DEC/EDI Version 3.1A Release Notes for Digital UNIX This document provides supplemental information about DEC/EDI Version 3.1A. It includes notes on new features, restrictions, and known problems. Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________ November 1996 Possession, use or copying of the software described in this publication is authorised only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital[TM] or an authorised sublicensor. While Digital believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no repre- sentations that the use of its products in the manner described in this document will not in- fringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1990,1996. All rights reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC, Digital, DEC/EDI, DECforms, DECnet, DECwindows, MAILbus, OpenVMS, VAX, VAX 9000, VAXcluster, VAXstation, VMS, VMSmail and the DIGITAL logo. AT&T is a trademark of American Telephone & Telegraph Company. TYMNET is a registered trademark of TYMNET, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark licensed exclu- sively by X/Open Company Ltd. OSF/1 is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. IBM, AIX and RS/6000 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. HP and HP-UX are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Microsoft is a registered trademark, and Windows is a trademark, of Microsoft Corporation. CLEO, 3780Plus and SYNCcable+ are registered trademarks of CLEO Communications. Oracle, Rdb and Oracle7 are registered trade- marks of the Oracle Corporation. CORBA is a registered trademark of the Object Management Group. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. Contents __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 DOCUMENT CONTENT 1-1 1.2 NEW USERS 1-2 1.3 EXISTING USERS 1-2 __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 2 MAJOR NEW FEATURES 2-1 2.1 NEW IN DEC/EDI V3.1A 2-1 2.2 NEW FEATURES PRIOR TO DEC/EDI V3.1A 2-2 __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 3 COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS RELEASES 3-1 3.1 GENERAL DIFFERENCES 3-1 3.2 INSTALLATION 3-1 3.3 MAPPER 3-2 3.3.1 A new -reprocess command 3-2 3.3.2 String used where numeric operand is required 3-2 3.3.3 Recognition Expression is now Case-sensitive 3-3 3.4 OTHER COMPONENTS 3-3 iii 3.5 USER DOCUMENTATION 3-3 __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 4 INSTALLATION RELEASE NOTES 4-1 4.1 OBJECTBROKER VERSION 2.6 IS NOW PRE-REQUISITE 4-1 4.2 SUPPORT FOR ACAS DISCONTINUED 4-2 4.3 INSTALLATION 4-2 4.4 ERROR CORRECTIONS FOR FIRST STARTUP 4-3 4.5 MIGRATING FROM V3.0, T3.1 AND V3.1 4-3 4.5.1 Import/Export Gateway 4-3 4.5.2 Database Migration 4-4 __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 5 GENERAL SERVER NOTES 5-1 5.1 DEC/EDI IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH C2 SECURITY 5-1 5.2 IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE PROFILE CACHE CONSTRUCTOR 5-1 5.3 IF A SERVER CONNECTION FAILS 5-2 5.4 OBJECTBROKER 2.6 FAILING WITH DIGITAL UNIX 4.0 5-3 5.5 OBJECTBROKER SENDS TIMEOUT 5-4 iv __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 6 CLIENT RELEASE NOTES 6-1 6.1 CHANGES IN FUNCTIONALITY SINCE LAST VERSION 6-1 6.1.1 Running decedi_config After Installation 6-1 6.1.2 CLI trade Commands Return Status Values 6-2 6.1.3 Sun Solaris Client Now Available 6-2 6.1.4 Examples Now Provided with the Client Kits 6-3 6.1.5 Connection Specific Data-New Parameters Accepted 6-3 6.2 KNOWN PROBLEMS WITHIN THE APPLICATION CLIENT 6-4 6.2.1 No feedback when client fetch fails with -type=document 6-4 6.2.2 TRACK Command Qualifiers-Sometimes Unreliable 6-4 6.2.3 TRADE Command-Error if no CORBA Registration Routine 6-4 6.2.4 SQL errors with Multiversion Rdb 6-5 6.2.5 TRACK Causes Server to Crash 6-5 6.2.6 Spaces in Strings Not Accepted 6-6 6.2.7 TRACK Doesn't Always Show Mapper Reference Number 6-7 __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 7 MAPPER RELEASE NOTES 7-1 7.1 KNOWN RESTRICTIONS IN THE MAPPER 7-1 7.1.1 Important-No Support for Binary Data Types 7-1 7.2 MAPPER ENHANCEMENTS 7-1 v 7.2.1 Specifying Mapping Table name from remote OpenVMS clients 7-2 7.2.2 New Client File Command -reprocess 7-3 7.3 SHARED LOOKUPS 7-5 7.3.1 Mapper Shared Lookups Table 7-6 7.4 ENHANCED AUDIT TRAIL ACCESS 7-8 7.5 DATE AND TIME DATA PROCESSING WITH $TIMESTAMP, $DATE AND $DATE_CONVERT 7-11 7.5.1 Enhanced $TIMESTAMP functionality 7-11 7.5.2 $DATE Functionality 7-12 format dates may be used as intermediate results only 7-12 support for UNIX binary date formats 7-12 7.5.3 New $DATE_CONVERT Function 7-12 7.6 APPLICATION FILE BATCHING 7-13 7.7 FAILED DOCUMENTS NOW SET TO FAILED-NOT PURGEABLE 7-13 7.8 KNOWN PROBLEMS IN THE MAPPER 7-13 7.8.1 EDIFACT Segment SCC can have Repeat Count of 0 7-13 7.8.2 Mapper Audit Database could fill up 7-14 7.9 EARLIER KNOWN PROBLEMS FIXED IN THIS RELEASE 7-14 7.9.1 $DATE_CONVERT converted months incorrectly 7-14 7.9.2 Mapper stalling during division 7-15 vi 7.9.3 Mapper History files not Archived 7-15 7.9.4 Corrupt Inhouse File after Soft Error 7-15 7.9.5 Overpunched Data Conversion 7-16 7.9.6 Functional Group envelope not generated for private documents 7-16 7.9.7 User Reference not set correctly 7-17 7.9.8 User Reference not given in Mapper Audit Database 7-17 __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 8 TRANSLATION RELEASE NOTES 8-1 8.1 X12/TDCC 8-1 8.1.1 X12/TDCC Envelope modification 8-2 an Alternative Enveloping Structure 8-4 alternate interchange syntax id and version 8-7 alternate Functional Group Standard and Version 8-8 8.1.2 Inbound User Reference Causes Translator Crash 8-10 8.2 TRADACOMS 8-10 8.3 EDIFACT 8-11 __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 9 COMMUNICATIONS RELEASE NOTES 9-1 9.1 SMTP NEEDS /VAR/ADM/DECEDI GROUP CHANGED 9-1 9.2 CONFIGURING THE INTERNET SMTP/MIME GATEWAY 9-1 vii 9.2.1 Introduction 9-1 is MIME? 9-2 is RFC 1767? 9-2 9.2.2 Configuring 9-4 you start 9-4 the Mail Account 9-4 Work Directories 9-5 Tags 9-6 an Inbound Message to a Connection Id 9-8 Processing 9-10 Processing 9-11 Processing 9-13 Sending Duplicate Messages 9-15 9.2.2.CAUTION: Using Background/Queued Delivery Modes 9-16 9.2.3 Sample SMTP Traces 9-16 9.2.4 Sample SMTP gateway outbound trace (Security Type=None) 9-17 9.2.5 Sample SMTP gateway inbound trace (Security Type=None) 9-20 9.2.6 Sample SMTP gateway outbound trace (Security Type=External) 9-22 9.2.7 Sample SMTP gateway inbound trace (Security Type=External) 9-23 9.3 COMMUNICATIONS SCHEDULING 9-24 9.4 3780 GATEWAY 9-24 9.4.1 What You Must Do 9-25 9.4.2 Prerequisite Tasks 9-26 9.4.3 Defining Gateway Parameters 9-27 9.4.4 Defining the Connection 9-30 viii 9.4.5 Defining Jobs 9-47 Job 9-48 Jobs and Job Schedules 9-49 9.4.6 Introduction to the 3780 Scheduler 9-50 for the 3780 Scheduler 9-50 9.4.7 Coding the 3780 Scheduler 9-51 the passed in Parameters 9-51 to see if the connection is ENABLED 9-53 to see if the connection is LOCKED 9-54 The Job to the 3780 Gateway 9-55 Complete 3780 Scheduler Shell Script 9-56 9.4.8 Setting Up the 3780 Scheduler in the UNIX crontab 9-58 1 9-58 2 9-58 a New Crontab Schedule 9-59 an Existing Crontab Schedule 9-60 9.4.9 Installing The 3780 Scheduler 9-61 9.4.10 Starting the Gateway 9-61 9.4.11 Enabling and Disabling the Gateway 9-62 9.4.12 Enabling a Connection 9-63 9.4.13 Starting a Connection Manually 9-64 9.4.14 Setting Up For Specific VANs 9-64 9.4.14Setting Up for EDI*EXPRESS 9-64 9.4.15 Log, Error, And Data Files 9-66 9.4.16 Example of the 3780Plus Log File 9-69 9.4.17 Example of the Monitor Log File (Extract) 9-70 ix 9.4.18 Printing Report Files 9-73 9.4.18Preventing Files Being Sent To The Printer 9-74 9-74 9.5 IMPORT/EXPORT GATEWAY-NOTES ON CONFIGURATION 9-76 9.6 TCL SCRIPT LANGUAGE 9-76 9.6.1 Where To Find Out More About Tcl 9-78 9.6.2 How to Create Tcl Script Files 9-79 9.6.3 Where to Store Script Files 9-79 9.6.4 Script Naming Conventions 9-80 9.6.5 Restrictions with Tcl Scripts 9-80 9.6.6 Rules of Use - DEC/EDI Tcl Functions and Variables 9-81 Tcl Functions 9-81 Tcl Variables 9-85 9.6.7 Writing TCL Job Scripts 9-87 Of A TCL Job Script 9-87 Structure Of A TCL Job Script 9-88 The VAN Login File login.dat 9-90 VAN Login Commands 9-91 Sending EDI Data 9-92 Receiving EDI Data 9-94 VAN Report Commands 9-95 Overall Structure Of A VAN Login Script 9-98 The 3780Plus Command Script job.dat 9-99 The Configuration File 9-100 The Translation Tables 9-102 The Monitor File 9-103 x The VAN Telephone Number 9-104 Sending The VAN Login Script File 9-105 Receive EDI Data 9-106 3780Plus BRANCH Commands 9-108 An Example Of Creating The 3780Plus Command Script 9-109 and Post-execution of the 3780Plus Emulator 9-111 The Job Login And Logout Scripts 9-112 Executing The 3780Plus Emulator 9-113 Post-Connection Processing In The TCL Script 9-115 __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 10 USER INTERFACE RELEASE NOTES 10-1 10.1 INSTALLATION AND SETUP RELEASE NOTES 10-1 10.1.1 Installation and Setup Changes for V3.1 10-1 10.1.1CommandCenter Setup 10-1 10.1.1Installing the V3.1A Cockpit and CommandCenter 10-2 10.1.2 Installation and Setup Trouble Shooting 10-2 10.1.2Shared Windows Directories 10-2 10.1.2Installing on Windows NT 10-2 10.1.2Error-CommandCenter Network Test on ObjectBroker 10-2 xi 10.2 GENERAL COMMANDCENTER RELEASE NOTES 10-3 10.2.1 CommandCenter Changes for V3.1 10-3 10.2.1Cockpit kits merged 10-3 10.2.2 CommandCenter Trouble Shooting 10-3 10.2.2Error-Cannot write sorted rows 10-4 10.2.2Error-Incorrect ObjectBroker Protocol 10-4 10.2.2CommandCenter must be Proxied to Root to Start Gateways 10-5 10.2.2Hourglass appears and disappears when starting Editor 10-5 10.2.2Windows 95/NT kit 10-5 10.2.2Stopping DEC/EDI GUI servers or SQL/Services10-6 10.2.2GPF when entering a password 10-6 10.2.2CTL3DV2 causes problems with tabbed dialogs 10-6 10.2.2Common Problems communicating with INFORMIX Online 10-7 10.2.2Certain versions MFC DLL's cause problems with ODBC 10-7 10.2.3 CommandCenter Known Problems 10-7 10.2.3Multiple GUI Processes on a Windows NT with Rdb Configuration 10-7 10.2.3Connecting to an OracleRDB Database 10-8 10.2.3Unknown Connection when Configuring the xii CommandCenter for a Server 10-8 10.2.3No Wait Cursor (Hour Glass) when Building Caches 10-9 10.2.3Using text within the date format may not work correctly 10-9 10.2.3Warning message-Failed to notify library 10-9 10.2.3Known problems with Windows 95/Windows NT kit 10-10 10.2.3Concurrent use of CommandCenter Editors and Message Update Services 10-10 10.2.3Running concurrent multiple instances of the same CommandCenter Editor 10-11 10.3 COMMUNICATIONS EDITOR 10-11 10.3.1 Communications Editor Changes for V3.1 10-12 10.3.2 Communications Editor Changes for V3.1A 10-12 10.4 MAPPING TABLE EDITOR 10-13 10.4.1 Mapping Table Editor Changes for DEC/EDI V3.1A 10-13 10.4.2 Changes in Releases Prior to DEC/EDI V3.1A 10-14 10.4.2String used where numeric operand is required 10-14 10.4.2Recognition Expression is now case sensitive 10-15 10.4.2Application File Batching 10-15 xiii 10.4.3 Mapping Table Editor Known Problems 10-16 10.4.3Unable to Create an Array of Structures in Record Layouts 10-16 10.4.3Mapping Expression Generator does not Distinguish Duplicate Records in Mapping Context 10-16 10.4.3Can't paste assignment after or before after cutting or copying 10-16 10.4.3Mapping Table Compiler Problems 10-17 10.4.3Crash when clicking an assignment to deleted field 10-17 10.5 TRADING PARTNER EDITOR 10-17 10.5.1 Trading Partner Editor Changes for DEC/EDI V3.1A 10-17 10.5.2 Trading Partner Editor Changes for V3.1 10-18 10.5.3 Trading Partner Editor Known Problems 10-19 10.5.3Error with more than 8192 trading partners 10-19 10.6 NETWORK TESTER 10-19 10.6.1 Network Tester Changes for V3.1 10-19 10.7 COCKPIT 10-19 10.7.1 Cockpit Changes for DEC/EDI V3.1A 10-19 10.7.2 Cockpit Changes for V3.1 10-20 xiv 10.7.3 Cockpit Known Problems 10-20 10.7.3Monitor Batch Should Give More Information 10-20 10.7.3Can't Access Other Document or Transmission File Details 10-21 10.7.3Error when resetting a large number of transmission files 10-21 10.7.3Specifying not to confirm resetting active documents still confirms 10-22 10.7.3Error Log Repeats Displaying the Last Page 10-22 10.7.3Non-EDI Transmission File data is displayed one word per line in viewer 10-23 10.7.3Resend does not write any history records-now fixed 10-23 10.7.3DECEDI_MAINTAIN_HISTORY not detected by GUI editors 10-23 10.8 THE MANAGEMENT SERVICES EDITOR 10-23 10.8.1 Management Services Editor Changes for V3.1 10-24 10.8.2 Management Services Editor Known Problems 10-24 10.8.232-bit Version can Hang When Re-invoking a Function 10-24 10.8.2Disabled Tabs Appear Red Instead of Gray 10-24 10.8.2Build Interval start time checked against PC time xv instead of Server time10-25 10.8.2Unavailable Services can be Configured 10-25 10.8.2Management Services Editor can crash when triggering a function twice 10-25 10.8.2Error-Record exists in Database but not in Memory 10-26 10.9 THE EDI TABLE EDITOR 10-26 10.9.1 EDI Table Editor Changes for DEC/EDI V3.1A 10-26 10.9.1Coded Simple Elements with Datatype ID or AN 10-26 10.9.2 EDI Table Editor Changes for V3.1 10-27 10.9.3 EDI Table Editor Trouble Shooting 10-27 10.9.3Palette Text Appears Very Small 10-28 10.9.3Reading Large Amounts of Information in the Manage Tables Dialog 10-28 10.9.3Loading PC Files from V3.1 Field Test Kits 10-28 10.9.3Appears to hang when requesting lists of many partners 10-29 10.9.4 EDI Table Editor Known Problems 10-29 10.9.4Double-clicking on Background Edits Current Reference 10-29 10.9.4Two Document Types with the Same Name Appear in External Document Type List 10-29 10.9.4Palettes don't always appear when they should xvi 10-30 10.9.4Current Reference can be out of View 10-30 10.9.4Table Editor Manage Tables Dialog Columns Compressed 10-30 10.9.4Palettes Move Across the Screen 10-31 10.9.4Two References become Highlighted at Once 10-31 10.9.4Any X12/TDCC Segment can be set to Floating 10-31 10.9.4Viewing Segments with References to Non-existent Elements 10-31 10.9.4Error with more than 8192 trading partners 10-32 __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 11 CONFIGURATION RELEASE NOTES 11-1 11.1 TUNING YOUR DEC/EDI SERVER 11-1 11.1.1 Allocating enough disk space 11-1 11.1.2 Database Tuning 11-2 11.2 CONFIGURING THE OFTP GATEWAY FOR INS-TRADANET 11-2 11.2.1 Setting Up The OFTP Connection to Change Your Password 11-3 11.2.2 Setting Up The OFTP Connection With The New Password 11-6 11.2.3 Configuring Trading Partner Agreements for INS-TRADANET 11-6 11.2.3Trading Partner Connection Details 11-6 11.2.3Trading Partner Agreements 11-7 xvii __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 12 DOCUMENTATION RELEASE NOTES 12-1 12.0.1 Pre-requisites for using OracleRdb 12-1 12.0.2 Error in Setup Options Dialog 12-1 12.1 USER'S GUIDE 12-2 12.1.1 Achieving Automatic DEC/EDI Startup During System Startup 12-2 12.1.2 Current Limitation on Listing an Archive 12-2 __________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 13 SERVER TOOLS RELEASE NOTES 13-1 13.1 THE DEC/EDI REPAIR TOOL 13-1 13.2 THE DEC/EDI ALARM FACILITY-DECEDI_ALARM 13-2 __________________________________________________________ APPENDIX A V3.1 MAPPER SYSTEM TESTS A-1 A.1 INSTALLATION AND SETUP A-1 A.2 RUNNING THE TESTS A-5 __________________________________________________________ TABLES 7-1 Mapper Shared Lookups Table 7-7 9-1 Fields on the 3780Plus Parameter Details Screen 9-28 9-2 Fields on the 3780Plus Connection Details Screen 9-30 9-3 3780Plus Connection Symbols For The EDI*EXPRESS VAN 9-44 xviii 9-4 3780Plus Connection Symbols For The EDI*NET VAN 9-46 9-5 Predefined DEC/EDI Tcl Variables 9-85 10-1 Acceptable Microsoft Foundation Class DLLs for CommandCenter 10-6 xix Chapter 1 Introduction __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 1.1 Document Content This document forms the release notes for DEC/EDI for Digital UNIX, V3.1A. This prod- uct contains both application client and server components for the Digital UNIX platform. Chapter 2 describes the major new features of DEC/EDI V3.1A. Chapter 3 documents the differ- ences between DEC/EDI V3.1A and DEC/EDI V3.1. The remainder of the document describes known problems and restrictions in the product with workarounds where appropriate. The DEC/EDI Message Update Services contains its own release notes. For MUS version 2.1 they are in files named dedimsg210_release_notes (text version) and which are in /usr/doc. Introduction 1-1 __________________________________________________________ 1.2 New Users If you are a new user of DEC/EDI, you should follow the installation instructions for the product contained in DEC/EDI: Installing the Application Client and Server. You are also recommended to read DEC/EDI: Introduction which gives an overview of DEC/EDI describing the main components of the system and explaining how the system processes business data. In addition you may also wish to read DEC/EDI: User's Guide, which provides a step by step guide to configuring a simple DEC/EDI system. __________________________________________________________ 1.3 Existing Users If you are not already familiar with the key developments introduced in the DEC/EDI V3 archi- tecture, you are strongly recommended to read DEC/EDI: Introduction before proceeding with the software installation. 1-2 Introduction Chapter 2 Major New Features __________________________________________________________ The information in this chapter outlines the major new features introduced in DEC/EDI V3.1A since V3.1. Enhancements added for the V3.1 release are also listed. These and other more detailed changes are de- scribed in Chapter 3. NOTE If you are an existing user of the DEC /EDI VMS products and not familiar with the main changes made in DEC/EDI V3, you are recommended to read the DEC/EDI: Introduction book. __________________________________________________________ 2.1 New in DEC/EDI V3.1A DEC/EDI V3.1A provides: o Support for the latest versions of ObjectBroker o Support for Oracle7 o Support for ACAS clients has been dropped. This release supports only ObjectBroker. Major New Features 2-1 __________________________________________________________ 2.2 New Features Prior to DEC/EDI V3.1A This section lists the major new features in software releases prior to DEC/EDI V3.1A: o Support for either ACAS or ObjectBroker o X12/TDCC support o Internet MIME/SMTP support o Tradacoms support o 3780/bysinc gateway support o Communications Scheduling o Mapper enhancements o User Interface enhancements 2-2 Major New Features Chapter 3 Comparison with Previous Releases __________________________________________________________ This chapter describes the detailed differences between this release of DEC/EDI and DEC/EDI V3.1. __________________________________________________________ 3.1 General Differences DEC/EDI V3.1A for Digital UNIX is functionally equivalent to DEC/EDI V2.1D for OpenVMS. The main purpose of this release is to fix known bugs, support the latest versions of ObjectBroker, and provide formal support for the Oracle 7 database. __________________________________________________________ 3.2 Installation DEC/EDI V3.1A can be installed over existing versions of DEC/EDI on the UNIX platform. DEC/EDI V3.1A provides migration tools for upgrading from previous DEC/EDI versions. These are documented in DEC/EDI: Installing the Client and Server. Comparison with Previous Releases 3-1 __________________________________________________________ 3.3 Mapper In this release, Mapper functionality has been enhanced as follows: o A new -reprocess command o Recognition Expression is now case-sensitive o A string is used where a numeric operand is required In recent releases of DEC/EDI, Mapper function- ality has been enhanced as follows: o Shared Lookup Tables o Enhanced Audit Trail Access o Date/Time Data Processing o Application file batching has been imple- mented o Failed documents are now set to FAILED-not PURGEABLE For information in greater detail than that given in the following sections, refer to Section 10.4 in this book. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.1 A new -reprocess command Refer to the Mapper Release Notes chapter in this book for details. __________________________________________________________ 3.3.2 String used where numeric operand is required The mapping service will now generate an error when a field of numeric type is compared with a string type. 3-2 Comparison with Previous Releases __________________________________________________________ 3.3.3 Recognition Expression is now Case-sensitive For an outgoing mapping table record se- quence entry, the expression entered into the Recognition Expression dialogue needs to be case sensitive. __________________________________________________________ 3.4 Other Components Additional filters have been added to the Cockpit, the Trading Partner Editor and the Communications Editor. The installation procedure for the GUI Client interface has been simplified. Refer to DEC/EDI: Cockpit and CommandCenter Installation guide. __________________________________________________________ 3.5 User Documentation DEC/EDI Version 3.1 presented documentation in a new online format-Adobe Acrobat. You can now read the online books by using the Adobe Acrobat Reader, provided free on your CommandCenter CD-ROM. You need to install the Reader on your PC. The installation procedure creates suggested default directories. Comparison with Previous Releases 3-3 Chapter 4 Installation Release Notes __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 4.1 ObjectBroker Version 2.6 is now Pre-requisite DEC/EDI has had to be modified to accommo- date recent developments in the ObjectBroker product. These changes rely on certain calls that have been added in more recent versions of ObjectBroker and as a result DEC/EDI now requires ObjectBroker Version 2.6, at minimum. The old ACAS style interface, originally sup- plied in ACAS 2.1, and supported in ObjectBroker versions up to 2.5B, is no longer supplied or supported by ObjectBroker in V2.6 onwards. As a result DEC/EDI no longer supports clients or servers using the 'ACAS' style interfaces. Users should immediately switch to using the CORBA- style interfaces supplied with DEC/EDI since version 2.1A. DEC/EDI has also had to change its architec- ture slightly to continue to support multiple parallel client requests being serviced by muti- ple Objectbroker server instances. This is done by introducing a new DEC/EDI server process, DECEDI_IMPL_IMO, which hands out free handles (up to a limit of 20) to the client to use. Installation Release Notes 4-1 To take account of this architectural change, users should reconfigure DEC/EDI's ObjectBroker service having done the installation on either a client or a server, using: VMS: DECEDI$TOOLS:DECEDI$CONFIGURE_ACAS.COM UNIX: /usr/sbin/decedi_config __________________________________________________________ 4.2 Support for ACAS Discontinued Support for ACAS is discontinued in this release of DEC/EDI. You must use ObjectBroker. __________________________________________________________ 4.3 Installation Definitions of some of the database tables used by DEC/EDI differ from the definitions used by DEC/EDI V3.0. The DEC/EDI V3.1A kit installation procedure does not perform any migration tasks. Migration tools are documented in DEC/EDI: Installing the Client and Server You need to do this after you have installed the kit. For instructions on how to install DEC/EDI on your system see DEC/EDI: Installing the Application Client and Server. For instructions on configuring your DEC/EDI system see DEC/EDI: User's Guide. 4-2 Installation Release Notes __________________________________________________________ 4.4 Error Corrections for First Startup In order to exchange documents on the DEC/EDI Server you must have previously installed libFu- This is part of the FORTRAN Runtime Library subset DFARTL35n. Ask your System Manager to install this from the UNIX CD-ROM. Also, in order to use the DEC/EDI X12 trans- lation components you must have previously in- stalled - the Pascal Runtime Library. When you attempt to start your server for the first time after having installed the kit, you may get an error message about or being missing. This indicates one or more of these library files hasn't been installed. __________________________________________________________ 4.5 Migrating from V3.0, T3.1 and V3.1 __________________________________________________________ 4.5.1 Import/Export Gateway DECEDI_IMPEXP_POLL_INTERVAL is Obsolete. The DECEDI_IMPEXP_POLL_INTERVAL environment variable is no longer used for importing and exporting normal transmission files in this ver- sion of DEC/EDI. DEC/EDI now provides scheduling with the UNIX cron utility and with DEC/EDI's decedi_manage command. To migrate the poll interval that DECEDI_IMPEXP_ POLL_INTERVAL is set to, the following must be done: 1. Edit the decedi_sysetup file in the /usr /sbin/ directory. Examine whether the DECEDI_ IMPEXP_POLL_INTERVAL environment variable has been defined. If it has been defined, note the value it is set to. Installation Release Notes 4-3 2. If it is defined in the decedi_sysetup file then delete the reference as the environment variable is no longer used by the Import /Export Gateway. Save the file. 3. To set up the same poll interval, as defined with the DECEDI_IMPEXP_POLL_INTERVAL environ- ment variable, cron and decedi_manage need to be used with this version of DEC/EDI. With decedi_manage, the -sc (start connec- tion) qualifier will be used. Please see the decedi_manage man page for further details on how to used it. With cron, there exists a template file in the /var/adm/decedi directory called crontab.template. Read the help text in this file to understand how to set up cron for DEC/EDI. There is an example of an interval poll for the Import/Export Gateway in the crontab.template file. __________________________________________________________ 4.5.2 Database Migration For the latter field test versions of DEC/EDI T3.1, and for V3.1 onwards, the current system version is held in the system versions table (SVT). When selecting to migrate the database (using option 3 of decedi_config), this table is checked and its contents used to choose the appropriate migration script. Problems arise if there is either no record, or more than one record in this table, resulting in a message of the form: Migration script /var/adm/decedi/decedi_migrate_ db_from__ora.sql not found. Database not migrated. 4-4 Installation Release Notes If you experience this message, then go into interactive SQL by whatever means is appropriate to you for you database type, check how many records are in the SVT table, and if not exactly one, then delete the contents of the SVT and populate it with the version of the DEC/EDI the database was last created at or migrated to. The current version (curver_s) should be set to: o V3.0 - T3.1FT2 : Not applicable as the SVT table did not exist at this time. o T3.2FT3 : v313 o T3.2FT4 : v314 o V3.1 : v31ssb o V3.1A : v31aaab For Oracle RDB, an example of the commands used would be: # sql SQL> attach 'filename decedi_db'; SQL> delete from svt; SQL> insert into svt values ('v31ssb', ' ', ' '); SQL> commit; SQL> exit; For Oracle 7, an example of the commands used would be: # su - oracle oracle> setenv ORACLE_SID decedidb oracle> svrmgrl; svrmgrl> connect internal; svrmgrl> delete from svt; svrmgrl> insert into svt values ('v31ssb', ' ', ' '); svrmgrl> commit; svrmgrl> exit; oracle> exit For Informix, an example of the commands used would be: Installation Release Notes 4-5 # echo "database decedi_db;" > /tmp/inf.tmp # echo "delete from svt;" >> /tmp/inf.tmp # echo "insert into svt values ('v31ssb', ' ', ' ');" >> /tmp/inf.tmp # setenv INFORMIXSERVER decedi_db # dbaccess < /tmp/inf.tmp 4-6 Installation Release Notes Chapter 5 General Server Notes __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 5.1 DEC/EDI is not Compatible with C2 Security Neither Informix nor OracleRdb currently support C2 (Enhanced) Security. It is therefore not possible to use C2 Security measures in this release. This situation is not likely to change in the near future. __________________________________________________________ 5.2 Improving the performance of the Profile Cache Constructor The profile cache constructor is the piece of software that is run whenever you build a pro- file cache. It can be invoked in the following ways: o Via the Cache build and rebuild functions offered in the DEC/EDI GUI in the following editors: o Communications Editor o Tables Editor o Management Services Editor o Trading Partner Editor General Server Notes 5-1 o Via the decedi_pcc command on your DEC/EDI server. You can improve the performance of the Profile Cache Constructor by adding a new key to the DEC/EDI database. This can be done with the following SQL command: create index tpa_key3_index on TPA ( partid_s ) ; This should only be necessary on those systems that have large numbers of trading partner profiles (more than 1000). __________________________________________________________ 5.3 If a Server Connection Fails In the case where the connection to the server fails, and the ODBC error does not provide anything useful you can try the following. The SQL Services kit on the server also contains an 'IVP' program to test connectivity between the client and server. On Digital UNIX , you can find this in: /usr/opt/SQS/cli/ e.g. /usr/opt/SQS6103/cli/ntintapi This contains a self extracting archive which can be copied to the client and run. It will un- pack various files including sqsivp executable. For Windows/NT this was called sqsivp32.exe. Try this problem, it will ask you for: o server: enter the DEC/EDI server name as you defined it in the CommandCenter or Cockpit o transport: Enter 'TCPIP'. o username: Enter the server's user name you use to access the database 5-2 General Server Notes o password: Enter the server's user name's password o service: Enter 'decedi_db'. The IVP will now try to connect to the database, and provide full error diagnostics of any con- nect failure reason. A client log file may also be produced diaplaying the error reason, e.g. D:\users\default>type client.log WINSOCK ERROR ENTRY GetHostByName() Call Ret 5 Err#11001 WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND Host not found SQLERRD[0]: 11001 SQLERRD[1]: 5 ASSOCIATE LEVEL LOG ----SQLSRV_RELEASE --------SQLSRV_ASSOCIATE ID: 144ef0 __________________________________________________________ 5.4 ObjectBroker 2.6 failing with Digital UNIX 4.0 If using ObjectBroker 2.6 and Digital UNIX 4.0 you may find you recieve the following error message from ObjectBroker: ObjectBroker error : OBB_COM_SYSLDFAIL (e), Dynamic load of component `OrbV12' for subsystem `Agent' failed. To fix this problem you need to apply the Digital UNIX 4.0 patch OSF400-019. This patch, as well as other patches, is contained in the compressed file patches.osf-v4.0-11jul1996.tar.Z The instructions on how to apply the patch are given in the readme file (also contained in the compressed file). To obtain the patches file contact your Digital UNIX Representative. General Server Notes 5-3 __________________________________________________________ 5.5 ObjectBroker Sends Timeout In ObjectBroker 2.5B, a feature was added such that ObjectBroker requests would automatically timeout after 10 minutes in the absence of any response. When this happened the user would see: OBB_INV_TIMEOUT (e), Transport level send timeout. However, this causes some DEC/EDI users who wait for fetches to complete with data, or who perform long or complex maps to timeout before their operation has completed. DEC/EDI 3.1A restores the previous ObjectBroker behaviour of waiting indefinitely for the re- quest to be processed. 5-4 General Server Notes Chapter 6 Client Release Notes __________________________________________________________ The following notes relate to the DEC/EDI Application Client interface. Unless stated otherwise all notes apply to all supported operating systems. __________________________________________________________ 6.1 Changes in Functionality Since Last Version Changes in functionality since the last release are highlighted with change bars in the margins. __________________________________________________________ 6.1.1 Running decedi_config After Installation After installing a Sun, Hewlett-Packard or IBM client, you need to run the decedi_config utility to configure ObjectBroker. This used to be done during installation. However, the procedure has been changed to make it consistent with installing and configuring a Digital UNIX Client. Client Release Notes 6-1 __________________________________________________________ 6.1.2 CLI trade Commands Return Status Values All CLI trade commands now return status values when there is an error. This is useful when in- cluding the CLI commands in a script. A success state will return 0 (zero). The error status values returned are defined in include file, /usr/include/decedi_api_msgs.h. For more details see the DEC/EDI: Application Development. __________________________________________________________ 6.1.3 Sun Solaris Client Now Available A DEC/EDI client is now available on the Sun Solaris platform. It must be used with a DEC /EDI 2.1A or higher version server. Unlike the other UNIX clients available, the Sun Solaris client can only be used with ObjectBroker for its client-server communications (i.e. ACAS is not available). See the SPD for details about hardware and software prerequisites. The DEC/EDI: Installing the Application Client and Server book provides information about installing the client. The DEC /EDI Application Development book explains how to develop and run applications on all supported client platforms. Note that when configuring an OpenVMS Server to recognise your Sun Solaris client, the "Node Type" (within EDIT CONFIGURATION, "Register Nodes" in V2.1 is not used anymore. However, you are forced to enter a value, so simply choose any one from the drop down list. 6-2 Client Release Notes __________________________________________________________ 6.1.4 Examples Now Provided with the Client Kits The kit now includes example shell scripts to verify your Client/Server configuration using the either the Client API or the CLI. These scripts can be found in /usr/examples/decedi /client. The examples use the Post, Fetch and Track commands to send and receive a sample file between two previously configured trading partners. The client can be either local to, or remote from the server. The gateway used by DEC/EDI can be either the Import/Export or, the SMTP gateway. The published edition of the V3.1 DEC/EDI Application Development book will contain details about running these examples. The two main example shell scripts are: o CLI test: o API test: This script contains the compile command to create an executable file, api_exam, which can then be run by the user. Prior to running these tests, all server de- tails should be configured for the two trading partners, the two applications, the connec- tions, tables, etc. These are detailed in DEC /EDI Application Development. __________________________________________________________ 6.1.5 Connection Specific Data-New Parameters Accepted The Application Client can now accept parameters for the qualifier -connection_data that include the backslash character "\". Client Release Notes 6-3 __________________________________________________________ 6.2 Known Problems within the Application Client __________________________________________________________ 6.2.1 No feedback when client fetch fails with -type=document When fetching a document with the -type=document qualifier, if there are no trading partner details cached which match the details given on the command line, no error is logged and no message is returned to the client. When this occurs make sure that the command line details are correct and typed in the correct case. Also check that no errors occur when building the profile cache. __________________________________________________________ 6.2.2 TRACK Command Qualifiers-Sometimes Unreliable The Track command qualifiers, "-standard", "- version", "-test_indicator", "-current_status", "-document_name", "-before" and "-since" do not always return the correct results. __________________________________________________________ 6.2.3 TRADE Command-Error if no CORBA Registration Routine If you get this error message when issuing any Trade command: -DECEDI-E-ORBERROR, An error was encountered calling the ObjectBroker routine CORBA_ORB_string_to_object It may indicate that the CORBA registration rou- tine, DECEDI_IMR, could not get the registration string. 6-4 Client Release Notes Check that the decedi process has access to the files: /var/adm/decedi/decedi_imc*.*. Also verify that the server node name entered when configuring ObjectBroker was correct. If in doubt, reconfigure and re-enter the name. __________________________________________________________ 6.2.4 SQL errors with Multiversion Rdb If you have multiversion Rdb installed on a VMS (V2) DEC/EDI Server, you must ensure that the correct Rdb version is set as the default version for the account under which the DEC/EDI server process runs. Add the following command to run the SQL ser- vices login procedure to the file SYS$LOGIN:ACAS$LOGIN.COM for ACAS based clients, or to SYS$LOGIN:OBB$LOGIN.COM for ObjectBroker based clients: $ @SYS$SYSTEM:SQLSRV$SERVER_LOGIN[version].COM where [version] = Version of Rdb multiversion, or omitted if Standard __________________________________________________________ 6.2.5 TRACK Causes Server to Crash The following is for an OpenVMS Server: When using the TRACK function to request large amounts (for example several hundred entries) of data to be returned to the application client, it is possible for the DEC/EDI server to crash with a variety of other observable symptoms. The main symptom is the creation (by Rdb) of a file RDSBUGCHK.DMP on the server. You may also see 'server errors' reported through the application client interface and 'server process crash' Client Release Notes 6-5 errors in the DEC/EDI error log on the server node. The RDSBUGCHK.DMP file is created in the SYS$LOGIN directory. This is either: o if the client and server are on the same node, then it is the SYS$LOGIN directory of the account which is running the application client o if the application client is remote from the server, it is the SYS$LOGIN directory of the DECEDI account. This arises because memory being used by the server process becomes exhausted and Rdb crashes. The solution is to use the TRACK function to return just the count of the objects it finds, and to refine the selection criteria until such time as the count gets down to something reasonable (for example a Pagefile quota of 60,000 might be needed to handle 500 objects), before issuing the request to return the actual details. __________________________________________________________ 6.2.6 Spaces in Strings Not Accepted The command line interface does not accept spaces in quoted strings. If you need a space as part of a string, the workaround is to use the Client API. 6-6 Client Release Notes __________________________________________________________ 6.2.7 TRACK Doesn't Always Show Mapper Reference Number If a map is partially completed or failed, the TRACK function does not display the internal reference number, even though one may have been generated by the mapper. In order to track the failed or partially completed document, the user must log into the server and track it from there. Client Release Notes 6-7 Chapter 7 Mapper Release Notes __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 7.1 Known Restrictions in the Mapper __________________________________________________________ 7.1.1 Important-No Support for Binary Data Types The Mapping Service supports application files containing ASCII data types only. Users with clients installed on Open VMS systems should be aware that reading and writing VMS binary date data type, for example, is not supported. Binary data types should be processed into an ASCII data type before being read by the Mapping Service. __________________________________________________________ 7.2 Mapper Enhancements The Mapper functionality has been enhanced for this release in the following areas: o Upper case and lower case support for speci- fying Mapping Table name from remote OpenVMS clients o New -reprocess command Previous recent releases included the following enhancements: Mapper Release Notes 7-1 o Shared Lookup Tables o Enhanced Audit Trail Access o Date and Time Data Processing o Application file batching o Failed documents are now set to FAILED-not PURGEABLE __________________________________________________________ 7.2.1 Specifying Mapping Table name from remote OpenVMS clients When you specify a Mapping Table name using an OpenVMS client, unless the specified name is given in quotes, the name passed through to the server is converted to upper case. This would result in the following error message being issued in the mapping debug log: Application File: /tmp/oaaaabxCa.DAT DECEDI__TABLEFILE_OPEN_ERROR (e), unable to open the FileBridge table A fix has been applied in this release, which causes the mapper to allow for both upper case and lower case mapping table names being issued from the remote client. For example, the following client POST requests will look for and use the following mapping table files, in the specified order: 7-2 Mapper Release Notes OpenVMS client: $ trade post APP file.dat /table_name=minvox_o One of the following mapping tables must be present: /var/adm/decedi/maps/MINVOX_O.fbo /var/adm/decedi/maps/minvox_o.fbo UNIX client: % trade post APP file.dat -table_name=minvox_o One of the following mapping tables must be present: /var/adm/decedi/maps/minvox_o.fbo /var/adm/decedi/maps/MINVOX_O.fbo __________________________________________________________ 7.2.2 New Client File Command -reprocess A new file command, -reprocess, is available in the V3.1A client for the V3.1A server. This new optional file command is an alternative to the -restart_from= file command used when instructing the mapper to restart processing an application file from a specific document. With -reprocess there is the additional ability to specify each document within the application file that needs to be reprocessed. It is applicable only when -type=application_ file. This command will be usefull, for example, if your application file contains documents for many partners, and not all of those partners are defined on the server. In this situation this command would be used to reprocess those indi- vidual documents that fail when the application file is first processed. Mapper Release Notes 7-3 An environment variable must be defined on the server for this command to take effect. The variable is as follows: DECEDI__NO_TP_AGREE_CONTINUE This variable should be defined in .obb_login in the root directory of the decedi account, and of any other accounts under which the mapper process runs. DECEDI__NO_TP_AGREE_CONTINUE=1 export DECEDI__NO_TP_AGREE_CONTINUE Once this variable is defined the mapper will behave differently when a document is not ac- cepted into DEC/EDI. The mapper will produce a SOFT ERROR and continue to process the next document in the application file. It is then appropriate to issue -reprocess= when reprocessing the failed document(s). Without this variable defined the mapper will behave as normal and produce a HARD ERROR when a document is not accepted into DEC/EDI. The mapper does not then process any more documents in the application file. It is then appropriate to issue -restart_ from= when reprocessing the application file. When specifying documents in the file list for -reprocess one can specify individual documents, consecutive documents, all documents, or from a document to the last document. Format -reprocess= Examples # trade post MY-APP my-application-file.dat -table_name=invoic -reprocess=2,4 This command will reprocess only the second and fourth document in the application file. 7-4 Mapper Release Notes # trade post MY-APP my-application-file.dat -table_name=invoic -reprocess=3-6 This command will reprocess from the third to the sixth document in the application file. This is similar to - restart_from=3 -match_flag=number=4. # trade post MY-APP my-application-file.dat -table_name=invoic -reprocess=1,3-last This command will reprocess the first and from the third to the last document in the application file i.e. missing out just the second document. # trade post MY-APP my-application-file.dat -table_name=invoic -reprocess=all This command will reprocess all documents in the application file, exhibiting the same behaviour as if the command was not used. The keywords 'all' and 'last' are not case sensitive, and only the first letter of either keyword needs to be typed. __________________________________________________________ 7.3 Shared Lookups Shared Lookup Tables are stored in the DEC/EDI database on the server and are accessible by all Mapping Tables. In previous versions of DEC/EDI and the FileBridge Mapper, all Lookup Tables were pri- vate to the Mapping Table. The advantages of using Shared Lookup Tables over Private Lookup Tables are as follows: o One Shared Lookup Table can be referenced from all Mapping Tables on the server, re- ducing the development effort required per Mapping Table. o When Lookup values need to be updated, only the Lookup Table on the server database will need to be updated, instead of individual Mapping Tables. Mapper Release Notes 7-5 o A Shared Lookup Table is loaded automati- cally into a memory cache when first used, so successive calls to translations within that table will be very fast. __________________________________________________________ 7.3.1 Mapper Shared Lookups Table The DEC/EDI Database Name is decedi_db. The Shared Lookups Table is used by the Mapper, and defines a set of simple one to one mappings for the specified name. Physical implementation: SQL table MSL Structure name: msl 7-6 Mapper Release Notes Table_7-1:_Mapper_Shared_Lookups_Table__________ Field_______________Tag______Type______Description Lookup Table Name looktab_ CHAR*62 The s Lookup Table name. From Value from_s CHAR*255 The From value within the Lookup Table, which is used to obtain the value to be returned To Value to_s CHAR*255 The value corre- sponding to the speci- fied From value ________________________________________________ Keys____________________________________________ Primary (Unique) = look- tab_s + from_s Secondary = look- tab_ ____________________s___________________________ You may use either the Mapping Table Editor or SQL procedures to update the Mapper Shared Lookup table. Mapper Release Notes 7-7 Once the Shared Lookup table has been modified, it must be reached by the Mapper in order for the lookups to become effective. This may be done, either by using the Recache option from the Lookups menu in the Mapping Table Editor, or by using the following command on the Server: # /usr/sbin/decedi_recache_lookups __________________________________________________________ 7.4 Enhanced Audit Trail Access More audit trail data is now available in the Mapper during a document fetch. When fetching an incoming document it is possible to access audit data from the Translation Audit Log through use of the following predefined global variables. The new global variables have been added to the list of global variables in the Mapping Table Editor. When editing an expression they can be accessed directly from the Global Variable button on the Mapping Assignment Expressions view. The new global variables are listed below. o $INT_DOCTYPE The name as defined in the Trading Partner Agreement which uniquely identifies the type of document being processed. o $EXT_STANDARD The external standard used when translating the document o $EXT_VERSION The version of the external standard o $EXT_DOCTYPE The Document Type synonym defined by the external standard to describe the type of document (eg INVOIC) 7-8 Mapper Release Notes o $DOC_CONTROL_NUM The document's external control number o $GRP_TYPE The type of functional group to which this document belongs o $GRP_CONTROL_NUM The control number for the functional group that this document belongs to in the trans- mission file. o $APP_INT_QUAL The Application's qualifier in the Interchange header to which this document belongs. o $APP_INT_ID The Application's identifier in the Interchange header to which this document belongs. o $PAR_INT_QUAL The Partner's qualifier in the Interchange header to which this document belongs. o $PAR_INT_ID The Partner's identifier in the Interchange header to which this document belongs. o $INT_CONTROL_NUM The control number of the interchange to which this document belongs. o $FA_APP_ID The Application Identifier used for the func- tional acknowledgement associated with the document. o $FA_DIR_IND The direction indicator used for the func- tional acknowledgement associated with the document. o $FA_DOCCOUNT Mapper Release Notes 7-9 The Internal Document Count used for the functional acknowledgement associated with the document. o $INT_DATE The Interchange Date of Preparation o $INT_TIME The Interchange Time of Preparation o $INT_STANDARD The Interchange Standards ID o $INT_VERSION The Interchange Version ID o $INT_ACK_REQ Whether an Interchange Acknowledgement was requested o Interchange Sender Address Reverse Routing o $INT_SENDER_ID Interchange sender address for reverse rout- ing o $INT_RECEIVER_ID Interchange Recipient routing address. o $INT_PRIORITY Processing priority code o $APP_REFERENCE Application Reference o $NUM_AREAS Number of Areas/Messages o $GRP_SENDER_ID Application Senders ID o $GRP_RECEIVER_ID Application Recipients ID o $GRP_SENDER_QUAL 7-10 Mapper Release Notes Application Sender's ID Qualifier o $GRP_RECEIVER_QUAL Application Recipient's ID Qualifier o $AGENCY_CODE Responsible Agency Code, used by GS07 o $GRP_VERSION Group Version/Release ID code, used by GS08 o $TRACK_DOCCOUNT Related Document ID for application-to- application documents. __________________________________________________________ 7.5 Date and Time Data Processing with $TIMESTAMP, $DATE and $DATE_CONVERT __________________________________________________________ 7.5.1 Enhanced $TIMESTAMP functionality The function $TIMESTAMP has been enhanced to cope with a greater variety of time format codes. Please view the $TIMESTAMP function help page in the Mapping Table Editor for a complete list of new codes. These codes are in addition to the existing codes. Existing $TIMESTAMP function calls will still work with this, and future releases. Mapper Release Notes 7-11 __________________________________________________________ 7.5.2 $DATE Functionality __________________________________________________________ Binary format dates may be used as intermediate results only Due to the fact that reading and writing of binary data is not supported in this release, it is not possible to read or write dates in binary format. Binary format dates may be used as intermediate results only. __________________________________________________________ No support for UNIX binary date formats Conversion to and from UNIX binary date formats ($DATE formats 4, and 10) is not supported in this release. Processing of textual date data can be achieved with the new mapping function $DATE_CONVERT. __________________________________________________________ 7.5.3 New $DATE_CONVERT Function The function $DATE_CONVERT has been added to the mapper language. Like $DATE, $DATE_CONVERT will convert between date formats, however, $DATE_ CONVERT allows a greater variety of input and output formats. There are three parameters to $DATE_CONVERT; the format of the input date, the format of the output date, and the date to be converted. The following example will convert "13 January 1970" to "01/13/70". newdate = $DATE_CONVERT("%d %B %Y", %m/%d/%", date) Please view the $DATE_CONVERT function help page in the Mapping Table Editor for a complete list of codes. 7-12 Mapper Release Notes __________________________________________________________ 7.6 Application File Batching Application file batching has been implemented in this release. __________________________________________________________ 7.7 Failed Documents now set to FAILED-not PURGEABLE Before this release, If a mapping error oc- curred whilst fetching an application file, the document was be set to PURGEABLE. This problem is fixed in this release. The document will now be set to FAILED. __________________________________________________________ 7.8 Known Problems in the Mapper __________________________________________________________ 7.8.1 EDIFACT Segment SCC can have Repeat Count of 0 In EDIFACT Versions 1 and 901, Document ORDERS, the second segment SCC has an invalid repeat count of 0. To correct this, load the ORDERS document into the Tables Editor. Edit the invalid SCC segemnt. Set the repeat count to 1, and save to the server. Replace the EDIFACT Tables cache. When using the invalid segment in the Mapper, the Mapper will give the following error at runtime: SEG: SCC#2 DECEDI__OUTGOING_SEG_MISSING (e), required segment not generated in document FILE=1, DOC=1 DECEDI__OPERATION_ABORTED (e), operation Aborted To correct this error edit the SCC segment as described above, load the map into the Mapping Tabale Editor, reimport the document definition, and recompile the mapping table. Mapper Release Notes 7-13 __________________________________________________________ 7.8.2 Mapper Audit Database could fill up In the previous version of DEC/EDI, the Mapper Audit database could fill up over a period of time, if Map Runs containing HARD ERROR records were not cancelled by the user via the Cockpit. Since HARD ERROR records represent failures that require the application file to be resubmitted, the presence of these records in the Current database serves no purpose other than to record the error message. For this reason these records are now automatically archived by the mapper. If a HARD ERROR occurs, returning a Map Failed status, the user should first check the Current Mapper Audit database for the record, followed by the Archive Mapper Audit database. __________________________________________________________ 7.9 Earlier Known Problems Fixed in this Release __________________________________________________________ 7.9.1 $DATE_CONVERT converted months incorrectly A problem $DATE_CONVERT meant that it would add one month to the output date during conversion. The following string would be converted incor- rectly: DATE1 = "1996-08-31" VALUE SET TO: "1996-08-31" date = $DATE_CONVERT("%Y-%m-%d","%y%m%d", DATE1); VALUE SET TO: "960931" This has been fixed in this release. 7-14 Mapper Release Notes __________________________________________________________ 7.9.2 Mapper stalling during division When processing a division sum the mapper would stall if the result has recurring digits. When calculating the following sum result = 1/3; The mapper would stall and could only be stopped by shutting down the mapper server process. This has been fixed in this release. The mapper will now correctly process a recurring division result. __________________________________________________________ 7.9.3 Mapper History files not Archived Mapper history files were being left in the store directory after a full archive had been performed. This was caused by the mapper not writing the history file name to the database. This has been fixed in this release. Mapper History files are now archived during the archive procedure. __________________________________________________________ 7.9.4 Corrupt Inhouse File after Soft Error If a soft error occured while processing one document of a multi-document application file, the inhouse file for the subsequent document would be corrupt. The inhouse file would contain data from the previous failed document. This has been fixed in this release. A new inhouse file is now created for each live document. If a soft error occurs then that document's inhouse file is deleted before more documents are processed. Mapper Release Notes 7-15 __________________________________________________________ 7.9.5 Overpunched Data Conversion When converting to and from the overpunched data types, the mapper would fail the document and report a soft error. This problem has been fixed in this release. When converting to and from the overpunched data types of RIGHT OVERPUNCHED NUMERIC and LEFT OVERPUNCHED NUMERIC the mapper will now perform the conversion as expected without giving a soft error. __________________________________________________________ 7.9.6 Functional Group envelope not generated for private documents The functional group UNG-UNE envelopes were not generated in the outbound interchange even if the functional groups flag was specified in the trading partner agreement. This was due to an error in the EDI Tables Editor, where the Functional Group Type for a private document definition was not saved correctly to the Server. An example of such a document is MINVOX.TAB. The problem has been fixed in this release. If you have any private document definitions, you must load them using the updated EDI Tables Editor, and store them to the server again. This action will correctly populate the Functional Group Type field, enabling functional group envelopes to be used for private document types. 7-16 Mapper Release Notes __________________________________________________________ 7.9.7 User Reference not set correctly The Mapper did not handle the setting of the $USERREF global variable correctly as follows: o If the User Reference was specified as a Default value in the mapping table, the ac- tual value generated would contain characters from the string "UNSPECIFIED" overwritten by the Default given. o If the User Reference was modified by assign- ing to $USERREF, the value would apparently be correctly set according to the debug log, but the actual value transmitted to the DEC /EDI Translation Services or given in the In House File would remain as the default value of "UNSPECIFIED". These problems have been fixed in this release. __________________________________________________________ 7.9.8 User Reference not given in Mapper Audit Database The value of the User Reference was not included in the Mapper Audit Database record for a COMMIT DOCUMENT event, as specified in the Application Development Book. This omission has been fixed in this release. Mapper Release Notes 7-17 Chapter 8 Translation Release Notes __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 8.1 X12/TDCC The X12 components require the DEC Pascal for Digital UNIX Runtime Support subset to be in- stalled, which is available on the Digital UNIX Operating System CD-ROM. The X12 components shipped will allow you to send and receive X12 and TDCC messages based on the X12 and TDCC definitions supplied with the DEC/EDI V3.1A kit. For information on how to install versions of standards into the DEC/EDI database see DEC/EDI: User's Guide. The X12 components also have the capability to use private, trading partner-specific and trad- ing group variations of standards definitions. To configure your DEC/EDI server for X12/TDCC services use the DEC/EDI Management Services Editor from the DEC/EDI CommandCenter to add X12/TDCC to the list of configured services. In order for this to take effect DEC/EDI on the server must then be shutdown and re-started. Translation Release Notes 8-1 __________________________________________________________ 8.1.1 X12/TDCC Envelope modification This new functionality replaces the "EDIT ENVELOPE" functionality that is available in VMS versions of DEC/EDI. When DEC/EDI is instructed to build an X12 or a TDCC transmission it usually applies the default enveloping structures that are defined for the particular version of the standard that is being processed. For detailed definitions of envelop- ing structures please see the documentation for the standard that you are using. In general the structure of an X12 transmission is as follows: o ISA ( start of Interchange ) segment o GS ( start of Functional Group ) segment o ST ( start of Transaction Set ) segment o .......Transaction Set contents. o SE ( end of Transaction Set ) segment NOTE A Functional Group may contain multiple Transaction Sets o GE ( end of Functional Group ) segment NOTE An Interchange may contain multiple Functional Groups o IEA ( end of Interchange ) segment NOTE A transmission may contain multiple Interchanges 8-2 Translation Release Notes TDCC transmissions may use BG as opposed to ISA interchanges. The structure of a TDCC transmis- sion using BG interchanges is: o BG ( start of Interchange ) segment o GS ( start of Functional Group ) segment o ST ( start of Transaction Set ) segment o .......Transaction Set contents. o SE ( end of Transaction Set ) segment NOTE A Functional Group may contain multiple Transaction Sets o GE ( end of Functional Group ) segment NOTE An Interchange may contain multiple Functional Groups o EG ( end of Interchange ) segment NOTE A transmission may contain multiple Interchanges It is also possible for a TDCC transmission to contain only functional groups: o GS ( start of Functional Group ) segment o ST ( start of Transaction Set ) segment o .......Transaction Set contents. o SE ( end of Transaction Set ) segment NOTE A Functional Group may contain multiple Transaction Sets Translation Release Notes 8-3 o GE ( end of Functional Group ) segment NOTE A transmission may contain multiple Functional Groups DEC/EDI allows you to modify X12/TDCC envelopes in the following ways: o Override the default enveloping structure specified by the standard. o Override the default interchange syntax identification and version specified by the standard. o Override the default standard and version specified by the standard for a functional group. __________________________________________________________ Specifying an Alternative Enveloping Structure The majority of TDCC transaction set definitions are mirrored in X12. This means that it is possible for a pair of trading partners to use the same document definition, one based on a version of TDCC and the other based on a version of X12. In order to be able to trade this document, both trading partners must use the same enveloping structure. There are two ways of selecting an alternative enveloping structure for X12/TDCC interchanges: 1. Change the Envelope Name associated with a particular version of X12/TDCC. This method can be used to effect any ver- sion of X12 or TDCC. This is achieved by resetting the "default" envelope name that is associated with the particular standard /version. 8-4 Translation Release Notes This is done via the "Manage Formats" func- tionality provided in the EDI Table Editor: o Invoke the EDI Table Editor from the DEC/EDI CommandCenter menu on your PC. o From the "Manage" menu on the menu bar select the "Formats" option. o Select the version of the standard to be edited in the "Edit Formats" window and click on the "Edit" button. o From the drop down list associated with the Envelope name field in the "Edit a Format" window select the required enve- lope name. o Click on the OK button in the "Edit a Format" window. o Click on the OK button in the "Edit Formats" window. 2. If TDCC is being used then alternative en- veloping structures can be selected at the document level. This method of envelope selection can only be used for TDCC trading partner agreements. It allows the default envelope name that is as- sociated with the particular standard/version to be over ridden for selected document types within a trading partner agreement. This is done via the DEC/EDI Trading Partner Editor: o Invoke the DEC/EDI Trading Partner Editor from the DEC/EDI CommandCenter menu on your PC. o Select the "Login" option from the "Server" menu on the menu bar, and log into your server. Translation Release Notes 8-5 o Expand the trading partner profile for the agreement which contains the required doc- uments by clicking on the "expand button" beside the required trading partner name. o Expand the trading partner agreement which contains the required documents by click- ing on the "expand button" beside the required application name. o Double click on a document type to which the override is to be applied. o Click on the "Indicators..." button of the "Document Details" window. o In the "Interchange Type" panel of the "Document Details ( Indicators )" window click on the enveloping style that is required. o "ISA" to specify that documents match- ing these Document Details should be included in an ISA interchange. o "BG" to specify that documents match- ing these Document Details should be included in a BG interchange. o "None" to specify that documents match- ing these document details should not be included in any interchange structure. o "Use Standard/Version Default" if you decide that no alternative enveloping structure should be used. o Click on the "OK" button of the "Document Details ( Indicators )" window. o Click on the "Save" button of the "Document Details" window. In order for alternate enveloping structures selected by either of the above methods to take affect you must build and replace the profile cache. 8-6 Translation Release Notes __________________________________________________________ Specifying alternate interchange syntax id and version TDCC and X12 Transaction set definitions tend to remain stable across many versions of the standards. Therefore it is possible that a trad- ing partner may wish to process an interchange using a version of the standard that is not the same as the version originally used to build the interchange. This is achieved via the "Manage Formats" func- tionality, provided in the EDI Table Editor, to modify the "default" syntax id and ver- sion associated with a particular version of a standard: o Invoke the EDI Table Editor from the DEC/EDI CommandCenter menu on your PC. o From the "Manage" menu on the menu bar select the "Formats" option. o Select the version of the standard to be edited in the "Edit Formats" window and click on the "Edit" button. o Enter the required Syntax ID into the "Syntax ID" box of the "Edit a Format" window. o Enter the required Syntax Version into the "Syntax Version" box of the "Edit a Format" window. o Click on the OK button in the "Edit a Format" window. o Click on the OK button in the "Edit Formats" window. The modified interchange syntax id and version will apply to all ISA interchanges built using the modified version of the standard. If you wish to apply the modifications to a selection of ISA interchanges built for that version then it is recommended that you make a copy of that version and modify the interchange syntax id and Translation Release Notes 8-7 version of the copy. The DEC/EDI Message Update Service (decedi_must) tool can be used to create a copy of a version of a standard. In order to ensure that the changes you have made take affect, build and replace the profile cache and the tables cache. __________________________________________________________ Specifying alternate Functional Group Standard and Version Within TDCC there is often more than one variant of the same transaction set definition. That is, a transaction set may be defined by the UCS, at the same time there may be a variation of the same transaction set defined for OCEAN. For DEC/EDI the default transaction definition is UCS, however users may wish to map transaction set definitions from other controlling agencies onto these definitions. Many users of X12 and TDCC transaction sets create their own variants of transaction sets, specifying their own standard and version for the associated functional group, in order to distinguish the variant from the standard trans- action set definition. The EDI Table Editor can be used to modify the functional group standard and version that is associated with a document definition: o Invoke the EDI Table Editor from the DEC/EDI CommandCenter menu on your PC. o Select the "Tables" option from the "Manage" menu on the menu bar of the Table Editor window. o On the "Manage Tables - screen set the filters to list the documents avail- able within the required standard and ver- sion, then click on the "Update" button. 8-8 Translation Release Notes o Select the document to be edited and click on the "Edit" button. o Select the X12/TDCC tab in the "Edit Document Header Details" window. o To modify the standard associated with the documents functional group type, modify the "Responsible Agency" field of the "Edit Document Header Details" window. o To modify the version associated with the documents functional group type, modify the "Document Version", "Document Release" and "Association Code" fields of the "Edit Document Header Details" window. o Click on the "OK" button of the "Edit Document Header Details" window. o Select "Save" from the "Server" menu on the menu bar of the main "Table Editor" window. The actions specified above will create a pri- vate document definition of the specified docu- ment. The functional group standard and version associated with the private document definition will apply to any instance of that document that is sent to any trading partner. If you wish the functional group standard and version to apply to only one trading partner then you must cre- ate a trading partner specific version of the document. In order to ensure that the changes you have made take affect build and replace the profile and X12 tables caches. Translation Release Notes 8-9 __________________________________________________________ 8.1.2 Inbound User Reference Causes Translator Crash User Reference Processing in V2.1 is not sup- ported in DEC/EDI V3.1A. When V2 Profiles are loaded in DEC/EDI V3.1A, User Reference processing will not work. It is recommended you use the Mapper for this functionality. __________________________________________________________ 8.2 Tradacoms DEC/EDI V3.1A contains Tradacoms translation services. The Tradacoms components in DEC/EDI V2.1A con- tained a set of "special" functions that could be activated by the presence of VMS logical names. The special functionality is listed below. The first two items on the list are currently the only supported ones in DEC/EDI V3.1A: o Outbound: Tradacoms converter FLGN/FLVN handling via the use of Message Numbering Schemes 'A' and 'B'. o Inbound/Outbound: Support of Trading Groups for Tradacoms. o Outbound: Support of transmission file Re- sends and Read Receipt handling in the X.25 Gateway. o Inbound: Support of a generic callout to a data checking routine from the Tradacoms translator. o Inbound: Support of a specific callout to a routine that checks the FLGN/FLVN sequence rules. 8-10 Translation Release Notes To configure your DEC/EDI server for Tradacoms services use the DEC/EDI Management Services Editor from the DEC/EDI CommandCenter to add Tradacoms to the list of configured services. In order for this to take effect DEC/EDI on the server must then be shut down and re started. __________________________________________________________ 8.3 Edifact The Edifact translation components now support Trading Group table definitions. Translation Release Notes 8-11 Chapter 9 Communications Release Notes __________________________________________________________ Selected sections of this chapter have been transferred to the User's Guide. __________________________________________________________ 9.1 SMTP needs /var/adm/decedi Group Changed For users who had first installed DEC/EDI V3.0 or a pre-release (field test) version of V3.1 on their systems, and are now experiencing the DECEDI__ERREDIFSYNTAX error message when the SMTP Gateway starts up, ensure that the owner of the /var/adm/decedi directory is decedi. __________________________________________________________ 9.2 Configuring the Internet SMTP/MIME gateway __________________________________________________________ 9.2.1 Introduction The DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME gateway sends and receives messages using Internet electronic mail (e-mail). Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the basic mechanism for exchanging e-mail within the Internet community. Communications Release Notes 9-1 SMTP was initially designed for simple text messages. Only 7-bit ASCII characters were supported and text lines could not be longer than 1000 characters. SMTP is defined in RFC 821 and 822. __________________________________________________________ What is MIME? Since its conception, SMTP has been extended with a new specification called Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME). This new specification removes the restrictions on the original concepts by adding support for the following: o Multi-part messages o Unlimited text line lengths o Non-ASCII character sets o Binary or application-specific files o Image, audio, video and multi-media files The MIME specification currently defines five new header fields. They are: o MIME-Version o Content-Type (+ sub-type and parameters) o Content-Transfer-Encoding o Content-ID o Content-Description MIME is defined in RFC 1521 and 1522. __________________________________________________________ What is RFC 1767? RFC 1767 describes how MIME is used to send /receive EDI data. It describes how the new header fields, defined by MIME, are used for EDI transmissions. 9-2 Communications Release Notes The following illustrates MIME and EDI with an example: To: Subject: <> From: Date: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Application/EDIFACT Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE <> The basic fields used for EDI are: o Mime-Version: o Content-Type: o Content-Transfer-Encoding: Currently there is only one version of MIME so the field Mime-Version should be set to 1.0. The Content-Type should be set to one of the following: o Application/EDIFACT-for an EDIFACT Interchange o Application/EDI-X12-for an X12 Interchange o Application/EDI-consent-for any other format, such as TRADACOMS The Content-Transfer-Encoding field describes the encoding used to place the EDI data into the SMTP message. Its possible values are: o BASE64-used for binary files, lines no longer than 76 characters, human unreadable o QUOTED-PRINTABLE-used mostly for ASCII text, lines no longer than 76 characters, still human readable o 7-BIT-no explicit encoding o 8-BIT-no explicit encoding o BINARY-no explicit encoding Communications Release Notes 9-3 o X--unregistered types; for example, X-UUE for UUencoded. __________________________________________________________ 9.2.2 Configuring __________________________________________________________ Before you start This chapter assumes that you have a running sendmail system. Digital UNIX is supplied with sendmail, a SMTP server/router. A mail server /router is a program that takes a mail message and decides where it should go and how to get it to its recipients. It is assumed that you have configured your system to allow SMTP access from your system /domain to all your trading partner systems /domains. For more information on sendmail, refer to its on-line manual pages, that is, issue the following command: # man sendmail __________________________________________________________ Creating the Mail Account The gateway configuration requires you to spec- ify an account (login) name to use for sending and receiving e-mail. Choosing "decedi" as the account is allowable, but it does mean that the gateway mail commands have full read/write access to anything owned by decedi. A better way would be to use another independent account, say "edimail". When creating this new account, please ensure that it belongs to the same group as the ex- isting "decedi" account. For example, if the "decedi" account belongs to the primary group 9-4 Communications Release Notes "edi", then ensure that the account "edimail" also has "edi" as its primary group. __________________________________________________________ Securing Work Directories The SMTP gateway uses two specific work directo- ries. The directory /var/adm/decedi/smtp/ is a general purpose work directory and is used to hold temporary working files. The directory /var/adm/decedi/smtp_store/ is a temporary store for new inbound mail messages. When the SMTP gateway wakes up on its regular inbound poll timer, it fetches (using binmail) all new inbound mail messages and place them in this directory. It will then process each message file in the directory. Files in this directory have the format: DDMMMYYYYHHMMSSCC_CONNID.MESSAGE Later, the "CONNID" part, will be replaced with the 'real' connection id when it is known, but up until this point it is hard coded as "CONNID". The security setting on both these directories is very important. Taking the above example of the account being "edimail" and the group being "edi", the directory should be secured as: # chown edimail /var/adm/decedi/smtp/ /var/adm/decedi/smtp_store/ # chgrp edi /var/adm/decedi/smtp/ /var/adm/decedi/smtp_store/ # chmod g+rwx /var/adm/decedi/smtp/ /var/adm/decedi/smtp_store/ # ls -ld /var/adm/decedi/smtp/ /var/adm/decedi/smtp_store/ drwxrwxr-x 2 edimail edi 512 Apr 12 12:44 /var/adm/decedi/smtp/ drwxrwxr-x 2 edimail edi 512 Apr 12 12:44 /var/adm/decedi/smtp_store/ Communications Release Notes 9-5 Please amend the above commands to reflect the account/group names you are using (or have chosen). __________________________________________________________ Substitution Tags Substitution tags are reserved upper case words prefixed with a hash character. They can be entered as text into most connection configu- ration fields. They are not supported gateway parameters configuration fields. The use of substitution tags is optional. Substitution tags allow you to specify into a field, a non-static value. Typically, configu- rations would contain hard coded text values, using substitution tags, makes it possible to alter the values of configuration fields at run time. For example, if you specified in the "Subject:" field the value "EDI Interchange: #TRF/#ICN", the computed run-time value used by the gate- way would be something like "EDI Interchange: 11APR199612350241_CONN1/15397526". The "#TRF" tag would be replaced with the transmission file name and the "#ICN" would be replaced with the Interchange Control Number. The following tags are supported: o #TRF - The transmission filename, e.g. DDMMMYYYYHHMMSSCC_CONN1 o #CONN - The connection id, e.g. CONN1 o #ICN - Interchange Control Number o #AREF - Application reference o #ISI - Interchange Senders Id o #ISQ - Interchange Senders Qual o #IRI - Interchange Recipient Id o #IRQ - Interchange Recipient Qual 9-6 Communications Release Notes o #CSD1 - 1st parameter of the Connection Specific Data o #CSD2 - 2nd parameter of the Connection Specific Data o #CSD3 - 3rd parameter of the Connection Specific Data o #CSD4 - 4th parameter of the Connection Specific Data o #CSD5 - 5th parameter of the Connection Specific Data o #CSD6 - 6th parameter of the Connection Specific Data o #CSD7 - 7th parameter of the Connection Specific Data o #CSD8 - 8th parameter of the Connection Specific Data o #CSD9 - 9th parameter of the Connection Specific Data o #IF - the input file spec for external pro- cessing o #OF - the output file spec for external pro- cessing To find out which tags are supported for which fields, select HELP on the appropriate field, when editing connection details using the Communications Editor. The following restrictions apply: The #IF and #OF are only valid in the external processing command fields (inbound and outbound commands). The #CSDn tags refer to values from the Connection Specific Data (CSD) field. The CSD value comes either from the Trading Partner ta- bles (as created by the CommandCenter Trading Partner Editor), or from the trade command used when you post data into the DEC/EDI system. Communications Release Notes 9-7 When specified in the Trading Partner tables, the value can be entered either at the Trading Partner level, or at the Trading Partner docu- ment level. The CSD field contains a set of values separated by a "\". For example if the Connection Specific Data value was "first\second\\fourth" then the CSD tags would have the following values: o #CSD1 = "first" o #CSD2 = "second" o #CSD3 = "" o #CSD4 = "fourth" o #CSD5 = "" o #CSD6 = "" o #CSD7 = "" o #CSD8 = "" o #CSD9 = "" The tags #ICN, #AREF, #ISI, #ISQ, #IRI and #IRQ are only valid for outbound non-BYPASS transmissions, i.e. transmissions that have been through the translation services. For any transmissions that do not meet these criteria, these tags will be equated to a null string. __________________________________________________________ Matching an Inbound Message to a Connection Id An inbound message must be matched successfully to a defined connection id. If there is no match the inbound message is failed. The matching process is as follows. The From: address in the inbound message is examined, its value is used as a key into the connections table for a match on any record with a matching value in the To: field. If a match is found then the connection id has been identified. If no match is found, the From: value is then used as 9-8 Communications Release Notes a key again into the connections table, but this time for a match on any record with a matching value in the Alias field. If a match is found then the connection id has been identified. The Alias field in the connection details is used only for this purpose of matching inbound messages to connection id's. It is not used during construction or posting of outbound messages. As a default the Alias field can be given the same value as the To: field. Otherwise, it is simply an alias address for the remote trading partner. To illustrate the matching process with an example, assume that the connection id being used is TEST and is the only one configured. It is configured with the following values: From : To : Fred Bloggs Alias : On outbound the Alias field is not used, but the From: and To: fields will be used as specified in the connection details. So, all outbound messages will have the following headers: From : To : Fred Bloggs Let's take the first inbound message, which has the following headers in it: From : Fred Bloggs To : In this case the From: address in the inbound message is used to match to any connection record with a matching value in the To: field. In this case, it would successfully match to connection id TEST. Communications Release Notes 9-9 Let's now take the second inbound message, which has the following headers in it: From : To : Notice that the message has arrived from the same place as the first ( but it simply does not contain the initial comment (Fred Bloggs). The first match to any connection record with a matching value in the To: field will fail. The second attempt is to match to any connection record with a matching value in the Alias field. In this case it would successfully match to connection id TEST. Inbound messages that do not match to any con- nection id, are forwarded to the administrators e-mail address specified in the SMTP gateway parameters. __________________________________________________________ Security Processing Security processing is activated on a per con- nection basis, using the Communications Editor. If security processing is set to 'None', the Inbound and Outbound command fields can be left empty. When security processing is set to type 'External', you must specify operating sys- tem commands in both the Inbound and Outbound command fields. Security processing of type 'External' allows you to modify the complete contents of inbound and outbound messages. This feature gives you the ability to secure/modify transmissions in any way you choose. The minimum processing required by the commands specified, is to create the output data file from the input data file. The substitution tags #IF (Input File) and #OF (Output File) can be specified in the command fields. These 9-10 Communications Release Notes tags refer to files that contain only the data portion of the message. Other files are created to hold the message and content headers, these are described later. Specifying security processing of type 'External' and using the following commands in the command fields would be equivalent to setting security processing to 'None'. Security Type : External Outbound Command : cp #IF #OF Inbound Command : cp #IF #OF The external processing commands can do more than simply create the output data file. For example, they could also modify the contents of the message and content header files as well. The following two sections give more information on what files are created when using external processing. __________________________________________________________ Outbound Processing All files referred to in this section are lo- cated in the SMTP Gateway work directory: /var/adm/decedi/smtp/ The files all have a common name of DDMMMYYYYHHMMSSCC_ but differing file extensions. When an outbound transmission file is processed, the following files are created in the smtp work directory: DDMMMYYYYHHMMSSCC_.ENVELOPE DDMMMYYYYHHMMSSCC_.HEADER DDMMMYYYYHHMMSSCC_.RAW Communications Release Notes 9-11 The .ENVELOPE file contains all the message headers (RFC 822). This includes the user defined additional headers in the connection details. An example of this file follows: From: Subject: 16APR199612513845_SMTP Sender: DEC/EDI To: An EDI System Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-Id: <> Additional-Header-1: some value The .HEADER file contains the content header lines (with a blank line at the end of it). An example of this file follows: Content-Type: Application/EDIFACT Content-Transfer-Encoding: Base64 The .RAW file is an exact copy of the DEC/EDI transmission file from the DEC/EDI store direc- tories. Once the above three files have been created (.ENVELOPE, .HEADER and .RAW) the Security Type setting on the connection details is examined. If Security Type is specified as 'None' the .RAW file is simply renamed to create the .DATA file. Otherwise it is the responsibility of the Outbound command to create the .DATA file. If after executing the outbound command, a .DATA file has not been produced an error is generated. The .DATA file is then encoded to the required format (Base64 or Quoted-Printable) to create a .CONTENT file. 9-12 Communications Release Notes Once the final three files have been created (.ENVELOPE, .HEADER and .CONTENT) the final .MESSSAGE file is constructed by appending the final files (.ENVELOPE + .HEADER + .CONTENT). The .MESSAGE file is then posted using /usr/sbin /sendmail. Once a .MESSAGE file has been posted success- fully using sendmail a copy of it is placed in the DEC/EDI store directories. This .MESSAGE file is archived along with the .TRANSMISSION file during secondary archive. Archiving the .MESSAGE file ensures the au- ditability of the data before and after the external processing commands. For a more detailed explanation of the pro- cessing of an outbound transmission, enable the trace flag on a connection, using the CommandCenter Communications Editor, and examine the trace file produced. __________________________________________________________ Inbound Processing A new inbound message is first located in the /var/adm/decedi/smtp_store/ directory. This .MESSAGE file is then broken down into the following three files in the /var/adm/decedi /smtp/ directory: DDMMMYYYYHHMMSSCC_CONNID.ENVELOPE DDMMMYYYYHHMMSSCC_CONNID.HEADER DDMMMYYYYHHMMSSCC_CONNID.CONTENT The .ENVELOPE file contains all the message headers (RFC 822) found in the inbound message. An example of this file follows: Communications Release Notes 9-13 Date: Tue, 16 Apr 1996 12:51:39 +0000 From: Subject: 16APR199612513845_SMTP To: An EDI System Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-Id: <> The .HEADER file contains the content header lines (with a blank line at the end of it). An example of this file follows: Content-Type: Application/EDIFACT Content-Transfer-Encoding: Base64 The .CONTENT file contains the remaining data from the .MESSAGE file (i.e. all data after the first blank line). At this stage the From: address in the inbound message is examined and matched to a connection id as described earlier. The .CONTENT file is then decoded from the required format (Base64 or Quoted-Printable) to create a .DATA file. At this stage the Security Type setting on the connection details is examined. If Security Type is specified as 'None' the .DATA file is simply renamed to create the .RAW file. Otherwise it is the responsibility of the Inbound command to create the .RAW file. If after executing the inbound command, a .RAW file has not been produced an error is generated. The .RAW file is used to create the final trans- mission file in the DEC/EDI store directories. At this stage a copy of the .MESSAGE file is placed in the DEC/EDI store directories. This .MESSAGE file is archived along with the .TRANSMISSION file during secondary archive. 9-14 Communications Release Notes Archiving the .MESSAGE file ensures the au- ditability of the data before and after the external processing commands. For a more detailed explanation of the process- ing of an inbound transmission, enable the trace flag on a connection, using the CommandCenter Communications Editor, and examine the trace file produced. __________________________________________________________ CAUTION: Sending Duplicate Messages A word of caution if you intend to specify e- mail addresses in the CC: and BCC: fields in the connection details. When using the /usr/sbin/sendmail executable to post messages, it is impossible for sendmail to notify the SMTP gateway which e-mail deliv- eries failed and which worked. The only status returned from /usr/sbin/sendmail is whether the mail was successfully delivered to all re- cipients (To:, Cc: and Bcc:), or if the mail failed to be delivered to some or all of the recipients. In the case where delivery to the To: address is successful but the delivery to the CC: address failed, the SMTP gateway would assume the worst case scenario that the message delivery failed to the primary recipient, in this case the transmission is assumed to have failed. In general terms, each failure to send the message to a To:, Cc:, Bcc: recipient could actually be sending the message successfully to the other recipients. To avoid this problem, do not specify e-mail addresses in the Cc: or Bcc: fields. Specify just a single address in the To: field. Communications Release Notes 9-15 If e-mail addresses do need to be specified in the Cc: and Bcc: fields, ensure that they are robust/high-availability addresses. __________________________________________________________ CAUTION: Using Background/Queued Delivery Modes It is not recommended that you use the Background or Queued delivery modes in sendmail. The reason for this is that the SMTP gateway un- der these modes of delivery, has no idea whether the messages were successfully delivered or not. Once a message has been successfully accepted by sendmail for Background or Queued delivery the SMTP gateway assumes that the delivery is successful and marks the transmission as Sent. To avoid this problem, use only the Interactive delivery mode for sendmail. If Background or Queued delivery modes must be used (e.g. to offload message delivery over- head from the SMTP gateway), ensure that the addresses used are robust/high-availability addresses. __________________________________________________________ 9.2.3 Sample SMTP Traces This section contains some sample trace files that the SMTP gateway can produce. Trace files are produced by the SMTP gateway for all connec- tion's that have trace enabled. Trace files are created in the following direc- tory: /var/adm/decedi/logs/ Trace files have the following name format: SMTP_DDMMMYYYYHHMMSSCC_.TRACE DDMMMYYYYHHMMSSCC is a date/time stamp. 9-16 Communications Release Notes __________________________________________________________ 9.2.4 Sample SMTP gateway outbound trace (Security Type=None) The following is a typical trace of an outbound session. A single file is sent from DEC/EDI in a loopback fashion back to DEC/EDI. Successfully read connection record by connection id SMTP Successfully locked connection record Looking for files to send... - loading transmission file cursor Processing transmission : 11APR199612350241_SMTP Updated file status to Sending Parsing the Connection Specific Data (CSD) - 6 found - CSD1 = - CSD2 = EDI System - CSD3 = - CSD4 = - CSD5 = - CSD6 = - CSD7 = - CSD8 = - CSD9 = Building standard RFC1767 message - opened .ENVELOPE file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612350241_SMTP.ENVELOPE - processing Date: header added header (Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 12:35:06 +0000) - processing From: header () From: header in SCF is blank using From: header in SPA ( added header (From: - processing Subject: header (#TRF) added header (Subject: 11APR199612350241_SMTP) - processing Sender: header ( added header (Sender: - reply field is empty; not adding Reply-To: header - processing To: header (#CSD2 ) added header (To: EDI System ) Communications Release Notes 9-17 - processing cc: header ( added header (cc: - bcc field is empty; not adding bcc: header - processing MIME-Version: header (1.0) added header (MIME-Version: 1.0) - header field 1 is empty; not adding header 1 - header field 2 is empty; not adding header 2 - header field 3 is empty; not adding header 3 - header field 4 is empty; not adding header 4 - header field 5 is empty; not adding header 5 - processing Message-ID: header (<>) added header (Message-ID: <>) - closed .ENVELOPE file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612350241_SMTP.ENVELOPE - opened .HEADER file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612350241_SMTP.HEADER - processing content type () using content type () processing content-type parameters () no content-type parameters specified; leaving blank content type is blank, not adding Content-Type: header - processing content encoding (Quoted-Printable) using content encoding (Quoted-Printable) added header (Content-Transfer-Encoding: Quoted-Printable) - added blank line to .HEADER file - closed .HEADER file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612350241_SMTP.HEADER - created .RAW file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612350241_SMTP.RAW Checking if external processing required... - external processing not required - created .DATA file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612350241_SMTP.DATA Encoding data into required format - encoding to Quoted-Printable - opened input file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612350241_SMTP.DATA - opened output file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612350241_SMTP.CONTENT - file encoded to Quoted Printable 9-18 Communications Release Notes old char count = 2375 new char count = 2445 - created .CONTENT file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612350241_SMTP.CONTENT Building complete .MESSAGE file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612350241_SMTP.MESSAGE - copied .ENVELOPE to .MESSAGE file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612350241_SMTP.MESSAGE - appended .HEADER to .MESSAGE file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612350241_SMTP.MESSAGE - appended .CONTENT to .MESSAGE file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612350241_SMTP.MESSAGE Posting message using sendmail (Interactive) - message file = /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612350241_SMTP.MESSAGE - command = /usr/sbin/sendmail -v -odi -f edimail -t >/var/adm/decedi/logs/SMTP_11APR199612350571_SMTP.TRACE - first check addresses, then post if OK EDI System ... deliverable deliverable EDI System ... Connecting to (local)... EDI System ... Sent Connecting to (smtp)... 220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.7.3/8.7; Thu, 11 Apr 1996 14:37:10 +0200 >>> HELO 250 Hello [], pleased to meet you >>> MAIL From: 250 ... Sender ok >>> RCPT To: 250 Recipient ok >>> DATA 354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself >>> . 250 OAA06761 Message accepted for delivery >>> QUIT 221 closing connection Sent - posted message successfully Updated file status to Sent Communications Release Notes 9-19 Saving message file into the decedi store directory - message file saved Updated file status to Delivered Updated file status to Purgeable Rippled transmission status to documents Notified Archive Server of completed file Transmission processed successfully - clearing error count to zero for connection SMTP Cleaning up, ready for next file - closing all files - deleting temporary work files in smtp directory About to update connection record SMTP - successfully written back connection record SMTP to database - successfully unlocked connection record SMTP Trace file closed __________________________________________________________ 9.2.5 Sample SMTP gateway inbound trace (Security Type=None) The following is a typical trace of an inbound session. A single file is received from DEC/EDI in a loopback fashion. Notice that the trace file starts by listing all headers found in the inbound message. The inbound trace file starts at the point when the From: address is successfully matched to a connection id. Date: Thu, 11 Apr 1996 12:35:06 +0000 From: Subject: 11APR199612350241_SMTP Sender: To: EDI System Cc: Mime-Version: 1.0 Message-Id: <> Content-Transfer-Encoding: Quoted-Printable 9-20 Communications Release Notes Successfully read connection record by remote alias - matched to connection id SMTP Successfully locked connection record Initialising new audit record Found no content type - using default SCF value EDIF Created new communication audit record, file = 11APR199612351288_SMTP Decoding data - decoding from Quoted-Printable - opened input file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612351288_CONNID.CONTENT - opened output file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612351288_CONNID.DATA - file decoded from Quoted Printable old char count = 2445 new char count = 2375 - created .DATA file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612351288_CONNID.DATA Checking if external processing required... - external processing not required - created .RAW file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/11APR199612351288_CONNID.RAW - created .TRANSMISSION /var/adm/decedi/store_1/11APR199612351288_SMTP.TRANSMISSION Updated file status to Received Saving message file into the decedi store directories - message file saved Deleting inbound message /var/adm/decedi/smtp_store/11APR199612351288_CONNID.MESSAGE - deleted processed file Notified CCI of new inbound file, file = 11APR199612351288_SMTP Transmission processed successfully - clearing error count to zero for connection SMTP About to update connection record SMTP - successfully written back connection record SMTP to database - successfully unlocked connection record SMTP Cleaning up... - closing all other files - deleting temporary work files in smtp directory Trace file closed Communications Release Notes 9-21 __________________________________________________________ 9.2.6 Sample SMTP gateway outbound trace (Security Type=External) The following is an extract of a typical out- bound trace when Security Type has been set to 'External'. . . . Checking if external processing required... - external processing required - processing outbound substitution tags - initial command = cp #IF #OF - final command = cp /var/adm/decedi/smtp/16APR199612513845_SMTP.RAW /var/adm/decedi/smtp/16APR199612513845_SMTP.DATA - external command executed - checking if .DATA file produced - .DATA file produced Encoding data into required format - encoding to Base64 - opened input file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/16APR199612513845_SMTP.DATA - opened output file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/16APR199612513845_SMTP.CONTENT - file encoded to Base64 old char count = 2375 new char count = 3260 - created .CONTENT file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/16APR199612513845_SMTP.CONTENT Building complete .MESSAGE file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/16APR199612513845_SMTP.MESSAGE - copied .ENVELOPE to .MESSAGE file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/16APR199612513845_SMTP.MESSAGE - appended .HEADER to .MESSAGE file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/16APR199612513845_SMTP.MESSAGE - appended .CONTENT to .MESSAGE file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/16APR199612513845_SMTP.MESSAGE Posting message using sendmail (Interactive) . 9-22 Communications Release Notes . . __________________________________________________________ 9.2.7 Sample SMTP gateway inbound trace (Security Type=External) The following is an extract of a typical in- bound trace when Security Type has been set to 'External'. . . . Created new communication audit record, file = 16APR199612514622_SMTP Decoding data - decoding from Base64 - opened input file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/16APR199612514622_CONNID.CONTENT - opened output file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/16APR199612514622_CONNID.DATA - file decoded from Base64 old char count = 3214 new char count = 2375 - created .DATA file /var/adm/decedi/smtp/16APR199612514622_CONNID.DATA Checking if external processing required... - external processing required - processing inbound substitution tags - initial command = cp #IF #OF - final command = cp /var/adm/decedi/smtp/16APR199612514622_CONNID.DATA /var/adm/decedi/smtp/16APR199612514622_CONNID.RAW - external command executed - checking if .RAW file produced - .RAW file produced - created .TRANSMISSION /var/adm/decedi/store_1/16APR199612514622_SMTP.TRANSMISSION Updated file status to Received . Communications Release Notes 9-23 . . __________________________________________________________ 9.3 Communications Scheduling DEC/EDI V3.1A offers a flexible method of com- munications scheduling via the decedi_manage utility. Communications scheduling is now performed with decedi_manage in conjunction with some third party scheduler, like the UNIX cron or POLYCENTER Scheduler. A Sample crontab file is provided, which can be used with the UNIX cron scheduler. This sample file is located at: /var/adm/decedi/crontab.template Full information about decedi_manage and how to use it can be found in the decedi_manage man pages. In order to read the decedi_manage man pages first install the DEC/EDI V3.1A server kit and then issue the following command: % man decedi_manage The environment variable DECEDI_IMPEXP_POLL_ INTERVAL is no longer used by the DEC/EDI Import /Export gateway to control the timing if import- ing/exporting transmission files. This must now be done via the decedi_manage utility. __________________________________________________________ 9.4 3780 Gateway The 3780 gateway provides a mechanism through which you exchange transmission files with trading partners; through a VAN. 9-24 Communications Release Notes The 3780 gateway uses the CLEO 3780Plus Protocol Emulator to exchange files with a VAN using IBM's Binary Synchronous Communications Protocol (Bisync). This is a character-oriented protocol that uses special characters to delineate the various fields of a packet and to control the necessary protocol functions. __________________________________________________________ 9.4.1 What You Must Do DEC/EDI, as supplied, supports connections through the 3780 gateway to the following VANs: o The EDI*EXPRESS service provided by General Electric Information Services (GEIS). o The EDI*NET service provided by BT-TYMNET. You can also obtain additional software that enables DEC/EDI to communicate with a number of other VANs. For information, contact your Digital representative. Before setting up the 3780Plus gateway, check that the prerequisite tasks (installation, etc.) have been carried out, as described in Section 9.4.2. Then log onto the node on which the DEC/EDI Server runs, and carry out the following tasks: 1. Define the gateway's parameters - see Section 9.4.3. 2. Define the connections used to exchange transmission files with your trading partners - see Section 9.4.4. 3. Define the jobs used to exchange transmis- sion files with your trading partner - see Section 9.4.5. Communications Release Notes 9-25 4. Define job schedules for jobs in the DEC/EDI site specific crontab file. A tem- plate for this file is in /var/adm/decedi /crontab.template. Information on how to define job schedules is contained in the template file itself. 5. If necessary, create or modify the job's Tcl script file(s). -see Section 9.6. 6. Start the gateway - see Section 9.4.10. 7. Enable the gateway - see Section 9.4.11. 8. Enable the connections you have defined - see Section 9.4.12. See Section 9.4.13 if you need to start a con- nection manually. See Section 9.4.14 for information about con- necting to specific VANs. See Section 9.4.15 for information about log files and errors. __________________________________________________________ 9.4.2 Prerequisite Tasks Before you perform the set up tasks described in this chapter, other prerequisite tasks must already have been done. Check that: o Your account on the VAN has been set up. You will receive full instructions about how to set up your account when you register to use the VAN. o The modem for communicating with the VAN has been set up. See the modem documentation for details of how to do this. o The 3780Plus SYNCcable+ hardware has been installed. o The 3780Plus software has been installed. 9-26 Communications Release Notes Follow the installation procedures in the CLEO 3780Plus User Manual for Digital UNIX. However, be aware of the following potential problem: If you have already installed the X.25 WANDD kit, it may replace the scc driver with its own version. This can change the character- istics of the ttynn ports to be synchronous. The ports need to be asynchronous. If you have installed V3.0 or earlier of the WANDD kit, then this may cause a problem. 1. To see what the port is configured for, execute the UNIX command uerf -R -r 300 and look at the last system startup mes- sage. 2. See if sscc0: is assigned to the DEC WAN Device Driver Interface. 3. If it is, re-run `wansetup kernel' and deconfigure the scc by not selecting scc. o The licence for the 3780Plus gateway has been installed. o The 3780_GATEWAY component has been reg- istered on the DEC/EDI Server with the Management Services Editor. __________________________________________________________ 9.4.3 Defining Gateway Parameters To set up the gateway parameters, use the GUI Communications Editor Select the menu bar item Edit, and then select Add, and then Gateway. Select the 3780 option. Communications Release Notes 9-27 Table 9-1: Fields on the 3780Plus Parameter ___________Details_Screen_______________________ Field Name_______MandatorDefault__Description_________ Connection Yes 20 This is maximum Error number of failed Limit connection attempts before the gate- way automatically disables the con- nection. This limit applies to all con- nections associated with this gateway. The maximum limit is 255. The same field exists at the connection level, and if set, it will override this value. File Yes 3 This is the maximum Retry number of attempts Limit which the gateway can make to send a file. When this number is reached no more attempts are made to send the file and it will be set to FAILED. The maximum limit is 255. The same field exists at the connection level and if set, it will override this value. 9-28 Communications Release Notes Table 9-1 (Cont.): Fields on the 3780Plus ___________________Parameter_Details_Screen_____ Field Name_______MandatorDefault__Description_________ EnvironmentNo None These fields de- Variable, fine any variables Value required by the gateway. Specify both the variable name and a value. The variables can be used in the Tcl scripts. If you wish you can override or add to these, if required, for each connection (Section 9.4.4). The CLEODIR variable points to the loca- tion of the working directory for the 3780Plus gateway. The default direc- tory to be used must be /var/adm/decedi /3780Plus. The CLEOCODE vari- able points to the location of the 3780Plus installa- tion directory of the 3780Plus soft- ware. This is where CLEO's 3780Plus was installed on the ____________________________system._____________ Communications Release Notes 9-29 __________________________________________________________ 9.4.4 Defining the Connection This connection-id must match the one you have referenced in the Trading Partner Profile. In particular, the connection-id identifies the VAN you are connecting to. However, you can have more then one connection to the same VAN. For example, if you have a test mailbox and a production mailbox for the GEIS VAN you can define two connection-ids; GEIS_T and GEIS_P. It is possible to use the same jobs and their scripts for both connections. The details that distinguish one connection from another are contained in the Connection Details, not in the job's script files. The job's script files can be named and written in a generic way so they can be use by both connections. To specify details of a connection, you use the GUI Communications Editor. First, select the 3780 Gateway icon. Next, select the Edit menu bar option and Add a Connection. Enter the name of the connection. On the Connection Details screen if there are default values, you should not change these unless instructed to do so, either by Digital or by the VAN supplier. Table 9-2: Fields on the 3780Plus Connection ___________Details_Screen_______________________ Field_Name____MandatorDescription_______________ Connection Display Specified earlier. ID only Identifies the connection. Service No Allows you to enter a Description description of the service available through this connection. 9-30 Communications Release Notes Table 9-2 (Cont.): Fields on the 3780Plus ___________________Connection_Details_Screen____ Field_Name____MandatorDescription_______________ Error Count Display Indicates the number of Only errors that have occurred for this connection. Syntax Yes This indicates the EDI standard of files going through this connection. In normal use, you enter one of EDIFACT, X12, TRADACOMS, or MULTIPLE. MULTIPLE indicates that you are likely to receive transmission files of more than one standard through this connection. If you are using ODETTE, specify EDIFACT as the syntax. If you are using TDCC, specify X12 syntax. Communications Release Notes 9-31 Table 9-2 (Cont.): Fields on the 3780Plus ___________________Connection_Details_Screen____ Field_Name____MandatorDescription_______________ If you intend to make use of the translation bypass facility, enter one of the following: o BYPASS - Indicates that DEC/EDI is to pass all incoming data to an application without using the Translation Service. o MIXED - Indicates that DEC/EDI is to split incoming data into sep- arate interchange sets, then process each in- terchange set according to the Use Translators on Inbound setting in the trading partner agreement details. Any other interchange sets that are not an EDI standard, it passes to an application, without using the Translation Service. o SPLIT - Indicates that DEC/EDI is to split incoming data into sep- arate interchange sets, and then pass those interchange sets to an application, without using the Translation Service. 9-32 Communications Release Notes Table 9-2 (Cont.): Fields on the 3780Plus ___________________Connection_Details_Screen____ Field_Name____MandatorDescription_______________ Priority Job Yes The job to be run when ID a high priority wake- up message is issued to the gateway. If a high priority transmission file is sent through the connection this job will be started. This field must be defined with a valid job Id. Async Port Yes The Async port name that connects to the SYNCcable+ hardware device for this connection. The Async port name must match that specified when the 3780Plus protocol emulator software was installed. Provide the full device path name (e.g., /dev /tty00). Modem Type Yes The modulation type and the baud rate at which communications will occur. Line Type Yes The type of line being used: DIALUP or LEASED. Terminal ID No The Identification of the terminal being used. Communications Release Notes 9-33 Table 9-2 (Cont.): Fields on the 3780Plus ___________________Connection_Details_Screen____ Field_Name____MandatorDescription_______________ Line Yes Whether or not bisync line Monitoring monitoring is to be used for this connection. A check in the box indicates line monitoring is turned on. See Section 9.4.15 for details about the log file produced. Trace Log Yes Whether or not a trace file will be created for a job session. This file is useful for debug- ging problems. A check in the box indicates trac- ing is turned on. See Section 9.4.15 for de- tails about the trace file produced. 9-34 Communications Release Notes Table 9-2 (Cont.): Fields on the 3780Plus ___________________Connection_Details_Screen____ Field_Name____MandatorDescription_______________ Phone Number Yes The phone number of the VAN. This can be an al- phanumeric string. You can insert dialling delays of n seconds by insert- ing Tn in the string. For example: 18005551212 1-800-555-1212 9 T5 18005551212 T10 3978110 In the last example. T5 and the T10 cause delays of 5 and 10 seconds re- spectively before dialling the next digits in the string. Back Up No An extra phone number for Number the VAN. If the first line is busy, the script can be programmed to use the back up number. See Phone Number above for valid values. Error Limit No This is the maximum limit of failed connection at- tempts before the gateway automatically disables the connection. The maximum limit is 255. This value overrides the value in the 3780 Gateway's Parameter Details. Communications Release Notes 9-35 Table 9-2 (Cont.): Fields on the 3780Plus ___________________Connection_Details_Screen____ Field_Name____MandatorDescription_______________ File Retry No This is the maximum number Limit of attempts which the gateway can make to send a file. When this number is reached, no more attempts to send the file are made and the file will be given a status of FAILED. The maximum limit is 255. This value overrides the one in the 3780 Gateway's Parameter Details. Emulation Yes The emulation mode to be used: 2780 or 3780. Baud Rate Yes The baud rate to be used: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 14400, or 19200. Dialling Yes The dialling method to Method be used: SYNCHRONOUS, AT, NONE, UNKNOWN, or V.25 BIS. Dialling Yes The type of dialling to be Type used: PULSE or TONE. Terminal Yes The terminal type to Type be used: PRIMARY or SECONDARY. 9-36 Communications Release Notes Table 9-2 (Cont.): Fields on the 3780Plus ___________________Connection_Details_Screen____ Field_Name____MandatorDescription_______________ Logging Yes The way logging is to Option be carried out in the 3780Plus emulator: NONE, CREATE or APPEND. If you specify CREATE or APPEND, see Section 9.4.15 for details about the log file that is produced. CREATE is the recommended option. In this way, each time a connection is made to the VAN, a separate log file is produced with a time-stamp as a part of the file name; this will be the same time-stamp as for other files created for the connection. If you specify APPEND, the logging information from a connection is appended to the same file each time. If you specify NONE, no file is produced. Login ID Yes The login-id of your account on the VAN. This is supplied to you when you register to use the VAN. Password No The password needed to log in to your VAN account. This is supplied to you when you register to use the VAN. Communications Release Notes 9-37 Table 9-2 (Cont.): Fields on the 3780Plus ___________________Connection_Details_Screen____ Field_Name____MandatorDescription_______________ Login No Name of a command file to Command be run whenever you start File a connection. Logout No Name of a command file to Command be run whenever you finish File a connection. Newline Yes Whether or not newline Suppression suppression is to take place: A check in the box indicates it's turned on. Newline suppression affects non-transparent (text) file reception only. Record Size Yes The transmission record size, in the range 1 to 2048. Redial Limit Yes The maximum number of dials that 3780Plus can try until it makes a successful connection to the VAN. Specify a number in the range 1 to 999. 9-38 Communications Release Notes Table 9-2 (Cont.): Fields on the 3780Plus ___________________Connection_Details_Screen____ Field_Name____MandatorDescription_______________ Receive No The maximum number of Limit consecutive times that 3780Plus may allow a time out may occur, in receive mode, before the transmission is aborted. Leaving the field blank allows an unlimited number of time outs to occur; otherwise specify a number in the range 3 to 255. Retrans Yes The maximum number of Limit consecutive times that 3780Plus may send or re- ceive a negative acknowl- edgements (NAK) before the transmission is aborted. Specify a number in the range 4 to 255. Delay Limit No The maximum number of consecutive times that 3780Plus may receive a delay message (TTD), be- fore the transmission is aborted. Leaving the field blank allows an unlimited number of delay messages to occur; otherwise spec- ify a number in the range 10 to 255. RTS/CTS Yes The RTS/CTS delay, to be Delay used for 3780Plus internal modems. Specify 25, 150 or 600 milliseconds. Communications Release Notes 9-39 Table 9-2 (Cont.): Fields on the 3780Plus ___________________Connection_Details_Screen____ Field_Name____MandatorDescription_______________ Space Yes Whether or not space Suppression compression is to be enabled. A check in the box means it is enabled. Blocking Yes The number of records Factor to be transmitted per transmission block. The blocking factor multiplied by the record size gives the maximum number of characters to be transmit- ted in each transmission block. Specify 1 to 2048. The blocking factor is generally 1 for 3780 mode, and 2 for 2780 mode. Bid Limit No The maximum number of consecutive times that 3780Plus may send an enquiry message (ENQ) as a line bid, without receiving acknowledgement. Leaving the field blank allows an unlimited number of enquiry messages to be sent; otherwise specify a number in the range 3 to 255. 9-40 Communications Release Notes Table 9-2 (Cont.): Fields on the 3780Plus ___________________Connection_Details_Screen____ Field_Name____MandatorDescription_______________ Idle Timeout No The length of time that 3780Plus may wait idle, with no data being sent or received, before discon- necting the communications line. Leaving the field blank allows an unlimited length of time to pass; otherwise specify a number in the range 30 to 270 seconds. Repeat Limit Yes The maximum number of consecutive times that 3780Plus may send an enquiry message (ENQ) as a repeat message, without receiving an appropriate response. Specify a number in the range 3 to 255. Wait Limit No The maximum number of consecutive times that 3780Plus may receive a wait message (WACK), before transmission is aborted. Leaving the field blank allows an unlimited number of wait messages to be received; otherwise specify a number in the range 10 to 255. Equalizer Yes Whether or not the equal- izer is to be enabled on selected 3780Plus modems: YES or NO. Communications Release Notes 9-41 Table 9-2 (Cont.): Fields on the 3780Plus ___________________Connection_Details_Screen____ Field_Name____MandatorDescription_______________ ASCII- Yes The .ovr file holding the >EBCDIC ASCII to EBCDIC transla- File tion table. The default file must be the one spec- ified in the 3780Plus installation directory. EBCDIC- Yes The .ovr file holding the >ASCII File EBCDIC to ASCII transla- tion table. The default file must be the one spec- ified in the 3780Plus installation directory. Environment No These fields define any Variable, variables required for Value this connection; they override or add to the variables defined for the gateway (Section 9.4.3). Specify both a name and a value. The variables you are likely to require are: CLEODIR = /var/adm /decedi/3780Plus CLEOCODE = location_of_ 3780Plus_kit 9-42 Communications Release Notes Table 9-2 (Cont.): Fields on the 3780Plus ___________________Connection_Details_Screen____ Field_Name____MandatorDescription_______________ Symbol, No These fields hold the Value general purpose script variable names, and their associated values, re- quired for communication with a specific VAN. Each variable name must be present, and must have a corresponding symbol value. For details about the available symbols and val- ues, see the appropriate table: For EDI*EXPRESS, see Table 9-3. For EDI*NET, see Table 9-4. You must use the values as described in these table. In the event of the VAN issuing a new upgrade you may have to change some of the symbol values. Do so with care; if in doubt, contact Digital before carrying out the ______________________amendments._______________ Communications Release Notes 9-43 Table 9-3: 3780Plus Connection Symbols For The ___________EDI*EXPRESS_VAN______________________ Default Symbol_Name_____Value______Description__________ TRANSPARENCY N Specify whether or not the gateway al- lows transmitted data to include all possi- ble bit-combinations (including those normally treated as data-link control characters). Either Y, for all characters to be transmitted as transparent data, or N, for control char- acters to be treated as such. 9-44 Communications Release Notes Table 9-3 (Cont.): 3780Plus Connection Symbols ___________________For_The_EDI*EXPRESS_VAN______ Default Symbol_Name_____Value______Description__________ TRANSLIT_TABLE NONE This is the name of a transliteration table. If you use the carriage return char- acter as a segment terminator then leave the default value NONE for this symbol. If special charac- ter translation is required for seg- ment terminators then specify another value for this symbol. If you use the newline character (EBCDIC HEX 15) as a segment terminator, specify HSSTABLE. If you require some other segment termi- nator, then contact the VAN authority to have them set up a table for you, and specify the name of the table as the value of this symbol. PRINTFILENAME PRINT Specify a filename or the one specified in line #127 of the video.ovr file will be used. Communications Release Notes 9-45 Table 9-3 (Cont.): 3780Plus Connection Symbols ___________________For_The_EDI*EXPRESS_VAN______ Default Symbol_Name_____Value______Description__________ CLEOLOG 3780.LOG Specify the filename or the one specified in line #125 of the video.ovr file will ___________________________be_used._____________ Table 9-4: 3780Plus Connection Symbols For The ___________EDI*NET_VAN__________________________ Default Symbol_Name_____Value______Description__________ TRANSPARENCY N Specify whether or not the gateway al- lows transmitted data to include all possi- ble bit-combinations (including those normally treated as data-link control characters). Either Y, for all characters to be transmitted as transparent data, or N, for control char- acters to be treated as such. PRINTFILENAME PRINT Specify the filename or the one specified in line #127 of the video.ovr file will be used. 9-46 Communications Release Notes Table 9-4 (Cont.): 3780Plus Connection Symbols ___________________For_The_EDI*NET_VAN__________ Default Symbol_Name_____Value______Description__________ CLEOLOG 3780.LOG Specify the filename or the one specified in line #125 of the video.ovr file will ___________________________be_used._____________ __________________________________________________________ 9.4.5 Defining Jobs When using the 3780Plus gateway, you exchange transmission files by running a predefined job. To allow you to take advantage of cheaper rates for linking to VANs, the 3780Plus gateway sends transmission files based on a job schedule. You must define both the job and the schedule used for sending and receiving transmission files. A 3780 gateway job specifies how to set up a connection with a VAN, including: o Sending transmission files o Receiving transmission files o Requesting VAN reports (Optional) o Processing VAN reports (Optional) To each VAN, the 3780Plus gateway looks like a 2780 or 3780 terminal device. Each VAN has their own set of commands to exchange data between itself and the 3780 terminal session. DEC/EDI uses the Tool Control Language (Tcl), pronounced `tickle', to control the job session and act as a `glue' between DEC/EDI, CLEO 3780Plus, and the VAN. The Tcl commands are supplied as scripts files; one or several can make up a job. In general, scripts perform the following: Communications Release Notes 9-47 o Pre-processing commands. These are Tcl com- mands or UNIX shell script files that are executed before connecting to the VAN. o Login commands for a specific connection to a specific VAN. o VAN-specific commands that are executed dur- ing the connection to the VAN. o Logout commands. o Postprocessing commands. These are Tcl com- mands or UNIX shell script files that are executed after closing the connection to the VAN. o Error commands. These are Tcl commands or UNIX shell script files that are executed if an error occurs during the connection to the VAN. When you set up the 3780Plus gateway you define jobs in terms of these scripts. You define a job for a specific task. Since you can have many connections in the gateway, supported by the same physical line, then you must be careful not to define job schedules that overlap each other or your jobs will not be executed. __________________________________________________________ Edit Job To create a job for a connection, you use the GUI Communications Editor. Select the Edit menu bar option and select the Jobs option. This will present the Jobs Description Details editor. To add a new job, select the Add option. This will present a screen to enter the details about your job. The Connection Id, Job ID, and Script File fields are mandatory. Values must be entered into these fields to create a valid job entry. 9-48 Communications Release Notes To edit an existing job, select the job listed on the screen. It will be highlighted and the Edit option will become active. Select the Edit option and the Jobs Editor screen will permit you to modify the job's details. To delete a job, select the job listed on the screen. It will be highlighted and the Delete option will become active. Select the Delete. __________________________________________________________ Running Jobs and Job Schedules Once the job as been defined, it can be started three different ways; the Communications Editor, decedi_manage, or, a schedule (decedi_manage with the cron UNIX utility). For more informa- tion about this, refer to Section 9.4.6 To create a schedule for running a job, the UNIX utility cron and decedi_manage must be used. The decedi_manage parameter to be used is the -sc (start connection) parameter (e.g., decedi_ manage -sc GEIS TEST). The -sc parameter takes two values; the first is the Connection Id and the second is the Job Id. Please see the decedi_ manage man page for further information about decedi_manage. To schedule the execution of the decedi_manage command, the cron UNIX utility's crontab file must be set up. DEC/EDI provides a template file called /var/adm/decedi/crontab.template to assist in setting up a job schedule. Information on how to use this file is contained in the template file itself. Communications Release Notes 9-49 __________________________________________________________ 9.4.6 Introduction to the 3780 Scheduler To schedule jobs for the 3780 Gateway, you will need to create a UNIX shell script. The UNIX shell script will use the decedi_manage command to start a job. It will also be able to re- try the job if the connection is already busy running another job. To schedule the UNIX shell script, the crontab UNIX utility will be used. As an aide, below is an example how you may want to schedule 3780 gateway jobs or jobs for other gateways. The UNIX shell script is called the `3780 Scheduler'. __________________________________________________________ Requirements for the 3780 Scheduler The 3780 Scheduler will require the below func- tionality: o Check if the correct number of parameters have been passed in. o If the Connection is currently 'Disabled' (turned off) then re-try the Job at a later time. o If the Connection is currently 'Locked' (in use) then re-try the Job at a later time. o Submit any Job using any Connection. o Re-try a job a maximum number of times before quitting. o Wait a time period before re-trying the job again. The 3780 Scheduler will be written using UNIX shell commands. For the 3780 Scheduler to sched- ule events, the UNIX cron daemon will be used. 9-50 Communications Release Notes __________________________________________________________ 9.4.7 Coding the 3780 Scheduler The decedi_manage command will need to be used to check to see if the connection is enabled and available for use. The decedi_manage command will also be used to submit the Job to the 3780 Gateway. The structure of the 3780 Scheduler is: SET Retry_count TO 0 REPEAT Check if the connection is currently ENABLED. IF connection is ENABLED THEN Check if the connection is currently not LOCKED. IF connection is not LOCKED THEN Submit the job using the connection EXIT PROGRAM END IF END IF IF connection is DISABLED or connection is LOCKED THEN WAIT (i.e., 5 minutes) INCREMENT Retry_count BY 1 END IF UNTIL Retry_Count >= Maximum_Retry_Count __________________________________________________________ Receiving the passed in Parameters Four parameters will need to be passed into the Scheduler. These parameters are: 1. Connection ID-the Connection ID to be used. 2. Job ID-the Job ID to be used. Communications Release Notes 9-51 3. Maximum Retry Count-the maximum times a job will be retried. 4. Wait Period-the time period to wait if the connection is not available. The 3780 Scheduler will need to check if the correct number of parameters have been passed in. UNIX provides two simple commands to help de- termine the correct number of parameters passed into a shell script: o #?-stores the number of parameters passed in. o #0 - #9-stores the value of each parameter. #0 is passed in parameter 1, up to #9 being passed in parameter 9. To check if the number of passed in parameters is four, you can use the following UNIX shell commands: #!/bin/sh if [ $# -ne 4 ] then echo "Wrong Number of parameters passed in..." echo "Usage: " exit 1 fi ... ... To use the passed in parameters you can use the below UNIX shell script: # # Set up the variables (You can name the variables $1, $2, $3, and $4 to # anything you want!) # 9-52 Communications Release Notes Connection_ID=$1 Job_ID=$2 Maximum_Retry=$3 Delay_Period=$4 echo "The passed in Connection ID = $Connection_ID" echo "The passed in Job ID = $Job_ID" echo "The passed in Maximum Retry = $Maximum_Retry" echo "The passed in Delay Period = $Delay_Period" __________________________________________________________ Check to see if the connection is ENABLED The decedi_manage command is used to test the status of the 3780 Connection. To check the 3780 connection if it is ENABLED the below parameters need to be passed to the decedi_manage command: # decedi_manage -tc enabled Parameters: -tc = Test Connection = Connection to be tested The above decedi_manage command will output either of the below messages: Connection is enabled Connection is disabled The 3780 Scheduler script will need to check to see if the connection is ENABLED. Listed below is an example of how to test to see if a connection is ENABLED using a UNIX shell script: #!/bin/sh Conn_ID=GEIS decedi_manage -tc enabled $Conn_ID | grep -s -q "Connection is enabled" RESULT=$? Communications Release Notes 9-53 if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ] then echo "The connection < $Conn_ID > is enabled..." else echo "The connection < $Conn_ID > is disabled..." fi The above UNIX shell script checks to see if the a connection called `GEIS' is enabled. The decedi_manage command is passed the -tc parame- ter and the connection ID. If the connection is enabled the decedi_manage command will return "Connection is enabled". This value is piped to the grep command which searches for the spec- ified string (the -s -q parameters stop any output to the screen). The grep command will return a 0 if the string is found, indicating that the connection is enabled. The next line stores the grep return status into the 'RESULT' variable. The RESULT variable is then evaluated, if it contains a 0 (Successful) then the GEIS connection is enabled. __________________________________________________________ Check to see if the connection is LOCKED To check the 3780 connection to see if it is LOCKED the below parameters need to be passed to the decedi_manage command: # decedi_manage -tc locked Parameters: -tc = Test Connection = Connection to be tested The above decedi_manage command will output either of the below messages: Connection is locked Connection is idle 9-54 Communications Release Notes The 3780 Scheduler script will need to check if the connection is LOCKED. The result will then be evaluated. This is done exactly the same way as explained in the previous example, except this time replace: "Connection is enabled" with "Connection is idle". #!/bin/sh Conn_ID=GEIS decedi_manage -tc enabled $Conn_ID | grep -s -q "Connection is idle" RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ] then echo "The connection < $Conn_ID > is idle..." else echo "The connection < $Conn_ID > is locked..." fi __________________________________________________________ Submitting The Job to the 3780 Gateway When the connection is ENABLED and is IDLE the specified Job can be submitted to the 3780 Gateway. To do this the below parameters need to be supplied to the decedi_manage command: # decedi_manage -sc Parameters: -sc = Start Connection (Submit Job to 3780 Gateway) = Connection to be used = Job to be submitted Communications Release Notes 9-55 __________________________________________________________ The Complete 3780 Scheduler Shell Script Listed below is the complete 3780 Scheduler. This Scheduler can be used to successfully schedule any 3780 Jobs. #!/bin/sh # # Check the number of passed parameters, there should be 2! # if [ $# -ne 4 ] then # # Wrong number of parameters # exit 1 fi # # Set up the variables: # # Working Storage variables Retry_Count=0 RESULT=1 # Passed In Parameters Conn_ID=$1 Job_ID=$2 Max_Retry=$3 WAIT_TIME=$4 # Location of the decedi_manage command (if decedi_manage is not in you PATH) DIR=/usr/sbin/ # # MAIN LOOP. Keep looping while the connection is not ready & the maximum # number of retries has not been exceeded # until [ $RESULT -eq 0 -o $Retry_Count -eq $Max_Retry ] do 9-56 Communications Release Notes # # Check the line to see if it is enabled/ready # $DIR\decedi_manage -tc enabled $Conn_ID | grep -s -q "Connection is enabled" RESULT=$? # # Check the line to see if it is busy # if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ] then $DIR\decedi_manage -tc locked $Conn_ID | grep -s -q "Connection is currently idle" RESULT=$? if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ] then # # Line is not busy so submit the job, then exit # successfully # $DIR\decedi_manage -sc $Conn_ID $Job_ID fi fi if [ $RESULT -ne 0 ] then # # Line is busy, so wait and then attempt to submit job # again. Increment the retry counter by 1. # sleep $WAIT_TIME Retry_Count=`expr $Retry_Count + 1` fi done Communications Release Notes 9-57 __________________________________________________________ 9.4.8 Setting Up the 3780 Scheduler in the UNIX crontab A special file ( crontab ) contains various commands which are automatically executed at specific times by the UNIX system. The date / time at which the specified commands are executed is user defined. The 3780 Scheduler will need to be installed within the crontab file. The scheduled commands within the crontab file are entered using the below format: Field Description Range ----- ----------- ----- minutes Minutes after the hour 0-59 hours Hour of the day 0-23 (0 = midnight) day-of-month Numeric day within the month 1-31 month The month of the year 1-12 weekday The day of the week 0-6 (0 = Sunday) __________________________________________________________ Example 1 0,15,30,45 * * * * decedi_manage -sc GEIS TEST The above schedule will start the TEST job for connection ID GEIS. The job will be started every fifteen minutes. __________________________________________________________ Example 2 0,30 8-20 * * 1-5 decedi_manage -sc test IMPEXP The above schedule would start the same job as the previous example, but it will be started every half hour, between the hours of 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM during Mondays-Fridays only. 9-58 Communications Release Notes For more information on how to use crontab, refer to the UNIX man command: # man crontab Your UNIX system may not have a crontab file created, in this situation you will be required to create one. To check to see whether your UNIX system has a crontab file installed enter the below command at the UNIX prompt: # crontab -l If there is no output then there is no existing crontab file. This means you must create a crontab file. If there is an existing crontab file then you will be required to append your entry to it. __________________________________________________________ Creating a New Crontab Schedule NOTE Ensure that you do not currently have a crontab file installed. If your system is currently using a crontab file and you continue with this section, then you will overwrite it. This can corrupt you UNIX system. DEC/EDI has supplied you with an empty crontab file. This file is located at /var/adm/decedi /crontab.template. The file contains information on setting up and using crontab. To create the new crontab file copy the template file to your site specific one e.g. # cp /var/adm/decedi/crontab.template /var/adm/decedi/crontab Communications Release Notes 9-59 Edit your site specific crontab file to add your schedules. Once schedules have been added for the first time, make the file available to the cron utility (i.e., install it) by issuing the following command: # crontab /var/adm/decedi/crontab The new crontab ( /var/adm/decedi/crontab ) will now be used. __________________________________________________________ Modifying an Existing Crontab Schedule First you will need to make a local copy of the existing crontab schedule file, enter the below UNIX command: # crontab -l > /var/adm/decedi/crontab This file will contain the existing scheduled commands. To schedule new commands, simply edit the file and add them using an available editor: # vi /var/adm/decedi/crontab Edit your site specific crontab file to add your schedules. Once schedules have been added here for the first time, make this file available to the cron utility (i.e., install it) by issuing the following command: # crontab /var/adm/decedi/crontab The new scheduled commands will now be installed within the crontab. 9-60 Communications Release Notes __________________________________________________________ 9.4.9 Installing The 3780 Scheduler This example will use the 3780 Scheduler to start a Job at a specific time. The Job will have a maximum of three connection retries and a delay period of five minutes. The following example listing the steps involved, is based on the assumption that a crontab exists: # crontab -l > /var/adm/decedi/crontab # vi /var/adm/decedi/crontab Append the below line using the vi editor: 0,30 8-20 * * 1-5 decedi_schedule GEIS TEST 3 300 Save the file, and exit the vi editor # crontab /var/adm/decedi/crontab The above example makes a copy of the existing crontab file. Edits the local crontab file and appends the decedi_schedule command to execute every half an hour, between 8 AM and 8 PM, 5 days a week (Mon - Fri). The decedi_schedule command receives four parameters; Connection ID = GEIS, Job ID - TEST, maximum connection retries = 3 and the delay period (in seconds) = 300 (5 minutes). __________________________________________________________ 9.4.10 Starting the Gateway You can start the gateway from the GUI Communication Editor. You can use either the Operations or Tools menu bar options to start the gateway. You can also start the gateway with the decedi_manage command (e.g., decedi_manage -sg 3780). Although the gateway has been started, no trans- mission files can be transferred through the gateway until it has been enabled, as described in Section 9.4.11. Communications Release Notes 9-61 If you want to prevent transmission files being exchanged, you do not need to shut down the gateway. You can do so by disabling a specific connection (see Section 9.4.12), or by disabling the gateway (see Section 9.4.11). You do need to shut down and restart the gate- way if you make changes to the gateway parame- ters. To shut down the gateway, use either the Operations or Tools/Start Gateways menu bar op- tions. You can also stop the gateway with the decedi_manage command (e.g., decedi_manage -kg 3780). Once the gateway has been shut down, no trans- mission files are accepted from the Translation Service, and no connections can be made to the VAN. __________________________________________________________ 9.4.11 Enabling and Disabling the Gateway Once you have started a gateway, you must enable it before transmission files can be exchanged through its connections. If you want to tem- porarily prevent the exchange of transmission files on the gateway you can disable the gate- way. To enable or disable a gateway, use the GUI Communications Editor or the decedi_manage command. There are four ways to do it. 1. Select the gateway icon and then select the push button with the black dot in its Center. 2. Select the Operations menu bar option. 3. Select the Tools menu bar option. 4. decedi_manage command (e.g., decedi_manage -dg 3780) 9-62 Communications Release Notes __________________________________________________________ 9.4.12 Enabling a Connection You can only exchange transmission files with a VAN when the connection to the VAN is enabled. You must enable each connection after you first set it up on the communications gateway. You also need to enable a connection subsequently, whenever you want to use the connection after it has been disabled. You must disable a connection before changing the details of the connection. You can also disable the connection if you want to temporar- ily stop exchanging transmission files with a trading partner; for example, you may want to do this if the VAN you use to send trans- mission files to this trading partner becomes unavailable. A connection can be automatically disabled by DEC/EDI when a VAN does not respond to attempts at connection. DEC/EDI keeps trying up to the maximum retry count that you set. To re-set the connection, the reset button, Operations and Tools menu bar, and decedi_manage can be used. To enable or disable a connection, use the Communications Editor or the decedi_manage command. There are four ways to do it. 1. Select the gateway icon and then select the push button with the black dot in its center. 2. Select the Operations menu bar option. 3. Select the Tools menu bar option. 4. decedi_manage (e.g., decedi_manage -ec GEIS) Communications Release Notes 9-63 __________________________________________________________ 9.4.13 Starting a Connection Manually To start a connection manually, that is, to send transmission files having a current status of AWAIT_TRANSMISSION, you use decedi_manage. When you do this, you override any job schedules for that connection. However, if a job is already running, the manually started job will be re- jected. Please see the decedi_manage man page for details on its use. You can also use the GUI Communications Editor. It provides several different methods for start- ing a connection. You can use the Tools menu bar option, the Operations menu bar option, or the green icon button. __________________________________________________________ 9.4.14 Setting Up For Specific VANs The following subsections describe the VAN- specific details that you must set up before the following VAN: o EDI*EXPRESS (provided by GEIS) o EDI*NET (provided by BT-TYMNET) __________________________________________________________ Setting Up for EDI*EXPRESS When setting up your profile with EDI*EXPRESS, using the management menu provided by the VAN, you should specify the following details: o Wrapped records - Y o Wrapped records length - 80 o Interchange as new record - Y o NO DATA message when there is no mail - Y o NO DATA message - NO PENDING DOCUMENTS (note the upper case) 9-64 Communications Release Notes For GEIS's EDI*EXPRESS, DEC/EDI supplies a Tcl script file in the data directory (/var/adm /decedi/data). The name of the file is decedi_ geis_sndrcv.tcl. This script file will do everything necessary to successfully exchange EDI transmission files through your GEIS mailbox. The script can also be used to receive reports. Flags can be set in the script to request reports from EDI*EXPRESS. This functionality is documented in the script file itself. The different reports that can be obtained from GEIS are: o SEND_STATUS_REPORT - Generates a Sender Status Report. o RECEIVE_STATUS_REPORT - Generates a Receiver Status Report. o UNRETEIVED_DOCS_REPORT - Generates an Unretrieved Documents Report. o SENDER_ERROR_REPORT - Generates a Sender Error Report. o SUMMARY_REPORT - Generates a Sender Summary Report. o ERROR_RECOVERY - Receives once more the transmission files from the previous session. Use this script if your previous session was unsuccessful, or if your transmission files were corrupted because of disk problems. o RETREIVED_DOC_REPORT - Generates a Sender Retrieved Documents Report. You can copy the script file and rename it if you need different jobs to do different things. If you want to just send and receive EDI data, then no changes are needed to the script, but if you want to have a job that will also request reports, then the script file can be copied to a new name and edited to request the reports. Communications Release Notes 9-65 NOTE If you make any changes to the script files supplied with the product, they will be lost when you upgrade DEC/EDI. The script files supplied with DEC/EDI will be replaced with the new script files in the new kit. It is important that you save your changes before at- tempting an upgrade. You need to use the Communication Editor to Edit a job that will use the new script file that was created. __________________________________________________________ 9.4.15 Log, Error, And Data Files The 3780 Gateway generates various log and data files when you run a job. Some of these files are specific to 3780Plus and some are specific to the job's script. o /var/adm/decedi/3780Plus/connid_3780_date_ time.LOG This file is created by the 3780Plus emula- tor. It is an optional log file generated by the 3780Plus emulator. It contains a listing of 3780Plus activity. This log file is generated only if the Logging Option field is set to CREATE when you define the connection; this specifies that a new log file (with a time-stamp in the name) is to be created on each occasion that the connection is started. 9-66 Communications Release Notes If Logging Option is set to APPEND then this log file is created only on the first oc- casion that the connection is started, and re-used on subsequent occasions by appending the logging data to the same file. See the example in Section 9.4.16. o /var/adm/decedi/3780Plus/connid_MON_date_ time.LOG This is an optional log file generated by the 3780Plus emulator. It contains a complete character-by-character trace of the Bisync protocol used for communicating with the VAN. A log file is generated only if the Line Monitoring field is set to YES when you de- fine the connection; this specifies that a new monitor file (with a time-stamp in the name) is to be created on each occasion that the connection is started. See the example in Section 9.4.17. o /var/adm/decedi/3780Plus/conn_id_data_ date.dat This file is created by the TCL script. If the connection is lost/interrupted when the VAN is down loading data then the file receiving data from the VAN, most likely incomplete, is copied to the above filename. o /var/adm/decedi/3780Plus/conn_id_mailbox.dat This file is created by the 3780Plus emulator as specified in the Tcl script. This contains the received data/transmission files from the VAN. o /var/adm/decedi/vanreports/connid_date.DAT This file is created by the 3780Plus emulator and the TCL script. Communications Release Notes 9-67 When a connection has been established with the VAN, various files are down-loaded. The files contain reports which supply infor- mation about the account you logged into. Multiple files may be downloaded by the VAN, the 3780Plus emulator saves these files as PRINT.000, PRINT.001 etc. The Tcl script ap- pends all the PRINT files into the 1 file and saves it into the vanreports directory. o /var/adm/decedi/vanreports/connid_inphist.saved_ version This file is created by the TCL script. If there are PRINT files remaining from a previous connection when a new job is sub- mitted, then these files are appended into one file and then saved in the vanreports directory. This situation would occur if the Tcl script crashed half way through a communication session. o /var/adm/decedi/logs/connid_job_id_date_ time.TRACE The trace file is a file containing log in- formation about a job session. It is used for debugging purposes and is not meant to be used during normal operation. The trace file is located in the /var/adm /decedi/log directory. A new trace file will be created each time a new job is run. It's created by the 3780 Gateway. Example: /var/adm/decedi/logs/GEIS_TEST_ 30JAN199611014696_3780.TRACE The use of the trace file can be turned on by switching on the Trace Session field in the Connection Details screen in the Communications Editor. 9-68 Communications Release Notes The file is created and starts logging messages after the job's process has been started and the Connection Details record has been read. The messages will describe the sequence of events required to process a job. Information unique to the job will be logged and this will help diagnose problems when errors occur. __________________________________________________________ 9.4.16 Example of the 3780Plus Log File # cat /var/adm/decedi/3780Plus/GEIS_3780_12-JAN-1996-10-51-23.LOG Copyright 1983, 84, 87, 89, 90, 92 CLEO Communications, Inc. 13:19:21 ********** 3780 LOGON ********** Fri Feb 2, 1996 3780Plus (R. 12044) under UNIX with the IAPI available. ASCII/EBCDIC Table changed to: /huge/users/cleo_ kit/asciiebc.ovr Running job file '/var/adm/decedi/3780Plus/geis_ job.dat' 13:19:21 Command> EX /var/adm/decedi/3780Plus/geis_job.dat 13:19:39 Command> ## 13:19:39 Command> ## 3780Plus Job File for connecting GEIS 13:19:39 Command> ## 13:19:39 Command> CONFIG /var/adm/decedi/3780Plus/decedi_GEIS_ config.dat Configuration changed to: '/var/adm/decedi/3780Plus/decedi_ GEIS_config.dat' 13:20:06 Command> TABLE /huge/users/cleo_kit/asciiebc.ovr /huge/users/cleo_ kit/ebcascii.ovr ASCII/EBCDIC Table changed to: /huge/users/cleo_ kit/asciiebc.ovr EBCDIC/ASCII Table changed to: /huge/users/cleo_ kit/ebcascii.ovr 13:20:06 Command> MONITOR /var/adm/decedi/3780Plus/geis_ monitor.log Monitor ON - Saving protocol to: /var/adm/decedi/3780Plus/geis_ Communications Release Notes 9-69 monitor.log 13:20:06 Command> ## 13:20:06 Command> AUTODIAL T 9 T5 031819656776 R005 Tone Dialing B Tone Dialing B Tone Dialing B Tone Dialing B Tone Dialing B Unable to Detect Answer Tone 13:23:16 DIAL : BUSY : Connect Code = 7 Awaiting Telephone Connection 13:23:18 Command> BRANCH ON FAIL TO 101 Executing Branch . . . 13:23:18 Command> 101 LOG %%% 3780Plus Autodial Failed %%% 13:23:18 Command> VOICE 13:23:30 Command> QUIT 101 13:23:30 ********** 3780 LOGOFF ********** Fri Feb 2, 1996 __________________________________________________________ 9.4.17 Example of the Monitor Log File (Extract) # cat geis_mon_2_feb_1996_09_46_32.log 9-70 Communications Release Notes >A T S 0 = 0 <0 >A T S 7 = 3 0 <0 >A T D T 9 , 0 1 8 1 9 6 5 6 7 7 6 < > < >A T D T 9 , 0 1 8 1 9 6 5 6 7 7 6 <1 2 < >SY SY SY SY EQ PD PD PD < >SY SY SY SY EQ PD PD PD < >SY SY SY SY EQ PD PD PD < >SY SY SY SY EQ PD PD PD < >SY SY SY SY EQ PD PD PD SY SY SY SY SX C1 D1 C1 F8 F3 F8 F0 F3 6B D1 C1 C3 D2 D7 D6 E3 6B D4 C1 C9 D3 C1 GS 79 5C RS EB CC D4 FF FF FF SY SY SY SY EQ PD PD PD SY SY SY SY EQ PD PD PD SY SY SY SY EQ PD PD PD SY SY SY SY SX 5C D3 E3 C9 C4 40 D4 C1 C9 D3 C2 D6 E7 C1 6B C3 D7 E4 D5 C3 C8 6B D4 C9 D5 C9 RS 5C D4 D6 C4 C5 40 C9 D5 D7 E4 E3 4D D6 E4 E3 D7 E4 E3 4D C8 C9 E2 E3 F8 F0 F3 C1 5D 6B D3 C9 E2 E3 5D 6B E6 C1 C9 E3 RS EB 36 C5 FF FF FF SY SY SY SY EQ PD PD PD SY SY SY SY EQ PD PD PD SY SY SY SY EQ PD PD PD SY SY SY SY SX 5C C4 C1 E3 C1 40 C4 D6 C3 E2 F8 F0 F3 4D D7 E4 D9 C5 6B C1 E2 C3 C9 C9 5D RS EB F8 4E FF FF FF SY SY SY SY EQ PD PD PD SY SY SY SY SX E4 D5 C2 4E E4 D5 D6 C1 i7A F1 4E C4 C5 C3 E2 C5 D5 C4 4E C4 C5 C3 D9 C5 C3 C5 C9 E5 C5 4E F9 F6 F0 F2 F0 F2 7A F0 F9 F3 F9 4E F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F3 F8 7D E4 D5 C8 4E F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F3 F8 F0 F0 F0 F0 F1 4E C3 D9 C5 C1 C4 E5 7A F1 7A RS EB 15 2E FF FF FF SY SY SY SY EQ PD PD PD SY SY SY SY SX F9 F2 F1 7A E4 D5 4E D9 E3 E2 60 C3 D9 C5 C1 C4 E5 60 F1 F0 F0 7D C2 C7 D4 4E F1 7A F1 F0 F0 7A F1 7A C4 96 83 A4 94 85 95 A3 61 94 85 A2 A2 81 87 85 40 95 81 94 85 4E C4 96 83 A4 94 85 95 A3 61 94 85 A2 A2 81 87 85 40 95 A4 94 82 85 99 4E RS EB 82 20 FF FF FF SY SY SY SY SX F1 4E C1 C1 7D C4 E3 D4 4E F1 F0 7A C4 81 A3 85 61 A3 89 94 85 61 97 85 99 89 96 84 7A F1 F0 F1 7D D9 C6 C6 4E C1 C1 C1 7A D9 85 86 85 99 85 95 83 85 40 95 A4 94 82 85 99 7A D3 89 95 85 40 95 7A D9 85 86 85 99 85 95 83 85 40 A5 85 99 A2 89 RS EB A4 5D FF FF FF SY SY SY SY SX 7A C6 99 85 85 40 A3 85 A7 A3 7A C6 99 85 85 40 A3 85 A7 A3 4E D3 81 95 7D C1 E4 E3 4E E5 81 93 89 84 81 A3 89 96 95 40 99 85 A2 A4 93 A3 4E E5 81 93 89 84 81 A3 89 96 95 40 92 85 A8 40 89 84 85 95 A3 89 86 89 83 81 A3 89 96 95 7D C4 E3 D4 RS EB 27 5A FF FF FF SY SY SY SY SX 4E F1 F0 7A C4 81 A3 85 61 A3 89 94 85 61 97 85 99 89 96 84 7A F1 F0 F1 7D E4 D5 E3 4E F3 F8 4E F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F3 F8 F0 F0 F0 F0 F1 7D E4 D5 E9 4E F1 4E F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F0 F3 F8 7D RS 5C C5 D6 C6 RS EB CF 17 FF FF FF SY SY SY SY SX 61 C5 C4 E7 E2 D5 C4 40 C4 D6 C3 E2 F8 F0 F3 RS 61 C5 C4 E7 D9 C3 E5 RS 5C C5 D6 E2 RS EX 63 73 FF FF FF SY SY SY SY ET PD PD PD SY SY SY SY DL A0 PD PD PD SY SY SY SY DL A1 PD PD PD SY SY SY SY DL A0 PD PD PD < PT : PRINT.000 : NRMEOF : 2 blocks SY SX 2D >SY SY SY SY NK PD PD PD SY SY SY SY NK PD PD PD SY SY SY SY DL A1 PD PD PD ' will be spec- ified immediately after the PRINT command. The will be the label where the AUTODIAL command will be specified. Listed below is an 9-74 Communications Release Notes example of how to use the previously explained commands. Example (3780 Command Script): ... ... PRINT reports BRANCH ON LINDWN TO 1 1 AUTODIAL ... ... All received VAN reports will be saved as 're- ports' with a unique file extension appended. The RECEIVE command can now be used to receive mailbox data from the GEIS VAN. Example (3780 Command Script): ... ... PRINT reports BRANCH ON LINDWN TO 1 1 AUTODIAL TEXT login.dat RECEIVE mailbox.dat ... ... The TEXT command sends the GEIS login.dat file to the VAN. If the login file is accepted then the RECEIVE command is used to receive the VAN mailbox data into the mailbox.dat file. All the VAN report files get saved using the 'reports' file name. Communications Release Notes 9-75 __________________________________________________________ 9.5 Import/Export Gateway-Notes on Configuration When configuring the IMPEXP gateway, it is possible to enter pre-import and post-export commands that get executed automatically. This functionality has been extended so you can enter various flags into these fields that are replaced with the appropriate values before the command is run. Possible flags are : o #CONN-the connection_id o #IMPLOC-the import directory location o #EXPLOC-the export directory location o #EXPFIL-the name of the transmission file The #TRF is only valid and useful for the post- export field. When a file is exported and the #TRF flag is specified, then the command spec- ified is run for each file exported. Otherwise the command is simply run when ALL files have been exported. This allows you to do some useful post-export processing based on either a single file or all files in #EXPLOC. For the pre-import commmand, the valid tags are: #CONN, #EXPLOC, and #IMPLOC. The command will be executed before importing files into DEC/EDI. __________________________________________________________ 9.6 Tcl Script Language Tcl (Tool Command Language), pronounced 'tickle', replaces the DEC/EDI OpenVMS scripting facility. Like the OpenVMS scripting language, Tcl is to be used to write job scripts. 9-76 Communications Release Notes Tcl is a freeware interpretive scripting lan- guage. Tcl is a simple textual language and is programmable, so command procedures (ie., scripts) can be easily written. In Tcl, all variable values are treated as strings. Tcl was chosen because it was designed to be a 'gluing language'. It is not meant to be a `full blown' programming language. This is exactly what DEC/EDI uses it for, a `glue' between the protocol emulator, the VANS, and DEC/EDI. It is the oldest and most popular of the free- ware interpretive languages in the computing community. It has been ported to OpenVMS, Windows-NT, and many other operating systems. Tcl's library has been embedded into the 3780 Gateway. The library consists of a parser for the Tcl language and routines to implement the Tcl built-in commands. Tcl has also been extended with additional commands to access and update the DEC/EDI database. In addition to the additional commands, predefined Tcl variables are available to a Tcl script. These predefined Tcl variables contain data from the Gateway Parameter screen and the Connection Details (screens 4 and 5). Since Tcl is embedded into the 3780 Gateway, there is no need to install it on the system running the DEC/EDI server. However, to write your own Tcl scripts and test them outside of DEC/EDI, Tcl must be installed. To obtain the Tcl kit and learn more about Tcl programming, the below references should help: Communications Release Notes 9-77 __________________________________________________________ 9.6.1 Where To Find Out More About Tcl World Wide Web Sites o TCL WWW Info o TCL FAQs /usenet/tcl-faq /tcl/top.html o The Tcl/Tk Project At Sun Microsystems Laboratories) o Other Sites FTP Sites o Tcl and Tk Core Distributions o Main ftp site for Tcl/Tk code o Other sites 9-78 Communications Release Notes /tools/tcl NewsGroup on the Internet o comp.lang.tcl Books o Tcl and the Tk Toolkit Dr John K Ousterhout, ISBN: 0-201-63337-X, Addison-Wesley Publishing: 1-800-822-6339 o Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk Brent Welch, ISBN 0-13-182007-9, Prentice Hall, __________________________________________________________ 9.6.2 How to Create Tcl Script Files Tcl script files can be created with any text editor available on your Digital UNIX machine. __________________________________________________________ 9.6.3 Where to Store Script Files It is recommended that script files be placed in the /var/adm/decedi/data directory. This is where you'll find the decedi_geis_sndrcv.tcl and decedi_tymnet_sndrcv.tcl script files. Communications Release Notes 9-79 The 3780 Gateway runs under super user privi- leges and can access Tcl script files anywhere on the system. However, to secure your script files you must provide the appropriate security and protection against any unauthorised access or modification. __________________________________________________________ 9.6.4 Script Naming Conventions A script file name should be unique. The only requirement for DEC/EDI is a file extension of `tcl' be included. For example `test.tcl'. Also, if the script is going to be used by more than one job, ensure the name and the script's purpose is generic enough for use by both jobs. This applies to connections as well. The same script file can be used by multiple connections and their jobs. __________________________________________________________ 9.6.5 Restrictions with Tcl Scripts The 3780 Gateway has Tcl Version 7.4b3 embedded into it. If you install Tcl on your system, ensure you use V7.4. As new releases of Tcl are released, they will be incorporated into the next available DEC/EDI kit. Please note that the two tcl scripts provided in the kit, decedi_geis_sndrcv.tcl and decedi_ tymnet_sndrcv.tcl, will be over-written the next time you install DEC/EDI. To preserve any changes made to these files, copies should be made before starting the installation. 9-80 Communications Release Notes __________________________________________________________ 9.6.6 Rules of Use - DEC/EDI Tcl Functions and Variables There are five DEC/EDI functions that can be used in a TCL script to obtain and update trans- mission file data in the DEC/EDI database. The 3780 Gateway creates TCL variables for use in your TCL scripts. __________________________________________________________ DEC/EDI Tcl Functions o decedi__check_for_xfiles Description: For a connection, this function will check to see if there are any transmission files available for sending. If there are trans- mission files ready to be sent, the function will return a "0". If there are no transmis- sion files, then this function will return a "1". Use: This function should be used in conjunc- tion with decedi__get_xfiles. It should be called before calling decedi__get_xfiles. If decedi__check_for_xfiles returns a "0", then decedi__get_xfiles can be called, otherwise, don't call decedi__get_xfiles in the script. See decedi__get_xfiles for details on its use. Input: NONE Returns: "0" = Transmission files are available for sending. "1" = No Transmission files are available for sending. o decedi__get_xfiles transmit_filename Communications Release Notes 9-81 Description: For a connection, this function will append all transmission files awaiting transmis- sion to the file specified as the transmit_ filename. The transmission files in the store directories will be appended to the transmit_ filename and their status will be updated to SENDING. Use: This function will be used in the Tcl script to obtain the transmission files which are ready to be transmitted. The transmit file will contain all the outbound transmission files. The transmit file will be the one that is sent to your trading partner. This function should be used in the script before logging onto the VAN. It is used in scripts sending EDI data to the VAN. It should only be called after calling decedi__check_for_ xfiles. See above for details on how to use decedi__check_for_xfiles. Input: transmit_filename = The name of the file containing all the outbound transmission files. Please provide a full directory path when defining filename (e.g., /var/adm/decedi /3780Plus/login.dat). The transmit file is the one used in the 3780Plus TEXT command. Returns: TCL_OK | TCL_ERROR o decedi__put_xfiles inbound_file Description: 9-82 Communications Release Notes This module will create a Communication Audit Log file (CLF) record and a transmission file name, and then copy the inbound_file to a DEC/EDI store directory. The file in the DEC/EDI store directory will have the new transmission file name. Its CLF status will be updated to RECEIVED after the copy is successful. It will then notify the Inbound Communication Controller of the arrival of the new transmission file. Use: This function will be used in the Tcl script to put the received transmission file into DEC/EDI. The inbound file is the file that received EDI data from the VAN/Trading Partner. This function enables DEC/EDI to receive transmission files. This function is normally called after a 3780Plus communica- tion session has completed successfully. It is used in scripts that request EDI data from the VAN. Input: inbound_file = The name of the file con- taining the EDI data received from the VAN. Please provide a full directory path when defining the filename (e.g., /var/adm/decedi /3780Plus/mailbox.dat). Returns: TCL_OK | TCL_ERROR o decedi__update_status SUCCESS | FAILED Description: This module updates the status of the out- bound transmission files. They will be set to either FAILED_TO_SEND or PURGEABLE. Use: Communications Release Notes 9-83 When sending EDI data to the VAN/Trading Partner, after the communication session has completed, the transmission files that have just been sent can now have their status up- dated to either FAILED_TO_SEND or PURGEABLE. The status depends on whether the communi- cation session was successful or not. The script must determine if the communication session was successful or not before calling this function. Updating the status will apply to all the transmission files obtained from the decedi__get_xfiles function. It is used in the scripts that send EDI data to the VAN. Input: "FAILED" or "SUCCESS". Returns: TCL_OK | TCL_ERROR o decedi__log_message string Description: This module will log the string to the DEC /EDI error log and, if tracing is turned on, it will also log it to the trace file. For more information about the trace file see Section 9.4.15. Use: This function can be used to log messages to the DEC/EDI error log and, if the trace flag is turned on, to the job's trace file. This function can be used anywhere and anytime in a script. Input: A character string. Char 200 Returns: 9-84 Communications Release Notes TCL_OK | TCL_ERROR __________________________________________________________ Predefined Tcl Variables These are the variables that will be predefined for the Tcl scripts and can be used within the Tcl script. The values come from the GUI Connection Details screen. These configured values can be used anywhere in the script. The Variable Name column contains the variable names that can be used in the script. The Values column contains the characteristics of valid values for the variables. The GUI Connection Fields column contains the field names on the GUI Connection Details screen the variables correspond to. Table_9-5:_Predefined_DEC/EDI_Tcl_Variables_____ Connection Detail Variable_Name_______Values________________Fields decedi_conn_id Connection Id Connection Id decedi_job_id Job Id Not Defined decedi_protocol 2780 or 3780 Emulation decedi_account_id VAN Mailbox Id, Char Login 30 Id decedi_password VAN Password, Char Login 30 Password decedi_dte Telephone number, Phone Char 56 Number Communications Release Notes 9-85 Table 9-5 (Cont.): Predefined DEC/EDI Tcl ___________________Variables____________________ Connection Detail Variable_Name_______Values________________Fields decedi_bckupdte Backup Telephone Back number, Char 56 Up Number decedi_aport Async Port (e.g., Async /dev/tty00), Char 12 Port decedi_baud 300, 1200, 2400, Async 4800, 9600, or 14400 Baud Rate decedi_login Prolog Shell Script, Command Char 56 Scripts : Login decedi_logout Epilog Shell Script, Command Char 56 Scripts : Logout decedi_dial P(ULSE) or T(ONE) Dialing Type decedi_redial Number of redials Redial (1-999) Limit decedi_log N(ONE), 'O' for Logging CREATE, or A(PPEND) Option decedi_mon Enable line monitor- Line ing; Y or N Monitoring decedi_trans1 ASCII->EBCDIC ASCII- Translation Table, >EBCDIC Char 56 file decedi_trans2 EBCDIC->ASCII EBCDIC- Translation Table, >ASCII ____________________Char_56_______________file__ 9-86 Communications Release Notes __________________________________________________________ 9.6.7 Writing TCL Job Scripts This section describes how to write TCL job scripts for the 3780 Gateway. To help in understanding how a TCL job script can be written, the GEIS TCL script will be used as an example. References to the GEIS VAN will be made and examples of the GEIS script will be used to explain what can be done in a TCL script. To view the complete GEIS TCL script, it is located in /var/adm/decedi/data and it's called decedi_geis_sndrcv.tcl. __________________________________________________________ Purpose Of A TCL Job Script A TCL job script is centered on the creation and/or execution of the following two files: o VAN Login File - login.dat o 3780Plus Job Script - job.dat In a TCL job script the above two files can be named anything you want, but for this exer- cise they will be called login.dat and job.dat respectively. The TCL job script is responsible for executing the below tasks: o Creating the login.dat file and appending any awaiting transmission files to it. o Creating the job.dat file. o Executing the 3780Plus Emulator and logging any errors created during execution. o Evaluating the 3780Plus return status and updating the Communication Audit Log file. o File administration Communications Release Notes 9-87 When the files have been created, the TCL script will execute the 3780Plus Emulator. When the 3780Plus Emulator is executed it is supplied the job.dat file as an input parameter. Job.dat contains the 3780Plus Emulator commands. The execution of the job.dat file will send the VAN login file, login.dat, to the VAN and request EDI data back from the VAN. If a communication session is successful then the 3780Plus emulator will return a success- ful status to the TCL job script. The TCL script should then update the status of the Communications Audit Log file records for the outbound transmission files from SENDING to PURGEABLE. If the 3780Plus emulator returns a failure status, then the TCL script must up- date the status of the Communications Audit Log file records for the outbound transmission files to FAILED. This is done by calling the Digital supplied function decedi__update_xfiles (see Section for details about this function). If a communication session was expecting to receive EDI data from the VAN, the TCL script needs to check if EDI data had been received. If there is EDI data, then the TCL script needs to import the EDI data into DEC/EDI. Importing the EDI data is done by calling a Digital supplied function decedi__put_xfiles (see Section for details about this function and Section on how it is used). __________________________________________________________ The Structure Of A TCL Job Script A TCL script consists of three sections: o Creating the VAN login file login.dat: o Login information (User Id and Password) o Outbound transmission files 9-88 Communications Release Notes o Inbound transmission files o VAN reports o Creating the 3780Plus command script job.dat: o Configuration File o Translation Tables o Sending Transmission Files o Receiving Transmission Files o 3780Plus BRANCH commands o Executing the connection's Login command script. o Executing the 3780Plus emulator o Executing the connection's Logout command script. o Reporting errors to the DEC/EDI error log o File administration Here is an example of the basic structure of a TCL job script: Check for any previous session's files IF previous files exist THEN Save the file(s) Log a warning message to the DECEDI Error Log END IF CREATE the VAN Login File APPEND the VAN login User Name (mailbox Id) and password APPEND the VAN report commands to the VAN login file (Optional) APPEND any awaiting transmission files to the VAN Login File CREATE the 3780Plus Command Script EXECUTE UNIX Login Command Script EXECUTE 3780Plus Emulator, pipe all messages to local log. LOG any errors to the DECEDI Error Log EVALUATE the 3780Plus Return Status Communications Release Notes 9-89 PERFORM file management EXECUTE UNIX Logout Command Script IF the 'Return Status' is SUCCESSFUL THEN UPDATE the CALF records to 'SUCCESS' ELSE UPDATE the CALF records to 'FAILED' END IF EVALUATE if EDI data has been received IF EDI data has been received THEN IMPORT EDI data into DEC/EDI __________________________________________________________ Creating The VAN Login File login.dat The login.dat file contains the VAN commands for logging onto the VAN and, once logged on, the VAN commands to send and receive EDI data. The TCL script's first step involves creating the VAN login file. This will consist of manda- tory and optional VAN commands. A typical VAN login file will have the following structure: o Mandatory - VAN login and configuration com- mands o Optional - VAN commands to send EDI data. o Optional - VAN commands to receive EDI data o Optional - VAN commands requesting VAN re- ports Not all VANs require a single login.dat file. Some VANs may require different commands to be sent in different files. For example, a VAN may require only the VAN login and configuration commands be sent in a login file and a separate file containing the VAN commands to send EDI data with the EDI data itself. Since all VANs are different, you must consult their user 9-90 Communications Release Notes manuals as to how they expect you to log on to their system and exchange EDI data. The 3780Plus Emulator commands that send these files are contained in the 3780Plus command script job.dat. See Section for details about creating the 3780Plus command script. __________________________________________________________ VAN Login Commands Before any EDI data can be exchanged with the VAN the User Account and Password details need to be supplied. When this data has been vali- dated by the VAN, communications may take place. Usually, the first line of every VAN login file is the user's account and password details. GEIS Example: user-account,password,MAILA * The 3780 gateway supplies the TCL script with the user-account and password values. These values are specified in the Connection Details. The TCL variables supplied by the gateway are: o decedi_account_id - used for the VAN user- account value. o decedi_password - used for the VAN password value. Some VANs may request you to specify configura- tions information about how the EDI data will be exchanged. For example, GEIS requires you to specify the transliteration table being used. The following two lines need to be added to the login.dat file: *LTID MAILBOXA *MODE INPUT,(OUTPUT(HISTnnnA),LIST),WAIT,TAB(table) nnn = The last three digits of your VAN user- number Communications Release Notes 9-91 table = The name of the transliteration table. With the above example, GEIS requires the last three digits of the decedi_account_id. You can do this in TCL with the following commands: # Grab the last 3 chars set len [string length $temp_id] set ID [string range $temp_id [expr $len-3] $len] The variable ID will now contain the last 3 characters of the decedi_account_id variable. __________________________________________________________ Sending EDI Data A DEC/EDI function has been supplied that en- ables your TCL script to check if there are any available transmission files to be sent. The supplied DEC/EDI function is decedi__check_for_ xfiles. Details about this function can be found in Section If decedi__check_for_xfiles indicates there are transmission files available for sending then the TCL script can add the VAN command to send EDI data to the login.dat file. To add the EDI data to the login file, the DEC/EDI function decedi__get_xfiles is used. Details about this function can be found in Section As an example, for GEIS, to send EDI data you must specify the below command after the login details. *DATA DOCSnnn(PURE,ASCII) nnn = Last three digits of your user_number With GEIS, after the DATA command follows the EDI data to be sent, and after the EDI data has been entered, the below GEIS commands need to be supplied: *EOF /EDXSND DOCSnnn 9-92 Communications Release Notes nnn = The last three digits of your user_number For GEIS, the first command, *EOF, specifies the end of the transmission file data. The second command, /EDXSND DOCSnnn, informs GEIS you want to send the EDI data to your trading partners. The overall structure for sending EDI data in your TCL script should be similar to the GEIS example: Check for available transmission files IF there are transmission files to be sent THEN Append '*DATA DOCSnnn(PURE,ASCII)' to the VAN Login file Append the transmission file data to the VAN Login file Append '*EOF' to the VAN Login file Append '/EDXSND DOCSnnn' to the VAN Login file END IF The below TCL script would be used to append all available transmission files to the VAN login file: set xmitfile [ decedi__check_for_xfiles ] # open job file for writing set f1 [open $CLEODIR/geis_login.dat a] # If there are transmission files to send then... if { $xmitfile != 1 } { set SENDFILE [open $CLEODIR/geis_login.dat a] puts $SENDFILE "*DATA DOCS$ID\(PURE,ASCII)" close $SENDFILE # # Append the transmission file(s) to the 'geis_login.dat' file # This function appends the transmission files to be sent to # the login file [geis_login.dat]. This function also auto- # matically updates the CALF record. # decedi__get_xfiles "$CLEODIR/geis_login.dat" Communications Release Notes 9-93 # # Indicate that this is the end of the transmission file & send the # transmission file send command. # puts $f1 "\n\*EOF" puts $f1 "/EDXSND DOCS$ID" } # # Enter the GEIS command which indicates that we want any currently awaiting # transmission files to be sent. # # End of transmission puts $f1 "*EOS" close $f1 __________________________________________________________ Receiving EDI Data If you want a job to receive EDI data, you may have to add a VAN receive command to the login.dat file. As an example, for GEIS, to receive EDI data you must specify the command: /EDXRCV When GEIS receives this command, it checks in your mailbox for any awaiting transmission files, if there are any, they will be sent to you. In the 3780Plus command script file, job.dat, you must include the command and a file to receive EDI data. Please see Section for details. 9-94 Communications Release Notes The below GEIS TCL script would be used to request EDI data from the VAN: set SENDFILE [open $3780Plus_DIR/VAN_login.dat a] . . . puts $SENDFILE "/EDXRCV" . . . close $SENDFILE Your VAN determines the ordering of commands to send and receive EDI data. Some VANs may require you to send the receive command before the send command. Consult the VAN's user manual to determine the order of commands. Once you've received the EDI data, a DEC/EDI function has been supplied that enables your TCL script to transfer the received EDI data into DEC/EDI. The supplied DEC/EDI function is decedi__put_xfiles. Details about this func- tion can be found in Section Also see section Section for details about post-connection processing and section Section on how it can be used. __________________________________________________________ VAN Report Commands NOTE Not all VANs provide reports and you may not require them. Under these conditions, this section wouldn't be applicable to your TCL script. When a connection has been established with the VAN, sometimes reports can be requested. For GEIS, the available reports are: Communications Release Notes 9-95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commands Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /EDXSSTA SEND_STATUS_REPORT, this will generate a sender PRINT RSSTA$ID;MAILBOXA;NONE status report. /EDXRSTA RECEIVE_STATUS_REPORT, this will generate a PRINT RRSTA$ID;MAILBOXA;NONE receive status report. /EDXURET UNRETEIVED_DOCS_REPORT, this will generate a PRINT RURET$ID;MAILBOXA;NONE documents un-received data report. /EDXSERR SENDER_ERROR_REPORT, this will generate a PRINT RSSUM$ID;MAILBOXA;NONE sender error report. /EDXSSUM SUMMARY_REPORT, this will generate a sender PRINT RSSUM$ID;MAILBOXA;NONE summary report. /EDXRCV PRIOR;NOPUNCH ERROR_RECOVERY, re-receive the documents from the last session. (i.e., If the last session was unsuccessful) /EDXSRET RETREIVED_DOC_REPORT, this will generate a PRINT RSRET$ID;MAILBOXA;NONE sender retrieved document report. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requesting reports can be done several different ways: o VAN commands can be added to the VAN login file by hard coding the TCL script to always include the report commands. o Create unique TCL job scripts to only request reports. o Use the Connection Detail screen to create TCL variables. These variables can be used in the TCL script to signal the inclusion of the VAN command to request the desired report. DEC/EDI supplies the /var/adm/decedi/vanreports directory for storing VAN reports. Your TCL script will have to move the report files into this directory and create unique file names. 9-96 Communications Release Notes With the GEIS TCL script, TCL variables can be set to indicate the inclusion of the VAN command into the VAN login file: # *******************************[ Optional Parameters ]************************ # # Description: Various reports can be requested from the VAN by setting the # the below flags: # # o SEND_STATUS_REPORT - This will generate a Sender Status # Report. # o RECEIVE_STATUS_REPORT - This will generate a Receive Status # Report. # o UNRETEIVED_DOCS_REPORT - This will generate a Documents Un- # received Report. # o SENDER_ERROR_REPORT - This will generate a Sender Error # Report. # o SUMMARY_REPORT - This will generate a Sender Summary # Report. # o ERROR_RECOVERY - Re-receive the documents from the last # session. i.e. if the last session was # unsuccessful. # o RETRIEVED_DOC_REPORT - This will generate a Sender Retrieved # Document Report. # # Example: # # set RETRIEVED_DOC_REPORT "x" # set ERROR_RECOVERY "x" # set UNRETEIVED_DOCS_REPORT "x" # # The above 3 reports have now been selected. # # ****************************************************************************** # # The optional parameters: # Communications Release Notes 9-97 set SEND_STATUS_REPORT "" set RECEIVE_STATUS_REPORT "" set UNRETEIVED_DOCS_REPORT "" set SENDER_ERROR_REPORT "" set SUMMARY_REPORT "" set ERROR_RECOVERY "" set RETRIEVED_DOC_REPORT "" # # Append the GEIS login file with the requested commands: # if { $SEND_STATUS_REPORT != "" } { puts $SENDFILE "/EDXSSTA" puts $SENDFILE "PRINT RSSTA$ID;MAILBOXA;NONE" } if { $RECEIVE_STATUS_REPORT != "" } { puts $SENDFILE "/EDXRSTA" puts $SENDFILE "PRINT RRSTA$ID;MAILBOXA;NONE" } . . . __________________________________________________________ Overall Structure Of A VAN Login Script Displayed below is the overall structure of a typical GEIS login file. This is what the GEIS TCL script will create: Login Details: user-number,password,MAILA * Configuration Details: *LTID MAILBOXA *MODE INPUT,(OUTPUT(HISTnnnA),LIST),WAIT,TAB(table) 9-98 Communications Release Notes Send transmission file data: *DATA DOCSnnn(PURE,ASCII) ... ... Transmission File Data ... ... *EOF Receive available transmission file data: /EDXSND DOCnnn Request VAN Reports... End Of Session Terminator: *EOS NOTE When creating the login.dat file, see the VAN's user manual for details about their VAN commands and syntax. __________________________________________________________ Creating The 3780Plus Command Script job.dat Job.dat file contains the 3780Plus emulator commands. The command file specifies how to set up the 3780 Emulator and what it must do. The below details are specified within the 3780Plus command script: o Optional - The 3780Plus Configuration File o Optional - The 3780Plus Translation Tables o Optional - The Monitor file o Mandatory - The VAN Telephone number o Mandatory - The VAN login file to be sent o Optional - Additional files to be sent o Optional - The file to receive EDI data Communications Release Notes 9-99 o Mandatory - 3780Plus BRANCH commands NOTE For more information on using 3780Plus emulator commands refer to the 3780Plus User Manual. __________________________________________________________ The Configuration File The configuration file is used to initialize the 3780Plus Emulator. The configuration file initializes the following 3780Plus Emulator characteristics: ________________________________________________ Parameter_______________Default_____Code________ Protocol Type 3780 0 Line Type Switched 0 Terminal Type Primary 1 Terminal ID (none) (none) Record Size 80 chars 80 Blocking Factor 1 1 Space Compression ON 1 New Line Suppression OFF 0 Repeat Limit 4 4 Retransmission Limit 4 4 Wait Limit 10 10 Delay Limit 100 100 Bid Limit 15 15 Idle Limit No Timeout 0 Receive Limit 15 15 RTS/CTS Delay 150ms 0 Equalizer OFF 0 Modulation Type Bell 201 1 9-100 Communications Release Notes ________________________________________________ Parameter_______________Default_____Code________ Dialing_Method__________Sync________0___________ To configure the 3780Plus Emulator, the CONFIG command is used. If the command is not speci- fied in the job.dat file then the default, as displayed above, will be used. These values are stored in DEC/EDI's Service Configuration File (scf_3780) and entered via the Connection Details in the Communications Editor. Each time a job is submitted, the gateway obtains these values from the SCF and creates a 3780Plus configuration file. The created 3780Plus configuration file has the following format: /var/adm/decedi/3780Plus/decedi_conn_id_ config.dat Where conn_id is the same value as the DEC/EDI TCL variable decedi_conn_id. If you are going to use the configuration file the 3780Plus command to use is: 3780Plus Emulator Command file: ## Specify the Configuration CONFIG /var/adm/decedi/3780Plus/decedi_conn_id_config.dat In the TCL script, to have the 3780Plus Emulator use the configuration file, the below example could be used when writing to the 3780Plus command script: # open geis_job.dat for output set sf [open $CLEODIR/geis_job.dat w] # Specify that the 3780Plus Emulator uses the # 'decedi_$decedi_conn_id\_config.dat' configuration file. puts $sf "CONFIG $CLEODIR/decedi_$decedi_conn_id\_config.dat" Communications Release Notes 9-101 ... ... Other 3780Plus Emulator Commands ... ... # Close the 3780Plus job file close $sf NOTE The above TCL script uses the supplied DEC/EDI TCL variable decedi_conn_id to specify the CONFIG file to be used. This is important, because this is the file name the gateway creates when it starts the job. __________________________________________________________ The Translation Tables The translation tables to be used by the 3780Plus Emulator can be specified by using the following TABLE command: TABLE trans_table_1 trans_table_2 o trans_table_1 = File name for translation table (ASCII -> EBCDIC) o trans_table_2 = File name for translation table (EBCDIC -> ASCII) Translations found in the first file trans_ table_1 are used for ASCII to EBCDIC conversions for outgoing data. Translations found in the second file trans_table_2 are used for EBCDIC to ASCII conversions for incoming data. If the TABLE command is not specified within the 3780Plus command script then default ASCII to EBCDIC translation files are used. The 3780Plus default translation files are stored in the 9-102 Communications Release Notes directory where the CLEO 3780Plus kit was in- stalled on your system. The names of the files are ebcascii.ovr and asciiebc.ovr The table names are stored in the Service Configuration File (SCF) and entered via the Connection Details in the Communications Editor. The 3780 gateway supplies the following TCL variables which can be used to tell the 3780Plus emulator which files to use: o decedi_trans1 = ASCII -> EBCDIC translation table o decedi_trans2 = EBCDIC -> ASCII translation table Your TCL script adds the translation tables to the 3780Plus command script the same way as was done with the Configuration File (See section Section __________________________________________________________ The Monitor File The 3780Plus Emulator allows all low level communications to be recorded within a monitor file. The monitor file contains a list of all data that was sent to and received from the VAN. If line monitoring is required the DEC /EDI variable decedi_mon will be set to 'Y', otherwise it is set to 'N'. The monitor flag is defined from the Connection Detail screen. If the decedi_mon variable is set to 'Y' then the below command should be stated within the 3780Plus command script, thus enabling line monitoring: 3780Plus Emulator Script: ## Enable Line Monitoring MONITOR /var/adm/decedi/3780Plus/filename Communications Release Notes 9-103 filename - This is the name of the monitor log file created by the 3780Plus Emulator. You specify the name of this file. If the MONITOR command is not specified within the 3780Plus command script file then line monitoring is disabled. In the GEIS TCL script, here is how the MONITOR command is added to the 3780Plus command script file: if { $decedi_mon == "Y"} { puts $sf "MONITOR $CLEODIR/geis_monitor.log" } __________________________________________________________ The VAN Telephone Number This is a mandatory command which is used to specify the VAN's Telephone number. The 3780Plus Emulator command takes the below format: AUTODIAL dialing_method telephone_number Rnumber_of_redials AUTODIAL P 9 T5 01819656776 R4 o dialing_method = This is either 'P' for PULSE or 'T' for TONE dialing. o telephone_number = This is the VAN's tele- phone number. o number_of_redials = This is the number of re-dial attempts before failing. The AUTODIAL parameters are stored in the Service Configuration File (SCF) and entered via the Connection Details in the Communications Editor. The 3780 gateway supplies the following TCL variables which can be used for the AUTODIAL parameters. o Dialing Method = decedi_dial o Telephone Number = decedi_dte o Number of Re-dials = decedi_redial 9-104 Communications Release Notes o Backup Telephone No. = decedi_bckupdte To specify the AUTODIAL command within the 3780Plus command script here is a TCL script example using the supplied DEC/EDI variables: # Open the 3780Plus job script file for writing set sf [open /var/adm/decedi/3780Plus/3780Plus_job.dat w] # # Specify that the 3780 Emulator uses the AUTODIAL command with the supplied # DEC/EDI parameters: decedi_dial decedi_dte decedi_redial. # puts $sf "AUTODIAL $decedi_dial $decedi_dte R$decedi_redial" ... ... Other 3780Plus Emulator Commands ... ... # Close the 3780Plus job script close $sf The AUTODIAL command can also be used with the backup telephone number. The backup telephone number is used when dialing the first number was unsuccessful in connecting to the VAN. For example, if the VAN's high speed telephone number is always busy, then the VAN's low speed telephone number can be used as the back up telephone number. __________________________________________________________ Sending The VAN Login Script File This is a mandatory command that sends the login file to the VAN. For more information about the VAN login file, see the previous section Section The below 3780Plus command tells the 3780Plus Emulator to send the VAN login file: TEXT path_name/login.dat Communications Release Notes 9-105 As in the GEIS script, your TCL script would have the following: puts $sf "TEXT $CLEODIR/geis_login.dat" __________________________________________________________ Receive EDI Data If you request the VAN to send back to you any available transmission files in the login.dat file, then you must specify the below 3780Plus Emulator command: RECEIVE path_name/file_name -T The file_name will be the file that contains the received EDI data. For GEIS, if there isn't EDI data to be received then GEIS will send the message "NO PENDING DOCUMENTS". Different VANs will return different messages when there is no EDI in your mailbox. Refer to your VAN user manual or representative to find out what message they use or how they inform you there is no EDI data to be received. The message can be used to determine whether you received EDI data or not. If the RECEIVE command is not specified within your 3780Plus command script then you will never receive any EDI data from the VAN. This may cause a problem if you included the VAN's com- mand to request EDI data in the VAN login file. Ensure your TCL script includes the RECEIVE com- mand in the 3780Plus command script when you are requesting EDI data in the VAN login file. As in the GEIS script, your TCL script would have the following: puts $sf "RECEIVE $CLEODIR/geis_mailbox.dat $local_tft" 9-106 Communications Release Notes The $local_tft is used in the RECEIVE command to switch transparency on or off. Before calling the RECEIVE command the TCL TRANSPARENCY vari- able can be determined from the symbol that was defined in the Connection Details screen. As in the GEIS script, your TCL script would have the following: # # Transparency flag: # set local_tft " " if {$TRANSPARENCY == "Y"} { set local_tft -T } You will have to find out from the VAN whether they support transparency or not and whether you need it enable it or not. To check if you received EDI data you can use the UNIX grep command. Below is the GEIS example of how to use the grep command: # # Check to see if the geis_mailbox.dat file is created # if [file exists "$CLEODIR/geis_mailbox.dat"] { # # Check to see if there are any inbound documents to receive # Search the geis_mailbox.dat file for "NO PENDING DOCUMENTS" # If the string is found then there are no documents within # mailbox data received. # set result [ catch {exec grep "NO PENDING DOCUMENTS" $CLEODIR/geis_mailbox.dat } ] Communications Release Notes 9-107 # # Extract the transmission files from the received mailbox data # file. The transmission files will be moved into the appropriate # store directory & their CALF records updated [DECEDI__RECEIVED]. # if { $result == 1 } { # # Put the received EDI information in the mailbox file # decedi__put_xfiles "$CLEODIR/geis_mailbox.dat" # # Everything went OK! The mailbox data has been # successfully moved to the DEC/EDI Store directory, so # remove the mailbox.dat file # exec rm $CLEODIR/geis_mailbox.dat } else { # # Log message indicating that no documents were received # decedi__log_message "*** GEIS000: No Inbound Documents Received ***" } } It is important to use the catch with the TCL exec command. This enables grep's return status to be placed in the result variable. __________________________________________________________ 3780Plus BRANCH Commands When the 3780Plus Emulator processes a command it will return a result which indicates whether the command was successful. The result can be used to BRANCH to certain areas of the 3780Plus command script. This allows you have process control in the 3780Plus Emulator script. 9-108 Communications Release Notes Normally, the BRANCH command is used directly after a 3780Plus Emulator command has been executed. A simple example is if the AUTODIAL command fails. When this happens the 3780Plus Emulator returns the FAIL result. You can then use this result to BRANCH accordingly. Example: (3780Plus Command Script) ## Supply an invalid VAN phone number AUTODIAL P 0123456789 R1 ## Branch on fail to procedure 100 BRANCH ON FAIL TO 100 ## Procedure 100 - LOG the below message within the 3780.LOG file 100 LOG %%% 3780Plus Autodial Failed %%% ## Hangup the Phone VOICE ## Exit returning -1 QUIT -1 The above script attempts to AUTODIAL using an invalid telephone number. When the AUTODIAL fails it encounters the BRANCH command. The BRANCH command tells the Emulator to execute the commands at the label named '100' if the AUTODIAL failed. When the AUTODIAL fails the 3780Plus Emulator executes the code at '100'; logs a message to the 3780.LOG file, drops the line, and exits with a -1 (FAIL) code. __________________________________________________________ An Example Of Creating The 3780Plus Command Script Here is the GEIS TCL example: #open geis_job.dat for output set sf [open $CLEODIR/geis_job.dat w] # # Transparency flags: supported even though GEIS do not advise using it... # set local_tft " " Communications Release Notes 9-109 if {$TRANSPARENCY == "Y"} { set local_tft -T } # # Write to the job file # puts $sf "##" puts $sf "## 3780Plus Job File for connecting GEIS" puts $sf "##" puts $sf "CONFIG $CLEODIR/decedi_$decedi_conn_id\_config.dat" puts $sf "TABLE $decedi_trans1 $decedi_trans2" if { $decedi_mon == "Y"} { puts $sf "MONITOR $CLEODIR/geis_monitor.log" } puts $sf "##" puts $sf "AUTODIAL $decedi_dial $decedi_dte R$decedi_redial" puts $sf "BRANCH ON FAIL TO 101" puts $sf "##" puts $sf "TEXT $CLEODIR/geis_login.dat" puts $sf "BRANCH NOT NRMEOF TO 201" puts $sf "##" puts $sf "## Have to receive everything as separate print files." puts $sf "## GEIS only send an EOT at the very end." puts $sf "## Once a PRINT has been issued DC2 and DC3 are" puts $sf "## ignored by 3780Plus, and the PRINT already issued is" puts $sf "## not completed until an EOT is received." puts $sf "## Use a single RECEIVE command for the data" puts $sf "## and receive print files using default PRINT.000 files." puts $sf "##" puts $sf "RECEIVE $CLEODIR/geis_mailbox.dat $local_tft" puts $sf "BRANCH ON HANGUP TO 123" puts $sf "BRANCH NOT NRMEOF TO 301" puts $sf "##" puts $sf "123 LOG *** 3780Plus Job Completed Successfully ***" puts $sf "VOICE" puts $sf "QUIT 123" puts $sf "##" puts $sf "101 LOG %%% 3780Plus Autodial Failed %%%" puts $sf "VOICE" 9-110 Communications Release Notes puts $sf "QUIT 101" puts $sf "##" puts $sf "201 LOG %%% 3780Plus Send Login Data Failed %%%" puts $sf "VOICE" puts $sf "QUIT 201" puts $sf "##" puts $sf "203 LOG %%% 3780Plus Send Xmit Data Failed %%%" puts $sf "VOICE" puts $sf "QUIT 203" puts $sf "##" puts $sf "301 LOG %%% 3780Plus Receive Mailbox Failed %%%" puts $sf "VOICE" puts $sf "QUIT 301" close $sf __________________________________________________________ Pre-execution and Post-execution of the 3780Plus Emulator The TCL script does the following: o Executes the Login and Logout Scripts o Executes the 3780Plus emulator o File administration Before and after executing the 3780Plus Emulator there are some activities that you may want to add to the TCL script. Consult the GEIS TCL script for how these these tasks were imple- mented. o If a Login UNIX script has been specified, then check that it actually exists and exe- cute it. o Copy or delete all the received file names to the vanreports directory. o Check to see if the 3780Plus emulator created any run-times errors/warnings. o If line monitoring is turned on, then save the file to a time-stamped file name. Communications Release Notes 9-111 o If decedi_log is set to 'O', for overwrite, then rename the log file to a time-stamped name. o If the communication session failed, the file containing any received EDI data should be saved. o If a Logout UNIX script has been specified, then check that it actually exists and exe- cute it. __________________________________________________________ The Job Login And Logout Scripts The Connection Details Screen (SCF) contains two fields that allow Login and Logout scripts to be executed when the job is submitted. The Login and Logout scripts are passed to the TCL job script using the DEC/EDI TCL variables decedi_ login and decedi_logout These variables will contain the path and file names of the UNIX shell scripts to be executed. The Login script should be executed before the 3780Plus Emulator is executed. The Logout script should be executed after the 3780Plus Emulator has been executed. The Login and Logout scripts are user defined and user written. As in the GEIS script, your TCL script would have the following: # # If a login script has been specified, then check that it actually exists. If # it does then use it. # if { $decedi_login != "" } { 9-112 Communications Release Notes if { [file exists $decedi_login] } { # # If File does exist, then execute it! # exec $decedi_login 2>> $CLEODIR\/$decedi_conn_id\_job.log } else { # # File does not exist, log an error message! # set log "" lappend log "%%% WARNING: The below error was reported when executing %%%" lappend log "%%% REASON: Login Script \[ $decedi_login \] script does not exist! %%%" log_error $CLEODIR\/$decedi_conn_id\_job.log $log } } __________________________________________________________ Executing The 3780Plus Emulator The 3780Plus Emulator does the dialing and Bisync protocol work. It needs to be executed using the following format: 3780Plus -J 3780_job_script -D decedi_aport -B decedi_baud -L decedi_log The -J parameter informs the 3780Plus Emulator that a 3780Plus job file will be supplied. The job file 3780Plus_job_script will contain the 3780Plus Emulator commands to be executed. For more information on the 3780Plus command script see Section The -D parameter specifies the communications port to be used. DEC/EDI supplies the TCL vari- able decedi_aport. The -B parameter specifies the baud rate that the 3780Plus Emulator is to transmit data at. DEC/EDI supplies the TCL variable decedi_baud. Communications Release Notes 9-113 The -L parameter specifies what should be done with the local log file. The local log file records all the commands that are executed by the 3780Plus Emulator. The local log is the 3780.LOG file. All the DEC/EDI TCL variable values are declared in the Connection Details Screen of the GUI Communications Editor. For a complete list of the parameters that can be passed to the the 3780Plus Emulator refer to the '3780Plus User Manual'. The 3780Plus Emulator will return a status indicating whether the commands supplied to it in the 3780Plus job file (See the -J parameter) were successful or not. As in the GEIS script, your TCL script would have something like the following: # # Run the 3780Plus emulator, pipe all errors / warnings to the local log. # # NOTE: Because we have changed directory to (CLEOCODE) this means the 3780.LOG # file will be saved in this directory. # catch { eval exec $CLEOCODE/3780Plus -J $CLEODIR/geis_job.dat -D $decedi_aport -B $decedi_baud -L$decedi_log -S 2>> $CLEODIR/3780_error.log >> $CLEODIR/3780_error.log } After the above TCL command has finished the TCL script can report all error messages into the DEC/EDI Error Log in the following format: Example: ( The setup file was not found ) %%% WARNING: The below warning was reported when executing VAN_job.s %%% %%% REASON: VAN_job.s: VAN_setup.s: not found %%% 9-114 Communications Release Notes __________________________________________________________ Post-Connection Processing In The TCL Script After the 3780Plus Emulator has finished, there are some activities the TCL may need to perform before the job is finished: o Obtain the status returned from the 3780Plus Emulator to determine if the communication session was successful or not. See section Section o Check the returned status from the 3780Plus Emulator. Depending on the returned status, performed the appropriate tasks. With a successful status, TCL script will need to update the status of the outbound transmission files so they can become PURGEABLE. Also, if EDI data was received the TCL script will need to get the EDI data into DEC/EDI. See section Section Depending on the type of unsuccessful sta- tus, the TCL script will have to FAIL the outbound transmission files or just log error messages. o Remove or rename any files left over from the job session. Depending on the success or failure of the job, you may want to save files generated during the job or delete them. It is recom- mended that: o Log files that can be turned on from the Connection Details screen should always be saved if they were created (e.g, mon- itor file, trace file, and the 3780Plus Emulator log file). o If there was a failure in processing the job, then all log and work files should be saved with unique time-stamp file names. o If the job was processed successfully then all work and log files should be deleted. Communications Release Notes 9-115 o Whether success or failure, the gateway created files can be left as is along with the VAN login file. Examples of the above tasks can be viewed by looking at the GEIS script /var/adm/decedi/data /decedi_geis_sndrcv.tcl. 9-116 Communications Release Notes Chapter 10 User Interface Release Notes __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 10.1 Installation and Setup Release Notes __________________________________________________________ 10.1.1 Installation and Setup Changes for V3.1 __________________________________________________________ CommandCenter Setup For DEC/EDI V3.1A, the following changes have been made to the CommandCenter Setup. o Better detection of potential setup prob- lems: o Checks for WINSOCK o Checks for basic ODBC presence, not spe- cific to any database or Vendor's drivers o Checks for ObjectBroker presence o Checks for WIN32S presence o For Informix - checks presence of SERVICES file and DECEDI_PC service o For OracleRDB - checks presence of ODBC specific DLL's and FetchAhead setting User Interface Release Notes 10-1 __________________________________________________________ Installing the V3.1A Cockpit and CommandCenter Installation of the DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter is now executed via InstallShield. for more details on using InstallShield to in- stall the Cockpit and CommandCenter, please see the DEC/EDI Cockpit and CommandCenter installa- tion guide. __________________________________________________________ 10.1.2 Installation and Setup Trouble Shooting __________________________________________________________ Shared Windows Directories This setup has a problem with the Windows direc- tory if it is kept on a server with READ ONLY access. Because certain files must be in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, otherwise they will not operate correctly, you may have to install the files manually. __________________________________________________________ Installing on Windows NT The DEC/EDI CommandCenter 16-bit kit (for Windows 3.1) is not supported on Windows NT. If you try to install it, the Windows 3.1 kit will report a refusal to install. You should install the Windows 95/Windows NT version of DEC/EDI CommandCenter. __________________________________________________________ Error-CommandCenter Network Test on ObjectBroker When running the DEC/EDI CommandCenter Network Test on ObjectBroker, you may get the following error message on the Server: # 23118:/usr/sbin/decedi_guid: /sbin/loader: Fatal Error: cannot map 10-2 User Interface Release Notes This is because the OSF system does not have the following installed: OSFRTDEV320 A later version of this will be alright. You can check it is installed with: setld -i | grep OSFRTDEV320 If it is not installed, use: setld -l This loads it from the OSF kit. __________________________________________________________ 10.2 General CommandCenter Release Notes __________________________________________________________ 10.2.1 CommandCenter Changes for V3.1 __________________________________________________________ Cockpit kits merged Previously, the Cockpit was available in three different forms: V2.1A ACAS, V2.1A ObjectBroker and V3.1. These three kits have been merged into one kit. There are three Cockpits still, but they will all work simultaneously now, whereas before there were conflicts with certain shared libraries. It is still true that a V2.1A Cockpit cannot be used with a V3.1 server and vice versa. However, using both the V2.1A and V3.1A Cockpits is not recommended because of a restriction with ObjectBroker. This applies only to Windows 3.1 versions. __________________________________________________________ 10.2.2 CommandCenter Trouble Shooting User Interface Release Notes 10-3 __________________________________________________________ Error-Cannot write sorted rows This error can occur if there is not enough space on the server disk for the database man- ager to create some sort files it needs to perform the operation. You will need to provide more space for your server database. For an Informix database you can define which directory it uses for its sort files by defining the environment variable PSORT_DBTEMP. For example: setenv PSORT_DBTEMP /usr/sortdir By doing this you can specify a different disk for the sort files and so alleviate the usage on the server disk. __________________________________________________________ Error-Incorrect ObjectBroker Protocol If when using an ObjectBroker function from a CommandCenter Editor or Cockpit (for example, Building caches) you get: OBB_COM_SYSLDFAIL (e), Dynamic load of component 'pwsock.dll' for subsystem 'DECnet' failed -OBB_INV_DYNDFAIL (e), The specified executable for the method could not be dynamically loaded. This means ObjectBroker has not been configured correctly. To correct this, start the ObjectBroker System Administrator, and select the "Configurations..." option from the View menu. When the "Configurations" dialog box appears, highlight "Microsoft TCP/IP-Only Configuration" and select Modify. Then select "Current Configuration". 10-4 User Interface Release Notes __________________________________________________________ CommandCenter must be Proxied to Root to Start Gateways The DEC/EDI Communications Gateways are designed to be run from the root account. If you are starting the communications gateways from the CommandCenter, the DEC/EDI Server account to which the CommandCenter's ObjectBroker methods has been proxied should be root. If this violates the servers security policy, the gateways can be started up and shutdown from the root account on the DEC/EDI server by using the 'decedi_manage' command. __________________________________________________________ Hourglass appears and disappears when starting Editor When your PC has many applications running (for example, many of the CommandCenter Editors) trying to start another one may not succeed if there are not enough resources left on the PC. When starting an Editor this may exhibit it- self as the hour glass appearing for a couple of seconds and disappearing and nothing else happening. The workaround is to shutdown some of the other applications. __________________________________________________________ Windows 95/NT kit The CommandCenter kit for Windows 95/NT is a full 32 bit implementation of the CommandCenter. It requires ObjectBroker V2.6 and 32 bit ODBC drivers. This kit is not supported on Windows 3.1 with WIN32S. User Interface Release Notes 10-5 __________________________________________________________ Stopping DEC/EDI GUI servers or SQL/Services If the server or SQL/Services are either stopped or just stop, actively connected CommandCenter applications will now recover automatically. You do not need to intervene by restarting them. __________________________________________________________ GPF when entering a password We have discovered certain versions of the Microsoft Foundation Class DLLs cause GPF's in the CommandCenter if you fail to login for any reason. The DLL's supplied with the CommandCenter kit are known to work, and should have the following versions: Table 10-1: Acceptable Microsoft Foundation ____________Class_DLLs_for_CommandCenter________ Foundation_Class_DLL__Correct_Version___________ MFC250.DLL 1.5.200 (2.5.200b) MFCD250.DLL 1.5.200 (2.5.200b) MFCO250.DLL 1.5.200 (2.5.200b) MFCOLEUI.DLL__________2.00_(2.01)_______________ You can find out the version numbers of various DLL's used by the CommandCenter by running the DEC/EDI Versions application EDIVER.EXE __________________________________________________________ CTL3DV2 causes problems with tabbed dialogs We have discovered version of CTL3DV2 causes a problem with the tabbed dialogs in the CommandCenter. The symptom is the dialog appears to accept no input. The kit is supplied with which does not have the problem. You can find out the version numbers of various DLL's used by the CommandCenter by running the DEC/EDI Versions application EDIVER.EXE 10-6 User Interface Release Notes __________________________________________________________ Common Problems communicating with INFORMIX Online o Error in getservbyname You have not defined 'decedi_pc' in your TCP /IP services file. Check that this entry is present and the number used matches that on the DEC/EDI server. o Unknown communications error This can occur if the INFORMIX Online server is not running. Check INFORMIX is running and is correctly configured. __________________________________________________________ Certain versions MFC DLL's cause problems with ODBC The version of MFC250, MFCD250 and MFCO250 DLL's supplied with the Cockpit and CommandCenter kit are V2.51. These work without problems with INTERSOLV ODBC. V2.50, V2.52B appear to cause GPF's in QEUTL06.DLL when you try to connect with more than one CommandCenter application. Please ensure you use the supplied versions of MFC with this kit. __________________________________________________________ 10.2.3 CommandCenter Known Problems __________________________________________________________ Multiple GUI Processes on a Windows NT with Rdb Configuration An OBB V2.6 PC client will cause an OBB V2.5A server to keep creating new GUI servers. This is a known problem with OBB V2.6 on NT. The solution is to upgrade OBB on the server. You also need to upgrade OBB on your UNIX box to V2.6. User Interface Release Notes 10-7 __________________________________________________________ Connecting to an OracleRDB Database There is a known problem when connecting to an OracleRDB database. If you exceed the number of running Executors on SQL/Services, you will see a failure to connect. The only solution to this is to increase the number of executors running on your UNIX server. In order to do this, please consult your SQL/Services documentation. An example might be: # sqs_manage sqs_manage> connect server sqs_default user '' using ''; sqs_manage> alter executors for service decedi_db min_executors 10; sqs_manage> exit; # Replace account with your RDB database adminis- trator account and password with the password. In the example above, 10 executors will be the minimum. __________________________________________________________ Unknown Connection when Configuring the CommandCenter for a Server When trying to connect to the server, you may get the message- Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed Driver not capable. Error on network connection, unknown connection problem system call failed. One common reason for this problem is that the server account referenced by the CommandCenter doesn't have access to the DEC/EDI database. You have to run 'decedi_config', select 'Modify Database Users', and add the user account as a database user. 10-8 User Interface Release Notes __________________________________________________________ No Wait Cursor (Hour Glass) when Building Caches The GUI editors do not put up a wait cursor (hour glass) when you are building caches. Also the status bar does not say 'Building caches...'. If you try to click on anything (for example, a menu) you will get a beep. __________________________________________________________ Using text within the date format may not work correctly The International settings for the date format on the PC allow text to be displayed in between the components of the date. If such text is specified, date handling in the Editors may not work correctly. The Management Services Editor's Build Interval handling is one example. The workaround is to not specify any text in the date format. __________________________________________________________ Warning message-Failed to notify library When using the CommandCenter editors to load in files from the PC, you may get the message: Warning: Failed to notify library This occurs when the file being loaded is in use by another application; for example, Microsoft Word. It does not stop the file from being loaded and the message can be ignored. Alternatively, close down the application that has the file open and re-load into the Editor. User Interface Release Notes 10-9 __________________________________________________________ Known problems with Windows 95/Windows NT kit An ObjectBroker V2.6 PC Client causes a V2.5A server to create a new GUI server every time you start a component of the CommandCenter. Since these servers never shut down, you may quickly find your machine running multiple copies of the GUI server. You can stop them with the obbmstp command. Oracle ODBC for RDB V2.0.19 is known to have problems with long words and causes incorrect data to be stored in the RDB database. Oracle ODBC for RDB V2.0.20 is the latest known version and corrects the problem found with longwords in V2.0.19. However, when connecting to SQL/Services, there appears to be a problem with multiple connections - you may need to increase your SQL/Services min_executors to cover the connections. NOTE This release fully supports Informix CLI V2.50 for Windows 95/NT. __________________________________________________________ Concurrent use of CommandCenter Editors and Message Update Services Using the Message Update Service tool (decedi_ must) whilst a CommandCenter Editor is also be- ing used for the same Server can cause problems where the same pieces of information are being edited and also updated by the MUS tool. Information provided by the MUS tool could be overwritten when an Editor saves its information after the MUS tool has completed. 10-10 User Interface Release Notes In the case of the Management Services Editor you may get the following message when saving: "AST Record exists in database but not in memory in CAppDoc::PutAppServerData" which means new records have been created in the database whilst the MSE was editing. You will then not be able to save your MSE changes to the database. Make sure all CommandCenter Editors are shutdown before using the MUS tool. __________________________________________________________ Running concurrent multiple instances of the same CommandCenter Editor Running multiple instances of the same CommandCenter Editor for the same Server can cause problems when more than one is making updates to the database. As the Editors edit the same information they could overwrite each other's changes. In the case of the Management Services Editor you may get a message when saving of the form: "AST Record exists in database but not in memory in CAppDoc::PutAppServerData" which means new records have been created in the database whilst the MSE was editing. You will then not be able to save your MSE changes to the database. Do not run more than one instance of the same CommandCenter Editor at the same time for a Server __________________________________________________________ 10.3 Communications Editor User Interface Release Notes 10-11 __________________________________________________________ 10.3.1 Communications Editor Changes for V3.1 o Support for SMTP/MIME gateway added. o Support for CLEO 3780 gateway and connections added. o Getting Started added: allows you to access the functions of the editor via a dialog immediately on starting the editor. o You can see the state of a gateway: running or stopped, enabled or disabled. o Icons change to indicate the state of a gate- way or connection. o Connections with errors show in red. o Can generate a report of the connections /gateways. o Fixed database problems o Cache icons added o Cache commands available without displaying details first. o Start Connection now prompts for Job ID o Jobs supported on IMPORT/EXPORT and CLEO gateway o Supports V3.0/V3.1 servers o Various bug fixes. __________________________________________________________ 10.3.2 Communications Editor Changes for V3.1A The communications editor now allows the selec- tion of specified connection ids. This facility can be enabled or disabled via the File menu: o Invoke the DEC/EDI Communications Editor. o Click on the "File" menu and select "Options..." 10-12 User Interface Release Notes o The "Options" selection box will appear on your screen. To enable "Connection Id Selection" put a tick in the "Display Connection Selection dialog" tick box. When this facility is enabled the "Select Connections" dialog box will be displayed when- ever you log into a DEC/EDI server. This dialog box allows you to specify a single connection id name or to select all connection ids. Wild cards are allowed when specifying a connec- tion id name. Allowed wildcard characters are "?" for single characters and "*" for multiple characters. If you have have used the "Connection Selection" facility to request specific connection details then only connection ids matching your specified selection criteria will be displayed by the communications editor. If you choose not to use the "Connection Selection" facility then all connection ids defined on a server will be displayed by the communications editor when you log into that server. __________________________________________________________ 10.4 Mapping Table Editor __________________________________________________________ 10.4.1 Mapping Table Editor Changes for DEC/EDI V3.1A The Mapping Table Editor has been changed in the following ways: o A string is used where a numeric operand is required o Recognition Expression is now case-sensitive User Interface Release Notes 10-13 __________________________________________________________ 10.4.2 Changes in Releases Prior to DEC/EDI V3.1A The following changes were reported in DEC/EDI releases prior to DEC/EDI V3.1A: o Can generate complete sample maps when you extract a document from the server. o Input focus changed to make keyboard usage easier. o Support for shared lookups added o Each view now has multiple columns that can be customised by dragging o Supports X12 floating maps For DEC/EDI V3.1A the following enhancements have been made to the Mapping Table editor. o Shared Lookups fixes o Document Extract no longer includes X12 ST/SE o $DATE and $TIMESTAMP support added to Editor and Compiler o New style Table Browser __________________________________________________________ String used where numeric operand is required The mapping service will generate the an error when a field of numeric type is compared with a string type. In the following example, EDITION is declared as Unsigned Numeric and compared with the string " ". DECEDI__RT_STRING_OPRND (e), string used where numeric operand required ------------------------- IT1_PRODUCT_SERVICE_ID_15 = IF PUBLISHER <> " " THEN PUBLISHER; IT1_PRODUCT_SERVICE_ID_QUALI_16 = IF EDITION <> " " THEN "B3"; 10-14 User Interface Release Notes FILE=1, DOC=1 SOFT ERROR: document aborted, continuing with the next document To correct the error edit the mapping assign- ment in the Mapping Table Editor so that the comparison is made against numeric value. i.e. IT1_PRODUCT_SERVICE_ID_QUALI_16 = IF EDITION <> 0 THEN "B3"; __________________________________________________________ Recognition Expression is now case sensitive For an outgoing mapping table record se- quence entry, the expression entered into the Recognition Expression dialogue needs to be case sensitive. If a record REC_B{1} begins with "B" but the recognition expression is RC = "b" the following error will be given. SOURCE TREE: HEADER{1} hdMAPTST. REC_A{1} A1000000. DECEDI__INVHIERKY (e), data does not agree with specified source hierarchy IF this error occurs correct the recognition ex- pression in the Mapping Table Editor, recompile the mapping table and save to the server. __________________________________________________________ Application File Batching Application file batching, as documented in the Application Development book, is implemented in this release. User Interface Release Notes 10-15 __________________________________________________________ 10.4.3 Mapping Table Editor Known Problems __________________________________________________________ Unable to Create an Array of Structures in Record Layouts When creating a record layout in the Mapping Table Editor, it is not possible to create an array of structures by setting the OCCURS attribute of a structure. This must be done by creating one structure, and using cut and paste to create the required occurrences of that structure. __________________________________________________________ Mapping Expression Generator does not Distinguish Duplicate Records in Mapping Context If you use the Generate option for generating mapping assignments, the Mapping Table Editor will incorrectly set the context for records or segments that appear more than once within the record or document sequence. For example, if you have an FTX segment that ap- pears twice, the second occurrence is identified by the name FTX#1. However the context generated for the second occurrence is incorrectly set to FTX. To work around this problem, after generating the assignments, visit any maps that correspond to duplicated segments or records, and set the context to the correct value. __________________________________________________________ Can't paste assignment after or before after cutting or copying If you cut or copy an assignment you cannot then paste it before or after another assignment, you get the message 'nothing appropriate selected'. 10-16 User Interface Release Notes __________________________________________________________ Mapping Table Compiler Problems If you supply the wrong number of arguments on a predefined hook function call, the Mapping Table Compiler crashes, giving the message: WIN32S Error EDIMC32.EXE Unhandled exception detected... Application will be terminated. The Mapping Table Editor may not detect this error and incorrectly report a successful compi- lation. __________________________________________________________ Crash when clicking an assignment to deleted field If you generate an inbound map from a document, then go through the Record Layouts deleting fields, you leave the map in an unstable state, as it has assignments for the fields you have deleted. If you then click on such an assignment it crashes. The Mapping Table Editor should refuse to delete fields that are referred to by an assignment. The workaround is to delete the assignments first. __________________________________________________________ 10.5 Trading Partner Editor __________________________________________________________ 10.5.1 Trading Partner Editor Changes for DEC/EDI V3.1A For DEC/EDI V3.1A the following enhancements have been made: o The biggest change in the Trading Partner editor is the filtering support added to cope with large numbers of Trading Partners User Interface Release Notes 10-17 and Applications. Wherever a Partner can be browsed, a filter dialog appears, allowing you to select a wildcarded partner name. An asterisk (*) means any number of characters. A question mark (?) means any one character, or all partners (as in V3.1). This applies in the following circumstances: - When you login to a server and get the hierarchical list of partners - Copying partners, the browser is filtered - Printing partners, the report is filtered - The Wizard has the browsers with filters __________________________________________________________ 10.5.2 Trading Partner Editor Changes for V3.1 The following enhancements were added in this release: o Getting Started added. o Can import and export complete trading part- ners. o Can import V2.1 VMS Trading Partner Profiles. o Can generate a report of the Trading Partners. o New Trading Partner Wizard to help you create new agreements. o Can copy existing Trading Partners. o Supports X12 and TRADACOMS o Additional Advanced Application fields in Trading Partner and Document Details o Cache icons added o Cache commands available without displaying details first. o Import/Export profiles now working; support- ing importing of V2.1A EXTRACT PROFILE format files. 10-18 User Interface Release Notes o Import checks for duplicates and prompts whilst loading. o New style table browser o Supports V3.0/V3.1 servers __________________________________________________________ 10.5.3 Trading Partner Editor Known Problems __________________________________________________________ Error with more than 8192 trading partners When more than 8192 partner IDs are loaded into a listbox or drop-down box an error will occur. This is due the limit on the number of entries allowed in a listbox or drop-down box. __________________________________________________________ 10.6 Network Tester __________________________________________________________ 10.6.1 Network Tester Changes for V3.1 o Enhanced to allow you to change server defi- nitions within the Network Tester. __________________________________________________________ 10.7 Cockpit __________________________________________________________ 10.7.1 Cockpit Changes for DEC/EDI V3.1A For DEC/EDI V3.1A, the following enhancements have been added: o Multiple Column views enhanced to allow drag- ging to set size. User Interface Release Notes 10-19 __________________________________________________________ 10.7.2 Cockpit Changes for V3.1 The following enhancements were made: o Support for Windows 95 and NT Note that if you install the Windows 95/NT kit, you must have the 32-bit ObjectBroker Version 2.6 and ODBC drivers o Additional filters in Document View: User Reference and Tracking Count o Qualifier filters scan Archive Database if indicated. o Added Order By to main dialogs (Mapper, Documents, Transmission files) o FA Summary fixed o Error Log forces password login o Can Import/Export views o RESET bugs fixed o Transmission Details display queries con- nection to find gateway type rather than 'guessing' from CLF entry. __________________________________________________________ 10.7.3 Cockpit Known Problems __________________________________________________________ Monitor Batch Should Give More Information The Monitor Batch display lists only batch IDs. It should give more information such as how many documents are in a batch, and how many documents have reached the TFB. We hope to improve this in a future release of the product. 10-20 User Interface Release Notes __________________________________________________________ Can't Access Other Document or Transmission File Details In certain windows, you can't get to other details of a document or transmission file because the menus are greyed out: ________________________________________________ Window___________Result_________________________ In House File All document menu options greyed External Format All document menu options greyed Document All document menu options Details available except, Review- >Functional Acknowledgement Error Listing All document menu options greyed Document Status All document menu options (history) available except, Review- >Functional Acknowledgement Transmission All transmission menu options file details available Transmission All transmission menu options file status available (history)_______________________________________ We hope to fix this in a future release of the product. __________________________________________________________ Error when resetting a large number of transmission files When resetting a large number of transmission files in one go you may get a dialog with the error: DEC/EDI GUI Server error: The DEC/EDI GUI Server failed to execute the command you requested. Please refer to the Error Log for details. User Interface Release Notes 10-21 The error log file contains: Tue Jun 11 15:38:10 1996 PID = 701 NAME = DEC/EDI GUI Server DECEDI__IPC_CNX_REFUSED (w), connection refused by remote end DECEDI__ORBGUICMDERR (e), unknown command code received If you select OK on this dialog, it will attempt to reset the next transmission file and give you the same error. This will continue for the remaining transmission files. You may be able to get out of this by clicking on another window in the Cockpit, alternatively you will have to kill the Cockpit by ending its task. If you terminate this operation before it has completed, or kill the Cockpit, not all the transmission files will be reset. __________________________________________________________ Specifying not to confirm resetting active documents still confirms When resetting a number of documents at an 'active' status, e.g. PROCESSING and you specify you do not want to confirm each one, you are still asked to confirm each 'active' document. This can be tedious when resetting a large number of documents. We hope to fix this in a later version of the product. __________________________________________________________ Error Log Repeats Displaying the Last Page The error log repeats displaying the last page of lines endlessly. You notice this when, at the end of the error log, you press the scrollbar to move down. 10-22 User Interface Release Notes __________________________________________________________ Non-EDI Transmission File data is displayed one word per line in viewer In a transmission file of MIXED syntax that contains a non-EDI part, using the Cockpit function Review Transmission File function will display each word of the non-EDI part on a separate line in the viewer. __________________________________________________________ Resend does not write any history records-now fixed Even with history records enabled, neither Resend Document or Resend Transmission File writes and history records. This problem has been fixed. __________________________________________________________ DECEDI_MAINTAIN_HISTORY not detected by GUI editors If you define environment variable DECEDI_ MAINTAIN_HISTORY in decedi_sysetup on the Server, the CommandCenter and Cockpit does not detect it. Thus history records will not be written by the GUI editors; for example when resetting documents or transmission files from the Cockpit. A workaround is to add the following to the ObjectBroker file .obb_login: . /usr/sbin/decedi_sysetup __________________________________________________________ 10.8 The Management Services Editor User Interface Release Notes 10-23 __________________________________________________________ 10.8.1 Management Services Editor Changes for V3.1 o Support for X12 Transmission File Build Intervals o Support for X12 and TRADACOMS Translation services, 3780 Gateway services, and the SMTP /MIME gateway. o A Document Type is no longer required when setting up Application->application records. __________________________________________________________ 10.8.2 Management Services Editor Known Problems __________________________________________________________ 32-bit Version can Hang When Re-invoking a Function The 32-bit MSE on Windows 95 and Windows NT may hang when functions are invoked, closed and invoked again. For example: Start the MSE, bring up Services, bring up Applications, shutdown Applications, bring up Applications again and it hangs with the hour glass showing and 'Retrieving applica- tions' on the status bar. In this situation, the MSE will need to be shut down forcibly. If functions are not closed and re-invoked this problem does not occur. __________________________________________________________ Disabled Tabs Appear Red Instead of Gray On Windows 3.1 the application function tabs appear in red when they are disabled instead of gray. 10-24 User Interface Release Notes __________________________________________________________ Build Interval start time checked against PC time instead of Server time When saving TFB Build Intervals, a check is made that the start time specified is not in the past and prevents you from saving them if it is. However the check is made against the time on the PC not the time on the Server, which could be in a different time zone. The workaround is to change the time on your PC to that of the server. __________________________________________________________ Unavailable Services can be Configured The MSE Configure Services option allows you to configure services whether or not they are present on your server. If a service that is not present is configured to be started, errors occur when you start up DEC/EDI; for example, complaining that gateway components could not be found. The work-around is to only configure services you know are present on the Server. __________________________________________________________ Management Services Editor can crash when triggering a function twice With the 32-bit MSE on Windows 95, if you trig- ger a function and connect to a Server, and then try to trigger another function, the MSE can crash with a message something like: EDIMSE32 in MSVCRT40.DLL at 0137:10203386 The workaround is to start up the MSE again and go straight into the function you want. User Interface Release Notes 10-25 __________________________________________________________ Error-Record exists in Database but not in Memory When saving application details to a server, you may get the following message: AST record exists in database but not in memory in CAppDoc::PutAppServerData This means that the data in the database has changed while you were editing it, and you will not be able to save your changes. This could be because someone else is using the Management Services Editor on the server, or someone is installing standards with the MUS tool. __________________________________________________________ 10.9 The EDI Table Editor __________________________________________________________ 10.9.1 EDI Table Editor Changes for DEC/EDI V3.1A The following enhancements have been added in this release: __________________________________________________________ Coded Simple Elements with Datatype ID or AN You may edit the codes for simple elements which have datatype of both ID and AN. In DEC/EDI V3.1 you had to change the datatype from AN to ID before you could edit the codes. The MUS tool is progressively using datatype AN instead of ID for coded simple elements. This is because there is actually no datatype of ID in EDIFACT and using AN obeys the standard. 10-26 User Interface Release Notes __________________________________________________________ 10.9.2 EDI Table Editor Changes for V3.1 The V3.1 Table Editor has had significant changes since V3.0. These include: o Generally Improved user interface, making it more intuitive and easier to use. o Support for X12, TDCC and TRADACOMS tables. o Support for trading group tables. o Support for printing of all types of tables. o Ability to read and write composite elements, and simple elements and their codes to files on the PC. o Improved editing of tables through the use of palettes and cut and paste. o Much quicker when loading and saving tables to a server. o A clear distinction is made between composite elements and simple elements. Also it is no longer required for composite elements to start with particular letters. o Status messages telling you what is happening when reading and writing to the server. o A function to allow standard and version formats to be edited. o Support for loading V3.0 Table Editor files stored on the PC containing documents and segments. o Support for both V3.0 and V3.1 Servers. o More comprehensive on-line help. __________________________________________________________ 10.9.3 EDI Table Editor Trouble Shooting User Interface Release Notes 10-27 __________________________________________________________ Palette Text Appears Very Small The segment and element palettes use a smaller font than the rest of the table editor text. This is to keep the palette small and not have it dominating the other windows. However, you may find that with certain font settings and screen resolution modes that the text is very small and hard to read. If this is the case then you should choose a larger font for the text. __________________________________________________________ Reading Large Amounts of Information in the Manage Tables Dialog It is possible to use the filters on the Manage Tables dialog to specify that a large amount of information is read in from the Server; for example, by having All in the standard, version and source fields. Depending upon how many standard and versions you have installed this can take a very long time to load. If this happens, there is no way of cancelling out of it, and either you have to wait for it to complete, or terminate the Table Editor process. It is recommended that you do not try and load large amounts of data across more than one standard and version unless you know the amount of data being read is not large. __________________________________________________________ Loading PC Files from V3.1 Field Test Kits Files output to the PC for Documents, Segments, Composite Elements and Simple Elements with CommandCenter V3.1 field test kits may not be loaded into EDI Table Editor as the file format has changed. You will get the error message, "Unexpected file format.". 10-28 User Interface Release Notes Note that depending on which field test version files were loaded, and which table type, it may be possible to load them. __________________________________________________________ Appears to hang when requesting lists of many partners In the Manage Tables dialog there is a drop- down list of partners, and in the tables header dialogs there are browses buttons for a list of partners. Displaying these lists can take a long time if there are many (thousands) of partners on your server. An alternative is to enter the partner ID you want directly in the field associated with the drop-down or browse button. __________________________________________________________ 10.9.4 EDI Table Editor Known Problems __________________________________________________________ Double-clicking on Background Edits Current Reference With a table with references, if you double- click on the window background anywhere the currently highlighted reference is edited. Clicking on the background should deselect the highlighted reference. __________________________________________________________ Two Document Types with the Same Name Appear in External Document Type List If you have two internal documents based on the same external document type, then on the document header tabbed dialog, pressing the external document type Browse... button shows two duplicate entries. User Interface Release Notes 10-29 You will get different values filled in to the other fields on the document header dialog depending upon which one you select. Note, it is not recommended to have more than one internal document based on the same external document type, as changing the segment structure of one will affect the structure of the other. __________________________________________________________ Palettes don't always appear when they should When editing tables the segment and element palettes sometimes don't appear when the options settings indicate they should. The workarounds are to use the Edit/Use Segment, or the Element Palette command or use the tool- bar button to bring up the palette. __________________________________________________________ Current Reference can be out of View When using the HOME, END, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN and arrow keys to navigate around a table, the currently highlighted reference may become invisible and pressing any of these keys does not bring it back into view. The workaround is to use the scrollbar to bring it back into view. __________________________________________________________ Table Editor Manage Tables Dialog Columns Compressed On occasions when you use the Manage Tables dialog to view tables, you may find all the columns are compressed to a very small size and are bunched up on the left side of the list. The workaround is to drag the columns to the desired width using the mouse and then exit the Table Editor to save the widths for next time. 10-30 User Interface Release Notes __________________________________________________________ Palettes Move Across the Screen When using the Table Editor with Windows 95 and the task bar is positioned on the right or left vertical or along the top, the segment and element palettes move towards the task bar when clicking between the palette and another window. The workaround is to have the task bar at the bottom. __________________________________________________________ Two References become Highlighted at Once Situations can occur where two references in a table become highlighted at once. The Table Editor behaves as if just one of them is cur- rent but it is not clear to the user which. This occurs when using the mouse to highlight references. A work-around is to use the arrow keys to move the highlight bar over the other reference. This seems to clear it. __________________________________________________________ Any X12/TDCC Segment can be set to Floating Any X12/TDCC segment can have its requirement set to Floating. Only the NTE segment should be allowed to be set to Floating. __________________________________________________________ Viewing Segments with References to Non-existent Elements When you edit or list a segment with references to elements that no longer exist (for example, because you have deleted them) the references will be displayed as composite elements whether or not they were originally composite or simple. User Interface Release Notes 10-31 __________________________________________________________ Error with more than 8192 trading partners When 8192 partner IDs have been loaded into a listbox no more will be read in and a message will displayed on the status line to indicate this. This is due the limit on the number of entries allowed in a listbox and drop-down box. This occurs on the Document Header dialog Partner Browse... button and the partner drop- down list on the Manage Tables dialog. This limitation applies only to Windows 3.1 and Windows 95. It does not apply to Windows NT. 10-32 User Interface Release Notes Chapter 11 Configuration Release Notes __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 11.1 Tuning your DEC/EDI Server Having installed the DEC/EDI server and used decedi_config to configure your chosen database, you can tune your DEC/EDI server to suit the level of throughput that you will require. The following should be taken into consideration when tuning your DEC/EDI server system: o Disk Space o Database Tuning __________________________________________________________ 11.1.1 Allocating enough disk space Make sure that there is enough disk space in your DEC/EDI store directory/ies and in the backup directory in which you intend to to store your DEC/EDI secondary archives. For details of distributing the DEC/EDI environment across multiple spindles see the DEC/EDI User Guide. Configuration Release Notes 11-1 __________________________________________________________ 11.1.2 Database Tuning The DEC/EDI decedi_configure utility that re- sides on your DEC/EDI server will create you an empty DEC/EDI database, which, with the minimum recomended hardware requirements, is adequate for a low throughput DEC/EDI system (in the region of a few thousand documents a day). If you wish to attain higher throughputs you will need to tune your database accordingly. There are many things that can be done to tune the databases supported by the DEC/EDI server, however we recommend that you start with the following basic principles: o Make sure that your database has enough phys- ical space available to hold the required DEC/EDI data. o Make sure that the DEC/EDI audit trail ta- bles, maa, mar, cla, clf, tla, tlf are cre- ated with enough space so that they do not become extended over time. o Make sure that your database has been allo- cated enough memory to be able to process its work load efficiently. For details on how to perfom these and other database tuning tasks, please see the documenta- tion for your chosen database. __________________________________________________________ 11.2 Configuring the OFTP Gateway for INS-TRADANET DEC/EDI's OFTP Gateway supports INS-TRADANET's OFTP BASIC service. This section is to help you with configuring an OFTP Gateway connection to INS-TRADANET. 11-2 Configuration Release Notes As a new user to INS-TRADANET, before sending EDI via OFTP, your service password must be changed from the default of "PASSWORD". This section will explain how this can be done in DEC/EDI and, once the password has been changed, how to configure DEC/EDI with the new password. There are three areas within DEC/EDI that need to be configured; The Connection Details, the Trading Partner Connection Details, and the Trading Partner Agreement. __________________________________________________________ 11.2.1 Setting Up The OFTP Connection to Change Your Password Once you've requested an OFTP BASIC service from INS-TRADANET, they will provide you with their DTE address, ANA number, and information needed to configure the OFTP Gateway connection. With this information, you should be able to configure the OFTP connection using the DEC/EDI Communications Editor. NOTE Before connecting to INS-TRADANET to change your password, ensure there are no transmission files awaiting to be sent through the connection. To set up the OFTP connection to change your service password, the following fields in the second tab of the Connection Details must be filled in with the following values: ________________________________________________ Field_Name________________Description___________ Local OFTP ID This is your ANA number. Configuration Release Notes 11-3 ________________________________________________ Field_Name________________Description___________ Local OFTP Password Enter the value "PASSWORD". This is the default service password. SSID User Data This field will hold the new password. Enter your new pass- word. SSID Reserved Leave this field blank. Remote OFTP ID This field must be set to "INS LTD". Remote OFTP Password This field must be set to "PASSWORD". Template Enter your X.25 tem- plate name or the value "Default". DTE Class Enter your X.25 DTE Class. DTE User Data This value must be "72000000". DTE Address This value is the X.25 DTE address of INS-TRADANET. DTE Address Sub-Address This is the X.25 DTE sub-address for INS- __________________________TRADANET._____________ NOTE It is advisable to turn on tracing. The trace files in the /var/adm/decedi/logs directory on the server will help deter- mine the cause of any problems. Once the password has been successfully changed 11-4 Configuration Release Notes and you've successfully sent and/or re- ceived EDI data then you can turn off tracing. As stated in the table, the initial set up in the connection details should have the INS- TRADANET default password of "PASSWORD" in the Local OFTP Password field and your new password in the SSID User Data field. With all the data entered correctly, save the connection details, and with the gateway enabled and the connection enabled, you can start the connection to INS-TRADANET. This connection will cause the service password to be updated. You can start the connection either two ways; using the DEC/EDI Communications Editor, or by using the decedi_manage command on the server. To start the connection using the DEC/EDI Communications Editor, highlight the connec- tion and click on the green circle. To start the connection using the decedi_manage command, en- ter the following command on the server; decedi_ manange -sc Connection_Id. If there are any problems, consult the DEC/EDI error log and the trace file in the /var/adm /decedi/logs directory on the server for error messages. If the above connection has completed suc- cessfully, then the connection details can be permanently changed for the new password. To determine if the password had been changed on INS-TRADANET, the trace file will contain the following: MSG: <--- IN ESID - End Session ID ESIDCMD (Command) = F ESIDREAS (Reason Code) = 00 (Normal Session Termination) Configuration Release Notes 11-5 __________________________________________________________ 11.2.2 Setting Up The OFTP Connection With The New Password With your service password changed on INS- TRADANET, you need to update the connection details record. Edit the connection details again, and delete "PASSWORD" from the Local OFTP Password field, and replace it with your new password in the SSID User Data field. Ensure the SSID User Data field is now blank. Save the record. If you ever need to change your password again, you will need to follow the procedures in this section and the previous section. __________________________________________________________ 11.2.3 Configuring Trading Partner Agreements for INS-TRADANET When creating trading partner agreements that will use the OFTP connection, the Trading Partner Connection Details and the Trading Partner Agreements will need to be configured to include your trading partner's ANA number and your service password. __________________________________________________________ Trading Partner Connection Details The connection details for the trading part- ner agreement need to include your Trading Partner's ANA Number in the Connection Specific Data field. This value will be assigned to the Connection Specific Data's override oftp_id field. This value is the final OFTP ID destina- tion. Use the on-line help for further informa- tion about the Connection Specific field and its use. 11-6 Configuration Release Notes The value entered into the Connection Specific Data field must be the same value as the Partner Interchange Id in the STX segment in the DEC/EDI Agreements Editor. __________________________________________________________ Trading Partner Agreements When defining the STX segment, your INS-TRADANET service password needs to be included. Enter the password for the Authentication Code. This is the same password in the Local OFTP Password field in the connection details record. Configuration Release Notes 11-7 Chapter 12 Documentation Release Notes __________________________________________________________ This chapter contains information to address inaccuracies, and sections that require clari- fication in the existing documentation. Major sections here reflect the title of the document concerned. __________________________________________________________ 12.0.1 Pre-requisites for using OracleRdb In addition to the list of pre-requisites given in the Installation guide, you must have the following DEC C++ RTL subset: CXXSHRDAnnn, where nnn is the version number. Version 306 is fine. __________________________________________________________ 12.0.2 Error in Setup Options Dialog At page 2-3, the Figure 2-1 Setup Options Dialog has a mistake. If you configure as the screen illustration suggests, you will get the following error, ruining the ODBC Test: Documentation Release Notes 12-1 Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed Driver not capable. Error on Network connection, system call failed The correct setting for the Service Field is decedi_pc and not decedi_db. Note that SETUP defaults to decedi_pc. __________________________________________________________ 12.1 User's Guide __________________________________________________________ 12.1.1 Achieving Automatic DEC/EDI Startup During System Startup If you want DEC/EDI to start up automatically during system startup, you need to edit the file /etc/inittab and add the following line to the end of it: decedi:3:wait:/sbin/init.d/dedi start >/dev/console 2>&1 Note that attempting to start DEC/EDI during system startup using a link for /sbin/init.d /dedi into the /sbin/rc3.d directory is not supported and will not work. __________________________________________________________ 12.1.2 Current Limitation on Listing an Archive The User's Guide currently says that it is pos- sible to use decedi_retr to list an archive without retrieving anything. However, the cur- rent functionality (default tar script) does not provide this. 12-2 Documentation Release Notes Chapter 13 Server Tools Release Notes __________________________________________________________ This section contains release notes for the DEC/EDI tools that reside on the server. __________________________________________________________ 13.1 The DEC/EDI Repair Tool decedi_repair-the decedi_repair command is a utility that allows a DEC/EDI Administrator to repair the Live Audit Trail when it becomes inconsistent due to the occurrence of known situations, such as objects that are in an archivable state but have not been archived. It also provides the ability to remove 'killer' objects, from the Live Audit Trail, that contin- ually cause the DEC/EDI Server to crash. For more information refer to the decedi_repair tool Man Page. To read the decedi_repair tool Man Page, install the DEC/EDI V3.1A Server Man Page subset and then issue the following command: %man decedi_repair All of the tool's functionality has been imple- mented in this release. Server Tools Release Notes 13-1 __________________________________________________________ 13.2 The DEC/EDI Alarm Facility-decedi_alarm If you are using Informix Online as your database management system, you can make use of the decedi_alarm script. This script is invoked by the decedi_db Informix server on the occurrence of certain events. These events range in severity: 1 is informational-5 indicates serious corruption and possible data loss. As it stands the script issues a wall message on the occurrence of an event greater or equal to 4, for example an er- ror due to raw partition filling up. This script can be customised to your needs to do things such as shutdown DEC/EDI, or invoke a telecom- munications paging software package to page a DEC/EDI administrator. For more details about the events that cause Informix to invoke this script, refer to the chapter entitled 'Monitoring Online' in the INFORMIX-Online Dynamic Server Administrators Guide, Volume 2. 13-2 Server Tools Release Notes Appendix A V3.1 Mapper System Tests __________________________________________________________ This appendix describes how to set up the Mapper System Tests using DEC/EDI V3.1 for Digital UNIX, and the DEC/EDI V3.1 CommandCenter for MS-Windows. __________________________________________________________ A.1 Installation and Setup Before you can run the tests, you need to: 1. Before installing or reinstalling the DEC /EDI Server, ensure that DEC/EDI has been shut down, and any previous version has been deinstalled. 2. Install the DEC/EDI V3.1A Server. Enter the following command: # setld -l dedi311/kit 3. Install the CommandCenter. 4. Configure the DEC/EDI Server, ObjectBroker and the Database, and test these using at least the Network Tester application: # decedi_config V3.1 Mapper System Tests A-1 5. Use the Management Services Editor to specify that the following services should be started up: o EDIFACT/ODETTE Services o Import/Export Gateway o TRADACOMS Services o X12/TDCC Services 6. Start up the DEC/EDI Server. # decedi_start 7. Install the following EDI Standards using the Message Updates Service (# decedi_must). Note that this may take some time: o EDIFACT 911 o ODETTE 3 o TRADACOMS 89 o X12 002002 8. Run the Data Label Generator for the Standards and Versions installed. Note that the format for the X12 standard differs from that used by EDIFACT, TRADACOMS and ODETTE: # decedi_dlg -s=EDIFACT -v=911 -f=ID # decedi_dlg -s=ODETTE -v=3 -f=ID # decedi_dlg -s=TRADACOMS -v=89 -f=ID # decedi_dlg -s=X12 -v=002002 -w=2 -d=NONE 9. Shut down and start up the Server to pick up the data label changes: # decedi_stop # decedi_start 10.Compile the following Mapping Tables on the CommandCenter, and copy them across to the server: o CREHDR_I.FBI o CREHDR_O.FBI A-2 V3.1 Mapper System Tests o E911INVI.FBI o E911INVO.FBI o INVOIC_I.FBI o INVOIC_O.FBI o O3DESADI.FBI o O3DESADO.FBI 11.If using a remote client, create a test di- rectory on the Client machine that can be written to by your user account. If testing on the server, create a test di- rectory that can be written to by the decedi account. 12.Copy the necessary files into the test di- rectory from the Client examples directory, /usr/examples/decedi/client. Copy the following files: o crehdr_o.dat o e911inv1.dat o e911inv2.dat o invoic_o.dat o 03desado.dat o systest.csh 13.Use the following command to change the mode of the systest.csh script to allow it to be executed: # chmod u+x systest.csh If using the C-shell, and the current di- rectory is in the path, then type rehash to allow the new executable to be seen. 14.Use the Management Services Editor to regis- ter the applications for the client node. If you will be issuing the trade requests from the same node as the server, enter the server node name, for example: V3.1 Mapper System Tests A-3 SYSTEST-FETCH-APP-1 client.nodename SYSTEST-FETCH-APP-2 client.nodename SYSTEST-FETCH-APP-3 client.nodename SYSTEST-FETCH-APP-4 client.nodename SYSTEST-FETCH-APP-5 client.nodename SYSTEST-SEND-APP-1 client.nodename SYSTEST-SEND-APP-2 client.nodename SYSTEST-SEND-APP-3 client.nodename SYSTEST-SEND-APP-4 client.nodename SYSTEST-SEND-APP-5 client.nodename 15.If using a remote client, ensure that the client node is proxied into the decedi ac- count: # obbshpxy # obbadpxy -h client.nodename -u '*' decedi 16.Use the Communications Editor to add the fol- lowing Import/Export gateway and connections: IMPEXP CVP_E Syntax: EDIFACT CVP_O Syntax: MULTIPLE CVP_C Syntax: MULTIPLE CVP_T Syntax: TRADACOMS CVP_X Syntax: X12 - Define the gateway to use the directory /var/adm/decedi/impexp, and define the connections to delete the files on import. A-4 V3.1 Mapper System Tests - Define the Post-Export Operating System Command to run the example script which is provided as part of the server installation: - Enable the above connections and the Import/Export Gateway. /usr/examples/decedi/server/ #EXPFIL #EXPLOC #IMPLOC #CONN 17.Use the Trading Partner Editor to import the following profile, which is provided as part of the CommandCenter installation: SYSTEST.PRF 18.Build and Replace the profile and tables caches using the Trading Partner Editor. Ensure that no error report is generated. Use the Build... option, and select the Profile and Table cache options. Ensure that all standards are highlighted: o EDIFACT o TRADACOMS o X12 __________________________________________________________ A.2 Running the Tests 1. Run one "send" pass: V3.1 Mapper System Tests A-5 % systest.csh 1 send Sending Documents... 1 Returned internal reference : 000811 Returned internal reference : 000812 Returned internal reference : 000813 Returned internal reference : 000814 Returned internal reference : 000815 Finished processing 1 times... Start time = Thu May 30 14:59:50 GMT 1996 End time = Thu May 30 15:00:02 GMT 1996 2. Use the Cockpit to monitor the flow of maps, documents and transmission files through the system. 3. Once the transmission files have been ex- ported, the loopback script will automati- cally reimport them, giving them a transmis- sion file name of the form: I_30MAY199612140275_CVP_E 4. Use the Cockpit to monitor the flow of trans- mission files, documents and maps through the system. Ensure that the documents get translated and are AVAILABLE. 5. Run one "fetch" pass: % systest.csh 1 fetch Fetching Documents... 1 Returned internal reference : 000816 Returned internal reference : 000817 Returned internal reference : 000818 Returned internal reference : 000819 Returned internal reference : 000820 Finished processing 1 times... Start time = Thu May 30 15:20:48 GMT 1996 End time = Thu May 30 15:21:00 GMT 1996 A-6 V3.1 Mapper System Tests 6. Repeat as above using more documents per pass, to get more accurate performance fig- ures. % systest.csh 20 send - Wait for the transmission files to export - Copy the exported file to a new import file name - Start the Connection - Wait for the documents to become AVAILABLE % systest.csh 1 fetch You only every need to run the fetch in one pass, as the mapper will fetch all available documents in that pass. You may modify the scripts to use different qualifiers, for example to limit the number of document fetched to that specified on the command line, add the following to the trade fetch command: -match=number=$1 You may modify the maps and profile to test out various functionality. V3.1 Mapper System Tests A-7