DEC_Data_Distributor________________________________ Installation Guide AA-JD83K-TE January 1994 This manual describes how to install DEC Data Distributor Version 6.0. Revision/Update Information: This manual is a revision and supersedes previous versions Operating System: OpenVMS Software Version: Data Distributor Version 6.0 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ January 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1987, 1994. All rights reserved. The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document request your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ACMS, ALL-IN-1, AXP, BASIC, Bookreader, CDA, CDD/Plus, CDD/Repository, CI, DATATRIEVE, DBMS, DEC, DEC ACCESSWORKS, DEC Ada, DEC C, DEC Fortran, DEC Pascal, DEC RALLY, DECdecision, DECdesign, DECdirect, DECdtm, DECforms, DECimage, DECintact, DECmigrate, DECnet, DECnet-DOS, DECplan, DECpresent, DECset, DECstation, DECsupport, DECtp, DECtrace, DECwindows, Digital, DTIF, EDT, HSC, MASSBUS, MicroVAX, MSCP, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, POLYCENTER, RA, Rdb Language Translator, Rdb/VMS, SQL Multimedia, ULTRIX, UNIBUS, VAX, VAX C, VAX COBOL, VAX DOCUMENT, VAX FMS, VAX MACRO, VAX SCAN, VAX 6000, VAX 8350, VAX Xway, VAXcluster, VAXELN, VAXshare, VAXstation, VIDA, VMS, VMS RMS, VMScluster, VT100, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: IBM is a registered trademark and DB2 is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation; ORACLE[R] is a registered trademark of the ORACLE Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Preparing to Install DEC Data Distributor 1.1 Required Operating System Components.......... 1-1 1.2 Prerequisite and Optional Software............ 1-2 1.2.1 Prerequisite Software..................... 1-2 1.2.2 Optional Software......................... 1-4 1.3 Prerequisite Hardware......................... 1-5 1.4 License Registration and Loading.............. 1-5 1.5 Special Requirements for Installing Data Distributor................................... 1-6 1.6 VAXcluster and VMScluster System Considerations................................ 1-6 1.7 Installation Procedure Requirements........... 1-7 1.7.1 Time...................................... 1-7 1.7.2 Privileges................................ 1-7 1.7.3 Disk Space................................ 1-8 1.7.4 System Parameters......................... 1-9 1.7.5 Process Account Quotas.................... 1-9 1.7.6 VMSINSTAL Requirements.................... 1-9 1.7.7 Backing Up Your System Disk............... 1-10 1.7.8 Data Distributor Requirements............. 1-10 1.8 Creating a VMS Rights Database................ 1-11 iii 2 Installing DEC Data Distributor 2.1 General Information........................... 2-1 2.1.1 Accessing Online Release Notes............ 2-1 2.1.2 Accessing the Error Message File.......... 2-2 2.1.3 Locating Files Added to the System........ 2-2 2.1.4 Considerations in Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP).............. 2-2 2.1.5 Aborting the Installation................. 2-3 2.2 The Installation Procedure.................... 2-3 2.2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL........................ 2-3 2.2.2 Installation Questions.................... 2-5 2.2.3 Informational Messages.................... 2-10 2.2.4 Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP)........................... 2-10 2.2.5 Completing the Installation Procedure..... 2-11 2.3 Error Recovery................................ 2-11 3 After Installing DEC Data Distributor 3.1 Loading Licenses in a VAXcluster or VMScluster System........................................ 3-2 3.2 Preparing the Transfer Database............... 3-2 3.2.1 Creating the Transfer Database............ 3-3 3.2.2 Converting the Transfer Database.......... 3-4 Converting Existing DEC Rdb Databases... 3-4 Converting Data Distributor Transfer Databases............................... 3-5 3.3 Preparing the Source Database................. 3-7 3.3.1 Preparing the Target Database............. 3-7 3.4 Editing the System Startup File............... 3-8 3.5 Editing the System Shutdown File.............. 3-9 3.6 Starting Transfer Monitors in a VAXcluster or VMScluster.................................... 3-10 3.7 Using Data Distributor with DEC DB Gateway for DB2........................................... 3-10 3.8 Using Data Distributor with DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE........................................ 3-13 3.9 Using Data Distributor with DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE........................................ 3-16 3.10 Using Data Distributor with Other Gateway Products...................................... 3-18 3.11 Using Data Distributor with DEC DB Gateway for DBMS.......................................... 3-22 iv 3.12 Using Data Distributor with DEC DB Gateway for DSM........................................... 3-22 3.13 Using Data Distributor with DEC DB Integrator.................................... 3-23 3.14 Enhancing Data Distributor Performance........ 3-23 3.15 Data Distributor Command Procedures........... 3-23 3.15.1 DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM File................ 3-24 3.15.2 DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM File................. 3-24 3.16 Creating DECnet/OSI Synonyms.................. 3-24 3.17 Rebooting the System.......................... 3-24 3.18 Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP)............................... 3-25 3.19 Determining and Reporting Problems............ 3-26 A Sample Installation B Files Installed on Your System B.1 Listing of Files on Your System............... B-1 B.2 Privileges with Which Files Are Executed...... B-1 v _________________________________________________________________ Preface This manual describes how to install DEC Data Distributor Version 6.0 on OpenVMS AXP and OpenVMS VAX systems. The installation procedure uses VMSINSTAL. DEC Data Distributor is referred to as Data Distributor throughout this document. Intended Audience If you are responsible for installing and maintaining Data Distributor, you should review this manual before beginning the installation procedure. You must have access to a privileged account to install Data Distributor. Product Compatibility For information on the compatibility of other software products with this version of Data Distributor, refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA) that comes with the Software Product Description (SPD). You can use the SPD/SSA to verify which versions of your operating system are compatible with this version of Data Distributor. Structure This manual contains three chapters and two appendixes: Chapter 1 Describes how to prepare for the installation. Chapter 2 Walks you through the installation procedure. Chapter 3 Describes the tasks to perform after successfully completing the installation. v Appendix AContains a sample log of the installation procedure. Appendix BContains the directory location for the files that are copied to your system during the installation. Related Manuals You can find detailed information and guidelines about installing software on your OpenVMS system and related system management tasks in the OpenVMS documentation set. You can find additional information about Data Distributor in the following manuals: o DEC Data Distributor Handbook-Provides information, guidelines, and examples for distributing DEC Rdb, DEC DB Gateway for DB2, DEC DB Gateway for DBMS, DEC DB Gateway for DSM, DBI, DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE, and DEC DB Gateway for RMS databases in a network. o DEC Data Distributor Release Notes-Describes new and changed features, problems corrected in this release, and current restrictions. Always check the DEC Data Distributor Release Notes for information that might affect installation. Conventions In examples, an implied carriage return occurs at the end of each line, unless otherwise noted. You must press the Return key at the end of a line of input. The following conventions are used to identify information specific to OpenVMS AXP or to OpenVMS VAX: This manual also uses the following convention: $ The dollar sign represents the DIGITAL Command Language prompt. This symbol indicates that the DCL interpreter is ready for input. vi Operating System Information To run DEC Data Distributor Version 6.0 for OpenVMS AXP software on an AXP system, that system must be running OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5. <> To run DEC Data Distributor Version 6.0 for OpenVMS VAX on a VAX system, that system must be running Version 5.4 or higher of the OpenVMS operating system. <> References to Products The DEC Data Distributor documentation to which this manual belongs often refers to products by their abbreviated names: o DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS AXP software is referred to as DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS AXP. o DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS VAX software is referred to as DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS VAX. o Data Distributor refers to both DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS AXP and DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS VAX software. Prior to DEC Data Distributor Version 5.1, this product was called VAX Data Distributor. o DEC Rdb for OpenVMS AXP software is referred to as DEC Rdb for OpenVMS AXP. o DEC Rdb for OpenVMS VAX software is referred to as DEC Rdb for OpenVMS VAX. o DEC Rdb refers to both DEC Rdb for OpenVMS AXP and DEC Rdb for OpenVMS VAX (Prior to Version 5.0, DEC Rdb was referred to as Rdb/VMS.) o CDD/Repository software is referred to as CDD/Repository. Its predecessor, VAX CDD/Plus software, is referred to as CDD/Plus. Both products are often referred to as the data dictionary. o DEC DB Gateway for Custom Drivers software is referred to as the gateway for Custom Drivers. Previously, this product was known as DEC RdbAccess for Custom Drivers on VAX/VMS. o DEC DB Gateway for DBMS software is referred to as the gateway for DBMS. vii o DEC DB Gateway for DB2 software is referred to as the gateway for DB2. In Version 2.0, this product was known as RdbAccess for DB2. o DEC DB Gateway for DSM software is referred to as the gateway for DSM. o DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE software is referred to as the gateway for ORACLE. In Version 2.0, this product was known as RdbAccess for ORACLE. o DEC DB Gateway for RMS software is referred to as the gateway for RMS. Previously, this product was known as DEC RdbAccess for VAX RMS on VMS. o DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE software is referred to as the gateway for SYBASE. o DEC DB Integrator software is referred to as DBI. o The set of products that include DEC DB Gateway for DB2, DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE, DEC DB Gateway for RMS, DEC DB Gateway for DBMS, DEC DB Gateway for DSM, DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE, DEC DB Integrator, and DEC DB Gateway for Custom Drivers are sometimes referred to as the gateway products. o DECnet for VMS software is referred to as DECnet. o DECnet/OSI for VMS software is referred to as DECnet/OSI. The term DDAL appears in DEC DB Gateway for DB2 documentation. For example, DDAL appears as part of the installation name for Data Distributor. The term also appears in the following contexts: o Column descriptions displayed when you issue a SHOW COLUMNS statement for a target database, and for table and column names in the transfer database o Message texts o File names that are part of the Data Distributor software viii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install DEC Data Distributor This chapter discusses the preparations and requirements necessary for installing Data Distributor. If you are responsible for the installation, read this manual in its entirety before you begin to install the Data Distributor software. Your bill of materials (BOM) specifies the number and contents of your media. Be sure to verify the contents of your kit with this information. If your kit is damaged or if you find that parts of it are missing, contact your Digital representative. Data Distributor provides online release notes. Because the release notes contain information that may be pertinent to the installation, Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before proceeding with the installation. For information on accessing the online release notes, see Section 2.1.1. 1.1 Required Operating System Components The OpenVMS operating system comes with a variety of support options, or classes. Classes include such features as networking and RMS journaling. To use Data Distributor your system should be running a version of OpenVMS that includes the following classes: o Files required for OpenVMS to boot on all systems (BASE) o Network Support (NET) o Programming Support (PROG) o Secure User's Environment (USER) o Utilities (UTIL) Preparing to Install DEC Data Distributor 1-1 For a complete list of required classes, see the Software Support Addendum (SSA) that comes with the Software Product Description (SPD). 1.2 Prerequisite and Optional Software This section discusses the software you must have installed on your system before installing Data Distributor. The section also includes information about optional software that you can use with Data Distributor. The SSA contains a complete list of prerequisite and optional software and their required version numbers. The SSA is part of the SPD. 1.2.1 Prerequisite Software DEC Data Distributor Version 6.0 for OpenVMS AXP requires OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5 and DEC Rdb Version 6.0 for OpenVMS AXP. <> DEC Data Distributor Version 6.0 for OpenVMS VAX requires OpenVMS Version 5.4 or higher and DEC Rdb Version 6.0 for OpenVMS VAX. <> If you are using the multiversion variant of DEC Rdb, you can have DEC Rdb Version 4.0 or higher already installed on your system. The multiversion variant will not work with versions of DEC Rdb lower than Version 4.0. The multiversion variant does not require any previously installed version of DEC Rdb to be running on your system; however, after installing the multiversion variant, you must run a command procedure to establish the Version 6.0 environment for Data Distributor. See the DEC Rdb Installation and Configuration Guide Version 6.0 for more information. ________________________ Note ________________________ You cannot have two different version numbers of Data Distributor on the same machine or cluster. (You can have both DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS AXP and DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS VAX running on the same cluster as long as they are the same version number.) Rdb/VMS Version 4.1 and higher supports the simultaneous running of Rdb/VMS Versions 4.0 and higher on the same node or cluster. Data Distributor Version 6.0 requires DEC Rdb Version 6.0; you cannot 1-2 Preparing to Install DEC Data Distributor install Data Distributor Version 6.0 on a system with only Rdb/VMS Version 4.0, Version 4.1, Version 4.2, 5.0, or DEC Rdb Version 5.1. However, Data Distributor can transfer data to and from other systems with different versions of DEC Rdb (or Rdb/VMS) and Data Distributor. If you are running multiple versions of DEC Rdb, you must set your system to the Version 6.0 environment before running Data Distributor Version 6.0. You can install Data Distributor without having done so, but you cannot run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) until DEC Rdb is set to Version 6.0. To set your system environment, execute the DEC Rdb command procedure RDBVMS_SETVER.COM with the following commands: $ @SYS$LIBRARY:RDBVMS_SETVER 6.0 /SYSTEM $ @SYS$LIBRARY:RDBVMS_SETVER RESET These commands cause any DEC Rdb applications and users to start running under Version 6.0 unless they explicitly set their environments to another version. To override the system environment and set your environment to Version 6.0, for example, use the following command: $ @SYS$LIBRARY:RDBVMS_SETVER 6.0 /PROCESS If you are not running multiple versions of DEC Rdb, only Version 6.0 will be installed, and you do not need to set your system environment in order to install Data Distributor Version 6.0. See the DEC Rdb Installation and Configuration Guide for more information on the multiple versions. ______________________________________________________ After installing the Data Distributor kit and executing the IVP, but before running Data Distributor in a production environment, you must have completed all database conversions, including any on transfer databases. See the DEC Rdb Installation and Configuration Guide Version 6.0 for information on database conversion. Preparing to Install DEC Data Distributor 1-3 ________________________ Note ________________________ If you are upgrading from Version 2.1 or later of Data Distributor, an additional conversion step is required for a transfer database. After converting the transfer database to the DEC Rdb Version 6.0 database format and installing Data Distributor, you must then convert the transfer database using a command procedure provided by Data Distributor. Section describes the conversion procedure for the transfer database. If you are currently running Data Distributor Version 2.0 or lower, you will not be able to convert your transfer database to Version 6.0 directly. You must delete the Version 2.0 or lower transfer database and create a new transfer database (and transfer definitions) after Data Distributor Version 6.0 is installed. ______________________________________________________ If you plan to use Data Distributor to transfer data between two or more nodes, you must also install DECnet or DECnet/OSI. Refer to the SSA for availability and required versions of prerequisite software. 1.2.2 Optional Software Data Distributor Version 6.0 is compatible with the following Digital software products: o DEC DB Gateway for DB2 o DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE o DEC DB Gateway for RMS o DEC DB Gateway for Custom Drivers Please refer to the SSA for a complete list of compatible products and their required version numbers. The SSA is part of the SPD. 1-4 Preparing to Install DEC Data Distributor 1.3 Prerequisite Hardware You can install Data Distributor only when your system meets or exceeds the minimum hardware requirements specified in the SSA included with the SPD. 1.4 License Registration and Loading You must register the Data Distributor license through the OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF) in accordance with the license agreement signed by your site. The license registration information you need is contained in the Product Authorization Key (PAK) that is shipped with Data Distributor. The PAK is a paper certificate that contains information about the license you have to run a particular piece of software. During installation, the system asks whether or not you have registered the Data Distributor license and loaded the appropriate authorization key. You must register the PAK information in the LICENSE database and load your license for Data Distributor before you start the installation. Otherwise, the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) does not run, and you cannot use the Data Distributor software. To register a license under OpenVMS, first log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. Then choose one of the following ways to register and load the license: o Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your PAK. o At the DCL prompt, issue the LICENSE REGISTER command using the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to PAK information. Then issue the LICENSE LOAD DATA- DISTRIBUTOR command to load the license. If you plan to use Data Distributor on more than one node in a cluster, you must load the license on each of the other nodes in your cluster. You may load the license on additional nodes after installing Data Distributor. Preparing to Install DEC Data Distributor 1-5 To load the Data Distributor license on each node in the cluster, enter the following command: $ LICENSE LOAD DATA-DISTRIBUTOR %LICENSE-I-LOADED, DEC DATA-DISTRIBUTOR was successfully loaded with 0 units LMF displays a message showing that the license loaded properly. For further information about loading licenses, see the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual in the OpenVMS Documentation set. 1.5 Special Requirements for Installing Data Distributor If users are logged in when you are installing Data Distributor, the installation could fail. To ensure successful installation, perform the following steps: 1. Make sure no users are currently logged in to the system. 2. Make sure all batch jobs are completed. 3. Disable all logins. 4. Make sure transfer monitors (one for each node if you have a cluster) are shut down if you have a previous version of Data Distributor installed. 5. Make sure you have installed DEC Rdb Version 6.0, including the DEC Rdb license. 1.6 VAXcluster and VMScluster System Considerations If you plan to use Data Distributor in a VAXcluster or VMScluster system, note the following requirements: o Before installing Data Distributor, ensure that a VMS rights database exists on every node in the system on which you plan to run Data Distributor. Refer to Section 1.8 for the required procedures. o After successfully installing Data Distributor on one node, perform a license load on all other nodes in the cluster. 1-6 Preparing to Install DEC Data Distributor 1.7 Installation Procedure Requirements The following sections discuss the requirements for installing Data Distributor. 1.7.1 Time Installing Data Distributor on a DEC 3000 Model 400 AXP Workstation takes approximately five minutes, not including the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). The IVP takes approximately eight minutes to execute. Thus, installing Data Distributor and running the IVP on a standalone DEC 3000 Model 400 AXP Workstation takes 13 minutes, depending on the type of media you use and your system configuration. However, you should allow approximately 20 minutes to perform the entire installation procedure, including the procedures you perform before and after the installation. <> Installing Data Distributor on a standalone VAX 11/780 system takes approximately 10 minutes, not including the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). The IVP takes approximately 10 minutes to execute. Thus, installing Data Distributor and running the IVP on a standalone VAX 11/780 system takes less than 25 minutes, depending on the type of media you use and your system configuration. However, you should allow approximately 30 minutes to perform the entire installation procedure, including the procedures you perform before and after the installation. <> 1.7.2 Privileges To install Data Distributor, you must be logged in to an account that has SETPRV or at least the following privileges: o CMKRNL o WORLD o SYSPRV (with which you can modify privileges to include SETPRV) VMSINSTAL turns off BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation. Preparing to Install DEC Data Distributor 1-7 On most systems, the SYSTEM account has SETPRV and is used to install software. The procedures described in this installation guide refer to the SYSTEM account, but they are the same for any account with SETPRV. If your account does not have SETPRV but does have SYSPRV, you must modify the privileges to include SETPRV. This section shows you how to check and change the privileges for your account. To check the default privileges of the SYSTEM account, log in under user name SYSTEM, and enter the following DCL command: $ SHOW PROCESS/PRIVILEGES If the account lacks SETPRV, you cannot install Data Distributor. You have two options: o Ask your system manager to use the VMS Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to modify the default privileges of the account to include SETPRV. o Run AUTHORIZE and make the changes yourself, if your account has SYSPRV: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> MODIFY SYSTEM/PRIVILEGES=(SETPRV) UAF> EXIT After you make this change, you must log out and log back in for the new privilege to take effect. 1.7.3 Disk Space You must provide sufficient free disk storage space to handle peak requirements during the installation. After Data Distributor is installed, less storage is required. The following lists summarize the storage requirements for DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS AXP and DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS VAX. Disk Space Requirements for DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS AXP: o Blocks needed during installation: 11,000 o Blocks needed after installation: 8000 <> 1-8 Preparing to Install DEC Data Distributor Disk Space Requirements for DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS VAX o Blocks needed during installation: 7500 o Blocks needed after installation: 4500 <> To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE 1.7.4 System Parameters Data Distributor requires no additional system parameter settings beyond those required for DEC Rdb. If you have DEC Rdb Version 6.0 correctly installed on your system, you can install Data Distributor without adjusting any system parameters. 1.7.5 Process Account Quotas Data Distributor requires no additional quota settings beyond those required for DEC Rdb. If you have DEC Rdb Version 6.0 correctly installed on your system, you can install Data Distributor without adjusting any quotas. 1.7.6 VMSINSTAL Requirements When you invoke VMSINSTAL, it checks to see if you have performed the following tasks: o Set your default device and directory to SYS$UPDATE o Logged in to a privileged account o Set adequate quotas for installation VMSINSTAL also determines if any users are logged in to the system. VMSINSTAL requires the installation account to have quotas with the following minimum values: ASTLM = 24 BIOLM = 18 BYTLM = 20,480 DIOLM = 18 ENQLM = 2000 Preparing to Install DEC Data Distributor 1-9 FILLM = 50 PGFLQUOTA = 20,000 If VMSINSTAL detects any problems during installation, it notifies you and asks if you want to continue. In some instances, you can enter YES to continue. To stop the installation and correct the situation, enter NO or press Return. Then correct the problem and restart the installation. 1.7.7 Backing Up Your System Disk At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks if you have backed up your system disk. Digital recommends that you do a system disk backup before installing any software. Backing up the system disk is a standard precaution for the installation of any OpenVMS layered product. Use the backup procedures established at your site. For details on performing a system disk backup, see the section on the Backup Utility in the OpenVMS System Management Subkit. 1.7.8 Data Distributor Requirements The Data Distributor installation procedure checks the following items: o Data Distributor license registered and loaded o Minimum OpenVMS version o Disk space o System parameters o Installation account quotas o VMS rights database o DEC Rdb version If VMSINSTAL encounters problems in any of these areas, it terminates the installation procedure. You must correct the problems and then restart the installation process. See the appropriate sections in this chapter for information about all of these requirements. 1-10 Preparing to Install DEC Data Distributor 1.8 Creating a VMS Rights Database Before you can install Data Distributor, a VMS rights database must exist on every standalone system or on every node in a cluster on which Data Distributor is running. To check for the existence of a VMS rights database on your node, set default to SYS$SYSTEM and get a directory listing. If a system logical, RIGHTSLIST, is defined, make sure that the RIGHTSLIST.DAT file is present in the directory that the RIGHTSLIST system logical points to. If the system logical is not defined, the RIGHTSLIST.DAT file should be present in the SYS$SYSTEM directory. If the RIGHTSLIST.DAT file does not exist in either of these two directories, you must create the rights database. Use the CREATE/RIGHTS command in the VMS Authorize utility: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> CREATE/RIGHTS UAF> EXIT Once a rights database exists on your system, make sure the SYSTEM identifier is defined in the rights database. Check whether the SYSTEM identifier exists on your system by using the SHOW/IDENTIFIER command in the VMS Authorize Utility: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> SHOW/IDENTIFIER SYSTEM UAF> EXIT If the SYSTEM identifier does not exist, you must add it to your rights database by using the ADD/IDENTIFIER/USER command in the VMS Authorize utility: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> ADD/IDENTIFIER/USER=SYSTEM UAF> EXIT The protection of the rights database file, RIGHTSLIST.DAT, must be set for World Read privilege. Set the protection using the following command: $ SET PROTECTION=(W:R) RIGHTSLIST.DAT Preparing to Install DEC Data Distributor 1-11 For more information on creating and maintaining a VMS rights database, see the documentation on VMS system security and the VMS Authorize utility. 1-12 Preparing to Install DEC Data Distributor 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing DEC Data Distributor This chapter describes how to install Data Distributor Version 6.0. Section 2.2 contains a step-by-step description of the installation procedure. 2.1 General Information This section includes information about the following topics: o Accessing release notes and the online error message file o Locating installed files o Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) o Aborting the installation 2.1.1 Accessing Online Release Notes Data Distributor provides online release notes. You must specify OPTIONS N when you invoke VMSINSTAL to see the online release notes question. This question comes near the beginning of the installation. You should review the release notes in case they contain any information about changes that occurred in the installation procedure after the installation guide was published. If you are starting the installation over again and have already reviewed the release notes, you do not need to specify OPTIONS N. Once Data Distributor has been installed, the release notes are located in the following file: SYS$HELP:DDAL060.RELEASE_NOTES Installing DEC Data Distributor 2-1 2.1.2 Accessing the Error Message File Data Distributor error message information is contained in a file that you can view online by using the DCL TYPE command or print by using the DCL PRINT command. The DDAL$MSG.DOC error message file is located in the SYS$HELP directory. 2.1.3 Locating Files Added to the System The list of files added to the system during the Data Distributor installation procedure is copied to a file on your system. Refer to Appendix B for details. 2.1.4 Considerations in Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) The IVP for Data Distributor verifies that the software was installed properly. During installation, you are asked if you want to run the IVP as part of the installation. If you respond YES, VMSINSTAL runs the IVP. Digital recommends that you run the installation verification procedure. If you are running multiple versions of DEC Rdb, the OpenVMS process from which you execute the IVP must be set to the DEC Rdb Version 6.0 environment. Make sure that the login procedure for that process does not override the system environment by setting an earlier version for the process environment. For more information on setting the system and process environments, see Section 1.2. After Data Distributor is installed, you can run the IVP independently to verify that the software is available on your system. In addition, you might want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access Data Distributor. See Section 3.18 to learn about running the IVP independent of the installation. ________________________ Note ________________________ To execute the IVP, the DEC Rdb Version 6.0 monitor must be running on your system. ______________________________________________________ 2-2 Installing DEC Data Distributor 2.1.5 Aborting the Installation To abort the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl /Y. This deletes all files created up to that point and exits. You can then start the installation again. 2.2 The Installation Procedure The Data Distributor installation process consists of a series of questions and informational messages. The following sections describe this process. ________________________ Note ________________________ You can install Data Distributor on a standalone system or from any node on a VAXcluster or VMScluster. ______________________________________________________ 2.2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL To start the installation, invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure from a privileged account, such as the SYSTEM account. VMSINSTAL is in the SYS$UPDATE directory. Use the following syntax to invoke VMSINSTAL: @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL saveset-name device-name OPTIONS N saveset-name The installation name for the product. For DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS AXP, use the following installation name: DDALA060 <> For DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS VAX, use the following installation name: DDAL060 <> device-name The name of the device on which you plan to mount the media. Installing DEC Data Distributor 2-3 o If the device is a disk drive, such as a CD-ROM reader, you need to also specify a directory. For CD-ROM distribution, the directory name is the same as the saveset name. For example, DKA400:[DDALA060]. o If the device is a magnetic tape drive, you need to specify only the device name. For example, MTA0:. It is not necessary to use the console drive for this installation. However, if you do use the console drive, you should replace any media you removed once the installation is complete. OPTIONS N An optional parameter that indicates you want to see the release notes question. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not ask you about the release notes. You should review the release notes before you proceed with the installation in case they contain new information about the installation. There are several other options you can select when you invoke VMSINSTAL. See the OpenVMS documentation on software installation in the OpenVMS System Management Subkit for information on these options. If you specify more than one option, separate the options with commas. For example, OPTIONS A,N. The following example invokes VMSINSTAL to install Data Distributor from tape drive MTA0: and shows the system response. This example uses the OPTIONS N release note parameter: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DDAL060 MTA0: OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4 It is 1-AUG-1993 at 14:29. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. If you do not supply either the product name or the device name, VMSINSTAL prompts you for this information later on in the installation procedure. VMSINSTAL does not prompt you for any options, so be sure to include the OPTIONS N parameter on the VMSINSTAL command line to access the release notes during installation. 2-4 Installing DEC Data Distributor 2.2.2 Installation Questions This section discusses the questions that appear during installation. Appendix A contains a sample installation procedure showing how the questions can be answered. Each question is marked with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line. Some questions show the default response in brackets, for example [YES]. To use the default response, press Return. Perform the following steps to install Data Distributor: 1. System backup VMSINSTAL asks if you are satisfied with your system backup. You should always back up your system disk before you perform an installation. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press Return. Otherwise, enter NO to discontinue the installation. After you back up your system disk, you can restart the installation. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? 2. Mounting the media You should now mount the first distribution volume on the device you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL. The device name appears in the line preceding the question. VMSINSTAL then asks if you are ready to continue with the installation. If you respond YES to indicate that you are ready, VMSINSTAL displays a message that the media containing Data Distributor has been mounted on the specified device and that the installation has begun. For example: Please mount the first volume of the set on MTA0:. * Are you ready? YES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, DDAL MOUNTED ON _MTA0: (READ) The following products will be processed: DDAL V6.0 Beginning installation of DDAL V6.0 at 14:30 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... Installing DEC Data Distributor 2-5 If you entered the wrong device name when you invoked VMSINSTAL and need to restart the installation, enter NO in response to the "Are you ready?" question. To abort the installation for other reasons, press Ctrl/Y. 3. Release Notes If you specified OPTIONS N when you invoked VMSINSTAL, VMSINSTAL asks a release notes question. You have four options for handling the release notes. You will see the following display: Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: If you are installing Data Distributor Version 6.0 for the first time and have not previously reviewed the release notes, select option 2. The release notes for Data Distributor should be read thoroughly before you proceed any further with the installation. If you have already reviewed the release notes and are restarting the installation, select option 4. Regardless of the option, the installation procedure moves the release notes into SYS$HELP. Select one of the following options: o Option 1 VMSINSTAL immediately displays the release notes on the console terminal. You can terminate the display at any time by pressing Ctrl/C. o Option 2 VMSINSTAL prompts you for the name of the print queue that you want to use: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: 2-6 Installing DEC Data Distributor You can press Return to send the file to the default output print device, or you can enter another queue name. o Option 3 VMSINSTAL immediately displays the release notes on the console terminal. It then prompts you for a queue name and prints the release notes on the output print device you selected. o Option 4 VMSINSTAL neither displays nor prints a copy of the release notes. 4. Continuing the installation The installation procedure now asks if you want to continue the installation. To continue, enter YES. Otherwise, press Return. A message indicates that the release notes are copied to a file in the SYS$HELP directory. For example: * Do you want to continue the installation [N]?: YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. The release notes are located in the following file: SYS$HELP:DDAL060.RELEASE_NOTES 5. License Registration The installation procedure displays license information about the product and then asks if you have registered and loaded the authorization key for Data Distributor. For example: Product: DATA-DISTRIBUTOR Producer: DEC Version: 6.0 Release Date: 1-JAN-1994 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? If you have not registered and loaded the authorization key, you must answer "NO" to this question. You must register and load the product authorization key to complete the installation successfully. If you have not, stop the installation, register and load the product authorization key, and restart the installation. If Installing DEC Data Distributor 2-7 you encounter any LMF error messages, refer to the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. 6. Package to be installed The installation procedure now displays the name of the package you are installing: Installation procedures for Data Distributor V6.0-0 7. Checking system requirements and user limits The installation procedure displays the following messages while checking several system requirements: Checking system requirements ... Checking user limits ... The installation procedure displays an error message and aborts if the procedure finds that your system does not have the following software and hardware requirements: o DEC Data Distributor Version 6.0 for OpenVMS AXP requires OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5 or higher. <> o DEC Data Distributor Version 6.0 for OpenVMS VAX requires OpenVMS Version 5.4 or higher. <> o DEC Rdb Version 6.0 o Data Distributor Version 2.1 or higher, if a version of Data Distributor is already installed o Adequate disk space (see Section 1.7.3) o Adequate process quotas (see Section 1.7.6) If you encounter an error at this point, take steps to meet your system requirements and then restart the installation procedure. 8. Choosing to purge files You have the option to purge files that are superseded by this installation and that exist from previous versions of Data Distributor. Purging is recommended; however, if you need to keep files from the previous version, enter NO in response to the question. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? 9. Choosing to run the IVP 2-8 Installing DEC Data Distributor The installation procedure now asks if you want to run the IVP. The Data Distributor IVP makes sure that the installation is successful. Digital recommends that you run the IVP. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Section 3.18 describes how to run the IVP independent of the installation procedure. The independent IVP allows you a way to check that Data Distributor software components are functioning correctly after the product is installed. 10.Choosing to continue the installation procedure The installation procedure displays a message indicating the approximate time to complete the installation. If you entered YES to the previous question about running the IVP, the installation procedure also displays the time required for the IVP to run. Before the actual installation begins, you have the option of terminating the procedure. To complete the installation on a standalone system will take approximately: 10 minutes to install 10 minutes to run the IVP All required questions have been asked. You may terminate the installation procedure at this time. * Do you want to continue the installation? [YES]? If you enter YES, the installation procedure displays messages indicating that the actual installation has started. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset B... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset C... If you respond NO, the Data Distributor installation procedure terminates. Installing DEC Data Distributor 2-9 2.2.3 Informational Messages At this point, the installation procedure displays a number of informational messages that report on the progress of the installation. There are no further questions. If the installation procedure has been successful up to this point, VMSINSTAL displays a message about system command files, creates system disk directories, moves the new or modified files to their target directories, updates help files, and updates DCL tables, if necessary. If you asked for files to be purged, that work is done now. Refer to Appendix A for examples of informational messages that VMSINSTAL displays. 2.2.4 Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) If you chose to run the IVP, VMSINSTAL runs it now. When the IVP runs successfully, you see the following display: COPYRIGHT (c) 1987, 1993 BY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD, MA ************************************************************* The Data Distributor IVP verifies that all critical files provided in the distribution kit are in place and that all its components are functional. ************************************************************* Executing IVP for: Data Distributor V6.0-0 ************************************************************* Creating the test Transfer Database... ************************************************************* ************************************************************* Starting the Transfer Monitor... ************************************************************* ************************************************************* Running Data Distributor RDO tests ... ************************************************************* ********************************************************* Running Data Distributor SQL tests ... ********************************************************* ************************************************************* 2-10 Installing DEC Data Distributor Data Distributor IVP completed successfully ************************************************************* Waiting one minute for the transfer monitor to be stopped. Then the test transfer database will be deleted. IVP completed for: Data Distributor V6.0-0 2.2.5 Completing the Installation Procedure The following messages indicate that the entire installation procedure is complete: ************************************************************* SYSTEM MANAGER: Please read the earlier note in this procedure about Post-installation Requirements, detailed in the Data Distributor Installation Guide. ************************************************************* Installation of DDAL V6.0 completed at 14:48 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:48 See Chapter 3 for a discussion of postinstallation procedures. You can now log out of the privileged account: $ LOGOUT SYSTEM logged out at 1-AUG-1993 14:48:10.08 VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system manager's account and you want to restore these symbols, log out and log in again. 2.3 Error Recovery If errors occur during installation or when the IVP is running, VMSINSTAL displays failure messages. If the installation fails, you see the following message: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of DDAL V6.0 has failed. Installing DEC Data Distributor 2-11 If the IVP fails, you see these messages: ************************************************************* Data Distributor IVP failed See SYS$UPDATE:DDAL$IVP.LOG for errors ************************************************************* Errors can occur during installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The DEC Rdb monitor is not running. o The operating system version is incorrect. o The prerequisite software version is incorrect. o The quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient. o The system parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. o The OpenVMS help library is currently in use. o The product license has not been registered and loaded. For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS software installation. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, take the appropriate action as described in the message. (You might need to change a system parameter or increase an authorized quota value.) For information on installation requirements, see Chapter 1. 2-12 Installing DEC Data Distributor 3 _________________________________________________________________ After Installing DEC Data Distributor After you install Data Distributor, you must perform a number of tasks. You also have the option of performing others. Read each section to determine whether or not it contains required or optional tasks for your site. The list of tasks follows: o Load the Data Distributor license on each node in the cluster, if you have not already done so. o Create or convert a transfer database. o Edit the system startup file. o Edit the system shutdown file. o Start the transfer monitor on every node in the cluster, if you plan to run Data Distributor in a VAXcluster or VMScluster. o Prepare command files for installing and deinstalling DEC DB Gateway for DBMS, DEC DB Gateway for DSM, DEC DB Gateway for DB2, DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE, DEC DB Gateway for RMS, DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE, and DEC DB Gateway for Custom Drivers images if you plan to use any of these products with Data Distributor. o Check user account parameters. o Modify Data Distributor command procedures, if necessary. o Create synonyms for DECnet/OSI nodes, if you are using DECnet/OSI. o Reboot the system. After Installing DEC Data Distributor 3-1 This chapter also explains how to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) independently after the software has been installed. Finally, this chapter suggests what to do when you find an error in either the software or the documentation. 3.1 Loading Licenses in a VAXcluster or VMScluster System If you did not load the Data Distributor license on each node in the cluster before installing the software, you may do so after installation. To load the Data Distributor license on each node in the cluster, enter the following command: $ LICENSE LOAD DATA-DISTRIBUTOR %LICENSE-I-LOADED, DEC DATA-DISTRIBUTOR was successfully loaded with 0 units LMF displays a message showing that the license loaded properly. For further information about loading licenses, see the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual in the OpenVMS documentation set. 3.2 Preparing the Transfer Database This section describes how to create or convert a transfer database. If you plan to install Data Distributor on a cluster, you can have one transfer monitor for each node on the cluster, but you can have only one transfer database for each cluster. ________________________ Note ________________________ If you have installed Data Distributor on a cluster so that each node has a transfer monitor and a transfer database, you run the risk of having two transfers with the same name defined to access the same database. Replication transfer definitions are stored in the source database, as well as in the transfer database. If you have more than one transfer database on your system, you might have two transfers with the same name trying to access the same source database. Both transfers are started, but inconsistent results can occur in the target databases. 3-2 After Installing DEC Data Distributor Problems can also arise if you have several transfer databases on one cluster and you have transfers of the same name trying to target the same existing database. Ensuring that you have only one transfer database in a cluster environment always resolves this problem. ______________________________________________________ Though Data Distributor is used to transfer data among multiple sites in a network, you create a transfer database only at the site where you have installed the Data Distributor kit. 3.2.1 Creating the Transfer Database You must create a transfer database if you do not already have one on your standalone machine or cluster. If, for any reason, you need to create a new transfer database when you already have one, you must stop the transfer monitors and delete the old transfer database before you create a new one. Run the command procedure to create a transfer database after you finish installing Data Distributor. You must have write access to the target directory to create the transfer database. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt to invoke the command procedure: $ @SYS$MANAGER:DDAL$CREATE_TR_DB.COM This command procedure prompts you for a location in which to store the transfer database. The default location is SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]. The name of the transfer database file is DDAL$TR_DB.RDB. You can specify a different device and directory as long as both currently exist. Data Distributor always sets the database file name to DDAL$TR_DB.RDB. In a VAXcluster or VMScluster environment, the location you specify for the transfer database should be accessible from all nodes in the cluster. The command procedure displays the default location as a prompt to the user to specify a disk and a directory for the transfer database location. In the following example, the user specifies DISK1 as the device and [DBA.DDIS] as the directory: Transfer Database location : DISK1:[DBA.DDIS] After Installing DEC Data Distributor 3-3 After you enter the device and directory specifications, Data Distributor displays the location and the name of the database: *** Transfer Database is DISK1:[DBA.DDIS]DDAL$TR_DB Because the transfer database contains privileged information, the device and directory you specify should be protected from casual access. The transfer monitor, which uses the transfer database, runs with special privileges, so it can always access the transfer database regardless of the protection you have on the transfer database directory. 3.2.2 Converting the Transfer Database If you are using Data Distributor in a VAXcluster or in a VMScluster, and if you already have a transfer database on your system or cluster, you must convert it before you can use the new version of Data Distributor. Two different kinds of conversions must be done: o Conversion of existing DEC Rdb databases o Conversion of Data Distributor transfer databases created with Data Distributor Version 2.1 or later ________________________ Note ________________________ In addition, if your existing transfer database was created with Data Distributor Version 2.0 or lower, you must delete it and create a new transfer database (and transfer definitions) after Data Distributor Version 6.0 is installed. ______________________________________________________ Converting Existing DEC Rdb Databases Installation of a new version of DEC Rdb requires that all existing DEC Rdb databases be converted to the new DEC Rdb database format after installation of any version of DEC Rdb. Refer to the DEC Rdb Installation and Configuration Guide for information about converting databases to the new DEC Rdb format. Note that if you convert your production databases to the new DEC Rdb format, you will no longer be able to use them against prior versions of DEC Rdb. 3-4 After Installing DEC Data Distributor Converting Data Distributor Transfer Databases Any transfer databases created by Data Distributor Version 2.1 or later must be converted to add new columns, tables, and indexes to the Data Distributor definitions in the transfer database. You must run this procedure if you are converting from Versions 2.1 or later of Data Distributor. You do not have to run this procedure on a transfer database that has already been converted, but doing so will not cause problems. This procedure will not work if you are upgrading from Data Distributor Version 2.0 or lower. In this case, you must delete the Version 2.0 or lower transfer database and create a new transfer database (and transfer definitions) after Data Distributor Version 6.0 is installed. See Section 3.2.1 for information on creating the transfer database. To convert your database, execute the DDAL$CONVERT_TR_DB.COM command procedure from a privileged account with a system user identification code (UIC). Before running the procedure, make sure that Data Distributor is not running. Check that Data Distributor is not running on all nodes if it is installed in a cluster. If Data Distributor is running, run the SYS$STARTUP:DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM command procedure on each node. See Section 3.15.2 for more information. In addition, make sure you do not convert the transfer database when the transfer database is in use. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt to invoke the conversion procedure: $ @SYS$MANAGER:DDAL$CONVERT_TR_DB.COM The conversion command procedure asks for responses to the following questions: o What is the file specification for the transfer database? Enter an explicit file specification or logical name. o Did you remember to shut down Data Distributor on all machines in your VAXcluster (if you have one) or on your system (if it is not part of a VAXcluster)? After Installing DEC Data Distributor 3-5 Conversion should not occur while Data Distributor is running. o Did you remember to make a backup copy of the transfer database as a normal precaution before running this conversion procedure? Conversion does not make a copy of the existing transfer database before making changes to it; in the interest of safety, make a copy of the transfer database. o Are you satisfied that the transfer database is in a format that can be read by the latest version of DEC Rdb? You must convert existing DEC Rdb databases to the disk format of DEC Rdb Version 6.0; refer to the DEC Rdb Installation and Configuration Guide for instructions. o Do you wish to continue with transfer database conversion? This conversion procedure adds indexes to some of the tables in the transfer database if such indexes do not yet exist. If you have added an index to a table in the transfer database using the same name that Data Distributor uses, and you continue with the conversion, Data Distributor leaves your index definition intact. If your index has a different name than the one Data Distributor uses, the table will have two indexes when this procedure completes. In the latter case you should probably drop your index later on. o Do you wish the conversion to take place? This question gives you a last chance to abort; a YES response starts the conversion of the transfer database. The first question asks for the file specification or the logical name of the transfer database you want to convert. The system logical name for the system's transfer database is DDAL$TRANSFER_DATABASE. The remaining questions require YES or NO responses. If you answer NO to any of the remaining questions, the procedure ends, no changes are made to the transfer database, and control is returned to DCL command level. 3-6 After Installing DEC Data Distributor After you enter a file specification and answer YES to the remaining questions, the conversion procedure displays a series of informational messages. For example: ... Adding domains, tables, columns and indexes as necessary Committing the transaction Disconnecting from the converted transfer database ... Now setting the database revision number Finally, the conversion command procedure ends with the following message: Conversion of the transfer database to Data Distributor V6.0 format has completed. For further steps needed in order to resume operation of Data Distributor, consult Data Distributor documentation. Make sure to protect the device and directory you specify for the transfer database. Because the transfer monitor runs with special privileges, it can always access the transfer database regardless of the protection you have on the transfer database directory. 3.3 Preparing the Source Database If you upgrade to Data Distributor Version 6.0 from an earlier release, there are no special Data Distributor conversion requirements for source databases. However, you still need to convert DEC Rdb source databases to conform with the latest version of DEC Rdb. Refer to the DEC Rdb Installation and Configuration Guide for conversion requirements. 3.3.1 Preparing the Target Database Databases that were the targets of transfers in versions prior to Version 2.2 of Data Distributor need to be converted to the current format. You need not take any special action to perform this conversion. When you execute a transfer using Version 6.0, the copy process converts the target database automatically, if needed. Note that you need not upgrade your target database system to Data Distributor 6.0 even if you upgrade the source database system to Version 6.0. However, if you decide to upgrade Data Distributor on the system where your target After Installing DEC Data Distributor 3-7 databases reside, then you must convert any existing DEC Rdb target databases to the latest DEC Rdb format before executing transfers using Data Distributor Version 6.0. For information on converting DEC Rdb databases, see the DEC Rdb Installation and Configuration Guide. 3.4 Editing the System Startup File Edit one of the following system startup files (depending on your environment) to start Data Distributor automatically when your system is booted: SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM <> SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM <> Add a line to the startup file to run the transfer monitor startup command procedure, SYS$STARTUP:DDAL$START_TR_ MON.COM. Be sure to place this new line after the line to process the DEC Rdb startup file. If DEC DB Gateway for DB2 or RdbAccess for DB2 is installed on your system, you must edit the system startup file to install the DEC DB Gateway for DB2 or RdbAccess for DB2 images mentioned in Section 3.7. If DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE or RdbAccess for ORACLE is installed on your system, you must edit the system startup file to install the DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE or RdbAccess for ORACLE images mentioned in Section 3.8. If DEC DB Gateway for RMS, RdbAccess for RMS, DEC DB Gateway for Custom Drivers, RdbAccess for Custom Drivers, DEC DB Gateway for DBMS, or DEC DB Gateway for DSM, is installed on your system, you must edit the system startup file to install the images for whichever product you are using as described in Section 3.10. The DDAL$START_TR_MON command procedure requires two parameters: the transfer database location and the log file location. You must include these parameters in the line that invokes the DDAL$START_TR_MON command procedure. The transfer database location must be the same one that you specified when you created the transfer database. 3-8 After Installing DEC Data Distributor Data Distributor sets the transfer database file name to DDAL$TR_DB.RDB. The name of the log file includes the node on which the log file is located. The format is: DDAL$node-name_TR_MON.LOG The following example shows the new line added after the one that invokes the DEC Rdb RMONSTART command procedure. The transfer database location is DISK1:[DBA.DDIS]. In this example, the log file location is the same: $ @SYS$STARTUP:RMONSTART.COM $ @SYS$STARTUP:DB2_GATEWAY_INSTALL.COM $ @SYS$STARTUP:ORACLE_GATEWAY_INSTALL.COM $ @SYS$STARTUP:NSDS$STARTUP.COM . . . $ @SYS$STARTUP:DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM DISK1:[DBA.DDIS] DISK1:[DBA.DDIS] 3.5 Editing the System Shutdown File Edit the following file to stop Data Distributor automatically when the system is shut down: SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM You must add a line to the shutdown file, SYSHUTDWN.COM, to stop the transfer monitor. Be sure to place this new line before the line that processes the DEC Rdb shutdown file. In a cluster environment, this line must be added to the SYSHUTDWN.COM file and executed on each node in the cluster. In the following example, just the first line was added: $ @SYS$MANAGER:DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM . . . $ @SYS$MANAGER:RMONSTOP.COM $ @SYS$MANAGER:DB2_GATEWAY_DEINSTALL.COM $ @SYS$MANAGER:ORACLE_GATEWAY_DEINSTALL.COM $ @SYS$MANAGER:NSDS$SHUTDOWN.COM After Installing DEC Data Distributor 3-9 3.6 Starting Transfer Monitors in a VAXcluster or VMScluster You can install Data Distributor from any node on the cluster. Once you have performed the installation, you must start the transfer monitor on every node in the cluster. To do this, execute the command procedure @SYS$STARTUP:DDAL$START_TR_MON from every node. If you have added the SYS$STARTUP:DDAL$START_TR_MON command line to the system startup file for each VAX node, and to the system startup file for each AXP node, a transfer monitor is automatically started on that node as you reboot each node on the cluster. See Section 3.4 for more information. 3.7 Using Data Distributor with DEC DB Gateway for DB2 DEC DB Gateway for DB2 consists of two products: DEC DB Gateway Client for DB2 and DEC DB Gateway Server for DB2. DEC DB Gateway Client for DB2 is installed on a VMS system. DEC DB Gateway Server for DB2 is installed on an IBM system. Prior versions of this product are called RdbAccess for DB2. Data Distributor uses DEC DB Gateway for DB2 or RdbAccess for DB2 as an interface to DB2 databases. These interfaces enable you to create transfers that copy a set or subset of DB2 tables to a target database. RdbAccess for DB2 is used by DEC Data Distributor only to read data. DEC DB Gateway for DB2 can be used by DEC Data Distributor as the source of data and also the target. Because there is no way to control which node in a cluster will execute a transfer, DEC DB Gateway for DB2 or RdbAccess for DB2 must be available on all nodes within a given cluster. If it is not available on all nodes in a cluster, then transfers involving DEC DB Gateway for DB2 or RdbAccess for DB2 may or may not fail depending on which node executes the transfer. If you plan to use Data Distributor with RdbAccess for DB2 Version 2.0 to access DB2 tables, you must use the VMS Install utility (INSTALL) to install the following images: o SYS$SHARE:VIDA2SHR.EXE o SYS$SHARE:SNALU62SH.EXE 3-10 After Installing DEC Data Distributor o SYS$MESSAGE:VIDA2$MESSAGE.EXE If you plan to use Data Distributor with DEC DB Gateway for DB2 Version 3.0 to access DB2 tables, you must use the VMS Install utility (INSTALL) to install the following images: o SYS$SHARE:LDRV$DB2_SHR.EXE o SYS$MESSAGE:LDRV_MESSAGE.EXE The OpenVMS operating system requires that all image files activated by a privileged image be installed using the Install utility. DEC Data Distributor has a privileged image that must activate the DEC DB Gateway for DB2 or RdbAccess for DB2 images in the SYS$SHARE directory, as well as message file images that are subordinate to the images in SYS$SHARE. When the system shuts down and comes back up again, these images are no longer installed. Check the startup and shutdown procedures for DEC DB Gateway for DB2 or RdbAccess for DB2 to determine whether or not the images mentioned above are installed and deinstalled. If not, follow the directions in the remainder of this section. To ensure that the RdbAccess for DB2 or DEC DB Gateway for DB2 images are always available to Data Distributor, create a command procedure and locate it in a file such as SYS$MANAGER:DB2_GATEWAY_INSTALL.COM or SYS$MANAGER:VIDA2_ INSTALL.COM. Then edit the system startup file to add a line that automatically runs the procedure at system startup. Here are the contents of these command files: After Installing DEC Data Distributor 3-11 $! $! A command file to make the DEC DB Gateway for DB2 images known to $! DEC Data Distributor $! $ INSTALL :== $INSTALL/COMMAND $ INSTALL ADD SYS$SHARE:LDRV$DB2_SHR.EXE ADD SYS$MESSAGE:LDRV_MESSAGE.EXE EXIT $ EXIT $! $! A command file to make the RdbAccess for DB2 images known to $! DEC Data Distributor $! $ INSTALL :== $INSTALL/COMMAND $ INSTALL ADD SYS$SHARE:VIDA2SHR.EXE ADD SYS$SHARE:SNALU62SH.EXE ADD SYS$MESSAGE:VIDA2$MESSAGE.EXE EXIT $ EXIT Add a line that invokes one of these procedures to the system startup file anywhere before the line that invokes the DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM procedure. For example: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DB2_GATEWAY_INSTALL.COM $ @SYS$STARTUP:DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM DISK1:[DBA.DDIS] DISK1:[DBA.DDIS] Also include a DEC DB Gateway for DB2 or RdbAccess for DB2 shutdown file as part of the system shutdown procedure. Here are the contents of these command files: 3-12 After Installing DEC Data Distributor $! $! A command file to deinstall RdbAccess for DB2 images needed by $! DEC Data Distributor $! $ INSTALL:==$INSTALL/COMMAND $ INSTALL REMOVE SYS$SHARE:VIDA2SHR.EXE REMOVE SYS$SHARE:SNALU62SH.EXE REMOVE SYS$MESSAGE:VIDA2$MESSAGE.EXE EXIT $ EXIT $! $! A command file to deinstall DEC DB Gateway for DB2 images needed by $! DEC Data Distributor $! $ INSTALL :== $INSTALL/COMMAND $ INSTALL REMOVE SYS$SHARE:LDRV$DB2_SHR.EXE REMOVE SYS$MESSAGE:LDRV_MESSAGE.EXE EXIT $ EXIT Add a line that invokes one of these procedures to the SYSHUTDWN.COM file in SYS$MANAGER anywhere after the line that invokes the DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM procedure. For example: $ @SYS$MANAGER:DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM $ @SYS$MANAGER:DB2_GATEWAY_DEINSTALL.COM 3.8 Using Data Distributor with DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE Data Distributor uses DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE as an interface to ORACLE databases. Prior versions of this product are called RdbAccess for ORACLE. These interfaces enable you to create transfers that copy a set or subset of ORACLE tables to a target database. RdbAccess for ORACLE is used by DEC Data Distributor only to read data. DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE can be used by DEC Data Distributor as the source of data and also the target. After Installing DEC Data Distributor 3-13 Because there is no way to control which node in a cluster will execute a transfer, DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE or RdbAccess for ORACLE must be available on all nodes within a given cluster. If it is not available on all nodes in a cluster, then transfers involving DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE or RdbAccess for ORACLE may or may not fail depending on which node executes the transfer. If you plan to use Data Distributor to access ORACLE databases using RdbAccess for ORACLE Version 2.0, you must use the VMS Install utility (INSTALL) to install the following RdbAccess for ORACLE images: o SYS$SHARE:VIDAOSHR.EXE o SYS$SHARE:VIDAOS.EXE o SYS$MESSAGE:VIDAO$MESSAGE.EXE If you plan to use Data Distributor to access ORACLE databases using DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE Version 3.0, you must use the VMS Install utility (INSTALL) to install the following DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE images: o SYS$SHARE:LDRV$ORACLE_SHR.EXE o SYS$MESSAGE:LDRV_MESSAGE.EXE The OpenVMS operating system requires that all image files activated by a privileged image be installed using the Install utility. Data Distributor has a privileged image that must activate the DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE or RdbAccess for ORACLE images in the SYS$SHARE directory, as well as message file images that are subordinate to the images in SYS$SHARE. When the system shuts down and comes back up again, these images are no longer installed. Check the startup and shutdown procedures for DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE or RdbAccess for ORACLE to determine whether or not the images mentioned above are installed and deinstalled. If not, follow the directions in the remainder of this section. To ensure that the DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE or RdbAccess for ORACLE images are always available to Data Distributor, create a command procedure and locate it in a file such as SYS$MANAGER:ORACLE_GATEWAY_INSTALL.COM or SYS$MANAGER:VIDAO_INSTALL.COM. Then edit the system startup 3-14 After Installing DEC Data Distributor file to add a line that automatically runs the procedure at system startup. Here are the contents of these command files: $! $! A command file to make the DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE images known to $! DEC Data Distributor $! $ INSTALL :== $INSTALL/COMMAND $ INSTALL ADD SYS$SHARE:LDRV$ORACLE_SHR.EXE ADD SYS$MESSAGE:LDRV_MESSAGE.EXE EXIT $ EXIT $! $! A command file to make the RdbAccess for ORACLE images known to $! DEC Data Distributor $! $ INSTALL :== $INSTALL/COMMAND $ INSTALL ADD SYS$SHARE:VIDAOSHR.EXE ADD SYS$SHARE:VIDAOS.EXE ADD SYS$MESSAGE:VIDAO$MESSAGE.EXE EXIT $ EXIT Add a line that invokes one of these procedures to the system startup file anywhere before the line that invokes the DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM procedure. For example: $ @SYS$STARTUP:ORACLE_GATEWAY_INSTALL.COM $ @SYS$STARTUP:DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM DISK1:[DBA.DDIS] DISK1:[DBA.DDIS] Also include a DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE or RdbAccess for ORACLE shutdown file as part of the system shutdown procedure. Here are the contents of these command files: After Installing DEC Data Distributor 3-15 $! $! A command file to deinstall DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE images needed by $! DEC Data Distributor $! $ INSTALL :== $INSTALL/COMMAND $ INSTALL REMOVE SYS$SHARE:LDRV$ORACLE_SHR.EXE REMOVE SYS$MESSAGE:LDRV_MESSAGE.EXE EXIT $ EXIT $! $! A command file to deinstall RdbAccess for ORACLE images needed by $! DEC Data Distributor $! $ INSTALL:==$INSTALL/COMMAND $ INSTALL REMOVE SYS$SHARE:VIDAOSHR.EXE REMOVE SYS$SHARE:VIDAOS.EXE REMOVE SYS$MESSAGE:VIDAO$MESSAGE.EXE EXIT $ EXIT Add a line that invokes one of these procedures to the SYSHUTDWN.COM file in SYS$MANAGER anywhere after the line that invokes the DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM procedure. For example: $ @SYS$MANAGER:DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM $ @SYS$MANAGER:ORACLE_GATEWAY_DEINSTALL.COM 3.9 Using Data Distributor with DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE Data Distributor uses DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE as an interface to SYBASE databases. This interface enables you to create transfers that copy a set or subset of SYBASE tables to a target database. DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE can be used by DEC Data Distributor as the source of data and also the target. Because there is no way to control which node in a cluster will execute a transfer, DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE must be available on all nodes within a given cluster. If it is not available on all nodes in a cluster, then transfers 3-16 After Installing DEC Data Distributor involving DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE may or may not fail depending on which node executes the transfer. If you plan to use Data Distributor to access SYBASE databases using DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE Version 1.0, you must use the VMS Install utility (INSTALL) to install the following DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE images: o SYS$SHARE:LDRV$SYBASE_SHR.EXE o SYS$MESSAGE:LDRV_MESSAGE.EXE The OpenVMS operating system requires that all image files activated by a privileged image be installed using the Install utility. DEC Data Distributor has a privileged image that must activate the DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE images in the SYS$SHARE directory, as well as message file images that are subordinate to the images in SYS$SHARE. When the system shuts down and comes back up again, these images are no longer installed. Check the startup and shutdown procedures for DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE to determine whether or not the images mentioned above are installed and deinstalled. If not, follow the directions in the remainder of this section. To ensure that the DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE images are always available to Data Distributor, create a command procedure and locate it in a file such as SYS$MANAGER:SYBASE_GATEWAY_INSTALL.COM. Then edit the the system startup file to add a line that automatically runs the procedure at system startup. Here are the contents of this command file: $! $! A command file to make the DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE images known to $! DEC Data Distributor $! $ INSTALL :== $INSTALL/COMMAND $ INSTALL ADD SYS$SHARE:LDRV$SYBASE_SHR.EXE ADD SYS$MESSAGE:LDRV_MESSAGE.EXE EXIT $ EXIT After Installing DEC Data Distributor 3-17 Add a line that invokes this procedure to the system startup file anywhere before the line that invokes the DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM procedure. For example: $ @SYS$STARTUP:SYBASE_GATEWAY_INSTALL.COM $ @SYS$STARTUP:DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM DISK1:[DBA.DDIS] DISK1:[DBA.DDIS] Also include a DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE shutdown file as part of the system shutdown procedure. Here are the contents of this command file: $! $! A command file to deinstall DEC DB Gateway for SYBASE images needed by $! DEC Data Distributor $! $ INSTALL :== $INSTALL/COMMAND $ INSTALL REMOVE SYS$SHARE:LDRV$SYBASE_SHR.EXE REMOVE SYS$MESSAGE:LDRV_MESSAGE.EXE EXIT $ EXIT Add a line that invokes this procedure to the SYSHUTDWN.COM file in SYS$MANAGER anywhere after the line that invokes the DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM procedure. For example: $ @SYS$MANAGER:DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM $ @SYS$MANAGER:SYBASE_GATEWAY_DEINSTALL.COM 3.10 Using Data Distributor with Other Gateway Products Data Distributor uses DEC DB Gateway for RMS as an interface to RMS and IBM VSAM files. This interface enables you to create transfers that copy some or all RMS or VSAM files to a target database. Prior versions of this product are called RdbAccess for RMS. Similarly, Data Distributor uses DEC DB Gateway for Custom Drivers as an interface to third-party data management products. You might, for example, create a custom driver for a CODASYL database management product to provide a relational interface for a system that is not inherently relational. This custom interface allows you to create transfers to copy some or all data from these third-party products to a target database. Prior versions of this product are called RdbAccess for Custom Drivers. 3-18 After Installing DEC Data Distributor DEC DB Gateway for RMS, DEC DB Gateway for Custom Drivers, RdbAccess for RMS, RdbAccess for Custom Drivers, DEC DB Gateway for DBMS, and DEC DB Gateway for DSM are identified by the same access type identifier, /TYPE=NSDS, in a database attachment string for SQL. DEC DB Gateway for DBMS and DEC DB Gateway for DSM are described in other sections in this installation guide. In the remainder of this section, the term "gateway" will be used to refer to anyone of these products. Because there is no way to control which node in a cluster will execute a transfer, the gateway product must be available on all nodes within a given cluster. If it is not available on all nodes in a cluster, then transfers involving the gateway product may or may not fail depending on which node executes the transfer. If you plan to use Data Distributor to access gateway data, you must use the VMS Install utility (INSTALL) to install the following images: o SYS$SHARE:NSDS$SHR.EXE o SYS$MESSAGE:NSDS$MESSAGE.EXE o The data driver executable image o The metadata driver executable image For DEC DB Gateway for RMS or RdbAccess for RMS, the data driver and metadata driver are: o SYS$SHARE:NSDS$DDI_RMS_SHR.EXE o SYS$SHARE:NSDS$MDI_CDD_SHR.EXE For DEC DB Gateway for Custom Drivers, there might exist separate data driver and metadata driver image files, or the two might be combined in a single file. Refer to the installation procedure documentation for your third-party product for the name or names of these files. The OpenVMS operating system requires that all image files activated by a privileged image be installed using the Install utility. Data Distributor has a privileged image that must activate the gateway images in the SYS$SHARE directory, as well as message file images that are subordinate to the images in SYS$SHARE. When the system After Installing DEC Data Distributor 3-19 shuts down and comes back up again, these images are no longer installed. Check the startup and shutdown procedures for the gateways to determine whether or not the images mentioned above are installed and deinstalled. If not, follow the directions in the remainder of this section. To ensure that the gateway images are always available to Data Distributor, check the startup file SYS$STARTUP:NSDS$STARTUP.COM. If the images listed in the following lines are not invoked, add the following lines to the procedure: $! The following lines make the DEC DB Gateway for RMS $! images known to Data Distributor $! $ INSTALL :== $INSTALL/COMMAND $ INSTALL $ ADD/OPEN/HEADER/SHARE NSDS$SHR.EXE $ ADD/OPEN/HEADER/SHARE NSDS$DDI_RMS_SHR.EXE $ ADD/OPEN/HEADER/SHARE NSDS$MDI_CDD_SHR.EXE $ ADD/OPEN/HEADER/SHARE SYS$MESSAGE:NSDS$MESSAGE.EXE EXIT $ EXIT If you use other gateways but not DEC DB Gateway for RMS, substitute the name or names of the third-party data driver and metadata driver file or files for NSDS$DDI_RMS_SHR.EXE and NSDS$MDI_CDD_SHR.EXE. If you use both DEC DB Gateway for RMS and other gateways, just add lines to install the other gateway driver files as well. The NSDS$STARTUP.COM procedure may use different syntax from the previous example to invoke these images. Because users can attach to an NSDS database without specifying which data driver and metadata driver to use, defaults must be defined for your system. If you have both DEC DB Gateway for RMS and other gateways, but you use DEC DB Gateway for RMS most often, establish the DEC DB Gateway for RMS drivers as your system default. Due to security issues around image activation, you must define system-level executive-mode logical names. Add the following lines to SYS$STARTUP:NSDS$STARTUP.COM to 3-20 After Installing DEC Data Distributor establish the DEC DB Gateway for RMS drivers as your system default: $ SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=SYSNAM $ DEFINE/EXEC/SYSTEM NSDS$DEFAULT_DICTIONARY_DRIVER NSDS$MDI_CDD_SHR.EXE $ DEFINE/EXEC/SYSTEM NSDS$DEFAULT_DATA_DRIVER NSDS$DDI_RMS_SHR.EXE $ SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=NOSYSNAM If you are using RdbAccess for RMS Version 1.0, you should also add the following line: $ DEFINE/EXECUTIVE/SYSTEM NSDS$OVERRIDE_TPB "TRUE" This applies only to RdbAccess for RMS Version 1.0; you should not add this line if you are using a higher version of RdbAccess for RMS or DEC DB Gateway for RMS. See the release notes for RdbAccess for RMS Version 1.0 for more information. If the system startup file does not invoke NSDS$STARTUP.COM, add the following line to the system startup file anywhere before the line that invokes the DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM procedure. For example: $ @SYS$STARTUP:NSDS$STARTUP.COM $ @SYS$STARTUP:DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM DISK1:[DBA.DDIS] DISK1:[DBA.DDIS] Check the shutdown file SYS$MANAGER:NSDS$SHUTDOWN.COM for lines that deinstall the DEC DB Gateway for RMS images and DEC DB Gateway for Custom Drivers, or both. If NSDS$SHUTDOWN.COM does not include lines specifying the following images, add these lines to the procedure. (These are the images installed during system startup): $! $! Commands to deinstall DEC DB Gateway for RMS images needed by $! DEC Data Distributor $! $ INSTALL:==$INSTALL/COMMAND $ INSTALL $ REMOVE NSDS$SHR.EXE $ REMOVE NSDS$DDI_RMS_SHR.EXE $ REMOVE NSDS$MDI_CDD_SHR.EXE $ REMOVE SYS$MESSAGE:NSDS$MESSAGE.EXE EXIT $ EXIT After Installing DEC Data Distributor 3-21 If you have both DEC DB Gateway for RMS and other gateways installed on your system, remove the data and metadata driver files for your other gateways in addition to removing those named in the previous list. If you only use other gateways, substitute the metadata driver and data driver files for NSDS$DDI_RMS_SHR.EXE and NSDS$MDI_CDD_ SHR.EXE, which are specific to DEC DB Gateway for RMS or RdbAccess for RMS. The NSDS$SHUTDOWN.COM procedure may use different syntax from the previous example to invoke these images. You should also check the SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDOWN.COM procedure for a line invoking NSDS$SHUTDOWN.COM. If there is no such line, add one anywhere after the line that invokes the DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM procedure. For example: $ @SYS$MANAGER:DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM $ @SYS$MANAGER:NSDS$SHUTDOWN.COM 3.11 Using Data Distributor with DEC DB Gateway for DBMS Data Distributor uses DEC DB Gateway for DBMS as an interface to DEC DBMS data. DEC DBMS is a CODASYL database. The interface enables you to create transfers that copy some or all DBMS data to a target database. To use DEC DB Gateway for DBMS with Data Distributor, some of the gateway images must be installed using the VMS Install utility (INSTALL). Because of the commonality with DEC DB Gateway for Custom Drivers, the instructions for installing the DEC DB Gateway for DBMS images are given in Section 3.10. 3.12 Using Data Distributor with DEC DB Gateway for DSM Data Distributor uses DEC DB Gateway for DSM as an interface to DSM (Digital Standard MUMPS) data. This interface enables you to create transfers that copy some or all DSM data to a target database. To use DEC DB Gateway for DSM with Data Distributor, some of the gateway images must be installed using the VMS Install utility (INSTALL). Because of the commonality with DEC DB Gateway for Custom Drivers, the instructions for 3-22 After Installing DEC Data Distributor installing the DEC DB Gateway for DSM images are given in Section 3.10. 3.13 Using Data Distributor with DEC DB Integrator DBI allows you to use Digital's SQL to store, retrieve, and update data from data sources or metadata sources (repositories) of your choice in many different types of databases, such as DEC Rdb and DBI gateway products. Before using Data Distributor with DBI, you do not have to create special procedures to install and deinstall DBI images; the DBI startup and shutdown procedures already do this. However, you might have to create such procedures for any of the gateway products to which a DBI database is linked. Refer to the other sections in this chapter for instructions about creating such gateway procedures. 3.14 Enhancing Data Distributor Performance The performance of Data Distributor's copy process is to some degree affected by the parameters established for a user in the system authorization file. This correlation occurs because the copy process runs under the account of the user who defines a transfer. For good copy process performance, transfer definer accounts should use the same user account parameters that are recommended by DEC Rdb. See the DEC Rdb Guide to Database Performance and Tuning for more information on user account parameters. 3.15 Data Distributor Command Procedures This section provides information about the command procedures that start and stop the transfer monitor: o SYS$STARTUP:DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM o SYS$MANAGER:DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM The following sections describe the changes you might have to make in these files. After Installing DEC Data Distributor 3-23 3.15.1 DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM File The SYS$STARTUP:DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM command procedure starts a transfer monitor. This procedure runs every time the system boots if you have added the line that invokes it to the system startup file. If you run the procedure interactively, you must run it from an account that has either VMS SETPRV or all these individual VMS privileges: CMKRNL, DETACH, SYSLCK, SYSNAM, TMPMBX, and WORLD. The procedure installs SYS$SYSTEM:DDAL$COPY_ PROCESS, a Data Distributor executable image, and the SYS$MESSAGE:DDAL$MESSAGE.EXE message file. 3.15.2 DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM File The DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM command procedure stops a transfer monitor. This procedure runs every time the system shuts down if you have added the line that invokes it to the SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM file. If you run the procedure interactively, you must run it from an account that has either VMS SETPRV or all these individual VMS privileges: CMKRNL, SYSNAM, SYSPRV, and WORLD. The procedure deinstalls the SYS$SYSTEM:DDAL$COPY_PROCESS executable image. 3.16 Creating DECnet/OSI Synonyms Data Distributor expects node names in file specifications to be from one to six characters long. DECnet/OSI permits node names to be much longer than this. Therefore, to use Data Distributor in a DECnet/OSI environment, you must define and use short synonyms for any DECnet/OSI node name longer than six characters. Node name synonyms can be registered in either a local or a distributed name service database. For details on establishing node name synonyms, refer to the documents for DECnet/OSI. 3.17 Rebooting the System Reboot the system after installing Data Distributor; initializing or converting the transfer database; installing related products, such as DEC DB Gateway for ORACLE; editing the system startup command files and SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM; and editing the command procedures that start and stop the transfer monitor. A system reboot ensures that Data Distributor is available 3-24 After Installing DEC Data Distributor for use. If you suspend one or more data transfers before you shut down the system, you might want to restart them after you reboot the system. 3.18 Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) When you install Data Distributor, the VMSINSTAL procedure asks if you want to run the IVP at the end of the installation. You should answer YES to this question. To ensure the IVP ends successfully, make sure that DEC Rdb is running and Data Distributor is shut down before you start the IVP. The Data Distributor IVP checks that all critical files have been installed on your system in the correct locations. It also checks that all the Data Distributor components are functioning. No user interaction is required to run the IVP. You can run the IVP any time after installation to confirm that Data Distributor is running correctly. Running the IVP after installation requires you to run the IVP from a privileged account with a system UIC. The account must have either VMS SETPRV or all these individual VMS privileges: CMKRNL, DETACH, SYSLCK, SYSNAM, SYSPRV, TMPMBX, and WORLD. If you are running multiple versions of DEC Rdb, the VMS process from which you execute the IVP must be set to the DEC Rdb Version 6.0 environment. Make sure the login procedure for that process does not override the system environment setting by setting an earlier version as the process environment setting. For more information on setting the system and process environments, see Section 1.2. Use the following commands to invoke the IVP: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$TEST $ @DDAL$IVP When the IVP executes without any problems, you see a message indicating a successful completion. If the IVP fails, the procedure creates a log file that contains detailed information about the cause of the failure. The log file name is SYS$UPDATE:DDAL$IVP.LOG. After Installing DEC Data Distributor 3-25 The Data Distributor IVP runs the DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM and DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM procedures to start up and shut down the transfer monitor, respectively. Therefore, the images listed in Section 3.15.1 are reinstalled by the IVP. Refer to Section 3.15 for more information about how these images are affected by running the command procedures, DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM and DDAL$STOP_ TR_MON.COM. The information about the effect of running these procedures is especially relevant when the IVP is run immediately after the Data Distributor installation, that is, before you modify the DDAL$START_TR_MON.COM or DDAL$STOP_TR_MON.COM procedures. 3.19 Determining and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem while using Data Distributor, report it to Digital. Depending on the nature of the problem and the type of support you have, you can take one of the following actions: o Call Digital if your software contract or warranty agreement entitles you to telephone support. o Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o Fill out and submit a Reader's Comments form if the problem deals with Data Distributor documentation. The Reader's Comments form is at the back of each hardcopy manual. Use the form from the manual in which you found the error. Include the section and page number. Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty Addendum for an explanation of warranty. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as indicated above or follow alternate instructions provided by Digital for reporting SPD nonconformance problems. 3-26 After Installing DEC Data Distributor A _________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation This appendix contains a sample installation of Data Distributor Version 6.0 installed under OpenVMS Version 5.4. This sample demonstrates what the installation looks like when run on a system that does not have a previous version of Data Distributor installed. ________________________ Note ________________________ The following sample installation represents an installation performed on an OpenVMS VAX system. An installation on an OpenVMS AXP system would look identical with the exception of the following line: VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4 During the installation on an OpenVMS AXP system the equivalent line would reflect the OpenVMS AXP software product installation procedure and the version of OpenVMS AXP software you are running. ______________________________________________________ The sample installation assumes that DECnet VAX or DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS has been shut down, that no users are logged on to your system, and that OPTIONS N is specified to print the release notes. The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) runs at the end of the installation. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DDAL060 SYS$UPDATE: VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4 It is 1-JAN-1994 at 13:50. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Sample Installation A-1 The following products will be processed: DDAL V6.0 Beginning installation of DDAL V6.0 at 13:50 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Product: DATA-DISTRIBUTOR Producer: DEC Version: 6.0 Release Date: 1-JAN-1994 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y Installation procedures for DEC Data Distributor V6.0-0 Checking system requirements ... Checking user limits ... * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? To complete the installation on a standalone system will take approximately: 10 minutes to install 10 minutes to run the IVP All required questions have been asked. You can terminate the installation procedure at this time. * Do you want to continue the installation [YES]? %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... ************************************************************* Post-installation Requirements SYSTEM MANAGER: The installation of DEC Data Distributor software is complete. However, there are additional steps you must take before the software can be considered to be totally functional. These steps are explained in the DEC Data Distributor Installation Guide in the chapter: After Installing DEC Data Distributor. A-2 Sample Installation Some of these steps include: o Registering and loading the Data Distributor license o Creating or converting a transfer database o Editing the system startup and shutdown files o Installing images for related products The DEC Data Distributor Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) has been provided in SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST]. It can be invoked at any later time by using the following commands: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DDAL] $ @SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST]DDAL$IVP ************************************************************* %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... COPYRIGHT (c) 1987, 1993 BY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD, MA ************************************************************* The DEC Data Distributor IVP verifies that all critical files provided in the distribution kit are in place and that all its components are functional. ************************************************************* Executing IVP for: DEC Data Distributor V6.0-0 ********************************************************* Creating the test Transfer Database... ********************************************************* ********************************************************* Starting the Transfer Monitor... ********************************************************* ********************************************************* Running DEC Data Distributor RDO tests ... ********************************************************* ********************************************************* Running DEC Data Distributor SQL tests ... ********************************************************* ********************************************************* DEC Data Distributor IVP completed successfully Sample Installation A-3 ********************************************************* Waiting one minute for the transfer monitor to be stopped. Then the test transfer database will be deleted. IVP completed for: DEC Data Distributor V6.0-0 ************************************************************* SYSTEM MANAGER: Please read the earlier note in this procedure about Post-installation Requirements, detailed in the DEC Data Distributor Installation Guide. ************************************************************* Installation of DDAL V6.0 completed at 13:58 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 13:58 $ logout SYSTEM logged out at 1-JAN-1994 13:58:41.73 A-4 Sample Installation B _________________________________________________________________ Files Installed on Your System This appendix provides information on where you can find a list of the files installed on your system as part of the installation procedure and describes those files that execute with special privileges. B.1 Listing of Files on Your System The Data Distributor installation procedure installs a number of files on your system. At the end of the Data Distributor installation, the procedure creates a list of the files and stores the list in the following location: SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR.VAXINFO$PRODUCTS]DDAL060_FILES.DAT Each file specification in the files list has a flag attached to it. The flags are meant for future use by Digital. Digital does not support any use of these flags for this release. B.2 Privileges with Which Files Are Executed With the exception of DDAL$COPY_PROCESS.EXE and DDAL$TR_ MON.EXE, all files are executed with the default privileges defined for your process. The DDAL$COPY_PROCESS.EXE file is executed with the following VMS privileges: o SYSLCK o BYPASS o SYSPRV o SECURITY The DDAL$TR_MON.EXE file is executed with the following VMS privileges: o CMKRNL Files Installed on Your System B-1 o DETACH o SYSLCK o SYSNAM o TMPMBX o WORLD B-2 Files Installed on Your System