StorageWorks_HSZ40_Array_Controller_Utility_for_____ SystemSManager's Guide for HSZterm Order Number: AA-QKS0A-TE This guide provides information on how to use Version 1.0 of the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility for OpenVMS. OpenVMS Versions: OpenVMS VAX Version 6.2 and OpenVMS Alpha 6.2 Software Version: StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility for OpenVMS Version 1.0 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ July, 1995 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital, an authorized sublicensor, or the identified licensor. While Digital believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the interconnection of its products in the manner described in this document will not infringe existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1994. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Alpha, AXP, Bookreader, DEC, DEC 3000, HSZ, StorageWorks, TK50, OpenVMS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. NFS is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________ Contents ................................................. v Overview General Implementation Considerations............ 1-1 OpenVMS Implementations.......................... 1-1 for Installation Installation Procedure Requirements.............. 2-1 Time Required for Installation ................ 2-1 Login Privileges .............................. 2-1 Hardware Requirements ......................... 2-2 Software Requirements ......................... 2-2 Backing Up Your System Disk...................... 2-2 Error Recovery................................... 2-2 Procedures Installing the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility............................... 3-1 Starting the Installation Procedure ........... 3-1 Procedures Running the Installation Verification Procedure.. 4-1 Running the IVP During Installation.............. 4-1 After Installing the Software.................... 4-2 iii the HSZterm Utility Login Privileges................................. 5-1 Creating an Initial HSZ40 Device Unit............ 5-2 Starting HSZterm in a Single Controller Configuration.................................. 5-2 Starting HSZterm in a Dual Controller Configuration.................................. 5-2 Starting the HSZterm Utility..................... 5-4 Command Line Description Command Line Syntax.............................. 6-1 Command Line Elements ......................... 6-1 Detailed Option Descriptions .................. 6-2 The /DEVICE Qualifier....................... 6-2 The /TRACE Qualifier........................ 6-2 The /LOG Qualifier.......................... 6-3 The /INQUIRE Qualifier...................... 6-5 Commands......................................... 6-6 Error Messages................................... 6-8 Protocols Installation How to Start the HSZterm Utility .............. 5-5 How to Start the HSZterm Utility With an HSZ40 Command on the Same Line....................... 5-6 Using the /INQUIRE Qualifier .................. 5-7 /DEVICE Qualifier ............................. 6-2 /TRACE Qualifier .............................. 6-2 /LOG Qualifier ................................ 6-4 /INQUIRE Qualifier ............................ 6-6 Sample Installation and IVP Procedure ......... A-1 6-1 HSZterm Command Line Elements ................. 6-1 v ______________________________________________________________ Preface This guide describes the use and administration of the StorageWorks[TM] HSZ[TM]40 Array Controller Utility for OpenVMS[R] software. Audience This guide is intended for system managers using an HSZ40 Array Controller with the OpenVMS operating system. of This Manual This manual is organized as follows: Chapter 1 Presents an overview of the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility. Chapter 2 Describes the prerequisites necessary for installing the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility. Chapter 3 Describes installation procedures for installing the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility. Chapter 4 Describes procedures that you must do after installing the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility. Chapter 5 Describes how to use the HSZterm utility. Chapter 6 Describes the HSZterm command line syntax and options. Chapter 7 Describes the protocol rules for the HSZterm utility. v Appendix A Presents a sample installation of the Installation Verification Procedure software on a OpenVMS system. Documentation The following documentation is related to the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility. ___________________________________________________________ Document_Title____________________________Order_Number_____ StorageWorks Array Controllers HS Family EK-HSFAM-UG of Array Controllers User's Guide StorageWorks Array Controllers HS Family EK-HSFAM-SV of_Array_Controllers_Service_Manual________________________ Conventions The following conventions are used in this manual: [parameter] In command formats, brackets indicate the optional parameters. When you enter the optional parameter, do not enter the brackets. user input This bold typeface is used in interactive examples to indicate user input. system This typeface is used in interactive and code output examples to indicate system output. In text, this typeface is used to indicate the exact name of a command, option, partition, pathname, directory, or file. In procedures, a sequence such as indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key on the keyboard or a pointing device button. In procedures, a key name is shown enclosed to indicate that you press that key on the keyboard. vii 1 ______________________________________________________________ Product Overview This chapter describes the HSZterm Utility. HSZterm provides a host-resident virtual maintenance terminal facility for communicating with an HSZ-series controller over its host Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) bus interface. The virtual maintenance terminal communication protocol was developed explicitly for the HSZ-series controllers. General Implementation Considerations The HSZterm utility uses the following SCSI commands when communicating with the HSZ-series controllers: TEST UNIT READY INQUIRY SEND DIAGNOSTIC RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC REQUEST_SENSE OpenVMS Implementations The HSZterm utility issues SCSI commands through the SCSI disk or tape class drivers, DKDRIVER or TKDRIVER. The DIAGNOSE privilege is required to run the HSZterm utility on OpenVMS implementations. Product Overview 1-1 2 ______________________________________________________________ Preparing for Installation Before starting the installation procedures in Chapter 3, complete the preparation requirements outlined in this chapter. This chapter provides the necessary information to make your installation run smoothly. You need to be aware of your installation options. This chapter helps you determine the following: o How do you install the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility from distribution media? o Does the system on which you install the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility meet the hardware and software requirements? Installation Procedure Requirements The following sections discuss the requirements for installing the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility. Time Required for Installation A typical installation takes less than 10 minutes. Login Privileges You must be able to log into the SYSTEM account or a similarly privileged account on the system where you are installing the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility to have sufficient privileges to install this software. Preparing for Installation 2-1 Hardware Requirements You need the following hardware to perform the installation: o An HSZ40 array controller with HSOF V2.0 or higher o Software distribution device If you are installing from media, you need a CD-ROM, such as an RRD42. You must know how to load the media supplied with the software distribution kit on the appropriate drive. The documentation for the CD-ROM that you are using explains how to load media. o Terminal You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure for the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility. Software Requirements The StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility for OpenVMS for HSZterm Version V1.0 requires OpenVMS Version 6.2 for HSZ40 Array Controller support. Up Your System Disk Digital recommends that you back up your system disk before installing any software. Use the backup procedures established at your site. For details on performing a system disk backup, see your OpenVMS documentation. Recovery If errors occur during the installation, the system displays failure messages. If the installation fails due to insufficient disk space, the installation procedure displays the following message: There is insufficient free disk space on your system to install this product. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect. for Installation o The account under which the installation is being performed has insufficient privileges or inadequate quotas. If the system notifies you that any of these conditions exist, take the appropriate action described in the message. Preparing for Installation 2-3 3 ______________________________________________________________ Installation Procedures This chapter describes the installation procedures for the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility for OpenVMS for HSZterm software. Before you begin, you must be familiar with the general options and requirements discussed in Chapter 2 that apply to installing the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility. Installing the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility The StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility installation procedure loads the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility files onto the system disk on the system where you perform the installation. The following sections explain the installation procedure and how to respond to prompts during installation. Starting the Installation Procedure Start the installation procedure as follows: 1. Log in to the system where you are installing the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility using the SYSTEM account or another privileged username. 2. Mount the media on the appropriate CD-ROM drive. 3. The installation procedure is invoked using the VMSINSTAL utility: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTALL HSZterm During the installation, the procedure prompts you with a series of questions and displays some messages. Appendix A provides a sample listing from an installation. Installation Procedures 3-1 4. If, during the course of the installation, you encounter errors from the VMSINSTAL utility, examine the error messages to see why the installation failed. The messages will help you diagnose the problem. Procedures 4 ______________________________________________________________ Postinstallation Procedures This chapter explains what you need to do following the installation to make the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility software ready for use. Running the Installation Verification Procedure On OpenVMS systems, the IVP is normally automatically run at the end of VMSINSTAL, but may also be invoked manually afterwards, if desired. The VMSINSTAL utility prompts you for automatic verification of the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility software. You can invoke automatic verification of the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility software installation by entering "Y" at the prompt. After installing the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility, you can run the IVP independently to verify that the software is available on your system. To run the IVP after an installation, enter the following command: $ @SYS$TEST:HSZTERM$IVP You need an HSZ40 array controller and at least one target ID to run the IVP. For an example of the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility IVP, see Appendix A. Running the IVP During Installation During the installation, you will be prompted as to whether you want to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). If you already have an HSZ40 array controller installed on your system and have at least one unit defined, you can run the IVP. The IVP sends a command Postinstallation Procedures 4-1 to the HSZ40 array controller to verify that you can communicate with the HSZ40 array controller. Installing the Software After installing and verifying the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility software, see Chapter 5 for information on what you must do to set up a system to use the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility software. Procedures 5 ______________________________________________________________ Using the HSZterm Utility This chapter describes how to configure your system to use the HSZterm utility and provides information on how to start and use the HSZterm utility. The HSZterm utility provides a virtual terminal facility and a command passing capability for communicating with an HSZ40 array controller over the SCSI bus. This virtual terminal protocol was developed explicitly for the HSZ40 program. For more information on the HSZterm protocol, see Chapter 7. Login Privileges You must have DIAGNOSE privilege on the system where you are installing the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility for OpenVMS for HSZterm to have sufficient privileges to use this software. _______________________ Caution _______________________ Do not run more than one virtual terminal session with a given HSZ40 array controller at one time. The HSZterm Utility interfaces directly with the HSZ40 Command Line Interpreter; there is no mechanism for coordinating disparate commands to the Command Line Interpreter from distinct sessions. If multiple sessions are active at the same time, the results of any operation in either session are unpredictable. ______________________________________________________ Using the HSZterm Utility 5-1 an Initial HSZ40 Device Unit To use the HSZterm utility, you must first connect a terminal to the HSZ40 array controller serial port and create at least one unit. Then reboot the system so that device appears to OpenVMS. After this is done, it is possible to connect to the controller across the SCSI bus. Starting HSZterm in a Single Controller Configuration If you have a single controller and have identified the bus and target, you can start HSZterm and start configuring your HSZ40. The example below shows the command to use to start HSZterm for the HSZ40 identified in the previous example. Starting HSZterm in a Dual Controller Configuration If the HSZ40s are not factory-configured in dual-redundancy mode, the HSZ40 subsystems will fail to communicate with the host. To configure the HSZ40s into dual-redundancy mode, perform the following steps. o Remove the program card from one controller. (For this example, call this controller B.) o Start the other controller. (For this example, call this controller A.) o Use HSZterm to issue the "show this" command on controller A. HSZ40 A> show this the HSZterm Utility Controller: HSZ40 (C) DEC ZG41000118 Firmware E33Z-0, Hardware 0000 Configured for dual-redundancy with ZG40100112 All devices failed over to this controller SCSI address 7 Time: NOT SET Host port: SCSI target(s) (1, 2, 3, 4), Preferred target(s) (1, 2) Cache: 32 megabyte write cache, version 2 Cache is GOOD Battery is GOOD No unflushed data in cache CACHE_FLUSH_TIMER = DEFAULT (10 seconds) HSZ40 A> o If the controller A is already set for dual-redundancy, repeat the above steps for controller B. If both HSZ40s are configured for dual-redundancy, no other actions need be taken. Proceed to Section 5.3. o Set the prompt on controller A to distinguish it from controller B using the "set this prompt" command. o Set the id to a unique number using the "set this id" command. (The default factory setting is 2, so at least one of the HSZ40s will require a new ID.) o Exit HSZterm and stop the controller by using the "shutdown this" command. o Start controller B by pushing in the program card and hitting the reset button. o Change the prompt on controller B with the "set this prompt" command. o Start controller A by replacing the program card and hitting the reset button. (Ignore any "Controller misconfigured" error messages.) o Configure the HSZ40s for failover using the "set failover copy = this" and wait for the HSZ40s to restart. Using the HSZterm Utility 5-3 o Set new IDs for both controllers using the "set this id=(#,#,) preferred=(#,#)" command, where # is any unique id number on the bus. SCSI error messages, such as in the example below, may be displayed if failover occurs or the HSZ40 is restarted while the HSZterm Utility is running. These are event notification messages and do not indicate serious system problems. %HSZterm HSZterm: SEND DIAGNOSTIC ioctl failed: %s. CAM status = 0x44 (SIM Queue frozen-CCB request completed with an err) HSZterm: CHECKSENSE status returned from SCSI command. HSZterm: Device not ready. HSZterm: ASC = 4, ASQ = 0. HSZterm: Unit Attention. HSZterm: ASC = a0, ASQ = 5. the HSZterm Utility To start the HSZterm utility, enter $ SET HOST/SCSI and identify the HSZ40 array controller with which you wish to communicate. You identify the HSZ40 array controller through the device name specified as a parameter to the SET HOST command. You can obtain the device name using the $ SHOW DEVICE DK command. The program is invoked by entering: $ SET HOST/SCSI The is the name of any disk device on the HSZ40 array controller. The SET HOST/SCSI command can either start a virtual terminal session with the HSZ40 array controller over the SCSI bus, or send a single command (taken from the SET HOST /SCSI command line) to the HSZ40 array controller with the output of all commands going to SYS$OUTPUT. The HSZterm utility determines which mode to run in by checking for an HSZ40 command after the device name parameter on the command line. the HSZterm Utility The HSZterm utility then establishes a communications link with the HSZ40 array controller. From this point on, it appears as if the terminal is directly attached to the HSZ40 array controller. Example 5-1 shows how to start the HSZterm utility. Example 5-1 How to Start the HSZterm Utility $ SET HOST/SCSI DKB100: Starting HSZterm Version V1.0-00 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995 HSZ40 Firmware version V2.0-0, Hardware version 0000 Last fail code: 08080000 Press " ?" at any time for help. $ When the HSZterm utility is started with an HSZ40 command included on the DCL command line, it immediately establishes a connection with the HSZ40 array controller and passes the HSZ40 command to the HSZ40 array controller. The results are sent to SYS$OUTPUT. When the included command has been processed, the HSZterm utility exits automatically. Example 5-2 shows an example of starting the HSZterm Utility with an HSZ40 command. If no HSZ40 command is included on the SET HOST/SCSI command line, the HSZterm utility reads commands from SYS$INPUT, allowing a file containing HSZ40 commands to be passed directly to the HSZ40 array controller. The HSZterm utility writes its output to SYS$OUPUT, allowing the output be saved to a file. Input and output can also be redirected by redefining the SYS$INPUT and SYS$OUTPUT logical names. The HSZterm utility supports all HSZ40 commands, except TBD. Using the HSZterm Utility 5-5 Example 5-2 How to Start the HSZterm Utility With an HSZ40 Command on the Same Line $ SET HOST/SCSI DKB100: SHOW THIS Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995 HSZ40 Firmware version E33Z-0, Hardware version 0000 Last fail code: 08080000 Press " ?" at any time for help. HSZ40 A> Controller: HSZ40 (C) DEC ZG41000118 Firmware E33Z-0, Hardware 0000 Configured for dual-redundancy with ZG40100112 In dual-redundant configuration SCSI address 7 Time: NOT SET Host port: SCSI target(s) (1, 2, 3, 4), Preferred target(s) (1, 2) Cache: 32 megabyte write cache, version 2 Cache is GOOD Battery is GOOD No unflushed data in cache CACHE_FLUSH_TIMER = DEFAULT (10 seconds) HSZ40 A> $ To obtain more information on the HSZ40 array controller, you can use the /INQUIRE qualifier, which causes the HSZterm utility to issue a SCSI inquiry command at startup. Example 5-3 shows an example of the /INQUIRE qualifier: the HSZterm Utility Example 5-3 Using the /INQUIRE Qualifier $ SET HOST/SCSI DKB100:/INQUIRE Starting HSZterm Version V1.0-00 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved Periph Device Type = 0x1F (Unknown Device) Periph Qualifier = 0x1 (Device supported, is not connected) Device Type Modifier = 0x0 RMB = 0x0 (Medium is not removable) ANSI Version = 0x2 ECMA Version = 0x0 ISO Version = 0x0 AENC = 0x0 TrmIOP = 0x0 Response Data Format = 0x2 Additional Length = 0x51 Soft Reset = 0x0 Command Queue = 0x1 Linked = 0x0 Synchronous = 0x1 16 bit bus = 0x1 32 bit bus = 0x0 Relative Addressing = 0x0 Vendor Identification = DEC Product Identification = HSZ40 (C) DEC Product Revision Level = E33Z Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995 HSZ40 Firmware version E33Z-0, Hardware version 0000 Last fail code: 08080000 Press " ?" at any time for help. HSZ40 A> To exit the program, type . Using the HSZterm Utility 5-7 6 ______________________________________________________________ HSZterm Command Line Description This chapter describes the HSZterm Command Line Interface (CLI), beginning with the syntax. The options and commands are described in the following sections. Command Line Syntax The syntax for the HSZterm command line is as follows: $ SET HOST/SCSI [hsz40_command] Command Line Elements Table 6-1 describes the elements of an HSZterm command line.. Table_6-1__HSZterm_Command_Line_Elements___________________ Option_Variable__Function__________________________________ Specifies the disk device. This is a required parameter. /TRACE Sets the level of verbosity. The HSZterm utility can be made to perform its actions with a great deal of diagnostic output. This option allows setting the level of this extra output. /LOG Specifies the log file in which to save the output. /INQUIRE Causes the HSZterm utility to perform a _________________SCSI_inquiry_command_at_startup.__________ HSZterm Command Line Description 6-1 Detailed Option Descriptions The following sections describe the HSZterm command line options. The /DEVICE Qualifier The /DEVICE qualifier identifies the HSZ40 controller with which to communicate when you have a device name that points to a device associated with the HSZ40 controller. Example 6-1 shows an example of using the /DEVICE qualifier. Example 6-1 /DEVICE Qualifier $ SET HOST/SCSI DKB100: Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995 HSZ40 Software version V14Z, Hardware version 0000 Last fail code: 01880080 Press " ?" at any time for help. HSZ> The /TRACE Qualifier The /TRACE qualifier traces the HSZterm utility's actions. Example 6-2 shows an example of using the /TRACE qualifier. Example 6-2 /TRACE Qualifier $ SET HOST/SCSI/TRACE DKB100: Starting HSZterm Version V1.0-00 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved A device has been selected. %HSZterm - SCSI_Inq() called... Do Connect. %HSZterm - SCSI_TUR() called... (continued on next page) Command Line Description Example 6-2 (Cont.) /TRACE Qualifier %HSZterm - SIM_Release() called... %HSZterm HSZterm: TEST UNIT READY ioctl failed: %s. CAM status = 0x44 (SIM Queue frozen-CCB request completed with an err) HSZterm: CHECKSENSE status returned from SCSI command. %HSZterm - SCSI_RequestSense() called... HSZterm: Device not ready. HSZterm: ASC = 4, ASQ = 0. %HSZterm - Validate_DiagPages() called... %HSZterm - SCSI_SendDiag() called... %HSZterm - SCSI_RecvDiag() called... %HSZterm - VT_Send() called... %HSZterm - SCSI_SendDiag() called... %HSZterm - VT_Read() called... %HSZterm - SCSI_SendDiag() called... %HSZterm - SCSI_RecvDiag() called... Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995 HSZ40 Firmware version E33Z-0, Hardware version 0000 Last fail code: 20080000 Press " ?" at any time for help. %HSZterm - VT_Read() called... %HSZterm - SCSI_SendDiag() called... %HSZterm - SCSI_RecvDiag() called... HSZ40 B> The /LOG Qualifier The /LOG qualifier specifies the log file in which to save the output of the session. This is easier than trying to redirect SYS$OUTPUT during an interactive session. HSZterm Command Line Description 6-3 Example 6-3 shows a session and the log file generated by that session. Example 6-3 /LOG Qualifier $ SET HOST/SCSI/LOG=TEST1.LOG DKB100: Starting HSZterm Version V1.0-00 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995 HSZ40 Firmware version E33Z-0, Hardware version 0000 Last fail code: 08080000 Press " ?" at any time for help. HSZ40 A> show unit full LUN Uses -------------------------------------------------------------- D100 DISK120 Switches: RUN NOWRITE_PROTECT READ_CACHE WRITEBACK_CACHE MAXIMUM_CACHED_TRANSFER_SIZE = 1024 State: ONLINE to this controller Not reserved Write cache good PREFERRED_PATH = THIS_CONTROLLER D300 DISK130 Switches: RUN NOWRITE_PROTECT READ_CACHE WRITEBACK_CACHE MAXIMUM_CACHED_TRANSFER_SIZE = 1024 State: ONLINE to the other controller Write cache good PREFERRED_PATH = OTHER_CONTROLLER HSZ40 A> ^Z $ type test1.log (continued on next page) Command Line Description Example 6-3 (Cont.) /LOG Qualifier Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995 HSZ40 Firmware version E33Z-0, Hardware version 0000 Last fail code: 08080000 Press " ?" at any time for help. HSZ40 A> show unit full LUN Uses -------------------------------------------------------------- D100 DISK120 Switches: RUN NOWRITE_PROTECT READ_CACHE WRITEBACK_CACHE MAXIMUM_CACHED_TRANSFER_SIZE = 1024 State: ONLINE to this controller Not reserved Write cache good PREFERRED_PATH = THIS_CONTROLLER D300 DISK130 Switches: RUN NOWRITE_PROTECT READ_CACHE WRITEBACK_CACHE MAXIMUM_CACHED_TRANSFER_SIZE = 1024 State: ONLINE to the other controller Write cache good PREFERRED_PATH = OTHER_CONTROLLER HSZ40 A> host # $ The /INQUIRE Qualifier The /INQUIRE qualifier causes the HSZterm utility to issue a SCSI inquiry command at startup and report the results of the inquiry. HSZterm Command Line Description 6-5 Example 6-4 shows an examples of using the /INQUIRE qualifier. Example 6-4 /INQUIRE Qualifier $ SET HOST/SCSI/INQUIRE DKB100: Starting HSZterm Version V1.0-00 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved Periph Device Type = 0x1F (Unknown Device) Periph Qualifier = 0x1 (Device supported, is not connected) Device Type Modifier = 0x0 RMB = 0x0 (Medium is not removable) ANSI Version = 0x2 ECMA Version = 0x0 ISO Version = 0x0 AENC = 0x0 TrmIOP = 0x0 Response Data Format = 0x2 Additional Length = 0x51 Soft Reset = 0x0 Command Queue = 0x1 Linked = 0x0 Synchronous = 0x1 16 bit bus = 0x1 32 bit bus = 0x0 Relative Addressing = 0x0 Vendor Identification = DEC Product Identification = HSZ40 (C) DEC Product Revision Level = E33Z Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995 HSZ40 Firmware version E33Z-0, Hardware version 0000 Last fail code: 08080000 Press " ?" at any time for help. HSZ40 A> The HSZterm utility supports a subset of the HSZ CLI commands found in the StorageWorks HS Family of Array Controllers User's Guide. The commands supported by the HSZ40 array controller are listed in this section with the following exceptions noted. The following HSZ40 CLI command is not supported: DELETE [unit-number] where [unit-number] is the unit on which HSZterm is attached Command Line Description A quick reference list of the HSZ40 CLI commands is provided for your convenience. Refer to the HS Family of Array Controllers User's Guide for the complete command descriptions. ADD CDROM (not currently supported) ADD DISK ADD LOADER ADD PASSTHROUGH ADD RAIDSET ADD SPARESET ADD STRIPESET ADD TAPE (not currently supported) ADD UNIT CLEAR_ERRORS CLI CLEAR_ERRORS INVALID CACHE CLEAR_ERRORS LOST_DATE CLEAR_ERRORS UNKNOWN CLEAR_ERRORS UNWRITEABLE_DATA DELETE [container-name] DELETE FAILEDSET DELETE SPARESET DELETE [unit-number] (except for unit-number of attached HSZterm) DIRECTORY EXIT HELP INITIALIZE LOCATE RENAME RESTART OTHER_CONTROLLER RESTART THIS_CONTROLLER RETRY_ERRORS UNWRITEABLE_DATA RUN (not supported except for RUN CONFIG, FMU. FLS) SELFTEST OTHER_CONTROLLER SELFTEST THIS_CONTROLLER SET [disk-container-name] SET FAILOVER SET NOFAILOVER SET OTHER_CONTROLLER SET RAIDset-container-name SET THIS_CONTROLLER SET [unit-number] SHOW CDROMS (not currently supported) HSZterm Command Line Description 6-7 SHOW [cdrom-container-name] (not currently supported) SHOW DEVICES SHOW DISKS SHOW [disk-container-name] SHOW FAILEDSET SHOW LOADERS SHOW loader-container-name SHOW OTHER_CONTROLLER SHOW PASSTHROUGH SHOW passthrough-container-name SHOE RAIDSETS SHOW raidset-container-name SHOW SPARESET SHOW STORAGESETS SHOW STRIPESETS SHOW [stripeset-container-name] SHOW TAPES (not currently supported) SHOW [tape-container-name] (not currently supported) SHOW THIS_CONTROLLER SHOW UNITS SHOW [unit-number] SHUTDOWN OTHER_CONTROLLER SHUTDOWN THIS_CONTROLLER Messages The HSZterm utility supports some of the HSZ40 CLI error messages described in the HS Family of Array Controllers User's Guide. See that manual to interpret CLI error messages. Command Line Description 7 ______________________________________________________________ HSZterm Protocols The HSZterm utility uses vendor-specific diagnostic pages for communicating with the HSZ40 array controller. These pages provide two-way communication with the Command Line Interpreter (CLI) on the HSZ40 array controller. The virtual terminal protocol was developed explicitly for the HSZ40 program. The SCSI commands used by the HSZterm utility are as follows: TEST UNIT READY INQUIRY SEND DIAGNOSTIC RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC The virtual terminal protocol allows asynchronous delivery of control characters using the HSZ40 CLI Send Diagnostic Page with the CLI Cmd Code field set to ANSWER and the control character placed in the first byte of the ASCII text buffer. Any other characters in the ASCII text buffer are ignored. There is no connection made between the host process and the HSZ40 array controller. Therefore, it is possible to implement a host interface that would allow you to exit the host program while a program is running within the HSZ40 array controller and resume the terminal session at a later time. This also implies that if multiple users attempt to have simultaneous virtual terminal sessions, the resulting messages would be unpredictable. HSZterm Protocols 7-1 A ______________________________________________________________ Sample Installation Example A-1 is an example of the Installation Procedure and the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) of the StorageWorks HSZ40 Array Controller Utility Program on the OpenVMS Operating System. Example A-1 Sample Installation and IVP Procedure $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL HSZterm SYS$LOGIN: OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V6.2 It is 3-MAY-1995 at 10:46. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: HSZTERM V1.0 Beginning installation of HSZTERM V1.0 at 10:46 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? No further questions will be asked. The installation should take less than 5 minutes to complete. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. (continued on next page) Sample Installation A-1 Example A-1 (Cont.) Sample Installation and IVP Procedure Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. Save set B is not required for OpenVMS Alpha V6.2 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved. Beginning HSZterm IVP Checking for existence of product files -- All product files found Attempting to connect to HSZ40 device _$1$DKA100: Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1993, 1995. All rights reserved. HSZ40 Firmware version V25Z-0, Hardware version 0000 Last fail code: 018700A0 Press " ?" at any time for help. HSZ> HELP Help may be requested by typing a question mark (?) at the CLI prompt. This will print a list of all available commands For further information the user may enter a partial command and type a space followed by a "?" to print a list of all available options at that point in the command. For example: SET THIS_CONTROLLER ? Prints a list of all legal SET THIS_CONTROLLER commands HSZ> -- Connected to HSZ40 successfully IVP for HSZterm completed successfully. Installation of HSZTERM V1.0 completed at 10:47 (continued on next page) Installation Example A-1 (Cont.) Sample Installation and IVP Procedure Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]HSZTERM010.VMI_DATA VMSINSTAL procedure done at 10:47 $ Sample Installation A-3