VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway _______________________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-HX95F-TE Revision/Update Information: Version 2.3 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ Sixth Printing, November 1993 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1986,1993. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ALL-IN-1, DEC, DECnet, MAILbus, Message Router, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, VAX, VAXcluster, VAX DOCUMENT, and the DIGITAL logo. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. v 1 Preparing to Install MRX 1.1 The Tasks Involved ............................. 1-1 1.2 Checking the Distribution Kit .................. 1-2 1.3 Checking Hardware and Software Resources........ 1-3 1.4 Preparing the System ........................... 1-4 1.5 Installing MRX on a VAXcluster.................. 1-6 2 Installing MRX 2.1 How to Use VMSINSTAL ........................... 2-1 2.2 Error Handling ................................. 2-2 2.3 Installation Procedure.......................... 2-3 3 After Installing MRX A MRX Files and Privileges A.1 MRX Files....................................... A-1 A.2 MRX Images Installed with Privileges............ A-5 B Example VMSINSTAL Dialogue iii Index Tables A-1 MRX Files Supplied on Distribution Media ..... A-1 A-2 MRX Files Present After Installation ......... A-3 iv ________________________________________________________________ Preface Purpose of this Guide This guide explains how to install the VAX[TM] Message Router[TM] X.400 Gateway (MRX) Version 2.3 on network nodes or clusters that run under the OpenVMS[TM] operating system. You should read the whole of this guide before installing the product. Prerequisites This guide assumes throughout that you are familiar with the prerequisite hardware and software needed before you can install MRX: o OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 or later o Message Router Version 3.3 o DECnet[TM]/OSI Version 5.6B DECnet/OSI includes the following products: - VAX OSI Applications Kernel (OSAK) - VAX OSI Transport Service (VOTS) - VAX Packetnet System Interface (VAX P.S.I.), if using an X.25 device This guide also assumes that the above products have already been installed and configured on the system. After installing MRX, but before configuring it, you need to know the structure of the X.400 networks that you are joining. VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway Management Guide gives some examples of X.400 network configurations. You should not attempt the MRX configuration tasks described in Chapter 3 of this guide without reading the v configuration and planning sections of the VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway Management Guide first. Related Documents The MRX documentation consists of the following guides: o VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway Installation Guide - this guide o VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway Management Guide - a complete, detailed guide to configuring and managing MRX o VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway Problem Solving Guide- a guide to solving problems that may occur with MRX o VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway User's Guide - a guide to addressing mail when using various user agents You may also need to refer to the following guides for information on the software products with which MRX interacts: in particular how to install them. (Note that this is not an exhaustive bibliography for these products.) o Introduction to Message Router o VAX Message Router Installation Guide o VAX Message Router Configuration Guide o VAX Message Router Management Guide o DECnet/OSI for VMS Introduction, Planning and Glossary o DECnet/OSI for VMS Network Management o DECnet/OSI for VMS Network Control Language Reference o DECnet/OSI for VMS X.25 Management o OpenVMS Version 5.5 Upgrade and Installation Manual o Introduction to VMS System Management o Guide to VMS Files and Devices o VMS License Management Utility Manual o VMS Backup Utility Manual vi How to Use this Guide Read the following chapters and appendixes in sequence: o Chapter 1 gives a checklist of things you must do before installing MRX o Chapter 2 gives a step-by-step guide to installing MRX, using the VMSINSTAL procedure o Chapter 3 explains the things you must do after installing MRX o Section A.1 lists the files supplied in the MRX distribution kit o Appendix B gives an example log of a successful installation Comments on This Guide If you have any comments on the content or structure of this guide, or suggestions for future releases of this guide, please mail them to Digital's Mail Interchange Group using one of the following forms of address: o Internet: o X.400: S=migbooks; O=digital; OU1=reo; P=digital; A=gold 400; C=gb vii Conventions The following conventions are used in this book: this Indicates commands or responses that you typeface type. Unless otherwise stated, press Return after each command or response. variable Represents variables to type in commands or responses. this Indicates prompts and messages from the typeface computer. $ A dollar sign ($) is the default user prompt. [] Brackets are used after questions to enclose the default answer. Press Return to accept the default. Brackets also denote a directory specification. ... Horizontal ellipses indicate that additional text can be entered. In the MB$CONTROL command, horizontal ellipses indicate that you can add identifiers for other MAILbus[TM] gateways, for example, MRG for the Message Router VMSmail Gateway. Press Indicates that you make one keystroke with an editing or command key, for example, press Return. Type Indicates characters that you type at the keyboard. viii Ctrl/Z Indicates that you hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the other key (Z). ix 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install MRX This chapter explains how to prepare the system before installing the Message Router X.400 Gateway (MRX). It starts with an outline of the main tasks involved in the installation process. 1.1 The Tasks Involved Before installing the MRX software, you need to carry out the following preparatory tasks: o Read this manual throughout o Check that the distribution kit is complete and correct, as described in Section 1.2 o Check that your system has the required hardware and software resources, as described in Section 1.3 o Prepare the system to receive the new software, as described in Section 1.4 When these tasks are complete, install MRX as described in Chapter 2. You do this using VMSINSTAL, an OpenVMS utility for installing optional software products in an OpenVMS environment. When the installation is complete, carry out the post-installation tasks described in Chapter 3. You need to install MRX on at least one Message Router node in every Message Router network that requires MRX services. You can install MRX on more than one Message Router node in a network but not on more than one node in a VAXcluster[TM], if this is required for improving throughput. In this case, the installation procedure is the same for each node in turn. Preparing to Install MRX 1-1 If you are upgrading from an earlier version of MRX, then the procedure is much the same as when installing MRX for the first time. Note, however, that you can only upgrade to MRX V2.3 from MRX V2.2G; you cannot upgrade directly from MRX V2.2 or earlier. To upgrade from MRX V2.2, you must first install MRX V2.2G (referring to the MRX V2.2G documentation) and then install MRX V2.3. For each installation, you need to carry out the full procedure: preparing the system, and then running VMSINSTAL. You do not need to carry out all the post-installation tasks (such as configuring the system) after installing MRX V2.2G, if this version is not actually going to be used. 1.2 Checking the Distribution Kit Make sure you have a complete kit, by checking the contents of the kit against the bill of materials. All kits should contain: o A magnetic tape or a TK50 cartridge, containing the two save sets that contain the files listed in Section A.1 o A Software Product Description (SPD) o The following MRX guides: - VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway Installation Guide - Version 2.3 - VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway Management Guide - Version 2.3 - VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway Problem Solving Guide- Version 2.3 - VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway User's Guide - Version 2.3 Each kit should also contain the manuals for any other software products that are shipped with MRX. One of the supplied files contains the MRX Release Notes. This is a short introductory document describing the features that are new to the current version of MRX. It also contains last-minute information about MRX, some of which may be relevant to the installation procedure. Therefore when you come to run VMSINSTAL, print the Release Notes as described in Chapter 2, and read them 1-2 Preparing to Install MRX before installing MRX; alternatively you can view them on-screen. 1.3 Checking Hardware and Software Resources To install MRX you need a valid VAX or MicroVAX[TM] hardware configuration. This must have sufficient disk space to install MRX and the prerequisite software products. For MRX itself you need to ensure the following space is available: o At least 25000 blocks temporarily free on the disk that holds the SYS$UPDATE directory. VMSINSTAL uses this space to store the product saveset for the duration of the installation. If you used the OpenVMS Tailoring Utility to remove any software libraries after you installed OpenVMS on your system, you must make sure that the following OpenVMS classes are present for MRX to perform correctly: o OpenVMS required saveset o Programming support o Secure user's environment o Network support o Utilities o OpenVMS DECwindows For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, see the OpenVMS Version 5.5 Upgrade and Installation Manual. After replacing these libraries, make sure that you still have 25000 blocks temporarily free on the disk. o 4800 blocks on the system disk. This is for MRX's permanent use to hold the MRX images and data files. o At least 200 free blocks on the disk that holds the MAILbus files. This is to hold the MRX$ directory. This space is sufficient for the initial MRX$ directory, but you may need extra space for growth. As a guide, allow three blocks for each subscriber you intend to add. Preparing to Install MRX 1-3 The installation procedure creates the MRX$ directory as a sub-directory of the MB$ directory. This means that you might need to increase the quota of the MBMANAGER account. You also need the following prerequisite software installed on your system (with at least the given version numbers) before you install MRX: o Message Router Version 3.3 Not only must Message Router be installed, but it must also be configured before you can install MRX. Refer to the VAX Message Router Configuration Guide. o The ODA CDA Gateway Version 2.0, if you want MRX to handle ODIF documents. o DECnet/OSI Version 5.6B for OpenVMS o OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 or later You must also check that the Product Authorization Key (PAK) for MRX (MESSAGE-ROUTER-X.400) is registered and active by typing the following command: $ LICENSE LIST /FULL MESSAGE-ROUTER-X.400 Details of the MESSAGE-ROUTER-X.400 license are displayed. Check that the license is active and if it is not, you must load and register the PAK for MRX as described in the VMS License Management Utility Manual. 1.4 Preparing the System Before starting the installation, you must prepare the system to receive the new software as follows: 1. Log in to the SYSTEM account. If you want a record of the installation procedure, then use the command SET HOST with the /LOG qualifier: for example: $ SET HOST 0 /LOG=SYS$LOGIN:MRX_INSTALL.LOG 2. Use the OpenVMS Backup Utility to make a copy of the system disk and the disk on which you are installing MRX (if other than the system disk). 1-4 Preparing to Install MRX If a system failure occurs at a critical point during installation, the disks could be corrupted. Preparing a backup copy enables you to recover the disks. Also, you are given the opportunity to purge old files during installation; the backup copy enables you to recover any files purged in error. Backup and recovery procedures are described in VMS Backup Utility Manual. 3. Make sure that you have the necessary prerequisite software installed and configured on your system. If any of the components of your MAILbus system are running, stop them by using the MAILbus command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONTROL STOP=(ER,...,DDS,TS,MS) where ... is replaced by other gateways such as MRG, MRP and MRS. If this is not a new installation, include MRX in this command. 4. Use the DCL command SHOW DEVICE to make sure that you have the necessary disk space, as listed in Section 1.3; for example: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt $1$DOA0 Mounted 0 VAXVMSRL055 36895 210 4 5. If you used the OpenVMS Tailoring Utility to remove any software libraries after you installed OpenVMS on your system, you must make sure that the following OpenVMS classes are present for MRX to perform correctly: - OpenVMS required saveset - Programming support - Secure user's environment - Network support - Utilities - OpenVMS DECwindows For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, see the OpenVMS Version 5.5 Upgrade and Installation Manual. Preparing to Install MRX 1-5 6. You must ensure that the SYSTEM account is set up with sufficient quota. The quotas that you set to install and run Message Router are sufficient to install and run MRX. 1.5 Installing MRX on a VAXcluster If you install MRX on a VAXcluster, you must ensure that the VAXcluster complies with all the requirements for installing Message Router on a VAXcluster. These requirements are described in the VAX Message Router Installation Guide. In a VAXcluster, all the nodes may share a single SYSUAF.DAT file and DECnet database or one group of nodes may share one set of resources, and another group may share a different set of resources. Also, in a cluster, there may be a single system disk or multiple system disks. Irrespective of how your cluster is defined, there must be only one MRX environment within the cluster. However, MRX does not need to be installed and configured on all nodes in a cluster. Choose the set of nodes that you want MRX to run on, and make sure you install it such that the installation satisfies the following two constraints: o It modifies all the SYSUAF.DAT files and DECnet databases that are shared by those nodes o It modifies all the system disks that are used by those nodes To satisfy both of these constraints, you may need to perform more than one installation. However, all the installations of MRX on a cluster must use the same MRX environment, that is, the same MRX$ directory structure and associated data files. If you have configured Message Router to use a cluster alias, you must set the /CLUSTER_ALIAS MRX control parameter. See the VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway Management Guide for information about the MRX parameters. 1-6 Preparing to Install MRX Digital recommends that only one MRX in a cluster should be connected to the OSI tower. If you install more than one MRX in a cluster, the rest should operate as slave translators, that is, they should not be connected to the OSI tower on their node. For more information about managing MRX in a VAXcluster, refer to the VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway Management Guide. Preparing to Install MRX 1-7 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing MRX This chapter explains the procedure for installing the MRX software. Before you start, make sure that you have prepared the system as described in Section 1.4. Then work through the sections in this chapter: o Section 2.1 explains the overall method of using the VMSINSTAL procedure to install MRX. o Section 2.2 explains the type of errors that can arise in the course of running VMSINSTAL. o Section 2.3 gives a step-by-step account of the VMSINSTAL procedure, explaining how to call the procedure, what happens at each step, and the responses you are required to make. 2.1 How to Use VMSINSTAL The MRX software consists of two save sets. You install the software from the save sets on to the system by using VMSINSTAL; this is an OpenVMS procedure for installing optional software products in an OpenVMS environment. The main steps are as follows: o Log in to the SYSTEM account, and execute VMSINSTAL. o The VMSINSTAL procedure takes the form of a dialogue in which you are asked a sequence of questions about the way MRX is to be installed. In response to each question you type the appropriate details and press RETURN. The VMSINSTAL procedure is self-explanatory, but Appendix B contains a sample log of the VMSINSTAL procedure for the purposes of reference. Installing MRX 2-1 o Some questions offer a default answer, enclosed in square brackets []. You can accept this default by pressing RETURN without typing anything. o At any step you can get on-line help by typing a question mark (?) and pressing RETURN. o You can abort the VMSINSTAL procedure at any time by pressing CTRL/Y. If, subsequently, you want to run VMSINSTAL again, you must start again from the beginning. o The whole procedure should take about 20 minutes on a MICROVAX II. The installation verification procedure (IVP) runs automatically if you request it. The IVP checks that the MRX components are correctly installed. If you do not want to run the IVP automatically when MRX is installed, you can run it separately at a later date by entering the following command: $ @MB$CVPDIR:MB$MRXIVP VMSINSTAL distinguishes among the following kinds of installation, and installs the MRX files accordingly: o First-time installation - that is, MRX has never been installed before o Upgrade installation - an earlier version of MRX is already installed, and you are now installing Version 2.3 o Reinstallation - MRX Version 2.3 has been installed before, and is now being reinstalled, perhaps because of an earlier error 2.2 Error Handling During the installation procedure, VMSINSTAL displays a number of cautionary messages and general information messages. Read all messages carefully and follow the advice they offer. If you are not sure how to answer a question, ask for explanatory text by typing a question mark (?) and pressing RETURN. 2-2 Installing MRX If you get an error message during installation, check that you have responded to the prompts correctly; you may have made a typing error or given an incorrect response. Also check that you have prepared the system properly beforehand, and that the required resources are all available. If your responses are correct, but the error recurs, then restart the installation. If the installation fails again at the same point, you should contact: o Your Customer Support Center, if you have a service contract with Digital o Your local Digital office, if you do not have a service contract and want to arrange one 2.3 Installation Procedure From the SYSTEM account on the node where you want to install MRX, enter: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL MRX023 device OPTIONS N where device denotes the name of the device where you will mount the supplied software: for example, MTA0. If you omit the device name, VMSINSTAL will prompt you for it during the dialogue. The OPTIONS N parameter enables you to print the Release Notes or view them on-screen, when the file is unbundled in the course of the procedure. If you have already read the Release Notes then omit this parameter. The installation procedure starts. Installing MRX 2-3 3 ________________________________________________________________ After Installing MRX After the installation is complete you should perform the following tasks: o Configure MRX as described in the VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway Management Guide. If you do not want to configure MRX immediately, start the rest of MAILbus by entering the following command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONTROL START=(MS,TS,DDS,...,ER) Include the identifiers of any gateways installed other than MRX. o If you operate on a cluster, identify the nodes on which you want MRXMAN to run, in addition to the node where the main MRX software is installed. (MRXMAN is the MRX management utility.) After Installing MRX 3-1 A ________________________________________________________________ MRX Files and Privileges This appendix lists the files that are supplied on the MRX distribution media and the files that remain on your system after installation. It also describes the MRX images that are installed with privileges. A.1 MRX Files This section has two tables of MRX files: o Table A-1 lists the files that make up MRX, as supplied on the MRX distribution media. The files are in two save sets: A and B. o Table A-2 lists the files that are present on your system after installing MRX. The file protection codes apply respectively to System, Owner, Group, and World levels, and are the recommended settings applied in the distributed software. Table A-1 MRX Files Supplied on Distribution Media __________________________________________________________ Files in Save Set A __________________________________________________________ KITINSTAL.COM MRX$COUNTRY_CODES.DAT MRX$INIT.DAT MRX$MTA_CONVERT.OBJ MRX$PROV_FILES.DAT MRX$PROV_IMAGES.DAT MRX$SECURE_FILES.COM MRX023.RELEASE_NOTES MRXACTIVE.OBJ MRXVERSION.OBJ MRXVERSION.OPT MRX$MTA_OPTIONS.OBJ (continued on next page) MRX Files and Privileges A-1 Table A-1 (Cont.) MRX Files Supplied on Distribution Media __________________________________________________________ Files in Save Set B __________________________________________________________ DCF_BASE.OLB DCF_BASE_X400.OLB DCF_DSAF.OLB DCF_MAIL_CONVERSIONS.OLB DCF_MAIL_OPTIONS.OPT DCF_MRX_CONVERSIONS.OLB DCF_TRANSLATE.OLB DCF_TRANSLATE_X400.OLB KOAVMS.OLB MB$$MRX_CONFIG.COM MB$$MRX_START.COM MB$$MRX_STOP.COM MB$MRX$CONFIG$CUSTOMIZED.DAT MB$MRX$CONFIG$DEFAULT.DAT MB$MRXCVP.COM MB$MRX_CONFIG.HLB MB$MRX_ER.COM MB$MRX_ERRORS.DAT MRX$CONFIG_MSG.OBJ MRX$CONTROL.OLB MRX$CVP.DAT MRX$DELETE_SPECIFIC.COM MRX$MAN.OLB MRX$NDN.OLB MRX$PDU.OLB MRX$PREPARE.COM MRX$REQFREEOBJ.OLB MRX$RTS.OLB MRX$RUN.COM MRX$SUBPROC.OLB MRX$TBED.OLB MRX$THREAD.OLB MRX$TRN.OLB MRX$WARNING.TXT MRX.OPT MRXCONFIG.COM MRXMAN.HLB MRXMAN.OPT MRXM_ADDMRMBX.COM MRXSUBPROC.OPT MRXTBED.OPT MRX_DUMPER.COM OALIBR.OLB OALLV.OLB WPABASE.OLB WPADOC.OLB X400.CMU X400A1INSTALL.COM X400COUNTRY_CODES.DAT X400COUNTRY_CODES.FRM X400FM.FRM X400FM1.FRM X400HELP.MEM XPORT.OLB __________________________________________________________ A-2 MRX Files and Privileges Table A-2 MRX Files Present After Installation __________________________________________________________ Directory & File Protection Description __________________________________________________________ SYS$SYSTEM __________________________________________________________ MRX.EXE RWED,RWED,RE,RE MRX system image MRXMAN.EXE RWED,RWED,RE,RE MRXMAN image MRXTBED.EXE RWED,RWED,RE,RE MRX testbed image MRXSUBPROC.EXE RWED,RWED,RE,RE MRX internal program __________________________________________________________ SYS$MANAGER __________________________________________________________ MB$$MRX_START.COM RWED,RWED,RE,RE MRX start-up file MB$$MRX_STOP.COM RWED,RWED,RE,RE MRX shutdown file MB$$MRX_CONFIG.COM RWED,RWED,RE,RE MRX configuration procedure MRX$DELETE_ RWED,RWED,RE,RE procedure to remove SPECIFIC.COM unwanted files __________________________________________________________ SYS$HELP __________________________________________________________ MRXMAN.HLB RWED,RWED,RE,RE MRXMAN help file MRX023.RELEASE_NOTES RWED,RWED,RE,RE release notes MB$MRX_CONFIG.HLB RWED,RWED,RE,RE configuration help file __________________________________________________________ SYS$MESSAGE __________________________________________________________ MRX$CONFIG_MSG.EXE RWED,RWED,RE,RE configuration messages (continued on next page) MRX Files and Privileges A-3 Table A-2 (Cont.) MRX Files Present After Installation __________________________________________________________ MRX$ ___________________________________________________________ MRX$INIT.DAT RWED,RWED,RE,RE Initialization data file MRX$COUNTRY_ RWED,RWED,RE,RE MRX country codes CODES.DAT MRX_DUMPER.COM RWED,RWED,RE,RE file dump utility MRX$MTA_CONVERT.EXE RWED,RWED,RE,RE V2.1 upgrade MRX$MTA_OPTIONS.EXE RWED,RWED,RWED,RE creates ODA CDA options files MRX$CVP.DAT RWED,RWED,RE,RE MRX CVP data file MRXM_ADDMRMBX.COM RWED,RWED,RE,RE MRXMAN support file MRX$WARNING.TXT RWED,RWED,RE,RE default warning text MRX$RUN.COM RWED,RWED,RE,RE MRX start-up file MRX$ODIF_OPTIONS_ RWED,RWED,RWED,RE ODIF options file mta-name.DAT __________________________________________________________ MRX$ (ALL-IN-1 files) __________________________________________________________ X400FM.FRM RWED,RWED,RE,RE main form X400FM1.FRM RWED,RWED,RE,RE DDA form X400.CMU RWED,RWED,RE,RE form processor X400HELP.MEM RWED,RWED,RE,RE help file X400COUNTRY_ RWED,RWED,RE,RE country code CODES.FRM validation form X400COUNTRY_ RWED,RWED,RE,RE country code data CODES.DAT file X400A1INSTALL.COM RWED,RWED,RE,RE installation procedure (continued on next page) A-4 MRX Files and Privileges Table A-2 (Cont.) MRX Files Present After Installation _________________________________________________________ Directory & File Protection Description _________________________________________________________ SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.MB] _________________________________________________________ MB$MRXCVP.COM RWED,RWED,RE,RE MRX CVP file MB$MRXIVP.COM RWED,RWED,RE,RE MRX IVP file __________________________________________________________ [MB$.MB.MB$COM] __________________________________________________________ MB$MRX_ERRORS.DAT RWED,RWED,RE,RE exception reporting messages MB$MRX_ER.COM RWED,RWED,RE,RE exception reporting procedure __________________________________________________________ [MB$.MB.MB$WORK] __________________________________________________________ MB$MRX$CONFIG$ RWED,RWED,RE,- configuration data CUSTOMIZED.DAT file MB$MRX$CONFIG$ RWED,RWED,RE,- configuration data DEFAULT.DAT file __________________________________________________________ A.2 MRX Images Installed with Privileges Only one MRX image is installed with privileges, MRXMAN. MRXMAN is installed with the following privileges: o SYSMAN o TMPMBX o SYSGBL o SYSLCK MRX Files and Privileges A-5 B ________________________________________________________________ Example VMSINSTAL Dialogue This appendix gives an example of the VMSINSTAL dialogue for a successful first-time installation of MRX Version 2.3. The example installation includes an IVP dialogue. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL MRX023 SYS$UPDATE OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2 It is 11-OCT-1993 at 14:24. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: MRX V2.3 Beginning installation of MRX V2.3 at 14:24 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 4 * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? yes %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1986, 1993. All rights reserved. Example VMSINSTAL Dialogue B-1 Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Product: MESSAGE-ROUTER-X.400 Producer: DEC Version: 2.3 Release Date: 29-OCT-1993 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? yes %MRX-I-CHKMB, Checking for Message Router Version 3.3 %MRX-I-CHKOSAK, Checking for OSAK Version 3.0 VMSINSTAL is about to check for running MRX or MRXMAN processes. If any MRX processes are running, the installation will abort. If any MRXMAN processes are running, they will not abort the installation, although you are advised to stop these processes before continuing. %MRX-I-MRXCHKDONE, Check for running MRX processes complete Proceeding with reinstallation of MRX version 2.3 The installation procedure will now run unattended for approximately 20 minutes, depending on system load. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... Linking MRXMAN V2.3 utility.... Linking MRX V2.3 ... The generation phase of the MRX installation is now complete. In order to configure MRX to your requirements, you must use the configuration procedure, SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONFIG.COM. Refer to the Management Guide for details. B-2 Example VMSINSTAL Dialogue To start MRX in future, run: $ @SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONTROL START=MRX after starting DECnet/OSI, OSAK, Message Router and optionally P.S.I. If you want MRX to start when the system reboots, put the following line in your system startup file: $ @SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONTROL SYSTART=MRX This line must occur after the commands that start up DECnet/OSI, OSAK, Message Router and optionally P.S.I. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... IVP for MRX V2.3 This is the installation verification procedure (IVP) for the Message Router X.400 Gateway. It checks that the Gateway is successfully installed on your system. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1986, 1993. All rights reserved. ================================================================== Beginning the IVP for MRX V2.3 The verification procedure does the following: 1. Checks that all the MRX files are present. ------------------------------------------------------------------ MRX V2.3 file check The total number of files is 31. All files exist and are the correct size. End of MRX V2.3 file check. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The MRX V2.3 IVP has completed successfully Installation of MRX V2.3 completed at 14:33 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:33 Example VMSINSTAL Dialogue B-3 ________________________________________________________________ Index A Digital ___________________________ contacting, 2-3 aborting VMSINSTAL, 2-2 Digital support, 2-3 account quotas, 1-6 directories, 1-4 addresses disk requirements, 1-3, for reader's comments, 1-5 vii distribution kit, 1-2, A-1 documentation, vi, 1-2 B__________________________ backup of system, 1-4 E__________________________ Backup Utility, 1-4 error messages, 2-2 bill of materials, 1-2 blocks required, 1-3, 1-5 F__________________________ books, vi, 1-2 feedback C on this guide, vii ___________________________ files configuration database, in save sets, A-1 1-4 present after configuring MAILbus, 1-4 installation, A-1 configuring Message Router, first-time installation, 1-4 2-2 contacting Digital, 2-3 G__________________________ D__________________________ growth, 1-3 DECnet guides, vi, 1-2 restarting, 3-1 DECnet/OSI, 1-4 default answers, 2-2 device for installing, 2-3 dialogue, 2-3 Index-1 H__________________________ N__________________________ hardware resources, 1-3 networks, 1-1 help on-line, 2-2 nodes, 1-1 I__________________________ O__________________________ installation verification on-line help, 2-2 procedure OpenVMS, 1-4 see IVP OpenVMS Tailoring Utility, installing 1-5 license, 1-4 options under VMSINSTAL, issued kit, 1-2, A-1 2-3 IVP, 2-2 P__________________________ K__________________________ post-installation tasks, kit issued, 1-2, A-1 3-1 pre-installation tasks, L__________________________ 1-1 license preparing the system, 1-4 checking, 1-4 preparing to install, 1-1 prerequisite hardware, 1-3 M prerequisite software, 1-4 ___________________________ problem solving, 2-2 MAILbus configuration, 1-4 publications, vi, 1-2 MAILbus procedures, 1-5 manuals, vi, 1-2 Q__________________________ MB$CONFIG procedure, 1-4 quota MB$CONTROL procedure, 1-5 account, 1-6 MB$ directory, 1-4 MBMANAGER account, 1-4 R media issued, 1-2, A-1 ___________________________ Message Router, 1-4 reader's comments, vii Message Router re-installation, 2-2 configuration, 1-4 Release Notes, 1-2 messages requirements, 1-3 errors and warnings, 2-2 resources required, 1-3 MRX$ directory, 1-4 MRX versions, 1-2, 2-2 S__________________________ save sets, 2-1, A-1 Software Product Description, 1-2 Index-2 software resources, 1-4 software versions, 1-4 U__________________________ space requirements, 1-3, upgrade installation, 1-2, 1-5 2-2 SPD, 1-2 stopping MAILbus, 1-5 V subscribers - space ___________________________ required, 1-3 VAXcluster, 1-6 support from Digital, 2-3 versions of MRX, 1-2, 2-2 SYS$UPDATE directory, 1-3 versions of other software, SYSTEM account, 1-4, 2-1 1-4 VMSINSTAL, 2-1, 2-3 T__________________________ abort, 2-2 Tailoring Utility, 1-5 on-line help, 2-2 tape holding MRX, 1-2 W tasks involved, 1-1 ___________________________ warning messages, 2-2 Index-3