DEC_SoftWindows_______________________________ Release Notes for Digital UNIX October 1995 Read these release notes first. They document late changes, restrictions, and corrections not covered elsewhere in the DEC SoftWindows documentation. Revision/Update Information: This is a new manual. Operating System and Version: Digital UNIX Version 3.2 or higher Software Version: DEC SoftWindows Version 2.0 for Digital UNIX Systems Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ October 1995 © Digital Equipment Corporation 1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DECstation, DECwindows, Digital UNIX, PATHWORKS, VT, and the DIGITAL logo. Apple Imagewriter II is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Apple Laserwriter Plus is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Banyan is a registered trademark of Banyan Systems, Inc. CROSSTALK XVI is a trademark of MicrosTuf, Inc. DESQview is a trademark of Quarterdeck Office Systems. Epson FX-105 is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. Epson LQ-2500 is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. Epson SQ-2500 is a registered trademark of Epson America, Inc. Hercules is a registered trademark of Hercules Computer Technology. IBM Personal Computer AT and IBM Graphics Printer are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Lotus 1- 2-3 is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. Lan Manager is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc. Lan Workplace for DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc. Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. NetWare is a registered trademark of Novelle, Inc. Novelle is a registered trademark of Novelle, Inc. PC-NFS is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. SmarTerm 220 is a registered trademark of Persoft, Inc. SoftPC and SoftWindows are trademarks of Insignia Solutions, Inc. VINES is a registered trademark of Banyan Systems, Inc. WYSE is a registered trademark of WYSE technologies. X Window System is a common law trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CDROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1-1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. v 1 HyperHelp Printing........................... 1-1 Networked (Default) Windows Installation Errors....................................... 1-1 Swap Space Below 10%......................... 1-2 Auto Flush and PostScript Flush.............. 1-2 Open3D and 24-Plane Graphics................. 1-2 MemMaker Region Incompatibility.............. 1-3 Expanding Container Files with UNIX Device Full......................................... 1-3 HOST.SYS and STARTNET Order with PATHWORKS... 1-3 LSL.COM with PATHWORKS....................... 1-3 iii ________________________________________________________________ Preface These release notes describe product restrictions, undocumented features, and other essential information about DEC SoftWindows Version 2.0 for Digital UNIX, not covered elsewhere in the documentation. These release notes Supersede all other documents. Intended Audience All DEC SoftWindows users (system managers and general users) should read these release notes. Associated Documents System managers should read the DEC SoftWindows Installation Guide for Digital UNIX. System managers and general users should read the appropriate chapters in the DEC SoftWindows User and Administrator Guide for Digital UNIX. Look in the Preface for a description of the appropriate chapters. v 1 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ HyperHelp Printing Because no support for Digital printers is distributed in HyperHelp, use the following procedure to print HyperHelp entries when using a Digital printer: 1. Print the HyperHelp entry to a file, using Print to File. 2. Print that file. ________________________________________________________________ Networked (Default) Windows Installation Errors By default, DEC SoftWindows is preinstalled with Windows 3.11 in a network-style installation. Files are split between Windows files on FSA drive G and local user files in drive C. Some applications are written in a manner that does not support this split windows installation. Running such applications can return error messages of the kind: No free file handles Cannot load command, system halted. or An operation could not be performed because a file handle could not be opened.... Displayed non-numbered error messages that mention file handles are of this type. 1-1 Networked (Default) Windows Installation Errors If you receive such an error message and you want to be able to run the application, you must reinstall Windows in a non-network or local manner. Such a procedure is described in the chapter, Configuring DEC SoftWindows, section Non-Network or Local-Style Windows Installation, in the DEC SoftWindows User and Administrator Guide for Digital UNIX. ________________________________________________________________ Swap Space Below 10% If you receive an error message indicating that swap space availability is below 10%, execute the following command: # rm /sbin/swapdefault After executing that command, reboot your system. ________________________________________________________________ Auto Flush and PostScript Flush Do not enable the Auto Flush option and the PostScript flush option (in the Printer Ports setup menu) at the same time. ________________________________________________________________ Open3D and 24-Plane Graphics Open3D should be at version 3.1 or higher to support true-color graphics modules with DEC SoftWindows. 1-2 MemMaker Region Incompatibility ________________________________________________________________ MemMaker Region Incompatibility From the MemMaker program Advanced option, do not allocate the monochrome region (B000-1377F) because Windows uses address B000 for other purposes. ________________________________________________________________ Expanding Container Files with UNIX Device Full When an expanding container file returns an error condition of UNIX device full, you must rebuild the container file. Deleting UNIX files in that directory does not allow the container file to expand. ________________________________________________________________ HOST.SYS and STARTNET Order with PATHWORKS When using PATHWORKS, HOST.SYS must start after STARTNET. To ensure this, use the MS-DOS DEVLOD.COM utility in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Include the following line after STARTNET: C:\INSIGNIA\DEVLOD C:\INSIGNIA\HOST.SYS ________________________________________________________________ LSL.COM with PATHWORKS The LSL.COM distributed with PATHWORKS is older than the same file distributed with SoftWindows in the \NOVELL directory. When installing PATHWORKS, copy the LSL.COM file from the \NOVELL directory into your PATHWORKS directory. 1-3