Compaq_Office_Server__________________________ Installation Guide Revision/Update Information: Updated for Compaq Office Server Version 6.0 Operating system: OpenVMS VAX Version 7.1 or higher, and OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1-2 or higher Compaq Computer Corporation Houston, Texas __________________________________________________________ January 2001 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Compaq or an authorized sublicensor. While Compaq believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Compaq Computer Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © 2000, Compaq Computer Corporation COMPAQ, the Compaq logo, the Digital logo, ALL-IN-1, DEC, DECnet, MAILbus and VAX are registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Datatrieve, DECwindows, MailWorks, OpenVMS, Tru64, VMScluster, VT and WPS-PLUS are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corporation. Other product names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective companies. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. ix 1 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.1 Checklist of Preinstallation Tasks........... 1-2 1.2 Reading and Printing the Online Release Notes........................................ 1-7 1.3 Checking Prerequisite and Optional Software..................................... 1-8 1.4 Licensing.................................... 1-14 1.4.1 Registering License PAKs for Software Provided with Office Server Version 6.0...................................... 1-15 1.5 Example Order for Installing Optional Software..................................... 1-16 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements.......... 1-17 1.6.1 Installing Account Requirements.......... 1-17 1.6.2 System Parameters........................ 1-18 1.6.3 Displaying Current System Parameters..... 1-23 1.6.4 Changing System Parameter Values......... 1-23 Updating Dynamic System Parameters with AUTOGEN................................ 1-25 Updating Non-Dynamic System Parameter with AUTOGEN........................... 1-25 1.6.5 Disk Space on Your System Disk or Alternate Working Device................. 1-26 1.6.6 Using the OA$LIB_SHARE Disk as the AWD... 1-27 1.6.7 Disk Space for Office Server Areas on Target Disks............................. 1-27 1.6.8 Assigning Logical Names to Your Disks.... 1-28 1.6.9 New Installation: Disk Space for Office Server Areas............................. 1-29 iii 1.6.10 Upgrade Installation: Disk Space for Office Server Areas...................... 1-30 1.6.11 Addition of Architecture Support: Disk Space for Office Server areas............ 1-31 1.6.12 Disk Quota Allocation.................... 1-32 1.6.13 Installed Images......................... 1-32 1.6.14 Installing FDVMSG.EXE and FDVSHR.EXE Images................................... 1-37 1.6.15 Installing Other Images.................. 1-37 1.6.16 Checking The Location of DCLTABLES.EXE... 1-37 1.7 Additional Tasks for Upgrade Installations... 1-38 1.7.1 Copying Customized Data Files............ 1-39 1.8 Using the MAILbus 400 MTA and Compaq X.500... 1-39 1.9 Using a Remote Message Router................ 1-39 1.9.1 Create an Office Server Mailbox on the Remote Message Router Node .............. 1-40 1.10 Running the Preinstallation System Check..... 1-41 1.10.1 Types of Errors Reported................. 1-41 1.10.2 Running the Perform all Preinstallation Checks (PC) Option....................... 1-42 1.11 Final System Preparation Tasks: New Installations................................ 1-43 1.12 Final System Preparation Tasks: Upgrade Installations ............................... 1-43 1.12.1 Shut Down Office Server.................. 1-44 1.12.2 Deinstall Files Installed in Memory...... 1-44 1.13 Back Up Your System and Target Disks......... 1-44 2 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations................................ 2-3 2.2 Adding or Upgrading Architecture Support..... 2-31 2.2.1 Before You Start......................... 2-32 2.2.2 Installation Procedure for Adding Architecture Support..................... 2-32 2.3 Automatic Postinstallation Tasks............. 2-41 2.4 Manual Postinstallation Tasks................ 2-42 iv 3 Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3.1 Installation Procedure for Additional Language Installations....................... 3-2 3.2 Installing Architecture Support for an Additional Language.......................... 3-9 4 Installation Errors and Failure 4.1 Common Errors................................ 4-1 4.2 Failure During Postinstallation.............. 4-2 4.2.1 Failure of Upgrade Installations in Safety Mode.............................. 4-2 4.2.2 Failure of Upgrade Installations in Non-Safety Mode.......................... 4-2 4.2.3 Full Installations....................... 4-2 4.2.4 Failure Due to Insufficient Dynamic Memory................................... 4-3 4.3 Error Messages when Running the IVP.......... 4-3 4.4 IVP Failure.................................. 4-5 5 Postinstallation Tasks 5.1 Checklist of Manual Postinstallation Tasks... 5-1 5.2 Start Office Server on all Nodes in a VMScluster System............................ 5-5 5.3 Create or Modify the Site-specific Office Server Startup Procedure..................... 5-6 5.4 Edit the Site-specific Startup Procedure..... 5-6 5.4.1 Installations With Compaq X.500 and the MAILbus 400 MTA.......................... 5-7 5.4.2 Installations with Message Router........ 5-7 5.5 Replace the DCLTABLES on Cluster Systems..... 5-9 5.6 Delete Files That Are No Longer Required..... 5-9 5.7 Install Missing Images....................... 5-10 5.8 Recompile Form Libraries..................... 5-10 5.9 Migrating Your Customizations After Upgrading.................................... 5-11 5.9.1 Running the CART Resolution Procedure.... 5-12 5.9.2 Deleting Obsolete Files.................. 5-13 5.9.3 Replacing the Help Modules for Your Application.............................. 5-14 v 5.10 Migrate SITELINK50 Using Customization Management................................... 5-15 5.11 Link Office Server to Include Code-level Customizations............................... 5-15 5.12 Setting up Remote Mail When Using the MAILbus 400 MTA...................................... 5-15 5.13 Setting up Remote Mail When Using Message Router....................................... 5-16 5.13.1 Create a Mailbox for Office Server....... 5-17 5.13.2 Modifying the Message Router Mailbox Entry.................................... 5-19 5.13.3 Configuring the VMSmail Gateway for Remote Access............................ 5-19 5.13.4 Setting Up the Message Router Directory Service as the Mail Directory............ 5-20 Message Router is in the Same VMScluster............................. 5-20 Message Router is not in the Same VMScluster............................. 5-24 5.13.5 Remote Message Router Directory Service Startup Procedure........................ 5-29 5.14 WPS-PLUS Login Command Procedure............. 5-30 5.15 Moving the CDA DOC_STYLE Files............... 5-30 A Office Server Version 6.0 Distribution Media A.1 CD-ROM Distribution Kits (VAX or Alpha Installations)............................... A-1 B Office Server Version 6.0 Files and Directories B.1 Files in the Office Server Kit............... B-1 B.2 Files Installed in Non-Office Server Directories.................................. B-1 vi C ENGLISH Kit C.1 About Your ENGLISH Kit....................... C-2 C.1.1 Distribution Media....................... C-2 C.1.2 Savesets Provided........................ C-2 C.2 Disk Space Requirements...................... C-3 C.2.1 Disk Space Required on the System Disk or Alternate Working Device (AWD)........... C-4 C.2.2 Disk Space for Language Files on Target Disks.................................... C-4 C.3 Information on the English Language Component.................................... C-7 C.4 Information on the British Language Component.................................... C-7 C.5 Information on the US Market Component....... C-8 C.5.1 Keyboards Supported by the US Market Component................................ C-8 C.5.2 Modems Supported by the US Market Component................................ C-9 C.6 Information on the GB Market Component....... C-9 C.6.1 Keyboards Supported by the GB Market Component................................ C-10 C.6.2 Modems Supported by the GB Market Component................................ C-11 D Information on Market Components D.1 Belgian Market Component..................... D-2 D.2 Brazilian Market Component................... D-2 D.3 Canadian Market Component.................... D-3 D.4 Dutch Market Component....................... D-4 D.5 French Market Component...................... D-4 D.6 German Market Component...................... D-5 D.7 Swiss Market Component....................... D-6 Index vii Tables 1-1 Preinstallation Checklist................ 1-2 1-2 Prerequisite and Optional Software....... 1-9 1-3 Licenses for Migrating from MailWorks.... 1-14 1-4 Process Account Quotas for the Installing Account.................................. 1-18 1-5 Minimum System Parameter Values Required................................. 1-19 1-6 Changing System Parameter Values......... 1-24 1-7 New Installation: Disk Space for Office Server Areas............................. 1-30 1-8 Upgrade Installations: Disk Space for Office Server Areas ..................... 1-31 1-9 Addition, Upgrade or Update of Architecture Support: Disk Space for Office Server Areas...................... 1-32 1-10 Installed Images Required on VAX......... 1-32 1-11 Installed Images Required on Alpha....... 1-34 2-1 Information About the Installation Procedure................................ 2-2 2-2 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations.................... 2-4 2-3 When to Install/Upgrade VAX or Alpha Architecture Support..................... 2-31 2-4 Installation Procedure for Adding Architecture Support..................... 2-33 3-1 Installation Procedure for An Additional Language ................................ 3-3 3-2 Installation Procedure for Addition of Architecture Support for an Additional Language................................. 3-9 5-1 Postinstallation Tasks................... 5-1 5-2 Editing the OpenVMS Site-specific Startup File..................................... 5-8 5-3 Tasks for Setting up Remote Mail......... 5-16 C-1 Savesets Provided with the ENGLISH Kit... C-2 C-2 Disk Space Required on the System Disk or AWD (Blocks).......................... C-4 viii C-3 Disk Space for Language Files: New Installation............................. C-5 C-4 Disk Space for Language Files: Upgrade from Version 3.1......................... C-6 C-5 Disk Space for Language Files: Add, Upgrade or Update Architecture Support... C-6 C-6 Useful Information for the English Language Component....................... C-7 C-7 Useful Information for the British Language Component....................... C-7 C-8 Useful Information for the US Market Component................................ C-8 C-9 Useful Information for the GB Market Component................................ C-9 D-1 Useful Information for the Belgian Market Component................................ D-2 D-2 Useful Information for the Brazilian Market Component......................... D-2 D-3 Useful Information for the Canadian Market Component......................... D-3 D-4 Useful Information for the Dutch Market Component................................ D-4 D-5 Useful Information for the French Market Component................................ D-5 D-6 Useful Information for the German Market Component................................ D-5 D-7 Useful Information for the Swiss Market Component................................ D-6 ix ________________________________________________________________ Preface About This Book Before you use this book, you must plan your Office Server Version 6.0 installation by reading the Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide. Note that the Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide was not updated for Office Server Version 6.0, but that the instructions it gives still apply. The Compaq Office Server Installation Guide describes how to do the following: 1. Prepare your system for an Office Server Version 6.0 installation. 2. Install Office Server Version 6.0. 3. Set up Office Server Version 6.0 so that the Office Server manager can log in and use it locally. Office Server Installation: Language and Market Information The documentation provided with non-ENGLISH kits provides the disk space values for installing the Office Server Version 6.0 kit, and information on the language and market components that you will need during the installation. Prerequisite Knowledge This guide assumes that you have read the Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide. To install Office Server Version 6.0 you must be familiar with the VMSINSTAL utility. ix The Office Server Management Documentation Set The following guides form the Office Server management documentation set: o Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide o Compaq Office Server Installation Guide o The online help for Office Server Administrator ________________________Note ________________________ The V4.0 management guide may still be useful, but the most up-to-date management information is in the Office Server Administrator help. _____________________________________________________ Terminology and Conventions Used in this Guide The following table lists the terminology and conventions used in this guide. Office Server Means the Compaq Office Server for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX OpenVMS Alpha Means the OpenVMS Alpha operating system OpenVMS VAX Means the OpenVMS VAX operating system UCX Means DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS AIDA Server Means the Distributed Access Server Client user Means a user of a client of Office Server. Client users include: o Users of personal computers (PCs) and workstations (PC client users) o Users of the video terminal (VT) interface to Office Server software, when they choose options that make use of an Office Server server (VT client users) x Architecture Is a term used to differentiate between OpenVMS VAX systems and OpenVMS Alpha systems Related Documents You may also need to refer to the documentation on the following products: o VAX Message Router and its Gateways o DEC Notes o OpenVMS system management o The MAILbus 400 MTA and its Gateways o Compaq X.500 o DECnet/OSI xi 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing Your System for Installation This chapter describes the tasks that you must do to prepare your system for an Office Server installation. The information in this chapter applies to all installations. You must read the Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide before you install Office Server. The guide covers: o Information about this version of Office Server o Mail system planning o Installation planning, including a checklist of all the decisions that you need to make before starting the installation In addition, if your system has been customized, you must read the chapter Planning the Upgrade of a Customized System in the Overview and Planning Guide. This chapter explains how to run the Conflict Checking and Resolution Tool (CART) to check your customizations before you upgrade to Office Server. o Mail system planning o System policies and licensing This installation guide assumes that you have read the Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide, made all your planning decisions and know what type of installation you are going to perform. Preparing Your System for Installation 1-1 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.1 Checklist of Preinstallation Tasks 1.1 Checklist of Preinstallation Tasks To prepare your system for an Office Server installation, you must do the tasks listed in Table 1-1. Table_1-1_Preinstallation_Checklist_______________________ For further information, Task___Description________________see_____________________ 1 Check the kit contents The Bill of Materials for a list of what the distribution kit should contain. Contact your Compaq representative if your kit is damaged or incomplete. __________________________________________________________ 2 Read the READ ME FIRST letter if one is supplied with your kit __________________________________________________________ 3 Make sure that you have Compaq Office Server planned your installation Planning and Setup Guide and Office Server mail system. The Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide also lists any prerequisite configuration tasks that must be done for the messaging products that you plan to use with Office Server. These tasks must be completed before you start your installation. (continued on next page) 1-2 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.1 Checklist of Preinstallation Tasks Table_1-1_(Cont.)_Preinstallation_Checklist_______________ For further information, Task___Description________________see_____________________ __________________________________________________________ 4 Read the online product Section 1.2 for release notes provided instructions on with the kit accessing the release notes. __________________________________________________________ 5 Check that you have the Section 1.3 correct versions of: o The prerequisite software for the installation o Any optional software that you want to install __________________________________________________________ 6 Check that you have a Section 1.4 valid license for the installing account __________________________________________________________ 7 Register the License Section 1.4.1 PAKs for the prerequisite and optional software provided with Office Server. __________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Preparing Your System for Installation 1-3 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.1 Checklist of Preinstallation Tasks Table_1-1_(Cont.)_Preinstallation_Checklist_______________ For further information, Task___Description________________see_____________________ 8 Check the installation Section 1.6 for the procedure requirements: values required and o For the installing instructions for account checking and changing these parameters. o System parameters o Disk space o Logical names o Installed images o The location of DCLTABLES.EXE __________________________________________________________ 9 For upgrade installa- Section 1.7. tions, do any additional tasks. __________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 1-4 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.1 Checklist of Preinstallation Tasks Table_1-1_(Cont.)_Preinstallation_Checklist_______________ For further information, Task___Description________________see_____________________ 10 Check that all pre- Section 1.3 lists requisite and optional prerequisite and software is installed, optional software. In configured and running addition, you may want before you start to install DATATRIEVE or the Office Server ACMS if you are planning installation. to use these products with Office Server. All prerequisite messaging products such as Message Router or the MAILbus 400 MTA and Compaq X.500 must be installed, configured and running before you install Office Server. See the Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide. For a suggested order of installing optional software, see Section 1.5. __________________________________________________________ 11 If you are installing a Section 1.8 new Office Server system with Compaq X.500 and the MAILbus 400 MTA, check that these products have been installed and configured correctly. __________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Preparing Your System for Installation 1-5 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.1 Checklist of Preinstallation Tasks Table_1-1_(Cont.)_Preinstallation_Checklist_______________ For further information, Task___Description________________see_____________________ 12 If you will be using a Section 1.9. remote Message Router that is not in the same VMScluster, do any additional tasks. __________________________________________________________ 13 It is recommended that Section 1.10 you run the Perform all preinstallation checks (PC) option to check that your system is prepared for the installation. The PC option runs through the installation to check that you have all the prerequisite licenses, software, disk space and installation parameters correctly set up on your system. __________________________________________________________ 14 Do the final system Section 1.11 for new preparation tasks. installations and Section 1.12 for upgrade installations. __________________________________________________________ 15 Back up your system and Section 1.13 _______target_disks.______________________________________ 1-6 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.2 Reading and Printing the Online Release Notes 1.2 Reading and Printing the Online Release Notes Online release notes are provided with the language and market components of Office Server. The release notes contain information that was unavailable before the books went to print. It is recommended that you read the release notes, because they may contain information relating to the installation. You can access the release notes using the VMSINSTAL procedure before you install the Office Server software. There are two parts to the Office Server release notes: o Release Notes Part 1 Language This part contains the release notes specific to the Office Server language being installed. o Release Notes Part 2 Market This part contains the release notes specific to your Office Server market component. Note that this document may not exist for all market components. To read or print the release notes, do the following: 1. Log in to the privileged OpenVMS system manager's account and enter the following command lines: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL product device: OPTIONS N where device is the device on which the media containing the appropriate version of the release notes is mounted and product is the product code. The product codes are: o A1Llang060 for the Release Notes Part 1 Language, where lang is the 2-letter code for the language you are installing o A1Cmarket060 for the Release Notes Part 2 Market, where market is the 2-letter code for the market component you are installing If you are performing an additional language instal- lation, you need only print the Office Server Release Notes Part 1 Language that is supplied with your kit. Preparing Your System for Installation 1-7 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.2 Reading and Printing the Online Release Notes When you have read or printed the release notes, terminate the installation procedure. If you have accessed only one part of the release notes, repeat the procedure to access the other part. The following files are placed in SYS$HELP: o A1Llang060.RELEASE_NOTES, for the Release Notes Part 1 Language, where lang is the 2-letter code for the language you are installing o A1Cmarket060.RELEASE_NOTES, for the Release Notes Part 2 Market, where market is the 2-letter code for the market component you are installing 1.3 Checking Prerequisite and Optional Software Table 1-2 provides information about the prerequisite software for an Office Server installation. It also lists the software that is supplied with the Office Server kit, and optional software that you may want to install. The following definitions apply: o Prerequisite means that the software must be installed before you install Office Server. The installation will fail if the prerequisite software is not installed. o Optional means that the software is not required for the Office Server installation. Optional software provides additional functionality and the optional software that you install depends on the requirements at your site. For example, if you want to use Group Conferencing, you must install DEC Notes. ________________________Note ________________________ Both the prerequisite software, and any optional software that you want to install, must be in- stalled, configured and running before you install Office Server. _____________________________________________________ 1-8 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.3 Checking Prerequisite and Optional Software Table_1-2_Prerequisite_and_Optional_Software______________ Supplied Software VAX Alpha With Product__________Version__VersionKit?___Notes_____________ OpenVMS VAX 7.1 or - N Prerequisite for higher installation on VAX. Must be a full untailored system OpenVMS Alpha - 7.1-2 N Prerequisite for or installation on higher Alpha. Must be a full untailored system __________________________________________________________ DECnet-VAX 5.5 - N Prerequisite for end-node remote messaging using Message Router DECnet for - 1.5 N Prerequisite for OpenVMS Alpha remote messaging using Message Router (continued on next page) Preparing Your System for Installation 1-9 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.3 Checking Prerequisite and Optional Software Table_1-2_(Cont.)_Prerequisite_and_Optional_Software______ Supplied Software VAX Alpha With Product__________Version__VersionKit?___Notes_____________ DECnet/OSI for 7.1 or 7.1 N Prerequisite[1] OpenVMS higher or for systems using higher Compaq X.500 or Compaq X.500 and the MAILbus 400 MTA. Optional alternative for systems using Message Router. __________________________________________________________ TCP/IP Services 4.2 or 5.0 N Optional. for OpenVMS higher or Install if you or other TCP higher want to use the /IP software TCP/IP network that emulates protocol to this[3] communicate with client applications. __________________________________________________________ [1]DECnet/OSI_is_a_prerequisite_for_Compaq_X.500._If______ you plan to migrate to use Message Router with Compaq X.500, you must install DECnet/OSI as the prerequisite for Compaq X.500. For Compaq X.500, you must also install the OSI Applications Kernel, OSAK, from the DECnet/OSI Applications component. See the Compaq X.500 installation documentation for more information. [3]For supported versions of other TCP/IP software that emulates TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, see the Office Server Software Product Description. (continued on next page) 1-10 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.3 Checking Prerequisite and Optional Software Table_1-2_(Cont.)_Prerequisite_and_Optional_Software______ Supplied Software VAX Alpha With Product__________Version__VersionKit?___Notes_____________ Message Router 3.5 - Y Optional. Install and configure if you want to send remote mail using Message Router. __________________________________________________________ Message Router 3.5 - Y Optional VMSmail Gateway Install if you want to send mail from Office Server systems using Message Router to VMSmail users. __________________________________________________________ MAILbus 400 2.0b 2.0b N Optional MTA[4] Install and configure if you want to use the MAILbus 400 MTA for remote mail. Note that Compaq X.500 is a prerequisite for the MAILbus 400 MTA. __________________________________________________________ [4]Office_Server_can_also_connect_to_a_MAILbus_400_MTA____ installed on a remote Tru64 UNIX node. (continued on next page) Preparing Your System for Installation 1-11 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.3 Checking Prerequisite and Optional Software Table_1-2_(Cont.)_Prerequisite_and_Optional_Software______ Supplied Software VAX Alpha With Product__________Version__VersionKit?___Notes_____________ Compaq X.500[5] 3.1[6] 3.1 N Prerequisite if you plan to use the MAILbus 400 MTA. Optional if you plan to continue using Message Router. __________________________________________________________ [5]DECnet/OSI_is_a_prerequisite_for_Compaq_X.500._If______ you plan to migrate to use Message Router with Compaq X.500, you must install DECnet/OSI as the prerequisite for Compaq X.500. For Compaq X.500, you must also install the OSI Applications Kernel, OSAK, from the DECnet/OSI Applications component. See the Compaq X.500 installation documentation for more information. [6]After V3.0 had been released, Digital X.500 Directory Service became Compaq X.500. A further change will happen during the lifetime of Office Server Version 6.0. The directory service, with added LDAP functions, will be bundled with OpenVMS Alpha V7.3, with the new name 'OpenVMS Enterprise Directory for eBusiness'. This product will be unlicensed and freely available with the operating system. On systems where only VAX machines are available, the (licensed) V3.1 will still be a prerequisite for Office Server. (continued on next page) 1-12 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.3 Checking Prerequisite and Optional Software Table_1-2_(Cont.)_Prerequisite_and_Optional_Software______ Supplied Software VAX Alpha With Product__________Version__VersionKit?___Notes_____________ MAILbus 400 1.2 - N Optional Message Router Install if you Gateway want to exchange mail between Message Router systems and MAILbus 400 MTA systems. __________________________________________________________ DEC Notes 2.5 2.5 Y Optional. Install if you want to use Group Conferencing. __________________________________________________________ CDA Converter 2.2 - N Optional Library[7] Install if you require full CDA support on OpenVMS VAX. DECwindows[8] - 1.2 N Optional or Install if you higher require full CDA support on OpenVMS Alpha. [7]The_installation_procedure_checks_for__________________ SYS$SHARE:CDA$ACCESS.EXE, Version 1.7 [8]The installation procedure checks for SYS$SHARE:CDA$ACCESS.EXE, Version 1.8 __________________________________________________________ For information about the order of installing optional software, see Section 1.5. Preparing Your System for Installation 1-13 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.3 Checking Prerequisite and Optional Software For a list of all supported versions of products that can be used with Office Server, see the Office Server Software Product Description. 1.4 Licensing The way that your Office Server system is licensed depends on the whether you are migrating from ALL-IN-1 or MailWorks, or are installing a new system: 1. If you already have an ALL-IN-1 license, all appropri- ate subsets for Office Server are enabled, and current license Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) are honored. If you are migrating from MailWorks, a Client Access License must be acquired for every user of the system as shown in Table 1-3. Table_1-3_Licenses_for_Migrating_from_MailWorks___________ Migrating from________To__________Licensing_Required________________ MailWorks Office 100 Client Access Licenses are on VAX Server on supplied at no cost with each VAX Office Server License. If you are migrating more than 100 users, you must purchase an additional Client Access License for each additional user. MailWorks Office Update Client Access License on VAX Server on must be purchased for every user. Alpha After migration to Office Server, you must purchase an additional Client Access License for every additional user. (continued on next page) 1-14 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.4 Licensing Table_1-3_(Cont.)_Licenses_for_Migrating_from_MailWorks___ Migrating from________To__________Licensing_Required________________ MailWorks Office Existing Capacity or User licenses on Alpha Server on can be traded for the appropriate Alpha number of Client Access Licenses, equal to the number of users supported during the migration. After migration to Office Server, you must purchase an additional Client Access License for every ________________________additional_user.__________________ 2. If you are installing a new system, licensing is controlled by Client Access Licenses (CALs). Functionality is restricted to Electronic Messaging, Group Services, Directories, File Cabinet, Word Processing (not including the WPS-PLUS editor), and User Setup. 1.4.1 Registering License PAKs for Software Provided with Office Server Version 6.0 You must register the License PAKS for additional products supplied with the Office Server Version 6.0 kit. The License PAKs for Message Router, Message Router gateway, DEC Notes, VAX FMS, and the CDA Converter Library can be registered automatically using the Office Server Version 6.0 installation procedure The License PAKs supplied for these products are for VAX installations only, and are for any number of users. If you already have a license for one of these products, it will be replaced by the license supplied with the Office Server Version 6.0 kit. To register the License PAKs automatically, follow Steps 1 to 5 in Table 2-2. Preparing Your System for Installation 1-15 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.4 Licensing Enter RL when the installation prompts you with the following question: * Which installation do you wish to perform [1]: ________________________Note ________________________ Choosing the RL option does not start the installa- tion. _____________________________________________________ The installation procedure checks your existing licenses, and if necessary registers and loads the appropriate licenses for the software products provided with the Office Server Version 6.0 kit. The installation then terminates. For prerequisite or optional products that are not supplied with Office Server, you must register the license PAKs manually using the License Management Facility (LMF). 1.5 Example Order for Installing Optional Software After you have installed and configured the prerequisite software, install and configure the optional software products. See the appropriate product documentation for installation and configuration instructions. The following installation order is suggested for installing optional software before the Office Server Version 6.0 installation: 1. Install ACMS 2. Install VAX DATATRIEVE or DEC DATATRIEVE 3. Install and configure your message transport and directory service software. o For new or upgrade installations with Message Router, make sure that Message Router is installed, configured and running before you start the Office Server installation. If you plan to use a remote Message Router Directory Service, you must do a customized Message Router configuration to enable remote Directory Service access and configure Message Router exception reporting for the Directory 1-16 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.5 Example Order for Installing Optional Software Service and Transfer Service according to your planning decisions. o For new installations with Compaq X.500 and the MAILbus 400 MTA make sure that you have installed and configured all the required components on your Office Server node or cluster. Compaq X.500 and the MAILbus 400 MTA must be correctly installed, configured and running before you start the new Office Server installation. See the MAILbus 400 MTA and Compaq X.500 Planning chapter in the Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide. 4. Install and configure optional gateway products. o The Message Router VMSmail Gateway if required with Message Router. o The MAILbus 400 Message Router Gateway if required with the MAILbus 400 MTA. o The MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway if required with the MAILbus 400 MTA. 5. Install DEC Notes. 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements This section describes the requirements for installing Office Server Version 6.0. It explains how to check the values and how to change them if necessary. 1.6.1 Installing Account Requirements Use the SYSTEM account to install Office Server Version 6.0. The installing account must have a valid rights identifier which is the same as the UIC for the account name. If you are using the SYSTEM account, the rights identifier must be the same as the UIC. To check the UIC and identifier values, do the following: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:AUTHORIZE UAF> SHOW/IDENTIFIER SYSTEM Preparing Your System for Installation 1-17 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements The value that is displayed is the UIC of the system account. To add the rights identifier, if it is not set up, do the following: UAF> ADD/IDENTIFIER SYSTEM/VALUE:UIC=[1,4] UAF> EXIT The installing account must also have sufficient quotas to enable you to perform the installation. Table 1-4 summarizes the requirements. Note that these values are sufficient for installation, but they may not be appropriate for running Office Server. When you create new user accounts for Office Server Version 6.0 the process quotas are set to the appropriate values. Table 1-4 Process Account Quotas for the Installing __________Account_________________________________________ Account Quota_________VAX____Alpha__Notes_________________________ BYTLM 64 64 000 000 ENQLM 300 300 FILLM 200 200 JTQUOTA 1800 1800 JTQUOTA can be returned to its normal system running value after the installation has completed. PGFLQUOTA 25 65 000 000 _____________________pagelets_____________________________ 1.6.2 System Parameters Table 1-5 lists the minimum required system parameter values for the installation. Depending on the kinds of programs and applications running at your site, you may need higher values for some settings. If necessary, modify the parameters to at least these values. 1-18 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements ________________________Note ________________________ You must check the OpenVMS system parameters on each node in the cluster on which you install Office Server Version 6.0. _____________________________________________________ The values for the system parameters and quotas given in this section are those specific to Office Server Version 6.0 and are acceptable for most systems. Dynamic system parameters are labelled with a (D) after them. You do not need to reboot your system after changing dynamic system parameters. If you need to set new values for other system parameters, you must reboot your system in order for the changes to take effect. Table_1-5_Minimum_System_Parameter_Values_Required______________ System Parameter_____VAX_________________Alpha_________________________ CTLPAGES 100 100 ________________________________________________________________ GBLSECTIONS 250 (new) 250 (new) 50 (upgrade) 50 (upgrade) ________________________________________________________________ GBLPAGES 20000 (new) 35000 (new)[1] 5000 (upgrade) 5000 (upgrade)[1] ________________________________________________________________ [1]For_Alpha_systems_after_OpenVMS_Version_7.1,_the_value_of____ GBLPAGES is dynamic. (continued on next page) Preparing Your System for Installation 1-19 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements Table_1-5_(Cont.)_Minimum_System_Parameter_Values_Required______ System Parameter_____VAX_________________Alpha_________________________ GBLPAGFIL For new installa- For new installations: tions: 1. Add 1 to the number of 1. Add 1 to the active users. There is an number of upper limit of 200 for this active users. value, so use 200 if your There is an value is greater than 200. upper limit 2. Add 32 of 200 for this value, so use 200 if your value is greater than 200. 2. Multiply your value by 16. 3. Add 500 __________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 1-20 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements Table_1-5_(Cont.)_Minimum_System_Parameter_Values_Required______ System Parameter_____VAX_________________Alpha_________________________ GBLPAGFIL For upgrade For upgrade installations: installations: 1. Add together the number of 1. Add together global buffers[2] on the the number following files in OA$DATA_ of global SHARE: buffers[2] on o ATTENDEE.DAT the following files in o MEETING.DAT OA$DATA_SHARE: o PENDING.DAT o ATTENDEE.DAT o PROFILE.DAT o MEETING.DAT 2. Add the total from Step 1 o PENDING.DAT to the number of global o PROFILE.DAT buffers in the shared document attributes files, 2. Add the total OA$DAF_n.DAT in OA$SHARn, from Step 1 to where n is a letter from A the number to E. of global 3. Divide the total by 4 to buffers in the convert to global pages shared document attributes 4. Add 32 files, OA$DAF_ n.DAT in OA$SHARn, where n is a letter from A to E. 3. Multiply the total by 4 to convert to global pages 4. Add 500 [2]To_find_the_number_of_global_buffers_do_a_DIR/FULL_for_each__ file. (continued on next page) Preparing Your System for Installation 1-21 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements Table_1-5_(Cont.)_Minimum_System_Parameter_Values_Required______ System Parameter_____VAX_________________Alpha_________________________ ________________________________________________________________ LOCKIDTBL 100 multiplied 100 multiplied by the number by the number of of users active users ________________________________________________________________ MAXBUF (D) 5000 5000 ________________________________________________________________ MAXPROCESSCNT 50 plus the number 50 plus the number of active of active users users ________________________________________________________________ RESHASHTBL 50 multiplied 50 multiplied by the number of by the number of active users active users ________________________________________________________________ SCSNODE Must be the same Must be the same as the DECnet as the DECnet node node name name ________________________________________________________________ SCSSYSTEMID DECnet area number DECnet area number multiplied multiplied by by 1024, plus the DECnet node 1024, plus the number DECnet node number ________________________________________________________________ VIRTUALPAGECNT16]384 pages[4] 250 000 pagelets [3]A_high_value_of_VIRTUALPAGECNT_is_required_when_running_the__ File Cabinet test and repair procedure (FCVR program). For versions of OpenVMS after Version 7.0, VIRTUALPAGECNT is not required. [4]This value is approximately the same as 250 000 pagelets. ________________________________________________________________ 1-22 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements ________________________Note ________________________ For the majority of installations, the values for CTLPAGES are sufficient. If you are planning to reboot your system to change other system parameters, you can increase the value to 200 for the duration of the installation. _____________________________________________________ 1.6.3 Displaying Current System Parameters Run the SYSGEN utility to display the current parameter settings: 1. To display all the current system parameter settings, enter: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> SHOW /ALL 2. To show each system parameter setting separately enter: SYSGEN> SHOW parameter where parameter is the parameter you want to examine. 3. Press Ctrl/Z to leave SYSGEN. To check the number of free global pages and sections, enter the following commands: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") If the value of free global pages or global sections is less than the value in Table 1-5 you must increase the system parameter setting. If the values displayed by the system are greater than the required values, you do not need to change the values for these parameters. 1.6.4 Changing System Parameter Values Edit the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT to change the system parameter values. The entry that you make in this file depends on which of the parameters you are modifying. See Table 1-6. Preparing Your System for Installation 1-23 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements If you need to change and update non-dynamic system parameters, you must schedule time to reboot your system in order for the changes to take effect. The (D) after the system parameter value shows that they are dynamic parameters. Table_1-6_Changing_System_Parameter_Values________________ To change the following parameters_______Do_the_following_________________________ SCSNODE Edit SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT and specify SCSSYSTEMID new parameter values. Use assignment statements of the form: parameter = parameter-value where parameter is the name of the parameter you want to change and parameter-value is the setting you want to change it to. See Table 1-5 for the required value. __________________________________________________________ CTLPAGES Edit the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT to GBLPAGES specify new values. Include a line of the GBLPAGFIL following format for each parameter to be GBLSECTIONS changed: LOCKIDTBL ADD_parameter = increase-value MAXBUF (D) where parameter is the name of the MAXPROCESSCNT parameter you want to change, and RESHASHTBL increase-value is the amount by which VIRTUALPAGECNT you want to increase the setting of this parameter. For example, to increase the value of LOCKIDTBL by 60, enter: ADD_LOCKIDTBL=60 _________________See_Table_1-5_for_the_required_values.___ If you change any of the system parameter values, you must update them using AUTOGEN. See Section and Section 1-24 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements Updating Dynamic System Parameters with AUTOGEN To update the dynamic system parameter values, do the following: 1. Run AUTOGEN as follows: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN SAVPARAMS SETPARAMS 2. Write the changes to the current system: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> USE CURRENT SYSGEN> WRITE ACTIVE 3. Press Ctrl/Z to leave SYSGEN You do not need to reboot your system to make your new values take effect. For more information, see the OpenVMS manual describing the AUTOGEN utility. Updating Non-Dynamic System Parameter with AUTOGEN To update non-dynamic system parameter values, do the following: 1. Run AUTOGEN as follows: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN SAVPARAMS SETPARAMS 2. Check the values. 3. Manually reboot the system when convenient. ________________________Note ________________________ You must reboot your system in order for the new values to take effect. _____________________________________________________ For more information, see the OpenVMS manual describing the AUTOGEN utility. Preparing Your System for Installation 1-25 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements 1.6.5 Disk Space on Your System Disk or Alternate Working Device This section discusses the disk space requirement for your kit working device during an Office Server Version 6.0 installation. The default disk for your kit working device is your system disk. If your system disk does not have sufficient space, you can specify an alternate working device (AWD) when you start the installation. The disk space values for your kit are given in the documentation provided with your kit. You must check the disk space requirements on the target disks where Office Server Version 6.0 will be installed. See Section 1.6.7. You can run the installation in either safety or non- safety mode. ________________________Note ________________________ Compaq recommends that you run your installation in safety mode (the default). _____________________________________________________ When you run the installation in safety mode, all of the Office Server Version 6.0 kit is restored onto the system disk or AWD before the files are copied to their target locations. This means that you need a disk space requirement greater than the total size of the Office Server Version 6.0 kit on your system disk. The disk space values for installing your kit in safety mode are given in Appendix C, or the documentation that is supplied with your kit, if not US or GB. If you do not have enough disk space to run the instal- lation in safety mode, you can run the installation in non-safety mode. In this case, each kit saveset is restored to the system disk before being copied to the target area. You need an amount of disk space on your system disk greater than the size of the largest saveset provided in the Office Server Version 6.0 kit. The disk space values for installing your kit in non-safety mode are given in Appendix C, or the documentation that is supplied with your kit, if not US or GB. 1-26 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements 1.6.6 Using the OA$LIB_SHARE Disk as the AWD If you have sufficient space on the target disk on which OA$LIB_SHARE will reside, Compaq recommends that you use this disk as the AWD. If you do have sufficient space to install on this target disk, the installation time can be reduced by approximately 20%. This is because the majority of the Office Server files reside in the OA$LIB_SHARE directory and therefore the installation procedure can move those files to their target directories by using a RENAME operation, rather than a COPY operation. 1.6.7 Disk Space for Office Server Areas on Target Disks You can install Office Server Version 6.0 in the following ways: o On a single target disk o Across several target disks by installing Office Server areas on separate disks. For upgrade installations, the installation procedure assumes that the Office Server disks and top-level directories for the Office Server areas have not changed, and that the Office Server directory tree is the same. If you have moved any of the directories, you must put them back to their correct locations before upgrading. You can install more than one Office Server area on the same disk. If you do this, add the disk space values for the two areas together to find the total space required on that disk. See Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide for more information about Office Server areas. The disk space requirements for Office Server language and market areas that you are installing are provided in the documentation supplied with your kit. To calculate the total disk space requirements for your installation, add together the disk space requirements given in this section and the requirements given in Appendix C, or the documentation that is supplied with your kit, if not US or GB. Preparing Your System for Installation 1-27 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements The disk space requirements for each Office Server area are listed in the following tables: o Table 1-7 for a new installation. See Section 1.6.9. o Table 1-8 for an upgrade installation. See Section 1.6.10. o Table 1-9 for the addition, upgrade or update of VAX or Alpha architecture support. See Section 1.6.11. These values can also be used for the addition, upgrade or update of architecture support for an additional language. You are prompted to specify the target disks for each Office Server area during the installation. 1.6.8 Assigning Logical Names to Your Disks Compaq recommends that you assign logical names to your disks where possible. ________________________Note ________________________ To avoid conflicts with system logical names, do not assign logical names that start with: o A1$ o OA$ o OA1$ _____________________________________________________ In all types of installation, the installation procedure checks for conflicting system and process logical names, which could cause the installation to fail. You can check for conflicts before you start the installation. See Section 1.10 which describes how to run the Perform all preinstallation checks (PC) option. The logical name checking includes a check for any exist- ing logical names that start with OA$. An informational message lists the names found, and a warning message warns you that these logical names may be redefined. 1-28 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements If a logical name conflict is found, an informational message is displayed. If the conflicting logical name is defined in a system table, you can remove the conflicting logical name from another process, and then repeat the check. If the conflicting logical name is specific to the installing process, then you must abort the installation to fix the problem and then restart it. The installation will not continue until the logical name checking has passed. For all upgrade or update installations, make sure that Office Server logical names do not point to system root directories; for example, OA$LIB_SHARE must not be defined as SYS$SYSROOT:[ALLIN1.LIB_SHARE]. Do not use SYS$SYSDEVICE in directory specifications if you are installing on a mixed architecture cluster as the SYS$SYSDEVICE is different for each architecture. 1.6.9 New Installation: Disk Space for Office Server Areas Table 1-7 gives the disk space requirements for installing Office Server areas on the system and target disks. The disk space requirements given are those used during the installation. The permanent space used when the installation has completed may be slightly less. ________________________Note ________________________ If you do not choose to integrate WPS-PLUS during the installation, you can decrease the disk space in the shared library area by approximately 6000 blocks. If you choose to integrate WPS-PLUS, but without the associated PostScript files, you can decrease the disk space in the shared library area by approximately 3000 blocks. _____________________________________________________ Preparing Your System for Installation 1-29 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements Table 1-7 New Installation: Disk Space for Office Server __________Areas___________________________________________ Office_Server_Area_for_____VAX_________Alpha______________ System disk files[1] 21 000 61 000 Shared library files 71 500 112 000 Shared data files 12 500 12 500 Shared areas[2] 1000 1000 Office Server Manager 1000 1000 account[3] [1]Space_required_to_provide_Office_Server_shared_files_to system directories. Add the value given in the Appendix C (or the documentation that is supplied with your kit, if not US or GB) to get the total value. [2]Multiply the disk space required by the number of shared areas you wish to create during the installation. [3]Includes all utility accounts, for example, IVP and POSTMASTER. __________________________________________________________ For the disk space values for the primary language files, see Appendix C, or the documentation that is supplied with your kit, if not US or GB. ________________________Note ________________________ Do not create the Office Server manager's account in a subdirectory of an OpenVMS system directory. _____________________________________________________ 1.6.10 Upgrade Installation: Disk Space for Office Server Areas Table 1-8 gives the disk space requirements for upgrading Office Server areas on the system and target disks. The disk space requirements given are those used during the installation. The permanent space used when the installation has completed may be slightly less. The values given in the table assume that you choose to purge files during the installation. If you choose not to purge replaced files, you must use the values given in Table 1-7. 1-30 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements ________________________Note ________________________ If you do not choose to integrate WPS-PLUS during the installation, you can decrease the disk space in the shared library area by 5000 blocks. If you choose to integrate WPS-PLUS without the associated PostScript files, you can decrease the disk space in the shared library area by 2000 blocks. _____________________________________________________ Table 1-8 Upgrade Installations: Disk Space for Office __________Server_Areas____________________________________ Office_Server_Area_for_____VAX_________Alpha______________ System files[1] 10 500 61 000 Shared library files 14 500 112 000 Shared data files 2000 2000 [1]Space_required_to_provide_Office_Server_shared_files_to system directories. Add the value given in Appendix C (or the documentation that is supplied with your kit, if not US or GB) to get the total value __________________________________________________________ For the disk space values for the primary language files, see Appendix C, or the documentation that is supplied with your kit, if not US or GB. 1.6.11 Addition of Architecture Support: Disk Space for Office Server areas Table 1-9 gives the disk space requirements for adding, upgrading or updating architecture support on the system and Office Server target disks. These values also apply to the addition, upgrade or update or architecture support for an additional language. Preparing Your System for Installation 1-31 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements Table 1-9 Addition, Upgrade or Update of Architecture __________Support:_Disk_Space_for_Office_Server_Areas_____ Office_Server_Area_for_____VAX___________Alpha____________ System files[1] 21 000 61 000 Shared library files 48 500 95 000 [1]Space_required_to_provide_Office_Server_files_to_system directories. Add the value given in Appendix C (or the documentation that is supplied with your kit, if not US or GB) to get the total value __________________________________________________________ For the disk space values for the primary language files, see Appendix C, or the documentation that is supplied with your kit, if not US or GB. 1.6.12 Disk Quota Allocation If disk quota is enabled, the installation procedure adds sufficient disk quota for accounts and identifiers created during the installation. 1.6.13 Installed Images Make sure that the shareable image and message files listed in Table 1-10 are installed on your VAX system and Table 1-11 are installed on your Alpha system before you install Office Server. Note that this list of required images applies to the versions of the products listed in Table 1-2. Table_1-10_Installed_Images_Required_on_VAX_______________ Product_______Image_Required_on_VAX_______________________ Always SYS$SHARE:CONVSHR.EXE required SYS$SHARE:CMA$TIS_SHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:DECC$SHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:FDLSHR.EXE (continued on next page) 1-32 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements Table_1-10_(Cont.)_Installed_Images_Required_on_VAX_______ Product_______Image_Required_on_VAX_______________________ SYS$MESSAGE:FDVMSG.EXE SYS$SHARE:FDVSHR.EXE[1] SYS$SHARE:LBRSHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:LIBRTL.EXE SYS$SHARE:MTHRTL.EXE[2] SYS$SHARE:PASRTL.EXE SYS$SHARE:PLIRTL.EXE SYS$SHARE:SCRSHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:VAXCRTL.EXE SYS$SHARE:VMSRTL.EXE __________________________________________________________ ACMS SYS$SHARE:ACMSHR.EXE __________________________________________________________ CDA SYS$SHARE:CDA$ACCESS.EXE SYS$SHARE:IMG$SHRLIB_NOX.EXE SYS$SHARE:DDIF$CC_VIEWSHR.EXE __________________________________________________________ DATATRIEVE SYS$SHARE:DTRSHR.EXE (the standard). If you are using another DATATRIEVE image that you want to link with Office Server, you must make sure that image is installed before the installation. SYS$SHARE:CDDSHR.EXE SYS$MESSAGE:DTRMSGS.EXE SYS$SHARE:CDDEXC.EXE [1]This_is_a_language-specific_image_which_can_have_a_____ different name on other language versions. [2]For certain processors, the logical is defined to point to SYS$SHARE:UVMTHRTL.EXE (continued on next page) Preparing Your System for Installation 1-33 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements Table_1-10_(Cont.)_Installed_Images_Required_on_VAX_______ Product_______Image_Required_on_VAX_______________________ __________________________________________________________ DEC Notes SYS$SHARE:NOTES$SHARE.EXE __________________________________________________________ Compaq X.500 SYS$SHARE:DXD$DUA_SHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:DXD$XDS_SHR.EXE __________________________________________________________ The MAILbus SYS$SHARE:MTA$XAPI_SHR.EXE 400 MTA __________________________________________________________ Message SYS$SYSTEM:MRTALK.EXE Router __________________________________________________________ TCP/IP SYS$SHARE:UCX$IPC_SHR.EXE __________________________________________________________ WPS-PLUS [3] SYS$SHARE:LCI$SCLHSP.EXE [3]This_image_is_required_only_on_systems_that_have_the___ German kit installed. __________________________________________________________ Table_1-11_Installed_Images_Required_on_Alpha_____________ Product__________Image_Required_on_Alpha__________________ Always required SYS$SHARE:CONVSHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:CMA$TIS_SHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:DECC$SHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:DPML$SHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:FDLSHR.EXE SYS$MESSAGE:FDVMSG.EXE (continued on next page) 1-34 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements Table_1-11_(Cont.)_Installed_Images_Required_on_Alpha_____ Product__________Image_Required_on_Alpha__________________ SYS$SHARE:FDVSHR.EXE[1] SYS$SHARE:LBRSHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:LCI$SCLHSP_TV.EXE SYS$SHARE:LIBOTS.EXE SYS$SHARE:LIBRTL.EXE SYS$SHARE:LIBRTL_TV.EXE[2] SYS$SHARE:MTHRTL_TV.EXE[2] SYS$SHARE:PAS$RTL.EXE SYS$SHARE:SCRSHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:SECURESHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:SECURESHRP.EXE SYS$SHARE:SMGSHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:TIE$SHARE.EXE SYS$SHARE:VAXCRTL_TV.EXE[2] SYS$SHARE:VMS$IEEE_HANDLER.EXE __________________________________________________________ ACMS SYS$SHARE:ACMSHR.EXE __________________________________________________________ CDA SYS$SHARE:CDA$ACCESS.EXE SYS$SHARE:DDIF$CC_VIEWSHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:IMG$SHRLIB_NOX.EXE __________________________________________________________ [1]This_is_a_language-specific_image_which_can_have_a_____ different name on other language versions. [2]This is a logical which typically translates to something like the following example: LIBRTL_D56_TV.EXE (continued on next page) Preparing Your System for Installation 1-35 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements Table_1-11_(Cont.)_Installed_Images_Required_on_Alpha_____ Product__________Image_Required_on_Alpha__________________ DATATRIEVE SYS$SHARE:DTRSHR.EXE (the standard). If you are using another DATATRIEVE image that you want to link with Office Server, you must make sure that image is installed before the installation. SYS$SHARE:CDDSHR.EXE SYS$MESSAGE:DTRMSGS.EX SYS$SHARE:CDDEXC.EXE __________________________________________________________ DEC Notes SYS$SHARE:NOTES$SHARE.EXE __________________________________________________________ Compaq X.500 SYS$SHARE:DXD$DUA_SHR.EXE SYS$SHARE:DXD$XDS_SHR.EXE __________________________________________________________ MAILbus 400 MTA SYS$SHARE:MTA$XAPI_SHR.EXE __________________________________________________________ TCP/IP SYS$SHARE:UCX$IPC_SHR.EXE __________________________________________________________ WPS-PLUS [3] SYS$SHARE:LCI$SCLHSP.EXE [3]This_image_is_required_only_on_systems_that_have_the___ German kit installed. __________________________________________________________ To check which images are installed on your system, enter the following commands: $ INSTALL INSTALL> LIST imagename imagename; Open Shar Lnkbl imagename is the directory and file specification of the image to be checked. 1-36 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements If there is no entry for the image or the qualifiers are incorrect, you must install the image with the correct qualifiers. To install: o SYS$MESSAGE:FDVMSG.EXE and SYS$SHARE:FDVSHR.EXE, see Section 1.6.14. o Other images, see Section 1.6.15. For more information about installing images, see the manual describing the Install Utility. 1.6.14 Installing FDVMSG.EXE and FDVSHR.EXE Images If the images SYS$MESSAGE:FDVMSG.EXE and SYS$SHARE:FDVSHR.EXE are not installed, do the following: 1. Edit the command procedure SYS$STARTUP:FMSTARTUP.COM to remove the EXIT command that appears before the entry: RUN SYS$SYSTEM:INSTALL 2. Execute the command procedure SYS$STARTUP:FMSTARTUP.COM 1.6.15 Installing Other Images Install other images as follows: $ INSTALL INSTALL> CREATE imagename /OPEN /SHARED /HEADER_RES INSTALL> EXIT 1.6.16 Checking The Location of DCLTABLES.EXE Check that DCLTABLES.EXE is in the directory SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]. If it is in a different directory, move it to this location before starting the installation. To check if DCLTABLES.EXE is in the correct location, enter: $ INSTALL INSTALL> LIST/FULL SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES.EXE If it is not in the correct location, remove it: INSTALL> REMOVE DCLTABLES.EXE Preparing Your System for Installation 1-37 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.6 Installation Procedure Requirements Move DCLTABLES.EXE to the correct location and then replace it: INSTALL> CREATE DCLTABLES.EXE /OPEN/SHARED/HEADER_RES 1.7 Additional Tasks for Upgrade Installations If you are upgrading an existing Office Server system, do the following: 1. Review your object libraries. Your object libraries may have been updated if you installed layered products. Office Server provides two template .OLB files in the following directories: - OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE:SITEOALIBR.OLB - OA$SITE_BUILD_LLV:SITEOALLV.OLB During the installation, a warning is displayed if there are additional .OBJ or .OLB files in these directories. Check that any additional object libraries or files in this directory are compatible with Office Server Version 6.0. Remove any object libraries or files that are not compatible. Although these files are not used during the installation, they will cause problems if you need to relink Office Server after the installation. 2. If you have a multilingual system, check that the files OA$LLV*.EXE are not in SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]. If they are, move them to the SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSLIB] directory before upgrading. 3. Check that all files in your site areas have at least system write access (S:W) and that Compaq Office Server directories in non-site areas also have system delete access (S:D). 4. Make copies of customized data files. See Section 1.7.1. 1-38 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.7 Additional Tasks for Upgrade Installations 1.7.1 Copying Customized Data Files Office Server Version 6.0 uses modified versions of several data files: o Files that have not been converted but their records have changed or new ones have been added: o CM$SDC o CM$CART$RUNS.DAT o FORMAT.DAT o SM_UTILITY_MASTER.DAT Before upgrading, make copies of any data files that you have customized as new versions of data files are provided with Office Server Version 6.0. You must also return the data files to the Compaq standard format before you upgrade. 1.8 Using the MAILbus 400 MTA and Compaq X.500 You can install a new Office Server Version 6.0 system with the MAILbus 400 MTA and Compaq X.500. You cannot upgrade from ALL-IN-1 Version 3.1 using these products. For a new Office Server Version 6.0 installation, with Compaq X.500 and the MAILbus 400 MTA you must make sure that you have installed all the required MAILbus 400 MTA and Compaq X.500 components on your Office Server system, configured them and completed any additional setup tasks. See the checklist in the MAILbus 400 MTA and Compaq X.500 Planning chapter in the Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide. 1.9 Using a Remote Message Router If you will be using a remote Message Router that is not in the same VMScluster, you must do the following: 1. On the remote Message Router node, create an Office Server mailbox for the node (or cluster) on which you are installing Office Server. See Section 1.9.1. 2. Create an entry for the remote Message Router node in the network nodes database on the local machine on which you are installing Office Server. Preparing Your System for Installation 1-39 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.9 Using a Remote Message Router 3. Ensure that Message Router is running on the remote node before you start the installation. If it is not running, you will see errors when the installation procedure starts up the Sender and Fetcher processes. 1.9.1 Create an Office Server Mailbox on the Remote Message Router Node Do this if you are planning to use a remote Message Router. If you do not create a mailbox before the installation, you will see problems when the installation procedure starts up the Sender and Fetcher processes. Message Router must be running and configured before you start the installation. If you are using a remote Message Router which is on a node in the same VMScluster as Office Server the Office Server mailbox name will be A1. If the remote Message Router is not in the same VMScluster, other Office Server systems may be sharing the same Message Router. The name of the Message Router mailbox must be unique for your system. For example, the mailbox name, mailboxname, could be localnodeA1 where localnode is the name of the node or the cluster on which you are installing Office Server. password is the password that you want to use for the Message Router mailbox. You are prompted for this password during the installation. On the Message Router node, do the following to create the Office Server mailbox: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:MRMAN MRM> ADD mailboxname /PASSWORD=password /COMPLETE_MESSAGES /IGNORE_SENDER _ /SERVICE_MESSAGES /SUPPRESS_DELIVERY_REPORTS MRM> EXIT Note that you must not use the /OWNER qualifier when setting up the mailbox. 1-40 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.10 Running the Preinstallation System Check 1.10 Running the Preinstallation System Check The Office Server Version 6.0 installation procedure provides a Perform all preinstallation checks (PC) option. Compaq recommends that you use this option before installing Office Server Version 6.0 to ensure that you have made all necessary system changes before installing the software. You can use this option while an existing Office Server system is running so you do not have to ask your users to log out of the system. The option for preinstallation checks allows you to: o Run the phase of the installation in which you answer questions and the installation procedure performs system checks o Fix errors encountered by the installation procedure o Exit without performing the installation Where possible the installation checks are done in an order which finds fatal errors first. Section 1.10.1 describes the types of errors that are detected. Section 1.10.2 describes how to use the Perform all preinstallation checks (PC) option. 1.10.1 Types of Errors Reported The following types of errors are detected: o Fatal errors These are errors which cannot be corrected without stopping the installation procedure. Fatal errors include: - Errors that require the machine to be rebooted - Errors that require an upgrade to prerequisite software, including OpenVMS, Message Router and the Message Router VMSmail Gateway, or Compaq X.500, the MAILbus 400 MTA and Message Router Gateway. o Non-fatal errors Preparing Your System for Installation 1-41 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.10 Running the Preinstallation System Check These are errors that can be corrected from another process without stopping the installation procedure. Non-fatal errors include: - Shareable images that are not installed - Logical names that are not defined - System parameters that can be changed dynamically - Prerequisite software files that are missing - Insufficient disk space 1.10.2 Running the Perform all Preinstallation Checks (PC) Option To run the Perform all preinstallation checks (PC) option, follow Steps 1 to 6 in Table 2-2 until you are prompted with a list of installation options. If you are migrating from MailWorks, the MailWorks migration tool is installed as part of the installation desribed in Table 2-2. Do the following: 1. Press Return to choose the default option. ________________________Note ________________________ Choosing this option does not install the software. _____________________________________________________ The following message is displayed: The installation procedure allows you to perform the following actions: (I) Perform the installation (PC) Perform all preinstallation checks * Which action do you wish to perform [I]: 2. Choose the Perform all preinstallation checks (PC) option by entering: PC. 3. If a check fails with an error that can be corrected without stopping the installation procedure, you are asked if you want to correct the error before continuing. 1-42 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.10 Running the Preinstallation System Check If you answer yes, the installation checking procedure pauses so that you can fix the error from another process. When the error is fixed, you can resume the procedure, and the check is repeated. If you choose not to correct the error, you have the option of halting the procedure or continuing to perform the remaining checks. If you choose to continue, the installation procedure will terminate when all the checks are performed. 1.11 Final System Preparation Tasks: New Installations To prepare your system for a new Office Server Version 6.0 installation, do the following: 1. Check that all prerequisite software is installed, configured and running. 2. Start the queue manager, if necessary. 3. Back up the system disk and any target disks. See Section 1.13. 1.12 Final System Preparation Tasks: Upgrade Installations For an upgrade installation from Office Server Version 4.0, carry out the following steps before starting the installation. Each step is described in the following sections. From the privileged SYSTEM account, do the following: 1. Shut down Office Server. See Section 1.12.1. 2. Ensure that Message Router is running and is correctly configured. 3. Deinstall files in the site areas that are installed in memory. See Section 1.12.2. 4. Start the queue manager, if necessary. 5. Back up the system disk and any target disks. See Section 1.13. Preparing Your System for Installation 1-43 Preparing Your System for Installation 1.12 Final System Preparation Tasks: Upgrade Installations 1.12.1 Shut Down Office Server Ask users currently on the system to log out, and then shut down Office Server. ________________________Note ________________________ Office Server must not be used by any batch jobs or users during the installation, or the installation will fail. _____________________________________________________ Do not allow anyone to log in again while the installation is in progress. You can allow OpenVMS users to remain on the system, but it is important to ensure that users do not use DCL HELP while the installation is in progress, as this can cause file locking problems when the DCL HELP library is updated during the installation. If possible, it is safer to ensure that there are no active users on the system. 1.12.2 Deinstall Files Installed in Memory If you have any files in the site areas that are installed in memory, for example, SITE$OA.A1$SECTION, deinstall them on all nodes in the cluster before you start the installation. Deinstalling files from memory will prevent them from being write locked. The installation sets an ACL on all files in the site areas so you must ensure that all files in the site area have system write access (S:W). Make sure that you deinstall any of your own code-level executable images that are installed in memory. 1.13 Back Up Your System and Target Disks Compaq recommends that you do a system disk backup before installing any software because: o If a system failure occurs at a critical point during installation, your Office Server system could be left in an inconsistent state. o You can verify that the backup copy contains a working system image and then replace the system disk with it. 1-44 Preparing Your System for Installation Preparing Your System for Installation 1.13 Back Up Your System and Target Disks o There is more contiguous free space, which may be needed for installation. If you are going to install Office Server Version 6.0 on more than one disk, back up the target disks that you will be using. Use the backup procedures that are established at your site. For details on performing a system disk backup, see the section on the Backup Utility in the OpenVMS System Management Subkit. At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks if you have backed up your system disk. Preparing Your System for Installation 1-45 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support This chapter describes the procedures for installing the Office Server Version 6.0 base, language and market components. The following installation examples are given: o A new installation of Office Server Version 6.0 on an Alpha system with the MAILbus 400 MTA and Compaq X.500. See Section 2.1. o Upgrade installation of Office Server Version 5.0 to Office Server Version 6.0 with Message Router and the Message Router Directory Service. The installation is done on the Alpha system in a mixed-architecture VMScluster, where Message Router is installed on a remote VAX node. See Section 2.1. o Addition or upgrade of additional architecture support on a mixed-architecture VMScluster. See Section 2.2. __________________Before You Start __________________ Do not start the installation until you have done the following: 1. Planned your installation by reading the Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide. 2. Completed the system preparation tasks in Chapter 1 to check that your system is ready for the installation. _____________________________________________________ Questions asked by installation procedure are marked with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line. For help on answering a particular question, enter a question mark (?). Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-1 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support During the installation procedure a number of cautions and general informational messages are displayed. Read all the displayed messages carefully. Table 2-1 gives information which you may need during the installation. Table_2-1_Information_About_the_Installation_Procedure____ Question_________Answer___________________________________ How long On_Alpha will the As an example, installing on an Alpha installation 4000-610 system takes about 1 hour and 15 take? minutes for a full installation when the files are installed on an RZ28 disk using an alternate working directory (AWD). On_VAX The installation can take from one to six hours, depending on the type of processor you are using. The performance specification of the disks has the greatest effect. For example, an installation on a VAX 4000-300 system takes approximately 3.5 hours when files are installed on an RF71 disk and 1.5 hours if files are installed on an RZ26 disk. The times for new and upgrade installa- tions are approximately the same. How do I get Enter ? at any time help? What is A1060 the product identifier? (continued on next page) 2-2 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Table 2-1 (Cont.) Information About the Installation __________________Procedure_______________________________ Question_________Answer___________________________________ What do I Restart the installation from the do if the beginning. See Chapter 4. installation fails before the automatic postinstalla- tion phase? How do I Press CTRL/Y. abort the The installation procedure deletes all installation? files in the installation temporary working directory. Note that this may take a long time. Any files that have been provided to target locations remain there. Note: VMSINSTAL does not delete any accounts, identifiers, or directory structures that are created. Restart the installation. How do I See Chapter 4. restart the installation?_____________________________________________ 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 lists all the installation steps for a new or upgrade installation. The example scripts in the table show extracts from a new installation on an Alpha system using the MAILbus 400 MTA and Compaq X.500 and an upgrade installation from Office Server Version 5.0 with Message Router. Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-3 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table_2-2_Installation_Procedure_for_New_and_Upgrade_Installations Step__Action____________________________________________________ 1 Create a log file for the installation. Compaq recommends that you keep a record of the installation in case of problems. You can keep a log by using either a hard copy terminal or a log file. To keep a record in a log file, enter: $ SET HOST 0/LOG=filename where filename is the name of the log file. The log file is created in the directory where you enter the command. If you do not specify a filename, the file is called SETHOST.LOG. The installation log file will be about 200 blocks. If you are running console management software, you can use this to record the installation. See your console management documentation for further information. ________________________________________________________________ 2 Load and mount the CD that contains the software kit. ________________________________________________________________ 3 Invoke the VMSINSTAL procedure from the SYSTEM account. Enter the following commands: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL A1060 device To use an alternate working device (AWD), enter the following command lines: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL A1060 device OPTIONS AWD=disk device is the device on which you have mounted the distribution media. You can use a physical or a logical device name but do not use logical device names beginning with A1$, OA$, or OA1$. A1060 is the product identifier and disk is the location of the alternate working device. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-4 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 4 Verify your system backup. OpenVMS VAX Software Product Installation Procedure V7.1 It is 19-JAN-2001 at 13:04. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Press RETURN to continue. __________________________________________________________ For installation type__________________Go_to_______________________________ New Step 5 Upgrade_______________Step_8______________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5 New_Installation: Enter the number for the type of installation that you want to do. Logical OA$IMAGE is not defined. No Office Server image can be found using the default specification. Using the FULL Office Server V6.0 kit, the following installation types can be performed: (1) A new installation of Office Server V6.0 (RL) Register licenses for pre-requisite software (MM) Install MailWorks Migration Tool * Which installation do you wish to perform [1]: Enter 1 to install a new Office Server system. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-5 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 6 New_Installation: Confirm that you want to start the installation. The installation procedure allows you to perform the following actions: (I) Perform the installation (PC) Perform all pre-installation checks * Which action do you wish to perform [I]: Press RETURN to start the installation. ________________________________________________________________ 7 New_installation: Specify whether you want a File Cabinet only system. * Do you wish to install Office Server as a File Cabinet Only system [NO]? You should be aware that if you answer Y any future installation will take this option automatically. If, after installing Office Server as a File Cabinet only system, you want to revert to a full Office Server system, you will need to contact your Compaq Support Center. Press RETURN to install a full Office Server system. To_continue: go to Step 11. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-6 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 8 Upgrade_Installation: Enter the number for the type of installation you want to perform. The current product image identification is V5.0. Using the FULL Office Server V6.0 kit, the following installation types can be performed: (1) Upgrade of Office Server V5.0 to Office Server V6.0 (2) Add, upgrade, or update Alpha components for an Office Server V6.0 system (RL) Register licenses for pre-requisite software (MM) Install MailWorks Migration Tool * Which installation do you wish to perform [1]: ? Enter 1 to upgrade an existing Office Server system. If you are running Office Server in a single-architecture VMScluster, you are not offered option (2). ________________________________________________________________ 9 Upgrade_Installation: Confirm that you want to start the installation. The installation procedure allows you to perform the following actions: (I) Perform the installation (PC) Perform all pre-installation checks (RC) Run conflict checking and resolution tool (CART) * Which action do you wish to perform [I]: Press RETURN to continue with the installation. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-7 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 10 Upgrade_installation: Specify whether you want a File Cabinet only system. This question is asked only for upgrades to full Office Server systems. If the system you last installed was a File Cabinet only system, this question is not displayed. * Do you wish to install Office Server as a File Cabinet Only system [NO]? You should be aware that if you answer Y any future installation will take this option automatically. If, after installing Office Server as a File Cabinet only system, you want to revert to a full Office Server system, you will need to contact your Compaq Support Center. Press RETURN to install a full Office Server system. ________________________________________________________________ 11 In some cases, the following licensing question may be displayed: %A1-I-NOLICENSE, No license PAK was found for this product so it is assumed %A1-I-NOLICENSE, that you are using Client Access Licensing (CAL) * Do you have enough CALs licenses to run this system? [YES] * How many CALs licenses do you have: Enter the number of CALs licenses that you have for this system. ________________________________________________________________ 12 Upgrade_Installation: Confirm that you want to purge files. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Press RETURN to purge files. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-8 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 13 If DATATRIEVE is already installed, indicate whether you want to integrate DATATRIEVE with Office Server. DATATRIEVE can be integrated into Office Server. On VAX systems with Deferred image activation enabled the DATATRIEVE image will be deferred. If you use the standard DATATRIEVE image SYS$SHARE:DTRSHR.EXE then you can select to dynamically activate DATATRIEVE. You will still be able to use DATATRIEVE within Office Server, but you will avoid any performance impact of having it physically linked with the Office Server image. * Do you want to integrate DATATRIEVE with Office Server [NO]? Press RETURN if you do not want to integrate DATATRIEVE. If you want to integrate DATATRIEVE, enter Y. You are prompted to supply the name of the DATATRIEVE image that you want to link with. If you are using the standard DATATRIEVE image, SYS$SHARE:DTRSHR.EXE, you are asked if you want to dynamically activate DATATRIEVE during the Office Server startup. It is recommended that you do. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-9 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 14 If you are using a license that allows WPS-PLUS (CALs licenses do not allow WPS-PLUS), indicate whether you want to install WPS-PLUS with Office Server. If you do not have a license which includes WPS-PLUS, you will not be asked this question. If you wish to have the WPS-PLUS editor available, answer YES to the following question. If you do not wish to install the WPS-PLUS editor, answer NO. NOTE: o If WPS-PLUS is not installed then the WPS-PLUS linguistics aids (SPELL CHECKER and THESAURUS) and the WPS-PLUS SORT and MERGE processing functionality will not be available. o You will be able to do an Office Server update installation to add WPS-PLUS at a later time, should you choose not to install it now. * Do you want to install WPS-PLUS with Office Server [NO]? Enter YES to install WPS-PLUS. You are then asked if you want to install the graphics and page overlay samples: This kit contains a library of Encapsulated PostScript(R) graphics and PostScript(R) Page Overlay samples. Their total size is approximately 3,000 blocks when they are copied to the Office Server library directory. * Do you want these graphics copied to the OA$LIB directory [NO]? Press RETURN if you do not want to copy the files. Enter Y to copy the files. (continued on next page) 2-10 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 15 Indicate whether to you want to build a multilanguage system. If you wish to use more than one Office Server language, answer YES to the following question. * Do you want to build a MULTI-LANGUAGE system [NO]? Press RETURN if you do not want to build a multilanguage system. Enter Y if you plan to install additional languages and you want to build a multilanguage system. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-11 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 16 Select a default date format. Office Server allows you to select a default date format for each language you have installed. This will become the default Office Server date format for each user (on a per language basis.) This may be changed by each user through the Set Working Conditions option on the User Setup Menu. Alphanumeric Date Numeric Date 1 DD-MMM-YYYY MM/DD/YY (Standard Default) 2 DD-MMM-YYYY DD/MM/YY 3 DD-MMM-YYYY YY/MM/DD 4 YYYY-MMM-DD MM/DD/YY 5 YYYY-MMM-DD DD/MM/YY 6 YYYY-MMM-DD YY/MM/DD 7 ***** Reserved (Means system default) ***** 8 DD-MM-YYYY DD/MM/YY (Numeric format) 9 MM-DD-YYYY MM/DD/YY (Numeric format) * Which date format do you require [1]: Press RETURN to use the default format or enter the number for the date format that you want to use. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-12 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 17 Specify the greatest number of simultaneous Office Server users. * What will be the greatest number of simultaneous users: Upgrade_installation A default value is given. Press RETURN to accept the default value. New_installation Specify the maximum number of Office Server users that you expect at any one time. (This principally affects VT access.) The installation procedure uses this entry to check that system parameters are large enough to support your intended number of users. ________________________________________________________________ 18 Specify a batch queue for running the job that checks the Mail Sender and Fetcher processes. * Which batch queue do you want to use for the Sender/Fetcher check job? [SYS$BATCH]: Press RETURN to use the default queue or specify the name of an existing batch queue. For_an_upgrade_installation: Go to Step 21. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-13 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 19 New_installation: Specify batch queue for starting the AIDA, File Cabinet, POP3 and IMAP Servers, and the Sender and Fetcher processes. * A running batch queue on this node is needed to start the Aida, File Cabinet, POP3 and IMAP Servers, and the Sender and Fetcher processes. It is suggested that a separate queue is used for this, which the installation will create if you wish. * Do you want OA$SERVER_START_nodename to be created [Y]? If you answer N, the installation returns this prompt: * Which queue do you want to use? [default]: Press RETURN to accept the default queue or enter the name of an existing batch queue on this node that is not generic and that is currently running. The queue that you specify will be added to the Node Specific Batch Queue Master file, and will be stored in the configuration files of any Servers created during this installation. You can change the queue later, or add queues for other nodes in your cluster, using the Manage node specific queues (MNQ) option from the System Management menu. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-14 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 20 New_installation: Specify whether you are migrating from MailWorks, and, if you are, whether you want to use MailWorks folder names. If you are not migrating from a MailWorks system, press Return to continue. If you are migrating from a MailWorks system, you may wish to continue to use the default MailWorks folder names. If so, please type "?" to see the help before answering the next question *Do you want to use the default MailWorks folder names? Enter Y if you want to use default MailWorks folder names. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-15 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 21 Indicate if you want to send and receive remote mail. The installation procedure checks the type and versions of the message transport and directory service software that are installed on your system. Electronic Messaging can be used to send and receive messages, to and from other computer systems using either the MAILbus 400 or Message Router products. * Do you want to be able to send and receive remote mail [YES]? Press RETURN if you want to use remote mail. If you answer NO to this question, Office Server users will only be able to exchange messages locally with other users on the same computer system. __________________________________________________________ If_You_______________________________Go_To________________ Do not want to use remote mail Step 29 Are installing a new Office Server Step 22 system with Compaq X.500 and the MAILbus 400 MTA Are_upgrading_with_Message_Router____Step_23______________ ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-16 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 22 New_Installation with the MAILbus 400 MTA and Compaq X.500: Confirm that you want to use the MAILbus 400 MTA for remote mail. If you plan to use MAILbus 400 as your MTA, then answer YES to this question. You will not have been offered this choice unless the installation checks have revealed that the product is installed. Note that even though MAILbus 400 appears to be installed and initially configured, it is unlikely that it will successfully process your mail until you have completed all the set up tasks described in the Planning and Setup Guide. If you answer NO to this question, Office Server users will only be able to exchange messages locally, unless you subsequently choose to use Message Router (if it is available.) * Do you want to use MAILbus 400 for remote mail [YES]? Press RETURN to use the MAILbus 400 MTA for remote mail. It does not make any difference to the installation if the MAILbus 400 MTA is installed on the same node as Office Server or on a different node in the same VMScluster on a remote node outside the cluster, providing that you have completed all the configuration and set up tasks that are covered in the Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide. To_continue: Go to Step 26. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-17 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 23 Upgrade_Installation: Confirm that you want to use Message Router for remote mail. Office Server on a VAX node can be configured to use a local Message Router which is installed on the same node or a remote Message Router which is installed on a different node. Office Server on an Alpha node can only use a remote Message Router. This example script is on an Alpha system so it must be configured to use a remote Message Router. * Do you want Office Server to be configured to use Message Router [YES]? Answer Y to confirm that you want to use Message Router. ________________________________________________________________ 24 Upgrade_Installation: If Message Router is not installed on this node, confirm that you want to use a remote Message Router. * Do you want to use a remote Message Router [YES]? Enter Y to confirm that you want to use a remote Message Router. Note that the default value for this answer depends on whether you are doing the upgrade installation on a VAX system or an Alpha system. In this example, the upgrade is on an Alpha system, so the default is to use a remote Message Router. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-18 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 25 Upgrade_Installation: Enter the name of the remote Message Router node. * What node is the Message Router on: Enter the DECnet node name of the remote Message Router node. Note that the remote Message Router node must be in the network nodes database on the node on which you are installing Office Server. As this is an upgrade you will not be asked for a password for the Message Router mailbox. Additional_Questions If you are installing a new Office Server system with Message Router, you are prompted to enter a password for the Message Router mailbox. * Enter a password for the Message Router mailbox: * Please confirm the password that you specified: The password must be a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 32 characters. Confirm the password. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-19 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 26 Indicate the type of Mail Directory support that you want. For new installations where Compaq X.500 or an LDAP directory service is installed, the following is displayed: * What type of Mail Directory support do you want [X]: The options that are available depend on the type of directory service software that is installed on your system. You are given the appropriate options and defaults from the following list, depending on what is installed. Press RETURN to accept the default or enter the value for the type of Mail directory support that you want. __________________________________________________________ For__________________________________Option_to_Enter______ No Mail directory support 0 The Message Router Directory M Service as the Mail directory The Compaq X.500 Directory Service X as the Mail directory An LDAP Directory Service as the L Mail_directory____________________________________________ When you are installing with Compaq X.500, it does not matter whether Compaq X.500 is installed on the same node as Office Server or on a remote node outside the cluster, providing that you have done all the necessary setup and configuration tasks as outlined in the Overview and Planning Guide. If_you_have_specified_no_Mail_directory_support, go to Step 29. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-20 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 27 Specify if you want the Mail directory to be the primary directory. * Do you want the Mail Directory to be the primary directory [NO]? Press RETURN to use the Mail directory as the secondary directory. For new installations go to Step 29. ________________________________________________________________ 28 Installation_with_Message_Router: Enter a password for the Mail Directory User Agent account and confirm it. The text that is displayed depends on whether you are using a remote Message Router, and whether that Message Router is in the same VMScluster. Read the informational messages carefully and follow the instructions. The password length must between 6 and 8 characters. * Press RETURN to continue the installation: * Enter a password for the Message Router Directory user agent account: * Please confirm the password which you specified: Press RETURN and then enter a password for the Mail Directory user agent account and confirm it. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-21 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 29 Indicate if you want outgoing messages translated to ASCII. * Do you want to translate all outgoing messages to ASCII [NO]? Press RETURN if you do not want outgoing messages translated. _____________________Note _____________________ If you are using a remote MAILbus 400 MTA on Tru64 UNIX, you must answer Y to this question if WPS-PLUS to ASCII converters are not installed on the MAILbus 400 MTA node and you want to exchange messages with non-Office Server users. _______________________________________________ Enter Y, if you want outgoing messages translated. You are then asked if you want all attachments to be translated. * Do you want to translate all message attachments [NO]? Press RETURN if you do not want to translate all message attachments. If you enter Y to this question, all message attachments are translated to ASCII if the appropriate converters are installed on your Office Server system. ________________________________________________________________ 30 System checking. The installation procedure checks mandatory and optional software prerequisites. You may be asked additional questions depending on the software and licenses that are installed on your system. If the prerequisite software for CDA support is not installed, you are asked if you want to continue the installation without CDA support. (continued on next page) 2-22 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 31 Indicate if you want client applications to connect to Office Server using TCP/IP network protocol. You are only asked the following question if DEC TCP/IP Services (formerly 'UCX') or other TCP/IP network software that emulates it is installed on your system. * Do you want to use TCP/IP [YES]? Press RETURN if you want to use TCP/IP for client connections. If you do, you are asked the following questions if default service names for the AIDA Server and Office Server File Cabinet Server are not registered in the Internet Services database. * Enter a port number for the AIDA Server [7300]: * Enter a port number for the Office Server File Cabinet Server [7373]: Enter a different TCP/IP port number for each server. The port numbers can be in the range 1024 to 65535. You must use the default values if you are planning to use TeamLinks client software. The installation procedure checks that the TCPIP$IPC_ SHR.EXE image is installed. If it is not, you must install it after the installation. (In case the system uses a pre_ v5.0 product, and uses the old filename, the installation also checks for UCX$IPC_SHR.EXE if it does not find TCPIP$IPC_SHR.EXE.) ________________________________________________________________ 32 System checking. The installation procedure checks system parameters, quotas and identifiers. For new installations, the Office Server identifiers are created. The identifiers already exist for upgrade installations. (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-23 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 33 Enter the language code. * Enter language code for this installation (2 characters): US Enter the two-letter language code for your language component. In this example, US is the ENGLISH language code. See Appendix D. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-24 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 34 If your language kit contains a dialect component, you will be asked to enter the dialect code. Your language kit may also contain one or more dialect components. Enter the dialect code that you want to use. If your language kit does not contain a dialect component, you are not asked this question. %A1LUS-I-RELANK, Restoring the LANGUAGE kit savesets %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... If you wish to install a dialectal variation of ENGLISH language, enter the code for the dialect component you wish to use. If you do not wish to install a dialectal variation of ENGLISH language, then accept the answer of NO_DIALECT. * Enter dialect code for this installation (5 characters) [NO_DIALECT]: Press RETURN or enter the dialect code that you want to use. See Appendix D. The installation procedure continues with system checking. __________________________________________________________ For installation type__________________Go_to_______________________________ New Step 35 Upgrade_______________Step_36_____________________________ ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-25 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 35 New_Installation: Specify the devices for the Office Server areas. The initial default is the non-system disk with the most space. * Which device will hold the Office Server shared library files: * Which device will hold the Office Server shared data files [A1DISK1:]: * Which device will hold the Office Server ENGLISH language files [A1DISK1:]: * Which device will hold the Office Server mail area SDAF file [A1DISK1:]: * How many shared directories do you want to create [1]: * Which device will hold the Office Server shared directory SHARE1 [A1DISK1:]: * Which device will hold the Office Server lexicon files [A1DISK1:]: For shared directories, Compaq recommends that you select the default value at installation time and then create additional shared directories after the installation, following the instructions in the DIGITAL Office Server Managing from a VT Terminal (the V4.0 book). If lexicon files have already been installed by another product, you are not asked the question about lexicon files. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-26 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 36 Enter the market code. (This is defaulted for an upgrade.) * Enter market code for this installation (2 characters): US Enter the two-letter market code for the installation. See Appendix D. __________________________________________________________ Installation_type_____Go_to_______________________________ New Step 37 Upgrade_______________Step_44_____________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 37 New_Installation: Specify an OpenVMS account and password for the Office Server manager. Confirm the password. %A1CUS-I-RECOUK, Restoring the MARKET kit savesets %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... Creating an OpenVMS account for the Office Server manager. * What OpenVMS username do you want to use for Office Server Manager account [OFFICE]: * Enter a password for the Office Server Manager account: * Please confirm the password which you specified: ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-27 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 38 New_Installation: Enter a system group UIC and default device and directory for the Office Server manager. Do not create the Office Server manager's account in a subdirectory of an OpenVMS system directory. * What UIC do you want to use for Office Server Manager account: * What default device do you want to use for the Office Server Manager's account [A1DISK1:] * What default directory do you want to use for Office Server Manager's account? [OFFICE:] ________________________________________________________________ 39 New_Installation: Enter a UIC for the accounts used by the Transfer User utility. The UIC must not be a system group UIC. * What UIC do you want to use for A1$XFER_IN account: * What UIC do you want to use for the A1$XFER_OUT account: ________________________________________________________________ 40 New_Installation: Enter a UIC for the account used by the Script Symbiont utility. The UIC must not be a system group UIC. * What UIC do you want to use for SCRIPT SYMBIONT account: ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-28 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 41 New_Installation: Enter a UIC for the account used by the File Cabinet Server for authenticating remote clients into a non-privileged account, and a UIC for the account used for running the Office Server File Cabinet Server as a detached process. . The UICs must not be system group UICs. * What UIC do you want to use for OAFC$DEFAULT account: * What UIC do you want to use for OAFC$SERVER account: ________________________________________________________________ 42 New_Installation: If you are prompted, enter a UIC for the WEB$ACCESS account. You are prompted only if WEB$ACCESS does not already exist. WEB$ACCESS is created automatically in a new installation. The account is used to control access to the File Cabinet drawers by the Compaq Office Server Web Interface and the IMAP and POP3 Servers. The WEB$ACCESS account is not used for interactive logins, so you will not be asked for a password. * What UIC do you want to use for WEB$ACCESS account: ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-29 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 43 New_Installation: Specify the top-level directories for the Office Server areas. * Enter top-level directory required for the shared library files [OFFICE]: * Enter top-level directory required for the shared data files [OFFICE]: * Enter top-level directory required for all ENGLISH language files [OFFICE]: * Enter top-level directory required for the mail area SDAF file [OFFICE]: * Enter the name required for the SHARED DIRECTORY on A1DISK1: [OFFICE]: Go to Step 46 to continue. ________________________________________________________________ 44 Upgrade_Installation: Enter the OpenVMS username for the Office Server manager's account. * What is the existing OpenVMS username for the Office Server account [ALLIN1]: Enter the OpenVMS username for the Office Server account. The account details are displayed. ________________________________________________________________ 45 Upgrade_Installation: Confirm that the details of the Office Server manager's account are correct. * Are all the specified account's characteristics correct [YES]? Press RETURN if all the information is correct. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-30 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.1 Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade Installations Table 2-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for New and Upgrade __________________Installations_________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 46 If you choose to, you can run the IVP (Installation Verification Procedure). * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [NO]? Enter Y if you want to run the IVP. All the installation questions have now been completed. If you are installing Office Server Version 6.0 on a mixed-architecture VMScluster, see Section 2.2 for instructions on adding architecture support for a second architecture. If you are not installing on a single-architecture ______VMScluster,_go_to_Section_2.3.____________________________ 2.2 Adding or Upgrading Architecture Support Table 2-3 explains when you can do an installation to add or upgrade architecture support. Table 2-3 When to Install/Upgrade VAX or Alpha Architecture __________Support_________________________________________ Install/Upgrade_______When_you_have_already_done__________ VAX architecture A new or upgrade Office Server support Version 6.0 installation on an Alpha system in the same VMScluster Alpha architecture A new or upgrade Office Server support Version 6.0 installation on a VAX ______________________system_in_the_same_VMScluster.______ The questions that you are asked during the additional architecture installation depend on the responses that you gave during the new or upgrade installation. For example, if you did not install WPS-PLUS during the new or upgrade installation, you are not asked any additional questions about WPS-PLUS. Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-31 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.2 Adding or Upgrading Architecture Support 2.2.1 Before You Start Before you start the installation, you must do the following: 1. If you are installing architecture support for the first time, make a note of the location of the Office Server configuration file, OA$DATA_SHARE:A1CONFIG.DAT, on the system where you have already installed a new Office Server Version 6.0 system or upgraded to an Office Server Version 6.0 system. You will be asked for this information during the installation. 2. Run the script, OA$LIB:SM_CHECK_SYS$SYSDEVICE.SCP, to check for logicals containing SYS$SYSDEVICE. 3. From the Office Server manager's account on the node where Office Server is already installed, run the script, OA$LIB:SM_CHECK_SYS$SYSDEVICE.SCP: $ SET HOST 0/LOG=filename $ OFFICESERVER/NOINIT Enter CMD: DO OA$LIB:SM_CHECK_SYS$SYSDEVICE.SCP If references to SYS$DEVICE are found, a warning message is displayed. You must remove the references as they will refer to different devices on a VAX system and an Alpha system. If the references are not corrected, data may be lost on your system. The installation procedure also runs this script. 2.2.2 Installation Procedure for Adding Architecture Support Table 2-4 shows an example script for an additional- architecture installation on a VAX system. The following information is used: o Office Server Version 6.0 is already installed on an Alpha system in the same VMScluster. o WPS-PLUS is installed on the Alpha system. o Office Server has been configured as a multilanguage system on the Alpha system. o Message Router is installed on this VAX system. 2-32 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.2 Adding or Upgrading Architecture Support The example includes the script for both adding VAX support for the first time and upgrading existing VAX support. The installation questions and script are similar for the addition or upgrade of Alpha support. Table 2-4 Installation Procedure for Adding Architecture __________Support_______________________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 1 to Follow Steps 1 to 5 in Table 2-2. 5 __________________________________________________________ For_Installation_Type________________Go_to________________ Upgrade Step 6 New__________________________________Step_7_______________ ________________________________________________________________ 6 Upgrade_Installation: Enter the number for the type of installation you want to perform. The current product image identification is V5.0. Using the FULL Office Server V6.0 kit, the following installation types can be performed: (1) Upgrade Office Server V5.0 to Office Server V6.0 (2) Add, upgrade, or update VAX components for an Office Server V6.0 system (RL) Register licenses for pre-requisite software (MM) Install MailWorks Migration Tool * Which installation do you wish to perform [1]: Press RETURN to upgrade VAX components for an existing Office Server Version 6.0 system that is already installed on an Alpha system in the same VMScluster. To_Continue: Go to Step 8. (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-33 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.2 Adding or Upgrading Architecture Support Table 2-4 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for Adding Architecture __________________Support_______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 7 New_Installation: Enter the number for the type of installation you want to perform. Logical OA$IMAGE is not defined. No product image can be found using the default specification. Using the FULL Office Server V6.0 kit, the following installation types can be performed: (1) A new installation of Office Server V6.0 (2) Add, upgrade, or update VAX components for an Office Server V6.0 system (RL) Register licenses for pre-requisite software (MM) Install MailWorks Migration Tool * Which installation do you wish to perform [1]: 2 Enter 2 to add VAX architecture support. ________________________________________________________________ 8 Confirm that you want to start the installation. The installation procedure allows you to perform the following actions: (I) Perform the installation (PC) Perform all pre-installation checks * Which action do you wish to perform [I]: Press RETURN to start the installation. Upgrade_Installation: Go to Step 10. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-34 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.2 Adding or Upgrading Architecture Support Table 2-4 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for Adding Architecture __________________Support_______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 9 New_Installation: Supply the location of OA$DATA_ SHARE:A1CONFIG.DAT, the Office Server configuration file, for Office Server Version 6.0 on the existing system. You have chosen an architecture only installation. To continue you must specify the location of the existing system's configuration file (A1CONFIG.DAT). The installation will read A1CONFIG.DAT to determine file target locations. * Please give the directory location of A1CONFIG.DAT: disk:[directory] Enter the location of the Office Server configuration file in the format, disk:[directory]. You must always use this format to specify the location of this file. The installation script uses the configuration file to define logicals. %A1-I-DEFLOG, Running A1V60START.COM to define the logicals -A1-I-DEFLOG, from your existing Office Server V5.0 Alpha system. Defining language independent logical names Defining ENGLISH language logical names ________________________________________________________________ 10 Where possible, the VAX architecture-only installation matches the configuration of Office Server that is already installed on the Alpha system. The informational messages that are displayed will depend on the existing configuration. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-35 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.2 Adding or Upgrading Architecture Support Table 2-4 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for Adding Architecture __________________Support_______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 11 Upgrade_Installation: Confirm that you want to purge files. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Press RETURN to continue. ________________________________________________________________ 12 System checking for existing Office Server configuration. The informational message depends on your existing configuration, for example: During your Office Server installation on Alpha you chose to install Office Server with WPS-PLUS, therefore WPS-PLUS will also be installed during this VAX architecture only installation. ________________________________________________________________ 13 System checking for existing Office Server configuration. The informational message depends on your existing configuration, for example: Office Server on the Alpha is linked as a MULTI- LANGUAGE system, therefore Office Server on this VAX will also be linked the same way. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-36 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.2 Adding or Upgrading Architecture Support Table 2-4 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for Adding Architecture __________________Support_______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 14 Specify the greatest number of simultaneous Office Server users. * What will be the greatest number of simultaneous users: Upgrade_Installation: A default value is given. Press RETURN to accept this default value. New_Installation: Specify the maximum number of Office Server users that you expect at any one time. (This number refers predominantly to VT users.) The installation procedure uses this entry to check that system parameters are large enough to support your intended number of users. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-37 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.2 Adding or Upgrading Architecture Support Table 2-4 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for Adding Architecture __________________Support_______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 15 Message Router checks for upgrade installations. This part of the installation procedure is determined by the answers that you gave during the installation on the other system. In this example script, the Alpha system was configured to use a remote Message Router on this VAX node. The level of Mail directory support set up for the Alpha system is also used. %A1-I-MDCHK, Performing Mail and Directory checks... %A1-I-REMMR, Your Office Server system running on the Alpha is configured -A1-I-REMMR, to use a Remote Message Router on this node %A1-I-LOCMR, Therefore this VAX Office Server system will be configured -A1-I-LOCMR, to use a local Message Router %A1-I-DIROPP, Your Alpha Office Server system is configured to use a -A1-I-DIROPP, Mail Directory Service. This VAX architecture only -A1-I-DIROPP, installation will use the same Message Router Directory Service. %A1-I-UPDATEDDS, As this is an update you will not be asked for a -A1-I-UPDATEDDS, Message Router Directory password . . . ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-38 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.2 Adding or Upgrading Architecture Support Table 2-4 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for Adding Architecture __________________Support_______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 16 Indicate if you want client applications to connect to Office Server using TCP/IP network protocol. You are only asked the following question if DEC TCP/IP Services (formerly 'UCX') or other TCP/IP network software that emulates it is installed on your system. * Do you want to use TCP/IP [YES]? Press RETURN if you want to use TCP/IP for client connections. If you do, you are asked the following questions if default service names for the AIDA Server and Office Server File Cabinet Server are not registered in the Internet Services database. * Enter a port number for the AIDA Server [7300]: * Enter a port number for the Office Server File Cabinet Server [7373]: Enter a different TCP/IP port number for each server. The port numbers can be in the range 1024 to 65535. You must use the default values if you plan to use the TeamLinks client software. The installation procedure checks that the TCPIP$IPC_ SHR.EXE image is installed. If it is not, you must install it after the installation. (In case the system uses a pre_ v5.0 product, and uses the old filename, the installation also checks for UCX$IPC_SHR.EXE if it does not find TCPIP$IPC_SHR.EXE.) ________________________________________________________________ 17 System checking. The installation procedure checks system parameters, quotas and identifiers. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-39 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.2 Adding or Upgrading Architecture Support Table 2-4 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for Adding Architecture __________________Support_______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 18 Enter the language code. * Enter language code for this installation (2 characters): US Enter the two-letter language code for your language component. See Appendix D. ________________________________________________________________ 19 Enter the dialect code. Your language kit may also contain one or more dialect components. Enter the dialect code that you want to use. %A1LUS-I-RELANK, Restoring the LANGUAGE kit savesets %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... If you wish to install a dialectal variation of ENGLISH language, enter the code for the dialect component you wish to use. If you do not wish to install a dialectal variation of ENGLISH language, then accept the answer of NO_DIALECT. * Enter dialect code for this installation (5 characters) [NO_DIALECT]: ________________________________________________________________ 20 Enter the market code. * Enter market code for this installation (2 characters): US Enter the two-letter market code for the installation. See the Appendix D. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 2-40 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.2 Adding or Upgrading Architecture Support Table 2-4 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for Adding Architecture __________________Support_______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 21 Enter the name of the OpenVMS account for the Office Server manager. * What is the existing OpenVMS username for the Office Server account [OFFICE]: The account details are displayed. ________________________________________________________________ 22 Confirm that the details of the account are correct. * Are all the specified account's characteristics correct [YES]? Press RETURN if the details are correct. ________________________________________________________________ 23 Run the IVP (Installation Verification Procedure). * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [NO]? Enter YES if you want to run the IVP. ______All_the_installation_questions_have_now_been_completed.___ 2.3 Automatic Postinstallation Tasks The installation procedure performs automatic postinstal- lation tasks, for example, converting data files. If a problem occurs during the postinstallation phase, see Chapter 4. The following tasks are done automatically: o Deassigns old Office Server logicals and logicals created during the installation o Runs the Office Server startup procedure, A1V60START.COM o Compiles, installs and sets protections on the following form libraries and their site versions: - OAFORM - MEMRES Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2-41 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 2.3 Automatic Postinstallation Tasks - OAN$FORMS o Installs message symbol files o Compiles TXLs o For upgrade installations, FORMAT.DAT and OA$SM_ UTILITY_MASTER.DAT are updated. 2.4 Manual Postinstallation Tasks There are some manual tasks that you must complete after the installation. See Chapter 5. 2-42 Installation Procedure: New, Upgrade and Architecture Support 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation Procedure: Additional Languages This chapter describes the installation of an additional language on an Office Server Version 6.0 system that is configured as a multilanguage system. __________________Before You Start __________________ Do not start the installation until you have completed the system preparation tasks in Chapter 1. _____________________________________________________ During the installation procedure a number of cautions and general informational messages are displayed. Read all the displayed messages carefully. Each question in the installation is marked with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line. If you are unsure how to answer a question enter a question mark (?) for Help. ________________________Note ________________________ If the installation fails, you must restart the installation from the beginning. To stop the installation at any point, press CTRL/Y. _____________________________________________________ If you are installing a new additional language or upgrad- ing an existing additional language, see Section 3.1. If you are installing or upgrading architecture support for an additional language, see Section 3.2. Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3-1 Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3.1 Installation Procedure for Additional Language Installations 3.1 Installation Procedure for Additional Language Installations Follow the steps in Table 3-1 to install a new additional language or upgrade an existing additional language. There are minor differences in the display depending on whether the installation is being run on a VAX or Alpha system. The example script shows the addition of BRITISH as an additional language on an Office Server Version 6.0 Alpha system that is configured as a multilanguage system. 3-2 Installation Procedure: Additional Languages Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3.1 Installation Procedure for Additional Language Installations Table_3-1_Installation_Procedure_for_An_Additional_Language_____ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 1 Create a log file for the installation. Compaq recommends that you keep a record of the installation in case of problems. You can keep a log by using either a hard copy terminal or a log file. To keep a record in a log file, enter: $ SET HOST 0/LOG=filename where filename is the name of the log file. The log file is created in the directory where you enter the command. If you do not specify a filename, the file is called SETHOST.LOG. The installation log file will be about 200 blocks. If you are running console management software, you can use this to record the installation. See your console management documentation for further information. ________________________________________________________________ 2 Load and mount the CD that contains the language software kit. ________________________________________________________________ 3 Invoke the VMSINSTAL procedure from the SYSTEM account. Enter the following commands: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL A1LUS060 device To use an alternate working device (AWD), enter the following command lines: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE $ @VMSINSTAL A1LUS060 device OPTIONS AWD=disk device is the device on which you have mounted the CD. You can use a physical or a logical device name but do not use logical device names beginning with A1$, OA$, or OA1$. A1LUS060 is the product identifier and disk is the location of the alternate working device. (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3-3 Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3.1 Installation Procedure for Additional Language Installations Table 3-1 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for An Additional __________________Language______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4 Verify your system backup. OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Installation Procedure V7.1 It is 14-FEB-2001 at 21:27. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Press RETURN to continue. ________________________________________________________________ 5 Enter the number for the type of installation you want to do. The current product image identification is V5.0. Using the LANGUAGE-only Office Server V6.0 kit, the following installation types can be performed: (1) Install new Office Server V6.0 additional language (2) Upgrade Office Server V5.0 additional language (3) Update Office Server V6.0 additional language (4) Add, Upgrade or Update Alpha architecture specific components of an existing Office Server V6.0 additional language (RL) Register licenses for pre-requisite software * Which installation do you wish to perform [1]: 1 Enter 1 to install a new additional Office Server Version 6.0 language. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 3-4 Installation Procedure: Additional Languages Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3.1 Installation Procedure for Additional Language Installations Table 3-1 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for An Additional __________________Language______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 6 Confirm that you want to start the installation. The installation procedure allows you to perform the following actions: (I) Perform the installation (PC) Perform all pre-installation checks * Which action do you wish to perform [I]: Press RETURN to start the installation. ________________________________________________________________ 7 Supply information about optional software as appropriate. During your first language installation you chose to integrate WPS-PLUS, therefore you will be able to use WPS-PLUS as an additional editor from your Office Server additional language. This kit contains a library of Encapsulated PostScript(R) graphics and PostScript(R) Page Overlay samples specific to the language component. * Do you want these graphics copied to the Office Server library directory [NO]? Enter Y to copy the WPS-PLUS graphics library to the Office Server directory. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3-5 Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3.1 Installation Procedure for Additional Language Installations Table 3-1 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for An Additional __________________Language______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 8 Select a default date format. Office Server allows you to select a default date format for each language you have installed. This will become the default Office Server date format for each user (on a per language basis.) This may be changed by each user through the Set Working Conditions option on the User Setup Menu. Alphanumeric Date Numeric Date 1 DD-MMM-YYYY MM/DD/YY (Standard Default) 2 DD-MMM-YYYY DD/MM/YY 3 DD-MMM-YYYY YY/MM/DD 4 YYYY-MMM-DD MM/DD/YY 5 YYYY-MMM-DD DD/MM/YY 6 YYYY-MMM-DD YY/MM/DD 7 ***** Reserved (Means system default) ***** 8 DD-MM-YYYY DD/MM/YY (Numeric format) 9 MM-DD-YYYY MM/DD/YY (Numeric format) * Which date format do you require [1]: Press RETURN to use the default format or enter the number for the date format that you want to use. See Appendix C (or, if not US or GB, the documentation provided with your kit) for more details about date formats. The installation procedure now does system checks. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 3-6 Installation Procedure: Additional Languages Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3.1 Installation Procedure for Additional Language Installations Table 3-1 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for An Additional __________________Language______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 9 Enter the language code. * Enter language code for this installation (2 characters): US Enter the two-letter language code for your language component. See Appendix D. ________________________________________________________________ 10 Enter the dialect code. %A1LUS-I-RELANK, Restoring the LANGUAGE kit savesets %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... If you wish to install a dialectal variation of ENGLISH language, enter the code for the dialect component you wish to use. If you do not wish to install a dialectal variation of ENGLISH language, then accept the answer of NO_DIALECT. * Enter dialect code for this installation (5 characters) [NO_DIALECT]: US_GB Enter the dialect code that you want to use. In this example, US_GB is the BRITISH dialect component. See Appendix D. ________________________________________________________________ 11 Specify the device for the additional language files. * Which device will hold the Office Server BRITISH language files: Enter the device name. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3-7 Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3.1 Installation Procedure for Additional Language Installations Table 3-1 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for An Additional __________________Language______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 12 Enter the OpenVMS username for the Office Server manager's account. * What is the existing OpenVMS username for the Office Server account [OFFICE]: The details of the account are displayed. ________________________________________________________________ 13 Confirm that the account details are correct. * Are all the specified account's characteristics correct [YES]? Press RETURN to confirm that the account details are correct. ________________________________________________________________ 14 Specify the top-level directory for the Office Server additional language files. * Enter the top-level directory required for all BRITISH language files [BRITISH]: ________________________________________________________________ 15 Run the IVP (Installation Verification Procedure). * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Press RETURN to run the IVP. All the installation questions have now been completed. The installation procedure does automatic postinstallation tasks. If a problem occurs during the postinstallation phase, see Chapter 4. For manual postinstallation tasks, see Chapter 5. If you are installing on a VMScluster and want to add additional architecture support for the additional ______language_that_you_have_installed,_see_Section_3.2.________ 3-8 Installation Procedure: Additional Languages Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3.2 Installing Architecture Support for an Additional Language 3.2 Installing Architecture Support for an Additional Language Before you start the installation, you must do the following: o Make a note of the location of the Office Server configuration file, OA$DATA_SHARE:A1CONFIG.DAT, on the VAX system. You will be asked for this information during the installation. o Run the script, OA$LIB:SM_CHECK_SYS$SYSDEVICE.SCP, to check for logicals containing SYS$SYSDEVICE. From the Office Server manager's account on the node where you have already installed Office Server, run the script, OA$LIB:SM_CHECK_SYS$SYSDEVICE.SCP: $ SET HOST 0/LOG=filename $ OFFICE/NOINIT Enter CMD: DO OA$LIB:SM_CHECK_SYS$SYSDEVICE.SCP If references to SYS$DEVICE are found, a warning message is displayed. You must remove the references as they will refer to different devices on a VAX system and an Alpha system. If the references are not corrected, data may be lost on your system. Follow the steps in Table 3-2 to add architecture support for an additional language that you have already installed on a different architecture in the same VMScluster. The example script shows the addition of VAX architecture support for Office Server BRITISH as an additional language. BRITISH is already installed as an additional language on an Alpha system in the same VMScluster. Table 3-2 Installation Procedure for Addition of Architecture __________Support_for_an_Additional_Language____________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 1 to Follow Steps 1 to 5 in Table 3-1. 5 (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3-9 Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3.2 Installing Architecture Support for an Additional Language Table 3-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for Addition of Architecture Support for an Additional __________________Language______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6 Enter the number for the type of installation you want to do. Using the LANGUAGE-only Office Server V6.0 kit, the following installation types can be performed: (1) Install new Office Server V6.0 additional language (2) Upgrade Office Server V5.0 additional language (3) Update Office Server V6.0 additional language (4) Add, upgrade, or update VAX components for an Office Server V6.0 additional language (RL) Register licenses for pre-requisite software * Which installation do you wish to perform [1]: 4 Enter 4 to add VAX architecture support for an existing Office Server Version 6.0 additional language. ________________________________________________________________ 7 Confirm that you want to start the installation. The installation procedure allows you to perform the following actions: (I) Perform the installation (PC) Perform all pre-installation checks * Which action do you wish to perform [I]: Press RETURN to start the installation. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 3-10 Installation Procedure: Additional Languages Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3.2 Installing Architecture Support for an Additional Language Table 3-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for Addition of Architecture Support for an Additional __________________Language______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 8 Enter the location of OA$DATA_SHARE:A1CONFIG.DAT, the Office Server configuration file, for the existing Office Server Version 6.0 system. You have chosen an architecture only installation. To continue you must specify the location of the existing Office Server system's configuration file (A1CONFIG.DAT). The installation will read A1CONFIG.DAT to determine file target locations. * Please give the directory location of A1CONFIG.DAT [OA$DATA_SHARE]: Enter the location of A1CONFIG.DAT in the format disk:[directory]. You must always specify the location of the configuration file in this format. %A1LUS-I-DEFLOG, Running A1V41START.COM to define the logicals -A1LUS-I-DEFLOG, for your existing V6.0 Alpha system. . . . ________________________________________________________________ 9 Indicate whether you want to purge files. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? Press RETURN to purge files. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3-11 Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3.2 Installing Architecture Support for an Additional Language Table 3-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for Addition of Architecture Support for an Additional __________________Language______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 10 Configuration checking. You may be asked questions depending on the configuration of Office Server on the Alpha system. This VAX architecture only installation will where possible match the configuration of Office Server already installed on the Alpha system. During your Office Server installation on Alpha you chose to install Office Server with WPS-PLUS, therefore WPS-PLUS will also be installed during this VAX architecture only installation. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 3-12 Installation Procedure: Additional Languages Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3.2 Installing Architecture Support for an Additional Language Table 3-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for Addition of Architecture Support for an Additional __________________Language______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 11 Select a default date format. Office Server allows you to select a default date format for each language you have installed. This will become the default Office Server date format for each user (on a per language basis.) This may be changed by each user through the Set Working Conditions option on the User Setup Menu. Alphanumeric Date Numeric Date 1 DD-MMM-YYYY MM/DD/YY (Standard Default) 2 DD-MMM-YYYY DD/MM/YY 3 DD-MMM-YYYY YY/MM/DD 4 YYYY-MMM-DD MM/DD/YY 5 YYYY-MMM-DD DD/MM/YY 6 YYYY-MMM-DD YY/MM/DD 7 ***** Reserved (Means system default) ***** 8 DD-MM-YYYY DD/MM/YY (Numeric format) 9 MM-DD-YYYY MM/DD/YY (Numeric format) * Which date format do you require [1]: ________________________________________________________________ 12 Enter the language code. * Enter language code for this installation (2 characters): US Enter the 2-letter language code for your additional language. See Appendix D. ________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3-13 Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3.2 Installing Architecture Support for an Additional Language Table 3-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for Addition of Architecture Support for an Additional __________________Language______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ 13 Enter the dialect code. %A1LUS-I-RELANK, Restoring the LANGUAGE kit savesets %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... If you wish to install a dialectal variation of ENGLISH language, enter the code for the dialect component you wish to use. If you do not wish to install a dialectal variation of ENGLISH language, then accept the answer of NO_DIALECT. * Enter dialect code for this installation (5 characters) [NO_DIALECT]: US_GB In this example, US_GB is the BRITISH dialect code. ________________________________________________________________ 14 Enter the name of the OpenVMS username of the Office Server manager's account. * What is the existing VMS username for the Office Server account [OFFICE]: The account details are displayed. ________________________________________________________________ 15 Confirm that the account details are correct. * Are all the specified account's characteristics correct [YES]? Press RETURN if the account information is correct. ________________________________________________________________ 16 If you want to, run the IVP (Installation Verification Procedure). * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [NO]? Enter YES if you want to run the IVP. (continued on next page) 3-14 Installation Procedure: Additional Languages Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3.2 Installing Architecture Support for an Additional Language Table 3-2 (Cont.) Installation Procedure for Addition of Architecture Support for an Additional __________________Language______________________________________ Step__Action____________________________________________________ All the installation questions have now been completed. The installation procedure will do postinstallation tasks. ______For_manual_postinstallation_tasks,_see_Chapter_5._________ Installation Procedure: Additional Languages 3-15 4 ________________________________________________________________ Installation Errors and Failure This chapter deals with various error messages you may see while installing Office Server Version 6.0 or while the Installation Verification Procedures (IVPs) are running, and explains what to do if the installation or the IVPs fail. While the installation is running it displays various informational messages. It may also display warning or error messages. Read all the messages displayed, and take whatever action they advise. 4.1 Common Errors Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o There is a problem with the operating system. o There is a problem with prerequisite software. o Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient. o System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. o The OpenVMS help library is currently in use. o SYS$LIBRARY:IMAGELIB.OLB and SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET.OLB are not present. For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS books on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS software installation. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, you should take the appropriate action as described in the message. Installation Errors and Failure 4-1 4.2 Failure During Postinstallation 4.2 Failure During Postinstallation ________________________Note ________________________ When the installation procedure reaches the postinstallation phase, the main installation has completed. If the postinstallation tasks fail, a message is displayed indicating that the installation has failed and that you need to reinstall Office Server. It is not necessary to do this; you need only rerun A1$POSTINSTALL.COM as described in this section. You must rerun A1$POSTINSTALL.COM on the node on which you originally ran the installation. _____________________________________________________ 4.2.1 Failure of Upgrade Installations in Safety Mode If your installation is being performed in Safety mode, you need take no further action if the failure happens before the message: Files will now be moved to target directories If the installation fails after this message, restore your original system from a backup. You can then go back to using the original system, or you can start the installation again. 4.2.2 Failure of Upgrade Installations in Non-Safety Mode If your installation is being performed in non-safety mode, restore your original system from a backup. You can then go back to using the original system, or you can start the installation again. 4.2.3 Full Installations If a full installation fails, delete all accounts, identifiers and directories that have been created, and start the installation again. 4-2 Installation Errors and Failure 4.2 Failure During Postinstallation 4.2.4 Failure Due to Insufficient Dynamic Memory An installation on an Alpha system may fail with the following error message: %SYSTEM-F-INSFMEM, insufficient dynamic memory If this error occurs, you must check that the value for CTLPAGES is high enough. If you used the default value of 100, you must increase it to 200 and restart the installation. See Section 1.6.2. 4.3 Error Messages when Running the IVP The following informational and error messages are displayed when the IVP is run: %OA-I-LNF, Error opening form library "THIS_IS_A_TEST" -RMS-E-FNF, file not found %OA-W-INVGET, Symbol "THIS_IS_A_TEST" not found %OA-E-BADLIB, Error occurred while precompiling THIS_IS_A.TEST form library You can ignore these messages as they are part of tests that are performed by the IVP. If any other error messages occur during the IVP, do the following: 1. Check the log of the installation for any errors that may have occurred during installation. 2. Check the file SYS$MANAGER:OFFICE_IVP.LOG. This file does not contain the results of the IVP, but the results of invoking Office Server when running the IVP. 3. Check for any errors in the following procedures. o During the execution of the startup file, SYS$STARTUP:A1V60START.COM: Creating logical names o Automatic postinstallation procedures Installing image files Compiling and installing form libraries Installation Errors and Failure 4-3 4.3 Error Messages when Running the IVP 4. Make sure that the Office Server TXL is compiled and installed successfully, and recompile it if you received any error messages when the postinstallation command file was run. 5. Check that you have not run out of quota on the disk or disks containing the OA$SHAREnnnn directories (refer to the manual describing OpenVMS utilities). 6. Check that the details for the IVP account are completed correctly, as follows: o All the Office Server privileges are set to YES. o The IVP user directory points to the disk and sub- directory that you specified for the Office Server manager's account. For example: a1device:[OFFICE.IVPUSER] where a1device is the device that you specified during the installation. o The Office Server account, IVP, is accessed from the Office Server manager's OpenVMS account. 7. Run Office Server and try to use those areas that failed during the IVP to find more information on the error. Log in to the Office Server manager's IVP account: $ OFFICE /USERNAME=IVP Manually execute each IVP test as described in DIGITAL Office Server Managing from a VT Terminal (the V4.0 book). ________________________Note ________________________ The IVP runs in the language context of the current optional language being installed and also tests the international base system. Most IVPs are designed to exercise and test Office Server at a level which is normally customization- independent. However, if you have customized the Phone Directory subsystem of Office Server, the display graphics (IDG) procedure may fail. This is 4-4 Installation Errors and Failure 4.3 Error Messages when Running the IVP a demonstration test used to exercise the terminal graphics as a typical application. _____________________________________________________ 4.4 IVP Failure If the IVP fails, the following messages are displayed: The Office Server V6.0 Installation Verification Procedure failed. %VMSINSTAL-E-IVPFAIL, The IVP for Office Server V6.0 has failed. Installation Errors and Failure 4-5 5 ________________________________________________________________ Postinstallation Tasks This chapter describes the tasks that you must do to complete the setup of Office Server. Some of these tasks are optional, or only apply to particular types of systems, or configurations. There are a number of additional setup tasks that the Office Server manager must do to set up the users' working environment before Office Server is used. These tasks are explained in detail in the DIGITAL Office Server Managing from a VT Terminal (the V4.0 book) You must run postinstallation from the node on which you are running Office Server. 5.1 Checklist of Manual Postinstallation Tasks Table 5-1 lists the manual postinstallation tasks. Table_5-1_Postinstallation_Tasks__________________________ Type of Task__________________Installation_____Information________ Start Office Server Full, upgrade See Section 5.2 on all nodes in a or additional VMScluster system architecture __________________________________________________________ Create or modify the Full or upgrade Section 5.3 Office Server site- specific startup procedure (continued on next page) Postinstallation Tasks 5-1 5.1 Checklist of Manual Postinstallation Tasks Table_5-1_(Cont.)_Postinstallation_Tasks__________________ Type of Task__________________Installation_____Information________ __________________________________________________________ Modify the OpenVMS Full, upgrade Section 5.4 site-specific or additional startup procedure architecture __________________________________________________________ Replace the Full, upgrade Section 5.5 DCLTABLES on or additional VMScluster systems architecture __________________________________________________________ Delete files that Upgrade or Section 5.6 are no longer additional required language __________________________________________________________ Install any missing Full, upgrade Section 5.7 images or additional architecture __________________________________________________________ Recompile form Upgrade See Section 5.8. libraries, including This section application or also lists form site-specific form libraries that libraries are compiled automatically after the installation. __________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 5-2 Postinstallation Tasks 5.1 Checklist of Manual Postinstallation Tasks Table_5-1_(Cont.)_Postinstallation_Tasks__________________ Type of Task__________________Installation_____Information________ Migrate your Upgrade of Section 5.9 customizations: a customized o Run the CART system resolution procedure o Restore customizations to modified data files o Replace customized help files o Delete obsolete files __________________________________________________________ Migrate SITELINK50.comUpgrade, Section 5.10 to SITELINK60.COM additional using Customization language and Management architecture support __________________________________________________________ Link Office Server Upgrades of Section 5.11 to include code- code-level level customizations customized systems and additional architecture if also installed __________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) Postinstallation Tasks 5-3 5.1 Checklist of Manual Postinstallation Tasks Table_5-1_(Cont.)_Postinstallation_Tasks__________________ Type of Task__________________Installation_____Information________ Set up remote mail Full or upgrade For new instal- Note that lations with the local mail MAILbus 400 MTA and is already set Compaq X.500, see up after the Section 5.12. installation. For upgrade or new installations with Message Router, see Section 5.13. __________________________________________________________ Add WPS-PLUS login Full or upgrade Section 5.14. command procedure installations to the system login if you are command procedure using WPS-PLUS as the default editor __________________________________________________________ Move the CDA DOC_ If CDA$LIBRARY Section 5.15 STYLE files to a does not exist suitable location, on your system if necessary __________________________________________________________ Set up the user Full or upgrade DIGITAL Office environment Server Managing from a VT Terminal (the V4.0 book) __________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 5-4 Postinstallation Tasks 5.1 Checklist of Manual Postinstallation Tasks Table_5-1_(Cont.)_Postinstallation_Tasks__________________ Type of Task__________________Installation_____Information________ Tune the File Full or upgrade DIGITAL Office Cabinet Servers Server Managing from a VT Terminal (the V4.0 book) __________________________________________________________ Decide how many mail Full or upgrade DIGITAL Office Sender and Fetcher Server Managing processes to run from a VT Terminal _______________________________________(the_V4.0_book)____ 5.2 Start Office Server on all Nodes in a VMScluster System The Office Server startup procedure, SYS$STARTUP:A1V60START.COM, is supplied with Office Server and is executed automat- ically on the node used for the installation, once the installation has completed successfully. If you are running Office Server on a VMScluster you must also run SYS$STARTUP:A1V60START.COM on each node in the cluster in order to start Office Server. If you run A1V60START.COM manually from the DCL prompt, you must include the location of the Office Server configuration file, OA$DATA_SHARE:A1CONFIG.DAT. OpenVMS prompts you for the location of this file if you do not specify it on the command line. If you are creating new shared directories from within Office Server, you must define new system logical names on each node in the cluster. For further information about running Office Server on a VMScluster, see the DIGITAL Office Server Managing from a VT Terminal (the V4.0 book). Postinstallation Tasks 5-5 5.3 Create or Modify the Site-specific Office Server Startup Procedure 5.3 Create or Modify the Site-specific Office Server Startup Procedure To modify the Office Server startup command procedure, you must create a site-specific command procedure. The site- specific startup command procedure will be automatically executed by the Office Server startup command procedure when it is executed. You can create the following types of site-specific command procedure: o A language-independent startup command procedure called A1V60_SITE_START.COM. Create this startup procedure in OA$SITE_BUILD_SHARE_IND. o A language-specific startup command procedure, OA$SITE_ language_START.COM, for each language installed in a multilanguage Office Server system. Create this startup procedure in OA$SITE_BUILD_LLV_IND. device:[directory.SITE.SOURCES_language]) where: device is the device containing the language files, and directory is the name of the top-level directory of your Office Server Version 6.0 system. You can specify the directory for your default language by using the logical name OA$SITE_BUILD_LLV_IND. If you are upgrading and you have a site-specific startup command procedure that you want to keep, rename it from A1V50_SITE_START.COM to A1V60_SITE_START.COM. 5.4 Edit the Site-specific Startup Procedure When you run A1V60START.COM from the DCL prompt, you must include the location of the Office Server configuration file, OA$DATA_SHARE:A1CONFIG.DAT. OpenVMS prompts you for the location of this file if you do not specify it on the command line. When you include the Office Server startup procedure in the OpenVMS site startup procedure, you must specify the location of the A1CONFIG.DAT file: $ @SYS$STARTUP:A1V60START.COM location 5-6 Postinstallation Tasks 5.4 Edit the Site-specific Startup Procedure where location is the location of A1CONFIG.DAT, which is specified as: device:[directory.DATA_SHARE] device is the device that you specified for the Office Server data files and directory is the top-level directory that you specified for the Office Server data files. To find the location of OA$DATA_SHARE:A1CONFIG.DAT, refer to your installation log. ________________________Note ________________________ However you choose to set up your site-specific startup procedures, you must ensure that all the Office Server prerequisite products are started before Office Server. This includes messaging software, DEC Notes, and DECwindows/Motif if you are using CDA converters with Office Server. _____________________________________________________ 5.4.1 Installations With Compaq X.500 and the MAILbus 400 MTA If you have installed a new Office Server system with Compaq X.500 and the MAILbus 400 MTA, you must ensure that the prerequisite messaging products are started before Office Server. Make sure that the following 3 files are executed in the following order: 1. SYS$STARTUP:OSAK$START.COM 2. SYS$STARTUP:DXD$COMMON_STARTUP.COM 3. SYS$STARTUP:MTA$COMMON_STARTUP.COM 5.4.2 Installations with Message Router For Office Server systems using Message Router, you must ensure that the Message Router software is started before Office Server. As an example, Table 5-2 describes how to edit the OpenVMS site-specific startup file to include the Office Server startup procedure after an upgrade installation from Office Server Version 6.0. This ensures that the Office Server environment is reestablished following a system reboot. Postinstallation Tasks 5-7 5.4 Edit the Site-specific Startup Procedure Table_5-2_Editing_the_OpenVMS_Site-specific_Startup_File__ Installation Type_____________Do_the_Following_________________________ Full and To edit the file: addition 1. Find the lines: of second architecture $ @SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET.COM and (unless you are $ @SYS$MANAGER:MB$CONTROL START=(DDS,TS,...,ER)1 using common 2. After these lines, add the following startup files) line: $ @SYS$STARTUP:A1V60START.COM location2 __________________________________________________________ Upgrade from Change the line Office Server $ @SYS$STARTUP:A1V50START.COM location2 Version 5.0 to and addition of second $ @SYS$STARTUP:A1V60START.COM location2 architecture (unless you are using common startup files) __________________________________________________________ [1]The_exact_command_line_will_depend_on_which_Message____ Router components are running. [2]location is the location of the Office Server configuration file, OA$DATA_SHARE:A1CONFIG.DAT. (continued on next page) 5-8 Postinstallation Tasks 5.4 Edit the Site-specific Startup Procedure Table 5-2 (Cont.) Editing the OpenVMS Site-specific __________________Startup_File____________________________ Installation Type_____________Do_the_Following_________________________ If you are Add the following entry before the entry running a for the Office Server startup procedure: remote Message $ @SYS$STARTUP:DDS$STARTUP.COM node nodenumber Router and where node is the name of the node using the on which the remote Message Router is Message Router installed and nodenumber is the Directory Directory Service node number of the remote Message Service Router node. __________________________________________________________ 5.5 Replace the DCLTABLES on Cluster Systems If you installed Office Server Version 6.0 on a VMScluster system, you must replace the DCLTABLES on any nodes in the cluster where you are not installing Office Server Version 6.0. Enter the following commands on each of these nodes: $ INSTALL INSTALL> REPLACE SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES /OPEN /SHARE - _INSTALL> /HEADER_RES INSTALL> EXIT You need only do this once after you have installed Office Server Version 6.0. The Office Server installation procedure replaces the tables automatically for the node on which you are installing Office Server Version 6.0. 5.6 Delete Files That Are No Longer Required If you have upgraded or updated Office Server, various files remain in the SYSTEM directories which you can delete to increase your disk space. The files are: o For an Office Server Version 5.0 upgrade: SYS$HELP:A1050.RELEASE_NOTES or SYS$HELP:A1Llang050.RELEASE_NOTES SYS$HELP:A1Cmarket050.RELEASE_NOTES, if available SYS$STARTUP:A1V50START.COM Postinstallation Tasks 5-9 5.7 Install Missing Images 5.7 Install Missing Images On startup, if any error messages are displayed relating to images that are not installed, use the Install utility to install those images before executing the startup procedure again. Images that you may need to install in this way are those referenced by optional products that you have integrated with the Office Server image. For example, the following command installs the image RDBSHR, which is referenced by VAX DATATRIEVE: $ INSTALL INSTALL> ADD SYS$SHARE:RDBSHR /OPEN /HEADER_RES /SHARED For more details of the Install Utility, see the OpenVMS documentation. 5.8 Recompile Form Libraries If you are upgrading from Office Server Version 5.0 and you have compiled form libraries on your old system which are not replaced by the upgrade, you may see the following error message: Obsolete form library please recompile If you see this message, recompile the form library. ________________________Note ________________________ You must also compile application or site-specific form libraries, and your own applications. _____________________________________________________ The following form libraries are compiled automatically: o OAFORM o SITEOAFORM o MEMRES o SITEMEMRES o OAN$FORMS o SITEOAN$FORMS 5-10 Postinstallation Tasks 5.8 Recompile Form Libraries If you have added code or manual procedures to compile other form libraries, you must recompile them manually after the installation. Use the Precompile a form library (PCF) option from the System Customization Management (CSZ) menu. See the DIGITAL Office Server Managing from a VT Terminal (the V4.0 book). 5.9 Migrating Your Customizations After Upgrading Immediately after installing Office Server Version 6.0, and before allowing your users to access Office Server, review your customizations to mandatory elements. You can rerun the CART after installing Office Server Version 6.0 using the Check Conflicts (CC) option from the Application Maintenance menu. When you run the CART from within Office Server, it does not produce the site elements report. It does produce the full and summary reports, and the CART resolution procedure, which are all stored as new elements in Customization Management. If you rerun the CART, it does not keep the previous CART full and summary reports. To keep them, use the Customization Management Copy (CO) option to save the elements with another name in the same area, for example, copy CM_CART_SUMMARY_V50$PRIMARY to CM_CART_SUMMARY_ V50$PRIMARY_19SEP. All of the elements that you have already processed will have status code F. To review your customizations: 1. From the Customization Management (CM) subsystem, select each element marked as a mandatory change and print the differences between it and the new base element. 2. Review the differences. Note where new functionality has been added or changes made. Note any symbol changes. Use the information in your upgrade plan to make the changes necessary to get your system running. 3. Test your customizations and, if they work correctly, move the elements back into the live area. Postinstallation Tasks 5-11 5.9 Migrating Your Customizations After Upgrading 4. Before allowing your users back onto the system, review your customizations to recommended elements in the same way as you reviewed the mandatory elements. If you do not resolve conflicts to recommended ele- ments, users may not have access to your customizations or will not have access to the full functionality of Office Server Version 6.0. 5. Review conflicts with elements reported with status code D, see the Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide. Status code D indicates a customization that calls an element which has been removed from Office Server Version 6.0. If the element that is called by your customized element has a status code of A, then no customized version of it exists. Your customization will fail if you delete the removed element, as described in Section 5.9.2. Edit the command procedure DELETE_ OBSOLETE_FILES.COM so that these elements are not deleted. Use Customization Management to create a new customized element to replace the referenced base element that no longer exists in Office Server Version 6.0. Use Customization Management to copy any elements reported with status code A into the development area. When you rerun the CART, these elements will be reported with status code H. 6. You can now allow your users to access Office Server Version 6.0. When it is convenient, resolve the conflicts for informational elements. 5.9.1 Running the CART Resolution Procedure The CART resolution procedure calls individual scripts to process each status code. The scripts are called CM_CART_ SCRIPTn, where n is the CART status code. To run and edit the scripts called by the CART resolution procedure, you must have Application Maintainer privileges for the areas where the elements are stored. See the DIGITAL Office Server Managing from a VT Terminal (the V4.0 book). To run the CART resolution procedure use 5-12 Postinstallation Tasks 5.9 Migrating Your Customizations After Upgrading the Execute procedure (EP) option from the Application Maintainer's Check Conflicts (CC) menu. To change the way that the CART resolution procedure handles elements with a particular status code, do the following: 1. Enter the Customization Management (CM) subsystem. 2. Use the Access base element (ABE) option to select the CART resolution script. 3. Copy the script that you want to change into the development area. 4. Edit the script using Customization Management. It is not mandatory to use the CART resolution procedure to resolve conflicts. If the script does not provide appropriate actions to resolve the conflicts at your site, then you do not have to use it. You can use the CART resolution procedure to resolve some of the conflicts reported with an informational status code. You should review the CART resolution procedure carefully before running it. Check that your customized elements do not call a removed element, see Section 5.9 which describes how to resolve conflicts for elements reported with status code D. 5.9.2 Deleting Obsolete Files A command procedure, DELETE_OBSOLETE_FILES.COM, is provided to remove the files that are no longer required by Office Server Version 6.0. ________________________Note ________________________ Do not run this procedure immediately after running the CART resolution procedure. You must always review this file before running it. Check that all your customizations are working correctly and ensure that your customizations do not call any elements that will be deleted by this procedure. _____________________________________________________ Postinstallation Tasks 5-13 5.9 Migrating Your Customizations After Upgrading You can edit DELETE_OBSOLETE_FILES.COM to stop the deletion of certain files if required, for example, if one of your customizations calls an element that has been removed from the base kit and which would otherwise be deleted by this procedure. For example, the suggested resolution for elements with status code A is to: o Run the CART resolution procedure to delete the records for these elements from the Customization Management databases o Run the command procedure OA$LIB:DELETE_OBSOLETE_FILES.COM to delete the elements To run DELETE_OBSOLETE_FILES.COM, enter the following from DCL: $ @OA$LIB:DELETE_OBSOLETE_FILES.COM language where language is the language of the Office Server system. If you have additional languages installed on your system, you can run this procedure for each additional languages. 5.9.3 Replacing the Help Modules for Your Application For more information about customizing Help, see the ALL-IN-1 Application Programming: Guide. After the upgrade, copy the Office Server Version 6.0 standard Help libraries, OA$LIB:OAHELP.HLB and OA$LIB:SITEHLPSOURCE.HLB from the base area to the live area, OA$SITE_LIB_language. Customization Management will inform you that the live and development versions of the Help libraries are the same and ask you whether you wish to continue. Answer yes to continue. You must recreate your customizations to Help modules using Customization Management. Use the Access base elements (ABE) option to get the base version of your Help module. Use the Copy (CO) option to copy the customized module to the development area where you can make changes to it. When you save the module Office Server formats it and puts it into the appropriate development Help 5-14 Postinstallation Tasks 5.9 Migrating Your Customizations After Upgrading libraries. When you have tested the Help, mark it to be moved to the live area so that it can be used. 5.10 Migrate SITELINK50 Using Customization Management The SITELINK60.COM file is under the control of Customization Management. It is important that you check that any customizations to SITELINK50.COM are compatible with SITELINK60.COM. Use Customization Management to edit the base template version of the site link file, SITELINK60.COM, to include your previous SITELINK40.COM from OA$SITE_BUILD. Review your customizations to SITELINK60.COM and then move your customized version to LIVE. Review your customizations to make sure they are compatible with Office Server Version 6.0. Do not relink Office Server until you have done this. See Section 5.9. It is recommended that you do the following to relink: $ SET DEFAULT OA$BUILD_SHARE_ARCH $ @OA$BUILD:A1LNKDRV 5.11 Link Office Server to Include Code-level Customizations Office Server Version 6.0 is linked during the instal- lation without any customizations you may have made to your existing system. Therefore, it is important to relink Office Server after the installation if you wish to link with your customizations when you have checked them. See Chapter 2 of Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide. 5.12 Setting up Remote Mail When Using the MAILbus 400 MTA You must complete the set up tasks for Compaq X.500 and the MAILbus 400 MTA before you can send and receive mail using the MAILbus 400 MTA. The setup tasks are covered in the Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide. Postinstallation Tasks 5-15 5.13 Setting up Remote Mail When Using Message Router 5.13 Setting up Remote Mail When Using Message Router After the installation, local mail is already set up. If you want to use Message Router for remote mail, you may need to do some or all of the tasks listed in Table 5-3, depending on the requirements at your site. The tasks that you must do depend on the type of remote Message Router which can be: o Installed on a VAX node in the same VMScluster: - With Office Server installed on the Message Router node - Without Office Server installed on the Message Router node o Installed on a VAX node that is not in the same VMScluster as Office Server Table_5-3_Tasks_for_Setting_up_Remote_Mail________________ Task_______________________For_Information_See____________ If you are using a remote Section 5.13.1 Message Router server node, make sure that there is a mailbox entry on that node for your Office Server mailbox. You may have already done this as part of your preinstallation tasks. If you have installed Section 5.13.2 Office Server Version 6.0 on a mixed architecture cluster, you must modify the mailbox entry on the Message Router node. (continued on next page) 5-16 Postinstallation Tasks 5.13 Setting up Remote Mail When Using Message Router Table_5-3_(Cont.)_Tasks_for_Setting_up_Remote_Mail________ Task_______________________For_Information_See____________ If you are using MRGATE Section 5.13.3 on a remote node, set up each node that will be using MRGATE. Set up the remote Mail Section 5.13.4 if Office Server directory is using a Message Router in the same VMScluster and Office Server is installed on the Message Router node Section if Office Server is using a Message Router that is not in the same VMScluster or Office Server is not installed on the Message Router node If you are using Compaq X.500 after a new Office Server Version 6.0 installation with Message Router, you must follow the instructions for setting up Compaq X.500 in the Compaq Office Server Planning and Setup Guide. Edit the site-specific Section 5.13.5 startup procedure to start up the remote Mail directory.________________________________________________ 5.13.1 Create a Mailbox for Office Server This section applies when Office Server is using a Message Router that is not in the same VMScluster. You may have already done this as part of the preinstallation tasks. If you have already created a mailbox, you do not need to do it again. Your Office Server mailbox for your node (or cluster) requires a mailbox entry on the remote Message Router node. Postinstallation Tasks 5-17 5.13 Setting up Remote Mail When Using Message Router To add a mailbox: __________________________________________________________ Step_Action_______________________________________________ 1 Log in to the MBMANAGER account on the node where Message Router is running, and enter the following command: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:MRMAN __________________________________________________________ 2 Enter the following at the MRM> prompt: MRM> ADD localnodeA1 /PASSWORD=password /COMPLETE_MESSAGES /IGNORE_SENDER /SERVICE_MESSAGES /SUPPRESS_DELIVERY_REPORTS where: o localnode is the name of the Office Server node or cluster. The name must be unique to the Message Router system. o password is the Office Server mailbox password that you specified during the Office Server installation on the remote system. The password that you specify here must be the same as you specified during the Office Server installation. If you change the password when creating the mailbox, you must also change it to the same value in Office Server by using the Set operating conditions (SOC) option on the Manage Messaging menu. See DIGITAL Office Server Managing from a VT Terminal (the V4.0 book). __________________________________________________________ 3 Exit from the Message Router management utility: _____MRM>_EXIT____________________________________________ Refer to the Message Router documentation for more information about mailboxes. 5-18 Postinstallation Tasks 5.13 Setting up Remote Mail When Using Message Router 5.13.2 Modifying the Message Router Mailbox Entry You must modify the Message Router mailbox entry if you have a mixed-architecture cluster and you are using a Message Router in the same cluster. The installation procedure creates a mailbox entry on the Message Router node with the /OWNER=ALLIN1 qualifier. The Alpha node will be unable to connect with this mailbox because the /OWNER qualifier is on the mailbox. Modify the Office Server mailbox entry on the Message Router node to remove the qualifier. $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:MBMAN MRM> MODIFY A1/NOOWNER MRM> EXIT where a1 is the name of the Message Router mailbox. 5.13.3 Configuring the VMSmail Gateway for Remote Access If you have installed the Message Router VMSmail Gateway on one of the nodes in a VMScluster you can set up other Office Server nodes so that they can access it. On each of the nodes that does not have the gateway started, define the logical name MRGATE to the following: node::MR% where node is the node where the gateway is running. You can also use a VMSmail Gateway on a node in your network, that is remote to your cluster. You need Message Router to be installed on one of the nodes in your cluster in order to do this. Make an entry for the remote VMSmail Gateway in the mailbox directory of the Message Router Transfer Service on the VAX node in your cluster that is running Message Router: 1. Log in to the MBMANAGER account on the VAX node in your cluster that is running Message Router 2. Enter the following commands: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:MRMAN MRM> ADD MRGATE/REPLACE="MRGATE @node" where node is the node where the gateway is installed. Postinstallation Tasks 5-19 5.13 Setting up Remote Mail When Using Message Router 3. Exit from the Message Router management utility: MRM> EXIT See the Message Router documentation for more information. 5.13.4 Setting Up the Message Router Directory Service as the Mail Directory The tasks that you need to do depend on the following: o If the Message Router node is in the same VMScluster and has Office Server installed, see Section o If the Message Router node is not in the same VMScluster or Office Server is not installed on the Message Router node, see Section Message Router is in the Same VMScluster Read this section if Office Server is installed in the same VMScluster as Message Router and Office Server is installed on the Message Router node. You can be using the Mail directory as either the primary or the secondary directory. If, during the installation, you chose to use the Mail directory as the primary directory, OA$DIRECT_PRIME is set to 2. If, during the installation, you chose to use the Mail directory as the secondary directory with Office Server as the primary directory, then OA$DIRECT_PRIME is set to 1. After installation, the following values are set up: o A user agent entry name and password. - The user agent entry name is OA$node$ALLIN1 for a new or upgrade installation, where node is either the node name or the cluster alias for the system on which you are installing Office Server. For example, OA$LYNX$ALLIN1. - The user agent entry password is the Mail directory password that you entered during the installation. o A subscriber entry for the Office Server manager. The proxy attribute of the subscriber entry is the name of the local Office Server user agent entry (OA$node$ALLIN1). This attribute gives Office Server 5-20 Postinstallation Tasks 5.13 Setting up Remote Mail When Using Message Router proxy access to the manager's entry, so that Office Server can update and access the entry. o UAPASSWRD.DAT which contains the name of the user agent object and the user agent password, from the first item in this list. When you set up the Mail directory the values in the previous list are updated. To set up the Mail directory, do the following: __________________________________________________________ Step_Action_______________________________________________ 1 Log in to the Office Server manager's Office Server account: $ OFFICESERVER /USERNAME=MANAGER __________________________________________________________ 2 Enter the following commands from Office Server: SHOW TS The area code is displayed, along with other settings, as follows: . . . Transfer Service uses area routing Area Code : areacode . . . where areacode is the area code in use at your site. 3 Enter EXIT, or press CTRL/Z, to exit from the MAILbus configuration procedure. For more details of this command, see the Message Router _____documentation.__________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 3 Update the user agent entry by entering the following command: BUILD DDS UA /NAME="uaname"/PASSWORD="password" MBMAN> ADD DDS BUILT_OBJECT/LOG where: o uaname is the name of the user agent object. The name is in the form OA$node$ALLIN1, where node is either the node name or the cluster alias for the system on which you are setting up the Mail directory. o password is the password that Office Server will use to access the user agent object. It must not be more than eight characters long. __________________________________________________________ Postinstallation Tasks 5-25 5.13 Setting up Remote Mail When Using Message Router __________________________________________________________ Step_Action_______________________________________________ 3 Create and add a subscriber entry to the Mail directory for the Office Server manager: MBMAN>BUILD DDS SUBSCRIBER /SURNAME="MANAGER" MBMAN>BUILD DDS SUBSCRIBER /PROXY="uaname" MBMAN>BUILD DDS SUBSCRIBER /SUBID="uaname" MBMAN>ADD DDS BUILT_OBJECT/LOG MBMAN>EXIT where: o MANAGER is the name of the Office Server manager's Office Server account and must be entered as shown. Do not enter any other account name. o uaname is the name of the user agent object that you specified, for example, OA$nodename$ALLIN1. o /PROXY="uaname" grants the local Office Server user agent proxy access to the manager's subscriber entry. This enables the Office Server user agent to access and update the manager's subscriber entry on behalf of the manager. o /SUBID="uaname" identifies the Office Server manager's subscriber entry to Office Server, as there can be many entries called MANAGER. __________________________________________________________ 5-26 Postinstallation Tasks 5.13 Setting up Remote Mail When Using Message Router __________________________________________________________ Step_Action_______________________________________________ 4 On the Office Server node (VAX or Alpha), do all the next steps from the Office Server manager's Office Server account: Enter the following commands to create temporary symbols required by the script which you will run in the next step: SHOW TS The area code is displayed, along with other settings, as follows: . . . Transfer Service uses area routing Area Code : areacode . . . where areacode is the area code in use at your site. c Enter EXIT, or press CTRL/Z, to exit from the MAILbus configuration procedure. For more details of this command, see the Message Router _____documentation.__________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 5-28 Postinstallation Tasks 5.13 Setting up Remote Mail When Using Message Router __________________________________________________________ Step_Action_______________________________________________ 5 Run the following script: SHOW DDS NODE nodename where nodename is the name of the Message Router node. See Section 5.4 for more information about editing the site-specific startup file. Postinstallation Tasks 5-29 5.14 WPS-PLUS Login Command Procedure 5.14 WPS-PLUS Login Command Procedure During the Office Server Version 6.0 installation procedure, a login command procedure, A1WPSPLUS_LOGIN.COM, is created in SYS$MANAGER. Add this to the system login command procedure, SYS$SYLOGIN, if you want all users to run with these qualifiers. Alternately, you can make the file available to users to put into their own LOGIN.COM files. 5.15 Moving the CDA DOC_STYLE Files If CDA$LIBRARY does not exist on your system, the CDA DOC_ STYLE files are installed in OA$LIB_SHARE. Move the files to a suitable location. 5-30 Postinstallation Tasks A ________________________________________________________________ Office Server Version 6.0 Distribution Media The Office Server kit is provided on its own CD-ROM or as part of the CD-ROM Consolidated Software Distribution. A separate CD-ROM is provided for the Office Server Web Interface product. A.1 CD-ROM Distribution Kits (VAX or Alpha Installations) The notes in this section apply to both the Office Server Version 6.0 CD-ROM and to the Consolidated Software Distribution CD-ROM. On the Compact Disc (CD- ROM), the base kit is in the directory A1060.KIT. The printable documentation is in a directory called A1060.DOCUMENTATION. For the Office Server Version 6.0 CD-ROM, the online versions of the documentation for Bookreader are provided in the DECW$BOOK directory. For each language, there is a directory called A1lang060, where lang is the 2-letter code for the Office Server language that you are installing. See Appendix D for a list of codes. The base component savesets in the A1060.KIT directory are: Office Server Version 6.0 Distribution Media A-1 A.1 CD-ROM Distribution Kits (VAX or Alpha Installations) A1060.A A1060.B (used by VAX only) A1060.C (used by Alpha only) A1060.D (used by VAX only) A1060.E (used by Alpha only) A1060.F (used by VAX only) A1060.G (used by Alpha only) A1060.H (used by VAX only) A1060.I (used by Alpha only) A1060.J A1060.K A1060.L A1060.M (MailWorks migration files) The documentation directory, A1060.DOCUMENTATION contains ASCII (.TXT) and PostScript (.PS) versions of the following documentation: o The Office Server Installation Guide, INST_GUIDE.TXT and INST_GUIDE.PS o The Read Me First letter, READ_ME_FIRST.TXT and READ_ ME_FIRST.PS o The Software Product Description (SPD), A1060_SPD.TXT and A1060_SPD.PS. The CDROM also contains the following software in their own directories: o Message Router (VAX only) o Message Router VMSmail Gateway (VAX only) o DEC Notes A-2 Office Server Version 6.0 Distribution Media B ________________________________________________________________ Office Server Version 6.0 Files and Directories This appendix lists the files that are installed in directories other than the Office Server directories. B.1 Files in the Office Server Kit For a complete list of all Office Server directories and file names when the installation is complete, use the following command for each Office Server area: $ DIR/SEC[a1dir...]*.*/out=a1dir.TXT where a1dir is the top level directory name for each area (for example OFFICE.DIR). The list of files is a useful reference if you need to resolve any problems with file protections or ACLs. B.2 Files Installed in Non-Office Server Directories The following list shows the files that are installed in directories other than the Office Server directories. Where language is included in a file name, this is the name of the installed language, for example, ENGLISH. o SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB] OA$AIDA_CSHR.EXE OA$AIDA_DSSHR.EXE OA$AIDA_GCMSHR.EXE OA$AIDA_RTLSHR.EXE OA$AIDA_SECSHR.EXE OA$DSL$SHR.EXE OAFC$CLIENT_SHR.EXE OA$TMAECOMM.EXE Office Server Version 6.0 Files and Directories B-1 B.2 Files Installed in Non-Office Server Directories DDS$RMT_VAX.EXE (VAX Only) DDS$RMT_ALPHA.EXE (Alpha Only) DPESHR.EXE SYS$PROXY_SHR.EXE OAFCDEF.H OAFCDEF.L32 OAFCEXT.H OAFCEXT.L32 OAFCEXT.R32 OAFC$LINK.OPT PRXDEF.H DDIF$READ_DX.EXE DDIF$READ_MACWRITE.EXE DDIF$READ_PICT.EXE DDIF$READ_RTF.EXE DDIF$READ_WORD5.EXE DDIF$READ_WORDP.EXE DDIF$READ_WPL.EXE DDIF$WRITE_DX.EXE DDIF$WRITE_MACWRITE.EXE DDIF$WRITE_PICT.EXE DDIF$WRITE_RTF.EXE DDIF$WRITE_WORD5.EXE DDIF$WRITE_WORDP.EXE DDIF$WRITE_WPL.EXE DTIF$READ_DIF.EXE DTIF$READ_TCV.EXE DTIF$READ_WK1.EXE DTIF$READ_WK3.EXE DTIF$WRITE_WK1.EXE DTIF$WRITE_WK3.EXE DDIF$READ_RNO.EXE (Alpha Only) MRAPPSHAR.EXE (VAX Only) MRAXPSHAR.EXE (Alpha Only) FDVSHR.EXE (FMS image, added on new installations only) OA$LLVlanguage.EXE (On Multilingual systems only) OA$WPL_ALL_TV.EXE (Alpha with full WPS-PLUS support only) OA$WPL_FDP_TV.EXE (Alpha without full WPS-PLUS support only) B-2 Office Server Version 6.0 Files and Directories B.2 Files Installed in Non-Office Server Directories XPORT.L32 XPORT.OLB XPORT.REQ o SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] OA$AIDA_CLI.EXE OA$AIDA_DDS.EXE OA$AIDA_PROP_SHARING.EXE OA$AIDA_SERVER.EXE OA$AIDA_X500.EXE OA$SCRIPT_SYMBIONT.EXE OAFC$SERVER.EXE OA$FORMATTER.EXE TLNK$REMOTE.EXE FMSFAA.EXE (FMS image added on new installations only) FMSFCV.EXE (FMS image added on new installations on VAX machines only) FMSFED.EXE (FMS image added on new installations only) FMSFLG.EXE (FMS image added on new installations only) FMSFLI.EXE (FMS image added on new installations only) FMSFTE.EXE (FMS image added on new installations only) FMSFUU.EXE (FMS image added on new installations only) o SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG] XPORTMSG.EXE OAFC$MESSAGES.OBJ CNV_MSG.DAT DPEMSG.EXE MRAPPMSG.EXE (VAX Only) MRAXPMSG.EXE (Alpha Only) DDS$MSG_ALPHA.EXE (Alpha Only) DDS$MSG_VAX.EXE (VAX Only) DDS$RMT_VAX.EXE (VAX Only) DDS$RMT_ALPHA.EXE (Alpha Only) FDVMSG.EXE (FMS image, added on new installations only) FMSMSG.EXE (FMS image, added on new installations only) Office Server Version 6.0 Files and Directories B-3 B.2 Files Installed in Non-Office Server Directories o SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP] OA$AIDA_START.COM OAFC$STARTUP.COM DDS$STARTUP.COM o SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR] A1WPSPLUS_LOGIN.COM o SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES] EXAMPLE_READ_DIF.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_READ_DX.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_READ_MACWRITE.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_READ_PICT.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_READ_RTF.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_READ_WK1.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_READ_WK3.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_READ_WORD5.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_READ_WORD5_FONTMAP.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_READ_WORDP.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_READ_WPL.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_WRITE_DX.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_WRITE_MACWRITE.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_WRITE_PICT.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_WRITE_RTF.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_WRITE_WK1.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_WRITE_WK3.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_WRITE_WORD5.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_WRITE_WORDP.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_WRITE_WORDP_V5_0.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_WRITE_WORDP_V5_1.CDA$OPTIONS EXAMPLE_WRITE_WPL.CDA$OPTIONS Language specific lexicon files are installed in LCI$LEXICONS if you install WPS-PLUS as the default editor. B-4 Office Server Version 6.0 Files and Directories C ________________________________________________________________ ENGLISH Kit This supplement describes the Office Server Version 6.0 ENGLISH kit. This kit provides the language and market components for Office Server Version 6.0. This chapter lists the disk space requirements for an English language installation. ________________________Note ________________________ This kit can be used to install American English, which is referred to as English, or British English, which is referred to as British. To install: o English, install the English language component. o British, install the English language component and the British dialect component. o The GB or the US market component with either language, see the market information in this chapter. If your license and support agreements are for a market component other than the GB or US market component with the English language kit, see Appendix D, and the documentation provided with your kit, for the market-specific information that you need. _____________________________________________________ The language and market components are installed during the Office Server Version 6.0 installation procedure. Follow the instructions in the Compaq Office Server Installation Guide to install this kit. ENGLISH Kit C-1 Use the information in this supplement to plan and prepare for the Office Server Version 6.0 installation. See the Compaq Office Server Installation Guide. C.1 About Your ENGLISH Kit The ENGLISH kit has the following components: o English language component o US market component o GB market component o British dialect component C.1.1 Distribution Media The ENGLISH kit is supplied on compact disc (CD-ROM). C.1.2 Savesets Provided Table C-1 lists the savesets provided with your ENGLISH kit. Table_C-1_Savesets_Provided_with_the_ENGLISH_Kit__________ Component________Savesets_________________________________ (continued on next page) C-2 ENGLISH Kit C.1 About Your ENGLISH Kit Table_C-1_(Cont.)_Savesets_Provided_with_the_ENGLISH_Kit__ Component________Savesets_________________________________ English A1LUS060.A (Contains the Release Notes language Part 1: Language) A1LUS060.B A1LUS060.C A1LUS060.D A1LUS060.E A1LUS060.F A1LUS060.G A1LUS060.H A1LUS060.I (used on VAX only) A1LUS060.J (used on Alpha only) A1LUS060.K A1LUS060.L A1LUS060.M US market A1CUS050.A (Contains the Release Notes Part 2: Market) A1CUSO60.B A1CUS060.C GB market A1CGB060.A (Contains the Release Notes Part 2: Market) A1CGB060.B A1CUS060.A (Contains the Release Notes Part 2: Market) A1CGB060.C British_dialect__A1DUS_GB060.A_and_A1DUS_GB060.B__________ C.2 Disk Space Requirements The values given in this section are required when you are preparing your system for installation. See Chapter 1. ENGLISH Kit C-3 C.2 Disk Space Requirements C.2.1 Disk Space Required on the System Disk or Alternate Working Device (AWD) Table C-2 gives the disk space requirement for installing all the components of the Office Server Version 6.0 kit on the system disk or alternate working device (AWD) during the installation. The values for safety and non-safety mode apply to both full and upgrade installations of Office Server Version 6.0. For more information about safety and non-safety mode, see Chapter 1. Table C-2 Disk Space Required on the System Disk or AWD __________(Blocks)________________________________________ Installation Type VAX Alpha Non- Non- ______________________Safety____safety____Safety____safety English or British 176 000 46 200 253 000 72 600 as the primary language Addition of 60 500 34 650 137 500 72 600 architecture support for English or British as the primary language English or British 81 400 34 650 91 300 36 300 as an additional language Addition of 13 200 13 200 22 000 17 050 architecture support for English or British as an additional_language_______________________________________ C.2.2 Disk Space for Language Files on Target Disks This section gives the disk space requirements, in blocks, for installing the language files in Office Server areas on target disks. The following disk space tables are provided: C-4 ENGLISH Kit C.2 Disk Space Requirements __________________________________________________________ Type_of_Installation_________________Disk_Space_Table_____ New installation of Office Server Table C-3. Version 6.0 with English or British as the primary language, or English or British as a new additional language. Upgrade installation from ALL-IN-1 Table C-4 Version 3.2 or update of Office Server Version 6.0 with English or British as the primary language, or English or British as an additional language Addition, upgrade or update of VAX Table C-5. or_Alpha_architecture_support.____________________________ ________________________Note ________________________ If you do not install WPS-PLUS with Office Server Version 6.0, you can decrease the disk space requirement on the language disk by approximately 2000 blocks. _____________________________________________________ Table_C-3_Disk_Space_for_Language_Files:_New_Installation_ Office_Server_Area____VAX______________Alpha______________ Language disk 58 000 67 000 LCI$lexicon disk[1] 1500 1500 System disk[2] 5500 5500 [1]Only_required_if_you_install_WPS-PLUS_with_Office______ Server Version 6.0. [2]Space required to provide Office Server language files to system directories when using an alternate working device (AWD). __________________________________________________________ ENGLISH Kit C-5 C.2 Disk Space Requirements Table C-4 Disk Space for Language Files: Upgrade from __________Version_3.1_____________________________________ Office_Server_Area____VAX______________Alpha______________ Language disk 12 000 21 000 LCI$lexicon disk[1] 1500 1500 System disk[2] 5500 5500 [1]Only_required_if_you_install_WPS-PLUS_with_Office______ Server Version 6.0. [2]Space required to provide Office Server language files to system directories when using an alternate working device (AWD). __________________________________________________________ Table C-5 Disk Space for Language Files: Add, Upgrade or __________Update_Architecture_Support_____________________ Office_Server_Area____VAX______________Alpha______________ Language disk 6000 12 000 System disk[1] 5500 5500 [1]Space_required_to_provide_Office_Server_language_files_ to system directories when using an alternate working device (AWD). __________________________________________________________ C-6 ENGLISH Kit C.3 Information on the English Language Component C.3 Information on the English Language Component Table C-6 lists information about your language compo- nent. Table C-6 Useful Information for the English Language __________Component_______________________________________ Information______Value____________Used_For________________ Product name A1LUS060 Installation Language name ENGLISH File, directory and logical names, and for the /LANGUAGE qualifier Language_code____US_______________During_installation_____ C.4 Information on the British Language Component Table C-7 lists information about the British language component. Table C-7 Useful Information for the British Language __________Component_______________________________________ Information______Value____________Used_For________________ Product name A1LUS060 Installation Language name BRITISH File, directory and logical names, and for the /LANGUAGE qualifier Language code US Installation Dialect_Code_____US_GB____________Installation____________ The British dialect component contains a United Kingdom (UK) addendum file which contains information that is specific to the UK. The file is provided in OA$LIB:UK_ ADDENDUM.TXT ENGLISH Kit C-7 C.5 Information on the US Market Component C.5 Information on the US Market Component Table C-8 provides information about your US market component. Table_C-8_Useful_Information_for_the_US_Market_Component__ Information___________Value____________Used_For___________ Product name A1CUS060 Installation and naming of savesets Market name US Media labeling Market code US During installation Office Server date format: Alphanumeric DD-MMM-YYYY Office Server Numeric MM/DD/YY Office Server WPS-PLUS date format dd-mmm-yyyy WPS-PLUS WPS-PLUS time colon (:) WPS-PLUS separator Currency format: Currency Dollar ($) WPS-PLUS Decimal separator dot (.) WPS-PLUS Thousand separator comma (,) WPS-PLUS Page_size_____________66_______________Printer_settings___ C.5.1 Keyboards Supported by the US Market Component The US market component supports the following keyboard mapping tables: FRENCH_A1_LK201-AA.A1KMT FRENCH_WPS_LK201-AA.A1KMT FRENCH_A1_LK201-AP.A1KMT FRENCH_WPS_LK201-AP.A1KMT FRENCH_A1_LK201-BA.A1KMT FRENCH_WPS_LK201-BA.A1KMT FRENCH_A1_LK201_BP.A1KMT FRENCH_WPS_LK201-BP.A1KMT FRENCH_A1_LK201-NA.A1KMT FRENCH_WPS_LK201-NA.A1KMT FRENCH_A1_LK260-AA.A1KMT FRENCH_WPS_LK250-AA.A1KMT FRENCH_A1_LK250-AP.A1KMT FRENCH_WPS_LK250-AP.A1KMT GERMAN_A1_LK201-AG.A1KMT GERMAN_WPS_LK201-AG.A1KMT GERMAN_A1_LK201-BA.A1KMT GERMAN_WPS_LK201-BG.A1KMT GERMAN_A1_LK201-BG.A1KMT GERMAN_WPS_LK201-BA.A1KMT GERMAN_A1_LK250-AG.A1KMT GERMAN_WPS_LK250-AG.A1KMT C-8 ENGLISH Kit C.5 Information on the US Market Component SPANISH_A1_LK201-AA.A1KMT SPANISH_WPS_LK201-AA.A1KMT SPANISH_A1_LK201-BA.A1KMT SPANISH_WPS_LK201-BA.A1KMT SPANISH_A1_LK201-BS.A1KMT SPANISH_WPS_LK201-BS.A1KMT SPANISH_A1_LK201-LS.A1KMT SPANISH_WPS_LK201-LS.A1KMT SPANISH_A1_LK250-AS.A1KMT SPANISH_WPS_LK250-AS.A1KMT A list of supported keyboards is held in OA$DATA_SHARE:OA$KEYBOARDS.DAT. To invoke the keyboard mapping tables, enter: $ OFFICESERVER/KEYBOARD=keyboard_mapping where keyboard_mapping is the identity of the required keyboard. C.5.2 Modems Supported by the US Market Component Hayes and Hayes-compatible modems are supported. C.6 Information on the GB Market Component Table C-9 lists information about your GB market component. Table_C-9_Useful_Information_for_the_GB_Market_Component__ Information___________Value____________Used_For___________ Product name A1CGB060 Installation and naming of savesets Market name GB Media labeling Market code GB During installation Office Server date format: Alphanumeric DD-MMM-YYYY Office Server Numeric DD/MM/YY Office Server WPS-PLUS date format dd-mmm-yyyy WPS-PLUS WPS-PLUS time colon (:) WPS-PLUS separator Currency format: Currency Pound (£) WPS-PLUS (continued on next page) ENGLISH Kit C-9 C.6 Information on the GB Market Component Table C-9 (Cont.) Useful Information for the GB Market __________________Component_______________________________ Information___________Value____________Used_For___________ Decimal separator dot (.) WPS-PLUS Thousand separator comma (,) WPS-PLUS Page_size_____________66_______________Printer_settings___ C.6.1 Keyboards Supported by the GB Market Component The GB market component supports the following keyboard mapping tables: FRENCH_A1_LK201-AA.A1KMT FRENCH_WPS_LK201-AA.A1KMT FRENCH_A1_LK201-AP.A1KMT FRENCH_WPS_LK201-AP.A1KMT FRENCH_A1_LK201-BA.A1KMT FRENCH_WPS_LK201-BA.A1KMT FRENCH_A1_LK201_BP.A1KMT FRENCH_WPS_LK201-BP.A1KMT FRENCH_A1_LK201-NA.A1KMT FRENCH_WPS_LK201-NA.A1KMT FRENCH_A1_LK250-AA.A1KMT FRENCH_WPS_LK250-AA.A1KMT FRENCH_A1_LK250-AP.A1KMT FRENCH_WPS_LK250-AP.A1KMT GERMAN_A1_LK201-AG.A1KMT GERMAN_WPS_LK201-AG.A1KMT GERMAN_A1_LK201-BA.A1KMT GERMAN_WPS_LK201-BG.A1KMT GERMAN_A1_LK201-BG.A1KMT GERMAN_WPS_LK201-BA.A1KMT GERMAN_A1_LK250-AG.A1KMT GERMAN_WPS_LK250-AG.A1KMT SPANISH_A1_LK201-AA.A1KMT SPANISH_WPS_LK201-AA.A1KMT SPANISH_A1_LK201-BA.A1KMT SPANISH_WPS_LK201-BA.A1KMT SPANISH_A1_LK201-BS.A1KMT SPANISH_WPS_LK201-BS.A1KMT SPANISH_A1_LK201-LS.A1KMT SPANISH_WPS_LK201-LS.A1KMT SPANISH_A1_LK250-AS.A1KMT SPANISH_WPS_LK250-AS.A1KMT A list of supported keyboards is held in OA$DATA_SHARE:OA$KEYBOARDS.DAT. To invoke the keyboard mapping tables, enter: $ OFFICESERVER/KEYBOARD=keyboard_mapping where keyboard_mapping is the identity of the required keyboard. C-10 ENGLISH Kit C.6 Information on the GB Market Component C.6.2 Modems Supported by the GB Market Component Hayes and Hayes-compatible modems are supported. ENGLISH Kit C-11 D ________________________________________________________________ Information on Market Components If your Office Server license and support agreement are for a market component other than the US or GB components with the English language kit, you can find the market information that you need in this appendix. You can install the market component from the Office Server media. For information on the US or GB components, see Appendix C The Office Server installation procedure prompts you for the two-letter market code for the market component that you want to install. Follow the installation procedure described in Chapter 2. For all market components, the keyboard mapping tables are invoked by entering: $ OFFICESERVER/KEYBOARD=keyboard_mapping where keyboard_mapping is the identity of the required keyboard. A list of these keywords is held in OA$DATA_ SHARE:OA$KEYBOARDS.DAT (see DIGITAL Office Server Managing from a VT Terminal). Each of the kits has three savesets: o A1Cmc060.A o A1Cmc060.B o A1Cmc060.C where mc is the two-letter market code defined in the tables in this chapter, for example, BE for the Belgian market component. Information on Market Components D-1 D.1 Belgian Market Component D.1 Belgian Market Component Table D-1 lists useful information for the Belgian market component of Office Server Version 6.0. Table D-1 Useful Information for the Belgian Market __________Component_______________________________________ Information___________Value____________Use________________ Product name A1CBE060 Installation and naming of savesets Market code BE During installation Office Server date format: Alphanumeric DD-MMM-YYYY Office Server Numeric DD-MM-YY Office Server WPS-PLUS date format dd-mmm-yyyy WPS-PLUS WPS-PLUS time colon (:) WPS-PLUS separator Currency format: Currency symbol BEF WPS-PLUS Decimal separator comma (,) WPS-PLUS Thousand_separator____dot_(.)__________WPS-PLUS___________ D.2 Brazilian Market Component Table D-2 lists useful information for the Brazilian market component of Office Server Version 6.0. Table D-2 Useful Information for the Brazilian Market __________Component_______________________________________ Information___________Value____________Used_For___________ Product name A1CBZ060 Installation and naming of savesets Market code BZ During installation (continued on next page) D-2 Information on Market Components D.2 Brazilian Market Component Table D-2 (Cont.) Useful Information for the Brazilian __________________Market_Component________________________ Information___________Value____________Used_For___________ WPS-PLUS date format dd-mmm-yyyy WPS-PLUS WPS-PLUS time colon (:) WPS-PLUS separator Office Server date format: Alphanumeric DD-MMM-YYYY Office Server Numeric YY-MM-DD Office Server Currency format: Currency Esc WPS-PLUS Decimal separator dot (.) WPS-PLUS Thousand_separator____comma_(,)________WPS-PLUS___________ D.3 Canadian Market Component Table D-3 lists useful information for the Canadian market component of Office Server Version 6.0. Table D-3 Useful Information for the Canadian Market __________Component_______________________________________ Information___________Value____________Use________________ Product name A1CCA060 Installation and naming of savesets Market code CA During installation Office Server date format: Alphanumeric DD MMM YYYY Office Server Numeric DD/MM/YY Office Server WPS-PLUS date format dd mmmmmm yyyy WPS-PLUS WPS-PLUS time colon (:) WPS-PLUS separator Currency format: (continued on next page) Information on Market Components D-3 D.3 Canadian Market Component Table D-3 (Cont.) Useful Information for the Canadian __________________Market_Component________________________ Information___________Value____________Use________________ Currency symbol $ WPS-PLUS Decimal separator comma (,) WPS-PLUS Thousand_separator____dot_(.)__________WPS-PLUS___________ D.4 Dutch Market Component Table D-4 lists useful information for the Dutch market component of Office Server Version 6.0. Table D-4 Useful Information for the Dutch Market __________Component_______________________________________ Information___________Value____________Use________________ Product name A1CNL060 Installation and naming of savesets Market code NL During installation Office Server date format: Alphanumeric DD-MMM-YYYY Office Server Numeric DD-MM-YY Office Server WPS-PLUS date format dd-mmm-yyyy WPS-PLUS WPS-PLUS time colon (:) WPS-PLUS separator Currency format: Currency symbol F WPS-PLUS Decimal separator comma (,) WPS-PLUS Thousand_separator____dot_(.)__________WPS-PLUS___________ D.5 French Market Component Table D-5 lists useful information for the French market component of Office Server Version 6.0. D-4 Information on Market Components D.5 French Market Component Table D-5 Useful Information for the French Market __________Component_______________________________________ Information___________Value____________Use________________ Product name A1CFR060 Installation and naming of savesets Market code FR During installation Office Server date format: Alphanumeric DD-MMM-YYYY Office Server Numeric DD/MM/YY Office Server WPS-PLUS date format dd-mmm-yyyy WPS-PLUS WPS-PLUS time colon (:) WPS-PLUS separator Currency format: Currency symbol FF WPS-PLUS Decimal separator comma (,) WPS-PLUS Thousand_separator____blank_(_)________WPS-PLUS___________ D.6 German Market Component Table D-6 lists useful information for the German market component of Office Server Version 6.0. Table D-6 Useful Information for the German Market __________Component_______________________________________ Information___________Value____________Use________________ Product name A1CDE060 Installation and naming of savesets Market code DE During installation Office Server date format: Alphanumeric DD.MMM.YYYY Office Server Numeric DD.MM.YY Office Server WPS-PLUS date format dd.mmm.yyyy WPS-PLUS (continued on next page) Information on Market Components D-5 D.6 German Market Component Table D-6 (Cont.) Useful Information for the German __________________Market_Component________________________ Information___________Value____________Use________________ WPS-PLUS time colon (:) WPS-PLUS separator Currency format: Currency symbol DM WPS-PLUS Decimal separator comma (,) WPS-PLUS Thousand separator dot (.) WPS-PLUS Page_size_____________72_______________Printer_settings___ D.7 Swiss Market Component Table D-7 lists useful information for the Swiss market component of Office Server Version 6.0. Table D-7 Useful Information for the Swiss Market __________Component_______________________________________ Information___________Value____________Use________________ Product name A1CCH060 Installation and naming of savesets Market code CH During installation Office Server date format: Alphanumeric DD.MMM.YYYY Office Server Numeric DD.MM.YY Office Server WPS-PLUS date format dd.mmm.yyyy WPS-PLUS WPS-PLUS time colon (:) WPS-PLUS separator Currency format: Currency symbol SFr WPS-PLUS Decimal separator dot (.) WPS-PLUS Thousand_separator____apostrophe_(')___WPS-PLUS___________ D-6 Information on Market Components ________________________________________________________________ Index A Customizations (cont'd) ___________________________ migrating, 5-11 A1CONFIG.DAT, 5-6 reviewing after A1V50START.COM, 5-5 installation, 5-11 A1V60START.COM, 5-6 Applications D replacing help modules, ___________________________ 5-14 DCLTABLES AUTOGEN, 1-25 replacing, 5-9 DDS$STARTUP B adding to site-specific ___________________________ startup procedure, Backing up, 1-44 5-29 DEC Notes C__________________________ starting before Office CART Server, 5-7 running after DELETE_OBSOLETE_FILES.COM, installation, 5-11 5-13 CART resolution procedure Deleting files running and editing, 5-12 postinstallation, 5-9 Checklist Deleting obsolete files postinstallation tasks, after installation, 5-13 5-1 Disks Cluster backing up, 1-44 VMSmail Gateway Disk space requirements, configuration, 5-19 1-27 Configuring VMSmail Gateway, 5-19 E__________________________ Correcting system set-up Error messages, 4-3 errors, 1-41 Errors Customizations fatal, 1-41 linking Office Server to non-fatal, 1-41 include, 5-15 Index-1 Installing missing images F__________________________ postinstallation, 5-10 Fatal errors, 1-41 IVP Files, deleting error messages, 4-3 postinstallation, 5-9 Form libraries L__________________________ recompiling, 5-10 Licenses prerequisite products, G__________________________ 1-15 Global page file sections Licensing, 1-14 (GBLPAGFIL), 1-23 Linking Office Server to Global pages (GBLPAGES), include customizations, 1-23 5-15 Global sections Logical names (GBLSECTIONS), 1-23 assigning, 1-28 Logins H disallow, 1-44 ___________________________ Help modules M__________________________ replacing for your Mailbox application, 5-14 adding for remote Office I Server systems, 5-18 ___________________________ modifying, 5-19 Images Mail directory missing, 5-10 setting up with Message required, 1-32 Router outside cluster, Installation 5-24 aborting, 2-2 setup for Message Router disk space required, 1-27 in same cluster, 5-20 time required, 2-2 starting up for remote Installation of optional use, 5-29 software MailWorks order of, 1-16 migration, 1-42 Installed images Message Router, A-2 required, 1-32 setting up, 5-18 Installing account Message Router mailbox quotas required during modifying for mixed- installation, 1-17 architecture clusters, valid rights identifier, 5-19 1-17 Message Router VMSmail Gateway, A-2 Index-2 Migrating Remote customizations, 5-11 VMSmail Gateway configuration, 5-19 N__________________________ Remote mail Non-fatal checks, repeating setting up with MAILbus , 1-41 400 MTA and Compaq Non-fatal errors, 1-41 X.500, 5-15 setting up with Message O__________________________ Router, 5-16 OA$DIRECT_PRIME, 5-20 Remote Mail directory Office Server starting up, 5-29 starting on all nodes, Repeating non-fatal checks, 5-5 1-41 Optional software S order of installation, ___________________________ 1-16 SITELINK60.COM, 5-15 Order of installation of Site-specific startup optional software, 1-16 procedure, 5-6 adding DDS$STARTUP, 5-29 P Software Product ___________________________ Description, A-2 PC option, 1-41 SPD, A-2 Perform all preinstallation Starting checks (PC) option, 1-41 Office Server, 5-5 Preinstallation Startup procedure checks, 1-41 creating, 5-6 Preparing system for editing site-specific, installation, 1-43 5-6 Prerequisite software site specific, 5-6 licenses, 1-15 SYS$STARTUP:A1V60START.COM, 5-6 R__________________________ System Recompiling preparing for form libraries, 5-10 installation, 1-43 Registering software System disk licenses, 1-15 backing up, 1-44 Release notes, 1-7 System parameter values printing, 1-7 changing with AUTOGEN, reading, 1-7 1-25 Relinking recommendations, 5-15 Index-3 T__________________________ U__________________________ Target disk Users backing up, 1-44 log out, 1-44 Time required for installation, 2-2 V__________________________ VMSmail Gateway configuring, 5-19 Index-4