DIGITAL_Commander_____________________________ Windows NT, Windows 95, or Windows 98 Client Release Notes July 1998 These release notes describe how to install the DIGITAL Commander client, the new features included in this version, and any known problems you may meet when using the DIGITAL Commander client on a Windows NT, Windows 95, or Windows 98 system. Software Version: DIGITAL Commander Version 3.2 Revision/Update Information: This manual super- sedes Enterprise Mail Monitor Client Release Notes Version 3.1 Operating System and Version: Windows NT, Windows 95, or Windows 98 Digital Equipment Corporation __________________________________________________________ The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Possession, use, dissemination, or duplication of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from DIGITAL or the third-party owner of the software copyright. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software or equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the interconnection of its products in the manner described in this document will not infringe existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1998. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DIGITAL, DIGITAL UNIX, OpenVMS, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. Microsoft, Windows NT and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. v 1 DIGITAL Commander Client 1.1 New Features................................. 1-1 1.2 Installation................................. 1-2 1.2.1 Prerequisites............................ 1-2 1.2.2 Installing the Kit....................... 1-2 1.3 Changed Features............................. 1-4 1.3.1 Address Book Button...................... 1-4 1.3.2 Hierarchy Items.......................... 1-4 1.3.3 Pop-Up Window............................ 1-4 1.3.4 Windows 95 and Windows 98 Interface...... 1-5 1.3.5 Relay Errors............................. 1-5 1.3.6 Control Management Module Help........... 1-5 1.3.7 Gauge View............................... 1-5 1.3.8 Product Names Displayed with Commands.... 1-5 1.3.9 Replay Feature........................... 1-6 1.3.10 Client Checks for Messaging System....... 1-6 1.3.11 Workspace Associated with a Server....... 1-6 1.3.12 Changing Item Labels..................... 1-6 1.3.13 Selective Display of Tools............... 1-7 1.3.14 New Tools................................ 1-7 1.3.15 Pop-Up Window Initialization............. 1-8 1.3.16 Auto-Detect Feature...................... 1-8 1.3.17 Monitoring Item Names.................... 1-9 1.3.18 Tools Sorted into Groups................. 1-9 1.3.19 Switching Main Window Views.............. 1-9 1.3.20 Mail Address Books....................... 1-9 1.3.21 Cancel Workspace Save Procedure.......... 1-9 1.3.22 Viewing Errors........................... 1-9 1.3.23 Numeric Characters in Names.............. 1-10 iii 1.4 Known Problems............................... 1-11 1.4.1 Location of Previous Installations....... 1-11 1.4.2 Windows Map View Mode.................... 1-11 1.4.3 Modifying an Action...................... 1-11 1.4.4 Request to Server Status................. 1-11 1.4.5 Monitoring Hierarchy..................... 1-11 1.4.6 Monitor Tool............................. 1-12 iv ________________________________________________________________ Preface Purpose of this Document These release notes describe how to install the DIGITAL[TM] Commander client, the new features included in this version, and any known problems you may meet when using the DIGITAL Commander client. Audience These release notes are intended for system managers installing and using the DIGITAL Commander client on Windows NT[R], Windows[R] 95, or Windows 98. Structure of this Document These release notes contain one chapter. Associated Documents Client documentation for the current version of DIGITAL Commander is made up of these release notes and the DIGITAL Commander Installing on a Windows NT, Windows 95, or Windows 98 System installation card. In addition, you may need the following: o DIGITAL Commander Installing on a DIGITAL UNIX System o DIGITAL Commander Installing on an OpenVMS System o DIGITAL Commander Installing on a Windows NT System o DIGITAL Commander Server Guide o DIGITAL Commander Server Release Notes v 1 ________________________________________________________________ DIGITAL Commander Client This chapter contains the following information: o New features information o Installation information o Changes since the previous version o Known problems 1.1 New Features This section contains information on the new features added to this version of the DIGITAL Commander client. Using the new features of the DIGITAL Commander client, you can now do the following: o Replay selected events that occurred in the past o Display instantaneous traffic values using the new Gauge view o View actions based on how many times an event has occurred o Instantly switch your level of view from all servers down to one server o Instantly switch your view from Gauge view to Information view o Exchange monitoring setup views and actions across your organization, by saving and loading tool templates o Represent your messaging system as a hierarchy of domains and relays, which can be displayed as maps or trees DIGITAL Commander Client 1-1 DIGITAL Commander Client o Use powerful automatic action routines to send mail, SNMP traps, start remote or local actions, generate reports, or display the usual pop-up window (including sound/time-out/fall-back) o Start a local management module using an API o Relay information through different servers o Filter your data at the server end, reducing your network traffic by a factor of 10 1.2 Installation This section contains information on the installation. For more detailed information, see the DIGITAL Commander Installing on a Windows NT, Windows 95, or Windows 98 System installation card. 1.2.1 Prerequisites To install the DIGITAL Commander client, you need the following: o A CD-ROM drive o Windows NT Version 4.0 or later, or Windows 95 or later o Windows Sockets Version 1.1 1.2.2 Installing the Kit Install the kit as follows: o Insert the CD-ROM and run the setup.exe program. o The installation wizard guides you through the installation process. It allows you to do the following: - Agree with the software license - Choose a directory location for the application - Select the type of installation you want o As the installation continues, it performs the following: - Copies the application software to your hard disk 1-2 DIGITAL Commander Client DIGITAL Commander Client - Creates the DIGITAL Commander application icons DIGITAL Commander Client 1-3 DIGITAL Commander Client 1.3 Changed Features This section documents the features that have changed since the last release, Enterprise Mail Monitor Version 3.1. ___ Updating Workspaces from the Previous Version ___ If you load a workspace created in a previous version of DIGITAL Commander, you need to update the default settings for that workspace in order to see many of the changed features. When you open the old workspace, the Update Default Settings dialog box is automatically displayed, providing you with a list of update options. For further information on updating default settings, see the online help. _____________________________________________________ 1.3.1 Address Book Button You can now use the Address Book button when you are setting up mail addresses in the Action list. 1.3.2 Hierarchy Items You can now delete an item from your system hierarchy, even if a tool is active on that item. In the previous version, this caused the client to crash. 1.3.3 Pop-Up Window If you close a pop-up window while its contents are being updated, the client will no longer crash. 1-4 DIGITAL Commander Client DIGITAL Commander Client 1.3.4 Windows 95 and Windows 98 Interface The client no longer exits unexpectedly while running on Windows 95 or Windows 98 systems. In the Map View window, you can now see icons while you are dragging them. 1.3.5 Relay Errors If you are using a relay, and the client cannot contact the relay, an error is displayed for that specific relay. In the previous release, the error was displayed for the first server listed in the hierarchy. 1.3.6 Control Management Module Help The Control Management module now has online help. 1.3.7 Gauge View A new view to display gauges has been added. Gauges are special counters that can also decrease. There is a Gauge view, to display gauge information, and you can easily switch between the Gauge view and other views. 1.3.8 Product Names Displayed with Commands When the client displays a command, it includes the name of the product that supports the command, for example: Start Server X.500 Directory Service () DIGITAL Commander Client 1-5 DIGITAL Commander Client 1.3.9 Replay Feature A replay feature has been added. This feature allows you to select a time range and view the events that occurred during that time. You can change the speed of the replay to show as much detail as you need. You can also select whether or not to replay actions. 1.3.10 Client Checks for Messaging System In the previous release, if you created an action involving mailing a user, and a messaging system was not installed, the client would crash. In this release, the client checks to see if a messaging system is installed before sending the mail. If the messaging system is not installed, the client does not attempt to send the mail. 1.3.11 Workspace Associated with a Server When you save a workspace and the tools that are activated in that workspace, the entity and its current server are associated with that workspace. When you reopen the workspace, the tools will activate on the same entity, on the same server. This corrects a problem that existed in the previous release, where only the entity name was associated with the workspace, and the tools would activate on the first entity they found with the same name, regardless of what server the entity was on. 1.3.12 Changing Item Labels It is no longer possible to edit the label of a monitoring item in the Monitoring Configuration Hierarchy dialog box. 1-6 DIGITAL Commander Client DIGITAL Commander Client 1.3.13 Selective Display of Tools When the list of tools is displayed in the Tools menu, only the tools available on the current platform are displayed. 1.3.14 New Tools The default tool list now includes the following new tools: o DSA Counters This tool displays DSA Activity information. By default, it displays this information in the Gauge view. o Exchange Connector Traffic This tool displays details of traffic going through Exchange connectors only. By default, it displays this information in the Gauge view. o SNMP Agents This tool displays SNMP information. By default, it displays this information in the Information view. o HTTP Server This tool displays page expiry time, size and access times. By default, it displays this information in the Gauge view. o FTP Server This tool displays ftp file size and access times. By default, it displays this information in the Gauge view. o NNTP Server This tool displays news server access times and news group counters information. By default, it displays this information in the Gauge view. o IIS Connector Traffic This tool displays the connection, logon and byte transfer activity of Microsoft[TM] Internet Information Server. By default, it displays this information in the Gauge view. DIGITAL Commander Client 1-7 DIGITAL Commander Client o IIS Current Activity This tool displays Microsoft Internet Information Server connections and requests activities. By default, it displays this information in the Gauge view. o IIS Request Activity This tool displays Microsoft Internet Information Server requests counter information. By default, it displays this information in the Gauge view. o IP Accesses (per hour) This tool displays monitored accesses to IP addresses. By default, it displays this information in the Gauge view. o Page Accesses (per hour) This tool displays monitored access to web pages. By default, it displays this information in the Gauge view. If you load a workspace created in a previous version of DIGITAL Commander, you need to update the default settings for that workspace before you can use these new tools. When you open the old workspace, the Update Default Settings dialog box is automatically displayed, providing you with a list of update options. For further information on updating default settings, see the online help. 1.3.15 Pop-Up Window Initialization The time it takes to initialize the pop-up window has been significantly reduced, and no longer takes up most of the CPU resources. 1.3.16 Auto-Detect Feature The auto-detect feature now displays the name of the detected server correctly, even if the server IP address is not fully configured in the DNS. 1-8 DIGITAL Commander Client DIGITAL Commander Client 1.3.17 Monitoring Item Names When a monitoring item is renamed, all of the tools associated with the item are renamed accordingly. 1.3.18 Tools Sorted into Groups Tools are now listed in the menus under groups, and the Configuration dialog box shows a Tree View organized by related groups. Both groups and tools can be added, removed, and renamed. 1.3.19 Switching Main Window Views When you switch from Map View to Tree View in the main window, the window is automatically refreshed. 1.3.20 Mail Address Books The mail capability now supports the Exchange Address book and addressing system. Therefore, addresses in the format no longer need an SMTP: prefix. 1.3.21 Cancel Workspace Save Procedure When you close a workspace, either by choosing the Close Workspace menu item, or by opening another workspace, the Cancel button on the Save Workspace dialog box now works. 1.3.22 Viewing Errors A pop-up window, listing relevant errors, automatically appears when you select any of the following: o Server log o Scanner log o Monitor o Main window DIGITAL Commander Client 1-9 DIGITAL Commander Client Double click in the Main window, or select one or more lines in the Tools window, and choose View Errors to see a pop-up window listing relevant errors. 1.3.23 Numeric Characters in Names It is now possible to use server names starting with numeric characters. 1-10 DIGITAL Commander Client DIGITAL Commander Client 1.4 Known Problems The following is a list of identified problems in the DIGITAL Commander client software. 1.4.1 Location of Previous Installations If you do repeated installations of the DIGITAL Commander client, the installation script does not recognize where the software is already installed. 1.4.2 Windows Map View Mode If a small bitmap is configured in the background in Map View mode, icons can no longer be moved. 1.4.3 Modifying an Action In Windows 95 and Windows 98, if you are in the process of modifying an action using the Action Configuration Dialog box, and you open or switch to another application, the client will hang. 1.4.4 Request to Server Status The status tool is not implemented when you send a request to a server. Requests that have been sent are not listed until the request is returned. Then the status tool displays the information. 1.4.5 Monitoring Hierarchy You cannot disable any elements of the hierarchy. A server and all its entities are completely monitored. DIGITAL Commander Client 1-11 DIGITAL Commander Client 1.4.6 Monitor Tool When running the Windows client with a 256-color display setting, the text color in the Monitor tool may be identical for the following monitoring events: o Error, level 3 o Fatal error, level 4 1-12 DIGITAL Commander Client