VAXft System Services Installation for All Systems To install the VAXft System Services software, perform the following steps: 1. Log into the SYSTEM account and set the default device and directory to SYS$UPDATE: Username:SYSTEM Password:system-password $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE: Result: Puts you in the SYS$UPDATE directory 2. Invoke the VMSINSTAL utility. Enter the OPTIONS N qualifier to read the release notes. $ @VMSINSTAL FTSS ddcu: OPTIONS N where: ddcu: - the device that holds the distribution media Result: VMSINSTAL prompts you for the device name if it is omitted. VMSINSTAL notifies you if an error in the environment is detected and asks you if you want to continue. 3. VMSINSTAL displays the VAX/VMS software banner, the date, and directions for getting help with the installation. Then VMSINSTAL asks if you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk. Enter YES. VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure Vn.n It is 19-JAN-1993 at 11:25 Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. *Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]?Y Result: VMSINSTAL prompts you to mount the first volume of the set on the device you specified at the beginning of the installation. 4. When the media is mounted, enter YES to indicate that you are ready to proceed. *Are you ready?yes 1 Result: VMSINSTAL responds with the following: %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, FTSS mounted on ddcu: The following products will be processed: FTSS, V2.0 Beginning installation of FTSS V2.0 at 11:26 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED. Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. VAXft System Services V2.0 Installation Procedure Product: FAULT-TOLERANT-SERVICES Producer: DEC Version: 2.0 Release Date: 14-JUN-1993 ________________________ Note ________________________ Read the release notes before you proceed with the installation. ______________________________________________________ 5. Enter whether you have registered the PAK. ________________________________________________________ If You Enter__Result___________________________________________ No The installation continues but a warning message displays noting that the PAK was not registered. Yes You are asked if you want to run the IVP when the _______installation_is_complete.________________________ 6. Run the IVP by answering YES to the prompt. Result: You are asked if you want to purge old files to recover disk space. 7. If you have a previous version of the VAXft System Services software installed, purge the old files by entering YES. 2 Result: The following text displays and files are moved to target directories: *************************************************************** * If this product is to be started automatically with each * * system startup please add the line: * * * * $ @SYS$STARTUP:FTSS$STARTUP.COM * * * * to your system startup procedure, * * * * SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM * * * * You should also add the line: * * * * $ @SYS$MANAGER:FTSS$SHUTDOWN * * * * to your system shutdown procedure * * * * SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDOWN.COM * *************************************************************** The VAXft System Services Vn.n Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) has been provided in SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST]. The IVP may be invoked at any time by using the following commands: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST] $ @FTSS$IVP The VAXft System Services Vn.n Installation Verification Procedure completed successfully Installation of FTSSVn.n completed at 11:27 VMSINSTAL procedure one at 11:27 Your VMS system is now updated to include new and modified files listed in Section 5. 8. Use the SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN.COM procedure to shut down the VMS operating system. 9. Press to halt the system and then reboot it. 3 Result: This completes the installation process and ensures that the software is correctly loaded prior to its first use. 1 Installation Verification The VAXft System Services kit contains a command procedure that verifies the correct installation of the software. The file is called FTSS$IVP.COM, and is located in the SYS$TEST directory. ________________________ Note ________________________ VAXft System Services supports the VMS License Management Facility (LMF). You must register and load the Product Authorization Key (PAK) before you invoke the Installation Verification Program (IVP) or the VAXft System Services Software. ______________________________________________________ If you registered the PAK before you installed the VAXft System Services software, and responded Yes when the installation procedure asked you would like the IVP run at the end of the installation, the IVP runs at that time. If you did not register the PAK prior to software installation, do so immediately after the installation and run the IVP manually by entering: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$COMMON[SYSTEST] $ @FTSS$IVP Also, if at any point you wish to verify that the VAXft System Services software was correctly installed, run the IVP again. 2 Startup Procedure The VAXft System Services kit contains a startup procedure that allows your system to invoke the VAXft System Services software automatically when the VAXft is booted. The startup procedure, FTSS$STARTUP.COM, is placed in the SYS$STARTUP directory. To invoke the VAXft System Services software at every system startup, edit the SYSTARTUP_ V5.COM file to run SYS$STARTUP:FTSS$STARTUP.COM early in 4 the procedure. Digital recommends that this command be put in SYSTARTUP_V5.COM as follows: o After commands that install secondary paging or swapping files o Before commands starting DECnet or any queues After you make this edit, halt and reboot your system to load the VAXft System Services software. 3 Maintenance Updates Maintenance updates of the VAXft System Services software may be issued periodically. Each update consists of an installation kit. Install this kit as described in this document, or in documentation that accompanies the maintenance update (which would supersede this information). The maintenance update includes new release notes. The update release notes describe changes that have been made to the VAXft System Services software since the previous release. The update release notes are provided on line. Read the release notes when you first install a new version of VAXft System Services. To locate the release notes after you install the VAXft System Services software, display or print the file SYS$HELP:FTSS020.RELEASE_NOTES (where nn is the version number), or enter the following command: $ HELP FTSS RELEASE_NOTES 4 Installation Troubleshooting and Error Recovery If the installation procedure fails for any reason, a message with the following format is displayed: %VMSINSTAL_E_INSFAIL, The installation of VAX FTSS V2.0 has failed. An error during the installation occurs if one or more of the conditions that are listed in Table 1 exist. These errors can often be identified and resolved as indicated in Table 1. 5 Table_1_Error_Recovery_____________________________________ Error______________________Solution________________________ %FTSS-E-DISKSPACE, The system does not have enough VAXft System Services free blocks on the system requires 1300 disk disk to install the VAXft blocks. System Services software. For installation and operation, the product requires 1500 blocks temporarily, and 1300 blocks permanently. %LIB-F-OPEN, Error Another user is using the opening DDCU: VMS HELP utility. When the [SYS0.SYSHELP] VAXft System Services software HELPLIB.HLB attempts to insert its help %RMS-E-FLK, file modules, it must have sole currently locked by access to the VMS help library. another user. Ensure that no one is using the HELP Utility. %RMS-F-PRV, You are attempting to install No privilege for the VAXft System Services attempted operation. software without the proper privileges. If you install from the SYSTEM account, adequate privileges are available. %FTSS-E-VERSION, The operating system version is VAXft System Services incorrect and does not support requires VMS V5.5-2HF. the VAXft System Services software. Enter SHOW SYSTEM at the DCL prompt ($) to find your version number. (continued on next page) 6 Table_1_(Cont.)_Error_Recovery_____________________________ Error______________________Solution________________________ %FTSS-W-LICENSE, The Product Authorization Key A valid license for VAXft (PAK) for VAXft System Services System Services V2.0 has was registered incorrectly, not not been registered. registered, or unloaded. The %FTSS-W-NOIVP installation is complete, but The IVP does not run. the IVP does not run because it requires the PAK be registered correctly. When the installation is complete, register the PAK, then manually run the IVP to ___________________________verify_the_installation.________ For more information about errors related to the installation, or other errors that may be relevant to your VAXft or VAXcluster system, see the VMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Volume, the VAXft System Services Reference Manual, and the VAXft processor-specific installation and operations guides. 5 Created and Modified Files Table 2 lists all of the files that are created and modified during the installation of VAXft System Services, and the directories where they reside. 7 Table_2_VAXft_System_Services_Files________________________ File_Name__________________________________________________ [SYS$LDR]CLDRIVER.EXE [SYS$LDR]CMDRIVER.EXE [SYSMGR]FTSS$AUTOCONFIG.COM [SYSHLP]FTSS$CONTROL.EXE [SYSHLP]FTSS$CONTROL.HLB [SYS$LDR]FTSS$CORE_520.EXE [SYS$LDR]FTSS$CORE_560.EXE [SYSHLP]FTSS$DCL.HLP [SYSHLP]FTSS$DELETE_ OBSOLETE.COM [SYSEXE]FTSS$DISA_KA.EXE [SYSEXE]FTSS$FSM.EXE [SYSEXE]FTSS$FSM.HLP [SYSEXE]FTSS$INIT.EXE [SYSTEST]FTSS$IVP.COM [SYSMSG]FTSS$MESSAGE.EXE [SYSEXE]FTSS$SERVER_520.EXE [SYSEXE]FTSS$SERVER_560.EXE [SYSMGR]FTSS$SHUTDOWN.COM [SYS$STARTUP]FTSS$STARTUP.COM [SYSEXE]FTSS$CONTROL.EXE [SYSMSG]FTSS$MESSAGE.EXE [SYSEXE]FTSS$UTIL.EXE [SYSHLP]FTSS020.RELEASE_NOTES [SYSMAINT]NI_ADDR_COPY_____________________________________ 6 Problem Evaluation and Reporting If you find an error in the VAXft System Services documentation, fill out and submit the Reader's Comments form at the back of the hardcopy document in which the error was found. Include the section and page number of the error, and clearly specify the error in your response. 8 If an error occurs while the VAXft System Services software is being executed and you have reason to believe that the error is due to a problem with the VAXft System Services software, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). When you prepare to submit an SPR, do the following: o Provide as complete a description of the problem as possible. Include the software version number, which can be found on the distribution media. o Include any pertinent output or error message that you have found just prior to the problem. Include as much detail as possible about the events that led to the problem. 9