DIGITAL Digital_Parallel_Software_Environment_______________ PSE Installation Guide September 1997 This document describes the installation procedures for the DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment software (for HPF support). It also describes the installation procedures for DIGITAL PVM and DIGITAL MPI. Operating System Version: HPF Support: Digital UNIX V4.0 and higher PVM: Digital UNIX V4.0a and higher MPI: Digital UNIX V4.0a and higher Software Versions: DEC Fortran 90 Version 5.0 DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment Version 1.4 DIGITAL PVM Version 1.4 DIGITAL MPI Version 1.4 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ September 1997 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: AdvantageCluster, Alpha AXP, AXP, Bookreader, DEC, DEC Fortran, DECconnector, DECmcc, DECnet, DECserver, DECstation, DECsystem, DECsupport, DECwindows, DELNI, DEMPR, Digital, GIGAswitch, POLYCENTER, ThinWire, TK, TURBOchannel, TruCluster, ULTRIX, VAX, VAX DOCUMENT, VAX FORTRAN, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo. Network File System and NFS are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc., licensed by Digital; Open Software Foundation, OSF and OSF/1 are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. X Window System is a trademark of Massacusetts Institute of Technology. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents About This Manual......................................... vii 1 Introduction 2 PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) 2.1 Preinstallation Tasks......................... 2-1 2.1.1 Checking Installation Requirements........ 2-2 Checking the Software Distribution Kit..................................... 2-2 Reading the Online Cover Letter......... 2-3 Reading the Online Release Notes........ 2-3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements............................ 2-4 Login Privileges....................... 2-5 Checking Software Requirements......... 2-5 Determining Which Subsets to Load...... 2-6 Determining Disk Space Requirements.... 2-6 Listing the Files Installed by PSE..... 2-7 Checking Current Disk Space............ 2-7 2.1.2 PSE cluster Member Requirements........... 2-8 2.1.3 Additional Preinstallation Requirements for Customized PSE clusters............... 2-9 Preinstallation for File-based PSE Clusters................................ 2-9 Preinstallation for DNS-based PSE clusters................................ 2-9 2.2 Loading the PSE Software Kit.................. 2-11 2.2.1 Registering Your Software License......... 2-11 2.2.2 Deleting Existing PSE Software Subsets.... 2-12 iii 2.2.3 Installing and Starting a PSE cluster..... 2-12 PSE Installation Summary................ 2-12 Formation of a Basic PSE cluster........ 2-13 Installing PSE Software in a Dataless Environment............................. 2-14 2.3 Propagating the PSE Kit Using pse-remote-install............................ 2-14 2.4 Verifying Your Configuration.................. 2-16 2.4.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure................................. 2-16 2.4.2 Advice to Users on PSE Environment Set-up.................................... 2-20 2.5 Modifying the PSE cluster IP Port Number...... 2-20 2.6 Customizing Your PSE cluster [Optional]....... 2-22 2.7 Reusing a PSE V1.0 Database................... 2-23 3 PVM Installation (PVM only) 3.1 Preinstallation Tasks......................... 3-1 3.1.1 Checking Installation Requirements........ 3-1 Checking the Software Distribution Kit..................................... 3-2 Reading the Online Cover Letter......... 3-2 Reading the Online Release Notes........ 3-3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements............................ 3-4 Login Privileges....................... 3-4 Checking Software Requirements......... 3-4 Determining Which Subsets to Load...... 3-5 Determining Disk Space Requirements.... 3-5 Listing the Files Installed by PVM..... 3-6 Checking Current Disk Space............ 3-6 3.1.2 PVM Cluster Member Requirements........... 3-6 3.2 Loading the PVM Software...................... 3-7 3.2.1 Deleting Existing PVM Software Subsets.... 3-7 PVM Installation Summary................ 3-8 3.2.2 Running the Installation Verification Procedure................................. 3-9 iv 4 MPI Installation (MPI only) 4.1 Preinstallation Tasks......................... 4-1 4.1.1 Checking Installation Requirements........ 4-2 Checking the Software Distribution Kit..................................... 4-2 Reading the Online Cover Letter......... 4-2 Reading the Online Release Notes........ 4-3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements............................ 4-4 Login Privileges....................... 4-4 Checking Software Requirements......... 4-4 Determining Which Subsets to Load...... 4-5 Determining Disk Space Requirements.... 4-5 Listing the Files Installed by MPI..... 4-5 Checking Current Disk Space............ 4-6 4.1.2 MPI Cluster Member Requirements........... 4-6 4.1.3 Deleting Existing MPI Software Subsets.... 4-7 MPI Installation Summary................ 4-7 4.1.4 Running the Installation Verification Procedure................................. 4-8 5 Installation Using setld 5.1 Using CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media......................................... 5-1 5.2 Using a RIS Distribution Area................. 5-2 5.3 Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts....................................... 5-3 5.3.1 Selecting Subsets......................... 5-3 5.3.2 Monitoring Displays During the Subset Loading Process........................... 5-4 5.3.3 Updating the Search Paths and PSE cluster Database (HPF only)....................... 5-7 5.4 Failures During Product Installation.......... 5-8 6 Installation Using pse-remote-install 6.1 Installing Using pse-remote-install........... 6-1 6.2 Preparing for Remote Installation............. 6-2 6.2.1 Setting the PSE kit location.............. 6-2 6.2.2 Creating a System File.................... 6-4 6.2.3 Creating a License PAK File............... 6-5 v 6.2.4 Establishing rsh Access to the Remote Host...................................... 6-6 6.3 Running pse-remote-install.................... 6-6 6.3.1 pse-remote-install Command Line Options... 6-7 6.4 pse-remote-install Operations................. 6-9 6.4.1 Loading Software Subsets.................. 6-9 6.4.2 Deleting Software Subsets................. 6-11 6.4.3 Configuring Software Subsets.............. 6-11 6.4.4 Verifying Software Subsets................ 6-12 6.4.5 Listing Software Subset Inventory......... 6-13 6.5 pse-remote-install Limitations................ 6-13 Index Examples 2-1 Sample PSE IVP Log........................ 2-16 3-1 Sample PVM IVP Log........................ 3-9 4-1 Sample MPI IVP Log........................ 4-8 5-1 PSE Subsets Loaded from CD-ROM Media...... 5-5 Tables 2-1 PSE Subset Requirements................... 2-5 2-2 PSE Subset Sizes (Kilobytes Required)..... 2-7 3-1 PVM Subset Requirements................... 3-4 3-2 PVM Subset Sizes (Kilobytes Required)..... 3-5 4-1 MPI Subset Requirements................... 4-4 4-2 MPI Subset Sizes (Kilobytes Required)..... 4-5 6-1 pse-remote-install Options................ 6-7 vi _________________________________________________________________ About This Manual This document describes how to install the DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment (PSE) on one or more members of a PSE cluster. A PSE cluster supports the parallel execution of HPF (High Performance Fortran) applications. The PSE kit also contains the DIGITAL PVM and DIGITAL MPI software. These facilities are completely separate and do not utilize PSE clusters. However, they are shipped and installed with the DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment product. Intended Audience This document is intended for anyone who must install the PSE, DIGITAL PVM, or DIGITAL MPI software on a Cluster. Related Documents The following Digital documents provide more information about DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment administration and use: o DIGITAL High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual - Describes Cluster concepts, set-up, administration, and use o Fortran User Manual - Describes the DIGITAL Fortran compiler for the DIGITAL UNIX platform o DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment reference pages (manpages). For a list of HPF and PSE manpages, see the the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual, Appendix A. o DIGITAL PVM User Guide - Describes the DIGITAL PVM facility vii o DIGITAL MPI User Guide - Describes the DIGITAL MPI facility Conventions The following conventions are used in this manual. ___________________________________________________________ Convention_______Meaning___________________________________ % A percent sign represents the DIGITAL UNIX $ system prompt. A dollar sign represents the system prompt for OpenVMS VAX systems. % cat Boldface type in interactive examples indicates typed user input. # A number sign represents the DIGITAL UNIX superuser prompt. file Italic (slanted) type indicates variable values, placeholders, and function argument names for DIGITAL UNIX commands and functions. OSF/1, DEC OSF All of these terms refer to the same /1, Digital operating system. UNIX cat DIGITAL UNIX command names are shown TYPE in a constant-width typeface. OpenVMS VAX commands are shown in all uppercase characters. cat(1) A cross-reference to a reference page includes the appropriate section number in parenthesis. For example, cat(1) indicates that you can find information on the cat command in Section 1 of the reference pages. Ctrl/x This symbol indicates that you press the X key while holding down the Ctrl key. ... In examples, a horizontal series of dots, or ellipsis, indicates that additional parameters, values, or other information can be entered. viii ___________________________________________________________ Convention_______Meaning___________________________________ . In examples, a vertical series of dots, . or vertical ellipsis, indicates that a . portion of the actual code that would normally be present is omitted. [ ] In syntax descriptions and function definitions, brackets indicate that items are optional. In examples, a key name shown within a box indicates that you press a key on the keyboard. In text, a key name is not enclosed in a box but printed with an initial capital letter, like Return. n A lowercase italic n indicates the generic use of a number. italicized text In examples, italicized text is used to denote parameters, values, or other information that changes either from session to session or user to user. In text, italicized words or phrases are used to add emphasis to important words, concepts, or titles of manuals. code examples This typeface is used to display program _________________coding_examples.__________________________ Sending DIGITAL Your Comments on This Manual DIGITAL welcomes your comments on this manual. You can send comments in the following ways: o Internet electronic mail: o Internet electronic mail: o Internet electronic mail: o FAX: 508-493-3628 ATTN: PSE Team o A Reader's Comment Card sent to the address on the form ix o A letter sent to the following address: Digital Equipment Corporation High Performance Computing Group 129 Parker Street PKO3-2/B12 Maynard, MA 01754-2195 o Online questionnaire form - Print or edit the questionnaire form provided near the end of the online release notes; send the form by Internet mail, FAX, or the postal service Getting Help from DIGITAL If you have a customer support contract and have comments or questions about DIGITAL Fortran software, you contact DIGITAL's Customer Support Center (CSC), preferably using electronic means such as DSNlink. In the United States, customers can call the CSC at 1-800-354-9000. x 1 _________________________________________________________________ Introduction This installation guide is for installing DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment (PSE) for HPF support. It is also for installing DIGITAL PVM and DIGITAL MPI. These three facilites (PSE, PVM, and MPI) are not integrated, and should be considered as three completely separate entities. Typical installations will be interested in only one of the three. Some chapters are for only one of the facilities, and others are for all three, as listed below: o This Introduction (HPF, PVM, and MPI) o Chapter 2, PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) o Chapter 3, PVM Installation (PVM only) o Chapter 4, MPI Installation (MPI only) o Chapter 5, Installation Using setld (HPF, PVM, and MPI) o Chapter 6, Installation Using pse-remote-install (HPF, PVM, and MPI) Introduction 1-1 2 _________________________________________________________________ PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) This chapter describes the basic installation of a PSE cluster. Basic installation provides a fully functional PSE cluster. The following tasks are described in detail: o Preinstallation tasks o Loading the software o Verifying the configuration In addition, this chapter briefly summarizes: o Customizing the PSE cluster Customizing your cluster enables additional PSE functions, such as user access control, job priority control, and dividing your cluster into multiple partitions. For More Information: o On PSE cluster customization, see the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual. 2.1 Preinstallation Tasks ________________________ Note ________________________ Before attempting the following installation operations, back up all of the affected systems. ______________________________________________________ The tasks you must perform before installing the PSE software include the following: 1. Prepare for the PSE installation by checking the software distribution kit, reading the online release PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) 2-1 notes, login privileges, software requirements, and disk space requirements (see Section 2.1.1). 2. Identify the nodes you want to become PSE cluster members. PSE cluster members must meet the requirements listed in Section 2.1.2. If all nodes are not within the same IP subnet, you must customize your cluster (see Section 2.6 and the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual). 3. Assemble the Cluster members' hardware, operating system, and network components as described in Chapter 11 of the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual. 4. Set up the single system image required by the PSE software as described in the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual. 5. Basic PSE cluster installation assigns IP port 57039 to the psefarm service. Make sure this port number and service name do not exist in the NIS services map, or in the /etc/services file on any of the nodes on which you want to install PSE. If IP service port 57039 is already being assigned to another service, and it is not possible to reassign this port number to the psefarm service, then follow the customization procedure to modify the psefarm service port (see Section 2.5). 2.1.1 Checking Installation Requirements This section describes the documentation (online and hardcopy) that is available prior to installation. Licensing procedures, and activities such as checking system space and backing up your system are also discussed. Checking the Software Distribution Kit Use the bill of materials (BOM) to check the contents of your PSE software distribution kit. In addition to this guide, the software distribution kit includes the following: o A CD-ROM optical disk for systems with optical disk drives o A CD-ROM booklet and CD-ROM cover letter 2-2 PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) If your software distribution kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your DIGITAL representative. Reading the Online Cover Letter The online cover letter often contains important information that may not be included in this guide or in the release notes. Read this letter before proceeding further. To read the online letter prior to the installation, use the following steps: 1. Physically mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. 2. Log in as superuser (root) to the system where you are installing the software. 3. Enter the following command to ensure that you are at the root directory: # cd / 4. Specify the /mnt directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. In the following example, substitute the correct device unit number for x: # mount -rd /dev/rzxc /mnt 5. Use the more command to display the file: # more /mnt/pse140/documentation/pse140_cover.txt Reading the Online Release Notes The PSE software provides both online and hardcopy versions of the release notes. DIGITAL strongly recommends that you read the release notes before using the product. The release notes may contain information about changes to the software. The release notes are included both in the installation media and in the PSE kit. From the installation media, you can read the release notes using the following procedure: o Physically mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. o Login as superuser (login name root) to the system where you are installing the software. PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) 2-3 o Enter the following command to ensure that you are in the root directory: # cd / o Specify the /mnt directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. In the following example, substitute the correct device unit number for x: # mount -rd /dev/rzxc /mnt o Use the more command to display the file: # more /mnt/pse140/documentation/pse140_relnotes.txt After the installation, the release notes for the PSE software are in the following files: o /usr/opt/PSE140/docs/pse140_relnotes.txt - ASCII text version o /usr/opt/PSE140/docs/ - PostScript version You can use the following command to read the release notes after the PSE software is installed: # more /usr/opt/PSE140/docs/pse140_relnotes.txt The PostScript version of the release notes can be printed on a PostScript printer or viewed using a PostScript previewer such as dxvdoc. In addition to the cover letter and release notes, the distribution media includes the following documentation: o pse140_spd.txt and - Software Product Description o pse140_iguide.txt and - Installation Guide Checking Installation Procedure Requirements This section discusses various requirements for installing the PSE software. PSE installation takes approximately 30 to 60 minutes, depending on your type of media and the complexity of the system configuration. 2-4 PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) Login Privileges In order to install the PSE software, you need to become a superuser (root) on all PSE cluster members. Furthermore, if you want to run the pse-remote-install facility, you need to allow root from the source node to have remote access to root on all other hosts that will be PSE cluster members. This is achieved by adding the source node name to the /.rhosts file on all of these hosts. After the remote install is done, the root remote access is no longer required. Checking Software Requirements See the cover letter (included on the CD-ROM) or the online release notes to determine the minimum version of the operating system required. The PSE software also requires the subsets of the DIGITAL UNIX software shown in Table 2-1 to be loaded on the system: Table_2-1_PSE_Subset_Requirements__________________________ PSE_Subset_Title________________Requirement________________ PSE High Performance Fortran OSFCLINET*, Support (PSEHPF140) OSFRTDEV* PSE Parallel Programming OSFCLINET*, Environment (PSEPPE140) OSFRTDEV* PSE System Software OSFCLINET*, (PSEWSF140) OSFRTDEV*, PSEHPF140 PSE_Manual_Pages_(PSEMAN140)____OSFDCMT*___________________ To check the subsets that are loaded, follow these steps: 1. Log in to the system where you will install the PSE software. 2. Enter the following command (Replace " . . . " with additional required subsets you want to check): # /usr/sbin/setld -i | egrep 'OSFCLINET*| . . . ' PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) 2-5 Check the displayed rows for the name of the relevant subset. The word installed appears in a row after the subset identifier when a subset is loaded. If the word "installed" does not appear (the second column in a row is blank), the subset is not loaded. In this case, you must load the missing DIGITAL UNIX software before installing the PSE software. For information about loading the operating system software, see the DIGITAL UNIX (DEC OSF /1) installation guide. Determining Which Subsets to Load You must choose the PSE subsets you want to load. The following two subsets are required for all PSE cluster members: o High Performance Fortran Support (PSEHPF140) - Run-time libraries for parallel HPF applications and the PSE system software utilities. o PSE System Software (PSEWSF140) - Cluster environment software which includes the farmd daemon and PSE utilities. This subset requires the PSEHPF140 subset. The following subsets are optional, providing additional functionality to each PSE cluster member: o Parallel Programming Environment (PSEPPE140) - Parallel debugger, profiler, and profiling library o Parallel Software Environment Manual Pages (PSEMAN140 - Reference pages (manpages) for the PSE software Determining Disk Space Requirements Table 2-2 lists the disk space requirements for loading the PSE software subsets. These requirements apply to the disks where you load the PSE subsets. 2-6 PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) Table_2-2_PSE_Subset_Sizes_(Kilobytes_Required)____________ Subset_Title_______________Subset_Name___/usr___/var___/root PSE High Performance PSEHPF140 6,250 Fortran Library Support PSE Parallel Programming PSEPPE140 18,000 Environment PSE Runtime Support for PSEWSF140 1,400 50 HPF PSE Manual Pages PSEMAN140 2,600 Totals:__________________________________28,250_50_____0___ During the actual installation, the PSE software requires approximately 60 MB of free disk space on the /usr partition and 5-10 MB of free space in the /tmp directory. After the installation, the PSE software uses approximately 30 MB of /usr and /var partitions. Using these disk space requirements, total the values for the subsets you are loading in each directory. Compare the space required for these subsets with the free space currently on the disks where the PSE software files will reside. Listing the Files Installed by PSE You can list the files created by the PSE software installation by looking at /mnt/pse140/kit/instctrl/PSE*140.inv. For More Information: o See the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual, Appendix C. Checking Current Disk Space To check the current amount of free space for a directory path, log in to the system where you will install the PSE software. You can check which directories are mounted and where they are by viewing the /etc/fstab file. Use the command: # more /etc/fstab PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) 2-7 To check the total space and the free space for the directories where the PSE software will reside, enter the df command, as follows: # df -k This free space displayed by this command must accommodate the subset requirements listed in Table 2-2. 2.1.2 PSE cluster Member Requirements Any PSE cluster member should meet the following requirements: o All PSE cluster members must run DIGITAL UNIX Version 3.0 or higher. o The network interface whose IP address is assigned to the member's hostname must be connected to the same network segment as all other PSE cluster members. If the members have multiple network interfaces, only one interface must satisfy this requirement. If your cluster does not satisfy this requirement, then you must customize your PSE cluster. Only a customized PSE cluster is permitted to operate across multiple network segments. o The passwd, group, hosts, and services information must be consistent across all PSE cluster members. This can be conveniently done by distributing this information using Network Information Service (NIS) or DNS. o Files used by all PSE cluster applications (including the application image and, possibly, other data files) should be accessible by the same pathname from all PSE cluster members. Digital recommends setting up an Network File System (NFS) environment on all PSE cluster members with common directory mount points for user home directories and other directories that are used by PSE cluster applications. The automount daemon provides a convenient mechanism to manage these NFS mount points. o All PSE cluster users should have rsh access without password to any PSE cluster members they plan to use. This can be achieved by specifying the PSE cluster members' hostnames in the .rhosts file in your home directory. 2-8 PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) For More Information: o On customizing your PSE cluster, see Section 2.6 and the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual. 2.1.3 Additional Preinstallation Requirements for Customized PSE clusters If you will be customizing your PSE cluster, you must meet some additional requirements. Customized PSE clusters can be either file-based or DNS-based. o Section lists the requirements for a file-based PSE cluster. o Section lists the requirements for a DNS-based PSE cluster. For More Information: o On file-based and DNS-based PSE clusters, see the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual. o On customizing your PSE cluster, see Section 2.6 and the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual. Preinstallation for File-based PSE Clusters If you wish to set up a file-based PSE cluster, you must choose a directory accessible to all members for the database file. This is most conveniently done by placing the database file in an NFS file system. File-based PSE cluster members do not have to be connected to the same network segment. Preinstallation for DNS-based PSE clusters The requirements in this section apply if you wish to set up a DNS-based PSE cluster. The PSE cluster configuration uses three DNS domains, as follows: o Host domain - Contains the PSE cluster members' hostname and Internet address mapping. On DIGITAL UNIX DNS primary servers, this domain is stored in the /etc/namedb/hosts.db file. PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) 2-9 o domain - Contains the PSE cluster members' Internet address-to-hostname mapping. On DIGITAL UNIX DNS primary servers, this domain is stored in the /etc/namedb/hosts.rev file. o PSE cluster domain - Contains information about the PSE cluster configuration. The PSE cluster domain is a subdomain of the host domain. For example, if the host domain is and the PSE cluster name created by the PSE cluster is mycluster, the PSE cluster domain is ________________________ Note ________________________ On DIGITAL UNIX DNS primary servers, the host domain and the domain are automatically created by bindsetup from information in the primary server's /etc/hosts file. The PSE cluster domain is created when you customize the PSE cluster with the psedbedit utility. PSE cluster members' hostnames and Internet addresses continue to be part of the hosts and in- domains. The PSE cluster domain only maintains the PSE cluster configuration information. ______________________________________________________ To create the PSE cluster domain, you must perform the following procedures: o Choose a name for your PSE cluster; for example mycluster. o Designate one member to become the PSE cluster DNS server. The designated system must meet the PSE cluster member requirements. o If the PSE cluster DNS server is not configured to run DNS, or if it is already configured as a DNS client, use bindsetup to set it up as a caching server. o On all other PSE cluster members, use bindsetup to modify the BIND client configuration. Specify the PSE cluster DNS server host name/Internet address as the first name server listed in the /etc/resolv.conf file. Additional name servers, such as the host domain primary or secondary servers, can be specified after the PSE cluster DNS server. 2-10 PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) 2.2 Loading the PSE Software Kit This section describes how to load the PSE kit onto each PSE cluster member. 2.2.1 Registering Your Software License The PSE software includes support for the License Management Facility (LMF). You must register your License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) in the License Database (LDB) of each PSE cluster member in order to use the PSE software. The License PAK is shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order. If you are installing the PSE software as an update on a PSE cluster member already licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements. If you are installing prerequisite or optional software along with the PSE software, review the PAK status and install the PAKs for any prerequisite or optional software before you install the PSE software. To register a license, log in as superuser root. At the superuser prompt, edit the partially completed PAK template in /var/adm/lmf/template and save it as /var/adm/lmf/PSE-O. Use the lmf register command to add your unique License PAK information as follows: # lmf register - echo $node . . . > rsh $node -n /sbin/date > end # exit If rsh issues a "Permission denied" error message, you must fix the access permission on the node last listed by the script. 4. Create a license PAK file for each Cluster member in the /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install/pak directory. Using the pak.template file as a template, fill out the license information you have for each member. Save this as PSE-O.hostn, where hostn is the hostname of the PSE cluster member. 5. Issue the following command: # ./pse-remote-install -k /mnt/pse140/kit -l psefarm.nodes PSE\*140 PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) 2-15 Answer "yes" to the question about whether you want to push the PAK file or not, specifying /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install/pak as the PAK directory and PSE-O as the PAK prefix. Type a login name for the location to which the log file should be mailed. For More Information: o On using the pse-remote-install utility to propagate the PSE software to other hosts, see Chapter 6. 2.4 Verifying Your Configuration After the PSE software is installed on all PSE cluster members, you can verify that all cluster members are part of the active PSE cluster with the following command: # lspart -farm psefarm The output of lspart should list all members of the PSE cluster with their respective load averages. Section 2.4.1 describes the PSE software IVP. 2.4.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure ________________________ Note ________________________ The installation steps detailed in the preceding sections must successfully complete before attempting to execute the IVP for any PSE subset. ______________________________________________________ After installing the PSE, you can run the (IVP) independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access the PSE. The PSE IVP verifies the installation as shown in Example 2-1. Example 2-1 Sample PSE IVP Log (continued on next page) 2-16 PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) Example 2-1 (Cont.) Sample PSE IVP Log # setld -v PSEWSF140 PSEPPE140 PSEHPF140 PSEMAN140 PSE System Software (PSEWSF140) Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1995, 1996. All Rights Reserved. Starting the verification of Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: PSE System Software (PSEWSF140) 2. Starting (/usr/sbin/farmd) on: This procedure verifies that both the PSE cluster daemon and shared libraries are installed and functional. Checking files ... [Status: farmd and lspart exist and are executable] Starting farmd ... ------------------------ FARMD ------------------------------------------ farmd: Farm domain (ivp-check) sockets opened successfully ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Verifying that the lspart utility is able to correctly access the running PSE cluster daemon. Starting lspart ... ------------------------ LSPART------------------------------------------ Current farm: ivp-check Farm Attributes: PSE_LOADSERVERS PSE_DEFAULT_PARTITION all-hosts PSE_SERVICEPORT 2634 Partition data: all-hosts (*Default*) Members(1): Jobslots = 10 load_avg = 0.30 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IVP_SUCCEEDED! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (continued on next page) PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) 2-17 Example 2-1 (Cont.) Sample PSE IVP Log Verification of PSE on was successful! Please consult the psedbedit(8) man pages for further information concerning the creation and maintainance of a fully distributed PSE cluster environment. PSEWSF140 IVP passed Parallel Programming Environment (PSEPPE140) Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1995, 1996. All Rights Reserved. Starting the verification of Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: Parallel Programming Environment (PSEPPE140) ** Verifying Installation of the Parallel Programming Environment ** ** Verifying compilation, profiling and analysis of a F90 program ** >Verifying compilation phase... >Verifying profiling phase... >Verifying pprof analysis phase... PPROF Info: pprof -method interval -routines -peer_ids 0 testpprof ***************************** pprof (version 1.00) ***************************** ** ** ** Interval Profiling, -routines, -statistics per_peer ** ** -item 20, -truncate, -time_base elapsed ** ** -event_list hpf ** ** Inclusive timing analysis in routine calls for peer 0 (gclef) ** ** ** ******************************************************************************** ** Recursive call symbol: * ** ** Program `testpprof' was built on: Fri Mar 1 16:51:43 1996 ** ** Profiled with the default protocol on: Fri Mar 1 16:51:43 1996 ** ** Profiling timer type: real_time in seconds ** ** Profiling time spent: 0.04 seconds ** ** Total number of profiled routine entries: 3 ** ** Total elapsed real time: 0.07 seconds ** ** Report generated on: Fri Mar 1 16:51:44 1996 ** ******************************************************************************** (continued on next page) 2-18 PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) Example 2-1 (Cont.) Sample PSE IVP Log peer 0 time minimum time maximum time routine (seconds %) (seconds %skew peer) (seconds %skew peer) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.00 7.0 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 0 PPROFTEST 0.00 5.8 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 0 LAST_CALL 0.00 0.5 0.00 0.0 0 0.00 0.0 0 TEST_DUMMY >Verification of full profiling cycle is completed. ** Verifying pse parallel debuggers (dbx and ladebug) ** > dbx verified. >Verification of PSE debuggers is completed. ** Verification of Parallel Programming Environment is completed ** PSEPPE140 IVP passed High Performance Fortran Support (PSEHPF140) Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1995, 1996. All Rights Reserved. Starting the verification of Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: High Performance Fortran Support (PSEHPF140) Compiling a test program with the static libhpf.a library ... Done. Loading the test program with the static libhpf.a library ... Done. Running the static test executable ... Done. Running a test executable with shared libraries ... Done. PSEHPF140 IVP passed. Parallel Software Environment Manual Pages (PSEMAN140) Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1995, 1996. All Rights Reserved. Starting the verification of Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: Parallel Software Environment Manual Pages (PSEMAN140) Verification is successful. PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) 2-19 You can also use the pse-remote-install -v command to run the IVP on other PSE cluster members. Refer to Chapter 15 of the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual for more details. 2.4.2 Advice to Users on PSE Environment Set-up System administrators should advise PSE users to set the environment variables PSE_FARM, and PSE_PARTITION in their .login or their shell's startup (.cshrc for the C shell). For a basic (non-customized) installation, users should be advised to set these variables as follows: setenv PSE_FARM psefarm setenv PSE_PARTITION all-hosts Additionally, to enable PSE applications to be invoked from a host that is not a member of the PSE cluster, users must set the PSE_LOADSERVER environment variable to the name of any member of the PSE cluster. For More Information: o On setting up the user environment for PSE, see the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual. 2.5 Modifying the PSE cluster IP Port Number By default, the basic PSE cluster installation assigns 57039 to the psefarm IP service port, for both the TCP and UDP protocols. This section discusses the rare case where the IP service port number 57039 is already being used by another service and it is not possible to reassign this number to the psefarm service. In such a case, the default IP port number for the psefarm cluster must be modified. During the PSE system software (PSEWSF140) subset installation, if the psefarm service is not registered in the local /etc/services file or the NIS services map, the installation scripts adds the psefarm service to the local /etc/services file. If the psefarm service has already been registered, it will use the existing port number. 2-20 PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) There are several methods of modifying the default IP port number, depending on your initial setup of the services database. o Case 1: New installations, NIS is being used to distribute the services information. Use the following steps to modify the default port number: 1. Register the psefarm service and the new IP port number in the NIS services map. Make sure the new IP port number is unique. You must edit the source of the services map from the NIS primary server, to conform with the following format: psefarm newportnumber/tcp psefarm newportnumber/udp 2. On all PSE cluster members, make sure there is no entry for psefarm in the local /etc/services file, and that the new IP port number is not being used in the local /etc/services file. 3. Make sure the updated NIS services map is accessible from all PSE cluster members. Use the following command to display the new psefarm service: # ypcat services | grep psefarm 4. Install the PSEWSF140 subset. o Case 2: Existing installations, NIS is being used to distribute the services information. Use the following steps to modify the default port number after the PSEWSF140 subset has been installed on some PSE cluster members: 1. Register the psefarm service and the new IP port number in the NIS services map. Make sure the new IP port number is unique. You have to edit the source of the services map from the NIS primary server, with the following format: psefarm newportnumber/tcp psefarm newportnumber/udp PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) 2-21 2. On all PSE cluster members, make sure there is no entry for psefarm in the local /etc/services file, and that the new IP port number is not being used in the local /etc/services file. 3. Make sure the updated NIS services map is accessible from all PSE cluster members. Use the following command to display the new psefarm service: # ypcat services | grep psefarm 4. Use the following command to update the port number on the PSE cluster members where the PSEWSF140 subset has been installed: # pseconfig modbasic newportnumber o Case 3: New installations, local /etc/services is being used for the services information: 1. Add the following entries to /etc/services: psefarm newportnumber/tcp psefarm newportnumber/udp after making sure the psefarm service does not already exist, and that newportnumber is unique. 2. Install the PSEWSF140 subset. o Case 4: Existing installations, local /etc/services is being used for the services information: 1. Use the following command to modify the local port number: # pseconfig modbasic newportnumber 2.6 Customizing Your PSE cluster [Optional] The basic PSE cluster installation described in this chapter provides a fully functional PSE cluster. This default PSE cluster contains only a single all-hosts partition containing all nodes within the same network segment that have PSE installed. 2-22 PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) Customizing your PSE cluster enables additional PSE functions, such as user access control, job priority control, and dividing your cluster into multiple partitions. Customizing also allows you to include hosts from more than one network segment in the same PSE cluster. A customized PSE cluster requires a database for the PSE cluster definitions. PSE provides the psedbedit(8) utility to create and maintain a PSE cluster database. For More Information: o On creating a PSE cluster database, see the chapter on "Customizing a PSE cluster" in the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual. 2.7 Reusing a PSE V1.0 Database Customers upgrading existing PSE V1.0 Farms have the option to use the default basic PSE cluster functionality of PSE V1.4, or to re-use the existing PSE V1.0 database. After you delete the existing PSE V1.0 software subsets and install the PSE V1.4 subsets on all PSE cluster members, you will have the default basic PSE cluster running. If you would like to reuse your existing Farm database, run the following command on all PSE cluster members: # pseconfig add farmname where farmname is the name of your existing Farm. The pseconfig command automatically turns off the basic PSE cluster, and restores your existing PSE database. To benefit from new V1.4 functionality, such as support for heterogeneous communications media, delete any existing definitions for the PSE_PREF_COMM environment variable from your V1.0 database. PSE cluster Installation (HPF only) 2-23 3 _________________________________________________________________ PVM Installation (PVM only) This chapter describes the installation of DIGITAL PVM. The following tasks are described: o Preinstallation tasks o Loading the software o Verifying the configuration For More Information: o On using PVM, see the DIGITAL PVM User Guide. 3.1 Preinstallation Tasks ________________________ Note ________________________ Before attempting the following installation operations, back up all of the affected systems. ______________________________________________________ Prepare for the PVM installation by checking the software distribution kit. Read the online release notes, and check login privileges, software requirements, and disk space requirements. 3.1.1 Checking Installation Requirements This section describes the documentation (online and hardcopy) that is available prior to installation. Activities such as checking system space and backing up your system are also discussed. PVM Installation (PVM only) 3-1 Checking the Software Distribution Kit Use the bill of materials (BOM) to check the contents of your PSE software distribution kit. In addition to this guide, the software distribution kit includes the following: o A CD-ROM optical disk for systems with optical disk drives o A CD-ROM booklet and CD-ROM cover letter If your software distribution kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your DIGITAL representative. Reading the Online Cover Letter The online cover letter often contains important information that may not be included in this guide or in the release notes. Read this letter before proceeding further. To read the online letter prior to the installation, use the following steps: 1. Physically mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. 2. Log in as superuser (root) to the system where you are installing the software. 3. Enter the following command to ensure that you are at the root directory: # cd / 4. Specify the /mnt directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. In the following example, substitute the correct device unit number for x: # mount -rd /dev/rzxc /mnt 5. Use the more command to display the file: # more /mnt/pse140/documentation/pse140_cover.txt 3-2 PVM Installation (PVM only) Reading the Online Release Notes Both online and hardcopy versions of the release notes are provided. DIGITAL strongly recommends that you read the release notes before using the product. The release notes may contain information about changes to the software. The release notes are included both in the installation media and in the PSE kit. From the installation media, you can read the release notes using the following procedure: o Physically mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. o Login as superuser (login name root) to the system where you are installing the software. o Enter the following command to ensure that you are in the root directory: # cd / o Specify the /mnt directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. In the following example, substitute the correct device unit number for x: # mount -rd /dev/rzxc /mnt o Use the more command to display the file: # more /mnt/pse140/documentation/pse140_relnotes.txt The PostScript version of the release notes can be printed on a PostScript printer or viewed using a PostScript previewer such as dxvdoc. In addition to the cover letter and release notes, the distribution media includes the following documentation: o Software Product Description: pse140/documentation/pse140_spd.txt pse140/documentation/ o Installation Guide pse140/documentation/pse140_iguide.txt pse140/documentation/ PVM Installation (PVM only) 3-3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements This section discusses various requirements for installing the PVM software. PVM installation takes less than 30 minutes, depending on your type of media and the complexity of the system configuration. Login Privileges In order to install the PVM software, you need to become a superuser (root) on all cluster members. Furthermore, if you want to run the pse-remote-install facility, you need to allow root from the source node to have remote access to root on all other hosts that will be cluster members. This is achieved by adding the source node name to the /.rhosts file on all of these hosts. After the remote install is done, the root remote access is no longer required. Checking Software Requirements The software requirements for DIGITAL PVM Version 1.4 are: o DIGITAL UNIX version 4.0a or higher In addition, if MEMORY CHANNEL[TM] support is needed, the following is required: o DIGITAL TruCluster software version 1.4 (or TruCluster MEMORY CHANNEL[TM] Software Version 1.4) The PVM software also requires the subsets of the DIGITAL UNIX software shown in Table 3-1 to be loaded on the system: Table_3-1_PVM_Subset_Requirements________________________________ PVM_Subset_Title________Requirement______________________________ DIGITAL PVM V1.4 Base OSFBIN* (PVMBASE140) TCRCOMMON* (for MEMORY CHANNEL[TM] support) TCRMCA* (for MEMORY CHANNEL[TM] support) DIGITAL PVM V1.4 OSFDCMT* Supplementary Documentation (PVMSUPP140)_____________________________________________________ To check the subsets that are loaded, follow these steps: 3-4 PVM Installation (PVM only) 1. Log in to the system where you will install the PVM software. 2. Enter the following command (Replace " . . . " with additional required subsets you want to check): # /usr/sbin/setld -i | egrep 'OSFCLINET*| . . . ' Check the displayed rows for the name of the relevant subset. The word installed appears in a row after the subset identifier when a subset is loaded. If the word "installed" does not appear (the second column in a row is blank), the subset is not loaded. In this case, you must load the missing DIGITAL UNIX software before installing the PVM software. For information about loading the operating system software, see the DIGITAL UNIX (DEC OSF /1) installation guide. Determining Which Subsets to Load You must choose the PVM subsets you want to load. The following subset is required: o DIGITAL PVM Base (PVMBASE140) The following subset is optional: o DIGITAL PVM Manual Pages (PVMSUPP140) Determining Disk Space Requirements Table 3-2 lists the disk space requirements for loading the PVM software subsets. These requirements apply to the disks where you load the PVM subsets. Table_3-2_PVM_Subset_Sizes_(Kilobytes_Required)____________ Subset_Title_______________Subset_Name___/usr___/var___/root DIGITAL PVM V1.4 Base PVMBASE140 7680 DIGITAL PVM V1.4 PVMSUPP140 1536 Supplementary Documentation Totals:__________________________________9216___0______0___ PVM Installation (PVM only) 3-5 Listing the Files Installed by PVM You can list the files created by the PVM software installation by looking at: /mnt/pse140/kit/instctrl/PVM*140.inv For More Information: o See the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual, Appendix C. Checking Current Disk Space To check the current amount of free space for a directory path, log in to the system where you will install the PVM software. You can check which directories are mounted and where they are by viewing the /etc/fstab file. Use the command: # more /etc/fstab To check the total space and the free space for the directories where the PVM software will reside, enter the df command, as follows: # df -k This free space displayed by this command must accommodate the subset requirements listed in Table 3-2. 3.1.2 PVM Cluster Member Requirements Any PVM cluster member should meet the following requirements: o All PVM cluster members must run DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0a or higher. o If MEMORY CHANNEL[TM] support is needed, all PVM cluster members must run either TruCluster software version 1.4, or MEMORY CHANNEL[TM] Software version 1.4. o The passwd, group, hosts, and services information must be consistent across all PVM cluster members. This can be conveniently done by distributing this information using Network Information Service (NIS) or DNS. o Files used by all PVM cluster applications (including the application image and, possibly, other data files) should be accessible by the same pathname from all PVM cluster members. Digital recommends setting up an Network File System (NFS) environment on all PVM cluster 3-6 PVM Installation (PVM only) members with common directory mount points for user home directories and other directories that are used by PVM cluster applications. The automount daemon provides a convenient mechanism to manage these NFS mount points. o All PVM cluster users should have rsh access without password to any PVM cluster members they plan to use. This can be achieved by specifying the PVM cluster members' hostnames in the .rhosts file in your home directory. 3.2 Loading the PVM Software This section describes how to load the PVM software onto each PVM cluster member. 3.2.1 Deleting Existing PVM Software Subsets Before loading a new version of the PVM software, any previous versions of the software must be deleted. If you are upgrading from a previous version of PVM, Digital recommends you follow the upgrading procedure detailed in the release notes. To delete PVM software, you must be superuser (username root). Make sure there are no PVM applications currently running. The command for deleting PVM software is: # cd / # setld -d PVMBASEnnn PVMSUPPnnn Replace nnn with the PVM version number (e.g. 080 for version 0.8). For More Information: o On upgrading from a previous version of PVM, see the instructions in the release notes. PVM Installation (PVM only) 3-7 PVM Installation Summary This section contains a brief summary of the PVM software installation procedure. The procedure is explained in detail in Chapter 5. To load the PVM software kit onto a host, follow these steps: o For installation from a CD-ROM: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root). 2. Type the following commands (substitute your CD-ROM drive name for rzxxc. # cd / # mount -rd /dev/rzxxc /mnt # setld -l /mnt/pse140/kit 3. Refer to Section to select the appropriate subsets. o For installation from an RIS (Remote Installation Service) server: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root). 2. Type the following commands (substitute your RIS server for nodename): # cd / # setld -l nodename: 3. Refer to Section to select the appropriate subsets. For More Information: o On using setld to install the PVM software, see Chapter 5. o On using the pse-remote-install utility to propagate the PVM software to other hosts, see Chapter 6. o On setld, see the setld(8) manpage. 3-8 PVM Installation (PVM only) 3.2.2 Running the Installation Verification Procedure ________________________ Note ________________________ The installation steps detailed in the preceding sections must successfully complete before attempting to execute the IVP for PVM. ______________________________________________________ After installing PVM, you can run the (IVP) independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access PVM. The PVM IVP verifies the installation as shown in Example 3-1. Example 3-1 Sample PVM IVP Log # setld -v PVMBASE140 Digital PVM V1.4 Base (Software Development) (PVMBASE140) Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1995, 1996, 1997. All Rights Reser ved. Starting the verification of Digital PVM V1.4 Base (PVMBASE140) Compiling a PVM test program ... Done. Linking a test program with the Digital PVM library ... Link succeeded. *** The program however cannot be executed as root. *** To test that the compiled PVM program runs successfully *** (and prints an approximation of 'pi'), *** you may, as a non-privaleged user: % dpvm dpvm> quit %/tmp/mb_pi.dpvm -numprocs 4 %dpvm dpvm> halt *** It should print the value of 'pi' to a few dozen places. PVMBASE140 IVP passed. (continued on next page) PVM Installation (PVM only) 3-9 Example 3-1 (Cont.) Sample PVM IVP Log # exit % dpvm Digital V1.0.9 dpvm> quit DPVM daemon still running. > /tmp/mb_pi.dpvm -numprocs 4 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028 > dpvm Digital V1.0.9 dpvm> halt > 3-10 PVM Installation (PVM only) 4 _________________________________________________________________ MPI Installation (MPI only) This chapter describes the basic installation of an MPI cluster. Basic installation provides a fully functional PSE cluster. The following tasks are described in detail: o Preinstallation tasks o Loading the software o Verifying the configuration For More Information: o On using MPI, see the DIGITAL MPI User Guide. 4.1 Preinstallation Tasks ________________________ Note ________________________ Before attempting the following installation operations, back up all of the affected systems. ______________________________________________________ Prepare for the MPI installation by checking the software distribution kit. Read the online release notes, and check login privileges, software requirements, and disk space requirements. For More Information: o See Section 4.1.1 MPI Installation (MPI only) 4-1 4.1.1 Checking Installation Requirements This section describes the documentation (online and hardcopy) that is available prior to installation. Licensing procedures, and activities such as checking system space and backing up your system are also discussed. Checking the Software Distribution Kit Use the bill of materials (BOM) to check the contents of your MPI software distribution kit. In addition to this guide, the software distribution kit includes the following: o A CD-ROM optical disk for systems with optical disk drives o A CD-ROM booklet and CD-ROM cover letter If your software distribution kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your DIGITAL representative. Reading the Online Cover Letter The online cover letter often contains important information that may not be included in this guide or in the release notes. Read this letter before proceeding further. To read the online letter prior to the installation, use the following steps: 1. Physically mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. 2. Log in as superuser (root) to the system where you are installing the software. 3. Enter the following command to ensure that you are at the root directory: # cd / 4. Specify the /mnt directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. In the following example, substitute the correct device unit number for x: # mount -rd /dev/rzxc /mnt 5. Use the more command to display the file: # more /mnt/pse140/documentation/pse140_cover.txt 4-2 MPI Installation (MPI only) Reading the Online Release Notes Both online and hardcopy versions of the release notes are provided. DIGITAL strongly recommends that you read the release notes before using the product. The release notes may contain information about changes to the software. The release notes are included both in the installation media and in the MPI kit. From the installation media, you can read the release notes using the following procedure: o Physically mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. o Login as superuser (login name root) to the system where you are installing the software. o Enter the following command to ensure that you are in the root directory: # cd / o Specify the /mnt directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. In the following example, substitute the correct device unit number for x: # mount -rd /dev/rzxc /mnt o Use the more command to display the file: # more /mnt/pse140/documentation/pse140_relnotes.txt The PostScript version of the release notes can be printed on a PostScript printer or viewed using a PostScript previewer such as dxvdoc. In addition to the cover letter and release notes, the distribution media includes the following documentation: o Software Product Description: pse140/documentation/pse140_spd.txt pse140/documentation/ o Installation Guide: pse140/documentation/pse140_iguide.txt pse140/documentation/ MPI Installation (MPI only) 4-3 Checking Installation Procedure Requirements This section discusses various requirements for installing the MPI software. MPI installation takes less than 30 minutes, depending on your type of media and the complexity of the system configuration. Login Privileges In order to install the MPI software, you need to become a superuser (root) on all MPI cluster members. If you want to propagate MPI remotely using the pse-remote-install facility, you need to allow root from the source node to have remote access to root on all other hosts that will be MPI cluster members. This is achieved by adding the source node name to the /.rhosts file on all of these hosts. After the remote install is done, the root remote access is no longer required. Checking Software Requirements The software requirements for DIGITAL MPI Version 1.4 are: o DIGITAL UNIX version 4.0a or higher In addition, if MEMORY CHANNEL[TM] support is needed, the following is required: o DIGITAL TruCluster software version 1.4 (or TruCluster MEMORY CHANNEL[TM] Software Version 1.4) The MPI software also requires the subsets of the DIGITAL UNIX software shown in Table 4-1 to be loaded on the system: Table_4-1_MPI_Subset_Requirements________________________________ MPI_Subset_Title______Requirement________________________________ DIGITAL MPI V1.4 OSFDCMT* Binary TCRCOMMON* (for MEMORY CHANNEL[TM] support) (MPIBIN140)___________TCRMCA*_(for_MEMORY_CHANNEL[TM]_support)___ To check the subsets that are loaded, follow these steps: 1. Log in to the system where you will install the MPI software. 4-4 MPI Installation (MPI only) 2. Enter the following command (Replace " . . . " with additional required subsets you want to check): # /usr/sbin/setld -i | egrep 'OSFCLINET*| . . . ' Check the displayed rows for the name of the relevant subset. The word installed appears in a row after the subset identifier when a subset is loaded. If the word "installed" does not appear (the second column in a row is blank), the subset is not loaded. In this case, you must load the missing DIGITAL UNIX software before installing the MPI software. For information about loading the operating system software, see the DIGITAL UNIX (DEC OSF /1) installation guide. Determining Which Subsets to Load You must choose the subsets you want to load. The following subset is required for all MPI cluster members: o DIGITAL MPI Binary (MPIBIN140) Determining Disk Space Requirements Table 4-2 lists the disk space requirements for loading the MPI software subsets. These requirements apply to the disks where you load the MPI subsets. Table_4-2_MPI_Subset_Sizes_(Kilobytes_Required)____________ Subset_Title_______________Subset_Name___/usr___/var___/root DIGITAL MPI Binary V1.4 MPIBIN140 6144 Totals:__________________________________6144______________ Listing the Files Installed by MPI You can list the files created by the MPI software installation by looking at: /mnt/pse140/kit/instctrl/MPI*140.inv. MPI Installation (MPI only) 4-5 Checking Current Disk Space To check the current amount of free space for a directory path, log in to the system where you will install the MPI software. You can check which directories are mounted and where they are by viewing the /etc/fstab file. Use the command: # more /etc/fstab To check the total space and the free space for the directories where the MPI software will reside, enter the df command, as follows: # df -k This free space displayed by this command must accommodate the subset requirements listed in Table 4-2. 4.1.2 MPI Cluster Member Requirements Any MPI cluster member should meet the following requirements: o All MPI cluster members must run DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0a or higher. o If MEMORY CHANNEL[TM] support is needed, all MPI cluster members must run either TruCluster software version 1.4, or MEMORY CHANNEL[TM] Software version 1.4. o The passwd, group, hosts, and services information must be consistent across all MPI cluster members. This can be conveniently done by distributing this information using Network Information Service (NIS) or DNS. o Files used by all MPI applications (including the application image and, possibly, other data files) should be accessible by the same pathname from all MPI cluster members. Digital recommends setting up an Network File System (NFS) environment on all MPI cluster members with common directory mount points for user home directories and other directories that are used by MPI cluster applications. The automount daemon provides a convenient mechanism to manage these NFS mount points. o All cluster users should have rsh access without password to any cluster members they plan to use. This can be achieved by specifying the cluster members' hostnames in the .rhosts file in your home directory. 4-6 MPI Installation (MPI only) For More Information: o See the DIGITAL MPI User Guide 4.1.3 Deleting Existing MPI Software Subsets Before loading a new version of the MPI software, any previous versions of the software must be deleted. If you are upgrading from a previous version of MPI, Digital recommends you follow the upgrading procedure detailed in the release notes. To delete MPI software, you must be superuser (username root). Make sure there are no HPF applications currently running. The command for deleting MPI software is: # cd / # setld -d MPIBINnnn Replace nnn with the MPI version number (e.g. 080 for version 0.8). For More Information: o On upgrading from a previous version of MPI, see the instructions in the release notes. MPI Installation Summary This section contains a brief summary of the MPI software installation procedure. The procedure is explained in detail in Chapter 5. To load the MPI software kit onto a host, follow these steps: o For installation from a CD-ROM: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root). 2. Type the following commands (substitute your CD-ROM drive name for rzxxc. # cd / # mount -rd /dev/rzxxc /mnt # setld -l /mnt/pse140/kit 3. Refer to Section to select the appropriate subsets. MPI Installation (MPI only) 4-7 o For installation from an RIS (Remote Installation Service) server: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root). 2. Type the following commands (substitute your RIS server for nodename): # cd / # setld -l nodename: 3. Refer to Section to select the appropriate subsets. For More Information: o On using setld to install the MPI software, see Chapter 5. o On setld, see the setld(8) manpage. 4.1.4 Running the Installation Verification Procedure ________________________ Note ________________________ The installation steps detailed in the preceding sections must successfully complete before attempting to execute the IVP for MPI. ______________________________________________________ After installing MPI, you can run the (IVP) independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access MPI. The MPI IVP verifies the installation as shown in Example 4-1. Example 4-1 Sample MPI IVP Log # setld -v MPIBIN140 Digital MPI V1.4 Binary (MPIBIN140) Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1995, 1996. All Rights Reserved. Starting the verification of Digital MPI V1.4 (MPIBIN140) (continued on next page) 4-8 MPI Installation (MPI only) Example 4-1 (Cont.) Sample MPI IVP Log Compiling an MPI test program ... Done. Linking test program with the libmpi.a library ... Link succeeded. *** The program however cannot be executed as root. *** To test that the compiled MPI program runs successfully *** (and prints an approximation of 'pi'), *** you may, as a non-privaleged user: > cd /tmp > dmpirun -np 4 /tmp/mb_pi.mpi > echo ok MPIBIN140 IVP passed. # exit > cd /tmp > dmpirun -np 4 /tmp/mb_pi.mpi 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028 MPI Installation (MPI only) 4-9 5 _________________________________________________________________ Installation Using setld This chapter describes the procedures for loading the PSE software using the setld(8) command. The PSE installation using the setld(8) command manually installs the PSE kit on any given standalone PSE cluster member. Refer to Section 2.3 for an automatic installation procedure for multiple cluster members. You can either install the PSE locally (using CD-ROM media) or from a Remote Installation Service (RIS) server. If you encounter any failures during installation, see Section 5.4. 5.1 Using CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media This procedure loads the PSE files onto the system where you perform the installation. Follow these steps to install the PSE software from CD-ROM media: 1. Mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. 2. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you will install the PSE software. 3. Make sure that you are at the root (/) directory by entering the following command: # cd / 4. Specify the /mnt directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. If your drive is rzxxc, enter the following command: # mount -rd /dev/rzxxc /mnt 5. Enter a setld command that requests the load function (-l) and identifies the directory in the mounted file system where the PSE subsets are located. Installation Using setld 5-1 For example, if the directory location for these subsets is /mnt/pse140/kit, enter the following command: # setld -l /mnt/pse140/kit The installation procedure now displays the names of the PSE subsets and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. See Section 5.3 to continue the installation. 5.2 Using a RIS Distribution Area If you are installing the PSE subsets that reside in a RIS distribution area on a remote system, follow these steps: 1. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you will install the PSE software. 2. Make sure you are at the root directory (/) by entering the following command: # cd / 3. Enter a setld command that requests the load function (-l option) and identifies the system where the PSE subsets are located. For example, if you are loading the PSE subsets from a RIS distribution area on node orion, enter the following: # setld -l orion: Remote Installation Services now displays a menu that lists all the software subsets available to you and asks you to specify the subsets you want to load. See Section 5.3 to continue the installation. 5-2 Installation Using setld 5.3 Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts This section explains the installation procedure prompts and displays. 5.3.1 Selecting Subsets You must specify which of the PSE subsets you want to load. There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. ________________________ Note ________________________ If you are installing from a RIS distribution area, the number of subsets can vary depending on what products are available in the RIS area and how many subsets they have. ______________________________________________________ For example: The subsets listed below are optional: 1) Digital MPI V1.4 Binary 2) Digital PVM V1.4 Base 3) Digital PVM V1.4 Supplementary Documentation 4) High Performance Fortran Scalar Libraries 5) High Performance Fortran Support 6) PSE System Software (HPF) 7) Parallel Programming Environment (HPF) 8) Parallel Software Environment Manual Pages (HPF) --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): Or you may choose one of the following options: 9) ALL of the above 10) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 11) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Installation Using setld 5-3 Choices (for example, 1 2 4-8): 4-8 To specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space, not a comma. Next, the script lets you verify your choice. For example, if you enter 4-8 in response to the previous prompt, the following is displayed: You are installing the following optional subsets: High Performance Fortran Scalar Libraries High Performance Fortran Support PSE System Software (HPF) Parallel Programming Environment (HPF) Parallel Software Environment Manual Pages (HPF) Is this correct? (y/n): If the displayed subsets are not the ones you intended to choose, enter n. In this case, the subset selection menu again displays and you can correct your choice of optional subsets. If the displayed subsets are the ones you want to load, enter y. 5.3.2 Monitoring Displays During the Subset Loading Process The installation procedure loads and verifies the selected PSE subsets. When you see the "Verifying" message during the subset installation, the installation procedure is checking to see that the files are copied correctly; it is not an Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) message. During the installation, if you get errors from the setld facility, see the Diagnostics section of the setld(8) reference page for an explanation of the errors and the appropriate actions to take. Digital recommends running an IVP (Installation Verification Procedure) after installation. For instructions on running the IVP, refer to the appropriate section(s): o HPF: Section 2.4.1 o PVM: Section 3.2.2 5-4 Installation Using setld o MPI: Section 4.1.4 In Example 5-1, all the PSE subsets are loaded from CD- ROM. Example 5-1 PSE Subsets Loaded from CD-ROM Media Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation,1995,1996. All Rights Reserved. Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: High Performance Fortran Support (PSEHPF140) Starting installation at Fri Mar 1 17:41:49 EST 1996. High Performance Fortran Support Copying from . (disk) Verifying Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation,1995,1996. All Rights Reserved. Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: Parallel Programming Environment (PSEPPE140) Starting installation at Fri Mar 1 17:42:20 EST 1996. Parallel Programming Environment Copying from . (disk) Working....Fri Mar 1 17:42:35 EST 1996 Verifying Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation,1995,1996. All Rights Reserved. Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: Parallel Software Environment Manual Pages (PSEMAN140) Starting installation at Fri Mar 1 17:43:16 EST 1996. There are no installation questions for this subset. Parallel Software Environment Manual Pages Copying from . (disk) Verifying Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1995, 1996. All Rights Reserved. Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: PSE System Software (PSEWSF140) (continued on next page) Installation Using setld 5-5 Example 5-1 (Cont.) PSE Subsets Loaded from CD-ROM Media Starting installation at Fri Mar 1 17:43:47 EST 1996. PSE System Software Copying from . (disk) Verifying Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1995, 1996. All Rights Reserved. Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Starting configuration (INSTALL) at Fri Mar 1 17:45:00 EST 1996. Completing configuration (INSTALL) at Fri Mar 1 17:45:00 EST 1996. Creating softlinks for PSEHPF140 ...done. Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: High Performance Fortran Support (PSEHPF140) Installation completed at Fri Mar 1 17:45:03 EST 1996. Configuring "High Performance Fortran Support" (PSEHPF140) Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1995, 1996. All Rights Reserved. Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: High Performance Fortran Support (PSEHPF140) Starting configuration (INSTALL) at Fri Mar 1 17:45:04 EST 1996. There are no installation questions for this subset. Completing configuration (INSTALL) at Fri Mar 1 17:45:04 EST 1996. Creating softlinks for PSEPPE140 ...done. Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: Parallel Programming Environment (PSEPPE140) Installation completed at Fri Mar 1 17:45:13 EST 1996. Configuring "Parallel Programming Environment" (PSEPPE140) Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1995, 1996. All Rights Reserved. Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: Parallel Programming Environment (PSEPPE140) Starting configuration (INSTALL) at Fri Mar 1 17:45:13 EST 1996. There are no installation questions for this subset. Completing configuration (INSTALL) at Fri Mar 1 17:45:13 EST 1996. Creating softlinks for PSEMAN140 ...done. (continued on next page) 5-6 Installation Using setld Example 5-1 (Cont.) PSE Subsets Loaded from CD-ROM Media Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: Parallel Software Environment Manual Pages (PSEMAN140) Installation completed at Fri Mar 1 17:45:21 EST 1996. Configuring "Parallel Software Environment Manual Pages" (PSEMAN140) Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1995, 1996. All Rights Reserved. Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: Parallel Software Environment Manual Pages (PSEMAN140) Starting configuration (INSTALL) at Fri Mar 1 17:45:21 EST 1996. Completing configuration (INSTALL) at Fri Mar 1 17:45:21 EST 1996. Creating softlinks for PSEWSF140 ...done. Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: PSE System Software (PSEWSF140) Installation completed at Fri Mar 1 17:45:38 EST 1996. Configuring "PSE System Software" (PSEWSF140) Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1995, 1996. All Rights Reserved. Parallel Software Environment for Digital UNIX V1.4-0 Subset: PSE System Software (PSEWSF140) Starting configuration (INSTALL) at Fri Mar 1 17:45:39 EST 1996. There are no installation questions for this subset. Using the existing port number (57039) for basic farm `psefarm' Updating /etc/rc.config ... Updating /etc/inetd.conf ... Verifying farm `psefarm'... Local farm daemon for farm `psefarm' is active. Completing configuration (INSTALL) at Fri Mar 1 17:45:52 EST 1996. 5.3.3 Updating the Search Paths and PSE cluster Database (HPF only) Once the installation procedure is complete, enter the following command at the C shell (csh) prompt: # rehash The rehash command updates the search paths. Installation Using setld 5-7 If you have (or wish to create) an optional PSE cluster database in order to customize your cluster, follow these two steps: o Use psedbedit to add the new PSE cluster member to the existing database (or to define a new database). o Run the following command to configure the PSE cluster daemon: # pseconfig add farmname For More Information: o On using psedbedit to define the PSE cluster database, see Section 2.6. o On using psedbedit to add a node to the database, see the Index of the DIGITAL High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual. 5.4 Failures During Product Installation If errors occur during the installation, the system displays failure messages. For example, if the installation fails due to insufficient disk space, the following message appears: There is not enough space for subset xxxxxx xxxxxx will not be loaded. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o Operating system version is incorrect o Prerequisite software version is incorrect o Disk space is insufficient o System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient For descriptions of error messages generated by these conditions, see the DIGITAL UNIX documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and DIGITAL UNIX software installation. 5-8 Installation Using setld For More Information: o On system software requirements for HPF, see Section o On system software requirements for DIGITAL PVM, see Section o On system software requirements for DIGITAL MPI, see Section Installation Using setld 5-9 6 _________________________________________________________________ Installation Using pse-remote-install This chapter explains how to use pse-remote-install to propagate the DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment (PSE) kit to multiple PSE cluster members. Before proceeding, you should be familiar to the concept of local software subset installation and management using setld. Refer to the setld(8) reference page and the manual DIGITAL UNIX (DEC OSF/1) installation guide for more information. 6.1 Installing Using pse-remote-install The PSE software kit must be installed on each node in your PSE cluster. You can install the kit using setld on each individual members, as described in Chapter 2, but this can be an extensive task if you have a large number of cluster members. Even for a PSE cluster of moderate size, it is usually easier to propagate the software remotely, rather than using setld on each individual PSE cluster member. PSE provides a pse-remote-install utility to simplify the task of propagating the kit to multiple hosts. Similar to the remote installation service (ris) that is provided by DIGITAL UNIX, pse-remote-install enables you to perform remote software installation to multiple hosts. The major difference is that unlike ris where the software installation process is initiated at the target host, pse-remote-install initiates the process at the install server. System managers do not have to login to each target host and run the setld command. pse-remote-install handles most aspects of software installation on multiple hosts: registering and deleting a software license PAK and installation, configuration, inventory, and deleting software subsets. pse-remote-install uses the same software subset mechanisms as used by setld. Installation Using pse-remote-install 6-1 6.2 Preparing for Remote Installation Before running pse-remote-install, you should perform the following tasks, which are explained in this section: o Set the PSE kit location o Copy the software subsets to the default kitpath directory o Create a system file o Create a License Product Authorization Kit (License PAK) file o Establish rsh access the remote host 6.2.1 Setting the PSE kit location In order for pse-remote-install to install, delete, or verify software subsets, a directory path name (kitpath) must be defined where the software subsets are located. By default, pse-remote-install expects this directory pathname to be /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install/ALPHA. You can change this default by specifying the -k path name option. There are two methods for populating the kitpath directory with software subsets: o Directly using the CD-ROM containing the software subsets - Mount the CD-ROM device (for example /dev/rz4c) to /cdrom using the command mount -r /dev /rz4c /cdrom. You can specify the -k /cdrom/PRODUCT/kit option to pse-remote-install where PRODUCT is any of the layered product subdirectory under the /cdrom directory. For example, the following commands summarizes these steps: % su Password: # mkdir/cdrom # mount -r /dev/rz4c /cdrom # cd /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install # ./pse-remote-install -k /cdrom/pse140/kit . . . 6-2 Installation Using pse-remote-install The benefit of using the CD-ROM directly, is that you do not need to copy the software subsets to any other directory. The disadvantage is that you must have the CD-ROM mounted, and that you have to run pse-remote-install several times for each PRODUCT directory you want to install. o Copying the software subsets to the default kitpath directory - You also have the option of populating the default /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install/ALPHA directory with the software subsets that you want to install, delete, or verify. To do this, you have to copy the software subsets from the CD-ROM to the default kitpath directory. The following commands give an example how to copy software subsets from two products PSE140 and f9a400: % su Password: # mkdir /cdrom # mount -r /dev/rz4c /cdrom # cd /cdrom # /bin/csh # foreach PRODUCT in (pse140 f9a400) > cd/cdrom/$PRODUCT/kit > tar cvpf - . | (cd /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install/ALPHA; tar xpf -) > end The main advantages of populating the default kitpath are performance (the hard disk is faster than the CD- ROM device) and the ability to install several software products from a single pse-remote-install command. Before you install any software subsets other than the ones from the PSE kit, refer to Section 6.5 for some restrictions. Installation Using pse-remote-install 6-3 6.2.2 Creating a System File One of the required options for pse-remote-install is a system file containing a list of host names on which remote installation is to take place. This file must be created within the /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install directory. The system file can have any name, and this filename is specified as a parameter to the pse-remote-install command. The format of the system file is one host name per line. For remote installation of a basic PSE cluster, create a file named psecluster.nodes containing a list of nodes for remote installation. For customized PSE clusters, the PSE cluster database editor, psedbedit, creates a clustername.nodes file in the /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install directory when new cluster members are added to the PSE cluster database. You can use the clustername.nodes file as the system file to install the PSE kit to the hosts listed in the file. Note that the clustername.nodes file is overwritten anytime you use psedbedit to add new PSE cluster members. 6-4 Installation Using pse-remote-install 6.2.3 Creating a License PAK File The pse-remote-install command lets you optionally install or delete software License PAKs when you install or delete software subsets. Typically, a software License PAK for a software product is unique for each system. For pse-remote-install to install this license PAK to the remote hosts, the license PAKs for each host have to be stored in the /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install/pak directory. The license PAK file names have the following conventions: o The file name format is prefix.hostname, where prefix is any name that is unique for a particular software product, and hostname is the host name on which the License PAK is to be installed. To guarantee uniqueness for prefix, DIGITAL recommends using the Product Name entry in the license PAK, for example, PSE-O for the PSE kit. o You must create a License PAK file in the /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install/pak directory for each software product you want to install and for each host where the product is to be installed. You can use the /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install/pak/pak.template as a template to create the License PAK file and fill in the entries within this template with the information from the License PAK you obtained. For example, suppose you want to install the PSE and Fortran kits on host1 and host2: Installation Using pse-remote-install 6-5 % su Password: # cd /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install/pak # cp pak.template PSE-O.host1 # cp pak.template PSE-O.host2 # cp pak.template FORTRAN90-O.host1 # cp pak.template FORTRAN90-O.host2 # vi PSE-O.host1 (filling the entries with the information from the) PSE-O license PAK you obtained for host1) # vi PSE-O.host2 (filling the entries with the information from the) PSE-O license PAK you obtained for host2) # vi FORTRAN90-O.host1 (filling the entries with the information from the) FORTRAN90-O license PAK you obtained for host1) # vi FORTRAN90-O.host2 (filling the entries with the information from the) FORTRAN90-O license PAK you obtained for host2) 6.2.4 Establishing rsh Access to the Remote Host In order for pse-remote-install to perform its tasks on the target hosts, the target hosts must allow the install server (where pse-remote-install is run) to run remote shell (rsh) to the target hosts as root. This is done by adding the install server's host name to the /.rhosts file on each target host. The /.rhosts file must be edited locally on each target host. 6.3 Running pse-remote-install The pse-remote-install utility is located in the /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install directory, after the PSEWSF140 subset has been installed locally. You must set your current directory to be this directory before running pse-remote-install, and since most root's PATH environment variable do not have the current directory (.), you might have to specify ./pse-remote-install as the command. The following sections describe the command line options and parameters of pse-remote-install and how to run pse-remote-install. 6-6 Installation Using pse-remote-install 6.3.1 pse-remote-install Command Line Options The command line syntax for pse-remote-install is as follows: # pse-remote-install [-h] # pse-remote-install [-k kitpath] [-m message] -l systems_file subset . . . # pse-remote-install [-k kitpath] [-m message] -c systems_file subset . . . [-k kitpath] -d systems_file subset . . . [-k kitpath] -v systems_file subset . . . -i systems_file subset . . . Table 6-1 describes the command options. Table_6-1_pse-remote-install_Options_______________________ Arguments__________Description_____________________________ -k kitpath Specifies the path to the kit. By default, the facility looks in the directory /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install/ALPHA. If you copy the kit into that directory, you do not have to specify the kitpath. -m message Specifies a configuration message to the subset control program. The PSE System Software subset control program uses this message to specify the PSE cluster domain to configure. systems_file Specifies the name of the file that contains the cluster member machine names on which to install the software. subset Specifies the name of the subset to install. You can use a wildcard representation of a subset (such as PSE\*0) to specify multiple subsets. You must use the escape sequence (\) to prevent the shell from expanding the wildcard character. (continued on next page) Installation Using pse-remote-install 6-7 Table_6-1_(Cont.)_pse-remote-install_Options_______________ Arguments__________Description_____________________________ -c systems_file Configure the specified subsets at the subset hosts listed in the systems_file. -d systems_file Delete the specified subsets to the subset hosts listed in the systems_file. -h Prints the pse-remote-install usage. -i systems_file List the installation status of subsets subset on the hosts listed in the systems_file. -l systems_file Install the specified subsets to the subset hosts listed in the systems_file. -v systems_file Run the installation verification subset procedure for the subsets at the hosts ___________________listed_in_the_systems_file._____________ ________________________ Note ________________________ The PSE Database editor creates the systems_file and updates it every time the PSE cluster member list is changed. If you are installing PSE for the first time, all the member names you identified in the PSE Database editor session are placed in this file. If you add a new member to the cluster at a later date, a new file is created that contains only the new member's machine name. The new file overwrites the old file. ______________________________________________________ The -m message option is used to pass message as an argument to the subset control program's configuration stage. Typical software subsets configuration stage only takes INSTALL and DELETE as arguments. Some subsets (such as PSEWSF140) can take a clustername as an argument to its configuration stage. The subset argument is a list of software subset names that are to be loaded. You can specify multiple subset names if they are separated by a space character. You can also use the shell file expansion characters to specify a list of subsets. When used in conjunction with the -l, -d, -c, and -v option, the expansion is evaluated according to the 6-8 Installation Using pse-remote-install contents of the kitpath directory. With the -i option, the expansion is evaluated in the target host's subset database directory (/usr/.smdb.). Ensure the expansion characters are prefixed with the shell backslash (\) character so that the expansion characters are not expanded by the shell. For example, you can specify all of the PSE kit subsets by using the notation PSE\*140. 6.4 pse-remote-install Operations The pse-remote-install utility is located in the /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install directory after the PSE System Software subset (PSEWSF140) is installed. Before you can use pse-remote-install, you should first perform the preparation tasks explained in Section 6.2. The main options of pse-remote-install, load, delete, configure, verify, and inventory (-l, -d, -c, -v, and -i) are similar to the options of setld, except that pse-remote-install performs the options on the target hosts that are listed in the system file. Additionally, pse-remote-install gives an option during its install and delete options to install or delete software license PAKs from the target hosts. After running pse-remote-install, you can view its output log in the /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install/pse-remote-install.log file. If there were any errors from the target hosts, the error log is saved in the pse-remote-install.err file in the same directory. These two files are overwritten anytime pse-remote-install is run. pse-remote-install also prompts you where you want the output or error log be mailed. By default it mails the error log to the root account. 6.4.1 Loading Software Subsets The command to load software subsets is as follows: # cd /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install # ./pse-remote-install [-k kitpath] [-m message] -l system_file subset . . . Installation Using pse-remote-install 6-9 The optional -k kitpath option specifies the directory where the software subsets is located. By default, it uses the /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install/ALPHA directory. Typically, you do not use the -m message option, except when one of the software subsets is the PSE system software (PSEWSF140) subset. In this case, specifying -m clustername tells the PSEWSF140 subset control program to configure cluster clustername on the target hosts. Specifying the -m option to other subsets is ignored by the corresponding subset control programs. The -l option loads the specified software subsets to the target hosts listed in the system file. This load operation is equivalent to performing the local setld -l location subset . . . on each target host. Prior to loading the software subsets, pse-remote-install -l prompts whether you want to install any license PAK on the target hosts. If so, you should have populated the pak directory as explained in Section 6.2.3. You should also specify the pak directory name and the PAK file prefixes in the next two prompts. For example, the following command loads the PSE subsets to host1 and host2: # cd /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install # cat > mycluster.nodes host1 host2 ^D # ./pse-remote-install -k /cdrom/pse140/kit -m mycluster -l mycluster.nodes \ PSE\*140. Note that the -m mycluster option is used by the PSEWSF140 subset to configure cluster mycluster on host1 and host2. The pse-remote-install utility manages a list of target hosts on which it has loaded a software subset. The list is in the /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install/installed_base directory. Within this directory are files whose name is a software subset name. The list of target hosts are kept within these files. Of particular importance is the PSEWSF140 file. The PSE cluster database editor, psedbedit, 6-10 Installation Using pse-remote-install search this file in determining whether a new PSE cluster member has previously had the PSEWSF140 subset installed. 6.4.2 Deleting Software Subsets The command to delete software subsets is as follows: # cd /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install # ./pse-remote-install [-k kitpath] -d system_file subset . . . The kitpath directory must be populated previously with the software subsets listed in the pse-remote-install argument. The -d option deletes the specified software subsets from the target hosts listed in the system file. This delete operation is equivalent to performing the local setld -d subset . . . on each target host. Prior to deleting the software subset, pse-remote-install -d prompts whether you would like to delete any software license PAKs from the target hosts. If so, you should specify the pak directory and the PAK file prefixes that are to be deleted. See Section 6.2.3 for more explanation. For example, the following command deletes the PSE subsets from host1 and host2: # cd /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install # cat > mycluster.nodes host1 host2 ^D # ./pse-remote-install -k /cdrom/pse140/kit -d mycluster.nodes PSE\*140. 6.4.3 Configuring Software Subsets The command to configure software subsets is as follows: # cd /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install # ./pse-remote-install [-k kitpath] [-m message] -c system_file subset . . . The kitpath directory must be previously populated with the software subsets listed in the pse-remote-install argument. Installation Using pse-remote-install 6-11 The -c option configures the specified software subsets on the target hosts listed in the system_file. The configure operation is equivalent to performing the local setld -c subset message on each target host. Note that the -l option automatically performs the equivalence of the setld -c subset INSTALL command on each target host after the subset is loaded and if the - m message is specified, the equivalence of the setld -c subset message command subsequently. For example, the following commands are equivalent to running setld -c PSEWSF140 mycluster on host1 and host2: # cd /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install # cat > mycluster.nodes host1 host2 ^D # ./pse-remote-install -k /cdrom/pse140/kit -m mycluster -c mycluster.nodes \ PSEWSF140 6.4.4 Verifying Software Subsets The command to verify software subsets is as follows: # cd /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install # ./pse-remote-install [-k kitpath] -v system_file subset . . . The kitpath directory must be populated previously with the software subsets listed in the pse-remote-install argument. The -v option verifies the installation of the specified software subsets on the target hosts listed in the system file. The verify operation runs the Installation Verification Program (IVP) of the software subsets, which is equivalent to running the local setld -v subset command on each target host. 6-12 Installation Using pse-remote-install 6.4.5 Listing Software Subset Inventory The command to list the software subset inventory is as follows: # cd /var/adm/PSE/pse-remote-install # ./pse-remote-install -i system_file subset . . . The -i option lists the installation status of the specified software subsets on the target hosts listed in the system file. The inventory operation is similar to performing the local setld -i | grep subset command on each target host. Unlike setld, the inventory operation does not have the option to list the files for a specific subsets. When the subset argument of the -i option is specified using expansion characters, the expansion is evaluated at the target host's /usr/.smdb directory. This is different than the -l, -d, -c and -v option where the expansion is evaluated within the kitpath directory. The list of subsets installed per target host is saved in the pse-remote-install.log file and also mailed to the account you specified when pse-remote-install prompts you for where the log file should be sent. 6.5 pse-remote-install Limitations The constraints and limitations of pse-remote-install include the following: o Only one pse-remote-install command can be run at any one time. o Some software subsets require other subsets to have been installed before they are installable. pse-remote-install does not check this dependency and does not reorder the subset arguments to follow this dependency. Therefore, installation of a software subset can fail if another subset that it is dependent on is specified later in the argument list. For example, the PSEWSF140 subset depends on the PSEHPF140 subset. If you specified Installation Using pse-remote-install 6-13 # pse-remote-install -l system file PSEWSF140 PSEHPF140 the PSEWSF140 installation fails because the PSEHPF140 subset is installed after the PSEWSF140 subset. On software subset deletion, pse-remote-install does not check whether the subset to be deleted is a dependency for other installed subset. When you use expansion characters in specifying a list of subsets, the list is ordered alphabetically according to the contents of the kitpath directory. This ordering might not be the correct dependency ordering. To check for software subset dependency, it is recommended that you install the subsets locally using setld on one host. Observe the order in which setld installs the subsets and specify the subsets using the same ordering in the pse-remote-install argument. o Interrupting an in-progress pse-remote-install session may leave the software installation state on the target hosts inconsistent. It is recommended that you delete any subsets that have been installed during the interrupted session. o The pse-remote-install utility can operate on any software subsets other than those from the PSE kit, so long as the subset control program of the respective subsets does not prompt any user input from a terminal. For example, software subsets that prompts for configuration options during the configuration stage are not installable using pse-remote-install. The same limitation applies for the -d, -c, and -v options. In future releases, this limitation might be removed. o The list of target hosts per software subset in the installed_base directory is accurate as long as you install and delete software subsets on the target host using pse-remote-install. If you manually install or delete software subsets using setld, this list can become inconsistent. The pse-remote-install -i system_file subset . . . command updates the list when it becomes inconsistent. Except for the installed_base/PSEWSF140 file that is used by psedbedit, the list of target hosts is not used by any other utilities. The list is maintained only for your record keeping. 6-14 Installation Using pse-remote-install _________________________________________________________________ Index C______________________________ H______________________________ CD-ROM High Performance Fortran installation media, 2-2, Support subset, 2-6 3-2, 4-2 specifying, 5-3 mount point, 5-1 using to load software, 5-1 I Cover letter, 2-3, 3-2, 4-2 _______________________________ Customized PSE clusters Installation Verification preinstallation requirements, Procedures, 2-16, 3-9, 4-8 2-9 IP subnets extending a PSE cluster D______________________________ across multiple, 2-2, DIGITAL Fortran 2-8 Installation, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1 IVP DIGITAL MPI Support subset, See Installation Verification 4-5 Procedures DIGITAL PVM Support subset, 3-5 L______________________________ DIGITAL UNIX operating system License Management Facility, software requirements, 2-5, 2-11 3-4, 4-4 License Product Authorization Disk space Key, 2-11 checking, 2-7, 3-6, 4-6 creating, 6-5 requirements LMF HPF, 2-6 See License Management MPI, 4-5 PVM, 3-5 Facility Login privileges during installation, 2-5, 3-4, 4-4 Index-1 PSE environment set-up M______________________________ system managers' advice to MPI clusters users on, 2-20 preinstallation requirements, PSE kit 4-6 setting location of, 6-2 Multiple network segments PSE Manual Pages subset, 2-6 extending a PSE cluster pse-remote-install across, 2-2, 2-8 running, 6-6 PSE System Software subset, N 2-6 _______________________________ specifying, 5-3 Network segments PVM clusters extending a PSE cluster preinstallation requirements, across multiple, 2-2, 3-6 2-8 PVM Manual Pages subset, 3-5 O______________________________ R______________________________ Online documentation, 2-4, rehash command, 5-7 3-3, 4-3 Release notes, 2-3, 3-3, 4-3 Operating system Remote installation software requirements, 2-5, preparing for, 6-2 3-4, 4-4 Remote Installation Services loading software, 5-2 P______________________________ RIS PAK See Remote Installation See License Product Services Authorization Key Root privileges Parallel Programming during installation, 2-5, Environment subset, 2-6 3-4, 4-4 specifying, 5-3 rsh access Preinstallation requirements establishing, 6-6 for customized clusters, 2-9 S HPF, 2-8 _______________________________ MPI, 4-6 Segments PVM, 3-6 network PSE cluster extending a PSE cluster extending across multiple across multiple, 2-2, network segments, 2-2, 2-8 2-8 PSE clusters setld command, 5-1, 5-2 preinstallation requirements, Software installation 2-8 checking disk space, 2-7, for customized clusters, 3-6, 4-6 2-9 checking the kit, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2 Index-2 Software installation (cont'd) PSE System Software subset, cover letter, 2-3, 3-2, 4-2 2-6 disk space requirements, 2-6 PVM Manual Pages subset, 3-5 MPI, 4-5 release notes, 2-3, 3-3, 4-3 PVM, 3-5 requirements, 2-4, 3-4, 4-4 error messages, 5-1, 5-4 running the IVPs, 2-16, 3-9, High Performance Fortran 4-8 Support subset, 2-6 software requirements, 2-5, installation displays, 5-4 3-4, 4-4 loading from CD-ROM, 5-1 specifying subsets, 5-3 loading from RIS, 5-2 subsets, 2-6, 3-5, 4-5 login privileges, 2-5, 3-4, time, 2-4, 3-4, 4-4 4-4 using rehash command, 5-7 Message Passing Interface using setld, 5-1, 5-2 Support subset, 4-5 Software license operating system requirements registering, 2-11 , 2-5, 3-4, 4-4 Subsets Parallel Programming specifying during Environment subset, 2-6 installation, 5-3 Parallel Virtual Machine Superuser privileges Support subset, 3-5 during installation, 2-5, PSE Manual Pages subset, 2-6 3-4, 4-4 Index-3