PATHWORKS for_OpenVMS_(Macintosh)_____________________________ Server Installation Guide AA-PBFDE-TE January 1995 Revision/Update Information: This document supersedes the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) Server Installation Guide, Version 1.2, part number AA-PBFDD-TE. Software Version: PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh), Version 1.3 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ First Published, September 1990 Revised, January 1991, January 1992, February 1993, January 1995 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha, DEC, DECconnect, DEClaser, DECnet, DECnet-DOS, DECnet-VAX, DECprint, DECshare, DECwindows, EtherWORKS, LN03, LN03 Plus, LN03 ScriptPrinter, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, PrintServer, Rdb/VMS, ReGIS, VAX, VAXcluster, VAXmail, VAXserver, VAX SQL, VMS, VMScluster, VT, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. Apple, AppleShare, AppleTalk, LocalTalk, Macintosh, and MacTerminal are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. MacX is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. MacWrite is a registered trademark of Claris Corporation. PATHManager is a registered trademark of Verisoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CDROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________ Contents ................................................. vii and Configuration Overview............. 1-1 the Physical Layout of a Network........... 1-2 to Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) Which Components to Install................ 2-2 You Need....................................... 2-3 Hardware............................... 2-3 Software............................... 2-4 Software......................... 2-4 Software.................................. 2-4 Tasks............................... 2-5 In to a Privileged Account.................. 2-5 Up Your System Disk......................... 2-5 Disk Space Requirements................. 2-5 Account Quotas.............................. 2-6 System Parameters........................... 2-6 Current Values............................. 2-7 the CHANNELCNT Value.................... 2-8 Values.................................... 2-9 Steps.......................................... 2-10 iii PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) Starting VMSINSTAL.................................. 3-2 Interrupting the Installation Procedure............. 3-3 Responding to VMSINSTAL Questions................... 3-3 General VMSINSTAL Questions......................... 3-4 Questions About Components.......................... 3-6 AppleTalk for OpenVMS Questions..................... 3-8 AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway Questions........ 3-9 DECshare File Server Questions...................... 3-10 DECshare Print Server Question...................... 3-11 Online Documentation Questions...................... 3-12 Completing the Installation......................... 3-12 Error Messages and Conditions....................... 3-13 Next Steps.......................................... 3-14 Tasks Modifying Your System Startup and Shutdown Procedures.......................................... 4-2 Rebooting to Load AppleTalk for OpenVMS............. 4-3 Starting the Software and Running the IVP........... 4-3 Next Steps.......................................... 4-4 a VMScluster System Replacing DCL Tables................................ 5-2 Running the ATK$CONFIG Configuration Procedure...... 5-2 Starting ATK$CONFIG................................. 5-3 Setting Up the Primary Port......................... 5-3 Assigning Network Ranges............................ 5-4 Enabling/Disabling Event Logging.................... 5-4 Defining the AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway..... 5-5 Completing the Configuration Procedure.............. 5-5 Starting PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh).......... 5-6 Creating a DECshare File Server on Other Servers.... 5-7 Next Steps.......................................... 5-9 Sample Installation Script Files Installed on Your System DECnet Objects Created by PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) Installing the XQP+ Installation Steps.................................. D-1 Responding to VMSINSTAL Questions................... D-2 XQP+ Sample Installation............................ D-5 Configuringing the XQP+ New Features........................................ E-1 Controlling the New Features on Version 5.5-2....... E-2 Controlling the New Features on Version 6.x......... E-3 Controlling XQP+ in a VMScluster.................... E-4 Mixed OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 and Version 6.x Clusters............................................ E-4 VMSclusters Running OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 and Version 6.x......................................... E-4 Controlling DECshare XQP+ Usage..................... E-4 Deinstalling the XQP+............................... E-5 Known Problems...................................... E-6 2-1 Checklist for Preparing to Install........ 2-1 2-2 Components of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh)............................... 2-2 2-3 Disk Space Requirements................... 2-6 2-4 System Parameter Values................... 2-7 3-1 Checklist for Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh)....................... 3-1 4-1 Checklist for Postinstallation Tasks...... 4-1 v 5-1 Checklist for Configuring VMScluster Systems................................... 5-1 B-1 Directory: SYS$COMMON:[MSA]............... B-2 B-2 Directory: SYS$COMMON:[MSA.MSAF$ICONS].... B-2 B-3 Directory: SYS$COMMON:[MSA.MSAP$UTILITY]............. B-3 B-4 Directory: SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR]........... B-5 B-5 Directory: SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]....... B-5 B-6 Directory: SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]............ B-5 B-7 Directory: SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]............ B-6 B-8 Directory: SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.MSA].......... B-7 B-9 Directory: SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]............ B-7 B-10 Directory: SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]............ B-9 B-11 Directory: SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG]............ B-9 B-12 Directory: SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST]........... B-10 B-13 Directory: SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.ATK]....... B-10 B-14 Directory: SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.ATKGW]..... B-10 ______________________________________________________________ Preface The purpose of this manual is to help the system administrator install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) server software after all the network hardware components are installed and connected. This manual is intended for the system administrator of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh). This person should be an experienced user of the Macintosh computer, the OpenVMS operating system, and knowledgeable about: o Configuring and monitoring the OpenVMS system's performance o Analyzing problems that might occur with an OpenVMS system The system administrator should also be familiar with the hardware and software configuration of the network and the specific software needs of the users. vii The following list can help you find information in this manual. Chapter 1 Provides an overview of the steps involved in installing and configuring PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh). Chapter 2 Describes how to prepare for the installation. Chapter 3 Describes how to install the software. Chapter 4 Describes postinstallation tasks you need to perform before you can use PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh). Chapter 5 Describes how to configure other servers in a VMScluster system. Appendix A Provides the script for a sample installation procedure. Appendix B Lists the files installed on your system by the installation procedure. Appendix C Lists the DECnet objects created by PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh). Appendix D Provides information about the XQP+ and how to install it. Appendix E Describes how to install XQP+ on a VMS cluster system. Documents In addition to this book, PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) documentation includes the following online documents: o Introduction to the AppleTalk Network System o Server Administrator's Guide o Server Administrator's Reference Manual At your option, these books are installed in PostScript format as part of the installation described in this guide. Information about installing and configuring the client software can be found in the following PATHWORKS for Macintosh documentation: o Client Administrator's Guide o Network Services User's Guide ix This book uses the following conventions: ___________________________________________________________ Convention____Meaning______________________________________ Press the or key on your keyboard. While you hold down the key, press the key. "enter" Type all letters, spaces, and punctuation marks exactly as they are printed. Then press or , depending on your keyboard. two-line Some commands are continued on a second commands line. In OpenVMS, a continued command may be indicated by a hyphen (-) at the end of the first line. Enter the hyphen, and press . The system displays the _$ prompt. Continue entering the text that follows the _$ prompt in your manual. lowercase Lowercase letters in command syntax indicate variables for which you must substitute a word or value. You can enter commands and parameters in uppercase or lowercase letters, or in a combination of the two. bold type In examples of dialog between you and the workstation, bold type indicates information that you enter. For online (Bookreader) versions, user input is shown in bold. . A vertical ellipsis means that not all the . data is shown. . Note Notes provide information of special importance. Caution Cautions provide information to prevent ______________damage_to_equipment_or_software._____________ 1 ______________________________________________________________ Introduction This chapter provides: o An overview and chart of the installation and configuration tasks o A brief introduction to planning the physical layout of a network and Configuration Overview The installation of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) involves: o Installing software on the server o Configuring additional servers, if you have a VMScluster system You must also make the PATHWORKS for Macintosh client software available on your server and Macintosh computers to fully utilize the services of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh). The installation procedures described in this book establish default values for system parameters that work for any network configuration. However, you may discover that the needs of your site require you to make changes to those default values. For information about changing the network configuration, see the Server Administrator's Guide. If you want to improve the performance of the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) file server, you can install the XQP+. For information on how to install the XQP+, see Appendix D. Introduction 1-1 the Physical Layout of a Network PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) includes AppleTalk for OpenVMS. AppleTalk for OpenVMS is networking software that allows a server node to participate in an AppleTalk network. Before installation, you should be familiar with concepts of the AppleTalk networking system. If you are planning a new network, be sure to plan for growth, efficiency, and high performance. Although a new network may be small and easy to maintain, you probably will connect more networks and devices in the future. To help you plan the physical layout, you should draw a map of the network, including cables, devices such as printers and workstations, and network locations. Before setting up a network, you should understand the following terms: o Internet o Primary port o Network numbers and ranges o AppleTalk zones o Routing The Introduction to the AppleTalk Network System provides valuable information about AppleTalk network concepts. The Server Administrator's Guide provides more specific information about setting up and using the server node in an AppleTalk internet. Refer to these manuals for explanations of terms and for more information on planning your network. 2 ______________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) This chapter discusses the requirements and preparations necessary for installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) server software. Table 2-1 is a checklist of the steps you need to follow to prepare for the installation procedure. Table_2-1__Checklist_for_Preparing_to_Install______________ < >Plan which software components you want to install and verify your kit contents. < >Make sure your system meets the hardware and software requirements of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh). < >Complete the following preinstallation tasks: < >Log in to a fully privileged SYSTEM account. < >Back up your system disk. < >Make sure you have sufficient disk space available for installation of selected components. < >Make sure your system meets the system parameter _________requirements._____________________________________ Preparing to Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) 2-1 Which Components to Install The software package consists of several components. Table 2-2 provides a brief description of each component and specifies prerequisite components. Table_2-2_Components_of_PATHWORKS_for_OpenVMS_(Macintosh)__ Component________Description_and_Dependencies______________ AppleTalk The network transport for most of the for OpenVMS, software components that reside on the Version 3.2 OpenVMS server. It is used by the DECshare file and print servers, the DECnet Gateway, and the DECwindows AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol (ADSP) transport. AppleTalk Provides a network transport relay between /DECnet the AppleTalk and DECnet networks. Transport To use the AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway Gateway, you must also install AppleTalk for OpenVMS Version 3.2. DECshare File Provides AppleShare-compatible Macintosh Server volumes to Macintosh clients. To use the DECshare file server, you must also install AppleTalk for OpenVMS Version 3.2. DECshare Print Provides printer spooling for Macintosh Server clients. The spooled printers can be connected directly to the VAX server, available to the VAX server over a DECnet network, or available on the AppleTalk network. To use the DECshare print server, you must also install AppleTalk for OpenVMS Version 3.2. (continued on next page) to Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) Table 2-2 (Cont.) Components of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS ___________________(Macintosh)_____________________________ Component________Description_and_Dependencies______________ DECwindows ADSP Provides a transport for Macintosh MacX Transport servers to allow access to DECwindows applications. To use the ADSP transport, you must also install AppleTalk for OpenVMS Version 3.2 and the AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway. PATHWORKS Mail Allows access to VAXmail from Macintosh Server clients. You can use the PATHWORKS Mail server with the AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway, if the latter is installed. Online Allows access to online PostScript files PostScript of the Server Adminsistrator's Guide, Documentation Server Reference Manual, and Introduction to the AppleTalk Network System. ___________________________________________________________ Your Part Listing specifies the number and contents of your media. Be sure to verify the contents of your kit with this information. If your kit is damaged or if you find that parts of it are missing, contact your Digital representative. You Need This section describes the hardware and software requirements of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh). Prerequisite Hardware Be sure that the network components, including cables, Macintosh computers, workstations, servers, and other hardware, are connected. Preparing to Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) 2-3 Prerequisite Software The following software must be installed on your OpenVMS server before you install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) software: o OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or higher or OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 or higher o DECnet software is required if you plan to use: - AppleTalk for OpenVMS, if you plan to turn on AppleTalk routing and use DECnet tunnels - AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway - PATHWORKS Mail server - DECshare remote management (MSA$MANAGER) Component-Required Software Depending on the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) components you install, the following software products are required: o DECprint Printing Services (DCPS) software, for selected Digital PostScript and third-party printers o DECwindows/Motif(an optional part of OpenVMS), for the DECwindows ADSP transport AppleTalk Software Two versions of the AppleTalk network protocol are currently available: AppleTalk Phase 1 and AppleTalk Phase 2. PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) uses AppleTalk Phase 2. If you have AppleTalk Phase 1, you need to plan your migration to Phase 2. A migration utility is available with the AppleTalk internet router for large AppleTalk internetworks that are being upgraded in steps, rather than all at once. For smaller networks, you can upgrade to Phase 2 in one step. ________________________ Note ________________________ If you previously installed AppleTalk for OpenVMS Version 2.1, you cannot run it with this product. PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) includes AppleTalk to Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) for OpenVMS Version 3.2, which is incompatible with AppleTalk for OpenVMS Version 2.1. ______________________________________________________ Tasks Before installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh): 1. Log in to a system account with full system privileges. 2. Back up the system disk. 3. Check the disk space on your system. 4. Make sure your system meets the system parameter requirements. These steps are described in the following text. Logging In to a Privileged Account Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) from the SYSTEM account at the OpenVMS server. You must have the SETPRV privilege. Backing Up Your System Disk Digital recommends that you do a system backup before installing any layered product on the operating system. Use the backup procedures that have been established at your site. Determining Disk Space Requirements The OpenVMS server requires a larger amount of free disk space during installation than it requires after installation. Table 2-3 specifies the amount of space required by each component after installation on the VAX or the Alpha computer. To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: Preparing to Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) 2-5 $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE ________________________ Note ________________________ All components except the online PostScript documentation files must reside on the system disk. ______________________________________________________ Table_2-3_Disk_Space_Requirements__________________________ Component_Blocks_Required_for___VAX______Alpha_____________ AppleTalk for OpenVMS 1,450 2,250 AppleTalk/DECnet Transport 300 450 Gateway DECshare file server 2,350 4,550 DECshare print server 2,350 2,550 DECwindows ADSP transport 400 500 PATHWORKS Mail server 450 800 Online PostScript files 10,000 10,000 Miscellaneous files 1,200 1,200 Total Blocks Required After 18,300 22,100 Installation Total Blocks Needed During 20,800 24,600 Installation_______________________________________________ Process Account Quotas PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) has no special requirements for process account quotas. Default SYSTEM process account quotas are sufficient for installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh). Setting System Parameters PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) has required values for some system parameters, as shown in Table 2-4. to Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) Table_2-4__System_Parameter_Values_________________________ Parameter_____________VAX___________Alpha__________________ CHANNELCNT 256[1] 256[1] GBLPAGES 1,540 free 3,524 free GBLSECTIONS 35 free 28 free MAXBUF 8,192 8,192 PQL_MBYTLM 16,384 16,384 [1]This_is_the_minimum_allowable_value_if_you_are_going_to_ install the DECshare file server. ___________________________________________________________ The rest of this section describes how to: o Check the current values of other system parameters o Determine the appropriate CHANNELCNT value for your system o Modify other system parameter values Checking Current Values Use the F$GETSYI lexical function to check the number of free global pages and global sections: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") 890 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 40 If these values are less than those specified in Table 2-4, increase each parameter to the number required as described under Modifying Values. Use the SYSGEN utility to check the current values of other system parameters: 1. Start the SYSGEN utility by entering: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> 2. Determine the current value of a system parameter by entering: SYSGEN> SHOW parameter Preparing to Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) 2-7 For example, to determine the current value of the PQL_ MBYTLM system parameter, enter: SYSGEN> SHOW PQL_MBYTLM Following is an example of the information that is displayed. The information on your screen may differ slightly, depending on the configuration of your server node. This example shows a current value of 1700: Parameter Name Current Default Minimum Maximum Unit Dynamic ______________ _______ _______ _______ ____________ _______ PQL_MBYTLM 1700 1024 -1 -1 Bytes D 3. Exit the SYSGEN utility and return to the DCL prompt by entering: SYSGEN> EXIT $ Determining the CHANNELCNT Value If you are going to configure the AppleTalk/DECnet gateway for a large number of sessions, you need 2 channels for each session plus 5 additional channels. In addition, you need to calculate a value of CHANNELCNT for the DECshare file server. To determine the appropriate CHANNELCNT value for your system, use whichever value is larger, as derived from the following two formulas: For the file server: CHANNELCNT = (volumes*6) + catalog + (users*files) + managers + 25 For the gateway: CHANNELCNT = 2*(AppleTalk Gateway sessions) + 5 ___________________________________________________________ Parameter___Description____________________________________ volumes Number of volumes being served. catalog Value of the CATALOG_CACHE characteristic. users Maximum number of simultaneous user connects. to Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) ___________________________________________________________ Parameter___Description____________________________________ files Number of open files per user. managers____Number_of_concurrent_ADMIN/MSA_connections.____ For example, on a 14-volume file server with 34 users and a default CATALOG_CACHE of 64 (estimating users with an average of 4 files opened at once and only one ADMIN/MSA connection), the CHANNELCNT value would be 310: CHANNEL = 3 + 14*6 + 64 + 34*4 + 1 + 25 See Modifying Values for information on modifying system parameter values. Modifying Values To modify the value of a system parameter: 1. Using any text editor, add or edit the lines that set minimum values for your system parameters in the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file. For example: MIN_PQL_MBYTLM = 16384 2. Run the AUTOGEN command procedure to recalculate your system parameter values: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT NOFEEDBACK The AUTOGEN procedure: o Gets new values from MODPARAMS.DAT o Runs SYSGEN to update the new system parameter values o Installs the new system parameter values on the system o Reboots the system so that all of the changes take effect The NOFEEDBACK qualifier causes AUTOGEN to recalculate only the new system parameter values. ________________________ Note ________________________ Running AUTOGEN with the NOFEEDBACK qualifier does not modify system files (page file, swap file, and dump file). ______________________________________________________ Preparing to Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) 2-9 Now you are ready to install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) according to the instructions in Chapter 3. to Install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) 3 ______________________________________________________________ Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) VMSINSTAL is the standard installation procedure for OpenVMS layered products. It displays a series of questions and informational messages. This chapter describes how to use VMSINSTAL to install PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh). See Appendix A for a sample installation script. Table 3-1 is a checklist of the steps you need to follow. _______________________ Caution _______________________ Be sure you understand the information and complete the tasks described in Chapter 2 before you perform the installation tasks in this chapter. ______________________________________________________ Table 3-1 Checklist for Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS ___________(Macintosh)_____________________________________ < >Start VMSINSTAL. < >Respond to installation questions. <___>Take_appropriate_action_in_response_to_error_messages. Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) 3-1 VMSINSTAL To start the installation procedure: 1. Log in to a privileged account on the server, such as the SYSTEM account. ________________________ Note ________________________ If you are upgrading to PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) Version 1.3, you must shut down whatever version of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) you are running before you start the installation. To do this, from the SYS$MANAGER directory, enter: $ @MSA$SHUTDOWN If you are installing on a VMScluster, you must do this on all nodes within the cluster that are running PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh). ______________________________________________________ 2. Set the default directory by entering: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE 3. Start VMSINSTAL by entering: $ @VMSINSTAL MSA013 device_name OPTIONS N ________________________________________________________ Parameter___Description_________________________________ MSA013 Product name. device_ Name of the device on which you plan to name mount the media. For example, MTA0, MUA0, and MKA500 are device names for a tape drive. PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) ________________________________________________________ Parameter___Description_________________________________ OPTIONS N Optional parameter that causes the installation procedure to prompt you about accessing online release notes during the installation. Because the online release notes can contain important information about changes to the installation procedure, Digital recommends that you specify OPTIONS ____________N.__________________________________________ Interrupting the Installation Procedure You can abort the installation procedure at any time by pressing . The installation procedure deletes all the files it has created and exits. You can start the installation again. to VMSINSTAL Questions Each VMSINSTAL question you need to answer is marked with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line. Some questions show a default response in brackets. Following is an example of a VMSINSTAL question with a default answer: * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? To accept a default response, press . The following sections list the questions in the order in which they appear during the installation. ________________________ Note ________________________ Depending on the configuration of your OpenVMS system, the dialog that occurs during your installation may differ slightly from the examples that appear in this section. ______________________________________________________ Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) 3-3 General VMSINSTAL Questions 1. Active Processes %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: . . . * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Answer YES to this question. The active processes and the installation procedure do not interfere with each other. 2. System Backup * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? If you have not made a backup, or are not satisfied with the backup you made, enter NO to discontinue the installation. After you back up your system disk, restart the installation. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press . 3. Mounting the Media VMSINSTAL displays the following prompt for you to mount the media: Please mount the first volume of the set on MUA0:. * Are you ready? Answer YES after you have mounted the media on the tape drive. Answer NO to cancel the installation. VMSINSTAL displays messages stating that the volume is mounted and the installation of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) is beginning: %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, MSA013 mounted on SRVR2$MUA0: The following products will be processed: MSA V1.3 Beginning installation of MSA V1.3 at 11:43 PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... 4. Release Notes Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: VMSINSTAL prompts you about release notes only if you specified OPTIONS N when you started VMSINSTAL. o If you select option 1 or 3, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the console terminal. You can terminate the display at any time by pressing . o If you select option 2 or 3, VMSINSTAL prompts you for the name of the print queue that you want to use: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Enter a queue name, or press to send the file to the default output print device. The file name for the release notes is MSA013.RELEASE_ NOTES. VMSINSTAL moves the release notes to SYS$HELP, whether or not you specified OPTIONS N. 5. Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? o To run the IVP automatically after the installation procedure, press . o To run the IVP independently of the installation procedure, enter NO. Instructions for running the IVP independently of the installation procedure are in Chapter 4. Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) 3-5 ________________________ Note ________________________ If you have a version of AppleTalk for OpenVMS already installed on your system, the IVP may not run automatically. If it does not, you should reboot your system and run the IVP as described in Chapter 4. ______________________________________________________ 6. Purging Files * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Purging deletes the old versions of the files replaced by the installation and saves disk space. If you choose not to have the installation procedure purge files, you can purge the files manually after you complete the installation successfully. Questions About Components 1. Selection of Components Component # Component Name Requires --------------------------------------------------------- 1 AppleTalk for OpenVMS 2 AppleTalk/DECnet Gateway [1] 3 DECshare File Server [1] 4 DECshare Print Server [1] 5 DECwindows AppleTalk (ADSP) Transport [1,2] 6 PATHWORKS Mail Server 7 PATHWORKS Online Documentation (PostScript) * Do you wish to install all components [YES]? The column on the right identifies prerequisite components. For example, the DECshare print server component requires AppleTalk for OpenVMS Version 3.2 (component 1). ________________________ Note ________________________ The PATHWORKS for Macintosh Version 1.3 client software kit requires AppleTalk for OpenVMS (component 1) and the DECshare file server (component 3). Refer PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) to the PATHWORKS for Macintosh Client Administrator's Guide for more information. ______________________________________________________ o To install all components, press . o To install some, but not all, components, enter NO. When you enter NO, VMSINSTAL asks you about each individual component: you wish to install AppleTalk for OpenVMS [YES]? you wish to install the AppleTalk/DECnet [YES]? you wish to install the DECshare File [YES]? you wish to install the DECshare Print [YES]? you wish to install the DECwindows AppleTalk Transport [YES]? you wish to install the PATHWORKS Mail Server [YES]? you wish to install the online documentation PostScript files [YES]? - If you want to install a component, press . - If you do not want to install a particular component, enter NO. 2. Verification of Components If you chose to install only some components, VMSINSTAL displays the components you selected and asks you to confirm that the list is correct: The following components have been selected to be installed: AppleTalk for OpenVMS AppleTalk/DECnet Gateway DECshare File Server DECshare Print Server (ADSP) DECwindows AppleTalk Transport PATHWORKS Mail Server PATHWORKS Online Documentation (PostScript) Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) 3-7 * Is this correct [YES]? o If the list is correct, press . o If the list is incorrect, enter NO. VMSINSTAL displays the series of questions again, so that you can select individual components for installation. 3. System Check for Component Requirements VMSINSTAL checks the system to make sure it meets the requirements of the components you selected: %MSA-I-CHECKSYS, Now checking component requirements against system... o If all requirements are met, the installation proceeds. o If the system does not meet the requirements of any component, VMSINSTAL tells you what requirement was not met, and the installation fails. After you correct the condition, you can start the installation again. 4. Verification of Product License VMSINSTAL displays a list of Product Authorization Key (PAK) names. The terms for use of this product require that you have a valid license. VMSINSTAL asks if one of these authorization keys is registered and loaded. If you answer YES, the installation continues. If you answer NO, the installation also continues. However, the Installation Verification Procedure is not run and you are prompted to load the license before starting the server. AppleTalk for OpenVMS Questions 1. Keeping the Existing Configuration If AppleTalk for OpenVMS was previously installed, VMSINSTAL gives you the option of using your existing configuration data file: * Do you want to use the existing AppleTalk configuration [YES]? PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) If you answer YES, VMSINSTAL skips to the AppleTalk /DECnet Transport Gateway questions. 2. Choosing a Network Controller If there are multiple network controllers (Ethernet and FDDI) installed on your server, VMSINSTAL lists them and asks which one you want to use. For example: The following suitable communications devices were found on your system: XQA0 XQB0 * Which device do you want used as the AppleTalk primary port? [XQA0]: If you want to use AppleTalk for OpenVMS on multiple network communications devices, you need to set up your system as an AppleTalk router after you complete the installation procedure. For instructions on setting up your system as an AppleTalk router, see the Server Administrator's Guide. If you have only one network controller installed on your server, the following informational message is displayed, and VMSINSTAL continues to the next component: %MSA-I-ONEETHER, Only one suitable communications controller was found on this system -MSA-I-ONEETHER, AppleTalk will configure device ESA0 as its primary port %MSA-I-ENDATKQ, End of AppleTalk for OpenVMS questions AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway Questions 1. Keeping the Existing Configuration If an AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway was previously installed, VMSINSTAL gives you the option of using your existing gateway configuration: * Do you want to use the existing gateway configuration [YES]? Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) 3-9 If you answer YES, VMSINSTAL skips to the DECshare file server questions. If you answer NO, VMSINSTAL asks you to name a gateway. 2. Naming the Gateway * Enter the name for the gateway [DECnet on nodename]: The name you enter is the name that later appears in the Macintosh Gateway dialog box. The default answer is "DECnet on nodename", where nodename is the DECnet node name of your OpenVMS server. The gateway name must be 32 characters or fewer and must be unique among DECnet gateways in the same AppleTalk zone. VMSINSTAL automatically retains the case of the letters you use for the gateway name. Do not use quotation marks. DECshare File Server Questions If a DECshare file server has not yet been configured on this system, VMSINSTAL asks these questions: 1. Server Name * Enter the server name for DECshare [DECshare on nodename]: The name you enter is the name that later appears in the Macintosh Chooser dialog box. The default answer is "DECshare on nodename," where nodename is the DECnet node name of your OpenVMS server. The server name must be 31 characters or fewer and must be unique among AppleShare file servers in the same AppleTalk zone. VMSINSTAL automatically retains the case of the letters you use for the server name. Do not use quotation marks. 2. Guest Access * Do you want to allow guest access to DECshare [NO]? Guest access allows all Macintosh users access to the DECshare file server without a user name and password. PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) If you enable guest access, VMSINSTAL creates an account named MSAF$GUEST and asks you to specify the user identification code (UIC) for the guest account: * Enter the UIC for the MSAF$GUEST account [[360,200]]: If you are reinstalling PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh), and if the MSAF$GUEST account is already defined, this question is not displayed. The UIC consists of a group number and a member number separated by a comma and enclosed in brackets. The UIC is used to determine whether the account has access to files. Accept the default UIC unless one of the following is true: o You already have [360,200] assigned to a different account. o You follow a different assignment scheme for UICs. If you are doing an upgrade and a guest account already exists for which the UAF CAPTIVE is set, VMSINSTAL asks this question: * Clear the CAPTIVE flag for account MSAF$GUEST [YES]? For each account that DECshare found to be used as a guest account, VMSINSTAL asks whether you wish to clear the CAPTIVE flag. Refer to the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) Server Reference Manual for more information. DECshare Print Server Question If you are reinstalling PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh), and if the DECshare print server has already been installed, VMSINSTAL does not display this question. The DECshare print server requires an account for printing jobs from Macintosh computers. If you chose to install the DECshare print server, VMSINSTAL creates an account named MSAP$ACCOUNT and asks you to specify the UIC for the account: * Enter the UIC for the MSAP$ACCOUNT account [[360,210]] Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) 3-11 The UIC consists of a group number and a member number separated by a comma and enclosed in brackets. The UIC is used to determine whether the account has access to files. Accept the default UIC unless one of the following is true: o You already have [360,210] assigned to a different account. o You follow a different assignment scheme for UICs. Online Documentation Questions o Online Documentation PostScript Files * Enter location to install files [SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]: By default, VMSINSTAL places all files associated with the online documentation PostScript files in a default directory [SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]. If you prefer to place them in a different directory, you must specify the directory name. Completing the Installation VMSINSTAL displays a series of messages as it: 1. Restores the product save set 2. Installs the files and images for the selected components 3. Creates directories 4. Moves files to their target directories 5. Runs the IVP and starts components (if you specified that the IVP should run automatically after the installation procedure) If you chose to run the IVP automatically after the installation procedure, the following messages are displayed: PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) ************************************************************* * * * Now starting Installation Verification Procedure for * * PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) V1.3 * * * ************************************************************* Starting AppleTalk for OpenVMS IVP... . . . ****************************************************************** * * * Installation Verification Procedure for PATHWORKS * * for OpenVMS (Macintosh) V1.3 has completed successfully. * * * ****************************************************************** When the installation is complete, the following message is displayed: Installation of MSA V1.3 completed at 12:04 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 12:04 If you do not plan to complete postinstallation tasks at this time, log out of the privileged account: $ LOGOUT Error Messages and Conditions VMSINSTAL Error Messages If errors occur during the installation, VMSINSTAL displays the following failure message: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of MSA V1.3 has failed. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exists: o The operating system version is incorrect. o A prerequisite software version is missing. o Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient. Installing PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) 3-13 o System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. o Disk space is inadequate. If you are notified that any of these conditions exists, take the appropriate action as indicated by the message. For example, you might need to change a system parameter value or install prerequisite software. For more information about the error messages that can be generated by these conditions, see your OpenVMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS software installation. IVP Error Messages If errors occur with the software during the Installation Verification Procedure, it displays the following failure message: %MSA-E-IVPFAIL, IVP for PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) V1.3 has failed. In most cases, you can solve the problem by manually starting the software and running the IVP separately, as described in Chapter 4. See the Server Administrator's Guide for more information about error messages generated by the software. Now that you have installed the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) software, you are ready to perform the postinstallation tasks described in Chapter 4. PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) 4 ______________________________________________________________ Postinstallation Tasks Before you can use the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) software, you must perform some postinstallation tasks. Table 4-1 is a checklist of the steps you need to follow for postinstallation tasks. Table_4-1__Checklist_for_Postinstallation_Tasks____________ < >Modify your system startup and shutdown procedures. < >If a previous version of AppleTalk for OpenVMS is installed, reboot to load the new version. < >If you did not run the IVP during the VMSINSTAL procedure, start PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh), and run the IVP. <___>Determine_the_steps_you_still_need_to_complete._______ Postinstallation Tasks 4-1 Your System Startup and Shutdown Procedures You must modify your system startup command file so that the components of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) start automatically whenever your system is booted. The name of the file that starts PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) is MSA$STARTUP.COM. ________________________ Note ________________________ The system startup command file for VMS Version 5.x is SYSTARTUP_V5.COM; for OpenVMS Version 6.x, it is SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. ______________________________________________________ Use any text editor to edit the system startup command file, inserting the line that starts PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) after the lines that start the queue manager, DECnet network, and DECprint Printing Services (DCPS) software (if it is installed). ________________________ Note ________________________ If you are running DCPS and are using printers over AppleTalk, you need to execute MSA$STARTUP first and then execute DCPS$STARTUP. ______________________________________________________ $ START/QUE/MANAGER/BUFFER_COUNT=10/ . . . . . . $ IF F$SEARCH(SYS$SYSTEM:NETACP.EXE") .NES "" - _$ THEN SUBMIT SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET.COM o If you want to use a batch procedure to submit network startup, edit the line that starts the batch procedure. For example: $ IF F$SEARCH("SYS$SYSTEM:NETACP.EXE") .NES "" - _$ THEN SUBMIT SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET.COM, - _$ SYS$STARTUP:MSA$STARTUP Tasks o If you want to start your network interactively, place the command @SYS$STARTUP:MSA$STARTUP after the command that starts the network: $ IF F$SEARCH("SYS$SYSTEM:NETACP.EXE") .NES ""- _$ THEN @SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET $ @SYS$STARTUP:MSA$STARTUP You must also modify the SYSHUTDWN.COM file so that all file server volumes are properly dismounted before the system completely shuts down. If this is not done, all mounted volumes require a full verification each time the server is restarted. Add the following line to your SYSHUTDWN.COM file: $ @SYS$MANAGER:MSA$SHUTDOWN NOCONFIRM to Load AppleTalk for OpenVMS If you had a previous version of AppleTalk for OpenVMS installed, VMSINSTAL informed you that you need to reboot to load the new version. Reboot your system now by entering the shutdown command: $ @SYS$SYSTEM:SHUTDOWN If you modified your system startup procedure correctly, PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) starts automatically when the system reboots. the Software and Running the IVP You can start the network and run the IVP now if you did not run it before either because you chose not to run it as part of the installation procedure or because a previous version of AppleTalk for OpenVMS already exists on your system. To run the IVP: 1. Log in to the SYSTEM account at the server. 2. Enter the following to start the components you installed if you did not modify your system startup procedure file to invoke MSA$STARTUP automatically: $ @SYS$STARTUP:MSA$STARTUP Postinstallation Tasks 4-3 Messages are displayed identifying the components being started. 3. Enter the following to start the IVP: $ @SYS$TEST:MSA$IVP.COM When the IVP successfully completes all tests, a message to that effect is displayed. Depending on your system and whether this is a new installation, you must do one of the following: o If you have a VMScluster system, you must configure the system as described in Chapter 5. o If you have a standalone system, you must: 1. Make changes to the default network configuration established by VMSINSTAL, if needed. See Chapter 2 in the Server Administrator's Guide. 2. Add volumes to the DECshare file server. See Chapter 6 in the Server Administrator's Guide. 3. Change the default file server configuration established by VMSINSTAL, if needed. See Chapter 7 in the Server Administrator's Guide. 4. Add print services. See Chapter 8 in the Server Administrator's Guide. 5. Install the PATHWORKS for Macintosh client software. See the installation instructions in the PATHWORKS for Macintosh Client Administrator's Guide. Tasks 5 ______________________________________________________________ Configuring a VMScluster System If you have a VMScluster system, you must perform configuration tasks at each of the servers on which you want to run PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh). In a VMScluster system, if you have multiple system disks and you want to run PATHWORKS from all systems, you need to install PATHWORKS on each system disk. Table 5-1 is a checklist of the steps you need to follow to configure a VMScluster system. Table_5-1__Checklist_for_Configuring_VMScluster_Systems____ < >Replace the DCL tables at each server on the VMScluster system. < >Run the ATK$CONFIG configuration procedure at each server where you want to run PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh). < >Create a DECshare file server on each server. <___>Determine_the_steps_you_still_need_to_complete._______ Configuring a VMScluster System 5-1 DCL Tables To use PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) on other servers in the VMScluster system, you must replace the version of the DCL tables that is installed on the other VMScluster servers: 1. Log in to the SYSTEM account on a server. 2. Start the INSTALL program by entering: $ INSTALL 3. At the INSTALL prompt, enter: INSTALL> REPLACE SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES.EXE 4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 at each server in the VMScluster system. the ATK$CONFIG Configuration Procedure The VMSINSTAL procedure configures your system to run PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) at one server. If you have a VMScluster system, you need to run the ATK$CONFIG configuration procedure at each additional server node where you want to run PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh). ATK$CONFIG uses as defaults the same parameter values used by the VMSINSTAL installation procedure. If you accept the defaults displayed by the ATK$CONFIG procedure, you will have equivalent setups. The procedure accomplishes the following: o Sets up the primary port o Assigns network ranges for the primary port o Controls whether to enable event logging o Sets up the AppleTalk/DECnet gateway The procedure does not set up AppleTalk routing. a VMScluster System Starting ATK$CONFIG To start the ATK$CONFIG configuration procedure: 1. Log in to the OpenVMS SYSTEM account. 2. Start the configuration procedure by entering: $ @SYS$MANAGER:ATK$CONFIG The procedure leads you through a series of prompts. Default answers appear in brackets after the questions. To accept a default, press . The following sections list the questions in the order they appear during the configuration procedure. ________________________ Note ________________________ You can abort the configuration procedure at any time by pressing . The configuration procedure deletes all the files it has created and exits. You can start the procedure again. ______________________________________________________ Setting Up the Primary Port 1. Primary Port Name What name do you want for your primary port? [Primary]: Enter a name or use the default name, Primary, that appears in brackets after the prompt. The primary port is where AppleTalk name registrations occur and where AppleTalk node addresses are acquired. The primary port must always be an Ethernet port. 2. Zone Name What zone name do you want for your primary port? Enter a valid zone name for the primary port, or use an asterisk (*) to select the default zone name defined by another router. If you enter an invalid zone name, AppleTalk for OpenVMS uses the default zone as the primary port. Configuring a VMScluster System 5-3 Assigning Network Ranges 1. Start of Network Range What do you want for the start of the network range? [65280] Enter a valid number for the start of the network range, or use the default value, 65280. The start of the network range must be less than or equal to the end of the range. If the primary port is a seed port on a seed router, the start and end of the network range must match other routers on the same Ethernet. Otherwise, accept the defaults for the start and end of the network range. 2. End of Network Range What do you want for the end of the network range? [65534] Enter a valid number for the end of the network range, or use the default value, 65534. If you enter a number that conflicts with the established range for the network, AppleTalk for OpenVMS uses the network's correct range provided by a router on the network. You can manually reconfigure the permanent database. Enabling/Disabling Event Logging 1. Logging Do you want to enable logging? All error messages are displayed on the console screen. o If you want to store these messages in a log file, press . o If you do not want to store messages in a log file, enter NO. 2. Name of Log File If you chose to store error messages in a log file, ATK$CONFIG prompts you for the name of the file. What log file do you want? [SYS$MANAGER:ATK$EVENT.LOG] a VMScluster System Use the default file name, or enter a different file name. Defining the AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway 1. Start AppleTalk Gateway? Do you want to start the AppleTalk Gateway? o If you want a gateway on this server, answer YES. o If you do not want a gateway configured for this server, answer NO. 2. Gateway Name What gateway name do you want? Use the default name, or enter a name such as DECnet on BOSTON. Completing the Configuration Procedure 1. Continue? ATK$CONFIG gives you the opportunity to cancel the configuration procedure. Do you want to continue? o To cancel, enter NO. o To complete the configuration procedure, enter YES. 2. Execute Commands? If you chose to complete the configuration procedure, ATK$CONFIG displays the OpenVMS commands that execute the answers you entered to prompts. For example: Configuring a VMScluster System 5-5 Here are the commands necessary to set up your system. $DEFINE/USER SYS$OUTPUT NL: $DEFINE/USER SYS$ERROR NL: $RUN SYS$SYSTEM:ATK$MANAGER DEFINE EXECUTOR STATE ON DEFINE LOGGING FILE NAME "SYS$MANAGER:ATK$EVENT.LOG" DEFINE LOGGING FILE STATE ON DEFINE GATEWAY APPLETALK NAME "DECnet ON BOSTON" DEFINE GATEWAY STATE ON DEFINE PORT DEVICE XQA0: NAME "Primary" STATE ON DEFINE PORT NAME "Primary" PRIMARY ON ZONE "*" DEFINE PORT NAME "Primary" NETWORK RANGE 65280 65534 EXIT Do you want these commands to be executed? o To execute the commands, enter YES. A message is displayed notifying you that the changes to your configuration have been made. o To cancel the configuration procedure, enter NO. 3. Start AppleTalk? Do you want AppleTalk started? Enter NO. AppleTalk for OpenVMS is started when you start PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) in the next section. PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) If this is an upgrade, you need to reboot your system to get the latest AppleTalk features. If this is a new installation, you need to start the network and the components of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) at each server you configured with the ATK$CONFIG configuration procedure: 1. Log in to the SYSTEM account at the server. 2. Enter the following: $ @SYS$STARTUP:MSA$STARTUP Messages are displayed identifying the components being started. a VMScluster System 3. When the DCL prompt ($) is displayed, you can log out of the SYSTEM account: $ LOGOUT a DECshare File Server on Other Servers To balance the load on servers in a VMScluster system, it is a good idea to create a DECshare file server on each server. To create and make available a DECshare file server: 1. Log in to the SYSTEM account on a server. 2. Start the DECshare Manager by entering: $ ADMINISTER/MSA 3. Add a DECshare file server by entering: MSA$MANAGER> ADD FILE_SERVER servername ________________________________________________________ Parameter___Description_________________________________ servername The name of the new file server as it appears to AppleShare workstations. The server name must be unique and can be from 1 to 31 characters long. If you include spaces in the server name, enclose the server name ____________in_quotation_marks_(")._____________________ For example, to add a DECshare file server with the name DECshare on SRVR1, enter: MSA$MANAGER> ADD FILE_SERVER "DECshare on SRVR1" 4. Make an OpenVMS file directory for users by adding a volume: Configuring a VMScluster System 5-7 MSA$MANAGER> ADD VOLUME volumename/ROOT=disk:[directory] ________________________________________________________ Parameter___Description_________________________________ volumename The name of the volume you are adding as it appears to AppleShare workstations. The volume name must be unique among all volumes managed by a file server and can be from 1 to 27 characters long. If you include spaces in the volume name, enclose the volume name in quotation marks ("). disk:[directThe]OpenVMS location of the files and folders (subdirectories) that will ____________constitute_the_volume.______________________ For example, to add a volume with the name VOL1 and place the files for the volume in the MAC_VOL1 directory on DUA0:, enter: MSA$MANAGER> ADD VOLUME VOL1/ROOT=DUA0:[MAC_VOL1] ________________________ Note ________________________ DECshare volumes cannot be shared by servers across nodes in a cluster. Each volume can be served by a single server only. ______________________________________________________ For more information about adding file server volumes, see the Server Administrator's Guide. 5. Start the file server by entering: MSA$MANAGER> START FILE_SERVER servername For example, to start the DECshare file server named DECshare on SRVR1, enter: MSA$MANAGER> START FILE_SERVER "DECshare on SRVR1" 6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 at each server in the VMScluster system. a VMScluster System Steps Now that you have configured your VMScluster system, you must: 1. Make changes to the default network configuration established by VMSINSTAL, if needed. See Chapter 2 in the Server Administrator's Guide. 2. Install the XQP+ software if you want to increase your server performance. See Appendix D for information on how to install the XQP+ software. 3. Add volumes to the DECshare file server. See Chapter 6 in the Server Administrator's Guide. 4. Change the default file server configuration established by VMSINSTAL, if needed. See Chapter 7 in the Server Administrator's Guide. 5. Add print services. See Chapter 8 in the Server Administrator's Guide. 6. Install the PATHWORKS for Macintosh client software. See the installation instructions in the PATHWORKS for Macintosh Client Administrator's Guide. Configuring a VMScluster System 5-9 A ______________________________________________________________ Sample Installation Script DEF SYS$UPDATE MSA013 MUA0 OPTIONS N OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V6.0 is 20-DEC-1994 at 13:32. a question mark (?) at any time for help. You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. The following processes are still active: left field you want to continue anyway [NO]? YES you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES] YES following products will be processed: V1.3 installation of MSA V1.3 at 13:33 Restoring product save set A ... Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. +------------------------------------------------------+ | PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh), V1.3 | +------------------------------------------------------+ ***************************************************************** * * * Copyright (C) 1990,1995 by * * Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts * * and * * Apple Computer, Inc., Cupertino, California * * All rights reserved. * * * ***************************************************************** Sample Installation Script A-1 want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? YES want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? YES PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) is composed of several components. This installation allows you to select which of these components you wish to install on your system. Note that many of these components will require that AppleTalk for OpenVMS be installed. These dependencies are noted in the table below in parenthesis (where [1] indicates that 'AppleTalk for OpenVMS' is required). Component # Component Name Requires ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 AppleTalk for OpenVMS 2 AppleTalk/DECnet Gateway [1] 3 DECshare File Server [1] 4 DECshare Print Server [1] 5 DECwindows AppleTalk (ADSP) Transport [1,2] 6 PATHWORKS Mail Server 7 PATHWORKS Online Documentation (PostScript) wish to install all components [YES]? YES Now checking component requirements against system... Product: PWXXMACAT01.03 Producer: DEC Version: V1.3 Release Date: 1-DEC-1994 Product: PWASMACCC01.03 Producer: DEC Version: V1.3 Release Date: 1-DEC-1994 Product: PWASXXXFP01.02 Producer: DEC Version: V1.3 Release Date: 1-DEC-1994 of these authorization keys registered and loaded? YES Questions will now be asked for the selected components. Installation Script ************************************* * * * AppleTalk for OpenVMS Questions * * * ************************************* Now configuring AppleTalk for OpenVMS... Only one suitable communications controller was found on this system AppleTalk will configure device ESA0 as its primary port End of AppleTalk for OpenVMS questions **************************************** * * * AppleTalk/DECnet Gateway Questions * * * **************************************** The AppleTalk/DECnet Gateway allows you to specify a name which will identify the gateway on the AppleTalk network. The name you specify can be up to 32 characters long and must be unique among DECnet Gateways in the same AppleTalk zone. the name for the gateway [DECnet on PICKLE]: End of AppleTalk/DECnet Gateway questions ************************************ * * * DECshare File Server Questions * * * ************************************ You will now be asked for the name of the DECshare File Server. This is the name that appears in the Macintosh Chooser dialog box. It must be a unique name (32 characters or less) that isn't the same as any other AppleShare file server's name in the same AppleTalk zone. the server name for DECshare [DECshare on PICKLE]: YES The DECshare File Server will allow guest access for Macintosh users if you wish to enable it. Enabling guest access requires creating a non-privileged account (MSAF$GUEST) which will be used as the DECshare guest account. Sample Installation Script A-3 want to allow guest access to DECshare [NO]? YES the UIC for the MSAF$GUEST account [[360,200]]: This installation creates an ACCOUNT named MSAF$GUEST. user record successfully added identifier MSAF$GUEST value: [000360,000200] added to rights data base identifier MSA value: [000360,177777] added to rights data base This installation updates an ACCOUNT named MSAF$GUEST. user record(s) updated This installation updates an ACCOUNT named MSAF$GUEST. user record(s) updated End of DECshare File Server questions * Print Server Questions * * The DECshare Print Server requires an account which will be used for printing jobs received from the Macintosh. You must now enter a unique non-system UIC for this account. the UIC for the MSAP$ACCOUNT account [[360,210]]: This installation creates an ACCOUNT named MSAP$ACCOUNT. user record successfully added identifier MSAP$ACCOUNT value: [000360,000210] added to rights data base This installation updates an ACCOUNT named MSAP$ACCOUNT. user record(s) updated This installation updates an ACCOUNT named MSAP$ACCOUNT. user record(s) updated This installation updates an ACCOUNT named MSAP$ACCOUNT. user record(s) updated End of DECshare Print Server questions * Online Documentation Questions * * Installation Script PATHWORKS Online Documentation (in PostScript format) by default is installed in SYS$HELP. You may specify an alternate location to install the documentation or accept the default location by hitting RETURN. location to install files [SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]]: End of PATHWORKS Online Documentation questions After this installation procedure completes, you will need to edit your site-specific startup command file found in SYS$MANAGER to add the following line: $ @SYS$STARTUP:MSA$STARTUP.COM This command procedure will start all components of PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) which have been installed on this system. * * * N O T E * * * PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) should be started only after DECnet and the queue manager have been started. We will now begin the installation of files and images for the selected components. No further questions will be asked Restoring product save set B ... Restoring product save set C ... Restoring product save set E ... This product creates system directory [SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.MSA]. Now installing AppleTalk for OpenVMS files... Now installing AppleTalk for OpenVMS images... Now installing AppleTalk/DECnet Gateway files... Now installing AppleTalk/DECnet Gateway images... Now installing DECshare File Server files... This product creates system directory [MSA]. If you intend to execute this layered product on other nodes in your VAXcluster, and you have the appropriate software license, you must prepare the system-specific roots on the other nodes by issuing the following command on each node (using a suitably privileged account): CREATE /DIRECTORY SYS$SPECIFIC:[MSA]/OWNER_UIC=[1,4] Sample Installation Script A-5 This product creates system directory [MSA.MSAF$ICONS]. This product creates system specific directory [MSA.MSAF$SERVER0]. Now installing DECshare management images... Now installing DECshare File Server images... Now deleting old DECshare Print Server forms... Now installing DECshare Print Server files... This product creates system directory [MSA.MSAP$UTILITY]. This product creates system specific directory [MSA.MSAP$SPOOL]. Now installing DECshare Print Server images... Now installing DECwindows AppleTalk (ADSP) Transport files... Now installing DECwindows AppleTalk (ADSP) Transport images... Now installing PATHWORKS Mail Server images... Now installing PATHWORKS Online Documentation files... Now installing miscellaneous files... Now installing miscellaneous images... Files will now be moved to their target directories... AppleTalk for OpenVMS... AppleTalk/DECnet Gateway... DECshare File Server... "DECshare on PICKLE" is starting DECshare Print Server... updating printer device control library MSAP$DEVCTL module MSAP$PROCSET0 inserted in SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]MSAP$DEVCTL.TMP_TLB;1 module MSAP$PROCSET1 inserted in SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]MSAP$DEVCTL.TMP_TLB;1 module MSAP$PROCSET2 inserted in SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]MSAP$DEVCTL.TMP_TLB;1 module MSAP$PROCSET3 inserted in SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]MSAP$DEVCTL.TMP_TLB;1 module MSAP$PROCSET4 inserted in SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]MSAP$DEVCTL.TMP_TLB;1 module MSAP$PROCSET5 inserted in SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]MSAP$DEVCTL.TMP_TLB;1 SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]MSAP$DEVCTL.TMP_TLB;1 to SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]MSAP$DEVCTL.TLB;2 no files purged printer data file not found DECwindows AppleTalk (ADSP) Transport... ************************************************************* * * * Now starting Installation Verification Procedure for * * PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) V1.3 * * * ************************************************************* Installation Script AppleTalk for OpenVMS IVP... for OpenVMS Version 3.2 component versions as of 20-DEC-1994 14:34:21 Version interface ATK V3.2 driver ATK V3.2 stack ATK V3.2 ACP ATK V3.2 messages ATK V3.2 library ATK V3.2 Runtime Library ATK V3.2 driver ATK V3.2 driver ATKGW V1.3 ACP ATKGW V1.3 messages ATKGW V1.3 Installation Verification on AppleTalk for VMS version 03.02-0000 Verification Completed Successfully AppleTalk/DECnet Gateway IVP... AppleTalk/DECnet Gateway IVP has completed successfully DECshare File Server IVP... connection established to file server "MSAF$IVP Test Server on PICKLE" "MSAF$IVP Test Server on PICKLE" is starting connection established to file server "MSAF$IVP Test Server on PICKLE" "MSAF$IVP Test Server on PICKLE" is stopping now the DECshare File Server IVP has completed successfully DECshare Print Server IVP... "MSAP$IVP PICKLE Receiver" is starting "MSAP$IVP PICKLE Symbiont" is starting MSAP$IVP (queue MSAP$IVP_PICKLE_SYMBIONT, entry 3) started on MSAP$IVP_PICKLE_SYMBIONT "MSAP$IVP PICKLE Symbiont" is stopping "MSAP$IVP PICKLE Receiver" is stopping the DECshare Print Server IVP has completed successfully DECwindows AppleTalk (ADSP) Transport IVP... Sample Installation Script A-7 AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol (ADSP) DECwindows Transport Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) beginning part one (of two) - file verification checking for all required DECwindows ADSP Transport files all required files found part one complete DECwindows ADSP Transport IVP has completed successfully *************************************************************** * * * Installation Verification Procedure for PATHWORKS for * * OpenVMS (Macintosh) V1.3 has completed successfully. * * * *************************************************************** procedure done at 14:35 logged out at 20-DEC-1994 14:36:13.92 Installation Script B ______________________________________________________________ Files Installed on Your System The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) installation procedure installs a number of files in your SYS$COMMON root device. This appendix lists the files installed, their locations, and the component with which each file is associated. Files are listed by directory in the following tables: SYS$COMMON:[MSA] Table B-1 SYS$COMMON:[MSA.MSAF$ICONS] Table B-2 SYS$COMMON:[MSA.MSAP$UTILITY] Table B-3 SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR] Table B-4 SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP] Table B-5 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] Table B-6 SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP] Table B-7 SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.MSA]Table B-8 SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] Table B-9 SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR] Table B-10 SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG] Table B-11 SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST] Table B-12 SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.ATK] Table B-13 SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.ATKGW] Table B-14 Files Installed on Your System B-1 Table_B-1_Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[MSA]______________________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ MSA$CREATE_ACCOUNTS.COM DECshare file server MSAF$CLEANUP.COM DECshare file server MSAF$COMPRESS.COM DECshare file server MSAF$DELETE_INTRUSION.COM DECshare file server MSAF$EXCLUDE.TEMPLATE DECshare file server MSAF$FILE_TYPES.TEMPLATE DECshare file server MSAF$GET_AND_HOLD_VOLUME_ DECshare file server LOCK.EXE MSAF$ICONS.DAT DECshare file server MSAF$PROMISE_VOLUME_WAS_ DECshare file server ONLY_MOVED.EXE MSAF$REPLACE_CONTROL_ DECshare file server FILE.EXE MSAF$REPORT.COM DECshare file server MSAF$RUN.COM DECshare file server MSAF$SHOW_INTRUSION.COM DECshare file server MSAF$SYRUN.TEMPLATE________DECshare_file_server____________ Table_B-2_Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[MSA.MSAF$ICONS]___________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ DDIF_CDAD.DAT DECshare file server DOTS_CDAD.DAT DECshare file server DTIF_CDAD.DAT DECshare file server EXE_VMSS.DAT DECshare file server MBIN_DECM.DAT DECshare file server NOGO_MSAF.DAT DECshare file server OBJ_VMSS.DAT DECshare file server OLB_VMSS.DAT DECshare file server PICT_MDRW.DAT DECshare file server (continued on next page) Installed on Your System Table_B-2_(Cont.)__Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[MSA.MSAF$ICONS]__ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ PNTG_MPNT.DAT DECshare file server TEXT_TTXT.DAT DECshare file server TEXT_VMSS.DAT DECshare file server TEXT_XCEL.DAT DECshare file server UNKN_MSAF.DAT DECshare file server WDBM_MSWD.DAT DECshare file server WORD_MACA.DAT______________DECshare_file_server____________ Table_B-3__Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[MSA.MSAP$UTILITY]________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ APLWIIF1.PPD DECshare print server APLWIIF2.PPD DECshare print server APLWIIG1.PPD DECshare print server APLWIIG2.PPD DECshare print server APLWSEL.PPD DECshare print server APPLE380.PPD DECshare print server APPLE422.PPD DECshare print server APTOLLD1.PPD DECshare print server APTOLLW1.PPD DECshare print server DC1152F1.PPD DECshare print server DC1152_1.PPD DECshare print server DC2150P1.PPD DECshare print server DC2250P1.PPD DECshare print server DC3250_1.PPD DECshare print server DC3500_1.PPD DECshare print server DCCOLOR1.PPD DECshare print server DCL11501.PPD DECshare print server DCL21501.PPD DECshare print server (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System B-3 Table_B-3_(Cont.)_Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[MSA.MSAP$UTILITY]_ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ DCL22501.PPD DECshare print server DCLF02F1.PPD DECshare print server DCLF02_1.PPD DECshare print server DCLN03R1.PPD DECshare print server DCLPS171.PPD DECshare print server DCLPS201.PPD DECshare print server DCLPS321.PPD DECshare print server DCLPS401.PPD DECshare print server DCPS1721.PPD DECshare print server DCPS1761.PPD DECshare print server DCPS17L1.PPD DECshare print server DCTPS201.PPD DECshare print server ENGLISH.TXT DECshare print server LWNTX470.PPD DECshare print server LWNTX518.PPD DECshare print server LWNT_470.PPD DECshare print server MSAP$BUILD_FORM.COM DECshare print server MSAP$CONVERT_OUTPUT.EXE DECshare print server MSAP$DECPREP0_0.PS DECshare print server MSAP$DECPREP5_0.PS DECshare print server MSAP$DECPREP5_1.PS DECshare print server MSAP$DECPREP5_2.PS DECshare print server MSAP$DECPREP6_0.PS DECshare print server MSAP$DECPREP7_0.PS DECshare print server MSAP$INSERT_DECPREP.COM DECshare print server MSAP$SET_PARAMS.PS DECshare print server MSAP$SHOW_PARAMS.PS________DECshare_print_server___________ Installed on Your System Table_B-4__Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR]_________________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ ATK$APPLETALK_PROTOCOL_ AppleTalk for OpenVMS STACK.EXE[2] ATKGW$GWDRIVER.EXE[1] AppleTalk/DECnet Gateway ATK$PSDRIVER.EXE[1] AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$EVDRIVER.EXE[1] AppleTalk for OpenVMS EVDRIVER.EXE[2] AppleTalk for OpenVMS GWDRIVER.EXE[2] AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway PSDRIVER.EXE[2] AppleTalk for OpenVMS [1]Alpha_only______________________________________________ [2]VAX only ___________________________________________________________ Table_B-5__Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]_____________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ ATK$STARTUP.COM AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATKGW$STARTUP.COM AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway MSA$STARTUP.COM All components MSA$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE All components MSAF$STARTUP.COM DECshare file server MSAX$STARTUP.COM DECshare file server MSAP$STARTUP.COM DECshare print server MSAX$STARTUP.COM___________DECwindows_ADSP_transport_______ Table_B-6__Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]__________________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ ATK$APPLETALK_ACP.EXE AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$MANAGER.EXE AppleTalk for OpenVMS (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System B-5 Table_B-6_(Cont.)_Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]___________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ ATKGW$APPLETALK_ AppleTalk/DECnet Transport GATEWAY.EXE Gateway MSA$MANAGER.EXE DECshare Management MSA$RMI_AGENT.EXE DECshare Management MSA$STOP_DEVICE_ All components OWNERS.EXE MSAF$SERVER.EXE DECshare file server MSAP$RECEIVER.EXE DECshare print server MSAP$SYMBIONT.EXE DECshare print server MSAX$CLIENT.COM All components MSAX$ERROR.EXE All components MSAX$MODMAP.EXE DECwindows ADSP transport MSAX$NORESTART.EXE All components MSAX$SET_LOGICAL.EXE All components MSAX$TEST.COM All components MSAX$VERIFY.EXE All components PCSA$MAIL_SERVER.EXE PATHWORKS Mail server PCSA_CLAIM_NAME.EXE________PATHWORKS_Mail_server___________ Table_B-7_Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]___________________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ ATK$HELP.HLB AppleTalk for OpenVMS online help MSA$MANAGER.HLB DECshare Management MSA013$ADMIN_GUIDE.PS Online documentation PostScript files MSA013$ADMIN_REF.PS Online documentation PostScript files MSA013$INSTALL_GUIDE.PS Online documentation PostScript files MSA013$INTRO_APPLETALK.PS Online documentation PostScript ___________________________files___________________________ Installed on Your System Table_B-8__Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.MSA]_____ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ ATK$TERMINAL.EXE AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$TERMINAL_STARTUP.COM AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATKVMS_SAMPLE.BCK AppleTalk for OpenVMS BACKUP-MAC.COM All components BROADCAST.COM All components BUILD_TALKER.COM All components MSAF$COMMENT.EXE DECshare file server MSAF$COPYPROTECT.EXE DECshare file server MSAF$MBIN_DUMP.C DECshare file server MSAF$MBIN_DUMP.EXE DECshare file server MSAX$INSCRIPTIONAL_ DECwindows ADSP transport EXTENDED_KEYBOARD.DAT MSAX$POSITIONAL_EXTENDED DECwindows ADSP transport _KEYBOARD.DAT MSAX$STANDARD_EXTENDED DECwindows ADSP transport _KEYBOARD.DAT TALKER.C All components TALKER.EXE All components TALKER.H All components ZONELIST.C All components ZONELIST.EXE_______________All_components__________________ Table_B-9__Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]__________________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ ATK$API_SYMBOLS.ADA AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$API_SYMBOLS.FOR AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$API_SYMBOLS.H AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$API_SYMBOLS.MAR AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$API_SYMBOLS.PAS AppleTalk for OpenVMS (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System B-7 Table_B-9_(Cont.)_Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]___________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ ATK$API_SYMBOLS.PLI AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$API_SYMBOLS.R32 AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$MESSAGES.ADA AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$MESSAGES.FOR AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$MESSAGES.H AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$MESSAGES.MAR AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$MESSAGES.PAS AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$MESSAGES.PLI AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$MESSAGES.R32 AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$APPLETALK_RTL.EXE AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATK$PAP_RTL.EXE AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATKGW$SSI_ROUTINES.OLB AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway ATKGW$SSI_SYMBOLS.ADA AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway ATKGW$SSI_SYMBOLS.FOR AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway ATKGW$SSI_SYMBOLS.H AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway ATKGW$SSI_SYMBOLS.MAR AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway ATKGW$SSI_SYMBOLS.PAS AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway ATKGW$SSI_SYMBOLS.PLI AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway ATKGW$SSI_SYMBOLS.R32 AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway DECW$TRANSPORT_ADSP.EXE DECwindows ADSP transport (continued on next page) Installed on Your System Table_B-9_(Cont.)__Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]__________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ MSAF$SYS_STB_SHR.EXE DECshare file server MSAP$DEVCTL.TLB DECshare print server MSAP$TRANS_POSTSCRIPT.EXE DECshare print server MSAP$TRANS_TEXT.EXE DECshare print server NETBIOS.EXE PATHWORKS Mail server NETBIOSSHR.EXE PATHWORKS Mail server PCSA_MAILSHR.EXE___________PATHWORKS_Mail_server___________ Table_B-10__Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]_________________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ ATK$CONFIG.COM AppleTalk for OpenVMS EVLOAD.COM AppleTalk for OpenVMS MSA$SHUTDOWN.COM___________All_components__________________ Table_B-11__Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG]_________________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ ATK$MESSAGES.EXE AppleTalk for OpenVMS ATKGW$MSG.EXE AppleTalk/DECnet Transport Gateway MSA$MI_MSG.EXE DECshare Management MSAF$MSG.EXE DECshare file server MSAF$PWL_MSG.EXE DECshare file server MSAP$MSG.EXE DECshare print server MSAX$ADSP_MSG.EXE__________DECwindows_ADSP_transport_______ Files Installed on Your System B-9 Table_B-12_Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST]_________________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ MSA$IVP.COM All components MSAF$IVP.COM DECshare file server MSAP$IVP.COM DECshare print server MSAX$IVP.COM_______________DECwindows_ADSP_transport_______ Table_B-13_Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.ATK]_____________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ ATK$IVP.EXE________________AppleTalk_for_OpenVMS___________ Table_B-14_Directory:_SYS$COMMON:[SYSTEST.ATKGW]___________ File_Name__________________Component_______________________ ATKGW$IVP.EXE AppleTalk/DECnet Transport ___________________________Gateway_________________________ Installed on Your System C ______________________________________________________________ DECnet Objects Created by PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) The following DECnet objects are created by PATHWORKS for VMS (Macintosh): ______________________________________________________________ Object Name Number Used by... Description______________________________________________________________ 85 AppleTalk for Used by the router for OpenVMS DECnet tunnel ports. 0 AppleTalk Used to make DECnet- /DECnet to-AppleTalk gateway Transport connections. Gateway 0 DECshare file A DECshare remote management and print interface object used servers for remote management of DECshare file and print servers. 0 MacX X Used for starting DECwindows Window server client applications. (Macintosh application) 0 PATHWORKS Used for accessing PATHWORKS Mail server Mail from the Macintosh.______________________________________________________________ Objects Created by PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) C-1 D ______________________________________________________________ Installing the XQP+ The DECshare file server supports an improved OpenVMS file system (XQP+). The XQP+ is an enhanced version of the XQP, and helps improve the performance of your PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) server. A single separately installable kit is provided for OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 a nd Version 6.0 systems. VAX and Alpha OpenVMS Version 6.1 systems include the XQP+ features as part of the standard system. All that needs to be done on Version 6.1 is to enable the appropriate SYSGEN parameters (see the OpenVMS Version 6.1 New Features Manual for details). For more information on the XQP+ features and installation on a VMScluster, see Appendix E. Steps To install the XQP+, follow these steps: 1. Check that you are running OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or 6.0. 2. Check that you do not have an XQP image in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]. The installation procedure aborts if it finds an F11BXQP.EXE file in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]. 3. Back up your system disk. 4. Choose a time when you can reboot. 5. Enter the following command to run VMSINSTAL to install the XQP+ on OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or 6.0: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL VAXPWF11X01_060 device: Installing the XQP+ D-1 where device: is the name of the tape drive or the disk and directory where the VAXPWF11X01_060.A kit is stored. ________________________ Note ________________________ This single installable kit (VAXPWF11X01_060.A) contains versions of the XQP+ for OpenVMS VAX Versions 5.5-2 and 6.0. ______________________________________________________ 6. If you are running the XQP+ in a VMScluster, set the XQP+ related system parameters to the same values on all the nodes (VMSD2 and ACP_WRITEBACK for OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 and XQPCTLD1, XQPCTL2, ACP_WRITEBACK for OpenVMS VAX Version 6.x). See the next section, Responding to VMSINSTAL Questions, for more information. The installation procedure sets the system parameters only on the node on which you run the procedure. If you have a VMScluster with multiple system disks, make sure you run the installation procedure on each system disk. to VMSINSTAL Questions Each VMSINSTAL question you need to answer is marked with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line. Some questions show a default response in square brackets. To accept the default, press . The following is a list of questions that VMSINSTAL asks during the installation. Depending on your system, you might see additional messages and questions when you perform your installation: 1. Active Processes %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: . . . * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Enter YES. the XQP+ 2. System Backup * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? If you have not made a backup, or are not satisfied with the backup you made, enter NO to stop the installation. After you have backed up your system disk, restart the installation. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press to enter YES. 3. XQP+ Save Set Location * Where will the distribution volumes be mounted: The XQP+ installation kit is stored in the same place as the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) kit. If this was a CDROM distribution, VAXPWF11X01_060.A is in the same directory. If this was a magtape distribution, VAXPWF11X01_060.A is on the same tape. 4. Product Name Enter the products to be processed from the first distribution volume set. * Products: Enter VAXPWF11X01_060. 5. Installation Options * Enter installation options you wish to use (none): Press to enter NONE. 6. Continuing the Installation * Continue the Installation? [Y]? Press to enter YES. 7. Purging Files * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Press to enter YES. Installing the XQP+ D-3 8. System Shutdown * Will you allow a system shutdown after this product is installed [YES]? Press to enter NO. If you enter NO, the installation procedure continues as normal, but the system does not reboot. The XQP+ becomes active whenever you reboot the system. On some systems, the installation procedure may make the following additional statements: o Location of the XQP image does not reside in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]. The will abort because of this. Please see the Installation more information. This indicates that a version of the XQP may have been placed in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]. This installation replaces the XQP image only if it is in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]. o Special Versions of the XQP procedure has detected that there may be a danger of bugfixes to your current F11BXQP.EXE. The installation will consult the installation guide. This indicates that the installation procedure has detected a special version of the old XQP on your system. Bug fixes made to the old XQP may not be present in the XQP+, resulting in regression. Consult the supplier of the old XQP for further guidance. the XQP+ Sample Installation The following is a sample XQP+ installation script: Welcome to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 SYSTEM Welcome to OpenVMS VAX version Version 6.0 on node JUGGLE Last interactive login on Friday, 16-DEC-1994 10:30 Last non-interactive login on Friday, 16-DEC-1994 11:48 VAXPWF11X01_060 MKA500: OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure Version 6.0 It is 16-DEC-1994 at 13:54. a question mark (?) at any time for help. you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? YES following products will be processed: Version 6.0 Beginning installation of VAXPWF11X01_ Version 6.0 at 13:54 Restoring product save set A ... Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. o Depending on your system, this installation procedure will change the following system parameters to the following values: System Parameter Value ------ --------- ----- Standalone or XQPCTLD1 8 XQP+ only XQPCTL2 1 VMScluster ACP_WRITEBACK 1 VMScluster XQPCTLD1 0 with XQP+ and XQPCTL2 0 original XQP ACP_WRITEBACK 1 nodes o The original XQP will be saved in the file: SYS$SYSTEM:F11BXQP_OLD.EXE Installing the XQP+ D-5 The following deinstallation procedure will be provided to allow you to back out the changes made by this kit: SYS$UPDATE:PWF11X$DEINSTAL.COM To activate the XQP+, a reboot is required. During the installation, a question will ask if it is convenient to shutdown the system. If you enter NO, the installation will continue as normal but will not shutdown your system. the Installation? [Y]? YES procedure will change the following system to the following values: Parameter Value --------- ----- XQPCTLD1 8 XQPCTL2 1 ACP_WRITEBACK 1 add these settings to MODPARAMS.DAT. want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? YES complete the installation of this product, you should reboot system. If it is not convenient to reboot at this time, then NO to the following question. you enter NO, the installation procedure will continue. you allow a system shutdown after this product is installed NO This installation procedure will not ask any questions Restoring product save set C ... Files will now be moved to their target directories... Installation of VAXPWF11X01_ Version 6.0 completed at 13:55 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 13:55 the XQP+ E ______________________________________________________________ Configuringing the XQP+ The OpenVMS file system is implemented by the XQP. The XQP+ is an enhanced version of the XQP, and helps improve the performance of your PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) server. This appendix discusses the following: o New features o Controlling the new features on Version 5.5-2 o Controlling the new features on Version 6.x o Controlling XQP+ in a VMScluster o Mixed OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 and Version 6.x clusters o Controlling DECshare XQP+ usage o Deinstalling the XQP+ o Known problems Features The XQP+ provides new features to improve the performance of the DECshare file server: Configuringing the XQP+ E-1 ___________________________________________________________ New_ Feature_____Description____________________________________ MultithreadiAllows the DECshare file server to perform up to eight concurrent OpenVMS file system operations in parallel. Improved Allows the OpenVMS file system to process concur- multiple file create operations on a single rency disk in parallel. Normally in a VMScluster, only one process can create files on a disk at a time. AsynchronousAllows the DECshare file server to return cache control to the PATHWORKS client before writes completing certain OpenVMS file system operations. This improves the response time for accessing files from the file server. Multiblock Reduces the time the OpenVMS file system spends bitmap allocating disk space. reads______________________________________________________ the New Features on Version 5.5-2 Three of the new XQP+ features are controlled by the following OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 SYSGEN parameters. Note that OpenVMS Version 6.x uses different SYSGEN parameters (see the next section for Version 6.x usage). the XQP+ ___________________________________________________________ Parameter_____Description__________________________________ VMSD2 Enables and disables multithreading. Enables and disables improved concurrency. _____________________________________________ Value_Result_________________________________ 1 Disables multithreading. Enables improved concurrency. 8 Enables multithreading. Enables improved concurrency. 32769 Disables multithreading. Disables improved concurrency. Note that a disk benefits from the improved concurrency only if VMSD2 is ______set_to_8_when_the_disk_is_mounted._____ ACP_ Enables and disables asynchronous cache WRITEBACK writes. _____________________________________________ Value_Result_________________________________ 0 Disables asynchronous cache writes. 1_____Enables_asynchronous_cache_writes._____ ___________________________________________________________ the New Features on Version 6.x The new features of the XQP+ are controlled by the following three OpenVMS 6.x SYSGEN parameters. Note that OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 uses different SYSGEN parameters (see the previous section for Version 5.5-2 usage). ___________________________________________________________ Parameter_Description______________________________________ XQPCTLD1 Enables and disables multithreading. _________________________________________________ Value_Result_____________________________________ 8 Enables multithreading. 0_____Disables_multithreading.___________________ Configuringing the XQP+ E-3 ___________________________________________________________ Parameter_Description______________________________________ XQPCTL2 Enables and disables improved concurrency. _________________________________________________ Value_Result_____________________________________ 1 Enables improved concurrency. 0_____Disables_improved_concurrency._____________ ACP_ Enables and disables asynchronous cache writes. WRITEBACK _________________________________________________ Value_Result_____________________________________ 1 Enables asynchronous cache writes. 0_____Disables_asynchronous_cache_writes.________ ___________________________________________________________ XQP+ in a VMScluster On each system in a VMScluster, you should: o Set each parameter to the same value. For example, if the installation procedure sets ACP_WRITEBACK to 1, set ACP_WRITEBACK to 1 on each system. o Update the MODPARAMS.DAT file so that it reflects the new parameter values. Version 5.5-2 and Version 6.x Clusters VMSclusters Running OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 and Version 6.x In a VMScluster, OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 and Version 6.x systems that run their respective versions of the XQP+ can coexist. Make sure, however, that all the systems in the cluster run the XQP+. DECshare XQP+ Usage You can use two logical names to control multithreading and asynchronous cache writes within the DECshare file server: o MSAF$SERVER_MAX_XQP_THREADS o MSAF$SERVER_XQP_ASYNC_CACHE_WRITES the XQP+ If you have enabled multithreading, you can use the MSAF$SERVER_MAX_XQP_THREADS logical name to specify the maximum number of concurrent OpenVMS file system operations for the DECshare file server. $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC MSAF$SERVER_MAX_XQP_THREADS 8 If the logical name is not defined, the default is 8. The minimum is 0. If you specify a value of 1 or 0, multi- threading is switched off. If you have enabled asynchronous cache writes, you can use the MSAF$SERVER_XQP_ASYNC_CACHE_WRITES logical name to switch the feature on or off: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC - _$ MSAF$SERVER_XQP_ASYNC_CACHE_WRITES YES $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC - _$ MSAF$SERVER_XQP_ASYNC_CACHE_WRITES NO You must restart the DECshare file server for the new values to take effect. See the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) Server Reference Manual appendix for a description of these logical names. the XQP+ You need to install the XQP+ only on OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 and Version 6.0 systems. The XQP+ is standard on Alpha and VAX OpenVMS Version 6.1 systems and does not require installation. Use the VMSINSTAL command procedure to install the XQP+ from the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) kit. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL VAXPWF11X01_060 kit_media: VAXPWF11X01_060 contains XQP+ versions for both OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 and Version 6.0. To make sure you can restore the old XQP at any time, the installation procedure copies the old XQP and stores it in SYS$SYSTEM:F11BXQP_OLD.EXE (on OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 and Version 6.0 systems only). Configuringing the XQP+ E-5 To deinstall the XQP+, follow these steps for each system disk on which you installed the XQP+: 1. Run the deinstallation procedure: $ @SYS$UPDATE:PWF11X$DEINSTAL The deinstallation procedure fails if it cannot locate the old XQP. 2. Reset the SYSGEN parameters to their default values on every node in your VMScluster: ________________________________________________________ On_...______The_default_values_are_...__________________ An OpenVMS VMSD2=0, ACP_WRITEBACK=1. Version 5.5-2 system An OpenVMS XQPCTLD1=0, XQPCTL2=0, ACP_WRITEBACK=1. Version 6.x_system______________________________________________ 3. Reboot the system. o Location of the current XQP If the installation procedure finds a copy of the XQP in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE], the XQP+ is installed. The procedure only replaces the file F11BXQP.EXE if it is in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE], and there are no copies of it in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]. o VMSclusters running both the XQP+ and the old XQP Under very exceptional circumstances, deadlocks have occurred in VMScluster systems running both the XQP+ and the original XQP. These deadlocks have occurred only under extremely heavy loads created by special XQP stressing software. The deadlocks have not occurred under typical system loads, and do not occur with VMScluster systems running the XQP+ on all systems. the XQP+ To accommodate this problem, the XQP+ installation procedure asks you if you are going to install the XQP+ on all systems in your VMScluster. If you answer No, the procedure disables multithreading and improved concurrency. In this case, disable multithreading and improved concurrency on all the other systems in your VMScluster. o To control improved concurrency and multithreading, the Version 6.0 parameters XQPCTLD1 and XQPCTL2 replace the Version 5.5-2 parameter VMSD2. The following table shows you how to set these parameters consistently in a VMScluster that has both Version 5.5-2 and Version 6.0 systems. ________________________________________________________ On a Version If you want to 5.5-2 system On a Version 6.0 system ..._____________...___________..._______________________ Enable Set VMSD2 to Set XQPCTL2 to 1 and improved 8. XQPCTLD1 to 8. concurrency and multithreading Disable Set VMSD2 to Set XQPCTL2 to 0 and improved 32769. XQPCTLD1 to 0. concurrency and multithreading__________________________________________ o Upgrading OpenVMS VAX systems If you upgrade your OpenVMS VAX system from Version 5.5-2 to Version 6.0, you must reinstall the XQP+. Configuringing the XQP+ E-7 ___________________________________________________________ Index Checklist (cont'd) _________________________ preinstallation tasks, 2-1 Transport VMScluster configuration, 5-1 5-5 Client software of, 2-2 standalone system and, 4-4 space requirements, 2-6 Components 3-9 description of, 2-2 3-9 disk space requirements, 2-5 for OpenVMS location of, 2-6 of, 2-2 prerequisites, 3-6 space requirements, 2-6 selecting, 3-6 3-8 Configuration a new version, 4-3 overview of tasks, 1-1 port and, 5-3 standalone systems, 4-4 requirements, 2-4 VMScluster systems, 5-1 5-3 Configuration procedure aborting, 5-3 canceling, 5-5 Configuration running, 5-2 command system parameter D______________________2-9_____ DCL tables replacing, 5-2_________________________ DECnet recommendations, objects created, C-1 prerequisite software for, _________________________ 2-4 parameter status while installing, 2-8 3-4, 5-3 value, 2-7 version requirements, 2-4 tasks, 3-1 tasks, 4-1 Index-1 file server GBLPAGES parameter volumes, 5-7 checking, 2-7 5-7 required value, 2-7 of, 2-2 GBLSECTIONS parameter space requirements, 2-6 checking, 2-7 performance on, required value, 2-7 Guest access to DECshare, 3-10 3-10 3-10 H______________________________ print server Hardware of, 2-2 required before installation, space requirements, 2-6 2-3 3-11 ADSP transport I _______________________________ of, Installation checklist, 3-1 space Installation procedure software aborting, 3-3 completing, 3-12 requirements files installed by, B-1 2-5 for the XQP+, D-5 overview of, 1-1_________________________ planning, 2-2 and running, 3-3 sample script, A-1 controllers starting, 3-2 for Installation Verification Procedure error messages, 3-14 5-4 running automatically, 3-5, 3-12 running independently, 4-3_________________________ IVP B-1 See Installation Verification 3-6 Procedure file server L______________________________ Log file _________________________ naming, 5-4 Logging enabling/disabling, 5-4 Gateway PQL_MBYTLM parameter checking, 2-7____________________________ required value, 2-7 server Preinstallation checklist, 2-1 of, Prerequisite hardware, 2-3 parameter Prerequisite software, 2-4 2-7 Primary port value, setting up, 5-3 files zone name, 5-3 space Print server file 2-9 See DECshare print server Privileges required for installation,____________________________ 2-5 Process account quotas ranges, required for installation, the 1-2 2-6 Product components description of, 2-2 ____________________________ location of, 2-6 PostScript Documentation Q______________________________ of, 2-3 Quotas 3-12 required for installation, 2-6 requirements, N parameter to VMSINSTAL command, 3-3, R______________________________ 3-5 Release notes file name, 3-5 OPTIONS N parameter, 3-3____________________________ ways to view, 3-5 Listing, Requirements Mail prerequisite hardware, 2-3 of, prerequisite software, 2-4 space improving, 1-1, S D-1 _______________________________ Sample installation script, layout A-1 1-2 Shutdown tasks, 5-9 AppleTalk upgrade and, 4-3 tasks automating, 4-3 4-1 upgrade and, 3-2 Index-3 U______________________of______ product, before installation, Upgrade shutdown for, 3-2 system startup for, 5-6 4-4 V______________________________ 4-2 VMScluster systems and, checklist for configuring, file 5-1 to dismo installing on, 3-2 4-3 VMSINSTAL procedure file aborting, 3-3 to completing, 3-12 description of, 3-1 disk error messages and conditions 2-5, , 3-13 parameters files installed by, B-1 2-9 OPTIONS N parameter, 3-3 2-7 running, 3-3 2-6 sample script, A-1 shutdown sample XQP+ script, D-5 to starting, 3-2 Volumes startup adding, 5-7 to X______________________________ XQP_________________________ and the XQP+, D-4 XQP+, 1-1 standalone installation script, D-5 4-4 installing, D-1 VMScluster 5-1 Z _______________________________ 3-1 Zones 5-9 4-1 See AppleTalk 2-1