SCSI CAM Layered Components for Tru64 UNIX Systems, Version 3.1E Release Notes The following release notes for SCSI CAM Layered Components Version 3.1E describe enhancements, features, and restrictions for this release. These release notes are included in your distribution kit on the Tru64[TM] UNIX[R] (formerly DIGITAL[TM] UNIX) Software Product Library CD-ROM or the Associated Products CD-ROM. Copies of the release notes are also included in the software subset and are located in the directories /usr/opt/CLC315/mc/doc and /usr/opt/CLC315/op/doc after you complete your software installation. The PostScript[R] file is titled and the text file is clc31e_relnotes.txt. The release notes are included in these locations to ensure they are accessible from the product directory after the CD-ROM distribution disc is dismounted. Warning about Version Compatibility with Tru64 UNIX SCSI CAM Layered Components Version 3.1E supports versions of DIGITAL UNIX from Version 3.0 through Version 4.0E, and Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0F. It has not been tested on versions beyond Version 4.0F. In general, when you upgrade your Tru64 UNIX operating system, always reinstall the latest version of the SCSI CAM Layered Components kit included on the Associated Products CD-ROM shipped with your Tru64 UNIX distribution kit. Warning about End of Support for Optical Jukeboxes SCSI CAM Layered Components Version 3.1E is the last version of SCSI CAM Layered Components that will include support for optical jukeboxes. Enhancements and New Features Version 3.1E o There are no enhancements or new features in Version 3.1E. The purpose of the release is to provide medium changer driver executables which are compatible with Tru64 UNIX V4.0F. Version 3.1D o Preserves mode and ownership of the /dev/mc* and /dev/op* device files across reboots. This is automatic and does not require any special user action; the user can set the mode and ownership as usual using the chmod and chown commands. When the device files are recreated during startup, the existing mode and owner will be set for the recreated files. o Implements the DEVGETEEI ioctl to provide Extended Error Information. See the /usr/sys/include/io/common/deveei.h and /usr/sys/include/io/cam/mchanger.h files for more information. o New -E option added to the mcutil utility displays and clears Extended Error Information. o Supports cluster failover in the event that a changer becomes inaccessible from the current server host. o Permits installation on systems running the DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0E operating system. Version 3.1C o The maximum unit number is increased to 511, which allows devices on bus numbers up through 63. o The mc(7) and op(7) manual pages have been rewritten to improve clarity. Version 3.1B o SCSI CAM Layered Components Version 3.1B adds support for DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0D and DIGITAL TruClusters@. o New medium changer driver file supports changer devices on DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0D. This new file is in addition to the installed files listed in Appendix B of the Installation Guide; note that for this release, files listed in Appendix B as installed under the directory /usr/opt/CLC310 are installed under the /usr/opt/CLC312 directory location and that the full 2 SCSI CAM Layered Components Release Notes pathname of this additional changer file is /usr/opt/CLC312/mc/cam_changer.4.0D.o. o Device recognition entries for new optical and changer devices are added. Version 3.1A There are no enhancements or new features in Version 3.1A. Version 3.1 In addition to continued support for DEC OSF/1 Version 3.0 and higher, SCSI CAM Layered Components Version 3.1 adds support for DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0. Note that DEC OSF/1 Versions below 3.0 are no longer supported. The following enhancements are also included: o The changer driver now supports exclusive opens with the O_EXCL flag. o All driver ioctl calls can now be interrupted by Ctrl/C (SIGINT), allowing hung processes to be cleared without rebooting the system. o The driver will now return an error on a SCSI bus reset. This allows the application to determine the proper recovery actions to complete the interrupted operation. o There is now a generic SCSI CDB pass-through ioctl that allows direct communication with a medium changer device and the application. The generic pass-through may be used to access device features not supported by the other ioctl functions. It may also be used to improve software portability across platforms. Problems Resolved Since the Last Release Version 3.1D The following problem was fixed in Version 3.1D: o The "send volume tag" and "request volume element address" changer commands are now correctly sent to the device (formerly, they failed because the I/O direction specified in the command was backward). Note that not all changers support these commands, so even though they are correctly sent, the device may not be able to perform these operations. SCSI CAM Layered Components Release Notes 3 Version 3.1C The following problem was fixed in Version 3.1C: o Under some circumstances, the SCSI CAM Layered Component drivers could be left out of the kernel built during the DIGITAL TruClusters installation. The CLC installation procedure now guards against that possibility. Version 3.1B The following bugs were fixed in Version 3.1B: o The file command now displays the correct SCSI ID for medium changer device files on systems running DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0 and higher. o The SCSI CAM Layered Components installation process is now able to find the kernel configuration file when the LANG environment variable indicates a non-Roman alphabet. o MAKEDEV.MC and MAKEDEV.OP now behave like MAKEDEV when these scripts are run while the current working directory is not /dev. In this case, the device file is created in the current working directory, but no entry is added to the log of device files, /dev/MAKEDEV.MC.log or /dev/MAKEDEV.OP.log. Version 3.1A The following bugs were fixed in Version 3.1A: o Fixed a problem for systems running DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0 with a media changer device connected to a KZPSA adapter, in which the media changer would not respond to commands. o Fixed a problem that could cause the system to crash with an "unaligned access" panic in changer_read_attributes. This problem occurred if a device that was previously accessed was removed, then accessed again without a reboot between accesses. Version 3.1 The following bugs were fixed in Version 3.1: o Fixes were made to the handling of blank checking and other mode parameters for some optical drives. o The LMSI LF4500 RAPIDCHANGER now selects the platter properly after a power-up or SCSI bus reset. 4 SCSI CAM Layered Components Release Notes o Optical platters may now be ejected without being spun up by using the NODELAY flag on open. o Problems in the recovery processing of the changer driver that could hang the user process have been corrected. Known Problems in This Release There are no known problems in this release. Items to Note for This Release The purpose of this section is to bring certain items to your attention. These items may, or may not, be new for this release. Support for SCSI CAM Layered Components Utilities SCSI CAM Layered Components currently provides mcutil and other utilities as a convenience for setting up and configuring media changer devices. These utilities may be removed in a future release. Similar functions are provided in the Media Robot Utility (MRU) product. See the Media Robot Utility Software Product Description (SPD 64.44.xx). Support for Multiple Versions of Tru64 UNIX The installation procedure for SCSI CAM Layered Components automatically determines the operating system version for your machine and adjusts accordingly. The adjustments include creating links to appropriate operating system- specific files within the SCSI CAM Layered Components kit. Upgrading Your Tru64 UNIX Operating System The SCSI CAM Layered Components kit transparently adapts to your operating system upon installation. If you run any version of SCSI CAM Layered Components on a Tru64 UNIX machine and plan to upgrade to a later version of Tru64 UNIX, then you will need to reinstall the SCSI CAM Layered Components kit. The following steps are recommended: o Remove the SCSI CAM Layered Components software kit (see Deleting Old Subsets in the Installation Guide for instructions). o Upgrade your system to a new version of the operating system. SCSI CAM Layered Components Release Notes 5 o Re-install the SCSI CAM Layered Components software kit. Upgrading Your SCSI CAM Layered Components Kit SCSI CAM Layered Components subsets will not be installed if a previous version of the subsets is found on your system. Older versions must be deleted before installing a new version. See Deleting Old Subsets in the Installation Guide for instructions. Note that if you have layered products installed that depend on the SCSI CAM Layered Components drivers, it may be necessary to deinstall those products before deinstalling the existing SCSI CAM Layered Components subsets, then reinstall them after the new version of the SCSI CAM Layered Components is installed. (This is not necessary with NetWorker.) Removing Devices SCSI CAM Layered Components ensures that optical device special files and media changer device special files are not deleted by the operating system when it is rebooted. The following files perform this function: /dev/MAKEDEV.MC.log A log file that has a record of each media changer device created. There is a one line entry in the log for each device created by MAKEDEV.MC /dev/MAKEDEV.OP.log A log file that has a record of each optical device created. There is a one line entry in the log for each device created by MAKEDEV.OP /sbin/rc2.d/ These two scripts are /sbin/rc2.d/S01clcdev.op automatically executed at system boot time The two scripts (one for media changer devices and one for optical devices) read the appropriate log files, and make a device special file for each entry in the log. To remove a device, in addition to deleting the device special file, you must delete the appropriate line from the MAKEDEV.MC.log or MAKEDEV.OP.log file. See the Completing the Installation chapter in the Installation Guide for information on creating device special files, and editing the system configuration file. 6 SCSI CAM Layered Components Release Notes System Configuration File Information Devices are not automatically added to the system configuration file. The administrator may modify the system configuration file to reflect the devices present. This will cause the devices to be mentioned in the boot record. It is not necessary to modify the system configuration file, however, as any device is located by the system at the first reference to the device file. For DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0, devices will still be reported on boot without being added to the configuration file. If you choose to modify the system configuration file, see the op(7) and mc(7) reference pages for information. After modification of the system configuration file, the kernel must be rebuilt for the modifications to take effect. [C] Digital Equipment Corporation 1999. Compaq, the Compaq logo, and the Digital logo registered United States Patent and Trademark Office. DIGITAL, Tru64, and TruClusters are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd.