DASL_Management_Guide_______________________________ Part Number: AA-PZQQA-TE August 1993 This document describes terminal setup requirements, installation procedures, and management tasks for the DSM Application Software Library (DASL) software. The DASL software is integrated with Digital Standard M (DSM) layered on the OpenVMS, the DEC OSF/1 AXP, and the ULTRIX operating systems. ________________________ Note ________________________ Digital Standard M was formerly called Digital Standard MUMPS. ______________________________________________________ Revision/Update Information: This is a revised document. Operating System and Version: VMS Version 5.4 and higher OpenVMS AXP Version 1.0 and higher ULTRIX Version 4.2 and higher DEC OSF/1 AXP Version 1.3 and higher Software Version: DASL Version 6.2 DSM Version 6.2 for OpenVMS VAX DSM Version 6.2 for OpenVMS AXP DSM for ULTRIX Version 1.0 DSM Version 1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ First Printing, September 1987 Revised, November 1988 Revised, April 1989 Revised, November 1989 Revised, September 1990 Revised, January 1992 Revised, March 1992 Revised, February 1993 Revised, August 1993 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital, an authorized sublicensor, or the identified licensor. While Digital believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the interconnection of its products in the manner described in this document will not infringe existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1992, 1993. All Rights Reserved. The Reader's Comments form at the end of the hardcopy version of this document requests your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha AXP, AXP, Bookreader, DASL, DEC, DECwindows, DSM, DSM-11, EDT, OpenVMS, PDP-11, ULTRIX, VAX, VAXcluster, VAX DOCUMENT, VAX DSM, VMS, VT100, VT300, the AXP logo, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: MUMPS is a registered trademark of Massachusetts General Hospital. CCSM is a trademark of MGlobal. DTM-PC is a trademark of DataTree Inc. Motif, OSF, OSF/1, and OSF/Motif are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc., licensed by Digital. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... vii 1 Setting Terminal Features Set-Up Requirements on Some of Digital's Terminals........................................... 1-1 Requirements on VT100 Terminals..................... 1-1 Requirements on VT200-Series and VT300-Series Terminals........................................... 1-2 Set-Up Options for International Applications....... 1-4 2 Installing DASL Software on OpenVMS Systems Summary of the DASL Installation.................... 2-1 Using the VMSINSTAL.COM Procedure................... 2-2 Establishing the DSM Environment Manager Account for DASL................................................ 2-2 Running the DSM$CONFIGURE.COM Procedure............. 2-3 Creating a Database Volume Set...................... 2-4 Building a DSM Configuration........................ 2-4 Starting the DSM Configuration...................... 2-4 Running the DSM Image............................... 2-4 Establishing a Development Area..................... 2-5 Initializing the DASL Software...................... 2-5 Entering the DASL Manager Area...................... 2-6 Restoring DASL Library Globals...................... 2-6 Restoring DASL Library Routines..................... 2-6 Entering the Development Area....................... 2-7 Running the DASL Initialization Routine............. 2-7 Installing Updated Versions of the DASL Software.... 2-8 iii 3 Installing DASL Software on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems Summary of the DASL Installation.................... 3-1 Installing the DASL Software Using setld............ 3-3 Establishing the DSM Environment Manager Account for DASL................................................ 3-3 Creating a DSM Environment Manager Account.......... 3-4 Copying the DASL Volume Set......................... 3-4 Configuring DSM..................................... 3-5 Creating a Database Volume Set...................... 3-5 Building and Starting a DSM Configuration........... 3-6 Establishing a Development Area..................... 3-7 Initializing the DASL Software...................... 3-8 Entering the Development Area....................... 3-8 Running the DASL Initialization Routine............. 3-8 Installing Updated Versions of the DASL Software.... 3-9 4 Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OpenVMS Systems Overview of the DASL Environment.................... 4-1 Creating DASL Work Areas............................ 4-2 Loading the DASL Demonstration System............... 4-3 Customizing the DASL Software....................... 4-6 Preparing to Work in the Customization Area......... 4-6 Using the DSM/DASL_CUSTOMIZE Command................ 4-7 Modifying the LOGIN.COM File for the DASL Software............................................ 4-7 Setting Terminal Characteristics in the LOGIN.COM File................................................ 4-8 Assigning Symbols................................... 4-8 Defining Logical Names.............................. 4-9 Defining DSM$DASL_USRID............................. 4-10 Defining DSM$DASL_BATCH............................. 4-10 Defining DSM$DASL_EVENTLOG.......................... 4-10 5 Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems Overview of the DASL Environment.................... 5-1 Creating DASL Work Areas............................ 5-2 Running the DASL Demonstration System............... 5-3 Customizing the DASL Software....................... 5-4 iv 6 Performing DASL Database Conversions DASL Conversion Globals............................. 6-1 DASL Conversion Routines............................ 6-2 Index Examples 4-1 DSM Command Lines......................... 4-8 Tables 1-1 Terminal Features for VT200-Series Terminals................................. 1-3 1-2 Terminal Features for VT300-Series Terminals................................. 1-3 1-3 Additional Features for International Applications.............................. 1-5 2-1 DSM Utilities Called by the DSM$CONFIGURE Procedure................................. 2-3 4-1 DASL Work Areas........................... 4-2 5-1 DASL Work Areas........................... 5-2 v _________________________________________________________________ Preface Intended Audience The DASL Management Guide is intended for programmers with a working knowledge of the DSM[TM] language and some knowledge of the OpenVMS[TM], DEC OSF/1[R] AXP[TM], or ULTRIX[TM] operating system. Manual Objectives The DASL Management Guide describes how to set up terminal features required by the DSM Application Software Library (DASL[TM]) software, install the DASL software with the DSM software, and manage the DASL software after installation. This manual is a multiplatform document that contains information for the following DSM platforms: o DSM for OpenVMS AXP o DSM for OpenVMS VAX o DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP o DSM for ULTRIX Information that is specific to a particular DSM platform is labeled accordingly. The DASL Management Guide is structured as follows: Chapter 1 Setting Terminal Features Describes how to set up terminal features required by the DASL software. Chapter 1 also describes how to set up terminal features for international applications. vii Chapter 2 Installing DASL Software on OpenVMS Systems Describes, for the DSM for OpenVMS AXP and DSM for OpenVMS VAX software, how to install the DASL software with the DSM software and how to initialize the DASL software. Chapter 3 Installing DASL Software on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems Describes, for the DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP and DSM for ULTRIX software, how to install the DASL software with the DSM software and how to initialize the DASL software. Chapter 4 Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OpenVMS Systems Describes, for the DSM for OpenVMS AXP and DSM for OpenVMS VAX software, how to establish DASL work areas, customize the DASL software, load the DASL demonstration system, and add DASL symbols and logical names to your LOGIN.COM file. Chapter 5 Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems Describes, for the DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP and DSM for ULTRIX software, how to establish DASL work areas, customize the DASL software, and run the DASL demonstration system. Chapter 6 Performing DASL Database Conversions Describes how to use the DASL database conversion routine, ^%DACVRT, when installing an updated version of the DASL software. Related Documents Other documentation about the DASL software consists of: o DASL Handbook This document, for first-time users of DASL applications, describes how to use applications that were created with the DASL software. It also describes how to use application environment options such as the Report Directory, the Message Center, and the Query Database Menu. viii o DASL Master Index This document contains index entries for manuals in the DASL documentation set. o DASL Pocket Reference This document provides a summary of DASL commands and input conventions. o DASL Programmer's Guide This document introduces the DASL software and explains how to create a simple application using the DASL software. o DASL Reference Manual This document describes the six major modules of the DASL software and provides related reference material, including the syntax and elements of DASL commands. The DASL manuals are part of the DSM for OpenVMS, DSM for ULTRIX, and DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP documentation sets. See the release notes and the Introduction to DSM for more information about associated documents. For more information about the MUMPS[R] programming language, see the ANSI MUMPS Language Standard. The DSM for OpenVMS and DASL documentation sets are available on the OpenVMS Online Documentation Library Compact Disc. These documentation files can be used with the Bookreader[TM] for OpenVMS. The DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP and DASL documentation sets are available on the DEC OSF/1 Online Documentation Library Compact Disc. These documentation files can be used with the Bookreader for DEC OSF/1. The DSM for ULTRIX and DASL documentation sets are available on the ULTRIX Online Documentation Library Compact Disc. These documentation files can be used with the Bookreader for ULTRIX. ix Conventions Used in This Document The DASL Management Guide uses the following conventions. ___________________________________________________________ Convention___Meaning_______________________________________ bold text Emphasizes important information. Indicates user input for online documentation. italic text Introduces new terms. Indicates the title of a manual. `` '' Indicates a DASL prompt. red text Indicates user input for hardcopy documentation. Indicates that you press the Ctrl key on the terminal keyboard while you simultaneously press some other key (represented here by x). Indicates that you press the key labeled Return. Indicates that a space must separate components of a command or command line. pathname Indicates the path from root to a directory or file on a DEC OSF/1 AXP or ULTRIX system. UPPERCASE The DEC OSF/1 AXP and ULTRIX systems and differentiate between lowercase and uppercase lowercase characters. You must enter text that appears in examples exactly as shown. root This typeface in text indicates the exact name of a command, option, partition, pathname, directory, or file on a DEC OSF/1 AXP or ULTRIX system. VMS Indicates the OpenVMS operating system. OSF/1________Indicates_the_DEC_OSF/1_AXP_operating_system._ Your Comments Are Invited Comments regarding the usability of our documentation, including feedback on clarity, organization, and accuracy are welcome. Comments are also welcome regarding figures, examples, and the index. Please send your comments about the content of the documentation to Digital Equipment Corporation through any of the following methods: x o DSM Product Group FAX: 508-467-1605 o Internet address doc_comment@nurse.enet.dec.com o Postal Service Digital Equipment Corporation DSM Product Group MRO2-3/5E 2 Results Way Marlboro, MA 01752-9840 U.S.A. xi Please include the product name and version, and the name of the manual and section on which you are commenting. For your convenience, a Reader's Comments page is located at the back of each manual. ________________________ Note ________________________ The communication methods listed in this section should be used only for comments on documentation. Other types of information - such as Software Performance Reports or software enhancement requests - cannot be handled through these methods. ______________________________________________________ xii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Setting Terminal Features The DASL software requires certain terminal operating characteristics. This chapter explains how to set operating characteristics on some of Digital's terminals. You can also use other ANSI terminals that are similar to the terminals described in this chapter. This chapter also explains how to set up terminal options (on some of Digital's terminals) for international applications. Set-Up Requirements on Some of Digital's Terminals Before you initialize the DASL software, set up terminal operating features. This section describes setting up features for Digital's VT100[TM] terminals, Digital's VT200-series terminals, and Digital's VT300[TM]-series terminals. Requirements on VT100 Terminals If you are using VT100 terminals, use Set-Up State to make sure that terminals have: o Tabs set at every eighth character position o Auto XON XOFF enabled (set to ON) o New line disabled (set to OFF) All other terminal set-up features are optional. However, you can also choose to set the following features: o Margin bell disabled (set to OFF) o Programming mode set to ANSI o Pound sign set to number sign (#) o Wraparound disabled (set to OFF) Setting Terminal Features 1-1 On VT100 terminals, Set-Up State consists of two screens. Use the first screen, SET-UP A, to set tab stops and screen brightness. Use the second screen, SET-UP B, to set other terminal features. See the operating manual for your VT100 terminal for detailed set-up instructions. Requirements on VT200-Series and VT300-Series Terminals If you are using VT200-series or VT300-series terminals, use the terminal's Set-Up Directory Screen to set terminal operating characteristics. You can choose several set-up screens from this directory. Each set-up screen displays menu items that you select to set terminal characteristics. 1-2 Setting Terminal Features For these terminals, the following characteristics are required by the DASL software: o No new line o Set eight column tabs All other terminal set-up features are optional. Table 1-1 describes the terminal operating features you can set in each VT200-series set-up screen. Table_1-1_Terminal_Features_for_VT200-Series_Terminals_____ Set-Up_Screen_________Setting______________________________ Main Set-Up Set-Up = English Directory North American Keyboard Display Set-Up No auto wrap General Set-Up VT200 mode, 7-bit controls No new line Keyboard Set-Up No auto answerback No margin bell Tab_Set-Up____________Set_8-column_tabs____________________ See the operating manual for your VT200-series terminal for detailed set-up instructions. Table 1-2 describes the terminal operating features you can set in each VT300-series set-up screen. Table_1-2_Terminal_Features_for_VT300-Series_Terminals_____ Set-Up_Screen_________Setting______________________________ Display Set-Up Auto wrap - no auto wrap New line mode - no new line Communications Set- Auto answerback - disabled Up (continued on next page) Setting Terminal Features 1-3 Table 1-2 (Cont.) Terminal Features for VT300-Series __________________Terminals________________________________ Set-Up_Screen_________Setting______________________________ Keyboard Set-Up Keyboard dialect - North American Keyboard mode - typewriter Cursor key mode - normal Margin bell - off Tab_Set-Up____________Set_8-column_tabs____________________ See the operating manual for your VT300-series terminal for detailed set-up instructions. Set-Up Options for International Applications You can set up Digital's VT200-series terminals and Digital's VT300-series terminals to enter and display international character sets. On VT200-series terminals, you can enter and display characters in the DEC Multinational Character Set (MCS). Press Set-Up to move to the Main Set-Up Directory Screen. In this screen, you can select the language of the Set-Up Screen and the keyboard language. Use the Set-Up Screen Option to select English, French, or German as the language in which you want the set-up screens to be displayed. Use the Keyboard Language Option to select correct terminal operation for the following national keyboards (listed in the order you see when you use this set-up option). ___________________________________________________________ Keyboard_Languages_or_Dialects_____________________________ North American Italian British Swiss (French) Flemish Swiss (German) Canadian (French) Swedish Danish Norwegian Finnish French/Belgian German Spanish Dutch______________________________________________________ 1-4 Setting Terminal Features On VT300-series terminals, you can enter and display characters of the DEC Multinational Character Set (MCS) or the ISO Latin-1 Character Set. Press Set-Up to move to the Set-Up Directory Screen. In this screen, you can select English, French, or German as the language in which you want the set-up screens to be displayed. From the Set-Up Directory Screen, move to the General Set-Up Screen. Table 1-3 describes the terminal operating features you can set in the General Set-Up Screen. Table 1-3 Additional Features for International __________Applications_____________________________________ Set-Up_Feature________Setting______________________________ Character Set Mode Multinational User Pref Character DEC-MCS or ISO Latin-1 Set________________________________________________________ From the Set-Up Directory Screen, move to the Keyboard Set- Up Features Screen to select the language or dialect to match your keyboard. The languages and dialects available are the same as described previously for the VT200-series terminals, with the addition of Portuguese. Setting Terminal Features 1-5 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing DASL Software on OpenVMS Systems This chapter describes how to do the following on OpenVMS systems: o Install the DASL software with the DSM software o Establish the DSM environment manager account for the DASL environment o Use the DSM$CONFIGURE.COM command procedure to: - Create a DASL volume set - Define and start a DSM configuration in the DASL environment o Initialize the DASL software o Install upgraded versions of the DASL software Use this chapter in conjunction with the DSM Installation and Management Guide and the DSM Database Operations Guide. Summary of the DASL Installation Figure 2-1 summarizes the procedure you use to install and initialize the DASL software. In Figure 2-1, steps 1 through 7 are tasks that are general to installing the DSM software. Even if you do not install the DASL software, you perform these tasks when you install the DSM software. Steps 8 through 15 pertain only to installing and initializing the DASL software. Note that in step 14 the value DEV for UCI is an example of a value you can use to indicate a developer's UCI. Your UCI can have a different value. When the DASL initialization is complete, you can use the DASL software. Installing DASL Software on OpenVMS Systems 2-1 The following sections in this chapter explain the installation process in detail. Using the VMSINSTAL.COM Procedure To install the DASL software with the DSM software, log in to the system manager account on your VMS system and use the VMSINSTAL.COM procedure, as described in the DSM Installation and Management Guide. During the VMSINSTAL.COM procedure, enter Y at the following prompt to load the DASL files into the SYS$LIBRARY area: Do you want to include DASL files [Y]? Y The following messages are displayed as the DASL files are loaded: The following DASL files will be created in [SYSLIB] DSM$DASL_ROUTINES.SAV DSM$DASL_GLOBALS.SAV DSM$DASL_DEMO.SAV The following DASL files will be created in [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES] DSM$DASL_PRTD_ROU.SAV DSM$DASL_PRTD_GLO.SAV Establishing the DSM Environment Manager Account for DASL The DSM environment manager account is an account that you use to perform system manager tasks in the DSM environment associated with the account. You must create a DSM environment manager account to define and manage the DASL environment. Some of the tasks you perform using the DSM environment manager account are as follows: o Creating and extending DSM volumes o Creating and editing DSM configurations o Managing UCIs, globals, and routines 2-2 Installing DASL Software on OpenVMS Systems Use the SYS$MANAGER:DSM$INIT.COM procedure to prepare a VMS account for use as a DSM environment manager account. See the DSM Installation and Management Guide for instructions about how to use the DSM$INIT.COM procedure. If you are upgrading from a previous version of DSM, see the release notes for instructions about how to do an upgrade. Running the DSM$CONFIGURE.COM Procedure After you have created a DSM environment manager account for the DASL environment, do the following: 1. Log out of the VMS system manager account. 2. Log in to the DSM environment manager account. 3. Run the SYS$MANAGER:DSM$CONFIGURE.COM command procedure at the DCL prompt ($). Use the DSM$CONFIGURE.COM procedure to configure and start DSM for the first time. The DSM$CONFIGURE.COM procedure calls the DSM utilities described in Table 2-1. Table 2-1 DSM Utilities Called by the DSM$CONFIGURE __________Procedure________________________________________ Utility__________Function__________________________________ ^VOLMAN Creates a new DSM volume set ^CONFIG Defines a DSM configuration ^STU_____________Starts_a_DSM_configuration________________ See the DSM Installation and Management Guide and the DSM Database Operations Guide for more information about the utilities described in Table 2-1. If you are upgrading from a previous version of DSM, see the release notes for instructions about how to do an upgrade. Installing DASL Software on OpenVMS Systems 2-3 Creating a Database Volume Set Use the ^VOLMAN utility to create a database volume set for the DASL database. The DASL software requires 20,000 blocks of disk space for its database volume set. Enter 20000 at the following prompt in the ^VOLMAN utility: Enter desired size of this volume in 1 KB DSM blocks > 20000 Building a DSM Configuration After you have created a volume set, use the ^CONFIG utility to build a DSM configuration. The following information describes how you enter specifications for the DASL software at the ^CONFIG utility prompts. At the following prompt press Return to specify one database volume set. You can specify as many database sets as desired. Number of database sets in this configuration <1> At the following prompt enter Y and press Return to modify command line qualifiers for the DASL environment. Modify DSM default command line qualifiers [Y or N] Y The DSM default command line qualifiers are appended to the DSM command line when you log in to DSM. You must define the following command line qualifiers for the DASL environment: /TYPE/SOURCE=24000 Starting the DSM Configuration After you create a database volume set and build a DSM configuration for the DASL software, use the ^STU utility to start the DASL configuration. Running the DSM Image After you have started the DASL configuration, enter the following command at the DCL prompt to run the DSM image: $ DSM/MANAGER This command logs you in to the DSM manager area of DSM where you can complete DASL initialization and management tasks. 2-4 Installing DASL Software on OpenVMS Systems Establishing a Development Area When you are logged in to the DSM manager area, you must establish a work area (development area) where you can develop and compile DASL application screens, reports, and queries. To establish a development area, define a unique User Class Identifier (UCI) for the area. The UCI establishes access rights to globals for users. Use the ^UCIMAN utility in the DSM environment manager account to assign a UCI (for example, DEV). See the DSM Database Operations Guide for more information about how to assign UCIs. When you are finished using the ^UCIMAN utility, exit from the DSM manager area. See Chapter 4 of this manual for more information about DASL work areas. Initializing the DASL Software You can now initialize the DASL software. The DASL initialization procedure accomplishes the following tasks: 1. Enters the DASL manager area 2. Restores DASL library globals 3. Restores DASL library routines 4. Logs in to the DASL development UCI 5. Runs the DASL initialization routine, ^%DAINIT, in the development UCI ________________________ Note ________________________ Follow this procedure if you are installing the DASL software for the first time. If you are installing an updated version of the DASL software, see the Installing Updated Versions of the DASL Software section of this chapter. ______________________________________________________ Installing DASL Software on OpenVMS Systems 2-5 Entering the DASL Manager Area To begin the DASL initialization procedure you must be in the DASL manager area. At the DCL prompt, enter the following: $ DSM/DASL_CUSTOMIZE See Chapter 4 of this manual for more information about the DSM/DASL_CUSTOMIZE command. Restoring DASL Library Globals In the DASL manager area, follow this procedure to restore DASL library globals: 1. At the DSM prompt, enter D ^%GTI to run the routine to restore globals. >D ^%GTI 2. At the following prompt, enter the file name as follows: Input Device? > SYS$LIBRARY:DSM$DASL_GLOBALS.SAV DSM displays messages, similar to the following, and the following prompt: Globals were saved on: 6-Jan-93 5:26:46 PM Header: DASL Version 6.2 Globals (Restore using ^%GTI) Restore all (A) or selected (S) ? 3. Press Return to restore all globals. Restore all (A) or selected (S) ? DSM lists all globals as they are restored. A is the default response. Restoring DASL Library Routines In the DASL manager area, follow this procedure to restore DASL library routines: 1. At the DSM prompt, enter D ^%RR to run the routine to restore routines. >D ^%RR 2. At the following prompt, enter the file name as follows: Input Device? > SYS$LIBRARY:DSM$DASL_ROUTINES.SAV 2-6 Installing DASL Software on OpenVMS Systems DSM displays messages, similar to the following, and the following prompt: Restoring routines from SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DSM$DASL_ROUTINES.SAV;17 Saved by %RS on 6-JAN-1993 17:34:04.66 Header: DASL Version 6.2 Routines (Restore using ^%RR) Restore all (A) or Selected (S) ? 3. Press Return to restore all routines. Restore all (A) or Selected (S) ? Entering the Development Area You must be in the DASL development UCI to run the DASL initialization routine. To enter the DASL development UCI: 1. Exit from the DASL manager area and return to the DCL prompt. 2. Log in to your DASL development area using the development area UCI, for example: $ DSM/UCI=DEV > In this example, the value DEV for UCI is an example of a value you can use to indicate a developer's UCI. The value you use for UCI can be different. Running the DASL Initialization Routine To run the ^%DAINIT routine in the development UCI, enter D ^%DAINIT at the DSM prompt. >D ^%DAINIT The system responds with the following message: Initializing DASL The system then calls the Application Parameters screen. Figure 2-2 shows an Application Parameters screen with some sample field values. In this screen, enter the following required information: o Application name to appear on the application Login Screen o Default delimiter Installing DASL Software on OpenVMS Systems 2-7 o Prefix for generated screens o Prefix for generated reports o Prefix for generated queries o Prefix for batch files ________________________ Note ________________________ You must enter required information in the first six fields of the Application Parameters screen before you can run the DASL software to develop your application. After you have designed your application, you can return to the Application Parameters screen to complete the remaining fields. ______________________________________________________ For more information about how to use the Application Parameters screen, see the DASL Reference Manual. When you finish entering information in the Application Parameters screen, the system displays the following message: DASL initialization complete You must run ^%DAINIT in every work area (development area) in which you use the DASL software. You can repeat the DASL initialization routine, if needed. Installing Updated Versions of the DASL Software When you install an updated version of the DASL software, you must: 1. Restore DASL library globals and routines. 2. Run the ^%DACVRT database conversion routine. Do not run the ^%DAINIT routine. 3. Recompile all application screens, reports, and queries. See Chapter 6 for more information about the ^%DACVRT routine. 2-8 Installing DASL Software on OpenVMS Systems 3 _________________________________________________________________ Installing DASL Software on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems This chapter describes how to do the following on OSF/1 or ULTRIX systems: o Install the DASL software with the DSM software o Establish the DSM environment manager account for the DASL environment o Create a DASL volume set o Define and start a DSM configuration in the DASL environment o Initialize the DASL software o Install upgraded versions of the DASL software Use this chapter in conjunction with the DSM Installation and Management Guide and the DSM Database Operations Guide. Summary of the DASL Installation Figure 3-1 summarizes the procedure you use to install and initialize the DASL software on OSF/1 or ULTRIX systems. In Figure 3-1, steps 1 through 7 identify tasks that are general to installing the DSM software. Even if you do not install the DASL software, you perform these tasks when you install the DSM software. Note that to be able to install the DASL software, as you perform steps 2 and 3 you must perform tasks that are specific to installing the DASL software (as indicated in steps 2 and 3). Steps 8 through 11 pertain only to installing and initializing the DASL software. When the DASL initialization is complete, you can use the DASL software. Installing DASL Software on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems 3-1 The following sections in this chapter explain the installation process in detail. 3-2 Installing DASL Software on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems Installing the DASL Software Using setld To install the DASL software with the DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP or DSM for ULTRIX software, use the setld utility, as described in the DSM Installation and Management Guide. After you enter the setld command, the installation procedure displays the names of the DSM subsets and asks you to specify the subsets that you want to load. Enter an appropriate response to the prompt. For example, on an ULTRIX system: *** Enter Subset Selections *** The subsets listed below are optional: 1) DEC Compiled Code Support Library 2) DSM for ULTRIX/RISC Release Notes 3) DSM for ULTRIX/RISC manpage 4) DSM for ULTRIX/RISC base software 5) DASL for ULTRIX/RISC 6) DSM XWINDOWS for ULTRIX/RISC 7) All of the Above 8) None of the Above 9) Exit without installing subsets Enter your choice(s): 7 Note that if you specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space, not a comma. If you specify the DASL subset as a choice, the procedure loads the dasvol1.gls volume set, which contains DASL routines, globals, demonstration files, and portable run- time DASL routines and globals. Establishing the DSM Environment Manager Account for DASL The DSM environment manager account is an account that you use to perform system manager tasks in the DSM environment associated with the account. You must create a DSM environment manager account to define and manage the DASL environment. Some of the tasks you perform using the DSM environment manager account are o Creating and extending DSM volumes o Creating and editing DSM configurations o Managing UCIs, globals, and routines Installing DASL Software on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems 3-3 Creating a DSM Environment Manager Account Use the /usr/etc/dsminit.sh procedure to prepare an OSF /1 or ULTRIX account for use as a DSM environment manager account. See the DSM Installation and Management Guide for instructions on how to use the /usr/etc/dsminit.sh procedure. You must log in as superuser to run the /usr/etc/dsminit.sh shell script. After you start the dsminit.sh procedure, it prompts you for the OSF/1 or ULTRIX account name to use with DSM and asks if you want to create the account. Enter a name that identifies the account as a DASL account; then enter y to create the account. The procedure prompts for information to create the account. After the procedure creates the account and you answer that you want to initialize it, the procedure displays the actions that it performs to initialize the environment file system. Copying the DASL Volume Set As it initializes the created environment, the dsminit.sh procedure asks if you want to copy the DASL volume set to this environment. To copy the DASL volume set, dasvol1.gls, enter y at the prompt, as follows: Copy DASL volume set to this environment ? [n] y If there is not enough disk space available to copy dasvol1.gls, and if space is very limited and you intend to have only one DASL environment, perform the following steps to move rather than copy the DASL volume: 1. Press Return at the prompt. Copy DASL volume set to this environment ? [n] The dsminit.sh procedure displays messages and ends. 2. Enter commands as superuser, as demonstrated in the following example: 3-4 Installing DASL Software on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems # cd /usr/kits/DSM100/dsmutl # ls -l total 20032 -r--r--r-- 1 root 16384000 Aug 21 13:56 dasvol1.gls # mv dasvol1.gls /usr/users/dasl/dsmdir/database/dasvol1.gls # chown dasl /usr/users/dasl/dsmdir/database/dasvol1.gls # chmod 700 /usr/users/dasl/dsmdir/database/dasvol1.gls _______________________ Caution _______________________ Use caution when performing this step - only one copy of dasvol1.gls is installed on your system. If this copy becomes corrupted or is deleted, you need to delete the DSMDASL100 subset and reinstall it. To delete the DSMDASL100 subset, enter the following commands: # setld -d DSMDASL100 # setld -l DSMDASL100 ______________________________________________________ Configuring DSM After the DSM environment manager account is created and initialized, and the DASL volume set is available for this environment, log out of the superuser account. Then log in to the DSM environment manager account and run DSM in baseline mode (dsm -M). You can now create a volume set and a configuration. The following sections describe this in more detail. Creating a Database Volume Set From the DSM environment manager account, use the ^VOLMAN utility to create a database volume set for the DASL application. Choose the CREATE option from the ^VOLMAN utility's Volume Management Utilities menu and respond to the prompts that the utility displays. At the following prompt, enter a volume size to suit your application (enter 2, for example): Installing DASL Software on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems 3-5 Enter desired size of this volume in megabytes > 2 *** Size of volume set to 2MB (1000 2KB blocks) Continue to enter appropriate responses to the prompts. After a message reports that the volume is initialized, exit from the ^VOLMAN utility. See the DSM Installation and Management Guide and DSM Database Operations Guide for more information about the ^VOLMAN utility. Building and Starting a DSM Configuration After you create a volume set, from the DSM environment manager account, use the ^CONFIG utility to build and start a DSM configuration. Enter specifications for the DASL software at the prompts. At the following prompt, specify the number of database sets in the DSM configuration (enter 2, for example): Number of database sets in this configuration <1> 2 After you enter specifications for the database sets (called APP and DAS, for example), enter Y at the following prompt to enable you to modify command line options for the DASL environment: Modify DSM default command line options [Y OR N] ? Y The DSM default command line options are appended to the DSM command line when you log in to DSM. Respond to the prompts to specify command line options. At the following prompts, enter the appropriate values for UCI and VOL (APP and APP in this example) to define the Global Directory and Routine Directory options: Global Directory (-g) UCI, VOL <> APP,APP Routine Directory (-r) UCI, VOL <> APP,APP At the following prompt, enter 24000 to define the Source Buffer Size option: 10240 Source Buffer Size (-b) number <10240> 24000 You can specify the default values at the other prompts for command line options. 3-6 Installing DASL Software on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems See the DSM Installation and Management Guide and DSM Database Operations Guide for more information about the ^CONFIG utility. Establishing a Development Area From the DSM environment manager account, establish a work area (development area) where you can develop and compile DASL application screens, reports, and queries. If you are not logged in to the DSM environment manager account, run DSM in baseline mode by entering the following command at the OSF/1 or ULTRIX prompt: % dsm -M To establish a DASL development area, define a unique User Class Identifier (UCI) for the area. The UCI establishes access rights to globals for users. Use the ^UCIMAN utility in the DSM environment manager account to assign a UCI (for example, APP) and to modify the UCI search chain. To assign a UCI, choose the ADD UCI option from the ^UCIMAN utility's UCI Management Utilities menu. This option runs the ^UCIADD utility. Enter appropriate responses to the prompts. When specifying a UCI in the SOURCE COMPILED table, note that you must press Return following the entry in each column of the table. To modify the UCI search chain, choose the UCI SEARCH CHAINS option from the UCI Management Utilities menu. This option runs the ^UCICHAIN utility. Enter appropriate responses to the prompts. See the DSM Database Operations Guide for more information about how to assign UCIs and for more information about UCI search chains and how to modify them. When you are finished using the ^UCIMAN utility, exit from the DSM manager UCI. See Chapter 5 of this manual for more information about DASL work areas. Installing DASL Software on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems 3-7 Initializing the DASL Software You can now initialize the DASL software. The DASL initialization procedure accomplishes the following tasks: 1. Logs in to the DASL development UCI 2. Runs the DASL initialization routine, ^%DAINIT, in the development UCI Entering the Development Area You must be in your DASL development UCI to run the DASL initialization routine. At the OSF/1 or ULTRIX prompt, log in to your DASL development UCI, as shown in the following example: % dsm -g APP,APP -r APP,APP Running the DASL Initialization Routine To run the ^%DAINIT routine in the development UCI, enter D ^%DAINIT at the DSM prompt. >D ^%DAINIT The system responds with the following message: Initializing DASL The system then calls the Application Parameters screen. Figure 3-2 shows an Application Parameters screen with sample field values. In this screen, enter the following required information: o Application name to appear on the application Login Screen o Default delimiter o Prefix for generated screens o Prefix for generated reports o Prefix for generated queries o Prefix for batch files ________________________ Note ________________________ You must enter required information in the first six fields of the Application Parameters screen 3-8 Installing DASL Software on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems before you can run the DASL software to develop your application. After you have designed your application, you can return to the Application Parameters screen to complete the remaining fields. ______________________________________________________ For more information about how to use the Application Parameters screen, see the DASL Reference Manual. When you finish entering information in the Application Parameters screen, the system displays the following message: DASL initialization complete You must run ^%DAINIT in every work area (development area) in which you use the DASL software. You can repeat the DASL initialization routine, if needed. Installing Updated Versions of the DASL Software When you install an updated version of the DASL software, you must: 1. Shut down the configuration. 2. Reinstall dasvol1.gls from the installation kit. 3. Copy dasvol1.gls from the system area to your database directory. 4. Run the ^%DACVRT database conversion routine. Do not run the ^%DAINIT routine. 5. Recompile all application screens, reports, and queries. See Chapter 6 for more information about the ^%DACVRT routine. Installing DASL Software on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems 3-9 4 _________________________________________________________________ Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OpenVMS Systems This chapter contains an overview of the DASL environment and describes how to do the following on OpenVMS systems: o Create DASL work areas for developers and application users o Load the DASL demonstration system in the application area o Customize the DASL software in the customization area o Define DASL logical names and command lines in your LOGIN.COM file Overview of the DASL Environment When you install and initialize the DASL software, as described in Chapter 2, you create a DASL environment for DSM that includes: o DSM environment manager account for DASL o DSM manager area o DASL development area The following sections in this chapter explain how you can add new work areas to the DASL environment, work in each area, and modify your LOGIN.COM file to move between work areas. Figure 4-1 illustrates a sample DASL environment in DSM. In this figure, the values DEV and APP for User Class Identifiers (UCIs) are examples of values you can use to indicate work area UCIs. Your UCIs can have different values. Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OpenVMS Systems 4-1 See the Creating DASL Work Areas section of this chapter for an explanation of UCIs. Creating DASL Work Areas You can create individual work areas within the DASL environment for developers and application users. Each work area defines user access to DSM globals. For example, application users work in one area to use the application: in this area, they can access only application routines and globals. Developers work in another area to develop the application: in this area, they can access DASL routines and globals, and create application screens and globals. These areas and their UCIs can be located on different systems. The DASL documentation set refers frequently to two areas: the development area and the application area. Table 4-1 describes these work areas. Table_4-1_DASL_Work_Areas__________________________________ Area________Tasks__________________________________________ Development Develop and compile application screens and reports Application_Run_a_completed_DASL_application_______________ To create work areas, assign a unique User Class Identifier (UCI) to each area. A UCI is a directory within a volume set that provides a logical area for global and routine storage. 4-2 Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OpenVMS Systems Every user is associated with a volume set and a UCI. For example, a DASL application user can be associated with the APP volume set and the APP UCI. At login, the system displays the following information. (This example shows what you see if you are using the DSM for OpenVMS AXP software.) DSM V6.2 for OpenVMS AXP DASL [APP,APP] A DASL application developer can be associated with the DAS volume set and the DEV UCI as follows: [DEV,DAS] Because one volume set can have up to 30 UCIs, you can create up to 30 work areas for the DASL software in one DSM environment. See the DSM Database Operations Guide for a description of the ^UCIMAN utility that you can use to assign UCIs. Loading the DASL Demonstration System The DASL software provides a demonstration system as a model for your applications. The demonstration system features the following: o Address book application o Customer database application o Meeting schedule application To use the demonstration system, create a new work area for the demonstration system globals and routines. For example, you can create an application area with a unique UCI of APP. _______________________ Caution _______________________ Do not load the demonstration system in the customization area. Demonstration system routines can overwrite DASL routines if you load the demonstration system in this area. ______________________________________________________ Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OpenVMS Systems 4-3 To load the DASL demonstration system: 1. At the DCL prompt, log in to your DASL application area as follows: $ DSM/ENVIRONMENT=DASL/UCI=APP > 2. Run the DASL initialization routine ^%DAINIT as follows: >D ^%DAINIT When you see the Application Parameters screen, enter a semicolon (;) as the default delimiter. 4-4 Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OpenVMS Systems ________________________ Note ________________________ The default delimiter used in the demonstration system globals is the semicolon (;). If you want to use a different default delimiter, you must change the delimiters in the demonstration system globals to your delimiter of choice. ______________________________________________________ 3. Run the DASL data load routine ^%DALOAD as follows: >D ^%DALOAD The system responds with the following message and prompt: DASL Data Load Routine Input Device ? > The ^%DALOAD routine loads a sample database consisting of the demonstration system globals. 4. At the following prompt, enter the file name as follows: Input Device ? > SYS$LIBRARY:DSM$DASL_DEMO.SAV The system then displays messages, similar to the following, and the following prompt: DASL definitions saved on 5-Sept-93 at 10:22 AM Demonstration System DASL save OK to continue? 5. Enter Y to continue loading the demonstration system. 6. If loading the demonstration system will overwrite any existing DASL definitions, the system displays a list of these definitions and displays a prompt to ask if you want to continue. Enter Y to continue. 7. The system displays the following prompt to ask if you want to compile all screens and reports for the demonstration system: Compile screens and reports after loading DASL file? Enter Y to compile all demonstration screens and reports. Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OpenVMS Systems 4-5 Using the DASL software, you can examine, run, and modify this demonstration system. To use the DASL demonstration system, enter the screen name ODEMO at the "Application Login Screen:" prompt on the Application Parameters screen of the Development Environment menu after you have loaded the demonstration system. For more information about DASL demonstration system globals and how to use the demonstration system, see the DASL Programmer's Guide. After modifications, you can restore the original demonstration system by repeating steps 1 to 4. Customizing the DASL Software The DASL customization area is a special work area associated with the DASL manager area. You must work in the DASL customization area if you want to recompile DASL system screens and routines. You must recompile the DASL software after you perform the following activities: o Redefine keys for the DASL software using the Key Definitions Option of the Development Environment menu o Complete language translation tasks that modify the DASL software using the DASL Language Utilities options of the Development Environment menu o Complete some tasks that modify the DASL software using the Portable Run-Time DASL Utilities options of the Development Environment menu Preparing to Work in the Customization Area Users must have manager access authorization to work in the customization area. To assign authorizations to a user: 1. Log in to DSM in the DSM manager area as follows: $ DSM/MANAGER 2. At the DSM prompt, access the ^ACL utility to add a user or change a user's authorizations. >D ADD^ACL 4-6 Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OpenVMS Systems 3. Assign the user the following authorization: Manager Access Mode See the DSM Installation and Management Guide for more information about the ^ACL utility. Using the DSM/DASL_CUSTOMIZE Command To work in the DASL customization area, enter the following command line at the DCL prompt: $ DSM/DASL_CUSTOMIZE The /DASL_CUSTOMIZE qualifier to the DSM command does the following: o Logs in to the DSM manager's UCI and enforces some defaults, such as a source buffer size of 40,000 blocks and the use of volume sets (ensuring the use of the correct qualifiers). The system ignores any qualifiers that you add to the DSM command line that conflict with the defaults specified by the /DASL_CUSTOMIZE qualifier. o Automatically translates DASL nonpercent globals (which begin with the characters DA) into percent globals (which begin with the characters %DA). o Allows you to use the DASL software to modify the DASL software. Modifying the LOGIN.COM File for the DASL Software In your LOGIN.COM file, you can assign symbols to DSM command lines that you use to log in to DASL work areas, and you can define logical names to represent DASL users and devices. When you log in to your account or when you run the LOGIN.COM file, the LOGIN.COM file sets the current terminal characteristics, logical names, and symbols for your current session. Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OpenVMS Systems 4-7 Setting Terminal Characteristics in the LOGIN.COM File In your LOGIN.COM file, you can use the DCL command SET to set default terminal characteristics. For example, enter the following command in your LOGIN.COM file: $ SET TERM/NOFORM The /NOFORM qualifier is required when you display reports on the terminal screen. Assigning Symbols You can assign a symbol to any DSM command string. You can then use the symbol in place of the entire string at the DCL prompt. Use the assignment statement (=) to create symbols for the DSM command strings that you use to log in to your DASL work areas. The following table shows two examples of such symbols and identifies the work areas to which they apply. ___________________________________________________________ Symbol________DASL_Work_Area_______________________________ DSMA Application area in which users use the completed application (Developers also use this area to test a completed application.) DSMD Development area in which you develop your ______________application__________________________________ In Example 4-1, you assign the symbols DSMA and DSMD to DSM command lines. For each symbol, you specify the 3-character UCI that identifies the DASL area. In this example, APP represents the application area and DEV represents the development area. After assigning these symbols in your LOGIN.COM file, you can use them to log in to DSM at the DCL prompt. Example 4-1 DSM Command Lines $ DSMA=="DSM/UCI=APP" $ DSMD=="DSM/UCI=DEV" 4-8 Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OpenVMS Systems ________________________ Note ________________________ Do not assign the symbol DSM to your DSM command line. If you assign the symbol DSM to a DSM command line, the other symbols defined for DSM command lines (for example, DSMD) cannot access the correct globals and routines. ______________________________________________________ Defining Logical Names The DASL software uses logical names to specify a user ID, a default batch destination, and a DASL application's system event log. At the VMS level, you can create logical names by using the DEFINE command at the DCL prompt. The DEFINE command takes the following syntax: DEFINE/JOBlogical_nameequivalence_string where: /JOB indicates that all processes in the same job as the process that created the logical name can access the logical name logical_name is a name you define to use in place of an equivalence string equivalence_ is a group of characters to which a string logical name equates (most often, an equivalence string is a file specification, a device name, or another logical name) When you are developing a DASL application, you can define three DASL logical names in your LOGIN.COM file. o DSM$DASL_USRID o DSM$DASL_BATCH o DSM$DASL_EVENTLOG Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OpenVMS Systems 4-9 Defining DSM$DASL_USRID When you define your user ID through the login sequence, you can: o Define user commands for your application while you are in the development area o Test application screens that display the user name without going through the application login screen The logical name DSM$DASL_USRID equates to the user ID that you define for yourself in the User Dictionary of the Security System option on the Application Environment menu. This logical name sets the variable %USR. For example, if your user ID is SMITH, define DSM$DASL_USRID in your LOGIN.COM file as follows: $ DEFINE/JOB DSM$DASL_USRID SMITH Defining DSM$DASL_BATCH The logical name DSM$DASL_BATCH equates to the default batch destination that the DASL software uses when you specify BATCH at any DASL screen. The DASL batch destination can be another logical name that represents a batch queue, as follows: $ DEFINE/JOB DSM$DASL_BATCH MORDOR$BATCH In this example, the logical name MORDOR$BATCH represents the system batch queue. If you do not define DSM$DASL_BATCH, the DASL default batch destination is SYS$BATCH. Defining DSM$DASL_EVENTLOG The logical name DSM$DASL_EVENTLOG equates to the System Event Log, a file in the DASL application system where the DASL software logs events and errors that occur during the operation of a DASL application. If the log file's name is DASL_EVENTS.LOG, for example, you can define DSM$DASL_EVENTLOG in your LOGIN.COM file as follows: $ DEFINE/JOB DSM$DASL_EVENTLOG DASL_EVENTS.LOG If you do not define DSM$DASL_EVENTLOG, the default name of the DASL event log file is DSM$DASL_EVENTLOG.LOG. See the DASL Reference Manual for more information about the System Event Log. 4-10 Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OpenVMS Systems 5 _________________________________________________________________ Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems This chapter contains an overview of the DASL environment and describes how to do the following on OSF/1 or ULTRIX systems: o Create DASL work areas for developers and application users o Run the DASL demonstration system o Customize the DASL software Overview of the DASL Environment When you install and initialize the DASL software as described in Chapter 3, you create a DASL environment by creating a DSM environment manager account that includes: o An account to manage DSM configurations o DAS volume set dasvol1.gls o One or more application volumes The following sections in this chapter explain how you can add work areas to the DASL environment and work in areas in this environment. Figure 5-1 illustrates a sample DASL environment for use with the DSM software. In this figure, the values for the User Class Identifiers (UCIs), application volume set, and DSM configuration identifier are examples of values you can use. The values you use can be different. DAS is always the name of the DASL volume set. See the Creating DASL Work Areas section of this chapter for an explanation of UCIs. Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems 5-1 Creating DASL Work Areas You can create individual work areas within the DASL environment for developers and application users. Each work area defines user access to DSM globals. For example, application users work in one area to use the application: in this area, they can access only application routines and globals. Developers work in another area to develop the application: in this area, they can access DASL routines and globals, and create application screens and globals. These areas and their UCIs can be located on different systems. The DASL documentation set refers frequently to two areas: the development area and the application area. Table 5-1 describes these work areas. Table_5-1_DASL_Work_Areas__________________________________ Area________Tasks__________________________________________ Development Develop and compile application screens and reports Application_Run_a_completed_DASL_application_______________ To create work areas, assign a unique User Class Identifier (UCI) to each area. A UCI is a directory within a volume set that provides a logical area for global and routine storage. Every user is associated with a volume set and a UCI. For example, a DASL application user can be associated with the APP volume set and the APP UCI. At login, the system displays the following information. (This example shows what you see if you are using the DSM for ULTRIX software.) DSM for ULTRIX V1.0 dasl [APP,APP] A DASL application developer can be associated with the DAS volume set and the DAS UCI as follows: [DAS,DAS] 5-2 Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems Because one volume set can have up to 72 UCIs, you can create up to 72 work areas for the DASL software in one DSM environment. See the DSM Database Operations Guide for a description of the ^UCIMAN utility that you can use to assign UCIs, and a description of UCI chaining. Because DASL software resides in a separate volume and is accessed as library routines and globals, you must specify UCI chaining. See Chapter 3 for an example showing how to specify UCI chaining. Running the DASL Demonstration System The DASL software provides a demonstration system as a model for your applications. The demonstration system features the following: o Address book application o Customer database application o Meeting schedule application To use the demonstration system, enter the following: % dsm -g DEM,DAS >D ^DAS SCREEN: ODEMO Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems 5-3 ________________________ Note ________________________ This demonstration system is contained within the DAS volume set. When installed, the volume set for any new version of the DASL software overwrites this volume set. If you modify and want to keep information that the existing volume set contains, move the information to your own volume. You can use ^%RS and ^%GTO to save all routines and globals. ______________________________________________________ For more information about how to use the demonstration system, see the DASL Programmer's Guide. Customizing the DASL Software You must recompile the DASL software after you perform the following activities that customize the DASL software: o Redefine keys for the DASL software using the Key Definitions option of the Development Environment menu o Complete language translation tasks that modify the DASL software using the DASL Language Utilities options of the Development Environment menu o Complete some tasks that modify the DASL software using the Portable Run-Time DASL Utilities options of the Development Environment menu To be able to modify the DASL software, enter the following command line at the OSF/1 or ULTRIX system prompt: % dsm -e dasl_customize The -e dasl_customize option to the dsm command does the following: o Logs in to the DASL manager's UCI and enforces some defaults, such as a source buffer size of 40,000 blocks and the use of volume sets (ensuring the use of the correct options). The system ignores any options that you add to the command line that conflict with the defaults specified by this option. o Automatically translates DASL nonpercent globals (which begin with the characters DA) into percent globals (which begin with the characters %DA). 5-4 Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems o Allows you to use the DASL software to modify the DASL software. Establishing and Using DASL Work Areas on OSF/1 or ULTRIX Systems 5-5 6 _________________________________________________________________ Performing DASL Database Conversions When you install an updated version of the DASL software, you must run a conversion routine on the DASL database and then recompile all DASL screens, reports, and queries. Perform the conversion after you restore globals and routines to your development area, and after you install an updated version of the DASL software at an application site. The DASL software has defined two global nodes and a master conversion routine, ^%DACVRT, for conversion purposes. ________________________ Note ________________________ The DASL developers have attempted to provide similar capabilities in the DASL software for the DSM for OpenVMS AXP, DSM for OpenVMS VAX, DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP, and DSM for ULTRIX software. To reflect these similar capabilities, the same version number of the DASL software is used with all of these DSM implementations. ______________________________________________________ DASL Conversion Globals The DASL software has defined the following global nodes for conversion purposes: ^DASY("CONVERT") = "Application conversion history" ^DASY("CONVERT",version number) = "Created on (date)" or ^DASY("CONVERT",version number) = "Conversion complete on (date)" or ^DASY("CONVERT",version number) = "Error in conversion" and Performing DASL Database Conversions 6-1 ^DASYU("CONVERT") = "Site conversion history" ^DASYU("CONVERT",version number) = "Created on (date)" or ^DASYU("CONVERT",version number) = "Conversion complete on (date)" or ^DASYU("CONVERT",version number) = "Error in conversion" The DASL initialization routine, ^%DAINIT, indicates the software version and the date on which the database was created, rather than the date it was converted. DASL Conversion Routines The DASL master conversion routine, ^%DACVRT, performs the MUMPS $DATA function on the conversion globals, and runs in sequence any conversion routines that have not yet been run. The routine ^%DACVRT contains the subroutine SITE^%DACVRT for site-specific conversions. Using ^%DACVRT, you can skip a DASL release, and still use a simplified conversion method. The DASL software includes checks in the ^%DALOGIN, ^%DASL, and ^%DAS entry point routines to determine that the current version of these routines matches the current version of the database. If the DASL software returns an error message at an application site when running the routine ^%DALOGIN, run the conversion subroutine SITE^%DACVRT. If the DASL software returns an error message when running the ^%DASL and ^%DAS routines while you are developing an application, run the conversion routine ^%DACVRT. If the conversion fails, take the following steps to complete the conversion procedure: 1. Resolve the conversion problem. 2. Use the MUMPS KILL command to delete the conversion node that contains the error. 3. Reset the top nodes to the previous version number. 4. Run the conversion routine again. 6-2 Performing DASL Database Conversions _________________________________________________________________ Index A Comment _______________________________ about documentation, x ^ACL utility, 4-6 Compiling Address book application demo screens and reports, of DASL demonstration system, 4-5 4-3, 5-3 ^CONFIG utility, 2-4, 3-6 ANSI programming mode, 1-1 Conversion global, 6-1 Application area Conversion routine creating, 4-2, 5-2 ^%DACVRT, 6-2 Application Parameters screen SITE^%DACVRT, 6-2 DASL initialization routine, Cursor key mode, 1-4 2-7, 3-8 Customer database application entering login screen name, of DASL demonstration system, 4-6 4-3, 5-3 Assigning symbols, 4-8 Customization area, 4-6 Auto answerback, 1-3, 1-4 Customizing the DASL software, Auto wrap, 1-3, 1-4 4-6, 5-4 Auto XON XOFF, 1-1 D______________________________ B______________________________ ^%DAINIT routine Batch destination, 4-10 indicating software version, 6-2 C______________________________ initializing the DASL Chaining software, 2-7, 3-8 See UCI chaining ^%DALOAD routine Character set loading the DASL demo system, DEC Multinational Character 4-5 Set (MCS), 1-4 DASL demonstration system ISO Latin-1 Character Set address book application, (ISO), 1-5 4-3, 5-3 customer database application , 4-3, 5-3 loading, 4-3 Index-1 DASL demonstration system DSM environment manager (cont'd) account, 2-2, 3-3 meeting schedule application, copying DASL volume set, 3-4 4-3, 5-3 creating for DASL, 3-4 restoring, 4-6 DSM$CONFIGURE.COM command running, 5-3 procedure, 2-3 DASL files DSM$DASL_BATCH, 4-9 loading, 2-2, 3-3 DSM$DASL_EVENTLOG, 4-9 DASL library globals, 2-6 DSM$DASL_USRID, 4-9 DASL library routines, 2-6 DSM$INIT.COM procedure, 2-3 DASL work area DSM/DASL_CUSTOMIZE command, See also Application area 4-7 See also Development area dsminit.sh procedure, 3-4 creating, 4-2, 5-2 E Data load routine, 4-5 _______________________________ Database conversion, 6-1 Equivalence string, 4-9 Database volume set creating, 2-4, 3-5 G______________________________ Default batch destination, Global restore routine, 2-6 4-10 ^%GTI routine, 2-6 Default delimiter defining, 2-8, 3-8 I Default DSM login qualifier, _______________________________ 2-4 Initialization procedure, 2-5, DEFINE command, 4-9 3-8 Development area running the ^%DAINIT routine, creating, 4-2, 5-2 2-7, 3-8 entering, 2-7, 3-8 Installing an updated version establishing, 2-5, 3-7 of the DASL software, 6-1 Displaying reports Installing the DASL software required terminal with DSM characteristics, 4-8 for OpenVMS, 2-2 Documentation for OSF/1, 3-3 submitting comment, x for ULTRIX, 3-3 dsm -e dasl_customize command, International application 5-4 terminal set-up requirements, DSM command line, 4-7 1-4 assigning symbols, 4-8 International character set restriction, 4-9 See Character set DSM configuration building, 2-4, 3-6 starting, 2-4, 3-6 Index-2 K______________________________ R______________________________ Keyboard, 1-3, 1-4 Restoring DASL library globals Keyboard languages, 1-4 , 2-6 Restoring DASL library L______________________________ routines, 2-6 Loading DASL files, 2-2, 3-3 ^%RR routine, 2-6 Loading the DASL demonstration Running the DASL demonstration system, 4-3 system, 5-3 Logical names defining, 4-9 S______________________________ DSM$DASL_BATCH, 4-9 SET TERM/NOFORM command, 4-8 DSM$DASL_EVENTLOG, 4-9 Set-up requirements DSM$DASL_USRID, 4-9 Digital's VT100 terminals, Login sequence, 4-10 1-1 LOGIN.COM file, 4-9 Digital's VT200-series modifying, 4-7 terminals, 1-2 Digital's VT300-series M______________________________ terminals, 1-2 Margin bell, 1-1, 1-3, 1-4 international applications, Meeting schedule application 1-4 of DASL demonstration system, Set-up screen, 1-2 4-3, 5-3 setld utility, 3-3 SITE^%DACVRT routine, 6-2 N______________________________ ^STU utility, 2-4 New line, 1-1, 1-3, 1-4 SYS$LIBRARY area, 2-2 Number sign (#), 1-1 T _______________________________ O______________________________ Tabs, 1-1, 1-3, 1-4 ODEMO screen, 4-6 Testing application screens, 4-10 P______________________________ U Prefix _______________________________ for batch files, 2-8, 3-8 UCI (User Class Identifier), for generated queries, 2-8, 2-5, 3-7 3-8 UCI chaining, 3-7, 5-3 for generated reports, 2-8, UCI search chain 3-8 See UCI chaining for generated screens, 2-8, ^UCIMAN utility, 2-5, 3-7, 3-8 4-3, 5-3 User ID defining, 4-10 Index-3 %USR variable, 4-10 Volume size, 2-4 _______________________________ W______________________________ VMSINSTAL.COM command Work area procedure, 2-2 See DASL work area ^VOLMAN utility, 2-4, 3-5 Wraparound, 1-1 Index-4