____________________________________________________ COM for OpenVMS Installation Guide February 2002 This document contains instructions on installing COM Version 1.2 for OpenVMS Alpha. Revision/Update Information: This document supersedes the COM for OpenVMS Installation Guide, Version 1.1-B. Software Version: COM Version 1.2 for OpenVMS Operating System: OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-1 or higher Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 SP5 or higher Compaq Computer Corporation Houston, Texas ________________________________________________________________ February 2002 © Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. Compaq, the Compaq logo, and the DIGITAL logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. BETTER ANSWERS is a service mark of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. in the United States and/or other countries. All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq Computer Corporation or authorized sublicensor required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. Compaq Computer Corporation shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Alpha, AlphaServer, AlphaStation, DEC, DIGITAL, OpenVMS, POLYCENTER, Tru64, VAX, VMS, are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corporation. ActiveX, Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Win32, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks, and NT, Windows 95, and Windows 98 are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Adobe, Display POSTSCRIPT, and POSTSCRIPT are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Apple, Mac, Macintosh, and Power Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. AT&T is a registered trademark of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. Motif, OSF/1, UNIX and the "X" device are registered trademarks, and IT DialTone, X/Open, and The Open Group are trademarks, of The Open Group in the U.S. and other countries. Unicode is a registered trademark of Unicode, Inc. Wind/U is a registered trademark of Bristol Technology, Inc. Other product names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective companies. This product includes software licensed from Microsoft Corporation. Copyright © Microsoft Corporation, 1991-1998. All rights reserved. This product includes software licensed from Bristol Technology, Inc. Copyright © Bristol Technology, Inc, 1990-1998. All rights reserved. - The Compaq OpenVMS documentation set is available on CD- ROM. 17-JAN-2002 16:49:36.66 _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.1 Contents of the COM Version 1.2 for OpenVMS Kit........................................... 1-1 1.2 Prerequisites................................. 1-1 1.2.1 DECwindows Motif Required to Run COM for OpenVMS................................... 1-3 1.3 Supported COM for OpenVMS Installations....... 1-3 1.4 Installing COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS Standalone System............................. 1-4 1.5 Upgrading COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS Standalone System............................. 1-6 1.6 Installing COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS Cluster....................................... 1-9 1.7 Upgrading COM for OpenVMS in an OpenVMS Cluster....................................... 1-12 1.8 Understanding the COM for OpenVMS Environment................................... 1-15 1.8.1 COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager (SCM)..................................... 1-16 1.8.2 OpenVMS Registry Server................... 1-17 1.8.3 Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server.................................... 1-17 1.8.4 ACME Server............................... 1-18 1.8.5 RPC Endpoint Mapper....................... 1-18 1.8.6 RPC and SSPI/NTLM Layers.................. 1-19 1.8.7 OpenVMS Events............................ 1-19 1.9 Installing COM for OpenVMS.................... 1-19 1.10 COM for OpenVMS Postinstallation Procedures... 1-22 1.11 Starting COM for OpenVMS (COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager)...................... 1-23 iii 1.11.1 Starting COM for OpenVMS Automatically after a Reboot............................ 1-24 1.12 Shutting Down COM for OpenVMS (COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager)...................... 1-24 1.12.1 Suppressing the DCOM$SHUTDOWN Confirmation Request................................... 1-26 Index Examples 1-1 Sample COM for OpenVMS Installation....... 1-21 Tables 1-1 Process Name to Server Name Mapping....... 1-16 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface Related Documents For additional information about Compaq OpenVMS products and services, access the Compaq website at the following location: http://www.openvms.compaq.com/ Reader's Comments Compaq welcomes your comments on this manual. Please send comments to either of the following addresses: Internet openvmsdoc@compaq.com Mail Compaq Computer Corporation OSSG Documentation Group, ZKO3-4/U08 110 Spit Brook Rd. Nashua, NH 03062-2698 How to Order Additional Documentation Visit the following World Wide Web address for information about how to order additional documentation: http://www.openvms.compaq.com/ If you need help deciding which documentation best meets your needs, call 800-282-6672. v 1 _________________________________________________________________ Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit This chapter provides a list of the contents of the COM for OpenVMS kit, a list of prerequisite software, and preinstallation requirements. It also describes how to install COM for OpenVMS and includes postinstallation instructions. 1.1 Contents of the COM Version 1.2 for OpenVMS Kit COM Version 1.2 for OpenVMS contains the following: o Software - COM for OpenVMS run-time libraries - COM for OpenVMS MIDL compiler and header files - COM for OpenVMS configuration utilities - Active Template Library Version 3.0 - Sample applications o Documentation - OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide (in PostScript, HTML, and PDF formats) 1.2 Prerequisites The following software is required: o For OpenVMS systems - OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 or higher - For COM for OpenVMS application development: Compaq C++ Version 6.0 or higher To build ATL applications on OpenVMS: Compaq C++ Version 6.2-016 or higher Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1-1 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.2 Prerequisites - Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 5.0 or equivalent - Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS (see Section 1.2.1) - Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Version 7.3 or higher (Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS is not required if you are running COM for OpenVMS in unauthenticated mode.) - Before installing COM for OpenVMS check that you have the required free global pages, global sections, and disk blocks. The following table lists the requirements. _____________________________________________________ Global Global Software_________pages_______sections____Disk_blocks_ COM for OpenVMS 11,000 27 57000 RPC_Runtime______3,300_______14__________N/A_________ For Advanced Server requirements: See the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide. For TCP/IP requirements: See the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration document. o For Windows NT systems - Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or higher installed - Microsoft Visual C++ or Visual Basic (for Windows NT client development and information about MIDL compiler). See the Microsoft website for compiler version requirements. - TCP/IP enabled (needed for OpenVMS connectivity) 1-2 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.2 Prerequisites 1.2.1 DECwindows Motif Required to Run COM for OpenVMS You must install DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS on any system running COM for OpenVMS. If you already have DECwindows Motif installed on your system, you do not need to do anything else. If you do not have DECwindows Motif installed on your system, you can find the installation kit for DECwindows Motif on the OpenVMS CD-ROM in the [KITS.DWMOTIFxxx_KIT] directory, where xxx is a DECwindows Motif version, such as 125 or 126. ________________________ Note ________________________ If you are installing DECwindows Motif to meet the COM for OpenVMS requirements only, you do not need the DW-MOTIF license. ______________________________________________________ 1.3 Supported COM for OpenVMS Installations The following sections describe COM Version 1.2 for OpenVMS installation and upgrade options. ________________________ Note ________________________ If you want to run COM Version 1.2 for OpenVMS in unauthenticated mode, see Appendix E in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. ______________________________________________________ Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1-3 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.3 Supported COM for OpenVMS Installations ___________________________________________________________ If_you_want_to_do_this__________Read_this_section__________ Install COM for OpenVMS on an Section 1.4 OpenVMS standalone system for the first time. Install COM for OpenVMS on an Section 1.6 OpenVMS Cluster system for the first time. Upgrade from earlier versions Section 1.5 of COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS standalone system. Upgrade from earlier versions Section 1.7 of COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS_Cluster_system.____________________________________ 1.4 Installing COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS Standalone System Use the following procedure: 1. Install OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 or higher. For this procedure, see the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.x Upgrade and Installation Manual. 2. Install TCP/IP Services. For this procedure, see the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual or your TCP/IP supplier's documentation. 3. Boot the installed system from the system disk. 4. Install COM Version 1.2 for OpenVMS. For this procedure, see Section 1.9. 5. Install Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS. For this procedure, see the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide. 6. Configure TCP/IP Services (set up for startup and reboot); then start TCP/IP. You must configure the PWIP driver for Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS to use TCP/IP Services. For information about configuring TCP/IP, see the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 1-4 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.4 Installing COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS Standalone System Installation and Configuration manual or your TCP/IP supplier's documentation. 7. Configure the OpenVMS Registry as follows: o Run REG$CONFIG.COM to configure the OpenVMS Registry. See Section 11.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. o Edit the SYLOGICALS.COM file to define the SYS$REGISTRY logical as follows: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM SYS$REGISTRY directory-specification 8. Start OpenVMS Registry by running the REG$STARTUP.COM file. 9. If you want to run DCE, start DCE now. ________________________ Note ________________________ You do not need DCE to run COM for OpenVMS, but if your environment uses DCE, Compaq recommends that you start DCE now. ______________________________________________________ For this procedure, see the Compaq DCE Installation and Configuration Guide. For more information about OpenVMS external authentication, see Section 5.1 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. 10. Configure Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS. You need to reboot to finish Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS configuration. You must reboot 0 to n times, depending on your system configuration. For this procedure, see the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide. 11. Start Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS (set up for startup on reboot). For this procedure, see the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide. 12. Start the ACME server. Use the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:NTA$STARTUP_NT_ACME Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1-5 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.4 Installing COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS Standalone System 13. Start RPC. Use the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DCE$RPC_STARTUP.COM 14. Configure COM for OpenVMS. For this procedure, see Section 1.10 and Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. o Populate the OpenVMS Registry. For this procedure, see Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. Use option 3 to populate the OpenVMS Registry database. o Create any OpenVMS and Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS accounts needed by the COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager. For more information, see Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. Use option 8 to create the accounts. 15. Edit the SYLOGICALS.COM file and add the following line: $ DEFINE DCOM$TO_BE_STARTED TRUE 16. Start COM for OpenVMS. For this procedure, see Section 1.11. 1.5 Upgrading COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS Standalone System ________________________ Note ________________________ Before you start, Compaq recommends that you disable any Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS, OpenVMS Registry, and layered product automatic startups so that these products do not start until you have upgraded COM for OpenVMS and its associated components. Use the following procedure: 1. Edit the SYLOGICALS.COM file to stop the following products from starting: o OpenVMS Registry (remove the line DEFINE REG$TO_ BE_STARTED TRUE or DEFINE/SYSTEM REG$TO_BE_ STARTED TRUE) o COM for OpenVMS (comment the line DEFINE DCOM$TO_BE_STARTED TRUE) 1-6 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.5 Upgrading COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS Standalone System 2. Edit the SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file to stop the following products from starting: o Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS (comment the line @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$STARTUP.COM). If COM for OpenVMS is currently running, shut down COM for OpenVMS first, Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS (if running), and then the OpenVMS Registry. ______________________________________________________ Use the following procedure: 1. Upgrade to OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 or higher. For this procedure, see the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.x Upgrade and Installation Manual. 2. If you need to upgrade TCP/IP, upgrade TCP/IP now. For this procedure, see the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual or your TCP/IP supplier's documentation. 3. Boot the upgraded system from the system disk. 4. Upgrade COM for OpenVMS. For this procedure, see Section 1.9. 5. Install or upgrade Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS. You must reboot 0 to n times, depending on your system configuration. For this procedure, see the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide. 6. Start TCP/IP unless you have enabled TCP/IP to start on a reboot. For this procedure, see the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual or your TCP/IP supplier's documentation. 7. Start the OpenVMS Registry unless you have enabled the OpenVMS Registry to start on a reboot. For this procedure, see Section 11.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1-7 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.5 Upgrading COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS Standalone System 8. If you want to run DCE, start DCE now. ________________________ Note ________________________ You do not need DCE to run COM for OpenVMS, but if your environment uses DCE, Compaq recommends that you start DCE now. ______________________________________________________ For this procedure, see the Compaq DCE Installation and Configuration Guide. For more information about OpenVMS external authentication, see Section 5.1 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. 9. Configure Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS. You must reboot to finish Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS configuration. You need to reboot 0 to n times, depending on your system configuration. For this procedure, see the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide. 10. Start Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS (set up for startup on reboot). For this procedure, see the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide. 11. Start the ACME server. Use the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:NTA$STARTUP_NT_ACME 12. Start RPC. Use the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DCE$RPC_STARTUP.COM 13. See Appendix D in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide for detailed information about upgrading from COM Version 1.0 for OpenVMS to COM Version 1.2 for OpenVMS. 14. Configure COM for OpenVMS. For this procedure, see Section 1.10 and Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. o Populate the OpenVMS Registry. For this procedure, see Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. Use option 3 to populate the OpenVMS Registry database. 1-8 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.5 Upgrading COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS Standalone System o Create any OpenVMS and Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS accounts needed by the COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager. For more information, see Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. Use option 8 to create the accounts. 15. Edit the SYLOGICALS.COM file and add the following line: $ DEFINE DCOM$TO_BE_STARTED TRUE 16. Start COM for OpenVMS. For this procedure, see Section 1.11. 1.6 Installing COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS Cluster ________________________ Note ________________________ This cluster installation procedure assumes you are installing COM for OpenVMS on a single system disk. ______________________________________________________ Use the following procedure: 1. Install OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 or higher on all system disks as required. For this procedure, see the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.x Upgrade and Installation Manual. 2. Install TCP/IP. For this procedure, see the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual or your TCP/IP supplier's documentation. 3. Boot the installed system from the system disk. 4. Install COM Version 1.2 for OpenVMS. For this procedure, see Section 1.9. 5. Install Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS on this node in the cluster. For this procedure, see the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide. ________________________ Note ________________________ You must install Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS on at least one Alpha node in the cluster. On the other nodes, you can either install Compaq Advanced Server Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1-9 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.6 Installing COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS Cluster for OpenVMS or select External Authentication images (only). ______________________________________________________ 6. Configure TCP/IP (set up for startup on reboot on each node) and start TCP/IP. You must configure the PWIP driver for Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS to use TCP/IP. For information about configuring TCP/IP, see the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual or your TCP/IP supplier's documentation. 7. Configure the OpenVMS Registry: o Run REG$CONFIG.COM to configure the OpenVMS Registry. You need to configure the OpenVMS Registry only once for the cluster. See Section 11.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. o Set the SYS$REGISTRY logical to DEFINE/SYSTEM on every Alpha node in the cluster that will run the OpenVMS Registry server. o Edit the SYLOGICALS.COM file on every node in the cluster as follows: - If the cluster uses a single, cluster-common SYLOGICALS.COM file that is called by each node's SYLOGICALS.COM file, you do not need to make any changes. - On those nodes where you do not want the OpenVMS Registry server to run, add the following line to the SYLOGICALS.COM file: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM REG$TO_BE_STARTED FALSE Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS requires that the OpenVMS Registry be running on a node in the cluster. 8. Configure DCE. ________________________ Note ________________________ You do not need DCE to run COM for OpenVMS, but if your environment uses DCE, Compaq recommends that you 1-10 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.6 Installing COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS Cluster start DCE now. ______________________________________________________ For this procedure, see the Compaq DCE Installation and Configuration Guide. 9. If you want to run DCE, start DCE now. You must configure DCE on each node on which you want to run DCE. For more information about OpenVMS external authentication, see Section 5.1 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. 10. Configure and start Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS. For this procedure, see the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide. If this node is running Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS, set up Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS for startup on reboot (edit the SYS$STARTUP file as necessary). You must reboot 0 to n times as needed, depending on your system configuration. If this node is not running Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS, edit the SYLOGICALS.COM file and define the PWRK$ACME_SERVER logical. For this procedure, see the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide. For more information about the PWRK$ACME_SERVER logical, see Table 8-2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. 11. Start the ACME server. Use the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:NTA$STARTUP_NT_ACME 12. Start RPC. Use the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DCE$RPC_STARTUP.COM 13. Configure COM for OpenVMS. For this procedure, see Section 1.10 and Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. o Populate the OpenVMS Registry. For this procedure, see Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. Use option 3 to populate the OpenVMS Registry database. You need to populate the OpenVMS Registry only once in a cluster. Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1-11 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.6 Installing COM for OpenVMS on an OpenVMS Cluster o Create any OpenVMS and Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS accounts needed by the COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager. For more information, see Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. Use option 8 to create the accounts. You need to create these accounts only once in a cluster. 14. Edit the SYLOGICALS.COM file and add the following line: $ DEFINE DCOM$TO_BE_STARTED TRUE 15. Start COM for OpenVMS. For this procedure, see Section 1.11. 1.7 Upgrading COM for OpenVMS in an OpenVMS Cluster ________________________ Note ________________________ This cluster upgrade procedure assumes you are installing COM for OpenVMS on a single system disk. ______________________________________________________ ________________________ Note ________________________ Before you start, Compaq recommends that you disable any Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS and layered products automatic startups so these products do not start until you have upgraded COM for OpenVMS and its associated components. Use the following procedure: 1. Edit the SYLOGICALS.COM file to stop the following products from starting: o OpenVMS Registry (comment the line DEFINE/SYSTEM REG$TO_BE_STARTED TRUE) o COM for OpenVMS (comment the line DEFINE DCOM$TO_BE_STARTED TRUE) 2. Edit the SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file to stop the following products from starting: - Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS (comment the line @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$STARTUP.COM) If COM for OpenVMS is currently running, shut down COM for OpenVMS first, Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS 1-12 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.7 Upgrading COM for OpenVMS in an OpenVMS Cluster (if running), and then the OpenVMS Registry on all nodes in the cluster. ______________________________________________________ Use the following procedure: 1. Upgrade to OpenVMS Version 7.2-1 or higher on all required system disks. For this procedure, see the OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.x Upgrade and Installation Manual. 2. Upgrade TCP/IP. For this procedure, see the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual or your TCP/IP supplier's documentation. 3. Boot the upgraded system from the system disk. 4. Upgrade to COM Version 1.2 for OpenVMS. For this procedure, see Section 1.9. 5. Upgrade Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS on this node in the cluster. For this procedure, see the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide. ________________________ Note ________________________ You must install Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS on at least one Alpha node in the cluster. On the other nodes, you can either install Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS or select External Authentication images (only). ______________________________________________________ 6. Configure TCP/IP (set up for startup on reboot on each node). You must configure the PWIP driver for Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS to use TCP/IP. For information about configuring TCP/IP, see the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Installation and Configuration manual or your TCP/IP supplier's documentation. Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1-13 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.7 Upgrading COM for OpenVMS in an OpenVMS Cluster 7. Configure the OpenVMS Registry as follows: o Run REG$CONFIG.COM to configure the OpenVMS Registry. See Section 11.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. You need to configure the OpenVMS Registry only once for the cluster. o Edit the SYLOGICALS.COM file on every node that will run the OpenVMS Registry server to define the SYS$REGISTRY logical. For example: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM SYS$REGISTRY cluster-visible-directory-specification Edit the SYLOGICALS.COM file on every node in the cluster as follows: - If the cluster uses a single, cluster-common SYLOGICALS.COM file that is called by each node's SYLOGICALS.COM file, you do not need to make any changes. - On those nodes where you do not want the OpenVMS Registry server to run, add the following line to the SYLOGICALS.COM file: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM REG$TO_BE_STARTED FALSE 8. Configure and start Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS. For this procedure, see the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide. If this node is running Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS, set up Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS for startup on reboot (edit the SYS$STARTUP file as necessary). You must reboot 0 to n times as needed, depending on your system configuration. If this node is not running Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS, edit the SYLOGICALS.COM file and define the PWRK$ACME_SERVER logical. For this procedure, see the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server Installation and Configuration Guide. For more information about the PWRK$ACME_SERVER logical, see Table 8-2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. 9. Start the ACME server. Use the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:NTA$STARTUP_NT_ACME 1-14 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.7 Upgrading COM for OpenVMS in an OpenVMS Cluster 10. Start RPC. Use the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DCE$RPC_STARTUP.COM 11. See Appendix D in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide for detailed information about upgrading from COM Version 1.0 for OpenVMS to COM Version 1.2 for OpenVMS. 12. Configure COM for OpenVMS. For this procedure, see Section 1.10 and Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. o Populate the OpenVMS Registry. For this procedure, see Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. Use option 3 to populate the OpenVMS Registry database. You need to populate the OpenVMS Registry only once in a cluster. o Create any OpenVMS and Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS accounts needed by the COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager. For more information, see Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. Use option 8 to create the accounts. You need to create these accounts only once in a cluster. 13. Edit the SYLOGICALS.COM file and add the following line: $ DEFINE DCOM$TO_BE_STARTED TRUE 14. Start COM for OpenVMS on a particular node. For this procedure, see Section 1.11. 1.8 Understanding the COM for OpenVMS Environment COM for OpenVMS relies on a number of interrelated servers (processes) and operating system images. In most cases, the servers start automatically when you restart the system. (Automatic startup requires that you have installed and configured each component and have made appropriate changes to the SYLOGICALS.COM file.) For more information about starting and configuring the servers, see Section 1.3. Figure 1-1 shows the relationships and dependencies of the processes and operating system layers. Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1-15 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.8 Understanding the COM for OpenVMS Environment Table 1-1 lists the process names and maps each name to its corresponding server. Table_1-1_Process_Name_to_Server_Name_Mapping______________ Process_name__Server_name___________For_more_information___ DCOM$RPCSS COM for OpenVMS Section 1.8.1 Service Control Manager (SCM) REGISTRY_ OpenVMS Registry Section 1.8.2 SERVER server PWRKxxx Compaq Advanced Section 1.8.3 Server for OpenVMS server (multiple processes) ACME_SERVER ACME server Section 1.8.4 DCE$RPCD______RPC_endpoint_mapper___Section_1.8.5__________ The following sections list and describe the servers and the layers. 1.8.1 COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager (SCM) The COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager enables COM for OpenVMS. Process name: DCOM$RPCSS Requires: OpenVMS Registry, OpenVMS (RPC and SSPI/NTLM layers) Required by: COM applications Configured by: DCOM$SETUP. See Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. Started by: DCOM$SETUP, option 4. See Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. Shutdown procedure: DCOM$SETUP, option 5. See Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. 1-16 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.8 Understanding the COM for OpenVMS Environment 1.8.2 OpenVMS Registry Server The OpenVMS Registry server manages the OpenVMS Registry database. Process name: REGISTRY_SERVER Requires: None. Required by: COM for OpenVMS, Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Configured by: REG$CONFIG. See Section 11.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. Started by: REG$STARTUP. See Section 13.3.1 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. Shutdown procedure: SET SERVER REGISTRY_SERVER/EXIT. For more information, see Section 13.4 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. 1.8.3 Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Server The Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS server provides Windows NT and OpenVMS connectivity. Process names: NETBIOS PWRK$ADMIN_0 PWRK$KNBDAEMON PWRK$LICENSE_R PWRK$LMBROWSER PWRK$LMMCP PWRK$LMSRV PWRK$MASTER PWRK$MONITOR PWRK$NBDAEMON The ACME server requires the PWRK$LMSRV process specifically. Requires: OpenVMS Registry Required by: ACME server Configured by: PWRK$CONFIG Started by: PWRK$STARTUP Shutdown procedure: PWRK$SHUTDOWN Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1-17 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.8 Understanding the COM for OpenVMS Environment For more information, see the Compaq PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Server Migration Guide. 1.8.4 ACME Server The ACME server controls the granting of credentials. Process name: ACME_SERVER Requires: Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS Required by: OpenVMS (RPC and SSPI/NTLM layers) and OpenVMS Events Started: o Automatically when the SYLOGICALS.COM file contains the following line: NTA$NT_ACME_TO_BE_STARTED YES o You can also start the ACME server manually by entering the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:NTA$STARTUP_NT_ACME Shutdown procedure: $ SET SERVER ACME {/EXIT | /ABORT} For more information, see Section 8.3.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. 1.8.5 RPC Endpoint Mapper The RPC endpoint mapper controls authentication and security. Process name: DCE$RPCD Requires: RPC image Required by: COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager, RPC image Started by: OpenVMS Shutdown procedure: Use the following command procedure: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DCE$RPC_SHUTDOWN.COM For more information, see the Compaq DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha manual. 1-18 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.8 Understanding the COM for OpenVMS Environment 1.8.6 RPC and SSPI/NTLM Layers The RPC and SSPI/NTLM layers provides remote procedure call and Windows NT-style authentication on OpenVMS. Process name: n/a (part of OpenVMS operating system) Requires: OpenVMS, ACME server Required by: COM for OpenVMS Started by: OpenVMS Shutdown procedure: n/a 1.8.7 OpenVMS Events The Events layer provides Windows NT-style event logging on OpenVMS. Process name: n/a (part of OpenVMS operating system) Requires: ACME server Required by: COM for OpenVMS Started by: OpenVMS Shutdown procedure: n/a For more information, see Chapter 16 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. 1.9 Installing COM for OpenVMS The COM for OpenVMS installation kit contains a single POLYCENTER Software Installation utility file. The name of the kit is DEC-AXPVMS-DCOM-H0102--1.PCSI. You must install the COM for OpenVMS files on an OpenVMS Alpha system. Please check the prerequisites before installing the kit. See Section 1.2. To install COM for OpenVMS, invoke the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility using the following command: $ PRODUCT INSTALL /SOURCE=device:[user] DCOM For device:[user], specify the device name and directory location of the kit, respectively. Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1-19 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.9 Installing COM for OpenVMS ______ MIDL compiler license no longer required ______ The COM for OpenVMS MIDL compiler no longer requires the DCOM-MIDL license. ______________________________________________________ Example 1-1 shows a sample installation. 1-20 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.9 Installing COM for OpenVMS Example 1-1 Sample COM for OpenVMS Installation $ product install dcom/source=disk:[directory] The following product has been selected: DEC AXPVMS DCOM V1.2 Layered Product Do you want to continue? [YES] Configuration phase starting ... You will be asked to choose options, if any, for each selected product and for any products that may be installed to satisfy software dependency requirements. DEC AXPVMS DCOM V1.2 Copyright 2002 Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. Do you want the defaults for all options? [YES] The following software is required to run COM for OpenVMS - OpenVMS Alpha V7.2-1 or higher - Includes DCE RPC and OpenVMS Registry - TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V5.0 or later (or equivalent product) - Advanced Server for OpenVMS V7.3 or later Do you want to continue? [YES] Do you want to review the options? [NO] Execution phase starting ... The following product will be installed to destination: DEC AXPVMS DCOM V1.2 DISK$AXP_72PLUS:[VMS$COMMON.] Portion done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100% The following product has been installed: DEC AXPVMS DCOM V1.2 Layered Product $ Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1-21 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.10 COM for OpenVMS Postinstallation Procedures 1.10 COM for OpenVMS Postinstallation Procedures After you install the COM for OpenVMS kit, do the following: 1. Verify that the OpenVMS Registry is running. (See Chapter 13 the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide.) 2. Verify that the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS is running. (See Section 1.8.3 for the Compaq Advanced Server for OpenVMS process names.) 3. Verify that the ACME server is running. (See Section 1.8.4 for the name of this process.) 4. Verify that the RPC daemon is running. (See Section 1.8.5 for the name of the process.) 5. Populate the OpenVMS Registry with the required COM for OpenVMS keys and values using the DCOM$SETUP utility, option 3. (See Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide.) You must do this only once in an OpenVMS Cluster. 6. Configure the DCOM$RPCSS account using the DCOM$SETUP utility, option 8. (See Section 6.2.1 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide.) You must do this only once in an OpenVMS Cluster. 7. Start COM for OpenVMS using the DCOM$SETUP utility, option 4. (See Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide.) You must do this on every node in an OpenVMS Cluster. 8. If you want COM for OpenVMS to start automatically when the system reboots, modify the DEFINE DCOM$TO_BE_STARTED line in the SYLOGICALS.COM file. (See Section 1.11.1.) You must do this on every node in an OpenVMS Cluster. 9. Configure COM for OpenVMS security. See Chapter 5 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide. 1-22 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.11 Starting COM for OpenVMS (COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager) 1.11 Starting COM for OpenVMS (COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager) Use the following command to start COM for OpenVMS: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DCOM$STARTUP Alternately, you can run DCOM$SETUP and choose option 4. (See Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide.) The COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager can be in one of the following states: initializing/running or not started. Depending on the COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager state, you will see one of the following messages: o If the COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager is running on this node, the system reports that the process is already active: DCOM Service Control Manager daemon (DCOM$RPCSS) is active [pid=xxxxxxxx] If the COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager is initializing on this node, the system reports that the process is already active: DCOM Service Control Manager daemon (DCOM$STARTUP-**) is active [pid=xxxxxxxx] o If the COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager is not started on this node, the system starts COM for OpenVMS as follows: The OpenVMS Registry server is already started on this node. *** DCOM system startup procedure *** Starting DCOM Service Control Manager daemon ( "DCOM$STARTUP-**" ) . . . After initialization, the daemon will use process name "DCOM$RPCSS" . . . %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is xxxxxxxx *** DCOM startup successful *** *** DCOM Startup Procedure Complete *** Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1-23 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.11 Starting COM for OpenVMS (COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager) 1.11.1 Starting COM for OpenVMS Automatically after a Reboot Compaq recommends that you modify the SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM command file to control COM for OpenVMS startup. OpenVMS includes a revised SYLOGICALS.TEMPLATE file that includes new startup commands for COM for OpenVMS and related components. Review the "Coordinated Startup" section of this template file and add the appropriate information to your existing startup files. To have COM for OpenVMS start automatically when the system boots, copy the following line to your SYLOGICALS.COM file, uncomment the line, and make sure it is set to TRUE: $ DEFINE DCOM$TO_BE_STARTED TRUE If you do not set COM for OpenVMS to start automatically when the system boots, you can start COM for OpenVMS using the DCOM$SETUP OpenVMS COM Tools menu, option 4 (see Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide). 1.12 Shutting Down COM for OpenVMS (COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager) Use the following command to shut down COM for OpenVMS: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DCOM$SHUTDOWN Alternately, you can run DCOM$SETUP and choose option 5. (See Section 6.2 in the OpenVMS Connectivity Developer Guide.) The COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager can be in one of the following states: stopped, running, or initializing. Depending on the COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager state, you will see one of the following messages: o If the COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager is stopped on this node, the system reports that there is nothing to shut down: *** DCOM system shutdown procedure *** There is no active DCOM$RPCSS daemon on this system. *** DCOM Shutdown Procedure Complete *** 1-24 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit Shutting Down COM for OpenVMS (COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager) o If the COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager is running on this node, the system shuts down the process as follows: *** DCOM system shutdown procedure *** *************************** Warning ******************************** *** Stopping the DCOM Service Control Manager daemon (DCOM$RPCSS) *** Active DCOM applications will no longer be operational. Do you want to proceed with this operation (YES/NO/?) [N]? Enter Y to continue with the shutdown procedure. ________________________ Note ________________________ For information about suppressing this confirmation step, see Section 1.12.1. ______________________________________________________ The system displays the following messages: Terminating DCOM Service Control Manager daemon (DCOM$RPCSS) . . . *** DCOM shutdown successful *** *** DCOM Shutdown Procedure Complete *** o If the COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager is initializing on this node, the system shuts down the process as follows: *** DCOM system shutdown procedure *** *************************** Warning ******************************** *** Stopping the DCOM Service Control Manager daemon (DCOM$RPCSS) *** Active DCOM applications will no longer be operational. Do you want to proceed with this operation (YES/NO/?) [N]? Enter Y to continue with the shutdown procedure. The system displays the following messages: Terminating DCOM Service Control Manager daemon (DCOM$STARTUP-**) . . . *** DCOM shutdown successful *** *** DCOM Shutdown Procedure Complete *** Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1-25 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit 1.12 Shutting Down COM for OpenVMS (COM for OpenVMS Service Control Manager) 1.12.1 Suppressing the DCOM$SHUTDOWN Confirmation Request You can suppress the DCOM$SHUTDOWN command confirmation request by specifying the NOCONFIRM parameter. Use the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:DCOM$SHUTDOWN NOCONFIRM The system displays the following shutdown messages without prompting you to confirm the shutdown: *** DCOM system shutdown procedure *** Terminating DCOM Service Control Manager daemon (DCOM$RPCSS) . . . *** DCOM shutdown successful *** *** DCOM Shutdown Procedure Complete *** 1-26 Installing the COM for OpenVMS Kit _________________________________________________________________ Index D______________________________ M______________________________ DCOM$TO_BE_STARTED logical, Modifying the SYLOGICALS file 1-24 for COM for OpenVMS, 1-24 DECwindows Motif required, 1-3 S______________________________ Shutting down COM for OpenVMS, 1-24 NOCONFIRM parameter, 1-26 Index-1