Software Product Description ________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: VAX-11 RSX, Version 2.5 SPD 26.73.07 DESCRIPTION Overview VAX-11 RSX is an emulator of the RSX Operating System family which executes on all VAX systems. VAX-11 RSX runs in compati- bility mode on processors that support a PDP-11 instruction set subset in hardware or microcode, and also runs on processors without this support by providing its own software emulation of the same PDP-11 instruction set subset. VAX-11 RSX provides special capabilities which enable PDP- 11 users to develop programs for execution in the following environments: o VMS compatibility mode (hardware-supported or software- emulated) o RSX-11M-PLUS o RSX-11M o RSX-11S o Micro/RSX o VAX CoProcessor/RSX VAX-11 RSX also allows for the migration of many existing RSX applications to VMS. Program Development Capabilities DIGITAL October 1990 AE-DL72H-TE VAX-11 RSX, Version 2.5 SPD 26.73.07 The program development facilities provided by VAX-11 RSX con- sist of the following: o PDP-11 Instruction Set Emulator (CEM$EMULATOR) which emulates the PDP-11 machine instruction set and allows RSX tasks to run on VAX processors that do not contain the compatibility mode hardware. o MCR command line interpreter (CLI) which emulates the RSX MCR CLI so users may interact with a familiar user interface. MCR also provides access to many of the native VMS program development facilities. o RSX Application Migration Executive (AME) which emulates the RSX Executive services. o Indirect Command File Processor (ICM) which allows RSX indi- rect command files to be executed on VMS. o DCL command back translator (BACKTRANS) which allows RSX utilities to be invoked through the use of the DCL command interface. o A subset of the RSX program development utilities and li- braries. o A subset of the RMS-11, Version 2.0 program development utilities and libraries. The following RSX program development utilities are available to users of VAX-11 RSX: o BRU - Backup and Restore Utility (ODS-1 only). Note: BRU can restore files to an ODS-2 volume. However, files on an ODS-2 volume cannot be read by BRU for backup or verify operations. o CRF - Cross Reference Processor o DMP - File Dump Utility o EDI - Line Text Editor 2 VAX-11 RSX, Version 2.5 SPD 26.73.07 o FLX - File Transfer Utility Program o LBR - Librarian Utility Program o MAC - PDP-11 MACRO-11 Assembler o PAT - Object Module Patch Utility o PIP - Peripheral Interchange Program o SLP - Source Language Input Program o TKB - Task Builder o ZAP - Task/File Patch Program The following RSX program development libraries and components are available to VAX-11 RSX users: o FCSRES.STB - File Control Services symbol table o FCSRES.EXE - File Control Services resident library o ODT.OBJ - On-Line Debugging Tool object module o QIOSYM.MSG - Standard RSX QIO error messages o RSXMAC.SML - Standard RSX macros o SYSLIB.OLB - System object library (without ANSI Magtape support) o VMLIB.OLB - Virtual memory subroutine library The following RMS-11 program development utilities are available to VAX-11 RSX users: o BCK - File Backup Utility o CNV - File Conversion Utility o DEF - File Definition Utility o DES - File Design Utility o DSP - File Display Utility o IFL - Index File Load Utility 3 VAX-11 RSX, Version 2.5 SPD 26.73.07 o RST - File Restore Utility The following RMS-11 program development libraries and compo- nents are available to VAX-11 RSX users: o RMSRES.STB - RMS-11 symbol table o RMSRES.EXE - RMS-11 memory-resident library o RMSLIB.OLB - RMS-11 object library o RMSMAC.MLB - RMS-11 macro library o RMS11.ODL - Prototype disk-based overlay descriptor o RMS11S.ODL - Minimum-size partial-function overlay descriptor o RMS11X.ODL - Minimum-size full-function overlay descriptor o RMS12S.ODL - Medium-size partial-function overlay descriptor o RMS12X.ODL - Medium-size full-function overlay descriptor o DAP11X.ODL - Full-function including remote support overlay descriptor o RMSDES.IDX - Help file for the RMS DES utility The following utilities for file transfer to and from RSX family systems and other VAX systems are available to VAX-11 RSX users: o DTE - Data Terminal Emulator Utility o MFT - File Transfer Utility Note: MFT has superseded the Professional File Transfer Program (PFT) formerly included in the Professional Host Communications product. General Access VAX-11 RSX users gain access to the system through the normal VMS LOGINOUT procedure. They may explicitly request MCR as their CLI, or they may have MCR as their default CLI by having it specified in the User Authorization File. 4 VAX-11 RSX, Version 2.5 SPD 26.73.07 Alternatively, VAX-11 RSX users may use the DCL CLI. Under DCL, not all of the RSX and RMS program development utilities are directly available. Some of the utilities are available through DCL commands (e.g., LIBRARY/RSX-11), but for some other utilities, the user must explicitly request the utility to execute by typing either RUN SYS$SYSTEM:utility-name or MCR utility-name. VAX-11 RSX indirect command files may be executed from either MCR or DCL, but must contain only indirect directives and MCR commands. On VMS, it is only possible to switch from one CLI to another by logging out of the current CLI and then logging in again using the new CLI, or by using the DCL or MCR SPAWN command. This differs from RSX-11M and RSX-11M-PLUS. Operations With Disk and Tape Volumes In addition to a native disk file structure (Files-11 Structure Level 2), VMS provides a disk file structure (called Files- 11 Structure Level 1) that is compatible with RSX Systems. This provides for easy cross migration of code and data. Both file structures are available to programs running in either compatibility or native mode. However, not all features of Files-11 Structure Level 2 are available to programs running in compatibility mode. Note: Files-11 Structure Level 1 (ODS-1) disks cannot be shared between nodes in a cluster. VAX-11 RSX supports general access to magnetic tape volumes. In addition, tapes created on an RSX system by BRU, FLX, PIP, and RMS BCK can all be read on VAX-11 RSX by corresponding utilities. Similarly, it is possible to create tapes on VAX-11 RSX to be read on an RSX system. Intersystem Facilities 5 VAX-11 RSX, Version 2.5 SPD 26.73.07 VAX-11 RSX includes support for the RSX Data Terminal Emulator (DTE) and File Transfer (MFT) utilities. These utilities provide for two-way file transfer to and from RSX family systems and other VMS Systems which are running VAX-11 RSX. In this manner, files of any type or size can be transferred by means of a serial line in either direction from one system to the other. The file transfer can be initiated from either system using the DTE utility available on that system. DECnet is not available to RSX programs executing under VAX- 11 RSX with one exception: applications written to use RMS-11, Version 2.0 will have access to DECnet. Compatibility VAX-11 RSX is an emulator of the RSX family of operating sys- tems. Specifically, this product is designed to emulate: o RSX-11M-PLUS, V4.3 o Micro/RSX, V4.3 o RSX-11M, V4.6 o RSX-11S, V4.6 Directive Compatibility The following RSX executive directives are supported: # ABRT$ ACHN$ DTRG$ IHAR$S SFPA$ % ALTP$ ELAW$ MAP$ # SPND$S # ALUN$ # ELGF$ # MRKT$ SPRA$ ASTX$S ENAR$S QIO$ # SPWN$ 6 VAX-11 RSX, Version 2.5 SPD 26.73.07 ATRG$ # ENCP$S QIOW$ SRDA$ PFCS$ PRMS$ CLEF$ EXIF$ # RCST$ STLO$ CLOG$ EXIT$S # RCVD$ STOP$S CLON$ EXST$ # RCVX$ STSE$ # CMKT$ EXTK$ RDAF$ SVDB$ CRAW$ FEAT$ RDXF$ SVTK$ FSS$ # CRGF$ GDIR$ RLOG$ TLOG$ CRRG$ # GLUN$ RLON$ TLON$ # CSRQ$ * CMCR$ # RQST$ UMAP$ % DECL$S GMCX$ # RSUM$ # USTP$ DLOG$ # GPRT$ # RUN$ % WSIG$S DLON$ GREG$ # SDAT$ WTLO$ DSAR$S # GTIM$ SDIR$ WTSE$ # DSCP$S # GTSK$ SETF$ 7 VAX-11 RSX, Version 2.5 SPD 26.73.07 # - Not entirely compatible with the same directive on RSX family systems % - NO-OP * - Compatible from the MCR CLI; not entirely compatible from the DCL CLI The following RSX executive directives are NOT supported: ________________________________________________________________ I/D Virt. CLI_______Space_____Term._____PLAS______Other___________________ GCCI$ MSDS$ CRVT$ CPCR$ CINT$ GCII$ MVTS$ ELVT$ RREF$ GIN$ SCAA$ SCAL$S RRST$ GSSW$ SCLI$ SREF$ RDEF$ SNXC$ SRRA$ RMAF$S SMSG$ SPEA$ SREA$ SREX$ STAF$ STIM$ 8 VAX-11 RSX, Version 2.5 SPD 26.73.07 ________________________________________________________________ I/D Virt. CLI_______Space_____Term._____PLAS______Other___________________ SWST$ TFEA$ ________________________________________ULGF$___________________ ________________________________________________________________ Parent/Offspring______Variable_Send/Receive_____________________ CNCT$ VRCD$ EMST$ VRCS$ RPOI$ VRCX$ SDRC$ VSDA$ SDRP$_________________VSRC$_____________________________________ MCR Compatibility The following RSX MCR commands are supported: ALLOCATE ASN BYE CANCEL DEALLOCATE DEBUG DMOUNT EDT HELP INIT MOUNT RESUME RUN TIME UFD 9 VAX-11 RSX, Version 2.5 SPD 26.73.07 In addition, the following VMS DCL commands are available from the MCR CLI: APPEND ATTACH CONTINUE COPY CREATE CREATE/DIRECTORY CREATE/NAME_ DEASSIGN TABLE DEFINE DELETE DEPOSIT DIFFERENCES DIRECTORY DUMP EXAMINE LOGOUT MAIL MERGE PRINT PURGE RENAME RUNOFF SEARCH SET SHOW SORT SPAWN STOP SUBMIT TYPE The installation procedure provides the option to install an MCR help library which contains help text on both the RSX MCR and DCL commands that are part of the MCR CLI. 10 VAX-11 RSX, Version 2.5 SPD 26.73.07 Indirect Command File Compatibility All indirect command file directives and functions are supported to some extent except .FORM, .WAIT, and .XQT. Most RSX indirect command files can be executed successfully on VAX-11 RSX. The following system generations and network generations are specifically supported: o RSX-11M-PLUS V4.3 o RSX-11M V4.6 o RSX-11S V4.6 o DECnet-11M-PLUS V4.3 o DECnet-11M V4.5 o DECnet-11S V4.5 Note: The MicroVAX II and VAXstation II are NOT recommended for RSX system generations or DECnet network generations due to the performance characteristics of the PDP-11 instruction set emulator on these processors. Other Areas of Compatibility VAX-11 RSX also supports the following features: o Memory Resident Overlays o Cluster Libraries o FCSRES o RMSRES o VMS search lists consisting only of devices and rooted direc- tories o Installation on to and operation from a VAXcluster common system disk (SYSCOMMON) o Virtual Sections 11 VAX-11 RSX, Version 2.5 SPD 26.73.07 o FORTRAN-77 Virtual Arrays General Areas of Incompatibility Every effort has been made to make the functions this product supports as compatible as possible with the RSX environment given the constraints of the VMS Operating System environment. However, certain areas of incompatibility do exist in this product and may continue to exist in future versions. The few areas of incompatibility mentioned in the various sections of this Software Product Description (SPD) are not guaranteed to be all inclusive. Other areas where incompatibilities exist include: o No support for supervisor mode libraries o No support for I-and-D space separation Compatibility with Other Derivatives of RSX No compatibility is expressed or otherwise implied with any other versions of the RSX family of operating systems or related operating systems, except where specifically noted. Source License and Sources Listings Option This option provides the user with listings of the source pro- grams for this software product. It gives the user the right to use the listings for any CPU at the facility/location specified in the agreement which has a Single-Use License for the object code. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS VAX, MicroVAX or VAXstation configuration as specified in the System Support Addendum (SSA 26.73.07-x). SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS * VMS Operating system 12 VAX-11 RSX, Version 2.5 SPD 26.73.07 * Refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA 26.73.07-x) for availability and required versions of perquisite/optional software. 13 VAX-11 RSX, Version 2.5 SPD 26.73.07 ORDERING INFORMATION Software Licenses: QL-382A*-** Software Media: QA-382A*-** Software Documentation: QA-382A*-GZ Software Product Services: QT-382A*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on avail- able licenses, services and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and poli- cies, contact your local Digital office. LICENSE MANAGEMENT FACILITY SUPPORT This layered product supports the VMS License Management Facil- ity. License units for this product are allocated on a CPU-capacity basis. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the VMS Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the VMS Operating System documentation set. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and poli- cies, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more information, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY 14 VAX-11 RSX, Version 2.5 SPD 26.73.07 Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the purchase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. [TM] The DIGITAL Logo, PDP-11, Micro/RSX, MicroVAX, RSX, RSX- 11, RSX-11M-PLUS, VAX, VMS, VAXserver and VAXstation are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 15