______________________________________________ HP Distributed Queuing Service for OpenVMS Systems Release Notes July 2004 These release notes describe technical changes, restrictions, and corrections not covered elsewhere in the HP Distributed Queuing Service for OpenVMS Systems, Version V1.3-2, documentation. Revision/Update Information: This is a new manual. Operating System and Version: OpenVMS I64 Version 8.1 or higher Software Version: HP Distributed Queuing Service for OpenVMS I64, Version V1.3-2 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. __________________________________________________________ July 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from HP or an authorized sublicensor. © Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2004. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. v 1 About the Product 1.1 Hardware and Software Requirements........... 1-1 1.2 Software License Terms....................... 1-1 1.3 Product Documentation........................ 1-2 1.4 Features and Functionality................... 1-3 2 Software Restrictions 3 Known Problems Tables 1 Additional Information................... vi iii ________________________________________________________________ Preface These release notes describe product restrictions, undocumented features, and other essential information about the HP Distributed Queuing Service (DQS) for OpenVMS Systems, Version V1.3-2, software. These release notes supersede all other documents. The DQS Version V1.3-2 software product is based on and works with the HP Distributed Queuing Service for OpenVMS I64, Version 8.2. Intended Audience All users of this product should read these release notes: o DECnet network or system managers who install and configure the DQS software in their network o Users who want to print files on devices attached to remote DECnet systems in their network Structure of the Release Notes The release notes contain the following chapters: o Chapter 1 provides general information about the DQS Version V1.3-2 product. o Chapter 2 describes restrictions while using the product and workarounds to these restrictions, if they exist. v o Chapter 3 describes known problems with the software. o Chapter 4 explains features that are no longer supported. Associated Documents The DQS Version V1.3-2 information set consists of: o HP Distributed Queuing Service for OpenVMS Systems Documentation Set o DQS, PRINT, QDELETE, QSET, and QSHOW entries in the OpenVMS HELP facility o HP Distributed Queuing Service for OpenVMS Systems Cover Letter o HP Distributed Queuing Service for OpenVMS Systems Software Product Description (SPD) Resources listed in Table 1 may also be useful. Table_1_Additional_Information__________________________________ For_information_on_._._.________See_the_following_._._._________ The OpenVMS Digital Command OpenVMS DCL Dictionary Language (DCL) commands Extensions to the DCL language DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS for PostScript printers User's Guide Understanding OpenVMS system OpenVMS System Messages and error messages Recovery Procedures Reference Manual or the online HELP /MESSAGE facility OpenVMS system management, in OpenVMS System Manager's Manual general and OpenVMS System Manager's Utilities Reference Manual The POLYCENTER Software Software Integrator User's Guide Installation utility How to license a product OpenVMS License Management ________________________________Utility_Manual__________________ vi Conventions The following conventions are used throughout this manual: __________________________________________________________ Conventions_Meaning_______________________________________ UPPERCASE In command lines, indicates keywords that you NOTATION must enter. Also used for directory names. lowercase Indicates variables in command syntax or italics examples for which the user supplies a value. Ctrl/x Indicates a control key sequence. Press the key labeled Ctrl while you simultaneously press another key; for example, Ctrl/Z. Return Indicates the Return key. Indicates that code not directly related to . the example has been omitted. . . . . . In command formats, indicates that you can repeat the item one or more times. [ ] In command formats, encloses optional values. (Do not type the brackets.) __________________________________________________________ vii 1 ________________________________________________________________ About the Product HP Distributed Queuing Service for OpenVMS Systems Version V1.3-2 software is an extension of the OpenVMS print queue system to a DECnet network-based distributed system environment. The DQS software allows users of one system to request and query output services on another system. The DQS Version V1.3-2 software product is based on and works with the VAX and AXP DQS, Version 1.3, software products. The functionality is essentially the same for all DQS products. Minor differences between the products are described in these release notes. 1.1 Hardware and Software Requirements The DQS Version V1.3-2, software product has the following hardware and software requirements: o Any Itanium IA64 processor o OpenVMS I64 Version 8.1 or higher operating system o DECnet for OpenVMS I64 or DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS I64 networking software 1.2 Software License Terms A Product Authorization Key (PAK) is necessary to use DQS Version V1.3-2 . About the Product 1-1 1.3 Product Documentation The DQS product documentation for IA64 is not ready yet. Future DQS documentation will have one manual HP Distributed Queuing Service for OpenVMS Systems Documentation Set, which will consists of the following four parts: o Part I User's Guide o Part II System Manager's Guide o Part III Installation Guide o Part IV Appendixes Till the time the DQS product documentation for IA64 is released, you may refer DQS product documentation available for Alpha or VAX. 1-2 About the Product 1.4 Features and Functionality The HP DQS for OpenVMS I64 Version V1.3-2 has all the basic functionality it had on DQS for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3-1. o The DQS product has a new name: HP Distributed Queuing Service for OpenVMS Systems. o DQS server queues no longer require the /RETAIN qualifer. A command procedure DQS$SERVER_UPDATE_QUEUE_DEFNS.COM is provided which removes the /RETAIN qualifier from all the DQS V1.n server queues if you have any. See the postinstallation instructions in the Installation Guide for more information. As the Itanium specific installation manual is not ready yet, you may refer DQS installation guide for Alpha or VAX Version 1.3 About the Product 1-3 - The DQS software is no longer started at the conclusion of the installation. - The DQS installation procedure no longer asks the installer to name the device on which the DQS$SERVER should place its temporary spooled files. Instead, HP provides a command procedure to do this: SYS$MANAGER:DQS$SERVER_CHANGE_DEFAULT_DEVICE.COM See the section titled Move the Server Account Directory to Another Device in the System Manager's Guide. o The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) has changed. When the IVP is executed during installation, it no longer runs the product. The procedure checks to make sure that all files are where they are supposed to be. The system manager can use the DQS$IVP.COM in SYS$TEST to run the product and test the environment. Invoke DQS$IVP.COM after completing your site-specific customizations and starting the DQS software. o The location of DQS$STARTUP changed. The DQS startup file DQS$STARTUP.COM is now placed in SYS$STARTUP. This was changed from SYS$MANAGER to be consistent with other layered product conventions. o DQS$SYSTARTUP.COM file is added. With DQS V1.3-2 you no longer edit the startup file. You add all site-specific customizations (logical definitions and client queue definitions) in a command procedure called DQS$SYSTARTUP.COM. This command procedure is invoked automatically by DQS$STARTUP.COM. 1-4 About the Product The DQS V1.3-2 installation provides the file DQS$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE in the SYS$STARTUP directory. You can use this template file to create your own DQS$SYSTARTUP.COM. o Procedures for defining server queues and authorizing access to servers have changed. With this version, you define server queues with the QUEUE keyword in the file DQS$SERVER_CONFIG.TXT. That means that defining the logical DQS$QUEUE_ queuename is no longer necessary. Additionally, you authorize access to servers with the ALLOW_NODE and DENY_NODE keywords in the DQS$SERVER_ CONFIG.TXT file. This means that defining the logicals DQS$DENY_ACCESS and DQS$CONTROLLED_ACCESS is no longer necessary. You use the command procedure DQS$SERVER_UPDATE_ CONFIG.COM to enable the server queue definitions and server access. o Parameter 8 format has changed. The DQS software uses parameter 8 of the /PARAMETERS qualifier to the PRINT command to pass information to print symbionts to display on the print jobs banner page. About the Product 1-5 The format of this string has changed. This should only affect people who have written their own print symbiont and who have depended on the information in P8. Hewlett Packard has tried to retain backward compatiblilty. 1-6 About the Product 2 ________________________________________________________________ Software Restrictions This section discusses software restrictions and workarounds, if available. o Installation of DQS SERVER software on HP Itanium System In order to install DQS SERVER software on your Itanium system, you first have to install DQS CLIENT software and then install the DQS SERVER software. This restriction will be removed in the future releases. o DQS QSHOW command The DQS QSHOW command does not display the queue description field as defined by the /DESCRIPTION qualifier (which can be used with the INIT/QUEUE, START /QUEUE, or the SET QUEUE commands). No workaround exists. Use the SHOW QUEUE/FULL command to view the description field of queues on the DQS client node. o QSET and QDELETE do not work on print jobs with job numbers greater than 65,535. No workaround exists. o DQS$SERVER Account When installing DQS V1.3-2 for the first time. The DQS installation creates the account DQS$SERVER on the node that DQS is installed on. The UIC of this account is [300,311]. Hewlett Packard recommends that the UIC for the DQS$SERVER account be unique. If the UIC [300,311] is already in use, please modify the account that is using this UIC to use a different UIC. Software Restrictions 2-1 The following example shows that the UIC [300,311] is not in use: $ Set Default SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> SHOW [300,311] No user matches specification UAF> EXIT The next example shows that the UIC [300,311] has been assigned to the DQS$SERVER account: $ Set Default SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> Show [300,311] Username: DQS$SERVER Owner: DQS$SERVER DEFAULT Account: DECNET UIC: [300,311] ([DQS$SERVER]) ... UAF> EXIT If the UIC [300,311] has been assigned to any other account, you should 1. Pick an unused UIC 2. Modify the account to use the new UIC 3. Modify all the files that belong to that account to have the new UIC o DQS and DECnet Phase IV and DECnet Phase V interoper- ability Hewlett Packard recommends that DECnet synonyms be defined on all DQS DECnet Phase V nodes which interoperate with DQS DECnet Phase IV nodes. Synonyms are not required by DQS in a network that only contains DECnet Phase V nodes. 2-2 Software Restrictions 3 ________________________________________________________________ Known Problems This section describes known problems with the DQS Verison V1.3-2 software. o Post Installation After installation of DQS software on Itanium systems, you may have to reboot the system or execute the following DCL command in order to execute the DQS commands sucessfully. $ install replace sys$library:dcltables This restriction will be removed in the future releases of DQS Software on Itanium systems. o There is a problem when using QDELETE and daisy chained queues. Given the following configuration: NODE A:: NODE B:: NODE C:: QUEUE_A --> QUEUE_B --> QUEUE_C --> printer If you print a job, and then QDELETE the entry, the queue entry is deleted from QUEUE_B on node B but the queue entry does not get deleted from QUEUE_C on node C. Workaround: A second QDELETE will delete the job from QUEUE_C on node C. If you have four queues, you will need to execute three QDELETES to delete all the jobs. Known Problems 3-1