ACMSxp_for_OpenVMS_Alpha____________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-QRFXB-TE January 1997 This document provides information about installing ACMSxp software on an OpenVMS Alpha system. Revision/Update Information: This is a revised manual. Operating System and Version: OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 and 7.1 Software Version: ACMSxp Version 3.0 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ January 1997 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ACMS, ACMS Desktop, ACMSxp, DEC, DECthreads, Digital, VAX DOCUMENT, VT, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: Gradient is a registered trademark of Gradient Technologies, Inc. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Micro Focus and Animator are registered trademarks of Micro Focus Limited. Micro Focus COBOL, Micro Focus COBOL Toolbox, Micro Focus COBOL/2, VS COBOL, and LEVEL II COBOL/ET are trademarks of Micro Focus Limited. Microsoft, Microsoft Access, MS, MS-DOS, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Windows, and Windows 95 are registered trademarks, and Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Oracle Rdb is a registered trademark of the Oracle Corporation. OSF is registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. PC-DCE is a trademark of Gradient Technologies. X/Open is a trademark of X/Open Company Limited. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... vii 1 Preparing to Install ACMSxp Software 1.1 Installing Product Authorization Keys (PAKs)........................................ 1-1 1.2 Privileges and Quotas Required for Installing ACMSxp Software and Running the IVP........... 1-2 1.3 Required Layered Software..................... 1-3 1.4 System Parameters Required for Installation... 1-3 1.5 Disk Space Requirements....................... 1-5 1.6 Required Order for Installing Software........ 1-6 1.7 Required Operating System Components.......... 1-6 1.8 Required Operating System Patches............. 1-6 1.9 Optional Layered Software..................... 1-7 1.10 DCE Procedures for the IVP.................... 1-7 2 Installing ACMSxp Software 2.1 Backing Up Your System Disk................... 2-1 2.2 Installing ACMSxp with VMSINSTAL.............. 2-1 2.3 Running the ACMSxp Installation Verification Procedure (IVP)............................... 2-6 2.4 Error Recovery................................ 2-8 iii 3 After Installing ACMSxp Software 3.1 Installing the ACMSxp Management GUI Option... 3-1 3.1.1 Prerequisite Software..................... 3-1 3.1.2 System Requirements....................... 3-2 3.1.3 Procedures to Install the ACMSxp Management GUI............................ 3-2 3.2 Creating and Modifying User Accounts.......... 3-3 3.2.1 Setting Privileges for User Accounts...... 3-3 3.2.2 Setting Minimum Process Quotas for User Accounts.................................. 3-4 3.3 System Tuning................................. 3-7 3.3.1 System Parameters for Running ACMSxp Software.................................. 3-7 3.3.2 System Parameter for ACMSxp Queuing....... 3-8 3.3.3 System Parameter for DECnet-Plus Software.................................. 3-9 3.3.4 Checking and Modifying System Parameters for ACMSxp Software....................... 3-9 3.3.5 Setting UCX Parameters for DCE Software... 3-11 3.3.6 Maintaining DECnet Configuration Values... 3-12 Guidelines for Calculating Links........ 3-12 3.3.7 Maintaining DECnet-Plus Configuration Values.................................... 3-13 3.4 Configuring DECdtm-Journal File and Logical Name.......................................... 3-15 3.4.1 Logical Name.............................. 3-15 3.4.2 Journal File.............................. 3-16 3.5 Modifying Node Startup Procedures............. 3-16 3.6 VMScluster Considerations..................... 3-17 3.6.1 Setting Up a Systemwide Default ACMSxp Version................................... 3-18 4 Deinstalling ACMSxp Software 4.1 Deinstallation Requirements................... 4-1 4.2 Actions Performed During Deinstallation....... 4-2 4.3 Rerunning an Incomplete Deinstallation........ 4-4 4.4 Questions Asked During Deinstallation......... 4-5 iv A Sample ACMSxp Installation B ACMSxp-Supplied Files B.1 Examples Directory............................ B-1 B.2 Executable Directory.......................... B-7 B.3 Help Directory................................ B-8 B.4 Library Directory............................. B-8 B.5 Manager Directory............................. B-10 B.6 Messages Directory............................ B-10 B.7 Test Directory................................ B-11 Index Examples 3-1 Examining NSP Attributes.................. 3-14 Tables 1-1 Privileges Required to Install ACMSxp Software and Run the IVP.................. 1-2 1-2 Process Quotas Required to Install ACMSxp Software and Run the IVP.................. 1-2 1-3 Required Layered Software................. 1-3 1-4 System Parameters Required for Installation.............................. 1-4 1-5 ACMSxp Software Disk Space Requirements... 1-5 1-6 Required Operating System Components...... 1-6 1-7 Required Operating System Patches......... 1-7 1-8 Optional Layered Software................. 1-7 3-1 Prerequisite Software Version Numbers..... 3-2 3-2 Minimum Process Quotas for ACMSxp Commands.................................. 3-4 3-3 System Parameter Values for Running ACMSxp Software.................................. 3-7 3-4 DECnet Phase IV Parameters................ 3-12 v _________________________________________________________________ Preface This manual presents information about installing ACMSxp software on the OpenVMS Alpha platform and deinstalling earlier versions of ACMSxp software. Intended Audience Read this manual if you are responsible for installing, maintaining, or deinstalling software for ACMSxp applications. To perform the installation and deinstallation procedures described in this manual, you must have access to a privileged OpenVMS system manager's account, and be familiar with the OpenVMS installation procedure, VMSINSTAL. Operating System Information Information about the versions of the OpenVMS operating system and other software compatible with this version of ACMSxp software is included in this manual. For information on the relationship of other software products with this version of ACMSxp, refer to the Software Product Description (SPD). Use the SPD to verify which versions of your operating system are compatible with this version of ACMSxp. vii Structure This manual has the following components, as shown in the following table: ___________________________________________________________ Component___Description____________________________________ Chapter 1 Describes preparations and requirements necessary for installing ACMSxp software, including dependent software. Chapter 2 Describes the installation of ACMSxp software. Chapter 3 Describes actions that may be necessary for the successful running of ACMSxp and dependent software after you install the ACMSxp software. Chapter 4 Describes the deinstallation of ACMSxp software. Appendix A Shows a sample installation. Appendix_B__Lists_the_files_from_the_ACMSxp_savesets.______ Conventions This document uses the following conventions: _________________________________________________________________ Convention____Description________________________________________ Ctrl/x Ctrl/x indicates that you hold down the Ctrl key while you press another key (indicated here by x). { } In format descriptions, braces indicate required elements. You must choose one of the elements. [ ] In format descriptions, brackets indicate optional elements. You can choose none, one, or all of the options. (Brackets are not optional, however, in the syntax of a directory name in an OpenVMS file specification.) ( ) In format descriptions, parentheses delimit the parameter or argument list. viii _________________________________________________________________ Convention____Description________________________________________ . . . In format descriptions, horizontal ellipsis points indicate an item that is repeated, an omission such as additional optional arguments, or additional parameters, values, or other information that you can enter. . Vertical ellipsis points indicate the omission of . information from an example or command format. The . information is omitted because it is not important to the topic being discussed. italic type Italic type in text emphasizes important information, indicates variables, and indicates complete titles of manuals. boldface Boldface type in examples indicates user input or type highlights important information. Boldface type in text highlights new terms defined in the text and the glossary. UPPERCASE Words in uppercase indicate a command, a parameter, a routine, the name of a file, the name of a file protection code, or an abbreviation for a system privilege. lowercase In format descriptions, words in lowercase indicate ______________parameters_or_arguments_that_you_specify.__________ ix 1 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install ACMSxp Software This chapter describes: o Preparations and requirements necessary for installing ACMSxp software o Dependencies among ACMSxp, the OpenVMS operating system, and layered products DIGITAL strongly recommends that you read the release notes for important installation information that might have been omitted from this manual, and then proceed with the installation. 1.1 Installing Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) Before you install and run ACMSxp on a newly licensed node or cluster, you must first register a License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) using the License Management Facility (LMF). To execute ACMSxp software, install the ACMS-DEV or ACMS-RT License PAK on each node or cluster on which ACMSxp software executes. PAKs are mailed online or in hardcopy (paper) format. To install each License PAK, do one of the following: o Execute the following command procedure: SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM Answer each prompt according to the information included in the hard copy of the License PAK. o At the DCL prompt, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to License PAK information. Preparing to Install ACMSxp Software 1-1 1.2 Privileges and Quotas Required for Installing ACMSxp Software and Running the IVP Table 1-1 lists the privileges required to install ACMSxp software and run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). Table 1-1 Privileges Required to Install ACMSxp Software __________and_Run_the_IVP__________________________________ Privilege___InstallationIVP________________________________ GRPNAM X GRPPRV X NETMBX X PRMGBL X SHARE X SYSNAM X SYSPRV X X TMPMBX X WORLD_______X___________X__________________________________ Table 1-2 lists the process quotas required to install ACMSxp software and run the IVP. Table 1-2 Process Quotas Required to Install ACMSxp __________Software_and_Run_the_IVP_________________________ Installation Quota_______Value_______IVP_Value__________________________ ASTLM 24 BIOLM 18 BYTLM 32 768 101 000 DIOLM 18 ENQLM 200 FILLM 100 (continued on next page) 1-2 Preparing to Install ACMSxp Software Table 1-2 (Cont.) Process Quotas Required to Install ACMSxp __________________Software_and_Run_the_IVP_________________ Installation Quota_______Value_______IVP_Value__________________________ PGFLQUOTA 75 000 PRCLM________________________10____________________________ See Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 and for the privileges and quotas required to run ACMSxp software. 1.3 Required Layered Software Table 1-3 lists the dependent layered products that must be installed before installing ACMSxp. Table_1-3_Required_Layered_Software________________________ Software_Product_Title__________Version____________________ DCE 1.3B ECO 1 DEC TCP/IP Services for 4.1 ECO-2 OpenVMS RMS Journaling License DEC_C___________________________5.0________________________ In some cases, the layered product must be started before the ACMSxp installation or ACMSxp startup. 1.4 System Parameters Required for Installation Table 1-4 lists the system parameters required to install ACMSxp software. Preparing to Install ACMSxp Software 1-3 Table_1-4_System_Parameters_Required_for_Installation______ System Parameter________Value_____________________________________ Contiguous free 0 + size in blocks of GBLPAGES SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES.EXE Free 1 GBLSECTIONS________________________________________________ These values represent the number of contiguous free global pages and global sections required for the installation, not the total number you need to run your system and other software. To install and run ACMSxp software, you must have sufficient contiguous free global pages and free global sections. You must first find out how many free global pages and sections you have on your system. If you need to increase the GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS system parameters, use AUTOGEN. You can use the WRITE command with the F$GETSYI lexical function to find the number of contiguous free global pages and free global sections. The following example shows how to get this information at your terminal (the default for SYS$OUTPUT): $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("CONTIG_GBLPAGES") 15848 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 24 $ If the value of contiguous free global pages or free global sections is less than the required value, increase the system parameter setting. If you do not have enough free global pages or free global sections to install ACMSxp software, you can do either of the following: o Delete an existing known image by using the OpenVMS INSTALL Utility. o Use the AUTOGEN command procedure to increase the GBLPAGES or GBLSECTIONS system parameters. 1-4 Preparing to Install ACMSxp Software AUTOGEN automatically adjusts values for parameters that are associated with the values you reset manually. To change system parameters with AUTOGEN, edit SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT See Section 3.3.1 for information about the system parameter requirements for running ACMSxp software, and for information about changing the value of system parameters. If you choose to run the Installation Verification Procedure at the time of the ACMSxp installation, the CHANNELCNT parameter must be set to 2047, as described in that section. 1.5 Disk Space Requirements Table 1-5 lists the minimum disk space requirements. Table_1-5_ACMSxp_Software_Disk_Space_Requirements________________ Peak Usage_________________(BlocksNet_________________________________ ACMSxp Saveset 30 20 000 + size of On system disk 000 SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE On another disk System disk 23 425 + size of 150 SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE Target disk 25 24 000 000 For IVP at +20 +100 installation__________000________________________________________ To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE . . . $ Preparing to Install ACMSxp Software 1-5 This command displays the number of free blocks on the system disk to which the systemwide logical name SYS$SYSDEVICE points. To determine the number of free disk blocks on another disk, enter at the DCL prompt a command in the following format: SHOW DEVICE disk This command displays the number of free blocks on the disk specified. 1.6 Required Order for Installing Software To ensure problem-free installation of software on your system, install OpenVMS and layered software in the following order: 1. DEC C (required) 2. DIGITAL TCP/IP Services (UCX) (required) 3. DECnet or DECnet-Plus (required) 4. Rdb (optional)-install before DECnet-Plus 5. DECdce (required) The order of installation for the remaining software products is not important for ACMSxp operation. 1.7 Required Operating System Components Table 1-6 lists the operating system components required by ACMSxp. Table_1-6_Required_Operating_System_Components_____________ Component:____________Including:___________________________ OpenVMS Alpha DECdtm Version_6.2________________________________________________ 1.8 Required Operating System Patches Table 1-7 lists the operating system patches required by ACMSxp software. 1-6 Preparing to Install ACMSxp Software Table_1-7_Required_Operating_System_Patches________________ Patch:________________Comment:_____________________________ ALPBOOT03_062 ALPCMAR03_062 ALPRMS01_062 ALPSYS01_070_______________________________________________ 1.9 Optional Layered Software Table 1-8 lists the optional dependent software products that can be used with ACMSxp. Table_1-8_Optional_Layered_Software________________________ Software Product Name_____________Version_____Notes_________________________ COBOL 2.3 DECnet-Plus 6.3-ECO04 DECset Facilitates application development. Oracle_Rdb_______6.1_______________________________________ These products can be installed and used independently of ACMSxp installation and operation. 1.10 DCE Procedures for the IVP The following DCE setup is required to run the IVP: o Server principal acmsxp_svr o Server key file in the following directory: DCE$SPECIFIC:[KRB5] o User principal(s) in the DCE group users Preparing to Install ACMSxp Software 1-7 Follow these steps: 1. Log in to DCE as cell_admin. $ dce_login cell_admin Enter Password: $ The command logs you in to DCE and gives you the proper credentials to execute the security operations. ________________________ Note ________________________ All DCE commands are case sensitive. ______________________________________________________ 2. Create a group called users under which the IVP runs. $ rgy_edit Current site is: registry server at /.../avertz_cell rgy_edit=> domain group Domain changed to: group rgy_edit=> add users -f "IVP access" rgy_edit=> The add subcommand creates the users group. 3. Provide namespace directory creation access for group users. In the commands shown, replace the cell name avertz_cell with the name of your cell. $ acl_edit /.../avertz_cell -m group:users:rwdtcia $ acl_edit /.../avertz_cell -ic -m group:users:rwdtcia $ acl_edit /.../avertz_cell -io -m group:users:rwdtcia $ cdscp show cell /.: SHOW CELL /.../avertz_cell AT 1996-4-28-16:27:01 Namespace Uuid = e484c407-d0b8-11cd-835b-08002b187bb3 Clearinghouse Uuid = e2a64d26-d0b8-11cd-835b-08002b187bb3 Clearinghouse Name = /.../avertz_cell/avertz_ch Replica Type = Master Tower = ncacn_ip_tcp:[] Tower = ncadg_ip_udp:[] $ acl_edit /.../avertz_cell/avertz_ch -m group:users:rwdtc $ 1-8 Preparing to Install ACMSxp Software The first command modifies the parent directory ACL in the cell namespace with a group entry of users, allowing all permissions to any principal that is a member of the group. The second and third commands modify the initial container creation ACL and initial object creation ACL similarly to the first command so that any subdirectories and objects subsequently created have the appropriate permissions. The fourth command displays the name of the clearinghouse to be used in the fifth command. The fifth command modifies the clearinghouse directory in the cell with a group entry of users, allowing the permission w to any principal that is a member of that group. Any principal belonging to the group can specify a namespace directory during TPsystem creation. For example, this access allows a member principal to create the ACMSxp default namespace directory in the cell avertz_cell. 4. Create the DCE server principal and account for the IVP. rgy_edit=> domain principal Domain changed to: principal rgy_edit=> add acmsxp_svr -f "IVP TPsystem default server principal" rgy_edit=> domain account Domain changed to: account rgy_edit=> add acmsxp_svr -g users -o none -mp Celladmin_Passwd -pw SvrPasword rgy_edit=> The add subcommand creates the acmsxp_svr server principal in the namespace and adds an account for the server principal. The string Celladmin_Passwd on the -mp option is the cell_admin account password. The string SvrPasword on the -pw option is the acmsxp_svr account password. Use this same password when you create the server key in the local directory. 5. Create the server key in the local directory. For example: rgy_edit=> ktadd -p acmsxp_svr -f dce$local:[krb5]acmsxp_svr -pw SvrPasword rgy_edit=> ktlist -p acmsxp_svr -f dce$local:[krb5]acmsxp_svr /.../avertz_cell/acmsxp_svr 1 rgy_edit=> Preparing to Install ACMSxp Software 1-9 The ktadd subcommand with the -p option gives the name of the server principal acmsxp_svr and with the -f option specifies the key file for the TPsystem server principal. Specify the same name for the key file and the name of the server principal. The string SvrPasword on the -pw option is the acmsxp_ svr account password. The utility verifies the password and creates the server key for the principal in the named key file. Supply the same password here that you supplied when you created the DCE account for the server principal. This ensures that the key in the DCE registry is the same as the key in the local file. 6. Create DCE user principals and accounts for IVP users. Do one of the following to provide DCE security for an IVP user or all users on the system: o Establish a single DCE user principal and account for the IVP. Use the rgy_edit utility to create the principal and the account in the group users. A. Set the domain to principal and use the add subcommand to create the principal. For example: rgy_edit=> domain principal Domain changed to: principal rgy_edit=> add userivp -f "IVP user" rgy_edit=> The add subcommand creates the principal userivp. B. Set the domain to account and use the rgy_edit add subcommand to create a DCE user account. (The name userivp is used in this example. Use any valid DCE name you choose.) For example: rgy_edit=> domain account Domain changed to: account rgy_edit=> add userivp -g users -o none -mp Celladmin_Passwd -pw 2knighttwoknight rgy_edit=> The add subcommand creates an account for the user principal userivp and places the principal in the DCE group users. The string Celladmin_Passwd on the -mp option is the cell_admin account password. The string 2knighttwoknight on the -pw option 1-10 Preparing to Install ACMSxp Software is the userivp account password. (Do not use the password shown in the example. You will not have a secure account if you use a published password.) Use your specified password when logging in to DCE under the account userivp before you install ACMSxp software or run the IVP separately. o Use an established DCE user principal for the IVP. Use the rgy_edit utility member subcommand to add a currently existing user principal to the group users. A. Set the domain to group. For example: rgy_edit=> domain group Domain changed to: group rgy_edit=> B. Use the member subcommand in the following format to add user principals to the group users: member users -a principal-name[,...] The member subcommand with the -a option adds the specified user principals to the group users. C. Use the view subcommand to list the members of the group users. For example: rgy_edit=> view users -m users 2 members user1, user2 rgy_edit=> The view subcommand with the -m option displays the members of the group users. o Create DCE user principals and accounts for all user accounts on your system. Use DCE$IMPORT and place the user principals in the group named users that you created. Consult the DCE documentation for guidelines on using DCE$IMPORT. Preparing to Install ACMSxp Software 1-11 7. Terminate DCE access. rgy_edit=> exit bye. $ kdestroy $ The commands erase the cell_admin security credentials from the network. See the DIGITAL DCE for OpenVMS Alpha Release Notes for information on UCX TCP settings and the DIGITAL DCE for OpenVMS Alpha Installation and Configuration Guide for cell configuration information. 1-12 Preparing to Install ACMSxp Software 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing ACMSxp Software This chapter describes the installation of the ACMSxp software from the ACMSxp kit. 2.1 Backing Up Your System Disk At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks whether you have backed up your system disk. DIGITAL recommends that you do a system disk backup before installing any software. Use the backup procedures that have been established at your site to do this backup. For details about performing a system disk backup, see the section on the Backup Utility in the OpenVMS documentation set. 2.2 Installing ACMSxp with VMSINSTAL To start the installation: 1. Log in to the SYSTEM account. 2. Set default to the SYS$UPDATE directory. For example: USERNAME: SYSTEM PASSWORD: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ 3. If you want to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) during the installation, do the following: a. Ensure that the DECdtm software is configured on the system. See Section 3.4. Installing ACMSxp Software 2-1 b. Log in to DCE as the server principal acmsxp_svr. See Section 1.10 for the DCE procedures required for the IVP. For example: $ DCE_LOGIN acmsxp_svr Enter Password: $ DCE software prompts for the password for the account. 4. Invoke VMSINSTAL. Use the following syntax: @VMSINSTAL product-name device-name [ OPTIONS option-1 [, . . . ] ] The VMSINSTAL parameters are: product-name The installation name for the component. For ACMSxp software, use ACMSXP030 as the name. device-name The name of the device on which you plan to mount the medium. For example, MTA0: is the device name for a tape drive. It is not necessary to use the console drive for this installation. However, if you do use the console drive, complete the installation, remove the installation medium, and replace any medium you removed. OPTIONS An optional parameter indicating that one or more VMSINSTAL options are being supplied. This parameter is followed by a space, and the requested options. Separate multiple options with commas (,); do not include spaces in the options list. You can use the following VMSINSTAL options for the ACMSxp installation: A The auto_answer option initially creates a file that contains your answers to VMSINSTAL questions and prompts. You can then use the option (and the answer file) to save time during a reinstallation (typically after upgrading your system). 2-2 Installing ACMSxp Software AWD The alternate working device option allows you to specify an alternate disk device on which to create the temporary working directory used by VMSINSTAL during a product installation. Specify the AWD option using the following format: AWD=device This option allows you to perform an installation with fewer free blocks on the system disk than are otherwise required. G The get saveset option lets you store product savesets temporarily on a magnetic tape or in a disk directory. L The file log option logs all activity to the terminal during installation. N The notes option prints the release notes. R The alternate root option lets you install the product to a system root other than that of the running system. See the OpenVMS documentation on software installation in the OpenVMS System Management Subkit for detailed information on these options. The following command invokes VMSINSTAL and installs ACMSxp software from the MTA0: tape drive: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL ACMSXP030 MTA0: OPTIONS N OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V6.2 It is 09-OCT-1996 at 10:21. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. If you do not supply either the product name or the device name, VMSINSTAL prompts you for this information later in the installation procedure. If you are not logged into the system under the SYSTEM account, VMSINSTAL displays a warning message. The installation procedure continues in the following stages: 1. Displaying existing processes Installing ACMSxp Software 2-3 %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: OSITPCM_SERVER EPC$REGISTRAR DCE$RPCD DCE$LDSD * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Y These are the processes for the software that is required prior to ACMSxp installation. 2. System backup VMSINSTAL asks the following question to ensure that your system disk is properly backed up: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Always back up your system disk before performing an installation. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press Return. Otherwise, answer No to stop the installation. After you back up your system disk, you can restart the installation. 3. Mounting the media VMSINSTAL instructs you to mount the ACMSxp distribution medium on the device you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL. Please mount the first volume of the set on MTA0:. *Are you ready? Y Mount the medium and answer Yes to the question, "Are you ready?". If you entered the wrong device name when you invoked VMSINSTAL and need to restart the installation, answer NO in response to the question. To abort the installation for any other reason, press Ctrl/Y. If you abort the installation, you must delete any subdirectories in the root installation directory and restart the installation procedure. VMSINSTAL then reads the media and begins the installation of ACMSxp. The following message appears: 2-4 Installing ACMSxp Software %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, ACMSXP030 MOUNTED ON _$200$MTA0: The following products will be processed: ACMSXP V3.0 Beginning installation of ACMSXP V3.0 at 10:24 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... . . . 4. Product Authorization Key VMSINSTAL asks whether you have the product authorization key: * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? Answer Yes or No. You can install the product without having registered and loaded the key, but you cannot run the IVP. 5. Specifying a kit location VMSINSTAL asks where to install the ACMSxp software: * Where would you like to install ACMS [SYS$COMMON:[ACMSxpV030]]: Enter the device and directory. For example: DISK1:[ACMS.ACMS_INSTALL_DIR] The directory must either not yet exist, or exist and be empty. If the directory is not empty, the installation procedure prompts you to supply another directory, or you may exit. 6. Running the IVP If you are logged in to DCE, VMSINSTAL asks whether you want to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP): * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES] ? You can run the IVP during the installation, or you can run it separately after installation. For more information about the IVP, see Section 2.3. Installing ACMSxp Software 2-5 If the disk you chose has enough free space to complete the installation but not to run the IVP, you can either stop the installation or complete it without running the IVP. See Table 1-5 for disk space requirements. If you are not logged in to DCE, you see the following message: %ACMSXP-W-IVPDCELGN, You must be logged in to DCE (use dce_login) to run IVP. 7. Specifying the System Default Installation VMSINSTAL asks whether you want this to be the system default installation of ACMSxp: * Do you want this to be the system default installation of ACMSxp? [YES] If you answer No, each user must execute this version's ACMS_SET_VERSION.COM in order to use ACMSxp software. If you answer Yes, this version becomes the system default version. That is, when the system runs the ACMSxp startup procedure, users do not have to run ACMS_SET_VERSION.COM, because this version of ACMSxp is defined systemwide. For information on changing a local version to a system default version, see Section 3.6.1. After you answer the question about the default installation, no more questions are asked. %ACMSXP-I-DONEASK, No more questions will be asked . . . The procedure copies files and prints some instructions for you to follow. The elapsed time should be no more than ten minutes. When a message similar to the following appears, the installation is done: VMSINTSTAL procedure done at 12:07 See Section 2.4 for discussion of errors that might occur. 2.3 Running the ACMSxp Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) The ACMSxp IVP verifies that the ACMSxp product installation is sound by: o Checking that all ACMSxp installation prerequisites are met. 2-6 Installing ACMSxp Software o Compiling and linking STDL servers to ensure that STDL task servers can be compiled and linked (if an ACMSxp developer license is active). o Executing ACMSxp run-time system operations, to ensure that STDL servers can be run. o Performing ACMSxp system management operations using the ACMSxp director software, to ensure that management software can be run. o Checking that ACMSxp request queuing services are functional. Run the ACMSxp IVP automatically from VMSINSTAL during ACMSxp product installation or at any time after an installation of the ACMSxp product. To run the ACMSxp IVP outside of the installation, perform the following steps: 1. Ensure that the DECdtm software is configured on the system. See Section 3.4. 2. Log in to DCE as the server principal acmsxp_svr. See Section 1.10 for the DCE procedures required for the IVP. For example: $ DCE_LOGIN acmsxp_svr Enter Password: $ DCE software prompts for the password for the account. 3. Execute the following commands at the DCL prompt: $ @USER1:[ACMSXPV030.SYSEXE]ACMS_SET_VERSION ACMSxp V3.0 for OpenVMS Alpha Copyright (c) 1993, 1996 by Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Using ACMSxp in USER1:[ACMSXPV030.SYSEXE] $ @ACMS_SYS_DIR:ACMS_RUN_IVP.COM . . . $ Installing ACMSxp Software 2-7 These commands set the ACMSxp version and start the IVP, which displays status messages about operations being performed. More detailed information is stored in log files. To examine the contents of ACMSxp IVP log files, follow these steps: 1. To read about the operations performed during an IVP run, enter at the DCL prompt a command in the following format: TYPE device-name:[ install_root ]ACMS_IVP_RUN.TXT The variable install_root is the directory specification of the location holding the ACMSxp software kit. 2. To examine the IVP log file, enter at the DCL prompt a command in the following format: ACMS LIST LOG [install_root.SYSTEST]IVP_TPSYS_name_ DEFAULT.LOG The binary file IVP_TPSYS_name_DEFAULT.LOG is created by the ACMSxp event logger during the IVP. This file is generated using the local language in effect when the IVP is executed. 2.4 Error Recovery If errors occur during the installation itself or when the IVP is running, VMSINSTAL displays failure messages. If the installation fails, you see the following message: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of ACMSxp V3.0 has failed. If the IVP fails, you see these messages: The ACMSxp IVP aborted on error Use the following commands to obtain more information: $ TYPE/PAGE ACMS_IVP_RUN.TXT $ ACMS LIST LOG [.SYSTEST>]IVP_TPSYS__DEFAULT.LOG %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of ACMSxp V3.0 has failed. If any of the following conditions exist, errors can occur during the installation: o The operating system is incorrect. 2-8 Installing ACMSxp Software o A version of prerequisite software product is incorrect. o Quotas necessary for successful installation were insufficient. o System parameters necessary for successful installation were insufficient. o The OpenVMS help library is currently in use. For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS software installation. Use the online message facility with a search string from the error message. For example: $ HELP/MESSAGES LOWQUOTA LOWQUOTA, the following account quotas may be too low: Facility: VMSINSTAL, Install Procedures Explanation: When VMSINSTAL begins an installation, it makes sure that your process quotas are valid. This check failed. User Action: You are asked if you want to continue the installation. DIGITAL recommends that this situation is corrected before continuing. . . . $ The command tells the software to display all messages containing the specified string. The software displays the name of the facility responsible for the message, an explanation of what the message means, and recommended user actions to follow the recover from the error condition. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, take the appropriate action as described in the message. For information on installation requirements, see Sections 1.2 and 1.4. If the installation fails, you must delete any subdirectories in the root installation directory and restart the installation procedure. Installing ACMSxp Software 2-9 3 _________________________________________________________________ After Installing ACMSxp Software This chapter describes actions to take after installing ACMSxp software but before running the installed ACMSxp software. 3.1 Installing the ACMSxp Management GUI Option With the ACMSxp for OpenVMS Alpha software, you have an option for the ACMSxp Administration Graphic User Interface (GUI) that you can install on a Windows NT Intel platform and use to manage your ACMSxp applications. This software provides ACMSxp system management capabilities for a PC Windows environment. Referred to as the ACMSxp Management GUI, the software provides easy access to the same functionality available through the ACMSxp Command Line Interface (CLI) director. The GUI comes with an extensive Windows Help file. 3.1.1 Prerequisite Software Before you install the GUI option, ensure that you do the following on the Windows NT Intel system: o Configure the Windows NT system to use the TCP/IP protocol. This can be a local configuration. o Establish a local disk, either NTFS or FAT, with long file names. o Install either the DIGITAL DCE for Windows NT Runtime Services kit or the DIGITAL DCE for Windows NT Application Developer's kit. o Establish access to a DCE CDS server and a DCE security server either locally or on your network. After Installing ACMSxp Software 3-1 The versions of the prerequisite software are shown in Table 3-1. Table_3-1_Prerequisite_Software_Version_Numbers____________ Software______________Version_Number_______________________ DECdce 1.1B Windows_NT____________4.0__________________________________ 3.1.2 System Requirements Install the GUI software on Windows NT Intel platforms only. The software requires a minimum screen resolution of 800x600 pixels. The ACMSxp GUI option software requires 20 megabytes of free disk space during the installation. After installation, the GUI software requires 10 megabytes of disk space. 3.1.3 Procedures to Install the ACMSxp Management GUI To install the ACMSxp Management GUI option on the Windows NT Intel system, perform the following steps. 1. On the Windows NT system, create a new disk directory to contain the GUI option set-up software. 2. On the Windows NT system, change directory to the newly created directory. 3. From the OpenVMS system on which you installed the ACMSxp software, copy the self-expanding file containing the GUI option set-up software to the newly created directory. Named gui_kit_intel.exe, this file resides in the directory to which the ACMS_SYS_DIR logical name points. 4. From the newly created directory on the Windows NT system, run the gui_kit_intel.exe file to extract the set-up files. 5. From the newly created directory on the Windows NT system, run the setup.exe program to install the ACMSxp Management GUI. 3-2 After Installing ACMSxp Software The setup.exe program asks you to choose either the companion or the standalone software option. The standalone software option is designed to run on a Windows NT system that does not have ACMSxp software installed. If you do not have ACMSxp base software installed on the Windows NT system, install the GUI standalone software option. Because the standalone software option registers environment variables that are used by other ACMSxp components, do not install this option if you have any version of ACMSxp software installed on the Windows NT system. The companion software option is designed to run on a Windows NT system with ACMSxp for Windows NT software also running. The gui_kit_readme_intel.txt file in the directory to which the ACMS_SYS_DIR logical name points contains more information about the options. 3.2 Creating and Modifying User Accounts To run ACMSxp software, users require: o Minimum process quotas to use ACMSxp commands o Privileges to start a TPsystem, issue management directives, and use ACMSxp commands Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 describe the means to satisfy these requirements. 3.2.1 Setting Privileges for User Accounts To perform the following operations, a user account requires the listed privileges: o Start a TPsystem-the following privileges are needed to run ACMS_START_TPSYSTEM.COM: GRPNAM GRPPRV PRMGBL SHARE SYSNAM SYSPRV WORLD After Installing ACMSxp Software 3-3 o Execute any management directive and ACMS command, including starting STDL servers and the ACMS commands INVOKE PROCEDURE, LIST LOGFILE, and DEBUG SERVER-the following privileges are needed: NETMBX TMPMBX If you need to modify privileges, use the OpenVMS Authorize Utility (described in Section 3.2.2). To add a privilege, enter the MODIFY command at the UAF> prompt, using the following format: MODIFY account-name/PRIVILEGE=([NO]privilege-name [, . . . ]) The command accesses the system account file and the account record specified. Messages displayed tell you whether the modification is made. 3.2.2 Setting Minimum Process Quotas for User Accounts Table 3-2 lists the process quotas required for ACMSxp commands. Table_3-2_Minimum_Process_Quotas_for_ACMSxp_Commands_______ Minimum Quota____________Setting___________________________________ ASTLM 24 BIOLM 18 BYTLM[1] 100 000 CPU (none) DIOLM 22 ENQLM 3 200 FILLM 200 JTQUOTA 4 096 MAXACCTJOBS 0 MAXDETACH 0 [1]BYTLM_must_be_at_least_101_000_to_run_the_IVP.__________ (continued on next page) 3-4 After Installing ACMSxp Software Table 3-2 (Cont.) Minimum Process Quotas for ACMSxp __________________Commands_________________________________ Minimum Quota____________Setting___________________________________ MAXJOBS 0 PBYTLM 0 PGFLQUO 75 000 PRCLM 10 PRIO 4 QUEPRIO 0 SHRFILLM 0 TQELM 100 WSDEF 1 024 WSEXTENT 8 192 WSQUO______________4_096___________________________________ If you compile large task groups (for example, 600 tasks) or large processing groups (for example, 300 procedures) with a page file quota set to the minimum required, you can see the following error from the DEC C compiler: %CC-F-TEXT, Compiler abort - virtual memory limits exceeded. To eliminate the error, increase the paging file quota (Pgflquo) to 300 000. The minimum Bytlm quota for the user process that starts a TPsystem is 100 000. If your application uses large audit records, you may need to set the BYTLM quota to an even larger value. Use the VMS Authorize Utility (AUTHORIZE) to verify and change user account quotas. Follow these steps: 1. Set your default directory to SYS$SYSTEM and run AUTHORIZE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> After Installing ACMSxp Software 3-5 2. At the AUTHORIZE prompt (UAF>), enter the SHOW command with an account name to check a particular account. For example: UAF> SHOW SYSTEM . . . UAF> The command displays the current settings for the SYSTEM account. 3. To change a quota, enter the MODIFY command at the UAF> prompt, using the following format: MODIFY account-name/quota-name=nnnn The following example changes the Bytlm quota for the SYSTEM account to 100 000: UAF> MODIFY SYSTEM/BYTLM=100000 UAF> The command access the SYSTEM account record to make the change. 4. Exit from the Authorize Utility with the EXIT command: UAF> EXIT . . . $ When you exit from the Authorize Utility, the system displays messages that indicate whether changes were made. You must log out and log in again for the changes to take effect. For more information on modifying account quotas, see the description of the Authorize Utility in the OpenVMS System Management Subkit. 3-6 After Installing ACMSxp Software 3.3 System Tuning ACMSxp software requires certain system software resources to run properly. 3.3.1 System Parameters for Running ACMSxp Software The system parameter values shown in Table 3-3 are required to run ACMSxp software. Table 3-3 System Parameter Values for Running ACMSxp __________Software_________________________________________ System Parameter Name__________________Value________________________________ CHANNELCNT 2 047 MIN_BJOBLIM 1 024 MIN_IJOBLIM 1 024 MIN_NJOBLIM 1 024 MIN_PQL_DASTLM 4 096 MIN_PQL_DBIOLM 1 000 MIN_PQL_DBYTLM 500 000 MIN_PQL_DCPULM 0 MIN_PQL_DDIOLM 100 MIN_PQL_DENQLM 10 000 MIN_PQL_DFILLM 200 MIN_PQL_DJTQUOTA 1 024 MIN_PQL_DPGFLQUOTA 200 000 MIN_PQL_DPRCLM 12 MIN_PQL_DTQELM 100 MIN_PQL_MASTLM 4 096 MIN_PQL_MBIOLM 1 000 MIN_PQL_MBYTLM 500 000 MIN_PQL_MCPULM 0 MIN_PQL_MDIOLM 100 (continued on next page) After Installing ACMSxp Software 3-7 Table 3-3 (Cont.) System Parameter Values for Running __________________ACMSxp_Software__________________________ System Parameter Name__________________Value________________________________ MIN_PQL_MENQLM 10 000 MIN_PQL_MFILLM 200 MIN_PQL_MJTQUOTA 0 MIN_PQL_MPGFLQUOTA 200 000 MIN_PQL_MPRCLM 12 MIN_PQL_MTQELM 100 MIN_RJOBLIM_____________1_024______________________________ These are minimum values, meaning that any value equal to or greater than that shown meets the requirements. For example, the number of servers that can be run on a node is dependent on the SYSGEN CHANNELCNT parameter. CHANNELCNT must be set to a minimum value of 2 047. Refer to Section 3.3.4 for guidelines on checking and modifying system parameters. 3.3.2 System Parameter for ACMSxp Queuing If your ACMSxp application uses queuing, determine the requirements for the system parameter PIOPAGES (used for RMS journaling). To determine the minimum value that a queuing feature might require, use the following variables: num_piopages Minimum number of physical I/O pages needed for the ACMSxp queuing server m_threads Maximum number of threads in one of the ACMSxp system servers supplying the queuing service Use the formula in (3-1) for each server supplying a queuing service used in a TPsystem. num_piopages = (18*m_threads)*1.05 (3-1) 3-8 After Installing ACMSxp Software The number of threads m_threads equals value of the maximum thread attribute for ACMS_RECQU_SVR (record queue server) or ACMS_RSEND_SVR (recoverable send server which uses the send queue). The value can be found through ACMSADMIN under the maximun thread attribute. For ACMS_QUEUE_SVR (request queue server), multiply the maximum thread attribute value by 2. For example, if the value for the request queue server displayed through ACMSADMIN is 15, use 30 for m_ threads in the formula shown in (3-1). Refer to Section 3.3.4 for guidelines on checking and modifying system parameters. 3.3.3 System Parameter for DECnet-Plus Software If a TPsystem uses DECnet-Plus software, set the system parameter KSTACKPAGES as follows: KSTACKPAGES = 2 Refer to Section 3.3.4 for guidelines on checking and modifying system parameters. 3.3.4 Checking and Modifying System Parameters for ACMSxp Software If you need to check current values of system parameters for ACMSxp and related product requirements listed in Sections 3.3.1 3.3.2, and 3.3.3, follow the procedures outlined in this section. To check the values of system parameters, enter the following command at the DCL prompt to invoke SYSGEN: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> The command starts the SYSGEN program, which displays its prompt, at which you can enter commands. At the SYSGEN> prompt, enter the SHOW command and the name of the parameter. For example: SYSGEN> SHOW CHANNELCNT . . . SYSGEN> After Installing ACMSxp Software 3-9 The command accesses the current value of the CHANNELCNT parameter in memory and displays its value. After you examine the parameter with the SHOW command, enter the EXIT command at the SYSGEN> prompt. Use the AUTOGEN command procedure to change system parameters. AUTOGEN automatically adjusts values for parameters that are associated with the values you reset manually. To change system parameters with AUTOGEN, edit the following file: SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT Use an editor to access the file. To change a parameter value listed in this file, delete the current value associated with that parameter and enter the new value. To add a new parameter, add a line to the file that includes both the name of the parameter and its value. For example: CHANNELCNT = 2047 You can help tune your system. Specify a minimum value for parameters in the parameters file to let AUTOGEN decide the most efficient value at or above the specified amount. To indicate parameters with minimum values, precede the parameter name with "MIN_" and supply the minimum value. For example: MIN_CHANNELCNT = 2047 To modify incremental parameters such as GBLPAGES and GBLSECTS, precede the parameter name with "ADD_" and supply the incremental value. The following line increases the global page setting by 100: ADD_GBLPAGES = 100 After you make all your changes, exit from the editor. Execute the AUTOGEN procedure to recalculate your system parameters. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT . . . $ 3-10 After Installing ACMSxp Software When you specify REBOOT, AUTOGEN performs an automatic system shutdown and then reboots the system. Any users logged in to the system are immediately disconnected during the shutdown. The automatic reboot puts the new parameter values into effect. The AUTOGEN utility automatically adjusts some of the SYSGEN parameters based on the consumption of resources since the last reboot. If you do not want to take advantage of this automatic adjustment or if your system has been running less than 24 hours, include the NOFEEDBACK qualifier on the AUTOGEN command line. For example: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT NOFEEDBACK . . . $ For more information about using AUTOGEN, see the OpenVMS System Management Subkit. 3.3.5 Setting UCX Parameters for DCE Software DCE software operation on a node requires the following minimum UCX parameter values: ___________________________________________________________ Parameter_____________Value________________________________ Device sockets 600 Large buffers 600 Small_buffers_________2000_________________________________ To correct an inadequate number of UCX device sockets, increase the number of UCX device sockets and small buffers. For example: UCX> SET COMMUNICATION/DEVICE=600 UCX> SET COMMUNICATION/SMALL=(MAXIMUM=2000) UCX> See DCE 1.3 Release Notes for details on setting UCX parameters and DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS System Management for more information on UCX. After Installing ACMSxp Software 3-11 3.3.6 Maintaining DECnet Configuration Values The number of servers that can be run on a DECnet Phase IV node is dependent on the parameters shown in Table 3-4. Table_3-4_DECnet_Phase_IV_Parameters_______________________ Parameter__________________Value___________________________ MAX BROADCAST NONROUTER 1023 MAX DECLARED OBJECTS 1023 MAXIMUM_LINKS_______________240____________________________ The value for MAX BROADCAST NONROUTER is set at the maximum; MAX DECLARED OBJECTS can be a maximum of 16383. DIGITAL recommends that you set the listed parameters to the values shown. If the Max broadcast nonrouters and Maximum Declared Objects parameters are not set as listed in Table 3-4, you possibly see the DECdce error "can't listen socket". Guidelines for Calculating Links DECnet allows a maximum of 960 logical links. This value is reduced to 512 if the alias maximum links is also specified. The default value for maximum links is 32. To determine the maximum number of links that a TPsystem might use, use the following variables: cl_proc Number of client processes l_links Number of logical links p_svrs Number of processing servers p_svrs_proc Number of processing server processes t_svrs Number of task servers If the client processes reside on the same node as the task and processing servers, use the formula in (3-2). l_links = 2(t_svrs*p_svrs*p_svrs_proc)+4(cl_proc*t_svrs) (3-2) 3-12 After Installing ACMSxp Software For example, if a TPSYSTEM has 5 clients, 3 task servers, 3 processing servers, and 4 processes per processing server, all running on the same node, calculate the number of logical links as in (3-3). l_links = 2(3*3*4)+4(5*3) (3-3) The maximum number of logical links that the TPSYSTEM utilizes in this example is 132. If the client processes reside on different nodes than the task and processing servers, calculate two formulas. o For each each node running client processes, use (3-4). l_links = 2(cl_proc*t_svrs) (3-4) o For the node running the task and processing servers, use (3-5). l_links = 2(t_svrs*p_svrs*p_svrs_proc)+2(cl_proc*t_svrs) (3-5) Using the above example, if the clients are all running on one node, that node requires 30 logical links and the node running the task and processing servers requires 102 logical links. 3.3.7 Maintaining DECnet-Plus Configuration Values To run 20 or more ACMSxp users, increase the NSP MAXIMUM TRANSPORT CONNECTIONS parameter. If this parameter is set too low, applications may fail with RPC connection aborted messages appearing in your ACMSxp default event log file as follows: SEVERITY: error rpc MESSAGE TEXT: connection aborted by local host (dce / rpc) tps MESSAGE TEXT: %%TPS-E-INTFTEMPUNAVAIL, RPC interface temporarily unavailable After Installing ACMSxp Software 3-13 Use the NCL utility to observe parameters necessary for NSP communications. Use the NCL SHOW directive to examine the NSP maximum transport connections and maximum receive buffers as shown in Example 3-1. Example 3-1 Examining NSP Attributes $ MCR NCL SHOW NODE 0 NSP TRANSPORT MAX TRAN CONN,MAX RECE BUFF Node 0 NSP at 1996-07-28-17:01:59.553-04:00Iinf Characteristics Maximum Transport Connections = 1000 Maximum Receive Buffers = 8000 $ The values for the indicated attributes must be equal to or greater than those shown. If they are not, check the configuration script file at the following location: SYS$MANAGER:NET$NSP_TRANSPORT_STARTUP.NCL Ensure that similar lines having values equal to or greater than the values shown are in the configuration file. SET NODE 0 NSP MAXIMUM TRANSPORT CONNECTIONS 1000 SET NODE 0 NSP MAXIMUM RECEIVE BUFFER 8000 To increase the NSP maximum transport connections parameter and related parameters, proceed as follows: 1. Edit the following file: SYS$STARTUP:NET$NSP_TRANSPORT_STARTUP.NCL 2. Increase the following parameters for the NSP entity: A. Maximum remote NSAPs B. Maximum transport connections Value must be less than the value for maximum remote NSAPs. C. Maximum window Value must be greater than or equal to the number of maximum receive buffers divided by maximum transport connections. 3-14 After Installing ACMSxp Software D. Maximum receive buffers Value of maximum receive buffers must be eight times the value of the maximum transport connections. The SET commands that set the parameters must precede the line that enables NSP on the node. After editing the startup file, create a backup copy of the file. The system overwrites the file when NET$CONFIGURE.COM is run, so a backup copy should be created. Shut down and restart the network either from the system console or from a LAT connection: 1. Shut down the network by entering: $ @SYS$STARTUP:NET$SHUTDOWN . . . $ 2. Restart the network by entering: $ @SYS$SYSTEM:STARTUP NETWORK . . . $ When the network restarts, the new values are in effect. 3.4 Configuring DECdtm-Journal File and Logical Name To create and start ACMSxp TPsystems and to execute task servers, DECdtm must be running and have a journal file to which it can log transaction information. 3.4.1 Logical Name The logical name SYS$DECDTM_INHIBIT must not be set. Setting this logical name prevents DECdtm from starting. If this logical name is set, deassign it. After Installing ACMSxp Software 3-15 3.4.2 Journal File DECdtm requires a journal file with a name in the following format: SYSTEM$nodename.LM$JOURNAL The node name is the DEC/net Phase IV simple name of the node. The file must reside in the SYS$JOURNAL directory. If this file does not exist, no DECdtm calls are successful. If you have DECdtm-related problems, look for the journal file. If none exists, use the Log Manager Control Program (LMCP) to create one, as follows: 1. Run the program with the MCR command. For example: $ MCR LMCP Log Manager Control Program V1.1 LMCP> 2. Use the CREATE command in the following format: CREATE LOGFILE SYS$JOURNAL:SYSTEM$node_name This creates a journal file with an extension of LM$JOURNAL and a default size of 4000 blocks. A suitable file size depends on the expected transaction load. For example, DIGITAL recommends that a system running ten users, three task servers, and three processing servers start with a journal file of 10 000 blocks: CREATE LOGFILE /SIZE=10000 SYS$JOURNAL:SYSTEM$node_name The command creates the file with the specified size. 3.5 Modifying Node Startup Procedures The installation creates a startup procedure that may be added to the system startup file, SYS$MANAGER:STARTUP_ VMS.COM. For this kit, the startup procedure is: SYS$STARTUP:ACMSXPV030$STARTUP.COM This procedure runs the ACMS_SET_VERSION.COM procedure from the SYSEXE subdirectory where the product is installed. 3-16 After Installing ACMSxp Software 3.6 VMScluster Considerations If you want to run ACMSxp software on multiple nodes of a VMScluster network, first check to see that you have the appropriate software licenses. After you install ACMSxp software, perform the following steps: 1. Issue the LICENSE LOAD command, as described in the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual, to activate the appropriate licenses on each node in the VMScluster on which ACMSxp software is to be executed. 2. Execute the ACMSXPV030$STARTUP.COM procedure on each node of the VMScluster on which ACMSxp software is to be executed. See Section 3.5. 3. If logged-in users want to use the ACMS and STDL commands, they must log out and log in again or use the DCL SET command: $ SET COMMAND/TABLES=SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES $ The command runs the Command Definition utility to add the ACMSxp commands from the specified command definition table. This step is required. The ACMSxp installation procedure modifies the DCL command table so that the ACMSxp and STDL commands are recognized and processed. However, the previous command table is still in effect for those users who are currently logged in. 4. Execute the following command on all other VMScluster members: $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES $ The command associates the latest version of the DCL tables image with the current known installed image. When these procedures are complete, ACMSxp software is installed clusterwide. After Installing ACMSxp Software 3-17 3.6.1 Setting Up a Systemwide Default ACMSxp Version To change a local default version of ACMSxp software (in which each user must run ACMS_SET_VERSION.COM to use) to a systemwide default version (in which all users at login have the same ACMSxp version available), you must: 1. In the ACMSxp startup procedure (located in SYS$STARTUP:) remove the comment from the line that passes the SYSTEM parameter to ACMS_SET_VERSION.COM. 2. Place the comment on the other line invoking ACMS_SET_ VERSION.COM. 3. In all other versions of ACMSxp software that you have installed, comment out the line that passes the SYSTEM parameter to ACMS_SET_VERSION.COM and uncomment the other invocation of ACMS_SET_VERSION.COM. Only one ACMSxp version is the system default version. 3-18 After Installing ACMSxp Software 4 _________________________________________________________________ Deinstalling ACMSxp Software This chapter describes the deinstallation of the ACMSxp software using the ACMS_DEINSTALL.COM command procedure. This process frees up resources for other uses. 4.1 Deinstallation Requirements The ACMS_DEINSTALL.COM procedure requires the following privileges: o CMKRNL-Allows the command procedure to replace the following file and remove known images: SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES.EXE o SYSNAM-Allows the command procedure to deassign logical names in the system name table o SYSPRV or BYPASS-Allows the command procedure to copy DCLTABLES.EXE to SYS$SHARE Deinstalling either a nondefault or system default installation requires the same privileges. The procedure attempts to acquire all the above privileges. Any privileges acquired by the procedure are released before it completes. To deinstall ACMSxp, use the ACMS_DEINSTALL.COM procedure found in the [.SYSEXE] product subdirectory. Invoke ACMS_DEINSTALL.COM either directly by using its OpenVMS directory specification or by using the ACMS_SYS_DIR logical name (if defined). For example: $ @ACMS_SYS_DIR:ACMS_DEINSTALL . . . $ Deinstalling ACMSxp Software 4-1 You must use the OpenVMS directory specification to locate the procedure on a system in which a partial deinstallation was done and ACMSxp logical names are now undefined, or to delete an installation for which the ACMSxp startup procedure has not been run. The deinstallation procedure deletes both system default and nondefault installations and can be invoked before or after ACMS_SET_VERSION.COM has been run. If ACMSxp logical names are defined, those exclusive to ACMSxp are removed and those modified to include ACMSxp-related information have that information removed. All files associated with the installation are then removed from the system, including the deletion procedure itself. If the procedure is unable to delete one or more files, it does not delete itself so that the system manager can correct the problem and rerun the procedure. ACMS_DEINSTALL can delete partially deleted installation trees. Before making any changes, ACMS_DEINSTALL verifies that no TPsystems are present that were created by the installation. Because the procedure uses relative directory specifications, it must remain in the [.SYSEXE] product subdirectory. 4.2 Actions Performed During Deinstallation The deinstallation command procedure does the following: o Checks for stopped and running TP systems The deinstallation procedure checks the ACMS_ TPSYSTEMS.DAT file to see whether TPsystems related to this installation are present, and possibly running. If TPsystems are present, the deinstallation procedure notifies the user that the TPsystems must be stopped (if necessary) and deleted before the deinstallation can continue. The procedure then exits. o Modifies logical names If the logical name ACMS_SYS_DIR is defined and points to the location of the ACMS_DEINSTALL.COM being run, the deinstallation modifies logical names associated with this installation. ACMSxp logical names are defined by the startup procedure associated with each installation. Logical names defined for use exclusively by ACMSxp 4-2 Deinstalling ACMSxp Software (ACMS_SYS_DIR and ACMS_EXAMPLES_DIR, for example) are undefined by the deinstallation procedure and those that are modified by the startup (NLSPATH, for example) have the information specific to this installation removed. The deinstallation procedure then either redefines the logical name or, if the logical name is empty after the information has been removed, deassigns the logical name. The only way to guarantee that all logical names are correctly set is to log out of the process in which ACMS_SET_VERSION.COM and ACMS_DEINSTALL.COM were run. The procedure searches logical name tables in standard order, so that if you delete a system default version of ACMSxp for which you have also run ACMS_SET_VERSION yourself, ACMS_DEINSTALL considers this to be a local installation and does not modify the logical names in the system table. o Deletes other shared files and images After modifying the logical names, the deinstallation procedure asks whether you want to delete those items shared by any other versions of ACMSxp installed on the system: - Verb deletion from the command table You can remove the ACMSxp-related verbs from the following file: SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES.EXE. - On-line Help You can delete the ACMSxp online help. Note that all installations of ACMSxp on a system share the same online help. The help describes the latest version of the product. o Deletes files created during kit installation You must install ACMSxp into an empty directory. However, after the installation completes, users can place any files they wish into the product directory tree. ACMS_DEINSTALL.COM deletes only the files and directories that were either installed or created during the installation. An exception is the [.SYSTEST] product subdirectory in which the IVP runs. The deinstallation Deinstalling ACMSxp Software 4-3 procedure deletes all files in [.SYSTEST] and the [.TEMP] and [.WORK] subdirectories under [.SYSTEST], if present. ACMS_DEINSTALL.COM also deletes the most recent version of the startup procedure for the kit from the SYS$STARTUP directory. If another copy of the ACMSxp kit with the same version number has been installed on the system and the startup procedure has been purged, the deinstallation procedure deletes the only copy of the ACMSxp startup procedure. See Section 4.4 for the questions related to these deletions made. 4.3 Rerunning an Incomplete Deinstallation If the deinstallation procedure cannot delete a file, it does not delete itself and can be rerun to delete the remaining files. Make any necessary changes to allow deletion, then rerun the deinstallation procedure. ACMS_ DEINSTALL.COM can be run against a product directory tree in which not all files have been deleted. If ACMS_DEINSTALL.COM cannot delete a file, open or read an existing ACMS_TPSYSTEMS.DAT file, obtain the necessary privileges, or, if you enter a Control Y during deinstallation, the procedure exits with a status of 2. In all other cases, the return status is 1. Each time the procedure runs, it attempts to delete from SYS$STARTUP the most recent version of the startup procedure for this version of ACMSxp. Because the first attempt at running the deinstallation procedure undefines the ACMSxp logical names associated with the kit being deinstalled, you cannot specify the logical name ACMS_SYS_ DIR when invoking the procedure for any subsequent runs. Instead, use the VMS directory specification to point to the procedure. The deinstallation procedure then notifies you that ACMS_SET_VERSION has not been run and asks whether you wish to continue the deinstallation. Answer Yes (see Section 4.4). 4-4 Deinstalling ACMSxp Software 4.4 Questions Asked During Deinstallation The deinstallation procedure can ask several questions. Each question requires a Yes or No answer: ACMS_SET_VERSION has not been run. Continue? If the logical name ACMS_SYS_DIR is not defined, the procedure concludes that ACMS_SET_VERSION has not been run and asks if deinstallation should continue. If you continue, any ACMSxp logical names that are currently defined are not modified. Deleting the type ACMSxp in product-directory Continue? The value type is one of the following: o System default-for an installation that has been set up as the default for the system o Local-for an installation to which a user points by running ACMS_SET_VERSION.COM. The value product-directory is the top-level directory into which this version of ACMSxp was installed. Delete ACMS and STDL command verbs? The command verbs ACMS and STDL reside in SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES.EXE. This question is asked whether or not the verbs have already been deleted. These verb definitions are shared by all installed versions of ACMSxp. Answer No if other ACMSxp kits are installed. Delete all ACMSxp on-line help? There is only one set of online help text for all instances of ACMSxp on a system. If other kits are installed, do not delete online help. This question is asked only if the deinstallation procedure determines that ACMSxp online help is present. Deinstalling ACMSxp Software 4-5 A _________________________________________________________________ Sample ACMSxp Installation The following sample listing shows a complete installation of ACMSxp software. $ @sys$update:vmsinstal ACMSXP030 DISK1$:[CD15_ALPHA.KIT] OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Installation Procedure V6.2 It is 9-OCT-1996 at 10:23. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: UCX$PORTM DCE$RPCD DCE$SECD DCE$SEC_CLIENTD DCE$CDSADV DCE$CDSCLERK DCE$CDSD DCE$NSID EPC$REGISTRAR * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? y * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? y The following products will be processed: ACMSXP V3.0 Beginning installation of ACMSXP V3.0 at 10:23 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Sample ACMSxp Installation A-1 Product: ACMSXP-DEV, ACMSXP-RT Producer: DEC Version: 0.0 Release Date: (NONE) * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? y The installation directory is where the files and images for this release are kept. This directory and its contents may be placed in a disk and directory of your choice. The directory should be on a disk that is always mounted and accessible to all users of ACMSXP V3.0. You must pick a directory that can be used exclusively by ACMSXP V3.0; the directory must be empty or not yet exist. * Where would you like to install ACMSxp [SYS$COMMON:[ACMSxpV030]]: build1$:[ttt] * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? n * Do you want this to be the system default installation of ACMSxp [YES]? n %ACMSXP-I-DONEASK, No more questions will be asked . . . After installation, the IVP can be run with @ACMS_SYS_DIR:ACMS_RUN_IVP %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... Please add the following line to SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM @SYS$STARTUP:ACMSXPV030$STARTUP.COM *************************************************************** * If this installation is performed on a cluster, for each * * cluster node on which you want to run ACMSxp, you must: * * Load an ACMSxp license * * Run the ACMSxp startup procedure * * $ INSTALL REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES * *************************************************************** %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... ACMSxp V3.0 for OpenVMS Alpha Copyright (c) 1993, 1996 by Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Using ACMSxp in $200$DUA6:[TTT] ================================================================================ ACMSxp V3.0 for OpenVMS Alpha Installation Verification Procedure beginning at 9-OCT-1996 10:43:58 ================================================================================ A-2 Sample ACMSxp Installation Setting up logicals... ACMSxp V3.0 for OpenVMS Alpha Copyright (c) 1993, 1996 by Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Setting logicals succeeded. Checking current process quotas... Current process quota check succeeded. Cleaning namespace directory... IVP namespace directory cleaning succeeded. Cleaning work directory... IVP work directory cleaning succeeded. Checking disk space... Disk space check succeeded. Creating ACMSADMIN symbols file... ACMSADMIN symbols file creation succeeded. Creating IVP TP system... IVP TP system creation succeeded. Building IVP server images... IVP server Images build succeeded. Starting IVP TP system... IVP TP system start succeeded. Creating IVP servers... IVP server creation succeeded. Starting IVP servers... IVP server start succeeded. Checking IVP server running status... Invoking ACMS Client... Stopping IVP servers... IVP servers stopping succeeded. Deleting IVP servers... IVP servers deletion succeeded. Stopping IVP TP system... IVP TPsystem stopping succeeded. Deleting IVP TP system... IVP TP system deletion succeeded. Sample ACMSxp Installation A-3 Cleaning namespace directory... IVP namespace directory cleaning succeeded. Cleaning IVP work directory... IVP work directory cleaning succeeded. ================================================================================ ACMSxp V3.0 for OpenVMS Alpha IVP completed successfully at 9-OCT-1996 11:02:24 ================================================================================ Use the following commands to obtain further information: $ type/page $200$DUA6:[TTT.SYSTEST]ACMS_IVP_RUN.TXT $ ACMS LIST LOG $200$DUA6:[TTT.SYSTEST]ivp_tpsys_mcderm_DEFAULT.LOG Doing post-IVP cleanup... Installation of ACMSXP V3.0 completed at 11:02 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]ACMSXP030.VMI_DATA VMSINSTAL procedure done at 11:02 $ When the installation procedure is done, consult the ACMSxp Developing and Managing Applications for procedures to set up ACMSxp security and configure the ACMSxp system and your STDL applications. A-4 Sample ACMSxp Installation B _________________________________________________________________ ACMSxp-Supplied Files This appendix lists the files that are created in subdirectories of the ACMSxp root directory you supply during the ACMSxp installation. Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030] EXAMPLES.DIR SYSEXE.DIR SYSHLP.DIR SYSLIB.DIR SYSMGR.DIR SYSMSG.DIR SYSTEST.DIR Total of 7 files. B.1 Examples Directory Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.EXAMPLES] AVERTZ_VM.DIR AVERTZ_VR.DIR EMPLOYEE.DIR STD.DIR;1 STD_TPC.DIR;1 Total of 5 files. Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ_VM] ACMSxp-Supplied Files B-1 CONTROL_WKSP.STDL;1 EDIT.COM;1 LINK_OPTIONS.OPT;1 LIST_CONTROL_WKSP.STDL;1 RO_CONTEXT.SQL;1 RW_CONTEXT.SQL;1 VEHICLES_ARRAY_WKSP.STDL;1 VEHICLES_WKSP.STDL;1 VM_ADD_TASK.STDL;1 VM_BUILD_SERVERS.COM;1 VM_CREATE_APPL_DB.COM;1 VM_CREATE_SERVERS.COM;1 VM_CREATE_TPSYSTEM.COM;1 VM_DELETE_SERVERS.COM;1 VM_DELETE_TPSYSTEM.COM;1 VM_DELETE_WORK_DIR_FILES.COM;1 VM_DESCRIP.MMS;1 VM_DISPLAY_TASK.STDL;1 VM_FORM.IFDL;1 VM_GET_LIST_PROC.SCO;1 VM_GET_VEHICLE_PROC.SCO;1 VM_INDEXES.SQL;1 VM_INVOKE_TASK.COM;1 VM_LIST_TASK.STDL;1 VM_LOAD_VEHICLES.SCO;1 VM_MENU_FORM.IFDL;1 VM_MENU_TASK.STDL;1 VM_MENU_WKSP.STDL;1 VM_MODIFY_TASK.STDL;1 VM_MSG_GROUP.STDL;1 VM_PROC_GROUP.STDL;1 VM_RO_PROC_GROUP.STDL;1 VM_RUN_DEMO.COM;1 VM_RUN_DEMO.TXT;1 VM_SCHEMA.SQL;1 VM_SETUP_LOGICALS.COM;1 VM_START_SERVERS.COM;1 VM_START_TPSYSTEM.COM;1 VM_STOP_SERVERS.COM;1 VM_STOP_TPSYSTEM.COM;1 B-2 ACMSxp-Supplied Files VM_STORE_VEHICLE_PROC.SCO;1 VM_TASK_GROUP.STDL;1 VM_UPDATE_VEHICLE_PROC.SCO;1 VM_VEHICLES.DAT;1 VM_WAIT.COM;1 Total of 45 files. Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.EXAMPLES.AVERTZ_VR] CUSTOMERS_WKSP.STDL;1 CU_ARRAY_WKSP.STDL;1 DESTINATION_WKSP.STDL;1 EDIT.COM;1 HIST_RW_CONTEXT.SQL;1 HIST_WKSP.STDL;1 LINK_OPTIONS.OPT;1 RENTAL_CLASSES_WKSP.STDL;1 RENT_RO_CONTEXT.SQL;1 RENT_RW_CONTEXT.SQL;1 RESERVATIONS_WKSP.STDL;1 RS_ARRAY_WKSP.STDL;1 SITES_WKSP.STDL;1 SI_ARRAY_WKSP.STDL;1 VEHICLES_WKSP.STDL;1 VEHICLE_RENTAL_HISTORY_WKSP.STDL;1 VE_RO_CONTEXT.SQL;1 VE_RW_CONTEXT.SQL;1 VR_CANCEL_RS_PROC.SCO;1 VR_CHECKIN_TASK.STDL;1 VR_CHECKOUT_TASK.STDL;1 VR_CHECK_VE_AVAIL_PROC.SCO;1 VR_CHECK_VE_AVAIL_TASK.STDL;1 VR_COMPLETE_CHECKIN_PROC.SCO;1 VR_COMPLETE_CHECKOUT_PROC.SCO;1 VR_COMPUTE_BILL_PROC.COB;1 VR_CONTROL_WKSP.STDL;1 VR_COUNT_RS_PROC.SCO;1 VR_COUNT_RS_TASK.STDL;1 VR_CUSTOMERS.DAT;1 ACMSxp-Supplied Files B-3 VR_DESCRIP.MMS;1 VR_DO_CKOUT_OR_CNCL_TASK.STDL;1 VR_FIND_CU_PROC.SCO;1 VR_FIND_CU_TASK.STDL;1 VR_FIND_RS_CU_TASK.STDL;1 VR_FIND_RS_TASK.STDL;1 VR_FIND_SI_PROC.SCO;1 VR_FIND_SI_TASK.STDL;1 VR_FIND_VE_PROC.SCO;1 VR_FIND_VE_TASK.STDL;1 VR_FORM.IFDL;1 VR_GETRESV_TASK.STDL;1 VR_GET_RESV_CU_PROC.SCO;1 VR_GET_RESV_PROC.SCO;1 VR_GET_VE_DATA_PROC.SCO;1 VR_GET_VE_DATA_TASK.STDL;1 VR_GET_VE_HIST_PROC.SCO;1 VR_GET_VE_HIST_TASK.STDL;1 VR_HISTORY_DB.COM;1 VR_HIST_PROC_GRP.STDL;1 VR_LOAD_CUSTOMERS.SCO;1 VR_LOAD_RENTAL_CLASSES.SCO;1 VR_LOAD_SITES.SCO;1 VR_LOAD_VEHICLES.SCO;1 VR_MENU_FORM.IFDL;1 VR_MENU_TASK.STDL;1 VR_MENU_WKSP.STDL;1 VR_MOD_VE_AVAIL_PROC.SCO;1 VR_MOD_VE_AVAIL_TASK.STDL;1 VR_MSG_GRP.STDL;1 VR_RENTALS_DB.COM;1 VR_RENTALS_INDEX.COM;1 VR_RENTAL_CLASSES.DAT;1 VR_RENT_TASK_GRP.STDL;1 VR_RESERVE_TASK.STDL;1 VR_RESV_TASK_GRP.STDL;1 VR_RS_RO_PROC_GRP.STDL;1 VR_RS_RW_PROC_GRP.STDL;1 VR_RUN_DEMO.COM;1 VR_SITES.DAT;1 B-4 ACMSxp-Supplied Files VR_STORE_CU_PROC.SCO;1 VR_STORE_CU_TASK.STDL;1 VR_UPDATE_RS_TASK.STDL;1 VR_VEHICLES.DAT;1 VR_VEHICLES_DB.COM;1 VR_VEHICLES_INDEX.COM;1 VR_VE_RO_PROC_GRP.STDL;1 VR_VE_RW_PROC_GRP.STDL;1 VR_VE_TASK_GRP.STDL;1 VR_WRITE_HIST_RECORD_PROC.SCO;1 VR_WRITE_RS_PROC.SCO;1 VR_WRITE_RS_TASK.STDL;1 Total of 82 files. Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.EXAMPLES.EMPLOYEE] CLIENT.DIR;1 SERVER.DIR;1 Total of 2 files. Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.EXAMPLES.EMPLOYEE.CLIENT] EMPL_UWC.C;1 EMPL_UWC.H;1 EMPL_UWC.MMS;1 Total of 3 files. Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.EXAMPLES.EMPLOYEE.SERVER] CREATE_SERVERS_EMPLOYEE.COM;1 EMPLOYEE_DB_PROC_RDB.SC;1 EMPLOYEE_INFO_TASK.STDL;1 EMPLOYEE_PROC_GRP.STDL;1 EMPLOYEE_SETUP.COM;1 EMPLOYEE_SVR.MMS;1 EMPLOYEE_TASK_GRP.STDL;1 EMPLOYEE_WKSP.STDL;1 EMPL_CTL_WKSP.STDL;1 EMPL_MSG_GRP.STDL;1 EMPL_ORG_WKSP.STDL;1 OPTIONS.OPT;1 RDB_DB_SETUP_EMPLOYEE.SQL;1 Total of 13 files. Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.EXAMPLES.STD] ACMSxp-Supplied Files B-5 CREATE_ORACLE_DB.COM;1 CREATE_ORACLE_DB.SQL;1 EMPLOYEE.H;1 LINK_OPTIONS.OPT;1 PROFILE.H;1 READ_ME_VMS.TXT;1 STD.MMS;1 STD10.COM;1 STD14.COM;1 STD15.COM;1 STD16.COM;1 STD18.COM;1 STD19.COM;1 STD20.COM;1 STD3.COM;1 STD3A_UWC_UWP.C;1 STD4.COM;1 STD5.COM;1 STD6.COM;1 STD6A.COM;1 STD6_UWC_UWP.C;1 STD7.COM;1 STD8.COM;1 STD9.COM;1 STD_COBOL.COB;1 STD_CWP.STDL;1 STD_FORMS.IFDL;1 STD_MT_UWC.C;1 STD_PROC_COB.STDL;1 STD_PROC_DEC_COB.STDL;1 STD_PROC_SVR_A.STDL;1 STD_PROC_SVR_B.STDL;1 STD_READ_SQL.SCO;1 STD_SETUP.COM;1 STD_SQL.SC;1 STD_TASK_GROUPS.STDL;1 STD_TASK_GROUPS_A.STDL;1 STD_TASK_GROUPS_B.STDL;1 STD_TASK_SVR.STDL;1 STD_TASK_SVR_A.STDL;1 STD_TASK_SVR_B.STDL;1 STD_UWC.C;1 STD_UWP.C;1 B-6 ACMSxp-Supplied Files STD_WAIT.COM;1 STD_WKSP_DEF.COB;1 STD_WKSP_DEF.STDL;1 STD_WRITE_SQL.SCO;1 UWC_LINK_OPTIONS.OPT;1 Total of 48 files. Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.EXAMPLES.STD_TPC] STD_CLEAN_UP.COM;1 STD_SETUP_TPC.COM;1 STD_SHUTDOWN.COM;1 STD_STARTUP.COM;1 Total of 4 files. B.2 Executable Directory Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.SYSEXE] ACMS$SERVER_STARTUP.COM;1 ACMS$SERVER_STARTUP.DBG;1 ACMS.EXE;1 ACMSADMIN.EXE;1 ACMS_CREATE_TPSYSTEM.COM;1 ACMS_DEINSTALL.COM;1 ACMS_DELETE_TPSYSTEM.COM;1 ACMS_EVENT_SVR.EXE;1 ACMS_EVENT_SVR.IDF;1 ACMS_IDENTS.COM;1 ACMS_PRINT_MSGS.COM;1 ACMS_PRODUCT_BANNER.TXT;1 ACMS_PRODUCT_VERSION.TXT;1 ACMS_QUEUE_SVR.EXE;1 ACMS_QUEUE_SVR.IDF;1 ACMS_RECQU_SVR.EXE;1 ACMS_RECQU_SVR.IDF;1 ACMS_RSEND_SVR.EXE;1 ACMS_RSEND_SVR.IDF;1 ACMSxp-Supplied Files B-7 ACMS_RUN_IVP.COM;1 ACMS_SEND_ERRORS_1_0.IDF;1 ACMS_SETUP_CDB.EXE;1 ACMS_SETUP_TPSYSTEM.EXE;1 ACMS_SET_VERSION.COM;1 ACMS_START_TPSYSTEM.COM;1 ACMS_VERIFY_PRINCIPAL.EXE;1 CATMSG.EXE;1 GUI_KIT_INTEL.EXE GUI_KIT_INTEL_README.TXT STDL.EXE;1 TPS_SMI_LITERAL.CAT;1 TPS_SVR_ACMSDEBUG.EXE;1 Total of 32 files. B.3 Help Directory Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.SYSHLP] ACMSADMIN_HELP.HLB;1 ACMSXP_ERROR_MESSAGES.TXT;1 STDL-HELP.HLP;1 Total of 3 files. B.4 Library Directory Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.SYSLIB] ECLASS.COB;1 ECLASS.H;1 EINFO.COB;2 EINFO.COB;1 EINFO.H;1 B-8 ACMSxp-Supplied Files FORMSDEF.H;1 FORMS_DEF.H;1 MC_DCL.CLD;1 STDLDEFS.H;1 STDL_MIA$SHAREV030.EXE;1 STDL_SRTL$SHAREV030.EXE;1 STDL_SYSTEM_WKSP.STDL;1 STDL_SYSTEM_WKSP_X.STDL;1 STDL_XOPEN$SHAREV030.EXE;1 TPS$CLIENT.OLB;2 TPS$SHAREV030.EXE;1 TPS.H;1 TPS_CDB.H;1 TPS_CFE.H;1 TPS_COMMON.H;1 TPS_COMMON_IDL.H;1 TPS_COMMON_IDL.IDL;1 TPS_COS.H;1 TPS_EVT.H;1 TPS_FIL.H;1 TPS_LST.H;1 TPS_MSG.H;1 TPS_PS.H;1 TPS_PS_DECFORMS.H;1 TPS_PS_IDL.H;1 TPS_PTHREAD.H;1 TPS_PTHREAD_EXC.H;1 TPS_QUE.H;1 TPS_REC.H;1 TPS_REC_AGENT.H;1 TPS_RPC.H;1 TPS_RPC_APINFO_IDL.H;1 TPS_RPC_APINFO_IDL.IDL;1 TPS_RPC_CONTEXT.H;1 TPS_RPC_CONTEXT.IDL;1 TPS_RQS.H;1 TPS_RQS_INVOKE.H;1 TPS_RQS_TYPES.H;1 ACMSxp-Supplied Files B-9 TPS_SEC.H;1 TPS_SHM.H;1 TPS_SI.H;1 TPS_SI_I18N.H;1 TPS_SM.H;1 TPS_SMA.H;1 TPS_SRTL.H;1 TPS_STDL.H;1 TPS_STDL.IDL;1 TPS_SVR.H;1 TPS_TAS.H;1 TPS_TXN.H;1 TPS_TXN_GW_IDL.H;1 TPS_TXN_GW_IDL.IDL;1 TPS_TXN_RPC_IDL.H;1 TPS_TXN_RPC_IDL.IDL;1 TPS_VDB.H;1 TPS_WRM.H;1 Total of 62 files. B.5 Manager Directory Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.SYSMGR] ACMS_TEST_TPC_READY.EXE;1 TPCONTROLLER.EXE;1 Total of 2 files. B.6 Messages Directory Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.SYSMSG] EN_US_ISO8859-1.DIR;1 FR_FR_ISO8859-1.DIR;1 Total of 2 files. Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.SYSMSG.EN_US_ISO8859-1] TPS.CAT;1 TPS_API.CAT;1 Total of 2 files. Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.SYSMSG.FR_FR_ISO8859-1] B-10 ACMSxp-Supplied Files TPS.CAT;1 TPS_API.CAT;1 Total of 2 files. B.7 Test Directory Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.SYSTEST] ACMS_IVP.COM;1 ACMS_IVP_RUN.TXT;1 BUILD_IVP_IMAGES.COM;1 CHECK_COBOL_DATA.COM;1 CHECK_PROCESSES.COM;1 CHECK_SQL_DATA.COM;1 CLEAN_NAMESPACE.COM;1 CREATE_IVP_ACMSADMIN_SYMBOLS.COM;1 CREATE_IVP_APPL_DB.COM;1 CREATE_IVP_APPL_DB.SQL;1 CREATE_IVP_SERVERS.COM;1 CREATE_IVP_TPSYSTEM.COM;1 DELETE_IVP_FILES.COM;1 DELETE_IVP_SERVERS.COM;1 DELETE_IVP_SYMBOLS.COM;1 DELETE_IVP_TPSYSTEM.COM;1 EMPLOYEE.H;1 IVP_COBOL_PROC.COB;1 IVP_FORMS.IFDL;1 IVP_LINK_OPTIONS.OPT;1 IVP_SQL.SC;1 IVP_TASK_SVR_A.STDL;1 IVP_TASK_SVR_A_NOCOBOL.STDL;1 IVP_UWP_SVR.C;1 IVP_UW_CLIENT.C;1 IVP_WKSP_DEF.STDL;1 OBTAIN_TID.C;1 PRECOMPILED_FILES.DIR;1 PROFILE.H;1 RUN_ACMS_CLIENT.COM;1 RUN_UW_CLIENT.COM;1 ACMSxp-Supplied Files B-11 SAVE_TPSYSTEMS.COM;1 SETUP_IVP.COM;1 START_IVP_SERVERS.COM;1 START_IVP_TPSYSTEM.COM;1 STOP_IVP_SERVERS.COM;1 STOP_IVP_TPSYSTEM.COM;1 STOP_PROCESSES.COM;1 SUBMIT_ACMS_TASK.COM;1 VERIFY_DISK_SPACE.COM;1 VERIFY_PRIVS.COM;1 VERIFY_QUOTAS.COM;1 Total of 42 files. Directory SYS$COMMON:[ACMSXPV030.SYSTEST.PRECOMPILED_FILES] IVP_FORMS_CWP.OBJ;1 IVP_PROC_GRP_A_1_0.IDF;1 IVP_PROC_GRP_A_CLI.OBJ;1 IVP_PROC_GRP_A_SVR.OBJ;1 IVP_PROC_GRP_B_1_0.IDF;1 IVP_PROC_GRP_B_CLI.OBJ;1 IVP_PROC_GRP_B_SVR.OBJ;1 IVP_TASK_GRP_A_1_0.IDF;1 IVP_TASK_GRP_A_CLI.OBJ;1 IVP_TASK_GRP_A_SVR.OBJ;1 IVP_TASK_SVR_A.OBJ;1 IVP_TASK_SVR_A_NOCOBOL.OBJ;1 IVP_WKSP_DEF.H;1 IVP_WKSP_DEF_NOEPV.H;1 Total of 14 files. B-12 ACMSxp-Supplied Files _________________________________________________________________ Index A CPU, 3-4 _______________________________ Account D______________________________ user DCE software creating, 3-3 UCX parameter values, 3-11 privileges, 3-3 DECdtm process quotas, 3-4 configuring, 3-15 ACMS_DEINSTALL DECnet running, 4-1 configuration, 3-12 Alternate working device links calculation, 3-12 VMSINSTAL option, 2-3 NSP values, 3-13 ASTLM, 3-4 setting parameters, 3-12 Audit records system parameter for DECnet- BYTLM quota, 3-5 Plus, 3-9 Autoanswer Deinstall VMSINSTAL option, 2-2 actions, 4-2 AUTOGEN questions, 4-5 running, 3-10 requirements, 4-1 B rerunning, 4-4 _______________________________ DIOLM, 3-4 BIOLM, 3-4 Directory BYTLM, 3-4, 3-5 ACMSxp root, B-1 Disk C______________________________ space required, 1-5 CHANNELCNT, 3-7 system back-up, 2-1 Cluster E ACMSxp considerations, 3-17 _______________________________ Compiler ENQLM, 3-4 virtual memory, 3-5 Error Connections recovery, 2-8 configuring, 3-13 Examples directory, B-1 Index-1 Executable directory, B-7 J______________________________ F______________________________ Journal file File creation, 3-16 ACMSxp-supplied, B-1 to B-12 DECdtm, 3-15 DECdtm journal, 3-15 JTQUOTA, 3-4 MODPARAMS.DAT, 3-10 VMSINSTAL autoanswer, 2-2 K______________________________ FILLM, 3-4 KSTACKPAGES, 3-9 G______________________________ L______________________________ GUI Library directory, B-8 installing management, 3-1 Links procedures, 3-2 guidelines for calculating prerequisite software, 3-1 maximum, 3-12 system requirements, 3-2 LMCP gui_kit_intel.exe file, 3-2 journal file creation, 3-16 H Log _______________________________ VMSINSTAL option, 2-3 Help directory, B-8 M______________________________ I______________________________ Manager directory, B-10 Installing MAXACCTJOBS, 3-4 error recovery, 2-8 MAXDETACH, 3-4 parameters required, 1-3 MAXJOBS, 3-5 privilege required, 1-2 Messages directory, B-10 quotas required, 1-2 MIN_BJOBLIM, 3-7 required order, 1-6 MIN_IJOBLIM, 3-7 sample, A-1 to A-4 MIN_NJOBLIM, 3-7 stages, 2-3 MIN_PQL_DASTLM, 3-7 starting, 2-1 MIN_PQL_DBIOLM, 3-7 verification, 2-6 MIN_PQL_DBYTLM, 3-7 IVP MIN_PQL_DCPULM, 3-7 actions performed, 2-6 MIN_PQL_DDIOLM, 3-7 DCE procedures, 1-7 MIN_PQL_DENQLM, 3-7 log files, 2-8 MIN_PQL_DFILLM, 3-7 privilege required, 1-2 MIN_PQL_DJTQUOTA, 3-7 quotas required, 1-2 MIN_PQL_DPGFLQUOTA, 3-7 running standalone, 2-7 MIN_PQL_DPRCLM, 3-7 MIN_PQL_DTQELM, 3-7 MIN_PQL_MASTLM, 3-7 MIN_PQL_MBIOLM, 3-7 Index-2 MIN_PQL_MBYTLM, 3-7 MIN_PQL_MCPULM, 3-7 Q______________________________ MIN_PQL_MDIOLM, 3-7 QUEPRIO, 3-5 MIN_PQL_MENQLM, 3-8 Queuing MIN_PQL_MFILLM, 3-8 system parameter requirement, MIN_PQL_MJTQUOTA, 3-8 3-8 MIN_PQL_MPGFLQUOTA, 3-8 Quotas MIN_PQL_MPRCLM, 3-8 ACMSxp commands, 3-4, 3-5 MIN_PQL_MTQELM, 3-8 changing, 3-5 MIN_RJOBLIM, 3-8 installing ACMSxp, 1-2 MODPARAMS.DAT minimum process, 3-4 location, 3-10 running IVP, 1-2 N______________________________ R NSP _______________________________ configuration, 3-13 Root alternate VMSINSTAL option, 2-3 O______________________________ S Operating system _______________________________ required components, 1-6 Saveset required patches, 1-6 temporary storage, 2-3 Servers P setting parameters for, 3-12 _______________________________ setup.exe program, 3-2 Page file quota, 3-5 SHRFILLM, 3-5 PAK Software See Product authorization key optional layered, 1-7 Parameter required layered, 1-3 changing, 3-10 Startup checking system, 3-9 modifying node, 3-16 incremental, 3-10 SYS$DECDTM_INHIBIT logical required system, 1-3 name, 3-15 Patches SYSGEN required OS, 1-6 running, 3-9 PBYTLM, 3-5 System parameter PGFLQUO, 3-5 DECnet-Plus, 3-9 PIOPAGES, 3-8 queuing, 3-8 PRCLM, 3-5 running ACMSxp, 3-7 PRIO, 3-5 Privilege T______________________________ installing ACMSxp, 1-2 TCP/IP running IVP, 1-2 UCX parameters, 3-11 Product authorization key Test directory, B-11 installing, 1-1 VMSINSTAL question, 2-5 Index-3 TPsystem setting systemwide, 3-18 BYTLM for starting, 3-5 Virtual memory limit exceeded, TQELM, 3-5 3-5 VMSINSTAL U______________________________ options, 2-2 UAF parameters, 2-2 change, 3-5 sample, A-1 UAF quotas, 3-4 starting, 2-1 UCX parameters, 3-11 W _______________________________ V______________________________ WSDEF, 3-5 Version WSEXTENT, 3-5 WSQUO, 3-5 Index-4