ALL-IN-1_Personal_Assistant___________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-PN01B-TE March 1993 Revision Update Information: Revised for Version 1.1 Operating System and Version: OpenVMS Version 5.4 or later Software Version: ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Version 1.1 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ March 1993 © Digital Equipment Corporation 1993. All Rights Reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software described in this document is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or the third-party owner of the software copyright. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation. Please complete the reader's comments page at the end of the book. It will help us to keep improving our documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC, DECforms, DECnet, DECwindows, OpenVMS, VAX, VAX 9000, VAXcluster, VAXstation, and the DIGITAL logo. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. vii 1 Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 1.1 Installation Requirements.................... 1-2 1.1.1 Required Hardware........................ 1-2 1.1.2 Required Software........................ 1-2 1.1.3 Required Order of Installation........... 1-2 1.1.4 Required Privileges ..................... 1-2 1.1.5 Contents of the Savesets................. 1-3 1.1.6 Required Disk Space...................... 1-3 1.1.7 Required Installation Time............... 1-5 1.2 Pre-Installation Tasks....................... 1-5 1.2.1 Registering Your License................. 1-5 1.2.2 Setting the JTQUOTA...................... 1-6 1.2.3 Changing SYSGEN parameters............... 1-6 Changing Global Pages.................. 1-7 Changing Global Sections............... 1-8 1.2.4 Verifying Your ALL-IN-1 Environment...... 1-8 1.2.5 Choosing the Type of Installation........ 1-9 1.2.6 Accessing the Release Notes.............. 1-10 1.2.7 Backing Up Disks......................... 1-10 1.2.8 Changing User Accounts for ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Version 1.1........... 1-10 1.3 Upgrading your Customizations to ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Version 1.1 .............. 1-10 1.3.1 Removing your Customizations from Live Before an Upgrade ....................... 1-11 Files and Forms in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Site Directory for the Primary Language................... 1-11 Files and Forms in the ALL-IN-1 iii Personal Assistant Site Directory for Secondary Languages.................... 1-12 Files in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Site Share Directory ........ 1-13 1.3.2 Restoring your Customizations on ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Version 1.1 .......... 1-13 Forms in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Site Directory for the Primary Language....................... 1-13 Boilerplate Files, Scripts, and Other Files in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Site Directory for Primary Language............................... 1-15 Files and Forms in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Site Directory for Secondary Languages.................... 1-16 Files in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Site Share Directory......... 1-16 2 Installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 3 Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation 3.1 Adding ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Options to ALL-IN-1 Menus .............................. 3-1 3.1.1 Adding ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant to the Information Management Menu.............. 3-2 3.1.2 Adding ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant to the ALL-IN-1 Management Menu ................ 3-3 3.1.3 Moving Form SM_DEFAULT to Development Area..................................... 3-5 3.1.4 Moving Forms IM, SM$MAIN2 and SM_DEFAULT to live area............................. 3-6 3.2 Precompiling Form Libraries.................. 3-6 3.3 Adding Users to ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant.................................... 3-7 3.4 Removing Files After Upgrading............... 3-7 3.5 Changing the Name of the Batch Queue......... 3-9 3.6 Allowing Users to Reenter ALL-IN-1........... 3-9 3.7 Determining and Reporting Problems........... 3-10 iv A Sample Installations A.1 Installing a Full Kit........................ A-1 A.2 Upgrading a Full Kit......................... A-6 B Files and Logicals Installed on Your System B.1 Logicals Added to the System Table........... B-1 B.2 ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Logicals Added to Each Language Table.......................... B-4 B.3 Files Placed on the System Disk.............. B-5 B.4 Files Placed in the ALL-IN-1 Directory....... B-5 B.5 ALL-IN-1 Files Modified...................... B-5 B.6 Files Placed in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Directory.......................... B-6 B.7 Files Deleted Since Version 1.0.............. B-12 C Forms Provided with ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Tables 1-1 Contents of the Savesets................. 1-3 1-2 Required Disk Space...................... 1-4 v ________________________________________________________________ Preface Purpose ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant provides a set of filtering capabilities that enables you to sort through, organize, and perform actions on ALL-IN-1 documents. This document explains how to install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Version 1.1 and how to prepare it for use after you have installed it. Intended Audience This document is for software specialists and other users who are familiar with using VMSINSTAL to install software in the ALL-IN-1 environment. Organization This document contains the following chapters and appendixes: o Chapter 1, Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant, describes requirements and pre-installation tasks for installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant. o Chapter 2, Installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant, is a step-by-step procedure explaining how to install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant. o Chapter 3, Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation, explains tasks you may need to do after the installation. o Appendix A, Sample Installations , shows a sample installation session for each type of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant installation. vii o Appendix B, Files and Logicals Installed on Your System, lists the files that ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant adds to your system, as well as the logical names that are added to your system when you run the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant startup procedure. o Appendix C, Forms Provided with ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant, lists the forms that ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant adds to your system. Related Manuals For more information on ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant, see the following manuals: ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant System Manager's Guide ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant User's Guide For more information on ALL-IN-1, customization manage- ment, and FMS, see the following manuals: ALL-IN-1 Installation Guide ALL-IN-1 Management Guide ALL-IN-1 User's Reference ALL-IN-1 Application Programming: Using Customization Management ALL-IN-1 Application Programming: FMS Reference For more information on VMS, see the VMS System Management Reference manuals. Conventions This document uses the following conventions: __________________________________________________________ Convention_____Meaning____________________________________ CTRL/x Indicates that you must hold down the key labeled CTRL while you press another key. Square Indicate default answers to questions brackets displayed during installation. ([]) viii __________________________________________________________ Convention_____Meaning____________________________________ Italics Indicate variable information in commands or installation questions. $ prompt Indicates the prompt at the Digital Command Language (DCL) level. Node Refers to either a single VMS system or a _______________single_VMS_cluster.________________________ ix 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant This chapter is divided into two sections. The first section describes the following requirements for installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant: o Required hardware o Required software o Required order of installation o Required privileges o Contents of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant savesets o Required disk space o Required installation time The second section describes the following pre-installation tasks that you must perform before installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant: o Registering your license o Setting the JTQUOTA o Changing SYSGEN parameters o Verifying your ALL-IN-1 environment o Modifying files in the shared area o Choosing the type of installation o Accessing the release notes o Backing up disks o Changing user accounts for Version 1.1 o Handling your customizations Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 1-1 1.1 Installation Requirements This section describes requirements for installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant. 1.1.1 Required Hardware You can install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant on any OpenVMS Version 5.4 (or later) system. To load the tape onto your system, you need a 1600 BPI, 9-track magnetic tape device, TK50 tape drive, or TK70 tape drive. 1.1.2 Required Software ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Version 1.1 requires the following software. (The installation procedure checks to ensure that this software is present and fails if it is not.) o OpenVMS Version 5.4 or later. o ALL-IN-1 Version 3.0 or later. See the Software Support Addendum (SSA) to the Software Product Description (SPD) for an up-to-date list of software with which ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant runs. 1.1.3 Required Order of Installation Install the software in the following order: 1. OpenVMS 2. ALL-IN-1 3. ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 1.1.4 Required Privileges Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant from an account (such as the SYSTEM account) that has full system privileges. 1-2 Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 1.1.5 Contents of the Savesets The ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant kit contains the following savesets: Table_1-1_Contents_of_the_Savesets________________________ File_Name_____________Contents____________________________ A1PA011.A Language-independent installation procedure A1PA011.B Language-independent files A1PALnn[1]011.A Language-dependent files [1]nn_refers_to_the_two-letter_language_code_of_the_kit___ you are installing, following the ISO 639 standard-for example en is English, de is German. __________________________________________________________ 1.1.6 Required Disk Space Make sure your system meets the disk space requirements listed in Table 1-2: Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 1-3 Table_1-2_Required_Disk_Space_____________________________ ___Number_of_Blocks___ During the After the ____________________________________InstallatiInstallation For_a_Full_Kit:___________________________________________ System Disk[1] 6000 100 ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Disk - 3800 ALL-IN-1 Manager Disk; that 400 400 is, the disk where the ALL-IN-1 manager's account resides ALL-IN-1 Data Disk: that is, the 2000 2000 disk that holds the directory pointed to by the logical OA$DATA_ SHARE ALL-IN-1 Language Disk: that is, 300 300 the disk that holds the directory pointed to by the logical OA$LIB_ language for the language you are installing ALL-IN-1 Shared Disk: that is, 400 400 the disk that holds the directory pointed to by the logical OA$LIB_ SHARE __________________________________________________________ For_an_Additional_Language:[2]____________________________ System Disk 4000 100 ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Disk - 1600 ALL-IN-1 Manager Disk; that - - is, the disk where the ALL-IN-1 manager's account resides ALL-IN-1 Data Disk: that is, the 2000 2000 disk that holds the directory pointed to by the logical OA$DATA_ SHARE ALL-IN-1 Language Disk: that is, 300 300 the disk that holds the directory pointed to by the logical OA$LIB_ language for the language you are 1-4 PreparingiTo Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant ALL-IN-1 Shared Disk: that is, - - the disk that holds the directory pointed to by the logical OA$LIB_ SHARE [1]If_you_use_the_VMSINSTAL_option_Alternate_Working______ Device (AWD), the space needed during the installation is on the AWD and not the system disk. The space used during the installation is only applicable to the system disk or the AWD. [2]An additional language assumes that you have already installed the full kit and are now installing only the language-dependent files for a specific language. __________________________________________________________ 1.1.7 Required Installation Time ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant can take approximately thirty minutes to one hour to install. The exact installation time depends on your system configuration and on the presence of any other system activity. 1.2 Pre-Installation Tasks This section provides information on tasks you must perform prior to the installation. 1.2.1 Registering Your License Your kit includes a Product Authorization Key (PAK). This is a paper certificate that contains data you use to register your license (ALLIN1-PA). ________________________Note ________________________ The installation for ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant fails if you do not register your license. You must register your license on each node where you install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant. _____________________________________________________ To register your ALLIN1-PA license, use the VMS License Management Facility (LMF) as follows: 1. Log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. 2. Enter the following at the DCL ($) prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM This procedure prompts you for information. Respond to the prompts with data from your PAK. For more information on using LMF, see the VMS License Management Utility Manual. Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 1-5 1.2.2 Setting the JTQUOTA The account that you are using for the installation must have a JTQUOTA of at least 4096. To confirm and, if necessary, change the JTQUOTA, use the VMS Authorize Utility (AUTHORIZE), as follows: 1. Set your default directory to SYS$SYSTEM. 2. Enter the following command at the DCL ($) prompt: $ RUN AUTHORIZE The UAF> prompt appears. 3. Enter the following command at the UAF> prompt: UAF> SHOW account_name For account_name, substitute the name of the account from which you are running VMSINSTAL, for example, SYSTEM. 4. To change the quota, enter the following at the UAF> prompt: UAF> MODIFY account_name /JTQUOTA=4096 For account_name, substitute the name of the account from which you are running VMSINSTAL, for example, SYSTEM. 5. To exit from the utility, enter EXIT at the UAF> prompt. For more information on this task, see the VMS System Management Reference manuals. 1.2.3 Changing SYSGEN parameters This section explains how to change global sections and pages for the accounts that run ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant. These accounts must have the following global pages and global sections available: o GBLPAGES-650 1-6 Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant o GBLSECTIONS-6 ________________________Note ________________________ If you are running a VAXcluster system, make sure these parameters are set correctly for each node in the cluster on which you are going to run ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant. These values ensure only that ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant is configured correctly; they do not take into consideration the values you need for any other layered software. _____________________________________________________ Changing Global Pages To change the global pages, do the following: 1. Find out how many free global pages are available by typing: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") 2. Make sure the number of unused global pages listed is at least 650. 3. If you need to increase the global pages, edit the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT, including the following line: ADD_GBLPAGES = increase-value For increase-value, substitute the amount by which you want to increase this parameter. For example, if the amount of global pages is 5 and you want to increase it to 650, enter the following: ADD_GBLPAGES = 645 4. Exit from the Install Utility by entering EXIT at the INSTALL> prompt. 5. Set the new global pages by doing the following: ________________________Note ________________________ You also need to do this step after changing global sections (explained in Section You may wish to wait until then and do this step only once. Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 1-7 If you wait, you will not have to reboot your system twice. _____________________________________________________ a. Run the AUTOGEN utility by entering the following command at the DCL ($) prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN SAVPARAMS SETPARAMS FEEDBACK b. Reboot the system for the new value to take effect. Changing Global Sections To change global sections, do the following: 1. Find out how many free global sections are available by typing: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 2. Make sure that the number of unused global sections is at least 6. 3. If you need to increase the global sections, edit the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT, including the following line: ADD_GBLSECTIONS = increase-value For increase-value, substitute the amount by which you want to increase this parameter. For example, if the amount of global sections is 2 and you want to increase it to 6, enter the following: ADD_GBLSECTIONS = 4 1.2.4 Verifying Your ALL-IN-1 Environment ALL-IN-1 must have logicals defined and images installed on your system before you install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant. To verify this, check to see if the following logicals are defined by typing the following at the DCL ($) prompt: $ SHOW LOGICAL OA$LIB $ SHOW LOGICAL OA$BUILD $ SHOW LOGICAL OA$DO 1-8 Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant If the logicals do not exist, run the ALL-IN-1 startup procedure by entering the following command at the DCL ($) prompt: $ @SYS$STARTUP:A1V30START.COM device:[directory.DATA_SHARE] For device and directory, substitute the device and directory for the A1CONFIG.DAT file. Check for the logical definitions again by entering the SHOW LOGICAL commands as explained in this section. 1.2.5 Choosing the Type of Installation You can install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant in the following ways: o A full kit installation-installs ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant savesets for a specific language as well as savesets that contain code that is independent of the language you install. Install the full kit if you have not previously installed ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant. When installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for the first time, the language of the kit must be the same as the ALL-IN-1 primary language. o An additional language installation-installs only language-dependent files for a language that you want to add to the system. You must install any additional languages only after you have first installed a full kit. For example, after installing the full kit using English savesets, you can install German as an additional language. In this case, VMSINSTAL only installs the German language-dependent savesets. o A full upgrade installation-upgrades ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant from Version 1.0 to Version 1.1. If you have customized Version 1.0, see section Section 1.3 for how to handle your customizations. o An additional language upgrade installation-upgrades ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant additional language files from Version 1.0 to Version 1.1. You must upgrade the full installation before upgrading any additional languages. For example, after upgrading the full kit using English savesets, you can upgrade German as Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 1-9 an additional language. In this case, VMSINSTAL only upgrades the German language-dependent savesets. 1.2.6 Accessing the Release Notes ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant provides online release notes. The release notes may contain information that affects this installation; you should read the release notes prior to the installation. To display or print the release notes before installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant, invoke VMSINSTAL with the OPTIONS N parameter as described in Chapter 2. To access the release notes after the installation, type or print the following file: SYS$HELP:A1PA011.RELEASE_NOTES 1.2.7 Backing Up Disks You should back up both your system disk and your ALL-IN-1 disk(s) before installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant. By doing this, you ensure that you have a copy of the system files should they become corrupted during installation. For more information, see the VMS System Management Reference manuals. 1.2.8 Changing User Accounts for ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Version 1.1 Before upgrading ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant from Version 1.0 to 1.1, you should ensure that all authorized ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant users have the ALL-IN-1 XOWN privilege. This is set in the profile. Details about managing user accounts and details of the XOWN privilege are in the ALL-IN-1 Management Guide. 1.3 Upgrading your Customizations to ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Version 1.1 If your ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Version 1.0 has been customized, you must save the customizations manually, before you begin the upgrade installation. Then after the upgrade is complete, you can restore the customizations to your new Version 1.1 system. 1-10 Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant ________________________Note ________________________ Please note that this refers only to elements of the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant system that have been customized. It does not refer to any ALL-IN-1 elements that may have been customized. _____________________________________________________ Section 1.3.1 describes how to save any existing customizations before the upgrade. It also describes how to check whether your system has been customized, if you are unsure. Section 1.3.2 describes how to restore the customizations to the new Version 1.1 system. 1.3.1 Removing your Customizations from Live Before an Upgrade Any ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant element that has been customized must be removed from live and copied to a safe area before ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant is installed. Due to changes to Customization Management in ALL-IN-1 Version 3.0, you cannot use CM to remove the existing customized elements. You must follow the procedures described in the following sections. Files and Forms in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Site Directory for the Primary Language To check for and save any customized files in the site directory for the Primary language, follow these steps: 1. At DCL level, set the default directory to the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant site directory: $ SET DEFAULT A1PA$SITE_LIB_LLV 2. Do a directory listing: $ DIRECTORY SITEA1PA$FORM.FLB;1 SITEA1PA$MANAGER.FLB;1 A1PA$RULESET_READ.BLP;1 All files that are in site directory have been customized. This example uses the boilerplate A1PA$RULESET_READ.BLP Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 1-11 3. Rename the customized files to include the suffix _V1: $ RENAME A1PA$RULESET_READ.BLP A1PA$RULESET_READ_V1.BLP 4. Find out which ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant forms have been customized and moved to live: $ FMS/DIRECTORY SITEA1PA$FORM Library USER1:[A1PA.SITE.LIB_ENGLISH]SITEA1PA$FORM.FLB;2, created: 21-FEB-1992 12:01 Date and time of last modification: 14-OCT-1992 13:30 A1PA$A1PA$MENU A1PA$ACTION All forms that are listed have been customized. 5. Make a copy of the form library, calling it SITEA1PA$FORM_ V1.FLB: $ COPY SITEA1PA$FORM.FLB SITEA1PA$FORM_V1.FLB 6. Delete the forms from the original form directory: $ FMS/LIBRARY/DELETE SITEA1PA$FORM/form_name=A1PA$A1PA$MAIN $ FMS/LIBRARY/DELETE SITEA1PA$FORM/form_name=A1PA$ACTION You must delete the existing forms to prevent ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Version 1.1 from using them in preference to the new Version 1.1 forms. Follow the same steps to save and delete forms in the management site form directory, SITEA1PA$MANAGER.FLB. Files and Forms in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Site Directory for Secondary Languages To save and delete the files and forms in the site directory for secondary languages, follow the steps given in Section for the primary language area. However, for the first step, set the default directory to the secondary language area: $ SET DEFAULT A1PA$SITE_LIB_language 1-12 Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Files in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Site Share Directory To rename the files in the Site Share Directory, follow the steps given in Section However, for the first step, set the default directory to the Site Share Directory: $ SET DEFAULT A1PA$SITE_LIB_SHARE Note that steps 4, 5, and 6 do not apply. 1.3.2 Restoring your Customizations on ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Version 1.1 After you have upgraded ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant, restore your original customizations to the new Version 1.1 forms. Section and Section describe how to restore the customizations to the forms and other files in the site directory for the primary language. Section describes the procedure for the forms and files in the site directory for secondary languages. Section describes the procedure for the forms and files in the site share directory. Forms in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Site Directory for the Primary Language To incorporate customizations to the forms in the site directory for the primary language, follow these steps for each form, one form at a time: 1. Enter ALLIN1/USER=MANAGER. 2. Enter CM to use Customization Management. 3. To create new entries in CM for the forms that you renamed in Section enter C. Fill in the fields. Do not press Return. Make sure that you include the _V1 suffix in the name of each form. For example, to create a new entry to restore the customizations to the form A1PA$A1PA$MAIN, type: Element: A1PA$A1PA$MAIN_V1 Type: FRM Area: A1PA_language Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 1-13 where language is the name of the primary language you have installed. 4. Press Next Screen. This allows you to use existing elements as a template for the new form. Choose option A. Enter the name of the form, and the name of the Version 1.0 site directory, SITEA1PA$FORM_ V1.FLB. You must enter the full directory specifica- tion, for example: Form name: A1PA$A1PA$MAIN_V1 Library: A1PA$SITE_LIB_language:SITEA1PA$FORM_V1.FLB 5. At the form editor menu, enter FORM at the Phase Choice field: Phase Choice: FORM Change the form name to include the suffix _V1. Enter EXIT to leave the form editor menu. Enter Y to save changes. The new element you have created is now identical to the customized element in Version 1.0. 6. Fill in the site modification log. 7. At the CM menu, enter P. Enter DIF, to compare the file you have created with the equivalent base form in Version 1.1. 8. You are given a choice of which form components you wish to compare. Enter ND. Then at the next prompt, enter B: Site or Base (S/B)? B Fill in the Name: field with the name of the equivalent base form in Version 1.1. This is the same as the new form you have created, but without the _V1 suffix, for example: Name: A1PA$A1PA$MAIN You are given a choice of which form component of the base form you wish to use. Enter ND again. 1-14 Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 9. Fill in the print queue to print a hard copy of the differences between the named data of the V1.0 and the V1.1 forms. 10.Repeat steps 7 through 9. However, in step 8, enter IM instead of ND. This gives you a hard copy of the differences between the images of the V1.0 and the V1.1 forms. 11.Repeat steps 7 through 9 again. This time, in step 8, enter FV instead of ND. This gives you a hard copy of the differences between the field view of the V1.0 and the V1.1 forms. These printouts show all the differences between the new base form in Version 1.1, and the customized version of the same form in Version 1.0. Identify which of these differences are the result of customizations that were made to the form for Version 1.0 so you can add this information below. 12.At the CM menu, enter ABE then enter the name of the new base form, for example, A1PA$A1PA$MAIN Copy this element to the development area, using the CO option. 13.Using CM, select the form you have just moved to the development area. Edit the form to incorporate the changes listed in the three print-outs. When you have incorporated all the changes, move the form to the live area. Boilerplate Files, Scripts, and Other Files in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Site Directory for Primary Language Follow the instructions in Section The instruc- tions for files that are not forms are slightly different in the following steps: o Steps 4 and 5: When you have entered option A, enter the name of the template file in the Filename: field. Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 1-15 When you have selected the file to use as a template, you are put into an editor to allow you to modify the new file you are creating. Exit the editor to save the file without making any changes. o Step 8: After you have entered DIF, you are given only one option, ET. Enter this option. Ignore steps 10 and 11. Files and Forms in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Site Directory for Secondary Languages Follow the instructions in Section and Section The following steps are different: o In step 3, fill in the Area: field with the name of the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant secondary language area. o In step 4, replace the site directory for the primary language (A1PA$SITE_LIB_LLV) with the the name of the site directory for the secondary language that you are using. Files in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Site Share Directory Follow the instructions in Section The following steps are different: o In step 3, fill in the Area: field with the name of the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant site share area. o In step 4, replace the site directory for the primary language (A1PA$SITE_LIB_LLV) with the the name of the site share directory. 1-16 Preparing To Install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant This chapter contains step-by-step instructions on how to install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant using VMSINSTAL. Defaults appear in brackets throughout the installation procedure. You can install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant in the following ways: o A full kit installation o An additional language installation o An upgrade installation o An upgrade installation of an additional language See Section 1.2.5 for more information on the types of installations you can perform. This chapter describes a full kit installation; see Appendix A for sample installations. To stop the installation procedure at any time, press CTRL/Y. When you press CTRL/Y, the installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and then exits. To restart the installation procedure after pressing CTRL/Y, you must restart VMSINSTAL. To install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant, do the following: 1. Shut down the ALL-IN-1 system by using the Shutdown ALL-IN-1 (SDA) option on the ALL-IN-1 Management menu. 2. Log into the SYSTEM account. This account gives you the privileges you need to run VMSINSTAL. 3. If necessary, mount the tape containing the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant software on a tape drive. Installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 2-1 4. Set your default disk and directory to SYS$UPDATE by entering the following command at the DCL ($) prompt: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE: 5. Invoke VMSINSTAL by entering the following command at the DCL ($) prompt: $ @VMSINSTAL A1PA011 software_media OPTIONS N A1PA011 is the name and version of your kit. For software_media, substitute the location of the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant savesets. This can be a tape device or a disk device and location; you can also substitute a VMS logical name for the device name. OPTIONS N is an optional parameter you should provide to be prompted to display or print the release notes during the installation. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not prompt you to display the release notes. 6. VMSINSTAL displays messages if your DECnet network is up and running or if there is other system activity, and then asks you the following: * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Press RETURN to stop the installation if you are concerned about the presence of network activity, or enter YES to continue the installation. 7. VMSINSTAL displays the following: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Press RETURN if you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk. Enter NO to stop the installation, and then back up your disk and restart the instal- lation. (If you have not backed up your disk and the system fails, it can corrupt your disk.) 8. If you specified OPTIONS N when you invoked VMSINSTAL, VMSINSTAL displays the following options: 2-2 Installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: Enter an option. VMSINSTAL then displays the following: * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? Press RETURN to exit the installation and review the release notes, or enter YES to continue the installation. 9. VMSINSTAL next displays the following options: This procedure supports the following installation paths :- (1) First full installation of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant (2) Installation of an additional ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant language only (3) Upgrade installation of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant (4) Upgrade an additional ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant language only * What type of installation do you wish to perform: [1]) Enter the appropriate option. See Section 1.2.5 for descriptions of each type of option. Help is available by typing a question mark (?). 10.VMSINSTAL displays the following: * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded [YES]? If you have registered your PAK for ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Version 1.1, enter YES and continue the installation. If you have not registered and loaded your PAK, you must stop the installation and do so before continuing. Enter NO to stop the installation, and register and load your PAK. Then restart the installation. Installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 2-3 Alternatively, you could register and load your PAK from another session. 11.VMSINSTAL displays the following: * Enter language code for this installation (2 Characters): ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant supports the installation of multiple languages. Each ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant kit consists of two language-independent savesets and one language-component saveset. The name of the language-component saveset includes the 2-character language code. You must specify the language of your ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant kit so that the installation can build the language-component saveset name. For English, enter the language code EN. Note that the language code EN is different from the language code used for ALL-IN-1 Version 3.0, which is US. Help is available by typing a question mark (?). 12.VMSINSTAL displays the following: * Which device will hold the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant files [device$]: Enter the name of the device on which to install ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant. You can give a physical or logical name. The default device is the same as the ALL-IN-1 library files device. Do one of the following: o To load the files on the default device, press RETURN. o To load the files on another device, enter that device name and press RETURN. 13.VMSINSTAL displays the following: * Enter the top-level directory required for the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant files [A1PA]: Enter the name of the directory to use for ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant files. Do one of the following: o To use the default directory, press RETURN. 2-4 Installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant o To use a different directory, enter the directory specification and press RETURN. 14.VMSINSTAL displays the following: * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? An ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) is available. It verifies that all ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant files have been installed on your system. Digital recommends that you run the IVP. 15.If you are upgrading, VMSINSTAL displays the following: * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? To purge files from previous installations of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant, press RETURN. To keep files from previous versions, enter NO. You may wish to do this, for example, if you want to keep your versions of files that ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant modifies. VMSINSTAL now displays a message indicating that it has asked all questions and that the installation is continuing. It begins displaying informational messages that report on the progress of the installation. VMSINSTAL carries out the following tasks: o Creates ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant directories o Creates language-dependent and language-independent files o Creates an ALL-IN-1 account for the A1PA_SERVER account o Links ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant executable images o Adds a command to startup ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant in the ALL-IN-1 site startup file (OA$SITE_BUILD_ SHARE:A1V30_SITE_START.COM). If no such file exists, it creates one o Adds ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant help modules to the ALL-IN-1 help library OAHELP o Includes ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant messages in the ALL-IN-1 site OA message file SITE$OA.A1$MSG Installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 2-5 o Moves files to target directories It also displays messages about a number of automatic post-installation tasks that it performs as part of the installation procedure. The IVP also runs, if you requested it. During post-installation, VMSINSTAL carries out the following tasks: o Adds file ownerships and VMS ACLs to the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant files and directories o Runs ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant startup to define the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant logicals o Compiles the ALL-IN-1 site OA message file o Compiles the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant form libraries o Creates a profile for the A1PA_SERVER account o Updates the ALL-IN-1 Customization Management data sets o Starts the A1PA_SERVER When the installation is complete, VMSINSTAL displays the following: Installation of A1PA V1.1 completed at hh:mm You can now log out of the privileged account by entering the following at the DCL ($) prompt: $ LOGOUT VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the same account and you want to restore these symbols, you should log out and log in again. Once the installation has completed, you should proceed with the post-installation tasks explained in Chapter 3. 2-6 Installing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 3 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation This chapter explains how to perform the following ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant post-installation tasks: ________________________Note ________________________ Do these tasks in the order listed. _____________________________________________________ 1. Adding ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant options to ALL-IN-1 menus 2. Precompiling form libraries 3. Adding users to ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 4. Removing files after upgrading 5. Changing the name of the batch queue 6. Allowing users to reenter ALL-IN-1 7. Determining and reporting problems 3.1 Adding ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Options to ALL-IN-1 Menus Before users and system managers can access ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant, you must add options to the Information Management and ALL-IN-1 Management menus. These are described in the following sections. Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation 3-1 3.1.1 Adding ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant to the Information Management Menu The steps in this section are unnecessary for an upgrade installation if the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant (APA) option and named data are already on the Information Management menu. ________________________Note ________________________ You need to repeat this task for each language version of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant that you use. _____________________________________________________ Add the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant (APA) option to the Information Management menu by doing the following: 1. Enter CM on the ALL-IN-1 Management menu. The Customization Management menu appears. 2. Enter ABE. The Access Base Elements menu appears. 3. Enter SEL. The Select a Base Element form appears. Complete the form, entering IM in the Name field, FRM in the Type field, and the appropriate language in the Language field, for example ENGLISH. 4. Enter CO to copy the element to the development area. If the form has already been modified, you see the message Element has already been modified and no copy is made. 5. Enter a description of the change you are making on the Customization Management - Site Modification Log form. 6. Go back to the Customization Management menu. If you made a copy, the form is the currently selected element. If the form has already been modified, you need to select it before doing further work on it. 7. Enter E to edit the form, and then enter S for screen image. 8. Enter Layout in the Phase Choice field. This lets you edit the menu. Add the following option to it: APA ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 3-2 Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation 9. Save your changes by exiting from the FMS editor. 10.Enter EXIT in the Phase Choice field. 11.Answer Y to the question Do you want to save this form? (Y/N). 12.Press EXIT to return to the Customization Management menu. 13.Enter E to edit the form and enter Named Data. This places you in your editor and displays the existing named data for the form. 14.Add the following named data after the named data for all the other options. You must enter the blank line. ;;OA$_A1PA$_MO_APA;; DO A1PA$LIB:A1PA$VERIFY_USER 15.Save your changes and return to the Customization Management menu. 3.1.2 Adding ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant to the ALL-IN-1 Management Menu ________________________Note ________________________ You need to repeat this task for each language version of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant that you use. _____________________________________________________ Add the Manage ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant (MPA) option to the ALL-IN-1 Management menu, by doing the following: 1. Enter CM at the ALL-IN-1 Management menu. The Customization Management menu appears. 2. Enter ABE. The Access Base Elements menu appears. 3. Enter SEL. The Select a Base Element form appears. 4. Complete the form, entering SM$MAIN2 in the Name field, FRM in the Type field, and the appropriate language in the Language field. Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation 3-3 5. Enter CO to copy the element to the development area. At this point, you are warned about the .MORE form SM_DEFAULT. Just press Return; this form is described later. If the form has already been modified, you see the message Element has already been modified and no copy is made. 6. Enter a description of the change you are making on the Customization Management - Site Modification Log form. 7. Go back to the Customization Management menu. If you made a copy, the form is the currently selected element. If the form has already been modified, you need to select it before doing further work on it. 8. Enter E to edit the form, and then enter S for screen image. 9. Enter LAYOUT in the Phase Choice field. This lets you edit the menu. Add the following option to it: MPA Manage ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant 10.Save your changes. 11.Enter EXIT in the Phase Choice field. 12.Answer Y to the question Do you want to save this form? (Y/N). 13.Enter a description of the change you are making in the Customization Management - Site Modification Log form. 14.Press EXIT to return to the Customization Management menu. 15.Enter E to edit the form and enter Named Data. This places you in your editor and displays the existing named data for the form. 16.Add the following named data after the named data for all the other options. You must enter the blank line. ;;OA$_A1PA$_MO_MPA;; DO A1PA$LIB:A1PA$SM_INIT 3-4 Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation 17.Save your changes and return to the Customization Management menu. 3.1.3 Moving Form SM_DEFAULT to Development Area Copy form SM_DEFAULT to the development area. This is necessary because SM_DEFAULT is a .MORE form for SM$MAIN2. Do the following: 1. Enter CM at the ALL-IN-1 Management menu. The Customization Management menu appears. 2. Enter ABE. The Access Base Elements menu appears. 3. Enter SEL. The Select a Base Element form appears. 4. Complete the form, entering the form name SM_DEFAULT in the Name field, FRM in the Type field, and the appropriate language in the Language field. 5. Enter CO to copy the element to the development area. If the form has already been modified, you see the message Element has already been modified and no copy is made. 6. Go back to the Customization Management menu. If you made a copy, the form is the currently selected element. If the form has already been modified, you need to select it before doing further work on it. 7. Enter E to edit the form, and then enter S for screen image. There are no actual changes to make to this form; it is needed by SM$MAIN2 8. Enter EXIT in the Phase Choice field. 9. Answer Y to the question Do you want to save this form? (Y/N). 10.Enter a description of the change you are making on the Customization Management - Site Modification Log form. 11.Press EXIT to return to the Customization Management menu. Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation 3-5 3.1.4 Moving Forms IM, SM$MAIN2 and SM_DEFAULT to live area Move the elements (forms IM, SM$MAIN2, and SM_DEFAULT) to the live area by doing the following: 1. Select each element and enter MLA at the Customization Management menu to mark your elements for the live area. Fill in the Site Modification Log. 2. Enter MGT to access the ALL-IN-1 Management menu. 3. Enter AM to access the Application Maintainer menu. 4. Enter PME to process the marked elements. Select the elements that you have modified (IM, SM$MAIN2, and SM_ DEFAULT) and enter XML. This moves the elements to the live area. ALL-IN-1 displays messages as it progresses. 3.2 Precompiling Form Libraries Precompile the following form libraries to enable ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant to execute faster: o OA$SITE_LIB_language:SITEMANAGER o OA$SITE_LIB_language:SITEOAFORM where language is the language of the installation. To do so, do the following for each form library: 1. Display the System Customization Management menu (using the options MGT to access the Management menu, then CSZ). 2. On the System Customization Management menu, enter PCF. The Precompile a Form Library form appears. 3. Enter the name of the form library, as listed above. After precompiling the form library, ALL-IN-1 asks you if you want to install the new .FLC. Enter Y. ALL-IN-1 returns you to the System Customization Management menu, and displays a message indicating that the form library has been precompiled and installed. 4. If you are on a VAXcluster system, repeat these steps for each ALL-IN-1 node in the cluster. 3-6 Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation 5. If you are on a multi-language system, repeat these steps for each language that has ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant installed. 3.3 Adding Users to ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant You must create ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant user accounts before ALL-IN-1 users can access the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant menus. This task is described in detail in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant System Manager's Guide. In summary, this involves the following: 1. From the ALL-IN-1 Management menu, access the Manage ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant (MPA) menu. 2. Enter Maintain User Accounts (MPA). 3. Enter C to create an account, then enter the name of an existing ALL-IN-1 user. ________________________Note ________________________ After adding an ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant user to your system, you must also give them the ALL-IN-1 privilege XOWN. This is set in the profile. Full details about user accounts and ALL-IN-1 privileges are in the ALL-IN-1 Management Guide. _____________________________________________________ 3.4 Removing Files After Upgrading After upgrading ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant from Version 1.0 to Version 1.1, you should remove certain files using Customization Management. Full details about using Customization Management are given in the manual ALL-IN-1 Application Programming: Using Customization Management. Using the Customization Management subsystem, select and then delete the following files. o A1PA$INVOKE_JOB.COM and A1PA$INVOKE_SERVER.COM should be removed from OA$SITE_LIB_SHARE (site area). These files now reside in OA$LIB_SHARE. Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation 3-7 o Remove the form A1PA$PROFIL from the form library OA$SITE_LIB_LLV:SITEOAFORM. o Remove the call to A1PA$LIB:A1PA$OAINI.SCP from the system-wide OAINI.SCP in OA$SITE_LIB_SHARE. If this call is the only uncommented line in the file, you can delete the file. The following files were customized by ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Version 1.0. Before using Customization Management to delete them, take care to check that these files only contain customizations that were made by ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant. You may find that these files have already been removed from the site area when upgrading to ALL-IN-1 Version 3.0 and using the Conflict checking and resolution tool (CART). CM_CDS.SCP CM_CTX.SCP CM_POST_COMPILE_A1TXL.COM CM_POST_COMPILE_CMTXL.COM CM_PRE_COMPILE_A1TXL.COM CM_PRE_COMPILE_CMTXL.COM CM_MOVE_TO_LIVE.SCP ________________________Note ________________________ There are a number of files remaining in A1PA$LIB_ SHARE that are obsolete in Version 1.1. You can choose to delete these to save disk space: A1PA$POST_COMPILE_A1TXL.COM A1PA$POST_COMPILE_CMTXL.COM A1PA$PRE_COMPILE_A1TXL.COM A1PA$PRE_COMPILE_CMTXL.COM _____________________________________________________ 3-8 Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation 3.5 Changing the Name of the Batch Queue Users can set up jobs to run their rule sets in batch mode. ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant sets up the batch queue, A1PA$BATCH, for these jobs. If you want to use a different queue, do the following: 1. Edit the startup file, SYS$STARTUP:A1PA$STARTUP.COM. 2. Search for all occurrences of the queue name A1PA$BATCH and replace them with another queue name. 3. Run the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant startup file by entering the following at the DCL ($) prompt: @SYS$STARTUP:A1PA$STARTUP.COM 4. From the ALL-IN-1 Management menu, access the Manage ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant (MPA) menu. 5. Access the Set server parameters form by entering SSP. 6. In the Batch queue field, replace the name A1PA$BATCH with the new batch queue name. 3.6 Allowing Users to Reenter ALL-IN-1 Users run their rule sets in batch mode. If the users happen to log in to ALL-IN-1 while their own batch job is running, they cannot access ALL-IN-1 and instead see the following error: %OA-E-NOREENTER, You are already using ALL-IN-1 - you cannot restart it ________________________Note ________________________ This does not happen if the user is already using ALL-IN-1 when the batch job begins. _____________________________________________________ To prevent this, you or the system manager can do either of the following: o Define a global symbol that redefines the system's ALL-IN-1 symbol. Do this in the file that is run by all users at login time. An example of this file could be SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]SYLOGIN.COM. Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation 3-9 To define this symbol, enter the following: $ALLI*N1 :== ALLIN1/REENTER o Define the ALL-IN-1 symbol to be ALLIN1/REENTER only for the specific users who use ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant. Do this in each ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant user's SYS$LOGIN:LOGIN.COM file. For users who have captive accounts, you can follow either of the previous steps. After doing so, if you want to display a message to notify captive users that they are reentering ALL-IN-1, place the following command procedure (supplied by ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant) in each captive user's @A1PA$LIB:A1PA$MULTIJOB.COM (If you wish, you can customize this command procedure to prevent these users from reentering ALL-IN-1.) If you do not want to define the ALL-IN-1 symbol for your users, you can do either of the following: o Let users know that if they see the message indicating that they cannot reenter ALL-IN-1, they should enter the following at the DCL ($) prompt: $ ALLIN1/REENTER o Allow batch jobs to run only during non-work hours. See the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant System Manager's Guide for information on this task. 3.7 Determining and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem while using ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant, report it to Digital. Depending on the nature of the problem and the type of support you have, you can take one of the following actions: o Call Digital if your software contract or warranty agreement entitles you to telephone support. o Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). 3-10 Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation o Fill out and submit a Reader's Comments form if the problem has to do with the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant documentation. There are Reader's Comments forms at the back of each manual. Use the form from the manual in which you found the error. Include the section and page number. Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty Addendum for an explanation of warranty. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as indicated above or follow alternate instructions provided by Digital for reporting SPD nonconformance problems. Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation 3-11 A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installations This appendix shows sample installation sessions for the following kinds of installations: o Installing a full kit o Upgrading a full kit A.1 Installing a Full Kit $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL A1PA011 DISK3:[A1PA_KIT] VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure T5.5-2E7 It is 21-JAN-1993 at 19:29. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: TMRA1$SA_1 ALLIN1 SERVER_0088 SHU$SRV73 * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? YES * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: A1PA V1.1 Beginning installation of A1PA V1.1 at 19:29 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Sample Installations A-1 ******************************************************************************** A1PA V1.1 Kit Installation Procedure Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************************************** This procedure supports the following installation paths :- (1) First full installation of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant (2) Installation of an additional ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant language only (3) Upgrade installation of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant (4) Upgrade an additional ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant language only * What type of installation do you wish to perform: 1 %A1PA-I-FULL, This is a full installation of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant. * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded [YES]? %A1PA-I-CHKLICENSE, Checking for an ALLIN1-PA license %LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product %A1PA-I-CHKLICENSE, Checking for an ALLIN1-PA-USER license %LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product %A1PA-I-CHKLICENSE, Checking for an ALLIN1-PA-G license Access granted %A1PA-I-CHECKS, Performing pre-installation checks... %A1PA-I-CHKVMS, Checking VMS version. %A1PA-I-CHKSPA, Checking for sufficient free space on the kit working disk. %A1PA-I-CHKGBL, Checking for sufficient free global pages and global sections. %A1PA-I-CHKJTQ, Checking JTQUOTA of installing account. %A1PA-I-CHKA1, Checking that ALL-IN-1 IOS is installed. %A1PA-I-CHKLOG, Checking ALL-IN-1 logicals that this installation will use. %A1PA-I-CHKSHT, Checking that ALL-IN-1 has been shutdown. %A1PA-I-CHKID, Checking for the A1PA$UPDATE rights identifier. %A1PA-I-NOID, The A1PA$UPDATE rights identifier does not exist, -A1PA-I-NOID, it will be created by this installation. %A1PA-I-RUNA1, Running ALL-IN-1 to obtain the name of the ALL-IN- 1 MANAGER's -A1PA-I-RUNA1, VMS account and default directory... * Enter language code for this installation (2 Characters): EN A-2 Sample Installations %A1PALEN-I-RESLANG, Restoring the LANGUAGE saveset... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %A1PA-I-LANG, The language of this ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant kit is ENGLISH. %A1PA-I-CHECKS, Performing language dependent checks... * Which device will hold the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant files [DISK2:]: * Enter the top-level directory required for the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant files [A1PA]: %A1PA-I-CHKDSK, Checking disk space... %A1PA-I-DSKSPA, Checking space on the ALL-IN-1 ENGLISH files disk. %A1PA-I-DSKSPA, Checking space on the ALL-IN-1 manager account's disk. %A1PA-I-DSKSPA, Checking space on the ALL-IN-1 shared data files disk. %A1PA-I-DSKSPA, Checking space on the Personal Assistant target disk. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? All questions have now been completed. The installation will take another 30-60 minutes. %A1PA-I-CREATDIR, Creating ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant directories... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.A1PA]. %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation adds an identifier named A1PA$UPDATE. %UAF-I-RDBADDMSG, identifier A1PA$UPDATE value:%X8001014A added to rights database %A1PA-I-INSTLANG, Installing ENGLISH language specific files... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %A1PA-I-INSTBASE, Installing BASE files... %A1PA-I-CREA1ACC, Creating ALL-IN-1 directories and files for the -A1PA-I-CREA1ACC, A1PA_SERVER account... %A1PA-I-LINKING, Linking ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Images... %A1PA-I-UPDSTART, Adding a call to start ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant -A1PA-I-UPDSTART, to your existing A1V30_SITE_START.COM %A1PA-I-ADDHLP, Adding ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Help to OAHELP... %A1PA-I-ADDMSG, Adding Personal Assistant messages to SITE$OA.A1$MSG... %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Sample Installations A-3 ************************************************************** * Automatic post-installation tasks will now be performed * ************************************************************** %A1PA-I-SETACL, Setting ownership ACLs on Personal Assistant files... %A1PA-I-START, Defining ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant logicals... ================================================= Running startup for ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant ================================================= Installing Personal Assistant images... %OA-I-LASTLINE, ALL-IN-1 Running to compile and install site application - %OA-I-LASTLINE, message file to include Personal Assistant message symbols... %OA-I-CMPFILE, Processing DISK2:[ALLIN1_ENGLISH.SITE.SOURCES_ ENGLISH] SITE$OA.A1$MSG;14 %OA-I-CMPSTS, 896 symbols used, 0 duplicates %OA-I-CMPEND, Symbols total: 896 symbols, Section file 53908 bytes long SYSTEM finished using ALL-IN-1 at 21-Jan-1993 20:04 %OA-I-LASTLINE, ALL-IN-1 Running to compile and install - %OA-I-LASTLINE, ENGLISH Personal Assistant form libraries... %OA-I-LASTLINE, Compiling A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$FORM... %OA-I-LASTLINE, Compiling A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$MANAGER... SYSTEM finished using ALL-IN-1 at 21-Jan-1993 20:04 %OA-I-LASTLINE, ALL-IN-1 Running... %OA-I-LASTLINE, Creating profile entry for A1PA_SERVER... %OA-I-LASTLINE, Updating CM$SDC.DAT with new SHARE elements... A-4 Sample Installations SYSTEM finished using ALL-IN-1 at 21-Jan-1993 20:05 %OA-I-LASTLINE, ALL-IN-1 Running... %OA-I-LASTLINE, Updating CM$SDC.DAT with new ENGLISH elements... %OA-I-LASTLINE, Updating ALL-IN-1 CM data sets... SYSTEM finished using ALL-IN-1 at 21-Jan-1993 20:06 %OA-I-LASTLINE, Defining Customization Management logicals... SYSTEM finished using ALL-IN-1 at 21-Jan-1993 20:07 Job A1PA$INVOKE_SERVER (queue A1PA$BATCH, entry 233) started on A1PA$BATCH IMPORTANT ========= To complete the installation of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant it is necessary to perform some manual tasks. Please refer to the section "Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation" in the Installation Guide. ******************************************************************** * The Installation of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant has completed. * ******************************************************************** ************************************************************** * Running the A1PA Installation Verification Procedure. * ************************************************************** The IVP has completed successfully See log file SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.A1PA]A1PA$IVP.LOG for details Installation of A1PA V1.1 completed at 20:07 Sample Installations A-5 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 20:07 SYSTEM logged out at 21-JAN-1993 20:07:43.68 A.2 Upgrading a Full Kit $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL A1PA011 DISK3:[A1PA_KIT] VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5 It is 18-JAN-1993 at 13:02. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: _RTA1: SERVER_0093 MRLISTEN_16801 MRLOGGER MR$T_N_1 * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? YES * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: A1PA V1.1 Beginning installation of A1PA V1.1 at 13:02 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... ******************************************************************************** A1PA V1.1 Kit Installation Procedure Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993. All Rights Reserved. ******************************************************************************** This procedure supports the following installation paths :- A-6 Sample Installations (1) First full installation of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant (2) Installation of an additional ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant language only (3) Upgrade installation of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant (4) Upgrade an additional ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant language only * What type of installation do you wish to perform: 3 %A1PA-I-FULLUPG, This is an upgrade installation of ALL-IN- 1 Personal Assistant. * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded [YES]? %A1PA-I-CHKLICENSE, Checking for an ALLIN1-PA license %LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product %A1PA-I-CHKLICENSE, Checking for an ALLIN1-PA-USER license Access granted %A1PA-I-CHECKS, Performing pre-installation checks... %A1PA-I-CHKVMS, Checking VMS version. %A1PA-I-CHKSPA, Checking for sufficient free space on the kit working disk. %A1PA-I-CHKGBL, Checking for sufficient free global pages and global sections. %A1PA-I-CHKJTQ, Checking JTQUOTA of installing account. %A1PA-I-CHKA1, Checking that ALL-IN-1 IOS is installed. %A1PA-I-CHKLOG, Checking ALL-IN-1 logicals that this installation will use. %A1PA-I-CHKSHT, Checking that ALL-IN-1 has been shutdown. %A1PA-I-CHKID, Checking for the A1PA$UPDATE rights identifier. %A1PA-I-NOID, The A1PA$UPDATE rights identifier does not exist, -A1PA-I-NOID, it will be created by this installation. %A1PA-I-RUNA1, Running ALL-IN-1 to obtain the name of the ALL-IN- 1 MANAGER's -A1PA-I-RUNA1, VMS account and default directory... * Enter language code for this installation (2 Characters): EN %A1PALEN-I-RESLANG, Restoring the LANGUAGE saveset... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %A1PA-I-LANG, The language of this ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant kit is ENGLISH. %A1PA-I-CHECKS, Performing language dependent checks... Sample Installations A-7 %A1PA-I-CHKDSK, Checking disk space... %A1PA-I-DSKSPA, Checking space on the ALL-IN-1 ENGLISH files disk. %A1PA-I-DSKSPA, Checking space on the ALL-IN-1 manager account's disk. %A1PA-I-DSKSPA, Checking space on the ALL-IN-1 shared data files disk. %A1PA-I-DSKSPA, Checking space on the Personal Assistant target disk. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after this installation [YES]? All questions have now been completed. The installation will take another 30-60 minutes. %A1PA-I-CHECKDIR, Checking ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant directories... %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[BLP_SHARE] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[DO_SHARE] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[SCP_SHARE] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[LIB_SHARE.USER] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[DATA_SHARE] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.BLP_SHARE] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.DATA_SHARE] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.DO_SHARE] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.LIB_SHARE] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.SCP_SHARE] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.SOURCES_SHARE] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[CUSTOM_DO] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[DUMP_AREA] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.A1PA]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.A1PA] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[BLP_ENGLISH] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[DATA_ENGLISH] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[DO_ENGLISH] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[LIB_ENGLISH.USER.RULES] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[LIB_ENGLISH.USER.RULESETS] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[SCP_ENGLISH] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.BLP_ENGLISH] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.DO_ENGLISH] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.SOURCES_ENGLISH] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.DATA_ENGLISH] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.LIB_ENGLISH] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.SCP_ENGLISH] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation adds an identifier named A1PA$UPDATE. %UAF-I-RDBADDMSG, identifier A1PA$UPDATE value:%X8001014A added to rights database A-8 Sample Installations %A1PA-I-INSTLANG, Installing ENGLISH language specific files... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %A1PA-I-INSTBASE, Installing BASE files... %A1PA-I-LINKING, Linking ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Images... %A1PA-I-ADDHLP, Adding ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Help to OAHELP... %A1PA-I-ADDMSG, Adding Personal Assistant messages to SITE$OA.A1$MSG... %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... ************************************************************** * Automatic post-installation tasks will now be performed * ************************************************************** %A1PA-I-SETACL, Setting ownership ACLs on Personal Assistant files... %A1PA-I-START, Defining ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant logicals... ================================================= Running startup for ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant ================================================= Installing Personal Assistant images... %OA-I-LASTLINE, ALL-IN-1 Running to compile and install site application - %OA-I-LASTLINE, message file to include Personal Assistant message symbols... %OA-I-CMPFILE, Processing DISK1:[ALLIN1.SITE.SOURCES_ENGLISH]SITE$OA.A1$MSG;1 %OA-I-CMPSTS, 404 symbols used, 0 duplicates %OA-I-CMPEND, Symbols total: 404 symbols, Section file 22868 bytes long SYSTEM finished using ALL-IN-1 at 18-Jan-1993 13:21 Sample Installations A-9 %OA-I-LASTLINE, ALL-IN-1 Running to compile and install - %OA-I-LASTLINE, ENGLISH Personal Assistant form libraries... %OA-I-FLCVERERR, Obsolete version of DISK2:[A1PA.][LIB_ENGLISH]A1PA$FORM.FLC; - Continuing %OA-I-LASTLINE, Compiling A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$FORM... %OA-I-FLCVERERR, Obsolete version of DISK2:[A1PA.][LIB_ENGLISH]A1PA$MANAGER.FLC; - Continuing %OA-I-LASTLINE, Compiling A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$MANAGER... SYSTEM finished using ALL-IN-1 at 18-Jan-1993 13:22 %OA-I-LASTLINE, ALL-IN-1 Running to remove old A1PA records from CM... %OA-I-LASTLINE, ALL-IN-1 Running to grant A1PA$UPDATE rights identifier -OA-I-LASTLINE, to all existing A1PA users... SYSTEM finished using ALL-IN-1 at 18-Jan-1993 13:24 %OA-I-LASTLINE, ALL-IN-1 Running... %OA-I-LASTLINE, Updating profile entry for A1PA_SERVER... %OA-I-LASTLINE, Updating CM$SDC.DAT with new SHARE elements... SYSTEM finished using ALL-IN-1 at 18-Jan-1993 13:25 %OA-I-LASTLINE, ALL-IN-1 Running... %OA-I-LASTLINE, Updating CM$SDC.DAT with new ENGLISH elements... %OA-I-LASTLINE, Updating ALL-IN-1 CM data sets... A-10 Sample Installations SYSTEM finished using ALL-IN-1 at 18-Jan-1993 13:26 %OA-I-LASTLINE, Defining Customization Management logicals... SYSTEM finished using ALL-IN-1 at 18-Jan-1993 13:26 Job A1PA$INVOKE_SERVER (queue A1PA$BATCH, entry 640) started on A1PA$BATCH IMPORTANT ========= To complete the installation of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant it is necessary to perform some manual tasks. Please refer to the section "Preparing ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant for Operation" in the Installation Guide. ******************************************************************** * The Installation of ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant has completed. * ******************************************************************** ************************************************************** * Running the A1PA Installation Verification Procedure. * ************************************************************** The IVP has completed successfully See log file SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.A1PA]A1PA$IVP.LOG for details Installation of A1PA V1.1 completed at 13:27 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 13:27 SYSTEM logged out at 18-JAN-1993 13:41:56.59 Sample Installations A-11 B ________________________________________________________________ Files and Logicals Installed on Your System The ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant installation procedure installs or moves files and adds or modifies logicals. This appendix lists these files and logicals. B.1 Logicals Added to the System Table A1PA$BLP_language A1PA$ROOT:[BLP_language] A1PA$BLP_LLV A1PA$ROOT:[BLP_language] A1PA$BLP_SHARE A1PA$ROOT:[BLP_SHARE] A1PA$BUILD_language A1PA$ROOT:[SOURCES_ language] A1PA$BUILD_LLV A1PA$ROOT:[SOURCES_ language] A1PA$BUILD_SHARE A1PA$ROOT:[SOURCES_ SHARE] A1PA$CUSTOM A1PA$ROOT:[CUSTOM_DO] A1PA$DATA_LLV A1PA$ROOT:[DATA_ language] A1PA$DATA_SHARE A1PA$ROOT:[DATA_SHARE] A1PA$DO_language A1PA$ROOT:[DO_language] A1PA$DO_LLV A1PA$ROOT:[DO_language] A1PA$DO_SHARE A1PA$ROOT:[DO_SHARE] A1PA$DUMP_AREA A1PA$ROOT:[DUMP_AREA] A1PA$LIB_language A1PA$ROOT:[LIB_language] A1PA$LIB_LLV A1PA$ROOT:[LIB_SHARE] A1PA$LIB_SHARE A1PA$ROOT:[LIB_SHARE] A1PA$OF_ENGINE A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$OF_ ENGINE_SHR.EXE A1PA$OF_FILTER A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$OF_ Files and Logicals Installed on Your System B-1 FILTER_SHR.EXE A1PA$ROOT USER3:[A1PA.] A1PA$SCP_language A1PA$ROOT:[SCP_language] A1PA$SCP_LLV A1PA$ROOT:[SCP_language] A1PA$SCP_SHARE A1PA$ROOT:[SCP_SHARE] A1PA$SITE_BLP_language A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.BLP_ language] A1PA$SITE_BLP_LLV A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.BLP_ language] A1PA$SITE_BLP_SHARE A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.BLP_ SHARE] A1PA$SITE_BUILD_language A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.SOURCES_ languag A1PA$SITE_BUILD_LLV A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.SOURCES_ language] A1PA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.SOURCES_ SHARE] A1PA$SITE_DATA_LLV A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.DATA_ language] A1PA$SITE_DATA_SHARE A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.DATA_ SHARE] A1PA$SITE_DEV_APA_languageA1PA$SITE_DEV_language A1PA$SITE_DEV_language A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.DEV_ language] A1PA$SITE_DEV_LLV A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.DEV_ language] A1PA$SITE_DEV_SHARE A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.DEV_ SHARE] A1PA$SITE_DO_language A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.DO_ language] A1PA$SITE_DO_LLV A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.DO_ language] A1PA$SITE_DO_SHARE A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.DO_ share] A1PA$SITE_LIB_language A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.LIB_ language] A1PA$SITE_LIB_LLV A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.LIB_ language] A1PA$SITE_LIB_SHARE A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.LIB_ SHARE] A1PA$SITE_SCP_language A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.SCP_ B-2 Files and Logicals Installed on Your System language] A1PA$SITE_SCP_LLV A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.SCP_ language] A1PA$SITE_SCP_SHARE A1PA$ROOT:[SITE.SCP_ SHARE] A1PA$SRV A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$SRV_ SHR.EXE A1PA$SRV_SHORT_SLEEP 0 00:05:00 OA$SITE_DEV_A1PA_language disk$:[A1PA.SITE.DEV_ A1PA_language] OA$SITE_DEV_A1PA_SHARE disk$:[A1PA.SITE.DEV_ A1PA_SHARE] OA$SITE_DEV_REC_A1PA_language disk$:[A1PA.SITE.DEV_ REC_A1PA_language] OA$SITE_DEV_REC_A1PA_SHARE disk$:[A1PA.SITE.DEV_ REC_A1PA_SHARE] Logical Search Lists: A1PA$BLP A1PA$SITE_BLP_LLV, A1PA$SITE_BLP_SHARE, A1PA$BLP_LLV, A1PA$BLP_SHARE A1PA$BUILD A1PA$SITE_BUILD_LLV A1PA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE A1PA$BUILD_LLV A1PA$BUILD_SHARE A1PA$DATA A1PA$SITE_DATA_SHARE, A1PA$SITE_DATA_LLV, A1PA$DATA_SHARE, A1PA$DATA_LLV A1PA$DO A1PA$SITE_DO_LLV, A1PA$SITE_DO_SHARE, A1PA$DO_LLV, A1PA$DO_SHARE Files and Logicals Installed on Your System B-3 A1PA$LIB A1PA$SITE_LIB_LLV A1PA$SITE_LIB_SHARE, A1PA$LIB_LLV, A1PA$LIB_SHARE A1PA$SCP A1PA$SITE_SCP_LLV, A1PA$SITE_SCP_SHARE, A1PA$SCP_LLV, A1PA$SCP_SHARE A1PA$SITE_DATA A1PA$SITE_DATA_LLV, A1PA$SITE_DATA_SHARE A1PA$SITE_DEV A1PA$SITE_DEV_LLV, A1PA$SITE_DEV_SHARE A1PA$SITE_LIB A1PA$SITE_LIB_LLV, A1PA$SITE_LIB_SHARE B.2 ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Logicals Added to Each Language Table A1PA$BLP_LLV device:[directory.BLP_ language] A1PA$BUILD_LLV device:[SOURCES_ language] A1PA$DATA_LLV device:[directory.DATA_ language] A1PA$DO_LLV device:[directory.DO_ language] A1PA$LIB_LLV device:[directory.LIB_ language] A1PA$SCP_LLV device:[SCP_language] A1PA$SCP_LLV device:[directory.SCP_ language] A1PA$SITE_BLP_LLV device:[directory.SITE.BLP_ language] A1PA$SITE_BUILD_LLV device:[directory.SITE.SOURCES_ B-4 Files and Logicals Installed on Your System language] A1PA$SITE_DATA_LLV device:[directory.SITE.DATA_ language] A1PA$SITE_DEV_LLV device:[directory.SITE.DEV_ language] A1PA$SITE_DO_LLV device:[directory.SITE.DO_ language] A1PA$SITE_LIB_LLV device:[directory.SITE.LIB_ language] A1PA$SITE_SCP_LLV device:[directory.SITE.SCP_ language] B.3 Files Placed on the System Disk SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]A1PA$STARTUP.COM SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]A1PA011.RELEASE_NOTES SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.A1PA]A1PA$IVP.COM B.4 Files Placed in the ALL-IN-1 Directory OA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$INVOKE_JOB.COM OA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$INVOKE_SERVER.COM B.5 ALL-IN-1 Files Modified OA$DATA_SHARE:CM$APP.DAT OA$DATA_SHARE:CM$AUTH$LOCATIONS.DAT OA$DATA_SHARE:CM$AUTH$USERS.DAT OA$DATA_SHARE:CM$FORM$LIBS.DAT OA$DATA_SHARE:CM$MAF.DAT OA$DATA_SHARE:CM$SDC.DAT OA$DATA_SHARE:CM$SITELOG.DAT OA$SITE_DEV_language:CM$SITEHIST.DATE OA$SITE_DEV_language:SITE$OA.A1$MSG OA$SITE_BUILD_language:SITE$OA.A1$MSG OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE:A1V30_SITE_START.COM OA$SITE_LIB_language:SITE$OA_SYM.A1$SECTION OA$LIB:OAHELP.HLB Files and Logicals Installed on Your System B-5 B.6 Files Placed in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Directory A1PA$BUILD_SHARE:A1PA$BUILD_IMAGES.COM A1PA$BUILD_SHARE:A1PA$FILTER.OLB A1PA$BUILD_SHARE:A1PA$OF_FILTER.OPT A1PA$BUILD_SHARE:A1PA$SERVER.OLB A1PA$BUILD_SHARE:A1PASRV.OPT A1PA$BUILD_SHARE:ENGINE_TRANSFER.OBJ A1PA$BUILD_SHARE:ENG_VER_OPT.OPT A1PA$BUILD_SHARE:ENV.OLB A1PA$BUILD_SHARE:OFENGINE.OLB A1PA$BUILD_SHARE:OFLDTYPE.OLB A1PA$BUILD_SHARE:OFLOG.OLB A1PA$BUILD_SHARE:RULE.OLB A1PA$DATA_LLV:A1PA$ACTLLV.DAT A1PA$DATA_LLV:A1PA$FLDLLV.DAT A1PA$DATA_LLV:A1PA$FREQLLV.DAT A1PA$DATA_LLV:A1PA$JOBSTATLLV.DAT A1PA$DATA_LLV:A1PA$OBJLLV.DAT A1PA$DATA_LLV:A1PA$SCHEDLLV.DAT A1PA$DATA_LLV:A1PA$TYPLLV.DAT A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$ACTIONS.DAT A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$ACTIONS.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$ACTLLV.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_ACTIONS.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$FIELDS.DAT A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$FIELDS.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$FLDLLV.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$FREQLLV.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$FREQUENCY.DAT A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$FREQUENCY.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$JOBSTATLLV.DAT A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$JOBSTATUS.DAT B-6 Files and Logicals Installed on Your System A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$OBJECTS.DAT A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$OBJECTS.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$OBJLLV.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$PROFIL.DAT A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$QUEUED.DAT A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$QUEUED.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$RULE.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$RULESET.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$RULESET_RULELIST.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$SCHED.DAT A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$SCHED.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$SCHEDLLV.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$SERVER_PARAMETERS.DAT A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$TYPES.DAT A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$TYPES.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$TYPLLV.FDL A1PA$DATA_SHARE:A1PA$USER_PREF.DAT A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$FORM.FLB A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$FORM.FLC A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$FORMAT_ACTIONS.SCP A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$FORMAT_RULE.BLP A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$MANAGER.FLB A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$MANAGER.FLC A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$MULTIJOB.COM A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$PROFIL_HDR.BLP A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$PROFIL_SELECTED.BLP A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$RULESET_READ.BLP A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$SCHED.BLP A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$SCHED_HDR.BLP A1PA$LIB_LLV:USER.DIR A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$SERVER.COM A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$SRV_MGR_MAIL.BLP A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$SRV_MGR_MAIL_BODY.BLP A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$SRV_MGR_MAIL_HDR.BLP A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$SRV_USER_MAIL.BLP Files and Logicals Installed on Your System B-7 A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$ACTION_RECOG.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$ACTION_VALID.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$ANSWERALL_MAIL.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$ANSWER_MAIL.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$BUILD_ACTION.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$BUILD_CONDITION.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$BUILD_DATE.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$BUILD_RULE.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$BUILD_RULESET.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$CHECK_USER_ACTIVITY.COM A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$COMPILE_RULESET.BLP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$COMPILE_RULESET.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$COPY_DOCUMENT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$COUNT_ALL_ATTRIBUTES.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$COUNT_ATTRIBUTES.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$COUNT_CONDITIONS.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$COUNT_PRIMARY_ATTRIBUTES.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$COUNT_TOCC.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$CROSSFILE_DOCUMENT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_ANSWER.BLP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_ANSWER.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_ANSWERALL.BLP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_ANSWERALL.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_COPY.BLP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_COPY.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_CROSSFILE.BLP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_CROSSFILE.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_DO.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_FILEATTACH.BLP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_FILEATTACH.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_FILEMESS.BLP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_FILEMESS.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_FILETEXT.BLP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_FILETEXT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_FORWARD.BLP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_FORWARD.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_LOADSYM.BLP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_LOADSYM.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_PRINT.BLP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_PRINT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_REFILE.BLP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_REFILE.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_RUNSCP.BLP B-8 Files and Logicals Installed on Your System A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DEFERED_RUNSCP.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$DO_ACTION.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$FILE_ATTACH.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$FILE_MESSAGE.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$FILE_TEXT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$FINISH.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$FINISH_FILECABDOC.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$FORMAT_CONDITIONS.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$FORM_FEED.TXT A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$FORWARD_MAIL.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$FREE_CURRENT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$FREE_FOLDER.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$FREE_OBJECT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$GENBLD_ACTION.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$GENBLD_CONDITION.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$GET_DATA.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$GET_DATE.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$GET_FIELD_COUNT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$GET_NEXT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$GET_OBJECT_COUNT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$GET_SIZES.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$GET_UNREAD_COUNT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$HINT_HELP.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$IFARG_RECOG.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$IFARG_VALID.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$INIT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$INIT_FILECABDOC.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$INIT_FOLDER.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$INIT_OBJECT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$INIT_RULEFILES.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$INIT_RULESETFILES.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$LOAD_SYMBOL.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$MUA_CREATE.COM A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$MUA_DELETE.COM A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$NEXT_ATTRIBUTE.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$NEXT_DOCUMENT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$OAINI.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$PRINT_DOCUMENT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$PROFIL.BLP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$REFILE_DOCUMENT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$RULESET_COPY.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$RULESET_CREATE.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$RULESET_EDIT.SCP Files and Logicals Installed on Your System B-9 A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$RULESET_JOURNAL.BLP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$RULESET_LIST.BLP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$RULE_COPY.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$RULE_CREATE.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$RULE_DELETE.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$RULE_EDIT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$RULE_PRINT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$RULE_READ.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$RUN_BATCH.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$RUN_JOB.COM A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$RUN_SCRIPT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$SCHED_CREATE.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$SERVER_STATUS.COM A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$SM_INIT.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$SRV_DELETE_QUEUED.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$SRV_DRIVER.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$SRV_QUALIFY_JOB.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$SRV_QUEUE_JOB.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$SRV_USER_MAIL.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$SRV_VERIFY_QUEUED.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$START_FILTER.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$TEST_RULESET.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$THEN_ARG_PRE.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$UPDATE_RUN_TIME.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$VERIFY_USER.SCP A1PA$LIB_SHARE:USER.DIR A1PA$ROOT = device:[A1PA] Supplied By the Installer B-10 Files and Logicals Installed on Your System A1PA$ROOT:BLP_language.DIR A1PA$ROOT:BLP_SHARE.DIR A1PA$ROOT:CUSTOM_DO.DIR A1PA$ROOT:DATA_language.DIR A1PA$ROOT:DATA_SHARE.DIR A1PA$ROOT:DO_language.DIR A1PA$ROOT:DO_SHARE.DIR A1PA$ROOT:LIB_language.DIR A1PA$ROOT:LIB_SHARE.DIR A1PA$ROOT:SOURCES_language.DIR A1PA$ROOT:SCP_language.DIR A1PA$ROOT:SCP_SHARE.DIR A1PA$ROOT:SITE.DIR A1PA$ROOT:SOURCES_SHARE.DIR A1PA$ROOT:[LIB_language.USER.RULES]A1PA$RULE.DAT A1PA$ROOT:[LIB_language.USER.RULES]ZTUPDCYUF.DAT A1PA$ROOT:[LIB_language.USER.RULES]ZTUQCXJHM.DAT A1PA$ROOT:[LIB_language.USER.RULES]ZTUQD4EFJ.DAT A1PA$ROOT:[LIB_language.USER.RULES]ZTURB04SQ.DAT A1PA$ROOT:[LIB_language.USER.RULESETS]A1PA$RULESET.DAT A1PA$ROOT:[LIB_language.USER.RULESETS]ZTUPDDTPL.DAT A1PA$ROOT:[LIB_language.USER.RULESETS]ZTURB0ZNX.DAT A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]BLP_language.DIR A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]BLP_SHARE.DIR A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]DATA_language.DIR A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]DATA_SHARE.DIR A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]DEV_A1PA_language.DIR A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]DEV_A1PA_SHARE.DIR A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]DEV_REC_A1PA_SHARE A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]DEV_REC_A1PA_language A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]DO_language.DIR A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]DO_SHARE.DIR A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]LIB_language.DIR A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]LIB_SHARE.DIR A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]SCP_language.DIR A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]SCP_SHARE.DIR A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]SITE.DIR A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]SOURCES_language.DIR A1PA$ROOT:[SITE]SOURCES_SHARE.DIR Files and Logicals Installed on Your System B-11 ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant Images Installed on the System The following images are installed on the system and placed in the ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant directory: A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$OF_ENGINE_SHR.EXE A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$OF_FILTER_SHR.EXE A1PA$LIB_SHARE:A1PA$SRV_SHR.EXE B.7 Files Deleted Since Version 1.0 A1PA$A1INFO.COM A1PA$ADD_CM_RECORD.SCP A1PA$ASK.COM A1PA$CALLBACKS.COM A1PA$CHECKS.COM A1PA$CHECK_DISKS.COM A1PA$CHECK_OASYMMSG.COM A1PA$CHECK_REQIMG.COM A1PA$CM.FLB A1PA$CM_CONFLICTS.TXT A1PA$DIRECTORIES.COM A1PA$ELEMENTS.DAT A1PA$HELP.COM A1PA$LANGUAGE_ELEMENTS.DAT A1PA$LINK_IMAGES.COM A1PA$LOAD_A1CONFIG.SCP A1PA$LOGICALS.DAT A1PA$MOVE.COM A1PA$OASYMMSG.TXT A1PA$POSTINSTALL.COM A1PA$PROCESS_HELP.COM A1PA$PROCESS_MESSAGES.COM A1PA$PROCESS_OASYMMSG.COM A1PA$PROCESS_SITELINK.COM A1PA$UPDATE.COM A1PA$READ_A1CONFIG.SCP A1PA$SAVESETS.COM A1PA$UPDATE_A1_CM.COM A1PA$UPDATE_CM.COM A1PA$UPDATE_DATA_FILES.SCP A1PA$UPDATE_OAINI.COM B-12 Files and Logicals Installed on Your System A1PA$UPDATE_OASYMMSG.COM A1PA$VALUES.COM A1PA$POST_COMPILE_A1TXL.COM A1PA$POST_COMPILE_CMTXL.COM A1PA$PRE_COMPILE_A1TXL.COM A1PA$PRE_COMPILE_CMTXL.COM CM_CDS.SCP CM_CTX.SCP CM_POST_COMPILE_A1TXL.COM CM_POST_COMPILE_CMTXL.COM CM_PRE_COMPILE_A1TXL.COM CM_PRE_COMPILE_CMTXL.COM Files and Logicals Installed on Your System B-13 C ________________________________________________________________ Forms Provided with ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant The following lists the forms in the A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$FORM.FLB form library: A1PA$A1PA$MAIN A1PA$ACTION A1PA$ACTION_LLV A1PA$DEFERED A1PA$ENT_BOT A1PA$ENT_BOT2 A1PA$ENT_BOT3 A1PA$ENT_MAIN A1PA$ENT_TOP A1PA$ENT_TOP2 A1PA$ENT_TOP3 A1PA$ENT_TOP4 A1PA$ENT_TOP5 A1PA$FIELD A1PA$FIELD_LLV A1PA$FREQUENCY A1PA$FREQUENCY_LLV A1PA$INDEX$BOSS A1PA$INDEX$EXPRESS A1PA$INDEX$WATCH A1PA$JOB_STATUS A1PA$JOB_STATUS_LLV A1PA$LOG$MAIN A1PA$OBJECT A1PA$OBJECT_LLV A1PA$PROFILE A1PA$PROFILE_SMF A1PA$QUEUED.FLG A1PA$RULE$INDEX$FIND A1PA$RULE$INDEX$MENU Forms Provided with ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant C-1 A1PA$RULE$INDEX A1PA$RULE A1PA$RULES$MAIN A1PA$RULESET$FIND A1PA$RULESET$INDEX$MENU A1PA$RULESET$INDEX A1PA$RULESET$MAIN A1PA$RULESET$TEST A1PA$RULESET A1PA$RULESET_ARG A1PA$RULESET_MOVE A1PA$RULESET_RULELIST A1PA$RULESET_SEL A1PA$RULESLIST_EDIT A1PA$RULESLIST_ENTRY A1PA$RULE_ARG A1PA$RULE_MOVE A1PA$RULE_SEL A1PA$SCHED$MENU A1PA$SCHED A1PA$SCHED_ARGINDEX A1PA$SCHED_CODE_LLV A1PA$SCHED_CREATE A1PA$SCHED_INDEX A1PA$SCHED_INDEX_MENU A1PA$SERVER_PARAMS A1PA$TYPE A1PA$TYPE_LLV A1PA$MORE$SCROLL$KEYS$INDEX The following lists the forms in the A1PA$LIB_LLV:A1PA$MANAGER.FLB form library: C-2 Forms Provided with ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant A1PA$MUA_ARGINDEX A1PA$MUA_INDEX A1PA$MUA_INDEX_MENU A1PA$SERVER_PARAMS_EDIT A1PA$SM A1PA$SM_CHECK_CREATE A1PA$SM_CU_ARGINDEX A1PA$SM_CU_INDEX A1PA$SM_CU_INDEX_MENU A1PA$SM_CU_STATUS A1PA$SM_MNUT A1PA$SM_MUA A1PA$SM_SCHED_ARGINDEX A1PA$SM_SCHED_INDEX A1PA$SM_SCHED_INDEX_MENU A1PA$DLCREA A1PA$SM_SEL A1PA$MORE$SCROLL$KEYS$INDEX Forms Provided with ALL-IN-1 Personal Assistant C-3