HP SNA Server for_OpenVMS_VAX_____________________________________ Release Notes October 2003 This manual describes installation notes for this release, new features not discussed in the current documentation, corrections included in this release, documentation errata, operational notes, and known problems and restrictions with this release. Revision/Update Information: This is a new manual. Operating Systems: HP OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 Software Version: HP SNA Server for OpenVMS, Version 2.4 Hewlett-Packard Company Palo Alto, California ________________________________________________________________ © Copyright 2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Proprietary computer software. Valid license from HP required for possession, use, or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... v 1 Installation 1.1 Installation Notes............................ 1-1 2 New Features 2.1 SNAP Utility for SNA Server (SNAPX.COM)....... 2-1 2.1.1 Installing the SNAPX Utility.............. 2-1 2.1.2 Invoking the SNAPX Utility................ 2-2 2.1.3 The Main SNAPX Display.................... 2-2 2.1.4 Using SNAPX Commands...................... 2-5 2.1.5 Exiting SNAPX............................. 2-6 3 Problems Fixed in This Release 3.1 Problems Fixed in Version 2.4 Release......... 3-1 3.1.1 SNA Server unexpectedly crashes system.... 3-1 3.1.2 SNA Server Crashed OpenVMS During Image Load Phase of Startup..................... 3-1 3.1.3 RU's Sent from SNA Server DECnet Clients Could Not Exceed 480 Bytes................ 3-2 4 Documentation Errata and Addenda 4.1 Current Product Documentation................. 4-1 iii 5 Operational Notes 5.1 Hardware Notes................................ 5-1 5.1.1 DMB32 Device.............................. 5-1 5.1.2 Mutually Exclusive Driver Required for DPV11..................................... 5-1 5.1.3 DST32, DSH32, DSV11, DMB32, DSF32 and DSB32 RS-232 Interface Adapters........... 5-2 5.2 Configuration File Naming Conventions......... 5-2 5.3 Installing the SNA Server Software on an Existing SNA Server System.................... 5-3 5.4 Detection of an "SNA" Logical Name at Startup....................................... 5-3 5.5 Receiving No Privilege Error During Startup... 5-3 5.6 Insufficient Nonpaged Pool.................... 5-4 5.7 SNANCP LOOP AT MODEM Command.................. 5-4 5.8 Misconfiguring Lines using NCP................ 5-4 5.9 LU Security................................... 5-5 6 Known Problems and Restrictions 6.1 Non-Use of the PU LU List When /CIRC Qualifier Is Used....................................... 6-1 6.2 Potential IBM NPSI Problems................... 6-1 6.3 Incorrect BINDs Rejected LU Counter........... 6-1 6.4 Incorrect LU State............................ 6-1 Tables 2-1 LU State.................................. 2-4 2-2 SNAPX Commands............................ 2-6 iv _________________________________________________________________ Preface Intended Audience These Release Notes are intended for all SNA Server users. Read these Release Notes before you install, upgrade, or use HP SNA Server for OpenVMS, Version 2.4. ________________________ Note ________________________ You should read this document carefully before using the HP SNA Server for OpenVMS, Version 2.4 software. There is no other new documentation for this release. ______________________________________________________ Structure of These Release Notes These Release Notes consist of the following chapters: o Chapter 1 describes installation information about this release. o Chapter 2 describes features that are not described in the current documentation set for the SNA Server product. o Chapter 3 describes problems corrected in this release. o Chapter 4 contains documentation errata and addenda. o Chapter 5 contains operational notes for the SNA Server product. o Chapter 6 contains known problems and restrictions for this release. v Reader's Comments HP welcomes your comments on this manual or any of the SNA Server documents. Please send comments to either of the following addresses: Internet openvmsdoc@hp.com Mail Hewlett-Packard Company OSSG Documentation Group, ZKO3-4/U08 110 Spit Brook Rd. Nashua, NH 03062-2698 How To Order Additional Documentation For information about how to order additional documentation, visit the following World Wide Web address: http://www.hp.com/go/openvms/doc/ vi 1 _________________________________________________________________ Installation 1.1 Installation Notes V2.4 HP SNA Server for OpenVMS, Version 2.4 requires HP OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3. Install this kit using the VMSINSTAL command procedure by logging into the SYSTEM account and entering the following command at the DCL prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL SNAVMS024 ddcu: [OPTIONS N] For more information about the installation process, see OpenVMS SNA Installation. See Chapter 4 of these Release Notes for more information about this product's current documentation set. Installation 1-1 2 _________________________________________________________________ New Features This chapter describes features included in the SNA Server product since the last documentation set was produced (Version 2.3). 2.1 SNAP Utility for SNA Server (SNAPX.COM) V2.4 A new DCL command procedure gives the system manager a monitoring utility similar to the SNAP utility found in the Compaq SNA Domain Gateway and the early Compaq DECnet SNA Gateway-ST and -CT gateways. The utility uses the SNA Server Network Control Program (SNANCP) to gather information about the SNA Server status, formats it, and then displays it in a concise form on the invoking terminal. 2.1.1 Installing the SNAPX Utility SNAPX.COM is created and installed only once on the first execution of the SNAVMS$STARTUP.COM procedure. ORTH> @SNAVMS$STARTUP.COM HP SNA Server V1.2 Startup beginning: 15-JAN-2003 12:41:40.07 ... ... %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of SNAVMS$STARTUP_TIME has been superseded HP SNA Server V1.2 Startup complete: 15-JAN-2003 12:41:42.68 >>>>>>>>>>>>Creating SNAP Utility for SNA Server<<<<<<<<<<<< Enter @SNAPX from the SYS$COMMON:[SNAVMS$] directory to run the SNAP Utility for SNA Server. New Features 2-1 New Features 2.1 SNAP Utility for SNA Server (SNAPX.COM) 2.1.2 Invoking the SNAPX Utility To use the SNAPX utility, invoke the new command procedure SNAPX at the DCL command prompt. The command has the following format: $@SNAPX [node-name] [refresh-time] node-name Specifies the node to SNAP. To specify the local node, use 0. The default value is to SNAP the local node (0). refresh-rate Specifies the refresh time in the format hh:mm:ss. The default value is 10 seconds (00:00:10). ________________________ Note ________________________ The command should be run from the SYS$COMMON:[SNAVMS$] directory. The command procedure creates several temporary files and uses several systemwide logicals. For this reason, the procedure is designed to be used by the system manager. The procedure requires the SETPRV privilege. ______________________________________________________ If you receive one or more instances of the following message sequence, you are attempting to SNAP a node that does not have the SNA Server installed. %SNANCP-F-CONNEC, unable to connect to listener on node 0 -SYSTEM-F-NOSUCHOBJ, network object is unknown at remote node 2.1.3 The Main SNAPX Display The following example shows the command to SNAP the local node with a refresh rate of 30 seconds and the resultant display. First, the SNAPX procedure displays the following while it establishes a connection to the gateway: 2-2 New Features New Features 2.1 SNAP Utility for SNA Server (SNAPX.COM) ORTH> @snapx 0 00:00:30 Welcome to SNANCP SNAP Utility for SNA Server for OpenVMS P1 = 0 P2 = 00:00:30 SNA Server started on 15-JAN-2003 12:41:42.68 Initializing, please wait... After establishing the connection, SNAPX displays the main SNAP display: -------------------------------------------------------------------- 17-JAN-2003 04:06:50.36 Node: CHUM SNANCP SNAP Utility Uptime: 112 11:43:18 (24.101) OpenVMS SNA Server Ses 5/82 ___|_______________________________________________ 6% Lnk 5/1024 |__________________________________________________ 0% Ses-0 5/32 _______|___________________________________________ 15% . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . LUs SNA-0 0 .............4567...........9... 50 100 [(hp)] 150 invent 200 250 PUs 2/2 SNA-0 active SNA-1 active CIRCUITs 2/2 SDLC-0 on SDLC-1 on LINEs 2/2 ZWA0 on ZWA1 on SERVERs 1/1 SNA-ACCESS on LOGGING monitor 24.101 (CHUM) on Type Ctrl-Y to Interrupt -------------------------------------------------------------------- The main SNAPX screen displays the following information: o The banner region displays the general status of the gateway node: - The top-left field contains the current time. - The Node: field displays the node name. If SNAPX is running on the node being monitored, the node address is displayed just below the node name. New Features 2-3 New Features 2.1 SNAP Utility for SNA Server (SNAPX.COM) - The top-right field displays the name of the SNAPX utility. - The Uptime: field displays the amount of time that the SNA Server has been active since the last time it was started. The time is in the format days hours:minutes:seconds. Note: this field is only valid if you are monitoring the local node. o The bar graph region displays the current activity levels for three resources of the gateway. The left column shows the ratio of active resources to total resources. The bar graphs display these values using percentages. The bar graphs include high water marks. The high water marks are maintained between SNAPX uses but are only accurate if the peak occurred while SNAPX was actually running. The marks are reset whenever the SNA Server is restarted. - The Ses line displays the total number of active sessions on the gateway. - The Lnk line displays the total number of active links on the gateway. The active links display includes both DECnet and TCP/IP connections. - The Ses-n line displays the number of active sessions for PU n. To control which PU is monitored, use the PU number SNAPX command (see Section 2.1.4). o The LU map region displays the status of all LUs associated with the current PU. The first line represents LUs 0-49, the second line 50-99 and so on. Each line position represents a single LU. Table 2-1 describes the characters used in the LU map and their meaning. Table_2-1_LU_State_________________________________________ CharacteMeaning____________________________________________ , inactive . active (continued on next page) 2-4 New Features New Features 2.1 SNAP Utility for SNA Server (SNAPX.COM) Table_2-1_(Cont.)_LU_State_________________________________ CharacteMeaning____________________________________________ 0-9 active-in session B active-bind in progress b active-bind requested D active-disconnecting I inactive-listening L active-listening P pending active p pending inactive U active-unbind in progress u active-unbind requested ?_______unknown_state______________________________________ o The gateway status region displays status information about the gateway. - PUs displays the ratio of active PUs to total PUs. - CIRCUITs displays the ratio of active circuits to total circuits. - LINEs displays the ratio of active lines to total lines. - SERVERs displays the ratio of active servers to total servers. - LOGGING displays the logging status. Values other than active or or on are highlighted. 2.1.4 Using SNAPX Commands The SNAPX utility provides a number of additional screens that provide more detail about the state of the SNA Server. Table 2-2 summarizes the single-letter commands that allow you to change from display to display. To enter a command, enter to get the Command: prompt and then enter the letter. New Features 2-5 New Features 2.1 SNAP Utility for SNA Server (SNAPX.COM) Table_2-2_SNAPX_Commands___________________________________ Return to the main SNAPX screen. 0|1|2|3 PU selection-Selects the physical unit (PU) number for future commands. A ACCESS NAMES detail-Displays the Access Names display that shows detailed access name status and information. C CIRCUIT detail-Displays the Circuit display that shows detailed circuit status and information. G LOGGING detail-Displays the Logging display that shows detailed logging status and information. H LU State Legend-Displays the LU state legend used in the main SNAPX display. L LU detail-Displays the Logical Unit display that shows detailed logical unit (LU) status and information. P PU detail-Displays the Physical Unit display that shows detailed physical unit (LU) status and information. Q Quit-Exits the SNAPX utility. S SERVER detail-Displays the Server display that shows detailed server status and information. W Clear High Water Marks-Resets the high-water marks on the main SNAPX display. Z LINE detail-Displays the Line display that shows ________detailed_line_status_and_information.______________ 2.1.5 Exiting SNAPX To exit the SNAPX utility, enter and then Q for Quit. 2-6 New Features 3 _________________________________________________________________ Problems Fixed in This Release This chapter discusses problems fixed in the following release: o Version 2.4 release 3.1 Problems Fixed in Version 2.4 Release 3.1.1 SNA Server unexpectedly crashes system The root cause of this problem is the SNA$GAS object using the DECnet-Plus Logical Link ID's supplied in the NCB itemlist as Channel Names for the related sessions. Unfortunately, in DECnet-Plus these 2 byte LL Ids are unique only for the duration of session establishment. They then are reuseable once DECnet-Plus internally maps a 4 byte Connection_Id and Association_Id to the established session. It may then occur that a new connection uses an LL Id that is already in use in a long running connection, ie: RJE sessions. This causes one of two types if crashes (DECN channel not valid or bad GAP Version BUGcheck) or simply a random session termination with unexpected data received. This problem is fixed by changing SNA$GAS Channel Naming convention. 3.1.2 SNA Server Crashed OpenVMS During Image Load Phase of Startup If SYS$NODE was undefined, the event logger did not start, and the system crashed with the following error message: SSRVEXCEPT, Unexpected system service exception. Upon examination, the current executing process was LES$ACPV30. In addition, the stack indicated the crash was caused by an access violation in the Signal Array with the PC and PSL = 0. This has been corrected. The startup procedure now detects the missing logical and Problems Fixed in This Release 3-1 Problems Fixed in This Release 3.1 Problems Fixed in Version 2.4 Release exits normally. If the startup file is modified to continue despite the missing logical, the code in SNAVMS$EVC.EXE now bugchecks if SYS$NODE is undefined (instead of corrupting the stack). 3.1.3 RU's Sent from SNA Server DECnet Clients Could Not Exceed 480 Bytes The DECnet client access incorrectly limited inbound RU sizes to 480 bytes. This was due to an error in the setup between SNA$GAS and SNA$DECNET in which the maximum receive size defaulted to 512 bytes. This has been fixed such that the documented maximum inbound RU size of 4096 can be received successfully. Also, the actual coded limit for inbound and outbound RU sizes is now 8192 bytes. If this is exceeded by a DECnet client, the connection is aborted with the following error: %SNA-E-ABNSESTER, session terminated abnormally. 3-2 Problems Fixed in This Release 4 _________________________________________________________________ Documentation Errata and Addenda 4.1 Current Product Documentation V2.4 The current documentation set for the SNA Server product is shown in the following list: o HP SNA Server for OpenVMS VAX Software Product Description, Version 2.4 (SPD number: SPD 27.01.xx) o OpenVMS SNA Installation, Version 2.3 (Order number: AA-EV61G-TE) o OpenVMS SNA Management, Version 2.3 (Order number: AA-JF06E-TE) o OpenVMS SNA Problem Solving, Version 2.2 (Order number: AA-ET76E-TE) o OpenVMS SNA Guide to IBM Parameters, Version 2.3 (Order number: AA-NF32C-TK) Documentation Errata and Addenda 4-1 5 _________________________________________________________________ Operational Notes This chapter highlights various operational characteristics of the SNA Server product that merit special attention. 5.1 Hardware Notes 5.1.1 DMB32 Device V2.2 A DMB32 device must be at revision K or greater in order to work correctly with SNA Server. Previous versions of the DMB32 firmware were found to have problems in some half duplex and multipoint configurations, when used with modem eliminators that did not relay the Clear To Send (CTS) and Carrier Detect (CD) signals. If previous versions of the DMB32 firmware must be used, set the line to full duplex. 5.1.2 Mutually Exclusive Driver Required for DPV11 V2.2 The DPV11 device driver, UHDRIVER, is provided with SNA Server and does not have to be purchased separately. The driver is also available as part of the VAX Wide Area Network Device Driver (VAX WANDD) product. If you wish, you can install the driver from the VAX WANDD kit before SNA Server is installed. UHDRIVER is mutually exclusive from alternate DPV11 product drivers. For example, the VAX P.S.I. DPV11 driver (UEDRIVER) cannot run with the UHDRIVER for the same DPV11 device at the same time. If you are running one product and you want to run an alternate product, you must reboot the MicroVAX system and then load the alternate driver. You could also install a second DPV11, which would permit concurrent use of the products without rebooting. Operational Notes 5-1 Operational Notes 5.1 Hardware Notes 5.1.3 DST32, DSH32, DSV11, DMB32, DSF32 and DSB32 RS-232 Interface Adapters V2.2 If you are using a DST32, DSH32, DSV11, DMB32, or DSB32 communications device and the RS-232-C (CCITT V.24) 25- pin physical interface through a local modem eliminator designed prior to the EIA-232-D standard, you must install an optional adapter (part number 12-27591-01) between the modem device and the communications device. If you do not install the adapter, the modem eliminator may not signal Clear To Send (CTS), resulting in blocked data transfer. There is a discrepancy between the RS-232-C and CCITT V.24 standards in the way the pin 21 function is described. The DST32, DSH32, DSV11, DMB32, and DSB32 interfaces implement the pin function as described by EIA-232-D and CCITT V.24. The adapter opens pin 21 (SQ/RL), thereby avoiding the discrepancy. You can also use a "breakout box" between the device and the modem eliminator. This performs the same function as the optional adapter. If the adapter was not supplied with the hardware, consult your HP field service representative for further information on obtaining the part. 5.2 Configuration File Naming Conventions V2.2 During SNA Server system configuration, the following files are created by SNAVMS$CONFIGURE.COM: o SNAVMS$AUTHORIZE_node-name.COM o SNAVMS$CFG_node-name.COM o SNAVMS$LOAD_DEVICE_node-name.COM These files are called by SNAVMS$STARTUP.COM when the system manager (or the system start-up file) loads and starts the SNA Server software. To ensure the proper execution in the VMScluster environment, each node in the cluster is uniquely configured for SNA Server. The startup procedure uses the F$GETSYI lexical to determine the node being started. The procedure then creates a list of nodes that have been configured from all files named SNAVMS$LOAD_DEVICE_node- name.COM in the SYS$COMMON:[SNAVMS$] directory. If the node executing the startup procedure is not in the list of nodes 5-2 Operational Notes Operational Notes 5.2 Configuration File Naming Conventions configured for SNA Server, the startup fails. Therefore, if the SYSGEN parameter SCSNODE is changed, due to adding the node to a cluster or for naming convenience, you should rerun the SNAVMS$CONFIGURE.COM procedure or rename the configuration files appropriately. 5.3 Installing the SNA Server Software on an Existing SNA Server System V2.2 After this version of SNA Server is installed on a system that has a previous version of SNA Server installed, check whether the earlier version has already been started. If so, reboot the system before starting this version. (The presence of an SN device indicates that an older version SNA Server has already been started.) 5.4 Detection of an "SNA" Logical Name at Startup V2.2 Because of the way the SYSGEN utility translates logical names, if you invoke SNAVMS$STARTUP and the logical name SNA exists on the system, the SNA Server software driver (SNDRIVER) does not load properly. For this reason, the startup command procedure checks for the logical name SNA. If logical name SNA is found, the command procedure terminates with the following error message: The logical name 'SNA' exists. "SNA" = Delete this logical name before starting (product). If this error is displayed, deassign the logical name and restart the SNA Server software. 5.5 Receiving No Privilege Error During Startup V2.2 If a no-privilege message is received during startup, it is because DECnet is using the cluster name during the connection to the management object. Enter the cluster name into the SNAVMS$AUTHORIZE_node-name.COM file located in SYS$COMMON:[SNAVMS$]. Execute the following command files: $ @SYS$COMMON:[SNAVMS$]SNAVMS$AUTHORIZE_(node-name).COM $ @SYS$COMMON:[SNAVMS$]SNAVMS$CFG_(node-name).COM This will complete the startup of the SNA Server software. Operational Notes 5-3 Operational Notes 5.6 Insufficient Nonpaged Pool 5.6 Insufficient Nonpaged Pool V2.2 Refer to the OpenVMS SNA Installation manual for memory requirements of SNA Server. Ensure that enough nonpaged dynamic pool space is allocated on your system before starting the SNA Server. If there is insufficient nonpaged pool to load and start SNA Server, your system may crash at startup time or shortly after. 5.7 SNANCP LOOP AT MODEM Command V2.2 For the SNANCP LOOP AT MODEM command to work, in addition to setting the modem or modem eliminator to loopback mode, you should also make sure that CD is high. This can be achieved in one of two ways: o Activate the IBM line on the other side of the modem or modem eliminator. o Use a breakout box to set CD high. 5.8 Misconfiguring Lines using NCP V2.2 If you have both SNA Server and VAX P.S.I. installed on the same system, make sure you do not attempt to allocate a SNA Server line to VAX P.S.I. For example, using the following NCP command: NCP> SET LINE line-id PROTOCOL LAPB ... on a line that is already allocated to the SNA Server software via the following SNANCP command: SNANCP> SET LINE line-id .... is considered a misconfiguration; that is, the same line should not be allocated to both products at the same time. NCP does not detect this problem and allocates the line to VAX P.S.I. When this happens, there will be unpredictable results, possibly a system crash. SNA Server, on the other hand, does not allow you to allocate VAX P.S.I. lines to SNA Server, and returns the following error: %SNANCP-I-NMLRSP, listener response - operation failure 5-4 Operational Notes Operational Notes 5.8 Misconfiguring Lines using NCP If the line has already been allocated for P.S.I. use, it must be cleared in NCP before it can be used as a SNA Server SDLC line. 5.9 LU Security V2.2 Please note that not all OpenVMS SNA access routines support LU security for SNA Server. Also, an access routine that supports LU security for Gateway-ST and Gateway-CT might not support LU security for SNA Server. See your access routine documentation. Operational Notes 5-5 6 _________________________________________________________________ Known Problems and Restrictions This chapter describes known problems and restrictions with HP SNA Server for OpenVMS, Version 2.4. Where appropriate, workarounds are provided. 6.1 Non-Use of the PU LU List When /CIRC Qualifier Is Used V2.2 The /CIRC qualifier is not supported. Use the /PU qualifier instead. 6.2 Potential IBM NPSI Problems V2.2 If you are planning to use a QLLC circuit, you might need to apply an IBM supplied Program Temporary Fix (PTF). If you are using NPSI V1 Release 4.3, please review PTF UR21292. If you are using NPSI V3 Release 1 please review APAR IR79049. If this problem affects you, please contact your local IBM technical support center for more information. 6.3 Incorrect BINDs Rejected LU Counter V2.2 Under rare circumstances, if an application exits or is aborted without receiving a BIND, the BINDs rejected LU counter could be incorrectly incremented twice. 6.4 Incorrect LU State V2.2 Under rare circumstances, if an application exits or is aborted just before receiving a BIND, the corresponding LU could enter the 'active-bind in progress' state. This condition will automatically be corrected by the next connect attempt or by an ACTLU. Known Problems and Restrictions 6-1