POLYCENTER Advanced File System Utilities, Version 4.0 Release Notes These release notes for the POLYCENTER Advanced File System (AdvFS) Utilities Version 4.0 describe enhancements, new features, and restrictions for this release. These release notes are included in your distribution kit on the Software Product CD-ROM. The PostScript file is AFA400_RELNOTES.PS and the text file is titled AFA400_RELNOTES.TXT. See the document that came with your CD for instructions on how to locate and print the release notes from the CD. Copies of the release notes are also included in the software subset and are located in the /usr/advfs directory after you complete your software installation. The release notes are included in these locations to ensure they are accessible from the product directory after the CD-ROM distribution disc is unmounted. Enhancements and New Features o Integration with the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) o A completely new AdvFS graphical user interface (GUI), dtadvfs o AdvFS export of file-system information, through SNMP, to clients such as Performance Manager o Support for remote file-system management through the AdvFS GUI o A new manual, Advanced File System and Utilities Guide to File System Administration Known Problems in This Release of the AdvFS GUI o If a bad file domain exists, the system will panic at boot time when advfsd attempts to activate it. This will occur even if the bad domain has been removed from the /etc/fstab file. Workarounds must be done in single-user mode. Do either of the following: [C] Digital Equipment Corporation 1996. All rights reserved. _ Move the bad file domain from the /etc/fdmns directory to another directory. (This will make repairing the file domain difficult.) _ Repair the file domain. Reboot to multiuser mode. o When there are several offline HSC devices, unmounted filesets, or spun-down disk drives, GUI performance will be significantly reduced. The GUI may appear to hang. Avoid having more than a few of these devices in your system configuration or prevent the agent from accessing them by using the /var/opt/advfsd/disks.ignore configuration file. See the advfsd man page. o Instructions for ignoring disks have been added to the advfsd man page on line but are not available in the printed version. o If you have a file domain with many filesets, none of which are mounted, the GUI may take a very long time to start. Solve this problem by mounting one of the filesets from the command line. o The AdvFS GUI and agent log files can grow very large. Periodically check the sizes of the following files to see that they are not using too much disk space: /var/opt/advfsd/logs/advfsd /var/opt/dtadvfs/advfs_gui.log o If it is necessary to remove the log files, exit the GUI. From the command line kill the agent. Remove the two files. Restart the agent and then the GUI. o Due to limitations in LSM, it is not possible to determine if an LSM volume is in use or not unless one of the following conditions is true: _ The volume is mounted. - The volume is part of an existing AdvFS domain, mounted or not. If neither of the above are true, the GUI will treat the LSM volume as available. If such a volume is used to create a new file domain or is added to an existing file domain, any data on the LSM volume will be lost. o If you have added the LSM volume /dev/vol/volname to a file domain from the command line, the GUI does not recognize that it is the same as /dev/vol/rootdg/volname. In the Devices and Volumes window, this volume will appear to be either unknown, if the domain has mounted filesets, or available, if the domain has no mounted filesets. If the volume appears to be 2 Release Notes available, and you try to add it to a file domain, you will get an error message stating that it is already in use. o If you encapsulate a volume in use by AdvFS into LSM while the AdvFS GUI is running, the volume name in the AdvFS GUI will not update to reflect this change. Exit and restart the GUI to display the correct name for the volume. o If you run dtadvfs from a dtterm window, unset XFILESEARCHPATH so that the dtadvfs application defaults file can be loaded. o If you delete a file domain and the GUI still shows its associated volumes as in use, you must manually change the disk label on the device(s) by using either the disklabel(1) command or the CDE Disk Configuration utility. You must also manually change the disk label if you remove a volume from a file domain and the GUI does not show the volume as available. o If you attempt to perform several actions simultaneously, the GUI may not be able to track them. You may receive the error message Object key is invalid or the error message Can't get the object data, where object is host, file domain, fileset, clone, volume, device, or partition. Exit and restart the GUI. o If the GUI appears to be hung or unexplained error messages appear, check for the following: - Network overload: the GUI cannot get configuration data in a reasonable number of attempts. _ System overload: the agent gets few or no CPU cycles. If neither of the above appear to be the problem, the agent is probably hung. Exit the GUI. Then, from the command line, kill the agent with the kill -9 command. Wait a few minutes and restart the agent and the GUI. o If you are running configuration tasks simultaneously, and more than one task fails, the error messages in the resulting error dialog boxes may be incorrect. o When you execute a task that locks a domain, like balance or defragment, the domain icon may not reflect the locked state. All tasks are still handled correctly. o The GUI does not save the preferences that are set in the Options dialog box, except for the agent state monitor interval. Each time the GUI is started, it uses a predefined set of default options. The agent state monitor interval is also saved between restarts of the agent. o If you rename a fileset that does not already have an /etc/fstab file entry and select modify /etc/fstab, you do Release Notes 3 not get a new entry for the fileset name. You must manually edit the /etc/fstab file to add the new entry. o Single clicking a file domain, fileset, clone, or volume in an object dialog only highlights the object. Menu items in the object dialog still reference the original object. o Performing a sort on data fields marked unavail may produce unreliable results. o Adding or removing a volume from a file domain does not immediately change the fileset size that is displayed. The correct fileset size will appear when the GUI is next updated. After a few minutes, you may also manually update the GUI by selecting Refresh from the View menu. o If you create a new file domain, fileset, or clone, or if you add a volume, and the new entry does not appear in the GUI, exit and restart the GUI. o When you create a new file domain or fileset, you can only set the free space alert as a percentage of the available space. o If you change the size of a file domain or fileset, and a free space alert is set on the object, the free space alert value may no longer be appropriate. The free space alert values are evaluated using actual size (for example, kilobytes), not percentage of space. Reset the free space alert threshold value as needed. o The Help buttons in the error dialog boxes do not work. o Since dtadvfs is an X and Motif application, it may be affected by bugs internal to X and Motif. In general, these can be ignored. o If you do not run dtadvfs within the CDE environment, strange characters may appear in the help file. o Full keyboard support as defined in the Motif style guide is not fully implemented for this release. o Double click a file domain, fileset, clone, or volume icon on an object tree to display a dialog box specific to it. The double-click function is not implemented for hosts, devices, or partitions. It is also not implemented for the volume icon in the Devices and Volumes window. 4 Release Notes