Installing POLYCENTER SNA Manager This appendix describes the installation and enrollment process for POLYCENTER SNA Manager. The following topics are covered in this chapter. . Pre-installation requirements . Checking system requirements before installing . Registering and loading your PAK . Invoking VMSINSTAL . Continuing with VMSINSTAL . Updating the dictionary and installing the MRM . Installing the Startup command file . Recovering from errors during installation . Installation messages Use the following procedure to install the POLYCENTER SNA Manager module. If you upgrade either the DECmcc Director or the DECmcc Basic Management System, you should reinstall all independent management modules to update the DECmcc dictionary, and to rebuild the parse tables and help file. Pre-installation Requirements This section lists several steps that, if done ahead of time, can save you time and ensure a smooth installation. Exhibit A-1 provides a preinstallation checklist and a list of associated documents. The following tasks must be completed before you begin software installation: 1. Check the distribution kit. Ensure that you have a complete kit by comparing it against the bill of materials (BOM). If any part of the kit is missing, contact your Digital representative. 2. Back up the system disk. This installation involves writing to your system disk. You should make a backup copy of your system disk before installing DECmcc. 3. Meet all requirements. Ensure that you obtain all prerequisite software, system privileges, quotas, and disk space before you begin the installation. This chapter and supporting release notes define the requirements for POLYCENTER SNA Manager. The POLYCENTER SNA Manager Software Product Description (SPD) and System Support Addendum (SSA) list hardware and software requirements. 4. Register and load the licenses for POLYCENTER SNA Manager. If you do not register and load the licenses, you can complete the installation procedure; however, the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) will not run. 5. Load the distribution tape into the tape drive; then, mount the distribution tape. 6. Access and read the online release notes. They contain the latest information about POLYCENTER SNA Manager. To access online release notes, enter the following command: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL snamccvvu ddcn: OPTIONS N Replace vv with the major software version number and u with the update software version number, such as 010 for Version 1.0. Replace ddcn with the name of the device on which you plan to mount the media, where dd is the device name, c is the controller ID, and n is the unit number, such as MUA0. OPTIONS N is an optional parameter that causes the install procedure to prompt you for displaying, printing, or copying the release notes to SYS$HELP. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, the installation procedure ignores the release notes. Exhibit A-1: Preinstallation Checklist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things to Do Before Installation Where to Find Information Done? Check distribution kit BOM ____ Back up system disk n/a ____ Obtain Saveset Name Cover letter, release notes ____ Meet all requirements Refer to the following ____ System manager level privileges n/a ____ Software Release notes, SSA ____ Distribution media Release notes ____ Process quotas Release notes ____ System parameters Release notes ____ Disk space Release notes ____ Estimated time to install Release notes ____ Register the product licenses Release notes, PAK ____ Load and mount distribution tape n/a ____ Read online release notes n/a ____ Documentation Listing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Documentation Listing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Title Description of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill of Materials (BOM) Lists all items in the distribution kit Management Module Cover Letter Introduces the product Management Module Release Notes Contains the latest information about the POLYCENTER SNA manager module, such as changes to the installation procedure Software Product Description (SPD) Describes the product generally System Support Addendum (SSA) Lists software and hardware requirements and processors supported Guide to VMS Software Installation Provides general installation information VMS System Manager's Manual Contains information on setting recommended user account quotas, privileges and system parameters Checking System Requirements before Installing Before you perform the POLYCENTER SNA Manager installation, check that the DECnet and SNA systems are properly prepared, and that you have met all system requirements. Ensure that both networking environments are properly set up to support POLYCENTER SNA Manager. To do this, check for the following: 1. Gateway access 2. DECnet access 3. Required system quotas 4. Disk space requirements 5. Required privileges 6. Required VMS version 7. Required APPC PI version 8. Required MVS or VM version 9. Required ASM or NetView version 10. Product Authorization Key (PAK) Exhibit A-2 lists the system set-up parameters required to support POLYCENTER SNA Manager. Refer to Setting SNA Gateway Parameters in this chapter for details on setting up the SNA Gateway to support this module. Once you have verified that the system is prepared to support the module, you can proceed to the actual installation of POLYCENTER SNA Manager using VMSINSTAL. This procedure is described in the following pages. Exhibit A-2: POLYCENTER SNA Manager Initial System Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System manager level privileges n/a Product Authorization Key Required Minimum required hardware: DEC VAXstation 4000] Model 60 with 32 MB memory DEC SNA Gateway or OpenVMS/SNA software IBM IBM 370 or 30xx with communications controller for 3270 terminals Required software version: OpenVMS V5.4 or 5.5 DECmcc V1.2 Basic Management System or Enterprise Management System DECnet/SNA APPC/LU6.2 Programming Interface S2.2-10 SOLVE:Connect for EMA* V1.0.0 Distribution media MagTape/TK50 Process quotas: ASTLM 48 BIOLM 36 DIOLM 18 ENQLM 512 FILLM 100 PGFLQUOTA 30000 PRCLM 10 TQELM 128 WSQUOTA 2048 WSEXTENT 7000 System parameters: Global Pages 53 Global Sections 3 Disk space required: On disk containing mcc_common 26352 blocks On target root device 24718 blocks On target root device containing mcc_common 52983 blocks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Refer to your SOLVE:Connect for EMA documentation for current IBM SNA system requirements. Registering and Loading Your PAK DECmcc supports the VMS License Management Facility (LMF), which requires that you register and load a Product Authorization Key (PAK). The PAK sheet shipped with POLYCENTER SNA Manager contains the required license registration information. Exhibit A-3 is a sample PAK registration script. To register a license number under VMS, do the following: Log in to the system manager account, SYSTEM. At the DCL prompt, invoke the licensing procedure by typing: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE The licensing procedure then prompts you to select the type of operation you want to perform. After making your choice, usually [1] to install a new license, press to continue. The procedure will then prompt you for the required licensing information. Press after each line of information you enter. Once you have entered the PAK information, the License Management Utility asks you to confirm that you want to load the license. Press to confirm the loading of the PAK information. For more information on LMF, refer to the VMS License Management Utility Manual. Exhibit A-3: Registering Your DECmcc Licenses VMS License Management Utility Options: 1. Register a Product Authorization Key 2. Amend an existing Product Authorization Key 3. Cancel an existing Product Authorization Key 4. List Product Authorization Keys 5. Modify an existing Product Authorization Key 9. Exit this procedure Type `?' at any prompt for a description of the information requested. Enter one of the above choices [1]: Do you have your Product Authorization Key? [YES]: The register option allows you to add a new license to a license database. A Product Authorization Key (PAK) provides the product name and information you need to register the license. You must enter all the information provided by your PAK exactly as specified. PAK ID: Issuer [DEC]: Authorization Number []: authorization_number PRODUCT ID: Product Name []: product_name Producer [DEC]: NUMBER OF UNITS: Number of Units []: number_of_units KEY LEVEL: Version []: version KEY TERMINATION DATE: Key Termination Date []: key_termination_date RATING: Availability Table Code []: availability_table_code Activity Table Code []: activity_table_code MISCELLANEOUS: Key Options []: key_options Product Token []: product_token Hardware-ID []: hardware-id Checksum []: checksum . . (Redisplays all information as you entered it.) . Is this information correct? [YES]: Registering product-name license in file-name... product-name has been registered. *Do you want to LOAD this license on this system [YES]? Invoking VMSINSTAL Invoke VMSINSTAL, and check your system disk backup. After you mount your distribution media, the system begins the installation. Log in to the SYSTEM account. Invoke VMSINSTAL by entering the following command: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL SNAMCCvvu ddcn: OPTIONS N Where: vv following the product name is the major software version number. u is the update software version number, such as 010 for Version 1.0. ddcn is the name of the device on which you mount the media, such as MUA0, where: dd is the device name. c is the controller ID. n is the unit number. OPTIONS N indicates that you want to be prompted to display or print the release notes, or copy them to SYS$HELP. If you do not include OPTIONS N, the installation procedure does not prompt you. After you enter VMSINSTAL, the system then displays a message stating the software installation procedure version it is using and the current date and time. Check for active processes. If you have any active processes running, the installation procedure lists them and asks if you want to continue. Default is NO, enter Yes to continue. Check your system disk backup. Verify that you are satisfied with the backup copy of your system disk before continuing with the installation. Load the distribution tape into the drive. Mount your media. When installing from the distribution media (not from copied savesets), the installation procedure checks that the device is mounted. Then the installation procedure prompts you to mount the distribution volume, and asks if you are ready to continue the installation. POLYCENTER SNA Manager installation begins. The installation procedure displays a message that the media containing the module is mounted on the specified device and that the installation is beginning. The procedure then displays the version number of the module being installed. Exhibit A-4: Starting the VMSINSTAL Script Username: SYSTEM Password: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL SNAMCC010 MUA0: OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4-2 It is 28-SEP-1992 at 10:06 Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: 62893_8236 PARIS_8241 SERVER_000C DNS$TA DECW$TE_1 * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? YES * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Please mount the first volume of the set on MUA0: * Are you ready? YES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, MCC mounted on _MUAO: The following products will be processed: SNAMCC V1.0 Beginning installation of SNAMCC V1.0 at 10:08 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A ... Continuing with VMSINSTAL If you are installing more than one management module, rebuild the DECmcc parse tables and help file after you install the last management module. Refer to DECmcc Installation if you are updating the DECmcc Director or the DECmcc Basic Management System. Select a release notes option. If you specified OPTION N when you invoked VMSINSTAL, the installation procedure prompts you for a release notes option as follows: Option 1 or 3 causes the release notes to immediately display on your terminal. Press to terminate the display at any time. Option 2 or 3 prompts you for a print queue name. Enter a queue name or press to send the file to the default, SYS$PRINT. Option 4 causes the installation procedure to bypass displaying or printing release notes. It does, however, automatically copy them to SYS$HELP. After you select an option, you are prompted to continue. Answer YES to continue, or NO to exit the procedure. The installation procedure copies the release notes to SYS$HELP; and verifies that all required quotas are met, and the correct version of VMS is installed. Refer to Recovering from Errors During Installation later in this appendix for the text of messages that display if any of these requirements are not met. Choose to purge files from previous versions of POLYCENTER SNA Manager. Use this option to purge files from prior versions of POLYCENTER SNA Manager superseded by this installation. Purging is recommended to save disk space. Choose to run the IVP. The installation procedure asks if you want to automatically run the IVP at the end of the installation. The IVP for DECmcc ensures that the installation is successful. You should run the IVP immediately after installation. To run the IVP, you must register and load the POLYCENTER SNA Manager PAK, and update the DECmcc dictionary and parse tables. Refer to Recovering from Errors During Installation later in this chapter for the exact text of the message that displays if the PAK is missing. Verify that you registered and loaded the product licenses with the License Management Facility. The installation procedure prints out information about your POLYCENTER SNA Manager module license and asks if you have registered and loaded your PAK. If you registered and loaded your PAK, answer YES. If you did not register and load your PAK, answer NO. The installation procedure reminds you to register and load the PAK before you run POLYCENTER SNA Manager. Exhibit A-5: Continuing the VMSINSTAL Script Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. ******************************************************************************* * POLYCENTER SNA Manager * * V1.0.0 * * * * Installation Procedure * * * ******************************************************************************* * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Product: DECMCC-SNA Producer: DEC Version: 1.0 Release Date: 16-Oct-1992 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES Updating the Dictionary and Installing the MRM The procedure prompts you to update the dictionary and install the POLYCENTER SNA Manager Module Reference Manual. Choose to update the DECmcc dictionary. Default is YES to add new information to the DECmcc dictionary. You must update the dictionary to run the IVP, and use POLYCENTER SNA Manager. This process takes approximately two hours. If you choose not to update, new dictionary entries are placed in a separate file on the system. Choose to update the DECmcc help file. The installation procedure adds new information to DECmcc Help. You must rebuild Help to make POLYCENTER SNA Manager help text information available. This process takes a minimum of one hour. If you choose not to update, the new Help entries are placed in a separate file on the system. Choose to install the Module Reference Manual. The installation procedure prompts you to copy the Module Reference Manual for POLYCENTER SNA Manager to your system. If you choose to do this, you have the option of saving the MRM in .ln03, .ps, Bookreader, or all three formats. The .ps format requires 2772 blocks of disk space; the .ln03 format requires 2088 blocks; the Bookreader format requires 2031 blocks. Exhibit A-6: Updating the Dictionary and Installing the MRM * Do you want to update the DECmcc dictionary [YES]? * Do you want to update the DECmcc help file [YES]? The Module Reference Manual (MRM) is the management specification for the POLYCENTER SNA Manager management and service interface. The manual is provided in Bookreader form requiring 2031 blocks, in PostScript form requiring 2772 blocks, and LN03 form requiring 2088 blocks. * Do you want the MRM [NO] ? YES * Do you want the Bookreader (.DECW$BOOK and .DECW&BOOKSHELF) form of the MRM [NO] ? YES * Do you want the ln03 (.ln3) form of the MRM [NO] ? YES * Do you want the PostScript (.PS) form of the MRM [NO] ? YES Following the copying of the files, this procedure will invoke the POLYCENTER SNA Manager startup command procedure. Operational tables are created by this procedure. Installing the Start-Up Command File Verify that you registered POLYCENTER SNA Manager with the License Management Facility. Remember to add a command invoking POLYCENTER SNA Manager to your system start-up command procedure. Add a command invoking the POLYCENTER SNA Manager module to your system start-up command file. The installation procedure notifies you that the POLYCENTER SNA Manager module start-up procedure will be invoked after the files are copied. The installation procedure then directs you to modify your local system start-up command file to automatically start the POLYCENTER SNA Manager module processes. Read the header contents in MCC_SNA_STARTUP.COM for further instructions on modifying your system startup routines to support POLYCENTER SNA Manager. The installation procedure runs the POLYCENTER SNA Manager module postinstallation procedure. If you answered YES to the questions about the DECmcc dictionary, parse tables, and help file, the postinstallation procedure automatically updates the dictionary, rebuilds the parse tables, updates the help file, and runs the start-up procedure. This process takes a minimum of three hours with Help files. The installation procedure runs the IVP. If you answered YES to the IVP question, the installation procedure automatically runs an IVP for the POLYCENTER SNA Manager module if a PAK is registered and loaded, and the DECmcc dictionary and parse tables are updated. The IVP performs a test on the POLYCENTER SNA Manager module software to verify that you correctly installed the POLYCENTER SNA Manager module. Exhibit A-7: The Start-Up Command File To automatically set up POLYCENTER SNA Manager on your system, edit your local system start-up command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM so that it invokes the POLYCENTER SNA Manager start-up command procedure. Add @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_SNA_STARTUP.COM after the statement that invokes the DECmcc BMS startup command file (MCC_STARTUP_BMS.COM) VMSINSTAL asks no additional questions. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories ... Beginning POLYCENTER SNA Manager Postinstallation Procedure ... The DECmcc dictionary will now be updated to contain the information for the POLYCENTER SNA Manager product. This update will take two or more hours to complete. . . . Completing POLYCENTER SNA Manager Post Installation Procedure ... Beginning POLYCENTER SNA Manager Installation Verification Procedure ... The IVP for POLYCENTER SNA Manager V1.0.0 will now be run. ...testing the SNA AM ...creating the SNA Server Process ...testing the SNA Server ...creating the SNA Agent Process ...testing the SNA Agent up POLYCENTER SNA Manager V1.0.0 Installation Successful. Completing POLYCENTER SNA Manager Installation Verification Procedure Installation of SNAMCC V1.0 completed at 12:45 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 12:45 Recovering from Errors During Installation Although installation is a straightforward procedure, errors can occur that cause the system to abort the installation. Recover from these errors by carrying out VMS recovery procedures or ensuring that all prerequisites are met. Errors can occur that can cause the installation procedure to abort. Some of these errors can occur if you do not obtain all the prerequisites for DECmcc. Refer to the POLYCENTER SNA Manager module Release Notes for all product-specific installation requirements. Installation errors can include the following: If you do not meet the following requirements, the installation procedure aborts. Refer to for the text of the messages. - All required quotas must be met. Refer to example . - The DECmcc Director or DECmcc BMS software must be installed. Refer to example . - The correct version of VMS software must be installed. Refer to example 3. - Sufficient blocks of disk space must be available. Refer to example 4. Failure to register and load the POLYCENTER SNA Manager license, does not cause the installation to fail. POLYCENTER SNA Manager and the IVP, however, will not run until you register and load your license. Refer to example 5. Examples 6 and 7 are generated when a fatal installation error has occurred. Refer to the contents of any prior or subsequent error messages for details concerning why the installation failed. For descriptions of the error messages generated, refer to the VMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and VMS software installation. Take the appropriate action described in the message. In case of a system failure, follow standard VMS procedure. After restoring the system, restart the installation procedure. Exhibit A-8: Sample Error Messages Quota-name quota is: value; must be value or higher to run product. Your account quotas are too low to run the product startup and IVP procedures. This kit requires that the DECmcc Director or the DECmcc BMS be installed prior to the installation of the product. This kit requires VAX/VMS V5.4 or later to install. This kit requires at least value blocks to restore the initial saveset. This kit requires at least value blocks to install. %LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product. It is recommended that the product startup command procedure be run after the license has been installed. It is recommended that the product IVP be run after the license has been installed. Canceling POLYCENTER SNA Manager V1.0.0 installation Fatal POLYCENTER SNA Manager V1.0.0 event occurred during installation Installation Messages The installation procedure can generate a number of messages. These messages can alert you to fatal installation errors, that your quota limits are set too low, or that your replies to certain installation prompts require further steps be taken. Following is a listing of possible messages that the installation procedure can generate. Refer to the VMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and VMS software installation. Because most of the messages are self-explanatory, take the appropriate action as described in the text of the message. The first error messages deal with software version conflicts and insufficient quotas. %SNAMCC-E-BADVERSION, This kit requires VMS V5.4 or later to install %SNAMCC-E-BADVERSION, This kit requires DECmcc V1.2.0 to install %SNAMCC-E-BADVERSION, This kit requires DECnet/SNA VMS APPC/LU6.2 Programming -SNAMCC-E-BADVERSION, Interface S2.2-10 or later to install %SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, ASTLM quota is: value; must be 48 or higher to run DECmcc %SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, BIOLM quota is: value; must be 36 or higher to run DECmcc %SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, DIOLM quota is: value; must be 18 or higher to run DECmcc %SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, ENQLM quota is: value; must be 512 or higher to run -SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, DECmcc %SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, FILLM quota is: value; must be 100 or higher to run -SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, DECmcc %SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, PGFLQUOTA quota is: value; must be 30000 or higher to run -SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, DECmcc %SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, PRCLM quota is: value; must be 10 or higher to run DECmcc %SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, TQELM quota is: value; must be 128 or higher to run -SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, DECmcc %SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, WSQUOTA quota is: value; must be 2048 or higher to run -SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, DECmcc %SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, WSEXTENT quota is: value; must be 7000 or higher to run -SNAMCC-E-BADQUOTA, DECmcc %SNAMCC-I-IVPQUOTA, Your account quotas are too low to run the -SNAMCC-I-IVPQUOTA, POLYCENTER SNA Manager Startup and IVP procedures This node has value free global pages. DECmcc requires 53 free global pages for installing shared images. This node requires <53-value> additional global pages. Please consult the VAX/VMS System Generation Utility Reference Manual for information regarding the global pages system parameter, as well as for instructions regarding how to modify the global pages system parameter. This node has value free global sections. DECmcc requires 3 free global sections for installing shared images. This node requires <3-value> additional global sections. Please consult the VAX/VMS System Generation Utility Reference Manual for information regarding the global sections system parameter, as well as for instructions regarding how to modify the global sections system parameter. The following six error messages deal with the disk space required to install the POLYCENTER SNA Manager and DECmcc. It is possible to install this software on one, two, or three different disks as follows: w System Disk, MCC_COMMON, and Alternate Working Disk are on the same drive. w System Disk and MCC_COMMON or Alternate Working Disk are on the same drive, but MCC_COMMON or Alternate Working Disk is on a different drive. w System Disk, MCC_COMMON, and Alternate Working Disk are on different drives. The following message is generated if you attempt to install the entire software module including Alternate Working Disk space (AWD) on a single system disk with insufficient space. %SNAMCC-E-INSUFDISK, This kit requires at least 52983 blocks on -SNAMCC-E-INSUFDISK, to install. This message is generated if you attempt to install the software module with its relate MCC_COMMON files on the system disk, and the AWD is on a different drive. %SNAMCC-E-INSUFDISK, This kit requires at least 47889 blocks on -SNAMCC-E-INSUFDISK, and 23355 blocks on (AWD disk) to install. This message is generated if you attempt to install the software module on the system disk, and the MCC_COMMON files and the AWD are on a different drive. %SNAMCC-E-INSUFDISK, This kit requires at least 21537 block on -SNAMCC-E-INSUFDISK, and 31446 blocks on (AWD disk) to install. This message is generated if you attempt to install the software module and the AWD on the system disk, and the MCC_COMMON files are on a separate disk. %SNAMCC-E-INSUFDISK, This kit requires at least 26352 block on -SNAMCC-E-INSUFDISK, to install. This message is generated if you attempt to install the software module on the system disk, and the AWD on a separate drive. %SNAMCC-E-INSUFDISK, This kit requires at least 21537 block on -SNAMCC-E-INSUFDISK, and 23355 blocks on (AWD disk) to install. This message is generated if you attempt to install the MCC_COMMON files on a separate disk. %SNAMCC-E-INSUFDISK, This kit requires at least 26352 block on -SNAMCC-E-INSUFDISK, (MCC_COMMON disk) to install. The following messages are generated during the installation procedure in response to input from the user. The following message displays if the installer answers NO to the system query concerning the running of IVP. See step 9 in the installation procedure. It is recommended that the POLYCENTER SNA Manager IVP be run after the installation. The IVP may be run by invoking the following command procedure: SYS$TEST:MCC_SNA_IVP.COM The following messages display if the installer answers YES to the system query concerning the running of IVP, but NO to the PAK system query. See steps 9 and 10 in the installation procedure. The POLYCENTER SNA Manager product requires a valid license to be registered and loaded on the target system. The IVP requires a valid license to be loaded. The IVP will not be executed. It is recommended that the POLYCENTER SNA Manager IVP be run after the license has been registered. The IVP may be run by invoking the following command procedure: SYS$TEST:MCC_SNA_IVP.COM The following message displays if the installer answers YES to the system query concerning the updating of the DECmcc dictionary, but the dictionary is currently opened by another process. See step 11 in the installation procedure. The DECmcc dictionary is currently opened by another process. The DECmcc dictionary update requires exclusive access to the dictionary. It is required that the DECmcc dictionary be updated with the POLYCENTER SNA Manager information before the product can be invoked. The DECmcc dictionary can be updated by performing the following command:" $@SYS$MANAGER:MCC_SNA_DICT_UPDATE.COM" The following message displays if the installer answers NO to the system query concerning the DECmcc dictionary update. See step 11 in the installation procedure. It is required that the DECmcc dictionary be updated with the POLYCENTER SNA Manager information before the product can be invoked. The DECmcc dictionary can be updated by performing the following command: $@SYS$MANAGER:MCC_SNA_DICT_UPDATE.COM The following message displays if the installer answers YES to the system query concerning the running of IVP, but NO to the query concerning the updating of the DECmcc dictionary. See steps 9 and 11 in the installation procedure in this appendix. The IVP accesses the dictionary. The IVP will not be executed. It is recommended that the POLYCENTER SNA Manager IVP be run after the dictionary has been updated. The IVP may be run by invoking the following command procedure: SYS$TEST:MCC_SNA_IVP.COM The following message displays if the installer answers NO to the system query concerning the updating of the DECmcc HELP files. See step 12 in the installation procedure in this appendix. It is required that the DECmcc help file be updated with the POLYCENTER SNA Manager information before the product can be invoked. The help file can be updated by performing the following commands: $ SET DEF MCC_COMMON $ MANAGE/TOOLKIT/HELP_BUILDER $ COPY MCC_CHARACTER_CELL_HELP.HLB SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP] $ COPY MCC_DECWINDOWS_HELP.HLB SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP] The following message displays if the installer answers YES to the system query concerning the updating of the DECmcc dictionary. See step 11 in the installation procedure in this appendix. It is recommended that the POLYCENTER SNA Manager start-up command procedure be run after the dictionary has been updated. This can be done by executing the following command: @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_SNA_STARTUP.COM The following message displays if the installer answers YES to the system query concerning the updating of the DECmcc HELP files. See step 12 in the installation procedure in this appendix. It is recommended that the POLYCENTER SNA Manager start-up command procedure be run after the DECmcc help file has been updated. This can be done by executing the following command: @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_SNA_STARTUP.COM The following message displays if the installer answers YES to the system queries concerning the updating of the DECmcc dictionary and DECmcc HELP files. See steps 11 and 12 in the installation procedure in this appendix. It is recommended that the POLYCENTER SNA Manager start-up command procedure be run after the dictionary and DECmcc help files have been updated. This can be done by executing the following command: @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_SNA_STARTUP.COM The following message displays if the installer answers YES to the system queries concerning the PAK and updating of the DECmcc dictionary. See steps 10 and 11 in the installation procedure in this appendix. It is recommended that the POLYCENTER SNA Manager start-up command procedure be run after the dictionary has been updated and the license has been registered and loaded. This can be done by executing the following command: @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_SNA_STARTUP.COM The following message displays if the installer answers YES to the system queries concerning the PAK and updating of the DECmcc HELP files. See steps 10 and 12 in the installation procedure in this appendix. It is recommended that the POLYCENTER SNA Manager start-up command procedure be run after the DECmcc help file has been updated and the license has been registered and loaded. This can be done by executing the following command: @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_SNA_STARTUP.COM The following message displays if the installer answers YES to the system queries concerning the PAK, updating of the DECmcc dictionary, and updating of the DECmcc HELP files. See steps 10, 11, and 12 in the installation procedure in this appendix. It is recommended that the POLYCENTER SNA Manager start-up command procedure be run after the dictionary and DECmcc help files have been updated and the license has been registered and loaded. This can be done by executing the following command: @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_SNA_STARTUP.COM