DECprint_Supervisor_for_OpenVMS_______________ Software Installation Guide Order Number: AA-PSVDA-TE November 1992 This manual describes how to load the DECprint Supervisor software, install the printing system, and test printing operations. Revision/Update Information: This is a new manual. Operating System and Versions: VMS, Version 5.3 or higher Software Version: DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS, Version 1.0 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ First Printing, November 1992 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1992. The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document request your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ALL-IN-1, DDIF, DEClaser, DECnet, DECpresent, DECprint, DECserver, DECwindows, DECwrite, LN03, PATHWORKS, PrintServer, ReGIS, ScriptPrinter, SoftFonts, VAX, VAXcluster, VMS, VT, and the DIGITAL logo. The following third-party trademarks are used in this documentation: Apple, LaserWriter, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. CG Triumvirate is a trademark of AGFA Compugraphic Division. HP, LaserJet, and PCL are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. IBM and Proprinter are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Interleaf is a registered trademark of Interleaf, Inc. ITC Souvenir is a registered trademark of International Typeface Corporation. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions. Swiss is a trademark of Bitstream Inc. Tektronix is a registered trademark of Tektronix, Inc. S2024 This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. vii 1 Overview 1.1 Capabilities of DECprint Supervisor Software.... 1-1 1.2 Optional DECprint Supervisor Licenses........... 1-2 1.3 How to Use This Manual.......................... 1-3 1.3.1 Installing DECprint Supervisor Software for Serial Printers............................... 1-4 1.3.2 Installing DECprint Supervisor Software for PrintServer Printers.......................... 1-4 1.3.3 Installing DECprint Supervisor Software for LN03 Image Printers........................... 1-5 1.4 Converting Print Queues from Another Printing System.......................................... 1-6 1.4.1 Converting Queues from DECprint Printing Services Print Queues......................... 1-7 1.4.2 Converting from PrintServer Client Software .. 1-7 2 Hardware Prerequisites 2.1 General Hardware Requirements................... 2-1 2.2 Serial Printer Hardware Requirements............ 2-2 2.3 PrintServer Hardware Requirements............... 2-2 2.4 LN03 Image Printer Hardware Requirements........ 2-2 iii 3 Software Prerequisites 3.1 General Software Requirements................... 3-2 3.2 Software Required for Networked Serial Printers........................................ 3-2 3.3 Software Required for PrintServer Printers...... 3-2 3.4 Software Required for LN03 Image Printers....... 3-2 3.5 DECprint Supervisor Software Distribution Kit... 3-2 3.6 DECprint Supervisor License PAKs................ 3-3 3.7 Software Required for Printing from Applications.................................... 3-3 3.8 Software Required for Printing from PCs and Macintosh Systems............................... 3-4 3.9 Software Required for Printing from ALL-IN-1.... 3-4 3.10 Software Required for Distributed Network Printing........................................ 3-4 3.11 Optional Software Fonts......................... 3-4 3.11.1 Fonts for Printing ANSI Files ................ 3-4 3.11.2 DECfonts Typeface Collection ................. 3-5 4 Loading the Software 4.1 Preparing to Load the Software.................. 4-1 4.2 Parts of the VMSINSTAL Procedure................ 4-2 4.3 VMSINSTAL Conventions........................... 4-2 4.4 VMSINSTAL Procedure............................. 4-3 4.4.1 Part 1: VMSINSTAL Startup .................... 4-4 4.4.2 Part 2: Ensuring Existing Software is Saved .. 4-5 4.4.3 Part 3: Mounting the Distribution Media ...... 4-5 4.4.4 Part 4: Restoring the First Saveset .......... 4-5 4.4.5 Part 5: Obtaining the Release Notes .......... 4-6 4.4.6 Part 6: Checking for Additional Product Licenses...................................... 4-7 4.4.7 Part 7: Purging Extraneous Versions of Files......................................... 4-7 4.4.8 Part 8: Checking for Sufficient Disk Space ... 4-7 4.4.9 Part 9: Defining DCPS$LAYUP .................. 4-8 4.4.10 Part 10: Selecting the ALL-IN-1 Compatibility Kit........................................... 4-8 4.4.11 Part 11: Checking for the Queue Manager ...... 4-9 4.4.12 Part 12: Restoring the Remaining Save Sets ... 4-10 4.4.13 Part 13: Completing the Installation Procedure..................................... 4-10 iv 4.4.14 Part 14: Verifying a Successful Software Loading Procedure............................. 4-11 5 Postinstallation Procedures 5.1 Starting the DECprint Supervisor Printing System.......................................... 5-1 5.2 Converting Print Queues from DECprint Printing Services........................................ 5-4 5.3 Adding and Removing Print Queues................ 5-5 5.4 Testing the Printing System..................... 5-5 6 Setting Up Printers 6.1 Installing Serial Printers...................... 6-1 6.1.1 Setting Local Serial Printer Communications Speed......................................... 6-1 6.1.2 Making DECserver Connections for Serial Printers...................................... 6-4 DECserver Connections...................... 6-5 DECserver Port Characteristics............. 6-7 How to Edit the LAT Configuration File..... 6-9 LAT Groups................................. 6-10 6.1.3 Changing the Printer Password ................ 6-11 6.1.4 Setting the Printer Name ..................... 6-11 6.1.5 Setting the Printer Timeout .................. 6-12 6.2 Installing PrintServer Printers................. 6-13 6.2.1 Including the PrintServer Node Name in DCPS$STARTUP.................................. 6-13 6.2.2 Defining the PrintServer Network Nodes ....... 6-13 6.2.3 Deleting the PrintServer Client Startup File.......................................... 6-14 6.3 Installing the LN03 Image Printer............... 6-15 6.4 Installing Third-Party Printers................. 6-16 A Sample Installation Session v B System Messages B.1 System Message Overview......................... B-1 B.1.1 Message Format ............................... B-2 B.1.2 Severity Level ............................... B-2 B.2 Message Descriptions............................ B-2 C Ordering Additional Documentation Index Examples A-1 Sample Installation .......................... A-1 Tables 1-1 Optional DECprint Supervisor Licenses ........ 1-2 1-2 Serial Printer Installation .................. 1-4 1-3 PrintServer Printer Installation ............. 1-5 1-4 LN03 Image Printer Installation .............. 1-6 1-5 Converting from DECprint Printing Services to DECprint Supervisor........................... 1-7 5-1 Postinstallation Steps ....................... 5-1 5-2 IVP Files .................................... 5-5 6-1 Procedure for Changing Local Printer Baud Rate.......................................... 6-2 6-2 Procedure for Changing Network Serial Printer Baud Rate..................................... 6-4 6-3 Printer-Required DECserver Port Characteristics............................... 6-7 6-4 DECserver Port Characteristics ............... 6-8 6-5 LN03 Image Printer SYSGEN Values ............. 6-15 vi ________________________________________________________________ Preface Intended Audience The DECprint Supervisor Software Installation Guide is for system managers responsible for installing the DECprint Supervisor printing system. To install the printing system, you must have some experience with: o The VMS DCL command language and system management procedures o The procedures and commands in the DECprint Supervisor System Manager's Guide o The VMSINSTAL utility for installing VMS software If your printing system includes more than one network node, you must have some knowledge of DECnet network management tools. If the network includes DECserver devices, become familiar with the software management facilities for DECservers, such as Terminal System Management (TSM). Finally, the DECprint Supervisor software allows you to include PrintServer printers in the printing system. These printers require PrintServer Supporting Host software and documentation to help you set up these printers. vii Document Structure This manual contains the following chapters and ap- pendixes: o Chapter 1 describes how DECprint Supervisor software provides easy and efficient shared access to PostScript printers. It describes the types of printers supported by the DECprint Supervisor software and some typical printing system configurations. o Chapter 2 lists the hardware you need for installing a DECprint Supervisor printing system. Read the sections that apply to your types of printers before you run the VMSINSTAL utility to install DECprint Supervisor software. o Chapter 3 lists the software you need to set up a DECprint Supervisor printing system. o Chapter 4 contains the procedures for installing the DECprint Supervisor software. o Chapter 5 describes how to set up your printing system and to test the installation. o Chapter 6 describes procedures to perform after you run VMSINSTAL for setting up certain types of printers and printer configurations. This chapter is helpful for installing a new PostScript printer. o Appendix A shows a sample installation procedure. o Appendix B lists the error and status messages you might encounter during installation of DECprint Supervisor, and explains how to respond to them. o Appendix C lists additional documents that are available from Digital for helping you set up and maintain your printing system. viii Conventions The following conventions are used throughout this document: __________________________________________________________ Convention__Meaning_______________________________________ UPPERCASE Uppercase characters indicate DCL commands, qualifiers, and parameters. italics Italic characters are used in command examples to indicate that you are to substitute a word or value of your choice. bold Bold characters are PostScript operators or error message prefix strings. For online display, bold is used in examples to show the characters that you should enter as part of the procedure. In the printed book, red ink is used in red examples to show the commands that you should enter as part of the procedure. [] Brackets indicate that the enclosed item is optional. Ctrl/x This symbol indicates a control key sequence. Press the key labeled Ctrl while you simultaneously press another key, represented by x. This symbol indicates that you should press the Return key. DCPS-OPEN Refers to the DECprint Supervisor-OPEN license, an optional software license that provides support for printing on third-party printers. DCPS-PLUS Refers to the DECprint Supervisor-PLUS license, an optional software license that allows users to print files that are not ASCII or PostScript, and to use advanced features for modifying the appearance of printed documents. ix __________________________________________________________ Convention__Meaning_______________________________________ OpenVMS This name is used to refer to the VMS and ____________OpenVMS_operating_systems.____________________ x 1 ________________________________________________________________ Overview This chapter provides an overview of the DECprint Supervisor software, as follows: o Capabilities of the DECprint Supervisor software, Section 1.1 o Optional DECprint Supervisor licenses, Section 1.2 o How to use this manual to install the DECprint Supervisor software, Section 1.3 o Converting from your printing system to a DECprint Supervisor printing system, Section 1.4 1.1 Capabilities of DECprint Supervisor Software The DECprint Supervisor software provides queuing management and printing features for PostScript printers. Using DECprint Supervisor software, you can submit print jobs from the PRINT command line or by using the OpenVMS system service call SYS$SNDJBC in an application program to print user files. The PRINT command line consists of the standard OpenVMS DCL PRINT command with appropriate qualifiers. The DECprint Supervisor software provides several options for the /PARAMETERS qualifier, which extend printing functions. User notification of print job status is available through the /NOTIFY qualifier. You can enhance the print job by including setup modules. PostScript setup modules allow you to redefine the PostScript environment; ANSI setup modules can send ANSI escape sequences to affect ANSI print jobs. For more information, refer to DECprint Supervisor System Manager's Guide. Overview 1-1 DECprint Supervisor emulates the printing features of Digital's ANSI-compliant Printing Protocol Level 3 (PPL3) printers, allowing customers to replace or upgrade their LN03 or DEClaser printers to PostScript printers without losing printing capabilities. To aid in this product migration, Digital offers the SoftFonts[TM] products for emulating font cartridges on PostScript printers. Refer to the DECprint Supervisor User's Guide for more information on the FONTS_USED parameter to the PRINT command. The font kits available through SoftFonts are listed in DECprint Supervisor System Manager's Guide, which includes information about ways to make these features available to users automatically. 1.2 Optional DECprint Supervisor Licenses You may be required to install one or both of the optional DECprint Supervisor licenses, described in Table 1-1. Table_1-1_Optional_DECprint_Supervisor_Licenses___________ Product_Name_____Description________________PAK_Name______ DECprint This license provides DCPS-PLUS Supervisor-Plus extended printing License features, such as automatic data type detection, layup definition, and data type translation. Refer the SPD/SSA for the features provided by this license. DECprint This license provides DCPS-OPEN Supervisor-Open support for third-party License printers. Refer to the SPD/SSA for the printer models that are supported _________________by_this_license._________________________ These are traditional licenses based on CPU capacity. You do not have to buy a separate license for each printer. 1-2 Overview You should install the DCPS-PLUS license before you use the advanced features or print files other than PostScript and ASCII files. If you attempt to use these features when the DCPS-PLUS license has not been installed, your print job may be terminated without printing; the following message is displayed: NOLICENSE, DCPS-PLUS license required to use feature You should install the DCPS-OPEN license before you attempt to print on third-party printers. If you attempt to print on a third-party printer when the DCPS-OPEN license has not been installed, your print job is terminated without printing and the print queue is stopped; the following message is displayed: NOLICENSE, DCPS-OPEN license required to use printer-name You can determine whether the appropriate licenses have been activated at your site using the following command: $ SHOW LICENSE DCPS* If the optional license has been activated, the PAK name is listed in the display. See your Digital representative to order the license(s) you need. 1.3 How to Use This Manual Your printing system consist of various printer models. o To install DECprint Supervisor software for serial printers, see Section 1.3.1. o To install DECprint Supervisor software for PrintServer printers, see Section 1.3.2. o To install DECprint Supervisor software for LN03 Image printers, see Section 1.3.3. Overview 1-3 1.3.1 Installing DECprint Supervisor Software for Serial Printers To install the DECprint Supervisor software to support a serial printer, follow the steps listed in Table 1-2. Table_1-2_Serial_Printer_Installation___________________________ Step___Action__________________________Refer_to...______________ 1 Make sure you have the Section 2.2 hardware you need for setting up a DECprint Supervisor printing system. 2 Make sure you have the Chapter 3 software components for running the DECprint Supervisor printing system. 3 Run VMSINSTAL to install the Chapter 4 DECprint Supervisor software. 4 Set up the printing system Chapter 5 software and test the printer. 5 If your printer is connected Section 6.1.2 to a DECserver port for network access, set up the _______network_software.________________________________________ 1.3.2 Installing DECprint Supervisor Software for PrintServer Printers Every PrintServer printer is a node on an Ethernet network and communicates with other nodes in the network. The nodes that access PrintServer printers using DECprint Supervisor software are referred to as "PrintServer clients." The client nodes running DECprint Supervisor must also be running DECnet software to access the PrintServer printer. The network node that performs boot services and printer management services for PrintServer printers is called the "supporting host." Refer to DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software for VMS Installation Guide for information about installing the PrintServer Supporting Host software. See the DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software for 1-4 Overview VMS Management Guide for information about PrintServer Supporting Host management. To install the DECprint Supervisor software on a PrintServer client system on the network, follow the steps listed in Table 1-3. Table_1-3_PrintServer_Printer_Installation______________________ Step___Action__________________________Refer_to...______________ 1 Make sure you have the Section 2.3 hardware necessary for setting up the DECprint Supervisor printing system. 2 Make sure you have the Chapter 3 software necessary for setting up the DECprint Supervisor printing system. 3 Run VMSINSTAL to install the Chapter 4 DECprint Supervisor software. 4 Before you start the DECprint DEC PrintServer Supervisor queue, make sure Supporting Host Software that the supporting host for VMS Installation software is installed and Guide that the printer has been booted. 5 Set up the printing system Chapter 5 software and test the printer. 6 Follow the procedures for Section 6.2 setting up system software to _______support_PrintServer_printers.____________________________ 1.3.3 Installing DECprint Supervisor Software for LN03 Image Printers The LN03 Image printer software consists of the following components: o OpenVMS DECwindows applications programming software o DECprint Supervisor software o LN03 Image Support software Overview 1-5 To install the DECprint Supervisor software to support an LN03 Image printer, follow the instructions in Table 1-4. Table_1-4_LN03_Image_Printer_Installation_______________________ Step___Action__________________________Refer_to...______________ 1 Make sure you have the Section 2.4 hardware necessary for printing on the LN03 Image printer. 2 Make sure you have the Chapter 3 software required for printing on the LN03 Image printer. 3 Install the LN03 Image Support software. 4 Run VMSINSTAL to install the Chapter 4 DECprint Supervisor software. 5 Set up the printing system and Chapter 5 test the printer. 6 Make sure that the system Section 6.3 parameters are set for printing on LN03 Image printers. The SYSGEN parameter values that you must change are listed in Table 6-5. If you change system parameters, you must reboot the system to put _______the_new_values_into_effect.______________________________ 1.4 Converting Print Queues from Another Printing System If you have one of the following existing printing systems and your startup files are in the correct format, you can convert your print queues to DECprint Supervisor queues using the procedures described in this section. 1-6 Overview __________________________________________________________ Existing_Printing_System___Refer_to...____________________ DECprint Printing Section 1.4.1 Services PrintServer_Client_________Section_1.4.2__________________ 1.4.1 Converting Queues from DECprint Printing Services Print Queues The DECprint Supervisor software includes a conversion tool to help you to convert DECprint Printing Services print queues to DECprint Supervisor print queues. To convert your queues, follow the steps listed in Table 1-5. Table 1-5 Converting from DECprint Printing Services to __________DECprint_Supervisor___________________________________ Step___Action__________________________Refer_to...______________ 1 Make sure you have the Chapter 3 software you need to run the DECprint Supervisor printing system. 2 Install the DECprint Chapter 4 Supervisor software using VMSINSTAL. 3 Complete the postinstallation Section 5.2 _______procedures.______________________________________________ 1.4.2 Converting from PrintServer Client Software You can include PrintServer printers in the DECprint Supervisor printing system. If you are converting your printing system from the PrintServer Client software, you must follow the steps described in Table 1-3. Your existing LPS$STARTUP.COM file is not compatible with the DECprint Supervisor software. Your PrintServer system must be running with DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software for VMS to be compatible with the DECprint Supervisor software (refer to the DECprint Supervisor SPD/SSA). Overview 1-7 2 ________________________________________________________________ Hardware Prerequisites This chapter describes the hardware environment required for installing a DECprint Supervisor printing system and includes: o General hardware requirements that refer to any installation of the DECprint Supervisor software, Section 2.1 o Specific hardware requirements for installing serial printers, Section 2.2 o Specific hardware requirements for installing PrintServer printers, Section 2.3 o Specific hardware requirements for installing LN03 Image printers, Section 2.4 2.1 General Hardware Requirements To install the DECprint Supervisor printing system, you need the following items: o The appropriate input device to hold the distribution media The DECprint Supervisor software is distributed in the following forms: 1600 BPI magnetic tape TK50 COMPACTape cartridge CDROM (compact disc read-only memory) o Appropriate communications hardware for the printer configuration o Adequate disk space for the installation and operation of the DECprint Supervisor software, as listed in Section 4.1 Hardware Prerequisites 2-1 In addition, each type of printing device supported by the DECprint Supervisor software requires special hardware, as described in the following sections. 2.2 Serial Printer Hardware Requirements Serial printers, such as DEClaser printers, are connected to the host system either by a DECserver port, or by a direct serial line interface. The DECserver devices that can be used with DECprint Supervisor are listed in the Software Product Description. To set up DECserver connections for serial printers, refer to Section 6.1. ________________________Note ________________________ CSA0 (printer port 0 on VAXstation II and VAXstation II/GPX systems) is not a supported interface for serial printers. DEClaser printers require an H8571-E adapter. Refer to your printer installation guide for more information. _____________________________________________________ 2.3 PrintServer Hardware Requirements A PrintServer client system is an OpenVMS system where print queues to the PrintServer printer are created. Before you can run the DECprint Supervisor software on the client system to print files on a PrintServer printer, the PrintServer printer and its associated software, must be installed on the network. Refer to the printer installation guide for more information. 2.4 LN03 Image Printer Hardware Requirements The LN03 Image printer requires one of the following Q-bus interfaces: o LNV21-AA dual-sized controller for BA123/BA23 enclosures (BC27H-15 cable) o LNV21-SA or LNV21-SF quad-sized controller for BA213 enclosure (BC27P-15 cable) 2-2 Hardware Prerequisites Refer to the LN03 Image Installation and Operation Guide for more information. Hardware Prerequisites 2-3 3 ________________________________________________________________ Software Prerequisites Before you install the DECprint Supervisor software, make sure you have all the software you need to operate your printing system. This chapter describes: o General software requirements for any installation of the DECprint Supervisor software, Section 3.1 o Specific software requirements for installing serial printers with network connections, Section 3.2 o Specific software requirement for installing PrintServer printers, Section 3.3 o Specific software requirements for installing LN03 Image printers, Section 3.4 o The contents of the DECprint Supervisor distribution kit, Section 3.5 o The Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) for installing the optional DECprint Supervisor licenses, Section 3.6 o Software requirements for printing from DECwindows applications, Section 3.7 o Software requirements for printing from Personal Computers (PCs) and Macintosh systems, Section 3.8 o Software requirements for printing from ALL-IN-1 applications, Section 3.9 o Software requirements for distributed network printing, Section 3.10 o Optional software fonts, Section 3.11 Software Prerequisites 3-1 3.1 General Software Requirements To install DECprint Supervisor software, the host system must be running the OpenVMS operating system. See the DECprint Supervisor SPD/SSA to make sure your operating system is supported by this software. Refer to the VMS Upgrade and Installation Manual for more information. 3.2 Software Required for Networked Serial Printers For serial printers on DECserver devices, ensure that the LAT software is started before you start the print queues. Either LAT or LAT/Master software can be used. Refer to the VMS LAT Control Program (LATCP) Manual for more information. 3.3 Software Required for PrintServer Printers For PrintServer printers, ensure that the PrintServer printer is installed and booted with its software before you start the print queue. DECnet-VAX software must be running on the client system. DEC PrintServer Supporting Host software must be running on the PrintServer host system. (Refer to the DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software for VMS Installation Guide). 3.4 Software Required for LN03 Image Printers For the LN03 Image printer, set system parameters as described in Section 6.3, and install the LN03 Image Support software kit before you start the print queue. 3.5 DECprint Supervisor Software Distribution Kit Check the contents of the DECprint Supervisor Software Distribution Kit against the bill of materials. The distribution kit should contain: o Software labeled DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS software o The DECprint Supervisor Software Documentation Kit The software distribution kit also includes the following information: o DECprint Supervisor startup template file 3-2 Software Prerequisites o DECprint Supervisor release notes o ALL-IN-1 Compatibility Kit 3.6 DECprint Supervisor License PAKs You do not need a PAK to install the DECprint Supervisor software. You do not need a PAK to run the base DECprint Supervisor Software. However, you need a PAK for each of the optional licenses: o If your printing system is intended to provide printing to third-party printers, you will need an additional PAK for the DECprint Supervisor-Open license on each node where print execution queues to third-party printers are created. The PAK name for this license is DCPS-OPEN. o If your printing system offers printing features that allow users to modify the appearance of printed documents or to print files that are neither ASCII nor PostScript files, you will need an additional PAK for the DECprint Supervisor-Plus license on each node where print execution queues run. The PAK name for this license is DCPS-PLUS. You must install the appropriate software license(s) on at least one node in a VAXcluster system. We recommend that you install the license(s) on at least two nodes to ensure that your printing system always has a backup node. 3.7 Software Required for Printing from Applications Users can access the printers in the DECprint Supervisor printing system from interfaces provided by application programs. These application programs must use the OpenVMS system service call SYS$SNDJBC to submit print jobs to the printers. Applications such as DECwrite and DECpresent feature print menus that allow easy print job submission. Software Prerequisites 3-3 3.8 Software Required for Printing from PCs and Macintosh Systems Users on PCs and Macintosh systems can submit print jobs to printers in the DECprint Supervisor printing system. To provide this facility, the PC or Macintosh system must be running PATHWORKS client software. The OpenVMS system where the print queues are installed must be running the PATHWORKS server software. 3.9 Software Required for Printing from ALL-IN-1 Users of ALL-IN-1 applications can submit print jobs to printers in the DECprint Supervisor printing system. The ALL-IN-1 Compatibility Kit is required only for ALL-IN-1 Versions 2.3 and 2.4. ALL-IN-1 Version 3.0 already contains these features. If your system is running ALL-IN-1 Version 2.3 or 2.4, select the ALL-IN-1 Compatibility Kit option when you run VMSINSTAL to load the DECprint Supervisor software. (See Chapter 4.) This option provides informational files that describe how to set up the software for printing from ALL-IN-1 applications to the DECprint Supervisor printing system. 3.10 Software Required for Distributed Network Printing The DECprint Supervisor software provides network printing for users of systems within a VAXcluster or Local Area Network (LAN). To provide access to the printers for users on nodes outside the LAN, use Digital's Distributed Queuing Services software. 3.11 Optional Software Fonts Digital provides additional fonts for printing ANSI files and extra font typefaces for applications that generate PostScript files. 3.11.1 Fonts for Printing ANSI Files Users can print ANSI files that require special fonts by ordering the appropriate SoftFont kits. These kits contain documentation describing how to install the software font kits. The DECprint Supervisor System Manager's Guide describes the SoftFont kits that are available. 3-4 Software Prerequisites 3.11.2 DECfonts Typeface Collection You can add more fonts for PostScript printing by installing DECfonts typefaces. The DECfonts Typeface Collection includes an installation guide describing how to install these typefaces. Software Prerequisites 3-5 4 ________________________________________________________________ Loading the Software This chapter describes how to load DECprint Supervisor software using the VMSINSTAL utility. If you are not familiar with the VMSINSTAL utility, read the VMS Upgrade and Installation Manual. The procedures described in this chapter include: o How to prepare to load the software, Section 4.1 o The parts of the VMSINSTAL procedures, Section 4.2 o Conventions for using the VMSINSTAL utility, Section 4.3 o Running VMSINSTAL for DECprint Supervisor, Section 4.4 4.1 Preparing to Load the Software Perform the following steps before you begin the installation procedure: 1. Read the installation procedures, preparing the information you must supply as you install the software. 2. Make a backup copy of the software distribution media. 3. Mount the distribution media on an appropriate input device. 4. Check that you have enough disk space: o For installation: 8800 blocks (4.4 Mbytes) o For permanent storage: Without the ALL-IN-1 compatibility kit: 2500 blocks (1.3 Mbytes) With the ALL-IN-1 compatibility kit: 4500 blocks (2.3 Mbytes) Loading the Software 4-1 5. Log into the system manager's account. 4.2 Parts of the VMSINSTAL Procedure The VMSINSTAL procedure for DECprint Supervisor can be broken down into the following parts: __________________________________________________________ Part___Activity___________________________________________ 1 VMSINSTAL startup. 2 VMSINSTAL ensures your existing software is secure. 3 You mount the distribution media. 4 VMSINSTAL restores the first saveset. 5 You can choose to print the release notes. 6 VMSINSTAL checks to see if one or both optional licenses have been installed. 7 VMSINSTAL purges extraneous versions of files. 8 VMSINSTAL checks for sufficient disk space. 9 You specify a definition for DCPS$LAYUP. 10 You can select the ALL-IN-1 Compatibility Kit. 11 VMSINSTAL checks to make sure the queue manager is running. 12 VMSINSTAL restores the remaining savesets. 13 VMSINSTAL tells you how to complete the installa- tion procedure. 14 VMSINSTAL verifies that the software loading _______operation_was_successful.__________________________ 4.3 VMSINSTAL Conventions The VMSINSTAL procedure is interactive. The system prompts you for information and responds with: o Instructions that guide you through the procedure and provide you with information relevant to subsequent questions. o Messages that inform you of the status and progress of the installation procedure. 4-2 Loading the Software VMSINSTAL messages are documented in the VMS Upgrade and Installation Manual. Messages specific to the installation of DECprint Supervisor software are listed in Appendix B. o Questions that allow you to enter your site-specific information. Questions are preceded by an asterisk (*) and may be followed by default responses enclosed in brackets ([]). Enter your response followed by . Press to enter the default response. If you are not sure of the response, enter a question mark (?). VMSINSTAL displays explanatory text and repeats the prompt. 4.4 VMSINSTAL Procedure ________________________Note ________________________ This section does not reproduce all of the text you will see on your screen during the installation procedure. A sample VMSINSTAL procedure is shown in Appendix A. _____________________________________________________ Invoke the VMSINSTAL procedure as follows: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DCPS010 device-id [OPTIONS N] In this command line, you supply the following informa- tion: DCPS010 Refers to the DECprint Supervisor software saveset. device-id Is the device on which the distribution media is mounted. This may be a tape or disk device. Loading the Software 4-3 [OPTIONS N] Invokes the release notes option, allowing you to display or save a copy of the release notes. This portion of the command line is optional. If you omit this option, the Release Notes question (Section 4.4.5) is omitted from the VMSINSTAL dialog and the release notes are automatically copied to SYS$HELP. 4.4.1 Part 1: VMSINSTAL Startup First VMSINSTAL displays a banner line with the date and time, and instructions for running the dialog. You may receive one or more of the following warning messages when VMSINSTAL starts up. You can ignore these messages and continue the dialog, or you can exit from the procedure, correct the cause of the warning message, and start the VMSINSTAL procedure again. o If you are not currently logged in to the SYSTEM account, the following message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. o If DECnet software is running, the following message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-W-DECNET, Your DECnet network is up and running. DECnet software does not have to be stopped during the software installation procedure. o If processes are running on the system while VMSINSTAL is running, the following type of message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: process-name Other processes may cause the installation of HELP to fail. When any of these messages are displayed, the following question is displayed to allow you to terminate VMSINSTAL and correct the situation: * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Enter YES to continue. If you answer NO, the VMSINSTAL procedure is terminated immediately. 4-4 Loading the Software You can enter a question mark (?) at this time to display advice from the VMSINSTAL software. For example: The above conditions may cause VMSINSTAL to function improperly. In particular, problems may occur with file ownership if you are not logged into the SYSTEM account. 4.4.2 Part 2: Ensuring Existing Software is Saved VMSINSTAL then asks the following question: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Enter YES to continue, or enter NO to exit VMSINSTAL to make a backup and run VMSINSTAL again. If you enter a question mark (?) in response to this question, VMSINSTAL displays the following explanation: VMSINSTAL attempts to ensure that a power failure or system crash will not corrupt your system disk. However, for absolute safety we recommend that you back it up before installing new products. Please see the documentation for more information on crashes during installation. 4.4.3 Part 3: Mounting the Distribution Media In the VMSINSTAL command line, you must include the device name where the distributed software is stored. If the distribution media is mountable, VMSINSTAL asks for confirmation that the distribution media has been mounted. Please mount the first volume of the set on device-id: * Are you ready? Enter YES when you have mounted the media. 4.4.4 Part 4: Restoring the First Saveset VMSINSTAL displays: o The name and version of the product being installed o The start time of the installation o Confirmation of the restoration of the first saveset on the distribution media Loading the Software 4-5 The following products will be processed: DCPS V1.0 Beginning installation of DCPS V1.0 at 13:45 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A 4.4.5 Part 5: Obtaining the Release Notes If you specified OPTIONS N in the VMSINSTAL command line, the following Release Notes options are displayed: Release Notes Options: (1) Display release notes (2) Print release notes (3) Both of above (4) None of the above You can enter the number corresponding to the option you prefer: o If you enter 1, the Release Notes are displayed on your terminal and are copied to DCPS010.RELEASE_NOTES in SYS$HELP. o If you enter 2, the Release Notes are queued to SYS$PRINT for printing, and copied to DCPS010.RELEASE_ NOTES in SYS$HELP. o If you enter 3, the Release Notes are displayed on your terminal, queued to SYS$PRINT, and copied to DCPS010.RELEASE_NOTES in SYS$HELP. o If you enter 4, the Release Notes are not printed, displayed, or copied to SYS$HELP. After you enter the release note option, VMSINSTAL asks whether you want to continue the installation procedure: Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? If you did not include the OPTIONS N portion of the VMSINSTAL command line, VMSINSTAL does not display this question. Instead, the following message is displayed: %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP 4-6 Loading the Software 4.4.6 Part 6: Checking for Additional Product Licenses VMSINSTAL checks to see if one or both of the optional DECprint Supervisor licenses have been installed on the system. If a license has not been installed, VMSINSTAL displays a warning message and continues to load the software. For example, if you do not have the DCPS-PLUS license installed, the following message is displayed: DCPS-W-NO_PLUS_LICENSE, You will need the DCPS-PLUS license to use advanced features 4.4.7 Part 7: Purging Extraneous Versions of Files VMSINSTAL asks if you want to purge any files that are being replaced. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Enter YES if you want to save disk space or NO if you think the files may still be of use. If you enter a question mark (?) in response to this query, the following message is displayed: During this installation, new files will be provided to replace existing versions. You may purge these older versions to save disk space, or keep them if you feel they may be of use. Purging is recommended. 4.4.8 Part 8: Checking for Sufficient Disk Space VMSINSTAL checks to see if the amount of disk space required for the installation is available. If the space is not available, a message indicates the amount of disk space that is required, and the installation is aborted. You must allocate sufficient disk space and then start the VMSINSTAL procedure again. However, if you have already provided enough disk space, the installation procedure continues. Loading the Software 4-7 4.4.9 Part 9: Defining DCPS$LAYUP Next, the installation procedure looks for a definition of the logical name DCPS$LAYUP in the system table in executive mode. If a definition exists, the following message is displayed: %DCPS-I-LAYUPDEF, DCPS$LayUp is already defined -DCPS-I-LAYUPDEF, This installation will use its value If DCPS$LAYUP has not been defined, the procedure asks you for a definition. Press to select the default, SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS], or enter a device specification where the system layup definition files are stored. * Full definition for DCPS$LayUp [SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS]]: % VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS] 4.4.10 Part 10: Selecting the ALL-IN-1 Compatibility Kit In this question, the VMSINSTAL procedure allows you to install the ALL-IN-1 compatibility kit so you can integrate it into ALL-IN-1 at a later time. The ALL-IN-1 compatibility kit allows you to take advantage of the advanced features of DECprint Supervisor for printing on Digital PostScript printers. ________________________Note ________________________ This kit only pertains to ALL-IN-1, Versions 2.3 and 2.4. Version 3.0 already includes these features. _____________________________________________________ * Do you want to install the ALL-IN-1 Compatibility Kit? [Y]? Enter YES if you want the optional ALL-IN-1 compatibility kit. Enter NO if you do not want to install this kit. Enter a question mark (?) to display the following advice: 1900 blocks, provides scripts for PostScript printing 4-8 Loading the Software If you choose this option, the following files are copied to [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS]: o PS-PRINTING-ALL-IN-1-COMPAT.SAV contains the software saveset, including a PostScript file with instructions for installing the saveset. o PS-PRINTING-ALL-IN-1-COMPAT.TXT contains instructions for installing the ALL-IN-1 compatibility kit. 4.4.11 Part 11: Checking for the Queue Manager VMSINSTAL checks to see if the queue manager is running on your system. If the queue manager is not present, the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) does not run, and the following messages are displayed on your screen: %DCPS-I-NOQUEMGR, System queue manager is not running -DCPS-I-NOQUEMGR, IVP will NOT run. Installation continuing ... The queue manager must be running if you want the installation to run an IVP. (Refer to Section 4.4.14.) If necessary, VMSINSTAL creates a disk directory for the IVP files: %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DCPS]. If the directory already exists, the following message is displayed: %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DCPS] already exists VMSINSTAL also creates a disk directory for the example files: %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS] If the directory already exists, the following message is displayed: %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS] already exists Loading the Software 4-9 4.4.12 Part 12: Restoring the Remaining Save Sets At this point, VMSINSTAL displays the following message on your screen: %DCPS-I-NOQUES, No further questions will be asked. As it restores each save set, VMSINSTAL reports on its progress: VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset B ... VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset C ... VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset D ... This operation may require up to 20 minutes to complete. 4.4.13 Part 13: Completing the Installation Procedure When all the save sets have been restored, VMSINSTAL displays a message on your screen reminding you to perform the following procedures: Please remember to copy SYS$StartUp:DCPS$StartUp.Template to DCPS$StartUp.Com. Then edit this file following the instructions to create your queues. Finally execute this file to establish and start the queues. Also remember to edit SYS$Manager:SyStartUp_V5.Com to establish your queues at system startup time. If you use LAT devices, this file should be executed after the LAT devices are created. If you use PrintServers, this file should be executed after DECnet is running. If you use both types of printers, both of the above conditions should be satisfied before the startup file is executed. If you are converting CPS queues to DCPS, you may want to run the utility SYS$StartUp:CPS_to_DCPS_Startup.Com instead of editing the startup template. This utility will read your CPS startup file, change the queue definitions to use DCPS$SMB and its library and logical names, and write out a new DCPS startup file. These procedures are described in Chapter 5. Next, VMSINSTAL moves the files from the temporary locations used during installation to their permanent directories. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... 4-10 Loading the Software 4.4.14 Part 14: Verifying a Successful Software Loading Procedure The IVP verifies that the software was loaded properly. If the system queue manager is running, the IVP runs automatically and VMSINSTAL performs the following: 1. Creates a temporary print queue 2. Queues the test files in [SYSTEST.DCPS] to the temporary print queue DCPS$IVP_TEST 3. Displays the following messages: %DCPS-I-IVP. Beginning IVP... JOB DCPS$IVP_POST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 61) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST JOB DCPS$IVP_ANSI (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 62) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST JOB DCPS$IVP_REGIS (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 63) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST JOB DCPS$IVP_TEK4014 (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 64) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST JOB DPS$IVP_PCL (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 65) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST JOB DPS$IVP_PROPRINTER (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 66) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST ________________________Note ________________________ The IVP does not produce any hardcopy output. _____________________________________________________ The IVP procedure automatically deletes the temporary queue when the IVP completes. You can print the IVP test files to a real printer later. (Refer to Section 5.4.) VMSINSTAL issues an informational message when the IVP is completed: IVP successful for VMS DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS Software VMSINSTAL issues its final messages: Installation of DCPS V1.0 completed at 14:04 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:08 $ When the VMSINSTAL procedure is complete, follow the instructions in Chapter 5 to set up the printing system and to test the printer. Loading the Software 4-11 5 ________________________________________________________________ Postinstallation Procedures This chapter explains how to set up the printing system, start printing, and test the printer. o Starting the new printer software, Section 5.1 o Converting DECprint Printing Services queues to DECprint Supervisor queues, Section 5.2 o Testing the DECprint Supervisor printing system, Section 5.4 5.1 Starting the DECprint Supervisor Printing System After the DECprint Supervisor software has been loaded, you can start the printing system by following the steps listed in Table 5-1. Table_5-1_Postinstallation_Steps________________________________ Step___Activity________________________Refer_to...______________ 1 Prepare the printer, as described in the section appropriate to the printer being installed. Serial printer Section 6.1 Serial printer with a Section 6.1.2 DECserver connection PrintServer printer Section 6.2 LN03 Image printer Section 6.3 (continued on next page) Postinstallation Procedures 5-1 Table_5-1_(Cont.)_Postinstallation_Steps________________________ Step___Activity________________________Refer_to...______________ 2 Create the DCPS$STARTUP.COM DECprint Supervisor file. System Manager's Guide If you had DECprint Printing Section 5.2 Services queues, you can convert your print queues to DECprint Supervisor. (continued on next page) 5-2 Postinstallation Procedures Table_5-1_(Cont.)_Postinstallation_Steps________________________ Step___Activity________________________Refer_to...______________ 3 Edit the system startup file SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_ V5.COM to include a call to DCPS$STARTUP.COM. Look for the following command in SYSTARTUP_V5.COM: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DCPS$STARTUP If this command is not included in the system startup file, add it to the file. For PrintServer printers, make sure the new line comes after the command to start STARTNET.COM. If the SYSTARTUP_V5.COM file contains the command to start LPS$STARTUP.COM, replace it with the command to start DCPS$STARTUP.COM. If you are replacing the DECprint Printing Services software with the DECprint Supervisor software, delete the command to start CPS$STARTUP.COM from the SYSTARTUP_V5.COM file. For serial printers on DECserver devices, make sure the new line comes after the command to start LAT$STARTUP.COM. (continued on next page) Postinstallation Procedures 5-3 Table_5-1_(Cont.)_Postinstallation_Steps________________________ Step___Activity________________________Refer_to...______________ 4 Invoke the printer startup command file with the following command: _______$_@SYS$STARTUP:DCPS$STARTUP______________________________ If the printing system fails to start, refer to the DECprint Supervisor System Manager's Guide for trou- bleshooting procedures. 5.2 Converting Print Queues from DECprint Printing Services If the DECprint Printing Services software has been run- ning at your site, you need not create a new DCPS$STARTUP.COM file from the template provided. The DECprint Supervisor product includes a command file for converting the CPS$STARTUP.COM file to a DCPS$STARTUP.COM file. To convert your printer startup file, enter the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:CPS_TO_DCPS_STARTUP.COM Enter filename of CPS startup file to be converted; Default filename is SYS$SYSROOT:[SYS$STARTUP]CPS$STARTUP.COM [default]: disk$manager:[cps_conversion]cps$ Enter filename of DCPS startup file to be created; Default filename is SYS$SYSROOT:[SYS$STARTUP]DCPS$STARTUP.COM [default]: disk$manager:[cps_conversion]dcps$ Please read or run DIFFERENCES on the output file, DISK$MANAGER:[CPS_CONVERSION]DCPS$STARTUP.COM, to be sure the new file meets your needs. This conversion utility prompts for the disk area from which to copy the CPS$STARTUP.COM file, and allows you to specify a disk area to write the new DCPS$STARTUP.COM file. The procedure creates a startup file suitable for use with DECprint Supervisor, but does not change any queue definitions. 5-4 Postinstallation Procedures If your system has the DCPS-PLUS license installed, the automatic data type detection feature is enabled, so it is no longer necessary to specify the data type as a queue default or in the PRINT command. If there are generic queues defined for default data types, you should edit the resulting DCPS$STARTUP.COM file to remove them. See DECprint Supervisor System Manager's Guide for more information. 5.3 Adding and Removing Print Queues After you create the DCPS$STARTUP.COM file, you can modify the queue definitions to add queues for new printers and remove queues when you remove printers. After you modify the DCPS$STARTUP.COM file, be sure to stop and restart the queues as described in DECprint Supervisor System Manager's Guide. 5.4 Testing the Printing System After the installation is complete, you can test the printing system by printing the IVP files from SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DCPS]. The IVP test files are listed in Table 5-2. Table_5-2_IVP_Files_______________________________________ Requires DCPS- File_Name_____________File_Type_____________PLUS?_________ DCPS$IVP_ANSI.DAT ASCII files No DCPS$IVP_POST.DAT PostScript files No DCPS$IVP_REGIS.DAT ReGIS files Yes DCPS$IVP_TEK4014.DAT Tektronix 4010/4014 Yes files DCPS$IVP_PCL.DAT PCL Level 4 files Yes DCPS$IVP_PROPRINTER.DAProprinter_files______Yes___________ If the optional DCPS-PLUS license is activated, the DECprint Supervisor software can detect the data type of each of these files and print them properly. You can print each file by entering the following PRINT command: Postinstallation Procedures 5-5 $ PRINT/QUEUE=queue-name/NOTIFY DCPS$IVP_data-type.DAT However, if the optional DCPS-PLUS license is not activated, or the print queue has a specific data type associated with it, include the appropriate DATA_TYPE parameter value, indicated in the file name following the underscore, for each of the files. For example, to print DCPS$IVP_POST.DAT, use the following PRINT command: $ PRINT/QUEUE=queue-name/PARAMETERS=DATA_TYPE=POST/NOTIFY- SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.DCPS]DCPS$IVP_POST.DAT 5-6 Postinstallation Procedures 6 ________________________________________________________________ Setting Up Printers This chapter describes printer-related operations to be performed after the DECprint Supervisor software is installed. These operations are required for sites that are installing the DECprint Supervisor software for the first time or installing new printers to be supported by the DECprint Supervisor. This chapter discusses the following procedures: o Installing serial printers, Section 6.1 o Installing PrintServer printers, Section 6.2 o Installing LN03 Image printers, Section 6.3 6.1 Installing Serial Printers Serial printers require you to set up the communication speed and timeout values for the printer device. (Hardware requirements for installing serial printers are described in Section 2.2.) 6.1.1 Setting Local Serial Printer Communications Speed Make sure the serial printer communications speed is set to the default (9600 baud). If you want the printer to run at a different baud rate, then you must enter the appropriate baud rate in the DCPS$STARTUP.COM file, as described in DECprint Supervisor System Manager's Guide. Make sure the baud rate in DCPS$STARTUP.COM matches the baud rate set on the printer. When choosing a baud rate other than the default of 9600 baud, consider the following limitations: o VMS drivers do not support baud rates of 3600 and 7200 baud. Setting Up Printers 6-1 o DMZ32 serial interfaces, Revision E or lower, require a speed of 4800 baud or less. o The DECserver devices that can be used with DECprint Supervisor and the recommended communications speed for each are listed in the Software Product Description (SPD). If you selected an improper speed, the printer may not operate or may stop unexpectedly. To run a locally-connected serial printer at a different communications speed than the default rate of 9600 baud, follow the steps in Table 6-1. Table_6-1_Procedure_for_Changing_Local_Printer_Baud_Rate________ Step___Activity_____________________________Refer_to..._________ 1 Stop the execution queue that DECprint Supervisor drives the printer with the System Manager's following command: Guide $ STOP/QUEUE/NEXT execution-queue- name 2 Set the printer to the appropriate Your printer hard- baud rate. ware installation guide. 3 Edit the DECprint Supervisor DECprint Supervisor startup file System Manager's (DCPS$STARTUP.COM). Look for the Guide execution queue definition for the printer. Parameter p6 is reserved for communications speed for locally-connected serial printers. When multiple hosts access the printer, be sure to make this change on every host system. (continued on next page) 6-2 Setting Up Printers Table 6-1 (Cont.) Procedure for Changing Local Printer Baud __________________Rate__________________________________________ Step___Activity_____________________________Refer_to..._________ 4 Power on the printer. Wait for the printer to eject the power-up test page, and then check the test page to ensure that the desired settings are indicated on the test page. 5 Invoke DCPS$STARTUP by issuing the following DCL command: _______$_@SYS$STARTUP:DCPS$STARTUP______________________________ Setting Up Printers 6-3 If the printer is on a DECserver device, follow the steps in Table 6-2. Table 6-2 Procedure for Changing Network Serial Printer Baud __________Rate__________________________________________________ Step___Activity_____________________________Refer_to..._________ 1 Stop the execution queue that DECprint Supervisor drives the printer with the System Manager's following command: Guide $ STOP/QUEUE/NEXT execution-queue- name 2 Set the printer to the appropriate Your printer hard- baud rate. ware installation guide. 3 Set the DECserver communications Terminal server speed. installation guide 4 Power on the printer. Wait for the printer to eject the power-up test page, and then check the test page to ensure that the desired settings are indicated on the test page. 5 Start the print queue. DECprint Supervisor System Manager's ____________________________________________Guide_______________ 6.1.2 Making DECserver Connections for Serial Printers Multiple systems on the same Ethernet can access the same serial printer if the following prerequisites are met: o The printer is connected to a DECserver device. o Every host system using the printer is running DECprint Supervisor software. Failure can occur if the printers are accessed by any means other than through DECprint Supervisor software. 6-4 Setting Up Printers Implementation of shared printer access has the following implications: o There is no centralized accounting for the printer. Each system maintains separate accounting information for the printing performed by that system. o Multiple systems running DECprint Supervisor software contend for the same printer. o There is no centralized print queue for the printer, which means: - The SHOW QUEUE command does not display the queues for network printers. - The system does not provide print job scheduling or load balancing among printers. DECserver Connections PostScript printers with a serial interface can be configured as network printers through a DECserver connection to the Ethernet. For this configuration, you must make the following changes to the system startup procedure: o Set the necessary DECserver port and server character- istics for the printer. (See Section ________________________Note ________________________ DECprint Supervisor supplies a sample command file for this purpose. This command file sets the characteristics for a DECserver with the Terminal Server Manager (TSM) software, and records data in the TSM database. (TSM is a software product available separately from Digital.) The command file is: SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS]DCPS$CONFIG-PRINTER-PORT.COM This command file provides examples of characteris- tics for DECserver 100, DECserver 200, and DECserver 500 devices. _____________________________________________________ Setting Up Printers 6-5 o Make the necessary changes to SYS$STARTUP:LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM. (See Section 6-6 Setting Up Printers DECserver Port Characteristics Table 6-3 lists the DECserver port characteristics required for shared printing. Table_6-3_Printer-Required_DECserver_Port_Characteristics_ Characteristic_____________Default_Settings_______________ ACCESS REMOTE AUTOBAUD DISABLED AUTOCONNECT DISABLED AUTOPROMPT DISABLED BREAK DISABLED BROADCAST DISABLED FLOW CONTROL XON INPUT FLOW CONTROL[1] ENABLED OUTPUT FLOW CONTROL[1] ENABLED INACTIVITY LOGOUT DISABLED LOSS NOTIFICATION DISABLED MESSAGE CODES DISABLED QUEUING ENABLED VERIFICATION DISABLED [1]Characteristic_not_supported_by_the_DECserver_500______ server. __________________________________________________________ ________________________Note ________________________ On many versions of DECserver devices, QUEUING is not a port characteristic, but is a server characteristic whose default is ENABLED. _____________________________________________________ Setting Up Printers 6-7 Table 6-4 lists DECserver port characteristics that must match the settings on your printer. Table_6-4_DECserver_Port_Characteristics__________________ Character 8 size Parity None Input speed 9600 Output_speed__9600________________________________________ Make sure the queue limit is not set to 0, which disables queuing. Check that the service groups are set as described in Section To change DECserver port characteristics, you need privileged status. Once you have privileged status, use the DEFINE PORT and SET PORT commands. The DEFINE command changes the port's characteristics in the server's permanent database. These changes do not take effect until the next login for the port. SET commands take effect immediately, but only alter the port's characteristics for the current session. For example, to change the INPUT SPEED and OUTPUT SPEED values on PORT_6 to 19200 baud (on a DECserver 200), issue the following commands from the console server manager: LOCAL> SET PRIVILEGED PASSWORD> password LOCAL> SET PORT 6 SPEED 19200 LOCAL> DEFINE PORT 6 SPEED 19200 For a detailed description of DECserver 100 commands and how to change them, refer to the DECserver 100 Terminal Server Operator's Guide. For information about the commands and procedures for another DECserver device, refer to your DECserver management guide. 6-8 Setting Up Printers How to Edit the LAT Configuration File The LAT configuration file (SYS$STARTUP:LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM) defines host node service characteristics. Before you start the print queues, make sure the LAT driver is running and ports are available. ________________________Note ________________________ Commands referenced in this section are LATCP commands. For more information on LATCP commands, refer to the VMS LAT Control Program (LATCP) Manual. _____________________________________________________ Edit LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM and add the following command to create an applications port on the host node (service node) that will support your printer: CREATE PORT LTAd:/NOLOG/APPLICATION In this command format, you supply the number of the applications port for d, which must be a unique number from 1-9999. ________________________Note ________________________ LTA devices are not always dedicated to printers; they may be shared with other devices. Connections to the LTA device from the other devices are established dynamically among the lowest available ports. If you assign a higher port number to the printer, you can help secure the port for the printer and prevent interference from connections to other devices. _____________________________________________________ In LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM, add the following command to associate the applications port with a remote port on a server: SET PORT LTAd:/NODE=server_name/PORT=port_n_name/QUEUE/APPLICATION Setting Up Printers 6-9 In the command format, you supply the following values: LTAd: Name of the applications port server_ Name assigned to the DECserver device name port_n_ DECserver port name name The following example associates applications port LTA9000: with port PORT_7 on a remote DECserver 200 named LN03RDS: SET PORT LTA9000:/NODE=LN03RDS/PORT=PORT_7/QUEUE/APPLICATION If the DECserver device is dedicated to printing services, you can define the LAT connection for the printer in the DCPS$STARTUP.COM file. This makes it easier for you to solve configuration problems because all the information is in one file. However, if the DECserver also supports devices other than printers, you should define the port in the LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM file. LAT Groups To make a successful LAT connection, the following lists of groups must have at least one LAT group in common: o On the DECserver port, authorized groups and current groups o On the service node, enabled groups If you did not set up these groups correctly, you receive the following error message when a print job is submitted: %DCPS-E-LRJACCESSDENIED, Access denied You can use LATCP commands to include the necessary LAT group designations. For additional information, refer to the VMS LAT Control Program (LATCP) Manual. ________________________Note ________________________ This information is not required for the DECserver 90L device. _____________________________________________________ 6-10 Setting Up Printers 6.1.3 Changing the Printer Password PostScript printers have passwords that restrict access to certain functions. You can change the password for your printer from the default value. For PrintServer printers, use the server management software to change the password. (Refer to the DEC PrintServer Supporting Host for VMS Management Guide.) For serial printers, submit a print job that includes the current password as well as the new password. Refer to the PostScript Printers Programmer's Supplement for information about changing your printer's password. The default password for ScriptPrinters is (LN03R), with the parentheses required. The default password for DEClaser printers is 0 (the number zero), without parentheses. If you change the printer password from the default, print jobs may take longer to print, because the printer password is required to persistently load PostScript prologues for ANSI files and to print separation pages. The DECprint Supervisor software uses the printer name in messages when the message is related to the printer, so you may change the printer name to make it unique. See Section 6.1.4 for instructions on how to change the default printer name. The DECprint Supervisor software operates best when the timeout value related to receiving data from the host is disabled. Disable this timeout on your printer using the instructions in Section 6.1.5. 6.1.4 Setting the Printer Name Some system messages include the printer name. If you have not set a unique printer name, these messages contain the default printer name. The default printer name for a ScriptPrinter printer is LN03R. The default printer name for a DEClaser printer is DEClaser. For example, on a DEClaser printer where the name has not been changed, the following message reflects the default printer name: %DCPS-I-TRAYSUBST, Output will be delivered to the only tray on DEClaser Setting Up Printers 6-11 If you change the DEClaser printer name to SNUFFY, the same error message reflects the unique new printer name: %DCPS-I-TRAYSUBST, Output will be delivered to the only tray on SNUFFY For PrintServer printers, the printer name is set through the supporting host software (refer to the DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software for VMS Management Guide for instructions). For serial printers, the printer name is stored in the printer's nonvolatile memory. To set the printer name, edit a copy of the file LPS$SET_PRINTER_NAME.PS found in SYS$MANAGER to include the desired name and password. Select a printer name of 31 characters or less. Then submit the file for printing as a PostScript job: $ PRINT/QUEUE=queue-name- /PARAMETER=(DATA_TYPE=POSTSCRIPT) LPS$SET_PRINTER_NAME.PS Edit and submit a copy of LPS$SET_PRINTER_NAME.PS for each printer that requires a unique name. 6.1.5 Setting the Printer Timeout The printer aborts a print job if it does not receive data for a period of 40 seconds. Digital recommends that you change the timeout value to zero (0), which means no timeout. For PrintServer printers, the timeout value is set through the supporting host software (refer to DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software for VMS Management Guide). For DEClaser printers, the timeout value is set by the front panel controls, as documented in the operator's guide for your printer. The printer timeout value can be changed with the settimeouts PostScript operator. You can modify the standard file SYS$MANAGER:LPS$SET_TIMEOUT.PS to change the timeout value to 0. Print the file using the DATA_ TYPE=POSTSCRIPT parameter to change the timeout value in the printer's nonvolatile memory to 0, thus preventing timeout conditions on the printer. 6-12 Setting Up Printers To submit the file for printing as a PostScript job, use the following command: $ PRINT/QUEUE=queue-name/PARAMETER=(DATA_TYPE=POSTSCRIPT) LPS$SET_TIMEOUT.PS When the print job is processed, a page is printed to indicate that the timeout was successfully changed. Print the file on each printer to be supported by DECprint Supervisor software. 6.2 Installing PrintServer Printers PrintServer printers are network printers. They require the VMS DECnet software to be running on the VMS systems where the DECprint Supervisor software is running. (The hardware required for installing PrintServer printers is described in Section 2.3.) The following procedures allow the DECprint Supervisor software to access PrintServer printers. 6.2.1 Including the PrintServer Node Name in DCPS$STARTUP In the procedure for editing DCPS$STARTUP, include the printer node name in the execution queue definition, as described in the DECprint Supervisor System Manager's Guide. For printers in a VAXcluster configuration, include the scsnode-name of the system where you want the symbiont to run. The DECnet database must have an entry for each PrintServer printer accessible from the system. 6.2.2 Defining the PrintServer Network Nodes The system manager can provide you with the registered DECnet node name and node address for the PrintServer printer. Run the NCP program and add the printer node to the network database. Use the following commands to define a PrintServer network node: $ MCR NCP NCP> SET NODE node-name ADDRESS node-address NCP> DEFINE NODE node-name ADDRESS node-address NCP> EXIT $ Setting Up Printers 6-13 In the NCP commands, you supply the following variables: node-name Printer node name node- Printer node address address For example, issue the following commands to add the printer ABLE (DECnet address 5.85) to the network database: $ MCR NCP NCP> SET NODE ABLE ADDRESS 5.85 NCP> DEFINE NODE ABLE ADDRESS 5.85 NCP> EXIT $ 6.2.3 Deleting the PrintServer Client Startup File The existing LPS$STARTUP.COM file is no longer used and is not compatible with DECprint Supervisor. Delete this file after you edit DCPS$STARTUP.COM. To delete this file, follow this procedure: ________________________Note ________________________ Delete all generic queues before deleting the execution queue. _____________________________________________________ 1. Stop existing print queues with the STOP/QUEUE/RESET command. 2. Delete existing PrintServer print queues. 3. Add new print queues to DCPS$STARTUP.COM for PrintServer printers. 4. If you have any customized definitions in the LPS$STARTUP.COM file, copy the changes into SYS$STARTUP:DCPS$STARTUP.COM. 5. Edit SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM, removing the reference to SYS$MANAGER:LPS$STARTUP.COM. 6. Delete LPS$STARTUP.COM. You can delete this and other files that are no longer needed for PrintServer print- ing using the following command file: 6-14 Setting Up Printers SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS]DCPS$DELETE-LPS- CLIENT.COM 6.3 Installing the LN03 Image Printer To print with the LN03 Image printer, you must install the LN03 Image Support software before you start the DECprint Supervisor print queues. (The hardware required for installing and running an LN03 Image printer is described in Section 2.4.) You must also adjust system parameters before running DECprint Supervisor to support LN03 Image printers, as described in this section. If the SYSGEN parameter values are insufficient, the DCPS$STARTUP.COM file does not start the print queue and returns an error message that explains which SYSGEN parameter is too small and what the recommended value is. The LN03 Image printer requires that the following SYSGEN parameters be set to at least the minimum values listed in Table 6-5. Table_6-5_LN03_Image_Printer_SYSGEN_Values________________ SYSGEN_Parameter___________Minimum_Value__________________ PROCSECTCNT 64 WSMAX 10000 VIRTUALPAGECNT 25000 NPAGEDYN 500000 NPAGEVIR___________________2000000________________________ To check the values, enter the following commands: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> SHOW parameter Supply a parameter name for parameter. If you need to change a SYSGEN value, Digital suggests that you modify SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]MODPARAMS.DAT and then use the AUTOGEN command procedure to change the values. Setting Up Printers 6-15 For example, to change the WSMAX parameter, perform the following steps: 1. Edit SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]MODPARAMS.DAT and add the following: MIN_WSMAX=10000 2. Issue the following AUTOGEN commands to install the new WSMAX parameter on the system when you reboot the system: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN SAVPARAMS GENPARAMS $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN SETPARAMS REBOOT Refer to the VMS Upgrade and Installation Manual for more information on the AUTOGEN command procedure. 6.4 Installing Third-Party Printers To install third-party printers supported by the DECprint Supervisor, use the procedure for installing serial printers in Section 6.1. Consult the SPD/SSA for the list of third-party printers supported by the DECprint Supervisor software. Before installing a third-party printer, perform the following: o Install a PostScript cartridge if your printer requires one. o Install at least the minimum amount of memory for PostScript printing. ________________________Note ________________________ Printing legal size paper or using duplex requires more memory than the base configuration. Consult your printer manual for your minimum requirements. _____________________________________________________ o Make the communication connection to the serial port. o Set your printer to the following settings: - XON/OFF flow control 6-16 Setting Up Printers - No parity - 8 bits - Baud rate set to the fastest speed the serial interface will support. (See your SPD/SSA.) See your printer manual for instructions on changing your settings. Setting Up Printers 6-17 A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation Session Example A-1 shows a sample installation of the DECprint Supervisor software. Example A-1 Sample Installation @sys$update:vmsinstal dcps010 kits$: VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.3 It is 21-NOV-1992 at 11:24 Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-DECNET, Your DECnet network is up and running. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: Gazelle Hyacinth Jaguar * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Y * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Y The following products will be processed: DCPS V1.0 Beginning installation of DCPS V1.0 at 11:31 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]?Y %DCPS-I-LAYUPDEF, DCPS$LayUp is already defined -DCPS-I-LAYUPDEF, This installation will use its value (continued on next page) Sample Installation Session A-1 Example A-1 (Cont.) Sample Installation * Do you want to install the ALL-IN-1 Compatibility Kit [YES]?Y %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DCPS]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DCPS] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DCPS] already exists %DCPS-I-NOQUES, No further questions will be asked %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset C ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset D ... Software installer: Please remember to copy SYS$StartUp:DCPS$StartUp.Template to SYS$StartUp:DCPS$StartUp.Com. Then edit this file following the instructions to create your queues. Finally execute this file to establish and start the queues. Also remember to edit SYS$Manager:SyStartUp_V5.Com to establish your queues at system startup time. If you use LAT devices, this file should be executed after the LAT devices are created. If you use PrintServers, this file should be executed after DECnet is running. If you use both types of printers, both of the above conditions should be satisfied before the startup file is executed. If you are converting CPS queues to DCPS, you may want to run the utility SYS$StartUp:CPS_to_DCPS_Startup.Com instead of editing the startup template. This utility will read your CPS startup file, change the queue definitions to use DCPS$SMB and its library and logical names, and write out a new DCPS startup file. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... (continued on next page) A-2 Sample Installation Session Example A-1 (Cont.) Sample Installation %DCPS-I-IVP, Beginning IVP... Job DCPS$IVP_POST (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 359) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_ANSI (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 360) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_REGIS (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 361) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_TEK4014 (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 362) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_PCL (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 363) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST Job DCPS$IVP_PROPRINTER (queue DCPS$IVP_TEST, entry 364) started on DCPS$IVP_TEST IVP successful for VMS DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS Installation of DCPS V1.0 completed at 12:43 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 12:44 Sample Installation Session A-3 B ________________________________________________________________ System Messages This chapter describes the DECprint Supervisor messages in the following sections: o Overview of messages, Section B.1 o Print job messages, Section B.2 B.1 System Message Overview DECprint Supervisor system messages are classified into two categories, based on their destination. Some messages are sent to the host system operator; others go to the user. To receive user messages, use the /NOTIFY qualifier with the PRINT command. The messages are sent in response to either your print request or a system condition that affects your print request. To receive operator messages, you need OPER (operator) privileges and must execute the REPLY/ENABLE=PRINTER command. You then receive the operator messages that apply to your host system. ________________________Note ________________________ To ensure that you receive operator messages, make sure OPCOM is running. Start OPCOM by issuing the command: $ @SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP OPCOM Start OPCOM before executing the REPLY/ENABLE=PRINTER command. _____________________________________________________ System Messages B-1 B.1.1 Message Format DECprint Supervisor system messages have one of the following formats: %fac-s-ident, text -fac-s-ident, text __________________________________________________________ Code___Meaning____________________________________________ fac The facility code; which should be DCPS % The prefix to all primary messages - The prefix to all continuation messages s The severity level of the message ident An abbreviation of the message text text___The_expanded_text_of_the_message___________________ B.1.2 Severity Level The severity levels of DECprint Supervisor system messages are as follows: __________________________________________________________ Code_Meaning______________________________________________ S Success - the request successfully completed. I Informational-the error may or may not require user action. W Warning - the request may not have completed and may require user action. E Error - the system encountered an error that may be recoverable. F Fatal - the system encountered a fatal error and _____cannot_continue_processing_this_request._____________ B.2 Message Descriptions The following message descriptions are alphabetized by the ident portion of the message code. The message prefix, facility designation, and severity code are not shown. If you receive a message with a facility designation other than DCPS, refer to the VMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual for the message description. B-2 System Messages If the User Action calls for submitting a Software Performance Report (SPR), refer to the Introduction to OpenVMS System Management for instructions. ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: Explanation: VMSINSTAL has detected other processes running on the system; they are displayed on lines following this message. The existence of other processes may interfere with VMSINSTAL in unexpected ways. User Action: VMSINSTAL allows you to exit in order to log out the processes, if necessary. BADSPEC, File spec AI1TXT cannot be parsed Explanation: The ALL-IN-1 compatibility kit requires a file PS-PRINTING-ALL-IN-1-COMPAT.TXT, which does not exist. User Action: After the VMSINSTAL procedure is finished, provide adequate disk space to restore all product save sets (see Section 4.1). Restart the installation procedure. CLEANING_UP, Restoring system and network, DO NOT USE CTRL/Y. Explanation: System parameters that were changed up to the point of failure are being restored to their original values. User Action: Do not use CTRL/Y; it may prevent the complete restoration of system parameters. DECNET, Your DECnet network is up and running. Explanation: The DECnet network software is up and running on the system. User Action: No action is required. EXISTS, directory already exists Explanation: The VMSINSTAL procedure creates appropriate disk directories for DECprint Supervisor software restored from the distribution media. This message indicates that the appropriate disk directories are already defined. User Action: No action is required. System Messages B-3 INSNPAGEVIR, NPAGEVIR current-npagevir insufficient, need at least required-npagevir Explanation: The value current-npagevir is insufficient for the operation of the LN03 Image printer. User Action: Using SYSGEN, change the NPAGEVIR value to at least the value recommended in required-npagevir and reboot the system. INSPAGEDYN, PAGEDYN current-pagedyn insufficient, need at least required-pagedyn Explanation: The value current-pagedyn is insufficient for the operation of the LN03 Image printer. User Action: Using SYSGEN, change the PAGEDYN value to at least the value recommended in required-pagedyn and reboot the system. INSPROCSECTCNT, PROCSECTCNT current-procsectcnt insufficient, need at least required-procsectcnt Explanation: The value current-procsectcnt is insufficient for the operation of the LN03 Image printer. User Action: Using SYSGEN, change the PROCSECTCNT value to the value recommended in required-procsectcnt and reboot the system. INSVIRTUALPAGECNT, VIRTUALPAGECNT current-virtualpagecnt insufficient, need at least required-virtualpagecnt Explanation: The value current-virtualpagecnt is insuffi- cient for the operation of the LN03 Image printer. User Action: Using SYSGEN, change the VIRTUALPAGECNT value to the value recommended in required-virtualpagecnt and reboot the system. INSWSMAX, WSMAX current-wsmax insufficient, need at least required-wsmax Explanation: The value current-wsmax is insufficient for operation of the LN03 Image printer. User Action: Using SYSGEN, change the WSMAX value to the value recommended in required-wsmax and reboot the system. B-4 System Messages INVRES, Invalid response, please type YES or NO. Explanation: The only responses accepted for this prompt are YES and NO. A response other than one of these was entered. User Action: Enter YES or NO. IVLOGNAM, invalid logical name Explanation: The command line to start VMSINSTAL contained an invalid logical name for device-id. User Action: This message terminates the VMSINSTAL procedure. Check the logical that you specified in the VMSINSTAL command line and be sure to use the appropriate device-id. IVP, Beginning IVP . . . Explanation: VMSINSTAL is running the Installation Verification Procedure to check the software installation. User Action: No action is required. LAYUPDEF, DCPS$LAYUP is already defined LAYUPDEF, This installation will use its value Explanation: The installation uses the existing logical name for DCPS$LAYUP. User Action: None; informational message only. LOWQUOTA, The following account quotas may be too low: quota: currently current-limit; minimum expected required-quota Explanation: The VMSINSTAL has checked your account quota limits and has found one that is insufficient. User Action: You may terminate the VMSINSTAL procedure and reset the quota value, and then restart VMSINSTAL. MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directo- ries . . . Explanation: The VMSINSTAL procedure is copying distributed software to the appropriate disk directories. User Action: No action is required. System Messages B-5 NOFILE, New file file-name does not exist Explanation: The distributed file-name has not been restored to the appropriate disk directory. User Action: As a result of a previous error, the required files cannot be copied to the disk directory. Exit VMSINSTAL and correct the cause of the problem. Run VMSINSTAL again to obtain the missing files. NO_OPEN_LICENSE, You will need the DCPS-OPEN license to drive third-party printers. Explanation: VMSINSTAL checks to see which DECprint Supervisor licenses are installed, if any. This message indicates that the optional DCPS-OPEN license has not been installed. User Action: If your printing system consists of only Digital's PostScript printers, you can ignore this message. However, if the printing system must support third-party printers, you must obtain this license and install it after you install the software. VMSINSTAL continues after this warning message. NO_PLUS_LICENSE, You will need the DCPS-PLUS license to use advanced features Explanation: VMSINSTAL checks to see if the optional DCPS- PLUS license has been installed. User Action: If you do not require DCPS-PLUS features, you can ignore this message. However, if the printing system must provide these advanced features, you must obtain this license and install it after you install the software. VMSINSTAL continues after this warning message. NO_QUEMAN, This product requires the queue management facility to install. Explanation: The queue manager could not be found. The installation procedure is aborted. User Action: Start the queue manager. For information refer to the VMS System Manager's Reference Manual. B-6 System Messages NOQUEMGR, IVP will NOT be run. Installation continuing . . . Explanation: The queue manager is not running on your sys- tem. The installation will continue, but the Installation Verification Procedure cannot run. User Action: You can run VMSINSTAL again to test the IVP, or you can submit the files for printing after the software is installed (refer to Section 5.4). NOQUES, No further questions will be asked Explanation: The VMSINSTAL procedure will be completed from this point without requiring input from your terminal. User Action: No action is required. NOSAVESET, Saveset n cannot be restored. Explanation: The saveset indicated by n cannot be restored to disk. User Action: This message is accompanied by other messages that explain the cause of this problem. If disk space is insufficient, the VMSINSTAL procedure will not be completed successfully. Ensure that at least 7500 disk blocks are available for installing this product and start the VMSINSTAL procedure again. NO_SPACE, This product requires decimal-number blocks of disk space to install. Explanation: There are not enough free disk blocks to install this software. The installation procedure is aborted. User Action: Ensure that you have at least the specified number of free disk blocks and restart the installation. NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. Explanation: You are running VMSINSTAL from a process that does not have SYSTEM privileges. User Action: The lack of SYSTEM privileges may cause problems with file ownership during the installation process. You should exit VMSINSTAL and log in to a SYSTEM account before attempting to run VMSINSTAL. System Messages B-7 OPENOUT, error opening file-spec as output Explanation: Files cannot be restored from the distribution media to the disk. User Action: Previous messages were displayed to indicate a problem with the VMSINSTAL procedure. After the VMSINSTAL procedure exits, check the disk space quota to ensure that at least 7500 disk blocks are available for restoring the distributed software. Run VMSINSTAL again when the prerequisites are fulfilled. RELMOVED, The product's release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP. Explanation: The release notes for this software have been moved into SYS$HELP. User Action: No action is required. RESTORE, Restoring product saveset n Explanation: VMSINSTAL has begun restoring the software from the distribution media. User Action: No action is required. SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory directory. Explanation: The VMSINSTAL procedure has created the specified directory for restoring the software. User Action: No action is required. UNEXPECTED, Installation terminated due to unexpected event. Explanation: The VMSINSTAL procedure terminated because of problems. The cause of this message is probably indicated in previous messages from the VMSINSTAL procedure. User Action: Determine the cause of the error and correct the problem. Ensure that enough disk space is available for restoring the software. Then run VMSINSTAL again to install the software. B-8 System Messages C ________________________________________________________________ Ordering Additional Documentation Following is a list of Digital documents associated with PostScript printers, and their respective order numbers. To order documentation, contact your Digital Customer Representative. In the United States, call 1-800-DIGITAL. __________________________________________________________ Document_Title____________________________Order_Number____ DECprint Supervisor for VMS Software Documentation_Kit_________________________QA-09NAA-GZ_____ DECprint Supervisor Software Installation AA-PSVDA-TE Guide DECprint Supervisor User's Guide AA-PSVFA-TE DECprint Supervisor System Manager's AA-PSVEA-TE Guide __________________________________________________________ VAX Distributed Queuing Service Documentation_Kit_________________________QA-VENAA-GZ_____ VAX Distributed Queuing Service AA-KM94B-TE Installation Guide VAX Distributed Queuing Service User's AA-KM86B-TE Guide VAX Distributed Queuing Service AA-KM87B-TE Management Guide VAX Distributed Queuing Service Command AA-KM95B-TE Reference Ordering Additional Documentation C-1 __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ___________PostScript_Programming_Documentation___________ PostScript Translator's Reference Manual AA-BPWFA-TE for ReGIS and Tektronix 4010/4014 PostScript Printers Programmer's AA-HL84F-TE Supplement PostScript Language Reference Manual AA-HL86A-TE PostScript Language Tutorial and AA-HL87A-TE Cookbook Font File Format User's Guide EK-CFFFM-UG __________________________________________________________ Digital ANSI-Compliant Printing Protocol Level_3_Documentation_____________________QA-YNCAC-GZ_____ Digital ANSI-Compliant Printing Protocol EK-PPLV3-PM Level 3 Programming Reference Manual Digital ANSI-Compliant Printing Protocol EK-PPLV3-PS Level 3 Programming Supplement __________________________________________________________ DECprint Utility for PostScript to Sixel Printing_for_VMS__________________________QA-VZPAA-GZ_____ Installation/User's Guide: DECprint AA-NH56A-TE Utility for PostScript to Sixel Printing for VMS C-2 Ordering Additional Documentation __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ DECfonts Typeface Collection Documentation (available_only_with_software_media)______________________ DECfonts Typeface Collection for ULTRIX QA-YX6AB-H5 (TK50 media) DECfonts Typeface Collection for ULTRIX QA-YX6AB-HM (magtape media) DECfonts Typeface Collection Font Kit AA-PHX3A-TE Installation and User's Guide for ULTRIX DECfonts Typeface Collection for VMS QA-YX6AA-H5 (TK50 media) DECfonts Typeface Collection for VMS QA-YX6AA-HM (magtape media) DECfonts Typeface Collection Font Kit AA-PD6GB-TE Installation and User's Guide for VMS __________________________________________________________ DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software for VMS Software_Documentation_Kit________________QA-798AA-GZ_____ DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software AA-PEAHB-TE for VMS Installation Guide DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software AA-PEAGB-TE for VMS Management Guide PrintServer Printers User's Guide EK-LPS32-UG Digital ANSI-Compliant Printing Protocol EK-PPLV3-PM Level 3 Programming Reference Manual Digital ANSI-Compliant Printing Protocol EK-PPLV3-PS Level 3 Programming Supplement PostScript Printers Programmer's AA-HL84F-TE Supplement PostScript Language Reference Manual AA-HL86A-TE PostScript Language Tutorial and AA-HL87A-TE Cookbook User Features Card, quantity: 10 EK-TPS20-RC Ordering Additional Documentation C-3 __________________________________________________________ Document_Title____________________________Order_Number____ DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software for VMS Installation and Management Documentation Kit_______________________________________QA-798AB-GZ_____ DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software AA-PEAHB-TE for VMS Installation Guide DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software AA-PEAGB-TE for VMS Management Guide User Features Card, quantity: 10 EK-TPS20-RC __________________________________________________________ DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software for VMS Programming_Document_Kit__________________QA-798AC-GZ_____ Digital ANSI-Compliant Printing Protocol EK-PPLV3-PM Level 3 Programming Reference Manual Digital ANSI-Compliant Printing Protocol EK-PPLV3-PS Level 3 Programming Supplement PostScript Printers Programmer's AA-HL84F-TE Supplement __________________________________________________________ DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software for VMS PostScript Tutorial/Reference Document Kit_______________________________________QA-798AD-GZ_____ PostScript Language Reference Manual AA-HL86A-TE PostScript Language Tutorial and AA-HL87A-TE Cookbook C-4 Ordering Additional Documentation __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software for_ULTRIX_Documentation_Kit______________QA-VVZAA-GZ_____ DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software AA-NJ97C-TE for ULTRIX Installation Guide DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software AA-PGSNB-TE for ULTRIX Management Guide Digital ANSI-Compliant Printing Protocol EK-PPLV3-PM Level 3 Programming Reference Manual Digital ANSI-Compliant Printing Protocol EK-PPLV3-PS Level 3 Programming Supplement PostScript Printers Programmer's AA-HL84F-TE Supplement PostScript Language Reference Manual AA-HL86A-TE PostScript Language Tutorial and AA-HL87A-TE Cookbook User Features Card, quantity: 10 EK-TPS20-RC __________________________________________________________ DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software for ULTRIX Installation and Management Documentation_Kit_________________________QA-VVZAB-GZ_____ DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software AA-NJ97C-TE for ULTRIX Installation Guide DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software AA-PGSNB-TE for ULTRIX Management Guide User Features Card, quantity: 10 EK-TPS20-RC Ordering Additional Documentation C-5 __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software for ULTRIX Programming Guides Documentation_Kit_________________________QA-VVZAC-GZ_____ Digital ANSI-Compliant Printing Protocol EK-PPLV3-PM Level 3 Programming Reference Manual Digital ANSI-Compliant Printing Protocol EK-PPLV3-PS Level 3 Programming Supplement PostScript Printers Programmer's AA-HL84F-TE Supplement __________________________________________________________ DEC PrintServer Supporting Host Software for ULTRIX PostScript Tutorial/Reference Documentation_Kit_________________________QA-VVZAD-GZ_____ PostScript Language Reference Manual AA-HL86A-TE PostScript Language Tutorial and AA-HL87A-TE Cookbook __________________________________________________________ PrintServer_Source_Kit_for_BSD_UNIX_______QA-YURAA-GZ_____ PrintServer Source Kit for BSD UNIX Installation Guide PrintServer Source Kit for BSD UNIX Management Guide PrintServer Source Kit for BSD UNIX User's Guide __________________________________________________________ PrintServer_Software_for_SPARC_Systems____QA-NB6AA-GZ_____ PrintServer Software for SPARC Systems Installation Guide PrintServer Software for SPARC Systems Management Guide PrintServer Software for SPARC Systems User's_Guide______________________________________________ C-6 Ordering Additional Documentation ________________________________________________________________ Index A DIP switch communication ___________________________ settings Adding a printer, 5-5 changing the default, 6-2 Disk space requirements, B__________________________ 4-1 Baud rate limitations, 6-1 E ___________________________ C__________________________ Error messages Conventions, ix See Messages Converting print queues Ethernet use, serial from DECprint Printing printers, 6-4 Services, 5-4 Converting queues from H__________________________ DECprint Printing Hardware prerequisites, Services, 5-4 2-1 CPS queue conversion, 5-4 Hardware requirements general, 2-1 D__________________________ LN03 Image printers, 2-2 DCPS$LAYUP logical, 4-8 PrintServer printers, 2-2 DCPS-OPEN license, 1-2 serial printers, 2-2 DCPS-PLUS license, 1-2 I DECprint Printing Services ___________________________ converting from, 1-7 Image printer, overview, DECprint Printing Services, 1-5 converting from, 5-4 Installation procedure DECserver questions, 4-3 to 4-11 port characteristics sample session, A-1 required for printing, 6-7 terminal server, 6-5 Index-1 Printers, serial use on L__________________________ Ethernet, 6-4 LAT protocol file, editing Printer software, upgrading the, 6-9 , 5-4 LAT startup file, 6-5 Print queues Licenses converting from DECprint optional, 1-2 Printing Services, 5-4 LN03 Image printer PrintServer hardware requirements, hardware requirements, 2-2 2-2 overview, 1-5 overview, 1-4 postinstallation postinstallation requirements, 6-15 requirements, 6-13 software requirements, 3-2 Q__________________________ SYSGEN parameters, 6-15 Queues converting from DECprint M__________________________ Printing Services, 5-4 Messages, B-1 descriptions, B-2 to B-8 R__________________________ format, B-2 Reinstallation requirements operator, B-1 , 5-4 PRINT/NOTIFY command, B-1 Removing a printer, 5-5 severity level, B-2 Requirements, hardware, P 2-1 ___________________________ Port characteristics, 6-7 S__________________________ Postinstallation Serial printers requirements hardware requirements, for LN03 Image printer, 2-2 6-15 Serial printers, on for PrintServer, 6-13 Ethernet, 6-4 Preinstallation Software requirements distribution kit, 3-2 software, 3-1 upgrading, 5-4 Prerequisites Software preinstallation hardware, 2-1 requirements, 3-1 PRINT command SYSGEN parameters, checking /NOTIFY qualifier, B-1 and changing, 6-15 Printer name, setting, System messages 6-11 See Messages Index-2 System startup file, editing the, 5-3 V__________________________ VMSINSTAL T__________________________ conventions, 4-2 Third-party printers, installation questions, installing, 6-16 4-3 to 4-11 Index-3