VSI Save Set Manager (SSM) Version 1.9 for OpenVMS I64 Systems This is the first release from VMS Software, Inc. (VSI) of the SSM application. This version is functionally equivalent to HP's SSM V1.8. For a complete description of the SSM application, refer to the existing HP SPD at http://h71000.www7.hp.com/doc/spd.html#SPD. VSI SSM V1.9 has been modified to check for a license PAK from VMS Software, Inc. You must have a license PAK from VMS Software, Inc. to use this product. You can order a VSI license PAK from: o VSI: Contact VSI at 978.451.0110 o HP: Contact your HP representative Note that copyright notices in this product have been modified from HP to VSI. However, text in help files, display screens, or other areas may still say HP. This will be modified in a future release.