______________________________________________ DECfax Mail for OpenVMS Installation Guide Software Version DECfax Mail for OpenVMS Version 1.2 Order Number: AA-PQC3C-TE __________________________________________________________ February 1994 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © by Digital Equipment Corporation 1992, 1993, 1994. All Rights Reserved. Printed in Australia. ALL-IN-1, CDA, DEC, DECfax, DECnet, DECpaint, DECslide, DECwindows, DECwrite, DEC MAILworks, Digital, EDT, LAT, LN03, MicroVAX, OpenVMS ULTRIX, VAX, VAX DOCUMENT, DX, VAXcluster, VAXstation, VMS, VMSmail, VT330, VT340, WPS- PLUS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. cc:Mail is a trademark of cc:Mail, a Division of Lotus. Dataplex is a registered trademark of Dataplex Pty Ltd. DPX-223 is a trademark of Dataplex Pty Ltd. FIP is a trademark of Murata Business Systems, Inc. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. Multi-Tech is a trademark of Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. WordPerfect is a registered trademark of WordPerfect Corporation. ZyXEL and U-Series are registered trademarks of ZyXEL Communications, Corp. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. vii 1 Preparing for Installation 1.1 System Requirements.......................... 1-1 1.1.1 Hardware Requirements.................... 1-1 1.1.2 Software Requirements.................... 1-1 1.1.3 Storage Requirements..................... 1-2 1.1.4 Account Requirements..................... 1-2 1.1.5 Backing Up the System.................... 1-2 1.1.6 Checking the System Parameters........... 1-3 1.1.7 License for DECfax Mail.................. 1-5 1.2 Preparing Answers to Installation Questions.................................... 1-5 2 Installing DECfax Mail 2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL........................... 2-1 2.2 Installation Steps........................... 2-2 2.3 Installation Errors.......................... 2-7 2.4 De-installing DECfax Mail.................... 2-8 3 Post-Installation Tasks 3.1 Registering and Loading the License.......... 3-2 3.2 Running the DECfax Mail Startup Procedure.... 3-2 3.3 Configuring DECfax Mail...................... 3-3 3.4 De-installing VICfax......................... 3-3 3.5 Migrating VICfax Databases................... 3-3 3.6 Defining Fax Devices......................... 3-3 3.7 Starting the DECfax Mail Components.......... 3-4 3.8 Integrating DECfax Mail with the System...... 3-4 iii 3.8.1 Modifying the System Files............... 3-4 Startup Command File................... 3-4 Shutdown Command File.................. 3-5 3.8.2 Starting DECfax Mail as a Message Router Component................................ 3-5 3.9 Adding Users................................. 3-5 3.10 Customizing ALL-IN-1 for DECfax Mail......... 3-6 3.11 Adding the Fax Address Template to Mail Agents and Systems........................... 3-6 3.12 Creating the Default Cover Page.............. 3-8 3.13 Adding Macros for Microsoft Word for Windows...................................... 3-8 4 Testing the Installation 4.1 Checking the Status of DECfax Mail........... 4-1 4.2 Sending a Fax................................ 4-2 4.3 Checking the Progress of the Fax............. 4-3 A Sample Installations A.1 New Installation Sample...................... A-1 A.2 Upgrade Installation Sample.................. A-5 B DECfax Mail Directories and Logicals B.1 Directories and Files........................ B-1 B.2 Logicals..................................... B-3 C Migrating VICfax Databases C.1 Migrating the Server Database................ C-1 C.1.1 Checking and Modifying Server Records.... C-2 C.2 Migrating the User Database.................. C-3 C.2.1 Converting the VICfax User Database...... C-3 C.2.2 Loading and Checking the Database........ C-4 iv D Privileges and Quotas of the DFXMANAGER Account Tables 1-1 Minimum System Parameter Values.......... 1-3 3-1 Files for Copying........................ 3-6 B-1 DECfax Mail Logicals..................... B-4 v ________________________________________________________________ Preface DECfax Mail for OpenVMS is a software product that enables fax messages to be sent to and received from the public telephone network via a Digital computer and one or more fax devices. DECfax Mail allows users of electronic mail systems to address messages so that they are directed to DECfax Mail for transmission as fax messages on the public telephone network. DECfax Mail receives fax messages from the public telephone network and directs them to a printer or to operators who distribute the messages to each addressee, either as electronic mail messages or as printed copies. Purpose of the Guide This guide describes how to install DECfax Mail and how to perform associated post-installation tasks. Intended Audience This guide is for a system manager who is responsible for installing DECfax Mail for OpenVMS. The system manager should have experience with VMSINSTAL and OpenVMS system management utilities. vii How This Guide is Organized The guide is organized as follows: o Chapter 1, Preparing for Installation, gives an introduction to the installation and post-installation tasks and describes the preliminary tasks. o Chapter 2, Installing DECfax Mail, describes the installation procedure. o Chapter 3, Post-Installation Tasks, describes a number of post-installation tasks. o Appendix A, Sample Installations, provides a sample of a new installation and a sample of an upgrade installation. o Appendix B, DECfax Mail Directories and Logicals, lists the DECfax Mail directories and files after installation. Related Documents DECfax Mail for OpenVMS Release Notes, which are on the installation medium, provide the latest information about DECfax Mail. The following manuals are required for post-installation tasks: o DECfax Mail for OpenVMS Manager's Guide, which describes how to perform the configuration procedure. o DECfax Mail for OpenVMS Fax Device Guide, which describes how to connect and configure fax devices (Fax devices form the interface between DECfax Mail and the public telephone network.) For more information on DECfax Mail, refer to: o DECfax Mail for OpenVMS Sender's Guide, which describes how to send faxes. viii o DECfax Mail for OpenVMS Operator's Guide, which describes how to distribute incoming faxes to their addressees. Conventions This guide uses the following conventions: __________________________________________________________ Convention__Meaning_______________________________________ italic Italic type indicates important information, type such as special terms that are being used for the first time, and titles of other manuals. UPPERCASE Uppercase text indicates commands and qualifiers. courier Courier type indicates command syntax, type examples and system responses. Note that the command syntax and examples assume that you press the key at the end of each line. A box indicates a key that you press. Where two keys are pressed simultaneously, they are separated by a /; for example: . [ ] In format descriptions, brackets indicate optional items. Do not enter the brackets themselves. ( ) In format descriptions, where parentheses enclose multiple items, you must enter the parentheses if you specify more than one item. If you specify only one item, you can omit the ____________parentheses.__________________________________ ix 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing for Installation This chapter describes the installation process and the tasks to be completed before installation. Pre-installation and installation of DECfax Mail should take approximately 25 minutes. The post-installation, which includes configuring the fax devices, should take between 30 and 60 minutes. 1.1 System Requirements Check that you have satisfied the following requirements before installing DECfax Mail. 1.1.1 Hardware Requirements DECfax Mail requires: o A MicroVAX 3100 or larger VAX configuration with at least 8 Mbyte of memory (16 Mbyte is recommended) o At least one supported fax device and associated cabling Refer to the DECfax Mail for OpenVMS System Support Addendum for full details. 1.1.2 Software Requirements DECfax Mail requires: o OpenVMS Version 5.5 or higher o DECwindows Motif Version 1.1 or higher Preparing for Installation 1-1 Preparing for Installation 1.1 System Requirements o Product Authorization Key (PAK), which provides a license to use DECfax Mail Depending on your configuration requirements, the following software is optional: o VAX Message Router Version 3.2 or higher, if you want DECfax Mail to communicate via Message Router o CDA Converter Library Version 2.0 or higher, for the support of various document types Refer to the DECfax Mail for OpenVMS System Support Addendum for full details. 1.1.3 Storage Requirements During installation, DECfax Mail requires 17000 blocks on the system disk, plus 12500 blocks on the disk on which DECfax Mail will reside. (The disk on which DECfax Mail will reside may be the system disk, in which case the system disk requires 29500 blocks during installation.) After installation, DECfax Mail requires 12500 on the disk on which it resides, plus 4500 blocks on the system disk. During operation, DECfax Mail requires additional space on disk on which it resides for storing incoming and outgoing messages. 1.1.4 Account Requirements It is recommended that you use the SYSTEM account to perform the installation. However, an account with SETPRV privilege is sufficient. 1.1.5 Backing Up the System Digital recommends that you back up your system disk before installing DECfax Mail. Backing up the system disk is a standard precaution prior to installing any OpenVMS layered product. If you are reinstalling DECfax Mail on a disk other than the system disk, you should also backup that disk. 1-2 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation 1.1 System Requirements 1.1.6 Checking the System Parameters For DECfax Mail to operate reliably, the values of the system parameters listed in Table 1-1 must be at least equal to the minimum specified values. (The values are not required for the installation procedure itself.) If any parameter is below its minimum value, run SYSGEN and increase it accordingly. For additional information on any of the following system parameters, refer to the VMS System Management Manual 1A. Table_1-1_Minimum_System_Parameter_Values_________________ System Minimum Parameter______Value__Remarks_____________________________ LOCKIDTBL 340 MAXBUF 10240 (Dynamic) RESHASHTBL 85 SCSNODE node Ensure that this is not blank. If name SCSNODE is blank, set it to the DECnet node name. SCSSYSTEMID node Ensure that this is not zero. If num- SCSSYSTEMID is zero, set it to the ber DECnet node number. STARTUP_P1 null Ensure that STARTUP_P1 is null before installing DECfax Mail. TTY_ALTYPAHD 5000 This ensures that the buffer is large enough to hold incoming facsimile messages. GBLSECTIONS 25 The minimum value on your system free might have to be increased by this amount if you have other software installed. (continued on next page) Preparing for Installation 1-3 Preparing for Installation 1.1 System Requirements Table_1-1_(Cont.)_Minimum_System_Parameter_Values_________ System Minimum Parameter______Value__Remarks_____________________________ GBLPAGES 2500 The minimum value on your system free might have to be increased by this amount if you have other software installed. PROCSECTCNT____64_________________________________________ If you change any of these parameters, you must also modify SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT, so that their values are permanently saved. ________________________Note ________________________ If you change any of the system parameters, except MAXBUF, you must perform a reboot so that the new values take effect. _____________________________________________________ If the only parameter that needs changing is MAXBUF, you can temporarily modify the parameter (without having to run the AUTOGEN routine) as follows: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> USE ACTIVE SYSGEN> SET MAXBUF 10240 SYSGEN> WRITE ACTIVE SYSGEN> EXIT $ 1-4 Preparing for Installation Preparing for Installation 1.1 System Requirements 1.1.7 License for DECfax Mail Before installing DECfax Mail you should check that you have a valid license for DECfax Mail registered and loaded. You can install DECfax Mail before registering and loading the license; however, you cannot run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) and you cannot perform many of the post-installation tasks. 1.2 Preparing Answers to Installation Questions You are required to answer a number of questions during the installation. Prepare answers to the following questions: For Upgrade and New Installations: o Whether you want to run the IVP (providing you have registered and loaded the license). o Whether you want to purge the files replaced during installation. For New Installations Only: o The name of the disk on which all DECfax Mail files are to be stored. Use the physical name of the disk, rather than a logical name. This becomes the DECfax Mail root directory, and is defined by the logical DFX$ROOT. Choose a disk with a lot of free disk space-once you are using DECfax Mail you will need storage space for faxes. o The name of the default batch queue to which DECfax Mail submits its batch jobs. The batch queue is defined by the logical name DFX$BATCH. o The name of the default print queue to which DECfax Mail prints incoming faxes. It is recommended that you choose a print queue capable of printing PostScript, as the default format for the DECfax Mail print commands is PostScript. The print queue is defined by the logical name DFX$PRINT. Preparing for Installation 1-5 Preparing for Installation 1.2 Preparing Answers to Installation Questions o A UIC for the DFXMANAGER account (if you do not want to use the default value). During installation, the DFXMANAGER account is created. This account provides the DECfax Mail manager with the appropriate privileges and access to the fax manager command line interface. If you do enter another UIC, make sure that the group number is greater than the SYSGEN parameter MAXSYSGROUP and that there are no existing users in that group. o The name of the disk for the DFXMANAGER account. o A password for the DFXMANAGER account. 1-6 Preparing for Installation 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing DECfax Mail This chapter describes how to install DECfax Mail on your system using the OpenVMS operating system VMSINSTAL command. Installation takes approximately 10 to 20 minutes. Sample installation logs are provided in Appendix A. The directories and logicals that are created are listed in Appendix B. If you are currently running DECfax Mail, ensure that all DECfax Mail components are stopped (do @SYS$MANAGER:DFX$SHUTDOWN) and that no users are accessing the DECfax Mail command line interface or the fax operator DECwindows interface. 2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL Log in under a privileged OpenVMS system manager's account and enter the following commands: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL DECFAX012 device OPTIONS N Where: o device is the name of the device on which the distribution volumes are stored. If you do not enter a device name, you are asked for its name during the procedure. o OPTIONS N is an optional parameter that allows you to choose to print or display the release notes. If you do not use the parameter, you are not prompted during the installation to display or print the release notes. (The release notes are still copied to SYS$HELP.) Installing DECfax Mail 2-1 Installing DECfax Mail 2.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL 2.2 Installation Steps The installation asks a number of questions. Some questions will not be asked if they are not applicable to your system environment. Step 1 If there are any active processes, the installation lists the processes. You are asked the following question: * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? The options are: o Y means continue the installation. The installation should not affect other users. o N means abort the installation. Step 2 * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The options are: o Y means you are satisfied with the backup and want to continue with the installation. o N means abort the installation, so that you can backup your system disk. Step 3 The installation checks that: o There is sufficient space for DECfax Mail o An acceptable version of OpenVMS is installed o An acceptable version of DECwindows Motif is installed If any of these are not acceptable, the installation is aborted. 2-2 Installing DECfax Mail Installing DECfax Mail 2.2 Installation Steps Step 4 The installation checks for an acceptable version of PS$SHR. If it finds an unacceptable lower version, it warns you that it will upgrade your version. You are asked the following question: * Do you want to continue [N]? The options are: o Y means continue the installation and upgrade PS$SHR. o N means abort the installation. Step 5 The installation checks the values of the following SYSGEN parameters: o MAXBUF o TTY_ALTYPAHD o PROCSECTCNT o SCSNODE If it finds that a value is too low, it displays a warning message but continues the installation. After installation you can set a higher value. Step 6 The installation checks for an acceptable version of ALL-IN-1 so that the installation can provide ALL-IN-1 templates for DECfax Mail. If it finds an unacceptable lower version, it tells you that you can use DECfax Mail without having the templates. You are asked the following question: * Do you want to continue [Y]? The options are: o Y means continue the installation and not use the templates. Installing DECfax Mail 2-3 Installing DECfax Mail 2.2 Installation Steps o N means abort the installation, so that you can install an acceptable version of ALL-IN-1. Step 7 The installation checks for an acceptable version of Message Router so that fax messages can be sent through Message Router. If it finds an unacceptable lower version, it tells you that you can continue the installation but will have to install a higher version if you intend to use Message Router with DECfax Mail. You are asked the following question: * Do you want to continue [Y]? The options are: o Y means continue the installation. o N means abort the installation, so that you can install an acceptable version of Message Router. Step 8 The installation checks for an acceptable version of DEC MAILworks so that fax messages can be sent from DEC MAILworks. If it finds an unacceptable lower version, it tells you that you can continue the installation but will have to install a higher version if you intend to use DEC MAILworks with DECfax Mail. You are asked the following question: * Do you want to continue [Y]? The options are: o Y means continue the installation. o N means abort the installation, so that you can install an acceptable version of DEC MAILworks. 2-4 Installing DECfax Mail Installing DECfax Mail 2.2 Installation Steps Step 9 (new installation only) * On which disk do you want to install DECfax Mail: Enter the disk on which the DECfax Mail files are to be placed. After you have answered the installation questions, the installation creates the DECfax Mail root directory, defined by the logical DFX$ROOT. Step 10 The installation checks that you have a valid license registered and loaded. If you do not have an acceptable license, the installation tells you that the installation will continue, but you will not be able to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). For an upgrade installation, go to Step 17. Step 11 (new installation only) * Which batch queue would you like to use for running the batch jobs? [SYS$BATCH]: Enter the name of the default batch queue for DECfax Mail. Step 12 (new installation only) * Which print queue would you like to use as the default print queue? [SYS$PRINT]: Enter the name of the default print queue for DECfax Mail. Step 13 (new installation only) * What is the UIC for the username DFXMANAGER [[nnn,nnn]]: Where [nnn,nnn] is a UIC recommended by the installation for the DFXMANAGER account. (This account provides the DECfax Mail manager with the appropriate privileges and access to the fax manager command line interface.) You can accept the recommended UIC or enter another UIC. If you do enter another UIC, make sure that the group number is greater than the SYSGEN parameter MAXSYSGROUP and that there are no existing users in that group. Installing DECfax Mail 2-5 Installing DECfax Mail 2.2 Installation Steps Step 14 (new installation only) * What is the disk for the DFXMANAGER account: Enter the disk for the DFXMANAGER account. Step 15 (new installation only) * Password: Enter the password for the DFXMANAGER account (between 8 and 32 characters). Step 16 (new installation only) * Verification: Re-enter the password-if the two entries are different, you must enter the password again. Step 17 You are only asked this question if a valid license is registered and loaded. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? The IVP checks that the installation correctly performed its major tasks-for example, that it copied all relevant DECfax Mail files into the correct directories. The options are: o Y means run the IVP. It is recommended that you choose this option. o N means do not run the IVP. Step 18 The installation warns you that it will replace various files from previous DECfax Mail installations. If you have made modifications to any files, refer to the Release Notes for more information. The installation does not replace database files or any of your fax message files. You are asked the following question: * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? 2-6 Installing DECfax Mail Installing DECfax Mail 2.2 Installation Steps The options are: o Y means continue the installation, purging the files. o N means do not purge the files. Step 19 You are advised that there are no further questions and that the installation will take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete. A number of messages are then displayed as the installa- tion does the following: o Creates the DFXMANAGER account (new installation only). o Creates the DECfax Mail directory DFX$ROOT and its subdirectories (new installation only). o Creates the DECfax Mail startup and component startup procedures (new installation only). o Moves the DECfax Mail files to their target directo- ries. o If requested, performs the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). The IVP is successful if no messages are displayed. You are advised when the installation has completed. 2.3 Installation Errors If errors occur during installation, error messages are displayed. If you cannot determine the cause of an error from the error message, refer to the OpenVMS System Messages and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual. Installing DECfax Mail 2-7 Installing DECfax Mail 2.4 De-installing DECfax Mail 2.4 De-installing DECfax Mail To remove all DECfax Mail files from your system, execute the following command procedure: $ @DFX$COM:DFX$DEINSTALL.COM This command procedure does the following: o Uses the INSTALL DELETE command to deinstall the DECfax Mail images o Deletes all files in the DFX$ROOT directory tree This command procedure does not remove: o DECfax Mail ALL-IN-1 files from OA$LIB_SHARE: o The PAK for DECfax Mail from the license database o PS$SHR.EXE and PS$PSVMDATA.DAT (these may be used by other applications) o DFX$A1$*.BLP from OA$SITE_BLP_LLV o DFX$*.FRM from the ALL-IN-1 site form library o FAX command from DCLTABLES o DFXMANAGER account o DFX$SYSTEM identifier o The DECfax Mail startup and shutdown files from the system directories o The DECfax Mail help module 2-8 Installing DECfax Mail 3 ________________________________________________________________ Post-Installation Tasks The post-installation tasks are: o Register and load the license (if not done already) o Run the DECfax Mail startup procedure (if relevant) o Configure DECfax Mail with the configuration procedure o De-install VICfax (if relevant) o Migrate the VICfax database (if relevant) o Define fax devices o Start the DECfax Mail components o Integrate DECfax Mail into your system (optional) o Add users (optional) o Customize ALL-IN-1 for DECfax Mail (if relevant) o Add the fax address templates to mail agents and systems (if relevant) o Create a default cover page (optional) The post-installation tasks should take between 30 and 60 minutes. Determining and Reporting Problems If an error occurs while DECfax Mail is being used, and you believe that a problem with DECfax Mail is causing the error, do one of the following: o If you have a DECfax Mail Software Agreement, call your Customer Support Center. o If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). Post-Installation Tasks 3-1 Post-Installation Tasks o If you have purchased DECfax Mail within the past 90 days, submit an SPR. If you find an error in the DECfax Mail documentation, fill out and submit the Reader's Comments form at the back of the document in which you found the error. Indicate on the form the section and page number of the error. 3.1 Registering and Loading the License If you have not already registered and loaded the license, you must do so now-you cannot perform a number of post- installation tasks without the license. Refer to the License Management Utility documentation for a description on how to register and load your license. When you have registered and loaded your license, you can run the IVP procedure: $ @SYS$TEST:DFX$IVP.COM The IVP is successful if no messages are displayed and you return to the $ prompt (after about 30 seconds). 3.2 Running the DECfax Mail Startup Procedure The installation procedure automatically runs the startup on the node from which the installation was done. If you have a cluster environment, you should execute the startup manually on all other nodes from which you want to use DECfax Mail, as follows: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DFX$STARTUP 3-2 Post-Installation Tasks Post-Installation Tasks 3.3 Configuring DECfax Mail 3.3 Configuring DECfax Mail You must run the DECfax Mail configuration procedure before you can use DECfax Mail. (The configuration procedure allows you to configure DECfax Mail to best suit your organization's needs.) The configuration procedure is explained in Appendix B of the DECfax Mail for OpenVMS Fax Manager's Guide. The configuration procedure is run as follows: $ @DFX$COM:DFX$CONFIG.COM 3.4 De-installing VICfax If you have VICfax, you must remove the following command from your system login procedure, SYLOGIN.COM, before you can run DECfax Mail: $ FAX == $SYS$OFX:[EXE]OFX$DCL 3.5 Migrating VICfax Databases If your organization currently uses VICfax, you can migrate the server and user databases. These procedures are described in Appendix C. 3.6 Defining Fax Devices You must define at least one fax device to DECfax Mail before you can use DECfax Mail. To define a fax device, refer to the appropriate chapter of the DECfax Mail for OpenVMS Fax Device Guide-this guide describes how to connect a fax device to the host computer and configure it so that it can communicate with DECfax Mail. Complete all the instructions in that chapter before continuing with the post-installation tasks. Post-Installation Tasks 3-3 Post-Installation Tasks 3.7 Starting the DECfax Mail Components 3.7 Starting the DECfax Mail Components When you have added the server commands, you must start the DECfax Mail components as follows: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DFX$START_COMPONENTS 3.8 Integrating DECfax Mail with the System You may want to integrate DECfax Mail into your system so that it automatically starts up and shuts down with your system. You can integrate DECfax Mail with your system in two ways (whichever is better suited to your system's needs): o Modifying the system startup and shutdown files as described in Section 3.8.1. o Starting DECfax Mail as a Message Router component (if it is installed) as described in Section 3.8.2. 3.8.1 Modifying the System Files Startup Command File Add the following commands to the system startup file, SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM: o $ @SYS$STARTUP:DFX$STARTUP This command procedure defines the DECfax Mail logi- cals. Note that if you have a multi-node environment, you must add this command to the startup file of each node from which DECfax Mail is to be used. o $ @SYS$STARTUP:DFX$START_COMPONENTS This starts all the DECfax Mail components. You only add this command to the startup file of the node on which DECfax Mail is installed. 3-4 Post-Installation Tasks Post-Installation Tasks 3.8 Integrating DECfax Mail with the System Shutdown Command File Add the following command to SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM, before the batch queues are stopped, so that DECfax Mail is correctly shut down during a system shutdown: $ @SYS$MANAGER:DFX$SHUTDOWN 3.8.2 Starting DECfax Mail as a Message Router Component If you have Message Router, you can start DECfax Mail as a Message Router component. During installation two files, MB$$DFX_START.COM and MB$$DFX_STOP.COM, are copied to the SYS$MANAGER directory. These files enable DECfax Mail to be controlled as a Message Router component. To start Message Router components, including DECfax Mail, enter: $ @SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONTROL START=(MS, TS, DDS, DFX) To stop Message Router components, including DECfax Mail, enter: $ @SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONTROL STOP=(MS, TS, DDS, DFX) 3.9 Adding Users DECfax Mail has a user database in which you can record user-specific information. Add details of each fax operator, and any users who will be fax managers. Appendix D lists the account quotas required by a manager. (These are the quotas of the DFXMANAGER account.) If you want to restrict access to DECfax Mail, or if senders want to make use of the DECfax Mail user-specific features, you also need to add information about each sender to the database. Post-Installation Tasks 3-5 Post-Installation Tasks 3.9 Adding Users Use the ADD USER command from the fax manager command line interface to add users. Refer to the DECfax Mail for OpenVMS Manager's Guide for instructions. 3.10 Customizing ALL-IN-1 for DECfax Mail If your organization uses ALL-IN-1 local to DECfax Mail (that is, without Message Router), you must configure ALL-IN-1. Use the Customization Management subsystem in ALL-IN-1 to move the files listed in Table 3-1 from DFX$COM to the specified libraries. Refer to the ALL-IN-1 documentation for instructions on how to do this. Table_3-1_Files_for_Copying_______________________________ File__________________Copy_to_...___________Protection____ SPECIAL.COM OA$LIB_SHARE W:RE SPECIAL.CMU OA$LIB_SHARE W:RE DFX$A1$SEND_FAX.SCP OA$SITE_DO_SHARE W:RE DFX$A1$MAIN_HDR.BLP OA$SITE_BLP_LLV W:RE DFX$A1$ATT_HDR.BLP____OA$SITE_BLP_LLV_______W:RE__________ 3.11 Adding the Fax Address Template to Mail Agents and Systems DECfax Mail provides fax address templates to make sending faxes easier for the following configurations: o ALL-IN-1 local to DECfax Mail o ALL-IN-1 via Message Router o DEC MAILworks local to DECfax Mail 3-6 Post-Installation Tasks Post-Installation Tasks 3.11 Adding the Fax Address Template to Mail Agents and Systems Adding to Local ALL-IN-1 To add the fax address template, move the file DFX$FAX_ ADDR1.FRM to OA$SITE_LIB_LLV:SITEOAFORM.FLB. Adding to ALL-IN-1 Via Message Router To add the fax address template, do the following: o Move the file DFX$FAX_ADDR2.FRM to OA$SITE_LIB_ LLV:SITEOAFORM.FLB. o Define the logical names DFX$MR_NODE and DFX$MBX. For example: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC DFX$MR_NODE node7 $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC DFX$MBX dfx Where: - node7 is the name of the node on which Message Router is installed - dfx is the mailbox for DECfax Mail on that node o Copy SPECIAL.CMU to OA$LIB_SHARE. o Add the logical name definitions to SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_ V5.COM for all nodes. Adding to Local DEC MAILworks To add the fax address template, do the following: 1. Determine the local routing address of the DEC MAILworks server by entering: $ X4MANAGER SHOW CHAR 2. Copy the file DFX$LLV:DFX$DECMAILWORKS.TEMPLATE, giving it another name (not starting with DFX$). 3. Update the following lines in the new file, so that they contain the correct values: FAX = MBX = DFX - UNIQUE_UAID = DFX, - ROUTE = AM@NODE, - Post-Installation Tasks 3-7 Post-Installation Tasks 3.11 Adding the Fax Address Template to Mail Agents and Systems Change: o DFX (the DEC MAILworks username used by DECfax Mail) to the value specified during the configuration procedure o AM@NODE (the DEC MAILworks server) to that which was shown in the previous step. 4. Open the DEC MAILworks address template master file by entering: $ X4MAN X4MAN.MAIL> MANAGE ADDRESS_TEMPLATE X4MAN.ADDRESS> MODIFY 5. Insert the contents of your file into the DEC MAILworks address template master file. Exit by pressing (you will be notified of any parsing error). 3.12 Creating the Default Cover Page If, during configuration, you specified a default cover page, you need to create that cover page. Refer to Section 2.9 of the DECfax Mail for OpenVMS Manager's Guide for instructions on how to create the cover page. 3.13 Adding Macros for Microsoft Word for Windows If you add a macro to Microsoft Word for Windows, users of that system can send faxes via DECfax Mail using TeamLinks Messaging. DECfax Mail provides instructions on how to create the macro in the file DFX$COM:WFW_SEND_FAX.TXT. To add a macro, follow the instructions in the file. 3-8 Post-Installation Tasks 4 ________________________________________________________________ Testing the Installation After you have successfully performed the installation and post-installation tasks, you can test whether DECfax Mail is operating correctly. Do the following: 1. Use DFX$START_COMPONENTS.COM to start the DECfax Mail components, if they are not already running, as follows: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DFX$START_COMPONENTS 2. Access DECfax Mail as fax manager as follows: $ FAX/MANAGER FAXMGR> You can then do the following: o Check the status of DECfax Mail (see Section 4.1). o Send a fax (see Section 4.2). o Check the status of the fax (see Section 4.3). 4.1 Checking the Status of DECfax Mail Check the status of DECfax Mail with the SHOW SYSTEM command. This shows the status of the DECfax Mail components, for example: Testing the Installation 4-1 Testing the Installation 4.1 Checking the Status of DECfax Mail FAXMGR> SHOW SYSTEM Process Status Activity DISPATCHER Running Idle CONVERTER Running Idle with 3 subprocesses (0 working) FORMATTER Running Idle with 2 subprocesses (0 working) MR FETCHER Running Idle MR SENDER Running Idle AM FETCHER Not running AM SENDER Running Idle SERVER 001 R Running Idle SERVER 002 Running Idle FAXMGR> Check that the DECfax Mail servers that you added are listed. Note that the AM Fetcher will show Not running until the first message has been posted to DECfax Mail from DEC MAILworks. 4.2 Sending a Fax You can check that DECfax Mail is able to send a fax by sending DFX$LLV:DFX$TEST.PS. This is a single-page PostScript file that is supplied with DECfax Mail. For example to send the file to Jim Smith at fax number 5578847, enter: FAXMGR>SEND/FORMAT=POSTSCRIPT _To: 5578847::"Jim Smith" _File: DFX$LLV:DFX$TEST.PS FAXMGR> You may also like to send the fax to yourself, if you have another fax device. You can then check the header lines on the fax and the cover page. 4-2 Testing the Installation Testing the Installation 4.3 Checking the Progress of the Fax 4.3 Checking the Progress of the Fax You can check the current status of the fax by using the DECfax Mail SHOW MESSAGE command, for example: FAXMGR> SHOW MESSAGE /FULL Entry Number ....: 0000001 Sequence Number ........: 0001 Queued Time .....: 20-JUL-1993 08:58:58 Scheduled Time ..: 20-JUL-1993 13:21:25 Message Title ...: Fax address .....: 5578847 Addressee .......: Jim Smith Converted Format ..: DDIF Total message parts ....: 1 Number of pages ...: 1 Status ............: DISPATCHED Allocated Server .......: DPX 001 Last failure ......: Send mode .........: FINE Send Attempted .........: 1 Notification Transport ..: VMSMAIL Successful Sent Notification : Yes Return Mail Address .....: STFISH::BROWN Fax Sender Username ..: BROWN Nodename ..: STFISH Mailbox ..: Reply Number ...: Cover Page .....: NOCOVER Personal Name ..: As DECfax Mail processes the fax, the status changes in the following order, providing there are no problems: o QUEUED o CONVERTING o CONVERTED o FORMATTING o FORMATTED o DISPATCHED o RETRY (if the fax number is engaged) o SENT Testing the Installation 4-3 Testing the Installation 4.3 Checking the Progress of the Fax Note that it takes several minutes to send a fax, irrespective of processing delays. Delays are also caused by: o The hibernation period of the Converter component. The fax has a status of QUEUED while the Converter is hibernating. o The hibernation period of the Dispatcher component. The fax has a status of either CONVERTED or FORMATTED while the Dispatcher is hibernating. o The retry interval if the fax number is engaged. The fax has a status of RETRY status. DECfax Mail does not re-dial the number until the retry interval has expired. These delays were set during the configuration procedure. The default delays are as follows: o One minute for the Converter hibernation period o One minute for the Dispatcher hibernation period o Five minutes for the retry interval If the fax is never SENT, or it receives a status not listed here, you can use other fax manager commands, such as SHOW EVENT (which displays the event log), to determine the problem. For more information on the fax manager's commands, refer to the DECfax Mail for OpenVMS Fax Manager's Guide. 4-4 Testing the Installation A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installations This appendix provides a sample of a new installation and a sample of an upgrade installation. A.1 New Installation Sample $ @sys$update:vmsinstal decfax012 dfx$kits VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2 It is 15-JAN-1994 at 12:40. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: DECFAX V1.2 Beginning installation of DECFAX V1.2 at 12:41 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. The installation can be aborted at any time by pressing CTRL/Y. * On which disk do you want to install DECfax Mail: sys$sysdevice Which batch queue would you like to use for running the batch jobs? * Batch Queue [SYS$BATCH]: Which print queue would you like to use as the default print queue? * Print Queue [SYS$PRINT]: This installation adds a username DFXMANAGER. Sample Installations A-1 Sample Installations A.1 New Installation Sample To add this username a UIC must be entered. This UIC should not be a SYSTEM UIC, that is, the UIC group should be greater than the SYSGEN parameter MAXSYSGROUP which on your system is currently 000010 (octal). Also there should be no other users in the group selected. The UIC shown as the default is suitable. * What is the UIC for the username DFXMANAGER [[000100,0]]: Enter the disk on which the DFXMANAGER directory will be placed. Do not enter a directory as this is provided by this installation. * What is the disk for the DFXMANAGER account: sys$sysdevice Please enter a password of at least 8 characters. * Password: * Verification: * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? This installation will replace various files that form part of DECfax Mail. If you have modified any DECfax Mail files that will be replaced by this installation, make sure that you have saved the files prior to the installation, or specify that files replaced by this installation not be purged. This installation does not replace your database files or any of your fax message files. See the release notes for more information. * Do you want to continue [Y]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? There are no further questions. This installation requires between 10 and 20 minutes to complete. %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation adds an identifier named DFX$SYSTEM. %UAF-I-RDBADDMSG, identifier DFX$SYSTEM value: %X80010000 added to rights data base Adding the DFXMANAGER username... A-2 Sample Installations Sample Installations A.1 New Installation Sample %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named DFXMANAGER. %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier DFXMANAGER value: [000100,000000] added to rights data base %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named DFXMANAGER. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %UAF-I-GRANTMSG, identifier DFX$SYSTEM granted to DFXMANAGER %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory SYS$SYSDEVICE: [DFXMANAGER]. DFXMANAGER username added. Creating DECfax Mail directories... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory _ DKA300: [DFX$ROOT]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory _ DKA300: [DFX$ROOT.COM]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory _ DKA300: [DFX$ROOT.DAT]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory _ DKA300: [DFX$ROOT.INMSG]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory _ DKA300: [DFX$ROOT.LIB]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory _ DKA300: [DFX$ROOT.LLV_ENGLISH]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory _ DKA300: [DFX$ROOT.LOG]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory _ DKA300: [DFX$ROOT.OUTMSG]. %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory _ DKA300: [DFX$ROOT.WORK]. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... Sample Installations A-3 Sample Installations A.1 New Installation Sample Creating DECfax Mail site specific startup procedure... Creating DECfax Mail component startup procedure... If disk quotas are enabled on the disks on which the DECfax Mail files or the DFXMANAGER directory are created, you must create the following disk quota entries: DFX$SYSTEM: 40000 or more depending on volume DFXMANAGER: 1000 %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %INSTALL-W-NOPREV, no previous entry exists - new entry created for DISK$VAXVMSV055:DFX$CMN_SHR.EXE %INSTALL-W-NOPREV, no previous entry exists - new entry created for DISK$VAXVMSV055:DFX$REG_TYPES.EXE %INSTALL-W-NOPREV, no previous entry exists - new entry created for DISK$VAXVMSV055:DFX$MSG_SHR.EXE %INSTALL-W-NOPREV, no previous entry exists - new entry created for DISK$VAXVMSV055:DFX$CLI_MGR_MAIN.EXE %INSTALL-W-NOPREV, no previous entry exists - new entry created for DISK$VAXVMSV055:DFX$CLI_OPR_MAIN.EXE %INSTALL-W-NOPREV, no previous entry exists - new entry created for DISK$VAXVMSV055:DFX$CLI_USR_MAIN.EXE %INSTALL-W-NOPREV, no previous entry exists - new entry created for DISK$VAXVMSV055:DFX$DECW_OPR_MAIN.EXE %INSTALL-W-NOPREV, no previous entry exists - new entry created for DISK$VAXVMSV055:DFX$CVT_SHR.EXE Performing the DECfax Mail Installation Verification Procedure (IVP)... The DECfax Mail IVP completed successfully. Installation of DECFAX V1.2 completed at 12:56 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 12:56 $ A-4 Sample Installations Sample Installations A.2 Upgrade Installation Sample A.2 Upgrade Installation Sample $ @sys$update:vmsinstal decfax012 dfx$kits VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5-2 It is 15-JAN-1994 at 16:39. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: DECFAX V1.2 Beginning installation of DECFAX V1.2 at 16:40 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. The installation can be aborted at any time by pressing CTRL/Y. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? This installation will replace various files that form part of DECfax Mail. If you have modified any DECfax Mail files that will be replaced by this installation, make sure that you have saved the files prior to the installation, or specify that files replaced by this installation not be purged. This installation does not replace your database files or any of your fax message files. See the release notes for more information. * Do you want to continue [Y]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? There are no further questions. This installation requires between 10 and 20 minutes to complete. Creating DECfax Mail directories... Sample Installations A-5 Sample Installations A.2 Upgrade Installation Sample %CREATE-I-EXISTS, _DKA200:[DFX$ROOT] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, _DKA200:[DFX$ROOT.COM] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, _DKA200:[DFX$ROOT.DAT] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, _DKA200:[DFX$ROOT.INMSG] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, _DKA200:[DFX$ROOT.LIB] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, _DKA200:[DFX$ROOT.LLV_ENGLISH] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, _DKA200:[DFX$ROOT.LOG] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, _DKA200:[DFX$ROOT.OUTMSG] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, _DKA200:[DFX$ROOT.WORK] already exists %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... If disk quotas are enabled on the disks on which the DECfax Mail files or the DFXMANAGER directory are created, you must create the following disk quota entries: DFX$SYSTEM: 40000 or more depending on volume DFXMANAGER: 1000 %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Performing the DECfax Mail Installation Verification Procedure (IVP)... The DECfax Mail IVP completed successfully. Installation of DECFAX V1.2 completed at 16:49 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 16:49 $ A-6 Sample Installations B ________________________________________________________________ DECfax Mail Directories and Logicals B.1 Directories and Files The following DECfax Mail directories and files are created during installation. Directory DFX$ROOT:[000000] COM.DIR;1 DAT.DIR;1 INMSG.DIR;1 LIB.DIR;1 LLV_ENGLISH.DIR;1 LOG.DIR;1 OUTMSG.DIR;1 WORK.DIR;1 Total of 8 files. Directory DFX$ROOT:[COM] DFX$A1$ATT_HDR.BLP;1 DFX$A1$MAIN_HDR.BLP;1 DFX$A1$SEND_FAX.SCP;1 DFX$CLEANER.COM;1 DFX$CONFIG.COM;1 DFX$CONVERT.CDA$OPTIONS;1 DFX$CONVERTER.COM;1 DFX$DEINSTALL.COM;1 DFX$DISPATCHER.COM;1 DFX$FAX_ADDR1.FRM;1 DFX$FAX_ADDR2.FRM;1 DFX$FORMATTER.COM;1 DFX$SERVER_CL2.COM;1 DFX$SERVER_DPX.COM;1 DFX$SERVER_HSL.COM;1 DFX$SERVER_MRL.COM;1 DFX$START_AM_SENDER.COM;1 DFX$TUNE.COM;1 DFX$WFW_SEND_FAX.TXT;1 SPECIAL.CMU;1 SPECIAL.COM;1 Total of 21 files. Directory DFX$ROOT:[DAT] DFX$ACCOUNTING.DAT;1 DFX$CONFIG.DAT;1 DFX$DISTRIBUTION.DAT;1 DFX$EVENT.DAT;1 DFX$INQUE.DAT;1 DFX$OUTQUE.DAT;1 DFX$SERVER.DAT;1 DFX$SRV_SETTINGS.DAT;1 DFX$USER.DAT;1 Total of 9 files. DECfax Mail Directories and Logicals B-1 DECfax Mail Directories and Logicals B.1 Directories and Files Directory DFX$ROOT:[LIB] DFX$CLEAN_IN.EXE;1 DFX$CLEAN_OUT.EXE;1 DFX$CLI_MGR_MAIN.EXE;1 DFX$CLI_OPR_MAIN.EXE;1 DFX$CLI_USR_MAIN.EXE;1 DFX$CMN_SHR.EXE;1 DFX$CONFIG.EXE;1 DFX$CONFIG_A1MAIL.EXE;1 DFX$CREATEDB.EXE;1 DFX$CVT_MAIN.EXE;1 DFX$CVT_MSG.EXE;1 DFX$CVT_OUTQUE_011_012.EXE;1 DFX$CVT_SHR.EXE;1 DFX$DECW$FAX_OPER.UID;1 DFX$DECW_OPR_MAIN.EXE;1 DFX$DEVCVT_SHR.EXE;1 DFX$DSP_MAIN.EXE;1 DFX$FMT_MAIN.EXE;1 DFX$FMT_MSG.EXE;1 DFX$FTR_MAIN.EXE;1 DFX$GETVERSION.EXE;1 DFX$MSG_SHR.EXE;1 DFX$REG_TYPES.EXE;1 DFX$SETVERSION.EXE;1 DFX$SND_MAIN.EXE;1 DFX$SRV_CL2_MAIN.EXE;1 DFX$SRV_DPX_MAIN.EXE;1 DFX$SRV_HSL_MAIN.EXE;1 DFX$SRV_MRL_MAIN.EXE;1 DFX$SSD_MAIN.EXE;1 DFX$VICSERVCVT.EXE;1 DFX$VICUSERCVT.EXE;1 Total of 32 files. Directory DFX$ROOT:[LLV_ENGLISH] DEFSTYLE.DDIF;1 DFX$ATTACHMENT.DDIF;1 DFX$COUR8.NFT;1 DFX$COVERPAGE.TXT;1 DFX$DECMAILWORKS.TEMPLATE;1 DFX$DX_COUR.DOC_STYLE;1 DFX$DX_COUR_BOLD.DOC_STYLE;1 DFX$DX_TIMES.DOC_STYLE;1 DFX$DX_TIMES_BOLD.DOC_STYLE;1 DFX$HEADER_PAGE_LOGICAL.TXT;1 DFX$LOGO.DDIF;1 DFX$LOGO.PS;1 DFX$MESSAGE_HEADER_TEMPLATE.TXT;1 DFX$PROLOGUE.PS;1 DFX$REG_TYPES.C;1 DFX$REG_TYPES.OPT;1 DFX$REPORT_HEADER_TEMPLATE.TXT;1 DFX$SUBMIT_ARCHIVE.COM;1 DFX$SUBMIT_PRINT.COM;1 DFX$TEST.PS;1 DFX$WELCOME.TXT;1 Total of 21 files. B-2 DECfax Mail Directories and Logicals DECfax Mail Directories and Logicals B.2 Logicals B.2 Logicals The DECfax Mail logicals created during installation are listed in Table B-1. DECfax Mail Directories and Logicals B-3 DECfax Mail Directories and Logicals B.2 Logicals Table_B-1_DECfax_Mail_Logicals____________________________ Logical_______________Defines_the_Location_of_..._________ DFX$ROOT The DECfax Mail root directory. DFX$PRINT The default print queue on which incoming faxes are printed. DFX$BATCH The batch queue to which jobs such as DFX$SUBMIT_PRINT.COM are submitted. DFX$DAT DECfax Mail data files. DFX$LLV DECfax Mail language-dependent files, such as the report header template. DFX$LIB DECfax Mail images. DFX$LOG DECfax Mail log files. DFX$WORK DECfax Mail scratch work area. DFX$OUT Outgoing faxes, both in original and converted formats. DFX$IN The incoming faxes, both in original and converted formats. DFX$COM Command procedures. DFX$MSG_SHR DECfax Mail message file. DFX$REG_TYPES DECfax Mail registered types. DFX$CVT_SHR DECfax Mail Converter shareable image. DFX$CMN_SHR DECfax Mail common shareable image. DFX$FONT_FILE The font used for text conversions. DFX$HEADER_PAGE_ Header page template sent with LOGICAL outgoing faxes. DFX$REPORT_HEADER_ Delivery and non-delivery notifica- TEMPLATE tion. DFX$MESSAGE_HEADER_ DEC MAILworks header template. TEMPLATE DFX$MBX The mailbox name that appears in the ALL-IN-1 fax form. DFX$MR_NODE The Message Router nodename that ______________________appears_in_ALL-IN-1's_fax_form._____ B-4 DECfax Mail Directories and Logicals C ________________________________________________________________ Migrating VICfax Databases If your organization currently uses VICfax, you can migrate your VICfax server and user databases to DECfax Mail by running the conversion programs that are supplied with DECfax Mail. To run these conversion programs, log into a username that can access (has the required privileges) both sets of databases. Alternatively, get the VICfax manager to copy the VICfax databases to somewhere that is accessible to the to the DFXMANAGER account. Note that the DECfax Mail databases contain more fields than their VICfax equivalents. The conversion programs only migrate compatible fields; they do not prompt you to insert new values into fields that do not exist in VICfax. Consequently, you may want to modify the migrated databases. C.1 Migrating the Server Database To migrate the server database, enter the following at the DCL prompt: $ MCR DFX$LIB:DFX$VICSERVCVT vicfax_filename vicfax_filename is the file containing the server database. The program loads all the VICfax server record fields that are compatible with DECfax Mail. You can run the program more than once if there are problems because it ignores any records that are already defined in the DECfax Mail database. If a record already exists, it issues the following warning message: Migrating VICfax Databases C-1 Migrating VICfax Databases C.1 Migrating the Server Database %DFX-W-DUP_SERVER_ID, server nnn already exists C.1.1 Checking and Modifying Server Records After conversion you can examine each DECfax Mail server record and, if necessary, modify it. Do the following: 1. Enter DECfax Mail as fax manager as follows: $ FAX/MANAGER FAXMGR> 2. Show the record for a server as follows: FAXMGR> SHOW SERVER/FULL nnn nnn is the server ID. To show all records, omit the server ID. 3. Use the MODIFY SERVER command to specify values for two server fields that do not exist in VICfax. These are controlled by the following qualifiers: o /[NO]NOTIFY-DECfax Mail can automatically notify up to three users (normally, fax operators) when the server receives an incoming fax. o /[NO]SUBMIT-DECfax Mail can automatically submit a command procedure each time the server receives an incoming fax. The command procedure may, for example, automatically print or archive incoming faxes. For example, to modify server 17 so that it sends notification messages to usernames J_SMITH and BROWN, enter: FAXMGR> MODIFY SERVER 17 /NOTIFY=(J_SMITH, BROWN) 4. Exit from DECfax Mail as follows: FAXMGR> EXIT $ For a full description of these, and related commands, refer to the DECfax Mail for OpenVMS Fax Manager's Guide. C-2 Migrating VICfax Databases Migrating VICfax Databases C.2 Migrating the User Database C.2 Migrating the User Database Migrating the user database is a three step process: 1. Convert the VICfax user database to a load file (that is an ASCII file) 2. Edit the load file, if required 3. Load from the load file C.2.1 Converting the VICfax User Database To convert the VICfax user database to a load file, enter the following at the DCL prompt: $ MCR DFX$LIB:DFX$VICUSERCVT vicfax_filename load_file_filename Where: o vicfax_filename is the file containing the user database o load_file_filename is the file which will contain the converted user database Because of incompatibilities between the two databases, some records may not be converted, in which case you will get a diagnostic message as follows: o A wildcard character (*) in the username or nodename fields-DECfax Mail does not allow the wildcard in either of these fields. If the wildcard is in: - The username field, but the nodename is specified, you need to add a separate record for every user on the node. - The nodename field, but the username is specified, you need to add a record in which at least one node is specified. (However, you can also add up to two alias nodes, making a total of up to three nodes from which the user can send faxes.) - Both fields, you can disable authorization checking- in which case DECfax Mail does not require a user database. However, without a database, user-specific Migrating VICfax Databases C-3 Migrating VICfax Databases C.2 Migrating the User Database features, such as personalized cover pages, are not available. o A long personal name-VICfax allows 80 characters, but DECfax allows only 60. After you have generated the load file, you can edit it- for example, to add records that were not converted. For details of the database field definitions, refer to of the DECfax Mail for OpenVMS Fax Manager's Guide. C.2.2 Loading and Checking the Database After conversion and editing, you load the records into the DECfax Mail user database. You can also check the records after loading. Do the following: 1. Enter DECfax Mail as fax manager as follows: $ FAX/MANAGER FAXMGR> 2. To load the records as follows: FAXMGR> LOAD USER load_file_filename 3. Examine a user's record as follows: FAXMGR> SHOW USER/FULL username To show all users, omit the username. 4. Exit from DECfax Mail as follows: FAXMGR> EXIT $ For a full description of these, and related commands, refer to the DECfax Mail for OpenVMS Fax Manager's Guide. C-4 Migrating VICfax Databases D ________________________________________________________________ Privileges and Quotas of the DFXMANAGER Account The default privileges and quotas for the DFXMANAGER account are as follows: Username: DFXMANAGER Owner: SYSTEM Account: UIC: [121,111] ([DFXMANAGER]) CLI: DCL Tables: DCLTABLES Default: DISK$USERS:[DFXMANAGER] LGICMD: LOGIN Flags: Primary days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Secondary days: Sat Sun No access restrictions Expiration: (none) Pwdminimum: 6 Login Fails: 0 Pwdlifetime: 90 00:00 Pwdchange: 7-AUG-1993 17:36 Last Login: 10-SEP-1993 11:43 (interactive), 4-SEP-1993 14:31 (non-interactive) Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 100 Bytlm: 60000 Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0 Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 50 JTquota: 1024 Prclm: 6 DIOlm: 18 WSdef: 256 Prio: 4 ASTlm: 80 WSquo: 1024 Queprio: 0 TQElm: 50 WSextent: 4096 CPU: (none) Enqlm: 400 Pgflquo: 45000 Authorized Privileges: TMPMBX NETMBX Default Privileges: TMPMBX NETMBX Identifier Value Attributes DFX$SYSTEM %X8001000D RESOURCE Privileges and Quotas of the DFXMANAGER Account D-1