DIGITAL Capacity Planner for_OpenVMS_Systems_________________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-PH6ML-TE March 1999 This guide describes how to install the DIGITAL Capacity Planner software on VAX and Alpha processors that are running the OpenVMS operating system. Revision Information: This guide supersedes the DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation Guide for Version 5.0 (AA-PH6MK-TE). Operating System: OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 to 7.2 OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 to 7.2 Software Version: DIGITAL Capacity Planner Version 5.1 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ March, 1999 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1999. All rights reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ALL-IN-1, Alpha BI, Bookreader, DEC, DECbridge, DECmcc, DECnet, DECNIS, DECrouter, DECstation, DECsupport, DECwindows, DIGITAL, HSC, LAN Traffic Monitor, LAT, MSCP, OpenVMS, POLYCENTER, SPM, ULTRIX, VAX, VAX DOCUMENT, VAXcluster, VMS, VMScluster, and the DIGITAL logo. MIPS is a trademark of MIPS Computer Systems, Inc. Motif and OSF/1 are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. NetView is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademkark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Novell, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation 1.1 Registering Your Software License............. 1-2 1.2 Required Operating System Components and Software...................................... 1-5 1.3 VMScluster Considerations..................... 1-7 1.4 Installation Procedure Requirements........... 1-7 1.4.1 Privileges................................ 1-7 1.4.2 System Parameters......................... 1-8 1.4.3 Disk Space................................ 1-8 1.4.4 Backing Up Your System Disk............... 1-10 1.5 Standard System Maintenance Procedures........ 1-10 1.5.1 Checking System Parameter Values.......... 1-10 1.5.2 Calculating the Values for Global Pagelets and Global Sections....................... 1-11 1.5.3 Changing System Parameter Values with AUTOGEN................................... 1-13 2 Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner 2.1 Online Release Notes.......................... 2-1 2.2 Installation Procedure........................ 2-1 iii 3 After Installation 3.1 Installation Verification..................... 3-1 3.2 Startup Procedure............................. 3-2 3.3 Starting Data Collection...................... 3-2 3.3.1 ECP$MANAGER.COM........................... 3-2 3.3.2 The MOTIF Interface....................... 3-3 3.4 Disk Space Required after Installation........ 3-4 3.5 Privileges Required after Installation........ 3-5 3.6 Maintenance Updates........................... 3-6 4 Error Recovery and Problem Reporting 4.1 Error Recovery................................ 4-1 4.2 Problem Evaluation and Reporting.............. 4-3 A Sample Installation Dialogue A.1 Dialogue for OpenVMS Alpha.................... A-2 A.2 Dialogue for OpenVMS VAX...................... A-15 B Created and Modified Files Index Examples A-1 OpenVMS Alpha System Installation Log..... A-2 A-2 OpenVMS VAX System Installation Log....... A-15 Tables 1-1 DIGITAL Capacity Planner Licenses......... 1-2 1-2 Capacity Planner Software Upgrades and Part Numbers.............................. 1-3 1-3 Required Operating System Components ..... 1-5 1-4 Required and Optional Software............ 1-6 1-5 Minimum Required System Parameter Values.................................... 1-8 1-6 Required Disk Space During Installation (Alpha)................................... 1-9 iv 1-7 Required Disk Space During Installation (VAX)..................................... 1-9 3-1 Required Disk Space after Installation (Alpha)................................... 3-4 3-2 Required Disk Space after Installation (VAX)..................................... 3-4 3-3 Privileges Required after Installation.... 3-5 4-1 Error Recovery for ECP Messages........... 4-1 B-1 Data Collector Files...................... B-1 B-2 Data Reducer & Analyzer Files............. B-2 B-3 Capacity Planner Files.................... B-3 B-4 Common Files.............................. B-6 v _________________________________________________________________ Preface This guide describes how to install the DIGITAL Capacity Planner software on VAX and Alpha processors that are running the OpenVMS operating system. The guide describes the installation of the following DIGITAL Capacity Planner components: o DIGITAL Capacity Planner Data Collector for OpenVMS o DIGITAL Capacity Planner Data Reducer & Analyzer for OpenVMS o DIGITAL Capacity Planner for OpenVMS Keep this guide with your distribution kit. You will need it to install maintenance updates or to reinstall DIGITAL Capacity Planner for any other reason. Intended Audience This guide is intended for system managers who install DIGITAL Capacity Planner. Associated Documentation In addition to this guide, the DIGITAL Capacity Planner information set includes these documents: o DIGITAL Capacity Planner User's Guide o DIGITAL Capacity Planner Reference Guide The Read Before Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner cover letter is provided with this installation guide on the Compact Disc or in hardcopy form, depending on your kit's distribution method. v Other related documents are: o VMS System Generation Utility Manual o OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Part 1 and Part 2 o VMS License Management Utility Manual Conventions This guide uses the following conventions: ___________________________________________________________ Convention___Meaning_______________________________________ UPPERCASE Uppercase letters indicate the name of a command, file, parameter, procedure, or utility. user input In interactive examples, this typeface indicates input entered by the user. system This typeface indicates a prompt or displayed text. $ The dollar sign indicates the DCL prompt. This prompt may be different on your system. Ctrl/X In procedures, a sequence such as Ctrl/X indicates that you must press the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. _____Indicates_that_you_press_the_Return_key.______ vi 1 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation This chapter discusses the preparations and requirements needed to install the components of the DIGITAL Capacity Planner. The DIGITAL Capacity Planner installation consists of three components: o Data Collector for OpenVMS o Data Reducer & Analyzer for OpenVMS o Capacity Planner for OpenVMS You may install these components separately or together on the same node. The Data Collector gathers nonaveraged, per-process, per- transaction event data that may be combined with averaged daily data collected by the Performance Data Collector. The Data Collector can be operated either from the DCL or from the DECwindows Motif interface. The Data Reducer & Analyzer component merges OpenVMS system data from the DIGITAL Capacity Planner Data Collector to create a single file that represents the measured data from the running system. The Data Reducer & Analyzer can be operated either from the DCL or from the DECwindows Motif interface. The single executable image is separately used. The Capacity Planner component contains the workload analysis, performance modeling, and reporting features. You use the data files generated by the Data Reducer & Analyzer component with the workload classification files to create a base model file. You can access the Workload Analyzer, Modeler, and Data Reporter from the Capacity Planner's DECwindows Motif interface. Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation 1-1 Your distribution kit includes a letter titled Read Before Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner. This letter discusses important information that might not be included in this guide. You should read this letter now. 1.1 Registering Your Software License To use the DIGITAL Capacity Planner software, you must have a you must have a registered version specific license on the system or cluster node. Table 1-1 contains valid licenses for this product. Table_1-1_DIGITAL_Capacity_Planner_Licenses________________ Module________License______________________________________ Data CAPACITY-COLLECTOR-V5.1 Collector Data Reducer CAPACITY-REDUCER-V5.1 Data CAPACITY-ANALYZER-V5.1 Analyzer Capacity CAPACITY-PLANNER-V5.1 Planner____________________________________________________ If you do not have a license and you are currently a COMPAQ Software Product Services Subscriber for this product, please contact your COMPAQ Customer Services representative to obtain a new V5.1 license. If you are not a COMPAQ Software Product Services Subscriber contact your COMPAQ Customer Services representative to purchase a V5.1 update license. Section 1.1 contains the Capacity Planner software upgrades. 1-2 Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation Table 1-2 Capacity Planner Software Upgrades and Part __________Numbers__________________________________________ Component___________Operating_System____Part_Number________ Capacity-Planner- OpenVMS/Alpha QL-23MA9-RA 5.1 Capacity-Planner- OpenVMS/VAX QL-GX3A9-RA 5.1 Capacity- OpenVMS/Alpha QL-604A9-RA Collector-5.1 Capacity- OpenVMS/VAX QL-5Z8A9-RA Collector-5.1 Capacity-Reducer- OpenVMS/Alpha QL-605A9-RA 5.1 Capacity-Reducer- OpenVMS/VAX QL-5YMA9-RA 5.1 Capacity-Analyzer- OpenVMS/Alpha QL-606A9-RA 5.1 Capacity-Analyzer- OpenVMS/VAX QL-5YRA9-RA 5.1________________________________________________________ For more information: o Visit the COMPAQ Capacity Planner website at http:/ / o Send mail to o Call (603) 884-2510 On a newly licensed node or cluster, you must first register a License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) using the License Management Facility (LMF). The License PAK may be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order. If you are installing prerequisite or optional software along with DIGITAL Capacity Planner, review the PAK status and install the PAKs for any prerequisite or optional software before you install DIGITAL Capacity Planner. Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation 1-3 DIGITAL recommends that you register the license before you start the installation. Registering before installation allows you to use the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) during installation. The installation can complete without the license, and you have the option to use the IVP after installation. However, the DIGITAL Capacity Planner software will not operate without a registered license. To register a license, first log in to the system manager's account, under SYSTEM. You then have a choice of two ways to perform the registration: o Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your License PAK. o At the DCL prompt, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to License PAK information. For each VMScluster node on which you want to use the DIGITAL Capacity Planner, you will need to register a license on that node. For complete information on how to use LMF, see the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. 1-4 Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation 1.2 Required Operating System Components and Software Alpha The OpenVMS operating system comes with a variety of support options, or classes. Classes include such features as networking and RMS journaling. DIGITAL Capacity Planner Version 5.1 requires OpenVMS Version 6.2 to 7.2, including the classes listed in Table 1-3. Table_1-3_Required_Operating_System_Components_____________ Class__________Purpose_____________________________________ Network To allow remote processing of data files support Programming To link system object libraries support System To link operating system version dependent programming symbols support Secure user's To support batch queue command procedures environment Utilities______For_online_help_and_various_terminal_support VAX Versions 5.5-2 to 7.2 of the OpenVMS operating system must be running before this software kit is installed. To display the operating system version, enter the following command: Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation 1-5 $ SHOW SYSTEM OpenVMS V7.0 on node DONVAN 29-MAR-1999 16:36:19.87 Uptime 7 02:20:08 Pid Process Name State Pri I/O CPU Page flts Pages 20E00201 SWAPPER HIB 16 0 0 00:01:37.60 0 0 20E00602 BICKFORD LEF 4 352 0 00:00:05.43 8357 1194 20E00206 CONFIGURE HIB 10 32 0 00:00:02.24 1473 187 20E00208 IPCACP HIB 10 7 0 00:00:10.93 146 110 20E00209 ERRFMT HIB 8 4735 0 00:00:40.13 477 135 20E0020A CACHE_SERVER HIB 16 768 0 00:00:01.65 82 143 20E0020B CLUSTER_SERVER HIB 10 246 0 00:00:18.62 584 79 20E0020C OPCOM HIB 8 16554 0 00:01:57.77 2696 205 20E0020D AUDIT_SERVER HIB 9 7614 0 00:00:32.17 2128 294 20E0020E JOB_CONTROL HIB 8 9979 0 00:00:42.30 2981 160 20E0020F SECURITY_SERVER HIB 10 2007 0 00:31:47.34 43746 742 20E00210 SMISERVER HIB 9 660 0 00:00:14.17 1242 85 20E00211 TP_SERVER HIB 9 40945 0 00:12:34.66 5955 176 Table 1-4 provides information on the software you must have installed on your system before installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner. The table also includes information about optional software that you can use with DIGITAL Capacity Planner. The SSA contains a complete list of prerequisite and optional software and their required version. Table_1-4_Required_and_Optional_Software___________________ Required_Products___Purpose________________________________ DECwindows Motif Required to display the user interface V1.2 for OpenVMS ___________________________________________________________ Optional_Products___Purpose________________________________ Capacity Planner Source for .CPC data files Data Collector V5.1 Capacity Planner Sorts out collected data and generates Data Reducer & reports Analyzer V5.1_______________________________________________________ The Data Reducer & Analyzer component (for OpenVMS platforms) combines the data gathered from the Data 1-6 Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation Collector to produce a single data file that comprises part of the data set required for building models. If the DECwindows Motif software is not running on the system, you cannot display the windows version of the Data Collector or the Data Reducer & Analyzer. You can, however, use the DCL commands to perform the functions available from the windowing interface. Without the DECwindows Motif software you cannot run Digital Capacity Planner at all. The DCL interface is always installed, but the DECwindows Motif interface is installed only if the DECwindows Motif software is present. 1.3 VMScluster Considerations During installation, executable files are placed in the common root directory, SYS$COMMON. DIGITAL Capacity Planner executable files are named using the following format: ECP$XXX.EXE For each node in the VAXcluster system, these files should be removed from: SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE] SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSMSG] SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$LDR] 1.4 Installation Procedure Requirements This section describes the requirements for installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner. 1.4.1 Privileges This installation requires the standard privileges to run the VMSINSTAL Utility. To install the software, you need access to one of the following accounts: o The SYSTEM account Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation 1-7 o An account with the SETPRV privilege ________________________ Note ________________________ VMSINSTAL turns off BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation. ______________________________________________________ 1.4.2 System Parameters Table 1-5 lists the minimum required system parameter values for the installation. Depending on the kinds of programs and applications running at your site, you might need higher values for some settings. Table_1-5_Minimum_Required_System_Parameter_Values_________ System Parameter________Minimum_Value_____________________________ GBLPAGES Site Specific GBLSECTION Site Specific VIRTUALPAGECNT 25K WSMAX____________2048______________________________________ ________________________ Note ________________________ If you do not ensure that your system has the necessary global pagelets and global section SYSGEN parameters for the installation, the DCL tables can become corrupted in some situations. ______________________________________________________ 1.4.3 Disk Space The DIGITAL Capacity Planner installs the utilities normally installed by the Performance Data Collector unless it already resides on the system. Block sizes in the following tables refer to the space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on your system environment, configuration, and software options. The installation software checks for the peak disk space requirement 1-8 Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation regardless of which options you choose to install. The term peak refers to the space required during the installation. If your disk does not have enough space to support the peak requirement, you cannot install the software. The term net refers to the space required to run the software after the installation. Alpha Table 1-6 contains the blocks required during installation to install the Capacity Planner components. Table_1-6_Required_Disk_Space_During_Installation_(Alpha)__ Components_______Peak_Use__Net_Use_________________________ Data Collector 62,000 1,500 Data Reducer & 68,000 6,500 Analyzer Capacity 69,000 9,000 Planner All_components___78,000____17,000__________________________ VAX Table 1-7 contains the blocks required during installation to install the Capacity Planner components. Some files are shared among components. Table_1-7_Required_Disk_Space_During_Installation_(VAX)____ Component________Peak_Use__Net_Use_________________________ Data Collector 21,000 1,000 Data Reducer & 25,000 5,000 Analyzer Capacity 25,000 5,000 Planner All_Components___30,000____8000____________________________ To check for available disk space on your system disk, enter the command: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation 1-9 1.4.4 Backing Up Your System Disk At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks if you have backed up your system disk. DIGITAL recommends that you do a system disk backup before installing any software. Use the backup procedures that are established at your site. For details on performing a system disk backup, see the section on the Backup Utility in the OpenVMS System Management Subkit. 1.5 Standard System Maintenance Procedures This section explains how to do some standard procedures: o Check system parameter values (see Section 1.5.1) o Calculate values for global pagelets and global sections (see Section 1.5.2) o Change parameter values with the OpenVMS AUTOGEN command procedure (see Section 1.5.3) 1.5.1 Checking System Parameter Values To check the values of your system parameters, enter the following command at the DCL prompt to invoke the System Generation Utility (SYSGEN): $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> At the SYSGEN> prompt, enter the SHOW command to display the value of a system parameter. The following example displays the value for the WSMAX system parameter: SYSGEN> SHOW WSMAX After checking the parameters with the SHOW command, enter the EXIT command at the SYSGEN> prompt to return to DCL level. 1-10 Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation 1.5.2 Calculating the Values for Global Pagelets and Global Sections Alpha To install and run DIGITAL Capacity Planner, you must have sufficient free global pagelets and global sections. You must first find out how many free global pagelets and sections you have on your system. Then use AUTOGEN if you need to increase the global pagelets and global sections system parameters. Enter the following DCL command to determine the number of global pagelets required by SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE: $ DIR/SIZE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE This command returns the size (in blocks) of SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE. As an approximation, use this figure as the number of global pagelets for the file. You can use the WRITE command with the F$GETSYI lexical function to find the number of free global pagelets and global sections. The following example shows how to get this information at your terminal (the default for SYS$OUTPUT): $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("CONTIG_GBLPAGES") 15848 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 24 If the values displayed by the system are greater than the values in Table 1-5, you do not need to increase the values for these parameters. If the value of free global pagelets or global sections is less than the value in Table 1-5, you must increase the system parameter setting. Section 1.5.3 describes the procedures for increasing these values using AUTOGEN. VAX During the DIGITAL Capacity Planner installation, VMSINSTAL creates a new copy of the DCL command tables that includes the PLAN command. For VMSINSTAL to complete this process successfully, your system must have available enough unused global sections and global pages. Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation 1-11 To determine the number of global pages and global sections that the DCL tables use at your site require, enter the following commands: $ INSTALL INSTALL> LIST SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE/GLOBAL The output generated is similar to the following: DCLTABLES;219 Open Hdr Shar Lnkbl System Global Sections DCLTABLES_001 (06000000) PRM SYS Pagcnt/Refcnt=484/21296 In this example, the DCL command table uses 1 global section, as indicated by the single entry DCLTABLES_001. It also uses 484 global pages, indicated by the Pagcnt. Therefore, to replace your DCL command table to include the Performance Solution PLAN command, this system needs a minimum of 1 unused global section and 484 unused global pages. To calculate the number of unused global sections, enter the following command: INSTALL> LIST/GLOBAL/SUMMARY Summary of Local Memory Global Sections 299 Global Sections Used, 32316/12684 Global Pages Used/Unused In this example, there are 299 used global sections and 12684 unused global pages. Because this system requires 484 global pages to replace its DCL command table and 12684 are available, the GBLPAGES parameter does not need to be increased. To check the current value of GBLSECTIONS, enter the following sequence of commands: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> USE CURRENT SYSGEN> SHOW GBLSECTIONS These commands produce output similar to the following: Parameter Name Current Default Minimum Maximum Unit Dynamic -------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- ------- GBLSECTIONS 500 128 20 4095 Sections 1-12 Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation To make the calculation for this system, subtract the number of used GBLSECTIONS from the number of current GBLSECTIONS. For example: 500 - 299 = 201 unused sections Because this system required only 1 global section to replace its DCL command tables and there are 201 unused global sections, the value of the SYSGEN parameter GBLSECTIONS would not need to be altered. If you need to change the number of global pages or sections, invoke AUTOGEN after entering the new parameter values in SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT. 1.5.3 Changing System Parameter Values with AUTOGEN Use the AUTOGEN command procedure to change system parameters. AUTOGEN automatically adjusts values for parameters that are associated with the values you reset manually. To change system parameters with AUTOGEN, edit the following file: SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT To change a parameter value listed in this file, delete the current value associated with that parameter and enter the new value. To add a new parameter, add a line to the file that includes the name of the parameter and its value. For example: WSMAX = 8096 To modify incremental parameters such as free global pagelets and global sections, use the ADD_ prefix. The following example increases the global page setting by 2000: ADD_GBLPAGES = 2000 ________________________ Note ________________________ When you set the page file quota, do not use a value that exceeds the amount of page file space available on the system. ______________________________________________________ Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation 1-13 After you make all your changes, exit from the editor and execute the AUTOGEN procedure to recalculate your system parameters. The following command recalculates your system parameters and reboots the system: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT When you specify REBOOT, AUTOGEN performs an automatic system shutdown and then reboots the system. Any users logged on to the system are immediately disconnected during the shutdown. The automatic reboot puts the new parameter values into effect. The Autogen Utility automatically adjusts some of the SYSGEN parameters based on the consumption of resources since the last reboot. If you do not want to take advantage of this automatic adjustment, include the NOFEEDBACK qualifier on the AUTOGEN command line. For more information about using AUTOGEN, see the OpenVMS System Management Subkit. 1-14 Preparing for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Installation 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner After you register and load the license PAK, the installation takes between five and fifteen minutes depending on the system and options selected. This chapter describes the installation of the Data Collector, Data Reducer & Analyzer, and Capacity Planner components. If you encounter any failures during installation, see Chapter 4. 2.1 Online Release Notes The DIGITAL Capacity Planner software provides online release notes. To display or print the release notes during the installation, choose the OPTIONS N parameter when you invoke VMSINSTAL. (See Appendix A for a sample installation dialogue.) To obtain the release notes after the installation, display or print this file: o SYS$HELP:ECP051.RELEASE_NOTES 2.2 Installation Procedure If it is not already inserted, place the Compact Disc (CD) media into the CD-ROM drive, or mount the media you received with the software kit onto the appropriate device. To abort the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl/Y. When you press Ctrl/Y, the installation procedure deletes all the files it has created up to that point and exits. You can then start the installation again. When the system prompts you with a question during the installation procedure, the default answer is often listed in brackets ([]). Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner 2-1 This installation procedure decscribes the process for installing the Data Collector, Data Reducer & Analyzer, and Capacity Planner components. To install DIGITAL Capacity Planner, perform the following steps: 1. Log in to a privileged account and set your default device and directory to SYS$UPDATE: Username: SYSTEM Password: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE 2. Invoke VMSINSTAL: @VMSINSTAL saveset-name device-name option-list VMSINSTAL is in the SYS$UPDATE directory. The elements that you specify when you invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure are as follows: saveset-name The installation name for the component. For DIGITAL Capacity Planner, enter the following installation name: ECP051 Another method is to complete these steps before starting installation: a. Enter the following command to determine whether the CD-ROM drive is already mounted: $ SHOW DEVICE DKA400: b. If the drive is not mounted, enter the appropriate MOUNT command to mount the CD-ROM (omit the /FOREIGN qualifier). c. To obtain the save-set name, use a DIRECTORY command specifying the directory file from the previous command: $ DIRECTORY DKA400:[ECPnnn]*.A The nnn represents the minor (point) release number for DIGITAL Capacity Planner. 2-2 Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner device-name The name of the device on which you plan to mount the media and the directory containing the DIGITAL Capacity Planner save set. On some systems this device may be prefaced by nodename$. For example, ddcu is the device name used in examples in this guide. The directory is [ECPnnn], where nnn is the release number. To specify the device name on the @VMSINSTAL command line, enter: ddcu:[ECPnnn] option-list The word OPTIONS followed by one or more of the following option designators-A, G, L, N, R: o Autoanswer option (A) Initially creates a file that contains your answers to VMSINSTAL questions and prompts. You can then use the option (and the answer file) to save time during a reinstallation (typically after upgrading your system). o Get saveset option (G) Lets you store product save sets temporarily on a magnetic tape or in a disk directory. o File log option (L) Logs all activity to the terminal during installation. o Display or print the release notes (N) Indicates that you want to see the installation question on release notes. If you do not include the N option, VMSINSTAL does not ask you about the release notes. You should review the release notes before proceeding with the installation in case they contain additional information about the installation. If you are restarting the installation and have already reviewed the release notes, you do not need to specify the N option. (Even if you omit the N option when you invoke VMSINSTAL, the Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner 2-3 DIGITAL Capacity Planner release notes are copied automatically to the SYS$HELP directory.) o Alternate root option (R) Lets you install the product to a system root other than that of the running system. For detailed information on these software installation options, see the OpenVMS operating system documentation. If you specify more than one option, separate the options with commas, such as: OPTIONS A,N The following example invokes VMSINSTAL to install DIGITAL Capacity Planner and shows the system response. This example uses the OPTIONS N release notes option. $ @VMSINSTAL ECP051 ddcu:[ECPn] OPTIONS N OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.2 It is dd-mmm-yyyy at hh:mm. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. If you do not supply either the product name or the device name, VMSINSTAL prompts you for this information later in the installation procedure. VMSINSTAL does not prompt you for any options, so be sure to include OPTIONS N on the VMSINSTAL command line to access the release notes during the installation. When you invoke VMSINSTAL, it checks the following: o Whether you are logged in to a privileged account. DIGITAL recommends that you install software from the system manager's account with your default device and directory set to SYS$UPDATE. o Whether you have adequate quotas for installation. VMSINSTAL then checks to determine whether any users are logged in to the system. If users are logged in, VMSINSTAL asks whether you want to continue the installation: * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? 2-4 Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner If you want to continue, enter YES. If you want to stop the installation, press Return. 3. Confirm system backup: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press Return. Otherwise, enter NO to discontinue the installation. After you back up your system disk, you can restart the installation. Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner 2-5 4. Mount the software media: If you omitted the device name on the VMSINSTAL command line, the following prompt is displayed: * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: ddcu:[ECPnnn] If this prompt is displayed, enter the name of the distribution (media) device and directory that contains the DIGITAL Capacity Planner kit (save set). For example, if the media is contained on a CD-ROM located on unit ddcu, enter ddcu:[ECPn] in reply to this question (where n is the minor version number). Depending on the type of device and whether the device is already mounted, the following prompt may or may not be displayed: Please mount the first volume of the set on ddcu. * Are you ready? YES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, ddcu mounted If you have not already done so, you should now insert the distribution volume on the device you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL. The device name is displayed in the line preceding the question. VMSINSTAL then asks if you are ready to continue with the installation. If you respond YES to indicate that you are ready, VMSINSTAL displays a message that the media containing DIGITAL Capacity Planner has been mounted on the specified device and that the installation has begun. If you entered the wrong device name when you invoked VMSINSTAL and need to restart the installation, enter NO in response to the "Are you ready?" question. To abort the installation for other reasons, press Ctrl/Y. 5. Verify the product being installed: The following products will be processed: ECP V5.1 Beginning installation of ECP V5.1 at 11:05 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... 2-6 Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner The product name and version are displayed. The product name is determined by the save set you choose to install. The first save set (A) is restored to a subdirectory of SYS$UPDATE:. 6. Select a release notes option: Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. Copy release notes to SYS$HELP * Select option : If you specified OPTIONS N when you invoked VMSINSTAL, you are now asked to choose one of the options for reviewing the release notes. All options copy the release notes to SYS$HELP. If you select option 1, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the console terminal. You can terminate the display at any time by pressing Ctrl/C. If you select option 2, VMSINSTAL prompts you for the name of the print queue that you want to use. Either supply the name of the print queue that you want to use or press Return to send the file to the default output print device. For example: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: CLUSTER_PRINT If you select option 3, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the console terminal and then prompts you for a queue name for the printed version. If you select option 4, the installation procedure will only copy the release notes to the SYS$HELP directory. Next, VMSINSTAL displays the following message: %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1999. All rights reserved. Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner 2-7 The release notes are copied to the following file in the SYS$HELP directory: SYS$HELP:ECP051.RELEASE_NOTES 2-8 Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner 7. Purge files: * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? The directories SYS$HELP, SYS$LIBRARY, SYS$MESSAGE, SYS$SYSTEM, and SYS$TEST may contain previous versions of DIGITAL Capacity Planner files. These files are replaced during the installation with new files, but the old files are not automatically purged. Purging is recommended. In response to the purging prompt, press Return or enter YES to purge the files, or enter NO to keep them. ________________________ Note ________________________ During the installation the Installation Verification Procedures are run automatically. After DIGITAL Capacity Planner is installed, you can run the IVP independently (@SYS$TEST:ECP*$IVP) to verify that the software is available on your system. You might also need to run the IVP after a system failure to make sure that users can access DIGITAL Capacity Planner. ______________________________________________________ 8. Respond to license registration queries: DIGITAL Capacity Planner supports the OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF). The installation procedure displays license information about DIGITAL Capacity Planner. It asks whether you have registered and loaded your Product Authorization Key (PAK) for each product. The following is an example of the information and the queries presented by the installation procedure: Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner 2-9 +------------------------------------------------------------------+ * * * This product supports the VMS License Management Facility. * * If you have not previously registered and loaded the DIGITAL * * Capacity Planner licenses for the selected compoenents, you must * * do so before running the IVP. * * * * THESE SOFTWARE COMPONENTS REQUIRE VERSION-SPECIFIC LICENSES. * * LICENSES USED WITH EARLIER VERSIONS OF THE SOFTWARE WILL NOT * * WORK WITH THE SOFTWARE BEING INSTALLED. * * * * To register the DIGITAL Capacity Planner component licenses, use * * the information on your Product Authorization Key (PAK) provided * * with your kit to answer the prompts to: * * * * $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE * * * * If you have not yet registered the DIGITAL Capacity Planner * * license answer NO to the question below. After the installation * * completes, register the PAK and execute the IVP as described in * * the installation guide. * * * +------------------------------------------------------------------+ Product: CAPACITY-PLANNER-V5.1 Producer: DEC Version: 5.1 Release Date: 23-MAR-1999 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded?: If you have not registered and loaded your PAK, you must answer NO to this question. You have to register and load your PAKs to successfully complete the installation (see Section 1.1). If you have not done so, you should stop the installation, register and load your PAKs, and then restart the installation. ________________________ Note ________________________ If you install the Capacity Planner Data Collector, for the most optimal results, place ECP$PERF_DATA: on a non-system (and preferably local) data disk. 2-10 Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner Event Monitor .EVM files can grow very large very quickly on a busy system. A separate data disk should be used to avoid stalling the entire system. ______________________________________________________ Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner 2-11 9. Read informational messages: At this point, the installation procedure displays a number of informational messages that report on the progress of the installation. There are no further questions. If the installation procedure has been successful up to this point, VMSINSTAL moves the new or modified files to their target directories, updates help files, and updates DCL tables, if necessary. The SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB and SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE files are updated to include the new versions of the DIGITAL Capacity Planner help text and the INTEGRATE and PLAN command-line definitions. Also, if you answered YES in response to the prompt that requests a file purge, previous versions of the DIGITAL Capacity Planner files are now purged. The end of the installation is indicated by the following message: %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, files will now be moved to their target directories... Refer to the log files in Appendix A for complete listings of each installation procedure. 10.Observe the IVP: VMSINSTAL now automatically invokes the IVP to verify that DIGITAL Capacity Planner was installed successfully. If DIGITAL Capacity Planner was installed successfully, the IVP displays the following: The Installation Verification Procedure for DIGITAL Capacity Planner Version 5.1 has completed successfully. 11.End the installation procedure: Installation of DIGITAL Capacity Planner Version 5.1 completed at hh:mm VMSINSTAL procedure done at hh:mm 2-12 Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner 3 _________________________________________________________________ After Installation This chapter explains what you need to do after the installation to make DIGITAL Capacity Planner ready for use. 3.1 Installation Verification The Capacity Planner software contains command procedures that verify the correct operation of the software when it is invoked. The files are located in the SYS$TEST directory: o ECPDC$IVP.COM o ECPANA$IVP.COM o ECPDI$IVP.COM o ECPDECW$IVP.COM If you registered the Product Authorization Key (PAK) before installing the Capacity Planner software the IVP is run at that time. If you did not register the PAK before installing the software, do so immediately after the installation and run the IVP by entering: $ @SYS$TEST:ECPDC$IVP $ @SYS$TEST:ECPANA$IVP $ @SYS$TEST:ECPDI$IVP $ @SYS$TEST:ECPDECW$IVP If at any point you want to verify that the Capacity Planner software was installed correctly, run the IVP again. After Installation 3-1 3.2 Startup Procedure The Capacity Planner software contains startup procedures that allow your system to invoke the Capacity Planner software automatically when the system is booted. The startup procedures are named: o ECP$STARTUP.COM - Defines ECP$LIBRARY, which points to the hardware database files with the .DBA extensions. See Section 2.2 for defining ECP$LIBRARY in a mixed cluster environment. The startup command procedures are placed in the SYS$STARTUP directory. Make sure you edit the SYS$LOGICALS.COM files in SYS$MANAGER to run @SYS$STARTUP:ECP$STARTUP.COM. On a cluster system, replace the DCL tables on all nodes booting from a common system disk or reboot every node. You can use the SYSMAN utility, or do the following on each node: $ install install> replace sys$library:dcltables Then log out and log in again. Alternatively, you can give the following command: $ set command/table=sys$library:dcltables 3.3 Starting Data Collection 3.3.1 ECP$MANAGER.COM The file ECP$MANAGER.COM (located in ECP$LIBRARY:), is a command file that starts data collection using the ECP_POLL process. The file then submits itself to ECP$DC_QUEUE every 24 hours at midnight. Insert the line @ECP$LIBRARY:ECP$MANAGER into the SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file after the queue manager has been started to automatically restart data collection after a system reboot. 3-2 After Installation You can modify ECP$DC_QUEUE (defaults to SYS$BATCH) in SYS$STARTUP:ECP$STARTUP.COM to point to any other system batch queue. ECP$DC_INTERVAL is defined to be 300 seconds in ECP$STARTUP.COM as well. ECP$MANAGER places the resulting .CPC data files in ECP$PERF_DATA: which should be a dedicated non-SYSTEM local data disk. ECP$MANAGER is REQUIRED for use with PAWZ, Compaq's Performance Analysis Web Zone product for analyzing data collections from a NT 4.0 server. However, even if you don't intend to use PAWZ, ECP$MANAGER should be used to partition data collection into manageable time periods. If the ECP$MANAGER job fails to restart, or has never been started, just enter $@ECP$LIBRARY:ECP$MANAGER to start it. 3.3.2 The MOTIF Interface When you want to do a contention and planning analysis for a typical workload interval, or period of greatest utilization for forecasting purposes, the Data Collection utility of the Planner may be used to collect detailed event activity in the .EVM file by using the MOTIF form to start the ECP_SAMPLE process. By default, this will collect both .CPC and .EVM data on all nodes in the cluster by submitting jobs to $ECP_BATCH queues. ________________________ Note ________________________ Please note that .EVM files grow very large very quickly on busy systems. The job defaults to just 2 hours duration. ______________________________________________________ The ECP_SAMPLE process can also be activated using the DCL command: $PLAN COLLECT=SAMPLE/START if only the Data Collector is licensed. For more details see the Capacity Planner Reference Manual. After Installation 3-3 3.4 Disk Space Required after Installation This section describes the disk space required to operate the Capacity Planner components after the installation. Alpha Table 3-1 contains the blocks required after installation. Table_3-1_Required_Disk_Space_after_Installation_(Alpha)___ Component________Disk_Space________________________________ Data Collector 3,000 Data Reducer & 3,700 Analyzer Capacity 7,000 Planner All_components___13,000____________________________________ VAX Table 3-2 contains the blocks required after installation. Table_3-2_Required_Disk_Space_after_Installation_(VAX)_____ Component________Disk_Space________________________________ Data Collector 1,700 Data Reducer & 5,100 Analyzer Capacity 9,000 Planner V5.1 All_components___13,000____________________________________ 3-4 After Installation 3.5 Privileges Required after Installation The privileges needed for the Capacity Planner are the same as those needed by the Performance Data Collector because the Capacity Planner accesses the Data Collector files. Table 3-3 shows the privileges. Table_3-3_Privileges_Required_after_Installation___________ Command/Utility_______Privileges___________________________ PLAN COLLECT=POLL SYSPRIV, DETACH, SYSNAM, PRMMBX, PSWAPM, CMKRNL, ALTPRI, TMPMBX, WORLD, NETMBX, SYSLCK, SYSPRV PLAN COLLECT=SAMPLE SYSPRIV, DETACH, SYSNAM, PRMMBX, PSWAPM, CMKRNL, ALTPRI, TMPMBX, ______________________WORLD,_NETMBX,_SYSLCK,_SYSPRV________ After Installation 3-5 3.6 Maintenance Updates Maintenance updates of the Capacity Planner software may be issued periodically. Each update consists of an installation kit. Install this kit as described in this guide or any documentation that accompanies the maintenance update (which would supersede this guide). Maintenance updates include new release notes. The new release notes describe changes that have been made to the Capacity Planner software since the previous release. The release notes are provided on line. Read the release notes when you first install any version of the Capacity Planner software, as described in Section 2.1. 3-6 After Installation 4 _________________________________________________________________ Error Recovery and Problem Reporting This chapter explains the messages you may receive during installation and the procedure for reporting problems to Digital Equipment Corporation. 4.1 Error Recovery If the installation procedure fails for any reason, a message with the following format is displayed: %VMSINSTAL_E_INSFAIL, The installation of ECP V5.1 has failed. An error during the installation occurs if one or more of the conditions that are listed in Table 4-1 exist. These errors can often be identified and resolved as indicated in each table. Table_4-1_Error_Recovery_for_ECP_Messages__________________ Error______________________Solution________________________ ECP-E-UNSUPVMSVER, The operating system version is "Installation of this kit incorrect and will not support on this version of VMS is the Capacity Planner software. unsupported" ECP-E-MSSGDWLIB, The Capacity Planner components "DEC Windows Motif is not requires DECwindows Motif. If installed on this system" you want to run the Capacity Planner component, install DECwindows Motif and reinstall the Capacity Planner software. (continued on next page) Error Recovery and Problem Reporting 4-1 Table_4-1_(Cont.)_Error_Recovery_for_ECP_Messages__________ Error______________________Solution________________________ ECP-E-BADKIT, Check the contents of your save "Bad Distribution Kit" - set. "File nnn is missing" ECP-E-NOSPACE, Create extra space on the system "System disk does not disk. contain enough free blocks to install ECP" ECP-E-NEEDS, Your system does not have the "This kit requires peak disk space capacity to ''ECP$PEAK_UTIL blocks to complete the installation. install" Section 1.4.3 lists the peak disk space requirements for the Capacity Planner installation. ECP-E-INSFGBLPAGES, This software requires 17 "Insufficient contiguous contiguous global pages during global pages (GBLPAGES) installation. to install ECP" ECP-E-INSFGBLPAGES, This software requires 4 global "Insufficient sections during installation. global sections (GBLSECTIONS) to install ECP" ECP-E-NOTRUN, The installation procedure asks "CP/Collect is not if you want to stop the Data running" Collector process and then stops it for the user. %LIB-F-OPEN, Another user is using the VMS Error opening Help Utility. When the Capacity SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB Planner software attempts to insert its help modules, it must %RMS-E-FLK, have sole access to the VMS Help file currently locked by library. Ensure that no one is another user. using the Help Utility. (continued on next page) 4-2 Error Recovery and Problem Reporting Table_4-1_(Cont.)_Error_Recovery_for_ECP_Messages__________ Error______________________Solution________________________ %RMS-F-PRV, You are attempting to install No privilege for the Capacity Planner software attempted operation. without the proper privileges. If you install from the SYSTEM account, adequate privileges ___________________________will_be_available.______________ For more information about errors related to the installation or other errors that may be relevant to the Capacity Planner software, see the DIGITAL Capacity Planner User's Guide. If the installation fails, repeat the installation procedure from step 2. 4.2 Problem Evaluation and Reporting If you have a problem installing or running the Capacity Planner software and you have a basic or DECsupport Software Agreement, call your Customer Support Center. With these services, telephone support is available to provide advisory and remedial assistance. For more information, contact your local DIGITAL representative. If you find an error in the Capacity Planner documentation, fill out and submit the Reader's Comments form at the back of the document in which the error was found. Include the section and page number of the error, and clearly specify the error in your response. If an error occurs while the Capacity Planner software is being executed and you have reason to believe that the error is due to a problem with the software, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). When you prepare to submit an SPR, do the following: o Provide as complete a description of the problem as possible. Include the software version number. To determine the correct version of the DECwindows interface, refer to the version number at the top of the Session Messages window. The Session Messages window is displayed when you invoke the DECwindows Motif interface. Error Recovery and Problem Reporting 4-3 o Include any pertinent output or error message that you found just before the problem occurred. Include as much detail as possible about the events that led to the problem. o Save all data necessary to reproduce the error, such as the .CPC data files and .EVM data files. o Follow the SPR instructions carefully. 4-4 Error Recovery and Problem Reporting A _________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation Dialogue This appendix provides sample dialogue for a complete DIGITAL Capacity Planner installation on the following platform: o OpenVMS Alpha (see Section A.1) o OpenVMS VAX (see Section A.2) Sample Installation Dialogue A-1 A.1 Dialogue for OpenVMS Alpha Example A-1 contains a sample log of an installation on an OpenVMS Alpha system. Example A-1 OpenVMS Alpha System Installation Log Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V7.2 Username:system Password: Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version V7.2 on node OPENCP Last interactive login on Thursday, 25-MAR-1999 09:48:42.02 Last non-interactive login on Thursday, 25-MAR-1999 10:14:33.04 $ $@sys$update:vmsinstal OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V7.2 It is 25-MAR-1999 at 10:41. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted:DKA500:[000000] Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products:ECP051 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none):) The following products will be processed: ECP V5.1 Beginning installation of ECP V5.1 at 10:41 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. DIGITAL Capacity Planner (Alpha) Installation --------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1999. All rights reserved. (continued on next page) A-2 Sample Installation Dialogue Example A-1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Alpha System Installation Log * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]?Y +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ The DIGITAL Capacity Planner defines a system wide logical to a directory which will contain its files. This directory is called ECP$LIBRARY +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ %ECP-I-LIBRARY, ECP$LIBRARY is currently defined to be SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ECP] *Is this the correct directory for the Capacity Planner Library files [Y]:Y %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ECP]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ECP] already exists +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ * * * You can choose to install one or more of the following * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner Components * * * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner Data Collector (CP/Collect) * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner Data Analyzer (CP/Analyze) * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner Data Reducer (CP/Reduce) * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner (CP/Plan) * * * +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ * Do you want to install CP/Collect for OpenVMS [Y]?y * Do you want to install CP/Analyze [Y]?y * Do you want to install CP/Reduce [Y]?y * Do you want to install DIGITAL Capacity Planner [Y]?y The following options will be provided: CP/Collect for OpenVMS CP/Analyze CP/Reduce DIGITAL Capacity Planner * Is this correct [Y]?y (continued on next page) Sample Installation Dialogue A-3 Example A-1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Alpha System Installation Log +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ The DIGITAL Capacity Planner Data Collector defines a system wide logical to a directory which can be used to contain its output. Use of this directory is optional. The logical is named ECP$PERF_DATA +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ %ECP-I-LIBRARY, ECP$PERF_DIR is currently defined to be SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ECP$PERF_DATA] *Is this the correct directory for CP/Collect Data [Y]:y %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ECP$PERF_DATA] already exists (continued on next page) A-4 Sample Installation Dialogue Example A-1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Alpha System Installation Log +------------------------------------------------------------------+ * * * This product supports the VMS License Management Facility. * * If you have not previously registered and loaded the DIGITAL * * Capacity Planner licenses for the selected compoenents, you must * * do so before running the IVP. * * * * THESE SOFTWARE COMPONENTS REQUIRE VERSION-SPECIFIC LICENSES. * * LICENSES USED WITH EARLIER VERSIONS OF THE SOFTWARE WILL NOT * * WORK WITH THE SOFTWARE BEING INSTALLED. * * * * To register the DIGITAL Capacity Planner component licenses, use * * the information on your Product Authorization Key (PAK) provided * * with your kit to answer the prompts to: * * * * $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE * * * * If you have not yet registered the DIGITAL Capacity Planner * * license answer NO to the question below. After the installation * * completes, register the PAK and execute the IVP as described in * * the installation guide. * * * +------------------------------------------------------------------+ Product: CAPACITY-COLLECTOR-V5.1 Producer: DEC Version: 5.1 Release Date: 22-MAR-1999 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded?y +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * A previous version of the driver for CP/Collect has been found on * * your system. * * * * To use CP/Collect a REBOOT of your system is required * * * * Unpredictable results may occur if CP/Collect is used before REBOOTing * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (continued on next page) Sample Installation Dialogue A-5 Example A-1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Alpha System Installation Log %ECP-I-NOIVP, CP/Collect IVP will not be run %ECP-I-NOIVP, After the system has rebooted, run SYS$TEST:ECPDC$IVP.COM *Please acknowledge you understand you must manually REBOOT the system [N]?y Product: CAPACITY-ANALYZER-V5.1 Producer: DEC Version: 5.1 Release Date: 22-MAR-1999 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded?y Product: CAPACITY-REDUCER-V5.1 Producer: DEC Version: 5.1 Release Date: 22-MAR-1999 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded?y Product: CAPACITY-PLANNER-V5.1 Producer: DEC Version: 5.1 Release Date: 22-MAR-1999 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded?y No more input is required to complete this installation. From this point the installation will proceed automatically. The installation should complete in approximately 5 to 15 minutes. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %ECP-I-BUILDING, Linking CP/Analyze & CP/Reduce DCL... Please ignore the following Link warnings. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (continued on next page) A-6 Sample Installation Dialogue Example A-1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Alpha System Installation Log %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module PROCESS_MW file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]DI.OLB;1 %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module ECP_GET_HISTORY file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]ECP$GB_ AXP_V72.OLB;12 %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module ECP_GET_LOGFILE file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]ECP$GB_ AXP_V72.OLB;12 %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module ECP_PROCESS_METRICS file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]ECP $GB_AXP_V72.OLB;12 +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (continued on next page) Sample Installation Dialogue A-7 Example A-1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Alpha System Installation Log %ECP-I-BUILDING, Linking CP/Analyze & CP/Reduce MOTIF... Please ignore the following Link warnings. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module PROCESS_MW file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]DI_MOTIF.OLB;1 %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module ECP_GET_HISTORY file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]ECP$GB_ AXP_V72.OLB;12 %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module ECP_GET_LOGFILE file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]ECP$GB_ AXP_V72.OLB;12 %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module ECP_PROCESS_METRICS file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]ECP $GB_AXP_V72.OLB;12 +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ %ECP-I-BUILDING, Linking DIGITAL Capacity Planner... %ECP-I-BUILDING, Linking CP/Collect for OpenVMS (Alpha)... Please ignore the following Link warnings. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module BLDCMDSUBS file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]COLLECT_AXP_V72.OLB;13 %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module COLSUBS file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]COLLECT_AXP_V72.OLB;13 %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module CLISUBS file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]COLLECT_AXP_V72.OLB;13 %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module ECP$SINK file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]ECP$SINK_AXP_V72.OLB;12 %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module ECP$ETFSHR file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]EVM_AXP_V7.OLB;7 %LINK-W-SHRWRNERS, compilation warnings in shareable image file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]ECP$EVENT_PRVSHR.EXE;1 %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module COLLECT_EVENT file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]EVM_AXP_V7.OLB;7 %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module EVM_TRACE file OPENCP$DKB500:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]EVM_AXP_V7.OLB;7 +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (continued on next page) A-8 Sample Installation Dialogue Example A-1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Alpha System Installation Log +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * A previous version of the driver for CP/Collect has been found on * * your system. * * * * To use CP/Collect a REBOOT of your system is required * * * * Unpredictable results may occur if CP/Collect is used before REBOOTing * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * * * CP/Collect IVP will not be run * * After the system has rebooted, @SYS$TEST:ECPDC$IVP.COM * * * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1999. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. *-----------------------------------------------------------* * Installation Verification Procedure * * for * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner: CP/Analyzer * *-----------------------------------------------------------* REDUCE/CPC_VMS_FILE=DISCOS_1999MAR03_2117.CPC/analyze_report=sys$scratch:xxx.rpt /BEGIN=03-mar-1999:21:17/end=03-mar-1999:21:27 DIGITAL CP/Reduce V5.1-220 (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1999, All rights reserved. ECP-INFO CP/Analyze processing... ECP-INFO Writing CP/Analyze report to SYS$SCRATCH:XXX.RPT ... (continued on next page) Sample Installation Dialogue A-9 Example A-1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Alpha System Installation Log (continued on next page) A-10 Sample Installation Dialogue Example A-1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Alpha System Installation Log *-----------------------------------------------------------* * Installation Verification Procedure * * for * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner: CP/Analyzer * * * * IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY * *-----------------------------------------------------------* Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1999. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. *-----------------------------------------------------------* * Installation Verification Procedure * * for * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner: CP/Reducer * *-----------------------------------------------------------* $ REDUCE/cpd_file=psdc$cpdev_1994aug26.cpd/begin=26-aug-1994:10:00/end=26-aug-1994:11:00 "PSDC$DATABASE" = "SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.ECP]" (LNM$PROCESS_TABLE) SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST] = SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST] = SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST] DIGITAL CP/Reduce V5.1-220 (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1999, All rights reserved. ECP-INFO Driver for CPD ... ECP-INFO Writing MERG data to SYS$SCRATCH:ECP_DI_IVP.MERG ... ECP-INFO Writing report to SYS$SCRATCH:ECP_DI_IVP.PROC ... ECP-INFO Done. REDUCE/CPC_VMS_FILE=DISCOS_1998MAR03_2117.CPC/EVM=discos_1999mar03_2117.EVM- /BEGIN=03-mar-1999:21:17/end=03-mar-1999:21:27 DIGITAL CP/Reduce V5.1-220 (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1999, All rights reserved. ECP-INFO Driver for CPC OpenVMS ... (continued on next page) Sample Installation Dialogue A-11 Example A-1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Alpha System Installation Log ECP-INFO Driver for EVM (Event Data) ... ECP-INFO Writing MERG data to SYS$SCRATCH:C.MERG ... ECP-INFO Writing report to SYS$SCRATCH:C.PROC ... ECP-INFO Done. *-----------------------------------------------------------* * Installation Verification Procedure * * for * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner: CP/Reducer * * * * IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY * *-----------------------------------------------------------* Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1999. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. *-----------------------------------------------------------* * Installation Verification Procedure * * for * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner: MOTIF Component * *-----------------------------------------------------------* The DIGITAL Capacity Planner IVP requires that a display device be defined (using the SET DISPLAY command). Please enter the node name of the workstation on which to display the IVP. Enter Transport [(TCPIP) or DECNET]:TCPIP Enter node name (or Return to exit):FRAPIN The IVP brings up the DIGITAL Capacity Planner. If the Capacity Planner comes up, THEN the installation has been successful. (continued on next page) A-12 Sample Installation Dialogue Example A-1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Alpha System Installation Log After the DIGITAL Capacity Planner appears, click the mouse in the window to assign input focus, and type CTRL/Z to exit and complete the MOTIF portion of the IVP. (continued on next page) Sample Installation Dialogue A-13 Example A-1 (Cont.) OpenVMS Alpha System Installation Log Starting DIGITAL Capacity Planner... DIGITAL Capacity Planner (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1999, All rights reserved. *-----------------------------------------------------------* * Installation Verification Procedure * * for * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner: MOTIF Component * * * * IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY * *-----------------------------------------------------------* +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * * * After the installation is finished, you should add the following * * line to the end of SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM * * * * $ @SYS$STARTUP:ECP$STARTUP.COM * * * * If you intend to use PAWZ (the Performance Analysis Web Zone), * * add the following line to the end of SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM * * * * $ @ECP$LIBRARY:ECP$MANAGER.COM * * * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Installation of ECP V5.1 completed at 10:48 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]ECP051.VMI_DATA Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at 10:48 $logout SYSTEM logged out at 25-MAR-1999 10:48:52.77 A-14 Sample Installation Dialogue A.2 Dialogue for OpenVMS VAX Example A-2 contains a sample log of an installation on an OpenVMS VAX system. Example A-2 OpenVMS VAX System Installation Log Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) VAX Operating System, Version V7.2 Username:system Password: Welcome to OpenVMS (TM) VAX Operating System, Version V7.2 on node GO4CP Last interactive login on Friday, 19-MAR-1999 16:46 Last non-interactive login on Wednesday, 24-MAR-1999 23:59 $ LICENSE LIST License Management Facility License Database File: SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB;1 Created on: 12-MAR-1996 Created by user: SYSTEM LMF Version: V1.1 ----------------------------------- C DEC CAPACITY-ANALYZER-V5.1 DEC CAPACITY-COLLECTOR-V5.1 DEC CAPACITY-PLANNER-V5.1 DEC CAPACITY-REDUCER-V5.1 DEC DVNETEND DEC DW-MOTIF DEC VAX-VMS DEC VAXCLUSTER DEC [End Of List] $@sys$update:vmsinstal OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.2 It is 25-MAR-1999 at 11:05. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? (continued on next page) Sample Installation Dialogue A-15 Example A-2 (Cont.) OpenVMS VAX System Installation Log * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: DKA400:[000000] Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products:ECP051 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none):) The following products will be processed: (continued on next page) A-16 Sample Installation Dialogue Example A-2 (Cont.) OpenVMS VAX System Installation Log ECP V5.1 Beginning installation of ECP V5.1 at 11:05 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. DIGITAL Capacity Planner (VAX) Installation --------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1999. All rights reserved. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation[YES]?) +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ The DIGITAL Capacity Planner defines a system wide logical to a directory which will contain its files. This directory is called ECP$LIBRARY +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ %ECP-I-LIBRARY, ECP$LIBRARY is currently defined to be SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ECP] * Is this the correct directory for the Capacity Planner Library files [Y]:y %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ECP] already exists +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ * * * You can choose to install one or more of the following * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner Components * * * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner Data Collector (CP/Collect) * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner Data Analyzer (CP/Analyze) * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner Data Reducer (CP/Reduce) * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner (CP/Plan) * * * +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ * Do you want to install CP/Collect for OpenVMS [Y]?y * Do you want to install CP/Analyze [Y]?y * Do you want to install CP/Reduce [Y]?y * Do you want to install DIGITAL Capacity Planner [Y]?y (continued on next page) Sample Installation Dialogue A-17 Example A-2 (Cont.) OpenVMS VAX System Installation Log The following options will be provided: CP/Collect for OpenVMS CP/Analyze CP/Reduce DIGITAL Capacity Planner * Is this correct [Y]?y +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ The DIGITAL Capacity Planner Data Collector defines a system wide logical to a directory which can be used to contain its output. Use of this directory is optional. The logical is named ECP$PERF_DATA +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ %ECP-I-LIBRARY, ECP$PERF_DIR is currently defined to be SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ECP$PERF_DATA] * Is this the correct directory for CP/Collect Data [Y]:y %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[ECP$PERF_DATA] already exists (continued on next page) A-18 Sample Installation Dialogue Example A-2 (Cont.) OpenVMS VAX System Installation Log +------------------------------------------------------------------+ * * * This product supports the VMS License Management Facility. * * If you have not previously registered and loaded the DIGITAL * * Capacity Planner licenses for the selected compoenents, you must * * do so before running the IVP. * * * * THESE SOFTWARE COMPONENTS REQUIRE VERSION-SPECIFIC LICENSES. * * LICENSES USED WITH EARLIER VERSIONS OF THE SOFTWARE WILL NOT * * WORK WITH THE SOFTWARE BEING INSTALLED. * * * * To register the DIGITAL Capacity Planner component licenses, use * * the information on your Product Authorization Key (PAK) provided * * with your kit to answer the prompts to: * * * * $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE * * * * If you have not yet registered the DIGITAL Capacity Planner * * license answer NO to the question below. After the installation * * completes, register the PAK and execute the IVP as described in * * the installation guide. * * * +------------------------------------------------------------------+ (continued on next page) Sample Installation Dialogue A-19 Example A-2 (Cont.) OpenVMS VAX System Installation Log Product: CAPACITY-COLLECTOR-V5.1 Producer: DEC Version: 5.1 Release Date: 22-MAR-1999 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded?y +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * A previous version of the driver for CP/Collect has been found on * * your system. * * * * To use CP/Collect a REBOOT of your system is required * * * * Unpredictable results may occur if CP/Collect is used before REBOOTing * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ %ECP-I-NOIVP, CP/Collect IVP will not be run %ECP-I-NOIVP, After the system has rebooted, run SYS$TEST:ECPDC$IVP.COM * Please acknowledge you understand you must manually REBOOT the system [N]?y Product: CAPACITY-ANALYZER-V5.1 Producer: DEC Version: 5.1 Release Date: 22-MAR-1999 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded?y Product: CAPACITY-REDUCER-V5.1 Producer: DEC Version: 5.1 Release Date: 22-MAR-1999 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded?y Product: CAPACITY-PLANNER-V5.1 Producer: DEC Version: 5.1 Release Date: 22-MAR-1999 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded?y (continued on next page) A-20 Sample Installation Dialogue Example A-2 (Cont.) OpenVMS VAX System Installation Log No more input is required to complete this installation. From this point the installation will proceed automatically. The installation should complete in approximately 5 to 15 minutes. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... %ECP-I-BUILDING, Linking CP/Analyze & CP/Reduce DCL... Please ignore the following Link warnings. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module DI_RPT_TAB file GO4CP$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]DI.OLB;1 %ECP-I-BUILDING, Linking CP/Analyze & CP/Reduce... %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module GRAPH_CPCVMS file GO4CP$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]DI_MOTIF12.OLB;1 %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module CPCSOLIO file GO4CP$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]DI_MOTIF12.OLB;1 %LINK-W-WRNERS, compilation warnings in module CPCUNIXIO file GO4CP$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]DI_MOTIF12.OLB;1 +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ %ECP-I-BUILDING, Linking DIGITAL Capacity Planner... %ECP-I-BUILDING, Linking CP/Collect Driver for OpenVMS (VAX)... Please ignore the following Link warnings. +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ %LINK-W-USRTFR, image GO4CP$DKA0:[SYS0.SYSUPD.ECP051]ECP$DRIVER.EXE;1 has no user transfer address +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ %ECP-I-BUILDING, Linking CP/Collect for OpenVMS (VAX)... +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * A previous version of the driver for CP/Collect has been found on * * your system. * * * * To use CP/Collect a REBOOT of your system is required * * * * Unpredictable results may occur if CP/Collect is used before REBOOTing * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (continued on next page) Sample Installation Dialogue A-21 Example A-2 (Cont.) OpenVMS VAX System Installation Log %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * * * CP/Collect IVP will not be run * * After the system has rebooted, @SYS$TEST:ECPDC$IVP.COM * * * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1998. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. *-----------------------------------------------------------* * Installation Verification Procedure * * for * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner: CP/Analyzer * *-----------------------------------------------------------* REDUCE/CPC_VMS_FILE=DISCOS_1998MAR03_2117.CPC/analyze_report=sys$scratch:xxx.rpt /BEGIN=03-mar-1998:21:17/end=03-mar-1998:21:27 DIGITAL CP/Reduce V5.1-220 (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1999, All rights reserved. ECP-INFO CP/Analyze processing... (continued on next page) A-22 Sample Installation Dialogue Example A-2 (Cont.) OpenVMS VAX System Installation Log ECP-INFO Writing CP/Analyze report to SYS$SCRATCH:XXX.RPT ... *-----------------------------------------------------------* * Installation Verification Procedure * * for * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner: CP/Analyzer * * * * IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY * *-----------------------------------------------------------* (continued on next page) Sample Installation Dialogue A-23 Example A-2 (Cont.) OpenVMS VAX System Installation Log Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1999. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. *-----------------------------------------------------------* * Installation Verification Procedure * * for * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner: CP/Reducer * *-----------------------------------------------------------* $ REDUCE/cpd_file=psdc$cpdev_1994aug26.cpd/begin=26-aug-1994:10:00/end=26-aug-1994:11:00 "PSDC$DATABASE" = "SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.ECP]" (LNM$PROCESS_TABLE) SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST] = SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST] = SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST] DIGITAL CP/Reduce V5.1-220 (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1999, All rights reserved. ECP-INFO Driver for CPD ... %LICENSE-F-NOAUTH, DEC DECPS-PA use is not authorized on this node -LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product -LICENSE-I-SYSMGR, please see your system manager %DELETE-W-SEARCHFAIL, error searching for SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]ECP_DI_IVP.PROC; -RMS-E-FNF, file not found %DELETE-W-SEARCHFAIL, error searching for SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]ECP_DI_IVP.MERG; -RMS-E-FNF, file not found (continued on next page) A-24 Sample Installation Dialogue Example A-2 (Cont.) OpenVMS VAX System Installation Log *-----------------------------------------------------------* * Installation Verification Procedure * * for * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner: CP/Reducer * * * * FAILED to process CPD files from Computer Associates * * * * If due to a LMF failure, install the necessary licenses. * * If due to C.A. changing their interface, then this * * feature of Capacity Planner can no longer be used. * * * * The IVP will continue to test VMS .CPC files. * *-----------------------------------------------------------* REDUCE/CPC_VMS_FILE=DISCOS_1998MAR03_2117.CPC/EVM=discos_1998mar03_2117.EVM- /BEGIN=03-mar-1998:21:17/end=03-mar-1998:21:27 DIGITAL CP/Reduce V5.1-220 (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1999, All Rights Reserved. ECP-INFO Driver for CPC OpenVMS ... ECP-INFO Driver for EVM (Event Data) ... ECP-INFO Writing MERG data to SYS$SCRATCH:C.MERG ... ECP-INFO Writing report to SYS$SCRATCH:C.PROC ... ECP-INFO Done. *-----------------------------------------------------------* * Installation Verification Procedure * * for * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner: CP/Reducer * * * * IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY * *-----------------------------------------------------------* (continued on next page) Sample Installation Dialogue A-25 Example A-2 (Cont.) OpenVMS VAX System Installation Log Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1999. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or an authorized sublicensor. *-----------------------------------------------------------* * Installation Verification Procedure * * for * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner: MOTIF Component * *-----------------------------------------------------------* The DIGITAL Capacity Planner IVP requires that a display device be defined (using the SET DISPLAY command). Please enter the node name of the workstation on which to display the IVP. Enter Transport [(TCPIP) or DECNET]:DECNET Enter node name (or Return to exit):2.659 The IVP brings up the DIGITAL Capacity Planner. If the Capacity Planner comes up, THEN the installation has been successful. After the DIGITAL Capacity Planner appears, click the mouse in the window to assign input focus, and type CTRL/Z to exit and complete the MOTIF portion of the IVP. Starting DIGITAL Capacity Planner... (continued on next page) A-26 Sample Installation Dialogue Example A-2 (Cont.) OpenVMS VAX System Installation Log DIGITAL Capacity Planner (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1999, All rights reserved. *-----------------------------------------------------------* * Installation Verification Procedure * * for * * DIGITAL Capacity Planner: MOTIF Component * * * * IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY * *-----------------------------------------------------------* +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * * * After the installation is finished, you should add the following * * line to the end of SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM * * * * $ @SYS$STARTUP:ECP$STARTUP.COM * * * * If you intend to use PAWZ (the Performance Analysis Web Zone), * * add the following line to the end of SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM * * * * $ @ECP$LIBRARY:ECP$MANAGER.COM * * * +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Installation of ECP V5.1 completed at 11:16 Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at 11:16 $logout SYSTEM logged out at 25-MAR-1999 11:16:44.37 Sample Installation Dialogue A-27 B _________________________________________________________________ Created and Modified Files This appendix describes the files that are created and modified during installation, and where they reside. o Table B-1 lists the files for the Data Collector. o Table B-2 lists the files for the Data Reducer & Analyzer. o Table B-3 lists the files for the Capacity Planner. o Table B-4 lists the common files. These files allow you to operate the utilities and are created during the Capacity Planner installation unless they have already been created during a prior installation of the Performance Data Collector. Table_B-1_Data_Collector_Files___________________________________ File_Name____________________________Directory_Area______________ ECP$EVENT_PRVSHR.EXE [SYSLIB] Data Collector executable image. This is a privileged image. ECP$EVENT.UID [DECW$DEFAULTS.USER] DECwindows Motif interface file ECP$EVENT.COM [SYSEXE] Command procedure to execute batch jobs ECP$EVENT.EXE [SYSEXE] (continued on next page) Created and Modified Files B-1 Table_B-1_(Cont.)_Data_Collector_Files___________________________ File_Name____________________________Directory_Area______________ Batch executable image ECP$COLLECT.EXE [SYSEXE] ECP$DRIVER.COM [SYSEXE] ECP$COLLECT.COM [SYSEXE] ECP$EVENT_MONITOR.EXE [SYSEXE] Data Collector executable image ECP$EVENT_MONITOR_STOP.EXE [SYSEXE] Data Collector executable image ECP$MESSAGES.MSG [SYSMSG] Data Collector message file ECP$DRIVER.MSG [SYS$LDR] _________________________________________________________________ Table_B-2_Data_Reducer_&_Analyzer_Files__________________________ File_Name____________________________Directory_Area______________ ECP$INTEGRATE.EXE [SYSEXE] Data Reducer & Analyzer DCL executable image ECPDI$IVP.COM [SYSTEST] Data Reducer & Analyzer installation verification procedure ECP$DI_MAIN.EXE [SYSEXE] (continued on next page) B-2 Created and Modified Files Table_B-2_(Cont.)_Data_Reducer_&_Analyzer_Files__________________ File_Name____________________________Directory_Area______________ Data Reducer & Analyzer DECwindows Motif executable image ECP_DI.UID [DECW$DEFAULTS.USER] DECwindows Motif interface _____file________________________________________________________ Table_B-3_Capacity_Planner_Files_________________________________ File_Name____________________________Directory_Area______________ ECP_AXPOSFCPU.DBA ECP$LIBRARY AXP OSF CPU database file ECP_AXPVMSCPU.DBA ECP$LIBRARY AXP VMS CPU database file ECP_AXPVMSCPU_MAP.DBA ECP$LIBRARY AXP migration application database file ECP_AXP_APPL.DBA ECP$LIBRARY AXP application database file ECP_CI.DBA ECP$LIBRARY Cluster interconnect database file ECP_DISK.DBA ECP$LIBRARY Disk database file ECP_DSSI.DBA ECP$LIBRARY DSSI database file ECP_FDDI.DBA ECP$LIBRARY FDDI network device database file ECP_HSC.DBA ECP$LIBRARY (continued on next page) Created and Modified Files B-3 Table_B-3_(Cont.)_Capacity_Planner_Files_________________________ File_Name____________________________Directory_Area______________ Storage controller database file ECP_NI.DBA ECP$LIBRARY Ethernet database file ECP_SCSI.DBA ECP$LIBRARY SCSI database file ECP_SERVER.DBA ECP$LIBRARY Server database file ECP_VAXCPU.DBA ECP$LIBRARY VAX CPU database file ECP_IOVIEW.UID ECP$LIBRARY DECwindows Motif interface file ECP_MAIN.UID ECP$LIBRARY DECwindows Motif interface file ECP_MODEL.UID ECP$LIBRARY DECwindows Motif interface file ECP_REPORT.UID ECP$LIBRARY DECwindows Motif interface file ECP_SYSTEMVIEW.UID ECP$LIBRARY DECwindows Motif interface file ECP_SYS_STATS.UID ECP$LIBRARY DECwindows Motif interface file ECP_TOPVIEW.UID ECP$LIBRARY DECwindows Motif interface file (continued on next page) B-4 Created and Modified Files Table_B-3_(Cont.)_Capacity_Planner_Files_________________________ File_Name____________________________Directory_Area______________ ECP_NETWORK.BASE ECP$LIBRARY Contains sample network data ECP_LABELS.MSG ECP$LIBRARY Capacity Planner message label file ECP_MESSAGES.MSG ECP$LIBRARY Capacity Planner message file Capacity Planner DCL help ECP.DAT DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS Capacity Planner spreadsheet color scheme definitions ECPDECW$IVP.COM [SYSTEST] Capacity Planner installation verification procedure ECP$PLAN.EXE [SYSEXE] Capacity Planner executable _____image_______________________________________________________ Created and Modified Files B-5 Table_B-4_Common_Files___________________________________________ File_Name____________________________Directory_Area______________ ECP$DEINSTAL.COM ECP$LIBRARY Capacity Planner deinstallation file ECP051.RELEASE_NOTES ECP$LIBRARY Product release notes ECP_PROFILE.DECW$BOOK ECP$LIBRARY Capacity Planner Bookreader help file ECP_PROFILE.DECW$BOOKSHELF ECP$LIBRARY Capacity Planner bookshelf file ECP_TEXT.HLP ECP$LIBRARY Capacity Planner text help file ECP.HLB [SYSHLP] ECP$STARTUP.COM SYS$STARTUP _____Capacity_Planner_startup_file_______________________________ B-6 Created and Modified Files _________________________________________________________________ Index C______________________________ F______________________________ Capacity Planner Files components, 1-1 Capacity Planner, B-3 license names, 1-3 common, B-6 startup command procedures, created and modified, B-1 to 3-2 B-6 Command procedures Data Collector, B-1 for installation verification Data Reducer & Analyzer, B-2 , 3-1 deleting early version of for software startup, 3-2 DECps, 1-7 deletion of, when stopping D______________________________ installation, 2-1 Deleting files location of, B-1 to B-6 early DECps executable images , 1-7 G______________________________ when stopping installation, Global pages 2-1 parameter Disk space calculating value for, checking availability, 1-9 1-11 required after installation, changing, 1-13 3-4 required required for installation, determining, 1-12 1-8 for installation, 4-2 Displaying release notes, 2-1 Global sections parameter E______________________________ calculating value for, Error messages 1-11 ECP, 4-1 changing, 1-13 required determining, 1-12 for installation, 4-2 Index-1 Product Authorization Key I______________________________ (PAK) requirements, 1-3 Installation disk space required for, 1-8 R______________________________ global pages required for, Registering a license, 1-4 4-2 Release notes global sections required for, displaying online, 2-1 4-2 for updates, 3-6 on new nodes, 1-3 location of, 2-1 privileges required for, 1-7 printing, 2-1 procedure, 2-2 to 2-12 sample log, A-1 S______________________________ stopping, 2-1 Sample installation dialogue, system parameters required A-1 for, 1-8 Software troubleshooting, 4-1 optional, 1-6 updates, 1-3, 3-6 required, 1-6 verification, 3-1 Software licenses, 1-2 VMScluster considerations, Software Problem Report, 4-3 1-7 Startup command procedures, L 3-2 _______________________________ Stopping the installation, 2-1 License System disk, 1-10 names, 1-3 System parameters PAK requirements, 1-3 changing, 1-13 registration, 1-3 checking, 1-10 License Management Facility required for installation, (LMF), 1-2 1-8 O______________________________ T______________________________ Operating system Troubleshooting the components required, 1-5 installation, 4-1 version required, 1-5 V______________________________ P______________________________ VIRTUALPAGECNT parameter Printing release notes, 2-1 minimum value, 1-8 Privileges required VMScluster systems, after installation, 3-5 requirements for for installation, 1-7 installation, 1-4 Problem reporting, 4-3 Index-2 W______________________________ WSMAX parameter changing, 1-13 checking, 1-10 minimum value, 1-8 Index-3