November 1995 This guide contains instructions for installing DECvoice VOX software. Revision/Update Information: This is a revised document. Operating System and Version: OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 - 6.2 Software Version: DECvoice Version 2.4 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ November 1995 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representation that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995 All rights reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DECnet, DECsupport, DECtalk, DECvoice, DECwindows, Digital, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, Q-bus, VAX, VAXcluster, VAXstation, VAX DOCUMENT, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX 1.1 Required Operating System Components.......... 1-1 1.2 Prerequisite and Optional Components.......... 1-1 1.2.1 Prerequisite Software..................... 1-2 1.2.2 Optional Software......................... 1-2 1.2.3 Prerequisite Hardware..................... 1-2 1.2.4 Uses with Other Digital Voice Hardware.... 1-2 1.3 License Registration.......................... 1-3 1.3.1 Displaying Your Current License........... 1-3 1.3.2 Registering a License..................... 1-4 1.4 Installation Procedure Requirements........... 1-4 1.4.1 Time...................................... 1-4 1.4.2 Privileges................................ 1-5 1.4.3 Disk Space................................ 1-6 1.4.4 System Parameters......................... 1-6 Checking System Parameter Values........ 1-11 Setting the CLISYMTBL Dynamic System Parameter............................... 1-11 Calculating GBLPAGES, GBLPAGFIL, and GBLSECTIONS............................. 1-12 Changing System Parameter Values with AUTOGEN................................. 1-14 1.4.5 VMSINSTAL Requirements.................... 1-15 1.4.6 Backing Up Your System Disk............... 1-15 1.4.7 License Management Utility Requirements... 1-15 iii 2 Installing DECvoice 2.1 General Information........................... 2-1 2.1.1 Accessing the Online Release Notes........ 2-1 2.1.2 VMSINSTAL Directory Creation Messages Can Be Ignored................................ 2-2 2.1.3 Logical Names Added to the System......... 2-2 2.1.4 Choosing to Run the IVP During Installation.............................. 2-3 2.1.5 Aborting the Installation................. 2-4 2.2 Installation Procedure........................ 2-4 2.2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL........................ 2-4 2.2.2 Installation Questions.................... 2-6 2.2.3 Informational Messages.................... 2-10 2.2.4 Running the Installation Verification Procedure................................. 2-11 2.2.5 Completing the Installation Procedure..... 2-11 2.3 Error Recovery................................ 2-11 3 After Installing DECvoice 3.1 Editing the System Files...................... 3-1 3.2 VOX$CONFIG.COM: DECvoice Configuration Procedure..................................... 3-2 3.2.1 Information Requested to Configure DECvoice Devices.......................... 3-3 3.2.2 Invoking the Configuration Procedure...... 3-4 3.2.3 Running VOX$CONFIG.COM from a Remote Node...................................... 3-4 3.3 Telephone Features............................ 3-5 3.3.1 Telephone Channels........................ 3-5 3.3.2 Configuring Resource Names................ 3-6 3.3.3 Signaling Protocols....................... 3-11 3.3.4 Modifying Telephone Parameters in VOX$nodename$STARTUP.COM.................. 3-14 DTMF Detectors.......................... 3-14 ANI/DNIS Detection Parameters........... 3-15 Wink Timing Parameters.................. 3-16 Timing Parameters on FXS Start Lines.... 3-17 Timing Parameters on FXO Start Lines.... 3-18 General Timing Delays................... 3-18 3.4 Rebooting the System.......................... 3-19 3.5 VAXcluster Considerations..................... 3-19 3.6 Enhancing DECvoice System Performance......... 3-20 iv 3.6.1 VMS Guide to Performance Management....... 3-20 3.6.2 Installing DECvoice as a Shared Image..... 3-20 3.6.3 Example Process Account Quotas............ 3-21 3.6.4 Process Account Quotas for Large Applications.............................. 3-22 3.6.5 Insufficient Pagefile..................... 3-24 3.6.6 Disk Fragmentation........................ 3-24 3.7 General VMS Programming References............ 3-25 3.8 Determining and Reporting Problems............ 3-25 3.9 Diagnostic Features........................... 3-26 3.9.1 VOX$DIAG.EXE.............................. 3-26 3.9.2 VOX$UTIL.................................. 3-26 3.9.3 VOX$POOL_POISONING........................ 3-27 A Sample Installation B Troubleshooting Information C Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure Index Tables 1-1 Disk Space Requirements................... 1-6 1-2 System Parameter Descriptions............. 1-6 1-3 Required System Parameter Values.......... 1-9 3-1 Process Account Quotas for Common Applications.............................. 3-21 3-2 Process Account Quotas for Large Applications.............................. 3-23 B-1 Troubleshooting DECvoice Problems......... B-2 v _________________________________________________________________ Preface This guide describes how to install the DECvoice[TM] VOX product. Intended Audience This guide is for VMS[TM] system managers who have experience installing layered products on VMS systems. In addition, system managers must have experience with the following VMS utilities: o VMSINSTAL o SYSGEN o AUTHORIZE Document Structure This manual is divided into the following chapters and appendixes: Chapter 1 Describes the required operating system components, prerequisite and optional software, prerequisite and optional hardware, information about the VMS License Management Facility, and installation requirements. Chapter 2 Describes general information for accessing online release notes and installing the DECvoice VOX product. It also explains the installation and error recovery procedures. v Chapter 3 Describes customizing procedures for DECvoice, how to enhance DECvoice performance, and how to diagnose and report problems. Appendix A Contains a sample installation of the DECvoice product. Appendix B Contains troubleshooting information. Appendix C Contains a sample VOX$CONFIG configuration procedure. Associated Documents The following documents provide additional information about DECvoice: o DECvoice Software Reference Manual o DECvoice-T1 Hardware Installation Manual (EK-DVMLS-IN) o DECvoice DTC04 System Technical Manual (EK-DTC04-TM) o Guide to VAX/VMS Software Installation (VMS 5.X) or OpenVMS System Manager's Manual: Essentials (VMS 6.X) o VAX/VMS Run-Time Library Routines Reference Manual For more information about VMS system management, see the VMS system management documentation. For more information about using the LMF, see the manual on the License Management Facility in the VMS system management documentation. For more information about system support, refer to the DECvoice System Support Addendum. Conventions The following conventions are used throughout this manual. ___________________________________________________________ Convention_______Meaning___________________________________ UPPERCASE Uppercase words and letters indicate logical names, file names, and commands. vi ___________________________________________________________ Convention_______Meaning___________________________________ italicized text Text printed in italics indicates manual titles and emphasizes important information. bold Text printed in bold indicates information that you must enter. Ctrl/x Ctrl/x indicates that you hold down the Ctrl key while you press another key or mouse button (indicated here by x). VMS[TM], The terms VMS and OpenVMS in this manual OpenVMS[TM] are interchangeable and refer to the same _________________operation_system._________________________ vii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX This chapter discusses the requirements necessary for installing DECvoice VOX Version 2.4 on a VMS system. This document supercedes all previous installation information. Your bill of materials (BOM) and Indented Bills Report (BIL) specify the number and contents of your media. Be sure to verify the contents of your kit with this information. If your kit is damaged or if you find that parts of it are missing, contact your Digital representative. DECvoice provides online release notes. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before proceeding with the installation. The information on some DECvoice routines is only located in the release notes. The documentation for these routines will be incorporated into a future release of the DECvoice Software Reference Manual. 1.1 Required Operating System Components DECvoice software requires a minimum of the BASE VMS tailoring class for support in a run-time environment. Developing software based on DECvoice requires a minimum of the BASE and PROGRAMMING tailoring classes of VMS. 1.2 Prerequisite and Optional Components This section discusses the system hardware and the software you must have installed on your system prior to installing DECvoice. This section also includes information about software that you can use together with DECvoice. Please refer to the Software Product Description (SPD) for the required versions of these prerequisites. Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX 1-1 1.2.1 Prerequisite Software DECvoice VOX Version 2.4 requires a minimum of VMS Version 5.5-2. There are no other prerequisite software products needed for this installation. The installation procedures are compatible with VMS V6 as well as VMS V5.5. The RTL and all system images (drivers, control program, and ACP) are now relinked during installation. If you upgrade from VMS V5.5 to VMS V6 then you must reinstall DECvoice to force a relink against the changed VMS system images. 1.2.2 Optional Software The DECvoice software functions with the following optional software: o DECvoice Continuous Word Recognizer Version 2.4 The Continuous Word Recognizer is a separately licensed product integrated into DECvoice. The Continuous Word Recognizer eliminates the requirement for a pause separation between spoken digits. The Continuous Word Recognizer, like the Isolated Word Recognizer, can be swapped onto a telephone channel as required. Contact your Digital sales representative for further information about this product. 1.2.3 Prerequisite Hardware DECvoice software can be installed on any valid VAX[TM] hardware configuration. DECvoice software uses the multiline DECvoice Q-bus[TM] modules (DTCN5/DTC05) or DTC04 hardware for most speech synthesis, all digitized voice input and output, all telephone handling, and all voice recognition capabilities. 1.2.4 Uses with Other Digital Voice Hardware A component of the DECvoice speech synthesizer, the Automatic Customer Name and Address (ACNA) routines, can be used in conjunction with a DTC01 or DTC03 DECtalk[TM] peripheral, as well as with the DECvoice DTC04, DTCN5, and DTC05 modules. See the DECvoice Software Reference Manual for information about the ACNA capabilities and the VOX$PRONOUNCE_NAME call. 1-2 Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX 1.3 License Registration You must register the DECvoice (VOX) license through the VMS License Management Facility (LMF), in accordance with the license agreement signed by your site. LMF is available through the VMS operating system. The license name used by DECvoice VOX is VOX. The license registration information you need is contained in the Product Authorization Key (PAK) that is shipped with DECvoice. The DECvoice VOX PAK is a paper certificate that contains information about the license. You will need to enter this information into the LMF database and load it into the running VMS system prior to running the DECvoice VOX software. During the installation, you are asked if you have registered the DECvoice license and loaded the appropriate authorization key. If you have not already done so, you can complete the installation; however, you will not be able to run either the DECvoice software or the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), which is detailed in Chapter 2, Installing DECvoice. Once you have performed the license registration and have loaded the authorization key, you will be able to both run the IVP and use DECvoice. 1.3.1 Displaying Your Current License To display the currently loaded VOX license, enter the following command: $ SHOW LICENSE VOX Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX 1-3 The DECvoice VOX license, named VOX, will be listed if the license is currently loaded. If the license is loaded, and you need to upgrade the license, enter the following commands to disable and unload the old license: $ LICENSE LIST/FUll VOX ; NOTE the authorization number $ LICENSE DISABLE/AUTHOR= "AUTHORIZATION NUMBER" $ LICENSE UNLOAD VOX Be sure to write down the authorization number. 1.3.2 Registering a License To register a license under VMS, do the following: 1. Log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. 2. Select one of two ways to perform the registration: o Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your PAK. o Issue the LICENSE REGISTER command, at the DCL prompt, specifying the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to the information about the PAK. For complete information about using LMF, see the VMS License Management Utility Manual, the VMS documentation set, and A Practical Guide to Managing Software Licenses, which contains an overview of Digital's software licensing and LMF. 1.4 Installation Procedure Requirements This section discusses various requirements for installing DECvoice software. 1.4.1 Time The installation should take approximately 20 to 60 minutes, depending on your type of media, chosen installation options, and your system configuration. Running the IVP, SYS$TEST:VOX$IVP.COM takes less than 1 minute. See Section 2.1.4 for more information. 1-4 Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX 1.4.2 Privileges To install DECvoice, you must be logged in to an account that has SETPRV or at least the following privileges: o ALTPRI o CMEXEC o CMKRNL o DETACH Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX 1-5 o SHARE o SYSNAM o SYSPRV Note that VMSINSTAL turns off the BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation. 1.4.3 Disk Space Installing DECvoice requires a certain amount of free storage disk space during the installation. Once DECvoice is installed, less storage space is required. Table 1-1 summarizes the storage requirements for DECvoice. Table_1-1_Disk_Space_Requirements__________________________ Blocks During Blocks After Kit______________Installation__________Installation________ DECvoice 27,300 15,400 Version_2.4________________________________________________ To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE: 1.4.4 System Parameters Table 1-2 describes the various core SYSGEN parameters commonly used by, and commonly modified for, DECvoice. Table_1-2_System_Parameter_Descriptions____________________ CLISYMTBL Regulates the size of the command interpreter symbol tables. The required setting for this parameter is derived from the requirements of the DECvoice VMSINSTAL command procedures. (continued on next page) 1-6 Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX Table_1-2_(Cont.)_System_Parameter_Descriptions____________ GBLPAGES Regulates the number of global page table entries - the limit for the number of global pages that can be created. DECvoice uses zero or more 2048 page - one megabyte (MB) - global sections to store global messages. GBLPAGFIL This parameter is the number of global pages, as limited by GBLPAGES, that can have backing storage in the page file. DECvoice VOX backs shared messages in the page file. DECvoice allocates backing storage in units of 2048 pages. Unlike most other SYSGEN parameters, there is not a direct method of determining the amount of GBLPAGFIL that is currently unused. GBLSECTIONS This parameter limits the number of global section descriptors that can be created. This is the maximum number of separate global sections that can be created. DECvoice uses zero or more global sections to store global messages. LRPSIZE The LPRSIZE parameter ... LRPSIZE must not be lower than 1504 or performing "show memory" will crash VMS. This requirement applies only to systems running VMS Version 5.x. MAXBUF This parameter controls the maximum size of a buffered I/O transfer. This is the maximum number of bytes that can be transferred in a buffered I/O request. All buffered I/O transfers, performed by any software anywhere on the VMS system, are limited by this parameter. The largest buffered I/O transfer performed by DECvoice is 8192. (continued on next page) Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX 1-7 Table_1-2_(Cont.)_System_Parameter_Descriptions____________ NPAGEDYN The NPAGEDYN parameter controls the amount of system pool that is available for I/O buffering. DECvoice VOX applications typically perform large amounts of parallel I/O, and so require large quantities of pool be available. Nonpaged pool should be set to the highest of the following three items: a minimum of ten percent of the total NPAGEDYN pool should always be free, a minimum of 100,000 bytes of NPAGEDYN should always be free, or the baselevel system NPAGEDYN usage plus 32,000 bytes times the number of simultaneously active voice lines. SPTREQ The SPTREQ parameter is the number of additional System Page Table Entries (SPTs) available for mapping various system components. The DECvoice driver uses SPTs to communicate with the DECvoice modules. The 128 SPTs are required for each DECvoice module configured. STARTUP_P1 This parameter is used to control the system startup. Various keywords can be placed in this parameter. For the purpose of DECvoice, two keywords are important: a blank string, and the string "MIN". (continued on next page) 1-8 Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX Table_1-2_(Cont.)_System_Parameter_Descriptions____________ VIRTUALPAGECNT This is the amount of virtual address space available to a process. This number can be divided between the program region (P0) and the control region (P1) in any way. DECvoice uses virtual address space to buffer messages, either local or global, in memory. If you must increase GBLPAGES, you may need to increase VIRTUALPAGECNT. WINDOW_SYSTEM This parameter is used to select the windowing system to be used on a workstation. Zero selects no windowing; this is the default. A value of 1 selects the VMS DECwindows[TM] environment. A value of 2 selects the ___________________VMS_UIS_workstation_environment.________ Table 1-3 lists the minimum required system parameter values for the installation. Site-specific increases above the values shown here may be required. Proper sizes are determined on an application and site-specific basis. ________________________ Note ________________________ The minimum required system parameters must be added into the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT. ______________________________________________________ Table_1-3_Required_System_Parameter_Values_________________ System_Parameter______Requirement______Value_______________ CLISYMTBL[1] Minimum 250 [1]Minimum_value_of_250_during_the_installation_procedure._ The value can be reset once installation is complete. (continued on next page) Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX 1-9 Table_1-3_(Cont.)_Required_System_Parameter_Values_________ System_Parameter______Requirement______Value_______________ GBLPAGES[2] Addition current + 3096 GBLPAGFIL[2] Addition current + 2048 GBLSECTIONS[2] Addition current + 24 LRPSIZE Minimum 1504 MAXBUF[3] Minimum 8192 SPTREQ[4] Addition current + 128 * modules STARTUP_P1[5] Requirement "" VIRTUALPAGECNT[6] Minimum 8192 WINDOW_SYSTEM[7] Maximum 1 [2]The_current_value_refers_to_the_system_parameter_values_ that are currently in use. To install DECvoice, you must raise these values by the number indicated. GBLPAGFIL must be additionally modified depending on the amount of global messages used. [3]This dynamic system parameter must be set permanently to a value equal to or greater than the value listed. Do not lower this value after the installation. [4]The current value refers to the system parameter values that are currently in use. To install DECvoice, you must raise these values by the number indicated for each DECvoice module installed in the MicroVAX[TM] system. (See Section for more information.) [5]The STARTUP_P1 system parameter is typically left as a blank string during normal system operations. [6]The VIRTUALPAGECNT system parameter may need to be set to a value of 30720 pages or more, depending on the application and the amount of global messages in use. Applications that buffer large amounts of voice data in local or global memory are particularly prone to consuming VIRTUALPAGECNT and PGFLQUOTA, the process account quota. (See Section 3.6.4.) [7]Requirements made by the windowing system can interact with the performance of DECvoice. ___________________________________________________________ The following sections describe how to check system parameter values, set the CLISYMTBL dynamic system parameter with the VMS System Generation Utility (SYSGEN), 1-10 Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX calculate values for the GBLPAGES, GBLPAGFIL, and GBLSECTIONS system parameters, and change parameter values with the VMS AUTOGEN command procedure. Checking System Parameter Values To check the values of your system parameters, enter the following command at the DCL prompt to invoke the SYSGEN Utility: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> At the SYSGEN> prompt, enter the SHOW command to display the value of each system parameter. The values displayed should equal or exceed the value of each parameter listed in Table 1-3. The following command displays the value for the MAXBUF system parameter: SYSGEN> SHOW MAXBUF After you finish checking the parameters with the SHOW command, you can enter the EXIT command at the SYSGEN> prompt to return to the DCL level. Setting the CLISYMTBL Dynamic System Parameter If the CLISYMTBL system parameter value for your system is less than 250, change the setting by using the following series of privileged commands: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> USE ACTIVE SYSGEN> SET CLISYMTBL 250 SYSGEN> WRITE ACTIVE SYSGEN> EXIT Dynamic parameters changed with the SYSGEN utility become active immediately without any need to reboot your system. In fact, rebooting returns dynamic system parameter values to their previous settings, so you should complete the installation before rebooting the system. Once the installation is complete, you can reset CLISYMTBL to its previous setting or let it reset automatically when you reboot your system. Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX 1-11 Calculating GBLPAGES, GBLPAGFIL, and GBLSECTIONS To install and run DECvoice, you must set the correct values for the GBLPAGES, GBLPAGFIL, GBLSECTIONS, and VIRTUALPAGECNT system parameters. The values for GBLPAGES, GBLPAGFIL, GBLSECTIONS, and VIRTUALPAGECNT in Table 1-3 indicate that you must have at least the specified number of unused pages or sections available on your system for the installation to process successfully. To determine what the current settings of various parameters are, enter the following DCL commands: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT 'F$GETSYI("CONTIG_GBLPAGES")' 16384 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT 'F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES")' 16385 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT 'F$GETSYI("GBLPAGFIL")' 10240 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT 'F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS")' 64 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT 'F$GETSYI("VIRTUALPAGECNT")' 40768 The VMS system may be configured with excess GBLPAGES but may lack sufficient CONTIGUOUS space in the global page tables. If global page table fragmentation occurs, a reboot is required to realize enough contiguous space. Additionally, it may become necessary to increase the value of the GBLPAGES parameter (see Section for the procedures used to increase this parameter), or to perform periodic system reboots, to reduce the incidence of global page table fragmentation. There must be a sufficient number of GBLPAGFIL pages - the DECvoice VOX shared messages use global pages backed by the pagefile - preconfigured into the system. The amount of GBLPAGFIL pages required varies depending on system configuration. There is no easy way to determine the quantity of GBLPAGFIL pages currently available. The VIRTUALPAGECNT SYSGEN parameter places an upper limit on the amount of virtual address space available to a process. The SS$_VASFULL errors are a result of an insufficient VIRTUALPAGECNT setting to support current activities. If SS$_VASFULL errors are encountered, you need 1-12 Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX to increase the setting of VIRTUALPAGECNT. Section describes the procedures for this. When an increase is required by a DECvoice application, the values for GBLPAGES, GBLPAGFIL, and VIRTUALPAGECNT should all be increased in multiples of 2048 pages. For each 2048 page increment made on the value of GBLPAGES or GBLPAGFIL, increment the value of GBLSECTIONS by one. If the total number of free global pages, the number of contiguous free global pages, or the number of GBLPAGFIL, fall below 2048, you may need to reboot to defragment the available memory; if the condition continues, you will need to increase the GBLPAGES, GBLPAGFIL, VIRTUALPAGECNT, and GBLSECTIONS parameters and reboot. Section describes the procedures for increasing these values as well as those of other system parameters. See the VMS system management documentation for more information. Note that DECvoice may require additional increases to GBLPAGES, GBLPAGFIL, GBLSECTIONS, and VIRTUALPAGECNT based on the number and size of global messages currently loaded. The DECvoice software will automatically, and dynamically, increase the use of GBLPAGES, GBLPAGFIL, GBLSECTIONS, and VIRTUALPAGECNT based on the aggregate size of global messages required. Any attempt to expand beyond SYSGEN limits will fail. Each global message memory dynamic expansion requires an additional 2048 pages to each GBLPAGFIL, GBLPAGES, and VIRTUALPAGECNT and an additional GBLSECTIONS entry. The following formula will help you determine the amount to increase the GBLPAGFIL SYSGEN parameter by. GBLPAGFIL allocates 2048 pages at a time. The 64K recording algorithm takes 16 pages per second, and the 32K recording algorithm takes 8 pages per second. Global memory is allocated 1 MB at a time, (2048 pages, 512 bytes per page). In the following example GBLPAGFIL must be increased by 16384. For a 30 minute message recorded at 32K 1800 sec X 8 pages/sec = 14400 14400 pages/ 2048 pages/MB = 7.03 MB required global memory Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX 1-13 Since this is just over 7 MB, you need to allocate 8 MB of global memory. This translates to 8 MB / 512 bytes/page = 16384 extra global pages. Changing System Parameter Values with AUTOGEN You use the AUTOGEN command procedure to change system parameters. AUTOGEN automatically adjusts values for parameters that are associated with the ones you reset manually. To change system parameters with AUTOGEN, you must edit the following file: SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT For example, to change the setting for the MAXBUF system parameter, add this line to the file: MIN_MAXBUF = 8192 Or for incremental SYSGEN parameters: ADD_GBLPAGES = 3096 Now, run the AUTOGEN procedure to recalculate your system parameters. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT NOFEEDBACK AUTOGEN performs an automatic system shutdown and reboots when it has finished. Rebooting your system makes the new parameter values active. For more information about using AUTOGEN, see the VMS documentation on System Management and Operations. Digital recommends that any parameters included in MODPARAMS.DAT use the ADD_, MIN_, or MAX_ prefixes as appropriate. This allows AUTOGEN to make any necessary, but compatible, changes to the specified parameters. The spellings of all SYSGEN parameters included in the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT must be correct and all parameters must be named in full. Spelling errors typically do not cause AUTOGEN to display any error messages. 1-14 Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX 1.4.5 VMSINSTAL Requirements When you invoke VMSINSTAL, it checks the following: o Whether you have set your default device and directory to SYS$UPDATE: o Whether you are logged in to a privileged account o Whether you have adequate quotas for installation o Whether any users are logged in to the system If VMSINSTAL detects any problems during the installation, it notifies you of the problem and asks if you want to continue the installation. In some instances, you can enter YES to continue. To stop the installation process and correct the situation, enter NO or press Return. Then correct the problem and restart the installation. 1.4.6 Backing Up Your System Disk At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks if you have backed up your system disk. Digital recommends that you do a system disk backup before installing any software on top of the operating system. Use the backup procedures that have been established at your site. For details about performing a system disk backup, see the section on the Backup Utility in the VMS documentation set. 1.4.7 License Management Utility Requirements You will need to register and load your license for DECvoice before you start the installation in order to run the IVP. See Section 1.3 for more information. For more information about the VMS License Management Facility, see the VMS License Management Utility Manual in the VMS documentation set and the overview in A Practical Guide to Managing Software Licenses. Preparing to Install DECvoice VOX 1-15 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing DECvoice This chapter describes how to install DECvoice software. Section 2.2 contains a step-by-step description of the installation procedure. 2.1 General Information This section includes information about accessing release notes, determining the files and logical names added to your system, running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), and aborting the installation. 2.1.1 Accessing the Online Release Notes DECvoice provides online release notes. If you specify OPTIONS N when you invoke VMSINSTAL, the installation procedure asks you if you want to display or print the release notes. The release notes question comes near the beginning of the installation. You should review the release notes in case they contain any information about changes in the installation procedures. After DECvoice has been installed, the release notes are located in the following file: SYS$HELP:VOX024.RELEASE_NOTES To print a copy of the release notes on the default printer, enter the following command: $ PRINT SYS$HELP:VOX024.RELEASE_NOTES To display a copy of the release notes on your terminal, enter the following command: $ TYPE/PAGE SYS$HELP:VOX024.RELEASE_NOTES Installing DECvoice 2-1 2.1.2 VMSINSTAL Directory Creation Messages Can Be Ignored The DECvoice VMSINSTAL installation procedure displays a number of messages concerning the creation of directories in VAXcluster[TM] environments. These messages can safely be ignored; all necessary system-specific directory creations are handled automatically by the DECvoice startup procedure. 2.1.3 Logical Names Added to the System DECvoice also creates a small number of logical names. All logical names created by DECvoice software are prefixed by "VOX$". o VOX$EXAMPLES o VOX$MICROCODE o VOX$SYSTEM 2-2 Installing DECvoice o VOX$TEMPLATES o VOX$TEST o VOX$VOICE Several other logical names, and logical name tables, are created for internal DECvoice use. Logical names are defined by the DECvoice startup procedure (VOX$CP STARTUP /DEFAULT command). Modifications or changes to these logical names and tables are not supported and may cause software failures. 2.1.4 Choosing to Run the IVP During Installation The IVP for DECvoice verifies the installation. During the installation, you are asked if you want to run the IVP as part of the installation. If you respond YES, VMSINSTAL runs the IVP. It is recommended that you run the IVP to be sure that DECvoice is installed correctly. After DECvoice is installed, you can run the IVP independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You can also run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access DECvoice. To run the IVP, enter the following command: $ @SYS$TEST:VOX$IVP The DECvoice IVP is intended as a test of the DECvoice software installation. It is not intended as a test of the DECvoice hardware and only performs a few operations with the module while verifying the software. The IVP will complete successfully if the DECvoice software is functioning. If hardware is not present, or is malfunctioning, the IVP will fail. The IVP will, in addition to the software installation verification, search for all DECvoice modules installed in the system. The system software status will be checked for each module; thus the IVP can potentially detect and report problems with a DECvoice vector switch setting. ________________________ Note ________________________ An incorrectly configured DECvoice hardware interrupt vector or Control Status Register (CSR) switch setting is the most common source of DECvoice DTC04 problems. Installing DECvoice 2-3 The SYSGEN utility displays the correct addresses for the DTCN5/DTC05 modules, but does not display the DECvoice DTC04 interrupt vector setting. The only way to determine the current DTC04 vector setting is to physically remove the DTC04 module from the Q-bus and decode the physical interrupt vector switch setting on the interrupt vector switch pack. Consult the DECvoice DTC04 System Technical Manual for information on switch location, configuration, and settings. To verify the settings of your DTCN5 and DTC05 modules, refer to the DECvoice-T1 Hardware Installation Manual. Contact Digital Customer Service for assistance. ______________________________________________________ 2.1.5 Aborting the Installation To abort the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl/Y. When you press Ctrl/Y, the installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and exits. You can then start the installation again. 2.2 Installation Procedure The DECvoice installation process consists of a series of questions and informational messages. 2.2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL To start the installation, invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure from a privileged account, such as the SYSTEM account. You enter the following syntax to invoke VMSINSTAL: @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL product-name device-name OPTIONS N product-name The installation name for the component. For DECvoice, enter the following installation name: VOX024 2-4 Installing DECvoice device-name The name of the device on which you plan to mount the media. For example, XDELTA$MUA0: is the device name for a TK70 cassette tape drive. It is not necessary to use the console drive for this installation. However, if you do use the console drive, you should replace any media you removed once the installation has completed. OPTIONS N An optional parameter that indicates you want to see the release notes. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not prompt you to display or print the release notes. You are strongly recommended to read the release notes before proceeding with this installation. VMSINSTAL has several other options; for more information, see the VMS documentation on Software Installation in the VMS System Management manual. The following example displays the command to invoke VMSINSTAL to install DECvoice from TK70 cassette tape drive XDELTA$MUA0: and the system response. This example uses the OPTIONS N release notes parameter. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL VOX024 XDELTA$MUA0: OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2 It is 01-JUL-1995 at 5:09. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. If you do not supply either the product name or the device name, VMSINSTAL prompts you for this information later in the installation procedure. VMSINSTAL does not prompt you for any options, so be sure to include OPTIONS N on the VMSINSTAL command line to access the release notes during the installation. Installing DECvoice 2-5 2.2.2 Installation Questions This section discusses the questions that appear during the installation. See Appendix A for a sample installation procedure. Each question in the installation is marked with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line. Some questions show the default response in brackets, for example [YES]. If you want to give the default response, press the Return key. 1. Process status VMSINSTAL displays a list of all active processes. It then asks if you want to continue the installation. You should install DECvoice on a standalone system or cluster. NO is the default response to the question. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: HOFFMAN$WM_1 HOFFMAN_001C SIMM_001F BATCH_0023 . . * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? 2. System backup VMSINSTAL asks if you are satisfied with your system backup. You should always back up your system disk before performing an installation. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press Return. Otherwise, enter NO to discontinue the installation. After you back up your system disk, you can restart the installation. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? 3. Mounting the media You should now mount the first distribution volume on the device you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL. The device name appears in the line preceding the question. VMSINSTAL then asks you if you are ready to continue with the installation. 2-6 Installing DECvoice If you respond YES to indicate that you are ready, VMSINSTAL displays a message that the media containing DECvoice has been mounted on the specified device and that the installation has begun. For example: Please mount the first volume of the set on XDELTA$MUA0:. * Are you ready? YES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, VOX MOUNTED ON XDELTA$MUA0: The following products will be processed: VOX V2.4 Beginning installation of VOX V2.4 at 5:09 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... If you entered the wrong device name when you invoked VMSINSTAL and need to restart the installation, enter NO in response to the "Are you ready?" question. To abort the installation for other reasons, press Ctrl/Y. 4. Additional media volumes If your installation kit contains more than one volume, VMSINSTAL prompts you to insert the additional volumes and then asks you to indicate that you are ready for the installation to proceed. %BACKUP-I-READYREAD, mount volume 2 on _XDELTA$MUA0: for reading Enter "YES" when ready: 5. Release notes If you specified OPTIONS N when you invoked VMSINSTAL, you are now given the following options for reviewing the release notes. Release Notes Options: 1. Display Release Notes 2. Print Release Notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the Above * Select option [3]: Installing DECvoice 2-7 If you select option 1, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the console terminal. You can terminate the display at any time by pressing Ctrl/C. Displaying the release notes to the screen is probably not desirable since the file is large. Therefore, Digital recommends option 2. If you select option 2, VMSINSTAL prompts you for the name of the print queue that you want to use: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: You can enter a queue name or press Return to send the file to the default output print device. Because the DECvoice release notes file is a large file, Digital recommends that you select option 2. If you select option 3, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the console terminal and then prompts you for a queue name for the printed version. 6. Continuing the installation The installation procedure now asks if you want to continue the installation. To continue, enter YES. Otherwise, press Return. In either case, the release notes are copied to a file in the SYS$HELP directory. For example: * Do you want to continue the installation [N]?: YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, The products Release Notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP. The release notes are located in the following file: SYS$HELP:VOX024.RELEASE_NOTES ________________________ Note ________________________ The name of the release notes file installed by VMSINSTAL consists of the current product name and version number. Do not delete release notes for previous versions of DECvoice. ______________________________________________________ 2-8 Installing DECvoice 7. Choosing to purge files You have the option to purge files from previous versions of DECvoice that are superseded by this installation. Purging is recommended; however, if you need to keep files from the previous version, enter NO in response to the question. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? 8. License Registration The installation procedure asks if you have registered and loaded your authorization key for DECvoice and prints out information specific to the particular license, for example: Product: VOX Producer: DEC Version: 2.4 Release Date: 1-JUL-1995 The installation also inquires: * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? If you have not registered and loaded your authorization key, you must answer NO to this question. A successful installation of DECvoice depends upon an authorization key being registered and loaded. Be certain that this has been completed before proceeding with the installation. 9. Prerecorded Voice Snippet Files The voice files are a group of files that contain prerecorded English snippets. These files are used for the concatenation of numbers in prototype applications and are not necessary for the operation of the DECvoice software. The voice files comprise of 304 files that occupy 3823 blocks of disk space on a disk volume with a disk volume clustersize of three blocks. * Do you wish to install the voice files [YES]? If you do not plan to use these prerecorded voice files, if your system has little free space, or if you are upgrading DTC04 systems from Version 1.1, answer NO to this question. Installing DECvoice 2-9 10.Choosing to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) The installation procedure now asks if you want to run the IVP. The IVP for DECvoice checks that the installation is successful. It is recommended that you run the IVP. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? 11.System shutdown after installation The installation procedure asks if you want the system to reboot automatically after the installation is complete. You must reboot the system to activate the new version of DECvoice. You can choose to reboot as part of the installation procedure or at a later time. If you need to make changes to MODPARAMS.DAT ( above) then it is safe to say NO to the reboot question and to use AUTOGEN to reboot the system. * Will you allow a system shutdown after this product is installed [YES]? 2.2.3 Informational Messages At this point, the installation procedure displays a number of informational messages that report on the progress of the installation. There are no further questions. If the installation procedure has been successful up to this point, VMSINSTAL moves the new or modified files to their target directories. If you asked for files to be purged, that work is done now. The following messages are displayed: %VOX-I-GOAWAY, no more questions will be asked. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset C ... The installation now executes a number of CREATE/DIRECTORY commands. Informational messages resulting from these creations, and all messages requesting creation of directories under SYS$SPECIFIC by the user can be ignored. The DECvoice startup command procedure automatically creates the necessary system-specific directories in standalone and VAXcluster environments and displays the following message: 2-10 Installing DECvoice %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, files will now be moved to their target directories... 2.2.4 Running the Installation Verification Procedure If you chose to run the IVP, VMSINSTAL will attempt to run the IVP now. If the current running VMS system is not properly configured, the IVP will not be run. The two most common problems with a failed IVP are an incorrect SYSGEN parameter, or a DECvoice DTC04 device with an incorrectly set hardware vector. See Section 2.1.4 for information about running the IVP manually. See Section 2.3 for information about errors that can be displayed by the IVP. 2.2.5 Completing the Installation Procedure The following messages indicate that the entire installation procedure is complete: Installation of VOX V2.4 completed at 5:30 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 5:30 You can now log out of the privileged account: $ LOGOUT SYSTEM logged out at 01-JUL-1995 05:30:44.31 Note that VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system manager's account and you want to restore these symbols, you should log out and log in again. 2.3 Error Recovery If errors occur during the installation itself or when the IVP is running, VMSINSTAL displays failure messages. If the installation fails, the following message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of VOX V2.4 has failed. If the IVP fails, the following messages are displayed: The VOX V2.4 Installation Verification Procedure failed. %VMSINSTAL-E-IVPFAIL, The IVP for VOX V2.4 has failed. Installing DECvoice 2-11 Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect. Version 2.4 requires VMS Version 5.5-2 - 6.2. o Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient. o System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. o A license is not loaded. o The DTC04 hardware device vector is incorrectly set. o One or more of the DTCN5/DTC05 modules' CSR addresses are incorrectly set. o The DTCN5 module has its read-only memory (ROM) enable jumper installed. For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see Appendix B in this document, the VMS documentation on system messages and recovery procedures, and the VMS documentation on the software installation procedures. DECvoice VOX Version 2.4 includes several messages that are broadcasted to the console by the device drivers. These messages are: o %VOX-E-DRVSHMEM, shared memory access failure: o %VOX-I-DRVUNIINI, unit initializing: o %VOX-W-DRVFIXVEC, device timeout; fix vector: o %VOX-W-DRVINSFRES, insufficient Q-bus resources: o %VOX-W-DRVULDFNF, unable to locate microcode: See Appendix B for a complete list of the error conditions possible in installation and their possible causes. If you are notified that an error condition exists, you should take the appropriate action as described in the message. (You might need to change a system parameter or increase an authorized quota value.) For information about installation requirements, see Chapter 1. For information about problem reporting, see Section 3.8. 2-12 Installing DECvoice 3 _________________________________________________________________ After Installing DECvoice This chapter describes the tasks that take place after installing DECvoice software. These tasks include the following: o Editing the system files to add DECvoice startup. o Running the VOX$CONFIG command procedure to create VOX device configuration- startup and shutdown command files. o Editing the DECvoice configuration-startup file to modify parameters that can not be set through VOX$CONFIG. o Rebooting the system. This chapter also explains how to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) after the software has been installed. 3.1 Editing the System Files You must edit the system startup files to provide for automatic startup of DECvoice when your system is rebooted. The startup files for different versions of VMS are as follows: o VMS Version 5-SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM o VMS Version 6-SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM Add the command line that starts DECvoice to your site- specific system startup file. The following example shows the command used to start DECvoice: $ @SYS$STARTUP:VOX$STARTUP.COM After Installing DECvoice 3-1 The site-specific system startup is executed from a privileged environment. The DECvoice startup requires the following privileges to execute: o ALTPRI o CMEXEC o CMKRNL o DETACH o PHY_IO o SHARE o SYSNAM o SYSPRV Additional privileges such as PRMGBL and SYSGBL may be required by startup, and by user applications, depending on the requirements for DECvoice shared message global sections. All DECvoice user-written applications require a minimum of, and typically only, TMPMBX. 3.2 VOX$CONFIG.COM: DECvoice Configuration Procedure The VOX$CONFIG.COM procedure helps you define the configuration necessary to get DECvoice running at a particular site. Successful completion of this procedure generates two additional command procedures: o SYS$STARTUP:VOX$nodename$STARTUP.COM o SYS$STARTUP:VOX$nodename$SHUTDOWN.COM The nodename inserted in each filename is derived from the node on which you run the VOX$CONFIG.COM procedure. ________________________ Note ________________________ These files already exist if you are upgrading from a previous version of DECvoice. Digital recommends that you rerun VOX$CONFIG to reconfigure DECvoice or to modify VOX$CP commands or parameters. ______________________________________________________ 3-2 After Installing DECvoice During the course of running this installation, you will be prompted for parameter values that will configure DECvoice for your site. It may be necessary, however, to edit sections of the configuration file manually to ensure that DECvoice runs properly on your system. These modifications are discussed in Section 3.3, Telephone Features. ________________________ Note ________________________ If you are installing DECvoice on a cluster, you must run the VOX$CONFIG.COM command procedure on each node of the cluster. ______________________________________________________ 3.2.1 Information Requested to Configure DECvoice Devices VOX$CONFIG.COM builds a list of the DECvoice devices present on your system. The procedure then interactively builds VOX$CP commands to configure the supported devices on your system. For example, for each DTCN5 device, the procedure requests the following information: o Framing for each T1 line o Country in which you are located o Type of equipment attached to each T1 line o Which channels to enable o Signaling for each channel o Resource names for each channel o Any SHADOW resource names For each DTC05 device, the procedure requests the following information: o Single-line or multiline operation o Word or continuous recognition capability After Installing DECvoice 3-3 For each DTC04 device, the procedure requests the following information: o Word or continuous recognition capability o Resource names You only need to type the unique leading characters of an option to select it. 3.2.2 Invoking the Configuration Procedure To invoke the configuration procedure, enter the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:VOX$CONFIG The configuration procedure then prompts the user for VOX setup information as stated earlier. Section 3.3, Telephone Features, contains reference information that will be helpful in selecting the appropriate parameters or responding to the configuration procedure prompts. 3.2.3 Running VOX$CONFIG.COM from a Remote Node To run the VOX$CONFIG.COM procedure on a node distinct from the node for which a startup file is to be generated, you can define the logicals VOX$VN_DEVLIST, VOX$VM_DEVLIST, and VOX$VX_DEVLIST to be a list of the devices desired. Use the form "/VNA0", "/VMA0/VMB0", "/VXA0/VXB0/VXC0", and so on. The logical VOX$CONFIG_NODE should be defined as the nodename of the remote node. A null list is defined with a single slash ("/"). ________________________ Note ________________________ You only need to define these logicals when building a startup file for a remote node, or if all devices are not currently present on the executing node. ______________________________________________________ 3-4 After Installing DECvoice 3.3 Telephone Features Telephone features are DECvoice parameters that can be entered in response to prompts displayed by the VOX$CONFIG command procedure. Configurable telephone features include: o Telephone channels o Resource names assigned to telephone channels o Resource names used by applications o Signaling protocols 3.3.1 Telephone Channels DECvoice supports the following types of telephone channels: o DTC04 Each DTC04 module is considered a single telephone channel. o DTCN5-T1 Each T1 channel on the DTCN5 module is considered a telephone channel. There are up to 72 such channels. After Installing DECvoice 3-5 o DTCN5-Shadow The T1 module has up to 32 special channels that are connected to the crosspoint switch but not to T1 channels. These telephone channels are called SHADOW channels. The input audio on a SHADOW channel consists of silence. Output audio is ignored unless an application has specified that the telephone channel is to be configured as a broadcast channel (using the VOX$REGISTER_RESOURCE routine). The principal uses for the SHADOW channels are for broadcast channels or for converting messages from one compression format to another. 3.3.2 Configuring Resource Names Resource names are used to define the specific use of T1 channels. Commands for this are created with the VOX$CONFIG command file which builds the site specific VOX startup command file. This is SYS$STARTUP:VOX$nodename$STARTUP.COM and it includes VOX$CP commands to give resource names to phone channels. It is automatically called by the SYS$STARTUP:VOX$STARTUP.COM command procedure. Layered products may contain other methods for building the VOX$nodename$STARTUP command procedure. For example, the DECvoiceBuilder layered product uses a resource manager screen-based program, instead of VOX$CONFIG, to create the site specific VOX startup command file. This section discusses how to manage telephone channels by assigning resource names in the configuration file. About Resource Names Resource names are used for routing telephone calls in the DECvoice system. They are labels for T1 channels. Each channel can have two resource names; one for inbound calls (its incoming resource name) and one for outbound calls (its outgoing or compatibility resource name). Resource names can be assigned to allocate pools of telephone channels. With them you can configure your system with common channels for many applications or conversely you can create a system with channels that are dedicated to specific call direction. 3-6 After Installing DECvoice For example, an application that answers a call using the VOX$ANSWER_CALL routine will reference a preconfigured incoming resource name. It will wait for calls on any channel configured with that name. For another example, an application can make an outbound call on a specific channel using the DECvoice VOX$PHONE_ CONTROL (with the VOX$K_DIAL_RESOURCE option).The VOX$DIAL call uses a default outgoing resource name, VOX$OUTBOUND_ RESOURCE. For this routine the DECvoice system must have at least one channel configured with that outgoing name. Other examples of VOX RTL Resource usage are below (Application Use of Resource Names). The difference between the outgoing resource name and the incoming resource name assigned to a telephone channel is this: the channel is assigned the outgoing name if the channel is not in use; the channel is assigned to the incoming name if the channel is ringing. Therefore, applications usually give an incoming name as the resource when issuing the VOX$ANSWER_CALL routine; applications usually give an outgoing name as the resource when using the VOX$DIAL option of the VOX$PHONE_CONTROL routine. For more information about resource name specification, see Section 3.2 of the DECvoice Software Reference Manual. Assigning Resource Names When a telephone channel (DTCN5 T1 channel or DTC04 module) is not connected to an application, it will then be made available for connection under one of three definable names. These names are definable on a per-channel basis, and multiple telephone channels may have the same name, if desired. However, each individual telephone channel is only available under one name at a time. DECvoice uses the following resource names, as defined in the configuration file, to define individual telephone channels: o Incoming Resource Name The phone channel will be made available under this name if there is an incoming call pending. If this name is not defined and an incoming call is pending, then the phone channel will try to use the Compatibility Resource Name. If that fails, the channel will not be made available. After Installing DECvoice 3-7 o Compatibility Resource Name The phone channel uses this name as a general fallback. The phone channel is made available under this name if the previous names are not defined, or if the telephone is not in the proper state. The VOX$CONFIGURE procedure and other Digital products configure the outgoing channels to be Compatibility resources. o Outgoing Resource Name The phone channel will be made available under this name if the phone is 'onhook' and there is no incoming call pending. As with the Incoming Resource Name, if the name is not defined, either the Compatibility Resource Name will be used, or the phone channel will not be available. The Outgoing Resource Name is not used by VOX$CONFIGURE. o Handoff Names An application can pass control of a telephone channel to another application by a method known as "handoff". The affected phone channel can be temporarily marked with a handoff resource name at the request of a DECvoice application, allowing the channel to be available to another application under a new name. The new name does not necessarily need to be different from other telephone channel names on the system. Handoff is the only instance in which a telephone channel is available under a resource name while still being connected to an application. o Broadcast Names Configuring a channel to provide 'hold' music makes it available under a special type of resource name that allows multiple connections. You can only connect to it via the VOX$PHONE_CONTROL, VOX$K_HOLD or VOX$K_HALF_HOLD functions. Application Use of Resource Names A number of VOX$RTL routines request a telephone channel either by assigning it a resource name or by making a telephone channel available under a different name. These routines are as follows: o VOX$INITIALIZE 3-8 After Installing DECvoice This routine can connect an application to a telephone channel operating under compatibility mode. The channel name must be present on the system when the call is issued. This name may correspond to any of the names listed in the previous section (except the special broadcast names). However, the phone channel will most likely be available under the outbound or compatibility names. o VOX$DIAL In V2 mode, this routine connects an application to a telephone channel named VOX$OUTBOUND_RESOURCE. This telephone channel is then used to place a call. If an application uses the VOX$DIAL routine, at least one telephone channel should be configured with that name as the outbound or compatibility resource name. o VOX$ANSWER_CALL This routine enables dynamic connection to a telephone channel, which allows an application to accept inbound calls. Typically, this routine should be issued with either inbound or handoff resource name. If necessary, it will wait for the name to be made available. Under special conditions this routine could be issued with outbound or compatibility name. For example, this routine would be called if the line were either connected to an audio card in a channel bank, or used for a specially named SHADOW telephone channel. o VOX$PICKUP Used in VOX 1.X to answer calls. In VOX 2.X mode, this routine connects an application to a telephone channel (usually a SHADOW channel) named $NULL$. This allows an application to receive a voice channel that can be used to convert messages. If an application uses the VOX$PICKUP routine, at least one telephone channel should have the name $NULL$. o VOX$PHONE_CONTROL - VOX$K_DIAL This routine allows dynamic connection to a telephone channel for the purpose of placing a call. This operation is similar to the VOX$DIAL routine, but it also allows the resource name to be specified, rather than always using VOX$OUTBOUND_RESOURCE by default. After Installing DECvoice 3-9 o VOX$PHONE_CONTROL - VOX$K_HANDOFF This routine marks the currently connected telephone channel with a name specified within the call. o VOX$PHONE_CONTROL - VOX$K_HOLD/VOX$K_HALF_HOLD This routine connects the output audio that the current telephone channel hears with a named broadcast resource. o VOX$REGISTER_RESOURCE This routine requests a named telephone channel (typically a SHADOW channel) then marks this channel as a broadcast channel (with the same name). You can then connect to this channel using the HOLD or HALF_HOLD functions. Viewing Available Resource Names The resource names that are currently available on a system may be seen by using the VOX$TEST:VOX$UTIL "view" command. (More about this utility below, 3.9.2.) This will also show the resources that have been requested by applications. Note that this display does not show all possible resource names, only the ones that are currently available. A call arriving on a channel will, in most configurations, either change one of the resource names that are available or remove a name from both the available and requested lists. The special resource name $X$VN is a special SHADOW channel reserved for Digital for use by configuration programs (VOX$CP, VOX$GETRES). Broadcast resource names begin with $HOLD$ when they are available for hold connections, and are available without the $HOLD$ prefix when available for use by VOX$REGISTER_RESOURCE. The VOX$GETRES program, located in the VOX$TEST directory, can be used to display the configured resource names for T1 channels. This program prompts you for BUS and CHAN (Channel). BUS 0 contains the SHADOW channels, BUS 1 contains T1 #1, BUS 2 contains T1 #2, and BUS 3 contains T1 #3. CHAN specifies the channel and ranges from 1 to 24. You can continue to run the display to see the resource names defined for all T1 channels on your system. 3-10 After Installing DECvoice VOX$GETRES will display all defined resource names for the channel, listed in the order "DEFAULT" (or compatibility mode), "INCOMING" and "OUTGOING". There are also two possible resource names that can be defined for each state. These are configured using the sys$system:VOX$CP command qualifiers of /index and /timeout. This allows switching to another name after a short interval. (See the VOX$CP section of the DECvoice Software Reference Manual.) $ RUN VOX$TEST:VOX$GETRES bus [1]?1 chan [1]?1 Bus 1, Chan 1: DEFAULTS[0] "VOX$OUTBOUND_RESOURCE" Bus 1, Chan 1: DEFAULTS[1] "" Bus 1, Chan 1: INCOMING[0] "INCOMING_1_1" Bus 1, Chan 1: INCOMING[1] "" Bus 1, Chan 1: OUTGOING[0] "" Bus 1, Chan 1: OUTGOING[1] "" another channel [Y]? 3.3.3 Signaling Protocols Each T1 channel may be independently set to one of seven signaling protocols. Protocol selection is determined by which type of signal can be sent to DECvoice from the Channel Bank, PBX, or Central Office. Each signaling protocol has it's own set of characteristics, as indicated in the following descriptions: o FXS Protocols (FXS_LOOP, FXS_GROUND) FXS stands for Foreign eXchange Subscriber-end. In this protocol, the telephone channel controls the telephone set side of the foreign exchange signaling. Foreign exchange signaling is the standard means for encoding home or office telephone lines on T1. The other end of this protocol must be Office signaling. This protocol would be used with a channel bank that connects to analog phone lines from a central office or PBX. This protocol can be run in either of two modes, Loop Start or Ground Start. The mode you select generally should match both the mode supplied by the telephone switch and the mode selected within the channel bank. After Installing DECvoice 3-11 The main difference between the two modes is the provision for disconnect notification. In Ground Start mode, positive disconnect notification is given. Loop Start mode has no provision for positive disconnect notification. However, under certain conditions, it is possible to determine that a disconnect (that is, a small gap in current at the end of call) has occurred; but this is not a guaranteed feature. In some cases, channel banks can be set to ground start to pass disconnect detection, even if the phone line is using loop start protocol. Current releases fix the DECvoice FXS_LOOP signaling bits to be compatible with ground start protocol on channel banks (and loop start at the pbx). Currently, disconnect notification for both modes is sent to the application using a VOX$_WINK event. This is due to the fact that any call to the VOX$HANGUP routine is still required to terminate the call and disconnect the application from the phone line. An FXS protocol is used with a channel bank located on the subscriber side of the telephone switch. This enables the application to use subscriber features that are enabled on the analog telephone line that is connected to the channel bank. These features are typically accessed by means of a switchhook flash followed by digits. This event can be generated by a call to the VOX$DIAL routine with the dial string that includes the switchhook flash generation character (^). o FXO Protocols (FXO_LOOP, FXO_GROUND) FXO stands for Foreign eXchange Office-end. In this protocol, the telephone channel controls the telephone line side of the foreign exchange signaling. The other end of this protocol must be Subscriber Signaling. An FXO protocol would be used with a channel bank to connect to telephone sets. o E&M Protocols (EM_WINK, EM_IMMEDIATE) An E&M protocol is used on the trunk side of a PBX. This protocol allows receipt of inband digit strings and provides positive disconnect notification. The digit strings are requested on a per-channel basis using the DECvoice Control Program (VOX$CP). The VOX$CP command 3-12 After Installing DECvoice to enable digit detection is "SET LINE /CONFIGURATION /RULES". Up to three bursts of keys may be programmed. Incoming call detection on EM_WINK generates one wink regardless of the programmed digit detection. If BURST1 has been programmed, it will then read that digit string. After BURST1 has been read the channel then checks if BURST2 has been programmed. If this is the case, then an additional wink will be generated to indicate readiness to receive more digits. A similar check is made for BURST3. Once all incoming inband digits have been read, the caller is given ringback signal (using the pre-allocated voice module). Incoming call detection on EM_IMMEDIATE is similar, but it does not generate the winks. Outgoing calls do not need to wait for the dial tone "W" dialing control character. EM_WINK channels will automatically wait for a wink signal, and EM_IMMEDIATE channels will pause for a time delay. o OFF Protocol In this protocol, signaling to the channel is essentially disabled. The channel will not receive incoming calls, nor will it give disconnect notification. To the other end of FXS, E&M, or DP protocols, this channel will be seen as permanently busy. To the other end of FXO protocols, this channel will be seen as permanently idle. Disconnect Notification Disconnect notification is signalled to the application by either a VOX$_WINK event or by a VOX$_ONHOOK event, with the event value set to VOX$K_FAR_END. If the notification indicates a phone call that is on hold, the event value will include the bitmask VOX$M_HELD. If the disconnect notification is through the VOX$_WINK event, the application must call the VOX$HANGUP routine. For some signaling protocols, it is essential that this routine be called shortly after the receipt of the event. After Installing DECvoice 3-13 If the disconnect notification is made through the VOX$_ ONHOOK event and the event value is set to VOX$K_FAR_ END, calling VOX$HANGUP is not required. Currently this event will be received only when it is controlling a hold resource. It is recommended that the application enable wink detection shortly after the VOX$INITIALIZE call. This is done by setting the VOX$K_WINK_MODE option to VOX$K_ENABLED (using the VOX$SET_OPTION routine). It is also recommended that an application receiving any DECvoice event examine the event to first determine if it is a VOX$_WINK event. 3.3.4 Modifying Telephone Parameters in VOX$nodename$STARTUP.COM The DECvoice startup command procedure also controls several telephone parameters. To modify these parameters, you must manually edit the VOX$nodename$STARTUP.COM file, which is created by running the configuration procedure VOX$CONFIG.COM. This section lists these parameters and describes how to modify them. Reminder: any edits will not be passed to a newly generated file. DTMF Detectors The DTMF detectors on DTC05 modules are now adjustable. These adjustments are made on a per-phone line basis with the following VOX$CP commands: VOX$CP> SET LINE VNA1 /CONFIG /T1=1 /CHAN=1 /DETECT=(DTMF=N, ANI=N, BRIDGE=N) DTMF Parameter The DTMF parameter determines the length of time the DTMF key must be present to be detected while an application is connected. Values range from 1 to 16, but the largest practical values are 3 or 4. The default value is 2. Larger numbers have less talkoff but require keys to be pressed longer. With a value of 2, the detection time is around 50 milliseconds (ms); at 3, the detection time is approximately 70 ms; at 4, the detection time is around 80 ms. This value is now automatically increased by one while DECvoice is playing a recorded message. 3-14 After Installing DECvoice ANI Parameter The ANI parameter determines the length of time the DTMF key must be present to be detected during call setup. The default value for detection of call setup digits (ANI /DNIS) is 1, allowing detection of 40 ms keys (with less talkoff protection, but during a time when an end user is not connected to the phone). BRIDGE Parameter The BRIDGE parameter determines the time gap that is allowed in DTMF before it is viewed as two keys. The length of the ignored gap is approximately 10 ms times the value of the BRIDGE parameter. The default value for BRIDGE is 2, which means the allowable gap time is 20 ms. ANI/DNIS Detection Parameters The inband signaling, ANI/DNIS, detection parameters are adjustable. ANI stands for Automatic Number Identification, and DNIS stands for Dialed Number Identification Service. Phone channels configured for an EM protocol may receive these strings from the telephone network. The PBX must be configured to send them to DECvoice, as shown in the following example: VOX$CP> (SET LINE VNA1 /CONFIG /T1=n /CHAN=n /RULES= - (BURST1=(TYPE=burst_type,REQUIRED=m,OPTIONAL=n, - TOB=delta,TOA=delta), BURST2=(TYPE=burst_type,REQUIRED=m,OPTIONAL=n, - TOB=delta,TOA=delta), BURST3=(TYPE=burst_type,REQUIRED=m,OPTIONAL=n, - TOB=delta,TOA=delta)) )) TYPE Parameter The TYPE parameter may be one of the following types: o OFF - specifies that no detection is configured for this burst o CALLED - specifies that DNIS will be received by this burst o CALLING - specifies that ANI will be received by this burst After Installing DECvoice 3-15 o ROUTING - specifies that additional information, not ANI or DNIS will be received If two bursts are configured for the same type then only the second one will be visible from the RTL. REQUIRED Parameter The REQUIRED parameter specifies the minimum number of digits that should be stored. OPTIONAL Parameter The OPTIONAL parameter specifies the number of additional digits that may be received. TOB Parameter The TOB (TimeOut Before first digit) value must be a VMS Delta time. This is the time that is allowed after detection starts before the first digit is received. TOA Parameter The TOA (TimeOut After first digit) value must be a VMS Delta time. This is the time that is allowed between received digits. Wink Timing Parameters Wink timing parameters used on E&M Wink Start phone lines are configurable in this version of DECvoice, as shown in the following example: VOX$CP> SET LINE VNA1 /CONFIG /T1=n /CHAN=n - /WINK_TIMING=(SEND=nn, WAIT=nn, MAX=nn) SEND Parameter The SEND parameter determines the length of wink sent when answering a call. This period is measured in milliseconds with the following parameters: o Minimum value of 10 ms o Maximum value of 2000 ms (2 seconds) o Default value of 125 ms 3-16 After Installing DECvoice WAIT Parameter The WAIT parameter determines how long the channel waits for a wink when dialing a call. This period is measured in milliseconds with the following parameters: o Minimum value of 100 ms o Maximum value of 10000 ms (10 seconds) o Default value of 2000 ms (2 seconds) MAX Parameter The MAX parameter determines the longest wink that is allowed when dialing a call. Use the following range of values: o Minimum value of 100 ms o Maximum value of 10000 ms (10 seconds) o Default value of 1000 ms (1 second) Timing Parameters on FXS Start Lines Timing parameters used on FXS Loop start and Ground start lines are configurable within the VOX$nodename$STARTUP.COM procedure, as shown in the following example: VOX$CP> SET LINE VNA1 /CONFIG /T1=n /CHAN=n - /XRING_TIMING=(WAIT=nn, STUCK=nn) WAIT Parameter The WAIT parameter is the number of milliseconds to wait for a second ring to start before returning a VOX$_RING_ STOPPED event. The default is 10000 ms (10 seconds). STUCK Parameter The STUCK parameter is the number of milliseconds to wait during a ring before returning a ring event. The default is 0 ms (forever). Normally, a ring event is generated at the end of the ring. The value should be set if the phone channel forces the ring active until the call answers. It may also be set to advance the telephone answer. After Installing DECvoice 3-17 Timing Parameters on FXO Start Lines Timing parameters used on FXO Loop start and Ground start lines are configurable within the VOX$nodename$STARTUP.COM procedure, as follows: VOX$CP> SET LINE VNA1 /CONFIG /T1=n /CHAN=n - /XRING_TIMING=(TXON=nn, TXOFF=nn) TXON Parameter The TXON parameter is the number of milliseconds that ring is active when dialing out. The default value is 2000 ms (2 seconds). TXOFF Parameter The TXOFF parameter is the number of milliseconds between rings when dialing out. The default value is 4000 ms (4 seconds). General Timing Delays Starting with DECvoice Version 2.0, various general timing delays are configurable within the VOX$nodename$STARTUP.COM procedure, as shown in the following example: VOX$CP> SET LINE /CONFIG VNA1 /T1=1 /CHAN=1 - /TIME_DELAY=(HANGUP=nn,INITIAL=nn,PAUSE=nn,FLASH=nn) Hangup Delay Hangup Delay controls the delay period required before channel processing continues after a telephone hangup. Measured in milliseconds, this delay ensures that a hangup-pickup sequence is detected as a disconnect by the other end of the telephone channel. Due to implementation restrictions, this delay also controls the amount of time before which a new call can be received after the hangup. This time may be changed if your telephone system requires a different delay time between calls. You can specify a delay period if your application only receives calls on the channel, thereby preventing the hangup-pickup sequence from occurring. The default value is 2000 ms (2 seconds). 3-18 After Installing DECvoice Initial Delay Initial Delay controls the amount of time the application waits for a dialtone if no "W" (wait for dialtone) character is selected within a dial string (also referred to as "blind dial"). EM and FXO protocols also use this delay period to determine the minimum period of ringing that the caller hears before starting the search for an application. The default value is 1000 ms (1 second). Pause Delay Pause Delay controls the delay period that the "!" character produces within a dial string. The default value is 1000 ms (1 second). FLASH Delay FLASH delay controls the delay period generated by a switchook flash (the "^" character in a dial string). The default value is 700 ms. If the PBX allows switchook flash transfer on the channel for the signaling type but the switchook flash is not seen, then the value may need to be increased. If the switchook flash causes a hangup, FLASH delay may need to be decreased. 3.4 Rebooting the System After you have installed the DECvoice hardware and DECvoice software, edited the system startup file to incorporate the DECvoice startup, and reset the system parameters (if necessary), you can reboot your system. A system reboot verifies that DECvoice is ready for use, and ensures that the edits to the system startup command file are correct. It also establishes any new parameter settings as the current settings. 3.5 VAXcluster Considerations DECvoice VOX software, starting with Version 1.1, installs in subdirectories of SYS$COMMON:, the VAXcluster common root. Various subdirectories under SYS$COMMON:[VOX$DTC] are created by the installation. The DECvoice system startup procedure creates all necessary system-specific DECvoice directories if they are not found. These subdirectories are under SYS$SPECIFIC:[VOX$DTC]. After Installing DECvoice 3-19 Note: DECvoice hardware is not shareable among clustered systems. However, any cluster member can have its own DECvoice hardware. You must make the specified SYSGEN adjustments and edit SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM on all nodes in the VAXcluster that will be using DECvoice. All nodes in the VAXcluster that will be using DECvoice or running the DECvoice startup, must be licensed for DECvoice. (See Section 1.3 for more information.) In VAXcluster configurations with multiple system disks, you must perform a complete VOX Version 2.4 installation on each system with a distinct system disk. 3.6 Enhancing DECvoice System Performance This section includes information on general system tuning. It also includes information on installing the DECvoice RTL as a sharable image, sample account quotas for various applications and information on disk fragmentation. 3.6.1 VMS Guide to Performance Management After you install DECvoice, you can adjust or tune your system to enhance performance or lower the use of certain system resources. For information on tuning your VMS system, see the VMS Guide to Performance Management manual. 3.6.2 Installing DECvoice as a Shared Image If the DECvoice Run-Time Library will be used extensively on your system, you can reduce the system overhead and memory requirements by installing it as a shared image. To install DECvoice as a shared image on a system that is currently running, use the VMS Install Utility (INSTALL). It is recommended that you perform the installation on a system that has just been bootstrapped because the available space in the global page table is less likely to be fragmented. Determine the number of available global pages and global sections on your system. See Section for information on how to verify and modify the number of global pages and global sections. Table 1-3 contains the required values for these system parameters. 3-20 After Installing DECvoice Once you have reset the system parameter values, invoke the VMS Install Utility from a privileged account and then install DECvoice as a shared image: $ INSTALL INSTALL> CREATE SYS$SHARE:VOX$RTL.EXE /OPEN /SHARED /HEADER INSTALL> EXIT You must now add the following lines to the appropriate system startup command file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM, so that each time the system is started, DECvoice is available as a shared image: $ INSTALL CREATE SYS$SHARE:VOX$RTL.EXE /OPEN /SHARED /HEADER Note that when you install DECvoice as a shared image you need to increase the global pages and global sections parameters. Increase global pages (GBLPAGES) by 674 pages and global sections (GBLSECTIONS) by 3 sections. Refer to Section 1.4.4 for information on changing these parameters. 3.6.3 Example Process Account Quotas DECvoice digitized-voice applications typically require large amounts of memory for voice data buffers. An application can calculate an approximation of the amount of virtual memory required by multiplying the encoding rate times the number of seconds of data to be held in memory. If this amount is large, and the process working set or the amount of nonpaged pool is small, performance degradation can result. Table 3-1 provides general guidelines for process quotas for common applications. The information in Table 3-1 is a starting point for tuning a typical application and adjusting as required. Table_3-1_Process_Account_Quotas_for_Common_Applications___ Account_Quota____Value_____________________________________ ASTLM 512 BIOLM 512 (continued on next page) After Installing DECvoice 3-21 Table 3-1 (Cont.) Process Account Quotas for Common __________________Applications_____________________________ Account_Quota____Value_____________________________________ BYTLM[1] 20480 PGFLQUOTA[2] 20480 WSDEFAULT[3] 512 WSQUOTA[3] 2048 WSEXTENT[3] 4096 [1]Insufficient_BYTLM_quota_has_caused_certain_applications to spend noticeable amounts of time in a mutex wait state. BYTLM is allocated from the VMS system nonpaged memory pool. The amount of nonpaged pool is set by the SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN. Use the DCL command "SHOW MEMORY /POOL" to show the current and initial settings of nonpaged pool. Insufficient nonpaged pool can result in systemwide performance degradation - particularly on systems with a small amount of free physical memory. [2]The address space available to a process is limited by both this parameter and by the SYSGEN parameter VIRTUALPAGECNT. [3]The values for WSEXTENT and WSQUOTA must be equal to or greater than the WSDEFAULT value. Additionally, the largest working set possible is governed by the setting of the SYSGEN parameter WSMAX. ___________________________________________________________ 3.6.4 Process Account Quotas for Large Applications Large applications may require increases to the user authorization quotas. Table 3-2 provides general guidelines for process quotas for large applications. The information in Table 3-2 can be used as a starting point for tuning a large application and adjusting as required. Any deficiencies in these quotas can result in application performance degradation in large applications. 3-22 After Installing DECvoice Table_3-2_Process_Account_Quotas_for_Large_Applications____ Account_Quota____Value_____________________________________ ASTLM 2048 BIOLM 1024 BYTLM [1] 524288 DIOLM 48 ENQLM 750 FILLM 100 PRCLM 10 JTQUOTA 8192 PGFLQUOTA [2] 40960 WSDEFAULT 1024[3] WSQUOTA 2048[3] WSEXTENT 4096[3] [1]Insufficient_BYTLM_quota_has_caused_some_large__________ applications to spend noticeable amounts of time in a mutex wait state. BYTLM is allocated from the VMS system nonpaged memory pool. The amount of nonpaged pool is set by the SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN. Use the DCL command "SHOW MEMORY /POOL" to show the current and initial settings of nonpaged pool. Insufficient nonpaged pool can result in systemwide performance degradation - particularly on systems with a small amount of free memory. [2]The address space available to a process is limited by both this parameter and by the SYSGEN parameter VIRTUALPAGECNT. [3]The values for WSEXTENT and WSQUOTA must be equal to or greater than the WSDEFAULT value. Additionally, the largest working set possible is governed by the setting of the SYSGEN parameter WSMAX. ___________________________________________________________ User account quotas are stored in the file SYSUAF.DAT. Use the VMS Authorize Utility to verify and change user account quotas. First set your default directory to SYS$SYSTEM and then run AUTHORIZE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> After Installing DECvoice 3-23 At the AUTHORIZE prompt (UAF>), use the SHOW command with an account name to check a particular account. For example: UAF> SHOW HOFFMAN To change a quota, use the MODIFY command at the UAF> prompt. MODIFY has the following format: MODIFY account-name /quota-name=nnnn This example changes the FILLM quota for the HOFFMAN account and then exits from the Authorize Utility: UAF> MODIFY HOFFMAN /FILLM=50 UAF> EXIT After you exit from the utility, the VMS system displays messages indicating whether or not changes were made. Once the changes have been made, you must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect. For more information on modifying account quotas, see the description of the Authorize utility in the VMS documentation on System Management and Operations. 3.6.5 Insufficient Pagefile DECvoice applications can consume quantities of pagefile. To display the current amount of pagefile that is available and reservable, use the command: $ SHOW MEMORY/FILES A severely overcommitted pagefile can result in degraded DECvoice application performance. To alter the size of the pagefile, execute the following command from the SYSTEM account: $ @SYS$UPDATE:SWAPFILES.COM 3.6.6 Disk Fragmentation Performance of the DECvoice software and the VMS system can be reduced by excess disk fragmentation. Note that some disk fragmentation is normal and should be expected. Consult the VMS documentation set for information on system disk defragmentation procedures and for information on the use of the standalone VMS Backup utility. 3-24 After Installing DECvoice 3.7 General VMS Programming References The Guide to Creating VMS Modular Procedures, included in the VMS documentation set, and the Introduction to VAXcluster Application Design are good starting points for information on writing modular applications in either standalone or distributed and VAXcluster environments. The DECvoice Software Reference Manual, mentioned in Chapter 1, contains the information necessary to program the DECvoice VOX Run-Time Library. 3.8 Determining and Reporting Problems If an error occurs while DECvoice is being used and you believe that the error is caused by a problem with DECvoice, take one of the following actions: o Confirm that the DECvoice hardware Control Status Register (CSR) and vector switches are set up correctly. The DTC04 vector check can only be performed by removing the DECvoice module from the backplane and examining the physical CSR and vector switch settings. These settings must be identical to the desired CSR and vector settings displayed by the SYSGEN Utility. See the DECvoice DTC04 System Technical Manual or DECvoice-T1 Hardware Installation Manual for DECvoice module configuration information and switch setting requirements. Contact your local Digital Field Service office for assistance. o If you have a BASIC or DECsupport Software Agreement, you should call your Customer Support Center. (With these services, you receive telephone support that provides high-level advisory and remedial assistance.) o If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o If you think the problem is caused by a software error and it is still within the warranty period, you can submit an SPR. If you find an error in the DECvoice documentation, please fill out and submit the Reader's Comments form at the back of the document in which the error was found. Please include the section and page number where the error was found. After Installing DECvoice 3-25 3.9 Diagnostic Features DECvoice includes several programs to analyze voice hardware, to test configurations and to analyze for DECvoice RTL errors. These are the programs, VOX$TEST:VOX$DIAG, VOX$TEST:VOX$$UTIL and use of a logical "VOX$POOL_POISONING". See also Appendix B Troubleshooting Information. 3.9.1 VOX$DIAG.EXE The utility program VOX$TEST:VOX$DIAG.EXE is supplied to test the DECvoice hardware. The program exercises the DTCN5 and all DTC05 cards on the system. When you start the program it will display all DECvoice modules that it finds. The program has extensive on-line help for determining the number of passes and which tests to include. The default is to run one pass of all tests. The program will report an error count for each module. If an error is found, the statement will include the location of the trouble, especially the module(s) involved in the failure. Should an error occur, Digital recommends contacting your hardware support representative for further diagnostics and potential module replacement. To run the VOX$DIAG program, 1) the logicals VOX* must be defined on the system, 2) the DTC05 modules must have been loaded with their microcode and 3) all DECvoice and related software must be shut down (for example, all programs using the VOX RTL, all usage of DECvoiceBuilder, all DECvoice:mail programs). To set up this condition you must first bring up DECvoice (to define logicals and load microcode) and then bring down all applications and DECvoice related programs and DECvoice itself. 3.9.2 VOX$UTIL VOX$TEST:VOX$UTIL.EXE is the DECvoice Utility program. It can be used to exercise the system's DECvoice hardware to include; answering calls, dialing to outside phones, sensing or generating DTMF tones, recording and playing digitized voice messages, testing voice recognition, and creating speech synthecis of text. The program can 3-26 After Installing DECvoice therefore be used to check configuration of T1 and voice channels. VOX$UTIL has extensive on-line help. When started, the user is presented with the utility banner and the interactive prompt: $ run vox$test:vox$util VOX$UTIL V2.4 (VOX V2.4), Copyright © 1992 Digital Equipment Corporation VOX$UTIL> It is recommended that new users take time to review the on-line help to become familiar with VOX$UTIL commands. 3.9.3 VOX$POOL_POISONING The logical VOX$POOL_POISONING is available to assist in uncovering errors in the DECvoice RTL that might involve memory management. Notice that it is NOT used to debug your own program code such as could be done by running it in the debug mode of its programming language. When VOX$POOL_POISONING is defined (to any non-zero value) the DECvoice software will place letter values in process memory used by DECvoice. The letters are "c" for cleared memory, "a" for "just allocated", and "d" for "just deallocated". These can be uncovered by system dump analysis. On certain conditions it will force an ACCVIO condition of your program that will be displayed as a virtual address of "aaaaaaaa", "bbbbbbbb", or "cccccccc". The logical VOX$POOL_POISONING can be defined when running in application debug mode. It should be deassigned when in production mode. $ DEFINE VOX$POOL_POISONING 1 ! For debug mode $ DEASSIGN VOX$POOL_POISONING ! For production mode After Installing DECvoice 3-27 A _________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation This appendix contains a sample installation of DECvoice. This sample was run on a system that had no previous version of DECvoice installed. The sample installation assumes that DECnet[TM] has been shut down, that no users are logged on to your system, and that OPTIONS N is specified to print the release notes. The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) runs at the end of the installation. See Section 2.1.4 for information on running the IVP manually. VOX::, VAX/VMS V6.1 Username: SYSTEM Password: VOX::, VAX/VMS V6.1 Last interactive login on Thursday, 1-JUL-1995 11:09 $ @sys$update:vmsinstal VOX024 VOX$MUA0: OPTIONS N OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 It is 1-JUL-1995 at 11:17. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? YES * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? YES * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: VOX$MUA0:[SYSTEM] * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): NO The following products will be processed: VOX V2.4 Beginning installation of VOX V2.4 at 11:18 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Sample Installation A-1 Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 4 * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. *************************************************************** * * * DECvoice * * VOX V2.4 * * * * Installation Procedure * * * * Copyright, 1995. Digital Equipment Corporation * * All Rights Reserved. * * * *************************************************************** * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? YES Product: VOX Producer: DEC Version: 2.4 Release Date: 1-JUL-1995 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES * Do you wish to install the voice files [YES]? YES * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? YES To complete the installation of this product, you should reboot the system. If it is not convenient to reboot at this time, then enter NO to the following question. If you enter NO, the installation procedure will continue. * Will you allow a system shutdown after this product is installed [YES]? NO %VOX-I-GOAWAY, No more questions will be asked. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... Relinking executables and images A-2 Sample Installation ...VOX$RTL Run Time Library ...VOX$ACP Control Process ...VOX$CP Control Program %DCL-W-SKPDAT, image data (records not beginning with "$") ignored %DCL-W-SKPDAT, image data (records not beginning with "$") ignored ...Drivers The following four %LINK-W-USRTFR messages are normal when linking drivers. Please ignore them. %LINK-W-USRTFR, image BRUTE1$DIA1:[SYS0.SYSUPD.VOX024]VODRIVER.EXE;2 has no user transfer address %LINK-W-USRTFR, image BRUTE1$DIA1:[SYS0.SYSUPD.VOX024]VXDRIVER.EXE;2 has no user transfer address %LINK-W-USRTFR, image BRUTE1$DIA1:[SYS0.SYSUPD.VOX024]VMDRIVER.EXE;2 has no user transfer address %LINK-W-USRTFR, image BRUTE1$DIA1:[SYS0.SYSUPD.VOX024]VNDRIVER.EXE;2 has no user transfer address Relink complete %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[VOX$DTC.MICROCODE]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[VOX$DTC.MICROCODE] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[VOX$DTC.SYSTEM]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[VOX$DTC.SYSTEM] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[VOX$DTC.TEMPLATES]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[VOX$DTC.TEMPLATES] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[VOX$DTC.VOICE]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[VOX$DTC.VOICE] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.VOX]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.VOX] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.VOX]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.VOX] already exists P L E A S E R E A D T H E R E L E A S E N O T E S Sample Installation A-3 DIGITAL places important information in the file SYS$HELP:VOX024.RELEASE_NOTES. Upon completion of this installation, please be certain to perform the following steps: o Edit the site-specific system startup file to include the command "@Sys$Startup:VOX$Startup.Com". For VMS V5.N systems the system startup file is SYSTARTUP_V5.COM. For VMS V6.N systems the system startup file is SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM o Incorporate the SYSGEN changes listed in the DECvoice Software Installation Manual into the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT, AUTOGEN the system, and REBOOT. DECvoice Software will be unable to operate if any of the above steps are not performed. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... VOX$IVP V2.4, Copyright (C) 1995, Digital Equipment Corporation %VOX-I-MATCH, Version match. _VOX$VOX1: **** VOX V2.4 Installation Verification Procedure Starting **** This IVP is intended solely as a test of the DECvoice software installed on this system. It is not a hardware diagnostic and performs no useful testing of the DECvoice hardware. Consult the DECvoice DTC05 and/or DTC04 System Technical Manuals for diagnostic information. Using SYS$DEVICE_SCAN to look for DECvoice VOX Sofware device. _VOX$VOX0: SYS$DEVICE_SCAN located 1 VOX device. Using SYS$DEVICE_SCAN to look for all DTC04 DECvoice Modules. SYS$DEVICE_SCAN located 0 DTC04 DECvoices. A-4 Sample Installation Using SYS$DEVICE_SCAN to look for all DTC05 DECvoice Voice Modules. _VOX$VMA0: _VOX$VMB0: _VOX$VMC0: _VOX$VMD0: _VOX$VME0: _VOX$VMF0: _VOX$VMG0: _VOX$VMH0: _VOX$VMI0: SYS$DEVICE_SCAN located 9 DTC05 DECvoices. Using SYS$DEVICE_SCAN to look for all DTCN5 DECvoice T1 Modules. _VOX$VNA0: SYS$DEVICE_SCAN located 1 DTCN5 DECvoice. **** VOX V2.4 Installation Verification Procedure Successful **** Installation of VOX V2.4 completed at 11:26 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 11:26 $ LOGOUT SYSTEM logged out at 1-JUL-1995 11:27:05.16 Sample Installation A-5 B _________________________________________________________________ Troubleshooting Information Table B-1 describes various problems that can be encountered with DECvoice, describes potential causes of the problem, and gives corrective actions for each. ________________________ Note ________________________ An incorrectly configured DECvoice hardware interrupt vector or Control Status Register (CSR) switch setting is the most common source of DECvoice DTC04 problems. The SYSGEN utility displays the correct addresses for the DTCN5/DTC05 modules, but does not display the DECvoice DTC04 interrupt vector setting. The only way to determine the current DTC04 vector setting is to physically remove the DTC04 module from the Q-bus and decode the physical interrupt vector switch setting on the interrupt vector switch pack. Consult the DECvoice DTC04 System Technical Manual for information on switch location, configuration, and settings. To verify the settings of your DTCN5 and DTC05 modules, refer to the DECvoice-T1 Hardware Installation Manual. Contact Digital Customer Service for assistance. ______________________________________________________ Troubleshooting Information B-1 Table_B-1_Troubleshooting_DECvoice_Problems______________________ Problem_______________Possible_Cause________Corrective_Action____ The DECvoice port The DECvoice Install the DECvoice devices (VMA0: and software has not software. See VNA0: or VXA0:) are been installed. Section 2.2 for not visible. installation procedures. SYSGEN parameter Set SYSGEN parameter STARTUP_P1 is set to STARTUP_P1 to " " and "MIN". reboot VMS. One or more CSRs is See the DECvoice set incorrectly. DTC04 System Technical Manual or the DECvoice- T1 Hardware Installation Manual for information on the CSR settings. (continued on next page) B-2 Troubleshooting Information Table_B-1_(Cont.)_Troubleshooting_DECvoice_Problems______________ Problem_______________Possible_Cause________Corrective_Action____ DECvoice is The DECvoice vector Applicable to the visible with a is set incorrectly. DTC04 only. The DCL "SHOW DEVICE SYSGEN utility _scsnode$VXcu:[1]" CONFIGURE command command but is used to determine is marked as the correct vector offline and/or setting. Note that writelocked.[2] SYSGEN does not display the actual vector setting on any display. SYSGEN does display the desired vector setting. See the DECvoice DTC04 Technical Manual for vector-related information. An incorrectly set hardware vector is the single most common source of DECvoice DTC04 problems. [1]The_actual_DECvoice_name_should_be_substituted_for_the________ template name "_scsnode$ddcu:" shown here. If the third DECvoice DTC05 port device installed in the system is the problem device, use the device name "_scsnode$VMC0:". The DECvoice class template device, scsnode$VOX0:, is created by the VOX$STARTUP.COM procedure. [2]Check the system console, OPA0:, for messages generated by the DECvoice drivers. Driver-generated messages are in the format "%VOX-%-DRV*". These messages, if present, can provide additional clues to the nature of the problem. (continued on next page) Troubleshooting Information B-3 Table_B-1_(Cont.)_Troubleshooting_DECvoice_Problems______________ Problem_______________Possible_Cause________Corrective_Action____ The DECvoice Increase the number driver is unable of system page table to allocate enough entries available system page table by following entries. the procedure in Section 1.4.4 to increase the SPTREQ SYSGEN parameter. See Section 3.8 for information on problem reporting procedures. The DECvoice Contact Digital hardware, Customer Service. potentially the hardware that implements the Q-bus shared memory used for module communications, has failed. The DTCN5 module Contact Digital has its ROM enable Customer Service. jumper installed. The DECvoice class The DECvoice Install the DECvoice device (VOX0:) is software has not software. See not visible. been installed. Section 2.2 for installation procedures. (continued on next page) B-4 Troubleshooting Information Table_B-1_(Cont.)_Troubleshooting_DECvoice_Problems______________ Problem_______________Possible_Cause________Corrective_Action____ The DECvoice Make sure that the software has not "@SYS$STARTUP:VOX$STARTUP" been started. line has been included in and executed by the site-specific startup procedure, "SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_ V5.COM". The DECvoice startup See Section 3.2 has detected a and Appendix C for system problem. information on the required system configuration. Also check the system console, OPA0:, for any errors that might have occurred during or after the system startup. The DECvoice ACP is This situation Comment out the mounted and should can occur during VOX$STARTUP.COM not be. a reinstallation or call in the upgrade. SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_ V5.COM and reboot the system. (continued on next page) Troubleshooting Information B-5 Table_B-1_(Cont.)_Troubleshooting_DECvoice_Problems______________ Problem_______________Possible_Cause________Corrective_Action____ The DECvoice ACP VOX$STARTUP was not Manually execute the is not mounted and run. @SYS$STARTUP:VOX$STARTUP.COM should be, or the call from a DECvoice device is privileged username. marked as Mount-In- Remember to add Progress for more the call into the than one minute. SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_ V5.COM so that the DECvoice devices will automatically remount after the next reboot of the system. Insufficient system Check the SYSGEN resources. settings listed in Table 1-2. The startup A previously running To work around this procedure returns ACP has failed. problem, reboot the interlock errors. VMS system. If the problem persists, see Section 3.8 for information on how to report problems. The DECvoice devices The DECvoice startup Make certain the are not mounted. is not running. "@SYS$STARTUP:VOX$STARTUP" line has been included in and executed by the site-specific startup procedure, "SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_ V5.COM". (continued on next page) B-6 Troubleshooting Information Table_B-1_(Cont.)_Troubleshooting_DECvoice_Problems______________ Problem_______________Possible_Cause________Corrective_Action____ The DECvoice Check the console startup detected log for the system a configuration startup. The problem and aborted "@SYS$STARTUP:VOX$STARTUP" the startup. command will display a message indicating that the software is starting, and will subsequently produce one or more error messages pertaining to the problem that was detected. The DECvoice See DECvoice VOX software has not Release Notes for been configured. information on the configuration procedure. The DECvoice startup See DECvoice VOX has detected a Release Notes for system problem. information on the required system configuration. Also check the system console, OPA0:, for any errors that might have occurred during or after the system startup. (continued on next page) Troubleshooting Information B-7 Table_B-1_(Cont.)_Troubleshooting_DECvoice_Problems______________ Problem_______________Possible_Cause________Corrective_Action____ The DECvoice The Q-bus See the DECvoice software, or the configuration is DTC04 Technical entire VMS system invalid. Manual or the hangs. DECvoice-T1 Hardware Installation Manual for information on configuring the Q- bus. Check for empty Q-bus slots; all such slots should contain Q-bus grant cards. The DECvoice ACP has Check for a DECvoice detected a problem. VOX process on the system with "BUG" in the process name. If such a process is located, reboot the system. If the problem can be reproduced, please file a Software Performance Report (SPR). Please include a magnetic tape containing the contents of the system dump file whenever possible. (continued on next page) B-8 Troubleshooting Information Table_B-1_(Cont.)_Troubleshooting_DECvoice_Problems______________ Problem_______________Possible_Cause________Corrective_Action____ VMS bugchecks. An unexpected event Please submit an SPR, or a severe software include the commands error has occurred. or subroutines that caused the bugcheck (when known) and please include a magtape containing the contents of the VMS system dump file. The DECvoice Contact Digital hardware has failed. Customer Service. The DECvoice The warnings are Perform the action startup procedure, generated by the indicated by the VOX$STARTUP, is DECvoice software, messages. displaying one or that is, they have a more error messages. "%VOX" prefix. The warnings are Determine which not generated by the commands or software DECvoice software, is causing the that is, they do not problem and correct have a "VOX" prefix. it. If unable to locate cause of the problem, see Section 3.8 for information on problem reporting procedures. %VOX-I-DRVUNIINI, The specified This is normal and unit initializing: device is undergoing does not indicate an node$ddcu: initialization. error. %VOX-I-DRVULDFNF, One of the primary Restore the microcode unable to locate bootstrap microcode files VMDRIVER.ULD microcode file files cannot be and VNDRIVER.ULD from located. a system BACKUP, or reinstall the kit. (continued on next page) Troubleshooting Information B-9 Table_B-1_(Cont.)_Troubleshooting_DECvoice_Problems______________ Problem_______________Possible_Cause________Corrective_Action____ %VOX-W-DRVFIXVEC, The specified device If this is a Device timeout; Fix has timed out. DECvoice-I DTC04, device vector on: correct the physical node$ddcu: vector setting on the module. This is an exceedingly common configuration error on the DTC04. If this is a DECvoice-T1 module, this error indicates either a software problem, or that another controller installed in the system has an incorrect vector setting. %VOX-W-DRVINSFRES, A DECvoice device Check the system for error on unit: driver is unable to insufficient SYSGEN node$ddcu: allocate sufficient SPTREQ setting, and Q-bus resources. for any problems with the other required SYSGEN parameter settings. See Section 1.4.4. An unexpected Contact Digital error, probably Customer Service configuration or for assistance. hardware related, has occurred on the specified device. %VOX-W-DRVSHMEM, A DECvoice device This indicates a shared memory access driver is unable hardware problem. failure: to access the Q-bus Contact Digital shared memory on a Customer Service module. for assistance. (continued on next page) B-10 Troubleshooting Information Table_B-1_(Cont.)_Troubleshooting_DECvoice_Problems______________ Problem_______________Possible_Cause________Corrective_Action____ Many processes are VMS system See Section 3.6 in states other performance tuning and the VMS Guide than HIB or LEF in or application to Performance a DCL "SHOW SYSTEM" redesign may be Management manual. command. Possible required. other states include LEFO, COM, COMO, MUTEX and RWxxx Return status calls These codes See Section 3.6, of SS$_VASFULL, SS$_ typically indicate the VMS Guide EXQUOTA a lack of a SYSGEN- to Performance controlled resource Management manual, or a limitation and the System induced by a quota- Messages and Recovery controlled process Procedures manual. resource. Note the SS$_EXQUOTA code is completely unrelated to any disk quota limitations. The system hangs Check the size of Insufficient pagefile when attempting to the pagefile and and/or swapfile space use the DECvoice swapfile. can cause a system device. slowdown or a system hang. See the VMS Guide to Performance Management manual and the documentation of the VMS AUTOGEN facility. (continued on next page) Troubleshooting Information B-11 Table_B-1_(Cont.)_Troubleshooting_DECvoice_Problems______________ Problem_______________Possible_Cause________Corrective_Action____ Check the size of Insufficient pool the nonpaged and and/or packets on paged pool, as well the lookaside list as the SRP, IRP, and can cause a system LRP lookaside lists. slowdown or a system hang. See the VMS Guide to Performance Management manual and the documentation on the VMS AUTOGEN ____________________________________________facility.____________ B-12 Troubleshooting Information C _________________________________________________________________ Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure This appendix contains a sample run of the VOX$CONFIG.COM configuration procedure. The system being configured contained one DTCN5 device and six DTC05 devices. DECvoice VOX V2.4 configuration procedure This procedure will help you define the configuration necessary to get DECvoice running on this machine. Successful completion of this procedure will generate two command procedures: VOX$node$STARTUP.COM and VOX$node$SHUTDOWN.COM. These will be stored in SYS$STARTUP. You may find it necessary to modify these procedures in order to satisfy the needs of your particular site. VOX$CONFIG.COM will build a list of the DECVoice devices present on your system; based on this list of devices, the procedure then interactively builds VOX$CP commands to configure the devices in the manner you desire. For the DTCN5 device, the following information is requested: framing for each T1 line, country in which you are located, type of equipment attached to each T1 line, which channels to enable, signalling for each channel, resource names for each channel, and any shadow resource names. For each DTC05 device, the following information is requested: single-line or multi-line operation, and word or continuous recognition capability. For the DTC04 device, the following information is requested: word or continuous recognition capability, and resource names. In order to run the VOX$CONFIG.COM procedure on a node distinct from the node for which you are generating a startup file, you may define the logicals VOX$VN_DEVLIST, VOX$VM_DEVLIST, and VOX$VX_DEVLIST to be a list of the devices desired, in the form "/VNA0", "/VMA0/VMB0", "/VXA0/VXB0/VXC0", etc., and the logical VOX$CONFIG_NODE should be defined as the nodename of the remote node. A null list is defined with a single slash ("/"). It is only necessary to define these logicals when you are generating a startup file for a node distinct from the node on which you are running VOX$CONFIG.COM, or if all devices are not currently present on the executing node. Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure C-1 Note that, in general, you need only type the [unique] leading characters of an option in order to select it. ...please wait, creating temporary files DECvoice DTCN5 port device: NODE04$VNA0 -------- ----- ---- ------ Type of T1 Framing (T1 1)? [def: D4] D3,D4,ESF * Framing type? D4 Type of T1 Framing (T1 2)? [def: D4] D3,D4,ESF * Framing type? Type of T1 Framing (T1 3)? [def: D4] D3,D4,ESF * Framing type? The answers to the following country and T1 connection questions specify which regulatory volume level rules apply on each of the three T1 connections. These rules are specified by the public telephone network regulatory agency located in the country specified. Location (country) of DECvoice hardware ? [def: USA] USA,CANADA * Location of DECvoice hardware? USA Equipment connected to T1 (T1 1)? [def: CSU] CSU,CHANNEL_BANK * Equipment connected to T1? CSU Equipment connected to T1 (T1 2)? [def: CSU] CSU,CHANNEL_BANK * Equipment connected to T1? CHANNEL_BANK Equipment connected to T1 (T1 3)? [def: CHANNEL_BANK] CSU,CHANNEL_BANK * Equipment connected to T1? C-2 Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure The following questions will set up the T1 signalling types for the T1 channels. Note that there is a difference between an unenabled channel and an OFF channel. To set up a permanently busy E&M or FXS channel, enable the channel with the OFF type Channels to enable on T1 1? [def: NONE] [All, None, or comma separated list "1,2,3"] * Channel List? ALL Do you wish to specify a range of channels with identical signaling and identical or similar resource names? [def: N] * Type ? for help (Y,N,?)Y Enter list of channels in the form mm[:nn],... mm specifies a single channel mm:nn within the list specifies a range of channels Channels available are : (01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24) * Channel List? 01:24 T1 Channel Enable - T1 1, Chan 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14, 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 Type of T1 Signaling ? [def: EM_WINK] OFF,EM_WINK,EM_IMMEDIATE,FXS_LOOP,FXS_GROUND,FXS_LOOP,FXO_GROUND * Signaling type? FXS_LOOP Optionally embed channel id, t1 line id, or device name with "*c*", "*t*", or "*d*" respectively Type [return] for default, [*] for no assignment. A null default string indicates that no assignment is the default. * Compatibility/Outgoing resource name? [def: ]VNA1.*C* * Incoming resource name? [def: ]VNA1.*C*.I Do you wish to allocate (voice) services for each T1 channel? (Y,N) [def: N]N Channels to enable on T1 2? [def: NONE] [All, None, or comma separated list "1,2,3"] * Channel List? NONE Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure C-3 Channels to enable on T1 3? [def: NONE] [All, None, or comma separated list "1,2,3"] * Channel List? Do you wish to define a shadow (broadcast or conversion) resource? [def: N] (Y,N) N DECvoice DTC05 port device: NODE04$VMA0 -------- ----- ---- ------ * 1 Line or 8 Line Operations? [1 or 8, def: 1] 1 * Word Or Continuous Recognizer? [W or C, def: W] W DECvoice DTC05 port device: NODE04$VMB0 -------- ----- ---- ------ * 1 Line or 8 Line Operations? [1 or 8, def: 1] 1 * Word Or Continuous Recognizer? [W or C, def: W] W DECvoice DTC05 port device: NODE04$VMC0 -------- ----- ---- ------ * 1 Line or 8 Line Operations? [1 or 8, def: 1] 1 * Word Or Continuous Recognizer? [W or C, def: W] C * store_adpcm (A) or store_subband (B) [A or B, def:A] A DECvoice DTC05 port device: NODE04$VMD0 -------- ----- ---- ------ * 1 Line or 8 Line Operations? [1 or 8, def: 1] 8 * no. of channels with multi-line call progress [0-8, def:8] 8 DECvoice DTC05 port device: NODE04$VME0 -------- ----- ---- ------ * 1 Line or 8 Line Operations? [1 or 8, def: 8] 8 * no. of channels with multi-line call progress [0-8, def:8] 8 C-4 Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure Here is the node-specific STARTUP.COM file that was created. $! VOX$NODE04$STARTUP.COM $! DECvoice Site-Specific Startup Procedure $! VOX V2.4 $! Created 1-JUL-1995 11:22:36.81 by CDANCY for node NODE04 $! $ node = "NODE04" $ VOX$MAXIMUM_MOUNT_INTERVALS == 10 $!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $! PRELIMINARY CHECKING $!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $ REQUIRED_PRIVILEGES = - "OPER,WORLD,CMKRNL,MOUNT" $ If .not. F$Privi("''REQUIRED_PRIVILEGES'") $ Then $ Write Sys$Output "%VOX-E-NOPRIV Insufficient privileges to run this procedure." $ Write Sys$Output "%VOX-I-REQPRIV Requires "",REQUIRED_PRIVILEGES,"" privileges." $ exit %x07000195 $ endif $ on error then goto dismount_msg $!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $! FIRST CREATE AND MOUNT THE CLASS DEVICE $!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $ if f$trnlnm("VOX$''node'$VOX1") .nes. "" .and. - f$getdvi("VOX$''node'$VOX1","EXISTS") $ then $ if f$getdvi("VOX$''node'$VOX1","MNT") $ then $ write sys$output "%VOX-E-DEVMOUNT VOX$''node'$VOX1 is already mounted" $ write sys$output " Run @SYS$STARTUP:VOX$SHUTDOWN first" $ exit 108 $ else $ mcr vox$cp mount VOX$'node'$VOX1 $ endif $ else $ mcr vox$cp set dev/perm vox VOX$'node'$VOX1 $ mcr vox$cp mount VOX$'node'$VOX1 $ endif $ call vox$$wait VOX$'node'$VOX1 0:0:01 $!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure C-5 $! NOW CREATE PORT DEVICES, ASSIGN LOGICALS, $! AND THEN START THE MOUNTS $!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $ mcr vox$cp set dev/perm NODE04$VNA0 VOX$NODE04$VNA01 mount VOX$NODE04$VNA01 set dev/perm NODE04$VMA0 VOX$NODE04$VMA01 mount VOX$NODE04$VMA01 set dev/perm NODE04$VMB0 VOX$NODE04$VMB01 mount VOX$NODE04$VMB01 set dev/perm NODE04$VMC0 VOX$NODE04$VMC01 mount VOX$NODE04$VMC01 set dev/perm NODE04$VMD0 VOX$NODE04$VMD01 mount VOX$NODE04$VMD01 set dev/perm NODE04$VMD0 VOX$NODE04$VMD02 mount VOX$NODE04$VMD02 set dev/perm NODE04$VMD0 VOX$NODE04$VMD03 mount VOX$NODE04$VMD03 set dev/perm NODE04$VMD0 VOX$NODE04$VMD04 mount VOX$NODE04$VMD04 set dev/perm NODE04$VMD0 VOX$NODE04$VMD05 mount VOX$NODE04$VMD05 set dev/perm NODE04$VMD0 VOX$NODE04$VMD06 mount VOX$NODE04$VMD06 set dev/perm NODE04$VMD0 VOX$NODE04$VMD07 mount VOX$NODE04$VMD07 set dev/perm NODE04$VMD0 VOX$NODE04$VMD08 mount VOX$NODE04$VMD08 set dev/perm NODE04$VME0 VOX$NODE04$VME01 mount VOX$NODE04$VME01 set dev/perm NODE04$VME0 VOX$NODE04$VME02 mount VOX$NODE04$VME02 set dev/perm NODE04$VME0 VOX$NODE04$VME03 C-6 Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure mount VOX$NODE04$VME03 set dev/perm NODE04$VME0 VOX$NODE04$VME04 mount VOX$NODE04$VME04 set dev/perm NODE04$VME0 VOX$NODE04$VME05 mount VOX$NODE04$VME05 set dev/perm NODE04$VME0 VOX$NODE04$VME06 mount VOX$NODE04$VME06 set dev/perm NODE04$VME0 VOX$NODE04$VME07 mount VOX$NODE04$VME07 set dev/perm NODE04$VME0 VOX$NODE04$VME08 mount VOX$NODE04$VME08 $!* $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VNA01 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VMA01 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VMB01 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VMC01 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VMD01 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VMD02 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VMD03 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VMD04 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VMD05 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VMD06 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VMD07 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VMD08 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VME01 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VME02 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VME03 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VME04 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VME05 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VME06 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VME07 0:0:01 $ call vox$$wait VOX$NODE04$VME08 0:0:01 Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure C-7 $!* $! $! Now init and configure each device $! Also assign resource names $! $ mcr vox$cp set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /init /unit=0 /max=1 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /prot /t1=1 /fram=D4 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /prot /t1=2 /fram=D4 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /prot /t1=3 /fram=D4 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /prot /t1=1 /coun=USA /conn=CSU set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /prot /t1=2 /coun=USA /conn=CHANNEL_BANK set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /prot /t1=3 /coun=USA /conn=CHANNEL_BANK set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=01 /offer=c /name=VNA1.01 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=01 /offer=i /name=VNA1.01.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=01 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=02 /offer=c /name=VNA1.02 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=02 /offer=i /name=VNA1.02.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=02 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=03 /offer=c /name=VNA1.03 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=03 /offer=i /name=VNA1.03.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=03 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=04 /offer=c /name=VNA1.04 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=04 /offer=i /name=VNA1.04.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=04 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=05 /offer=c /name=VNA1.05 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=05 /offer=i /name=VNA1.05.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=05 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=06 /offer=c /name=VNA1.06 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=06 /offer=i /name=VNA1.06.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=06 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=07 /offer=c /name=VNA1.07 C-8 Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=07 /offer=i /name=VNA1.07.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=07 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=08 /offer=c /name=VNA1.08 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=08 /offer=i /name=VNA1.08.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=08 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=09 /offer=c /name=VNA1.09 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=09 /offer=i /name=VNA1.09.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=09 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=10 /offer=c /name=VNA1.10 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=10 /offer=i /name=VNA1.10.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=10 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=11 /offer=c /name=VNA1.11 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=11 /offer=i /name=VNA1.11.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=11 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=12 /offer=c /name=VNA1.12 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=12 /offer=i /name=VNA1.12.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=12 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=13 /offer=c /name=VNA1.13 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=13 /offer=i /name=VNA1.13.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=13 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=14 /offer=c /name=VNA1.14 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=14 /offer=i /name=VNA1.14.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=14 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=15 /offer=c /name=VNA1.15 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=15 /offer=i /name=VNA1.15.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=15 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=16 /offer=c /name=VNA1.16 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=16 /offer=i /name=VNA1.16.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=16 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=17 /offer=c /name=VNA1.17 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=17 /offer=i /name=VNA1.17.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=17 /signa=FXS_LOOP Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure C-9 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=18 /offer=c /name=VNA1.18 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=18 /offer=i /name=VNA1.18.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=18 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=19 /offer=c /name=VNA1.19 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=19 /offer=i /name=VNA1.19.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=19 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=20 /offer=c /name=VNA1.20 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=20 /offer=i /name=VNA1.20.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=20 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=21 /offer=c /name=VNA1.21 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=21 /offer=i /name=VNA1.21.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=21 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=22 /offer=c /name=VNA1.22 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=22 /offer=i /name=VNA1.22.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=22 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=23 /offer=c /name=VNA1.23 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=23 /offer=i /name=VNA1.23.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=23 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=24 /offer=c /name=VNA1.24 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /reso /t1=1 /chan=24 /offer=i /name=VNA1.24.I set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /conf /t1=1 /chan=24 /signa=FXS_LOOP set line VOX$NODE04$VMA01 /init /unit=0 /max=1 set line VOX$NODE04$VMA01 /service /type=system /enab=(tone_detect,convert) set line VOX$NODE04$VMA01 /service /type=audio - /enable=( audio_default,tone_default,tone_generate,cpd_audio1) set line VOX$NODE04$VMA01 /service /type=text_english - /enable=( text_default,text_english) set line VOX$NODE04$VMA01 /service /type=store - /enable=( store_default,store_128k_linear,store_64k_ulaw,store_64k_alaw, - store_16k_sub,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VMA01 /service /type=wrecog - /enable=( recog_default,recog_wrecog) C-10 Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure set line VOX$NODE04$VMB01 /init /unit=0 /max=1 set line VOX$NODE04$VMB01 /service /type=system /enab=(tone_detect,convert) set line VOX$NODE04$VMB01 /service /type=audio - /enable=( audio_default,tone_default,tone_generate,cpd_audio1) set line VOX$NODE04$VMB01 /service /type=text_english - /enable=( text_default,text_english) set line VOX$NODE04$VMB01 /service /type=store - /enable=( store_default,store_128k_linear,store_64k_ulaw,store_64k_alaw, - store_16k_sub,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VMB01 /service /type=wrecog - /enable=( recog_default,recog_wrecog) set line VOX$NODE04$VMC01 /init /unit=0 /max=1 set line VOX$NODE04$VMC01 /service /type=system /enab=(tone_detect,convert) set line VOX$NODE04$VMC01 /service /type=audio - /enable=( audio_default,tone_default,tone_generate,cpd_audio1) set line VOX$NODE04$VMC01 /service /type=text_english - /enable=( text_default,text_english) set line VOX$NODE04$VMC01 /service /type=store_adpcm - /enable=( store_default,store_128k_linear,store_64k_ulaw,store_64k_alaw, - store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VMC01 /service /type=crecog - /enable=( recog_default,recog_crecog) set line VOX$NODE04$VMD01 /init /unit=0 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VMD01 /service/type=store_cpd_eight - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VMD02 /init /unit=1 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VMD02 /service/type=store_cpd_eight - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VMD03 /init /unit=2 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VMD03 /service/type=store_cpd_eight Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure C-11 - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VMD04 /init /unit=3 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VMD04 /service/type=store_cpd_eight - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VMD05 /init /unit=4 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VMD05 /service/type=store_cpd_eight - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VMD06 /init /unit=5 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VMD06 /service/type=store_cpd_eight - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VMD07 /init /unit=6 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VMD07 /service/type=store_cpd_eight - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VMD08 /init /unit=7 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VMD08 /service/type=store_cpd_eight - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VME01 /init /unit=0 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VME01 /service/type=store_cpd_eight - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VME02 /init /unit=1 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VME02 /service/type=store_cpd_eight - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VME03 /init /unit=2 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VME03 /service/type=store_cpd_eight C-12 Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VME04 /init /unit=3 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VME04 /service/type=store_cpd_eight - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VME05 /init /unit=4 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VME05 /service/type=store_cpd_eight - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VME06 /init /unit=5 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VME06 /service/type=store_cpd_eight - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VME07 /init /unit=6 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VME07 /service/type=store_cpd_eight - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) set line VOX$NODE04$VME08 /init /unit=7 /max=8 set line VOX$NODE04$VME08 /service/type=store_cpd_eight - /enable=( audio_default,cpd_audio8,tone_default,dtmf_generate,tone_detect, - store_default,store_32k_adpcm,store_24k_adpcm,store_16k_adpcm) ! ! Do service requests for each T1 channel ! set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=01 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=02 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=03 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=04 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=05 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=06 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=07 /disab=all Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure C-13 set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=08 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=09 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=10 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=11 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=12 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=13 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=14 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=15 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=16 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=17 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=18 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=19 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=20 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=21 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=22 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=23 /disab=all set line VOX$NODE04$VNA01 /serv /t1=1 /chan=24 /disab=all $!* $ Exit $ dismount_msg: $ write sys$output "%VOX-E-MNTERR Error during create and mount; please run VOX$NODE04$SHUTDOWN.COM to dismount all devices" $ Exit 9 $! $VOX$$WAIT: Subroutine $! Internal subroutine to wait for the mount on a device to complete. $! P1 is the device logical name. P2 is base wait time. $ vox$$count = 0 ! haven't tried to mount yet $ VOX$$STILL_WAITING: $ if f$getdvi(p1,"exists") $ then $ If f$getdvi(p1,"MNT") C-14 Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure $ Then $ write sys$output "%VOX-I-MOUNTED ''p1' has been mounted" $ exit 1 $ Endif $ vox$$count = vox$$count + 1 $ If vox$$count .gt. VOX$MAXIMUM_MOUNT_INTERVALS $ Then $ write sys$output "%VOX-E-NOTMNTED ''p1' has NOT been successfully mounted" $ exit 124 $ Endif $ write sys$output "%VOX-I-MNTWAIT ..waiting for ''p1' to finish mounting" $ wait 'p2' $ goto VOX$$STILL_WAITING $ exit 1 $ else $ write sys$output "%VOX-E-NOTMNTED ''p1' has NOT been successfully mounted" $ exit 124 $ endif $ EndSubroutine End of SYS$STARTUP:VOX$NODE04$STARTUP.COM Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure C-15 Here is the node-specific SHUTDOWN.COM file that was created. $! VOX$NODE04$SHUTDOWN.COM $! DECvoice Site-Specific Shutdown Procedure $! VOX V2.4 $! Created 1-JUL-1995 11:22:36.81 by CDANCY for node NODE04 $! $ write sys$output "%VOX-I-IGNORE Ignore the following messages:" $ write sys$output " %SYSTEM, Invalid Device Name" $ write sys$output " %SYSTEM, No Such Device Available" $ write sys$output " %SEARCH, No Strings Matched" $ ctx = "" $ tmp = f$context("process",ctx,"prcnam","vox*acp*","eql") $ tmp = f$context("process",ctx,"nodename","NODE04","eql") $ pid = f$pid(ctx) $ if pid .nes. "" $ then $ tmp=f$getjpi(pid,"prcnam") $ if f$locate("BUG",tmp).ne.f$length(tmp) $ then $ write sys$output "%VOX-E-ACPBUGCHK ACP in bugcheck - reboot system to shutdown VOX" $ exit 9 $ endif $ endif $ mcr vox$cp !dismount all logicals dism VOX$NODE04$VNA01 dism VOX$NODE04$VMA01 dism VOX$NODE04$VMB01 dism VOX$NODE04$VMC01 dism VOX$NODE04$VMD01 dism VOX$NODE04$VMD02 dism VOX$NODE04$VMD03 dism VOX$NODE04$VMD04 dism VOX$NODE04$VMD05 dism VOX$NODE04$VMD06 C-16 Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure dism VOX$NODE04$VMD07 dism VOX$NODE04$VMD08 dism VOX$NODE04$VME01 dism VOX$NODE04$VME02 dism VOX$NODE04$VME03 dism VOX$NODE04$VME04 dism VOX$NODE04$VME05 dism VOX$NODE04$VME06 dism VOX$NODE04$VME07 dism VOX$NODE04$VME08 dism VOX$NODE04$VOX1 exit $! wait for dismounts $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VNA01 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VMA01 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VMB01 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VMC01 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VMD01 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VMD02 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VMD03 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VMD04 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VMD05 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VMD06 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VMD07 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VMD08 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VME01 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VME02 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VME03 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VME04 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VME05 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VME06 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VME07 Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure C-17 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VME08 $ call vox$$dismount_wait VOX$NODE04$VOX1 $ mcr vox$cp ! remove permanancy from devices set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VNA01 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VMA01 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VMB01 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VMC01 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VMD01 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VMD02 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VMD03 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VMD04 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VMD05 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VMD06 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VMD07 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VMD08 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VME01 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VME02 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VME03 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VME04 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VME05 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VME06 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VME07 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VME08 set dev/noperm VOX$NODE04$VOX1 exit $ call vox$$check_devices $ count = 0 $ ctx = "" $ wait_for_acp: $ if f$type(ctx) .eqs. "process_context" then - tmp=f$context("process",ctx,"cancel") $ ctx = "" C-18 Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure $ tmp = f$context("process",ctx,"prcnam","vox*acp*","eql") $ tmp = f$context("process",ctx,"nodename","NODE04","eql") $ pid = f$pid(ctx) $ if pid .nes. "" $ then $ if count .gt. 10 $ then write sys$output "%VOX-E-ACPRUN VOX$SHUTDOWN failed - ACP still running" $ exit 9 $ endif $ write sys$output "%VOX-I-ACPWAIT ..waiting for ACP to terminate" $ count=count+1 $ wait 0:0:10 $ goto wait_for_acp $ endif $ write sys$output "%VOX-S-NORMAL VOX$SHUTDOWN completed successfully" $ exit 1 $! $VOX$$DISMOUNT_WAIT: Subroutine $! Internal subroutine to wait for the devices to dismount $! p1 is logical or physical device name $ vox$$count=0 $ vox$$count = 0 ! haven't tried to mount yet $VOX$$STILL_WAITING: $ If f$getdvi(p1,"exists") $ Then $ if f$getdvi(p1,"MNT") $ then $ write sys$output "%VOX-E-DMTFAIL Dismount of ''p1' failed" $ exit 108 $ endif $ if f$getdvi(p1,"DMT") Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure C-19 $ then $ write sys$output "%VOX-I-DMTWAIT ..waiting for ''p1' to finish dismounting" $ wait 0:0:10 $ vox$$count = vox$$count + 1 $ if vox$$count .gt. 6 $ then $ write sys$output "%VOX-E-NOTDMTED ''p1' has NOT been successfully dismounted" $ exit 108 $ else $ goto vox$$still_waiting $ endif $ endif $ endif $ exit 1 $ EndSubroutine $VOX$$CHECK_DEVICES: SUBROUTINE $!Internal subroutine to check that all devices are gone. $ sho dev vn /out=sys$startup:vox$vn.tmp $ sho dev vm /out=sys$startup:vox$vm.tmp $ sho dev vx /out=sys$startup:vox$vx.tmp $ sho dev vo /out=sys$startup:vox$vo.tmp $ copy sys$startup:vox$vn.tmp,sys$startup:vox$vm.tmp,sys$startup:vox$vx.tmp, - sys$startup:vox$vo.tmp - sys$startup:vox$vall.tmp $ if f$trnlnm("vox$vall").nes."" then close vox$vall $ open vox$vall sys$startup:vox$vall.tmp $ next_record: $ read vox$vall /end=vox$$check_end shodevlin $ if f$extract(0,1,shodevlin).nes. "V" then goto next_record $ ! ignore lines that don't start with "V" C-20 Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure $ if f$extract(3,1,shodevlin).eqs. "0" then goto next_record $ ! ignore lines that represent a template device $ vox$$dev = f$extract(0,4,shodevlin) $ if f$locate("nline",shodevlin) .ne. f$length(shodevlin) $ then ! found online device $ mcr vox$cp set dev/noperm 'vox$$dev' $ else $ if f$locate("ounted",shodevlin) .ne. f$length(shodevlin) $ then !found mounted device $ mcr vox$cp dism 'vox$$dev' $ call vox$$dismount_wait 'vox$$dev' $ mcr vox$cp set dev/noperm 'vox$$dev' $ else $ write sys$output "%VOX-E-SHUTFAIL VOX$SHUTDOWN FAILED - device ''vox$$dev'" $ close vox$vall $ del sys$startup:vox$v%.tmp;* $ del sys$startup:vox$vall.tmp;* $ exit 108 $ endif $ endif $ goto next_record $ vox$$check_end: $ close vox$vall $ del sys$startup:vox$v%.tmp;* $ del sys$startup:vox$vall.tmp;* $ exit 1 $ Endsubroutine End of SYS$STARTUP:VOX$NODE04$SHUTDOWN.COM %VOX-I-CONFIGS Configuration has been completed. Sample VOX$CONFIG Procedure C-21