DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers DEC_DB_Integrator_Gateway_for_RMS_____________ Installation Guide Part Number: AA-PFF7D-TE December 1993 This manual describes how to install and maintain Version 3.0 of both DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS. Revision/Update Information: This revised manual supersedes the DEC RdbAccess for VAX RMS on VMS Installation Guide. Operating System: OpenVMS VAX or OpenVMS AXP Software Version: DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers Version 3.0 and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS Version 3.0. Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1993. All rights reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ACMS, ALL-IN-1, AXP, BASIC, Bookreader, CDA, CDD/Plus, CDD/Repository, CI, DAL, DATATRIEVE, DBMS, DEC, DEC ACCESSWORKS, DEC Ada, DEC C, DEC Fortran, DEC Pascal, DEC RALLY, DEC SNA, DECADMIRE, DECdecision, DECdesign, DECdirect, DECdtm, DECforms, DECimage, DECintact, DECmigrate, DECnet, DECnet-DOS, DECplan, DECpresent, DECset, DECstation, DECsupport, DECtp, DECtrace, DECwindows, Digital, DTIF, EDT, HSC, MASSBUS, MicroVAX, MSCP, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, POLYCENTER, RA, Rdb Language Translator, Rdb/VMS, SQL Multimedia, ULTRIX, UNIBUS, VAX, VAX C, VAX COBOL, VAX DOCUMENT, VAX FMS, VAX MACRO, VAX SCAN, VAX 6000, VAX 8350, VAX Xway, VAXcluster, VAXELN, VAXserver, VAXshare, VAXstation, VIDA, VMS, VMS RMS, VMScluster, VT100, and the DIGITAL logo. IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. MVS is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. 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This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Send Us Your Comments.................................... vii Preface.................................................. xi 1 Preparing for Installation 1.1 Product Options.............................. 1-2 1.2 Checking the Distribution Kit................ 1-3 1.3 Prerequisite Hardware........................ 1-4 1.4 Prerequisite Software........................ 1-5 1.5 Required Operating System Components......... 1-5 1.6 Registering Your License..................... 1-6 1.7 VMScluster Considerations.................... 1-7 1.8 Preparing Your System and the Installing Account...................................... 1-8 1.8.1 Checking Privileges of the Installing Account.................................. 1-8 1.8.2 Checking Quotas of the Installing Account.................................. 1-8 1.8.3 System Disk Space Requirements........... 1-10 1.8.4 System Parameter Values.................. 1-10 Checking Parameter Values.............. 1-11 Calculating GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS Parameter Values....................... 1-12 Changing Parameter Values with AUTOGEN................................ 1-12 1.9 Determining the DEC Rdb Version Number of the CDD$COMPATIBILITY Repository................. 1-13 1.10 Backing Up Your System Disk.................. 1-14 1.11 Restricting User Access to Online HELP....... 1-14 iii 1.12 Shutting Down DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS...................................... 1-15 1.13 Determining and Reporting Problems........... 1-15 1.14 Pre-Installation Checklist................... 1-16 2 Installing the Gateway for Custom Drivers or the Gateway for RMS 2.1 Running the VMSINSTAL Command Procedure...... 2-2 2.2 Errors That Cause the Installation to Fail... 2-11 2.3 Errors That Affect the IVP................... 2-12 3 Post-Installation Procedures 3.1 Editing the System Startup and Shutdown Files........................................ 3-1 3.2 Shutting Down and Restarting the Installed Product...................................... 3-2 3.3 Activating the Installed Product on a VMScluster................................... 3-2 3.4 User Account Requirements.................... 3-3 3.4.1 User Account Privileges.................. 3-3 3.4.2 User Account Quotas...................... 3-3 3.5 Rebooting the System......................... 3-3 3.6 Restarting DEC Rdb........................... 3-4 3.7 Running the Installation Verification Procedure Separately......................... 3-4 3.8 Returning the System to Original Settings.... 3-4 3.9 Post-Installation Checklist.................. 3-5 A Sample Installation B Files Installed by the Gateways for Custom Drivers and RMS iv C Installing Common Components C.1 Common Components............................ C-1 C.1.1 Disk Space Required...................... C-1 C.1.2 VMS Privileges Required.................. C-2 C.1.3 Unlocking Process Account Password....... C-3 C.1.4 Installing Common Components............. C-3 C.1.5 Installing Common Component Images as Shared................................... C-6 C.2 Using Different Versions of Common Components................................... C-9 D How to Order Additional Documentation Index Tables 1-1 Minimum Installing Account Quotas........ 1-8 1-2 System Disk Requirements................. 1-10 1-3 System Disk Requirements................. 1-10 1-4 Required Minimum System Parameter Values................................... 1-11 1-5 Pre-Installation Checklist............... 1-16 3-1 Minimum User Account Quota............... 3-3 3-2 Post-Installation Checklist.............. 3-5 v ________________________________________________________________ Send Us Your Comments We welcome your comments on this manual or any DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS manual. If you have suggestions for improvement or find any errors, please indicate the chapter, section, and page number (if available). Your input is valuable in improving future releases of our documentation. You can send comments to us in the following ways: o Electronic mail - DATABASE_DOC@WEORG.ENET.DEC.COM o FAX - 603-881-0120 Attn: DEC DB Integrator Documentation o Postal service Digital Equipment Corporation IDC, DEC DB Integrator Products Documentation 110 Spit Brook Road, ZKO2-1/R34 Nashua, NH 03062-2698 USA You can use the following questionnaire to give us infor- mation. (Edit the online file SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]NSDS030_ RELEASE_NOTES.TXT, extract a copy of this questionnaire, and send it to us.) vii Name Title __________________________ _____________________ Company Department __________________________ _____________________ Mailing Address Telephone Number __________________________ _________ _______________________________________________________ Book Title Version Number __________________________ _________ 1. How does the DEC DB Integrator documentation compare to documentation from other vendors that you have used? What do you like about other vendors' documentation that you would like the DEC DB Integrator documentation to implement? 2. What other topics or examples would you like to see included in this documentation set? 3. Do you use the online help for the DEC DB Integrator products? Are there other topics you would like to see included in the online help? viii 4. Interviews, telephone surveys, user observation, questionnaires, and other similar activities help us to improve our documentation. May we contact you about participating in future efforts? 5. If you have suggestions for improving particular sections or find any errors, please indicate the title of the manual and include the section number. 6. Please include any other comments or suggestions you have. ix ________________________________________________________________ Preface This guide describes how to install and maintain DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers on the VMS operating system. You should review the entire guide before you start the installation. DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers share a common media kit and installation procedure, which is described in this guide. ________________________Note ________________________ All information in this guide applies to the installation of both of the following products unless the information provided is preceded by a margin icon that denotes text specific to only one product: o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS Version 3.0 o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers Version 3.0 _____________________________________________________ Who Should Use This Guide This guide is for VMS system managers or others responsi- ble for installing system software. To install the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers software, you must have access to a privileged account such as the SYSTEM account, and you must be familiar with the VMS installation procedure, VMSINSTAL.COM. xi Structure of This Guide This guide has three chapters and four appendixes. Chapter 1 Describes installation prerequisites and pre- installation procedures. Chapter 2 Describes the installation procedure. Chapter 3 Describes required post-installation procedures. Appendix A Shows a sample printout of an installation. Appendix B Shows the files that are transferred to your system when you install DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS. Appendix C Describes how to install and configure the Common Components, software prerequisites for DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS. Appendix D Describes how to order additional documenta- tion from Digital Equipment Corporation. For More Information Refer to the following manuals for more information about DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers: o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS Release Notes o Accessing Nonrelational Data with SQL o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers Driver Development Guide <> Refer to the following manuals for more information about DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS: o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS Release Notes o Accessing Nonrelational Data with SQL o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS Accessing RMS and VSAM Files with SQL <> xii For more information about the VMSINSTAL command procedure, see one of the following manuals: o VMS System Manager's Manual, in the VMS base documenta- tion set o OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual, in the VMS base documentation set o Guide to Setting Up a VMS System, in the VMS system management kit o Guide to Maintaining a VMS System, in the VMS system management kit Conventions The following conventions are used in this guide: In this document, VMS means both the OpenVMS AXP operating system and the OpenVMS VAX operating system. The following conventions are used to identify information specific to OpenVMS AXP or to OpenVMS VAX: The following conventions are used to identify information specific to DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS: These icons do not appear in the .TXT version of this document. This section explains the conventions used in this document: . . . Horizontal ellipsis points in statements or commands mean that parts of the statement or command not directly related to the example have been omitted. Vertical ellipsis points in an example mean . that information not directly related to the . example has been omitted. . () In format descriptions, parentheses indicate that if you choose more than one option, you must enclose the choices in parentheses. xiii [] In format descriptions, brackets indicate that whatever is enclosed is optional; you can select none, one, or all of the choices. italic Italic text represents information that can text vary in system messages (for example, Internal error number). boldface In online versions, bold is used to show user text input. UPPERCASE Uppercase letters indicate that you must enter TEXT a command (for example, enter OPEN/READ). Uppercase letters also indicate the name of a routine, the name of a file, the name of a file protection code, or the abbreviation of a system privilege. References to Products The DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS documentation often refers to products by their abbreviated names: o CDD/Repository software is referred to as CDD/Repository. Its predecessor, VAX CDD/Plus software, is referred to as CDD/Plus. Both products are often referred to as the dictionary, the data dictionary, or more commonly, the repository. o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers software is referred to as DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers. Prior to Version 3.0A, this product was known as DEC RdbAccess for Custom Drivers on VAX/VMS. o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS software is referred to as DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS. Prior to Version 3.0A, this product was known as DEC RdbAccess for VAX RMS on VMS. o DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS AXP and DEC Data Distributor for OpenVMS VAX software are referred to as Data Distributor. o DECnet/SNA Data Transfer Facility software is referred to as DTF. xiv o DEC Rdb for OpenVMS AXP software is referred to as DEC Rdb for OpenVMS AXP. DEC Rdb for OpenVMS VAX software is referred to as DEC Rdb for OpenVMS VAX. DEC Rdb refers to both DEC Rdb for OpenVMS AXP and DEC Rdb for OpenVMS VAX software. Prior to DEC Rdb V5.0, this product was called VAX Rdb/VMS. o OpenVMS RMS (Record Management Services) software is referred to as RMS. o The SQL interface to DEC Rdb is referred to as SQL. The SQL interface is Digital Equipment Corporation's implementation of the SQL standard ANSI X3.135-1992, ISO 9075:1992, commonly referred to as the ANSI/ISO standard or SQL92. o VIDA for DB2 software is referred to as VIDA. xv 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing for Installation This chapter describes tasks that you must complete before installing DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS. Installing the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS is similar to installing other VMS layered products. You must do the following: o Take an inventory of the software distribution kit. o Make sure that your system has the prerequisite hardware. o Make sure that your system has the prerequisite software. o Register and load the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS license. If you are installing the gateway for Custom Drivers as part of another gateway product, then load the license for that product instead. o If you are installing on a VMScluster, decide how best to install the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS, depending on your configuration. o Check that the account you use to install the software has the required privileges and quotas. o Check that your system has enough disk space to install these gateway products. o Decide what values your VMS system parameters should have. o Back up your system disk. o Restrict user access to online help library. Preparing for Installation 1-1 o Shut down any previous version of the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS. 1.1 Product Options DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers allow you to use the SQL (structured query language) interface to DEC Rdb for read/write access to non-SQL compliant data sources. These gateway products have the following capabilities: o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS allows you to store, modify, and retrieve data from OpenVMS RMS data files. o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers allows you to to store, modify, and retrieve data from data sources and repositories of your choice. DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers share a common media kit and installation procedure, which is described in this guide. The DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers kit contains three software components: o The NSDS software The Non-SQL Data Server is the data access software that brings data and data definitions (usually referred to as metadata) together to emulate relational access for nonrelational data. o A sample data driver o A sample metadata driver <> The DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS kit contains the software components in the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers plus two additional components: o CDD/Repository metadata driver The CDD/Repository metadata driver contains the code specific to accessing metadata in CDD/Repository and CDD/Plus repositories. o RMS data driver 1-2 Preparing for Installation The RMS data driver contains the code specific to accessing OpenVMS RMS files and IBM MVS data sets. <> The sample driver code is not installed as part of the gateway for RMS installation, but it can be installed separately. The license name for DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS is RDBACCESS-RMS. The license name for DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers is RDBACCESS-BASE. 1.2 Checking the Distribution Kit Each distribution kit contains: o Bill of Materials and the Indented Bills Report Please read the Bill of Materials. The Bill of Materials and Indented Bills Report specify the number and contents of your media. Check to see that all items listed there are in your kit. If any items are missing, contact your Digital representative. o Distribution media, labeled NSDS o Software license, labeled RDBACCESS-RMS for gateway for RMS or RDBACCESS-BASE for DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers. o Software Product Description (SPD) Read this for an overview of DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS and their features. o Software Support Addendum (SSA) Read this to determine which hardware platforms support DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS. o Software Performance Report (SPR) If you have purchased warranty services, use this form to report any problems with DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS. o Documentation Preparing for Installation 1-3 The DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers /DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS Release Notes are available on line in the SYS$HELP directory after the installation. If you ordered a media-only kit, you also have the hardcopy DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers /DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS Installation Guide. If you ordered a full kit or a documentation-only kit, you have one of two documentation sets. o A DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS documentation set, which includes the following manuals: - DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS Installation Guide - Accessing Nonrelational Data with SQL - DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS Accessing RMS and VSAM Files with SQL <> o A DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers documentation set, which includes the following manuals: - DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS Installation Guide - Accessing Nonrelational Data with SQL - DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers Driver Development Guide <> 1.3 Prerequisite Hardware DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS run on VAX, MicroVAX, VAXstation or VAXserver configurations as specified in the System Support Addendum. 1-4 Preparing for Installation 1.4 Prerequisite Software To install DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS, you must have: o A valid VMS operating system configuration running VMS Version 5.3 or higher, or OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5. o Your DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS software license registered. (This requirement applies only to the gateways for Custom Drivers and RMS. It does not apply to the gateways for DSM or DBMS.) See Section 1.6 for more information. The gateway for Custom Drivers also requires that you have: o A Common Components kit installed. See Appendix C for information about installing and using the Common Components kit. <> The gateway for RMS also requires that you have: o CDD/Plus Version 4.2A or higher o The minimum version of Rdb/VMS or DEC Rdb required by the current version of CDD/Plus or CDD/Repository on your system and the Common Components kit. See Appendix C for information about installing and using the Common Components kit. <> For more information, see your Software Product Description, and your System Support Addendum. 1.5 Required Operating System Components VMS arranges all files into classes and subclasses. This lets you remove and add parts of VMS by function rather than by file. Each layered product requires certain VMS classes or subclasses in order to provide full capability. DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS require the following VMS Version 5.3 classes: o VMS required files Preparing for Installation 1-5 o Network support o Programming support o System programming support o Secure user's environment o Utilities You must install the required software using VMSTAILOR before beginning the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS installation. For more information, see the VMS Operating System Software Product Description. 1.6 Registering Your License You must register and load your DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS software license. The information you need is in the Product Authorization Key (PAK) shipped with the product. The PAK is a paper certificate that contains data about your license. If you do not register and load your license before installing DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS, the software will not run and only a minimal Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) can be run. If you are registering the license for the initial installation, follow these steps: 1. Log in to a privileged account such as the system manager's account, SYSTEM. 2. Use the License Management Facility (LMF) to perform the registration, choosing one of the following procedures: - Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When prompted for information, respond with data from your PAK. 1-6 Preparing for Installation - Issue the DCL command LICENSE REGISTER with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to information on the PAK. (This method is faster for experienced users.) If you plan to use DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS on more than one node in a VMScluster, you must perform a LICENSE LOAD on the other nodes after you complete this installation. After you install DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS, you must run the startup command procedure (SYS$STARTUP:NSDS$STARTUP.COM) and load the software license on every cluster node where you want to run DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS. See Section 3.1 and Section 3.3 for more information. For complete information on using the License Management Facility, see the VMS License Management Utility Manual. 1.7 VMScluster Considerations You can install DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS (also referred to as the gateways for Custom Drivers or RMS) on a VMScluster in one of two ways: o In a common-environment VMScluster, you can install the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS on the VMScluster boot node. This allows more than one VMS processor to share the same gateway for Custom Drivers or gateway for RMS software. o In a multiple-system VMScluster, you can install the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS on each system disk in the cluster. You must make sure that each node on which you plan to install or run the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS meets the minimum system parameter value requirements. See Section 1.8.4 for a list of required system parameter values. Preparing for Installation 1-7 1.8 Preparing Your System and the Installing Account Before you install the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS, you must check the following characteristics of your system and installing account: o Account privileges o Account quotas o Disk space requirements o System parameters You must adjust those characteristics that do not match the minimum values required for installing and running the gateway for Custom Drivers or gateway for RMS. 1.8.1 Checking Privileges of the Installing Account The account you use to install the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS must have the user privilege SETPRV. As one of the first actions, the VMSINSTAL command procedure grants all privileges (except BYPASS) to the process that invokes it. This command succeeds only if the account has SETPRV. On most systems, the SYSTEM account has SETPRV and is used to install software. The procedures described in this installation guide refer to the SYSTEM account, but they are the same for any account with SETPRV. 1.8.2 Checking Quotas of the Installing Account The installing account must have sufficient quotas to perform the installation and run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). Account quotas are stored in the file SYSUAF.DAT. Table 1-1 summarizes the minimum account quotas required. Table_1-1_Minimum_Installing_Account_Quotas_______________ Account_Quota____Value_______Description__________________ PGFLQUOTA 20,000 Paging file limit FILLM____________20__________Open_file_limit______________ 1-8 Preparing for Installation ________________________Note ________________________ If you plan to run the debugging utilities for the Non-SQL Data Server (referred to as NSDS), you should raise your PGFLQUOTA to 50,000 and ENQLM to 2000. _____________________________________________________ Use the VMS Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to verify and change user account quotas. Follow these steps: 1. Set your directory to SYS$SYSTEM and then run AUTHORIZE as follows: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> 2. At the AUTHORIZE prompt (UAF>), use the SHOW command with an account name to check your account. For example: UAF> SHOW SMITH 3. To change a quota, use the MODIFY command at the UAF> prompt. The MODIFY command uses the following format: MODIFY account-name /quota-name=nnnn For example, to change the PGFLQUO quota to 20,000 blocks for the SMITH account, then exit from AUTHORIZE, you would enter the following: UAF> MODIFY SMITH /PGFLQUO=20000 UAF> EXIT After you exit from the utility, the VMS system displays messages indicating whether or not changes were made. Once the changes are made, you must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect. For more information on modifying account quotas, see the description of the Authorize utility in the Guide to Setting Up a VMS System. Preparing for Installation 1-9 1.8.3 System Disk Space Requirements Your system disk must have sufficient disk storage space to accommodate the installation. Table 1-2 lists the required available (free) disk blocks on a OpenVMS VAX system: Table_1-2_System_Disk_Requirements________________________ Installation Condition________Blocks___________________________________ To install 5000 To_run___________4200_____________________________________ Table 1-3 lists the required available (free) disk blocks on a OpenVMS AXP system: Table_1-3_System_Disk_Requirements________________________ Installation Condition________Pages____________________________________ To install 8000 To_run___________7000_____________________________________ To determine the number of free blocks that are available on the system disk, use the following at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE If the disk does not have enough free blocks, delete unnecessary files to provide the space required. 1.8.4 System Parameter Values Table 1-4 lists the minimum system parameter values required for the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS installation and use. If your parameters are higher, do not lower them: applications on your system may require higher values than these minimum values. 1-10 Preparing for Installation The installation fails if you do not set the VIRTUALPAGECNT parameter on the installing account to the recommended minimum values. If the GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS parameter values are too low, the installation procedure issues a warning message, but does not abort. On a VMScluster, you must adjust not only the system parameters of nodes on which you install the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS, but also the nodes on which you intend to run these gateway products. For more information, see Section 1.7. Table_1-4_Required_Minimum_System_Parameter_Values________ System_Parameter____Minimum_Value_________________________ GBLPAGES 186 (Unused global pages) GBLSECTIONS 7 (Unused global sections) VIRTUALPAGECNT______20,000________________________________ Checking Parameter Values To check the value of a system parameter, use the following command at the DCL prompt: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> At the SYSGEN> prompt, use the SHOW command to display the value of each system parameter. The value displayed in the Current column should equal or exceed the required system value of each parameter listed in Table 1-4. For example, the following command displays the value for the VIRTUALPAGECNT system parameter: SYSGEN> SHOW VIRTUALPAGECNT After you finish checking parameter values, use the EXIT command to return to DCL level. Preparing for Installation 1-11 Calculating GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS Parameter Values The values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS in Table 1-4 indicate that you must have at least 186 unused global pages and 7 unused global sections available for the installation. To calculate the number of unused global pages and global sections on your system, follow these steps: 1. Use the following DCL F$GETSYI lexical function to determine the number of free global pages and global sections: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 2. If the number of unused global pages or global sections is less than the number specified in Table 1-4, you must increase the value using the AUTOGEN command procedure, as shown in Section Changing Parameter Values with AUTOGEN Use the AUTOGEN command procedure to change system parameters. Follow these steps: 1. Edit the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT: $ EDIT SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT For example, to increase the setting for the GBLPAGES system parameter by 2000, add this line to the file: ADD_GBLPAGES = 2000 2. Run the AUTOGEN procedure to recalculate your system parameters and reboot the system. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT When you specify the REBOOT command, AUTOGEN performs an automatic system shutdown and reboot. Any users logged in to the system are immediately disconnected during the shutdown. The automatic reboot puts the new parameter values into effect. 1-12 Preparing for Installation The AUTOGEN procedure automatically adjusts some of the SYSGEN parameters based on the consumption of resources since the last reboot. If you do not want to take advantage of this automatic adjustment, include the NOFEEDBACK parameter on the AUTOGEN command line as well. For example: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT NOFEEDBACK For more information about using AUTOGEN, see the instructions on modifying system parameters in the Guide to Setting Up a VMS System. 1.9 Determining the DEC Rdb Version Number of the CDD$COMPATIBILITY Repository If you are installing gateway for RMS, you must supply the version number of the CDD$COMPATIBILITY repository in order to run the IVP. This number is required in order to avoid database version mismatch errors. The CDD$COMPATIBILITY logical name is entered into the system logical name table when CDD/Repository is installed. To determine the version number, enter the following sequence of commands: $ SHOW LOGICAL CDD$COMPATIBILITY "CDD$COMPATIBILITY" = "DISK$1:[CDDPLUS]" (LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE) $ SET DEF DISK$1:[CDDPLUS] $ MCR SQL $ SHOW VERSION Current version of SQL is: DEC SQL V6.0 SQL> ATTACH 'FILENAME CDD$DATABASE'; %SQL-F-ERRATTDEC, Error attaching to database cdd$database -RDMS-F-ROOTMAJVER, database format 40.0 is not compatible with software version 60.0 The "database format" referred to by the error message is the DEC Rdb version that you need to supply in response to one of the last questions in the installation procedure. Write this number down so that you will be able to find it during the installation. In the preceding example, the DEC Rdb version of the CDD$COMPATIBILITY repository is Version 4.0. <> Preparing for Installation 1-13 1.10 Backing Up Your System Disk At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks if you have backed up your system disk. Digital recommends that you do a system disk backup before installing any software. If a system failure occurs at a critical point during the installation, some of the files could be corrupted. Therefore, you should back up your system disk before attempting any software installation. For more information on backing up your system disk, see the section on the Backup Utility in the Guide to Maintaining a VMS System. 1.11 Restricting User Access to Online HELP When the installation inserts the gateway for Custom Drivers and gateway for RMS help modules into the VMS Help library, it must have sole access to the VMS Help Library. If anyone uses the HELP command when the installation tries to insert the help module, the installation stalls. You can prevent other users from using Help during the installation by either of the following methods: o Running the installation when no one else is logged in o Limiting access to the Help library SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB to the SYSTEM account. Remember to note the original protection on the library, which you can determine with the following command: $ DIR/PROTECTION SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB You can limit Help library access with the following command: $ SET PROTECTION = (S:RWED, O, G, W) SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB After the installation, return the protection on the Help library to the original setting. Instructions are provided in Section 3.8. 1-14 Preparing for Installation 1.12 Shutting Down DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS If you already have a version of the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS, you should shut it down before reinstalling either gateway product. Otherwise the PURGE option may delete known images in use. Previous versions of the gateway for RMS were called DEC RdbAccess for VAX RMS on VMS and the previous version of the gateway for Custom Drivers was called DEC RdbAccess for Custom Drivers on VMS. Use the following command to shut down the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS: $ @SYS$STARTUP:NSDS$SHUTDOWN.COM 1.13 Determining and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem while using the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS gateway product, report it to Digital. Depending on the nature of the problem and the type of support you have, you can take one of the following actions: o Call Digital if your software contract or warranty agreement entitles you to telephone support. o Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o Fill out and submit a Send Us Your Comments form if the problem has to do with the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS documentation. There are Send Us Your Comments forms in the front of each manual. Use the form from the manual in which you found the error. Include the section number and page number. Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty Addendum for an explanation of your warranty. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as indicated previously or follow alternate instructions provided by Digital for reporting SPD nonconformance problems. Preparing for Installation 1-15 1.14 Pre-Installation Checklist Table 1-5 summarizes the tasks you must perform before installing the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS. Check to make sure that you have performed all these tasks before proceeding with the installation. Table_1-5_Pre-Installation_Checklist______________________ Task____________________________For_More_Information______ Check that you have the See Section 1.3 and prerequisite hardware and Section 1.4 software Check that you have the See Section 1.5 required operating system components Register and load your license See Section 1.6 Check privileges and quotas of See Section 1.8.1 and the installing account Section 1.8.2 Check that you have enough See Section 1.8.3 disk space Check that you have the See Section 1.8.4 minimum system parameter values required Determine the DEC Rdb See Section 1.9<> version number of the CDD$COMPATIBILITY repository, if you are installing the gateway for RMS Back up your system disk See Section 1.10 Restrict user access to the See Section 1.11 Help library Shut down DEC DB Integrator See Section 1.12 Gateway for Custom Drivers and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS_______________________________________________________ Once you have prepared your system, you can then perform the installation procedure as described in Chapter 2, and 1-16 Preparing for Installation any necessary post-installation procedures as described in Chapter 3. Preparing for Installation 1-17 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing the Gateway for Custom Drivers or the Gateway for RMS This chapter describes the procedure for installing DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS and running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). ________________________Note ________________________ The information in this guide applies to the installation of either DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS Version 3.0 or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers Version 3.0. If you have licenses for both, you may install both products. _____________________________________________________ Before you begin installing the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS, make sure that your system meets the requirements outlined in Chapter 1. Note that you do not need to halt DEC Rdb or CDD/Repository in order to install either gateway product. You should tell users on your system when the installation will take place and how long it will take. The full installation takes approximately 15 minutes on a standalone VAX 8200. Your time may vary depending on the configuration of your system, the choices you make during the installation, and the type of media you use. Installing the Gateway for Custom Drivers or the Gateway for RMS 2-1 2.1 Running the VMSINSTAL Command Procedure Use the VMSINSTAL command procedure to install the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS. For more information about VMSINSTAL, refer to the following books in your VMS documentation set: o VMS System Manager's Manual, in the VMS base documenta- tion set o Guide to Setting Up a VMS System, in the VMS system management subkit If VMSINSTAL detects a problem during the installation procedure, it notifies you and asks if you want to continue. To stop the installation and correct the problem, enter NO or press the Return key. After you have made the correction, you can restart the installation. To stop the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl/Y. The installation procedure deletes all the files it has created up to that point and exits. You can then restart the installation. Follow these steps to install the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS: 1. Log in to the SYSTEM account. Log in at the operator's console terminal under the system manager's account, SYSTEM. 2. Notify the users. Send a message requesting that all users log out. Use the DCL REPLY command to inform users of the schedule for the installation. Use the SET LOGINS command to prevent others from logging in: $ REPLY/USER "Installation starting in 5 minutes. Please log out." $ SET LOGINS/INTERACTIVE=0 3. Invoke VMSINSTAL. Enter the following command line to run VMSINSTAL.COM: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL NSDS030 ddcu: OPTIONS N where: @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL invokes VMSINSTAL 2-2 Installing the Gateway for Custom Drivers or the Gateway for RMS NSDS030 is the save set name for the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS software ddcu: is the device specification for the distribution medium, for example, MUA0:. OPTIONS N is an optional parameter indicating that you want to see the release notes question. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not ask you about the release notes. Digital recommends that you review the release notes before proceeding with the installation. After you invoke VMSINSTAL, you see the following message: OpenVMS ALPHA Software Product Installation Procedure V5.3 It is 25-FEB-1994 at 12:01 Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. 4. Answer the backup question. The installation procedure asks if you have backed up your system disk: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? If you have not backed up your system disk, you should not continue with the installation until you do so. If you need to back up the system disk, enter NO. VMSINSTAL exits and returns you to the DCL prompt. Back up your system disk, and then start VMSINSTAL again. If you have already backed up the system disk, press the Return key to continue. 5. Mount the media. You receive instructions to mount the distribution medium on the device you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL (MUA0: in this example): Please mount the first volume of the set on MUA0:. * Are you ready? Mount the distribution medium and enter YES to indicate that you are ready to continue. Installing the Gateway for Custom Drivers or the Gateway for RMS 2-3 The following messages appear on your terminal: %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, NSDS030 mounted on _MUA0: The following products will be processed: NSDS V3.0A Beginning installation of NSDS V3.0A at 12:01 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A... 6. Print and read the release notes. If you specified OPTIONS N when you invoked VMSINSTAL, you are now asked to choose one of the four options for reviewing the release notes: Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: Review the release notes in case they contain any information about changes in the installation procedures. Selecting option 2 prints a copy of the release notes. You are prompted for a print queue: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Press the Return key to print the release notes on SYS$PRINT, or type a different queue name and press the Return key. You receive a message similar to the following: Job 810 (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 1295) started on SYS$PRINT If you selected options 1 or 3, the release notes are displayed. 7. Decide whether or not to continue. 2-4 Installing the Gateway for Custom Drivers or the Gateway for RMS The installation procedure asks if you want to continue: * Do you want to continue the installation? [NO]? Enter YES to continue. Otherwise, press the Return key. In either case, the release notes are moved to the SYS$HELP directory, and you will see the following message: %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, The product's release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP. The release notes are contained in the following files, which you may read or print later at anytime: SYS$HELP:NSDS030_RELEASE_NOTES.PS SYS$HELP:NSDS030_RELEASE_NOTES.TXT You then see the following message: ******************************************************* DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/RMS installation procedure V3.0-1 for: NSDS V3.0-1 NSDS CDD METADATA DRIVER V3.0-1 NSDS RMS DATA DRIVER V3.0-1 ******************************************************* Checking system requirements ... 8. Specify the software you want to install. The installation procedure installs files used by a number of Digital and non-Digital gateway products. Select the software you require from the listed options. This kit may be used to install DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS, DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers, or elements required by other gateway products. DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS requires an RDBACCESS-RMS license. DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or non-Digital gateway products require an RDBACCESS-BASE license. Other Digital gateways require the license for that specific gateway. Installing the Gateway for Custom Drivers or the Gateway for RMS 2-5 1 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS 2 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers with sample driver code 3 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers w/o sample driver code 4 Sample driver code only from DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers 5 Other Digital gateway product 6 Other non-Digital gateway product * Please choose one of the above options [1]: To install the gateway for RMS, just press the Return key as this gateway product is the default selection. For more information about the options, type a question mark. The sample drivers are VAX C examples that demonstrate the use of the metadata and data driver interfaces. The files that make up the sample driver modules take up 1039 blocks. If you have an RDBACCESS-BASE license, you can install the sample drivers by typing 2 or 4 and then pressing the Return key. 9. Answer the license registration question. After you select an installation option, the instal- lation procedure displays the selected product and asks if you have registered and appropriate Product Authorization Key (PAK), using the License Management Facility (LMF): Product: RDBACCESS-RMS Producer: DEC Version: V3.0-1 Release Date: 21-FEB-1994 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? If you have not registered and loaded the PAK, the gateway for RMS will not run and only a minimal IVP can be run. Enter YES if your PAK is registered and loaded. The installation then proceeds. If you enter NO, the installation procedure displays the following warning message and asks if you wish to continue. 2-6 Installing the Gateway for Custom Drivers or the Gateway for RMS ************************************************************** No license(s) is available for the product. You may continue the installation, but the product will not run and only a a minimal IVP can be run until the appropriate license(s) is installed. ************************************************************** See Section 1.6 for information about registering your PAK. ________________________Note ________________________ If you are re-installing DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS Version 3.0A, you do not need to re-register your license. Your current license is still active. _____________________________________________________ 10.Decide whether or not to purge files. The installation procedure asks if you want to purge (delete) old versions of files replaced by this installation: * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Digital recommends that you purge files. Press the Return key to purge the old files. However, if you need to keep files from the previous version, enter NO. 11.Decide whether or not to run the IVP. The installation procedure asks if you want to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP): ***************************************************************** The full IVP requires that Common Components be installed and running. ***************************************************************** * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? See Appendix C for information about installing the Common Components. The IVP checks to be sure the installation is successful. Digital recommends that you run the IVP. Installing the Gateway for Custom Drivers or the Gateway for RMS 2-7 If you are installing the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS, you must supply the version number of the CDD$COMPATIBILITY repository in order to run the IVP. If you did not determine the version number before beginning the installation, answer NO to the IVP question, determine the version number after the installation completes, and run the IVP separately. <> To run the IVP as part of the installation procedure, just press the Return key. 12.Supply the DEC Rdb version number of the CDD$COMPATIBILITY repository If you are installing the gateway for RMS, the installation prompts you to supply the DEC Rdb version number of the CDD$COMPATIBILITY repository, if one exists on your system: * What is the Rdb version for your CDD$COMPATIBILITY repository [6.0]? This number is required in order to avoid database version mismatch errors when running the IVP. If you know that the version number is 6.0, just press the Return key. If the version number is not 6.0, enter the version number and then press the Return key. If you do not know the version number, press the Return key. The installation procedure will complete, but the IVP will fail if you CDD$COMPATIBILITY repository is not DEC Rdb Version 6.0. In this case, you will need to determine the correct version number and then run the IVP separately. For information about determining the version number, see Section 1.9. For information about running the IVP separately, see Section 3.7. <> 13.Check informational messages. The installation procedure displays a series of messages as it performs the rest of the installation: ******************************************************** There are no more questions. The installation takes approximately 15 minutes on a stand-alone VAX 8200. ******************************************************** Beginning installation ... 2-8 Installing the Gateway for Custom Drivers or the Gateway for RMS ******************************************************** Installing under VMS V1.5 - 25-FEB-1994 12:08 ******************************************************** ****************************************************************** The NSDS$STARTUP.COM and NSDS$SHUTDOWN.COM files have been placed in SYS$STARTUP. The following line should be placed in your system startup file. $@SYS$STARTUP:NSDS$STARTUP.COM FULL ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** The IVP has been placed in SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.NSDS$IVP]. You may run this procedure separately any time you wish. To execute it, type : $ SET DEFAULT SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.NSDS$IVP] $ @NSDS$RMS_IVP ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** Adding DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/RMS help to the DCL help library ****************************************************************** %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... 14.Run the IVP. If you answered YES to the IVP question, the installa- tion procedure now runs the appropriate Installation Verification Procedure: ***************************************************************** The DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/RMS IVP verifies that SQL commands can be executed on RMS files. ***************************************************************** Installing the Gateway for Custom Drivers or the Gateway for RMS 2-9 ***************************************************************** Performing DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/RMS IVP for: NSDS V3.0-1 and NSDS RMS DATA DRIVER V3.0-1 ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** Checking the existence of DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/RMS files. ***************************************************************** ***************************************************************** Checking for a sample CDD/Repository dictionary. ***************************************************************** The IVP executes a sample RDO query instead of the following, if your system does not have SQL installed. ***************************************************************** Executing a SQL sample query against an RMS file. The tuple 00418 Blount Peter should be displayed. ***************************************************************** EMPLOYEE_ID LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME 00418 Blount Peter 1 row selected ***************************************************************** DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/RMS IVP completed successfully The following messages indicate that the entire installa- tion procedure is complete: Installation of NSDS V3.0A completed at 12:16 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 12:16 2-10 Installing the Gateway for Custom Drivers or the Gateway for RMS After the installation completes successfully, you can log out of the SYSTEM account. $ LOGOUT SYSTEM logged out at 25-FEB-1994 12:16:00.0 Note that the VMSINSTAL command procedure deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system manager's account and you want to restore these symbols, you should log out and log in again. 2.2 Errors That Cause the Installation to Fail If errors occur during the installation itself or when the IVP is running, the VMSINSTAL command procedure displays failure messages. If the installation fails, you see the following message: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of NSDS V3.0A has failed. If the IVP fails, you see these messages: The NSDS V3.0A Installation Verification Procedure failed. %VMSINSTAL-E-IVPFAIL, The IVP for NSDS V3.0A has failed. Errors can occur during the installation if any one of the following conditions exists: o Incorrect operating system version Unless you have the OpenVMS VAX Version 5.3 or higher, or the OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5 operating system installed, the installation will fail. o Insufficient disk space on system disk If the system disk does not have enough blocks available to install the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS, purge or delete unnecessary files according to the policies of your site. When you have enough disk space, you are ready to continue the installation procedure. See Section 1.8.3 for disk space requirements. o Insufficient system parameter values for successful installation Installing the Gateway for Custom Drivers or the Gateway for RMS 2-11 You must have the necessary minimum settings for the system parameters VIRTUALPAGECNT and MIN_PAGEFQ on the installing account or the installation fails. See Section 1.8.4 for more system parameter information. o Insufficient privileges If the account you use to install the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS does not have the SETPRV and WORLD authorized privileges, VMSINSTAL does not run. See Section 1.8.1 for information about privileges. o Insufficient quotas for successful installation You must have the necessary minimum account quotas set. See Section 1.8.2 about process account quotas. o VMS Help Library currently in use The installation must have sole access to the VMS Help Library when it tries to insert the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS help module into the library. See Section 1.11 for more information about the VMS Help Library. 2.3 Errors That Affect the IVP If the following errors occur, you can only run the minimal IVP. The minimal IVP checks for files in the proper locations but does not test if the product runs. The following errors affect the IVP: o Product license not registered and loaded Neither the installed product nor the full IVP will run if the license is not registered and loaded. Register and load your product license and run the IVP as a standalone procedure. See Section 1.6 about the VMS License Management Facility. See Section 3.7 about running the IVP as a standalone procedure. o DEC Rdb not installed or DEC Rdb monitor turned off If you have turned off the DEC Rdb monitor or if DEC Rdb is not installed on the system where you are installing the gateway for RMS, neither this product nor the full IVP will run. <> 2-12 Installing the Gateway for Custom Drivers or the Gateway for RMS o CDD/Plus Version 4.2 or CDD/Repository not installed on system If CDD/Plus Version 4.2 or CDD/Repository is not installed on the system where you are installing the gateway for RMS, the procedure issues an error message and the full IVP will not run. <> o CDD$COMPATIBILITY database mismatch If you have CDD/Plus or CDD/Repository installed on your system, you must identify the DEC Rdb version number of the database and supply this version number when prompted by the gateway for RMS installation procedure. For more information see Section 2.1. <> If the IVP fails, take the appropriate action and run the IVP as a standalone procedure. See Section 3.7 about running the IVP as a standalone procedure. Installing the Gateway for Custom Drivers or the Gateway for RMS 2-13 3 ________________________________________________________________ Post-Installation Procedures This chapter describes tasks that you must complete after DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS is installed. 3.1 Editing the System Startup and Shutdown Files After the installation completes, you must edit the system startup and shutdown files for all nodes that will be running either gateway product, Custom Drivers or RMS. If you installed the gateway for RMS: o Add the following line to SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM to start the gateway for RMS: $ @SYS$STARTUP:NSDS$STARTUP.COM FULL o Add the following line to SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDOWN.COM to shut down the gateway for RMS: $ @SYS$STARTUP:NSDS$SHUTDOWN.COM FULL <> If you installed the gateway for Custom Drivers: o Add the following line to SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM to start the gateway for Custom Drivers: $ @SYS$STARTUP:NSDS$STARTUP.COM BASE o Add the following line to SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDOWN.COM to shut down the gateway for Custom Drivers: $ @SYS$STARTUP:NSDS$SHUTDOWN.COM BASE <> Post-Installation Procedures 3-1 3.2 Shutting Down and Restarting the Installed Product If you choose not to run the IVP, you must shut down and restart the installed product (either gateway product, Custom Drivers or RMS) after installation. Failure to do so may lead to incompatibility with installed DEC Rdb images. To shut down and start up the installed product, enter the same commands that you added to the SYSTARTUP_V5.COM file. Refer to Section 3.1 for the appropriate commands. 3.3 Activating the Installed Product on a VMScluster To activate the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS on any type of VMScluster, you must first install this product on each system disk that is commonly shared among nodes in the cluster. Then you must perform the following procedure to start the installed product, replace the DCL tables, and load the license on all other nodes in the cluster. This example shows how to activate the gateway for RMS on a VMScluster: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSMAN SYSMAN> SET ENVIRONMENT/CLUSTER/USER=SYSTEM Remote Password: supply SYSTEM password here SYSMAN> DO LICENSE LOAD RDBACCESS-RMS SYSMAN> DO @SYS$STARTUP:NSDS$STARTUP FULL SYSMAN> EXIT <> To activate the gateway for Custom Drivers, substitute the following lines for the SYSMAN DO commands shown in the previous example: SYSMAN> DO LICENSE LOAD RDBACCESS-BASE SYSMAN> DO @SYS$STARTUP:NSDS$STARTUP BASE <> 3-2 Post-Installation Procedures 3.4 User Account Requirements The gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS users must have certain account privileges and quotas. The following two sections contain information about these requirements. 3.4.1 User Account Privileges To use the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS, an account must have at least the TMPMBX and NETMBX privileges. Use the VMS Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to determine whether or not users have the privileges they require. See Section 1.8.2 for more information. 3.4.2 User Account Quotas To use the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS, an account must have a sufficient PGFLQUOTA quota. Table 3-1 displays the minimum required user account quota. Table_3-1_Minimum_User_Account_Quota______________________ Account_Quota____Value_______Description__________________ PGFLQUOTA________20,000______Paging_file_limit____________ Use the VMS Authorize utility to verify and change user account quotas. See Section 1.8.2 for more information. 3.5 Rebooting the System You are not required to reboot the system to activate the gateway for RMS. However, you may choose to reboot your system after you have installed the gateway for Custom Drivers or the gateway for RMS, edited the system startup and shutdown files, and reset the system parameters (if necessary). A system reboot establishes any new parameter settings and verifies that the installed product is ready for use and that the edits to the system startup command file are correct. Post-Installation Procedures 3-3 3.6 Restarting DEC Rdb Prior to DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS Version 2.1 (DEC RdbAccess for VAX RMS on VMS), it was necessary to shut down DEC Rdb before installing the gateway for RMS. Stopping DEC Rdb is no longer necessary or recommended. Installation of the gateway for RMS no longer replaces any DEC Rdb images. <> 3.7 Running the Installation Verification Procedure Separately If you answered YES to the IVP question during the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS installation, the IVP ran automatically at the end of the installation. You received a message indicating whether the IVP succeeded or failed. You can also run the IVP separately. To run the IVP just for the gateway for Custom Drivers, use the following DCL command: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.NSDS$IVP] $ @NSDS$IVP <> To run the IVP just for the gateway for RMS, use the following DCL command: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.NSDS$IVP] $ @NSDS$RMS_IVP <> 3.8 Returning the System to Original Settings If you have set interactive logins to 0 or changed the protection on the Help library, you must reverse these actions, as follows: o To restore interactive logins, enter the following command: $ SET LOGIN/INTERACTIVE=value The value entered is the default number of interactive logins for your system. 3-4 Post-Installation Procedures o To change the protection on the Help library, enter the following commands: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$HELP $ SET PROTECTION=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RWED,W:RE) HELPLIB.HLB Send a message to all users stating that the system is again available. Use the following DCL commands: $ REPLY/USER "Installation complete. System is ready for use." 3.9 Post-Installation Checklist Table 3-2 summarizes the tasks you must perform after installing DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS. Check to make sure that you have performed all these tasks before making the installed product available to users. Table_3-2_Post-Installation_Checklist_____________________ Task____________________________For_More_Information______ Edit the system startup file See Section 3.1 Activate the installed product See Section 3.3 on a VMScluster Check privileges and quotas of See Section 3.4 the user accounts Return the system to its See Section 3.8 original_settings_________________________________________ Post-Installation Procedures 3-5 A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation This appendix shows a typical installation of DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS on a VMS Version 5.3 system that is running the latest version of DEC Rdb. ________________________Note ________________________ Because the same installation procedure installs both DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers and DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS, the sys- tem messages and prompts for installing DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers will be similar to those shown in this appendix. _____________________________________________________ Table 1-5 summarizes the tasks you must perform before installing DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS. Check to make sure that you have completed all these tasks before proceeding with the installation. MYNODE - Unauthorized Access is Prohibited Username: SYSTEM Password: VAX/VMS Version 5.3 on node MYNODE Last interactive login on Thursday, 10-FEB-1994 12:01 Last non-interactive login on Thursday, 10-FEB-1994 12:01 $ REPLY/USER "Installation starting in 5 minutes. Please log out." $ SET LOGINS/INTERACTIVE=0 $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL NSDS030 MUA0: OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.3 It is 10-FEB-1994 at 12:01. Sample Installation A-1 Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Please mount the first volume of the set on MUA0:. * Are you ready? YES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, NSDS030 mounted on _MUA0: The following products will be processed: NSDS V3.0A Beginning installation of NSDS V3.0A at 12:01 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Job NSDS020 (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 1295) started on SYS$PRINT * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED , The product's release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP. ************************************************************* DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/RMS installation procedure (V3.0-0) for: NSDS V3.0-0 NSDS CDD METADATA DRIVER V3.0-0 NSDS RMS DATA DRIVER V3.0-0 ************************************************************* Checking system requirements ... This kit may be used to install DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS, DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers, or elements required by other gateway products. A-2 Sample Installation DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS requires an RDBACCESS-RMS license. DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or non-Digital gateway products require an RDBACCESS-BASE license. Other Digital gateways require the license for that specific gateway. 1 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS 2 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers with sample driver code 3 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers w/o sample driver code 4 Sample driver code only from DE 5 Other Digital gateway product 6 Other non-Digital gateway product * Please choose one of the above options [1]:? o Choose 1 - If you are installing DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS. o Choose 2 - If you are installing DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers, and want to install the sample driver code. o Choose 3 - If you are installing DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers, and DO NOT want to install the sample driver code. o Choose 4 - If you are installing only the sample driver code provided with DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers, o Choose 5 - If you are performing this installation as part of the installation of another Digital gateway product such as DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS. o Choose 6 - If you are performing this installation as part of the installation of a gateway product not produced by Digital. Sample drivers are provided for use by DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers developers. They provide VAX C examples of use of the DDI and MDI interfaces and are supplied only to demonstrate these interfaces. Because these drivers are instructional, they are not comprehensive: certain programming conventions, particularly those specific to RMS, have been intentionally ignored in favor of a less cluttered illustration of the interfaces. Therefore, Digital recommends against using these sample drivers in a production environment, and assumes no responsibility for such use. * Please choose one of the above options [1]: Product: RDBACCESS-RMS Producer: DEC Version: V3.0-0 Release Date: 07-FEB-1994 Sample Installation A-3 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded?YES * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]?) ***************************************************************** The full IVP requires that Common Components be installed and running. ***************************************************************** * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? * What is the Rdb version for your CDD$COMPATIBILITY dictionary [6.0]S ***************************************************************** There are no more questions. The installation takes approximately 15 minutes on a standalone VAX 8200 on a stand-alone VAX 8200. ******************************************************** Beginning installation ... ******************************************************** Installing under VMS V5.3 - 10-FEB-1994 12:08 ******************************************************** ****************************************************************** The NSDS$STARTUP.COM and NSDS$SHUTDOWN.COM files have been placed in SYS$STARTUP. The following line should be placed in your system startup file. $@SYS$STARTUP:NSDS$STARTUP.COM FULL ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** The IVP has been placed in SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.NSDS$IVP]. You may run this procedure separately any time you wish. To execute it, type: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.NSDS$IVP] $ @NSDS$RMS_IVP ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** A-4 Sample Installation Adding DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/RMS help to the DCL help library ****************************************************************** %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories. ****************************************************************** The DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/RMS IVP verifies that SQL commands can be executed on RMS files. ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** Performing DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/RMS IVP for: NSDS V3.0-0 and NSDS RMS DATA DRIVER V3.0-0 ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** Checking the existence of DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/RMS files. ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** Checking for a sample CDD/Repository dictionary. ****************************************************************** ****************************************************************** Executing a SQL sample query against an RMS file. The row 00418 Blount Peter should be displayed. ****************************************************************** EMPLOYEE_ID LAST_NAME FIRST_NAME 00418 Blount Peter 1 row selected Sample Installation A-5 ****************************************************************** DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers/RMS IVP completed successfully ***************************************************************** Installation of NSDS V3.0A completed at 12:16 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 12:16 ) $ SET LOGINS/INTERACTIVE=64 $ REPLY/USER "Installation complete. System is ready for use." Table 3-2 summarizes the tasks you must perform after installing DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS. Check to make sure that you have completed all these tasks before making DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS available to users. A-6 Sample Installation B ________________________________________________________________ Files Installed by the Gateways for Custom Drivers and RMS This appendix lists all the files that are transferred to your system during a DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers or DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS installation. The files are organized by directory. The file name and approximate file size in blocks are listed for each file. File sizes may vary according to the platform. When file sizes vary, the approximate size on a VMS system is listed first, and the approximate size on an AXP system follows in parentheses. In SYS$STARTUP: NSDS$STARTUP.COM 6 (10 on AXP) NSDS$SHUTDOWN.COM 7 In SYS$SYSTEM: RDB$REMOTE_LOGIN.COM 4 In SYS$HELP: DBISQL.RELEASE_NOTES 1115 DBISQL_RELEASE_NOTES.PS 2753 NSDS$DCL_HELP.HLP 442 NSDS$MESSAGES.DOC 105 (126 on AXP) NSDS030.RELEASE_NOTES 573 NSDS030_RELEASE_NOTES.PS 1874 Files Installed by the Gateways for Custom Drivers and RMS B-1 In SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.NSDS]: NSDS$COLLEGES.DAT 2 NSDS$CREATE_DATABASE.CDO 22 NSDS$DDI_PUBLIC.H 44 NSDS$DDI_SAMPLE.OPT 1 NSDS$DDI_SAMPLE_BUILD.COM 26 NSDS$DDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_DATA_ACCESS.C 105 NSDS$DDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_DEBUG_ROUTINES.C 18 NSDS$DDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_INI.C 11 (13 on AXP) NSDS$DDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_OPEN_CLOSE.C 133 (138 on AXP) NSDS$DDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_OPEN_CLOSE_FULL.C 156 (163 on AXP) NSDS$DDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_PRIVATE.H 48 NSDS$DDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_UPDATE.C 12 NSDS$DDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_UPDATE_FULL.C 42 NSDS$DDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_XACTS.C 31 NSDS$DDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_XACTS_FULL.C 55 NSDS$DEGREES.DAT 10 NSDS$DELETE_DATABASE.CDO 6 NSDS$DEPTS.DAT 3 NSDS$EMPLOYEES.DAT 22 NSDS$JOBHIST.DAT 19 NSDS$JOBS.DAT 1 NSDS$MDI_PUBLIC.H 24 NSDS$MDI_SAMPLE.OPT 1 NSDS$MDI_SAMPLE_BUILD.COM 22 NSDS$MDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_ATTACH_DICT.C 11 NSDS$MDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_DETACH_DICT.C 10 NSDS$MDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_FETCH_FIELDS.C 21 NSDS$MDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_FETCH_RELATIONS.C 16 NSDS$MDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_FETCH_RFIELDS.C 26 NSDS$MDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_INI.C 11 NSDS$MDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_METADATA.H 25 NSDS$MDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_PRIVATE.H 8 NSDS$MDI_SAMPLE_DRIVER_REL_FIELDS.C 26 NSDS$SALHIST.DAT 38 NSDS$SAMPLE_DRIVER_TOOLS.C 24 NSDS$SAMPLE_DRIVER_TOOLS.H 8 NSDS$SAMPLE_QUERY.RDO 1 NSDS$SAMPLE_QUERY.SQL 1 NSDS$WORK_STATUS.DAT 1 B-2 Files Installed by the Gateways for Custom Drivers and RMS In SYS$LIBRARY: NSDS$DDI_RMS_SHR.EXE 65 (146 on AXP) NSDS$MDI_CDD_SHR.EXE 94 (221 on AXP) NSDS$SHR.EXE 879 (1795 on AXP) In SYS$MANAGER: VAXINFO$NETOBJ_INSERT.COM 14 (Not on AXP) In SYS$MESSAGE: NSDS$MESSAGE.EXE 34 (35 on AXP) In SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSTEST.NSDS$IVP]: NSDS$CDD_IDENT.COM 1 NSDS$IDENT.COM 1 NSDS$IVP.COM 13 (14 on AXP) NSDS$RMS_IVP.COM 18 (21 on AXP) NSDS$RMS_IDENT.COM 1 NSDS$SAMPLE_QUERY.RDO 1 NSDS$SAMPLE_QUERY.SQL 1 In SYS$UPDATE: VAXINFOINSTALL.COM 138 (Not on AXP) Files Installed by the Gateways for Custom Drivers and RMS B-3 C ________________________________________________________________ Installing Common Components This appendix describes how to install Common Components. C.1 Common Components The Common Components kit contains SQL and Rdb/Dispatch, the software components required by all the members of the DEC DB Integrator family of products. If you do not have DEC Rdb on your system, and do not plan to install it, you must install the Common Components kit before you can use the DEC DB Integrator Gateway products or DEC DB Integrator. If you have an existing DEC Rdb kit on your system, you must install the Common Components kit or upgrade to DEC Rdb Version 6.0 before you can use the DEC DB Integrator products. C.1.1 Disk Space Required The following lists summarize the storage requirements in blocks for installing Common Components. Note that the values in the lists are approximate. The disk space requirements for OpenVMS AXP are: __________________________________________________________ Needed for Used After Kit______________Installation_________Installation________ Full Development 55,000 55,000 Run-Time_________55,000_______________35,000<>____________ Installing Common Components C-1 The disk space requirements for OpenVMS VAX are: __________________________________________________________ Used After Kit______________Needed_for_Installation_Installation_____ Run-Time_________17,000__________________16,000<>_________ C.1.2 VMS Privileges Required The VMSINSTAL command procedure is located in the SYS$UPDATE directory, which is restricted. To install Common Components, you must use an account that has the SETPRV privilege authorized. As one of its first actions, the VMSINSTAL command procedure grants all privileges except BYPASS to the process that invokes it. The VMSINSTAL command succeeds only if the account has SETPRV privilege. To check the default privileges of the installing account, log in and enter this DCL command: $ SHOW PROCESS/PRIVILEGES If the installing account lacks the SETPRV privilege, you cannot install Common Components. You have two options: o Ask your system manager to use the VMS Authorize utility (AUTHORIZE) to modify the default privileges of the account to include the SETPRV privilege. o Run AUTHORIZE and make the changes yourself, if the installing account has the SYSPRV privilege: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> MODIFY /PRIVILEGES=(SETPRV) UAF> EXIT To activate the change in privileges, you must log out and in again. C-2 Installing Common Components ________________________Note ________________________ When installing Common Components on systems with DECnet/OSI, the installing account must also have the NET$MANAGE identifier. _____________________________________________________ C.1.3 Unlocking Process Account Password The installation account cannot have a locked password. If this is the initial installation of Common Components, the procedure creates an account called RDB$REMOTE, or RDB$REMOTEnn (where nn is the version number) for a multiversion installation. If the installation account has a locked password, the installation procedure will be unable to automatically generate a password for this account, and will abort with the following message: ************************************************************* Error generating password for remote account. ************************************************************** To modify an account with a locked password, type the following: $ MCR AUTHORIZE UAF> MODIFY /FLAGS=NOLOCKPWD C.1.4 Installing Common Components To install Common Components, follow these steps: o Invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure from a privileged account, using the following syntax: @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL variant-name device-name OPTIONS N For example, to install the Common Components multiversion kit (no Common Components standard kit is available) on device ddcu, type the following: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DBICC010 ddcu: OPTIONS N Installing Common Components C-3 The VMSINSTAL procedure displays information about itself, provides the current date and time, asks whether or not you want to continue if there are active processes, and asks if you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk: VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2 It is 13-NOV-1993 at 14:07. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: SQLSRV$SERVER * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? y * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? o After you indicate that you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, VMSINSTAL displays the product being installed, continues with the installation, then asks you to enter the user identification code (UIC) for the RDB$REMOTE60 account that is required by the installation: The following products will be processed: DBICC V1.0 Beginning installation of DBICC V1.0 at 14:13 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Copyright © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1993. All Rights Reserved. ************************************************************* This installation requires the creation of the RDB$REMOTE60 account. You MUST choose a UIC for this account. ************************************************************** ************************************************************* The installation procedure will not proceed until you enter a valid user identification code (UIC) for the RDB$REMOTE60 account. The UIC must be unique. ************************************************************** * Enter UIC to be used for RDB$REMOTE60 account: [250,22] C-4 Installing Common Components o After you specify the UIC for the RDB$REMOTE60 account, VMSINSTAL asks you if you want to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) after the installation, and purge files replaced by the installation: * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? o After you specify whether or not you want to purge files replaced by the installation, VMSINSTAL asks no further questions: There are no more questions. The installation takes approximately 10 minutes Beginning installation ... Installing under VMS V5.5-2 - 13-NOV-1993 14:15 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named RDB$REMOTE60. %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier RDB$REMOTE60 value: [000250,000022] added to rights data base %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named RDB$REMOTE60. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated ************************************************************* SYSTEM MANAGER: To have remote access on another node that shares this cluster common root directory, you must configure the node's DECnet to recognize RDBSERVER. Do the following: a) Log in to that node. b) Invoke SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]RDBSERVER_NCP.COM. This command procedure configures RDBSERVER with DECnet on that node. This procedure needs to be executed only ONCE per node. ************************************************************* Installing Common Components C-5 %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Executing IVP for COMMON COMPONENTS ////////////////////////////////////// The IVP for Common Components has completed successfully. ////////////////////////////////////// Installation of DBICC V1.0 completed at 14:23 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 14:23 $ logout SYSTEM logged out at 13-NOV-1993 14:29:00.42 $ C.1.5 Installing Common Component Images as Shared ________________________Note ________________________ Unless stated otherwise by the client-specific installation procedure, each client using Common Components will call SYS$STARTUP:SQL$ STARTUP.COM and SYS$MANAGER:SQL$SHUTDOWN.COM from its own startup and shutdown procedures. These procedures should be executed as standalone procedures only when client-specific startup and shutdown procedures are not provided. _____________________________________________________ If you expect Common Component images to be used extensively on your system, you can reduce the system overhead and memory requirements by installing images as shared. When images are not installed as shared, multiple users who access the images at the same time must each have their own copy of those images in memory. When the images are installed as shared, everyone uses the same copy of the image, eliminating duplicate copies of the same image, and thus improving performance. The Common Component installation procedure does not install any images as shared. The following separate startup and shutdown procedures are provided to install and remove the SQL and Rdb/Dispatch images: C-6 Installing Common Components o SYS$STARTUP:SQL$STARTUP.COM o SYS$MANAGER:SQL$SHUTDOWN.COM Each client using Common Components will call these procedures from its own startup and shutdown procedures. The following Rdb/Dispatch images are automatically installed by the SQL$STARTUP.COM procedure: o SYS$LIBRARY:RDBSHR.EXE o SYS$LIBRARY:RDB$SHARE.EXE o SYS$MESSAGE:RDBMSGS.EXE o SYS$MESSAGE:COSIMSG.EXE The SQL$SHUTDOWN.COM procedure removes images only when no other client requiring Common Components is installed on the system. Consequently, it requires a parameter indicating the calling client to determine if any others are still present on the system. Syntax for using the SQL$SHUTDOWN procedure is as follows: $ @SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$SETVER $ @SYS$MANAGER:SQL$SHUTDOWN If you do not execute SQL$SETVER.COM, and try to execute SQL$SHUTDOWN.COM, you receive an error message indicating that the logical names were not set. In the preceding syntax, is the Common Component version shipped with the client, and is one of the following: o DBI-use for DBI and the relational gateway products o NSDS-use for the nonrelational gateway products o RDBB-use for Rdb/ELN o RDM-use for DEC Rdb o VIDA-use for VIDA for IDMS/R o VIDA2-use for RdbAccess for DB2 Version 1.0 or Version 2.0 o VIDAO-use for RdbAccess for ORACLE Version 1.0 or Version 2.0 Installing Common Components C-7 The relational gateway products are: o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for SYBASE o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for ORACLE o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DB2 The nonrelational gateway products are: o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DSM o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS In the following example, the logical names are set to Version 6.0 before running the SQL$SHUTDOWN procedure: $ @SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$SETVER 6.0 $ @SYS$MANAGER:SQL$SHUTDOWN NSDS By default, the removal of images by the SQL$SHUTDOWN procedure is triggered by the logical name RDB$DISPATCH_ VERSION_VARIANT, which is defined by the SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$SETVER.COM procedure. ________________________Note ________________________ It is possible to set these logical names to different versions for process, job, group, and system tables, if necessary. However, you should be very careful to avoid creating incompatibilities if you do so. _____________________________________________________ You can override these logical names by passing a valid calling-client name as parameter P1, and the Common Component version to deinstall as P2. To override the use of the logical names to determine which Common Component images to remove, pass the version as P2. C-8 Installing Common Components The following command removes Version 6.0 SQL and Rdb /Dispatch images: $ @SYS$MANAGER:SQL$SHUTDOWN DBI 6.0 If the DEC Rdb multiversion Version 6.0 software is installed, these images will be removed; otherwise the standard images, if they are Version 6.0 images, will be removed. C.2 Using Different Versions of Common Components Certain environments may require a specific version of Common Components, or may need to set each component to a different version. The SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$SETVER.COM and SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$SHOVER.COM procedures are provided with the Common Components installation to set up the logical names and symbols necessary for using a particular version of SQL and/or Rdb/Dispatch. ________________________Note ________________________ To use the DEC DB Integrator Gateway products or DEC DB Integrator, the Common Component's environment must be set to 6.0. This can be done at the system, group, or process level, as described in the following section. _____________________________________________________ The SQL$SETVER.COM procedure will accept the following two parameters: o P1 (required) Supply one of the following: - Version (6.0 for MULTIVERSION) - RESET to reset SQL symbols - REMOVE to remove Rdb/Dispatch logical names o P2 (optional) Supply one of the four logical name tables (/PROCESS, /GROUP, /JOB, or /SYSTEM). The default logical name table is /PROCESS. Installing Common Components C-9 The following example sets Rdb/Dispatch to the multiver- sion software: $ @SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$SETVER 6.0 Current PROCESS Rdb/Dispatch environment is version V6.0-0 (MULTIVERSION) The following example sets Rdb/Dispatch for the group table to Version 6.0: ! To set Rdb/Dispatch in group table $ @SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$SETVER 6.0 /GROUP The SQL$SHOVER.COM procedure has the following two functions: o To show the current settings for each logical name table $ @SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$SHOVER Current PROCESS DISPATCH environment is version V6.0-0 (MULTIVERSION) o To show all the versions installed on the system. This can be used to determine what the highest version of Rdb/Dispatch is installed on the system. $ @SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$SHOVER VERSIONS "RDB$DISPATCH_INSTALLED_VERSIONS" = "V4.0-5" (LNM$PROCESS_TABLE) "*V6.0-0" The * in the preceding output indicates a multiversion kit. The first of the following examples shows all the versions of Rdb/Dispatch installed on the system. The second example shows whether or not Version 6.0 of Rdb/Dispatch is installed: ! To show Rdb/Dispatch $ @SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$SHOVER VERSIONS DISPATCH ! To show 6.0 Rdb/Dispatch $ @SYS$LIBRARY:SQL$SHOVER VERSIONS DISPATCH 6.0 C-10 Installing Common Components D ________________________________________________________________ How to Order Additional Documentation Technical Support If you need help deciding which documentation best meets your needs, call 800-DIGITAL (800-344-4825) and press 2 for technical assistance. Electronic Orders If you wish to place an order through your account at the Electronic Store, dial 800-234-1998, using a modem set to 2400- or 9600-baud. You must be using a VT terminal or terminal emulator set at 8 bits, no parity. If you need assistance using the Electronic Store, call 800-DIGITAL (800-344-4825) and ask for an Electronic Store specialist. Telephone and Direct Mail Orders __________________________________________________________ From__________Call______________Write_____________________ U.S.A. DECdirect Digital Equipment Phone: 800- Corporation DIGITAL P.O. Box CS2008 (800-344-4825) Nashua, New Hampshire FAX: (603) 884- 03061 5597 Puerto Rico Phone: (809) Digital Equipment 781-0505 Caribbean, Inc. FAX: (809) 749- 3 Digital Plaza, 1st 8377 Street Suite 200 Metro Office Park San Juan, Puerto Rico 00920 How to Order Additional Documentation D-1 __________________________________________________________ From__________Call______________Write_____________________ Canada Phone: 800-267- Digital Equipment of 6215 Canada Ltd. FAX: (613) 592- 100 Herzberg Road 1946 Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2K 2A6 Attn: DECdirect Sales International -- Local Digital subsidiary or approved distributor Internal DTN: 264-3030 U.S. Software Supply Orders[1] (603) 884-3030 Business (SSB) (for Digital Equipment software Corporation and hardware 10 Cotton Road documentation) Nashua, New Hampshire 03063-1260 [1]Call_to_request_an_Internal_Software_Order_Form_(EN-___ 01740-07).________________________________________________ D-2 How to Order Additional Documentation ________________________________________________________________ Index A__________________________ D__________________________ Account privileges, 3-3 DCL commands Account quotas, 3-3 for checking disk space, checking, 1-8 1-10 modifying, 1-9 for checking parameter Authorize utility, C-2 values, 1-11 B for running the IVP, 3-4 ___________________________ for running VMSINSTAL, Backing up system disk, 2-2 1-14, 2-3 DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers C__________________________ activating on VMScluster, CDD$COMPATIBILITY 3-2 repository components of kit, 1-2 version number, 1-13, 2-8 files, B-1 to B-3 Checking the distribution registering license, 1-6 kit, 1-3 user account privileges, Cluster 3-3 activating DEC DB user account quotas, 3-3 Integrator Gateway DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers on, for RMS 3-2 activating on VMScluster, activating DEC DB 3-2 Integrator Gateway components of kit, 1-2 for RMS on, 3-2 files, B-1 to B-3 installing on, 1-7 registering license, 1-6 Common Components, 1-5 user account privileges, installing, C-1 3-3 Components required user account quotas, 3-3 VMS, 1-5 Index-1 DECnet/OSI NET$MANAGE identifier, I__________________________ C-3 Installation DEC Rdb example, A-1 to A-6 starting, 3-4 files installed, B-1 to Disk blocks B-3 displaying number of kit, 1-3 unused, 1-10 preparing for, 1-1 required, 1-10 starting, 2-2 Distribution kit stopping, 2-2 contents of, 1-3 time needed, 2-1 list of files on, B-1 Installation Verification Procedure E__________________________ choosing not to run, 3-2 Editing DEC DB Integrator Gateway SYSTARTUP_V5.COM for Custom Drivers, procedure, 3-1 2-9 DEC DB Integrator Gateway F__________________________ for RMS, 2-9 Files running after DEC DB Integrator Gateway installation, 3-4 for Custom Drivers, running during B-1 to B-3 installation, 2-7 DEC DB Integrator Gateway Installing account for RMS, B-1 to B-3 requirements, 1-8 purging old versions, 2-7 privileges, 1-8 FILLM quota quotas, 1-8 required value, 1-8 Install Utility making DEC Rdb images G known file entries, ___________________________ 3-4 Global pages IVP checking, 1-12 See Installation required value, 1-10 Verification Procedure Global sections checking, 1-12 required value, 1-10 K__________________________ Kit H__________________________ selecting, 2-5 Hardware Known file entries, 3-4 prerequisite, 1-4 Index-2 PAK L__________________________ loading on VMScluster, Labels 3-2 on distribution media, registering, 1-6, 2-6 1-3 Parameters License changing, 1-12 loading on VMScluster, checking, 1-11 3-2 system, 1-10 registering, 1-6, 2-6 PGFLQUOTA License Management Facility required value, 1-8 , 1-6 Post-installation checklist, 3-5 M Preparing for installation, ___________________________ 1-1 Making DEC Rdb images known checklist, 1-16 file entries, 3-4 Prerequisite hardware, 1-4 Media Prerequisite software, 1-5 labels, 1-3 Privileges mounting, 2-3 required for installing, Multisystem cluster 1-8 starting DEC Rdb on, 3-4 required for using, 3-3 required VMS, C-2 N__________________________ Problems NET$MANAGE identifier reporting, 1-15 DECnet/OSI, C-3 Product Authorization Key Non-SQL Data Server See PAK See NSDS Q NSDS ___________________________ software, 1-2 Quotas installing account, 1-8 O__________________________ user account, 3-3 Open file quota R required value, 1-8 ___________________________ Operating system RDBACCESS-BASE license, required components, 1-5 1-3, 2-5 RDBACCESS-RMS license, P__________________________ 1-3, 2-5 Page count Rebooting system, 3-3 See Virtual page count Release notes, 2-4 Page file quota Reporting problems, 1-15 required value, 1-8 Required disk space OpenVMS AXP system, 1-10 OpenVMS VAX system, 1-10 Index-3 Required hardware, 1-4 System parameters Required operating system changing, 1-12 components, 1-5 minimum values, 1-10 Required privileges, 1-8 on VMSclusters, 1-7 Required software, 1-5 RMONSTART.COM procedure T__________________________ using to start DEC Rdb, Time needed to install, 3-4 2-1 S__________________________ U Sample drivers ___________________________ installing, 2-6 User account Sample installation, A-1 privileges, 3-3 to A-6 quotas, 3-3 SETPRV privilege, C-2 V Shutdown file ___________________________ editing system, 3-1 Virtual page count gateway for RMS, 3-2 required value, 1-10 Software VMS Authorize utility, C-2 prerequisite, 1-5 VMS classes required, 1-5 Starting the installation, VMScluster 2-2 activating DEC DB Startup file Integrator Gateway editing system, 3-1 for Custom Drivers, gateway for Custom 3-2 Drivers, 3-2 activating DEC DB Stopping the installation, Integrator Gateway 2-2 for RMS, 3-2 SYSGEN installing on, 1-7 changing parameters, 1-12 loading license on, 3-2 checking values, 1-11 VMSINSTAL command procedure minimum values, 1-10 , 2-2 to 2-11, C-2 SYSTARTUP_V5.COM procedure command line, 2-2 editing, 3-1 problem detection, 2-2 System starting the installation editing startup and , 2-2 shutdown files, 3-1 stopping the installation rebooting, 3-3 , 2-2 System disk VMS privileges backing up, 1-14, 2-3 required, C-2 System Generation Utility VMSTAILOR, 1-5 See SYSGEN Index-4