Enterprise Capacity and Performance Installation Guide For UNIX Part Number: AA-QJL5K-TE January 2001 This guide describes how to install the Enterprise Capacity and Performance products on UNIX operating systems: Compaq Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0 - 4.0F, 5.0, 5.1 HP-UX 10.20 Sun Solaris Version 2.6, 2.7 IBM AIX 4.3 Linux (RedHat 6.1,6.2, Turbo Linux, SuSE 6.4) Revision/Update: This document supersedes the DIGITAL Capacity Planner for UNIX Systems Installation Guide Version 5.1A (AA-QJL5J-TE). Software Version: Enterprise Capacity and Performance Version 5.3 Compaq Computer Corporation Houston, Texas Printed January 2001 © 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation Compaq, the Compaq logo, VAX, and VMS Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Alpha, OpenVMS, and Tru64 are trademarks of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. in the United States and other countries. CarePaq is a service mark of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. in the United States and other countries. Motif, OSF/1, and UNIX are trademarks of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information in this document is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice. The warranties for Compaq products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanying such products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Compaq service tool software, including associated documentation, is the property of and contains confidential technology of Compaq Computer Corporation. Service customer is hereby licensed to use the software only for activities directly relating to the delivery of, and only during the term of, the applicable services delivered by Compaq or its authorized service provider. Customer may not modify or reverse engineer, remove, or transfer the software or make the software or any resultant diagnosis or system management data available to other parties without Compaq's or its authorized service provider's consent. Upon termination of the services, customer will, at Compaq's or its service provider's option, destroy or return the software and associated documentation in its possession. Printed in the U.S.A.. Contents: Chapter 1: Preparing for the Installation 1.1 Reading the Online Release Notes 1-2 1.2 Registering Your Software License 1-2 1.2.1 LMF PAKs for Tru64 UNIX 1-2 1.2.2 ECP.license file 1-3 1.3 Checking the Software Distribution Kit 1-3 1.4 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements 1-3 1.4.1 Checking Login Privileges 1-3 1.4.2 Checking Hardware Requirements 1-4 1.4.3 Determining Which Subsets to Load 1-4 1.4.4 Removing Previous Versions of ECP 1-5 1.4.5 Determining Disk Space Requirements 1-6 Checking Current Disk Space 1-6 Directory Assignments 1-7 1.4.6 Using Alternate Disks 1-7 1.5 Installing from Media or Using RIS 1-8 1.6 Backing Up Your System Disk 1-8 1.7 Stopping the Installation 1-8 Chapter 2: Installing ECP Components 2.1 Using CD-ROM Media 2-2 2.2 Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts 2-5 2.2.1 Selecting Subsets 2-5 2.2.2 Monitoring Displays During the Subset Loading Process 2-6 Chapter 3: Sample Installation Scripts 3.1 Sample ECP Install Script for Compaq Tru64 UNIX 3-1 3.2 Sample ECP Data Collector Install Script for HP-UX 3-6 3.3 Sample ECP Data Collector Install Script for Sun Solaris 3-9 3.4 Sample ECP Data Collector Install Script for IBM-AIX 3-12 3.5 Sample ECP Data Collector Install Script for Linux 3-15 Chapter 4: After Installation 4.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure (Tru64) 4-1 4.1.1 Sample Installation Verification Procedure 4-2 4.2 Automatic Startup of ECP Data Collector 4-2 4.3 Using ECP Data Collector 4-2 4.3.1 Using CPCUNIX commands 4-2 4.3.2 Using the MOTIF Analyzer 4-4 4.3.3 Using the ECP Capacity Planner 4-4 Appendix A: Files Installed on Your System A.1 Tru64 UNIX Data Collector Files A-1 A.2 Data Collector Files for all Other UNIX systems A-3 Appendix B: Recovering from Errors B.1 Failures During Product Installation B-1 B.2 Failures During Product Use B-2 Preface This guide describes how to install Enterprise Capacity and Performance Version 5.3 software on UNIX operating systems. Enterprise Capacity and Performance (ECP) consists of the following components: ECP Data Collector for: Compaq Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0 - 4.0F, 5.0, 5.1 HP-UX 10.20 Sun Solaris Version 2.6, 2.7 IBM-AIX 4.3 Linux (RedHat 6.1, 6.2, Turbo Linux, SuSE 6.4) ECP Device Database for Compaq Tru64 UNIX ECP Analyzer & Reducer for Compaq Tru64 UNIX ECP Planner for Compaq Tru64 UNIX The installation procedure creates ECP file systems subordinate to the following directories: /usr/opt/ECP530 and /usr/var/opt/ECP Keep this guide with your distribution kit for any future maintenance, updates or reinstalls. Intended audience This guide is intended for system managers who install Enterprise Capacity and Performance Products. Associated Documents In addition to this guide, the Enterprise Capacity and Performance Product information set includes these documents: Enterprise Capacity and Performance Release Notes Enterprise Capacity and Performance User Guide Enterprise Capacity and Performance Reference Guide Conventions This guide uses the following conventions: ConventionMeaning #A pound sign (#) is the default superuser prompt. %A percent sign (%) is the default user prompt. [Return]In examples, a boxed symbol indicates that you must press the named key on the keyboard. user inputIn interactive examples, this typeface indicates input entered by the user. filesystemIn text, this typeface indicates the exact name of a command, routine, partition, pathname, directory, or file. This typeface is also used in interactive examples and other screen displays. UPPERCASE lowercaseThe UNIX-based operating systems differentiate between lowercase and uppercase letters. Examples, syntax descriptions, function definitions, and literal strings must be typed exactly as shown in the text. Preparing for the Installation This chapter discusses the preparations and requirements needed to install the Enterprise Capacity and Performance products on UNIX operating systems. The Enterprise Capacity and Performance (ECP) installation consists of four components, the Capacity Planner, Data Collector, Data Reducer and Analyzer, and Device Database, which can be installed separately or together on the same node. All components run on Compaq Tru64 UNIX. For release 5.3, the Data Collector will also run on HP-UX, IBM-AIX, Sun Solaris and Linux. ECP Capacity Planner component - Contains the workload analysis, modeling, and reporting features. You use the files generated by the Data Reducer with the workload classification files to create a base model file. You can access the Workload Analyzer, Modeler, and Data Reporter from the Capacity Planner's Motif interface. ECP Data Collector component - Captures performance data at specified start and end times on specified nodes. ECP Data Reducer & Analyzer component - Merges the collected UNIX system data with data for each node represented in that particular data set. The data to be reduced and analyzed represents the measured data from the running system. The Data Reducer & Analyzer can be operated from the command level or from the Motif interface. ECP Device Database component - Contains the online documentation, system message files, and device database files that are common to all other components. Reading the Online Release Notes ECP provides online release notes. Compaq strongly recommends that you read the release notes before using the product. The release notes may contain information about changes to the application. The release notes for ECP 5.3 are in the following file: /usr/opt/ECP530/ecp53.release_notes Registering Your Software License All ECP Data Collectors require a license. UNIX ECP Data Collectors require a license file. This can be either an LMF PAK, or an ECP.license file from the Compaq PAWZ Certification process. LMF PAKs for Tru64 UNIX ECP includes support for the License Management Facility (LMF). Register your License Product Authorization Key (PAK) in the License Database (LDB) to use ECP on a newly licensed node. The License PAK may be shipped along with the kit if the license and media are ordered together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on the license order. The valid licenses are: CAPACITY-PLANNER-V5.1 CAPACITY-COLLECTOR-V5.1 CAPACITY-ANALYZER-V5.1 CAPACITY-REDUCER-V5.1 If ECP is installed as an update on a node already licensed for this software, the License PAK registration requirements have already been completed. If installing prerequisite or optional software along with ECP, review the PAK status and install the PAKs for any prerequisite or optional software before ECP. To register a license under the Compaq Tru 64 UNIX operating system, first log in as superuser. At the superuser prompt, edit an empty PAK template with the lmf register command as follows, and include all the information on your License PAK: # lmf register [Return] After registering the license, use the following lmf reset command to copy the license details from the License Database (LDB) to the kernel cache: # lmf reset [Return] For complete information on using the License Management Facility, see the Guide to Software License Management and the lmf (8) reference page. ECP.license file All CarePaqs or Evaluation/Demonstration copies of PAWZ, and all other UNIX Operating Systems use a different process: In order to obtain the ECP.license file, complete and return to Compaq one of the following (depending on how the Data Collector was purchased): PAWZ Enterprise CarePaq License Key Request Form ECP Data Collector License Key Request Form for HP-UX, IBM-AIX and Sun Solaris ECP Data Collector License Key Request Form for Linux Return the completed form via e-mail or FAX to COMPAQ. Compaq will either e-mail or FAX the ECP.license file. Licenses sent via FTP need to be in ASCII mode. It may also need to be typed and cut/pasted to recreate it without the characters. While a specific license file is not required for the ECP Data Collector for NT/2000, you are still required to purchase QB-6EHAA-SA. Checking the Software Distribution Kit Use the Bill of Materials (BOM) to check the contents of the ECP software distribution kit. In addition to this guide, the software distribution kit includes the following: CD-ROM optical disc for systems with optical disc drives CD-ROM booklet and CD-ROM read first letter If the software distribution kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your Compaq representative. Checking Installation Procedure Requirements This section discusses various requirements for installing ECP products. Installing ECP, including running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), takes approximately 5 to 15 minutes, depending on your type of media and system configuration. Checking Login Privileges Superuser privileges are required to install ECP software and to register the license PAK. Checking Hardware Requirements To install ECP software, the following hardware is required: Software distribution device (if installing from media) Locate the CD-ROM drive for the software distribution media. The CD-ROM booklet or the documentation for the cd drive explains how to load the media. For example: # mount /dev/rz4c A configuration that supports: Compaq Tru64 UNIX V4.0 to V5.1 for all components Sun Solaris 2.6 and 2.7 for the Data Collector component only HP-UX 10.20 for the Data Collector component only IBM-AIX 4.3 for the Data Collector component only Linux (RedHat 6.1, 6.2, SuSE 6.4, Turbo Linux) for the Data Collector component only See the Enterprise Capacity and Performance Software Product Descriptions (SPDs) for additional hardware requirements. Determining Which Subsets to Load The Planner, Anaylzer and Reducer are supported on Compaq Tru64 UNIX. ECP 5.3 supports the Data Collector on Tru64 UNIX , HP-UX, IBM-AIX, Sun Solaris and Linux. The Analyzer and Planner do not need to be installed on the same system as the Data Collector. The ECP subsets have the following titles: ECP Data Collector The ECPDC530 subset contains data collection files. ECP Device Database The ECPBASE530 subset contains the online documentation, system message files, and device database files that are common to all subsets. This mandatory subset is automatically installed when the Analyzer or Planner is selected for loading. ECP Analyzer & Reducer The ECPINTE530 subset contains the files that are required to operate the Data Reducer & Analyzer from the command line and from the Motif interface. ECP Capacity Planner The ECPPLAN530 subset contains the files that are required to operate the Capacity Planner. Removing Previous Versions of ECP Previous versions of ECP components should be removed before installing ECP. This procedure is also used for removing ECP if necessary. All existing performance files (.cpc) will be retained when running the un-install procedure. Log in as superuser (login name root). Determine which components are currently installed on the system: To check for installed versions: Installed ECP Data Collector PresentOperating SystemCommand Compaq Tru64# /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep ECP HP-UX# swlist | grep ECP Sun Solaris 2.6# pkginfo | grep ECP IBM-AIX# lslpp -L | grep ECP Linux# ls /usr/opt/ECP530 For example: on a Tru64 system, enter: # /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep ECP [Return] # /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep ECP ECPBASE520 installed Capacity Planner: Device Database ECPDC520 installed Capacity Planner: CP/Collect ECPINTE520 installed Capacity Planner: CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze ECPPLAN520 installed Capacity Planner Look for the word installed in the listing displayed, and then delete the installed subsets. Note: The order of the components is important. The Data Collector and Device Database will not de-install if Planner or Integrator are present. To remove previous versions for Compaq Tru64, enter: # /usr/sbin/setld -d ECPPLAN520 ECPINTE520 ECPDC520 ECPBASE520 Deleting "Capacity Planner" (ECPPLAN520). Deleting "Capacity Planner: CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze" (ECPINTE520). Deleting "Enterprise Capacity and Performance Data Collector" (ECPDC520). Enterprise Capacity and Performance Data Collector T5.3-196 (c) Compaq Corporation 2000, All Rights Reserved. Stopping Capacity Planner Data Collector running with pid 134510 and started from Mon Dec 11 15:26:37 2000 Deleting "Capacity Planner: Device Database" (ECPBASE520). Use the following command to remove installed versions for HP-UX, Sun Solaris, IBM-AIX, and Linux: # cd /usr/opt/ECP520 # ./uninstall.csh Determining Disk Space Requirements Table 1-2 lists the disk space requirements for loading ECP subsets. These requirements apply to the disks where you load the ECP subsets. The requirements are listed by directory for convenience if you are doing installations on systems where these directories are mount points for different disk partitions. Subset Space RequirementsSubset TitleSubset NameKilobytes Required Capacity PlannerECPPLAN534,776 Data CollectorECPDC53559 Cp/Reduce & Cp/AnalyzeECPINTE532,612 Device DatabaseECPBASE531,732 Total Size9,679 Using these disk space requirements, total the values for the subsets you will load in each directory. Compare the space required for subsets with the free space currently on the disks where ECP files will reside. Checking Current Disk Space To check the current amount of free space for a directory path, log in to the system where you will install ECP. You can check which directories are mounted and where they are by viewing the /etc/fstab file. For example: # more /etc/fstab [Return] /dev/rd0a:/:rw:1:1:ufs:: /dev/rd0g:/usr:rw:1:2:ufs:: /usr/staff/r1/leslie@bigsys:/usr/staff/r1/leslie:rw:0:0:nfs:bg: /usr/man@bigsys:/usr/man:ro:0:0:nfs:bg: The display indicates that /usr (mounted to /dev/rd0g) is the only mount point that affects where the ECP files will reside; the system has only one local disk drive, and the /usr/lib and file system reside in the g partition of the disk on that drive. To check the total space and the free space for the directories where ECP will reside, enter the df command. Given the previous display of the /etc/fstab file, which shows that only /usr is a mount point, you need to check free space only in the /usr file system. For example: # df /usr [Return] FilesystemTotalkbyteskbytes% nodekbytesusedfreeusedMounted on /dev/rd0g122598544475589249%/usr This display shows that 55,892K bytes are free. This free space needs to accommodate the subset requirements listed in Table 1-2. On systems where /usr/lib and /usr/man are mounted to different devices from /usr, enter the following command: # df /usr/lib /usr/man [Return] In this case, compare the space required for ECP files in /usr/lib to the free space displayed in the first line of the df output list, and compare the space required for ECP files in /usr/man to the free space displayed in the second line of that list. Directory Assignments The ECP installation procedure creates the following directories and loads files into subordinate directories: /usr/opt/ECP530 for images /usr/var/opt/ECP for data If the directory path exists, the installation procedure will use it; otherwise the installation procedures creates the necessary directory. The /usr/var/opt/ECP directory can grow by 60 MB per day. Using an alternate disk, other than the default disk, is recommended. Using Alternate Disks If there is not enough disk space available in the default location for the ECP component files and there is additional space on alternative disks or disk partitions on the system, perform the following steps before installing: Logon as superuser . Create the directory where the kit is to be placed: # mkdir /newdisk/ECP530 < Return > Create a softpath that directs the installation to the new kit area. # ln -s /usr/opt/ECP530 /newdisk/ECP530 < Return > When the kit is installed, the files are copied to the new path rather than the one defined by the installation kit. After installation, if it becomes necessary to use another location for the data files (a disk other than the root disk is recommended), create a softlink to that directory. Stop the ECP Data Collector: # cpcunix -stop Move the old .CPC files to the new directory: # mkdir /data/ECP (where ECP is the desired target directory name) # mv /usr/var/opt/ECP/* /data/ECP Remove the old directory: # rm -R /usr/var/opt/ECP Create the new link: # ln -f /data/ECP /usr/var/opt/ECP # ls -l /usr/var/opt/ECP /usr/var/opt/ECP --> /data/ECP Restart the ECP Data Collector: # cpcunix -dump 300 -poll 1000 Installing from Media or Using RIS At least one ECP installation from the distribution medium needs to be installed per site. The site system manager has the option to make an ECP distribution kit available online so that subsequent installations of ECP can use the Remote Installation Service (RIS). For information on extracting ECP subsets to a RIS distribution area, see the Guide to Sharing Software on a Local Area Network. If ECP subsets will be installed from the RIS area of a remote system, first check with the site system manager to ensure that: an ECP network kit is available for use, the system is registered as a RIS client. If ECP subsets are available to you on a RIS server system, the name of that system will be needed for installation. For more information on installing ECP from a RIS distribution area, see Section 2.3. Backing Up Your System Disk Compaq recommends performing system disk back ups before installing any software. Stopping the Installation To stop the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl/C. Delete the files created up to this point. The directories and files created during the ECP installation are listed in Appendix B. Installing ECP Components This chapter describes how to install Enterprise Capacity and Performance (ECP) components: ECP Data Collector ECP Analyzer & Reducer ECP Capacity Planner ECP Device Database ECP Device Database, ECP Analyzer & Reducer, and ECP Planner components run on Compaq Tru64 UNIX. ECP Data Collector V5.3 is supported on the following platforms: Compaq Tru64 UNIX Versions 4.0 - 4.0F, 5.0, 5.1 HP-UX 10.20 Sun Solaris Versions 2.6, 2.7 IBM-AIX 4.3 Linux (RedHat 6.1, 6.2, Turbo Linux, SuSE 6.4) Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (Workstation, Server, and Enterprise Server) Microsoft Windows 2000 (Professional, Server, and Advanced Server) OpenVMS Alpha V6.2 - V7.2-1 OpenVMS VAX V5.5-4 - V7.2 Read Chapter 1 prior to starting the installation. ECP can be installed locally (using CD-ROM media) or from a server area. This chapter describes the installation process for all the ECP components on Compaq Tru64 UNIX. In addition, examples are included for the installation of ECP Data Collector on all other supported UNIX platforms. Chapter 3 contains installation examples for each separate platform. For any failures encountered during installation, see Appendix B. Using CD-ROM Media This procedure loads ECP files on to a disk belonging to the system where the installation is performed. When ECP is run, its executable images are mapped into memory on the system. Follow these steps to install ECP from CD-ROM media: Prepare the system as described in Chapter 1 including: License registration Determine which components to load Determine disk space requirements Un-install previous versions of ECP Place the media on the appropriate disk drive. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where ECP will be installed. Specify the /cdrom directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. Locate and Mount CD DriveOperating SystemCommand Compaq Tru64 V4.x# ls /dev/ to locate cddrive assignment # /usr/sbin/mount -r -t cdfs /dev/cddrive /cdrom where cddrive is the assigned CD drive name Compaq Tru 64 V5.x# ls /dev/disk to locate cddrive assignment # /usr/sbin/mount -r -t cdfs /dev/disk/cddrive /cdrom where cddrive is the assigned CD drive name HP-UX# ls /dev/dsk to locate cddrive assignment # mount /dev/dsk/cddrive /cdrom where cddrive is the assigned CD drive name Sun Solaris 2.6## The CD should Auto-mount when inserted into the drive # df to locate cddrive assignment # ls /cddrive where cddrive is the assigned CD drive name IBM-AIX# mount -r -v cdrfs /dev/cddrive /cdrom where cddrive is the assigned CD drive name Linux## The CD should Auto-mount when inserted into the drive # df to locate cddrive assignment # ls /cddrive where cddrive is the assigned CD drive name Installing from the CD-ROM For Tru64 Consolidated Distribution In the Product Library Master Index included in the Consolidated Distribution kit, look up "Enterprise Capacity and Performance" to determine which cd to mount. The install kit is in the ecp530 directory. # cd /cdrom/ecp530 # ls documentation kit # ls documentation ecp530_iguide.ps ecp530_relnotes.ps ecp530_spd.txt ecp530_iguide.txt ecp530_relnotes.txt # ls kit ECP530 ECP530.readme For Other UNIX or Evaluation or Enterprise CarePaq CD-ROMs The CD-ROM contains files for all supported operation systems in directories named for the system. Each directory contains the files necessary for installation. For the following steps, use the appropriate os directory name for the target system. The examples will use Tru64. # ls /cdrom AIX_AGENT PAWZ_V21_EVAL.DOC;1 AIX_COLLECTOR PAWZ_V21_EVAL.TXT;1 ECP_DOCS PAWZ_V21_RELEASE_NOTES.PDF;1 HPUX_AGENT PAWZ_V21_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT;1 HPUX_COLLECTOR PRESENTATIONS JRE_KIT SPDS LICENSES SUN_AGENT LINUX_AGENT SUN_COLLECTOR LINUX_COLLECTOR TRU64_AGENT NT_AGENT TRU64_COLLECTOR NT_COLLECTOR VMS_AGENT PAWZ_DOCS VMS_COLLECTOR PAWZ_SERVER WINCP # ls /cdrom/TRU64_COLLECTOR ECP530_TRU64.TAR;1 TRU64_ECP_DATA_COLLECTOR.PDF;1 Using a RIS Distribution Area When installing ECP subsets from an /etc/ris RIS distribution area on a remote system, follow these steps: Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where ECP will be installed. Enter a setld command that requests the load function (-l) and identifies the system where the ECP subsets are located. For example, when loading the subsets from a RIS distribution area on node orion, enter the following command: # setld -1 orion: [Return] Remote Installation Services displays a menu that lists all the software subsets available and asks for the subsets to load. Restore the installation kit files from the CD-ROM: # cd /tmp # tar xvf /cdrom/OSdirectory/ECP530_os.TAR\;1 where OSdirectory is the directory name on the cd, for example, the command for Tru64: # tar xvf /cdrom/TRU64_COLLECTOR/ECP530_TRU64.TAR\;1 This procedure restores a directory named ECP530 with the installation files for all ECP components. Point to this directory. # cd ECP530 # ls ECP.image ECPBASE530 ECPINTE530 INSTCTRL install.csh ECP530 ECPDC530 ECPPLAN530 SPACE instctrl The following table identifies the install command by operating system. The installation procedure now displays the names of ECP subsets and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. Install ECP Command by Operating SystemOperating SystemCommand Compaq Tru64# /usr/sbin/setld -l ./ HP-UX# . /install.csh Sun Solaris 2.6# . /install.csh IBM-AIX# . /install.csh Linux# . /install.sh Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts This section explains the installation procedure prompts and displays. Chapter 3 contains sample install scripts for the Data Collector on each UNIX operating system. Chapter 4 explains how to run the IVP after installation, and how to use the ECP Data Collector. The following example contains the commands for a Tru64 UNIX operating system. Selecting Subsets For Tru64 UNIX, specify the ECP subsets. If you are installing from a RIS distribution area, the number of subsets can vary depending on what products are available in the RIS area and how many subsets they have. # /usr/sbin/setld -l ECP530 [Return] The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) Capacity Planner 2) Capacity Planner: CP/Collect 3) Capacity Planner: CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze 4) Capacity Planner: Device Database --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Estimated free diskspace(MB) in root:56.8 usr:433.3 Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): Or you may choose one of the following options: 5) ALL of the above 6) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 7) EXIT without installing any subsets Estimated free diskspace(MB) in root:56.8 usr:433.3 Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 5 To specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space, not a comma. Verify your choice. For example, a response of 5 to the previous prompt, will prompt the following display. You are installing the following optional subsets: Capacity Planner Capacity Planner: CP/Collect Capacity Planner: CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze Capacity Planner: Device Database Estimated free diskspace(MB) in root:56.8 usr:422.6 Is this correct? (y/n): y [Return] If the displayed subsets are not the ones intended, enter n. In this case, the subset selection menu is again displayed and for correcting the choice of optional subsets. If the displayed subsets are correct, enter y. Monitoring Displays During the Subset Loading Process The installation procedure loads and verifies the selected ECP subsets. The following example shows a display where the ECP subsets are being loaded: Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. 4 subsets will be installed. Loading subset 1 of 4 ... Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner V5.1 ... Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1999, All Rights Reserved. Capacity Planner: Device Database Copying from /ECP530 (disk) Verifying Loading subset 2 of 4 ... ----------------------------------------------- Checking OS version... Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.n... OK ----------------------------------------------- /usr/var/opt/ECP already exists. proceeding.. Capacity Planner: CP/Collect Copying from /ECP530 (disk) Verifying Loading subset 3 of 4 ... Capacity Planner: CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze Copying from /ECP530 (disk) Verifying Loading subset 4 of 4 ... Capacity Planner Copying from /ECP530 (disk) Verifying 4 of 4 subsets installed successfully. Configuring "Capacity Planner: Device Database" (ECPBASE530) ---------------------------------------------------- To have the Capacity Planner Data Collector start when rebooting this system, add the following line into your /etc/inittab file. cpc:3:wait:/usr/bin/cpcunix -dump 300 -poll 10000 > /dev/console 2>&1 ------------------------------------------------ Starting the Capacity Planner Data Collector... Enterprise Capacity and Performance Data Collector T5.3-196 (c) Compaq Corporation 2000, All Rights Reserved. Collector started (pid = 200833) Using directory /usr/var/opt/ECP for output... Capacity Planner Data Collector install completed. Configuring "Capacity Planner: CP/Collect" (ECPDC530) Configuring "Capacity Planner: CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze" (ECPINTE530) Configuring "Capacity Planner" (ECPPLAN530) # The "Verifying" message during the subset installation is checking to see that the files are copied correctly; it is not an Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) message. Use the setld command to verify the installed components. # /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep ECP ECPBASE530 installed Capacity Planner: Device Database ECPDC530 installed Capacity Planner: CP/Collect ECPINTE530 installed Capacity Planner: CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze ECPPLAN530 installed Capacity Planner # For errors from the setld utility during installation, see the Diagnostics section of the setld(8) reference page for an explanation of the errors and the appropriate actions to take. Sample Installation Scripts This chapter contains sample Install scripts for the UNIX operating systems Tru64, HP-UX, IBM-AIX, Sun Solaris and Linux. Sample ECP Install Script for Compaq Tru64 UNIX # # Comment: Previous versions of ECP must be uninstalled # # before installing ECP Data Collector version 5.3 # # # # Log in as a superuser to run the install and uninstall procedures. 1)# # Comment: Check for previously installed versions of ECP # /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep ECP ECPBASE520 installed Capacity Planner: Device Database ECPDC520 installed Capacity Planner: CP/Collect ECPINTE520 installed Capacity Planner: CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze ECPPLAN520 installed Capacity Planner 2)# # Comment: Locate and remove previous versions of ECP Data Collector # /usr/sbin/setld -d ECPBASE520 ECPDC520 ECPINTE520 ECPPLAN520 Deleting "Capacity Planner" (ECPPLAN520). Deleting "Capacity Planner: CP/Collect" (ECPDC520). Deleting "Capacity Planner: CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze" (ECPINTE520). Deleting "Capacity Planner: Device Database" (ECPBASE530). 3)# # Comment: Mount the cdrom drive (Tru64 V5.x) # ls /dev/disk # ls /dev/disk cdrom0a dsk0c dsk0g dsk1c dsk1g dsk2c dsk2g cdrom0c dsk0d dsk0h dsk1d dsk1h dsk2d dsk2h dsk0a dsk0e dsk1a dsk1e dsk2a dsk2e floppy0a dsk0b dsk0f dsk1b dsk1f dsk2b dsk2f floppy0c # /usr/sbin/mount -r -t cdfs /dev/disk/cdrom0c /cdrom 4)# # Comment: Locate Install Kit for ECP530 Tru64 UNIX # ls /cdrom AIX_AGENT PAWZ_V21_EVAL.DOC;1 AIX_COLLECTOR PAWZ_V21_EVAL.TXT;1 ECP_DOCS PAWZ_V21_RELEASE_NOTES.PDF;1 HPUX_AGENT PAWZ_V21_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT;1 HPUX_COLLECTOR PRESENTATIONS JRE_KIT SPDS LICENSES SUN_AGENT LINUX_AGENT SUN_COLLECTOR LINUX_COLLECTOR TRU64_AGENT NT_AGENT TRU64_COLLECTOR NT_COLLECTOR VMS_AGENT PAWZ_DOCS VMS_COLLECTOR PAWZ_SERVER # ls /cdrom/TRU64_COLLECTOR ECP530_TRU64.TAR;1 TRU64_ECP_DATA_COLLECTOR.PDF;1 5)# # Comment: Restore the Installation Kit from the CD # tar xvf /cdrom/TRU64_COLLECTOR/ECP530_TRU64.TAR\;1 blocksize = 256 x ECP530 x ECP530/instctrl x ECP530/instctrl/ECPBASE530.inv, 3611 bytes, 8 tape blocks x ECP530/instctrl/ECPBASE530.ctrl, 158 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/instctrl/ECP530.comp, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks x ECP530/instctrl/ECPBASE530.scp, 4469 bytes, 9 tape blocks x ECP530/instctrl/ECPPLAN530.inv, 8744 bytes, 18 tape blocks x ECP530/instctrl/ECPPLAN530.ctrl, 150 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/instctrl/ECPPLAN530.scp, 5682 bytes, 12 tape blocks x ECP530/instctrl/ECPINTE530.inv, 247 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/instctrl/ECPINTE530.ctrl, 174 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/instctrl/ECPINTE530.scp, 4704 bytes, 10 tape blocks x ECP530/instctrl/ECPDC530.inv, 579 bytes, 2 tape blocks x ECP530/instctrl/ECPDC530.ctrl, 150 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/instctrl/ECPDC530.scp, 8823 bytes, 18 tape blocks x ECP530/instctrl/ECP.image, 94 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/space, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks x ECP530/SPACE, 10240 bytes, 20 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPBASE530, 573440 bytes, 1120 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPPLAN530, 2938880 bytes, 5740 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPINTE530, 1832960 bytes, 3580 tape blocks tar: ECP530/ECPDC530 : File exists x ECP530/ECPDC530, 399360 bytes, 780 tape blocks x ECP530/INSTCTRL, 51200 bytes, 100 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP.image, 94 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530.readme, 41979 bytes, 82 tape blocks # ls ECP530.readme ECP530 PAWZ210 kits # ls /tmp/ECP530 ECP.image ECPBASE530 ECPINTE530 INSTCTRL install.csh space ECP530 ECPDC530 ECPPLAN530 SPACE instctrl # # 6)# # Comment: Install ECP Data Collector 530 for Tru64 UNIX # /usr/sbin/setld -l /tmp/ECP530 The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) Capacity Planner 2) Capacity Planner: CP/Collect 3) Capacity Planner: CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze 4) Capacity Planner: Device Database --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Estimated free diskspace(MB) in root:53.0 usr:440.4 Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): Or you may choose one of the following options: 5) ALL of the above 6) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 7) EXIT without installing any subsets Estimated free diskspace(MB) in root:53.0 usr:440.4 Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 5 You are installing the following optional subsets: Capacity Planner Capacity Planner: CP/Collect Capacity Planner: CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze Capacity Planner: Device Database Estimated free diskspace(MB) in root:53.0 usr:429.8 Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. 4 subsets will be installed. Loading subset 1 of 4 ... Installing DIGITAL Capacity Planner V5.1 ... Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1999, All Rights Reserved. Capacity Planner: Device Database Copying from /tmp/ECP530 (disk) Verifying Loading subset 2 of 4 ... ----------------------------------------------- Checking OS version... Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.n... OK ----------------------------------------------- /usr/var/opt/ECP already exists. proceeding.. Capacity Planner: CP/Collect Copying from /tmp/ECP530 (disk) Verifying Loading subset 2 of 4 ... ----------------------------------------------- Checking OS version... Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.n... OK ----------------------------------------------- /usr/var/opt/ECP already exists. proceeding.. Capacity Planner: CP/Collect Copying from /tmp/ECP530 (disk) Verifying Loading subset 3 of 4 ... Capacity Planner: CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze Copying from /tmp/ECP530 (disk) Verifying Loading subset 4 of 4 ... Capacity Planner Copying from /tmp/ECP530 (disk) Verifying 4 of 4 subsets installed successfully. Configuring "Capacity Planner: Device Database" (ECPBASE530) ---------------------------------------------------- To have the Capacity Planner Data Collector start when rebooting this system, add the following line into your /etc/inittab file. cpc:3:wait:/usr/bin/cpcunix -dump 300 -poll 10000 > /dev/console 2>&1 ------------------------------------------------ Starting the Capacity Planner Data Collector... Enterprise Capacity and Performance Data Collector T5.3-196 (c) Compaq Corporation 2000, All Rights Reserved. Collector started (pid = 200833) Using directory /usr/var/opt/ECP for output... Capacity Planner Data Collector install completed. Configuring "Capacity Planner: CP/Collect" (ECPDC530) Configuring "Capacity Planner: CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze" (ECPINTE530) Configuring "Capacity Planner" (ECPPLAN530) # /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep ECP ECPBASE530 installed Capacity Planner: Device Database ECPDC530 installed Capacity Planner: CP/Collect ECPINTE530 installed Capacity Planner: CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze ECPPLAN530 installed Capacity Planner # # ls /usr/opt/ECP530 cpcunix cpcunix.1 decapi.options demo.license dict.aix dict.dcos dict.digitalunix dict.hpux dict.ptx4 dict.solaris dxcpcunix ecp.dat ecp.p ecp053.release_notes ecp_axp_appl.dba ecp_axpntcpu.dba ecp_axposfcpu.dba ecp_axpvmscpu.dba ecp_axpvmscpu_map.dba ecp_brs.dba ecp_ci.dba ecp_dc.uid ecp_dc_messages.msg ecp_di.uid ecp_disk.dba ecp_dssi.dba ecp_fc.dba ecp_fddi.dba ecp_gsmi.dba ecp_hotspot.msg ecp_hpuxcpu.dba ecp_hsc.dba ecp_ibmaixcpu.dba ecp_intelntcpu.dba ecp_ioview.uid ecp_irixcpu.dba ecp_labels.msg ecp_main.uid ecp_mc.dba ecp_messages.msg ecp_mipscpu.dba ecp_model.uid ecp_network.net ecp_ni.dba ecp_profile.decw_book ecp_profile.decw_bookshelf ecp_pyrsnidcosxcpu.dba ecp_report.uid ecp_root.memory ecp_scsi.dba ecp_sequentdynixptxcpu.dba ecp_server.dba ecp_sunsolariscpu.dba ecp_sys_stats.uid ecp_systemview.uid ecp_text.hlp ecp_topview.uid ecp_vaxcpu.dba extract.ksh plan plan.1 reduce reduce.1 report_template_mwa.binary Sample ECP Data Collector Install Script for HP-UX # # Comment: Previous versions of ECP need to be uninstalled # # before installing ECP Data Collector version 5.3 # # Run the uninstall.csh in the ECPxxx directory. # # Log in as a superuser to run the install and uninstall procedures. # # 1)# # Comment: Check for previously installed versions of ECP # swlist | grep ECP ECPDC520 5.20 Capacity Planner: CP/Collect 2)# # Comment: Locate and remove previous versions of ECP Data Collector # cd /usr/opt/ECP520 # ls ECP.license cpcunix.1 ecpdc520_rn.txt cpcunix ecpdc520_rn.pdf uninstall.csh # ./uninstall.csh #! /usr/bin/ksh -v #################################################### ## Uninstall script for ECPDC520 ##################################################### swremove ECPDC520 ======= 11/14/00 14:45:14 EST BEGIN swremove SESSION (non-interactive) * Session started for user "root@achar". * Beginning Selection * Target connection succeeded for "achar:/". * Software selections: ECPDC520.ECPDC520,l=/,r=5.20,a=9000/780,v=COMPAQ:/ * Selection succeeded. * Beginning Analysis * Session selections have been saved in the file "/.sw/sessions/swremove.last". * The analysis phase succeeded for "achar:/". * Analysis succeeded. * Beginning Execution * The execution phase succeeded for "achar:/". * Execution succeeded. NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile (location is achar:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log). ======= 11/14/00 14:46:11 EST END swremove SESSION (non-interactive) 3)# # Comment: Mount the cdrom drive # ls /dev/dsk c0t2d0 c0t5d0 c0t6d0 # mount /dev/dsk/c0t2d0 /cdrom 4)# # Comment: Locate Install Kit for ECP530 HP-UX # # This listing is of a PAWZ Enterprise CarePaq CD # ls /cdrom AIX_AGENT LINUX_COLLECTOR SPDS AIX_COLLECTOR NT_AGENT SUN_AGENT ECP_DOCS NT_COLLECTOR SUN_COLLECTOR HPUX_AGENT PAWZ_DOCS TRU64_AGENT HPUX_COLLECTOR PAWZ_SERVER TRU64_COLLECTOR JRE_KIT PAWZ_V21_RELEASE_NOTES.PDF;1 VMS_AGENT LICENSES PAWZ_V21_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT;1 VMS_COLLECTOR LINUX_AGENT PRESENTATIONS # ls /cdrom/HPUX_COLLECTOR ECP530_HPUX1020_date.TAR;1 # tar xvf /cdrom/HPUX_COLLECTOR/ECP530_HPUX1020_date.TAR\;1 x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/dfiles/INDEX, 170 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/dfiles/INFO, 136 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/dfiles/_ACL, 83 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/dfiles/_PROD_DFLT_ACL, 83 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/dfiles/_LOCK_FILE, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/dfiles/_OWNER, 74 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/swlock, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/ECPDC530/pfiles/INDEX, 455 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/ECPDC530/pfiles/INFO, 423 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/ECPDC530/pfiles/postinstall, 690 bytes, 2 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/ECPDC530/pfiles/postremove, 313 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/ECPDC530/pfiles/preremove, 158 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/ECPDC530/pfiles/_ACL, 83 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/ECPDC530/pfiles/_LOCK_FILE, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/ECPDC530/pfiles/_OWNER, 74 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/ECPDC530/ECPDC530/INDEX, 186 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/ECPDC530/ECPDC530/INFO, 796 bytes, 2 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/catalog/INDEX, 811 bytes, 2 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/swagent.log, 1182 bytes, 3 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/ECPDC530/ECPDC530/usr/opt/ECP530/cpcunix, 366784 bytes, 717 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/ECPDC530/ECPDC530/usr/opt/ECP530/cpcunix.1, 1651 bytes, 4 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/ECPDC530/ECPDC530/usr/opt/ECP530/ecpdc530_rn.pdf, 13655 bytes, 27 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/ECPDC530/ECPDC530/usr/opt/ECP530/ecpdc530_rn.txt, 6711 bytes, 14 tape blocks x ECP530/ECP530/ECPDC530/ECPDC530/usr/opt/ECP530/uninstall.csh, 180 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/install.csh, 591 bytes, 2 tape blocks # # 5)# # Comment: Install ECP Data Collector 530 for HP-UX # cd ECP530 # ls ECP530 install.csh # ./install.csh ======= 11/14/00 15:17:15 EST BEGIN swinstall SESSION (non-interactive) * Session started for user "root@achar". * Beginning Selection * Target connection succeeded for "achar:/". * Source connection succeeded for "achar:/tmp/ECP530/ECP530". * Source: /tmp/ECP530/ECP530 * Targets: achar:/ * Software selections: ECPDC530.ECPDC530,r=5.30,a=9000/780,v=COMPAQ * Selection succeeded. * Beginning Analysis * Session selections have been saved in the file "/.sw/sessions/swinstall.last". * The analysis phase succeeded for "achar:/". * Analysis succeeded. * Beginning Execution * The execution phase succeeded for "achar:/". * Execution succeeded. NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile (location is achar:/var/adm/sw/swagent.log). ======= 11/14/00 15:19:10 EST END swinstall SESSION (non-interactive) ------------------------------------------------------- To have the Capacity Planner Data Collector start when rebooting this system, add the following line to your /etc/inittab file cpc:3:wait:/usr/bin/cpcunix -dump 300 -poll 10000 > /dev/console 2>&1 ------------------------------------------------------- # ls /usr/opt/ECP530 ECP.license cpcunix ecpdc530_rn.pdf uninstall.csh cpcunix.1 ecpdc530_rn.txt Sample ECP Data Collector Install Script for Sun Solaris # # Comment: Previous versions of ECP need to be uninstalled # # before installing ECP Data Collector version 5.3 # # Run the uninstall.csh in the ECPxxx directory. # # Log in as a superuser to run the install and uninstall procedures. # # 1)# # Comment: Check for previously installed versions of ECP # pkginfo | grep ECP application ECPDC520 Capacity Planner: CP/Collect 2)# # Comment: Locate and remove previous versions of ECP Data Collector # cd /usr/opt/ECP520 # ls ECP.license cpcunix.1 ecpdc520_rn.txt uninstall.csh cpcunix ecpdc520_rn.pdf planit.license # # ./uninstall.csh The following package is currently installed: ECPDC520 Capacity Planner: CP/Collect (sparc) 5.20 Do you want to remove this package? y ## Removing installed package instance This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of removing this package. Do you want to continue with the removal of this package [y,n,?,q] y ## Verifying package dependencies. ## Processing package information. ## Executing preremove script. COMPAQ CP/Collect V5.3-318 (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 2000, All Rights Reserved. Build : Oct 25 2000 Stopping Capacity Planner Data Collector running with pid 12301 and started from Mon Nov 13 13:03:36 2000 ## Removing pathnames in class /usr/var/opt/ECP /usr/var/opt /usr/var /usr/opt/ECP520/uninstall.csh /usr/opt/ECP520/ecpdc520_rn.txt /usr/opt/ECP520/ecpdc520_rn.pdf /usr/opt/ECP520/cpcunix /usr/opt/ECP520 /usr/opt /usr ## Updating system information. Removal of was successful. 3)# # Comment: The CD is auto-mounted when inserted into the drive # df / (/dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 ): 521370 blocks 894149 files /proc (/proc ): 0 blocks 937 files /dev/fd (fd ): 0 blocks 0 files /tmp (swap ): 131952 blocks 9769 files /cdrom/PAWZV21_1215(/vol/dev/dsk/c0t6d0/PAWZV21_1215): 0 blocks 0 files 4)# # Comment: Locate Install Kit for ECP530 HP-UX # # This listing is of a PAWZ Enterprise CarePaq CD # ls /cdrom/PAWZV21_1215 aix_agent licenses pawz_server sun_collector aix_collector linux_agent pawz_v21_release_notes.pdf tru64_agent ecp_docs linux_collector pawz_v21_release_notes.txt tru64_collector hpux_agent nt_agent presentations vms_agent hpux_collector nt_collector spds vms_collector jre_kit pawz_docs sun_agent # ls /cdrom/PAWZV21_1215/sun_collector ecp530_sun26_date.tar ecp530_sun27_date.tar # cd /tmp # # tar xvf /cdrom/PAWZV21_1215/sun_collector/ecp530_sun26_date.tar x ECP530, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPDC530, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPDC530/pkgmap, 713 bytes, 2 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPDC530/pkginfo, 197 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPDC530/root, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPDC530/root/usr, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPDC530/root/usr/opt, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPDC530/root/usr/opt/ECP530, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPDC530/root/usr/opt/ECP530/cpcunix, 138404 bytes, 271 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPDC530/root/usr/opt/ECP530/cpcunix.1, 1651 bytes, 4 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPDC530/root/usr/opt/ECP530/ecpdc530_rn.pdf, 13655 bytes, 27 tape bloc ks x ECP530/ECPDC530/root/usr/opt/ECP530/ecpdc530_rn.txt, 6711 bytes, 14 tape block s x ECP530/ECPDC530/root/usr/opt/ECP530/uninstall.csh, 143 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPDC530/install, 0 bytes, 0 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPDC530/install/copyright, 82 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPDC530/install/postinstall, 784 bytes, 2 tape blocks x ECP530/ECPDC530/install/preremove, 197 bytes, 1 tape blocks x ECP530/install.csh, 130 bytes, 1 tape blocks # # 5)# # Comment: Install ECP Data Collector 530 for SUN Solaris 2.6 # ls ECP530 # cd ECP530 # ls ECPDC530 install.csh # ./install.csh The following packages are available: 1 ECPDC530 Capacity Planner: CP/Collect (sparc) 5.30 Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: 1 Processing package instance from Capacity Planner: CP/Collect (sparc) 5.30 Capacity Planner: CP/Collect V5.3 Copyright (c) 2000, Compaq Computer Corporation ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. 6 package pathnames are already properly installed. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs. The following files are being installed with setuid and/or setgid permissions: /usr/opt/ECP530/cpcunix Do you want to install these as setuid/setgid files [y,n,?,q] y This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of installing this package. Do you want to continue with the installation of [y,n,?] y Installing Capacity Planner: CP/Collect as ## Installing part 1 of 1. /usr/opt/ECP530/cpcunix /usr/opt/ECP530/cpcunix.1 /usr/opt/ECP530/ecpdc530_rn.pdf /usr/opt/ECP530/ecpdc530_rn.txt /usr/opt/ECP530/uninstall.csh [ verifying class ] ## Executing postinstall script. ------------------------------------------------------- To have the Capacity Planner Data Collector start when rebooting this system, add the following line to your /etc/inittab file cpc:3:wait:/usr/bin/cpcunix -dump 300 -poll 10000 > /dev/console 2>&1 ------------------------------------------------------- Installation of was successful. The following packages are available: 1 ECPDC530 Capacity Planner: CP/Collect (sparc) 5.30 Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: q # ls /usr/opt/ECP530 ECP.license cpcunix.1 ecpdc530_rn.txt uninstall.csh cpcunix ecpdc530_rn.pdf Sample ECP Data Collector Install Script for IBM-AIX # # Comment: Previous versions of ECP must be uninstalled # # before installing ECP Data Collector version 5.3 # # # # Log in as a superuser to run the install and uninstall procedures. # # 1)# # Comment: Check for previously installed versions of ECP # lslpp -L | grep ECP ECPDC520 C Capacity Planner: CP/Collect 2)# # Comment: Locate and remove previous versions of ECP Data Collector # cd /usr/opt/ECP520 # ls ECP.license cpcunix.1 ecpdc520_rn.txt cpcunix ecpdc520_rn.pdf uninstall.csh # ./uninstall.csh cd / /usr/lib/instl/sm_inst installp_cmd -u -f'ECPDC520' installp -u -f File 2>&1 File: ECPDC520 +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Pre-deinstall Verification... +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Verifying selections...done Verifying requisites...done Results... SUCCESSES --------- Filesets listed in this section passed pre-deinstall verification and will be removed. Selected Filesets ----------------- ECPDC520 # Capacity Planner: CP/Collect << End of Success Section >> FILESET STATISTICS ------------------ 1 Selected to be deinstalled, of which: 1 Passed pre-deinstall verification ---- 1 Total to be deinstalled +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Deinstalling Software... +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ installp: DEINSTALLING software for: ECPDC520 Stoping Data Collector COMPAQ CP/Collect V5.2-331 (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 2000, All Rights Reserved. Buid : Nov 27 2000 stoppping Stopping Capacity Planner Data Collector running with pid 15960 and started from Mon Nov 27 16:08:42 2000 Finished processing all filesets. (Total time: 2 secs). +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Summaries: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Installation Summary -------------------- Name Level Part Event Result -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECPDC520 USR DEINSTALL SUCCESS 3)# # Comment: Mount the cdrom drive # mount -r -v cdrfs /dev/cdromdrive /cdrom 4)# # Comment: Locate Install Kit for ECP530 IBM-AIX # # This listing is of a PAWZ Enterprise CarePaq CD # ls /cdrom AIX_AGENT LINUX_COLLECTOR SPDS AIX_COLLECTOR NT_AGENT SUN_AGENT ECP_DOCS NT_COLLECTOR SUN_COLLECTOR HPUX_AGENT PAWZ_DOCS TRU64_AGENT HPUX_COLLECTOR PAWZ_SERVER TRU64_COLLECTOR JRE_KIT PAWZ_V21_Release_Notes.pdf;1 VMS_AGENT LICENSES PAWZ_V21_Release_Notes.txt;1 VMS_COLLECTOR LINUX_AGENT PRESENTATIONS # ls /cdrom/AIX_COLLECTOR ECP530_AIX43_date.tar;1 # tar xvf /cdrom/AIX_COLLECTOR/ECP530_AIX43_date.tar\;1 x ECP530/ECP530, 153600 bytes, 300 media blocks. x ECP530/install.csh, 784 bytes, 2 media blocks.blocksize = 256 x ECP530 # # 5)# # Comment: Install ECP Data Collector 530 for IBM-AIX # cd ECP530 # ls ECP530 install.csh # ./install.csh installp -acgNQqwX -d . -f File 2>&1 File: ECPDC530 +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Pre-installation Verification... +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Verifying selections...done Verifying requisites...done Results... SUCCESSES --------- Filesets listed in this section passed pre-installation verification and will be installed. Selected Filesets ----------------- ECPDC530 # Capacity Planner: CP/Collect << End of Success Section >> FILESET STATISTICS ------------------ 1 Selected to be installed, of which: 1 Passed pre-installation verification ---- 1 Total to be installed +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Installing Software... +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ installp: APPLYING software for: ECPDC530 ------------------------------------------------------- To have the Capacity Planner Data Collector start when rebooting this system, add the following line to your /etc/inittab file cpc:3:wait:/usr/bin/cpcunix -dump 300 -poll 10000 > /dev/console 2>&1 ------------------------------------------------------- Finished processing all filesets. (Total time: 2 secs). +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Summaries: +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Installation Summary -------------------- Name Level Part Event Result --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECPDC530 USR APPLY SUCCESS # ls /usr/opt/ECP530 ECP.license cpcunix.1 ecpdc530_rn.txt cpcunix ecpdc530_rn.pdf uninstall.csh. Sample ECP Data Collector Install Script for Linux # # Comment: There were no Linux versions released prior to ECP Data Collector version 5.3 # # # # Log in as a superuser to run the install and uninstall procedures. # # 1)# # Comment: Check for previously installed versions of ECP > ls /usr/opt/ECP530 ECP.license cpcunix ecpdc530_rn.pdf uninstall.sh cpcunix.1 ecpdc530_rn.txt 2)# # Comment: Locate and remove previous versions of ECP Data Collector > /usr/opt/ECP530/uninstall.sh Removing ECPDC530... COMPAQ CP/Collect V5.3-01 (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 2000, All Rights Reserved. Build : Nov 28 2000 Stopping Capacity Planner Data Collector running with pid 16598 and started from Tue Nov 28 11:36:20 2000 ECPDC530 removed successfully 3)# # Comment: The CD should Auto-Mount when inserted into the drive # mount -r -v cdrfs /dev/cdromdrive /cdrom 4)# # Comment: Locate Install Kit for ECP530 Linux # # This listing is of a PAWZ Enterprise CarePaq CD # ls /cdrom AIX_AGENT LINUX_COLLECTOR SPDS AIX_COLLECTOR NT_AGENT SUN_AGENT ECP_DOCS NT_COLLECTOR SUN_COLLECTOR HPUX_AGENT PAWZ_DOCS TRU64_AGENT HPUX_COLLECTOR PAWZ_SERVER TRU64_COLLECTOR JRE_KIT PAWZ_V21_Release_Notes.pdf;1 VMS_AGENT LICENSES PAWZ_V21_Release_Notes.txt;1 VMS_COLLECTOR LINUX_AGENT PRESENTATIONS > ls /cdrom/LINUX_COLLECTOR ECP530_AIX43_date.tar;1 > tar xvf /cdrom/LINUX_COLLECTOR/ECP530_LINUX_date.tar\;1 ECP530/ ECP530/usr/ ECP530/usr/opt/ ECP530/usr/opt/ECP530/ ECP530/usr/opt/ECP530/uninstall.sh ECP530/usr/opt/ECP530/cpcunix ECP530/usr/opt/ECP530/cpcunix.1 ECP530/usr/opt/ECP530/ecpdc520_rn.pdf ECP530/usr/opt/ECP530/ecpdc520_rn.txt ECP530/copyright ECP530/install.sh 5)# # Comment: Install ECP Data Collector 530 for Linux > cd ECP530 > ls copyright install.sh usr > ./install.sh Installing ECPDC530... Capacity Planner: CP/Collect V5.3 Copyright (c) 2000, Compaq Computer Corporation ------------------------------------------------------- To have the Capacity Planner Data Collector start when rebooting this system, add the following line to your /etc/inittab file cpc:3:wait:/usr/bin/cpcunix -dump 300 -poll 10000 > /dev/console 2>&1 ------------------------------------------------------- Successfully Completed > ls /usr/opt/ECP530 ECP.license cpcunix.1 ecpdc530_rn.txt cpcunix ecpdc530_rn.pdf uninstall.csh. After Installation This chapter explains the steps necessary after the installation to make Enterprise Capacity and Performance (ECP) ready for use. Running the Installation Verification Procedure (Tru64) After installing ECP, the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) can be run independently to verify the software is available to the system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access ECP. The IVP verifies the installation by checking the system for all required files for each subset. The IVP must be performed physically at the server. If performed remotely (telnet), the expected displays do not come up and the IVP fails. To run the IVP after an installation, enter the following command: # setld -v ECPBASE530 ECPINTE530 ECPPLAN530 ECPDC530 [Return] In this command, use any ECP subset. Sample Installation Verification Procedure Example 4-1 contains a sample IVP. Example 4-1 Sample IVP # setld -v ECPBASE530 ECPINTE530 ECPPLAN530 ECPDC530 [Return] Capacity Planner:Device Database (ECPBASE530) Capacity Planner:Device Database IVP IVP completed successfully Capacity Planner:CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze (ECPINTE530) Capacity Planner:CP/Reduce & CP/Analyze IVP IVP completed successfully Capacity Planner:CP/Collect (ECPDC530) Capacity Planner:CP/Collect IVP IVP completed successfully Capacity Planner (ECPPLAN530) Capacity Planner IVP IVP completed successfully # If the verification process fails, look in the /var/adm/smlogs / fverify.log file for information to help diagnose the problem. Automatic Startup of ECP Data Collector After installing the ECP Data Collector, edit the /etc/inittab file and include the following line to restart the ECP Data Collector every time the system is rebooted. : cpc:3:wait:/usr/bin/cpcunix -dump 300 -poll 1000 > /dev/console 2>&1 Using ECP Data Collector The Data Collector files are found in directory /usr/opt/ECP530 and /usr/var/opt/ECP . Using CPCUNIX commands Use the command, cpcunix to determine the status of ECP Data Collector and to display the current parameters and process information. If a lock file is found when the ECP Data Collector is not running, it means the process terminated abnormally as in a system crash. # cpcunix -help Enterprise Capacity and Performance Data Collector T5.3-142 (c) Compaq Corporation 2000, All Rights Reserved. Usage : cpcunix -motif | -help | -status | -stop | [ [ -poll scan_interval ] [ -dump dump_interval ] [ -dir directory ] [ -maxcpu limit ] [ -start DD-MMM-YYYY:HH:MM] [ -end DD-MMM-YYYY:HH:MM ] -nomotif ] Flags : -start DD-MMM-YYYY:HH:MM Specifies the date and time when data collection is to begin. The default is the current time. -end DD-MMM-YYYY:HH:MM Specifies the date and time when data collection is to end. The default is no end time. -status Gives status of running data collector. -stop Stops the data collector. -help Shows the command line usage. -dump dump_interval Specifies the time interval, in seconds, for writing records to disk. The default is 60 seconds. -poll scan_interval Specifies the time interval, in milliseconds, for polling the system new information. The default is 1000. -dir directory Specifies the directory in which to create the output files -maxcpu limit Specifies an integer value for the upper limit on the CPU utilization by the cpcunix Collector. There is no limit by default. maxcpu when specified may dynamically affect/override the polling rate at run time. -[no]motif Specifies whether the Motif display will be activated. if you specify -nomotif, you must use the command line options to provide the necessary processing infor- mation. The default is -nomotif The precedence of the flags is : -motif > -help > -status > -stop > other flags # cpcunix -status COMPAQ CP/Collect V5.3-318 (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 2000, All Rights Reserved. Build : Nov 20 2000 Capacity Planner Data Collector is not running To start the Data Collector: # cpcunix -dump 300 -poll 1000 COMPAQ CP/Collect V5.3-320 (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 2000, All Rights Reserved. Build : Nov 20 2000 # cpcunix -status Enterprise Capacity and Performance Data Collector T5.3-142 (c) Compaq Corporation 2000, All Rights Reserved. Capacity Planner Data Collector running with pid 95234 Data Collection Start time : Mon Nov 27 12:22:02 2000 Data Collection End time : Not specified Data Collection directory : /usr/var/opt/ECP Process Scan Interval : 10000 millisecond(s). Data Dump Interval : 300 second(s). Free space on filesystem of : 447760 KB ( 54.39% free). data-collection Collecting Metrics : CPU, Process, VM The Data Collector will continue to run, creating a new .CPC performance data file every midnight. Files must be purged manually and should be considered on a regular schedule. Using the MOTIF Analyzer On a Compaq Tru64 UNIX workstation, a Motif ECP Analyzer can be invoked to read Data Collection (.cpc) files locally that have been copied from Tru64, AIX, Sun, and HP-UX systems. This product is licensed separately as CAPACITY-ANALYZER-V5.1, but may have been included in an Evaluation License file ECP.license. The ECP Analyzer component must have been specifically selected during installation. The command to start the ECP Analyzer is: # reduce Select a data (.cpc) file, then reduce, graph or report on it. Using the ECP Capacity Planner There is also an ECP Planner component that can be used for capacity planning tasks. This Motif based tool uses the output of the ECP Analyzer and Reducer to build a model of your system to enable you to perform Saturation Analysis and What If planning. This product is licensed separately as CAPACITY-PLANNER-V5.1 The command to start the ECP Planner is: # plan. Refer to the Enterprise Capacity and Performance User Guide and Enterprise Capacity and Performance Reference Guide. Also see the Enterprise Capacity and Performance Analyzer SPD 70.05.xx and Enterprise Capacity and Performance Planner SPD 36.04.xx Files Installed on Your System Tru64 UNIX Data Collector Files Table A-1 describes the contents of Enterprise Capacity and Performance directories for Tru64 UNIX. Installed Enterprise Capacity and Performance Files for Tru64 UNIXDirectoryFileDescription /usr/opt/ECP53reduceCP/Reduce & CP/Analyze /usr/opt/ECP53ecp053.release_notesCapacity Planner release notes /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_axp_appl.dbaAlpha migration database /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_axposfcpu.dbaAlpha OSF/1 CPU database /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_axpvmscpu.dbaAlpha VMS CPU database /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_axpvmscpu_map.dbaAlpha VMS CPU mapping database /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_ci.dbaCI device database /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_dc.uidDECwindows definition file for Data Collector /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_di.uidDECwindows definition file for DI /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_disk.dbaDisk database file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_dssi.dbaDSSI database file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_fddi.dbaFDDI database file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_hsc.dbaHSC database file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_ioview.uidDECwindows definition file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_labels.msgHelp labels file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_main.uidDECwindows definition file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_messages.msgError messages file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_model.uidDECwindows definition file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_network.baseSample network data file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_ni.dbaNI device database /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_profile.decw_bookBookreader help /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_profile.decw_bookshelfBookreader help /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_report.uidDECwindows definition file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_scsi.dbaSCSI database file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_server.dbaDisk server database file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_sys_stats.uidDECwindows definition file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_systemview.uidDECwindows definition file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_text.hlpText help file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_topview.uidDECwindows definition file /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_vaxcpu.dbaVAX VMS CPU database /usr/opt/ECP53ecp_wc.uidDECwindows definition file /usr/lib/X11/app- defaultsECPDECwindows customization file /usr/opt/ECP53decapi.optionsOptions file for use with Bsysmon command /usr/opt/ECP53dict.digitalunixSYSMON data extraction dictionary /usr/opt/ECP53dict.aixSYSMON data extraction dictionary /usr/opt/ECP53dict.hpuxSYSMON data extraction dictionary /usr/opt/ECP53dict.solarisSYSMON data extraction dictionary /usr/opt/ECP53planCapacity Planner /usr/opt/ECP53plan.1Plan manpage /usr/opt/ECP53reduceData Integrator Motif Interface /usr/opt/ECP53reduce.1Reduce manpage /usr/man/man1reduce.1Link to reduce.1 manpage in kit directory /usr/man/man1plan.1Link to plan.1 manpage in kit directory /usr/binplanLink to plan in kit directory Data Collector Files for all Other UNIX systems Table A-2 describes the contents of Enterprise Capacity and Performance directories for the Data Collector on other UNIX systems (HP-UX, Sun Solaris, IBM-AIX, and Linux). Installed Enterprise Capacity and Performance Data Collector FilesDirectoryFileDescription /usr/opt/ECP530ECP.licenseECP license file /usr/opt/ECP530ecpdc530_rn.pdfECP Data Collector release notes in .pdf format /usr/opt/ECP530ecpdc530_rn.txtECP Data Collector release notes in text format /usr/opt/ECP530cpcunixECP Data Collector command executable /usr/opt/ECP530cpcunix.1ECP Data Collector command executable /usr/opt/ECP530uninstall.cshUn-install executable Recovering from Errors This appendix provides information to help deal with failures or errors that might occur during product installation or product use. If an error is found in the documentation, fill out and submit the Reader's Comments form at the back of the document that contains the error. Include the section and page number where the error occurred. Failures During Product Installation If errors occur during the installation, the system displays failure messages. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: The operating system version is incorrect The prerequisite software version is incorrect There is insufficient disk space. For descriptions of error messages generated by these conditions, see the Compaq Tru64 UNIX documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and Compaq Tru64 UNIX software installation. For information on system software requirements, see Section 1.4.3. Failures During Product Use If an error occurs while ECP is in use and you believe the error is caused by a problem with the product, take one of the following actions: If you have a Software Product Services Support Agreement, contact your Customer Support Center (CSC) by telephone or by using the electronic means provided with your support agreement (such as DSNlink). The CSC provides telephone support for high-level advisory and remedial assistance. When you initially contact the CSC, indicate the following: The name and version number of the operating system The version number of ECP The hardware system (such as a model number) A brief description of the problem (one sentence if possible) How critical the problem is If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). If you do not have any type of software services support agreement and you purchased ECP within the past year, you can submit an SPR if you think the problem is caused by a software error. When you submit an SPR, take the following steps: Describe as accurately as possible the circumstances and state of the system when the problem occurred. Include the description and version number of the ECP being used. Demonstrate the problem with specific examples. Reduce the problem to as small a size as possible. Remember to include listings of any command files, INCLUDE files, or relevant data files, and so forth. Provide a listing of the program. If the program is longer than 50 lines, submit a copy of it on machine-readable media (floppy diskette or magnetic tape). If necessary, also submit a copy of the program library used to build the application. For information about submitting media, see the tar(l) reference page. Report only one problem per SPR. This will facilitate a faster response. Mail the SPR package to Compaq. If the problem is related to ECP documentation, you can do one of the following: Report the problem to the CSC (if you have a Software Product Services Support Agreement and the problem is severe). Fill out the Reader's Comments form (in the back of the document that contains the error) and send the form to Compaq. Be sure to include the section and page number where the error occurred. A Alternate disk assigning 1-7 changing after installation 1-8 Analyzer disk space requirement 1-6 using Motif interface 4-4 B Backups 1-8 C Capacity Planner disk space requirement 1-6 using 4-4 CarePaq. See Enterprise CarePaq CD-ROM installing 2-2 mount commands 2-3 Components disk space requirements 1-6 Which subsets to load 1-4 Consolidated Distribution CDs 2-3 Consolidated Distribution kit 2-3 CPCUNIX commands 4-2 D Data Collector analyzing files from other UNIX systems 4-4 automatic startup 4-2 CPCUNIX command 4-2 directory list A-1 disk space requirement 1-6 using 4-2 Data files directory assignment 1-7 Device Database disk space requirement 1-6 Directory assignments 1-7 Disk space checking current 1-6 requirements 1-6 Distribution Kit 1-3 F Failures responding to during installation B-1 responding to during product use B-1 H Hardware requirements 1-4 HP-UX CD mount command 2-3 sample install script 3-6 I IBM-AIX CD mount command 2-3 sample install script 3-12 Image files directory assignment 1-7 Installation Verification Procedure sample script 4-2 Installing assign alternate disk 1-7 backups 1-8 change disk assignment post installation 1-8 directory assignments 1-7 disk space requirements 1-6 errors B-1 failure resolution B-1 from CD-ROM 2-2 from media 1-8 from RIS 1-8 halting installation 1-8 hardware requirements 1-4 HP-UX install script 3-6 IBM-AIX sample script 3-12 Linux sample script 3-15 Other UNIX system files A-3 privileges 1-3 removing previous versions 1-5 run time 1-3 selecting components 2-5 Sun Solaris sample script 3-9 UNIX Tru64 file list A-1 UNIX Tru64 sample script 3-1 L Licensing 1-2 CarePaq 1-3 ECP.license file 1-3 Evaluation/Demonstration CDs 1-3 License Management Facility 1-3 LMF PAKs 1-2 Linux CD mount command 2-3 sample install script 3-15 M Motif using Analyzer 4-4 P Previous versions removing 1-5 R Reducer disk space requirement 1-6 Release notes online 1-2 Remote Installation Service extracting subsets 1-8 installing from 1-8 RIS extracting subsets 1-8 installing from 1-8 S Sun Solaris CD mount command 2-3 sample install script 3-9 T Tru64. See also UNIX Tru64 U UNIX Tru64 CD mount command installed files A-1 sample install script 3-1