Terminal Server Manager ----------------------- Installation April 1994 This manual describes how to install Terminal Server Manager (TSM) software on a VMS system running DECnet on a VMS system. TSM allows you to manage various types of Digital terminal servers on a single Ethernet. Supersession/Update Information: This is a revised manual. Operating System and Version: VMS Version 5.0 Software Version: TSM Version 1.6 This manual applies to Version 1.6 of TSM software, VMS Version 5.0, and all subsequent maintenance releases up to the next major product release. Copyright 1994 by Digital Equipment Corporation All rights reserved The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: BI, DEC, DECnet, DECserver, DELNI, DELUA, DEQNA, DEUNA, LAT, MicroVAX, ThinWire, ULTRIX, UNIBUS, VAX, VAXcluster, VAXstation, VMS, VT220, and the Digital logo. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. a wholly-owned subsidiary of Novell, Inc. Vitalink is a registered trademark of Vitalink Communications Corporation. Installing the Terminal Server Manager Preparing to Install Before you can install the terminal server software, your system must meet the requirements listed in Table 1-1: Item Value/Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prerequisite Software VMS V5.0 (and all subsequent maintenance releases up to the next major product release) and DECnet Phase IV. Load Host Requirements An Ethernet controller on the same Ethernet as the terminal server. Required Privileges SYSPRV, SYSNAM, OPER, NETMBX, TMPMBX. Disk Space Requirements 4300 blocks peak utilization during installation 2000 blocks total after installation (includes Image file 530 blocks). Account Quota BYTLIM must be 6000 blocks or more. Requirements VMS Tailoring Classes Network Support (NETSHR.EXE) Programming Support (STARLET.OLB, VAXCRTL.OLB) Utilities (LTDRIVER.EXE) License Requirements Required. To add the license to the system, enter @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM at the DCL prompt. NOTE Always install all terminal server software before you install TSM. NOTE To avoid overwriting terminal server information propagated by TSM, do not use DSVCONFIG or NCP commands to update the DECnet database. Installing Software Using VMSINSTAL Follow the installation procedure below to install TSM on your VMS load host. A running example of the installation procedure (Examples 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, and 1-4) appears on the odd numbered pages. To obtain help during the procedure, press question mark (?). To abort the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl Y. The TSM installation dialog shown in this chapter takes approximately 5 minutes. This includes running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). 1. Backup the system before you install the software. 2. Verify that there is sufficient space available on the system disk to complete the installation. If your disk does not contain 4300 free blocks, you must free up the required space before you can proceed. $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE 3. Verify that the LMF license is present. For more information on LMF, see the VSM License Management Utility Reference Manual. $ LICENSE LIST TSM/FULL 4. Place the disk/tape (distribution medium) on the appropriate device drive and log into the SYSTEM account. 5. Enter the following command to set default to SYS$UPDATE. $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE 6. Enter the following command to start VMSINSTAL. $ @VMSINSTAL TSM016 device-name OPTIONS N Where TSM016 is the product code for TSM Version 1.6, device-name specifies the the name of the device on which you mounted the distribution medium and OPTIONS N provides options to display or print the release notes. 7. VMSINSTAL lists the active processes and asks if you want to continue. Enter YES to continue. Example 1-1: Installing TSM - Part 1 of 4 $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt DSK300 Mounted 0 VAXVMSRL052 44671 256 1 $ LICENSE LIST/FULL TSM License Management Facility License Database File: SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB;1 Ceated on: 04-JUL-1991 Created by user: SYSTEM ------------------------------------------------------- Issuer: DIGITAL - IM&T Auth Activity: 0 Options: MOD_UNITS Hardware ID: -------------------------------------------------------- Issuer: DEC Authorization: ABC-DE-12345-6 Product Name: TSM Poducer: DEC Units: 0 Version: 1.6 Status: Active Modified by user: SYSTEM Modified on: 26-FEB-1992 09:05:46:99 $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL TSM016 device-name: OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4-2 It is 26-FEB-1992 at 13:32. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help.
%VMSINSTALL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: DECW$WM_1 DECW$TE_1 * Do you want to continue anyway? [NO] YES 8. VMSINSTAL then asks if the backup of the system disk is satisfactory. Press the Return key to indicate that the backup is satisfactory. (If the backup is not satisfactory, type NO, and press the Return key to terminate the installation procedure.) 9. VMSINSTAL then asks you to mount the distribution volume (disk/tape). If you have not already done so, mount the distribution volume. Press the Return key. VMSINSTAL displays messages that confirm the distribution volume is mounted, the TSM installation is beginning, and the release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. The Additional Release Notes Options menu appears. 10. Select one of the Additional Release Notes Options (option 2 is recommended). After selecting option 2, press the Return key to send the release notes file to the default printer or enter another print queue name. 11. TSM V1.6 requires database conversion. Read the release notes for more information. Enter YES if you want to continue the installation. (Enter NO to terminate the installation procedure.) 12. Determine if you want to save or purge the files replaced by this installation. Enter YES to purge the replaced files. (If you want to save these files, enter NO.) Example 1-2: Installing TSM - Part 2 of 4 * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk[YES] Please mount the first volume of the set on device-name: * Are you ready? YES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, TSM mounted on MKA500: The following products will be processed: TSM V1.6 Beginning installation of TSM V1.6 at 13:34 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's Release Notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display Release Notes 2. Print Release Notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Job TSM016 RELEASE_NOTES (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 314) started on SYS$PRINT TSM V1.6 upgrades database files by performing a file conversion procedure when TSM is invoked. Your current directory and server type files will be renamed and retained on the system. See the TSM documentation for more information. It is recommended that you read the Release Notes before proceeding with the installation. * Do you want to continue the installation? [YES] *Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation[NO]? YES 12. Press the Return key to run the recommended Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). The IVP creates a test server directory file, creates a server entry, and removes it. The TSM installation procedure verifies that all files from the distribution kit are in this directory, and the release notes are in the SYS$HELP directory. 13. Enter YES if a Product Authorization Key (PAK) is registered and loaded. A PAK includes the data needed to authorize use of the product on a specific type of processor. If you answer NO, the installation continues, but you cannot run the IVP. 14. Press the Return key to enable service on the first circuit found on the load host (enabling service on the circuit allows the load host to downline load and upline dump terminal server information). 15. The procedure then explains that a target directory, where the TSM command and library files will be installed, must be defined. A prompt appears that asks you to specify a target directory. Press the Return key to use the target directory shown in the prompt. Note that if the logical TSM$DEFAULT_DIRECTORY is not defined and the DECSERVER directory does not exist on SYS$COMMON (regardless of whether it exists on SYS$SYSROOT), the installation procedure creates one in SYS$COMMON. To specify a different target directory, type the disk and directory specification and then press the Return key. If you have registered dynamic server types with TSM V1.5, do not change the directory name at this time. Example 1-3: Installing TSM - Part 3 of 4 This kit contains an Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) to verify the correct installation of TSM. It can be run prior to the conclusion of this procedure by answering "Yes" to the IVP prompt or invoked after the installation as follows: * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Product: TSM Producer: DEC Version: 1.6 Release Date: 1-APR-1992 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? YES The TSM installation procedure normally enables service on the first circuit that it finds on the node. This allows the node to downline load and upline dump terminal servers. If you answer "NO" to the following question, service will not be enabled. * Do you wantservice enabled in the installation procedure[YES]? TSM requires a directory where the TSM command files and library files will be installed. If the logical TSM$DEFAULT_DIRECTORY is defined, the files will be installed in that directory. If the logical is not defined, the files will be installed in a directory on the system disk called SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]. Press Return to use the value shown or enter a new disk and directory specification. *If upgrading from TSM V1.5, and dynamic server types have been defined, then press the Return key to ensure successful database conversion. *Target directory for TSM files [SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]]: No more questions will be asked during the installation. Installation will take approximately 5 minutes. The procedure displays a series of explanatory system messages. For example, one message reminds you to create proxy accounts for all TSM users after the installation. Refer to Chapter 2 for more information on how to create proxy accounts. If you elected to run the IVP, VMSINSTAL indicates that the TSM installation is completed, the files were moved to their target directories, and the verification procedure has begun. The IVP displays several lines of test data before signifying that the installation is complete. If you elected not to run the IVP, VMSINSTAL indicates that files were moved to their target directories and TSM installation has completed. 17. Required Postinstallation Procedures To execute TSM commands that operate on a DECnet database, you must perform the following postinstallation procedures: Set up the Network Management Listener (NML) for DECnet database operations (Chapter 2). If you use the TSM$DEFAULT_DIRECTORY logical, you must move the DSVCONFIG.DAT file from SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] to the TSM$DEFAULT_DIRECTORY. Add the definition of the logical to the system start-up command file. If TSM is installed on a cluster, the TSM license must be loaded on each node where TSM will be used. To verify TSM installation, execute the TSM IVP test command file (Optional). $ @SYS$TEST:TSM$IVP Example 1-4: Installing TSM - Part 4 of 4 Installing Terminal Server Manager VMS V1.6... Linking Terminal Server Manager VMS V1.6... Restoring the remaining TSM distribution kit files... Adding TSM to DCL command tables... Adding TSM to VMS help library... Defining and setting OBJECT NML to PROXY BOTH ALIAS OUTGOING ENABLED After the installation, use AUTHORIZE to create proxy accounts for all the TSM users (if you have not done so already). Installation procedure for Terminal Server Manager VMS V1.6 has completed. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Beginning the TSM V1.6 Installation Verification Procedure. Please ignore the following TSM test data. Terminal Server Manager V1.6 Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation. 1992. All Rights Reserved. Usage is DIRECTORY Server: IVP_TEST_TSM Circuit(s): SVA-0 Address: FE-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF Maint. Password:0000000000000000 Type: DS100 Login Password: ACCESS Partition Name: DEFAULT DECnet Address: 0 Dump File:SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]DS1IVP_TEST__TSM.DMP Image File:SYS$SYSROOT:[DECSERVER]PS0801ENG.SYS Reference File: SYS$ROOT"[DECSERVER]IVP_TEST_TSM.TXT Installation Verification Procedure for TSM V1.6 has completed successfully Installation of TSM V1.6 completed at 13:39 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 13:39 1.3 TSM Distribution Files During installation TSM creates the directory structure shown in Figure 1-1. This section describes each subdirectory and the files it contains. SYS$HELP TSMvvu.RELEASE_NOTE TSM HELP LIBRARY SYS$MESSAGE TSM$MSG.EXE TSM$MSG.MSG SYS$SYSTEM TSM$MAIN.EXE (Created during installation) SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST] TSM$IVP.COM SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] or TSM$DEFAULT_DIRECTORY TSM$SAMPLE_REFERENCE.TXT TSM$ALARM.COM TSM$DSn_vvu_GET_CHAR.COM TSM$CONFIG.DAT (created by IVP) facility_vvu_DEFAULTS.COM TSM$SVR_TYPE.DAT (created during run time) TSM$SVR_TYPE.V15_V16 (created during database conversion) TSM$SAMPLE_LINK.COM TSM$SAMPLE_CALLABLE.BLI TSM$LIBRARY.OLB The TSM release notes and the TSM HELP library are located in SYS$HELP. The TSM message file, TSM$MSG.EXE and the TSM source code message file, TSM$MSG.MSG, are stored in SYS$MESSAGE. The TSM software image file, TSM$MAIN.EXE, is created in SYS$SYSTEM during installation. The IVP file, TSM$IVP.COM, is stored in SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST]. If you choose to store these files on a nonsystem disk, define the logical TSM$DEFAULT_DIRECTORY to specify the alternate directory. If the logical is not defined, the files will be installed in a directory on the system disk called SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER]. The following files are stored in the SYS$COMMON:[DECSERVER] or TSM$DEFAULT_DIRECTORY: TSM$SAMPLE_REFERENCE.TXT Sample file that shows what to include in a TSM reference file. TSM$ALARM.COM Sample alarm notification command file. facility_vvu_DEFAULTS.COM Sample TSM command files that reset terminal server characteristics and are named as follows: facility Code that describes the terminal server product on which the file operates. For example, DS3 refers to DECserver 300. vv The terminal server software version number. For example, vv is 02 for a Version 2.u product. u The terminal server software update number. For example, u is 1 for a Version vv.1 product. TSM$DSn_vvu_GET_CHAR.COM Procedure that retrieves the configuration characteristics of a terminal server. TSM$CONFIG.DAT The file that contains several lines of test data used by IVP. TSM$SRV_TYPE.DAT A file that contains the interim server type database. TSM$SRV_TYPE.V15_V16 A file that contains the TSM V1.5 interim server type database. TSM$SAMPLE_LINK.COM & TSM$SAMPLE_CALLABLE.BLI Files that contain sample procedures for sites using a callable interface. TSM$LIBRARY.OLB A file that contains the TSM library.