Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DECADMIRE V2.1A SPD 52.65.02 DESCRIPTION DECADMIRE is an application development environment that generates high- performance commercial applications. Rapid application development method- ologies (prototyping, code templates, screen and code generation) are used to build reliable, production applications. DECADMIRE employs rapid application development (RAD) methodologies through the use of templates, which allow you to quickly design, test, and implement client/server applications. Applying this to systems de- velopment in fast-changing environments provides interactive devel- opment that supports work review at each cycle, provides independence of design from implementation, and consistent coding behavior and ap- pearance of the generated application. DECADMIRE can generate timesharing, generic (ODBC), specialized high- performing ODBC, client/server, classic transaction processing, dis- tributed client/server, or continuous fault tolerant applications. Development is supported in both the Microsoft Windows [TM] (DECAD- MIRE for Visual Basic product) and the VT (DECADMIRE product) devel- opment environments. DECADMIRE is capable of building applications based on interactive presentations services (DECforms or Microsoft Visual Basic®). Visual Basic applications using generic ODBC can be deployed on any platform with a supporting ODBC database. Visual Basic applications using specialized ODBC can be deployed with Oracle Rdb[TM], MS SQL SERVER, Oracle®, or MS ACCESS. The transaction processing or fault tolerant applications can be deployed in an OpenVMS environment. The specific type of application is dependent upon middleware selections made in DIGITAL May 1995 AE-Q4CQD-TE the DECADMIRE application design and is reflected in the generated ap- plication. Components Overview DECADMIRE has two major components that allow the user to create an application: the DECADMIRE BUILDER and the DECADMIRE GENERATOR. DECADMIRE BUILDER The BUILDER allows the application developer to interactively deter- mine the application structure and the appearance of the forms asso- ciated with the application. This logical application definition is stored in a shared database for all types of applications (Windows or VT based). The developer can also simulate how the application works, including database operations against the server, without actually generating any executable code. Visual Basic is utilized to simulate the appli- cation in the Windows environment. Existing data definitions can be imported or cloned into DECADMIRE to be used as an application design base. DECADMIRE GENERATOR The GENERATOR generates the application code for the appropriate plat- form and environment paradigms that you choose. In the VT environment the generator is utilized once prototyping is completed. In the Win- dows environment, the Visual Basic form, basic code, and the make files are generated before prototyping is completed using Visual Basic. The same generator process is utilized to generate all variations of ap- plications. The source code for the application is produced by the GENERATOR. The result of this generation is an integrated application based on code for standard Digital layered products and Microsoft's Visual Basic. This code can be modified, enabling additional features or customiza- tions to be added to the application. The code contains markers, which delimit portions of the code that will be updated during regeneration 2 from changes made in the BUILDER. Code modifications placed outside of these markers are not changed. The latest version of the source code can be used for regeneration, capturing all customizations. Timesharing applications can scale to TP by specifying ACMS during re- generation (ACMS license required). The specific language and DECforms are exactly the same in both applications, preserving all modifica- tions. The language driver code is replaced with an ACMS task and other ACMS components. An object library with some generic routines is used during the linking of the application. Visual Basic based applications can be generated using a choice of mid- dleware (ODBC, specialized ODBC, or ACMS). The Visual Basic Form and logic remains the same regardless of the middleware or type of appli- cation selected and will utilize the same ACMS server components if selected. DECADMIRE for Visual Basic components DECADMIRE for Visual Basic is comprised of three main components: 1. DECADMIRE development environment, which provides a default appli- cation architecture that includes forms, icons, workflow, flexi- ble and modifiable code templates, and a complete environment used in conjunction with Visual Basic to define, generate, test, and cus- tomize the application. One or many projects can be set up to com- plete development. Each project can have custom MDI forms, middleware, or ODBC Server type. Specific MDI form options can be assigned to each project in- cluding setting up a toolbar, status bar, or tooltips. Each project must have either ODBC or ACMS Desktop as the middleware. Each ODBC project must select a specialized or generic. Under the VIEW option developer preferences can be selected which enable you to set up your environment to utilize tool tips, one, two, or zero tool bars, a menu bar, colors, and default startup con- figurations. 3 File services must be used to access a common shared application design base. A product equivalent to Digital's PATHWORKS must be used along with an ODBC driver. 2. DECADMIRE utilities provide tools to set up the development envi- ronment by dataset (application design database), including the cre- ation of dataset, definition of developers who are authorized to use the environment, application messages, and reserved words. 3. DECADMIRE online information system provides both conceptual and task-based information to help the developer learn and complete the steps needed for application development. The online information system provides Help, a Tutorial, and Job Aids. Help provides comprehensive information about the options, menus, and screens in the development environment. The Tutorial provides practice of the tasks you must perform to de- velop an application. The Job Aids provide step-by-step instructions to perform specific tasks in DECADMIRE. Job aids can be printed out for easy reference. ODBC DECADMIRE has specialized ODBC for high-performance processing includ- ing the support of transaction handling (TRANS), handling of read com- mitted transactions (RCOMM), handling of output parameters from stored procedures (OUTPRM), handling of conversion of strings to numeric columns (CHRNUM), support for API functions; "SQLExtendedFetch" (EXTFCH), "SQLDe- scribeParam" (DSCPRM), "SQLNumParams" (NUMPRM). 4 ________Oracle_____________________________________________________ ________Rdb___SQLServ___Oracle__ACCESS___Generic___________________ TRANS Y Y Y N N RCOMM Y Y N N N OUTPRM Y N N N N CHRNUM Y N N N N EXTFCH Y N N N N DSCPRM Y N N N N NUMPRM__Y_____Y_________N_______Y________N_________________________ DECADMIRE Application Development Process Database Design/Description (Generic for VT or Windows development) DECADMIRE allows the user to start either by importing database in- formation into the dictionary or manually entering this information using the dictionary maintenance facility. A review of all informa- tion entered or imported should be completed with either the dictio- nary maintenance tool or reports before continuing prototyping and code generation. Relationships among tables are defined by associating like data items, which comprise parent-child and related table descriptions. All screen and form development, report development, prototyping, and code gen- eration are based on the dictionary information. A copy table func- tion is provided to enhance development efforts. Application Design (Generic for VT or Windows development) 5 Each function performed by the application is designed as a module. Each module is associated with predefined templates (building block objects), which associate a specific series of actions to be processed within the application. Definition of the form is completed by select- ing data to be on the form, and associating business logic with the data. Automatic screens (VT) and Visual Basic forms (Windows) are gen- erated for the developer to use for prototyping or customizing. The DECADMIRE building block objects can be customized for each ap- plication's needs; however, modifications must follow the rules for each building block. Customizations made within the DECADMIRE build- ing blocks are included in the generated code. Removal of the code mark- ers in the building blocks is not supported. Prototyping DECADMIRE for Visual Basic (Windows development) Prototyping is completed after the Define Form and Code for a design module has been completed. Prototyping is completed using the Visual Basic Professional Edition, which is accessed from within the DECAD- MIRE development environment. The Visual Basic Run command is utilized to test the application against the development database used for pro- totyping. All customizations made to the application forms and logic are operational during the prototyping session. Prototyping (VT de- velopment) After the user defines the database and creates the modules that de- fine menus, screens, and reports, the application can be simulated us- ing prototyping. Prototyping can be completed for a single module (menu, report, or screen), a grouping of modules, or the entire application. Prototyping of a mod- ule that makes a call to other modules automatically includes all re- lated modules in the prototyping session. Data can be entered, retrieved, and updated, using the DECADMIRE BUILDER data structure, simulating the final application based on a test or existing Oracle Rdb database. 6 Prototyping closely mimics the completed application. However, some inconsistencies within the prototyping environment are not in the fi- nal generated application. Customizations made to the generated code are not operational in the prototyping. Application Generation DECADMIRE generates the required information to build an application, including the following: DECADMIRE for Visual Basic: o Visual Basic Form file o Visual Basic Project file o Visual Basic code for handling the included forms and controls o Generic ODBC - any ODBC compliant database o Specialized ODBC - Oracle Rdb, ORACLE, Microsoft ACCESS, or Microsoft SQL SERVER o ACMS Desktop for transaction processing o Server code listed below Timesharing or TP: o Choice of a 3GL: COBOL, Fortran, Pascal, and DEC C o DECforms code o Lists of values for DECforms o Table descriptions (COPY-files) for DECforms (if Oracle CDD/Repository[TM] is not used for compiling) o A test Oracle Rdb database (multiple or single file) and required SQL language definition o Support of RMS files via the DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS for OpenVMS for Visual Basic or DECforms applications 7 o ACMS task, task group, ACMS application definition file, and sin- gle step task for NO I/O task ACMS implementations (ACMS versions of DECADMIRE only) o Table descriptions (COPY-files for 3GL) o Entire application's Oracle CDD/Repository and supporting CDO lan- guage o A specific database table for Oracle CDD/Repository and support- ing CDO language o ACMS Desktop workspace definition client file o RTR embedded calls (COBOL only) o Handbook user documentation for a specific module or the entire ap- plication Development Environment Reports DECADMIRE provides reports that describe information contained in the DECADMIRE dictionary. These reports can be used during development and as application documentation. Support Functions (VT development) DECADMIRE includes an authorization tool, a print batch, and queue man- agement facility, which are available for use in the generated appli- cation. (Available only on server code with DECforms.) Internationalization Features DECADMIRE allows for localization of messages and localized language input, as supported by DECforms, using the screen text description. 8 Sample Applications Sample applications are included with the product. Modules in these applications can be used for self-paced training by reproducing them, or can be copied to quickly include similar functions in the appli- cation under development. Modules for the Windows version can be cre- ated from the Tutorial. Data can be shared between VT and Windows mod- ules. Documentation The DECADMIRE documentation set is available both with the purchase of the DECADMIRE product and separately. The documentation set con- sists of: o DECADMIRE Installation Guide o DECADMIRE Introduction o DECADMIRE User's Guide o DECADMIRE Application Code Guide o DECADMIRE Application Code Guide for Visual Basic Applications o DECADMIRE for Visual Basic Read This First HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Alpha Processors Supported Alpha: DEC 2000 Model 300 Server DEC 2000 Model 500 Server DEC 2100 Servers 9 DEC 3000 Model 300 Workstation DEC 3000 Model 400 Workstation DEC 3000 Model 400 Server DEC 3000 Model 500 Workstation DEC 3000 Model 500 Server DEC 3000 Model 600/700 Workstations DEC 3000 Model 800 Server DEC 3000 Model 900 Workstation DEC 4000 Model 500 System DEC 4000 Model 610 Systems DEC 4000 Model 710 Servers DEC 7000 Model 600 Servers DEC 7000 Model 700 Servers DEC 10000 Model 610 System VAX Processors Supported VAX 4000 Model 100, VAX 4000 Model 200, VAX 4000 Model 300, VAX 4000 Model 500, VAX 4000 Model 600, VAX 6000 Model 200 Series, VAX 6000 Model 300 Series, VAX 6000 Model 400 Series, VAX 6000 Model 500 Series, VAX 6000 Model 600 Series VAX 7000 Model 600 Series VAX 8200, VAX 8250, VAX 8300, VAX 8350, 10 VAX 85xx, VAX 8600, VAX 8650, VAX 8700, VAX 8800, VAX 8810, VAX 8820, VAX 8830, VAX 8840 VAX 9000 Model 110, VAX 9000 Model 210, VAX 9000 Model 300 Series, VAX 9000 Model 400 Series VAX 10000 Model 600 Series VAX-11/750, VAX-11/780, VAX-11/785 VAXft Model 110, VAXft Model 310, VAXft Model 410, VAXft Model 610, VAXft Model 612 MicroVAX:MicroVAX II, MicroVAX 2000, MicroVAX 3100 Model 30, MicroVAX 3100 Model 10/10E, MicroVAX 3100 Model 20/20E, MicroVAX 3100 Model 40, MicroVAX 3100 Model 80, MicroVAX 3100 Model 90, MicroVAX 3300, MicroVAX 3400, MicroVAX 3500, MicroVAX 3600, MicroVAX 3800, MicroVAX 3900 VAXstatiVAXstation II, VAXstation 2000, VAXstation 3100 Model 30, VAXstation 3100 Model 38, 11 VAXstation 3100 Model 40, VAXstation 3100 Model 48, VAXstation 3100 Model 76, VAXstation 3200, VAXstation 3500, VAXstation 3520, VAXstation 3540 VAXstation 4000 Model 60, VAXstation 4000 Model 90, VAXstation 4000 VLC VAXserveVAXserver 3100 Model 10/10E, VAXserver 3100 Model 20/20E, VAXserver 3300, VAXserver 3400, VAXserver 3500, VAXserver 3600, VAXserver 3602, VAXserver 3800, VAXserver 3900 VAXserver 4000 Model 200, VAXserver 4000 Model 300, VAXserver 4000 Model 500 VAXserver 6000 Model 210, VAXserver 6000 Model 220, VAXserver 6000 Model 310, VAXserver 6000 Model 320, VAXserver 6000 Model 410, VAXserver 6000 Model 420, VAXserver 6000 Model 510, VAXserver 6000 Model 520, VAXserver 6000 Model 610, VAXserver 6000 Model 620, VAXserver 6000 Model 630 VAXserver 9000 Model 110/310/320/330/340 Processors Not Supported 12 MicroVAX I, VAXstation I, VAX-11/725, VAX-11/730, VAX-11/782, VAXstation 8000 Processor Restrictions A TK50 Tape Drive is required for OpenVMS VAX installations. Client Platforms PC (Intel[TM]: 80486, 33Mhz disk space: 35MB RAM:16MB Terminals VT100 VT100 with AVO VT101 VT102 VT103 1 VT125 VT131 VT220 VT240 VT241 VT320 VT330 VT340 VT420 VT510 1. The VT131 is supported in VT102 mode only. Terminal Emulators Terminal emulators on VAXstations and personal computers are supported only to the extent that the emulator conforms to the VT100, VT220, or VT320 environment it is emulating. Printers DECADMIRE screen captures must be printed on an LN03 or PostScript® printer. DECADMIRE BUILDER report information must be printed on an LN03 or PostScript printer. Job aids must be printed on a LN03 or postscript printer. 13 Disk_Space_Requirements_OpenVMS_VAX________________________________ Blocks DECADMIRE In- During stallation_Kit____Install_____Blocks_After_Install_________________ Base Kit 95,000 91,000 Language Genera- 5,900 4,000 tor ACMS Generator 2,000 3,400 Demo Applica- 32,000 26,000 tions Optional CDD 12,000 11,000 Dict. PC_Kit____________14,000______13,000_______________________________ Disk_Space_Requirements_OpenVMS_Alpha______________________________ Blocks DECADMIRE In- During stallation_Kit____Install_____Blocks_After_Install_________________ Base Kit 120,000 112,000 Language Genera- 5,900 4,000 tor ACMS Generator 2,000 3,400 14 __________________Blocks___________________________________________ DECADMIRE In- During stallation_Kit____Install_____Blocks_After_Install_________________ Demo Applica- 23,000 21,000 tions Optional CDD 12,000 11,000 Dict. PC_Kit_____________12,000______11,000______________________________ Required_Minimum_Process_QUOTA_____________________________________ Qualifier_________VAX_Value___Alpha_Value__________________________ BYTLM 32,768 64,000 ENQLM 2,000 2,000 FILLM 150 150 PGGLQUO___________30,000______50,000_______________________________ Required_Minimum_Account_QUOTA_____________________________________ Min. VAX Qualifier_________Value_______Min._Alpha_Value_____________________ BYTLM 16,384 64,000 ENQLM 1,000 2,000 FILLM 150 150 JTQUOTA 2,048 4,096 PRCLM 10 10 PGGLQUO 30,000 50,000 WSDEF 2,048 2,048 15 __________________Min._VAX_________________________________________ Qualifier_________Value_______Min._Alpha_Value_____________________ WSQUO 4,096 4,096 WSEXTENT___________8,092______16,184_______________________________ OPTIONAL HARDWARE Any device supported by the prerequisite/optional software. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS For DECADMIRE Client Applications o Microsoft Windows V3.1 or higher o MS DOS V6.0 or higher o Visual Basic V3.0 o Oracle Rdb OpenVMS V6.0 (for development) o Oracle Rdb OpenVMS V4.1 or higher (for production application) o DEC ODBC V1.1 o PATHWORKS V4.1 or higher Optional Software: o eXcursion If using ACMS as middleware, the following applies: For Application Development, Prototyping, and Code Generation Allows for design of application in DECADMIRE BUILDER and generation of source code. o OpenVMS VAX Operating System V5.5-2 or higher o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System V1.5 or higher 16 o Oracle Rdb OpenVMS VAX V4.1-V6.0 or OpenVMS Alpha V5.1-V6.0 For Compiling Applications To compile and build the generated source code, one of the following 3GL products is required: ___________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Software__________VAX_________OpenVMS_Alpha________________________ COBOL V4.3-V5.2 V1.1-V2.0 DEC C V3.2-V4.0 V1.3-V4.0 Fortran V5.6-V6.2 V6.1-V6.2 Pascal____________V4.2-V5.0___V5.1-V5.2____________________________ In addition to a 3GL product, one of the following products or a com- bination of the products is needed to compile and build the generated source code: ___________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Software__________VAX_________OpenVMS_Alpha________________________ DECforms V1.4-V2.0 V1.4C ACMS V3.3-V4.0 V4.0 ACMS Desktop V1.2-V2.0 V2.0 (w/ACMS) RTR_______________V2.2________V2.2_________________________________ 17 OpenVMS Tailoring The following OpenVMS classes are required for full functionality of this layered product: o OpenVMS Required Saveset o Programming Support o Utilities For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, refer to the OpenVMS Operating Systems Software Product Descriptions (VAX: SPD 25.01.xx, Alpha: SPD 41.87.xx). OPTIONAL SOFTWARE ___________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Software__________VAX_________OpenVMS_Alpha________________________ DEC LSE V2.3-V4.2 V4.2 DECset Release V11.0 V11.0 Oracle V5.1-V5.3 V5.1-V5.3 CDD/Repository Oracle_Trace[TM]__V1.4-V2.1___V2.1_________________________________ GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. 18 DISTRIBUTION MEDIA o TK50 Streaming Tape o 3.5" diskettes for DECADMIRE for Visual Basic PC Client o CD-ROM The software for DECADMIRE for OpenVMS is available as part of the Open- VMS Consolidated Software Distribution on CD-ROM. The documentation for DECADMIRE for OpenVMS is available as part of the OpenVMS Online Documentation Library on CD-ROM. ORDERING INFORMATION Development Environment DECADMIRE VT Builder and Generator OpenVMS_VAX_Part_Numbers:__________________________________________ License_Type_______________Part_Number_____________________________ Concurrent Licenses QL-091AA-*B Traditional Licenses QL-091A9-** Software Media & Doc QA-091AA-H5 Software Documentation QA-091AA-GZ Software_Product_Services__QT-091A*-**_____________________________ OpenVMS_Alpha_Part_Numbers:________________________________________ License_Type_______________Part_Number_____________________________ Concurrent Licenses QL-091AA-*B Traditional Licenses QL-2SSA9-** 19 ___________________________________________________________________ Software Media & Doc QA-2SSAA-H8 Software Documentation QA-091AA-GZ Software_Product_Services__QT-2SSA*-**_____________________________ Digital_UNIX®_Part_Numbers:________________________________________ License_Type_______________Part_Number_____________________________ Concurrent Licenses QL-2STAM-*B Traditional Licenses QL-2STA9-** Software Media & Doc QA-2STAA-H8 Software Documentation QA-091AA-GZ Software_Product_Services__QT-2STA*-**_____________________________ * All language variant options are included in one kit. DECADMIRE for Visual Basic Generator This product must be used along with the DECADMIRE for Visual Basic PC Client. OpenVMS_VAX_Part_Numbers:__________________________________________ License_Type_______________Part_Number_____________________________ Concurrent Licenses QL-3QVAA-*B Traditional Licenses QL-3QVA9-*A Software Media & Doc. QA-3QVAA-H5 Software Documentation QA-3QUAA-GZ Software_Product_Services__QT-3QVA*-**_____________________________ 20 OpenVMS_Alpha_Part_Numbers:________________________________________ License_Type_______________Part_Number_____________________________ Concurrent Licenses QL-3QVAA-*B Traditional Licenses QL-3QWA9-*A Software Media & Doc. QA-3QWAA-H8 Software Documentation QA-3QUAA-GZ Software_Product_Services__QT-3QWA*-**_____________________________ Digital_UNIX_Part_Numbers:_________________________________________ License_Type_______________Part_Number_____________________________ Concurrent Licenses QL-3QXAM-*B Traditional Licenses QL-3QXA9-*A Software Media & Doc. QA-3QXAA-H8 Software Documentation QA-3QUAA-GZ Software_Product_Services__QT-3QWA*-**_____________________________ PC Client Visual Basic Generator This offering is for customers who want to utilize the PC Client with the Visual Basic Generator. This product will not run alone, but must be utilized along with the DECADMIRE Visual Basic Generator parts listed above. Part_Numbers:______________________________________________________ License_Type_______________Part_Number_____________________________ 1 License QM-3QUAA-AA 3 Licenses QM-3QUAA-AB 5 Licenses QM-3QUAA-AC 7 Licenses QM-3QUAA-AD 21 ___________________________________________________________________ 10 Licenses QM-3QUAA-AE Software Media & Doc. QB-3QUAA-SA Software Documentation QA-3QUAA-GZ Software_Product_Services__QT-3QUA*-**_____________________________ DECADMIRE for Visual Basic Generator and Client/Server Packages The following packages offer five variations of the DECADMIRE for Vi- sual Basic Generator along with the PC Client. The packages are put together based on a specific number of developers. OpenVMS_VAX_Part_Numbers:__________________________________________ License_Type_______________Part_Number_____________________________ 1 developer QB-3QYAA-AA 3 developers QB-3QYAB-AA 5 developers QB-3QYAC-AA 7 developers QB-3QYAD-AA 10_developers______________QB-3QYAE-AA_____________________________ OpenVMS_Alpha_Part_Numbers:________________________________________ License_Type_______________Part_Number_____________________________ 1 developer QB-473AA-AA 3 developers QB-473AB-AA 5 developers QB-473AC-AA 7 developers QB-473AD-AA 10_developers______________QB-473AE-AA_____________________________ 22 Digital_UNIX_Part_Numbers:_________________________________________ License_Type_______________Part_Number_____________________________ 1 developer QB-474AA-AA 3 developers QB-474AB-AA 5 developers QB-474AC-AA 7 developers QB-474AD-AA 10_developers______________QB-474AE-AA_____________________________ DECADMIRE for Visual Basic TP Generator and Client/Server Packages The following packages offer five variations of DECADMIRE for Visual Basic Generator and the PC Client products with transaction process- ing extension components of DECADMIRE. The packages are put together based on a specific number of developers. VAX_Part_Numbers:__________________________________________________ License_Type_______________Part_Number_____________________________ 1 developer QB-3QZAA-AA 3 developers QB-3QZAB-AA 5 developers QB-3QZAC-AA 7 developers QB-3QZAD-AA 10_developers______________QB-3QZAE-AA_____________________________ OpenVMS_Alpha_Part_Numbers:________________________________________ License_Type_______________Part_Number_____________________________ 1 developer QB-475AA-AA 3 developers QB-475AB-AA 5 developers QB-475AC-AA 7 developers QB-475AD-AA 23 ___________________________________________________________________ 10_developers______________QB-475AE-AA_____________________________ Digital_UNIX_Part_Numbers:_________________________________________ License_Type_______________Part_Number_____________________________ 1 developer QB-476AA-AA 3 developers QB-476AB-AA 5 developers QB-476AC-AA 7 developers QB-476AD-AA 10_developers______________QB-476AE-AA_____________________________ Run-Time Environment No DECADMIRE run-time license is required. Run-time licenses may be required for deployment of the generated code. * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. 24 License units for this product are allocated on a Unlimited and Con- current Use basis: o The Unlimited Use License is an umbrella term used to describe the set of capacity style license offerings. License types included un- der this umbrella are Traditional and Clusterwide. o The Concurrent Use License allows any one individual at a time to use the layered product. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS Operating Systems Software Product Descriptions (VAX: SPD 25.01.xx, Alpha: SPD 41.87.xx), or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS Operating Systems documentation set. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. This warranty information does not apply to the DECADMIRE for Visual Basic PC Client product offerings. The specific warranty for that prod- uct is contained on the license agreement sent with the product. 25 ® PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. ® Visual Basic is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corpora- tion. ® Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. ® UNIX is a registered trademark of X/Open Company Ltd. [TM]Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. [TM]Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM]Oracle CDD/Repository is a trademark of Oracle Corporation. [TM]Oracle Rdb is a trademark of Oracle Corporation. [TM]Oracle TRACE is a trademark of Oracle Corporation. [TM]ACMS, ACMS Desktop, DECADMIRE, DEC C, DEC Fortran, DECforms, DEC Pascal, DECset, Digital, eXcursion, LN03, MicroVAX, Open- VMS, PATHWORKS, Reliable Transaction Router, TK, VAX, VAX COBOL, VAXft, VAXserver, VAXstation, VMS, VT100, VT220, VT320, VT340, VT420, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 26