EDI DEC/EDI Server Optional Translation Services DEC/EDI Mailbus DEC/EDI Server Optional 400 Gateway Mailbus 400 Base Optional DEC/EDI OFTP DEC/EDI Server Optional Gateway DEC/EDI DEC/EDI Server Optional SMTP/MIME Communications Gateway (continued on next page) Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7-9 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements Table_7-3_(Cont.)_DEC/EDI_Software_Requirements___________ Subset___________Software_required_____Requirement________ DEC/EDI 3780 DEC/EDI Optional (BISYNC) Communications Gateway DEC X.25 Base Optional DEC/EDI Message DEC/EDI Server Optional Updates Base DEC/EDI Message Digital UNIX Optional Updates Man Documentation Subset Pages DEC/EDI Message DEC/EDI Message Optional Updates EDIFACT Updates Base IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message DEC/EDI Message Optional Updates ODETTE Updates Base IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message DEC/EDI Message Optional Updates X12 Updates Base IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message DEC/EDI Message Optional Updates TDCC Updates Base IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message DEC/EDI Message Optional Updates Updates Base TRADACOMS IMPDEF_files______________________________________________ It should be noted that the server requires a database to hold it's definitions so one of the following databases must be chosen to hold the DEC/EDI information: o Informix-OnLine. o Oracle Rdb. o Oracle7 7-10 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements See the DEC/EDI Software Product Description (SPD) for more information on software requirements such as version numbers. 7.5.4 Checking ObjectBroker is Installed To check that ObjectBroker is installed on Digital UNIX log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following command: # setld -i | grep OBBBASE This should produce some output, and mark against each version of the ObjectBroker Base System whether it is currently installed or not. To check ObjectBroker is running, and configured correctly, issue the following command: # obbmsho -A This should produce output indicating whether the ObjectBroker agent is running, and what attributes it is running with. For example: # obbmsho -A Agent on node: Version: OBB V2.6-07 Username: root Time Started: Wed Nov 27 12:06:07 1996 Pid: 28604 Log Filename: /tmp/obbagent.log Attributes: AuthrWOAuthn is ENABLED Active transports are TCPIP OrbV12 style Agent If the DEC/EDI Application Client and DEC/EDI Server are on different systems, the network between them should be tested as follows: o Check that the TCP/IP link works in both directions by pinging the other node you intend to use. An example of successfully pinging node "" is as follows: Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7-11 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements # ping PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=255 time=2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=1 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=1 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=3 ms PING Statistics---- 4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip (ms) min/avg/max = 1/1/3 ms o Check that ObjectBroker acknowledges both nodes by using the inbuilt ObjectBroker Network Tester as follows: o On one node, invoke the ObjectBroker Network Tester as the Server by entering the following command: # obbntst -s ObjectBroker Network Tester for version OBB V2.5A-04 Server side tests will be performed. Time: Tue May 16 12:16:50 1995 Tests: All Transport selected: TCP (TCPIP) 1. Loading the transport Please verify the local nodename and local node address. ( 2. Registering on network as server Connection identifier: 00001291 3. Waiting for network events. Please initiate client-side tests. Use the connection identifier shown above when starting the client-side. o On the other node, invoke the ObjectBroker Network Tester as the client by entering the following command but substituting for the name of the server the client is to connect to and 00001291 for the connection identifier given in the previous step: 7-12 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements # obbntst -c 00001291 -n ObjectBroker Network Tester for version OBB V2.5A-04 Client side tests will be performed. Time: Tue May 16 12:17:09 1995 Tests: All Transport selected: TCP (TCPIP) Server nodename: Connection id: 00001291 Message size: 512 Num. Sends: 1 1. Loading the transport Please verify the local nodename and local node address. ( 2. Connecting to the server. 3. Sending the message to the specified server. 001) Send: header=24 bytes; data=512 bytes; total=536 bytes. Receive: header=24 bytes; data=512 bytes; total=536 bytes. The test completed successfully. # In this example, is the server node, is the client node, and 00001291 was the connection id given when the Network Tester was started on the server. o The server's Network Tester should also complete, as follows: * Received DATA: header=24 bytes; data=512 bytes; total=536 bytes. Responding: header=24 bytes; data=512 bytes; total=536 bytes. * Received DISCONNECT: Cancelling wait. The test completed successfully. # Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7-13 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements 7.5.5 Checking Digital UNIX Documentation Subset is Installed To check Digital UNIX Documentation Subset is installed on Digital UNIX log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following command: # setld -i | grep OSFDCMT This should produce some output, and mark against each version of the Digital UNIX Documentation Subset whether it is currently installed or not. 7.5.6 Checking that Oracle7 is Installed Before you can check completely that all Oracle7 components have been installed, you need to set some environment variables specific to Oracle7. After setting the environment variables, there are two ways in which you can check that Oracle7 and its components are installed: o Run the Oracle7 Installer. This utility produces a listing of components and respective versions. o Check for individual Oracle7 components by using specific commands. In checking an installation by this method, you need to know what components should be installed. Setting Oracle7 Environment Variables To set Oracle7 environment variables: 1. Check the /etc/passwd file to make sure that an Oracle7 account has been created. Note that the name of the account starts with the letters, ora. By default, the name is oracle. 2. Note the whole specification of its home directory, and switch to that user (for example, su - oracle). 3. Set the following environment variables as specified: o ORACLE_HOME-to home directory specification o ORACLE_SID-to decedidb 7-14 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements o ORACLE_TERM-to vt100 Running the Oracle7 Installer The Oracle7 Installer is located on the Oracle CD- ROM disk. Run the utility to give you a listing (with respective locations) of Oracle7 files installed on your system. This may take a few minutes. Checking for Individual Oracle7 Components You may check that individual components are installed by using commands that are specific to each one. You also have the option to list the version number of each component for which you check. Checking for the Server Manager and DBMS From the Oracle account, and with the environment variables set as described in Section, enter the following command: > svrmgrl This returns an output similar to the following: Server Manager: Release 2.0.3 - Production Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994. All rights reserved. Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release SVRMGR> exit Note that this shows that both the Server Manager and DBMS are installed. Their version numbers are also included in the output. Checking for SQLPLUS To check that the PL/SQL package is installed, enter the following command:> sqlplus This returns an output similar to the following: Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7-15 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Oct 26 12:08:24 1996 Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1994. All rights reserved. Enter user-name: system Enter password: Connected to: Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release PL/SQL Release - Production SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle7 Server Release - Production Release PL/SQL Release - Production Checking for TCP/IP Services To check for the TCP/IP Services, enter the following command: # $ORACLE_HOME/bin/drivers This returns an output similar to the following: Installed SQL*Net Drivers are: V1 Pipes V1 Fast SQL*Net V2> $ORACLE_HOME/bin/adapters Installed SQL*Net V2 Protocol Adapters are: V2 BEQ Protocol Adapter V2 IPC Protocol Adapter V2 TCP/IP Protocol Adapter To get their versions, enter the following commands: # $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrct LSNRCTL> version This produces an output similar to the following: 7-16 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements Connecting to (ADDRESS=( om)(Port=1521)) TNSLSNR for DEC OSF/1: Version - Production TNS for DEC OSF/1: Version - Production UNIX Domain Socket IPC NT Protocol Adaptor for DEC OSF/1: Version 2. - Production Oracle Bequeath NT Protocol Adapter for DEC OSF/1: Version - Production TCP/IP NT Protocol Adapter for DEC OSF/1: Version - Produc tion The command completed successfully LSNRCTL> exit 7.5.7 Checking Informix-OnLine is Installed To check that Informix-OnLine is installed on Digital UNIX log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following commands: # setenv INFORMIXDIR /usr/informix # setenv PATH ${PATH}:${INFORMIXDIR}/bin # onstat -V This should produce some output indicating the version of Informix-OnLine and its serial number. Informix-OnLine does not need to be started prior to starting DEC/EDI or running any of the DEC/EDI utilities such as decedi_config. 7.5.8 Checking Informix-ESQL/C is Installed To check that Informix-ESQL/C is installed on Digital UNIX log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following commands: # setenv INFORMIXDIR /usr/informix # setenv PATH ${PATH}:${INFORMIXDIR}/bin # esql -V This should produce some output indicating the version of Informix-ESQL and its serial number. Informix-ESQL/C does not need to be started prior to starting DEC/EDI or running any of the DEC/EDI utilities such as decedi_config. Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7-17 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements 7.5.9 Checking Oracle Rdb is Installed To check that Oracle Rdb is installed on Digital UNIX log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following command: # setld -i | grep RDBSRV This should produce some output, and mark against each version of the Oracle Rdb subset whether it is currently installed or not. To check that Oracle Rdb is running, enter the following command: # rmu rmu> show system DEC Rdb V6.1-0 on node 16-MAY-1995 13:36:23.42 - monitor log filename is "/usr/lib/dbs/rdb/v61/adm/rdmmon61.log" database /usr/users/rdbdb/decedi_db.rdb/rdb_system.rdb - 9 active database users rmu> exit # 7.5.10 Checking Oracle SQL Services is Installed To check that Oracle SQL Services is installed on Digital UNIX log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following command: # setld -i | grep RDBSQL This should produce some output, and mark against each version of the Oracle SQL Services subset whether it is currently installed or not. To check that Oracle SQL Services is running, enter the following commands: 7-18 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements # sqs_manage SQS manage> connect server sqs_default user 'dbsmgr' using 'password'; SQS manage> show server; Server SQS_DEFAULT (System Name: SQS_DEFAULT002F) Node: Default server: on Srvr version: v61 Shared mem: 2000 Kb Log path: /var/tmpdir/ Dump path: /var/tmpdir/ Lock path: /var/tmpdir/ Shared mem path: /var/tmpdir/ Proc start time: 90 secs Proc shut time: 60 secs Network port: DECnet object: DBS_SERVER (Native) Network port: TCP/IP port-id: 2199 (Native) Current shared memory usage: Allocation unit: 65536 bytes Total memory: 1966080 bytes ( 30 units) Free memory: 1769472 bytes ( 27 units) Partly allocated: 131072 bytes ( 2 units) SQS manage> disconnect server sqs_default; SQS manage> exit; # 7.5.11 Checking Mailbus 400 is Installed To check that Mailbus 400 is installed on Digital UNIX log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following command: # setld -i | grep MTAABASE This should produce some output, and mark against each version of the Mailbus 400 Base subset whether it is currently installed or not. Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7-19 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements 7.5.12 Checking DEC X.25 is Installed To check that DEC X.25 is installed on Digital UNIX log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following command: # setld -i | grep XXAACC This should produce some output, and mark against each version of the DEC X.25 subset whether it is currently installed or not. 7.5.13 Checking the DEC/EDI account When installing the DEC/EDI Server subset, some files will be assigned the ownership of decedi. This means that a decedi needs to be set up prior to installing the DEC/EDI Server subset. To check that the decedi account has been set up, log in as the superuser (root), and enter the following command: # grep decedi /etc/passwd If the decedi account exists, then this will produce a line containing the account details. If no decedi account exists, no output will be generated. To add the decedi account, enter the following command: # adduser This will take you through a series of questions and then sets up the decedi account. 7.5.14 Determining Disk Space Requirements Table 7-4 lists the disk space requirements for loading each of the DEC/EDI software subsets. The figures shown in these tables are peak requirements. After installation, slightly less disk space is required. 7-20 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements Table_7-4_Disk_Space_Requirements_________________________ DEC/EDI_Subset_____________Space_required_(Kilobytes)_____ DEC/EDI Base 2,000 DEC/EDI Client 2,500 DEC/EDI Client Man Pages 150 DEC/EDI Server 75,000 DEC/EDI Server Man Pages 50 DEC/EDI Translation 6,000 Services DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 1,500 Gateway DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway 1,200 DEC/EDI SMTP Gateway 500 DEC/EDI BISYNC (3780) 50 Gateway DEC/EDI Message Updates 1,200 Base DEC/EDI Message Updates 300 Man Pages DEC/EDI Message Updates 8,000 TDCC files DEC/EDI Message Updates 21,000 X12 files DEC/EDI Message Updates 500 TRADACOMS files DEC/EDI Message Updates 7,000 EDIFACT IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates 200 ODETTE_IMPDEF_files_______________________________________ Compare the space required for subsets with the free space currently on the disks where DEC/EDI files will reside. To determine the amount of disk space available on your system, enter the df -k command. For example: Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7-21 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.5 Installation Procedure Requirements # df -k /usr Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/re0g 1580378 970579 451761 68% /usr This display shows that there are 451,761 KiloBytes available. 7.6 Backing Up Your System Disk Digital recommends that you back up your file systems before installing any software. For information about backing up your file systems, see the Digital UNIX system documentation. 7.7 Deleting DEC/EDI from Your System If you already have a DEC/EDI subset installed on your system, and want to replace it with another version of that subset, you must delete the original subset first. For instance, if you are upgrading from one version of DEC/EDI to another. Note that deleting the subset does not cause any user data to be lost, so on deleting a subset, and then installing a new subset no data will be lost. If you already have a version of DEC/EDI from your system, and wish to re-install it, or replace it with a newer version, then you must delete each DEC/EDI subset that you previously installed. To delete subsets: 1. Log in as superuser (login name, root). 2. Make sure you are at the root directory (/) by entering the following command: # cd / 3. Enter the following setld command (you may need to use the Bourne shell sh to run setld): # setld -i | grep DEDI For example: # setld -i | grep DEDI DEDICLT311 installed DEC/EDI Digital UNIX Client DEDICLTMAN311 installed DEC/EDI Digital UNIX Client Man Pages 7-22 Preparing to Install DEC/EDI Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7.7 Deleting DEC/EDI from Your System 4. Look for the word "installed" in the listing produced, and then delete the installed subsets. For example: # setld -d DEDICLT311 DEDICLTMAN311 7.8 Stopping the Installation You can stop the installation procedure at any time by pressing Ctrl/C. If you stop the installation, files created up to that point are not deleted. You must delete those files manually. To find out which DEC/EDI files are on your system, enter the following command: # find / -name \*decedi\* Be careful of deleting data contained in /usr/var/adm /decedi or its sub-directories as this may cause DEC/EDI configuration data to be lost. 7.9 Time Required for Complete Installation The time taken to install each of the subsets from the DEC/EDI kit varies depending on the size of your CPU and whether you are installing using local media, or from a Remote Installation Services (RIS) server area. In most cases, each subset should take only a few minutes to install. Preparing to Install DEC/EDI 7-23 8 ________________________________________________________________ Installing DEC/EDI This chapter describes how to install DEC/EDI. Before starting your installation, perform the pre-installation tasks listed in Chapter 7. The first sections of this chapter describe how to enter setld to start the installation procedure. The way you do this depends on whether you are installing: o Locally, from CD-ROM media - see Section 8.1. o From a Remote Installation Services (RIS) server area - see Section 8.2 Then Section 8.3 explains the installation dialog during which you are prompted for details about how the installation is to take place. 8.1 Installing From CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media This procedure loads DEC/EDI files on to a disk belonging to the system where you perform the installation. When DEC/EDI is run, its executable images are mapped into memory on your system. Follow these steps to install DEC/EDI from CD-ROM media: 1. Mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. 2. Log in as superuser (login name, root) to the system where you will install DEC/EDI. 3. Make sure you are at the root (/) directory by entering the following command: # cd / Installing DEC/EDI 8-1 Installing DEC/EDI 8.1 Installing From CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media 4. Specify the /cdrom directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. For example, if your drive is called ralc, enter the following command: # mount -dr /dev/ralc /cdrom 5. Enter a setld command that requests the load function (-l option) and identifies the directory in the mounted file system where the DEC/EDI subsets are located. For example, if the directory location for these subsets is /cdrom/dedi311/kit, enter the following command: # setld -l /cdrom/dedi311/kit The installation procedure now displays the names of the DEC/EDI subsets and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. See Section 8.3 to continue the installation. 8.2 Installing From a Remote Installation Services (RIS) Distribution Area If you are installing DEC/EDI subsets that reside in an /etc/ris RIS distribution area on a remote system, follow these steps: 1. Log in as superuser (login name, root) to the system where you will install DEC/EDI. 2. Make sure you are at the root directory (/) by entering the following command: #cd / 3. Enter a setld command that requests the load function (-l option) and identifies the system where the DEC/EDI subsets are located. For example, if you are loading DEC/EDI subsets from a RIS distribution area on node orion, enter the following: #setld -l orion: RIS now displays a menu that lists all the software subsets available to you and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. 8-2 Installing DEC/EDI Installing DEC/EDI Installing From a Remote Installation Services (RIS) Distribution Area See Section 8.3 to continue the installation. 8.3 Running the Installation Procedure Once you have entered the setld command to install the software, the system takes you through a dialog in which you are prompted for details about how the installation is to take place. This section and following subsections explain some of the prompts. At each prompt during the dialog, you can do any of the following: o Enter your reply and press . o Enter ? for more information about what is required. o Abort the installation by pressing . If you encounter any failures during the installation dialog, refer to Section 8.3.3. 8.3.1 Specifying Subsets You are prompted to specify which DEC/EDI subsets you want to load. For example, when installing DEC/EDI on Digital UNIX, the dialog is as follows: # setld -l /cdrom/dedi311 The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) DEC/EDI 3780 Gateway 2) DEC/EDI Base 3) DEC/EDI Client Man Pages 4) DEC/EDI Client 5) DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway 6) DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway 7) DEC/EDI Message Updates Base 8) DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files 9) DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Installing DEC/EDI 8-3 Installing DEC/EDI 8.3 Running the Installation Procedure Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 2-4 10) DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files 11) DEC/EDI Message Updates TDCC IMPDEF files 12) DEC/EDI Message Updates TRADACOMS IMPDEF files 13) DEC/EDI Message Updates X12 IMPDEF files 14) DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway 15) DEC/EDI Server Man Pages 16) DEC/EDI Server 17) DEC/EDI Translation Services The following choices override your previous selections: 18) ALL of the above 19) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 20) EXIT without installing any subsets Add to your choices, choose an overriding action or press RETURN to confirm previous selections. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 2-4 You are installing the following optional subsets: DEC/EDI Base DEC/EDI Client Man Pages DEC/EDI Client Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. If you specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space, not a comma. ________________________Note ________________________ Note that if you are installing from a RIS distribu- tion area, the number of subsets can vary, depending on which products are available in the RIS area, and on how many subsets they have. Also, if the subsets are already installed, they will not appear as a selectable option. _____________________________________________________ 8-4 Installing DEC/EDI Installing DEC/EDI 8.3 Running the Installation Procedure Next, the dialog lets you verify your choice. For example, if you enter 18 in response to the previous prompt, you will see the following display: DEC/EDI 3780 Gateway DEC/EDI Base DEC/EDI Client Man Pages DEC/EDI Client DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway DEC/EDI Message Updates Base DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates TDCC IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates TRADACOMS IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates X12 IMPDEF files DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway DEC/EDI Server Man Pages DEC/EDI Server DEC/EDI Translation Services If the displayed subsets are the ones you want to load, enter y. If the displayed subsets are not the ones you intended to choose, enter n. In this case, the Subset Selection menu is displayed again, and you can correct your choice of optional subsets. 8.3.2 Messages Displayed During the Loading Process The installation procedure loads and verifies the selected DEC/EDI subsets. During this process, several messages are displayed. When you see the "Verifying" message during the subset installation, the installation procedure is checking that the files are copied correctly. Note that this is not an Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) message. If you see the "Broken pipe" message during the subset installation, then this can be ignored as the subset will continue to be installed successfully. Installing DEC/EDI 8-5 Installing DEC/EDI 8.3 Running the Installation Procedure If, during a Digital UNIX installation you get errors from the setld utility, refer to the Diagnostics section of the setld (8) reference page for an explanation of the errors, and the appropriate actions to take. Section 9.1 explains how to run the IVP after installa- tion. 8.3.3 Problems During Product Installation If errors occur during the installation, the system displays failure messages. For example, if the instal- lation fails due to insufficient disk space, the following message appears: There is not enough space for subset DEDISERV311 DEDISERV311 will not be loaded. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The version of the operating system is incorrect. o A prerequisite software version is incorrect. o There is insufficient disk space. o The system parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. For descriptions of error messages generated by these conditions, refer to the relevant documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and software installation. For information on system software requirements, refer to Section 7.5.3. 8.4 Files Created During Installation For more details of the files installed by an installation of DEC/EDI, refer to the DEC/EDI: User's Guide. 8-6 Installing DEC/EDI 9 ________________________________________________________________ After Installation This chapter explains what you need to do after the installation to make DEC/EDI ready for use. 9.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure After installing DEC/EDI, you should run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access DEC/EDI. The DEC/EDI IVP verifies the installation by checking that the DEC/EDI subsets are installed. To run the IVP after an installation, enter the following command, where subsetname can be any DEC/EDI subset: # setld -v subsetname For a sample DEC/EDI IVP, refer to Section E.3. If the verification process fails, look in the /var/adm /smlogs/fverify.log file for information to help diagnose the problem. 9.2 Configuring the System Before the system can be used for the first time, or after parts of the system have been changed, it needs to be configured. The DEC/EDI system is comprised of both Application Clients, Servers, and PCs which monitor or configure the DEC/EDI system. Different configuration activities need to be performed on the separate parts of the system in a particular order. Refer to DEC/EDI: User's Guide which describes the order configuration needs to occur in. After Installation 9-1 After Installation 9.3 Problems After Installation 9.3 Problems After Installation U.S. customers who encounter a problem while using DEC/EDI can report it to Digital by telephoning the Digital Customer Support Center (CSC) at 1-800-354-9000. Customers with service contracts can also use an electronic means such as DSNlink. Customers without a service contract can arrange for per- call support. The CSC will need the following information: o The name and version number of the operating system you are using. o The version of DEC/EDI you are using. o The hardware system you are using (such as a model number). o A brief description of the problem (one sentence if possible). o Whether the problem is critical. o Any other information that may be helpful in trying to reproduce the problem, such as the specific commands you used to run the software, the error messages displayed, and source listings of the relevant software module or lines of code. If the problem is related to DEC/EDI documentation, then report the problem to the CSC (if you have a service contract and the problem is severe). 9-2 After Installation Part III ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation Logs This part of the book contains sample installation logs for each of the supported Application Clients, the DEC/EDI Server and the Messages Updates Service (MUS). A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation on Digital UNIX This appendix provides sample listings for the following procedures: o An installation of DEC/EDI Application Client using disk media o An Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) A.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ________________________Note ________________________ To enable the following example to print on a variety of formats the line lengths have been adjusted. The content, however, remains unchanged. _____________________________________________________ # setld -l /cdrom/dedi311 The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) DEC/EDI 3780 Gateway 2) DEC/EDI Base 3) DEC/EDI Client Man Pages 4) DEC/EDI Client 5) DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway 6) DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway 7) DEC/EDI Message Updates Base 8) DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files 9) DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A-1 Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 2-5 7-9 10) DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files 11) DEC/EDI Message Updates TDCC IMPDEF files 12) DEC/EDI Message Updates TRADACOMS IMPDEF files 13) DEC/EDI Message Updates X12 IMPDEF files 14) DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway 15) DEC/EDI Server Man Pages 16) DEC/EDI Server 17) DEC/EDI Translation Services The following choices override your previous selections: 18) ALL of the above 19) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 20) EXIT without installing any subsets Add to your choices, choose an overriding action or press RETURN to confirm previous selections. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 2-5 7-9 10-13 15-17 You are installing the following optional subsets: DEC/EDI Base DEC/EDI Client Man Pages DEC/EDI Client DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway DEC/EDI Message Updates Base DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates TDCC IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates TRADACOMS IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates X12 IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Server Man Pages DEC/EDI Server DEC/EDI Translation Services Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. A-2 Sample Installation on Digital UNIX Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Base (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Base (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Base Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Server (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994,1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A-3 Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation This DEC/EDI Server (Digital UNIX) will not accept requests from non-CORBA based clients as the ACAS Compatability bits are not present. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Server (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Server Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Working....Wed Jul 24 09:44:51 GMT 1996 Working....Wed Jul 24 09:46:52 GMT 1996 Verifying Working....Wed Jul 24 09:48:05 GMT 1996 ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Server Man Pages (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Server Man Pages (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Server Man Pages Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying A-4 Sample Installation on Digital UNIX Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994,1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A-5 Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation This DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Translation Services (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Translation Services (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Translation Services Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Working....Wed Jul 24 09:50:08 GMT 1996 Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. A-6 Sample Installation on Digital UNIX Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates Base version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Message Updates Base subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates Base Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages version 3.1A Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A-7 Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. A-8 Sample Installation on Digital UNIX Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates X12 IMPDEF files version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates X12 IMPDEF files Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Working....Wed Jul 24 09:53:30 GMT 1996 Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates TDCC IMPDEF files version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A-9 Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates TDCC IMPDEF files Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates TRADACOMS IMPDEF files version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates TRADACOMS IMPDEF files Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying DEDIBASE311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Base" (DEDIBASE311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Base (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A successfully installed ******************************************************************************** DEDISERV311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Server" (DEDISERV311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Server (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A successfully installed ******************************************************************************** DEDISERVMAN311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Server Man Pages" (DEDISERVMAN311) A-10 Sample Installation on Digital UNIX Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Server Man Pages (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A successfully installed. ******************************************************************************** DEDICLT311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Client" (DEDICLT311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A successfully installed ******************************************************************************** DEDICLTMAN311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Client Man Pages" (DEDICLTMAN311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A successfully installed. ******************************************************************************** DEDITRAN311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Translation Services" (DEDITRAN311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Translation Services (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A successfully installed. ******************************************************************************** DEDISMTP311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway" (DEDISMTP311) ******************************************************************************** You must register a valid DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway (Digital UNIX) license before you can use the DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway (Digital UNIX). ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A successfully installed Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A-11 Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ******************************************************************************** DEDIAMSGBASE311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Message Updates Base" (DEDIAMSGBASE311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates Base version 3.1A successfully installed ******************************************************************************** DEDIAMSGMAN311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages" (DEDIAMSGMAN311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages version 3.1A successfully installed ******************************************************************************** DEDIAMSGEDIF311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files" (DEDIAMSGEDIF311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files version 3.1A successfully installed ******************************************************************************** DEDIAMSGODET311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files" (DEDIAMSGODET311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files version 3.1A successfully installed ******************************************************************************** DEDIAMSGX12311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Message Updates X12 IMPDEF files" (DEDIAMSGX12311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates X12 IMPDEF files version 3.1A successfully installed ******************************************************************************** DEDIAMSGTDCC311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Message Updates TDCC IMPDEF files" (DEDIAMSGTDCC311) A-12 Sample Installation on Digital UNIX Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates TDCC IMPDEF files version 3.1A successfully installed ******************************************************************************** DEDIAMSGTRAD311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Message Updates TRADACOMS IMPDEF files" (DEDIAMSGTRAD311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates TRADACOMS IMPDEF files version 3.1A successfully installed ******************************************************************************** A.2 Sample Installation Verification Procedure # /usr/sbin/setld -v DEDICLT311 < Return > DEC/EDI V3.1A Digital UNIX Client (DEDICLT311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX ) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994,1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** # Sample Installation on Digital UNIX A-13 B ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation on IBM AIX This appendix provides sample listings for the following procedures: o An installation of DEC/EDI Application Client using disk media o An Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) ________________________Note ________________________ In this release, you may choose either a CORBA- compliant or an ACAS-compliant Client installation. You will be prompted to make this choice during the installation procedure. _____________________________________________________ B.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ________________________Note ________________________ To enable the following example to print on a variety of formats the line lengths have been adjusted. The content, remains unchanged. _____________________________________________________ B.1.1 Sample Installation # setld -l /kit/output *** Enter Subset Selections *** The subsets listed below are optional: 1) DEC/EDI V3.1 IBM AIX Client 2) DEC/EDI V3.1 IBM AIX Client Man Pages Sample Installation on IBM AIX B-1 Sample Installation on IBM AIX B.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation 3) All of the Above 4) None of the Above 5) Exit without installing subsets Enter your choice(s): 3 You are installing the following subsets: DEC/EDI V3.1 IBM AIX Client DEC/EDI V3.1 IBM AIX Client Man Pages Is this correct? (y/n): y ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (IBM AIX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994,1995. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Client (IBM AIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI V3.1 IBM AIX Client (DEDICLT310) Copying from /kit/output (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (IBM AIX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994,1995. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. B-2 Sample Installation on IBM AIX Sample Installation on IBM AIX B.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (IBM AIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI V3.1 IBM AIX Client Man Pages (DEDIMAN310) Copying from /kit/output (disk) Verifying :- creating softlinks ... done. You can use either the ACAS or CORBA style interfaces. Use CORBA? (y/n) [y] : Server Configuration information already exists. Override it? (y/n) [n] : y Enter the name of the server : ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (IBM AIX) successfully installed ******************************************************************************** :- creating softlinks ... done. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (IBM AIX) successfully installed ******************************************************************************** # ^Z Sample Installation on IBM AIX B-3 Sample Installation on IBM AIX B.2 Sample Installation Verification Procedure B.2 Sample Installation Verification Procedure # /usr/sbin/setld -v DEDICLT310 < Return > DEC/EDI V3.1 IBM AIX Client (DEDICLT310) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (IBM AIX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994,1995. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** # B-4 Sample Installation on IBM AIX C ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation on HP-UX This appendix provides sample listings for the following procedures: o An installation of DEC/EDI Application Client using disk media o An Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) ________________________Note ________________________ In this release, you may choose either a CORBA- compliant or an ACAS-compliant Client installation. You will be prompted to make this choice during the installation. _____________________________________________________ C.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ________________________Note ________________________ To enable the following example to print on a variety of formats the line lengths have been adjusted. The content, remains unchanged. _____________________________________________________ C.1.1 Sample CORBA Installation # setld -l /kit/output *** Enter Subset Selections *** The subsets listed below are optional: 1) DEC/EDI V3.1 HP-UX Client 2) DEC/EDI V3.1 HP- UX Client Man Pages Sample Installation on HP-UX C-1 Sample Installation on HP-UX C.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation 3) All of the Above 4) None of the Above 5) Exit without installing subsets Enter your choice(s): 3 You are installing the following subsets: DEC/EDI V3.1 HP-UX Client DEC/EDI V3.1 HP-UX Client Man Pages Is this correct? (y/n): y ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (HP-UX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994,1995. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Client (HP-UX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI V3.1 HP-UX Client (DEDICLT310) Copying from /kit/output (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (HP-UX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994,1995. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. C-2 Sample Installation on HP-UX Sample Installation on HP-UX C.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (HP-UX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI V3.1 HP-UX Client Man Pages (DEDIMAN310) Copying from /kit/output (disk) Verifying :- creating softlinks ... done. You can use either the ACAS or CORBA style interfaces. Use CORBA? (y/n) [y] : Server Configuration information already exists. Override it? (y/n) [n] : y Enter the name of the server : ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (HP-UX) successfully installed ******************************************************************************** :- creating softlinks ... done. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (HP-UX) successfully installed ******************************************************************************** # ^Z Sample Installation on HP-UX C-3 Sample Installation on HP-UX C.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation C.1.2 Sample ACAS Installation # setld -l /kit/output *** Enter Subset Selections *** The subsets listed below are optional: 1) DEC/EDI V3.1 HP-UX Client 2) DEC/EDI V3.1 HP- UX Client Man Pages 3) All of the Above 4) None of the Above 5) Exit without installing subsets Enter your choice(s): 3 You are installing the following subsets: DEC/EDI V3.1 HP-UX Client DEC/EDI V3.1 HP-UX Client Man Pages Is this correct? (y/n): y ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (HP-UX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994,1995. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Client (HP-UX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI V3.1 HP-UX Client (DEDICLT310) Copying from /kit/output (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** C-4 Sample Installation on HP-UX Sample Installation on HP-UX C.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (HP-UX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994,1995. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (HP-UX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI V3.1 HP-UX Client Man Pages (DEDIMAN310) Copying from /kit/output (disk) Verifying :- creating softlinks ... done. You can use either the ACAS or CORBA style interfaces. Use CORBA? (y/n) [y] : n Server Configuration information already exists. Override it? (y/n) [n] : y Enter the name of the server : 1. OpenVMS (AXP) 2. OpenVMS (VAX) 3. Digital UNIX Enter the type of the server (1-3) [1] : 1 ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (HP-UX) successfully installed ******************************************************************************** :- creating softlinks ... done. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (HP-UX) successfully installed Sample Installation on HP-UX C-5 Sample Installation on HP-UX C.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ******************************************************************************** C.2 Sample Installation Verification Procedure # /usr/sbin/setld -v DEDICLT310 < Return > DEC/EDI V3.1 HP-UX Client (DEDICLT310) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (HP-UX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994,1995. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** # C-6 Sample Installation on HP-UX D ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation on Sun Solaris This appendix provides sample listings for the following procedures: o An installation of DEC/EDI Application Client using disk media o An Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) D.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ________________________Note ________________________ To enable the following example to print on a variety of formats the line lengths have been adjusted. The content, remains unchanged. _____________________________________________________ D.1.1 Sample Installation # /etc/setld -l /kit/output *** Enter Subset Selections *** The subsets listed below are optional: 1) DEC/EDI V3.1 SUN Solaris Client 2) DEC/EDI V3.1 SUN Solaris Man Pages 3) All of the Above 4) None of the Above 5) Exit without installing subsets Enter your choice(s): 3 You are installing the following subsets: DEC/EDI V3.1 SUN Solaris Client DEC/EDI V3.1 SUN Solaris Man Pages Is this correct? (y/n): y ******************************************************************************** Sample Installation on Sun Solaris D-1 Sample Installation on Sun Solaris D.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation DEC/EDI Client (Sun Solaris) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994,1995. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Client ((Sun Solaris) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI V3.1 SUN Solaris Client (DEDICLT310) Copying from /kit/output (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (Sun Solaris) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994,1995. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (Sun Solaris) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** D-2 Sample Installation on Sun Solaris Sample Installation on Sun Solaris D.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation DEC/EDI V3.1 SUN Solaris Man Pages (DEDIMAN310) Copying from /kit/output (disk) Verifying :- creating softlinks ... done. Enter the name of the server : ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (Sun Solaris) successfully installed ******************************************************************************** :- creating softlinks ... done. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (Sun Solaris) successfully installed ******************************************************************************** # ^Z D.2 Sample Installation Verification Procedure # /etc/setld -v DEDICLT310 < Return > DEC/EDI V3.1 SUN Solaris Client (DEDICLT310) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (Sun Solaris) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994,1995. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** # Sample Installation on Sun Solaris D-3 E ________________________________________________________________ Application Client and Server-Sample Installation This appendix provides sample listings for the following procedures: o An installation of the DEC/EDI Application Client alone. o An installation of the DEC/EDI Server, including a local Application Client and the Message Update Service. o An installation of the DEC/EDI Message Update Service. o An Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) ________________________Note ________________________ To enable the following examples to print on a variety of formats the line lengths have been adjusted. The content, however, remains unchanged. _____________________________________________________ E.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation # setld -l /cdrom/dedi311 The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E-1 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation 1) DEC/EDI 3780 Gateway 2) DEC/EDI Base 3) DEC/EDI Client Man Pages 4) DEC/EDI Client 5) DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway 6) DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway 7) DEC/EDI Message Updates Base 8) DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files 9) DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 2-4 10) DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files 11) DEC/EDI Message Updates TDCC IMPDEF files 12) DEC/EDI Message Updates TRADACOMS IMPDEF files 13) DEC/EDI Message Updates X12 IMPDEF files 14) DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway 15) DEC/EDI Server Man Pages 16) DEC/EDI Server 17) DEC/EDI Translation Services The following choices override your previous selections: 18) ALL of the above 19) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 20) EXIT without installing any subsets Add to your choices, choose an overriding action or press RETURN to confirm previous selections. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 2-4 You are installing the following optional subsets: DEC/EDI Base DEC/EDI Client Man Pages DEC/EDI Client Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. ******************************************************************************** E-2 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation DEC/EDI Base (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Base (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Base Copying from /build/v31/bl5/dbg_kit/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994,1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E-3 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation DEC/EDI Client Copying from /build/v31/bl5/dbg_kit/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages Copying from /build/v31/bl5/dbg_kit/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying DEDIBASE311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Base" (DEDIBASE311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Base (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A successfully installed ******************************************************************************** DEDICLT311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Client" (DEDICLT311) ******************************************************************************** You must register a valid DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX) license before you can use the DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX). E-4 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.1 Sample DEC/EDI Application Client Installation ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A successfully installed ******************************************************************************** DEDICLTMAN311:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Client Man Pages" (DEDICLTMAN311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (Digital UNIX) version 3.1A successfully installed. ******************************************************************************** E.2 Sample DEC/EDI Server Installation # setld -l /cdrom/dedi311/kit The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) DEC/EDI Base 2) DEC/EDI Client Man Pages 3) DEC/EDI Client 4) DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway 5) DEC/EDI Message Updates Base 6) DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files 7) DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages 8) DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files 9) DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 10) DEC/EDI Server Man Pages 11) DEC/EDI Server 12) DEC/EDI Translation Services Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E-5 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.2 Sample DEC/EDI Server Installation Or you may choose one of the following options: 13) ALL of the above 14) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 15) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 13 You are installing the following optional subsets: DEC/EDI Base DEC/EDI Client Man Pages DEC/EDI Client DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway DEC/EDI Message Updates Base DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway DEC/EDI Server Man Pages DEC/EDI Server DEC/EDI Translation Services Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Base (Digital UNIX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** E-6 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.2 Sample DEC/EDI Server Installation ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Base (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Base Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Server (Digital UNIX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Server (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Server Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Working....Mon Jul 10 13:24:03 GMT 1996 Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Server Man Pages (Digital UNIX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E-7 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.2 Sample DEC/EDI Server Installation Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Server Man Pages (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Server Man Pages Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) E-8 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.2 Sample DEC/EDI Server Installation Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (Digital UNIX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Translation Services (Digital UNIX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E-9 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.2 Sample DEC/EDI Server Installation This DEC/EDI Translation Services (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Translation Services Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway (Digital UNIX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway (Digital UNIX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. E-10 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.2 Sample DEC/EDI Server Installation This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway (Digital UNIX) subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates Base Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** This DEC/EDI Message Updates Base subset will take approximately 2 minutes to install, depending on your system and configuration. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates Base Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E-11 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.2 Sample DEC/EDI Server Installation Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved E-12 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.2 Sample DEC/EDI Server Installation Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files Copying from /cdrom/dedi311/kit (disk) Verifying :- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Base" (DEDIBASE311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Base (Digital UNIX) successfully installed ******************************************************************************** :- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Server" (DEDISERV311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Server (Digital UNIX) successfully installed ******************************************************************************** :- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Server Man Pages" (DEDISERVMAN311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Server Man Pages (Digital UNIX) successfully installed ******************************************************************************** :- creating softlinks ... done. Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E-13 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.2 Sample DEC/EDI Server Installation Configuring "DEC/EDI Client" (DEDICLT311) ******************************************************************************** You must register a valid DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX) license before you can use the DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX). ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client (Digital UNIX) successfully installed ******************************************************************************** :- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Client Man Pages" (DEDICLTMAN311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Client Man Pages (Digital UNIX) successfully installed ******************************************************************************** :- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Translation Services" (DEDITRAN311) ******************************************************************************** You must register a valid DEC/EDI Translation Services (Digital UNIX) license before you can use the DEC/EDI Translation Services (Digital UNIX). ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Translation Services (Digital UNIX) successfully installed ******************************************************************************** :- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway" (DEDIPEDI311) ******************************************************************************** You must register a valid DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway (Digital UNIX) license before you can use the DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway (Digital UNIX). E-14 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.2 Sample DEC/EDI Server Installation ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Mailbus 400 Gateway (Digital UNIX) successfully installed ******************************************************************************** :- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway" (DEDIOFTP311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway (Digital UNIX) successfully installed ******************************************************************************** DEDIAMSGBASE200:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Message Updates Base" (DEDIAMSGBASE200) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates Base successfully installed ******************************************************************************** DEDIAMSGMAN200:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages" (DEDIAMSGMAN200) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates Man Pages successfully installed ******************************************************************************** DEDIAMSGEDIF200:- creating softlinks ... done. Configuring "DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files" (DEDIAMSGEDIF200) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates EDIFACT IMPDEF files successfully installed ******************************************************************************** DEDIAMSGODET200:- creating softlinks ... done. Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E-15 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation E.2 Sample DEC/EDI Server Installation Configuring "DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files" (DEDIAMSGODET200) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Message Updates ODETTE IMPDEF files successfully installed ******************************************************************************** # E.3 Sample Installation Verification Procedure # setld -v DEDIBASE311 DEC/EDI Base (DEDIBASE311) ******************************************************************************** DEC/EDI Base (Digital UNIX) Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1996. All rights reserved Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (C) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt, III, as applicable. Unpublished rights reserved under applicable copyright laws. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ******************************************************************************** E-16 Application Client and Server-Sample Installation F ________________________________________________________________ Files Installed on Your System F.1 DEC/EDI Application Client Files Installed The tables in this section list the contents of DEC/EDI Application Client directories when the installation process is complete. Table F-1 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Client __________Subset-Digital_UNIX___________________________________ Directory______________File_____________Description_____________ /usr/bin trade Command Line Interface /usr/sbin decedi_imcd Client Information Server daemon (CORBA) /usr/sbin decedi_imrd Client Registration daemon (CORBA) /usr/sbin decedi_make_ Client Registration imc_obj executable (CORBA) /usr/doc DECEDI311.RELEASEDEC/EDI Release Notes- NOTES ASCII and PostScript, DECEDI_RELEASE_ respectively NOTES.PS /usr/include decedi_api_ API common values and common.h structures /usr/include decedi_api_ API entry points def.h /usr/include decedi_api_ API return values msgs.h (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System F-1 Files Installed on Your System F.1 DEC/EDI Application Client Files Installed Table F-1 (Cont.) Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: __________________Client_Subset-Digital_UNIX____________________ Directory______________File_____________Description_____________ /usr/include decedi_ API platform specific platforms.h /usr/lib/nls/msg/en_ Message Catalogue US.88591 /usr/lib libdecediapi.a Shareable link library (currently installed) /usr/shlib libdecediapi_ Shareable link libraries for CORBA /usr/opt/DEDICLT311/ Subdirectories where physical files reside. The files which precede this entry are mainly softlinks to files under this directory. /var/adm/decedi decedi_imo_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface reg.dat Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi.idl CORBA DEC/EDI Interface Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi.iml_osf CORBA DEC/EDI Interface Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi.mml CORBA DEC/EDI Interface Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_imc_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface obj.dat Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_imc_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface reg.dat Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_imr_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface reg.dat Definition /var/adm/decedi CORBA DEC/EDI Interface Definition (continued on next page) F-2 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System F.1 DEC/EDI Application Client Files Installed Table F-1 (Cont.) Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: __________________Client_Subset-Digital_UNIX____________________ Directory______________File_____________Description_____________ /var/adm/decedi decedi_obb_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface context.col Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface _______________________repository.ir____Definition______________ Table F-2 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Client __________Subset-IBM_AIX________________________________________ Directory______________File_____________Description_____________ /etc setld Utility to install DEC/EDI Client software /usr/bin trade Command Line Interface /usr/sbin decedi_cisd Client Information Server daemon (ACAS) /usr/sbin decedi_imcd Client Information Server daemon (CORBA) /usr/sbin decedi_imrd Client Registration daemon (CORBA) /usr/sbin decedi_make_ Client Registration imc_obj executable (CORBA) /usr/doc decedi_ DEC/EDI Client Release client.release_ Notes notes.txt /usr/include decedi_api_ API common values and common.h structures /usr/include decedi_api_ API entry points def.h /usr/include decedi_api_ API return values msgs.h /usr/include decedi_ API platform specific platforms.h (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System F-3 Files Installed on Your System F.1 DEC/EDI Application Client Files Installed Table F-2 (Cont.) Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: __________________Client_Subset-IBM_AIX_________________________ Directory______________File_____________Description_____________ /usr/lib/nls/msg/en_ Message Catalogue US.88591 /usr/shlib libdecediapi.a Shareable link library (currently installed) /usr/lib libdecediapi_ Shareable link libraries acas.a or, for ACAS and CORBA libdecediapi_ corba.a /usr/opt/DEDICLT310/ Subdirectories where physical files reside. The files which precede this entry are mainly softlinks to files under this directory. /var/adm/decedi decedi_imo_ reg.dat /var/adm/decedi decedi.idl CORBA DEC/EDI Interface Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi.iml_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface ibmaix Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi.mml CORBA DEC/EDI Interface Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_imc_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface obj.dat Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_imc_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface reg.dat Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_imr_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface reg.dat Definition /var/adm/decedi CORBA DEC/EDI Interface Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_obb_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface context.col Definition (continued on next page) F-4 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System F.1 DEC/EDI Application Client Files Installed Table F-2 (Cont.) Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: __________________Client_Subset-IBM_AIX_________________________ Directory______________File_____________Description_____________ /var/adm/decedi decedi_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface _______________________repository.ir____Definition______________ Table F-3 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Client __________Subset-HP-UX__________________________________________ Directory______________File_____________Description_____________ /etc setld Utility to install DEC/EDI Client software /usr/bin trade Command Line Interface /usr/bin decedi_cisd Client Information Server daemon (ACAS) /usr/bin decedi_imcd Client Information Server daemon (CORBA) /usr/bin decedi_imrd Client Registration daemon (CORBA) /usr/bin decedi_make_ Client Registration imc_obj executable (CORBA) /usr/doc decedi_ DEC/EDI Client Release client.release_ Notes notes.txt /usr/include decedi.crl ACAS DEC/EDI Class Definition /usr/include decedi_api_ API common values and common.h structures /usr/include decedi_api_ API entry points def.h /usr/include decedi_api_ API return values msgs.h /usr/include decedi_ API platform specific platforms.h (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System F-5 Files Installed on Your System F.1 DEC/EDI Application Client Files Installed Table F-3 (Cont.) Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: __________________Client_Subset-HP-UX___________________________ Directory______________File_____________Description_____________ /usr/lib/nls/msg/en_ Message Catalogue US.88591 /usr/lib Shareable link library (currently installed) /usr/lib libdecediapi_ Shareable link libraries or, for ACAS and CORBA libdecediapi_ /usr/opt/DEDICLT310/ Subdirectories where physical files reside. The files which precede this entry are mainly softlinks to files under this directory. /var/adm/decedi ACAS DEC/EDI User Context Object /var/adm/decedi ACAS DEC/EDI Class repository /var/adm/decedi decedisys.col ACAS DEC/EDI System Context Definition /var/adm/decedi decediusr.col ACAS DEC/EDI User Context Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi.idl CORBA DEC/EDI Interface Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi.iml_hpux CORBA DEC/EDI Interface Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi.mml CORBA DEC/EDI Interface Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_imc_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface obj.dat Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_imc_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface reg.dat Definition (continued on next page) F-6 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System F.1 DEC/EDI Application Client Files Installed Table F-3 (Cont.) Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: __________________Client_Subset-HP-UX___________________________ Directory______________File_____________Description_____________ /var/adm/decedi decedi_imr_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface reg.dat Definition /var/adm/decedi CORBA DEC/EDI Interface Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_obb_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface context.col Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface _______________________repository.ir____Definition______________ Table F-4 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Client __________Subset-_Sun_Solaris___________________________________ Directory______________File_____________Description_____________ /etc setld Utility to install DEC/EDI Client software /usr/bin trade Command Line Interface /usr/bin decedi_imcd Client Information Server daemon (CORBA) /usr/bin decedi_imrd Client Registration daemon (CORBA) /usr/bin decedi_make_ Client Registration imc_obj executable (CORBA) /usr/doc decedi_ DEC/EDI Client Release client.release_ Notes notes.txt /usr/include decedi.crl ACAS DEC/EDI Class Definition /usr/include decedi_api_ API common values and common.h structures /usr/include decedi_api_ API entry points def.h (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System F-7 Files Installed on Your System F.1 DEC/EDI Application Client Files Installed Table F-4 (Cont.) Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: __________________Client_Subset-_Sun_Solaris____________________ Directory______________File_____________Description_____________ /usr/include decedi_api_ API return values msgs.h /usr/include decedi_ API platform specific platforms.h /usr/lib/nls/msg/en_ Message Catalogue US.88591 /usr/lib Shareable link library /usr/opt/DEDICLT310/ Subdirectories where physical files reside. The files which precede this entry are mainly softlinks to files under this directory. /var/adm/decedi decedi.idl CORBA DEC/EDI Interface Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi.iml_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface sunsol Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi.mml CORBA DEC/EDI Interface Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_imc_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface obj.dat Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_imc_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface reg.dat Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_imr_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface reg.dat Definition /var/adm/decedi CORBA DEC/EDI Interface Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_obb_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface context.col Definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_ CORBA DEC/EDI Interface _______________________repository.ir____Definition______________ F-8 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System F.1 DEC/EDI Application Client Files Installed Table F-5 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Reference __________Pages_Subset-Digital_UNIX_____________________________ Directory______________File_____________Description_____________ /usr/share/man/man1 decedi.1 Reference page for Command Line Interface /usr/share/man/man3 decedi_add_ Reference page for item_list.3 application programming interface /usr/share/man/man3 decedi_fetch.3 Reference page for application programming interface /usr/share/man/man3 decedi_free_ Reference page for item_list.3 application programming interface /usr/share/man/man3 decedi_free_ Reference page for track_list.3 application programming interface /usr/share/man/man3 decedi_post.3 Reference page for application programming interface /usr/share/man/man3 decedi_track.3 Reference page for application programming interface /usr/opt/DEDIMAN311/ Subdirectories where physical files reside. The files which precede this entry are mainly softlinks to files under ________________________________________this_directory._________ Files Installed on Your System F-9 Files Installed on Your System F.1 DEC/EDI Application Client Files Installed Table F-6 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Reference __________Pages_Subset-IBM_AIX__________________________________ Directory______________File_____________Description_____________ /etc setld Utility to install DEC/EDI Client software /usr/share/man/man1 decedi.1 Reference page for Command Line Interface /usr/share/man/man3 decedi_add_ Reference page for item_list.3 application programming interface /usr/share/man/man3 decedi_fetch.3 Reference page for application programming interface /usr/share/man/man3 decedi_free_ Reference page for item_list.3 application programming interface /usr/share/man/man3 decedi_free_ Reference page for track_list.3 application programming interface /usr/share/man/man3 decedi_post.3 Reference page for application programming interface /usr/share/man/man3 decedi_track.3 Reference page for application programming interface /usr/opt/DEDIMAN310/ Subdirectories where physical files reside. The files which precede this entry are mainly softlinks to files under ________________________________________this_directory._________ F-10 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System F.1 DEC/EDI Application Client Files Installed Table F-7 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Reference __________Pages_Subset-HP-UX____________________________________ Directory______________File_____________Description_____________ /etc setld Utility to install DEC/EDI Client software /usr/man/man1 decedi.1 Reference page for Command Line Interface /usr/man/man3 decedi_add_ Reference page for item_list.3 application programming interface /usr/man/man3 decedi_fetch.3 Reference page for application programming interface /usr/man/man3 decedi_free_ Reference page for item_list.3 application programming interface /usr/man/man3 decedi_free_ Reference page for track_list.3 application programming interface /usr/man/man3 decedi_post.3 Reference page for application programming interface /usr/man/man3 decedi_track.3 Reference page for application programming interface /usr/opt/DEDIMAN310/ Subdirectories where physical files reside. The files which precede this entry are mainly softlinks to files under ________________________________________this_directory._________ Files Installed on Your System F-11 Files Installed on Your System F.1 DEC/EDI Application Client Files Installed Table F-8 Installed DEC/EDI Application Client Files: Reference __________Pages_Subset-Sun_Solaris______________________________ Directory______________File_____________Description_____________ /etc setld Utility to install DEC/EDI Client software /usr/man/man1 decedi.1 Reference page for Command Line Interface /usr/man/man3 decedi_add_ Reference page for item_list.3 application programming interface /usr/man/man3 decedi_fetch.3 Reference page for application programming interface /usr/man/man3 decedi_free_ Reference page for item_list.3 application programming interface /usr/man/man3 decedi_free_ Reference page for track_list.3 application programming interface /usr/man/man3 decedi_post.3 Reference page for application programming interface /usr/man/man3 decedi_track.3 Reference page for application programming interface /usr/opt/DEDIMAN310/ Subdirectories where physical files reside. The files which precede this entry are mainly softlinks to files under ________________________________________this_directory._________ F.2 Server Files Installed The following sections list all the directories created, and files installed on your server by installing the DEC/EDI Server. F-12 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System F.2 Server Files Installed F.2.1 User Documentation Table_F-9_User_Documentation_Files______________________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /usr/doc decedimsg210.releasMessage Updates Release notes Notes (Text) /usr/doc decedimsg210_ Message Updates Release Notes (PostScript) /usr/doc DECEDI311.release_ DEC/EDI Release Notes notes (Text) /usr/doc DECEDI311_ DEC/EDI Release Notes ___________________release_notes.ps___(PostScript)______________ F.2.2 Examples and Script Files Table_F-10_Examples_and_Script_Files____________________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /usr/examples api_exam.c Client programming example /decedi/client /usr/examples Client example compilation /decedi/client shell script /usr/examples Client example shell /decedi/client script /usr/examples crehdr_o.dat TRADACOMS example /decedi/client application file /usr/examples e911inv1.dat EDIFACT example applica- /decedi/client tion file /usr/examples e911inv2.dat EDIFACT example applica- /decedi/client tion file /usr/examples Start import example /decedi/client (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System F-13 Files Installed on Your System F.2 Server Files Installed Table_F-10_(Cont.)_Examples_and_Script_Files____________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /usr/examples invoic_o.dat X12 example application /decedi/client file /usr/examples minvox_i.tx Example transmission file /decedi/client /usr/examples minvox_i.tx_smtp Example SMTP transmission /decedi/client /usr/examples minvox_o.dat EDIFACT example applica- /decedi/client tion file /usr/examples minvox_o.ihf Example DEC/EDI Inhouse /decedi/client file /usr/examples o3desado.dat ODETTE example application /decedi/client file /usr/examples systest.csh System tests shell script /decedi/client /usr/examples decedi_msl_ Shared Lookups Example /decedi/mapper insert_inf.sql (Informix) /usr/examples decedi_msl_ Shared Lookups Example /decedi/mapper insert_ora.sql (Oracle 7) /usr/examples decedi_msl_ Shared Lookups Example /decedi/mapper insert_rdb.sql (Oralce Rdb) /usr/examples decedi_ Import/Export Loopback /decedi/server Script /usr/examples sqs_create.sqs SQL/Services creation /decedi/sqs example /usr/examples sqs_startup.sqs SQL/Services startup /decedi/sqs example /usr/examples sqs_shutdown.sqs SQL/Services shutdown /decedi/sqs example /var/adm/decedi decedi_geis_ 3780 Gateway GEIS TCL /data sndrcv.tcl script /var/adm/decedi decedi_tymnet_ 3780 Gateway BT-Tymnet TCL /data______________sndrcv.tcl_________script____________________ F-14 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System F.2 Server Files Installed F.2.3 Header Files Table_F-11_Header_Files_________________________________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /usr/include decedi_api_ API common values and common.h structures /usr/include decedi_api_def.h API entry points /usr/include decedi_api_msgs.h API return values /usr/include decedi_ API platform specific ___________________platforms.h__________________________________ F.2.4 Message Catalog Table_F-12_Message_Catalog______________________________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /usr/lib/nls/msg API Message Catalog /en_US.ISO8859-1 /usr/lib/nls/msg decedi_ Server Message Catalog /en_US.ISO8859-1___general.cat__________________________________ F.2.5 System Images Table_F-13_System_Images________________________________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /usr/sbin decedi__delete_ Delete Shared Lookups lookups /usr/sbin decedi_afsd Application file server daemon /usr/sbin decedi_alarm Alarm script (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System F-15 Files Installed on Your System F.2 Server Files Installed Table_F-13_(Cont.)_System_Images________________________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /usr/sbin decedi_arch Secondary archive command /usr/sbin decedi_arch_ Archive script script /usr/sbin decedi_asd Archive server daemon /usr/sbin decedi_ccid Comms controller (incoming) /usr/sbin decedi_ccod Comms controller (outgoing) /usr/sbin decedi_checkdir Directory ownership checker /usr/sbin decedi_cisd Client information server daemon (ACAS) /usr/sbin decedi_config Configration Utility /usr/sbin decedi_dlg Data label generator /usr/sbin decedi_dump_db Database dump utility /usr/sbin decedi_ecnvd EDIFACT converter (outgoing) /usr/sbin decedi_etfbd EDIFACT Transmission File Builder /usr/sbin decedi_etfsd EDIFACT Transmission File Splitter /usr/sbin decedi_etrnd EDIFACT translator (incoming) /usr/sbin decedi_guid GUI server daemon /usr/sbin decedi_imcd Client information server daemon (CORBA) /usr/sbin decedi_imfd Post/Fetch server daemon (CORBA) /usr/sbin decedi_imod Free Object Server /usr/sbin decedi_impexpd Import/Export gateway daemon (continued on next page) F-16 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System F.2 Server Files Installed Table_F-13_(Cont.)_System_Images________________________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /usr/sbin decedi_imod Free Object Server /usr/sbin decedi_imrd Client registration daemon (CORBA) /usr/sbin decedi_imtd Track server daemon (CORBA) /usr/sbin decedi_look Error log viewer /usr/sbin decedi_make_imc_ Client registration obj executable (CORBA) /usr/sbin decedi_manage Comms management utility /usr/sbin decedi_msfd Post/Fetch server (ACAS) /usr/sbin decedi_mstd Track server (ACAS) /usr/sbin decedi_must Message Updates tool /usr/sbin decedi_orapwd Oracle 7 connection server daemon /usr/sbin decedi_pcc Profile cache constructor /usr/sbin decedi_pcv Profile cache viewer /usr/sbin decedi_recache_ Shared lookups recache lookups command /usr/sbin decedi_repair Repair utility /usr/sbin decedi_retr Retrieve command /usr/sbin decedi_retr_ Retrieve script script /usr/sbin decedi_setup Setup command /usr/sbin decedi_smtpd SMTP/MIME gateway daemon /usr/sbin decedi_ssr_server Startup/shutdown server /usr/sbin decedi_start Startup command /usr/sbin decedi_start_ Component start agent component /usr/sbin decedi_stop Shutdown command (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System F-17 Files Installed on Your System F.2 Server Files Installed Table_F-13_(Cont.)_System_Images________________________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /usr/sbin decedi_stop_ Component shutdown agent component /usr/sbin decedi_sysetup System setup /usr/sbin decedi_systart System startup /usr/sbin decedi_systop System shutdown /usr/sbin decedi_tcnvd TRADACOMS converter /usr/sbin decedi_ttrnd TRADACOMS translator /usr/sbin decedi_view_ Share lookups viewer lookups /usr/sbin decedi_xcnvd X12 converter /usr/sbin decedi_xtfbd X12 Transmission File Builder /usr/sbin decedi_xtrnd X12 translator /usr/sbin__________trade______________DEC/EDI_trade_command_____ F.2.6 Online Help Table_F-14_Online_Help__________________________________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /usr/share/man decedi_arch.8 man pages for secondary /man8 archive /usr/share/man decedi_dlg.8 man pages for data label /man8 generator /usr/share/man decedi_look.8 man pages for error log /man8 viewer /usr/share/man decedi_manage.8 man pages for comms /man8 management /usr/share/man decedi_must.8 man pages for message /man8 updates tool (continued on next page) F-18 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System F.2 Server Files Installed Table_F-14_(Cont.)_Online_Help__________________________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /usr/share/man decedi_pcv.8 man pages for profile /man8 cache viewer /usr/share/man decedi_repair.8 man pages for repair /man8 utilty /usr/share/man decedi_retr.8 man pages for retrieve /man8 /usr/share/man trade.1 man pages for trade /man1_________________________________command___________________ F.2.7 Shared Libraries Table_F-15_Shared_Libraries_____________________________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /usr/shlib Database shareable object library /usr/shlib Database common shareable object library /usr/shlib libdecedi_db_ Database Informix shareable object library /usr/shlib libdecedi_db_ Database Oracle 7 shareable object library /usr/shlib libdecedi_db_ Database Oracle Rdb shareable object library /usr/shlib libdecedi_ Numbering schemes shareable object library /usr/shlib API shareable object library /usr/shlib libdecediapi_ API shareable object ___________________corba.so___________library_(CORBA)___________ Files Installed on Your System F-19 Files Installed on Your System F.2 Server Files Installed F.2.8 DEC/EDI Configuration Files Table_F-16_DEC/EDI_Configuration_Files__________________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /var/adm/decedi decedi.idl CORBA DEC/EDI interface definition /var/adm/decedi decedi.iml_osf CORBA DEC/EDI interface definition /var/adm/decedi decedi.mml CORBA DEC/EDI interface definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_db_inf_ Database creation script create_db.sql (Informix) /var/adm/decedi decedi_db_inf_ Schema SQL script(Informix) create_schema.sql /var/adm/decedi decedi_db_inf_ User management script users.sql /var/adm/decedi decedi_db_ora_ Database creation script create_db.sql (Oracle 7) /var/adm/decedi decedi_db_ora_ Schema SQL script(Oracle create_schema.sql 7) /var/adm/decedi decedi_db_rdb_ Database creation script create_db.sql (Oracle Rdb) /var/adm/decedi decedi_db_rdb_ Schema SQL script (Oracle create_schema.sql Rdb) /var/adm/decedi decedi_db_rdb_ User management script users.sql /var/adm/decedi decedi_gui_ CORBA DEC/EDI interface reg.dat definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_imc_ CORBA Interface definition obj.dat /var/adm/decedi decedi_imc_ CORBA Interface definition reg.dat (continued on next page) F-20 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System F.2 Server Files Installed Table_F-16_(Cont.)_DEC/EDI_Configuration_Files__________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /var/adm/decedi decedi_imf_ CORBA DEC/EDI interface reg.dat definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_imr_ CORBA Interface definition reg.dat /var/adm/decedi decedi_imt_ CORBA DEC/EDI interface reg.dat definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_migrate_ Database migration script db_v30_v31ssb_ inf.sql /var/adm/decedi decedi_migrate_ Database migration script db_v30_v31ssb_ rdb.sql /var/adm/decedi decedi_migrate_ Database migration script db_v311_v31ssb_ inf.sql /var/adm/decedi decedi_migrate_ Database migration script db_v311_v31ssb_ rdb.sql /var/adm/decedi decedi_migrate_ Database migration script db_v312_v31ssb_ inf.sql /var/adm/decedi decedi_migrate_ Database migration script db_v312_v31ssb_ rdb.sql /var/adm/decedi decedi_migrate_ Database migration script db_v313_v31ssb_ inf.sql /var/adm/decedi decedi_migrate_ Database migration script db_v313_v31ssb_ rdb.sql /var/adm/decedi decedi_migrate_ Database migration script db_v314_v31ssb_ inf.sql (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System F-21 Files Installed on Your System F.2 Server Files Installed Table_F-16_(Cont.)_DEC/EDI_Configuration_Files__________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /var/adm/decedi decedi_migrate_ Database migration script db_from__ database type from an old .sql latest version. Database type can be one of: o rdb-Oracle Rdb o inf-Informix On-line 7 o ora-Oracle7 /var/adm/decedi decedi_migrate_ Database migration script db_v314_v31ssb_ rdb.sql /var/adm/decedi CORBA DEC/EDI interface definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_obb_ CORBA Interface definition context.col /var/adm/decedi decedi_ CORBA DEC/EDI interface ___________________repository.ir______definition________________ F.2.9 EDI and Message Definitions Table_F-17_EDI_and_Message_Definitions__________________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /var/adm/decedi decedi_edif_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 1.impdef definition (continued on next page) F-22 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System F.2 Server Files Installed Table_F-17_(Cont.)_EDI_and_Message_Definitions__________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /var/adm/decedi decedi_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef _ definition for the .impdef specfied EDI standard and its versions. Standard can be one of: o edif-EDIFACT o odet-ODETTE o trad-TRADACOMS o x12 -X12 o tdcc-TDCC /var/adm/decedi decedi_edif_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 902.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_edif_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 911.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_edif_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 912.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_edif_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 921.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_edif_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef d93a.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_edif_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef d94b.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_edif_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef d95a.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_edif_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef d95b.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_edif_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef s93a.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 002001.impdef definition (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System F-23 Files Installed on Your System F.2 Server Files Installed Table_F-17_(Cont.)_EDI_and_Message_Definitions__________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 002002.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 002003.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 002040.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 003010.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 003020.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 003021.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 003022.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 003030.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 003031.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 003032.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 003040.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 003041.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 003050.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 003051.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 003052.impdef definition /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef 003060.impdef definition (continued on next page) F-24 Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Your System F.2 Server Files Installed Table_F-17_(Cont.)_EDI_and_Message_Definitions__________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ /var/adm/decedi decedi_x12_ EDI Message and Directory /impdef____________003061.impdef______definition________________ Table_F-18_New_Server_Files_in_an_Oracle7_Setup_________________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ $ORACLE_HOME/dbs initdecedidb.ora $ORACLE_HOME/dbs sgadefdecedidb.dbf /var/adm/decedi decedi_db_ora_ create_db.sql /var/adm/decedi decedi_db_ora_ create_schema.sql /var/adm/decedi decedi_db_ora_ users.sql /var/adm/decedi decedi_migrate_ db_v314_v31ssb_ ora.sql decedidb decedi_ctrl1.dbf decedidb decedi_ctrl2.dbf decedidb decedi_ctrl3.dbf decedidb decedi_log1.dbf decedidb decedi_log2.dbf decedidb decedi_log3.dbf decedidb decedi_mdata.dbf decedidb decedi_mindex.dbf decedidb decedi_mtemp.dbf decedidb decedi_rbs.dbf decedidb decedi_system.dbf decedidb listener.ora Default Oracle network template (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System F-25 Files Installed on Your System F.2 Server Files Installed Table_F-18_(Cont.)_New_Server_Files_in_an_Oracle7_Setup_________ Directory__________File_______________Description_______________ decedidb tnsnames.ora Default Oracle network template decedidb tnsnav.ora Default Oracle network ______________________________________template__________________ F-26 Files Installed on Your System G ________________________________________________________________ Recovering from Errors This appendix provides information to help you deal with problems that might occur during product installation or product use. If you find an error in the documentation, mail your comments to Digital at the address given in the preface of this book. G.1 Problems During Product Installation If errors occur during the installation, the system displays failure messages. For example, if the instal- lation fails due to insufficient disk space, the following message appears: There is not enough space for subset DEDICLT311 DEDICLT311 will not be loaded. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect. o The prerequisite software version is incorrect. o There is insufficient disk space. o The system parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. For descriptions of error messages generated by these conditions, see the applicable documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and software installation. For information on system software requirements, see Section 1.3.3 or Section 2.3.3. Recovering from Errors G-1 Recovering from Errors G.2 Problems After Installation G.2 Problems After Installation U.S. customers who encounter a problem while using DEC/EDI Application Client can report it to Digital by telephoning the Digital Customer Support Center (CSC) at 1-800-354- 9000. (Customers with service contracts can also use an electronic means such as DSNlink.) Customers without a service contract can arrange for per- call support. The CSC will need the following information: o The name and version number of the operating system you are using o The DEC/EDI Application Client and version number you are using o The hardware system you are using (such as a model number) o A brief description of the problem (one sentence if possible) o Whether or not the problem is critical o Any other information that is helpful, such as the specific commands you used to run the software, the error messages displayed, and source listings of the relevant software module or lines of code If the problem is related to DEC/EDI Application Client documentation, you can do any of the following: o Report the problem to the CSC (if you have a service contract and the problem is severe). o Send comments electronically to Digital, at the mail address given in the preface of this book. If you are reporting a specific error, be sure to identify the book, section number and page number where the error occurred. G-2 Recovering from Errors