Compaq Wide Area Networking for_Tru64_UNIX______________________________________ Release Notes January 2002 These Release Notes apply to the Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX, Version 3.3 product. You should read these Release Notes before attempting to install the product. Operating Systems: Compaq Tru64 UNIX, 5.1 and 5.1A Software Version: Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX, Version 3.3 Compaq Computer Corporation Houston, Texas ________________________________________________________________ © 2001 Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. Compaq, the Compaq logo, the DIGITAL logo, DECnet, DECnet-Plus, and Tru64 UNIX are trademarks of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. in the U.S. and/or other countries. UNIX is a trademark of The Open Group in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq required for possession, use, or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information in this document is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice. The warranties for Compaq products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanying such products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. _________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface................................................... vii 1 Installation Instructions 1.1 Installing the Kit............................ 1-1 2 X.25 Client 2.1 Introduction.................................. 2-2 2.2 Installation.................................. 2-4 2.2.1 Software Requirements..................... 2-4 2.3 Configuration................................. 2-5 2.3.1 Advanced Mode............................. 2-5 Overview................................ 2-5 Required Configuration Data............. 2-5 Flow Chart for Remote DTE Classes....... 2-6 Notes for Maximum Session Connections... 2-7 Values Specific to Your Configuration... 2-7 2.4 Management.................................... 2-9 2.4.1 Management Model.......................... 2-9 X25 CLIENT Module....................... 2-9 Modules and Entities Used in a Client System.................................. 2-9 Example Configuration................... 2-10 Call Handling........................... 2-11 2.4.2 Management Tasks (NCL).................... 2-13 Add a Remote DTE Class ................. 2-13 Modify a Remote DTE Class .............. 2-13 Delete a Remote DTE Class .............. 2-14 iii 2.4.3 Management Tasks (Configuration Program).................................. 2-14 Add a Remote DTE Class.................. 2-14 Modify a Remote DTE Class............... 2-15 Delete a Remote DTE Class............... 2-15 2.5 Problem Solving Guide......................... 2-17 2.5.1 Event Messages............................ 2-17 2.5.2 Incoming Calls Cannot Be Received on Client Systems............................ 2-19 3 PBXDD Digi SYNC 2000 Hardware Support 3.1 Installation Instructions..................... 3-1 3.2 Operating Notes............................... 3-1 3.3 Known Problems................................ 3-2 4 Resolved Problems 4.1 Incorrect Layer 3 Credits Value Blocking Transmissions................................. 4-1 5 Known Problems 5.1 Installation.................................. 5-1 5.1.1 DMS Not Supported......................... 5-1 5.1.2 Installation Subset Interdependencies..... 5-1 5.2 Configuration................................. 5-1 5.2.1 Configurator (wansetup) May Crash When Configuring Relay PVCs.................... 5-1 5.3 Boot Time Errors.............................. 5-1 5.4 Software...................................... 5-2 5.4.1 Application Programming Interface......... 5-2 Example Program call_sender.c Causes PSDN Network to Reject an X.25 Call Initiated by the Program................ 5-2 5.4.2 ISDN...................................... 5-2 Starting IP/ISDN When Kernel Rebuild Was Required................................ 5-2 Delay When Configuring IP/ISDN Hosts.... 5-2 Lockmode 4 Not Supported for ISDN....... 5-3 X.25 Clear Confirm Packets Sometimes Lost in X.25 over ISDN.................. 5-3 iv Lockup While Attempting X.25 Call Over ISDN.................................... 5-3 5.4.3 WAN Device Drivers........................ 5-4 PCI Configuration....................... 5-4 PBXDI Line Drivers...................... 5-4 Creating NCL Management Entities for Users of the WAN API.................... 5-4 DSY and DNSES Line Drivers.............. 5-5 Modems and Modem Eliminators............ 5-6 Scripts That Need /vmunix to Be Active.................................. 5-7 5.4.4 X.25 Management........................... 5-7 NCL SHOW Commands May Initiate Core Dumps................................... 5-7 Modifying the x25startup.ncl File Results in Unpredictable Behavior....... 5-7 5.4.5 X.25 Mail................................. 5-8 Received Messages....................... 5-8 Configuring X.25 Mail................... 5-8 Error Messages in mail.log When Sending and Receiving X.25 Mail................. 5-8 5.4.6 Common Trace Facility..................... 5-8 Installing CTF After X.25............... 5-8 CTF Crashes After Several Hours of Live Tracing................................. 5-9 Multiple Traces of "x25 client" on Gateways Not Supported.................. 5-9 Time Displayed Inaccurately............. 5-9 CTF Remote Trace Over TCP............... 5-9 CTF Cannot be Paused for a Long Time.... 5-9 Tracing on the Local Node While the Node Name is Specified and DECnet is Used as Transport............................... 5-10 Option "notruncate" in CTF Does Not Work Without "full" Option................... 5-10 v 6 Documentation 6.1 Clarification of Behavior of X25Decode........ 6-1 6.2 Available X.25 Documentation.................. 6-1 6.3 Location of Documentation..................... 6-2 Figures 2-1 X.25 Server............................... 2-3 2-2 Remote DTE Classes........................ 2-7 Tables 2-1 Configuration Information: Remote DTE Classes................................... 2-6 2-2 Configuration Information: Maximum Session Connections............................... 2-6 2-3 Remote DTE Classes........................ 2-7 2-4 Maximum Session Connections............... 2-8 2-5 Modules and Entities Used in X.25 Configurations............................ 2-9 2-6 Example X.25 Client System Configuration............................. 2-11 2-7 Event Messages............................ 2-19 vi _________________________________________________________________ Preface Intended Audience This manual is intended for all Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX (WAN) software users. Read this manual before you install, upgrade, or use Version 3.3 of Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX. Structure of This Book This manual contains the following chapters: o Chapter 1 describes how to install the Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX, Version 3.3 software. o Chapter 2 contains information about the new X.25 Client functionality contained in this release. o Chapter 3 contains information about new hardware support available in this release. o Chapter 4 contains information about the problems that have been found and corrected since the release of Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX, Version 3.2-1. o Chapter 5 contains information that you should be aware of and possible problems that may arise during installation, configuration, and operation of the product. Where appropriate, solutions to those problems, or workarounds, are provided. o Chapter 6 details the documentation available for this version of the Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX product. vii Reader's Comments Compaq welcomes your comments on these release notes or any of the Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX documents. Please send your comments to either one of the following addresses: Internet Mail Compaq Computer Corporation OSSG Documentation Group, ZKO3-4/U08 110 Spit Brook Rd. Nashua, NH 03062-2698 How To Order Additional Documentation Use the following World Wide Web address to order additional documentation: Conventions The following conventions are used in this book. ___________________________________________________________ Convention_______Meaning___________________________________ UPPERCASE and The Compaq Tru64 UNIX operating system lowercase differentiates between lowercase and uppercase characters. Literal strings that appear in text, examples, syntax descriptions, and function descriptions must be typed exactly as shown. special type Indicates a literal example of system output or user input. In text, this typeface indicates the exact name of a function, command, option, node, pathname, directory, or file. italic type Indicates a variable or a variable portion of a command. # A number sign is the default superuser prompt. viii ___________________________________________________________ Convention_______Meaning___________________________________ Ctrl/x Indicates that you press the Control key while you press the key noted by x. _________Indicates_that_you_press_the_Return_key.__ ix 1 _________________________________________________________________ Installation Instructions This chapter provides notes about installing the Version 3.3 release of Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX. ________________________ Note ________________________ Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX, Version 3.3 requires Compaq Tru64 UNIX, Version 5.1 or 5.1A. To verify that you are running the correct version of Tru64 UNIX, enter the following command: uname -a Verify that the returned system information contains the strings V5.x and alpha. ______________________________________________________ 1.1 Installing the Kit ______________________ Important ______________________ This release of WAN requires that certain patch kits be applied to the Tru64 UNIX operating system and to the DECnet-Plus V5.0B software. To find the appropriate patch kits follow these steps: 1. Point your browser to the main Compaq web site ( 2. In the Support section, select Software and Drivers. 3. Next, select Tru64 UNIX under the Software Patches heading. This will display a list of .README files. Installation Instructions 1-1 Installation Instructions 1.1 Installing the Kit 4. The following table lists the appropriate README file for each patch: ___________________________________________________ Operating_System_Patch_Kits:_______________________ V5.1 Patch Kit 3 found at: T64V51AS0003- 20010521.README V5.1A No patch kit needed ___________________________________________________ DECnet-Plus_V5.0B-1_Patch_Kit:_____________________ DECnet- Patch Kit 1 found at: dnaosf_eco050b- Plus_5.0B___1.README_______________________________ Using WAN without these patch kits (or a later patch kit) is not supported. General documentation on Tru64 UNIX patch kits may be found at: ______________________________________________________ Install this kit with the setld command by logging into the root account and typing the following at the shell prompt: 1. Verify that the Version 5.0B-1 release of the Compaq DECnet-Plus for Tru64 UNIX software is installed. If it is not, install it. # setld -i | grep installed | awk '/^DNA/ {printf ("%s ",$1)}' Note: The Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX, Version 3.3 software requires that at least the subsets DNAKBIN501 and DNANETMAN501 be installed. 2. Remove the existing subsets: # setld -d `setld -i \ | grep installed \ | awk '/^CTA|^ISD|^WDA|^XXA|^ZZA/ {printf ("%s ",$1)}'` 3. If you have previously installed the Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX, Version 3.3 software and you 1-2 Installation Instructions Installation Instructions 1.1 Installing the Kit installed the software for the PBXDD device (also known as the Digi SYNC 2000), do the following: a. If the operating system is Tru64 UNIX, Version 5.1, do the following: i Run the wancfg program (/usr/sbin/wancfg) and select the Disable on Reboot option from the Network Menu. Note that the wancfg program uses a graphical interface and requires the Common Desktop Environment. ii Reboot the system. b. Remove the Digi SYNC 2000 subset: # setld -d `setld -i | grep installed | awk '/^DGIS2K/ {printf ("%s ",$1)}'` ______________________ Important ______________________ If the operating system is Tru64 UNIX, Version 5.1, you must follow steps a and b as indicated. Failure to follow these steps results in a partial removed subset and the inability to install the Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX software. If you fail to follow these steps, reinstall the Digi SYNC 2000 software and then follow the indicated steps to properly remove it. ______________________________________________________ 4. cd to the directory containing the Version 3.3 kit. The kit location may be a tape drive, or a disk directory that contains the Version 3.3 kit. 5. Load the Version 3.3 kit. # setld -l . This version of the Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX software includes a new subset, Digi Sync2000 Device Driver Package (DIGIS2Knnn), which contains the device driver for the new PBXDD device. If you intend to use the PBXDD device, be sure to select this subset during the installation phase. Installation Instructions 1-3 Installation Instructions 1.1 Installing the Kit 6. Complete the installation by building a new kernel. Use the following command: # /usr/sbin/wansetup KERNEL To use the new PBXDD device, select the following option: pwb - Digi DataFire SYNC 2000 synchronous option 7. Reboot the system. 8. Configure the Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX software by running the command: /usr/sbin/wansetup [BASIC|ADVANCED] 1-4 Installation Instructions 2 _________________________________________________________________ X.25 Client This chapter describes the X.25 Client functionality added to Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX for Version 3.3. The chapter contains the following sections: o Section 2.1 "Introduction" updates the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems-Introduction manual. o Section 2.2 "Installation" updates the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems-Installation Guide manual. o Section 2.3 "Configuration" updates the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems-Configuration Guide manual. o Section 2.4 "Management" updates the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems-Management Guide manual. o Section 2.5 "Problem Solving Guide" updates the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems-Problem Solving Guide. X.25 Client 2-1 X.25 Client 2.1 Introduction 2.1 Introduction The X.25 Client function brings to the Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX product the functionality formerly called the access function in the VAX P.S.I. product. This function implements what is known in the Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS product as an X.25 Client system. An X.25 Client system uses what is called a connector node or X.25 Server system to gain access to one or more PSDNs. You can have more than one X.25 Server system in a DECnet network, thereby allowing access to a virtually unlimited number of PSDNs. Using a variety of client systems and Server systems nodes (which themselves can be Client systems to other Server systems), many configurations can be created. One typical implementation of a Server system is as a LAN node which provides PSDN access for all the DECnet nodes on the LAN. Figure 2-1 shows this implementation. For more information about the X.25 Server system, see the Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS - New Features manual. ______________________ Important ______________________ To use the new X.25 Client functionality, you must have a Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS system configured as an X.25 Server in your network. The current DECnet-Plus Network Control Language Reference manual states that Compaq Tru64 UNIX supports the X25 SERVER entity. This is incorrect. DECnet-Plus for Compaq Tru64 UNIX has never supported the X.25 Server functionality. ______________________________________________________ 2-2 X.25 Client X.25 Client 2.1 Introduction X.25 Client 2-3 X.25 Client 2.2 Installation 2.2 Installation The functionality represented by the X.25 Client is installed automatically with the Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX product; therefore, there is no separate installation procedure. 2.2.1 Software Requirements The X.25 Client software has the following software requirements: o Compaq Tru64 UNIX, Version 5.0A or 5.1 o Compaq DECnet-Plus for Tru64 UNIX, Version 5.0B 2-4 X.25 Client X.25 Client 2.3 Configuration 2.3 Configuration The X.25 Client system needs to be configured before your client system can use an X.25 Server system to communicate with remote systems by a Packet Data Switch Network (PSDN). This section provides an overview of the new configuration options followed by the detailed information you will need while running the configuration program. 2.3.1 Advanced Mode This section describes changes made to the advanced mode of the configuration program to support the X.25 Client functionality. Overview The following sections have been added to the advanced mode of the configuration program: Remote DTE Classes This section allows you to specify the DTE Classes on the gateways that your X.25 Client system is to use to access one or more PSDN. Maximum Session Connections This section allows you to specify the maximum number of Session Control connections supported by the X.25 Client system. Required Configuration Data This section details the information you will need to provide while running the configuration program in advanced mode. The tables are presented in the order in which they are presented. Table 2-1 lists the information you need to complete the Remote DTE Classes Section of the configuration program. X.25 Client 2-5 X.25 Client 2.3 Configuration Table_2-1_Configuration_Information:_Remote_DTE_Classes____ Form in Where to Information which it is find in- Deafult value or Required______required______formation___setting____________ Name Max 32 You supply REMOTE-CLASS-n characters Outgoing Max 32 You supply See Default Session characters template Template Segment size Decimal You supply 64 number Nodes Max 64 You supply None characters ______________each_________________________________________ Table 2-2 lists the information you need to complete the Maximum Session Connections Section of the configuration program. Table 2-2 Configuration Information: Maximum Session __________Connections______________________________________ Form in Where to Information which it is find in- Default value or Required______required______formation___setting____________ Maximum Integer in You supply 64 number of range 1 to Session 65535 Control sessions___________________________________________________ Flow Chart for Remote DTE Classes Figure 2-2 illustrates the Remote DTE Classes Section. This Section allows you to define remote DTE classes, in which you specify the connector systems that your Client system will use in making a call. 2-6 X.25 Client X.25 Client 2.3 Configuration Notes for Maximum Session Connections This Section is available only if the Remote DTE Classes Section has been completed. This Section allows you to specify the maximum number of session control connections (virtual circuits) supported by the X.25 Client system. A value must be entered for this parameter. The default value is 64. The number specified is used to calculate process parameters for the X.25 Session Control and X.25 Application processes. Values Specific to Your Configuration Use Table 2-3 to record the values for your remote DTE classes. Table_2-3_Remote_DTE_Classes_______________________________ Information required_________Your_values_______________________________ Name Outgoing Session Template Segment Size Node_Names_________________________________________________ Use Table 2-4 to record the value for maximum session connections. X.25 Client 2-7 X.25 Client 2.3 Configuration Table_2-4_Maximum_Session_Connections______________________ Information required_________Your_values_______________________________ Maximum Number of Session Control Connections________________________________________________ 2-8 X.25 Client X.25 Client 2.4 Management 2.4 Management This section describes the management model for the X.25 Client system and the mangement tasks associated with the X.25 Client. 2.4.1 Management Model This section summarizes the modules and entities used in a X.25 Client system, describes an example system, and provides details about call handling in an X.25 Client system. X25 CLIENT Module The X25 CLIENT module has a single instance of the X25 CLIENT entity, which defines the maximum number of sessions allowed and a session template for incoming calls. Modules and Entities Used in a Client System X.25 configurations use different combinations of the modules and entities. Table 2-5 lists the modules and entities that can be used to configure Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX and an X.25 Client. Table_2-5_Modules_and_Entities_Used_in_X.25_Configurations_ Module __________X.25_Configuration__________ Compaq Wide Area Networking for _____________________Tru64_UNIX _________X.25_Client________ MODEM CONNECT LINE - DATA PORT DEVICE DEVICE UNIT - LLC2 SAP - LINK PORT LAPB LINK - PORT (continued on next page) X.25 Client 2-9 X.25 Client 2.4 Management Table 2-5 (Cont.) Modules and Entities Used in X.25 __________________Configurations___________________________ Module __________X.25_Configuration__________ Compaq Wide Area Networking for _____________________Tru64_UNIX _________X.25_Client________ CSMA-CD STATION - PORT X25 PROTOCOL DTE - GROUP PVC X25 ACCESS DTE CLASS DTE CLASS FILTER FILTER TEMPLATE TEMPLATE REACHABLE ADDRESS REACHABLE ADDRESS APPLICATION APPLICATION PORT PORT X25 RELAY - - X25_CLIENT___________-__________________CLIENT_____________ Example Configuration The following section contains an example of the modules and entities used in an X.25 Client configuration. The example is not intended to be comprehensive; it is simply intended to give you an idea of the modules and entities used for a particular configuration. The example will help you to determine what modules and entities will be required for your system configuration. Client Systems Consider a client system that is set up as follows: o It runs three X.25 applications; o It uses an X.25 Server for access to one X.25 network; o The X.25 Server system has four DTE classes; and o Separate defaults are used for each DTE class. 2-10 X.25 Client X.25 Client 2.4 Management Table 2-6 shows the modules and entities that such a system would need. Table_2-6_Example_X.25_Client_System_Configuration_________ Module________Entities________Comments_____________________ X25 ACCESS X25 ACCESS 3 APPLICATION 1 for each application 3 FILTER 1 for each application 4 DTE CLASS 1 for each class on the X.25 Server 4 TEMPLATE 1 for each class X25_CLIENT____X25_CLIENT___________________________________ Call Handling The following sections supplement the discussion of call handling presented in the "Parts of an X.25 System" chapter in the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems-Management Guide. Making a Call from a Client System An X.25 Server system provides a connection to one or more X.25 networks on behalf of one or more Client systems. Typically, the Server system is a gateway connected to a LAN. Communication between a Server system and each of the Client systems it services is made using the DECnet Gateway Access Protocol (GAP). The Server system therefore makes and receives calls on behalf of the Client systems it services. When making a call from a Client system, it is the Server system's responsibility to establish a virtual circuit to the requested remote DTE on behalf of the Client system. The Client system is responsible for passing the call parameters to the Server system and for enforcing any security restrictions on the call. Call parameters, such as the DTE class and destination address, must be specified for each call. Like calls from a directly connected system, such parameters can be supplied by the application requesting the call or in a template. X.25 Client 2-11 X.25 Client 2.4 Management To set up the call, the Client system sends a call request packet to the Server system. The DECnet Gateway Access Protocol (GAP) is used between the Client system and the Server system. The Server system then forwards the request to the called (remote) DTE using the information in the specified template. When the call has been set up with the remote DTE (and hence the remote application), information exchange can begin. Receiving a Call on a Client System When an X.25 Server system receives a call request packet from a remote DTE, it needs to determine which Client system to forward the call on to. To do this, the Server system uses filters to determine which calls should be forwarded to which Client system. One or more filters can be associated with each Client system, however, each filter cannot be associated with more than one Client system. The filter on the Server system simply forwards an incoming call request to the appropriate Client system; the filter does not determine which application on the Client system should accept the call or whether there is any application to accept the call. It is the responsibility of the Client system to determine which calls it will accept and which application each accepted call is passed on to. To do this, the Client system also uses filters. Each filter is an instance of the X25 ACCESS FILTER entity, and contains values for various parts of the received call setup information. Each application that can receive calls has an X25 ACCESS APPLICATION entity that defines the name of the application and the names of its associated filters. When a call request is received, the call parameters (for example, the remote DTE address) are matched against the attribute values in locally-defined filters. The mechanism by which this is achieved is identical to that used when a call request is received on a directly connected system. Refer to the description of this mechanism in the "Parts of an X.25 System" chapter in the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems-Management Guide. 2-12 X.25 Client X.25 Client 2.4 Management 2.4.2 Management Tasks (NCL) This section details what NCL commands are required to perform the common management tasks associated with the X.25 Client functionality. See the "Management Tasks (NCL)" chapter in WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems-Management Guide for information about how and when to use NCL commands and cautions about modifying NCL script files. The "Management Tasks (NCL)" chapter also describes the naming conventions for variables used in the command descriptions contained in this section. The term rating refers to an integer representing the maximum number of concurrent calls to the node specified. Add a Remote DTE Class Enter the following commands: ncl> create [node node-id] x25 access dte class class-name type remote ncl> set [node node-id] x25 access dte class class-name - _ncl> service nodes {[rating=rating,node=node-id]} For example: ncl> create node fred x25 access dte class Branch_link type remote 1 ncl> set node fred x25 access dte class Branch_link - _ncl> service nodes {[rating=512,node=fred]} 2 1 Specifies the name of the Remote DTE Class. 2 Specifies the name of the X.25 Server systems. Modify a Remote DTE Class To change the name of the X.25 Server system of a Remote DTE Class, enter the following commands: ncl> set [node node-id] x25 access dte class class-name - _ncl> service nodes {[rating=rating,node=node-id]} For example: ncl> set node fred x25 access dte class Branch_link - _ncl> service nodes {[rating=128,node=joe]} <> To change the name of the class, you must define a new class: 1. Delete the existing class (Section X.25 Client 2-13 X.25 Client 2.4 Management 2. Add a new class with the new name (Section Delete a Remote DTE Class Enter the following command: ncl> delete x25 access dte class class-name 2.4.3 Management Tasks (Configuration Program) This section provides an overview of how to use the configuration program to add, modify, and delete components of the the X.25 Client functionality. For information about using the configuration program, refer to WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems-Configuration Guide. Add a Remote DTE Class To add a remote DTE class, do the following: 1. Run the configuration program: ________________________________________________________ From this menu_._._._______Select_._._.___________________________ Main menu Modify Sections menu Remote DTE Classes Options_menu_____Add_a_new_Remote_DTE_Class_____________ 2. Enter the name of the remote DTE class. If the Client system has not previously used the Server system, run the configuration program on the Server system and do one of the following: o Add the Client system to an existing Server system; or o Create a new Server system and add the Client system if this is the first Client system. ________________________ Note ________________________ When you add a remote DTE Class to the Client system, you must also add a Local DTE Class of the same name to the Server system. ______________________________________________________ 2-14 X.25 Client X.25 Client 2.4 Management Modify a Remote DTE Class To modify a remote DTE class, do the following: 1. Run the configuration program: ________________________________________________________ From this menu_._._._______Select_._._.___________________________ Main menu Modify Sections menu Remote DTE Classes Options_menu_____Modify_a_Remote_DTE_Class______________ 2. Choose the appropriate remote DTE class from the list on the screen. 3. Modify the remote DTE class as required. If you changed the name of the Server system, run the configuration procedure on that system and verify that it has the Client system defined as one of its Client systems. If not, do either of the following on the Server system: o Add the Client system to an existing Server system; or o Create a new Server system and add the Client system if this is the first Client system. Delete a Remote DTE Class To delete a remote DTE class, do the following: 1. Run the configuration program: ________________________________________________________ From this menu_._._._______Select_._._.___________________________ Main menu Modify Sections menu Remote DTE Classes Options_menu_____Delete_a_Remote_DTE_Class______________ 2. Choose the appropriate remote DTE class from the list on the screen. 3. Reply to the confirmation screen. X.25 Client 2-15 X.25 Client 2.4 Management If the Client system uses no other DTE Classes on the appropriate Server system, run the configuration program on the Server system and do one of the following: o Remove the Client system; or o Remove the Server system if it contains only the specified client system. 2-16 X.25 Client X.25 Client 2.5 Problem Solving Guide 2.5 Problem Solving Guide ________________________ Note ________________________ This section is reproduced from the section in the Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS documentation describing the X.25 Server. Although it deals specifically with troubleshooting Client problems from a Server perspective, this material is useful in understanding troubleshooting on the Client side. ______________________________________________________ This section contains the event messages generated by the X.25 Server entities and describes how to resolve the most common problems associated with the X.25 Server. ________________________ Note ________________________ References to appendixes and problem solving sections refer to the named appendixes and sections in the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems-Problem Solving Guide. ______________________________________________________ 2.5.1 Event Messages Table 2-7 contains an alphabetical list of the event messages that can be produced by the X.25 Server. Associated with each event message is: o An indication of which management module produced the event message; o A brief description of the event message; and o The action to take to resolve the problem. Some event messages merely inform you of network conditions that do not represent problems; for example, a DTE becoming available. Such event messages therefore do not refer you to a problem solving section. Some conditions generate a series of related event messages. For example, if the link between a DTE and the PSDN is disabled by a network management command, events will be generated in the event log that indicate the change X.25 Client 2-17 X.25 Client 2.5 Problem Solving Guide of link state, the failure of virtual circuits operating over the link, and finally the failure of the DTE. 2-18 X.25 Client X.25 Client 2.5 Problem Solving Guide Table_2-7_Event_Messages___________________________________ Event Message_____Generator___Description/Action_________________ Client X25 SERVER Description: Occurs when an attempt Connect CLIENT to establish a DECnet connection Failed to the client fails. The Nodes argument displays the full name of the client system. The Application argument displays the application number in the CLIENT entity. Action: See Section 2.5.2 for additional problem solving information. Session X25 SERVER Description: Occurs when the Control CLIENT server cannot contact the local Unavailable SESSION CONTROL module. The Module Extent argument displays whether the server detected the SESSION CONTROL module. The Session Control Port State argument displays the port state returned by the SESSION CONTROL PORT entity if the Module Extent argument indicates that the SESSION CONTROL module exists. Action: Determine if the SESSION ________________________CONTROL_module_state_is_On.________ 2.5.2 Incoming Calls Cannot Be Received on Client Systems Use this section if you cannot receive calls on a client system. This section assumes that: o The server is receiving calls correctly. o You have enabled event logging at your terminal. o You know how to start NCL. 1. Check that the server system can establish a session connection to the client system. Start NCL and enter the following command: NCL> SHOW NODE server X25 SERVER CONNECTION ATTEMPTS FAILED X.25 Client 2-19 X.25 Client 2.5 Problem Solving Guide Is the value greater than zero? - > YES See Note 1 v NO 2. Check that the server is routing calls to the client system. Enter the following command: NCL> SHOW NODE server X25 SERVER CLIENT client-name Is your client system one of the displayed values? - > NO See Note 2 v YES 3. Check that the X25 SERVER module is running on the server system. Enter the following command: NCL> SHOW NODE server X25 SERVER STATE Is the state On? - > NO See Note 3 v YES Go to step 4. 2-20 X.25 Client X.25 Client 2.5 Problem Solving Guide Note 1 The X25 SERVER module on the server system cannot establish a connection with the client system. Note 2 The X25 SERVER module on the server system does not recognize your client system as one of its clients. This indicates an incorrect configuration at either the client system or the server system. Note 3 The X25 SERVER module at the server system is disabled. To re-enable the module, enter the following command: NCL> ENABLE NODE server X25 SERVER X.25 Client 2-21 X.25 Client 2.5 Problem Solving Guide 4. Check that the maximum number of allowed session connections at the server system has not been reached. Enter the following command: NCL> SHOW NODE server X25 SERVER MAXIMUM SESSION CONNECTIONS, - _NCL> ACTIVE OUTBOUND SESSION CONNECTIONS, - _NCL> ACTIVE INBOUND SESSION CONNECTIONS Is the sum of active inbound and outbound connections equal to the maximum? - > YES See Note 4 v NO 5. Check that the maximum number of virtual circuits allowed on the server system has not been reached. Enter the following command: NCL> SHOW NODE server X25 SERVER MAXIMUM ACTIVE PORTS, ACTIVE PORTS Are the two values equal? - > YES See Note 5 v NO 6. Check the state of the client system. Enter the following command: NCL> SHOW X25 CLIENT STATE Is the client system enabled? - > NO See Note 6 v YES 7. Check that the maximum number of allowed session connections allowed at the Client system has not been exceeded. Enter the following command: NCL> SHOW X25 CLIENT MAXIMUM SESSION CONNECTIONS, - _NCL> ACTIVE OUTBOUND SESSION CONNECTIONS, - _NCL> ACTIVE INBOUND SESSION CONNECTIONS Is the sum of active inbound and outbound sessions equal to the maximum? - > YES See Note 7 v NO Go to step 8 2-22 X.25 Client X.25 Client 2.5 Problem Solving Guide Note 4 You have reached the maximum number of session connections allowed by the X25 SERVER module at the server system. Wait until one or more of the currently active connections has terminated. Note 5 You have reached the maximum number of virtual circuits allowed by the server system. Wait until one or more of the currently active virtual circuits becomes free. Note 6 Enable the client system. Enter the following command: NCL> ENABLE X25 CLIENT Note 7 You have reached the maximum number of session connections allowed by the client system. Wait until one or more of the currently active connections has terminated. X.25 Client 2-23 X.25 Client 2.5 Problem Solving Guide 8. Check that the maximum number of virtual circuits allowed on the client system has not been exceeded. Enter the following command: NCL> SHOW X25 ACCESS MAXIMUM ACTIVE PORTS, ACTIVE PORTS Are the two values equal? - > YES See Note 8 v NO 9. Check that calls are not being rejected by the client system for some reason. Enter the following command: NCL> SHOW X25 ACCESS INCOMING CALLS FAILED Is the displayed value greater than zero? - > YES See Note 9 v NO 10. Check for security blocking a client system. Enter the following command: NCL> SHOW X25 ACCESS INCOMING CALLS BLOCKED Is the value non-zero? - > YES See Note 10 v v NO Contact Compaq support personnel for assistance. 2-24 X.25 Client X.25 Client 2.5 Problem Solving Guide Note 8 You have reached the maximum number of virtual circuits allowed by the client system. Wait until one or more of the currently active virtual circuits becomes free. Note 9 If the INCOMING CALLS FAILED counter is greater than zero, the node has received a call that it could not process. This indicates a configuration error. Check the event log for the Incoming Call Failed event. If one of the following reasons is displayed with the event, there is an error in the NCL script: o No Filters o Security Filter Not Found o Security DTE Class Not Found o Insufficient Resources Re-run the configuration procedures described in this chapter. If the displayed reason is Insufficient Resources, check the amount of memory available on your system. Note 10 Check the security protection on the filter used for the incoming call, and check the access rights of the calling DTE. See the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems-Configuration Guide manual for more information about security. X.25 Client 2-25 3 _________________________________________________________________ PBXDD Digi SYNC 2000 Hardware Support This chapter provides notes about Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX support for the PBXDD Digi SYNC 2000 device. This support was added in the V3.2 release of Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX. The Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX product now supports the PBXDD device (PCI-based DataFire SYNC 2000 adapter from Digi International Incorporated) The device is available in a 2-port version (PBXDD-AA) and a 4-port version (PBXDD-AB). The PBXDD replaces the PBXDP hardware which is being retired. 3.1 Installation Instructions You must install the PBXDD hardware and its associated software prior to selecting the SYNC 2000 option during the kernel setup phase of wansetup. See Chapter 1 and the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Installation Guide for more information about the kernel option of the wansetup utility. 3.2 Operating Notes You should be aware of the following operating notes when using the PBXDD device: o If you use the kernel option of the wansetup utility, you must reboot the system. Otherwise, the system's behavior is unpredictable. o The ifnet interface unit is named pwb. o Use the command netstat -I pwbu to view the network statistics of the PBXDD adapter ports. For example: PBXDD Digi SYNC 2000 Hardware Support 3-1 PBXDD Digi SYNC 2000 Hardware Support 3.2 Operating Notes netstat -I pwb0 Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs Coll pwb0 8192 443097 0 176425 0 0 3.3 Known Problems During system boot, you can safely ignore a message similar to the following: Feb 2 13:17:23 jk104 vmunix: WARNING: dxbuwioctl: NULL ioc_cnt.cp cmd(40087608) len(48) The Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX product does not currently support the loopback test for the following modes: external, connector, or device. To perform a loopback test, you must set the mode to driver. Configuring a PBXDD and a PBXDP in the same system is not currently supported. Compaq is investigating the issues that result from mixing cards and hopes to provide support for mixed card systems in the next release. 3-2 PBXDD Digi SYNC 2000 Hardware Support 4 _________________________________________________________________ Resolved Problems 4.1 Incorrect Layer 3 Credits Value Blocking Transmissions An error in the access layer was causing the L3 receive credits value to fall below zero. This effectively stopped transmission of all RR packets which eventually caused the link partner to reset the link. The access layer code has been modified to correctly pass credits to L3. Source: CFS.85860 Resolved Problems 4-1 5 _________________________________________________________________ Known Problems 5.1 Installation 5.1.1 DMS Not Supported The Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX product is not supported for installation in a dataless environment (DMS). 5.1.2 Installation Subset Interdependencies If you do not intend to install all the subsets provided in the kit, refer to Appendix B of the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Installation Guide for details of the subset interdependencies. You should do this before invoking the installation script. 5.2 Configuration 5.2.1 Configurator (wansetup) May Crash When Configuring Relay PVCs After you add a Relay PVC and modify it, if you attempt to add another Relay PVC, the Configurator may crash. In addition, adding more than one Relay PVC in a single session of wansetup may corrupt the PVC list. To avoid this problem, add one Relay PVC, then save the configuration and exit. Repeat this operation for as many Relay PVCs as you need to configure. 5.3 Boot Time Errors During system boot, you can safely ignore a message similar to the following: Feb 2 13:17:23 jk104 vmunix: WARNING: dxbuwioctl: NULL ioc_cnt.cp cmd(40087608) len(48) Known Problems 5-1 Known Problems 5.4 Software 5.4 Software This section is divided into the following major subsections: o Application Programming Interface: refer to Section 5.4.1 o ISDN: refer to Section 5.4.2 o WAN Device Drivers: refer to Section 5.4.3 o X.25 Management: refer to Section 5.4.4 o X.25 Mail: refer to Section 5.4.5 o Common Trace Facility: refer to Section 5.4.6 5.4.1 Application Programming Interface Example Program call_sender.c Causes PSDN Network to Reject an X.25 Call Initiated by the Program When the example program is used over a PSDN, the call is cleared with a C=03 D-41. There is no workaround. Source: QAR.00082 5.4.2 ISDN Starting IP/ISDN When Kernel Rebuild Was Required When configuring IP over ISDN, certain configurations require the kernel to be rebuilt and the system rebooted. After the reboot, you must configure IP over ISDN using wansetup advanced. After this, to start ISDN correctly, you must issue the following command: # wanstartup RESTART That is, you must specify the RESTART option instead of the START option. Subsequent reboots do not require this. Delay When Configuring IP/ISDN Hosts When configuring IP/ISDN, you enter a hostname that identifies a remote IP/ISDN host. If your ISDN system uses a name server, such as BIND or NIS, there is a delay after you exit the configuration screen if the hostname you enter is not known to the name server. 5-2 Known Problems Known Problems 5.4 Software The delay could be quite long, but eventually the configuration program displays the next screen. This delay also occurs if you enter a local IP/ISDN hostname not configured in the name server. If you add the local and remote hostnames to the name server, this delay does not occur. Lockmode 4 Not Supported for ISDN Lockmode=4 is not supported for ISDN in this release. It is suggested that lockmode=3 be used. This can be done by editing the /etc/sysconfigtab file. In the generic: definitions section, insert the following: lockmode=3 X.25 Clear Confirm Packets Sometimes Lost in X.25 over ISDN In dynamic call control for ISDN, when one end of an ISDN link sends a CLEAR CONFIRM packet for the last VC in use, it clears the ISDN call and shuts down LAPB. However, the CLEAR CONFIRM packet can be lost during LAPB shutdown. Lockup While Attempting X.25 Call Over ISDN When an X.25 call is attempted over the ISDN interface and the call is unsuccessful, a timeout can cause the LAPB machine to become locked in the halted state. From that time on, no ISDN calls can be made over the X.25 interface to ISDN. If the LAPB machine is locked in the halted state, then: o in the NCL facility, the LAPB link state is shown as halted; and o an attempt to perform an X29 login returns the following message: Layer 2 is disconnected The LAPB state machine moves from the initialising state to the halted state when it times out. Normally (for synchronous devices) when the physical layer comes up the state machine moves back to the running layer. However, ISDN call control does not automatically reschedule calls, and so the physical layer never comes up and LAPB remains in the halted state. Known Problems 5-3 Known Problems 5.4 Software Enter the following NCL commands: ncl> disable lapb link ncl> enable lapb link and reattempt the call. 5.4.3 WAN Device Drivers PCI Configuration With certain combinations of I/O adapters including PBXDPs, the console firmware on some systems (particularly AlphaServer 4100 and AlphaServer 4000 systems) is unable to complete PCI configuration. This is due to an otherwise harmless bug in the PCI interface chip on the PBXDP. The bug results in the firmware thinking the PBXDP is making multiple requests for huge blocks of PCI I/O address space. Compaq recommends that any system using a PBXDP upgrade the firmware to the latest appropriate version of firmware that is applicable for the operating system and hardware being used. It should be noted that the version of the firmware CD is not the same as the version number of all the different console firmware images contained on the CD. PBXDI Line Drivers Using PBXDI Cards on EISA Buses The use of the PBXDI card on EISA bus systems is not supported. Reported Interface Types Due to limitations in the hardware of the PBXDI card, it is not possible to distinguish between EIA-232-D (V.24) and V.35 cables. Both these types of cables are reported by the modem connect entity as V.35 interfaces. Creating NCL Management Entities for Users of the WAN API The network management entities necessary to establish a configuration for use with the Direct Driver Application Programming Interface to the WAN Drivers are created when the wddsetup utility is run. This utility is either run directly when the WAN Drivers and Datalinks subsets are installed or as part of the wansetup utility when other parts of the X.25 product are installed. 5-4 Known Problems Known Problems 5.4 Software Programmers wishing to use the HDLC and LAPB Application Programming Interface to the WAN Drivers and Datalinks must manually configure the HDLC and LAPB management entities. The HDLC and LAPB entities are usually created when the wansetup utility is run to build an X.25 configuration. WAN Datalinks programmers should read the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Configuration Guide and the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Management Guide to become familiar with these entities. DSY and DNSES Line Drivers DSY and DNSES Line Drivers Require Device Unit to be Enabled The DSY and DNSES line drivers do not function properly unless the device unit entity is present and in the Running state. To find out whether the device unit entity for a particular device is in the correct state, enter the following NCL command: show device unit state If it is not in the correct state, enter the following NCL commands: ncl> create device unit name ncl> enable device unit If you enter a large number of NCL commands while the device unit is not running, some commands (for example, enable lapb link) may fail with the error message No Resource Available. NCL Command Sequences Care is required when issuing disable, set, and enable NCL command sequences on DSY Modem Connect Line entities, or on LAPB/HDLC entities that use DSY Modem Connect Line entities as the physical line. If multiple instances of these commands are issued in quick succession, for example from a script, the DSY driver exhausts its command buffer pool and halt operation. A firmware reload is required to bring the device out of this state. Known Problems 5-5 Known Problems 5.4 Software Boot-Time Hanging If a line on the DSY is connected to a modem that does not terminate the TestMode, RingIndicate, or SpeedSelect lines correctly, the system can hang on a reboot with the message intr: stray interrupt vector=2048, ipl=4 displayed repeatedly. The solution to this problem is to halt the machine, and set the BOOT_RESET console environment variable to ON using the following command: >>> setenv BOOT_RESET ON The machine can now be booted safely, and the problem will not show up in future reboots. Modems and Modem Eliminators Interchange Circuits Some types of modems and modem eliminators may leave interchange circuits, such as Ring Indicator (CCITT 125) and Test Indicator (CCITT 142), unterminated. This condition allows these signals to float and cause continual device interrupts, with a corresponding loss of system performance. You should verify that signals are correctly terminated, and rectify this situation if they are not. Local and Remote Loopback Tests Information sheet EK-BS19D-IS-001 outlines conditions under which the adapter connector 12-27591-01 should be used. It should be noted that if this adapter connector is used then automatic local and remote loopback tests can no longer be performed. Retraining (Loss of Clear To Send) If the modem drops CTS (CCITT 106) for a period greater than the value of the Maximum Enable Transmit Timer attribute of the Modem Connect Line entity (which has a default of 2 seconds), Modem Control will be cycled by dropping DTR (CCITT 108.2) and RTS (CCITT 105). If this situation causes problems, the value of the Maximum Enable Transmit Timer attribute should be increased. 5-6 Known Problems Known Problems 5.4 Software Modem Connect Management If a Modem Connect line is deleted, then the Modem Connect data ports must also be deleted before reusing the associated communications port. The data port can be deleted by disabling the Modem Connect Client. Scripts That Need /vmunix to Be Active The following scripts depend on netstat -i and cannot be run if the active kernel is something other than /vmunix: setld -v WDABASE310 setld -d XXAIP310 cons_setup 5.4.4 X.25 Management NCL SHOW Commands May Initiate Core Dumps Issuing such NCL SHOW commands as the following may initiate NCL core dumps: ncl> show x25 access template * all To avoid this, specify the names of the attributes to be displayed rather than specifying ALL. Modifying the x25startup.ncl File Results in Unpredictable Behavior This file is generated by the configuration program as described in Chapter 2 of the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Configuration Guide. The configuration program provides extensive error checking to ensure that the resultant NCL commands create a valid X.25 configuration. If you modify the resultant NCL script file or if you later use NCL commands to create new X.25 entities, you run the risk of creating an unworkable X.25 configuration. NCL can only check for the legality of the requested operation not the larger question of whether the requested operation makes sense given the current X.25 configuration. Therefore, Compaq encourages you to perform all configuration tasks using the configuration program included with the X.25 software. Source: QAR.00079 Known Problems 5-7 Known Problems 5.4 Software 5.4.5 X.25 Mail Received Messages Five blank lines are prepended to messages received by the x25mail utility. There is no workaround. Configuring X.25 Mail You must specify a template when configuring X.25 Mail. If this is not done, the following message appears in the mail.log file: /var/adm/syslog.dated/22-Jul-14:29/mail.log < Jul 22 15:45:32 pardon Master Mailer[734]: Error: MakeCall Specified template does not exist Error Messages in mail.log When Sending and Receiving X.25 Mail When sending and receiving X.25 Mail, the following error message may appear in the mail.log file: /var/adm/syslog.dated/September 2, 1999/mail.log Apr 3 11:24:12 alfons Slave Mailer[1609]: X25ReadData Error: Operation failed - call cleared This message does not represent a failure to transfer the mail. 5.4.6 Common Trace Facility Installing CTF After X.25 If CTF is installed following an X.25 installation, then the following messages appear: To complete your installation of DEC CTF for DIGITAL UNIX, please perform the following step: -- Configure CTF by executing the command: # /usr/sbin/ctfsetup Instead of executing /usr/sbin/ctfsetup, you should execute the following command: # /usr/sbin/wansetup KERNEL This command configures all the components of X.25, including CTF. 5-8 Known Problems Known Problems 5.4 Software CTF Crashes After Several Hours of Live Tracing When you use the live trace function in CTF for an extended time, CTF may experience a memory fault that causes the program to halt and generate a core file. To avoid this situation, use the detached tracing functionality described in Sections 3.5.2, 3.6.2, and 3.7.3 of the CTF for Digital UNIX Systems - CTF User's Guide. Multiple Traces of "x25 client" on Gateways Not Supported There is a limitation when tracing the x25 client tracepoint on remote Gateways. The Gateway supports only one trace session at a time for this tracepoint. If there is already an x25 client trace session started on a Gateway, any attempts to create further x25 client trace sessions appear to work, with CTF returning notification of tracepoints being traced, but no trace records are ever received from the Gateway. Time Displayed Inaccurately It is not possible to display the times from remote non Tru64 UNIX nodes as local times. Using the set time local command while tracing such nodes causes timestamps to be displayed incorrectly as the remote nodes do not supply time zone information. CTF Remote Trace Over TCP The TCP port number for CTF remote tracing has been corrected. Consequently, remote tracing over TCP between two machines, one with the corrected version of CTF and one with an earlier version, is no longer possible. Either the older version of CTF should be updated, or DECnet should be used as an alternative transport. CTF Cannot be Paused for a Long Time An error in CTF does not allow high activity traces to be paused for an extended length of time. For instance, this error occurs if you start tracing a X.25 Protocol DTE dte-0 with the following command: CTF> start x25 proto dte dte-0 ,live ,full and pause the trace with the Pause command. Known Problems 5-9 Known Problems 5.4 Software If there is a lot of activity over this circuit, after approximately 30 minutes the CTF buffers fill, and CTF exits with an access violation. To remedy this error, tracepoints should not be paused for an extended length of time. Where possible, Stop should be used in preference to Pause. Tracing on the Local Node While the Node Name is Specified and DECnet is Used as Transport If the user started a trace in CTF specifying the transport to be DECnet and the node to be the local node as follows: CTF> start node , transport=decnet the following error message is displayed : Connection failed: Node Name Translation Failed Cannot process command: Connection Failed Compaq recommends that the user specify the node name to be 0 (zero) instead of the actual name when the tracepoint being traced is on the local node. CTF> start node 0 , transport=decnet or CTF> set default node 0 CTF> start , transport=decnet Option "notruncate" in CTF Does Not Work Without "full" Option CTF trace output is truncated if it is wider than the screen. If you are interested in the call packet data, the use of the option full is recommended. For a more readable display, you should increase the width of the window that is running the trace. 5-10 Known Problems 6 _________________________________________________________________ Documentation 6.1 Clarification of Behavior of X25Decode The description of X25Decode in both the man page and programming documentation is contradictory. The definition for the value returned for packet-size, window-size, etc, is defined in one location as a short int and in another as an int value. Both documents should consistently say a short int is returned. 6.2 Available X.25 Documentation The following documentation for the Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX product is available: WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Introduction WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Installation Guide WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Configuration Guide WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Management Guide WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Programmer's Reference Manual WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Problem Solving Guide WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Security Guide WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems PAD User's Guide CTF for DIGITAL UNIX Systems CTF User's Guide WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems RoamAbout Transport Server User's Guide WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Device Drivers- Application Programmer's Guide All manuals were last published in May 1997 for the WAN Support for DIGITAL UNIX Systems, Version 3.0 product (a predecessor to the current release). Documentation 6-1 Documentation 6.3 Location of Documentation 6.3 Location of Documentation Bookreader versions of the manuals are available on the Tru64 UNIX Online Documentation Library CD-ROM. Details of how to access the Bookreader documentation are provided in the Compaq Wide Area Networking for Tru64 UNIX Cover Letter. Hardcopy versions of each manual can be ordered from Compaq. See the Preface for ordering information. 6-2 Documentation