Order Number: AA-Q929A-TE June 1994 This guide describes how to install DECwrite French Version 3.0 on an OpenVMS system. Revision/Update Information: This revised manual supersedes the DECwrite Installation Guide for VMS Systems, Version 2.0. Software Version: DECwrite Version 3.0 __________________________________________________________ June 1994 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1989, 1994. All Rights Reserved. Printed in Ireland. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha AXP, AXP, Bookreader, CDA, DECcalc, DECcalc-PLUS, DECchart, DECdecision, DECfonts, DECnet, DECpage, DECwindows, DECwrite, Digital, DTIF, LAT, LiveLink, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, PrintServer 40, ScriptPrinter, ULTRIX, ULTRIX Worksystem Software, VAX, VAX RMS, VAXstation, VMS, VMScluster, WPS-PLUS, and the DIGITAL logo. Licensed to Digital Equipment Corportation, Maynard, Massachusetts. © Studio Advertising Art 1988. All rights reserved. The following are third-party trademarks: 20/20 is a trademark of Access Technology, Inc. Adobe and PostScript are registered trademarks and Display PostScript, ATM, and Type Manager are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc. Ami Pro is a trademark of Samna Corporation, a wholly- owned subsidiary of Lotus Development Corporation. Apple, LaserWriter, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Arts & Letters is a registered trademark of Computer Support Corporation. Helvetica and Times are registered trademarks of Allied Corporation IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. ITC Avant Garde Gothic, ITC Souvenir, and ITC Lubalin Graph are registered trademarks of International Typeface Corporation. Lotus and 1-2-3 are registered trademarkd of Lotus Development Corporation. Microsoft, MS, and MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Motif and OSF/Motif are trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. Sun and SPARC are registered trademarks, and SPARCstation is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. TeX is a trademark of American Mathematical Society. UNIX is a registered trademark licensed exclusively by X/Open Company Limited. X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Usage Alert, Electronic Thesaurus, International Hyphenators, and International CorrectSpell licensed from Houghton Mifflin Company. Copyright© 1985, 1987, 1988 by Houghton Mifflin. German© 1985, 1987 by Langenscheidt K.G. French in cooperation with Librairie Larousse. Italian© 1988 by Nicola Zanichelli. All rights reserved. U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,580,241, 4,724,523 and 4,771,401. Canadian Pat. No. 1,203,916. Thesaurus U.S. Pat. No. 4,724,523. English based upon THE AMERICAN HERITAGE DICTIONARY. Thesaurus based upon ROGET'S II THESAURUS. Reproduction or disassembly of embodied computer programs or algorithms prohibited. WordPerfect is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corporation. This document is available on CD-ROM. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. vii 1 Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1.1 DECwrite Distribution Kit.................... 1-2 1.2 Prerequisite Software........................ 1-2 1.3 Prerequisite Hardware........................ 1-3 1.4 Privileged Account........................... 1-4 1.5 License Registration......................... 1-4 1.6 Startup Procedures........................... 1-5 1.7 VMScluster Considerations.................... 1-5 1.8 System Quotas................................ 1-6 1.8.1 Disk Space Requirements.................. 1-6 1.8.2 System Parameter Values.................. 1-8 Checking Parameter Values.............. 1-9 Calculating GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS Parameter Values....................... 1-9 Changing Parameter Values with AUTOGEN................................ 1-9 1.9 Style File Backup............................ 1-10 1.10 System Disk Backup........................... 1-11 2 Installing DECwrite 2.1 VMSINSTAL Requirements....................... 2-2 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure.......................... 2-3 iii 3 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.1 Editing Startup Files........................ 3-1 3.1.1 Editing the System Startup File.......... 3-1 3.1.2 Editing the DECwrite Startup File........ 3-2 3.1.3 Examples Directory....................... 3-2 3.1.4 Editing the System Login Command Procedure................................ 3-3 3.2 Installing DECwrite on a Standalone System... 3-3 3.3 Installing DECwrite on a VMScluster.......... 3-3 3.4 Rebooting the System......................... 3-5 3.5 Performance and Tuning....................... 3-5 3.5.1 CPU and Memory........................... 3-6 3.5.2 DECwrite Sessions........................ 3-6 Running DECwrite....................... 3-6 Images................................. 3-6 Encapsulated PostScript Pictures....... 3-8 3.5.3 Post-Installation Tuning................. 3-9 3.6 User Account Requirements.................... 3-10 3.6.1 Privileges............................... 3-10 3.6.2 User Account Quotas...................... 3-10 3.6.3 FileView Account Quotas.................. 3-11 3.6.4 Modifying User Account Quotas............ 3-12 3.7 Installation Verification Procedures......... 3-13 3.8 Invoking DECwrite............................ 3-14 3.8.1 Running DECwrite from the Session Manager.................................. 3-15 3.8.2 Running DECwrite from FileView........... 3-15 3.8.3 Running DECwrite from DCL................ 3-15 3.9 DECwrite Sample Documents.................... 3-16 3.10 Compiling Fonts on Remote Workstations....... 3-17 3.10.1 Compiling and Installing Fonts on OpenVMS Systems.................................. 3-17 3.10.2 Compiling and Installing Fonts on DEC OSF/1 AXP Systems........................ 3-18 3.10.3 Compiling and Installing Fonts on a PC DECwindows System........................ 3-19 3.11 Determining and Reporting Problems........... 3-19 iv 4 Using the Font Utility 4.1 Adding New Fonts to the Family Menu.......... 4-1 4.1.1 Overview................................. 4-2 Terms Used in This Chapter............. 4-2 Ways to Add Fonts...................... 4-3 4.1.2 Adding Fonts From All New List Entries, Using Defaults........................... 4-5 4.1.3 Adding Fonts From a Single New List Entry.................................... 4-6 Using Defaults......................... 4-6 Customizing............................ 4-7 4.2 Font Utility Commands and Descriptions....... 4-13 4.2.1 Starting the Font Utility................ 4-13 4.2.2 Font Utility Commands.................... 4-14 4.2.3 Adding Point Sizes for Existing Family Menu Entries............................. 4-19 4.2.4 Revealing the Present Bullets Hidden Menu List Entry............................... 4-20 4.3 Installing Third-Party Font Files............ 4-21 4.3.1 Installing Fonts on an OpenVMS System.... 4-21 4.4 Troubleshooting Font Problems................ 4-22 4.4.1 Troubleshooting Summary.................. 4-23 4.4.2 Recovery Procedures...................... 4-27 Setting the Display Variable........... 4-27 Checking Security Access............... 4-27 Checking Session Login................. 4-27 Restarting Your Windowing Session or Display Server......................... 4-27 Checking the Location of Screen Font, AFM, and PostScript Files.............. 4-28 Comparing Screen Font, AFM, and PostScript Outline Files............... 4-28 A Files Installed by DECwrite A.1 Notes About the Files Installed by DECwrite..................................... A-1 A.2 Files Installed on OpenVMS AXP Systems....... A-2 A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems....... A-14 v B Sample DECwrite Installation B.1 Full Installation on an OpenVMS AXP System... B-1 B.2 Full Installation on an OpenVMS VAX System... B-7 Index Examples 4-1 Adding All Fonts Using Defaults.......... 4-5 4-2 Adding Fonts with Customization.......... 4-9 Figures 2-1 Successful Installation Display.......... 2-17 Tables 1-1 Free Disk Blocks Required to Install DECwrite................................. 1-7 1-2 Minimum Required Global Pages and Sections................................. 1-8 3-1 System Startup File Names................ 3-1 3-2 International Spell Lexicons............. 3-4 3-3 Image Characteristics.................... 3-7 3-4 Memory Requirements for Sample Images.... 3-7 3-5 User Account Quotas...................... 3-10 3-6 Lexicons supplied by DECwrite Kits....... 3-14 4-1 Slants and Weights Recognized by the Font Utility.................................. 4-4 4-2 DECwrite Font Utility Commands........... 4-15 4-3 Troubleshooting Summary.................. 4-23 4-4 Font File Locations...................... 4-28 4-5 AFM, PostScript, and Screen Font Comparisons.............................. 4-30 vi ________________________________________________________________ Preface DECwrite[TM] is an integrated document processing application that is available on a variety of hardware, operating, and windowing systems, referred to as platforms. Since DECwrite is supported by Digital's Network Application Services (NAS[TM]), which allow application software to work in a heterogeneous computer environment, you can transfer documents and use DECwrite in a similar fashion on all its platforms. Purpose of This Guide This guide describes how to install DECwrite Version 3.0 on the OpenVMS[TM] operating system. You should review the entire guide, as well as the Read-Me-First letter, before you start the installation. Who Should Use This Guide This guide is for OpenVMS system managers or others responsible for installing system software. To install DECwrite software, you must have access to a privileged account such as the SYSTEM account, and you must be familiar with the OpenVMS installation procedure (VMSINSTAL). Structure of This Guide This guide has four chapters and one appendix. o Chapter 1 describes installation prerequisites and suggestions. o Chapter 2 describes the installation procedure. vii o Chapter 3 describes post-installation procedures and general usage information. o Chapter 4 describes the DECwrite Font Utility that allows you to add, manage, and delete new fonts. o Appendix A lists the files that are installed on the system during a DECwrite installation. o Appendix B shows a sample installation procedure for reference purposes. User Information Use the user information for your DECwrite kit in the order shown in Figure 1. On the OpenVMS VAX[TM] platform, DECwrite also supplies two online files that contain information about CDA[TM] converter[1] options and error messages. See the DECwrite User's Guide for information about the location of these files. ________________________Note ________________________ Refer to your OpenVMS system documentation for guidelines about how to manage files and for information about how to maintain backup copies of documents, how to protect documents, and how to create directories where you can store related documents. That information is not covered in this guide. _____________________________________________________ For more information about the VMSINSTAL command procedure, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. For more information about DECwindows[TM] Motif®, see the following: o OpenVMS DECwindows Motif User's Guide o OpenVMS DECwindows Motif Applications Guide ___________________ [1] The CDA converters provide features for transforming files to and from DECwrite's standard format for documents. viii Conventions The following conventions are used in this guide: A key name is shown enclosed to indicate that you press a key on the keyboard. Monospace text Monospace text indicates information that you must enter from the keyboard. UPPERCASE TEXT Uppercase letters indicate that you must enter a command (for example, enter OPEN/READ) or indicate the name of a routine, the name of a file, the name of a file protection code, or the abbreviation for a system privilege. DECchart The term DECchart refers to the DECchart[TM] software. DECdecision The term DECdecision refers to the DECdecision[TM] software. DECwrite The term DECwrite refers to the DECwrite software. WPS-PLUS The term WPS-PLUS refers to the WPS- PLUS[TM] software. ix 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System This chapter describes tasks that you must perform when installing DECwrite, and suggests the best methods for preparing for installation. Installing DECwrite is similar to installing other OpenVMS layered products. You should carry out the following steps: 1. Take an inventory of the software distribution kit. 2. Make sure that your system has the prerequisite software and hardware. 3. Register your DECwrite license according to the OpenVMS License Registration section in this chapter. 4. Prepare your system and its users for installation. 5. Print and read the Release Notes. 6. Perform the installation procedure and any necessary post-installation procedures. 7. Resume normal operations after you complete the installation. You should allow between between 30 minutes and 2 hours and 15 minutes for the installation, depending on the speed of the system on which you are installing and the options you select. It takes 5 minutes to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1-1 Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1.1 DECwrite Distribution Kit 1.1 DECwrite Distribution Kit Each DECwrite distribution kit contains: o A bill of materials (BOM) and indented bills report (BIL) o The distribution media for the DECwrite software o Documentation for the product Media Only kits include the installation guide only. o The Product Authorization Key (PAK) To ensure that you have a complete kit, check the kit contents against the bill of materials and the indented bills report. Check also that you received the correct distribution media, labeled as DECwrite V3.0. If your kit is damaged or if you find that parts of it are missing, contact your Digital[TM] representative. 1.2 Prerequisite Software You must be running OpenVMS VAX Version 5.4-3 or higher or OpenVMS AXP[TM] Version 1.5 or higher. You must also be running DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.1 or higher. To install DECwrite you must have: o A valid OpenVMS operating system configuration running the minimum required version of OpenVMS as specified above. o DECwindows installed To execute the IVP during the installation, DECwindows Motif must also be running. Since DECwrite is a DECwindows Motif application, it can run in either of the following ways: o Standalone execution - running the DECwindows Motif display server and the client application (DECwrite) on the same machine 1-2 Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1.2 Prerequisite Software o Remote execution - running the DECwindows Motif display server and the client application (DECwrite) on different machines This requires that a valid DECwindows transport mechanism also be installed. For example, these include DECnet[TM], TCP/IP, and LAT[TM]. For standalone execution, the following DECwindows components must be installed on the machine: o OpenVMS DECwindows Compute Server (base kit, which includes runtime support) o OpenVMS DECwindows Device Support For remote execution in a noncluster environment, the following DECwindows components must be installed: On the workstation: o OpenVMS DECwindows Compute Server (base kit, which includes runtime support) o OpenVMS DECwindows Device Support On the remote machine: o OpenVMS DECwindows Compute Server (base kit, which includes runtime support) o OpenVMS DECwindows Device Support (optional) Refer to the OpenVMS Installation Guide for details. 1.3 Prerequisite Hardware DECwrite supports all hardware configurations supported by an OpenVMS VAX Version 5.4-3 system or an OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5 system running DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.1, with a minimum of 12 MB of memory. See the DECwrite System Software Addendum (SSA) for details about supported hardware configurations. Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1-3 Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1.4 Privileged Account 1.4 Privileged Account To install DECwrite, you must be logged into the system manager's account (SYSTEM), an account that has SETPRV, or an account with at least the following privileges: o CMKRNL o WORLD o SYSPRV Note that the VMSINSTAL procedure turns off BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation. 1.5 License Registration You should register and load the DECwrite license before you install DECwrite. The information you need is in the Product Authorization Key (PAK) shipped with DECwrite. The PAK is a paper certificate that contains data about your license. ________________________Note ________________________ If you do not register and load the license before installing DECwrite, the installation will complete but DECwrite will run only in demonstration mode. In demonstration mode you will not be able to save documents. You will be able to use DECwrite fully once you have registered and loaded the DECwrite PAK. _____________________________________________________ There are several license types for DECwrite Version 3.0. While it is necessary to have only one license type active to use DECwrite, DECwrite checks for the existence of the other license types until it finds a valid license type. License failures for some of these other license types may be displayed to the operator's console and can be disregarded. These messages can be controlled system-wide for all products by defining the LMF$DISPLAY_ OPCOM_MESSAGE logical name. For more information, see the OpenVMS License Management Utility manual. 1-4 Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1.5 License Registration To register the license, first log in to a privileged account, such as the system manager's account, SYSTEM. Then choose one of the following procedures to perform the registration. The second method is faster for experienced users. o Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When prompted for information, respond with data from your Product Authorization Key (PAK). OR o Issue the DCL commands LICENSE REGISTER and LICENSE LOAD with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to information on the PAK. For more information, see the OpenVMS License Management Utility manual. 1.6 Startup Procedures If you have previously installed DECwrite, make sure you execute SYS$STARTUP:WRITE$STARTUP.COM before starting the new installation. If you have previously installed any of the International Lexicon kits or are reinstalling DECwrite, make sure you execute the SYS$STARTUP:LCI$STARTUP.COM procedure before starting the installation. This startup procedure defines the logical name LCI$LEXICONS. The installation procedure then uses this logical name to place the lexicon, or the spell check dictionary, files in their proper directories. 1.7 VMScluster Considerations You can install DECwrite on a VMScluster. In a VMScluster[TM] with a common system disk, you can perform the installation on a single member of the cluster. After the installation is completed, each processor can share the same DECwrite software. You must check the number of global sections and global pages on each node in the VMScluster where you plan to install DECwrite. See the next section (see Section 1.8) for instructions. Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1-5 Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1.7 VMScluster Considerations See Chapter 3 for details about VMScluster post- installation instructions. 1.8 System Quotas You use the VMSINSTAL command procedure to install DECwrite. For VMSINSTAL to run properly, there must be sufficient disk storage space and proper system parameter settings to accommodate the installation. This section describes the recommended disk space and system parameters. 1.8.1 Disk Space Requirements Installing DECwrite requires a certain amount of disk storage space. Once the installation is complete, less storage space is required. Table 1-1 summarizes the storage requirements. The VMSINSTAL command has an Alternate Working Directory (AWD) option. This allows you to designate a di- rectory other than the default working directory (SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSUPD.product-name]) used by VMSINSTAL during the installation. This option is useful if there is little free space on the system disk. ________________________Note ________________________ The values in Table 1-1 apply only to the American English language variant. See the cover letter of the System Software Addendum (SSA) in your kit for the values appropriate to your product variant. _____________________________________________________ 1-6 Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1.8 System Quotas Table_1-1_Free_Disk_Blocks_Required_to_Install_DECwrite___ Installation At Installation For Permanent Type _______Time[1]________ Use[1]___________ System _________________Disk________AWD_Device__System_Disk______ OpenVMS AXP: Complete 51 200 47 300 47 300 Without clip 41 000 37 100 37 100 art Font only 2200 2200 1000 OpenVMS VAX: Complete 55 000 50 000 50 00 Without clip 44 800 39 800 39 800 art Font only 2200 2200 1000 [1]These_values_are_approximate,_but_are_the_maximum_that_ the installation will require. The installation procedure reports the actual number of blocks required, which will be slightly less than these values, and may differ from the sample installation in Chapter 2. __________________________________________________________ Use the DCL command SHOW DEVICE to determine the number of free blocks that are presently available on the system disk: SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE If the system disk does not have enough free blocks for permanent use, delete unnecessary files to provide space. If the system disk has enough disk space for permanent use, but does not have enough free blocks at installation time, use any alternate working directory (AWD) on the device having the required AWD disk space. See Table 1-1 for AWD disk space requirements. Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1-7 Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1.8 System Quotas 1.8.2 System Parameter Values Digital recommends that the system parameter WSMAX be set to at least 4100. On a single-user workstation, it should be set higher, depending on the amount of workstation memory. Digital recommends that the account you use to install DECwrite must have a buffered I/O byte count limit (BYTLM) of 35 000. If necessary, change the value using the OpenVMS Authorize Utility. For example, to modify the BYTLM resource for the SYSTEM account, use this command: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:AUTHORIZE UAF> MODIFY SYSTEM/BYTLM=35000 UAF> EXIT The DECwrite executable images and the shared libraries can be optionally installed at DECwrite startup time using the INSTALL utility. Table 1-2 lists the minimum system parameter values required to successfully install all these images and libraries. Table_1-2_Minimum_Required_Global_Pages_and_Sections______ System_Parameter____Minimum_Value_________________________ GBLPAGES 3116 GBLSECTIONS_________9_____________________________________ If GBLPAGES or GBLSECTIONS are below the recommended values, VMSINSTAL displays a message. Installing the DECwrite images will result in better performance. Make sure to adjust these system parameters before modifying and executing the DECwrite startup procedure WRITE$STARTUP.COM. See Chapter 3 for details. Since installing the DECwrite images and shared libraries is optional, you can safely continue the installation. 1-8 Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1.8 System Quotas Checking Parameter Values To check the value of one or more parameters, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> At the SYSGEN> prompt, use the SHOW command to display the value of each system parameter. After you finish checking parameter values, use the EXIT command to return to DCL level. Calculating GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS Parameter Values The values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS in Table 1-2 indicate that you must have at least 3116 unused global pages and 9 unused global sections available for the installation. To calculate the number of unused global pages and global sections in your system: 1. Use the DCL F$GETSYI lexical function to determine the number of free global pages and global sections: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 2. If the number of unused global pages is less than the number specified in Table 1-2, you must increase the value using the AUTOGEN command procedure (instructions follow). The next section describes the procedures for changing these values. For more information, refer to the OpenVMS system management documentation. Changing Parameter Values with AUTOGEN You use the AUTOGEN command procedure to change system parameters. AUTOGEN automatically adjusts values for parameters that need to be changed. To change system parameters with AUTOGEN: 1. Edit the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file. Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1-9 Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1.8 System Quotas For example, to increase the setting for the GBLPAGES system parameter by 2000, add this line to the file: ADD_GBLPAGES = 2000 2. Enter the following command to recalculate your system parameters: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT AUTOGEN performs an automatic system shutdown and reboots when it has finished. Rebooting your system makes the new parameter values active. For more information about using AUTOGEN, see the instructions on modifying system parameters in the OpenVMS system management documentation. 1.9 Style File Backup If there is a previous version of DECwrite installed on the system, and you have modified the style files provided with that version in the CDA$LIBRARY directory, make a backup copy of these style files before proceeding with the DECwrite installation. If you are installing the French version of DECwrite, use this command: $ BACKUP/LOG CDA$LIBRARY_FR_FR:WR_*.DOC_STYLE STYLE_FILES.BCK/SAV If you are installing the Belgian French version of DECwrite, use this command: $ BACKUP/LOG CDA$LIBRARY_FR_BE:WR_*.DOC_STYLE STYLE_FILES.BCK/SAV If you are installing the Canadian French version of DECwrite, use this command: $ BACKUP/LOG CDA$LIBRARY_FR_CA:WR_*.DOC_STYLE STYLE_FILES.BCK/SAV If you are installing the Swiss French version of DECwrite, use this command: $ BACKUP/LOG CDA$LIBRARY_FR_CH:WR_*.DOC_STYLE STYLE_FILES.BCK/SAV After you complete the installation, restore the files in the save set to the CDA$LIBRARY directory. 1-10 Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1.10 System Disk Backup 1.10 System Disk Backup Make a backup copy of your system disk before you install DECwrite. For more information about backing up your system disk, refer to the OpenVMS system management documentation. Preparing for DECwrite Installation on an OpenVMS System 1-11 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing DECwrite This chapter describes how to run the DECwrite installa- tion procedure. You should allow between 35 minutes and 2 hours and 20 minutes to complete the entire installation and installation verification procedure (IVP), depending on the speed of the system on which you are installing DECwrite. Allow approximately 10 minutes for a font-only installation. Before you start installing DECwrite, make sure that your system meets the requirements outlined in Chapter 1. DECwrite supports language switching. You can install multiple translated versions of DECwrite on a single system. These translated versions are called language variants. This kit includes four DECwrite language variants: French, Belgian French, Canadian French and Swiss French. A language variant determines the defaults for attributes such as: o The language used for menus and dialog boxes o The Primary Language and Paper Size for new documents DECwrite performs spell checking, hyphenation, and sorting operations according to the primary language. o The style files to use Select the appropriate language from the Language Options dialog box on the Session Manager Options menu before you start the installation. See the DECwrite Software Product Description (SPD) for a complete listing of the optional spell check dictionaries. Installing DECwrite 2-1 Installing DECwrite DECwrite installs the language-specific files in the appropriate language-specific subdirectories. See Appendix A for a complete listing of these files and directories, plus a listing of all the files that a DECwrite installation installs or modifies. Section 2.2 describes how to locate and print the release notes for your DECwrite kit. Appendix B contains a printout of a typical installation procedure for your reference. You can install the entire DECwrite kit, with or without clip art, or just the screen fonts supplied by DECwrite. If you are installing DECwrite: o In a cluster that includes workstations, install the entire kit. o On a standalone workstation that runs DECwrite locally, install the entire kit. o On a standalone workstation that always runs DECwrite from a remote system, you need install only the screen fonts. This allows the standalone workstation to run DECwrite only from the remote system, and access the full set of supported fonts. Similarly, if a standalone workstation user not running DECwrite wants to use either DECwindows Mail or the CDA Viewer to view documents containing equations, then you need to install the DECwrite screen fonts on that workstation. 2.1 VMSINSTAL Requirements When you invoke the DCL command VMSINSTAL, it checks: o Whether you are logged in to a privileged account o Whether you have adequate quotas for installation o Whether DECnet is up and running o Whether any users are logged in to the system 2-2 Installing DECwrite Installing DECwrite 2.1 VMSINSTAL Requirements If VMSINSTAL detects a problem during the installation procedure, it notifies you and asks if you want to continue. To stop the installation and correct the problem, enter NO or press the Return key. After you have made the correction, you can restart the installation. To cancel the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl/Y. The installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and exits. You can then restart the installation. Digital recommends that you refer to the section on the VMSINSTAL command procedure in your OpenVMS documentation set. In the OpenVMS base documentation set, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. In the OpenVMS full documentation set, see the Guide to Setting Up an OpenVMS System. 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure You must use the VMSINSTAL command procedure to install DECwrite. Follow these steps to begin the installation: 1. Log in to a privileged account, such as the OpenVMS system manager's account, SYSTEM. 2. Ensure that there are no active users on the system. 3. Start VMSINSTAL by entering a command in the following format: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DECWRITEFR030 device-name OPTIONS N where device-name is the device specification for the distribution media, for example, MUA0:. Specifying OPTIONS N indicates that you want to be prompted to display or print the release notes. Specifying OPTIONS AWD=device: where device: is other than SYS$SYSDEVICE, allows you to re-direct the creation of a temporary working directory used by VMSINSTAL, from SYS$COMMON:[SYSUPD.kit-name] to device:[000000.kit- name]. Installing DECwrite 2-3 Installing DECwrite 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure You can also include the name of the root directory where VMSINSTAL creates its working directory by specifying the directory using the format: OPTIONS AWD=device:[dir1.dir2.dir3]. Using this specification the VMSINSTAL working directory is device:[dir1.dir2.dir3]. ________________________Note ________________________ If the device root directory [000000], or the specified root directory [dir1.dir2.dir3], already contains the subdirectory [.kit-name], VMSINSTAL will delete the subdirectory and subdirectory contents before it restores the first saveset from the media. _____________________________________________________ If you do not specify the AWD option, the installation creates the temporary working directory on the system disk by default. VMSINSTAL has several other options, described in the OpenVMS software installation documentation. A message similar to the following appears on your screen: OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V1.5 It is 27-JAN-1994 at 19:13 Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. Your DECnet network is up and running. The following processes are still active: L M N O P * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? DECwindows requires that DECnet be up and running. 4. Enter YES and press < Return > to continue the installation. 2-4 Installing DECwrite Installing DECwrite 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure You are asked whether you need to back up your system disk: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Generally, you should back up your system disk before any major software installation, as you were instructed in Chapter 1. YES is the default answer. 5. If you backed up your system disk recently, press the Return key to continue. Next, you receive instructions to mount the distribu- tion media you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL (in this example, MUA0:). If you did not specify where you would mount the distribution volumes, DECwrite prompts you to identify where you have mounted them. Please mount the first volume of the set on MUA0:. * Are you ready? 6. Mount the media, then enter YES and press < Return > to indicate that you are ready to continue. The following messages appear on your screen: The following products will be processed: DECWRITEFR V3.0 Beginning installation of DECWRITEFR V3.0 at 19:14 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... 7. If you selected OPTIONS N when you first invoked the VMSINSTAL procedure, a menu asks you how you want to handle the release notes: Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. Do not display, print or copy release notes * Select option [2]: You should review the release notes before proceeding with the installation. Choosing option 3 displays the release notes and prints a copy. Installing DECwrite 2-5 Installing DECwrite 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure If you choose an option that prints the release notes, you are prompted for a print queue: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: 8. Press < Return > to print the release notes on SYS$PRINT, or type a different active queue name and press < Return >. The screen displays a message similar to the following: Job 810 (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 1295) started on SYS$PRINT You are asked whether you want to continue with the installation: * Do you want to continue the installation? 9. Enter YES to continue, otherwise press < Return >. In either case, the release notes are copied to a file in the SYS$HELP directory and you receive a message similar to the following: %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, The product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. The text version of the release notes is contained in the file DECWRITEFR030.RELEASE_NOTES in the SYS$HELP: directory. The Bookreader version of the release notes is contained in the file DECWRITEFR030_RELEASE_ NOTES.DECW$BOOK in the WRITE$EXAMPLES: directory. ________________________Note ________________________ Do not delete the release notes for earlier DECwrite versions. _____________________________________________________ Note that the name of the release notes file includes the product name and version number. The screen displays the following messages: Beginning installation of DECWRITEFR V3.0 at 19:14 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. DECwrite V3.0 Installation Procedure © Digital Equipment Corporation 1989, 1994. All rights reserved. 2-6 Installing DECwrite Installing DECwrite 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Usage Alert, Electronic Thesaurus, International Hyphenators, and International CorrectSpell licensed from Houghton Mifflin Company. Copyright 1985, 1987, 1988 by Houghton Mifflin. German 1985, 1987 by Langenscheidt K.G. French in cooperation with Librairie Larousse. Italian 1988 by Nicola Zanichelli. All rights reserved. U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,580,241, 4,724,523 and 4,771,401. Canadian Pat. No. 1,203,916. Thesaurus U.S. Pat. No. 4,724,523. English based upon The American Heritage Dictionary. Thesaurus based upon Roget's II Thesaurus. Reproduction or disassembly of embodied computer programs or algorithms prohibited. Arts and Letters (TM) clipart licensed to Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. Copyright (c) Computer Support Corporation 1985- 1990. All rights reserved. Portions licensed to Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts Copyright (c) Frame Technology Corporation 1989. All rights reserved. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... You can install the DECwrite kit completely or just the additional screen fonts used by DECwrite and the DECwrite Equation Editor. If you are installing this kit for use on a workstation, or on a VMScluster that includes workstations, then you should install the entire kit. This requires 62000 blocks. If you are installing this kit on a workstation that will only run DECwrite from a remote system, then only the screen font files are needed. This requires 1268 blocks. Installing DECwrite 2-7 Installing DECwrite 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure You can install the entire DECwrite kit or just the screen fonts supplied by DECwrite. If you are installing DECwrite: o In a cluster that includes workstations, install the entire kit. o On a standalone workstation that runs DECwrite locally, install the entire kit. o On a standalone workstation that always runs DECwrite from a remote system, you need install only the screen fonts. This allows the standalone workstation to run DECwrite only from the remote system, and access the full set of supported fonts. For a listing of the fonts supplied by DECwrite, see Appendix A. You receive information about the number of blocks required to install the entire kit, or to install only the screen font files. You are then asked if you want to install the entire kit: * Do you want to install the entire kit [YES]? YES This kit contains the user interface for both DECwrite/French, DECwrite/Canadian-French, DECwrite/Belgian-French and DECwrite/Swiss-French Choose one of the following: 1) DECwrite/French user interface 2) DECwrite/Canadian-French user interface 3) DECwrite/Belgian-French user interface 4) DECwrite/Swiss-French user interface * Enter choice [1]: 1 10.Press < Return > if you are installing French. Enter 2 if you are installing Canadian-French... Installing DECwrite/French... Installing DECwrite/Motif... 2-8 Installing DECwrite Installing DECwrite 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure The screen displays: This kit contains an optional clipart library composed of Encapsulated PostScript pictures, DDIF pictures, and DDIF images. Its total size is 10240 blocks. * Do you want to install the clip art library [YES]? 11.Press < Return > if you want to install the clip art library. You can install the clip art library in sys$sysdevice:[clipart] by default, or you can install it in another location. DECwrite asks you to identify a directory other than the default directory where you want to place the clip art files. Specify a device and directory on which to install the clip art library * Device and directory [sys$sysdevice:[clipart]]: USER:[PUBLISH.CLIPART] 12.Enter the name of another directory where you want to place the files, OR Press < Return > to accept the default directory. For example: You have chosen the device and directory USER:[PUBLISH.CLIPART] * Is this correct [YES]? 13.Press < Return > to confirm your choice of the directory. The installation also reinstalls the DECwrite style files. The installation prompts you to make backup copies if you have modified the original style files in the CDA$LIBRARY: directory. ************************************************************* Note: This installation will replace the DECwrite supplied style files in CDA$LIBRARY. If you have made modifications to these files, make backup copies before continuing. For example: $ backup/log cda$library:wr_*.doc_style style_files.bck/sav ************************************************************* Installing DECwrite 2-9 Installing DECwrite 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure * Do you want to continue [YES]? If you are installing a language variant of DECwrite that already existed on your system, and if you have made modifications in language-specific style files located on CDA$LIBRARY_XX_YY, you should make an additional backup copy of these files before continuing. This applies, for example, if you have modified the style files supplied with the French version of DECwrite: $ BACKUP/LOG CDA$LIBRARY_FR_FR:WR_*.DOC_STYLE STYLE_FILES_FR_FR.BCK/SAV 14.Create the backup files if necessary. Press < Return > once you have made the backup files, or if you do not need to preserve them. The screen then displays: This kit requires DECchart V1.6 or later. If your system does not have the required version of DECchart installed, the screen displays the following message: ************************************************************* DECchart V1.6 will be installed since it does not exist on your system. ************************************************************* If your system has the required version of DECchart installed, the screen displays a message similar to the following: ************************************************************* DECchart V1.n already exists on your system. You may choose to reinstall DECchart V1.n or use the currently installed version. ************************************************************* * Do you want to reinstall DECchart [NO]? 2-10 Installing DECwrite Installing DECwrite 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure Reinstall DECchart if you are installing this kit on a system running multiple language versions of DECwrite. For example, if the French version of DECwrite is currently installed and you are installing the American English version, then reinstall DECchart. 15.Enter YES and press < Return >. The screen then displays: This kit requires the DECwrite Equation Editor V3.0-2 or later. If your system does not have the DECwrite Equation Editor V3.0-2 or later installed, the screen displays the following message: ************************************************************* The DECwrite Equation Editor V3.0-2 will be installed since it does not exist on your system. ************************************************************* If your system has the DECwrite Equation Editor V3.0-2 or later installed, the screen displays the following message: ************************************************************* The DECwrite Equation Editor V3.0-2 already exists on your system. You may choose to reinstall the Equation Editor or use the currently installed version. ************************************************************* * Do you want to reinstall the Equation Editor [NO]? You should reinstall the DECwrite Equation Editor if you are installing this kit on a system running multiple language versions of DECwrite. For example, if the French version of DECwrite is currently installed and you are installing the American English version, then reinstall the Equation Editor. To reinstall the Equation Editor, enter YES and press < Return >. 16.If there are some spell check dictionaries already installed on the system (by another product, or by a previous installation of DECwrite), the screen displays: Installing DECwrite 2-11 Installing DECwrite 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure %VMSINSTAL-I-DIREXISTS, The spell check lexicon directory already exists: -VMSINSTAL-I-DIREXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[LCI.LEXICONS] -VMSINSTAL-I-DIREXISTS, The French lexicon will be installed there. Checking/registering INTL-LEXICON-FRENCH Product Authorization Key... 17.If there are no spell check dictionaries already installed on the system, the screen displays: The DECwrite spell check lexicons will be installed in the directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[LCI.LEXICONS] by default. You may optionally install the files on a device other than the system disk. * Specify a device on which to install the spell check lexicons [SYS$SYSDEVICE:]: Enter the name of the device where you want the spell check dictionaries installed, or press < Return > to use the default device (SYS$SYSDEVICE:). The screen displays: You have chosen the device SYS$SYSDEVICE: * Is this correct [YES]? Press < Return > to confirm the device. The screen then displays: Checking/registering INTL-LEXICON-FRENCH Product Authorization Key... ________________________Note ________________________ The Session Manager's language setting should match the language of the DECwrite language variant you are installing. _____________________________________________________ To set the language, choose Language from the Session Manager Options menu and choose the appropriate language from the Language Options dialog box. Note that other language variants have different PAKs. The screen then displays: * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? 18.If you are NOT installing DECwrite from a workstation, then do not run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). Instead, use a workstation to run the IVP after the installation is completed. 2-12 Installing DECwrite Installing DECwrite 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure If you are installing DECwrite from a workstation, but one that is NOT running DECnet, then do not run the IVP during the installation. Instead, execute the IVP from the command line after the installation has completed, making sure that a display device is defined using the local transport. Use the SET DISPLAY command to define a display device. See the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary for information about this command. If you are installing DECwrite from a workstation that is running DECnet, answer YES. If your workstation display is not defined, the installation procedure tells you and prompts you for the workstation name. The screen displays: Enter the node name of the workstation on which to display the IVP or press Return to continue and not run the IVP * Node name: 19.Enter the node name of the workstation on which you want to display the IVP. This node name is used to issue a SET DISPLAY command to the appropriate workstation. Note that this requires that the Session Manager's security database be set up properly and that nodes be defined properly in the network databases. For example, if you are installing DECwrite on your own workstation and you have SET HOST 0 from your own account to use the SYSTEM account, then you must add 0::SYSTEM to the security database. See the OpenVMS DECwindows Motif User's Guide for information about the Session Manager's security database. The screen then displays: The language in the Language dialog box on the Session Manager's Customize/Option menu must be set to French in order to run the IVP. Ensure the language is set accordingly before continuing. * Press Return when ready to continue: 20.Make sure that the language is set to the language you are installing, then press < Return >. Installing DECwrite 2-13 Installing DECwrite 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure You are asked whether you want to purge (delete) old versions of files replaced by this installation: * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Purging is recommended. 21.To purge old versions of the files, press < Return >. The screen displays a message similar to the following: To complete the installation on a standalone DEC 3000 Model 500 Series will take approximately: 50 minutes to install 10 minutes to run the IVP All required questions have been asked. You can terminate the installation procedure at this time. * Do you want to continue the installation [YES]? ________________________Note ________________________ The exact wording of the message may vary, depending on whether you are installing DECwrite on an OpenVMS AXP or an OpenVMS VAX computer. _____________________________________________________ 22.Press < Return > to continue the installation or type No to stop the installation. The screen displays the following messages: %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set E ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set F ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set G ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set H ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set L ... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.FR_FR.DECWRITE]. The on-line demonstration document, tutorial.doc and the documents used in the Getting Started exercises are in: VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.FR_FR.DECWRITE] 2-14 Installing DECwrite Installing DECwrite 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DECWRITE.FONTS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DECWRITE]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory USER:[PUBLISH.CLIPART]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[EPS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[ARROWS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[BUILDING]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[COMMUNIC]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[ENERGY]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[SPORTS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[FIGURES]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[FINANCE]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[GOVERNMT]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[SCIENCE]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_BLDG]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_BORDR]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_BUSNS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_COMM]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_DOM]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_FIN]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_FLAGS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_MISC]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_NATUR]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_PEOPL]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_SCI]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_SPORT]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_SYMBL]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_TOONS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_TRANS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_USMAP]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_WDMAP]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DECCHART]. 23.The screen then displays a message similar to the following: The following commands must be added to the system startup command file SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM for all nodes that will be running DECwrite: @sys$startup:write$startup FR_FR @sys$manager:decw$starti18n FR_FR @sys$startup:lci$startup.com ! French lexicon Installing DECwrite 2-15 Installing DECwrite 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure ________________________Note ________________________ The name of the system startup command file varies, depending on the OpenVMS version, and on whether you are installing DECwrite on an OpenVMS AXP or an OpenVMS VAX computer. See Chapter 3 for information about editing startup files. _____________________________________________________ 24.Add the listed commands to the system startup command file for all nodes that will run DECwrite. The screen also displays: If you are installing this kit on a workstation, you should restart DECwindows after the installation has completed: @sys$startup:decw$startup restart 25.Make sure you restart DECwindows after the installation is complete. The installation continues. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %VMSINSTAL-I-FONTS, Updating font directories 8 fonts loaded Creating decw$root:[sysfont.decw.user_75dpi]DECW$FONT_DIRECTORY.DAT 8 fonts loaded Creating decw$root:[sysfont.decw.user_100dpi]DECW$FONT_DIRECTORY.DAT %VMSINSTAL-I-RUNIVP, Executing installation verification procedure(s) Executing IVP for: DECwrite V3.0 The IVP edits a sample document. If the document looks the same as the illustration in the installation guide, then the installation has been successful. After the document window appears, click the mouse in the window to assign input focus, and type Alt/Q (hold down the Compose Character or "Alt" key and press Q) to exit DECwrite and complete the DECwrite portion of the IVP. Note that when executing this IVP for a particular DECwrite language variant, make sure to set the appropriate language in the Language dialog box on the Session Manager's Customization menu. See the installation guide for details. Set your language now before continuing with the IVP. 2-16 Installing DECwrite Installing DECwrite 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure Press return when ready: To set the language, choose Language from the Session Manager Options menu and choose the appropriate language from the Language Options dialog box. 26.Return input focus to the terminal window and press < Return >. The screen displays: Starting DECwrite.... 27.The document displayed on the screen should look like Figure 2-1. ________________________Note ________________________ If you are running DECwrite on a color workstation the document will be displayed in color. _____________________________________________________ 28.Complete the instructions in the IVP document, including updating the chart, which serves as an installation verification procedure for DECchart. After you have updated the chart, follow the instructions to close the IVP document. As DECwrite displays the document, the screen displays the following messages: ************************************* DECwrite V3.0 IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY ************************************* IVP completed for: DECwrite V3.0-2 Executing IVP for: International Lexicon/French for VMS V1.0 ******************************************** Installing DECwrite 2-17 Installing DECwrite 2.2 VMSINSTAL Procedure International Lexicon/French for VMS V1.0 IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY ********************************************* IVP completed for: International Lexicon/French for VMS V1.0 Installation of DECWRITEFR V3.0 completed at 20:05 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 20:05 ________________________Note ________________________ VMSINSTAL will execute all of the DECwrite compo- nent IVP procedures (DECwrite itself, DECchart, International Lexicon/ French) and exit successfully. Any errors will be reported by the individual IVP. _____________________________________________________ The installation is complete. Refer to the post- installation procedures in Chapter 3. 2-18 Installing DECwrite 3 ________________________________________________________________ DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures This chapter describes tasks you must complete after you install DECwrite. 3.1 Editing Startup Files You must edit the system startup command file and, optionally, the DECwrite startup command file before using DECwrite. 3.1.1 Editing the System Startup File The name of the system startup command file varies, depending on the version of OpenVMS that is installed on the system. Table 3-1 shows the system startup command file names. Table_3-1_System_Startup_File_Names_______________________ OpenVMS_Version____________File_Name______________________ OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5 SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM or later OpenVMS VAX Version 5.4 SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5 SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM or_later__________________________________________________ Add the following lines to the appropriate system startup command file: DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3-1 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.1 Editing Startup Files $ @SYS$STARTUP:WRITE$STARTUP.COM ! DECwrite $ @SYS$STARTUP:LCI$STARTUP.COM ! International Lexicons ________________________Note ________________________ If an international spell checking dictionary has previously been installed, LCI$STARTUP.COM should already be in the system startup command file. _____________________________________________________ 3.1.2 Editing the DECwrite Startup File The DECwrite startup command file, WRITE$STARTUP.COM, defines the logical name WRITE$CLIPART to point to the DECwrite clip art directory. See the DECwrite User's Guide for information about the clip art files. The default at installation time is SYS$SYSDEVICE:[CLIPART]. If you installed the clip art during the installation, or if you had the logical name WRITE$CLIPART previously defined, the installation automatically appends the correct WRITE$CLIPART logical name definition to WRITE$STARTUP.COM. By default, all the INSTALL commands in WRITE$STARTUP.COM are commented out. You can optionally remove the comments for the images and shared libraries you want to install. This improves system performance on systems where multiple users are running DECwrite concurrently. Make sure you have completed the steps in Section 1.8 before executing WRITE$STARTUP.COM on a standalone system or on other nodes in a VMScluster. 3.1.3 Examples Directory DECwrite provides an examples directory with demonstration documents, sample clip art, and other documents useful during DECwrite editing. The DECwrite startup command file defines the WRITE$EXAMPLES logical name to point to the DECwrite examples directory. For a complete list of all the examples files, read the file readme.txt in the write$examples directory. 3-2 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.1 Editing Startup Files 3.1.4 Editing the System Login Command Procedure When a user invokes a LiveLink[TM] application, DECwrite starts the application in a detached, or child, process. For performance reasons, the detached process does not execute the user's LOGIN.COM command file. This means that logical names define in the LOGIN.COM file are not accessible to the LiveLink application. To make the logical names accessible, user's must use the /JOB qualifier when defining logical names in your LOGIN.COM file. Note that LiveLink applications do execute the system login command file, SYLOGIN.COM. When editing this file, do not assume interactive use only. For example, use the lexical function F$MODE(): $ IF F$MODE() .NES. "INTERACTIVE" THEN EXIT If there are logical names that you want to make accessible to all users, place the definitions before this line in the command file. 3.2 Installing DECwrite on a Standalone System If you have installed DECwrite on a standalone worksta- tion, you must restart the DECwindows server in order to use the new screen fonts. Enter @SYS$STARTUP:DECW$STARTUP RESTART to restart the server. ________________________Note ________________________ This will log you out of your workstation session. _____________________________________________________ 3.3 Installing DECwrite on a VMScluster To install DECwrite on a cluster with a common system disk, make sure you load the DECwrite license and the lexicon license appropriate to the language variant being installed on all nodes in the cluster. DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3-3 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.3 Installing DECwrite on a VMScluster To load the licenses, enter commands in the following format: $mc sysman SYSMAN> set environment/cluster/user=system Remote Password: SYSMAN> do license load LICENSE-NAME Where LICENSE-NAME is the language variant kit name. SYSMAN> do license load intl-lexicon Where intl-lexicon is the name of the spell lexicon. Table 3-2 lists the lexicons. SYSMAN> do @sys$startup:lci$startup SYSMAN> do @sys$startup:write$startup P1 [P2] SYSMAN> do @sys$manager:decw$starti18n P1 !DECwrite language variants SYSMAN> do @sys$startup:decw$startup restart ! Only required for workstations Where P1 is the name of the language parameter (for example, FR_CA for Canadian French), and P2 is the default language used when defining write$examples, as described in Section 3.1.3. SYSMAN> exit Table_3-2_International_Spell_Lexicons____________________ Name__________________Description_________________________ INTL-LEXICON- American English AMERICAN INTL-LEXICON- British English BRITISH-ENG INTL-LEXICON-DEUTSCH German INTL-LEXICON-ESPAŃOL Spanish INTL-LEXICON- French FRANCAIS INTL-LEXICON- Dutch NEDERLANDS INTL-LEXICON-SVENSKA Swedish (continued on next page) 3-4 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.3 Installing DECwrite on a VMScluster Table_3-2_(Cont.)_International_Spell_Lexicons____________ Name__________________Description_________________________ INTL-LEXICON-ITALIAN__Italian_____________________________ 3.4 Rebooting the System You can reboot your system after you have installed DECwrite and reset the system parameters (if necessary). A system reboot verifies that DECwrite is ready for use, and establishes any new parameter settings. Note, however, that rebooting is optional. 3.5 Performance and Tuning Performance concerns how fast DECwrite works for you when you are working in DECwrite. Tuning concerns how to set system parameters and otherwise run DECwrite so that DECwrite consumes resources optimally. CPU and memory are the major hardware resources af- fecting DECwrite performance. For more explanation, see Section 3.5.1. How you run DECwrite and the type of documents you are creating also affect performance. For more information on these factors, see Section 3.5.2. To optimize performance on OpenVMS systems, you should check the system parameters and the user account profile, as detailed in Section 3.5.3. Related to but not part of DECwrite performance are such aspects of your system as printing, disk space, network traffic, and so on. For example, printing performance depends on such factors as the type of printer you are using, the length of your document, and whether or not your document contains complex pictures or images. DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3-5 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.5 Performance and Tuning 3.5.1 CPU and Memory CPU and memory are key to optimizing performance. The more memory you have and the faster the CPU, the better DECwrite will perform. As a rough guide, you need 1 megabyte of memory for every 100 pages of text-only DECwrite document. Documents with images or graphics require more memory. Each desktop should have a local page disk with an initial page file size of approximately 80,000 blocks. A standalone workstation requires a minimum of 16 megabytes of physical memory. DECwrite V3.0 uses the OpenVMS Proactive Memory Reclamation feature to optimize memory usage. 3.5.2 DECwrite Sessions At each DECwrite session, users can control some aspects of DECwrite performance. Running DECwrite If possible, users should run DECwrite as a detached process or directly from a DECterm window rather than spawning DECwrite. If a user spawns DECwrite, DECwrite shares process quotas with any other application running in or from that DECterm window. Display speed is affected by the graphics hardware used as well as by whether you are using X-terminals or workstations and the type of documents you are displaying. Images Bitmap images such as scanned photographs, screen captures, or images created by a paint program take up more memory and disk space than other parts of a DECwrite document. Documents containing images (both local copies of images and linked images) typically require large amounts of virtual memory during an editing session. The memory requirements for an image depend on its resolution, size, and depth, explained in Table 3-3. 3-6 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.5 Performance and Tuning Table_3-3_Image_Characteristics___________________________ Factor______Determined_By_________________________________ Resolution Number of pixels (picture elements or dots) per inch, most commonly known as dots per inch or DPI, which is 75 or 100 for screen captures from most Digital workstations and 300 or higher for most scanned or paint-program- created images Size Total number of pixels in the image, calculated by multiplying the resolution by the dimensions of the picture (for example, 100 X 2 X 3 = 600 pixels for an image that is 2 inches by 3 inches with a resolution of 100 DPI) Depth Number of memory bits (binary digits) required to represent a pixel, which is 1 bit per pixel for black and white (bitonal) and typically either 8 or 24 bits per pixel for color or ____________grayscale_images______________________________ Table 3-4 shows memory requirements for sample images. (Note that 8 bits is equal to 1 byte, and a megabyte is approximately a million bytes.) Table_3-4_Memory_Requirements_for_Sample_Images___________ DPI____Dimensions__Type________Memory_Required_(in_megabytes) 75 8 ½ X 11 black and .066 MB inches white 75 8 ½ X 11 8-bit .525 MB inches color 300 8 ½ X 11 black and 1.05 MB inches white 300 8 ½ X 11 8-bit 8.40 MB inches color (continued on next page) DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3-7 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.5 Performance and Tuning Table_3-4_(Cont.)_Memory_Requirements_for_Sample_Images___ DPI____Dimensions__Type________Memory_Required_(in_megabytes) 300 8 ½ X 11 24-bit 25.25 MB _______inches______color__________________________________ Even a large number of smaller images can require large amounts of memory. The main tuning parameters that affect DECwrite's memory usage are the AUTHORIZE working set quotas (WSDEFAULT, WSQUOTA, WSEXTENT), page file quota (PGFLQUO), and the virtual page count SYSGEN parameter (VIRTUALPAGECNT), described in Section 3.6.2 and Section 3.5.3. Use the SHOW PROCESS/CONT command while paging through a document's images to determine the virtual memory require- ments. Make sure the page file quota can accommodate the maximum number of virtual pages required. If users have very large images and if DECwrite displays messages about insufficient memory, increase the SYSGEN virtual page count parameter. In some cases, you may want to recommend to users that they change color images to black and white renditions in order to save space in memory (and on disk). A document containing large or multiple images requires much more time to print than a similar document with no images. While preparing to print a page with large images or several images, the printer may generate "stalled" messages, but still be working on printing that next page. Encapsulated PostScript Pictures Large Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) pictures can take a long time to display on your workstation. To avoid this problem, set the display off by setting the Encapsulated PostScript toggle in the Preferences dialog box to off. 3-8 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.5 Performance and Tuning 3.5.3 Post-Installation Tuning After you install DECwrite, you might want to adjust your system to enhance performance or lower the use of some system resources. For detailed information about tuning your OpenVMS system, see the Guide to OpenVMS Performance Management. DECwrite performance, particularly with large documents is dependent on the amount of memory available. Workstations running DECwrite should be tuned with this in mind. The critical parameters or quotas that control how much memory is available to user processes are: o The working set related quotas in AUTHORIZE: WSDEFAULT WSQUOTA WSEXTENT o The page file quota in AUTHORIZE: PGFLQUO o The SYSGEN parameters: VIRTUALPAGECNT WSMAX Setting the working set quotas too low causes unnecessary paging and swapping. WSDEF and WSQUOTA should be approximately 256 and 512, respectively. Since other DECwindows processes, such as the window manager, run with a user's quotas, it is usually best to start processes with this small amount of memory and let them get more memory as they need it. In the case of a workstation, the general strategy is to let DECwrite access as much physical memory as possible. In order to maximize a process's use of physical memory, WSEXTENT can be set very high, close to the value of WSMAX. For example, on a 24 megabyte (MB) workstation with 48,000 pages of memory available, approximately 6,000 pages are permanently allocated by VMS. The remaining 42,000 pages are available to user processes. DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3-9 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.5 Performance and Tuning Start by using MODPARAMS.DAT and setting a MIN_WSMAX equal to the total number of physical pages on the system. Run AUTOGEN and AUTOGEN will recommend the highest reasonable value for WSMAX. In this example, AUTOGEN recommends a value of approximately 34,000. Edit MODPARAMS.DAT to use this recommended value. This sort of tuning would be unrealistic on most timesharing and server machines, but it is not unrealistic for a single-user workstation. When the DECwrite user is working with very large documents, such as those containing large color images, make sure VIRTUALPAGECNT is large enough. You can determine the virtual memory requirements of a DECwrite session by using SHOW PROCESS/CONTINUOUS and watching the value of Virtual Pages. A DECwrite user's page file quota, PGFLQUO, should be at least as large as VIRTUALPAGECNT and usually larger. 3.6 User Account Requirements To use DECwrite, user accounts on your system must have certain privileges and quotas. The next two sections contain information about these requirements. 3.6.1 Privileges To use DECwrite, each account must have at least the TMPMBX and NETMBX privileges. Use the OpenVMS Authorize Utility to determine whether users have the privileges they require. 3.6.2 User Account Quotas You must make sure that the appropriate user accounts have sufficient quotas to be able to use DECwrite. Table 3-5 summarizes minimum recommended process quotas. Table_3-5_User_Account_Quotas_____________________________ Account_Quota____Value____________________________________ ASTLM 10 (continued on next page) 3-10 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.6 User Account Requirements Table_3-5_(Cont.)_User_Account_Quotas_____________________ Account_Quota____Value____________________________________ BIOLM 10 BYTLM 35 000 DIOLM 10 ENQLM 110 FILLM 10 MAXDETACH 0[1] PGFLQUO 40 000 PRCLM 2 TQELM 10 WSDEF 256 WSQUOTA 512 WSEXTENT 4 100[2] [1]LiveLink_applications_run_as_detached_processes._The___ MAXDETACH quota controls how many LiveLink processes a user can run at one time. [2]On a single-user workstation, the value of the system parameter WSEXTENT can be set equal to the value of WSMAX, for better performance. __________________________________________________________ 3.6.3 FileView Account Quotas If you want to run DECwrite from FileView, special tuning is required. FileView runs each task as a subprocess; therefore, your process quotas that are depleted by subprocess creation dictate how many FileView tasks you can run simultaneously. Before creating a new process, FileView checks these quotas and displays a warning in a dialog box if any are too low. The quota name is included in the message and can be one of the following: - ASTLM - BIOLM - BYTLM DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3-11 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.6 User Account Requirements - FILLM - PGFLQUOTA - PRCLM - TQELM The most likely quotas to be consumed are your process limit (PRCLM) and buffered I/O byte count (BYTLM). To run DECwrite from FileView, your BYTLM quota should be a minimum of 35 000, with an additional 5000 for each task you want to be able to run simultaneously. To be able to run five simultaneous tasks, your PRCLM quota must be at least 5, and your BYLTM quota must be at least 55 000. Process creation can reduce remaining ASTCNT and BIOCNT by 3, and FILCNT by 2. PGFLQUOTA usage is highly dependent on the task. FileView checks these quotas when creating its subpro- cesses; however, some quotas, such as PGFLQUOTA, are not consumed until the application is running. Therefore, if several applications are invoked at once, it is possible that PGFLQUOTA will be exhausted once the applications start up, without the error being detected by FileView. In this case, the applications can crash when the quota is exceeded. When process creation fails due to quota exhaustion, FileView marks the task as Pending in the Work in Progress box until one of the running tasks has completed. The Pending task then becomes Active. If you try to start an additional task after the quota message has been displayed, the task is marked Pending, and the Work in Progress box is displayed without a further warning message. 3.6.4 Modifying User Account Quotas User account quotas are stored in the file SYSUAF.DAT. Use the Authorize Utility to verify and change user account quotas. First, set your directory to SYS$SYSTEM, and then run AUTHORIZE: 3-12 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.6 User Account Requirements $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> At the AUTHORIZE prompt (UAF>), use the SHOW command with an account name to check a particular account. For example: UAF> SHOW SMITH To change a quota, use the MODIFY command at the UAF> prompt. MODIFY has the following format: MODIFY account-name /quota-name=nnnn The following example changes the FILLM quota for the SMITH account and then exits from the utility: UAF> MODIFY SMITH /FILLM=10 UAF> EXIT After you exit from the utility, the OpenVMS system displays messages indicating whether or not changes were made. Once you have finished making the changes, the users must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect. For more information about modifying account quotas, see the description of the Authorize Utility in the OpenVMS system management and operations documentation. 3.7 Installation Verification Procedures The DECwrite Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) runs automatically at the end of the DECwrite installation procedure if you enter YES to that option during the installation. ________________________Note ________________________ Before you run the IVP for any language, ensure that you correctly set the language you will use. _____________________________________________________ DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3-13 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.7 Installation Verification Procedures If you did not enter YES, you may want to run the IVP later. If run later, the IVP needs two separate command procedures: $ @SYS$TEST:WRITE$IVP.COM ! DECwrite $ @SYS$TEST:INTLxx$IVP.COM ! Bundled spell checking dictionary where xx is the two letter code for the lexicon included in your DECwrite kit. Table 3-6 lists language codes used for bundled lexicons. Table_3-6_Lexicons_supplied_by_DECwrite_Kits______________ Language Bundled IVP Language DECwrite_Kit____Variant_______Lexicon_______Code__________ DECWRITEFR030 All French French FR ________________LVs_______________________________________ You receive a message indicating whether the IVP succeeded or failed. 3.8 Invoking DECwrite You can run DECwrite from the Session Manager, from FileView, or from the command line (DCL). To run DECwrite, you must use the appropriate display device. See your SSA for the list of supported display devices. To invoke a DECwrite language variant: 1. Select the language corresponding to the DECwrite language variant you want to use, by choosing Language from the Session Manager Options menu and choosing the appropriate language from the Language Options dialog box. 2. Run DECwrite using one of the methods described below. ________________________Note ________________________ If you switch to a language for which there is no DECwrite language variant, DECwrite will not run. If the DECwrite American English product variant is installed, that will be run instead. _____________________________________________________ 3-14 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.8 Invoking DECwrite 3.8.1 Running DECwrite from the Session Manager The installation automatically adds DECwrite as an item on the Session Manager Applications menu. To invoke DECwrite using a particular language: 1. From the Session Manager, choose Customize Language. 2. Choose the appropriate language from the Session Language list box. 3. Choose DECwrite from the Session Manager's Applications menu. ________________________Note ________________________ If you use a graphics terminal (VT1200, for example), you must first establish X-session on the node where DECwrite is installed; then, repeat the actions described in this section. _____________________________________________________ 3.8.2 Running DECwrite from FileView The installation adds DECwrite as an item on the FileView Applications menu. You should inform all users after the installation that DECwrite is available as an option on their FileView Applications menu. In FileView, if you double click on a file with the extension .doc or .doc_style, DECwrite is automatically invoked to edit that document. For information about adjusting quotas to run DECwrite in FileView, see Section 3.6.2. 3.8.3 Running DECwrite from DCL To run DECwrite from the DCL command line, enter at the $ prompt: run sys$system:decwrite If you want to run DECwrite from your workstation in a language other than English, choose the appropriate language from the Session Language list on the Customize Language dialog box. DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3-15 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.8 Invoking DECwrite You can also add a line to your login.com file to define a symbol to run DECwrite. For example: decwrite :== $ sys$system:decwrite You could, after logging out and then logging back in or running login.com, enter at the DCL $ prompt: decwrite filename This would invoke DECwrite and open the named document if it already exists, or display the New Document Attributes dialog box if you have specified a new document. 3.9 DECwrite Sample Documents During installation, DECwrite places sample files for each of its components in the following directories: o WRITE$EXAMPLES_ll_cc o CHART$EXAMPLES_ll_cc where ll is language code, cc is culture code. The WRITE$$EXAMPLES directory contains: o The documents used for the Getting Started exercises o Several demonstration documents o A sample equation for use with the DECwrite Equation Editor o Several sample Encapsulated PostScript files for use with the DECwrite Link to Picture option For a complete list of all the examples files, read the file readme.txt in the write$examples directory. For instructions on using the DECwrite Getting Started exercises and the online tutorial, refer to the DECwrite User's Guide. The CHART$EXAMPLES directory contains a sample chart file used in the DECchart exercises. For instructions on the DECchart exercises, refer to the DECwrite User's Guide. 3-16 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.10 Compiling Fonts on Remote Workstations 3.10 Compiling Fonts on Remote Workstations Your DECwrite software kit includes bitmap definition font files. If you want to display DECwrite on a system not specifically supported by your software kit, you will need to compile and install the fonts on the remote system. For example, if you have purchased DECwrite for DEC OSF/1 AXP and want to display DECwrite on an OpenVMS workstation, follow the procedure in Section 3.10.1. On the other hand, if you have purchased DECwrite for OpenVMS and want to display DECwrite to an OpenVMS system where DECwrite is not installed, simply perform a font only installation, as described in the installation procedure in Section 2.2. After installing the DECwrite kit, the bitmap distribution format (.bdf) files can be found in the following directories: o On OpenVMS systems: SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DECWRITE.FONTS] o On DEC OSF/1 AXP systems: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/private/75dpi /usr/lib/X11/fonts/private/100dpi The following sections describe how to compile and install the DECwrite fonts on OpenVMS and DEC OSF/1 AXP displays, and on PCs using DECwindows. 3.10.1 Compiling and Installing Fonts on OpenVMS Systems To compile and install the fonts on an OpenVMS system: 1. From a system account, copy the files with a .bdf extension to a temporary working directory on the OpenVMS workstation that will display DECwrite. 2. Compile each of the files using command in the following format: $ FONT fontfilename.BDF The FONT command creates a file with a .DECW$FONT file extension. DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3-17 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.10 Compiling Fonts on Remote Workstations 3. Copy all the 75 dpi font files into the 75 dpi font area using the following command: $ COPY/LOG *_75.DECW$FONT SYS$COMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.USER_75DPI] 4. Copy all the 100 dpi font files into the 100 dpi font area using the following command: $ COPY/LOG *_100.DECW$FONT SYS$COMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.USER_100DPI] 5. Update the DECwindows Motif server's font directory file using the following command: $ @SYS$UPDATE:DECW$MKFONTDIR 6. Restart the DECwindows Motif server using the following command: $ @SYS$MANAGER:DECW$STARTUP RESTART 3.10.2 Compiling and Installing Fonts on DEC OSF/1 AXP Systems To compile and install the fonts on a DEC OSF/1 AXP workstation: 1. From a privileged account, copy the files with a .bdf extension to a temporary working directory on the OSF/1 workstation that will display DECwrite. 2. Compile each font file using a command in the following format: /usr/bin/dxfc fontfilename.bdf >fontfilename.pcf 3. Copy all the 75 dpi font files into the 75 dpi font area using the following command: cp file.pcf /usr/lib/X11/fonts/private/75dpi/ 4. Copy all the 100 dpi font files into the 100 dpi font area using this command: cp file.pcf /usr/lib/X11/fonts/private/100dpi/ 5. Enter the following commands: mkfontdir /usr/lib/X11/fonts/private/75dpi mkfontdir /usr/lib/X11/fonts/private/100dpi 6. Restart the DECwindows Motif server. 3-18 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.10 Compiling Fonts on Remote Workstations 3.10.3 Compiling and Installing Fonts on a PC DECwindows System To compile and install the fonts on a PC DECwindows system: 1. Copy the .bdf files from the system where DECwrite is installed to a directory on your PC. The PC file names must be no more than eight characters followed by a three-character extension. For example, PRESENT_ BULLETS24_75.BDF could be named PB2475.BDF. Make sure the file names are unique so that existing files are not overwritten. ________________________Note ________________________ You need write access to the drive where you are compiling the font file. _____________________________________________________ 2. Compile the .bdf source file on the PATHWORKS system service drive in one of the existing directories (for example, use the \XSERVER\FONTS75 directory for 75 dpi fonts), as follows: C:\> CD M:\XSERVER\FONTS100 M:\XSERVER\FONTS100> COPY C:NEWFONT.BDF M:\XSERVER\FONTS100> DWFONT NEWFONT.BDF For detailed information about compiling and installing fonts on a PC DECwindows Motif system, see the PATHWORKS PC DECwindows Motif User's Guide. 3.11 Determining and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem while using DECwrite, report it to Digital. Depending on the nature of the problem and the type of support you have, you can take one of the following actions: o Call Digital if your software contract or warranty agreement entitles you to telephone support. o Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3-19 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 3.11 Determining and Reporting Problems o Fill out and submit a Reader's Comments form, if the problem has to do with the DECwrite documentation. There are Reader's Comments forms at the back of each manual. Use the form from the manual in which you found the error. Include the section and page number. Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty Addendum for warranty information. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as indicated above, or follow alternate instructions provided by Digital for reporting SPD nonconformance problems. 3-20 DECwrite Post-Installation Procedures 4 ________________________________________________________________ Using the Font Utility 4.1 Adding New Fonts to the Family Menu In addition to the fonts supplied by DECwrite and DECwindows, you may decide that you need additional fonts. You can add new fonts to your system by installing: o One or more font kits from the DECfonts[TM] Typeface Collection o Fonts supplied by third parties o Fonts that you create yourself Once you have installed the new fonts on your system, you can add their family names to the DECwrite Family menu. This chapter describes how to use the Font Utility to add new names to the Family menu. ________________________Note ________________________ To perform the operations described in this guide, you must be logged in as SYSTEM on an OpenVMS system, and you must have privileges that allow you to copy files into protected areas and, on some systems, to restart the DECwindows Motif Display Server. _____________________________________________________ Here are some important reminders: o Fonts must be installed on the system before you can add their names to the Family menu. Installing new fonts involves copying, compiling, and placing the various font files (screen font files, Adobe® Font Metrics (AFM) files, and PostScript® outline files) in their proper directories. Using the Font Utility 4-1 Using the Font Utility 4.1 Adding New Fonts to the Family Menu o If you have installed a DECfonts font kit, its installation procedure automatically copies, compiles, and places all font files in the proper directories for you. o For third-party or user-created fonts, you must install all font files yourself. Follow the instructions in Section 4.3 before continuing. ______________________ Caution ______________________ Since running the Font Utility can change the list of available fonts, instruct system users to recover any aborted DECwrite sessions before using the Font Utility. If users fail to do this before you run the Font Utility, subsequent recoveries may result in changes to the fonts in their documents. _____________________________________________________ 4.1.1 Overview There are several ways to use the Font Utility to add fonts to the DECwrite Family menu. In general, a Family menu entry corresponds to a font family, although large font families require more than one menu entry. This overview defines terms and discusses factors that can help you determine which method to use. Terms Used in This Chapter This section defines font-related terms used throughout this chapter. o A font family is a collection of typefaces that all share the same basic design but differ in characteristics such as width, weight, and slant. Examples of font families are Helvetica®, Times®, and New Century Schoolbook. Width (for example, narrow) indicates the thickness of each character in the font, relative to those in other fonts in the font family. Weight (for example, bold) is the heaviness or blackness of the characters in a font. Slant (for example, oblique) indicates whether the font is upright or italicized. 4-2 Using the Font Utility Using the Font Utility 4.1 Adding New Fonts to the Family Menu o A typeface is a visually consistent subset of the font family that shares characteristics such as width, weight, and slant. An example of a typeface is Helvetica Narrow Bold Oblique. o A font is an instance of a typeface, often of a single size. Fonts installed on the system that meet Font Utility requirements for addition to the Family menu make up the New list. (For information on Font Utility requirements see Section 4.3 and Sections and All fonts in the same family and with the same width and character set encoding are associated with a single entry in the New list. Fonts already associated with the Family menu make up the Menu list. Creating Family menu entries consists of moving fonts associated with a New list entry to form one or more entries on the Family menu. Deleting a Family menu entry reverses the process. Ways to Add Fonts The Font Utility provides the following ways to add new fonts: o All at once, using defaults The Font Utility adds all new fonts using default weight and slant assignments. This method is the simplest and fastest way to add new fonts. o Individually, using defaults The Font Utility adds fonts that correspond to a single entry on the New list using default weight and slant assignments. This method is useful if you installed many typefaces on the system, but want to add only a few typefaces to the DECwrite Family menu. o Individually, with customization Using the Font Utility 4-3 Using the Font Utility 4.1 Adding New Fonts to the Family Menu The Font Utility adds fonts that correspond to a single entry on the New list. You can assign weights and slants for a Family menu entry from weights and slants available for the New list entry and those that the Font Utility recognizes. Use this method to override the default assignments that the Font Utility would normally make for weights and slants. A wide range of font characteristics exist. The Font Utility recognizes the slants and weights[1] shown in Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Slants and Weights Recognized by the Font __________Utility_________________________________________ Slants____________________________________________________ Roman Italic Oblique Cursive Slanted Reverse Reverse Kursive italic oblique __________________________________________________________ Weights___________________________________________________ Thin Light Demi bold Ultra bold Thinline Medium Semi bold Heavy Fineline Regular Bold Heavyface Ultra Book Bold 2 Black light Extra Nord Extra bold Ultra light Semilight___Demi____________________Poster________________ Examples in this chapter use the fonts supplied in the DECfonts LaserWriter® Emulation font kit. These fonts must first be installed on the system according to the instructions in the DECfonts Typeface Collection Font Kit Installation and User's Guide. ___________________ [1]The DECfonts Typeface Collection may supply additional slants and weights that the Font Utility will also recognize. 4-4 Using the Font Utility Using the Font Utility 4.1 Adding New Fonts to the Family Menu 4.1.2 Adding Fonts From All New List Entries, Using Defaults Adding fonts all at once is the simplest and fastest way to add new fonts. The Font Utility adds all the fonts you have installed on your system using default assignments for weights and slants. This allows you to complete the process from the command line level without entering any further commands through the Font Utility. To add new fonts all at once, without any customization, start the Font Utility by following the instructions in Section 4.2.1, then run the Font Utility automatically. (See Example 4-1.) The Font Utility displays messages on your screen in the following format, then returns you to the command line: Example 4-1 Adding All Fonts Using Defaults Font Utility V3.0-02 Gathering screen and printer font information from system - please wait... 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...0 Adding all the following fonts: Helvetica Narrow ITC Bookman ITC Zapf Chancery ITC Zapf Dingbats Palatino All fonts successfully added Saving to file write$fonts.ini The write$fonts.ini file is the font configuration file created during DECwrite installation. The procedure automatically creates a backup copy of the file, called write$fonts.ini_backup. Using the Font Utility 4-5 Using the Font Utility 4.1 Adding New Fonts to the Family Menu 4.1.3 Adding Fonts From a Single New List Entry The procedures in the next two sections describe how to add the fonts that correspond to a single entry on the New list. Both procedures require that you run the Font Utility interactively. This gives you access to all the Font Utility commands described in Section 4.2. These commands give you additional flexibility in working with fonts. For example: o Before adding fonts, you can use the show command to see the contents of the New list. This confirms that font families have been installed on the system and are available to be added to the DECwrite Family menu. o Without leaving the Font Utility, you can use both the add command (described in Section to add fonts with default weight and slant assignments, and the add confirm command (described in Section to customize weight and slant assignments. o You can also hide Family menu entries (so that they are usable but do not appear on the menu), reveal hidden entries, and rename Family menu entries. Using Defaults To add fonts one at a time using the defaults determined by the Font Utility: 1. Start the Font Utility by following the instructions in Section 4.2.1; run the Font Utility interactively. The Font Utility starts up, then prompts you to enter a command. 2. Enter add, followed by the name of the New list entry whose fonts you want to add, in quotation marks (" "). For example: Enter command> add "Palatino" The Font Utility reports the Family menu entries that it created, then prompts you again. 3. Enter exit to leave the Font Utility. The Font Utility asks if you want to replace the input file with a newer version of the write$fonts.ini file. 4-6 Using the Font Utility Using the Font Utility 4.1 Adding New Fonts to the Family Menu 4. Enter y. The Font Utility confirms the creation of a new version of the file write$fonts.ini, creates a backup version of the file, then creates the new version and returns you to the command line. Customizing You may want to customize the assignment of font weights and slants if: o The New list entry has many choices available for weight and slant o You want a bold or italic font to be the normal font when using DECwrite. To add a font that corresponds to a New list entry and customize the weight and slant assignments using the Font Utility: 1. Start the Font Utility by following the instructions in Section 4.2.1; run the Font Utility interactively. The Font Utility starts up, then prompts you to enter a command. 2. Enter add confirm, followed by the name of the New list entry whose fonts you want to add, in quotation marks (" "). For example: Enter command> add confirm "Palatino" The Font Utility displays the choices that are available for the font weight, and the defaults it has chosen, followed by a prompt asking if the choices are correct. See Example 4-2 for an example of adding fonts with customization. 3. Do one of the following: o Enter y to accept the Font Utility defaults, then proceed to step 5. o Enter n to make other assignments for the Family menu entry, then continue at step 4. o Enter a to abandon the add command. Using the Font Utility 4-7 Using the Font Utility 4.1 Adding New Fonts to the Family Menu 4. To specify new font weight settings: a. Enter the number corresponding to the desired Normal font weight, or enter 0 to refrain from choosing a font for the normal setting. b. Enter the number corresponding to the desired Bold font weight, or enter 0. c. Answer y at the prompt when you are sure your choices are correct. 5. Based on the choices displayed for the font slant, do one of the following: o Enter y to accept the Font Utility defaults. The Font Utility reports the Family menu entry that it created. Proceed to step 7. o Enter n to make other assignments for the Family menu entry, then continue at step 6. o Enter a to abandon the add command. 6. To specify new font slant settings: a. Enter the number corresponding to the desired Upright font slant, or enter 0 to refrain from choosing a font for the upright setting. b. Enter the number corresponding to the desired Italic font slant, or enter 0. c. Answer y at the prompt when you are sure your choices are correct. The Font Utility reports the Family menu entry that it created. 7. Make additional weight and slant assignments or enter another command: o If more typefaces remain for the specified New list entry, the Font Utility displays the remaining choices for font weight, the defaults it has chosen, and asks if the choices are correct. The process starts again at step 3. o If all typefaces for the specified New list entry are assigned to a Family menu entry, the Font Utility prompts you for another command. 4-8 Using the Font Utility Using the Font Utility 4.1 Adding New Fonts to the Family Menu You can use the rename command to change the Family menu entry name assigned by the Font Utility to another name. 8. When you finish adding New list entries to the Menu list, enter exit to leave the Font Utility. The Font Utility asks if you want to replace the input file with a newer version. 9. Enter y. The Font Utility confirms the creation of a new version of the file write$fonts.ini, creates a backup version of the file, then creates the new version and returns you to the command line. Example 4-2 shows how the confirm option is used to customize font weight assignments for a hypothetical New list entry "Martian Miter". Note that in cases where Family menu entries would otherwise be ambiguous (for example, if more than two weights are available for typefaces with the same combination of family name, width, and character set encoding) the Font Utility appends weight names to the Family menu entry. Because more Martian Miter typefaces are available for assignment, the Font Utility continues. If you choose, you can make additional weight and slant assignments. Example 4-2 Adding Fonts with Customization $ wfont :== $write$fontutil $ wfont write$fonts.ini (continued on next page) Using the Font Utility 4-9 Using the Font Utility 4.1 Adding New Fonts to the Family Menu Example 4-2 (Cont.) Adding Fonts with Customization Font Utility V3.0-02 Gathering screen and printer font information from system - please wait... 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...0 Enter command> add confirm "Martian Miter" Confirming weight choices for font "Martian Miter" Weights available: (1) light (roman,italic) (2) medium (roman,italic) (3) bold (roman,italic) (4) black (roman,italic) (5) ultrablack (roman) Weights chosen by the Font Utility: - (2) medium as normal weight - (3) bold as bold weight Are the above weight choices correct [yes/no/abandon]: n Pick one or two of these available weights: (0) none (1) light (roman,italic) (2) medium (roman,italic) (3) bold (roman,italic) (4) black (roman,italic) (5) ultrablack (roman) Enter normal weight number from list above [0 to 5]: 1 Enter bold weight number from list above [0 to 5]: 4 Weights you chose: - (1) light as normal weight - (4) black as bold weight Are the above weight choices correct [yes/no/abandon]: y Confirming slant choices for font "Martian Miter" Slants available for weights already chosen: (1) roman (2) italic Slants chosen by the Font Utility: - (1) roman as upright slant - (2) italic as italic slant (continued on next page) 4-10 Using the Font Utility Using the Font Utility 4.1 Adding New Fonts to the Family Menu Example 4-2 (Cont.) Adding Fonts with Customization Are the above slant choices correct [yes/no/abandon]: y Font "Martian Miter Light/Black" added Note that in cases where Family menu entries would otherwise be ambiguous (for example, if more than two weights are available for typefaces with the same combination of family name, width, and character set encoding) the Font Utility appends weight names to the Family menu entry. Because more Martian Miter typefaces are available for assignment, the Font Utility continues. If you choose, you can make additional weight and slant assignments. Confirming weight choices for font "Martian Miter" Weights available: (1) medium (roman,italic) (2) bold (roman,italic) (3) ultrablack (roman) Weights chosen by the Font Utility: - (1) medium as normal weight - (2) bold as bold weight Are the above weight choices correct [yes/no/abandon]: y Confirming slant choices for font "Martian Miter" Slants available for weights already chosen: (1) roman (2) italic Slants chosen by the Font Utility: - (1) roman as upright slant - (2) italic as italic slant Are the above slant choices correct [yes/no/abandon]: y Font "Martian Miter Medium/Bold" added Confirming weight choices for font "Martian Miter" Weights available: (1) ultrablack (roman) Using the Font Utility 4-11 Using the Font Utility 4.1 Adding New Fonts to the Family Menu Weights chosen by the Font Utility: - No normal weight - (1) ultrablack as bold weight Are the above weight choices correct [yes/no/abandon]: y Confirming slant choices for font "Martian Miter" Slants available for weights already chosen: (1) roman Slants chosen by the Font Utility: - (1) roman as upright slant - No italic slant Are the above slant choices correct [yes/no/abandon]: y Font "Martian Miter Ultrablack" added Enter command> exit Do you really want to overwrite write$fonts.ini (y or n) [n]? y Saving to file write$fonts.ini $ If more than one character set encoding exists for typefaces of a font family that have the same width, the Font Utility also appends the name of the character set to the Family menu entry name. If the default name duplicates an existing Family menu entry name, the Font Utility uses a Family menu entry name that includes a number starting at 2 instead. For example, the name assignment might take the form: font_family width weight/weight n character_set where n begins at 2. You can use the rename command to change the assigned Family menu entry name to another name. 4-12 Using the Font Utility Using the Font Utility 4.2 Font Utility Commands and Descriptions 4.2 Font Utility Commands and Descriptions The DECwrite Font Utility allows you to add, delete, and otherwise manage entries in the DECwrite Family menu. This chapter describes how to: o Start the Font Utility o Use all Font Utility commands o Change characteristics of Family menu entries o Reveal the Present Bullets hidden menu entry 4.2.1 Starting the Font Utility To start the Font Utility, follow these steps: 1. Set the display variable using the following command: $ set display/create/node=nodename For nodename, enter the node name of your workstation. 2. Go to the proper directory using the following command: $ set default sys$common:[syslib] 3. Run the Font Utility. You can run the Font Utility automatically or interac- tively. By running the Font Utility interactively, you have access to the full set of Font Utility commands. o To run the Font Utility automatically, use the following command: $ wfont :== $write$fontutil $ wfont -n write$fonts.ini o To run the Font Utility interactively, use the following command: $ wfont :== $write$fontutil $ wfont write$fonts.ini In either case, you can specify an input file other than the configuration file (write$fonts.ini). You can also specify an output file, causing changes to be saved to that file rather than to the input file. Using the Font Utility 4-13 Using the Font Utility 4.2 Font Utility Commands and Descriptions Upon exiting, the Font Utility automatically creates a backup version of the output file (or the input file if an output file is not specified), then saves changes to a new version of the output file. For example, the following command causes changes to be saved to an output file called newfonts.ini: $ wfont write$fonts.ini newfonts.ini 4.2.2 Font Utility Commands Font Utility commands use two font lists: the New list and the Menu list, as described in Section Table 4-2 describes all Font Utility commands. Note that all references to names on the New list or Menu list must be entered within quotation marks. The commands are not case sensitive, although some of their arguments may be. ______________________ Caution ______________________ Recover any aborted DECwrite sessions before using the Font Utility, or the recovery may use the wrong fonts. _____________________________________________________ 4-14 Using the Font Utility Using the Font Utility 4.2 Font Utility Commands and Descriptions Table_4-2_DECwrite_Font_Utility_Commands__________________ Command___Format,_Effects,_and_Descriptions_______________ add add [confirm] "newlistentry" If you specify newlistentry, the add command creates one or more related entries on the Menu list and removes the entry from the New list. If you specify the confirm option, the Font Utility displays all the weight and slant choices for newlistentry and lets you confirm default assignments or pick new assignments. If you do not specify newlistentry, the add command prompts for it with Family name:. If you press Return without specifying a name, the add command changes nothing. add new add new [confirm] The add new command moves all the fonts associated with the New list to the Menu list. If you specify the confirm option, the Font Utility confirms the weight and slant assignments as they are being added. If you have many typefaces and do not need to customize their font and weight assignments, omit the confirm option to reduce the time required to add typefaces. (continued on next page) Using the Font Utility 4-15 Using the Font Utility 4.2 Font Utility Commands and Descriptions Table_4-2_(Cont.)_DECwrite_Font_Utility_Commands__________ Command___Format,_Effects,_and_Descriptions_______________ delete delete "name" Name can be a Menu list entry name or a font family name with the same width and character set encoding. The delete command looks for name in the Menu list. If name is found, the command removes the Menu list entry and returns the associated fonts to the New list. If name is not found, the command looks for one or more Menu list entries whose font family name and width and character set encoding matches name and returns these entries to the New List. If you do not specify name, the delete command prompts for it with Family name:. If you press Return without specifying a name, the delete command changes nothing. exit exit [outfilename] The exit command exits the Font Utility and saves the changes that you made to outfilename. If you do not specify outfilename, the Font Utility saves the changes to the output file named at startup or to the input file if you did not specify an output file. The Font Utility automatically creates a backup copy of the previous version of the output file and assigns it the extension .ini_backup. The Font Utility may ask you to verify that you want to write to the indicated file. If you respond with yes, you exit the Font Utility and your changes are saved. If you respond with no, no action is taken and you can continue to use the Font Utility. (continued on next page) 4-16 Using the Font Utility Using the Font Utility 4.2 Font Utility Commands and Descriptions Table_4-2_(Cont.)_DECwrite_Font_Utility_Commands__________ Command___Format,_Effects,_and_Descriptions_______________ hide hide "menulistentry" The hide command hides menulistentry from the Menu list. Hidden entries are available to existing DECwrite files read in, but are not displayed on the DECwrite Family menu. This feature is useful for hiding the DECmath entries from the menu, or for excluding other entries without deleting them. If you do not specify menulistentry, the hide command prompts for it with Family name:. If you press Return without specifying an entry, the hide command changes nothing. You can reverse the effects of the hide command by using the reveal command. quit quit The quit command terminates the session without saving changes. If you made changes (by using any command except show), the Font Utility prompts you to confirm that you want to quit without saving your changes. If you answer yes, the Font Utility session terminates without saving any changes. If you answer no, the utility saves no changes and the Font Utility continues to run. If you have made no changes, the Font Utility session ends without asking for confirmation. (continued on next page) Using the Font Utility 4-17 Using the Font Utility 4.2 Font Utility Commands and Descriptions Table_4-2_(Cont.)_DECwrite_Font_Utility_Commands__________ Command___Format,_Effects,_and_Descriptions_______________ rename rename "oldmenulistentry" "newmenulistentry" The rename command renames the indicated Menu list entry to a new name. The names you change with the rename command are those displayed on the Family menu. Renaming a Menu list entry does not change file names or affect the internal pointers used to identify fonts. If you do not specify oldmenulistentry, the Font Utility prompts From:. If you do not specify newmenulistentry, the Font Utility prompts To:. If you press Return at either prompt without specifying an entry, no change is made, and you can continue to run the Font Utility. reveal reveal "menulistentry" The reveal command makes previously hidden menulistentry visible on the Family menu. See the hide command for details about hidden Menu list entries. If you do not specify menulistentry, the reveal command prompts for it with Family name:. If you press Return without specifying an entry, the utility displays nothing. (continued on next page) 4-18 Using the Font Utility Using the Font Utility 4.2 Font Utility Commands and Descriptions Table_4-2_(Cont.)_DECwrite_Font_Utility_Commands__________ Command___Format,_Effects,_and_Descriptions_______________ show show [full] [new|menu] [ "name"] The show command displays the entries with the indicated name and optionally their corresponding screen font names, PostScript outline file names, and Adobe Font Metrics (AFM) file names. If you do not specify name or an option, the show command defaults to show new, showing all entries in the New list. The options are as follows: o full Displays additional information for each entry, consisting of screen font names, PostScript outline file names, and AFM file names o new Displays all entries in the New list, or displays a specific entry if you specify name o menu Displays all entries in the Menu list, or displays a specific entry if you specify name o "name" Displays the indicated entries in either the New list, Menu list, or both __________________________________________________________ 4.2.3 Adding Point Sizes for Existing Family Menu Entries After you associate a typeface with a Family menu entry, you can provide additional point sizes for the typeface. This involves the following steps: 1. Install, on the system, the new screen font files that provide the new point sizes. See Section 4.3. 2. Run the Font Utility interactively, as described in Section 4.2.1. Using the Font Utility 4-19 Using the Font Utility 4.2 Font Utility Commands and Descriptions 3. Enter delete, followed by the existing Family menu entry in quotation marks (" ") to delete the entry from the Family menu. 4. Enter exit to exit from the Font Utility. 5. Run the Font Utility again. 6. To add the typeface back to the Family menu, enter add, followed by the font family name with the same width and character set encoding, in quotation marks. The typeface, including the new point sizes, is added to the Family menu, with the same slants and weights it had previously. 7. Enter exit to leave the Font Utility. 4.2.4 Revealing the Present Bullets Hidden Menu List Entry The Present Bullets typeface is available but hidden on DECwrite Version 3.0 systems. This means that the Present Bullets typeface is available to existing files read in to the application, but is not displayed on the Family menu. To make the entry visible on the Family menu, use the reveal command as follows: 1. Start the Font Utility by following the instructions in Section 4.2.1. Run the Font Utility interactively. The Font Utility starts up, then prompts you to enter a command. 2. Enter reveal, followed by the name of the entry you are revealing, in quotation marks (" "). For example: Enter command> reveal "Present Bullets" The Font Utility reports that the entry has been revealed, then prompts you again. 3. Enter exit. The Font Utility asks if you want to replace the input file with a newer version of write$fonts.ini. 4. Enter y. 4-20 Using the Font Utility Using the Font Utility 4.2 Font Utility Commands and Descriptions The Font Utility confirms the creation of a new version of the file, then returns you to the command line. 4.3 Installing Third-Party Font Files To install third-party or user-created fonts, you must first create or copy the font files to your system, then compile and place the font files in the appropriate directories. If you are installing a DECfonts font kit, its installation procedure performs these operations for you. Three types of files are associated with each typeface: o Screen font files (also called bitmap screen fonts), for various point sizes, which contain bitmaps for rendering each character on the screen. Screen font files have the extension .bdf; they may also have the extension .decw$bdf. o An Adobe Font Metrics (AFM) file (also called a font metrics file), which contains the dimensions of each character so that characters can be displayed similarly on the screen and in the PostScript output. AFM files have the extension .afm. o A PostScript outline file (also called a Type 1 outline font), which contains the definitions for each character. These definitions allow a PostScript printer to print a file that uses the typeface. PostScript outline files have the extension .ps. 4.3.1 Installing Fonts on an OpenVMS System To install new font files on an OpenVMS system: 1. Copy or create the font files on your system. 2. Compile the screen font files. At the command line, enter font, followed by the name of each .bdf or .decw$bdf screen font file, using the following format: Using the Font Utility 4-21 Using the Font Utility 4.3 Installing Third-Party Font Files $ font filename-1.bdf $ font filename-2.decw$bdf . . . $ font filename-n.bdf This compiles each file with the OpenVMS Font Compiler and creates a new file with the extension .decw$font. 3. Copy the resulting .decw$font files to their target areas (depending on whether the files are for 75 dpi or 100 dpi screens): .decw$font Target Area files 75 dpi sys$common:[sysfont.decw.user_75dpi] 100 dpi sys$common:[sysfont.decw.user_100dpi] 4. Copy the AFM files (extension .afm) and PostScript outline files (extension .ps) to the target directory sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]. 5. If you are running DECwindows Motif Version 1.1 or higher, update the font lookup file to point to both the 75 dpi and 100 dpi target areas by entering the following command: $ @sys$update:decw$mkfontdir Then, log out of your current windowing session and log in again. 4.4 Troubleshooting Font Problems This chapter describes: o Problems you may encounter while using the Font Utility o Recovery procedures 4-22 Using the Font Utility Using the Font Utility 4.4 Troubleshooting Font Problems 4.4.1 Troubleshooting Summary Table 4-3 lists possible problems you may encounter while using the Font Utility, and summarizes steps you can take to address them. Table_4-3_Troubleshooting_Summary_________________________ Problem Third-Party or Description______DECfonts_Fonts______User-Defined_Fonts___ Cannot connect Set the display Same solution. to DECwindows variable (see Display Server Section Check security access (see Section Check that a session is logged in on your workstation (see Section __________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Using the Font Utility 4-23 Using the Font Utility 4.4 Troubleshooting Font Problems Table_4-3_(Cont.)_Troubleshooting_Summary_________________ Problem Third-Party or Description______DECfonts_Fonts______User-Defined_Fonts___ (continued on next page) 4-24 Using the Font Utility Using the Font Utility 4.4 Troubleshooting Font Problems Table_4-3_(Cont.)_Troubleshooting_Summary_________________ Problem Third-Party or Description______DECfonts_Fonts______User-Defined_Fonts___ Font Utility Check that Check that screen show new or screen fonts are fonts are installed show menu installed on your on your workstation commands do workstation (see (see Section not list all Section and that the display installed font and that the variable points to families display variable your workstation (see points to your Section workstation (see Restart your Section windowing session Restart your or DECwindows windowing Display Server (see session or Section DECwindows Display If installed font Server (see families still are Section not listed, run the If installed font Notepad application families still to display screen are not listed, font names (see run the Notepad Displaying Screen application to Font Attributes). display screen Check system screen font names (see font, AFM, and Displaying Screen PostScript outline Font Attributes). file directories (see If the names are Section present, check the Compare screen font AFM and PostScript and AFM files (see outline file Section directories (see Section Otherwise, the AFM files were not installed by the DECfonts installation procedure, or were not installed on the correct system. UsingothenFontoUtilityp4-25 Using the Font Utility 4.4 Troubleshooting Font Problems Table_4-3_(Cont.)_Troubleshooting_Summary_________________ Problem Third-Party or Description______DECfonts_Fonts______User-Defined_Fonts___ __________________________________________________________ Wrong slant or Run Font Utility. Same solution. weight chosen Delete Menu list entry, then add corresponding New list entry using the confirm option. __________________________________________________________ Cannot use Check that Same solution. added fonts the fonts are when running installed on the DECwrite workstation whose display you are using. Restart your windowing session or the DECwindows Motif Display Server (see Section __________________________________________________________ Cannot print Check that Same solution. a DECwrite PostScript In addition, compare document that outline files AFM file data and uses a new font are in required PostScript outline directory. (See file data (see _________________Section_4.4.2.5.)___Section_4.4.2.6).____ 4-26 Using the Font Utility Using the Font Utility 4.4 Troubleshooting Font Problems 4.4.2 Recovery Procedures The following sections provide detailed descriptions of problem recovery procedures. Setting the Display Variable Because the Font Utility uses DECwindows Motif to perform screen font lookups on your workstation, it must connect to your workstation in the same way as DECwrite. To set the display variable to connect to your worksta- tion, follow the instructions given in Section 4.2.1. Checking Security Access If you are using the Font Utility on a system other than the workstation where you run DECwrite, you must ensure that your workstation provides the correct security access. To check the security access on your workstation: 1. From the DECwindows Session Manager, choose Options Security. 2. If the node that you are using and your username are not in the Security list on your workstation, add them, and click on OK in the dialog box. 3. Choose Options Save Current Settings (or Customize Save Current Settings). Checking Session Login If you are using the Font Utility on a system other than the workstation where you run DECwrite, check your workstation's security access (by following the instructions in Section, and make sure that you are logged in to the workstation from the display window on that workstation. Restarting Your Windowing Session or Display Server After you install fonts on your workstation, you must log out of your windowing session and then log in again. Using the Font Utility 4-27 Using the Font Utility 4.4 Troubleshooting Font Problems Checking the Location of Screen Font, AFM, and PostScript Files If font families that you added to the system are not listed when you use the Font Utility show new or show menu commands, they may not be installed on the required systems or in the proper directories. Screen font files must be installed on the DECwindows server that you are using. This is typically your workstation. AFM files and PostScript outline files must be installed on the system that runs DECwrite and the Font Utility. Table 4-4 gives the correct directory locations for these files. Table_4-4_Font_File_Locations_____________________________ Font_Files__Directory_Location____________________________ Screen sys$common:[sysfont.decw.user_75dpi] font files sys$common:[sysfont.decw.user_100dpi] AFM and sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user] PostScript outline files_____________________________________________________ For instructions on copying the files to the proper directories, see Section 4.3. Section 4.3 also describes the procedure you must follow to update the font lookup file or files. Comparing Screen Font, AFM, and PostScript Outline Files ________________________Note ________________________ This section applies to third-party and user-defined fonts only. It does not apply to the DECfonts Typeface Collection. _____________________________________________________ 4-28 Using the Font Utility Using the Font Utility 4.4 Troubleshooting Font Problems When you install third-party or user-defined fonts, data in the AFM files may be omitted or may not agree with corresponding data in the screen font and PostScript outline files. If this data does not agree, the Font Utility cannot see your newly installed fonts. To determine whether the data agrees, follow these steps: 1. Display the screen font attributes. 2. Edit the relevant AFM files to see, and possibly correct, data fields. 3. Edit the relevant PostScript files to see, and possibly correct, data fields. Displaying Screen Font Attributes To display the screen font attributes: 1. Run the DECwindows Notepad application. 2. Choose Customize Font. The Font Attributes dialog box is displayed. 3. In the Family list box, click on the name of your new font. The available pixel sizes for that font are displayed in the Size List box. For 75 dpi fonts, the point size and the pixel size are approximately the same. For 100 dpi fonts, the point size is approximately three-fourths of the pixel size shown. 4. Click on any size. The screen font attributes weight, slant, width, spacing, and character set encoding are displayed. These, and the family name, are the attributes that you need to compare with the AFM attributes. See Table 4-5. Editing AFM and PostScript Outline Files For new fonts to appear in the Font Utility's New list, certain strings within the AFM and PostScript outline files, and corresponding attributes of the screen fonts, must agree. Using the Font Utility 4-29 Using the Font Utility 4.4 Troubleshooting Font Problems If you cannot list the added fonts when you use the Font Utility show new or show menu commands, or if you cannot print a document containing a new font, you must check the data in the AFM and PostScript outline files that correspond to the weight and slant you have chosen. Note that you need check only those files corresponding to the weights and slants assigned when the font is added to DECwrite, even though more weights and slants may be installed on the system. Table 4-5 shows the AFM, PostScript, and screen font attributes that must agree, with ITC Bookman[TM] Light Italic used as an example. Except where noted, the correspondence must be content specific, but is not case sensitive. Table_4-5_AFM,_PostScript,_and_Screen_Font_Comparisons____ AFM_File_String_____________Screen_Font_Attributes________ FullName Family Slant Weight FullName ITC Bookman ITC Light Italic Light Italic Bookman FamilyName Family FamilyName ITC Bookman ITC Bookman Weight Weight Weight Light Light IsFixedPitch Spacing IsFixedPitch false Proportional IsFixedPitch true Monospaced EncodingScheme Char Set EncodingScheme DECIsolatin1 ISO8859-1 EncodingScheme AdobeStandardAdobe-ng FontSpecific (continued on next page) 4-30 Using the Font Utility Using the Font Utility 4.4 Troubleshooting Font Problems Table 4-5 (Cont.) AFM, PostScript, and Screen Font __________________Comparisons_____________________________ AFM_File_String_____________Screen_Font_Attributes________ EncodingScheme FontSpecific DEC- FONTSPECIFIC __________________________________________________________ PostScript Outline File AFM_File_String_____________Attributes____________________ FontName (case sensitive) FontName (case sensitive) FontName Bookman- FontName Bookman- LightItalic LightItalic FontName PostScript outline file name FontName Bookman- bookman_lightitalic.ps LightItalic_______________________________________________ The screen font attribute Char Set is composed of a registry string and an encoding string. In the third EncodingScheme example in Table 4-5, the registry string is DEC- and the encoding string is FONTSPECIFIC. In some cases, the registry string for the screen font is not present in the AFM EncodingScheme string, as illustrated by the example. The following AFM and screen font encoding schemes are recognized by the Font Utility: dec.cns11643.1986jisx0208.1983-1 jisx0201-romankana 2 dec.dtscs.1990- jisx0208- ksc5601.1987-1 2 kanji11 gb2312.1980-1 iso8859-1 iso-8859-2 iso8859-3 iso8859-4 iso8859-5 iso8859-6 iso8859-7 iso8859-8 In addition, the Font Utility recognizes the following AFM encoding schemes: adobestandardencodecisolatin1 isolatinhebrew applespecific fontspecific jis12-88-cfencoding Using the Font Utility 4-31 Using the Font Utility 4.4 Troubleshooting Font Problems To view and edit the attributes of an AFM or a PostScript outline file: 1. Set default to the sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_ metrics.user] directory. 2. Using a text editor, edit the appropriate AFM or PostScript outline file. 3. Locate and compare the strings listed in Table 4-5. All AFM file strings and screen font attributes listed in the table must agree. An additional correspondence is necessary between the FontName strings in the AFM and PostScript outline files, and between the AFM FontName string and the name of the PostScript outline file. 4. Edit the files to ensure that the necessary correspon- dences are made, as follows: o If AFM strings do not agree with the corresponding screen font attributes, edit the appropriate AFM strings. o If the AFM FontName string does not match the PostScript outline file FontName string, edit the PostScript outline file. o If the AFM FontName string does not correspond to the name of the PostScript outline file, rename the PostScript file to create the desired correspondence by converting any uppercase characters to lowercase, converting hyphens to underscores, and assigning the file a .ps extension. Additional information on AFM files is available from Adobe Systems, Incorporated in the Adobe Font Metrics Files Specification, Version 3.0. Additional information on screen fonts is available in X Window System[TM], second edition by Robert W. Scheifler & James Gettys 1990, Digital Press. (See Part IV, X Logical Font Descriptions.) 4-32 Using the Font Utility A ________________________________________________________________ Files Installed by DECwrite This appendix lists the files installed during a DECwrite installation. It contains the following information: o Files installed on OpenVMS AXP systems o Files installed on OpenVMS VAX systems A.1 Notes About the Files Installed by DECwrite Notes: 1. The listings in this appendix do not include the clip art files provided with DECwrite. These files are listed in the DECwrite User's Guide. 2. The SYS$HELP, SYS$MESSAGE, SYS$LIBRARY, CDA$LIBRARY, and DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS directories are all language- switched directories. DECwrite files for the American English kit will be placed in the top-level directory. Files for French language variant kit will be placed in the [.FR_yy] subdirectories of these directories. 3. The names of the files installed depend on the DECwrite language variant. 4. For font-only installations, only the binary screen fonts (*.decw$font) are installed. Note also that OpenVMS DECwindows Motif already includes the DECwrite Equation Editor fonts (dutch*.decw$font) and the DECpresent Bullets font (present_bullets*.decw$font). Files Installed by DECwrite A-1 Files Installed by DECwrite A.2 Files Installed on OpenVMS AXP Systems A.2 Files Installed on OpenVMS AXP Systems This section lists the files that are installed during a DECwrite installation on an OpenVMS AXP system. Files Installed in the SYS$SYSTEM Directory decwrite.exe write$fontutil.exe write$equation.exe Files Installed in the SYS$LIBRARY Directory write$prolog.ps write$prolog1.ps write$dnhyp01.ram write$duhyp01.ram write$encd01e.dsk write$encd01g.ram write$fnhyp01.ram write$grhyp01.ram write$hyp01.ram write$ithyp01.ram write$nbhyp01.ram write$pohyp01.ram write$sphyp01.ram write$swhyp01.ram write$ua2005l.dsk write$ua2005l.ram write$thesaurus.dsk write$ail_shr.exe xdps$dpsclientshr.exe xdps$dpslibshr.exe dtif$read_calcgrd.exe ddif$write_dx.exe write$fonts.ini A-2 Files Installed by DECwrite Files Installed by DECwrite A.2 Files Installed on OpenVMS AXP Systems Files Installed in the CDA$LIBRARY Directory wr_dir.doc_style wr_examp.doc_style wr_genrl.doc_style wr_lettr.doc_style wr_man.doc_style wr_man2.doc_style wr_memo.doc_style wr_milsp.doc_style wr_news.doc_style wr_price.doc_style wr_priv1.doc_style wr_priv2.doc_style wr_priv3.doc_style wr_rpt.doc_style wr_slidl.doc_style wr_slidp.doc_style wr_slidt.doc_style wr_smemo.doc_style wr_techj.doc_style wr_tmemo.doc_style wr_exmpb.doc_style wr_genb.doc_style wr_manb.doc_style wr_milsb.doc_style wr_rptb.doc_style wr_sll2.doc_style Files Installed in the CDA$LIBRARY_FR_yy Directory wr_dir.doc_style wr_examp.doc_style wr_genrl.doc_style wr_lettr.doc_style wr_man.doc_style wr_man2.doc_style wr_memo.doc_style Files Installed by DECwrite A-3 Files Installed by DECwrite A.2 Files Installed on OpenVMS AXP Systems wr_milsp.doc_style wr_news.doc_style wr_price.doc_style wr_priv1.doc_style wr_priv2.doc_style wr_priv3.doc_style wr_rpt.doc_style wr_slidl.doc_style wr_slidp.doc_style wr_slidt.doc_style wr_smemo.doc_style wr_techj.doc_style wr_tmemo.doc_style wr_exmpb.doc_style wr_genb.doc_style wr_manb.doc_style wr_milsb.doc_style wr_rptb.doc_style wr_sll2.doc_style wr_slp2.doc_style Files Installed in the DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS Directory write$fontutil.uid Files Installed in the DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS_FR_yy Directory write$ui.uid write$equation.uid Files Installed in the SYS$HELP Directory decwritefr030.release_notes Files Installed in the SYS$HELP_FR_yy Directory decwritefr030_ref.ps write$help.decw$book write$equation.decw$book Files Installed in the SYS$STARTUP Directory write$startup.com Files Installed in the SYS$MANAGER Directory decw$starti18n.com A-4 Files Installed by DECwrite Files Installed by DECwrite A.2 Files Installed on OpenVMS AXP Systems Files Installed in the SYS$TEST Directory write$ivp.com lfr$ivp.com sys$common:[systest.decwrite]writeivp.doc sys$common:[systest.decwrite]writeivp.chart sys$common:[systest.decwrite]write$ident.com Files Installed in the WRITE$EXAMPLES Directory ds_320.eps demsa.eps ln03r.eps mv3800.eps lanserve.eps sa600.eps vs3100.eps vax_6310.eps vt340.eps std_dev.tex dx.macros doc_cnv.ps tab_cnv.ps doc_cnv.decw$book tab_cnv.decw$book readme.txt decwrite030_release_notes.decw$book decwrite030_release_notes.decw$bookshelf times_roman18.decw$font times_roman18_100dpi.decw$font sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_extension12_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_italic10_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_italic12_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_italic8_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_symbol10_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_symbol12_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_symbol8_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ Files Installed by DECwrite A-5 Files Installed by DECwrite A.2 Files Installed on OpenVMS AXP Systems decmath_extension12_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_italic10_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_italic12_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_italic8_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_symbol10_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_symbol12_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_symbol8_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets8_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets10_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets12_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets14_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets18_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets24_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets36_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets48_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets72_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets8_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets10_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets12_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets14_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets18_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ A-6 Files Installed by DECwrite Files Installed by DECwrite A.2 Files Installed on OpenVMS AXP Systems bullets24_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets36_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets48_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets72_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox14_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox18_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox24_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox36_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic14_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic18_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic24_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic36_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox14_ 100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox18_ 100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox24_ 100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox36_ 100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic14_ 100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic18_ 100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic24_ 100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic36_ 100.bdf Files Installed in the WRITE$EXAMPLES_FR_yy Directory tutorial.doc tutor.chart tutor.txt logo.img offices.doc orgchart.doc Files Installed by DECwrite A-7 Files Installed by DECwrite A.2 Files Installed on OpenVMS AXP Systems graphics.doc ruler.doc grid.eps keyboard.doc eps_art.doc draft.eps readme.txt decwritefr030_release_notes.decw$book decwritefr030_release_notes.decw$bookshelf Files Installed in the LCI$LEXICONS Directory fr41.dsk fr41.ram lfr.scp Files Installed in the VUE$LIBRARY_FR_yy Directory sys$common:[vue$library.user]write$vue.com sys$common:[vue$library.user]write$vue_profile.vue$dat Files Installed in the SYS$COMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.USER_75DPI] Directory present_bullets8_75.decw$font present_bullets10_75.decw$font present_bullets12_75.decw$font present_bullets14_75.decw$font present_bullets18_75.decw$font present_bullets24_75.decw$font present_bullets36_75.decw$font present_bullets48_75.decw$font present_bullets72_75.decw$font decbox14_75.decw$font decbox18_75.decw$font decbox24_75.decw$font decbox36_75.decw$font decpic14_75.decw$font decpic18_75.decw$font decpic24_75.decw$font decpic36_75.decw$font A-8 Files Installed by DECwrite Files Installed by DECwrite A.2 Files Installed on OpenVMS AXP Systems Files Installed in the SYS$COMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.USER_100DPI] Directory dutch801_decmath_extension12_100.decw$font dutch801_decmath_italic8_100.decw$font dutch801_decmath_italic10_100.decw$font dutch801_decmath_italic12_100.decw$font dutch801_decmath_symbol8_100.decw$font dutch801_decmath_symbol10_100.decw$font dutch801_decmath_symbol12_100.decw$font present_bullets8_100.decw$font present_bullets10_100.decw$font present_bullets12_100.decw$font present_bullets14_100.decw$font present_bullets18_100.decw$font present_bullets24_100.decw$font present_bullets36_100.decw$font present_bullets48_100.decw$font present_bullets72_100.decw$font decbox14_100.decw$font decbox18_100.decw$font decbox24_100.decw$font decbox36_100.decw$font decpic14_100.decw$font decpic18_100.decw$font decpic24_100.decw$font decpic36_100.decw$font Files Installed in the SYS$PS_FONT_METRICS Directory sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]dutch801_italic_ decmath_italic.afm sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]dutch801_italic_ decmath_italic.ps sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]dutch801_roman_ decmath_extension.ps sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]dutch801_roman_ decmath_extension.afm sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]dutch801_roman_ decmath_symbol.afm sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]dutch801_roman_ decmath_symbol.ps Files Installed by DECwrite A-9 Files Installed by DECwrite A.2 Files Installed on OpenVMS AXP Systems sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]terminal_ dectech.afm sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]terminal_ dectech.ps sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]present_ bullets.afm sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]present_ bullets.ps sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]decwriteboxes.afm sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]decwriteboxes.ps sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]decwritepictures.afm sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]decwritepictures.ps Files Installed in the SYS$SYSTEM Directory decchart$motif.exe Files Installed in the CDA$LIBRARY Directory ch_area100.chart_style ch_areagrid.chart_style ch_areasimple.chart_style ch_area_col.chart_style ch_bar100.chart_style ch_barcluster.chart_style A-10 Files Installed by DECwrite Files Installed by DECwrite A.2 Files Installed on OpenVMS AXP Systems ch_barclustergrid.chart_style ch_barclustervalue.chart_style ch_baroverlap.chart_style ch_barstack.chart_style ch_col100.chart_style ch_colcluster.chart_style ch_colclustergrid.chart_style ch_colclustervalue.chart_style ch_coloverlap.chart_style ch_colstack.chart_style ch_col_hilo.chart_style ch_col_line.chart_style ch_col_scat.chart_style ch_hilo.chart_style ch_hiloclose.chart_style ch_hiloopcl.chart_style ch_hiloopen.chart_style ch_hilo_line.chart_style ch_histo.chart_style ch_histohgrid.chart_style ch_histohvgrid.chart_style ch_histovalue.chart_style ch_line.chart_style ch_linehgrid.chart_style ch_linehvgrid.chart_style ch_linelog.chart_style ch_linemarkers.chart_style ch_line_line.chart_style ch_line_scat.chart_style ch_pie.chart_style ch_pieallexp.chart_style ch_pieoneexp.chart_style ch_pievalue.chart_style ch_scatter.chart_style ch_scatterdeplog.chart_style ch_scatterhvgrid.chart_style ch_scatterlines.chart_style ch_scatterxylog.chart_style Files Installed by DECwrite A-11 Files Installed by DECwrite A.2 Files Installed on OpenVMS AXP Systems Files Installed in the DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS_FR_yy Directory decchart$motif_uid.uid Files Installed in the VUE$LIBRARY_FR_yy Directory decchart$vue.com decchart$vue_profile.vue$dat Files Installed in the SYS$HELP_FR_yy directory decchart$motif.decw$book Files Installed in the SYS$STARTUP Directory chart$startup.com Files Installed in the SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.CHART$IVP] Directory chart$ident.com Files Installed in the CHART$EXAMPLES Directory chart$sample.chart chart$sample.chart_style chart$sample.table Files Installed in the SYS$SYSTEM Directory cda$convert.exe ddif$view.exe Files Installed in the SYS$LIBRARY Directory cda$access.exe ddif$viewshr.exe cda$dtif_to_ddif.exe ddif$read_text.exe cda$write_analysis.exe ddif$write_ps.exe ddif$write_text.exe A-12 Files Installed by DECwrite Files Installed by DECwrite A.2 Files Installed on OpenVMS AXP Systems cda$cda_.ada cda$def.bas cda$def.for cda$def.h cda$def.mar cda$def.pas cda$def.pli cda$def.r32 cda$msg.bas cda$msg.for cda$msg.h cda$msg.mar cda$msg.pas cda$msg.pli cda$msg.r32 cda$typ.h cda$ptp.h ddif$ddif_.ada ddif$def.bas ddif$def.for ddif$def.h ddif$def.mar ddif$def.pas ddif$def.pli ddif$def.r32 Files Installed in the CDA$LIBRARY Directory defstyle.ddif Files Installed in the DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS Directory ddif$view.uid ddif$viewwgt.uid Files Installed in the SYS$HELP Directory ddif$view.decw$bookshelf Files Installed in the SYS$MESSAGE Directory cda$accessmsg.exe ddif$viewmsg.exe Files Installed by DECwrite A-13 Files Installed by DECwrite A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems This section lists the files that are installed during a DECwrite installation on an OpenVMS VAX system. Files Installed in the SYS$SYSTEM Directory decwrite.exe write$fontutil.exe write$equation.exe Files Installed in the SYS$LIBRARY Directory write$prolog.ps write$prolog1.ps write$dnhyp01.ram write$duhyp01.ram write$encd01e.dsk write$encd01g.ram write$fnhyp01.ram write$grhyp01.ram write$hyp01.ram write$ithyp01.ram write$nbhyp01.ram write$pohyp01.ram write$sphyp01.ram write$swhyp01.ram A-14 Files Installed by DECwrite Files Installed by DECwrite A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems write$ua2005l.dsk write$ua2005l.ram write$thesaurus.dsk write$ail_shr.exe decision$builder_shr.exe xdps$dpsclientshr.exe xdps$dpslibshr.exe dtif$read_ascii_tabular.exe dtif$read_ascii_field.exe dtif$read_calcgrd.exe dtif$read_dif.exe ddif$read_dx.exe dtif$read_wk1.exe dtif$read_wk3.exe ddif$read_wpl.exe dtif$write_ascii_tabular.exe ddif$write_dx.exe dtif$write_wk1.exe dtif$write_wk3.exe ddif$write_wpl.exe write$fonts.ini Files Installed in the CDA$LIBRARY Directory wr_dir.doc_style wr_examp.doc_style wr_genrl.doc_style wr_lettr.doc_style wr_man.doc_style wr_man2.doc_style wr_memo.doc_style Files Installed by DECwrite A-15 Files Installed by DECwrite A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems wr_milsp.doc_style wr_news.doc_style wr_price.doc_style wr_priv1.doc_style wr_priv2.doc_style wr_priv3.doc_style wr_rpt.doc_style wr_slidl.doc_style wr_slidp.doc_style wr_slidt.doc_style wr_smemo.doc_style wr_techj.doc_style wr_tmemo.doc_style wr_exmpb.doc_style wr_genb.doc_style wr_manb.doc_style wr_milsb.doc_style wr_rptb.doc_style wr_sll2.doc_style dx_guide.doc_style dx_cour.doc_style dx_times.doc_style dx_helv.doc_style Files Installed in the CDA$LIBRARY_FR_yy Directory wr_dir.doc_style wr_examp.doc_style wr_genrl.doc_style wr_lettr.doc_style wr_man.doc_style wr_man2.doc_style wr_memo.doc_style A-16 Files Installed by DECwrite Files Installed by DECwrite A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems wr_milsp.doc_style wr_news.doc_style wr_price.doc_style wr_priv1.doc_style wr_priv2.doc_style wr_priv3.doc_style wr_rpt.doc_style wr_slidl.doc_style wr_slidp.doc_style wr_slidt.doc_style wr_smemo.doc_style wr_techj.doc_style wr_tmemo.doc_style wr_exmpb.doc_style wr_genb.doc_style wr_manb.doc_style wr_milsb.doc_style wr_rptb.doc_style wr_sll2.doc_style Files Installed in the DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS Directory write$fontutil.uid Files Installed in the DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS_FR_yy Directory write$ui.uid write$equation.uid Files Installed in the SYS$HELP Directory decwritefr030.release_notes Files Installed in the SYS$HELP_FR_yy Directory decwritefr030_ref.ps write$help.decw$book write$equation.decw$book Files Installed by DECwrite A-17 Files Installed by DECwrite A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems Files Installed in the SYS$MESSAGE Directory dtif$read_ascii_tabular_messages.exe dtif$read_ascii_field_messages.exe dtif$read_calcgrd_messages.exe dtif$read_dif_messages.exe dtif$read_wk1_messages.exe dtif$read_wk3_messages.exe dtif$write_ascii_tabular_messages.exe dtif$write_wk1_messages.exe dtif$write_wk3_messages.exe Files Installed in the SYS$STARTUP Directory write$startup.com Files Installed in the SYS$MANAGER Directory decw$starti18n.com Files Installed in the SYS$TEST Directory write$ivp.com lfr$ivp.com sys$common:[systest.decwrite]writeivp.doc sys$common:[systest.decwrite]writeivp.chart sys$common:[systest.decwrite]write$ident.com A-18 Files Installed by DECwrite Files Installed by DECwrite A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems Files Installed in the WRITE$EXAMPLES Directory ds_320.eps demsa.eps ln03r.eps mv3800.eps lanserve.eps sa600.eps vs3100.eps vax_6310.eps vt340.eps std_dev.tex dx.macros doc_cnv.ps tab_cnv.ps doc_cnv.decw$book tab_cnv.decw$book readme.txt decwrite030_release_notes.decw$book decwrite030_release_notes.decw$bookshelf times_roman18.decw$font times_roman18_100dpi.decw$font sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_extension12_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_italic10_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_italic12_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_italic8_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_symbol10_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_symbol12_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_symbol8_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_extension12_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_italic10_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_italic12_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ Files Installed by DECwrite A-19 Files Installed by DECwrite A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems decmath_italic8_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_symbol10_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_symbol12_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]dutch801_ decmath_symbol8_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets8_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets10_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets12_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets14_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets18_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets24_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets36_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets48_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets72_100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets8_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets10_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets12_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets14_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets18_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets24_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets36_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ bullets48_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]present_ A-20 Files Installed by DECwrite Files Installed by DECwrite A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems bullets72_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox14_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox18_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox24_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox36_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic14_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic18_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic24_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic36_75.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox14_ 100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox18_ 100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox24_ 100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decbox36_ 100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic14_ 100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic18_ 100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic24_ 100.bdf sys$common:[syshlp.examples.decwrite.fonts]decpic36_ 100.bdf Files Installed in the WRITE$EXAMPLES_FR_yy Directory tutorial.doc tutor.chart tutor.txt logo.img offices.doc orgchart.doc Files Installed by DECwrite A-21 Files Installed by DECwrite A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems graphics.doc ruler.doc grid.eps keyboard.doc eps_art.doc draft.eps readme.txt decwritefr030_release_notes.decw$book decwritefr030_release_notes.decw$bookshelf Files Installed in the LCI$LEXICONS Directory fr41.dsk fr41.ram lfr.scp Files Installed in the VUE$LIBRARY_FR_yy Directory write$vue.com write$vue_profile.vue$dat Files Installed in the SYS$COMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.USER_75DPI] Directory present_bullets8_75.decw$font present_bullets10_75.decw$font present_bullets12_75.decw$font present_bullets14_75.decw$font present_bullets18_75.decw$font present_bullets24_75.decw$font present_bullets36_75.decw$font present_bullets48_75.decw$font present_bullets72_75.decw$font decbox14_75.decw$font decbox18_75.decw$font decbox24_75.decw$font decbox36_75.decw$font decpic14_75.decw$font decpic18_75.decw$font decpic24_75.decw$font decpic36_75.decw$font A-22 Files Installed by DECwrite Files Installed by DECwrite A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems Files Installed in the SYS$COMMON:[SYSFONT.DECW.USER_100DPI] Directory dutch801_decmath_extension12_100.decw$font dutch801_decmath_italic8_100.decw$font dutch801_decmath_italic10_100.decw$font dutch801_decmath_italic12_100.decw$font dutch801_decmath_symbol8_100.decw$font dutch801_decmath_symbol10_100.decw$font dutch801_decmath_symbol12_100.decw$font present_bullets8_100.decw$font present_bullets10_100.decw$font present_bullets12_100.decw$font present_bullets14_100.decw$font present_bullets18_100.decw$font present_bullets24_100.decw$font present_bullets36_100.decw$font present_bullets48_100.decw$font present_bullets72_100.decw$font decbox14_100.decw$font decbox18_100.decw$font decbox24_100.decw$font decbox36_100.decw$font decpic14_100.decw$font decpic18_100.decw$font decpic24_100.decw$font decpic36_100.decw$font Files Installed in the SYS$PS_FONT_METRICS Directory sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]dutch801_italic_ decmath_italic.afm sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]dutch801_italic_ decmath_italic.ps sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]dutch801_roman_ decmath_extension.ps sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]dutch801_roman_ decmath_extension.afm sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]dutch801_roman_ decmath_symbol.afm sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]dutch801_roman_ decmath_symbol.ps Files Installed by DECwrite A-23 Files Installed by DECwrite A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]terminal_ dectech.afm sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]terminal_ dectech.ps sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]present_ bullets.afm sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]present_ bullets.ps sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]decwriteboxes.afm sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]decwriteboxes.ps sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]decwritepictures.afm sys$common:[sysfont.ps_font_metrics.user]decwritepictures.ps DECchart Files Installed in the SYS$SYSTEM Directory decchart$motif.exe DECchart Files Installed in the CDA$LIBRARY Directory ch_area100.chart_style ch_areagrid.chart_style ch_areasimple.chart_style ch_area_col.chart_style ch_bar100.chart_style ch_barcluster.chart_style A-24 Files Installed by DECwrite Files Installed by DECwrite A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems ch_barclustergrid.chart_style ch_barclustervalue.chart_style ch_baroverlap.chart_style ch_barstack.chart_style ch_col100.chart_style ch_colcluster.chart_style ch_colclustergrid.chart_style ch_colclustervalue.chart_style ch_coloverlap.chart_style ch_colstack.chart_style ch_col_hilo.chart_style ch_col_line.chart_style ch_col_scat.chart_style ch_hilo.chart_style ch_hiloclose.chart_style ch_hiloopcl.chart_style ch_hiloopen.chart_style ch_hilo_line.chart_style ch_histo.chart_style ch_histohgrid.chart_style ch_histohvgrid.chart_style ch_histovalue.chart_style ch_line.chart_style ch_linehgrid.chart_style ch_linehvgrid.chart_style ch_linelog.chart_style ch_linemarkers.chart_style ch_line_line.chart_style ch_line_scat.chart_style ch_pie.chart_style ch_pieallexp.chart_style ch_pieoneexp.chart_style ch_pievalue.chart_style ch_scatter.chart_style ch_scatterdeplog.chart_style ch_scatterhvgrid.chart_style ch_scatterlines.chart_style ch_scatterxylog.chart_style Files Installed by DECwrite A-25 Files Installed by DECwrite A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems DECchart Files Installed in the DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS_FR_yy Directory decchart$motif_uid.uid Files Installed in the VUE$LIBRARY_FR_yy Directory decchart$vue.com decchart$vue_profile.vue$dat DECchart Files Installed in the SYS$HELP_FR_yy directory decchart$motif.decw$book DECchart Files Installed in the SYS$STARTUP Directory chart$startup.com DECchart Files Installed in the SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.CHART$IVP] Directory chart$ident.com DECchart Files Installed in the CHART$EXAMPLES Directory chart$sample.chart chart$sample.chart_style chart$sample.table CDA Base System Files Installed in the SYS$SYSTEM Directory cda$convert.exe ddif$view.exe CDA Base System Files Installed in the SYS$LIBRARY Directory cda$access.exe ddif$viewshr.exe cda$dtif_to_ddif.exe ddif$read_text.exe cda$write_analysis.exe ddif$write_ps.exe ddif$write_text.exe A-26 Files Installed by DECwrite Files Installed by DECwrite A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems cda$cda_.ada cda$def.bas cda$def.for cda$def.h cda$def.mar cda$def.pas cda$def.pli cda$def.r32 cda$msg.bas cda$msg.for cda$msg.h cda$msg.mar cda$msg.pas cda$msg.pli cda$msg.r32 cda$typ.h cda$ptp.h ddif$ddif_.ada ddif$def.bas ddif$def.for ddif$def.h ddif$def.mar ddif$def.pas ddif$def.pli ddif$def.r32 CDA Base System Files Installed in the CDA$LIBRARY Directory defstyle.ddif CDA Base System Files Installed in the DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS Directory ddif$view.uid ddif$viewwgt.uid CDA Base System Files Installed in the SYS$HELP Directory ddif$view.decw$bookshelf Files Installed by DECwrite A-27 Files Installed by DECwrite A.3 Files Installed on OpenVMS VAX Systems CDA Base System Files Installed in the SYS$MESSAGE Directory cda$accessmsg.exe ddif$viewmsg.exe cnv_msg.dat Sample Converter Option Files in the SYS$EXAMPLES Directory example_ascii_tabular.cda$options example_read_ascii_field.cda$options example_read_ascii_tabular.cda$options example_read_calcgrd.cda$options example_read_dif.cda$options example_read_dx.cda$options example_read_wk1.cda$options example_read_wk3.cda$options example_read_wpl.cda$options example_write_ascii_tabular.cda$options example_write_dx.cda$options example_write_wk1.cda$options example_write_wk3.cda$options example_write_wpl.cda$options A-28 Files Installed by DECwrite B ________________________________________________________________ Sample DECwrite Installation This appendix contains a printout of a typical DECwrite installation procedure. The example in this appendix shows a full installation of the French version of DECwrite on an OpenVMS AXP system and the full installation of the French version of DECwrite on an OpenVMS VAX system. To perform a successful installation, you must: 1. Prepare your system by completing the procedure in Chapter 1. 2. Install DECwrite by completing the installation procedure described in Chapter 2. 3. Perform any needed postinstallation procedures described in Chapter 3. B.1 Full Installation on an OpenVMS AXP System This sample installation printout shows the user responses and system messages on an OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5 system where DECwindows Motif for VMS Version 1.1 and all the appropriate licenses have been installed. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V1.5 It is 28-JAN-1994 at 10:20. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? YES * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: DKA300:[DW30AXP] Sample DECwrite Installation B-1 Sample DECwrite Installation B.1 Full Installation on an OpenVMS AXP System Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: DECWRITEFR030 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: DECWRITEFR V3.0 Beginning installation of DECWRITE V3.0 at 10:20 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. DECwrite V3.0 Installation Procedure © Digital Equipment Corporation 1989, 1994. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Usage Alert, Electronic Thesaurus, International Hyphenators, and International CorrectSpell licensed from Houghton Mifflin Company. Copyright 1985, 1987, 1988 by Houghton Mifflin. German 1985, 1987 by Langenscheidt K.G. French in cooperation with Librairie Larousse. Italian 1988 by Nicola Zanichelli. All rights reserved. U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,580,241, 4,724,523 and 4,771,401. Canadian Pat. No. 1,203,916. Thesaurus U.S. Pat. No. 4,724,523. English based upon The American Heritage Dictionary. Thesaurus based upon Roget's II Thesaurus. Reproduction or disassembly of embodied computer programs or algorithms prohibited. Arts and Letters (TM) clipart licensed to Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. Copyright (c) Computer Support Corporation 1985- 1990. All rights reserved. Portions licensed to Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts Copyright (c) Frame Technology Corporation 1989. All rights reserved. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... B-2 Sample DECwrite Installation Sample DECwrite Installation B.1 Full Installation on an OpenVMS AXP System You can install the DECwrite kit completely or just the additional screen fonts used by DECwrite and the DECwrite Equation Editor. If you are installing this kit for use on a workstation, or on a VMScluster that includes workstations, then you should install the entire kit. This requires 62000 blocks. If you are installing this kit on a workstation that will only run DECwrite from a remote system, then only the screen font files are needed. This requires 1268 blocks. * Do you want to install the entire kit [YES]? Y This kit contains the user interface for DECwrite/French, DECwrite/Canadian-French, DECwrite/Belgian-French and DECwrite/Swiss-French. You should install the appropriate user interface according the type of DECwrite license you have purchased. Choose one of the following: 1) DECwrite/French user interface 2) DECwrite/Canadian-French user interface 3) DECwrite/Belgian-French user interface 4) DECwrite/Swiss-French user interface * Enter choice [1]: 1 Installing DECwrite/French... Installing DECwrite/Motif... This kit contains an optional clipart library composed of Encapsulated PostScript pictures, DDIF pictures, and DDIF images. Its total size is 10240 blocks. * Do you want to install the clip art library [YES]? Y Specify a device and directory on which to install the clip art library * Device and directory [sys$sysdevice:[clipart]]: You have chosen the device and directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[CLIPART] * Is this correct [YES]? Y ************************************************************* Note: This installation will replace the DECwrite supplied style files in CDA$LIBRARY. If you have made modifications to these files, make backup copies before continuing. For example: Sample DECwrite Installation B-3 Sample DECwrite Installation B.1 Full Installation on an OpenVMS AXP System $ backup/log cda$library:wr_*.doc_style style_files.bck/sav ************************************************************* * Do you want to continue [YES]? Y This kit requires DECchart V1.6 or later. ************************************************************* DECchart V1.6 will be installed since it does not exist on your system. ************************************************************* This kit requires the DECwrite Equation Editor V3.0-2 or later. ************************************************************* The DECwrite Equation Editor V3.0-2 will be installed since it does not exist on your system. ************************************************************* %VMSINSTAL-I-DIREXISTS, The spell check lexicon directory already exists: -VMSINSTAL-I-DIREXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[LCI.LEXICONS] -VMSINSTAL-I-DIREXISTS, The French lexicon will be installed there. Checking/registering INTL-LEXICON-FRANCAIS Product Authorization Key... * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Y %VMSINSTAL-W-NODISPLAY, Workstation display not defined Enter the node name of the workstation on which to display the IVP or press Return to continue and not run the IVP * Node name: CAZIN The language in the Language dialog box on the Session Manager's Customize/Options menu must be set to French in order to run the IVP. Ensure the language is set accordingly before continuing. * Press Return when ready to continue: * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Y To complete the installation on a standalone DEC 3000 Model 500 will take approximately: B-4 Sample DECwrite Installation Sample DECwrite Installation B.1 Full Installation on an OpenVMS AXP System 50 minutes to install 10 minutes to run the IVP All required questions have been asked. You can terminate the installation procedure at this time. * Do you want to continue the installation [YES]? YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set E ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set F ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set G ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set H ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set L ... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DECWRITE]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.FR_FR.DECWRITE]. The on-line demonstration document, tutorial.doc and the documents used in the Getting Started exercises are in: VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.FR_FR.DECWRITE] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DECWRITE.FONTS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DECWRITE]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory AUSTEN$DKA400:[CLIPART]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[EPS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[ARROWS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[BUILDING]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[COMMUNIC]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[ENERGY]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[SPORTS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[FIGURES]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[FINANCE]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[GOVERNMT]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[SCIENCE]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_BLDG]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_BORDR]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_BUSNS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_COMM]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_DOM]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_FIN]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_FLAGS]. Sample DECwrite Installation B-5 Sample DECwrite Installation B.1 Full Installation on an OpenVMS AXP System %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_MISC]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_NATUR]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_PEOPL]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_SCI]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_SPORT]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_SYMBL]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_TOONS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_TRANS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_USMAP]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_WDMAP]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DECCHART]. The following commands must be added to the system startup command file SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM for all nodes that will be running DECwrite: @sys$startup:write$startup FR_FR @sys$manager:decw$starti18n FR_FR @sys$startup:lci$startup.com ! French lexicon If you are installing this kit on a workstation, you should restart DECwindows after the installation has completed: @sys$startup:decw$startup restart %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %VMSINSTAL-I-FONTS, Updating font directories Write$startup: Defining cda$library logical for FR_FR %VMSINSTAL-I-RUNIVP, Executing installation verification procedure(s) Executing IVP for: DECwrite V3.0 The IVP edits a sample document. If the document looks the same as the illustration in the installation guide, then the installation has been successful. After the document window appears, click the mouse in the window to assign input focus, and type Alt/Q (hold down the Compose Character or "Alt" key and press Q) to exit DECwrite and complete the DECwrite portion of the IVP. Note that when executing this IVP for a particular DECwrite language variant, make sure to set the appropriate language in the Language dialog box on the Session Manager's Customization menu. See the installation guide for details. Set your language now before continuing with the IVP. B-6 Sample DECwrite Installation Sample DECwrite Installation B.1 Full Installation on an OpenVMS AXP System Press return when ready: Starting DECwrite.... ************************************* DECwrite V3.0 IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY ************************************* IVP completed for: DECwrite V3.0 Executing IVP for: International Lexicon/French for VMS V1.0 **************************************************** International Lexicon/French for VMS V1.0 IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY **************************************************** IVP completed for: International Lexicon/French for VMS V1.0 Installation of DECWRITEFR V3.0 completed at 11:09 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]DECWRITEFR030.VMI_DATA Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at 11:12 $ log SYSTEM logged out at 28-JAN-1994 11:12:49.63 B.2 Full Installation on an OpenVMS VAX System This sample installation printout shows the user responses and system messages on an OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 system where DECwindows Motif for VMS Version 1.1 and all the appropriate licenses have been installed. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.0 It is 27-JAN-1994 at 19:13. Sample DECwrite Installation B-7 Sample DECwrite Installation B.2 Full Installation on an OpenVMS VAX System Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: DKA300:[DW30VAX] Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: DECWRITEFR030 * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): The following products will be processed: DECWRITEFR V3.0 Beginning installation of DECWRITEFR V3.0 at 19:14 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. DECwrite V3.0 Installation Procedure © Digital Equipment Corporation 1989, 1994. All rights reserved. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possesion, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. Usage Alert, Electronic Thesaurus, International Hyphenators, and International CorrectSpell licensed from Houghton Mifflin Company. Copyright 1985, 1987, 1988 by Houghton Mifflin. German 1985, 1987 by Langenscheidt K.G. French in cooperation with Librairie Larousse. Italian 1988 by Nicola Zanichelli. All rights reserved. U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,580,241, 4,724,523 and 4,771,401. Canadian Pat. No. 1,203,916. Thesaurus U.S. Pat. No. 4,724,523. English based upon The American Heritage Dictionary. Thesaurus based upon Roget's II Thesaurus. Reproduction or disassembly of embodied computer programs or algorithms prohibited. Arts and Letters (TM) clipart licensed to Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. Copyright (c) Computer Support Corporation 1985- 1990. All rights reserved. Portions licensed to Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts Copyright (c) Frame Technology Corporation 1989. All rights reserved. B-8 Sample DECwrite Installation Sample DECwrite Installation B.2 Full Installation on an OpenVMS VAX System %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... You can install the DECwrite kit completely or just the additional screen fonts used by DECwrite and the DECwrite Equation Editor. If you are installing this kit for use on a workstation, or on a VMScluster that includes workstations, then you should install the entire kit. This requires 62000 blocks. If you are installing this kit on a workstation that will only run DECwrite from a remote system, then only the screen font files are needed. This requires 1268 blocks. * Do you want to install the entire kit [YES]? Y This kit contains the user interface for DECwrite/French, DECwrite/Canadian-French, DECwrite/Belgian-French and DECwrite/Swiss-French. You should install the appropriate user interface according the type of DECwrite license you have purchased. Choose one of the following: 1) DECwrite/French user interface 2) DECwrite/Canadian-French user interface 3) DECwrite/Belgian-French user interface 4) DECwrite/Swiss-French user interface * Enter choice [1]: 1 Installing DECwrite/French... Installing DECwrite/Motif... This kit contains an optional clipart library composed of Encapsulated PostScript pictures, DDIF pictures, and DDIF images. Its total size is 10240 blocks. * Do you want to install the clip art library [YES]? Y Specify a device and directory on which to install the clip art library * Device and directory [sys$sysdevice:[clipart]]: USER:[PUBLISH.CLIPART] You have chosen the device and directory SYS$SYSDEVICE:[CLIPART] * Is this correct [YES]? Y ************************************************************* Sample DECwrite Installation B-9 Sample DECwrite Installation B.2 Full Installation on an OpenVMS VAX System Note: This installation will replace the DECwrite supplied style files in CDA$LIBRARY. If you have made modifications to these files, make backup copies before continuing. For example: $ backup/log cda$library:wr_*.doc_style style_files.bck/sav ************************************************************* * Do you want to continue [YES]? Y This kit requires DECchart V1.6 or later. ************************************************************* DECchart V1.6 will be installed since it does not exist on your system. ************************************************************* This kit requires the DECwrite Equation Editor V3.0-2 or later. ************************************************************* The DECwrite Equation Editor V3.0-2 will be installed since it does not exist on your system. ************************************************************* %VMSINSTAL-I-DIREXISTS, The spell check lexicon directory already exists: -VMSINSTAL-I-DIREXISTS, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[LCI.LEXICONS] -VMSINSTAL-I-DIREXISTS, The French lexicon will be installed there. Checking/registering INTL-LEXICON-FRENCH Product Authorization Key... * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Y %VMSINSTAL-W-NODISPLAY, Workstation display not defined Enter the node name of the workstation on which to display the IVP or press Return to continue and not run the IVP * Node name: CLAVIS The language in the Language dialog box on the Session Manager's Customize/Options menu must be set to French in order to run the IVP. Ensure the language is set accordingly before continuing. * Press Return when ready to continue: * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Y B-10 Sample DECwrite Installation Sample DECwrite Installation B.2 Full Installation on an OpenVMS VAX System To complete the installation on a standalone VAX 6000 Model 200 Series will take approximately: 50 minutes to install 10 minutes to run the IVP All required questions have been asked. You can terminate the installation procedure at this time. * Do you want to continue the installation [YES]? Y %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set E ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set F ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set G ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set H ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set L ... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DECWRITE]. The on-line demonstration document, tutorial.doc and the documents used in the Getting Started exercises are in: VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.FR_FR.DECWRITE] %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DECWRITE.FONTS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.DECWRITE]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory USER:[PUBLISH.CLIPART]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[EPS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[ARROWS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[BUILDING]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[COMMUNIC]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[ENERGY]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[SPORTS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[FIGURES]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[FINANCE]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[GOVERNMT]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[SCIENCE]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_BLDG]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_BORDR]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_BUSNS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_COMM]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_DOM]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_FIN]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_FLAGS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_MISC]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_NATUR]. Sample DECwrite Installation B-11 Sample DECwrite Installation B.2 Full Installation on an OpenVMS VAX System %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_PEOPL]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_SCI]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_SPORT]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_SYMBL]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_TOONS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_TRANS]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_USMAP]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory WRITE$CLIPART:[PR_WDMAP]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.DECCHART]. The following commands must be added to the system startup command file SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM for all nodes that will be running DECwrite: @sys$startup:write$startup FR_FR @sys$manager:decw$starti18n FR_FR @sys$startup:lci$startup.com ! French lexicon If you are installing this kit on a workstation, you should restart DECwindows after the installation has completed: @sys$startup:decw$startup restart %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %VMSINSTAL-I-FONTS, Updating font directories 8 fonts loaded Creating decw$root:[sysfont.decw.user_75dpi]DECW$FONT_DIRECTORY.DAT 8 fonts loaded Creating decw$root:[sysfont.decw.user_100dpi]DECW$FONT_DIRECTORY.DAT %VMSINSTAL-I-RUNIVP, Executing installation verification procedure(s) Executing IVP for: DECwrite V3.0 The IVP edits a sample document. If the document looks the same as the illustration in the installation guide, then the installation has been successful. After the document window appears, click the mouse in the window to assign input focus, and type Alt/Q (hold down the Compose Character or "Alt" key and press Q) to exit DECwrite and complete the DECwrite portion of the IVP. B-12 Sample DECwrite Installation Sample DECwrite Installation B.2 Full Installation on an OpenVMS VAX System Note that when executing this IVP for a particular DECwrite language variant, make sure to set the appropriate language in the Language dialog box on the Session Manager's Customization menu. See the installation guide for details. Set your language now before continuing with the IVP. Press return when ready: Starting DECwrite.... ************************************* DECwrite V3.0 IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY ************************************* IVP completed for: DECwrite V3.0 Executing IVP for: International Lexicon/French for VMS V1.0 ******************************************** International Lexicon/French for VMS V1.0 IVP COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY ********************************************* IVP completed for: International Lexicon/French for VMS V1.0 Installation of DECWRITEFR V3.0 completed at 20:05 Enter the products to be processed from the next distribution volume set. * Products: VMSINSTAL procedure done at 20:05 Sample DECwrite Installation B-13 ________________________________________________________________ Index A Cluster ___________________________ installing DECwrite, 1-5 Add command, 4-6, 4-15 Commands example, 4-6 Font Utility, 4-13 Add new command, 4-15 table, 4-15 Adding Compiling fonts, 4-2 font files on OpenVMS point sizes of existing systems, 4-21 entries, 4-19 Confirm option, 4-6, 4-15 Adobe Font Metric files example, 4-7 See AFM files Copying AFM files, 4-21 font files on OpenVMS comparing to screen font, systems, 4-22 PS files, 4-28 editing, 4-29 D__________________________ reference information, DECfonts Typeface 4-32 Collection, 4-1, 4-4 documentation, 4-4 B__________________________ LaserWriter Emulation Backing up the system disk, font kit, 4-4 1-11 troubleshooting, 4-23 Beginning the installation, DECwrite 2-3 running from DCL, 3-15 running from FileView, C 3-15 ___________________________ user information, viii Changing directories, 4-13 DECwrite startup file Checking the distribution editing, 3-2 kit, 1-2 WRITE$STARTUP.COM, 3-2 Clip art, 3-2 Delete command, 4-16 Index-1 Directories, changing, 4-13 Font lookup file Disk blocks updating on OpenVMS displaying number of free systems, 4-22 disk blocks, 1-7 Font Utility Display Server add command, 4-6, 4-15 restarting, 4-27 example, 4-6 Display variable add new command, 4-15 setting, 4-13, 4-27 checking file locations, Distribution kit 4-28 contents of, 1-2 checking security access, Documentation set, viii 4-27 checking session login, E__________________________ 4-27 Encapsulated PostScript commands, 4-13 (EPS) comparing screen font, how EPS files affect AFM, PS files, 4-28 performance, 3-8 confirm option, 4-6, 4-15 Encoding schemes example, 4-7 used with font files, customizing slant 4-31 assignment, 4-8 Examples example, 4-9 WRITE$CLIPART directory, customizing weight 3-2 assignment, 4-7 WRITE$EXAMPLES directory, example, 4-9 3-2 delete command, 4-16 Examples directory, 3-2 descriptions, 4-13 Exit command, 4-16 exit command, 4-16 full option, 4-19 F hide command, 4-17 ___________________________ Menu list, definition, F$MODE(), 3-3 4-3 File locations menu option, 4-19 checking, 4-28 New list, definition, 4-3 Files installed, A-1 to new option, 4-19 A-28 problems Font configuration file, resolving, 4-22 4-5 quit command, 4-17 Font family, definition, rename command, 4-18 4-2 restarting Display Server Font files , 4-27 compiling on OpenVMS reveal command, 4-18, systems, 4-21 4-20 copying on OpenVMS example, 4-20 systems, 4-22 Index-2 Font Utility (cont'd) setting display variable, G__________________________ 4-27 Global pages, 1-5 show command, 4-6, 4-19 Global sections, 1-5 starting, 4-13 system management H__________________________ privileges required, Hide command, 4-17 4-1 Font, definition, 4-3 I Fonts ___________________________ adding, 4-2 Images all at once, 4-5 how images affect individually with performance, 3-6 customization, 4-7 Images, shared, 3-2 individually with Installation defaults, 4-6 sample printout, B-1 compiling and installing Installation notes on remote workstations, compiling and installing 3-17 fonts on a remote installing, 4-21 display, 3-17 on an OpenVMS system, Installation on a 4-21 standalone system, 3-3 revealing, 4-20 Installation on a slant VMScluster, 3-3 customizing assignment Installation Verification , 4-8 Procedure example, 4-9 running after definition, 4-2 installation, 3-13 recognized by Font Installing fonts, 4-21 Utility, 4-4 on an OpenVMS system, weight 4-21 customizing assignment , 4-7 L__________________________ example, 4-9 Labels definition, 4-2 on distribution media, recognized by Font 1-2 Utility, 4-4 Language width parameter, 3-2 definition, 4-2 variant, 2-1, 3-2 Free disk blocks Libraries, shared, 3-2 displaying number of, 1-7 License registration, 1-4 Full option, 4-19 Index-3 Prerequisite software for M__________________________ DECwrite installation, Media labels, 1-2 1-2 Memory Privileges requirements, 3-6 required to run Font Menu list, definition, 4-3 Utility, 4-1 Menu option, 4-19 Q__________________________ N__________________________ Quit command, 4-17 New list, definition, 4-3 Quotas New option, 4-19 for running DECwrite from Notepad application, 4-29 FileView, 3-11 modifying for user P__________________________ accounts, 3-12 Parameter user account, 3-10 language, 3-2 R Performance and tuning, 3-5 ___________________________ after installation, 3-9 Recovery procedures, 4-27 how to run DECwrite checking file locations, efficiently, 3-6 4-28 memory requirements, 3-6 checking security access, tuning your DECwrite 4-27 session, 3-6 checking session login, using EPS graphics, 3-8 4-27 using images, 3-6 comparing screen font, Point sizes AFM, PS files, 4-28 adding, 4-19 displaying screen font PostScript font outline attributes, 4-29 program files editing AFM, PS outline See PostScript outline files, 4-29 files restarting Display Server PostScript outline files, , 4-27 4-21 setting display variable, comparing to screen font, 4-27 AFM files, 4-28 Rename command, 4-18 editing, 4-29 Reveal command, 4-18, 4-20 Preparing for installation, example, 4-20 1-1 Running DECwrite, 3-15 from the Session Manager, 3-15 Index-4 Starting the installation, S__________________________ 2-3 Sample document, 3-16 System disk Sample installation backing up, 1-11 printout, B-1 System startup file Screen font attributes editing, 3-1 displaying, 4-29 T Screen font files, 4-21 ___________________________ comparing to AFM, PS Troubleshooting files, 4-28 performance and tuning, Screen fonts 3-5 reference information, Troubleshooting summary, 4-32 4-23 Security access Typeface, definition, 4-2 checking, 4-27 Server U__________________________ See Display Server User information set, viii Session login checking, 4-27 V__________________________ Session Manager VMScluster running DECwrite from, installation on, 3-3 3-15 installing DECwrite, 1-5 Setting the display VMSINSTAL variable, 4-13, 4-27 command line, 2-3 Show command, 4-6, 4-19 starting the installation SHOW DEVICE command , 2-3 displaying number of free disk blocks, 1-7 W Slant of fonts ___________________________ customizing assignment, Weight of fonts 4-9 customizing assignment, definition, 4-2 4-9 Software definition, 4-2 required before Width of fonts installing DECwrite, definition, 4-2 1-2 WRITE$EXAMPLES, 3-2 Standalone system write$fonts.ini installation on, 3-3 backup, 4-5 Starting the Font Utility, WRITE$STARTUP.COM, 3-2 4-13 Index-5