NetWorker Save and Restore for DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.3 AA-Q2H4J-TE Installation Guide Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. [C] Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1997 All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by DIGITAL or its affiliated companies. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC, DEC 4000, DEC C++, DECchip, DECladebug, DECsystem, DECstation, DECsupport, DIGITAL, OpenVMS, POLYCENTER, ULTRIX, UWS, VAX, VAX DOCUMENT, VMS, the DIGITAL logo. MIPS is a trademark of Mips Computer Systems, Incorporated. Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. OSF and OSF/1 are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. Revision/Update Information: This revised manual supersedes the NetWorker Save and Restore for DIGITAL UNIX Installation Guide (Order Number AA-Q2H4H-TE). Operating System and Version: DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0A or higher. Future maintenance releases may require higher versions. Software Version: NetWorker Version 4.3 Date: April 1997 Order Number: AA-Q2H4J-TE Contents Preface v Intended Audience v Structure of This Document v Manuals in the NetWorker Documentation Set vi Related Manuals vi Conventions vi 1 Preparing for NetWorker Installation Release Notes 1 License Registration 1 Installation Procedure Requirements 4 Backing Up Your System Disk 4 Time Required for Installation 4 Login Requirements 4 Hardware Requirements 4 Software Requirements 5 Server Requirements 5 Client Requirements 7 Deleting Old Subsets 7 Determining Which Subsets to Load 8 Disk Space Requirements 9 Ensuring Adequate Disk Space for Online Indexes 11 Stopping the Installation 12 Error Recovery 12 2 Installing the NetWorker Server Software Installing from CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media 15 Using a RIS Server 16 Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts 16 Selecting Subsets 16 Loading Subsets Process 17 3 Installing the Client Software DIGITAL UNIX Client Installation 23 Starting the Client Installation Procedure 24 4 Completing the Installation Running the Installation Verification Procedure 29 Configuring Server Files 30 Configuring Server Files Manually 30 Configuring the /etc/rpc and /etc/syslog.conf Files 30 Creating the /sbin/init.d/nsrd File 31 Customizing the NetWorker Server 32 Deleting NetWorker from Your System 32 Accessing Release Notes and Documentation 33 A Sample Listing for NetWorker Installation NetWorker Server Installation Example 35 DIGITAL UNIX Client Installation Example 39 B Files Installed on Your System Files Installed on Server Systems 43 Files Installed on DIGITAL UNIX Client Systems 47 C Client Installation Worksheet Index 53 List of Tables Table 1 Prerequisite Software 6 Table 2 Optional Software 6 Table 3 Prerequisite Software 7 Table 4 Subset Sizes (Kilobytes Required) 10 Table 5 NetWorker Subsets 29 Table 6 Installed NetWorker Files -- Server 43 Table 7 Installed NetWorker Files -- DIGITAL UNIX Client 48 iv Preface This guide describes how to install the NetWorker Save and Restore server software on DIGITAL[TM] Alpha processors that are running the DIGITAL UNIX[R] operating system. Additionally, this guide describes how to install the NetWorker client software on DIGITAL UNIX clients. Intended Audience This guide is intended for anyone who installs NetWorker. Structure of This Document This manual is organized as follows: o Chapter 1 describes the software and hardware requirements for installation. It also describes related procedures that you complete before installing NetWorker. o Chapter 2 describes the procedure for installing the NetWorker server software and loading the DIGITAL client subset on the NetWorker server. o Chapter 3 describes the procedure for installing the DIGITAL client software. o Chapter 4 describes the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) and any post-installation procedures that you must complete in order to use NetWorker. o Appendix A contains sample listings for NetWorker installation. o Appendix B describes the hierarchy and contents of NetWorker directories. o Appendix C provides a template for the client installation worksheet. v Manuals in the NetWorker Documentation Set In addition to this guide, the NetWorker documentation set includes the following manuals: o NetWorker Save and Restore for DIGITAL UNIX Administrator's Guide o NetWorker Save and Restore for DIGITAL UNIX Addendum o NetWorker Save and Restore for DIGITAL UNIX User's Guide Printable PostScript[R] files for each of these books are available in the optional subset, NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation. The subset identifier is BRXRNOTES430. If you would like printed versions of these books, see the Software Product Description (SPD) for individual part numbers, or you can order the complete documentation set by ordering part number QA-2ALAA-GZ.4.3. Related Manuals The following manuals are part of the base operating system documentation set: o Network Configuration o Network Administration and Problem Solving o Installation Guide o Sharing Software on a Local Area Network o System Administration o User's Guide Conventions The following conventions are used in this guide: vi Convention Meaning UPPERCASE and The DIGITAL UNIX system differentiates between lowercase lowercase and uppercase characters. Literal strings that appear in text, examples, syntax descriptions, and function descriptions must be entered exactly as shown. directory This italic typeface indicates the exact name of a path name, directory, or file. It is also used for manual titles. command This bold typeface is used to indicate the exact name of a command. user input In interactive examples, this bold typeface indicates input entered by the user. user variable In interactive examples, this bold italic typeface indicates variable input determined and entered by the user. system output This typeface is used in code examples and other screen displays. % The percent sign is the default user prompt. # A number sign is the default root user prompt. Ctrl/X In procedures, a sequence such as Ctrl/X indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. vii Chapter 1 Preparing for NetWorker Installation Before starting the installation procedures in Chapter 2, Installing the NetWorker Server Software, complete the preparation requirements outlined in this chapter. Completing these preparation steps will make your installation run smoothly. Release Notes NetWorker provides online release notes, which are located on your DIGITAL layered product CD-ROM optical disc. DIGITAL strongly recommends that you read the release notes before installing the product. The release notes contain important information about installing and using NetWorker that is not included in this guide or other documentation. The release notes are available in both PostScript and text versions, which you can display or print from the CD-ROM distribution disc after it is mounted. Note that you can access the release notes before installing NetWorker. The PostScript file is titled and the text file is brx430_relnotes.txt. For instructions on how to locate the release notes online and print them from the CD-ROM distribution disc, see the Software Product Library CD-ROM User's Guide. The copies of the release notes are included in the software kit in their own subset, and are located in the directory /usr/opt/BRX430/usr/doc after you install the release notes subset. The release notes are, therefore, accessible from the product directory after the CD-ROM distribution disc is unmounted. License Registration NetWorker includes support for the DIGITAL UNIX License Management Facility (LMF). A NetWorker License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) must be registered in the License Database (LDB) in order to use NetWorker. The License PAK may be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order. If you are installing NetWorker as an update on a node already licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements. If you are installing prerequisite or optional software along with NetWorker, review the PAK status and install the PAKs for any prerequisite or optional software before you install NetWorker. Because NetWorker software consists of both client and server software, you might have more than one license PAK to register. There are several types of license PAKs for NetWorker: o DECNSR-NET-SVR o DECNSR-SRV-ARCH o DECNSR-SRV-HSM o DECNSR-SSC-SVR o DECNSR-NET-CLNT o DECNSR-PC-CLNT o DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT1, DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT2, and DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT3 o JUKEBOX -- TIER 1, JUKEBOX-TIER-2, and JUKEBOX-TIER-3 o DECNSR-SVR-SQL o DECNSR-SVR-EXCH The number and type of license PAKs that you must register depends on your backup configuration. Register the appropriate license PAKs in the following ways. Note that for the following license PAKs, registrations must be performed on a NetWorker server and not on the clients: o A DECNSR-NET-SVR PAK for each NetWorker server. In addition, you must register the optional add-on DECNSR-SRV-ARCH PAK if you plan to use the archiving feature, the DECNSR-SRV-HSM PAK if you plan to use the HSM feature, and the optional DECNSR-SSC-SVR PAK if you plan to use the save set consolidation feature. If you plan to back up Windows NTa SQL clients, you must register the DECNSR-SVR- SQL license. The DECNSR-SVR-EXCH license is required to enable the server to back up Microsoft Exchange clients. o A DECNSR-NET-CLNT PAK for each NetWorker non-PC client connection on the network. Archive and HSM clients must be licensed separately from backup clients. For example, if there are 10 backup clients and each of those clients will also function as an archive client, then 20 client licenses are required. 2 Preparing for NetWorker Installation o A DECNSR-PC-CLNT PAK for each NetWorker PC on the network. Note that SQL and Exchange clients must be licensed separately. For example, if you have 10 PC backup clients that you want to also backup Microsoft Exchange on each, 20 PC client licenses are required. o A DECNSR-CLUST-CLNTn PAK, available in three tiers, is required for each cluster host. - DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT1 -- for a workgroup - DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT2 -- for a departmental - DECNSR-CLUST-CLNT3 -- for the enterprise See the Software Product Description (SPD) for detailed information on which license PAKs to purchase. The client resources associated with ASE services do not require an additional license, as they are included in the cluster client license. The cluster client license also contains both a client archive and HSM license. Therefore, if you have a DECNSR-CLUST- CLNTn license, an additional DECNSR-NET-CLNT license is not needed to perform archiving or HSM on a cluster client. (The DECNSR-SRV- ARCH license is still required on the NetWorker server to perform archiving and the DECNSR-SRV-HSM license is required on the NetWorker server to perform HSM.) o If you have one or more jukeboxes in your NetWorker configuration, you must register the appropriate JUKEBOX-TIER license PAKs. See the Software Product Description (SPD) for information on which jukebox license to register. To register a license under the DIGITAL UNIX system, first log in as root user. Edit an empty PAK template with the lmf register command and include all the information on your License PAK. After you register your license, use the lmf reset command to copy the license details from the License Database (LDB) to the kernel cache. For complete information on using the DIGITAL UNIX License Management Facility, see DIGITAL UNIX Software License Management or the lmf(8) reference page. The following information may aid in understanding NetWorker licensing policies: o Client, jukebox, and cluster client licenses are assigned to the defined resources in the order in which the server reads them from the resource database (/nsr/res/nsr.res) at NetWorker startup. o Defined clients that are unable to obtain a connection license at server startup will be allowed to browse and recover previously saved data, but will be unable to perform any backups. Preparing for NetWorker Installation 3 o Cluster hosts and cluster services do not require an archive license. The ability to perform archive operations is included in the cluster client license. o For tiered licenses (jukebox and cluster client licenses), if no units of the correct tier license are available for use, the next higher tier license will be used, if available. This continues until all available tiers are searched. In addition, a PC client can use a workstation connection license if there are no units of PC licenses available. Installation Procedure Requirements This section discusses various requirements for installing NetWorker. Backing Up Your System Disk Back up your system disk before installing any software. For details on performing a system disk backup, see your DIGITAL UNIX documentation. Time Required for Installation Installing the NetWorker server software and running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) on your DIGITAL UNIX Alpha system requires 10 to 20 minutes. In addition, each optional subset requires approximately 5 minutes. After loading the NetWorker DIGITAL UNIX Client subset on the server, you will need approximately 10 minutes to install the client software on each client system. Login Requirements You must be able to log in as root user on the system where you are installing NetWorker. Only when you are logged in as root do you have sufficient privileges to install the NetWorker software. Hardware Requirements To install NetWorker, you need the following hardware: o Software distribution device (if installing from media) Locate the CD-ROM drive for the CD-ROM software distribution media. The CD booklet or the documentation for the CD-ROM drive you are using explains how to load the CD-ROM media. o Terminal 4 Preparing for NetWorker Installation You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure. o Network connection You need a hardware network connection between the NetWorker server and NetWorker client systems. See the NetWorker Software Product Description (SPD) for additional hardware requirements. Software Requirements The following sections list and describe the required software for installing NetWorker on server and client systems. Server Requirements NetWorker Version 4.3 requires the following operating system: DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0A or higher. Table 1 provides information on the minimum software you must have installed on your system before installing NetWorker. Table 2 provides information about optional software that you can use together with NetWorker. The NetWorker SPD contains a complete list of prerequisite and optional software and their required version numbers. Preparing for NetWorker Installation 5 Table 1 Prerequisite Server Software Subset Subset Name Description Identifier OSFBASE405 DIGITAL UNIX Base Base operating system software. System OSFCLINET405 Basic Networking Network server communications. Services OSFNFS405 NFS Utilities Network server communications. OSFPRINT405 Local Printer This software is needed to print Support (Printing the bootstrap file and to print Environment) information from NetWorker windows that display in tabular format. Table 2 Optional Server Software Subset Subset Name Description Identifier OSFMANOS405 Ref Pages Reference pages for the base (Admin/User operating system. This software is Reference Pages) needed in order to view the NetWorker reference pages. CLCMC311 SCSI CAM Media Device driver required if you have a Changer Driver jukebox with a SCSI interface control port. Check the SCSI CAM Layered Components Product Description for information on which version of the software to install. CLCOP311 SCSI CAM Optical Device driver required if you have an Driver optical jukebox with a SCSI interface control port. Check the SCSI CAM Layered Components Product Description for information on which version of the software to install. 6 Preparing for NetWorker Installation Perform the following steps to determine whether the required subsets are loaded: 1. Log in to the system where you will install NetWorker. 2. Enter the following command: # /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep SUBSET_IDENTIFIER Check the displayed rows for the name of the relevant subset and any patches. Note that SUBSET_IDENTIFIER is the subset name listed in Table 1 or Table 2. The word installed appears in a row after the subset identifier when a subset is loaded. If the word installed does not appear (the second column in a row is blank), the subset or patch is not loaded. In this case, you must load the missing DIGITAL UNIX software before installing NetWorker. Client Requirements DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0A or higher (DIGITAL UNIX client) is required to install the NetWorker client software on DIGITAL clients. Table 3 provides information on the minimum software you must have installed on your system before installing NetWorker DIGITAL client software. Table 3 Prerequisite Client Software Subset Subset Name Description Identifier OSFBASE405 DIGITAL UNIX Base Base operating system software. System OSFCLINET405 Basic Networking Network server communications. Services OSFNFS405 NFS Utilities Network server communications. Deleting Old Subsets Before you can install any of the NetWorker Version 4.3 subsets, you must first delete any older versions of those subsets. To delete outdated subsets from the NetWorker server, do the following: 1. If you have jukeboxes in your configuration, use the nsrjb -u command to unmount all volumes from all jukebox drawers. Failing to unmount volumes before deleting old subsets can cause serious Preparing for NetWorker Installation 7 problems when you start the new version of NetWorker. See the Addendum for details. 2. Log in as root user on the NetWorker server. 3. Using the setld -i command, list the subsets installed on the NetWorker server and check for the presence of any subset with a name that starts with BRX, ends with 220, 221, 222, 300, 310, 311, 320, 321, 421, 422, or 423 and includes the word installed. # setld -i | grep BRX 4. Using the setld -d command, delete the old BRX subsets from the NetWorker server. For example: # setld -d BRXSOAKIT422 Repeat this step for each outdated NetWorker subset. Warning During the deletion of the old subsets, you are asked if you want to delete the /nsr directory and the indexes. Answer "no" to these questions. If the indexes are inadvertently deleted, they can be recovered from your NetWorker media using the mmrecov and recover commands. Determining Which Subsets to Load You must choose the NetWorker subsets you want to load. The NetWorker subsets have the following titles: o NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation This subset contains the NetWorker release notes and PostScript versions of the NetWorker documentation. This is an optional subset. Its identifier is BRXRNOTES430. o NetWorker Server for DIGITAL UNIX This is NetWorker server software and is a required subset for all NetWorker server systems running DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0A or higher. Its identifier is BRXSOAKIT430 for DIGITAL Alpha systems. o NetWorker DIGITAL UNIX Client This is NetWorker DIGITAL client software and is a required subset for DIGITAL UNIX Alpha client systems. Its identifier is BRXCKIT430. o NetWorker Server Reference Pages The Server Reference Page subset is an optional subset. Its identifier is BRXSMAN430. 8 Preparing for NetWorker Installation You can load the NetWorker Server Reference Page subset only if the DIGITAL UNIX Admin Reference Pages subset is already loaded on your NetWorker server. If users on the system where NetWorker is being installed use reference pages that are NFS mounted from another system, load the NetWorker reference pages on the other system rather than the one where you are currently installing NetWorker. In this case, do not request the reference page subset during this installation of NetWorker. After the installation is complete, you can log in to the system where the DIGITAL UNIX reference pages are installed and load only the NetWorker reference page subset on that system. See the setld(8) reference page for information about loading specific subsets. Disk Space Requirements Table 4 lists the disk space requirements for loading NetWorker software subsets. Preparing for NetWorker Installation 9 Table 4 Subset Sizes (Kilobytes Required) Server Subset /usr/opt /usr/bin /tmp /nsr NetWorker Server for 74000 5 100 5000 DIGITAL UNIX BRXSOAKIT430 Client Subset /usr/opt /usr/bin** /usr/tmp** /usr/man** * NetWorker DIGITAL 23000 22500 23000 250 UNIX Client BRXCKIT430 NetWorker Reference /usr/opt /usr/man Pages * NetWorker Reference 1346 5 Pages BRXSMAN430 Documentation Subset /usr/opt * NetWorker Release 12700 Notes and Documentation BRXRNOTES430 * Disk space on NetWorker server ** Disk space on client Compare the space required for subsets with the free space currently on the disks where NetWorker files will reside. 10 Preparing for NetWorker Installation You can check which filesystems are mounted and where they are by logging in to the system where you plan to install NetWorker and displaying the /etc/fstab file. # more /etc/fstab /dev/rz0a / ufs rw 1 1 /dev/rz0g /usr ufs rw 1 2 /dev/rz1c /var ufs rw a 2 /usr/staff/r1/leslie@bigsys /usr/staff/r1/leslie nfs rw,bg 0 0 /usr/man@bigsys /usr/man nfs ro,bg 0 0 The previous display indicates that /usr (mounted to /dev/rz0g) is the only mount point that affects where NetWorker files will reside; the system has only one local disk drive and the /usr/opt filesystem resides in the g partition of the disk on that drive. Enter the df -k command to determine total space and free space for the filesystem where NetWorker files will reside. Given the previous display of the /etc/fstab file, the free space in the /usr filesystem is checked as follows: # df -k /usr Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on /dev/rz0g 628561 455041 110663 80% /usr This display indicates that there are 110663 kilobytes free on /usr. This free space must accommodate subset requirements listed in Table 4 for the /usr/opt filesystem. On systems where /usr/opt is mounted to a different device, enter the following command: # df -k /usr/opt In this case, you compare space required for NetWorker files in /usr/opt to the free space displayed in the df output list. Ensuring Adequate Disk Space for Online Indexes The NetWorker installation procedure creates the /nsr directory and loads files into subordinate directories. If the /nsr directory does not exist, the installation procedure creates it. If the /nsr directory does exist, the installation procedure uses it. The /nsr directory contains the online volume and file indexes. The online file index stores information about the files backed up by NetWorker. The online volume index maps the backup files to volumes. The size of these online indexes grows as the number of clients and the amount of data to be backed up increases. The size of the indexes is also affected by the daily backup schedule. For example, daily full backups cause the online indexes to consume considerably more disk space than daily incremental backups. Preparing for NetWorker Installation 11 To ensure that the /nsr directory provides enough disk space for the online indexes, DIGITAL recommends that /nsr be installed as a symbolic link to a directory where a free disk partition or disk is mounted. By default, /nsr is set as a symbolic link to /var/nsr, which usually contains more free disk space than the root (/) partition. For information on managing the online indexes, see the NetWorker Save and Restore for DIGITAL UNIX Administrator's Guide. Stopping the Installation You can stop the installation procedure any time by pressing Ctrl/C. Files created up to this point, however, are not deleted automatically. Delete these files interactively, if you wish. Appendix B, Files Installed on Your System, on page 43, lists the files and directories created during the installation procedure. Error Recovery If errors occur during the installation, the system displays messages. Installation errors can occur if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect o The prerequisite software version is incorrect o The system parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. If the installation fails due to insufficient disk space, the following message appears: There is not enough file system space for subset BRXSOAKIT430 NetWorker Server for DIGITAL UNIX (BRXSOAKIT430) will not be loaded. For descriptions of error messages generated by these conditions, see the DIGITAL UNIX documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and DIGITAL UNIX software installation. For information on system software requirements, see the Software Requirements section on page 5 in this chapter. If an error occurs while using NetWorker and you believe the error is caused by a problem with the product, take one of the following actions: o If you have a basic or DECsupport[TM] Software Agreement, call your Customer Support Center (CSC). The CSC provides telephone support for high-level advisory and remedial assistance. 12 Preparing for NetWorker Installation o If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o If you purchased NetWorker within the last 90 days and you think the problem is caused by a software error, you can submit an SPR. When you report an error, be sure to provide ample background information. Concise, complete information helps DIGITAL give accurate and timely service to software problems. If you find an error in the NetWorker documentation, refer to the How Did We Do? page at the back of the document containing the error. Preparing for NetWorker Installation 13 Chapter 2 Installing the NetWorker Server Software This chapter describes the procedure for installing the NetWorker server software and loading the DIGITAL client subset on the NetWorker server. Before starting the installation, read Chapter 1, Preparing for NetWorker Installation, which describes general options and requirements for installing the product. Installing NetWorker into a network configuration is a two-step procedure: 1. Install NetWorker server software and load NetWorker client software on the server system. 2. Install NetWorker client software on each client system. The installation procedure loads NetWorker files onto the disks that belong to the system where you perform the installation. When NetWorker is run, its executable files are mapped into memory on the same system. If you need to stop the installation, or if an error occurs, see Stopping the Installation, page 12, or Error Recovery, page 12, in Chapter 1. Installing from CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media Start the installation procedure as follows: 1. Load the media on the appropriate disk drive. 2. Mount the distribution media by entering the following command. This command example shows how to mount read-only the CD-ROM device /dev/rz4c on the /mnt mount point: # mount -rd /dev/rz4c /mnt 3. If you have not already read the release notes, please read them now, before beginning the setld installation procedure. The release notes are located on the CD-ROM distribution disc and can be accessed once the CD-ROM is mounted. See Release Notes in Chapter 1 for information about accessing the release notes. 4. Enter a setld command that specifies the load function (-l) and identifies the directory in the mounted filesystem where NetWorker subsets are located. For example, if the directory location for these subsets is /mnt/brx430/kit, enter the following command: # setld -l /mnt/brx430/kit See page 16 to continue the installation. Using a RIS Server To install NetWorker from a Remote Installation Services (RIS) server to a RIS client, the NetWorker software must first be installed in your RIS server environment. If you have not already obtained and read the release notes, see your RIS manager for information about obtaining them. Please read the release notes before beginning the installation procedure. Also, see your RIS manager if NetWorker is not already installed on the RIS server. To install the NetWorker subsets from the distribution area of a RIS server system, enter a setld command that specifies the load function (-l) and identifies the directory in the mounted filesystem where NetWorker subsets are located. For example, if you are loading NetWorker subsets from a RIS distribution area on node bigsys, enter the following command: # setld -l bigsys: See the next section to continue the installation. Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts This section explains the installation procedure prompts and displays. Selecting Subsets After you enter the setld command, the installation procedure displays the names of the NetWorker subsets and asks you to specify the subsets that you want to load: The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 16 Installing the NetWorker Server Software 1) NetWorker DIGITAL UNIX Client 2) NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation 3) NetWorker Server Reference Pages 4) NetWorker Server for DIGITAL UNIX Or you may choose one of the following options: 5) ALL of the Above 6) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 7) EXIT without installing subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 5 If you specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space, not a comma. Note that when you install subsets from a particular RIS server area, the menu displays each software subset available in that RIS area. If NetWorker subsets are available in a RIS area that includes other software subsets, then all the subsets are displayed. Consequently, the subset menu item may vary depending on what products are installed in the RIS server area. Next, the script lets you verify your choice. For example, if you enter 5 in response to the previous prompt, you will see the following display: You are installing the following subsets: NetWorker DIGITAL UNIX Client NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation NetWorker Server Reference Pages NetWorker Server for DIGITAL UNIX Is this correct? (y/n): If the displayed subsets are not the ones you intended to choose, enter n. In this case, the subset selection menu is again displayed, and you can correct your choice of optional subsets. If the displayed subsets are the ones you want to load, enter y. Loading Subsets Process After you have selected the appropriate subsets, the installation procedure does the following: 1. Displays a message that the installation is starting: Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. Installing the NetWorker Server Software 17 4 subset(s) will be installed. Loading 1 of 4 subset(s)... This subset will take 5 minutes to complete. NetWorker Server for DIGITAL UNIX Copying from . (disk) Working....Tue Mar 18 10:06:19 PDT 1997 Verifying Loading 2 of 4 subset(s)... This subset will take 5 minutes to complete. NetWorker Server Reference Pages Copying from . (disk) Verifying Loading 3 of 4 subset(s)... This subset will take 5 minutes to complete NetWorker DiGITAL UNIX Client Copying from . (disk) Working....Tue Mar 18 10:06:19 PDT 1997 Verifying Loading 4 of 4 subset(s)... This subset will take 5 minutes to complete NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation Copying from . (disk) Working....Tue Mar 18 10:06:19 PDT 1997 Verifying 4 of 4 subset(s) installed successfully. Configuring "NetWorker Server for DIGITAL UNIX" (BRXSOAKIT430) NetWorker Save and Restore Version 4.3 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1991, 1997. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use or 18 Installing the NetWorker Server Software copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. 2. Warns you that you currently have a loader resource defined. Starting with this release, loaders are no longer supported. You will need to redefine the device as a jukebox, if possible. See the SPD for details about the type of license required for your redefined loader. ************************************************************* This NetWorker server has a loader resource currently defined. Starting with NetWorker V4.3, use of a sequential loader/stacker is no longer supported. If you choose to continue with the installation, the installation will remove the loader resources. You will then need to redefine this device as a jukebox. You may need to purchase a corresponding jukebox license. See the SPD for information. Some sequential loaders/stackers cannot be used as jukeboxes. Please consult the device documentation. To stop the installation,type y in response to the following query, or ? for more information. ****************************************************************** Do you wish to stop the installation now? [Y]: ? a. If you enter a question mark at the prompt, the following additional information is displayed: **********************************************************If you upgrade to NetWorker V4.3 without first installing the jukebox license, you will not be able to use your jukebox, except as a standalone device. Once you install NetWorker V4.3, you will not be able to easily revert to your earlier NetWorker version in order to regain loader functionality, because NetWorker V4.3 converts your server and client online indexes to a new format which is incompatible with earlier versions of NetWorker. See the NetWorker V4.3 Software Product Description (SPD) for part numbers and ordering information. For information on license installation, see the NetWorker Installation Guide. ********************************************************** Do you wish to stop the installation now? [Y]: y b. If you decide to stop the installation, the following information displays: **********************************************************Once you have installed the jukebox license, you may complete the NetWorker server installation by invoking setld as follows: Installing the NetWorker Server Software 19 #setld -c BRXSOAKIT430 install Or, you can use the setld -d command to delete this subset, and reinstall your earlier version of NetWorker. ********************************************************** 3. Prompts you for the name of the NetWorker home directory, which is the directory to which you want the /nsr directory to be symbolically linked: Enter location for the NetWorker home directory [ /var/nsr ]: By default, NetWorker links the /nsr directory to /var/nsr. For more information on the /nsr directory, see Ensuring Adequate Disk Space for Online Indexes on page 11. 4. Displays a message indicating that specific files will be modified: The installation procedure adds entries to the /etc/rpc and /etc/syslog.conf files on the NetWorker server; the original files are renamed and saved. The installation also creates the /sbin/init.d/nsrd file. Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [ y ] : The /etc/rpc and /etc/syslog.conf files on the NetWorker server must be modified before you can use NetWorker software. The installation script can modify these files for you, or you can perform this task manually. If you do not want the installation to modify NetWorker server files now, enter n. See Configuring Server Files Manually on page 30 for the procedure to manually configure NetWorker server files. 5. If you enter y, modifies the server files and automatically creates a copy of each original file. In addition, the procedure checks the /etc/hosts file for an nsrhost alias name. If it does not find this alias, it issues a warning message. If you get this warning, see Configuring Server Files on page 30. 6. Asks whether you want to remove the original (saved) files: Do you wish to remove the saved files? (y/n) [ n ] : To remove the original files, enter y. If you enter n, the procedure displays the new location of each original system file. The modified files were saved and renamed as follows: File Location of saved file /etc/rpc /etc/rpc_nsrsave /etc/syslog.conf /etc/syslog.conf_nsrsave 20 Installing the NetWorker Server Software 7. Performs an index consistency check and database repair step. This safety check can take some time to complete. If an error is encountered, the install will stop. Running nsrck -F. This may take some time... nsrck: checking index for nsrck: compressing index for nsrck: completed checking 1 client Starting nsrd... 8. Displays a message indicating that if this server will be backed up as a client of a remote server or used as an HSM client, you must run the specified script. ************************************************************ If this system is to be backed up as the client of a remote NetWorker server or is used as an HSM client, you must run the script, /bin/ This script will place the remote server's name in the file /nsr/res/servers, which is the list of NetWorker servers recognized by the local nsrexecd process as legitimate backup servers. ************************************************************ 9. Displays messages indicating that the selected subsets were installed successfully: NetWorker icon has been successfully installed into CDE. /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Networker file exists. Do you wish to overwrite this file? (y/n) [n]: The app-defaults file for Networker was not installed. Use 'setld -c BRXSOAKIT430 INSTALL' command to install later. BRXSOAKIT430 software installed successfully Configuring "NetWorker Server Reference Pages" (BRXSMAN430) NetWorker Save and Restore Version 4.3 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1991, 1997. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Installing the NetWorker Server Software 21 BRXSMAN430 software installed successfully. Configuring "NetWorker DIGITAL UNIX Client" (BRXCKIT430) Configuring "NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation" (BRXRNOTES430) NetWorker Save and Restore Version 4.3 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1991, 1997. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. BRXCKIT430 software installed successfully Configuring "NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation" (BRXRNOTES430) NetWorker Save and Restore Version 4.3 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1991, 1997. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. BRXRNOTES430 software installed successfully 22 Installing the NetWorker Server Software Chapter 3 Installing the Client Software This chapter provides procedures for installing the client software. You can install the NetWorker software on the client's disk or mount the binaries from an NFS file server. Once the client subset has been loaded onto the NetWorker server, you can install the DIGITAL UNIX client using the instructions in the DIGITAL UNIX Client Installation section on this page. For other clients, refer to the Installation Guide that came with your Client Kit. DIGITAL UNIX Client Installation Before you begin installing the client software, photocopy the client installation worksheet provided in Appendix C. You may need several copies, depending upon your network backup configuration. Use the worksheet to organize your client installations. The fields in the client installation worksheet include: o Server Hostname Enter the host name of the server. If your backup configuration includes several NetWorker servers, generate a worksheet for each server. o Client Hostname Enter the official host name of a client system on each new line of the worksheet. If possible, list client systems according to platform types. o Directory Enter the directory where NetWorker client executables will reside. This applies to installations to client disks and installations to a server disk that client systems can NFS mount. The default directory for installations to client disks is /usr/bin. o Old Version Removed? If applicable, have you removed the old versions of NetWorker client software from each client system? Depending on how the old version was installed, consult the nsr_ize(8) reference page or the Installation Guide provided with the client software for instructions on how to delete the old client software. o Base Software Installed? Are the required base system, network, and manual page software subsets installed? See Software Requirements on page 5. o Directory on Search Path? Is the directory where NetWorker client executables will reside in the root account of the client system's interactive and non- interactive default search path? o Disk Space Available? Is there enough disk space for the NetWorker client subset? See page 9 for disk space requirements. o Portmap Activated? Is the portmap daemon running on the client system? See the portmap (8) reference page for instructions on starting the portmap daemon. o System File Configured? On each client system, modify the following file: /etc/hosts In the /etc/hosts file of each client system, make nsrhost an alias to the official host name of the NetWorker server, as follows: Internet_address official_hostname nsrhost Starting the Client Installation Procedure Before installing the NetWorker client software onto the DIGITAL clients, review the disk space requirements in Table 4 on page 9. Also, be sure that old versions of the DIGITAL UNIX client archive and backup software are removed. If the archive software is installed, it must be removed before removing the backup software. To remove the software, issue the following commands on the client system: # archive_ize -r # nsr_ize -r Caution If you have Networker Version 4.2A or later installed, the nsr_ize -r command will remove both archive and backup software at the same time. In addition, the nsr_ize -i command will install both the archive and backup software. 24 Installing the Client Software When the NetWorker client subset is installed on the NetWorker server system, the client kit tar file is loaded by default to the NetWorker server system. The file specification is: /usr/opt/BRX430/BRXCKIT430/clientkit.tar. The following steps describe how to extract the tar file and install the software on a DIGITAL UNIX client system. Caution During installation of the DIGITAL clients using the nsr_ize command, a system can hang if it uses automount with a host map with the name export. To avoid this problem, edit the nsr_ize script and replace the two occurrences of /export/exec/ with /exec/. Make sure that /exec/ is not a host map name already in use. The example shows the installation of NetWorker DIGITAL UNIX client software on node cochiti from the NetWorker server, mercury. 1. Log in as root user on the client system. 2. NFS mount the filesystem where the tar file (clientkit.tar) resides on the server system. # mount mercury:/usr/opt/BRX430 /usr/opt/BRX430 3. Use the mkdir command to create the nsr_extract directory. # cd /usr/tmp # mkdir nsr_extract # cd nsr_extract 4. Use the tar command to extract the software. # tar -xvpf /usr/opt/BRX430/BRXCKIT430/clientkit.tar decaxp 5. Use the nsr_ize command to install the software. Note that this command puts the binaries in the /usr/bin directory by default. If you do not have enough available disk space in /usr/bin, when prompted during the installation, specify /var as the directory where the programs should be installed. # cd decaxp # ./nsr_ize -i The procedure displays information similar to the following example: NetWorker(TM) - Release V4.3 Copyright (c) 1990-1997, Digital Equipment Corp. All rights reserved. This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. Installing the Client Software 25 nsr_ize is about to install NetWorker client software on client machine''. 6. Indicate if you want to install the reference pages and where. Install the NetWorker man pages [yes]? Directory into which the NetWorker man pages should be installed [/usr/man]? Installing NetWorker man pages into /usr/man Update the man page directory (NOTE - this takes a while) [yes]? 7. Indicate if you want to install the decaxp NetWorker programs and where. Install the decaxp NetWorker programs [yes]? Directory where decaxp NetWorker programs should be installed [/usr/bin]? Installing decaxp NetWorker client programs into /usr/bin Creating /usr/bin/nsr_man Linking /usr/bin/nwadmin to /usr/bin/networker 8. Indicate where you want the nsrexecd log and work files located. To set up a NetWorker client, you need to supply a directory for the nsrexecd log and work files. On NSR servers and clients, this is normally /nsr (which will be softlinked to the directory you now specify) Directory where decaxp NetWorker programs should be installed [/nsr]? /var/nsr 9. Identify all of the servers that are to back up this client. This information will be stored in the /nsr/res/servers file. (Additional servers can be added to this file after installation.) The nsrexecd program restricts access to a select set of NetWorker servers. Please enter the names of each computer running a NetWorker server that will back up this computer, one name at a time. If a computer has more than one network interface, please enter each interface's name (one at a time). Enter the first NetWorker server's name [no more]: Enter the next NetWorker server's name [no more]: 10.Indicate if you want to start NetWorker when the installation is complete. Start NetWorker daemons at end of install [yes]? Installing NetWorker home directory in /var/nsr nsr-izing system files 26 Installing the Client Software Creating /sbin/init.d/networker Creating /nsr/res/servers Creating /sbin/rc3.d/S94networker Creating /sbin/rc3.d/K00networker Completing Installation Starting NetWorker daemons NetWorker successfully installed on ''! 11.In order for the NetWorker server to access the client for the network-wide backups, add the directory with the NetWorker software to the path environment variable for the root shell. 12.Delete the nsr_extract directory using the following commands: # cd /usr/tmp # rm -rf nsr_extract Installing the Client Software 27 Chapter 4 Completing the Installation This chapter explains what you need to do after the installation to get NetWorker ready for use, and it describes how to access the NetWorker documentation. Running the Installation Verification Procedure After installing NetWorker, you should run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) independently to verify that the software is available on your NetWorker server system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access NetWorker. To run the IVP after an installation, enter the following command: # setld -v subsetname In this command, subsetname can be any NetWorker subset. The subset identifiers for NetWorker servers include: Table 5 NetWorker Subsets Subset Name Subset Identifier NetWorker Server for DIGITAL UNIX BRXSOAKIT430 NetWorker DIGITAL UNIX Client BRXCKIT430 NetWorker Server Reference Pages BRXSMAN430 NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation BRXRNOTES430 Configuring Server Files After you have run the NetWorker installation script, you can optionally modify the /etc/hosts file to add the name nsrhost as an alias to the official host name of the NetWorker server. This ensures that NetWorker will only attempt to connect to the designated NetWorker server. Configuring Server Files Manually When you ran the NetWorker installation script, the script asked whether you wanted certain files on the NetWorker server to be modified automatically. These files are /etc/rpc and /etc/syslog.conf. If your response to the script was no, then the script did not modify them. In this case, you must modify these files manually, after you have run the NetWorker installation script. In addition, if you answered no, the script did not create the /sbin/init.d/nsrd file, which you must create manually. Configuring the /etc/rpc and /etc/syslog.conf Files 1. Log in as root user on the NetWorker server. 2. Edit the /etc/rpc file on the NetWorker server to add the following lines, exactly as shown, at the end of the file: # %BRX430_BEGIN% - DO NOT MODIFY OR DELETE nsrd 390103 nsr nsrmmd 390104 nsrmm nsrindexd 390105 nsrindex nsrmmdbd 390107 nsrmmdb nsrstat 390109 nsrexec 390113 nsrexecd # %BRX430_END% - DO NOT MODIFY OR DELETE 3. Edit the /etc/syslog.conf file on the NetWorker server to add the following lines, exactly as shown, at the end of the file: # %BRX430_BEGIN% - DO NOT MODIFY OR DELETE daemon.notice /dev/console daemon.notice /nsr/logs/messages daemon.notice operator local0.notice /nsr/logs/summary local0.alert root, operator # %BRX430_END% - DO NOT MODIFY OR DELETE 4. Start the nsrd process by entering the following command at the NetWorker server system prompt: # /bin/nsrd 30 Completing the Installation Creating the /sbin/init.d/nsrd File In order for the server to cleanly shut down and restart NetWorker on system shutdown and restart, create the file /sbin/init.d/nsrd with the following contents: #!/sbin/sh # #ifdef IDENT #ident"@(#)nsrd 1.4 97/03/25 Copyright (C) 1995, Legato Systems, Inc." #endif # # %BRX430_BEGIN% - DO NOT MODIFY OR DELETE (December 1996) PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin export PATH case "$1" in start) # # Un-comment out (remove the leading #) on the line # below which sets the variable NSR_OLDFWARE_TLZ7L # to "ENABLED" if you wish to enable the NSR software # to work-around the TLZ7L firmware bug (see the bug # description in the NSR v3.2 release notes). #NSR_OLDFWARE_TLZ7L="ENABLED" ; export NSR_OLDFWARE_TLZ7L # Allows portmap to start before the NetWorker server if /bin/ps -e | grep portmap > /dev/null then echo nsrd portmap check passed >/dev/console else [ -f /usr/sbin/portmap ] && /usr/sbin/portmap fi # Start NetWorker server after system reboot if [ -f /usr/bin/nsrd ] then ( /usr/bin/nsrd; sleep 2 ) >/dev/console 2>&1 fi # Start nsrexecd after system reboot if [ -f /usr/bin/nsrexecd ] then if /bin/ps -e|grep nsrexecd|grep -v grep> /dev/null then Completing the Installation 31 echo "Stopping and restarting nsrexecd process">/dev/console 2&1 ps_output="'ps -eopid,comm |grep nsrexecd'" active_pids="'echo "$ps_output" lawk '/awk/ {next} $0 ~ /'"nsrexecd""/ {print$1}''" kill -9 $active_pids >/dev/console 2>&1 fi ( /usr/bin/nsrexecd; sleep 2 ) >/dev/console 2>&1 fi ;; stop) # Shutdown NetWorker server if [ -f /usr/bin/nsr_shutdown ] then echo Stopping NetWorker daemons >/dev/console /usr/bin/nsr_shutdown -q& >/dev/console 2>&1 echo nsr_shutdown -q >/dev/console fi ;; *) echo init.d/nsrd: $1 ignored >/dev/console ;; esac # %BRX430_END% - DO NOT MODIFY OR DELETE Next, create soft links to the /sbin/init.d/nsrd file by issuing the following commands: # ln -s /sbin/init.d/nsrd /sbin/rc3.d/S94nsrd # ln -s /sbin/init.d/nsrd /sbin/rc0.d/K00nsrd Customizing the NetWorker Server After NetWorker is installed, your next step is to customize the NetWorker server for your environment. Refer to the NetWorker Administrator Guide UNIX Version for general information about NetWorker functionality and resources. Review the Addendum for specific information about configuring NetWorker on the DIGITAL UNIX operating system. Deleting NetWorker from Your System If you must remove a version of NetWorker from your system, delete each subset that you previously installed. 32 Completing the Installation To delete subsets: 1. Enter the setld command: # setld -i | grep BRX or, if you know the subset name: # setld -i | subsetnamennn where nnn is the version number. 2. Look for the word installed in the listing produced by the command in Step 1. Delete the installed subsets using the following command: # setld -d subsetnamennn Accessing Release Notes and Documentation After you complete your software installation, you can access the release notes and product documentation from the product directory /usr/opt/BRX430/usr/doc if you selected the release notes subset as one of the subsets to install. The release notes are provided in this product directory as well as on the Software Product Library CD-ROM distribution disc so that you can access them on line at any time before or after product installation. The release notes are available in both PostScript and text versions. The PostScript file is titled and the text file is brx430_relnotes.txt. For instructions on how to locate the release notes on the distribution disc, see the Software Product Library CD-ROM User's Guide. Completing the Installation 33 Appendix A Sample Listing for NetWorker Installation This appendix provides a listing for the installation of NetWorker from a CD-ROM into a network configuration. This installation procedure includes the following two steps: 1. Install NetWorker Server for DIGITAL UNIX software and load the following optional subsets on the NetWorker server: - NetWorker DIGITAL UNIX Client - NetWorker Server Reference Pages - NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation 2. Install NetWorker client software on a DIGITAL UNIX client system. NetWorker Server Installation Example The following listing shows a sample installation of NetWorker on a DIGITAL UNIX server system using CD-ROM media. In addition to installing NetWorker server software, this installation loads NetWorker client software in preparation for step two. All commands in this listing are issued from the NetWorker server system: # setld -l /mnt/brx430/kit The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) NetWorker DIGITAL UNIX Client 2) NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation 3) NetWorker Server Reference Pages 4) NetWorker Server for DIGITAL Or you may choose one of the following options: 5) ALL of the above 6) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 7) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 5 You are installing the following optional subsets: NetWorker DIGITAL UNIX Client NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation NetWorker Server Reference Pages NetWorker Server for DIGITAL UNIX Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. 4 subset(s) will be installed. Loading 1 of 4 subset(s).... This subset will take 5 minutes to complete. NetWorker Server for DIGITAL UNIX Copying from (disk) Working....Tue Mar 18 12:33:12 PST 1997 Verifying Loading 2 of 4 subset(s).... This subset will take 5 minutes to complete. NetWorker Server Reference Pages Copying from (disk) Verifying Loading 3 of 4 subset(s).... This subset will take 5 minutes to complete. NetWorker DIGITAL UNIX Client Copying from (disk) Working....Tue Mar 18 12:34:21 PST 1997 Verifying 36 Sample Listing for NetWorker Installation Loading 4 of 4 subset(s).... This subset will take 5 minutes to complete. NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation Copying from (disk) Working....Tue Mar 18 12:34:52 PST 1997 Verifying 4 of 4 subset(s) installed successfully. Configuring "NetWorker Server for DIGITAL UNIX" (BRXSOAKIT430) NetWorker Save and Restore Version V4.3 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1991, 1997. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227- 14 Alt III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ************ File Configuration on NetWorker Server *********** The installation procedure adds entries to the /etc/rpc and /etc/syslog.conf files on the NetWorker server; the original files are renamed and saved. The installation also creates the /sbin/init.d/nsrd file. Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [ y ]: Modifying /etc/rpc Modifying /etc/syslog.conf * * * Restarting syslog daemon * * * Do you wish to remove the saved files? (y/n) [ n ]: The modified files were saved and renamed as follows: File Location of saved file /etc/rpc /etc/rpc_nsrsave /etc/syslog.conf /etc/syslog.conf_nsrsave Sample Listing for NetWorker Installation 37 Creating /sbin/init.d/nsrd Running nsrck -F. This may take some time... nsrck: checking index for nsrck: compressing index for nsrck: completed checking 1 client Starting nsrd... *************************************************************** * If this system is to be backed up as the client of a remote * * NetWorker server or is used as a HSM client, you must run * * the script /bin/ * * This script will place the remote server's name in the file * * /nsr/res/servers, which is the list of NetWorker servers * * recognized by the local nsrexecd process as legitimate * * backup servers * *************************************************************** NetWorker icon has been successfully installed into CDE. /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Networker file exists. Do you wish to overwrite this file? (y/n) [n]: The app-defaults file for Networker was not installed. Use 'setld -c BRXSOAKIT430 INSTALL' command to install later. BRXSOAKIT430 software installed successfully Configuring "NetWorker Server Reference Pages" (BRXSMAN430) NetWorker Save and Restore Version V4.3 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1991, 1997. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227- 14 Alt III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. BRXSMAN430 software installed successfully Configuring "NetWorker DIGITAL UNIX Client" (BRXCKIT430) NetWorker Save and Restore Version V4.3 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1991, 1997. All rights reserved. 38 Sample Listing for NetWorker Installation Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227- 14 Alt III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. BRXCKIT430 software installed successfully Configuring "NetWorker Release Notes and Documentation" (BRXRNOTES430) NetWorker Save and Restore Version V4.3 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1991, 1997. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227- 14 Alt III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. BRXRNOTES430 software installed successfully DIGITAL UNIX Client Installation Example The following listing shows a sample installation of the DIGITAL UNIX client software (decaxp) on node All commands in this listing are issued from the NetWorker client system: # cd /usr/tmp # mkdir nsr_extract # cd nsr_extract # tar -xvpf /usr/opt/BRX430/BRXCKIT430/clientkit.tar decaxp blocksize = 256 x decaxp x decaxp/decaxp x decaxp/decaxp/, 3023 bytes, 6 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/mminfo, 376832 bytes, 736 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/mmlocate, 532480 bytes, 1040 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/mmpool, 532480 bytes, 1040 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nsradmin, 483328 bytes, 944 tape blocks Sample Listing for NetWorker Installation 39 x decaxp/decaxp/nsrclone, 540672 bytes, 1056 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nsrexecd, 901120 bytes, 1760 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nsrinfo, 892928 bytes, 1744 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nsrmm, 598016 bytes, 1168 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nsrwatch, 540672 bytes, 1056 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nwadmin, 1581056 bytes, 3088 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nwbackup, 1204224 bytes, 2352 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nwrecover, 1482752 bytes, 2896 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/recover, 1163264 bytes, 2272 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/save, 999424 bytes, 1952 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/savefs, 811008 bytes, 1584 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nsralist, 565248 bytes, 1104 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nsrarchive, 1081344 bytes, 2112 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nsrretrieve, 1163264 bytes, 2272 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nwarchive, 1204224 bytes, 2352 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nwretrieve, 1163264 bytes, 2272 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/hideasm, 6476 bytes, 13 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/tarasm, 5095 bytes, 10 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/uasm, 679936 bytes, 1328 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nsrhsmck, 638976 bytes, 1248 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nsrib, 638976 bytes, 1248 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nsriba, 1155072 bytes, 2256 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nsrmig, 638976 bytes, 1248 tape blocks x decaxp/decaxp/nsrpmig, 1105920 bytes, 2160 tape blocks x decaxp/nsr_ize, 94419 bytes, 185 tape blocks x decaxp/nsr_shutdown, 12930 bytes, 26 tape blocks x decaxp/nsr_support, 29050 bytes, 57 tape blocks x decaxp/, 218546 bytes, 427 tape blocks x decaxp/man x decaxp/man/mminfo.8, 32477 bytes, 64 tape blocks x decaxp/man/mmlocate.8, 3639 bytes, 8 tape blocks x decaxp/man/mmpool.8, 1821 bytes, 4 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsr_getdate.3, 4095 bytes, 8 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsradmin.8, 9562 bytes, 19 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsrclone.8, 11893 bytes, 24 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsrexecd.8, 3713 bytes, 8 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsrwatch.8, 4187 bytes, 9 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsrinfo.8, 8611 bytes, 17 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsrmm.8, 15201 bytes, 30 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nwadmin.8, 2082 bytes, 5 tape blocks x decaxp/man/recover.8, 15927 bytes, 32 tape blocks x decaxp/man/save.8, 7536 bytes, 15 tape blocks x decaxp/man/savefs.8, 10040 bytes, 20 tape blocks x decaxp/man/uasm.8, 17126 bytes, 34 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsr_archive_request.5, 7257 bytes, 15 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsralist.8, 1533 bytes, 3 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsrarchive.8, 5955 bytes, 12 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsrretrieve.8, 3324 bytes, 7 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nwarchive.8, 2313 bytes, 5 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nwretrieve.8, 2420 bytes, 5 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsr_migration.5, 8999 bytes, 18 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsrhsmck.8, 3645 bytes, 8 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsrib.8, 9735 bytes, 20 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsriba.8, 9735 bytes, 20 tape blocks 40 Sample Listing for NetWorker Installation x decaxp/man/nsrmig.8, 2545 bytes, 5 tape blocks x decaxp/man/nsrpmig.8, 6415 bytes, 13 tape blocks # cd decaxp # ./nsr_ize -i NetWorker(TM) - Release V4.3 Copyright (c) 1990-1997, Digital Equipment Corp. All rights reserved. This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors. nsr_ize is about to install NetWorker client software on client machine ''. Install the NetWorker man pages [yes]? Directory into which the NetWorker man pages should be installed [/usr/man]? Installing NetWorker man pages into /usr/man Update the man page directory (NOTE - this takes a while) [yes]? Install the decaxp NetWorker programs [yes]? Directory where decaxp NetWorker programs should be installed [/usr/bin]? Installing decaxp NetWorker client programs into /usr/bin Creating /usr/bin/nsr_man Linking /usr/bin/nwadmin to /usr/bin/networker To set up a NetWorker client, you need to supply a directory for the nsrexecd log and work files. On NSR servers and clients, this is normally /nsr (which will be softlinked to the directory you now specify) Directory where decaxp NetWorker programs should be installed [/nsr]? /var/nsr The nsrexecd program restricts access to a select set of NetWorker servers. Please enter the names of each computer running a NetWorker server that will back up this computer, one name at a time. If a computer has more than one network interface, please enter each interface's name (one at a time). Enter the first NetWorker server's name [no more]: Enter the next NetWorker server's name [no more]: Start NetWorker daemons at end of install [yes]? Installing NetWorker home directory in /var/nsr nsr-izing system files Creating /sbin/init.d/networker Creating /nsr/res/servers Creating /sbin/rc3.d/S94networker Creating /sbin/rc3.d/K00networker Sample Listing for NetWorker Installation 41 Completing Installation Starting NetWorker daemons NetWorker successfully installed on ''! 42 Sample Listing for NetWorker Installation Appendix B Files Installed on Your System The following sections describe the files installed on NetWorker server systems, and the files installed on DIGITAL UNIX. Files Installed on Server Systems Table 6 lists and describes the files associated with a NetWorker server installation. These files reside in the /usr/opt/BRX430/BRXSOAKIT430/bin directory. The installation procedure creates symbolic links in the /bin directory that point to the respective NetWorker server software files. Table 6 Installed NetWorker Files -- Server File Description ansrd Agent NetWorker server daemon used for a save or recover session asavegrp Executable file for starting a group of NetWorker clients saving their filesystems changers Lists all SCSI jukeboxes connected to a system hideasm Module for saving and recovering without creating index entries hpflip Reads vendor-unique mide page from HP optical disk drive and converts the device type ielem Initializes element status of specified SCSI device (continued) Table 6 Installed NetWorker Files -- Server (cont.) File Description inquire Returns INQUIRY data for all or specified SCSI devices attached to system jb_config Executable file to add a jukebox as a NetWorker resource jbexercise Executable file for testing the functions of a jukebox vector mminfo Executable file for reporting media information mmlocate Executable file for accessing and managing the volume location information contained in the media databases mmpool Used to display pool information stored in the media database mmrecov Executable file for recovering the online indexes of the NetWorker server A help file used by the executable NetWorker software to provide online Motif-based help nsr_shutdown Executable file for killing NetWorker processes running on the NetWorker server nsr_support Executable file for collecting configuration information from the customer system that can be forwarded to the DIGITAL Customer Support Center nsradmin Executable file for activating a character-based program for system administration nsralist Archive request executor nsrarchive Executable file for archiving files nsrck Executable file for checking and repairing server indexes nsrclone Save set cloning command nsrd NetWorker server daemon (continued) 44 Files Installed on Your System Table 6 Installed NetWorker Files -- Server (cont.) File Description nsrexecd Daemon used for enhanced security of remote logins Setup script to define NetWorker server as a client of another NetWorker server nsrfile Module to aid in writing shell script ASMs nsrhsmck HSM consistency checker nsrib HSM index browser nsriba HSM index browser agent nsrim Executable file for managing NetWorker's online file and media indexes nsrindexasm Executable file for saving and recovering NetWorker indexes nsrindexd NetWorker index daemon nsrinfo Executable file for reporting the contents of a client file index nsrjb Executable file for managing jukeboxes for the NetWorker server nsrls Executable file for listing the statistics of NetWorker index files nsrmig Executable file for migrating files for long-term storage with HSM. nsrmm Executable file for the NetWorker media interface nsrmmd NetWorker media management daemon nsrmmdbasm Executable file for saving and recovering NetWorker media databases nsrmmdbd NetWorker media index daemon nsrpmig Executable file for pre-migrating (copy file) files for long-term storage with HSM. (continued) Files Installed on Your System 45 Table 6 Installed NetWorker Files -- Server (cont.) File Description nsrretrieve Executable file for retrieving archived data nsrtrap Mechanism for sending NetWorker notifications using the SNMP trap mechanism nsrwatch Executable file for displaying NetWorker server status from an ASCII terminal nwadmin Executable file for activating a Motif-based program for system administration nwarchive Executable file for activating a Motif-based program for controlling archiving activities nwbackup Executable file for activating a Motif-based program for backup functions nwrecover Executable file for activating a Motif-based program for recover functions nwretrieve Executable file for activating a Motif-based program for retrieving archived data rawasm Module for saving to and from raw disk devices recover Executable file for browsing the online indexes and recovering files from the NetWorker server relem Sends a READ ELEMENT STATUS command to all or a specified media changer save Executable file for saving files to the NetWorker server savefs Executable file for saving filesystems to the NetWorker server savegrp Executable file for saving the files of a group of NetWorker clients scanner Executable file for reading the contents of a volume that will be recovered from a NetWorker server crash (continued) 46 Files Installed on Your System Table 6 Installed NetWorker Files -- Server (cont.) File Description sjiielm Tests the Initialize Element Status interface for a jukebox sjiinq Returns a string identifying an SJI-compliant jukebox sjirdp Returns the ordinal device positions from an SJI- compliant jukebox sjirdtag Reads and displays media presence and tag data from an SJI-compliant jukebox sjirelem Reads and displays media presence and origin data from an SJI-compliant jukebox sjirjc Reads and displays internal configuration information and options from an SJI-compliant jukebox ssc Executable file for performing save set consolidation tapeexercise Writes sample data to a tape, and tests to see if position and read operations perform as expected. Read the reference page before using this command tarasm Module for saving and recovering using the tar command tarsum Calculates checksum of a tar stream while the tar command is running tur Sends a TEST UNIT READY command to all or a specified SCSI device attached to the system uasm Executable file for saving and recovering generic UNIX files vjb_config Program for customer support vjb_contents Program for customer support Files Installed on Your System 47 Files Installed on DIGITAL UNIX Client Systems Table 7 lists and describes the files associated with the DIGITAL UNIX client installation. When you initially load these files onto the NetWorker server, NetWorker places them in a tar file in the directory /usr/opt/BRX430/BRXCKIT430. Later, when you install the files on the client system, these files reside in a directory that you specify during installation. Table 7 Installed NetWorker Files -- DIGITAL UNIX Client File Description hideasm Module for saving and recovering without creating index entries mminfo Executable file for reporting media information mmlocate Executable file for accessing and managing the volume location information contained in the media databases mmpool Executable file used to display pool information stored in the media database A help file used by the executable NetWorker software to provide online Motif-based help nsr_ize Executable file for installing or removing NetWorker software files to or from a machine. nsr_shutdown Executable file for killing NetWorker processes running on the NetWorker server nsr_support Executable file for collecting configuration information from the customer system that can be forwarded to the DIGITAL Customer Support Center nsradmin Executable file for activating a character-based program for system administration nsralist Archive request executor nsrarchive Executable file for archiving files nsrclone Save set cloning command (continued) 48 Files Installed on Your System Table 7 Installed NetWorker Files -- DIGITAL UNIX Client (cont.) File Description nsrexecd Daemon used for enhanced security of remote logins nsrhsmck HSM consistency checker nsrib HSM index browser nsriba HSM index browser agent nsrinfo Executable file for reporting the contents of a client file index nsrmig HSM migration utility nsrmm Executable file for the NetWorker media interface nsrpmig HSM pre-migration utility nsrretrieve Executable file for retrieving archived data nsrwatch Executable file for displaying NetWorker server status from an ASCII terminal nwadmin Executable file for activating a Motif-based program for system administration nwarchive Executable file for activating a Motif-based program for controlling archiving activities nwbackup Executable file for activating a Motif-based program for backup functions nwrecover Executable file for activating a Motif-based program for recover functions nwretrieve Executable file for activating a Motif-based program for retrieving archived data recover Executable file for browsing the online indexes and recovering files from the NetWorker server save Executable file for saving files to the NetWorker server (continued) Files Installed on Your System 49 Table 7 Installed NetWorker Files -- DIGITAL UNIX Client (cont.) File Description savefs Executable file for saving filesystems to the NetWorker server tarasm Module for saving and recovering using tar uasm Executable file for saving and recovering generic UNIX files 50 Files Installed on Your System Appendix C Client Installation Worksheet This appendix provides a template for the client installation worksheet described in Chapter 3. Use the client installation worksheet to organize the installation of NetWorker client software. Avoid writing on this template worksheet; instead, use this copy as a master from which you can make additional copies. See Installing the Client Software on page 23 for more information on using this worksheet. Figure is not available. Index stopping, 12 time required, 4 B installation requirements backing up system disk, 4 disk space, 9 hardware, 4 login, 4 software, 5 CD-ROM Installation Verification installing from, 15 Procedure. See IVP IVP running, 29 D C deleting NSR, 32 deleting old subsets, 7 L disk space License Management Facility. See requirements for local LMF installation, 9 license registration, 3 LMF, 1 E error recovery, 12 R release notes accessing from product F directory, 33 files location on CD-ROM, 1 installed on a DIGITAL UNIX removing NSR subsets, 32 client, 48 requirements. See installation installed on server, 43 requirements RIS installation procedure, 16 H hardware requirements, 4 S software requirements, 5 stopping the installation, 12 I subsets installation procedure deleting old, 7 example, 35 described, 8 from a RIS server, 16 loading, 17 from CD-ROM, 15 selecting during installation, monitoring displays during, 17 16 selecting subsets, 16 system disk, backing up, 4 Ordering Additional Information You can order additional user information electronically, by telephone, or by mailing an order. If you need help with your order, call 800-343-4040. Electronic Orders To place an order at the Electronic Store, dial 800-DEC-DEMO (800-332- 3366) using a 1200- or 2400-bps modem. If you need assistance using the Electronic Store, call 800-DIGITAL (800-344-4825). Telephone and Direct Mail Orders Your Location Call Contact Continental 800-DIGITAL Digital Equipment Corporation USA, PO Box CS2008 Alaska, or Nashua, NH 03061 Hawaii Puerto Rico 809-754-7575 Local DIGITAL subsidiary Canada 800-267-6215 Digital Equipment of Canada Attn: DECdirect Operation KAO2/2 PO Box 13000 100 Herzberg Road Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2K 2A6 International Local DIGITAL subsidiary or approved distributor 1 Internal SSB Order Processing - NQO/V19 or U.S. Software Supply Business Digital Equipment Corporation 10 Cotton Road Nashua, NH 03063-1260 1For internal orders, you must submit on Internal Software Order Form (EN-01740-07). 56 How Did We Do? Please take a moment to let us know whether the online and paper documentation that we provided with this product is useful to you. We are particularly interested in comments about clarity, organization, figures, examples (or the lack thereof), the index, page layout, and, of course, accuracy. When you send a comment, be sure to provide ample background information to help us locate the right source files. Include the product name and version, the document name, and the page number. Internet address: Fax numbers: 800-DEC-FAXX (800-332-3299) 206-865-8890 Mailing address: Publications Manager Digital Equipment Corporation 14475 NE 24th Street Bellevue, WA 98007