Media_and_Device_Management_Services_for_OpenVMS____ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-QRAHE-TE Abstract This document contains information for installing the MDMS software. Revision/Update Information: This revised document supersedes the previous release of this document (Order Number AA-QRAHD-TE). Software Version: Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Version 2.9 Optional Software Version: DCSC for OpenVMS Version 2.0A or higher Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ July 1997 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL, an authorized sublicenser, or the identified licenser. While DIGITAL believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the interconnection of its products in the manner described in this document will not infringe existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1995, 1996, 1997. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Alpha, DCL, DECnet, Digital UNIX, eXcursion, OpenVMS, OpenVMS Cluster, StorageWorks, VAXTPU, VAX, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo are all trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. AIX is registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. FTP Software is a trademark of FTP SOFTWARE, INC. HP is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. Motif is a registered trademark of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Oracle, Oracle Rdb, and Oracle RMU are all registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. RDF is a trademark of Touch Technologies, Inc. SGI is a registered trademark of Chemical Bank. Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. StorageTek is a registered trademark of Storage Technology Corporation. SunOS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. Windows and Windows NT are both trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. X Window System is a trademark of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Before Installing MDMS Software 1.1 Common Questions and Answers..................... 1-1 1.2 MDMS Client and Server Software Definitions...... 1-2 1.2.1 Server Software ............................... 1-3 1.2.2 Client Software ............................... 1-3 1.3 Before Installing MDMS........................... 1-4 1.3.1 Required Quotas ............................... 1-4 1.3.2 Required OpenVMS Operating System Classes ..... 1-4 1.3.3 Hardware Requirements ......................... 1-5 1.3.4 Software Requirements ......................... 1-7 Server Software Requirements................ 1-7 Client Software Requirements................ 1-8 DCSC Software............................... 1-8 1.3.5 Preparing for RDF Installation ................ 1-8 1.3.6 License Registration .......................... 1-10 2 Installing MDMS Software 3 After Installing MDMS Software 3.1 Registering an MDMS Client Node.................. 3-1 3.2 Verifying the Installation....................... 3-2 3.3 Editing the Systemwide Command Files............. 3-3 3.3.1 Making Sure MDMS Starts Up .................... 3-3 3.3.2 Defining Global Symbols for MDMS Users ........ 3-4 3.4 Preparing MDMS Server Software................... 3-4 3.4.1 Defining a Network Object on a VMScluster System......................................... 3-4 3.4.2 Customizing TAPESTART.COM ..................... 3-7 iii 3.4.3 Enabling User Access to Volume Pools .......... 3-7 3.4.4 After Installing RDF Software ................. 3-7 A MDMS Server Installation Example Log File B MDMS Client Installation Example Log File C Files and Logical Names C.1 Files............................................ C-1 C.2 Logical Names.................................... C-8 D MDMS Account User Authorization Data D.1 Authorization Data............................... D-1 Examples C-1 Sample List of LNM$SLS$VALUES Entries ......... C-11 Tables 1-1 Installation Questions and Answers ............ 1-2 1-2 Before Installing MDMS ........................ 1-4 1-3 How to Check Disk Space Requirements .......... 1-6 1-4 How to Start DECnet and OpenVMS Queue Manager........................................ 1-7 1-5 RDF Defined Logicals .......................... 1-10 1-6 How to Register Your MDMS License ............. 1-11 2-1 How to Install the MDMS Server or Client Software....................................... 2-1 3-1 Postinstallation Activities ................... 3-1 3-2 How to Register the Client Node ............... 3-2 3-3 How to Define the SLS$DBX NCP Object .......... 3-5 C-1 Files Installed ............................... C-1 C-2 Logical Name Table Entries .................... C-9 D-1 MDMS Account User Authorization Data .......... D-1 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface This document describes: o Software and hardware requirements for installing Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS[TM] (MDMS) Version 2.9 software o Installation instructions for MDMS o Sample installation log files o File and logical names installed on your system o Authorization data (quotas) Intended Audience This guide is intended for experienced OpenVMS system managers and should be used with the System Management Subkit of the OpenVMS documentation set. For the MDMS software, the documentation consists of: o Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Installation Guide o Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations o Online release notes v Conventions The following conventions are used in this guide: ___________________________________________________________ Convention__Description____________________________________ { } In format command descriptions, braces indicate required elements. You must include one of the elements. [ ] Square brackets show optional elements in command syntax. You can omit these elements if you wish to use the default response. . . . Horizontal ellipsis points indicate the omission of information from a sentence or paragraph that is not important to the topic being discussed. Vertical ellipsis points indicate the omission . of information from an example or command . format. The information has been omitted . because it is not important to the topic being discussed. boldface Boldface type in text indicates the first type instance of terms defined in the Glossary or in text. italic Italic type emphasizes important information, type indicates variables, indicates complete titles of manuals, and indicates parameters for system information. Starting This type font denotes system response, user test . . . input, and examples. Ctrl/x Hold down the key labeled Ctrl (Control) and the specified key simultaneously (such as Ctrl /Z). PF1 x The key sequence PF1 x indicates that you press and release the PF1 key, and then you press and release another key (indicated here by x). n A lowercase italic n indicates the generic use of a number. For example, 19nn indicates a four-digit number in which the last two digits are unknown. vi ___________________________________________________________ Convention__Description____________________________________ x A lowercase italic x indicates the generic use of a letter. For example, xxx indicates any ____________combination_of_three_alphabetic_characters.____ Related Products The following related products are mentioned in this document: ___________________________________________________________ Product_______Description__________________________________ ABS ABS refers to Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS[TM] software. ABS OMT ABS OMT refers to Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Management Tools[TM] software. HSM HSM refers to HSM for OpenVMS software. MDMS MDMS refers to Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS software. OpenVMS Refers to the OpenVMS operating system. SMF SMF refers to Sequential Media Filesystem for OpenVMS software. SLS SLS refers to Storage Library System for ______________OpenVMS_software.____________________________ Associated Documents The following documents are associated with Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS: o Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations o Storage Library System for OpenVMS Installation Guide o Storage Library System for OpenVMS Guide to Backup and Restore Operations o Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Installation Guide o Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Guide to Operations o HSM for OpenVMS Guide to Operations vii o Sequential Media Filesystem for OpenVMS Guide to Operations viii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Before Installing MDMS Software This chapter includes the following information: o Answers to commonly asked questions about the installation procedure o Definitions about the MDMS server and client software o Preparations that you need to make to install the MDMS software _______________________ Caution _______________________ If you currently use Storage Library System for OpenVMS (SLS), do not install MDMS. MDMS does not contain the backup and restore functionality of SLS. If you install MDMS over SLS, you lose the ability to restore data saved through SLS. To continue using SLS backup and restore functionality, you must upgrade your version of SLS. SLS includes the MDMS functionality. ______________________________________________________ Recommendation: Digital recommends that you perform a backup of your system disk before you install MDMS software. Refer to the VMS Backup Utility Manual for more details. 1.1 Common Questions and Answers Before beginning the installation procedure, you may want to review the questions and answers in Table 1-1. Before Installing MDMS Software 1-1 Before Installing MDMS Software 1.1 Common Questions and Answers Table_1-1_Installation_Questions_and_Answers_______________ Q: How long will the installation procedure take? A: The installation procedure will take 15-30 minutes on a VAX system and 5-10 minutes on an Alpha system. Q: How can I get help? A: The VMSINSTAL utility provides additional information about the decisions required to respond to the installation prompts. To get help at any installation prompt, enter ? and press . Q: Where can I find an example of the installation procedure? A: Appendix A contains an example of an installation procedure for the server software. Appendix B contains an example of an installation procedure for the client software. Q: How can I abort the installation procedure? A: Enter .[1] [1]If_you_abort_the_VMSINSTAL_procedure,_you_must_restart__ the installation from the beginning. ___________________________________________________________ 1.2 MDMS Client and Server Software Definitions Before installing MDMS, you need to decide whether to install MDMS server or client software: o You must install the MDMS server software on at least one node or VMScluster. o The server software provides the volume and magazine databases for itself and for use by MDMS clients. The node or VMScluster[TM] system on which you install the server software becomes the MDMS server node. o The client software enables you to use MDMS from nodes other than the MDMS server node. 1-2 Before Installing MDMS Software Before Installing MDMS Software 1.2 MDMS Client and Server Software Definitions 1.2.1 Server Software The MDMS server software is installed on a node or VMScluster system and provides media management services for itself and for any MDMS client nodes connected to it. MDMS server software provides the MDMS volume and magazine databases. The volume database is a record management services (RMS) file that describes all removable storage media known to the MDMS software. It contains information about volume locations and volume pool access authorization. The server software updates the volume and magazine databases when any type of transactions are performed against the media. Requirement: To use MDMS, you must install at least one MDMS server in the network. 1.2.2 Client Software The client software is installed on any node that can communicate with the MDMS server node or VMScluster. The MDMS client node can communicate using DECnet[TM] software with an MDMS server node. When an MDMS client node needs to perform an MDMS operation, the client node communicates with the server node until the operation has completed. The server node updates the volume and magazine databases, and the client node relinquishes its communications with the server node. MDMS client nodes may have their own tape drives and robotic devices. Device management is determined by the media type. The media type is defined in the file SYS$MANAGER:TAPESTART.COM on the MDMS server node. Requirement: Each MDMS client node must have a DECnet connection to an MDMS server node. Any number of MDMS client nodes may be connected to a single MDMS server node. Before Installing MDMS Software 1-3 Before Installing MDMS Software 1.3 Before Installing MDMS 1.3 Before Installing MDMS Table 1-2 identifies actions you need to take before installing the MDMS server software (that provides all MDMS functionality) or client software (that provides access to the MDMS server node or VMScluster). Table_1-2_Before_Installing_MDMS___________________________ Stage_Action_______________________________________________ 1 Verify required quotas and OpenVMS operating system classes: 1. Log in to the SYSTEM account. 2. Enable all privileges. 3. Verify that the required quotas and OpenVMS system classes are present (see Sections 1.3.1 and 1.3.2). 2 Make sure the system on which you intend to install MDMS meets hardware and software requirements ______(Sections_1.3.3_and_1.3.4).__________________________ 1.3.1 Required Quotas If your SYSTEM account quotas are the same as or higher than the default values provided with the OpenVMS operating system, then these values should be sufficient to install MDMS software. More_information: Refer to the OpenVMS Upgrade and Installation Procedures manual for additional information about required quotas. 1.3.2 Required OpenVMS Operating System Classes Verify that the following OpenVMS operating system classes are resident on the system disk: o Network support o Programming support o Secure user's environment o System programming environment 1-4 Before Installing MDMS Software Before Installing MDMS Software 1.3 Before Installing MDMS o Utilities o OpenVMS required save set How_to_verify: For information about verifying these classes, refer to the Guide to Setting Up an OpenVMS System. 1.3.3 Hardware Requirements The following are the minimum hardware requirements for installing the MDMS software: o A VAX. MicroVAX[TM], VAXstation[TM], or Alpha system. o Four megabytes of memory for VAX, or 16 megabytes of memory for Alpha systems. o One or more tape devices or optical disks, for standalone systems. o One disk, such as a Digital RD-[TM] or RA-[TM] series disk. o Disk space. Use the steps in Table 1-3 to ensure there is enough disk space to install MDMS server or client software. Before Installing MDMS Software 1-5 Before Installing MDMS Software 1.3 Before Installing MDMS Table_1-3_How_to_Check_Disk_Space_Requirements_____________ Step__Action_______________________________________________ 1 Verify that there are enough free blocks on the disk where you are installing MDMS software. If you are providing remote device support, then you must install the Remote Device Facility (RDF) (by answering yes to the remote device question during the installation procedure) and this requires more free disk space. Enter the following command: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE _____________________________________________________ IF you are in- stalling . . . ______________RDF__THEN_you_need_._._._______________ Server Yes 10,800 peak blocks during software installation 8,400 net blocks after installation (permanent) No 10,200 peak blocks during installation 7,800 net blocks after installation (permanent) Client Yes 10,800 peak blocks during software installation 8,400 net blocks after installation (permanent) No 10,200 peak blocks during installation 7,800 net blocks after ___________________installation_(permanent)__________ (continued on next page) 1-6 Before Installing MDMS Software Before Installing MDMS Software 1.3 Before Installing MDMS Table_1-3_(Cont.)_How_to_Check_Disk_Space_Requirements_____ Step__Action_______________________________________________ 2 Make a note of the node and disk name where you are ______going_to_install_MDMS._______________________________ ________________________ Note ________________________ If your system is monitored by the Audit facility, then you must consider the system disk free block requirements. To determine this requirement, enter the following command: $ SHOW AUDIT/ALL ______________________________________________________ 1.3.4 Software Requirements The following software is required to install either MDMS server or client software: o A compatible version of the OpenVMS operating system [1] o A compatible version of DECnet[TM] for OpenVMS[1] Server Software Requirements Before installing the server software, check to see that the DECnet software and the OpenVMS Queue Manager are running. If they are not running, follow the steps in Table 1-4 to start them. Table_1-4_How_to_Start_DECnet_and_OpenVMS_Queue_Manager____ Step__Action_______________________________________________ 1 Start the DECnet software. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ @SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET (continued on next page) ____________________ [1] See the SLS SPD (29.67.14) for specific versions. Before Installing MDMS Software 1-7 Before Installing MDMS Software 1.3 Before Installing MDMS Table 1-4 (Cont.) How to Start DECnet and OpenVMS Queue __________________Manager__________________________________ Step__Action_______________________________________________ 2 Start the OpenVMS Queue Manager. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt: ______$_START/QUEUE/MANAGER________________________________ After installing the MDMS server software, see Chapter 3 to configure the MDMS server software. You must do this before installing the MDMS client software. Client Software Requirements Before installing the MDMS client software, you must install and configure the MDMS server software, and you must register the MDMS client node on the MDMS server node. See Table 3-2 for instructions to register the client nodes. Registering the client node allows the node to access the MDMS volume database. If you do not register the MDMS client node on the MDMS server node, the installation verification procedure (IVP) will fail. DCSC Software ________________________ Note ________________________ DCSC software is not supported on systems running under OpenVMS, Version 7.0. ______________________________________________________ If you have a StorageTek Automated Cartridge Server (ACS), you must install the DCSC software. 1.3.5 Preparing for RDF Installation MDMS software provides optional installation of RDF software. During installation of the MDMS software, you will be asked if you want to access tape devices on a remote system or if you want to allow remote backups to tape devices on this system. RDF software will be installed automatically if you answer "yes" to either question. 1-8 Before Installing MDMS Software Before Installing MDMS Software 1.3 Before Installing MDMS The RDF components supplied with MDMS are intended to be used as follows: ___________________________________________________________ Install_the_RDF_._._.________On_the_node_with_._._.________ Server software (RDSERVER) Remote tape or optical backup devices. Client Software (RDCLIENT) Local disk or other online _____________________________storage_to_be_backed_up.______ Ensure you have adequate system resources. On_the_Server_Systems: RDSERVER runs as a detached process on the server node. On_the_Client_Systems: RDCLIENT runs as a detached process on the client node. The RDCLIENT also includes a pseudo device driver. This driver uses less than 9000 bytes of NPAGEDYN. In addition, when a device is RDALLOCATED, 12000 bytes of NPAGEDYN are consumed. The bytes are released when the device is RDDEALLOCATED. Because the RDALLOCATE procedure consumes 12000 or 78200 bytes, a process using RDALLOCATE needs a larger than normal BYTLM. We recommend a BYTLM of at least 80000. On_Server_and_Client_Systems: The RDF distribution directory contains less than 5000 blocks of disk space. The distribution directory includes all of the files required for both the RDSERVER and the RDCLIENT. RDF uses the system logical TTI_RDEV to store the location of the RDF package. This logical is created by the RDSERVER_STARTUP.COM and RDCLIENT_STARTUP.COM command files. In addition, the logicals in Table 1-5 are used internally by RDF: Before Installing MDMS Software 1-9 Before Installing MDMS Software 1.3 Before Installing MDMS Table_1-5_RDF_Defined_Logicals_____________________________ RDEV_CLIENT_PID the client process identification RDEV_CLIENT_STATUS RDEV_CONFIG RDEV_SERVER_PID the server process identification RDEV_RDEVxx one logical for each RDALLOCATED ________________________device_____________________________ 1.3.6 License Registration To use the MDMS software, you must register and load the license for MDMS before you start the installation procedure. To register a license under OpenVMS, use the following procedure: 1. Log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. Select one of the following methods to perform the registration: o Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your License PAK. o At the DCL prompt, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to License PAK information. 2. If you plan to use ABS on more than one node in a OpenVMScluster, you must perform a license load on the other nodes after you complete this installation. 3. Register the MDMS license following the steps listed in Table 1-6. 1-10 Before Installing MDMS Software Before Installing MDMS Software 1.3 Before Installing MDMS Table_1-6_How_to_Register_Your_MDMS_License______________________ Step_Action______________________________________________________ 1. Enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the product name and a dash: $ LICENSE REGISTER SLS - ! Server software (Alpha System FLAT/VAX System WKGRP, DEPT, ENTER, FLAT) $ LICENSE REGISTER SLS-MGR - ! Server software (Alpha System WKGRP, DEPT, ENTER) $ LICENSE REGISTER SLS-REMOTE - ! Client software (Alpha System FLAT/VAX System WKGRP, DEPT, ENTER, FLAT) $ LICENSE REGISTER SLS-REMOTE-MGR - ! Client software (Alpha System WKGRP, DEPT, ENTER) $ LICENSE REGISTER SLS-ACS - ! Client with ACS support (Alpha System/VAX system FLAT) Important: Enter a dash at the end of each command in Steps 1 through 8. 2. Enter the /ISSUER qualifier information, assigning the value DEC between quotation marks. _$ /ISSUER="DEC" - 3. Enter the /AUTHORIZATION qualifier information, assigning it the value from the AUTHORIZATION NUMBER[1] entry of the PAK: _$ /AUTHORIZATION=xxxxxx - 4. Enter the /PRODUCER qualifier information, assigning the value DEC in quotes: _$ /PRODUCER="DEC" - 5. Enter the /UNITS qualifier information, assigning it the value from the UNITS[1] entry of the PAK _$ /UNITS=nn - [1]This_information_is_supplied_with_the_MDMS_installation_kit.__ (continued on next page) Before Installing MDMS Software 1-11 Before Installing MDMS Software 1.3 Before Installing MDMS Table_1-6_(Cont.)_How_to_Register_Your_MDMS_License______________ Step_Action______________________________________________________ 6. Enter the /DATE qualifiers information, assigning the product's release date value from the PRODUCT RELEASE DATE[1] entry of the PAK: _$ /DATE=dd-mmm-yyyy - 7. Enter the /AVAILABILITY qualifier information, assigning the value from the AVAILABILITY TABLE CODE[1] entry of the PAK: _$ /AVAILABILITY=x - 8. Enter the /OPTIONS qualifier information, assigning the value from the KEY OPTIONS[1] entry of the PAK: _$ /OPTIONS=xxxxxx - 9. Enter the /CHECKSUM qualifier information, assigning the value from the CH[1] entry of the PAK: _$ /CHECKSUM=1-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx Important: Do NOT end the entry with a dash. 10. Invoke the LICENSE LOAD command with the product name: $ LICENSE LOAD SLS-MGR [1]This_information_is_supplied_with_the_MDMS_installation_kit.__ _________________________________________________________________ For complete information about using LMF, see the VMS License Management Utility Manual. 1-12 Before Installing MDMS Software 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing MDMS Software This chapter contains instructions for installing the MDMS software, both server and client. For an example of the MDMS server installation, see Appendix A. For an example of the MDMS client installation, see Appendix B. Follow the steps in Table 2-1 to install MDMS Version 2.9 server or client software. Table_2-1_How_to_Install_the_MDMS_Server_or_Client_Software Step_Action________________________________________________ 1 Load and mount the media that contains the software kit. (continued on next page) Installing MDMS Software 2-1 Installing MDMS Software Table 2-1 (Cont.) How to Install the MDMS Server or Client __________________Software_________________________________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 2 Invoke the VMSINSTAL procedure for the type of software that you are installing: o Server software-Enter the VMSINSTAL command in the following format: $@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL MDMS029 location: OPTIONS N o Client software-Enter the VMSINSTAL command in the following format: $@SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL MDMSCLIENT029 location: OPTIONS N Where: o location is the tape device (or directory) that contains the software kit save set. o OPTIONS N is an optional parameter that displays or prints the release notes. The default behavior is to move the release notes to SYS$HELP. 3 If you see the following message: %VMSINSTAL-W- ACTIVE, The following processes are still active * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Enter Y and press , else go to step 4. 4 Confirm the state of the system backup. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [Yes]? Press . (continued on next page) 2-2 Installing MDMS Software Installing MDMS Software Table 2-1 (Cont.) How to Install the MDMS Server or Client __________________Software_________________________________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 5 If you did not include the location on the VMSINSTAL command line, identify the location for the software to be mounted. * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: SLS$KITS: You may specify a tape drive, a local disk, or a remote disk. Enter the appropriate information and press . 6 Respond to the installation options: Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): Enter the number of the desired option and press . (continued on next page) Installing MDMS Software 2-3 Installing MDMS Software Table 2-1 (Cont.) How to Install the MDMS Server or Client __________________Software_________________________________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 7 Continue the installation. MDMS displays the following message: ***************************************************************** * WARNING * ***************************************************************** * MDMS should NOT be installed on a system which is currently running * * SLS. The MDMS installation will supersede the existing SLS * * installation. In this situation, there may be old SLS files not * * removed by the MDMS installation such as SLS$SYSBAK.EXE. This could* * lead to unpredictable and unsupported behavior if any SLS backups * * are attempted after the MDMS installation. * ************************************************************************* * Do you want to continue with this installation [No]? Enter Y and press . 8 Select to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Recommendation: Running the IVP procedure is recommended. Press to run the IVP, else enter No and press . (continued on next page) 2-4 Installing MDMS Software Installing MDMS Software Table 2-1 (Cont.) How to Install the MDMS Server or Client __________________Software_________________________________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 9 Client_software_only: You need to enter the name of the MDMS server node or VMScluster system alias name. * Are you ready to proceed? [YES]? * What is the name or VMScluster system alias of the MDMS/SLS server node: Enter the name or VMScluster system alias name of the MDMS server node. 10 RDF_(Remote_Device_Facility)_software: __________ Rebooting System Nodes __________ If you select to install RDF, you need to reboot your system after installation. Each Alpha server node and each Alpha client node must be rebooted because the device drivers cannot be reloaded on Alpha nodes. ___________________________________________ If you want to use the RDF software, then respond to the following questions: * Do you want to backup disks on this system to a drive on a remote system? Enter Yes to install the RDF client software, else enter No. * Do you want to allow remote backups access to the tape drives on this system? Enter Yes to install the RDF server software, else enter No. (continued on next page) Installing MDMS Software 2-5 Installing MDMS Software Table 2-1 (Cont.) How to Install the MDMS Server or Client __________________Software_________________________________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 11 Specify the disk device name where MDMS software will reside. * Enter the name of the disk device the MDMS software will use [DUA0:]: Enter the name of the device you noted in Table 1-3 and press . 12 Enter the directory name where MDMS software will reside: * Enter the name of the directory the MDMS software will use [SLS$FILES]: Enter the directory name and press . 13 Identify the MDMS manager account UIC. If you see the following message: * Enter the UIC for the SLS manager account. [[1,21]] Press , else, go to Step 16. 14 Enter and verify the MDMS account password. Restriction: The password must be at least 15 and no more than 31 characters. * Password: * Verify password: (continued on next page) 2-6 Installing MDMS Software Installing MDMS Software Table 2-1 (Cont.) How to Install the MDMS Server or Client __________________Software_________________________________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 15 Set quotas and flags for the MDMS account. MDMS automatically sets quotas and flags for the account. (See Appendix D for detailed information about quotas.) * Do you wish to update these flags now [YES]? Press . Updating the MDMS process account quotas and the flags causes the Authorize utility to run. 16 At this point, the installation procedure continues without further operator intervention. Note the following important items about the MDMS installation procedure: o When you install MDMS on a new system (one on which there is no existing TAPESTART.COM file), the MDMS installation procedure generates a default configuration file that contains the media triplets for the known devices on your system. These media triplets are placed in your TAPESTART.COM file. For instructions about this file, media triplets, and configuring MDMS, see Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. o If you chose to run the IVP at Step 8, it runs now. For a complete installation and IVP example, see Appendixes A and B. 17 If you installed the RDF system, you must reboot the _____node_to_install_the_new_deviced_drivers.______________ Installing MDMS Software 2-7 3 _________________________________________________________________ After Installing MDMS Software This chapter describes the tasks required after the MDMS installation procedure has finished. After installing the MDMS server or client software, you must prepare the software for use. Table 3-1 identifies the postinstallation activities you need to perform. Table_3-1_Postinstallation_Activities______________________ Stage_Action_______________________________________________ 1 Register the MDMS client nodes on the MDMS server node (Section 3.1) 2 Verify the installation (Section 3.2) 3 Edit the systemwide command files (Section 3.3) 4_____Prepare_the_MDMS_server_software_(Section_3.4)_______ For information on configuring MDMS to work with particular media and devices, see Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations. 3.1 Registering an MDMS Client Node After installing the MDMS server software and before installing the MDMS client software, you must register any MDMS client nodes on the MDMS server node. Follow the steps in Table 3-2 to register client nodes on the MDMS server node. After Installing MDMS Software 3-1 After Installing MDMS Software 3.1 Registering an MDMS Client Node Table_3-2_How_to_Register_the_Client_Node__________________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 1 On the MDMS server node from the SYSTEM account, enter the following DCL command: $ RUN SLS$SYSTEM:SLS$SLSMGR Result: MDMS displays the Administrator Menu. 2 Select the Database Access Authorization option from the numeric keypad: Enter 3 and press . 3 Invoke the record insertion feature from the numeric keypad: Press keypad < 8 > or press the key. 4 Enter the name of the MDMS client node(s) in the Node field and press . Result: MDMS displays the list of MDMS client nodes with the new entry or entries. 5 Save the changes to the database: Enter Y and press _____._____________________________________________ 3.2 Verifying the Installation The installation verification procedure (IVP) may be executed as part of the installation procedure by answering YES to the following question: * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Y If you did not execute the IVP during the installation procedure, you can execute it immediately after installing the MDMS software. Enter the following command at the DCL system prompt: $ @SYS$TEST:MDMS_SLS$IVP Requirements: o The MDMS software must be installed and running on the system where the IVP is executed. 3-2 After Installing MDMS Software After Installing MDMS Software 3.2 Verifying the Installation o When executing the IVP on an MDMS client node, the MDMS client node must have been registered on the MDMS server node (see Section 3.1). 3.3 Editing the Systemwide Command Files To make sure MDMS functions properly, you need to edit the system startup procedure and the system login file. 3.3.1 Making Sure MDMS Starts Up To make sure the MDMS software starts up each time the system is booted, edit one of the following system startup procedures: o SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM o SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM for OpenVMS Version 6.0. Add the following line: $ @SYS$STARTUP:SLS$STARTUP Requirement: Include the startup line after the STARTNET command in the SYSTARTUP_x.COM file. After Installing MDMS Software 3-3 After Installing MDMS Software 3.3 Editing the Systemwide Command Files 3.3.2 Defining Global Symbols for MDMS Users To define global symbols for MDMS software users, edit the system login file SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM, and add the following line: $ @SYS$MANAGER:SLS$TAPSYMBOL Requirement: Include the symbol definitions in a section of the SYLOGIN.COM file that is executed by all accounts, typically before the BATCH command. 3.4 Preparing MDMS Server Software If you have installed MDMS server software for the first time, you must: o Define a network object on your VMScluster system nodes o Customize the file SYS$MANAGER:TAPESTART.COM to meet your site-specific requirements o Enable user access to volume pools 3.4.1 Defining a Network Object on a VMScluster System Follow the steps in Table 3-3 to define the SLS$DBX NCP object. Requirement: If you intend to implement the high-availability features of MDMS software, all nodes that participate in the VMScluster system alias must have the SLS$DBX NCP object defined. 3-4 After Installing MDMS Software After Installing MDMS Software 3.4 Preparing MDMS Server Software Table_3-3_How_to_Define_the_SLS$DBX_NCP_Object_____________ Step_Action________________________________________________ 1 From an account with BYPASS privilege, on the node on which MDMS software was just installed, invoke the Network Control Program (NCP) utility by entering the following command: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:NCP 2 Obtain the password for the MDMS account: NCP> SHOW OBJECT SLS$DBX CHARACTERISTICS Result: Object Volatile Characteristics as of 2-JUL-1997 13:08:15 Object = SLS$DBX Number = 0 File id = SYS$SYSTEM:SLS$FIND_DB_NODE.EXE User id = SLS Password = password Note: The password is displayed only when the BYPASS privilege is enabled. 3 Exit the NCP utility: NCP> EXIT 4 Invoke the SYSMAN utility: $RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN (continued on next page) After Installing MDMS Software 3-5 After Installing MDMS Software 3.4 Preparing MDMS Server Software Table_3-3_(Cont.)_How_to_Define_the_SLS$DBX_NCP_Object_____ Step_Action________________________________________________ 5 Set the SYSMAN environment to include the VMScluster system nodes that participate in the DECnet VMScluster system alias. Participating_nodes: The participating nodes in a VMScluster can be all of the nodes or only some of the nodes. To identify the participating nodes, use one of the following commands: o To identify all nodes in a VMScluster, enter the following SYSMAN command: SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT /CLUSTER o To identify only specific nodes, enter the SYSMAN command in the following format: SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT /NODE=(node_1,node_2,...node_n) 6 Define the SLS$DBX object by entering SYSMAN command in the following format: SYSMAN>DO MCR NCP DEFINE OBJECT SLS$DBX NUMBER 0 USER SLS - _SYSMAN> FILE SYS$SYSTEM:SLS$FIND_DB_NODE.EXE PASSWORD password Requirement: The password entered with this command must be the same as the password used for the MDMS account during installation. 7 Read the SLS$DBX object on the node: SYSMAN> DO MCR NCP SET KNOWN OBJECT ALL 8 Exit the SYSMAN utility: _____SYSMAN>_EXIT__________________________________________ 3-6 After Installing MDMS Software After Installing MDMS Software 3.4 Preparing MDMS Server Software 3.4.2 Customizing TAPESTART.COM There are several things that you need to define in the file SYS$MANAGER:TAPESTART.COM to customize MDMS to meet your site-specific needs. See Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations, Chapter 4, for information about this file. 3.4.3 Enabling User Access to Volume Pools In addtion to registering any MDMS client nodes on the MDMS server node, you need to authorize user access to volume pools. See Media and Device Management Services for OpenVMS Guide to Operations for instructions. 3.4.4 After Installing RDF Software On_the_Server_Systems: Determine which tape or optical drives receive the data. You can determine which storage devices to assign for use by RDF and what media type corresponds with each device (or multiple devices). The installation procedure creates the configuration file SLS$ROOT:[TTI_RDEV]CONFIG_nodename.DAT. Include the tape devices you plan to serve in this file. Check the TTI_RDEV:CONFIG_nodename.DAT file (initially created by the installation procedure) to ensure the desired remote devices are included in this file. If needed, rename RDF characteristic names to ensure they are unique. This node also has a SYS$MANAGER:TAPESTART.COM file. The drives to be used must appear as local drives in this TAPESTART.COM file. On_the_Client_Systems: Determine which disk devices send data to which drives In the SYS$MANAGER:TAPESTART.COM file, add one or more media triplets that describe the remote tape device names. Important: It is important to add the remote node name to each device name. Do not include the node name for local devices. Modify the SYS$MANAGER:TAPESTART.COM file on each node. Assign one or more media triplets to define the: o Media type After Installing MDMS Software 3-7 After Installing MDMS Software 3.4 Preparing MDMS Server Software o Density of the media type (if any) o Storage devices-Use either physical names or the RDF characteristic names of remote devices available. Include the node name of the destination node in physical name. Do not use the node name for a local device. Assigning media triplets makes the listed devices available to MDMS software to perform operations. See The MDMS Guide to Operations for more information about media types. 3-8 After Installing MDMS Software A _________________________________________________________________ MDMS Server Installation Example Log File The following example shows an installation of the MDMS server software on a VAX system running OpenVMS Version 7.0. This example also installs server-side support for RDF, asks you about viewing the release notes, and runs an IVP. Username: SYSTEM Password: Welcome to OpenVMS VAX version V7.0 on node NODE01 Last interactive login on Monday, 12-JUL-1997 13:43 Last non-interactive login on Monday, 12-JUL-1997 09:59 $ @sys$update:vmsinstal OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.0 It is 12-JUL-1997 at 15:04. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: sys$sysdevice:[mdmskits] Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: MDMS029 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: MDMS V2.9 Beginning installation of MDMS V2.9 at 15:05 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. MDMS Server Installation Example Log File A-1 MDMS Server Installation Example Log File ************************************************************************** * WARNING * ************************************************************************** * * * MDMS V2.9 (client and server) is not compatible with any previous * * versions of MDMS prior to V2.5. All nodes running MDMS which interact* * with each other should also be upgraded to V2.5 or above. * * * ************************************************************************** * Do you want to continue with this installation [No]? yes * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Product: MDMS Producer: DEC Version: 2.9 Release Date: 8-JUL-1996 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? yes * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? MDMS provides support for remote backups. This function allows you to backup disks on this system to a tape drive located on some other system with MDMS installed, or to allow other systems to backup their disks to the tape drives on this system. * Do you want to backup disks on this system to a drive on a remote system? yes Remote Device Facility Client support will be provided. * Do you want to allow remote backups access to the tape drives on this system? UYES Remote Device Facility Server support will be provided. * Enter the name of the disk device the MDMS/SLS software will use [DSA1:]: * Enter the name of the directory the MDMS/SLS software will use [SLS$FILES]: * Where to place summary files from system backups [SLS$ROOT:[SYSBAK.SUMMARY_FILES]]: * Where to place intermediate history files [SLS$ROOT:[SYSBAK.TEMP_HISTORY]]: * Where to place maintenance log files [SLS$ROOT:[DATA]]: * Where to place system backup log files [SLS$ROOT:[SYSBAK.SYSBAK_LOGS]]: If you have been using earlier versions of MDMS software, there will be log files and summary files resident in SLS$SYSBAK from previous system backups. This installation procedure has the ability to automatically distribute these old files into the directories you have specified. * Do you want to automatically move these old files? [Y]? A-2 MDMS Server Installation Example Log File MDMS Server Installation Example Log File In order for the MDMS/SLS software to perform system management tasks, a privileged account called SLS is created. You must specify a unique UIC for this account so that it will not conflict with other accounts on your system. %SLS-I-EXISTS, the identifier SLS already exists with UIC [1,20] This procedure will assume the SLS account also exists. Please enter a password for the SLS account. The password you specify must contain at least 15 and no more than 31 characters and may not refer to the account/product name, or your system node or cluster name. Valid characters include A through Z, 0 through 9, $ (dollar sign) and _ (underscore). As with the DCL SET PASSWORD command, your input will not echo on the terminal and you will be asked to verify the password. * Password: * Verify password: %SLS-I-UPDACC, Updating account SLS with specified password %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %SLS-I-UPDACC, Updating account SLS for client network access %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %SLS-I-UPDACC, Updating account SLS privileges and login directory %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated The following quotas will be set for the SLS account: Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 500 Bytlm: 128000 Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0 Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 128 JTquota: 1024 Prclm: 10 DIOlm: 4096 WSdef: 1024 Prio: 4 ASTlm: 4096 WSquo: 16384 Queprio: 4 TQElm: 32 WSextent: 16384 CPU: (none) Enqlm: 2500 Pgflquo: 100000 MDMS Server Installation Example Log File A-3 MDMS Server Installation Example Log File %SLS-I-UPDACC, Updating quotas for account SLS... %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated * Do you wish to update these flags now [YES]? The following fields will be set for the SLS account: /FLAGS= NoAudit DisMail NoDisReport DefCLI DisNewMail NoDisUser NoDisCtlY DisReconnect NoGenPwd /BATCH /NOINTERACTIVE /NOLOCAL /NODIALUP /NOREMOTE /NOEXPIRATION /PWDEXPIRED /NETWORK %SLS-I-UPDACC, Updating flags for account SLS... %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %SLS-I-QUOTA, Checking for DISKQUOTAs on the SLS server device ... There will be no further questions asked. The installation of MDMS/SLS will take an average of 30 minutes more to complete. It may take longer if the log files and summary files from previous system backups are going to be automatically distributed into the system backup directories you have specified. A-4 MDMS Server Installation Example Log File MDMS Server Installation Example Log File %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %SLS-I-PROCEED, Proceeding with saveset B %SLS-I-LINKING, Linking privileged shareable image %SLS-I-CRTSTART, Creating TAPESTART.COM %SLS-I-CRTDIR, Creating SLS subdirectories... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA1:[SLS$FILES]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA1:[SLS$FILES.AUDIT]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA1:[SLS$FILES.CUSTOM]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA1:[SLS$FILES.DATA]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA1:[SLS$FILES.HIST]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA1:[SLS$FILES.PARAMS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA1:[SLS$FILES.PRIMAST]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA1:[SLS$FILES.SYSBAK]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA1:[SLS$FILES.SYSTEM]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA1:[SLS$FILES.USRBAK]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SLS$ROOT:[SYSBAK.SUMMARY_FILES]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SLS$ROOT:[SYSBAK.TEMP_HISTORY]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SLS$ROOT:[DATA]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SLS$ROOT:[DATA] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SLS$ROOT:[SYSBAK.SYSBAK_LOGS]. Since a new TAPESTART.COM was created for this installation, a media triplet template file will be generated for you. This file will be created in SLS$DATAC and called SLS$AUTOCONFIGURE_MEDIA_TRIPLETS.TXT. This file should be included in TAPESTART.COM (see that file for appropriate location) and possibly modified to fit your needs. The devices in this file were found on this system. %SLS-I-GENTRIPTEMP, Generating media triplet template file %SLS-I-DEFFILE, Defining files that need to be moved %SLS-I-PROVRDF, Providing Remote Device Facility Support %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SLS$ROOT:[TTI_RDEV]. %SLS-I-SPLITSYSBAK, Moving old log files and summary files as requested. %SLS-I-SPLITDONE, Finished moving old log files and summary files. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The following post-installation steps are necessary. Refer to the Installation Guide for details. MDMS Server Installation Example Log File A-5 MDMS Server Installation Example Log File 1. Edit the system startup procedure to start the MDMS software on this client. Add $ @SYS$STARTUP:SLS$STARTUP 2. Edit the system wide login file. Add $ @SYS$MANAGER:SLS$TAPSYMBOL 3. Run SLS$SYSTEM:SLS$SLSMGR.EXE to perform the following functions: a. Authorize access to the SLS server database for SLS client nodes. b. Authorize access to SLS pools for SLS users. 4. Customize SYS$MANAGER:TAPESTART.COM to reflect SLS environment parameters. 5. Check that SLS$DBX object is defined on all nodes participating in the VMScluster System alias. 6. For Remote Device Facility client support, you should add one or more media-type triplets (MTYPE_x, DENS_x, DRIVES_x) to your TAPESTART.COM to describe the remote tape drives. Be sure to include the remote nodename in each drive name. 7. For Remote Device Facility server support, you should check the file SLS$ROOT:[TTI_RDEV]CONFIG_TRMBNE.DAT to ensure that the tape devices you wish to serve are included in this RDF configuration file. This file will be created initially when SLS is started after this installation. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %SLS-I-STARTUP, Starting SLS %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 20200247 %SLS-I-WAIT, Waiting for the SLS software to start ******************************************************************************** Beginning MDMS Version 2.9 Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) ******************************************************************************** Installation verification begun at 12-JUL-1997 15:18:31.07 Checking for correct version of VMS. Checking for presence of DECnet. Checking for SLS executable images. Checking system-wide logical names. A-6 MDMS Server Installation Example Log File MDMS Server Installation Example Log File Checking for SLS database files. Checking for SLS client process. Checking for SLS server process. Checking for FMS executable images. Checking for correct version of SLS. Waiting for subprocess SLS$IVP to complete. %MDMS-I-VERSION, Media and Device Management System for OpenVMS, Version 2.9 Doing a STORAGE ADD VOLUME. Waiting for subprocess SLS$IVP to complete. Waiting for subprocess SLS$IVP to complete. Waiting for subprocess SLS$IVP to complete. Doing a STORAGE ALLOCATE. Doing a STORAGE SHOW VOLUME. Volume: XYZZY9 Owner: CLSTR1::SLS Format: BACKUP Brand: Allocated: 12-JUL-1997 15:18 Scratch: 11-JUL-1998 15:18 Purchased: 12-JUL-1997 15:18 Cleaned: 12-JUL-1997 15:18 Media type: 9TRACK Length: 0 Mounts: 0 UIC: [SLS] Location: HEADQUARTERS Protection: S:RW,O:RW,G:R,W: Notes: Offsite: Onsite: IO Errors: 0 Flag: ALLOCATED Next volume: *none* Previous: *none* Pool: Rec len: 0 Block factor: 0 Initialized: 12-JUL-1997 15:18 Density: 6250 Slot number: Side: Other side: Jukebox / slot: / Drive: Volume is not in a jukebox. Volume is not in a magazine. MDMS Server Installation Example Log File A-7 MDMS Server Installation Example Log File Doing a STORAGE DEALLOCATE. Doing a STORAGE REMOVE VOLUME. Doing a STORAGE SHOW VOLUME; there should be no such volume. %SLS-W-NOSUCHVOL, no such volume(s) * * * All tests have completed sucessfully. * * * Installation verification finished at 12-JUL-1997 15:19:06.85 ******************************************************************************** Successful Installation Verification of MDMS Version 2.9 ******************************************************************************** Installation of MDMS V2.9 completed at 15:19 Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at 15:19 A-8 MDMS Server Installation Example Log File B _________________________________________________________________ MDMS Client Installation Example Log File The following example shows an installation of the MDMS client software on a VAX system running OpenVMS Version 7.0. This example also installs support for the RDF client and does not run an IVP. Username: SYSTEM Password: Welcome to OpenVMS VAX version V7.0 on node NODE10 Last interactive login on Monday, 12-JUL-1997 13:43 Last non-interactive login on Monday, 12-JUL-1997 09:59 $ @sys$update:vmsinstal OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.2 It is 14-JUL-1997 at 13:37. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: sys$sysdevice:[mdmskits] Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: MDMSCLIENT029 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: MDMSCLIENT V2.9 Beginning installation of MDMSCLIENT V2.9 at 13:38 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. MDMS Client Installation Example Log File B-1 MDMS Client Installation Example Log File ************************************************************************** * WARNING * ************************************************************************** * * * MDMS V2.9 (client and server) is not compatible with any previous * * versions of MDMS prior to V2.5. All nodes running MDMS which interact* * with each other should also be upgraded to V2.5 or above. * * * ************************************************************************** * Do you want to continue with this installation [No]? * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Product: MDMSCLIENT Producer: DEC Version: 2.9 Release Date: 24-JUN-1997 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? yes * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Before proceeding with the installation of the MDMS software, you should have read the MDMS Installation Guide discussion about the use of the MDMS server node or VMScluster System alias. You will need the name of the MDMS server node or VMScluster System alias. * Are you ready to proceed [YES]? yes * What is the name or VMScluster System alias of the MDMS server node: CLSTR1 MDMS provides support for remote backups. This function allows you to backup disks on this system to a tape drive located on some other system with MDMS installed, or to allow other systems to backup their disks to the tape drives on this system. * Do you want to backup disks on this system to a drive on a remote system? y Remote Device Facility Client support will be provided. * Do you want to allow remote backups access to the tape drives on this system? y Remote Device Facility Server support will be provided. * Enter the name of the disk device the MDMS software will use [DSA0:]: * Enter the name of the directory the MDMS software will use [SLS$FILES]: * Where to place summary files from system backups [SLS$ROOT:[SYSBAK.SUMMARY_FILES]]: * Where to place intermediate history files [SLS$ROOT:[SYSBAK.TEMP_HISTORY]]: * Where to place maintenance log files [SLS$ROOT:[DATA]]: * Where to place system backup log files [SLS$ROOT:[SYSBAK.SYSBAK_LOGS]]: B-2 MDMS Client Installation Example Log File MDMS Client Installation Example Log File If you have been using earlier versions of MDMS software, there will be log files and summary files resident in SLS$SYSBAK from previous system backups. This installation procedure has the ability to automatically distribute these old files into the directories you have specified. * Do you want to automatically move these old files? [Y]? In order for the MDMS software to perform system management tasks, a privileged account called MDMS is created. You must specify a unique UIC for this account so that it will not conflict with other accounts on your system. %SLSCLIENT-I-EXISTS, the identifier SLS already exists with UIC [1,20] This procedure will assume the MDMS account also exists. Please enter a password for the MDMS account. The password you specify must contain at least 15 and no more than 31 characters and may not refer to the account/product name, or your system node or cluster name. Valid characters include A through Z, 0 through 9, $ (dollar sign) and _ (underscore). As with the DCL SET PASSWORD command, your input will not echo on the terminal and you will be asked to verify the password. * Password: * Verify password: %SLSCLIENT-I-UPDACC, Updating account SLS with specified password %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %SLSCLIENT-I-UPDACC, Updating account SLS privileges and login directory %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated The MDMS account is used to establish quotas for the processes in which Backups are run. The quota values should be updated in accordance with the recommendations set forth in the `VMS Backup Utility Reference Manual'. If you wish, this installation procedure will automatically update these quotas now. * Do you wish to update these quotas now [YES]? MDMS Client Installation Example Log File B-3 MDMS Client Installation Example Log File The following quotas will be set for the MDMS account: Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 500 Bytlm: 128000 Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0 Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 128 JTquota: 1024 Prclm: 10 DIOlm: 4096 WSdef: 1024 Prio: 4 ASTlm: 4096 WSquo: 16384 Queprio: 4 TQElm: 32 WSextent: 16384 CPU: (none) Enqlm: 2500 Pgflquo: 100000 %SLSCLIENT-I-UPDACC, Updating quotas for account SLS... %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated Digital recommends that the MDMS account be used only by the MDMS software and not as an interactive account. It is recommended that the Storage Administrator and Operators use other accounts to perform MDMS functions. If you wish, this installation procedure will automatically set the appropriate flags to disallow interactive access to this account. * Do you wish to update these flags now [YES]? The following fields will be set for the MDMS account: /FLAGS= NoAudit DisMail NoDisReport DefCLI DisNewMail NoDisUser NoDisCtlY DisReconnect NoGenPwd /BATCH /NOINTERACTIVE /NOLOCAL /NODIALUP /NOREMOTE /NOEXPIRATION /PWDEXPIRED /NONETWORK %SLSCLIENT-I-UPDACC, Updating flags for account SLS... %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named SLS. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %SLSCLIENT-I-QUOTA, Checking for DISKQUOTAs on the SLS device ... B-4 MDMS Client Installation Example Log File MDMS Client Installation Example Log File There will be no further questions asked. The installation of MDMS/SLS will take an average of 30 minutes more to complete. It may take longer if the log files and summary files from previous system backups are going to be automatically distributed into the system backup directories you have specified. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %SLSCLIENT-I-PROCEED, Proceeding with saveset B %SLSCLIENT-I-LINKING, Linking privileged shareable image %SLSCLIENT-I-CRTSTART, Creating TAPESTART.COM %SLSCLIENT-I-CRTDIR, Creating SLS subdirectories... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA0:[SLS$FILES]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA0:[SLS$FILES.AUDIT]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA0:[SLS$FILES.CUSTOM]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA0:[SLS$FILES.DATA]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA0:[SLS$FILES.HIST]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA0:[SLS$FILES.PARAMS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA0:[SLS$FILES.SYSBAK]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA0:[SLS$FILES.SYSTEM]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory DSA0:[SLS$FILES.USRBAK]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SLS$ROOT:[SYSBAK.SUMMARY_FILES]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SLS$ROOT:[SYSBAK.TEMP_HISTORY]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SLS$ROOT:[DATA]. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, SLS$ROOT:[DATA] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SLS$ROOT:[SYSBAK.SYSBAK_LOGS]. Since a new TAPESTART.COM was created for this installation, a media triplet template file will be generated for you. This file will be created in SLS$DATAC and called SLS$AUTOCONFIGURE_MEDIA_TRIPLETS.TXT. This file should be included in TAPESTART.COM (see that file for appropriate location) and possibly modified to fit your needs. The devices in this file were found on this system. %SLSCLIENT-I-GENTRIPTEMP, Generating media triplet template file %SLSCLIENT-I-DEFFILE, Defining files that need to be moved %SLSCLIENT-I-PROVRDF, Providing Remote Device Facility Support %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SLS$ROOT:[TTI_RDEV]. %SLS-I-SPLITSYSBAK, Moving old log files and summary files as requested. %SLS-I-SPLITDONE, Finished moving old log files and summary files. ------------------------------------------------------------------ MDMS Client Installation Example Log File B-5 MDMS Client Installation Example Log File The following post-installation steps are necessary. Refer to the Installation Guide for details. 1. Edit the system startup procedure to start the MDMS software on this client. Add $ @SYS$STARTUP:SLS$STARTUP 2. Edit the system wide login file. Add $ @SYS$MANAGER:SLS$TAPSYMBOL 3. Customize SYS$MANAGER:TAPESTART.COM to reflect MDMS environment parameters. 4. For Remote Device Facility client support, you should add one or more media-type triplets (MTYPE_x, DENS_x, DRIVES_x) to your TAPESTART.COM to describe the remote tape drives. Be sure to include the remote nodename in each drive name. 5. For Remote Device Facility server support, you should check the file SLS$ROOT:[TTI_RDEV]CONFIG_SNRDRM.DAT to ensure that the tape devices you wish to serve are included in this RDF configuration file. This file will be created initially when MDMS is started after this installation. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %SLS-I-STARTUP, Starting MDMS %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 20400738 %SLS-I-WAIT, Waiting for the MDMS software to start ******************************************************************************** Beginning MDMS Version 2.9 Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) ******************************************************************************** Installation verification begun at 14-JUL-1997 13:58:44.77 Checking for correct version of VMS. Checking for presence of DECnet. Checking for SLS executable images. Checking system-wide logical names. Checking for SLS client process. Checking for FMS executable images. B-6 MDMS Client Installation Example Log File MDMS Client Installation Example Log File Checking for correct version of SLS. Waiting for subprocess SLS$IVP to complete. %SLS-I-VERSION, Media and Device Management System for OpenVMS, Version 2.9 Doing a STORAGE ADD VOLUME. Waiting for subprocess SLS$IVP to complete. Waiting for subprocess SLS$IVP to complete. Waiting for subprocess SLS$IVP to complete. Doing a STORAGE ALLOCATE. Doing a STORAGE SHOW VOLUME. Volume: XYZZY9 Owner: CLSTR1::SLS Format: BACKUP Brand: Allocated: 12-JUL-1997 15:18 Scratch: 11-JUL-1998 15:18 Purchased: 12-JUL-1997 15:18 Cleaned: 12-JUL-1997 15:18 Media type: 9TRACK Length: 0 Mounts: 0 UIC: [SLS] Location: HEADQUARTERS Protection: S:RW,O:RW,G:R,W: Notes: Offsite: Onsite: IO Errors: 0 Flag: ALLOCATED Next volume: *none* Previous: *none* Pool: Rec len: 0 Block factor: 0 Initialized: 12-JUL-1997 15:18 Density: 6250 Slot number: Side: Other side: Jukebox / slot: / Drive: Volume is not in a jukebox. Volume is not in a magazine. Doing a STORAGE DEALLOCATE. Doing a STORAGE REMOVE VOLUME. Doing a STORAGE SHOW VOLUME; there should be no such volume. %SLS-W-NOSUCHVOL, no such volume(s) * * * All tests have completed sucessfully. * * * MDMS Client Installation Example Log File B-7 MDMS Client Installation Example Log File Installation of MDMSCLIENT V2.9 completed at 13:59 B-8 MDMS Client Installation Example Log File C _________________________________________________________________ Files and Logical Names C.1 Files The MDMS installation procedure creates a number of files on your system and defines logical names: o Table C-1 lists and describes the files installed on server and client nodes. File names with an asterisk (*) preceding them are installed only on server nodes. o Table C-2 lists logical name table entries. Table_C-1_Files_Installed________________________________________ File_Name__________________Description___________________________ SYS$LIBRARY:_directory___________________________________________ SLS$SHR.EXE MDMS shareable image; contains application interface routines for history file access _________________________________________________________________ SYS$MANAGER:_directory___________________________________________ SLS$TAPSYMBOL.COM Normal user login symbol definitions _________________________________________________________________ SYS$MESSAGE:_directory___________________________________________ SLS$MSG.EXE Contains text of MDMS messages (continued on next page) Files and Logical Names C-1 Files and Logical Names C.1 Files Table_C-1_(Cont.)_Files_Installed________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ SYS$SYSTEM:_directory____________________________________________ * SLS$FIND_DB_NODE.EXE Verifies the MDMS database node SLS$STARTUP.COM Startup command file _________________________________________________________________ SYS$TEST:_directory______________________________________________ MDMS_SLS$IVP.COM Installation verification procedure _________________________________________________________________ SLS$PARAMS:_directory____________________________________________ * POOLAUTH.FDL Pool authorization file definition _________________________________________________________________ SLS$DATABASE:_directory__________________________________________ * SLOTMAST.FDL Slot master file definition * TAPEMAST.FDL FDL for TAPEMAST.DAT _________________________________________________________________ SLS$SYSTEM:_directory____________________________________________ ACCTABLES.COM Accesses LNM$SLS logical name table ADV_MAIL.COM Announces processing location ALLOCATED_TAPES_ Allocated Tapes report definition file MSTRPT.COM ALLOCATION_ORDER_ Allocation Order report definition MSTRPT.COM file CLEANUP.COM Early morning cleanup batch job CLEAN_LIST_MSTRPT.COM Cleanable tapes report definition file COMING_ONSITE_MSTRPT.COM Coming onsite report definition file CREDEF.COM Creates a symbol definition file (in [.DATA]) CR_SB_FILES.COM Creates a SYSBAK history FILES file DEFTAPES.COM Installs DATATRIEVE information (continued on next page) C-2 Files and Logical Names Files and Logical Names C.1 Files Table_C-1_(Cont.)_Files_Installed________________________________ File_Name__________________Description___________________________ SLS$SYSTEM:_directory____________________________________________ DOWN_TAPES_MSTRPT.COM Prints a list of down tapes control file DTSV.COM Defines a LNM$SLS_VALUE logical name FIND_SYSTEM.COM Finds a file in SYS$SYSTEM FREE_TAPES_MSTRPT.COM Free tapes report definition file GOING_OFFSITE_MSTRPT.COM Going offsite report definition file INITTAPES.COM Operator initialize tapes utility LOADER.COM MDMS system bootstrap loader LOGIN.COM SLS manager account login file MAIL_ADVANCE_RUN.COM Procedure to run MAIL_ADVANCE MAIL_ADVANCE_SEND.COM Displays scratchable tape MSTRPT.COM Master report batch job MSTRPT_MSTRPT.COM Master report template definition file OPERSYMBOL.COM Operator login symbol definitions PRINTED_LABEL_ Template file for printed labels V20.TEMPLATE PRINTED_LABEL_ Template file for printed labels V21.TEMPLATE QUANTITY_REPORT.COM Quantity report batch job REBOOT.COM System startup command file RELEASE_TRANS.COM Releases several tapes that are in transition SEQUENTIAL.FDL RMS definition file to convert a system history file to a sequential file SET_VAULT_DATES.COM Sets up onsite and offsite dates * SLSMGR.FLB Screens for SLSMGR.EXE SLS$ABORT.EXE Utility to abort a process (continued on next page) Files and Logical Names C-3 Files and Logical Names C.1 Files Table_C-1_(Cont.)_Files_Installed________________________________ File_Name__________________Description___________________________ SLS$SYSTEM:_directory____________________________________________ SLS$AUTOCONFIGURE_MEDIA_ Searches system to create system- TRIPLETS.EXE specific default media triplets on new MDMS systems to use in TAPESTART.COM SLS$CHKCOMP.EXE Checks tape drives for data compaction capability SLS$COLLECT.EXE Accounting period data collector SLS$CREJOBTBL.EXE Creates the LNM$JOB table with W:RE protection (continued on next page) C-4 Files and Logical Names Files and Logical Names C.1 Files Table_C-1_(Cont.)_Files_Installed________________________________ File_Name__________________Description___________________________ SLS$SYSTEM:_directory____________________________________________ SLS$CREMBX.EXE Creates a permanent mailbox for DCL use SLS$DCSC_MGMT_EXPORT.COM Operator Export Volume function for the ACS SLS$DCSC_MGMT_IMPORT.COM Operator Import Volume function for the ACS SLS$DCSC_MGMT_INIT_VOL_ Operator Initialize Volume Series SERIES.COM function for the ACS SLS$DCSC_MGMT_ Operator Inventory Range of Volumes INVENTORY.COM function for the ACS SLS$DCSC_MGMT_LOAD.COM Operator Load Volume Onto Drive function for the ACS SLS$DCSC_MGMT_MENU.COM Operator SLS-ACS Management Menu SLS$DCSC_MGMT_UNLOAD_ Operator Unload Drive function for the DRIVE.COM ACS SLS$DCSC_MGMT_UNLOAD_ Operator Unload Volume function for VOL.COM the ACS SLS$DCSC_RELEASE_ Executable to release a drive DRIVE.EXE allocated to DCSC SLS$DEALLOCATE.COM Deallocates a local or remote tape device SLS$DELMBX.EXE Deletes a permanent mailbox that CREMBX made SLS$FORCEX.EXE Executes a FORCEX system service call SLS$GETMBX.EXE Reads from a permanent mailbox from DCL SLS$GETUAI.EXE Gets information from SYSUAF.DAT SLS$HELP.HLP DCL STORAGE command help file SLS$IBMNLBRDE.EXE IBM [TM] nonlabeled tape reading utility (continued on next page) Files and Logical Names C-5 Files and Logical Names C.1 Files Table_C-1_(Cont.)_Files_Installed________________________________ File_Name__________________Description___________________________ SLS$SYSTEM:_directory____________________________________________ SLS$IBMNLBWRT.EXE IBM [TM] nonlabeled tape writing utility SLS$IS_DRIVE_DCSC.EXE For SLS-ACS support, determines whether DCSC (Digital Cartridge Server Component) software accesses a device SLS$MAIL_ADVANCE.EXE Finds tapes that need to have advance mail sent SLS$MAINT.EXE Maintenance screen executable SLS$MSTRPT.EXE Master report executable SLS$OPCOM_SERVER.EXE Image for SLS$OPCOM process; sends and receives remote OPCOM messages and device control requests SLS$PUTMBX.EXE Writes to a permanent mailbox from DCL SLS$QUANTITY.EXE Quantity report executable SLS$RDB_GETVER.COM Command procedure to determine version of RMU software SLS$REQUEST.EXE DCL request that can define a symbol SLS$SETUSR.EXE Sets process username SLS$SHUTDOWN.COM Shuts down MDMS software * SLS$SLSMGR.EXE SLS manager's authorization menu SLS$SLTRPT.EXE Prints a slot report SLS$START_OPCOM_ Starts SLS$OPCOM process SERVER.COM SLS$SYNTAX.CLD DCL STORAGE command definition SLS$TAPE.EXE DCL TAPE command executable SLS$TAPEJUKE_INIT_VOL_ Command procedure to initialize a SERIES.COM volume series in a jukebox SLS$TAPEPURGE.EXE Purges scratchable tape's executable SLS$TAPEUSAGE.EXE Generate tape usage report executable * SLS$TAPMGRDB.EXE DB manager executable (continued on next page) C-6 Files and Logical Names Files and Logical Names C.1 Files Table_C-1_(Cont.)_Files_Installed________________________________ File_Name__________________Description___________________________ SLS$SYSTEM:_directory____________________________________________ SLS$TAPMGRRQ.EXE RQ manager executable SLS$TRANSPORT.EXE Moves volumes to vault SLS$VAULT_PROFILE_RPT.EXE Vault profile report executable SLS$VERSION_CHECK_AND_ Command procedure to verify your COPY.COM OpenVMS software version against the versions of BACKUPCMD.CLD and VMSBUXX.EXE; you use this procedure if you upgrade OpenVMS after you have installed MDMS SLS$VOLUME.EXE Maintenance program for volumes in StorageTek ACS robots SLS.FLB File library for MDMS STABACK_TAPES.COM Allocates tapes for a standalone backup STARTUP.COM MDMS startup command file * SWITCHLABEL.COM Used in label printing TAPEMENU.HLP Help file for TUSERMENU.COM TAPEPURGEX.COM Purges scratchable tape's subprocess TAPEPURGEX.MSG Purges scratchable tape's mail message TAPES_OFFSITE_MSTRPT.COM Tapes offsite report definition file TAPEUSERUN.COM Generates tape usage report batch job * TAPMGRDBOFF.COM DB manager shutdown command file * TAPMGRDBRUN.COM DB manager startup command file * TAPMGRDBXEQ.COM DB manager detached process command file TAPMGRRQRUN.COM RQ manager startup command file TAPMGRRQXEQ.COM RQ manager detached process command file TAPMGRRUN.COM Starts TAPMGRDB and TAPMGRRQ command files (continued on next page) Files and Logical Names C-7 Files and Logical Names C.1 Files Table_C-1_(Cont.)_Files_Installed________________________________ File_Name__________________Description___________________________ SLS$SYSTEM:_directory____________________________________________ TAPMGRUTXEQ.COM Utility manager detached process command file TAPMGRUT_FREE.COM Free tape utility processor TAPMGRUT_MIDNIT.COM Midnight utility processor TOPERMENU.COM TOPER menu command file TRANS_TAPES_MSTRPT.COM Defines volume report for volumes in transition TUSERMENU.COM Another user menu VAULT.COM Sets location of volumes in or out of vault VAULTMENU.COM Vault menu command file VAULT_DATES.DAT Onsite and offsite dates for SET_ VAULT_DATES VAULT_PROFILE_RPT_RUN.COM__Vault_profile_report_batch_job________ C.2 Logical Names Table C-2 lists the logical names entered into the logical name tables LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE and LNM$SLS$TABLE when MDMS software is installed. These names are defined by the product's startup file. They are automatically entered into these logical name tables whenever the system reboots or whenever the software is invoked. The LNM$JOB table also contains logical names that are defined when a user logs in to a system running MDMS software. C-8 Files and Logical Names Files and Logical Names C.2 Logical Names Table_C-2_Logical_Name_Table_Entries_____________________________ Logical_Name_______Definition_and_Description____________________ LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE Entries__________________________________________________________ SLS$CUSTOM SLS$ROOT:[CUSTOM] This directory contains customized MDMS files for your site. SLS$DATA SLS$ROOT:[DATA.nodename] This directory stores all the log files for your current MDMS system. SLS$DATAC SLS$ROOT:[DATA] This is the top level directory for log file storage. SLS$LABEL filespec or _NL: or device: This logical points to the current label file or printer where labels are printed. SLS$LABEL_ fullfilespec TEMPLATE This logical points to the current label file template. SLS$MAILBOX mbx_id The mailbox used for communication to the SLS$TAPMGRRQ process. SLS$MASTER SLS$ROOT:[PRIMAST] This directory points to the node's database, whether this is your current node or a node remote to you. SLS$PARAMS SLS$ROOT:[PARAMS] This directory contains the system dependent parameter files for MDMS software. SLS$ROOT device:[SLS$FILES.] (continued on next page) Files and Logical Names C-9 Files and Logical Names C.2 Logical Names Table_C-2_(Cont.)_Logical_Name_Table_Entries_____________________ Logical_Name_______Definition_and_Description____________________ LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE Entries__________________________________________________________ This directory points to the top level directory for MDMS files. SLS$STARTUP_P1 REBOOT Used internally during startup. SLS$SYSTEM SLS$ROOT:[CUSTOM] SLS$ROOT:[SYSTEM] This directory contains all the files for running MDMS software. SLS$VAULT DPS The location for volumes sent offsite. _________________________________________________________________ LNM$SLS$TABLE_Entries____________________________________________ PRINODNAME nodename Name of node where primary volume database resides. SERVER_NODES nodename Name of node(s) defined as MDMS server nodes. This logical only appears on MDMS client nodes. SLS$LCLMAST ? Defined as a "?". TAPMGRDB_PROCID proc_id Points to the process ID of the database manager process. This logical only appears on MDMS serveer nodes. TAPMGRRQ_PROCID proc_id Points to the process ID of the request _________________________manager_process.________________________ More logical names for MDMS software can be found in the logical name table LNM$SLS$VALUES. These logicals are defined whenever TAPESTART.COM executes. Sample output C-10 Files and Logical Names Files and Logical Names C.2 Logical Names from the DCL command SHOW LOGICAL/TABLE=LNM$SLS$VALUES is shown in Example C-1. Example C-1 Sample List of LNM$SLS$VALUES Entries $ SHOW LOGICAL/TABLE=LNM$SLS$VALUES (LNM$SLS$VALUES) "BACKUP_DEFAULT_REEL" = " " "DEFAULT_ALLDEV" = " " "DEFAULT_ALLOCSCRATCH" = "365 0:0:0" "DEFAULT_ALLOCSIZE" = "2400" "DEFAULT_ALLTIM" = "0 0:0:30" "DEFAULT_BACKUPSCRATCH" = "365 0:0:0" "DEFAULT_BACKUPSIZE" = "0" "DEFAULT_BAKFMT" = "BACKUP" "DEFAULT_BAKOPT" = "DUMMY" "DEFAULT_BAKUIC" = "0" "DEFAULT_BATCHQUEUE" = "SLS$ILDUCE" "DEFAULT_DCSC_DRIVES" = " " "DEFAULT_DCSC_EXPORT_MTYPE" = "DCSC_EXPORT_MTYPE" "DEFAULT_DENS_1" = "6250" "DEFAULT_DENS_10" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_11" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_12" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_13" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_14" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_15" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_16" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_17" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_18" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_19" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_2" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_20" = " " (continued on next page) Files and Logical Names C-11 Files and Logical Names C.2 Logical Names Example C-1 (Cont.) Sample List of LNM$SLS$VALUES Entries "DEFAULT_DENS_21" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_22" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_23" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_24" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_25" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_26" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_27" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_28" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_29" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_3" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_30" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_31" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_32" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_4" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_5" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_6" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_7" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_8" = " " "DEFAULT_DENS_9" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_1" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_10" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_11" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_12" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_13" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_14" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_15" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_16" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_17" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_18" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_19" = " " (continued on next page) C-12 Files and Logical Names Files and Logical Names C.2 Logical Names Example C-1 (Cont.) Sample List of LNM$SLS$VALUES Entries "DEFAULT_DRIVES_2" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_20" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_21" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_22" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_23" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_24" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_25" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_26" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_27" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_28" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_29" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_3" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_30" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_31" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_32" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_4" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_5" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_6" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_7" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_8" = " " "DEFAULT_DRIVES_9" = " " "DEFAULT_FRESTA" = "2" "DEFAULT_MAXSCRATCH" = "31-DEC-9999 23:59:59.99" "DEFAULT_MTYPE_1" = "9TRACK" "DEFAULT_MTYPE_10" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_11" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_12" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_13" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_14" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_15" = " " (continued on next page) Files and Logical Names C-13 Files and Logical Names C.2 Logical Names Example C-1 (Cont.) Sample List of LNM$SLS$VALUES Entries "DEFAULT_MTYPE_16" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_17" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_18" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_19" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_2" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_20" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_21" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_22" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_23" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_24" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_25" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_26" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_27" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_28" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_29" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_3" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_30" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_31" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_32" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_4" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_5" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_6" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_7" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_8" = " " "DEFAULT_MTYPE_9" = " " "DEFAULT_PROTECTION" = "307" "DEFAULT_RESOPT" = "DUMMY" "DEFAULT_SELDEV" = " " "DEFAULT_USRRSS" = "128" "DEFAULT_VERBOSE" = "0" (continued on next page) C-14 Files and Logical Names Files and Logical Names C.2 Logical Names Example C-1 (Cont.) Sample List of LNM$SLS$VALUES Entries "ESC_ALLOC_BOLD" = ". .[1m" "ESC_ALLOC_NORM" = ". .[m" "ESC_LOAD_BLNK" = ".[5m.[7w" "ESC_LOAD_BOLD" = ".[1m.[7w" "ESC_LOAD_NORM" = ".[m.[w" "ESC_MOUNT_BOLD" = ". .[1m" "ESC_MOUNT_NORM" = ". .[m" "ESC_MOUNT_OPER" = "...[1m.#6 OPERATOR:" "LOCATION" = "HEADQUARTERS" "MGRPRI" = "8" "NET_REQUEST_TIMEOUT" = "120" "NODENAME" = "ILDUCE" "PRIV_CLEAN" = "OPER" "PRIV_LABEL" = "OPER" "PRIV_MAXSCR" = "OPER" "PRIV_MODANY" = "OPER" "PRIV_MODOWN" = "TMPMBX" "PRIV_SEEANY" = "OPER" "PRIV_V_CLEAN" = "18" "PRIV_V_LABEL" = "18" "PRIV_V_MAXSCR" = "18" "PRIV_V_MODANY" = "18" "PRIV_V_MODOWN" = "15" "PRIV_V_SEEANY" = "18" "QUICKLOAD" = "0" "QUICKLOAD_RETRIES" = "80" "REMOTE_RETRIES" = "5" "TAPEPURGE_MAIL" = "SYSTEM " "TAPEPURGE_WORK" = "MAIL " "TOPERMASK" = "1024" "TOPERSTRING" = "TAPES" "TRANS_AGE" = "14 0:0:0" "USERBACK_FIRSTLINE" = "$!" "USERNAME" = "SLS" "VERSION" = "T25" "VMSV5" = "1" "XREQ_LEN" = "241" "XREQ_REPL_LEN" = "232" Files and Logical Names C-15 D _________________________________________________________________ MDMS Account User Authorization Data D.1 Authorization Data Table D-1 lists AUTHORIZE qualifiers used to update the MDMS account with values recommended for the MDMS software. They are also used when the account is being created. Table_D-1_MDMS_Account_User_Authorization_Data_____________ Authorization field and_value_____________Description__________________________ /MAXJOBS=0 Maximum number of interactive, batch, and detached processes that can be active at one time with this user name is unlimited. /MAXACCTJOBS=0 Maximum number of interactive, batch, and detached processes on the same account that can be active at one time is unlimited. /MAXDETACH=0 Maximum number of detached processes with this user name that may be active at one time is unlimited. /PRCLM=10 Total number of subprocesses that may be active at one time. /PRIORITY=4 Default base priority. /QUEPRIO=4 Default queue priority. /CPU=(none) Maximum amount of CPU time is unlimited. (continued on next page) MDMS Account User Authorization Data D-1 MDMS Account User Authorization Data D.1 Authorization Data Table_D-1_(Cont.)_MDMS_Account_User_Authorization_Data_____ Authorization field and_value_____________Description__________________________ /FILLM=500 Total number of files and network logical links that may be active at one time. /SHRFILLM=0 Maximum number of shared files that may be open at one time is unlimited. /BIOLM=128 Maximum number of buffered I/O operations that may be active at one time. /DIOLM=4096 Maximum number of direct I/O operations that may be active at one time. /ASTLM=4096 Maximum number of pending AST requests that may be queued for the user 0. /ENQLM=1000 Total number of lock requests that may be outstanding at the same time. /BYTLM=128000 Total number of bytes that may be specified for a buffered I/O operation. /PBYTLM=0 Paged pool byte count limit (unlimited). /JTQUOTA=1024 Byte count quota of the job-wide logical name table. /WSDEF=1024 Initial limit of a working set for the user process. /WSQUO=16384 Maximum to which the user's process may raise the working set limit when system memory is in demand. /WSEXTENT=16384 Maximum to which the user's process may raise its working set limit when there is free memory available. (continued on next page) D-2 MDMS Account User Authorization Data MDMS Account User Authorization Data D.1 Authorization Data Table_D-1_(Cont.)_MDMS_Account_User_Authorization_Data_____ Authorization field and_value_____________Description__________________________ /PGFLQUO=100000 Total pages that this process can use in the system paging file. /BATCH Allows unrestricted access hours for batch jobs for this user name. /NOINTER Disallows interactive logins for this user name. /NOLOCAL Disallows interactive logins for this user name through a local terminal. /NODIAL Disallows interactive logins for this user name through dialup terminals. /NOREM Disallows interactive logins for this user name through network remote terminals. /NOEXPIRATION Account is not expired. /PWDEXPIRED Password is expired. (continued on next page) MDMS Account User Authorization Data D-3 MDMS Account User Authorization Data D.1 Authorization Data Table_D-1_(Cont.)_MDMS_Account_User_Authorization_Data_____ Authorization field and_value_____________Description__________________________ /FLAGS= NODISUSER-Does not disable account completely. NOAUDIT-Does not audit all security relevant actions. DEFCLI-Prevents user from changing default CLI or CLI tables. NODISCTLY-Allows Ctrl/Y interrupts. DISMAIL-Prevents mail delivery to this user. DISNEWMAIL-Suppresses "New Mail..." announcements. DISRECONNECT-Disables automated reconnections. NODISREPORT-Disables time of last login and other security reports. NOGENPWD-Does not require user to use generated passwords. Note: These should be enclosed in parentheses and, if more than one is specified, separated by commas. /UIC= UIC as specified by the installer. /OWNER="SLS_MANAGER"__Name_of_the_account_owner.___________ D-4 MDMS Account User Authorization Data