DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: BASEstar Open Client SPD 62.54.00 Version 3.0 DESCRIPTION BASEstar Open is an industrial automation integration platform that facilitates the integration of manufacturing applications and plant equipment. Accelerated development of integrated manufacturing sys- tems is assured through an architecture that also encourages consis- tency of application development. BASEstar Open takes advantage of the client/server computing archi- tecture. BASEstar Open Servers provide the robust, high-availability environment required by mission-critical applications. BASEstar Open Clients, on the other hand, provide access to all BASEstar Open ser- vices and BASEstar Open-managed information from any network Node on which BASEstar Open Client is installed. Client and server communi- cations within BASEstar Open are provided through TCP/IP network com- munications. For a description of the BASEstar Open Server product, refer to SPD 47.87.xx. The BASEstar Open Client allows applications to have transparent ac- cess to BASEstar Open objects regardless of their physical location in the distributed BASEstar Open environment. The Application Program- ming Interface provided allows applications to: o Define, reference, and access Data_Point objects o Define, reference, notify, subscribe, and receive event objects o Define, reference, and exchange Packet data objects February 1996 AE-Q1QKC-TE Features The following features are those that a BASEstar Open Client can re- quest from a BASEstar Open Server via BASEstar Open's API: Application Integration o Data Management BASEstar Open Data Services provide a standard mechanism for defin- ing, organizing, and accessing data in a distributed manufactur- ing environment from a variety of sources including plant devices and area, plant, and work cell applications. BASEstar Open defines discrete data elements (Data_Points) to con- tain manufacturing information. Data_Point definitions can be of various types, ranging from scalar data elements to user-defined data structures. This provides the high flexibility of data def- inition and acquisition required to define the many different types of data typically present in industrial plants. Since each Data_Point is referenced by name, applications become independent of their data sources and, consequently, do not require alteration as data sources change. In addition, simple Data_Points can have a predefined value specified at startup time. The value of a Data_Point may also be derived from the value of another Data_ Point. The derived value can be obtained directly or modified by an arithmetic/logical expression. Data Services allow applications to define and manage Data_Points. Each Data_Point can be associated with one or more Triggers. A Trig- ger defines a relationship between a Data_Point, a Filter, and an Event. Each time the value of a triggered Data_Point changes, as- sociated Filter expressions are evaluated. Whenever the Boolean re- sult of an evaluated Filter expression is TRUE, the associated Event is declared. One or more versions of a Data_Point value can be stored. In ad- dition to the value, each Data_Point version includes the time when the Data_Point value changed and its status at that time. 2 A new version is generated each time the value of a Data_Point changes. A user can request the current version, and thus the current value, or alternatively, the value associated with any cached version. o Event Services BASEstar Open Event Services allow users to subscribe to one or more Events. Events are occurrences that are of interest to an appli- cation program-like threshold exceeding, alarms, job completion, and so on. Users define the occurrence of such Events and specify the context information that should be passed. This context infor- mation can also include data and their types. To be notified of the occurrence of a specific Event, an applica- tion must issue a subscription to the Event. When an Event is declared, Event Services create and deliver the notifications that can be received by subscribers. A single Event declaration can generate many notifications on a one-to-many re- lationship, depending on the number of active subscriptions. o Packet Services BASEstar Open Packet Services allow users to directly exchange Pack- ets of information. Two users can establish direct communication through a Port; one user connects to send a Packet, and the other user connects to receive it. A Packet contains a description of information that must be exchanged. Each Packet input and output parameter is described by a datatype. BASEstar Open delivers a Packet to a Port in a protocol-independent manner and also independent of the location of the users and Ports involved. o Graphic Configuration Utility (GCU) BASEstar Open offers a PC-based Graphic Configuration utility util- ity with an MS Windows "look and feel". It allows users to: o Manage BASEstar Open objects using create, delete and modify com- mands o Load existing configurations from CLI scripts and snapshots 3 o Save configurations in CLI scripts and snapshots. o Browse through BASEstar Open configurations The Graphic Configuration utility is bundled with BASEstar Open Server kits on Windows NT systems. It is included with the BASEstar Open Client on MS Windows and Windows NT systems. BASEstar Open users on UNIX or OpenVMS platforms can take advantage of the Graphic Configuration utility via the PC-based BASEstar Open Client and GCU product. The PC-based Graphic Configuration utility re- places the Motif-based GCU previously available with BASEstar Open Ver- sion 2.0. Documentation BASEstar Open Client includes the following documentation: o An installation and management guide that covers all client plat- forms, for installing BASEstar Open Client on OpenVMS, Digital UNIX, HP-UX, Windows NT and MS Windows platforms. It provides instruc- tions on how to install BASEstar Open Client and platform-specific management information. o Release Notes describes new features provided with BASEstar Open Client and details any functional and documentation errors. Compatibility with BASEstar Open Version 2.0 BASEstar Open Client Version 3.0 is not compatible with BASEstar Open Server Version 2.0 systems. Compatibility with existing BASEstar Open Server Version 2.0 systems is provided with the BASEstar Open Client Version 2.0 product. For further information, refer to SPD 47.80.xx. 4 INSTALLATION Before attempting to install the software, the customer must have all the pre-requisite hardware and software installed. Digital recommends that a customer's first purchase of this software include Digital In- stallation Services. Connectivity to all other Nodes within the network is the responsi- bility of the customer. SUPPORTED VERSIONS This SPD covers the following versions of the BASEstar Open Client prod- uct: o BASEstar Open Client for OpenVMS VAX V3.0[1] o BASEstar Open Client for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0[1] o BASEstar Open Client for Digital UNIX V3.0 o BASEstar Open Client for Windows NT V3.0 o BASEstar Open Client for MS Windows V3.0 o BASEstar Open Client for HP-UX V3.0 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported BASEstar Open Client for OpenVMS VAX Version 3.0: VAX processors supporting OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 and 6.2 BASEstar Open Client for OpenVMS Alpha: Alpha processors supporting OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 and 6.2 BASEstar Open Client for Digital UNIX Version 3.0: Alpha processors supporting Digital UNIX Version 3.2 ____________________ At the time of writing, these platforms only support field test ver- sions of BASEstar Open Version 3.0 5 BASEstar Open Client for Windows NT Version 3.0: Intel and Digital Alpha processors supporting Windows NT Version 3.5 or 3.51 BASEstar Open Client for MS Windows Version 3.0: Intel processors supporting the MS Windows Version 3.1 or 3.11 oper- ating system BASEstar Open Client for HP-UX Version 3.0: HP9000 and series 700 processors supporting the HP-UX Version 10.0 op- erating system DISK AND MEMORY SPACE REQUIREMENTS BASEstar Open Client for OpenVMS VAX Version 3.0 Minimum recommended memory: o 48 Mbytes Disk space required: o 30,000 blocks (for installation) o 28,100 blocks (for subsequent use) BASEstar Open Client for OpenVMS Alpha Version 3.0 Minimum recommended memory: o 96 Mbytes Disk space required: o 60,000 blocks (for installation) o 50,000 blocks (for subsequent use) 6 BASEstar Open Client for Digital UNIX Version 3.0 Disk space required: o 10 Mbytes (for installation and subsequent use) BASEstar Open Client for HP-UX Version 3.0 Disk space required: o 10 Mbytes (for installation and subsequent use) BASEstar Open Client for Windows NT Version 3.0 Minimum recommended memory: o 12 Mbytes o 4 Mbytes (for installation and subsequent use) BASEstar Open Client for MS Windows Version 3.0 Minimum recommended memory: o 8 Mbytes Disk space required for installation and subsequent use: o 4 Mbytes The above values refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes will vary depending on the user's system environment and use of BASEstar Open. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS 7 BASEstar Open Client for OpenVMS VAX Version 3.0 o OpenVMS VAX Operating System V6.1, V6.2 Layered Products o DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 3.1 (SPD 25.A4.xx) BASEstar Open Client for OpenVMS Alpha Version 3.0 o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System V6.1, V6.2 Layered Products o DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V3.1 BASEstar Open Client for Digital UNIX Version 3.0 o Digital UNIX Version 3.2 BASEstar Open Client for Windows NT Version 3.0 o Windows NT Version 3.5 or 3.51 BASEstar Open Client for MS Windows Version 3.0 o MS Windows V3.1x Layered Products One of the following TCP/IP implementations: o PATHWORKS V5.1 o MS Windows V3.11 for Workgroups with TCP/IP 8 BASEstar Open Client for HP-UX Version 3.0 o HP-UX V9, V10 GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is included on the Digital CD-ROM Layered Products Soft- ware Library (Consolidated Software distribution) for Digital UNIX, OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX. It is also available for: o BASEstar Open Client for OpenVMS VAX on TK50 Streaming tape o The BASEstar Open Client for MS Windows and Windows NT kit contains both the BASEstar Open Client for MS Windows and the BASEstar Open Client for Windows NT. On Intel platforms, the kit is provided on an RX23 floppy diskette, while for Alpha PC platforms, the kit is provided on CDROM. o BASEstar Open Client for HP-UX on CDROM. ORDERING INFORMATION BASEstar Open Client for OpenVMS VAX Version 3.0: Software Licenses: QL-0Y8A9-AA Software Documentation: QA-0Y8AA-GZ Software Media and Documentation: QA-0Y8AA-H5 Software Product Services: QT-0Y8A*-** BASEstar Open Client for OpenVMS Alpha Version 3.0: 9 Software Licenses: QL-0Y9A9-AA Software Documentation: QA-0Y9AA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0Y9A*-** BASEstar Open Client for Digital UNIX Version 3.0: Software Licenses: QL-0YBA9-AA Software Documentation: QA-0YBAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0YBA*-** BASEstar Open Client for MS Windows and Windows NT Version 3.0: Software Licenses: QM-2WVAA-AA PC Package (media, documentation, license): QB-2WVAA-S* Software Documentation: QA-2WVAA-GZ BASEstar Open Client for HP-UX Version 3.0: Software Licenses: QL-2WXA9-AA Software Documentation: QA-0YBAA-GZ Software Media and Documentation: QA-2WXAA-H8 The above information is valid at the time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished only under a license. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Dig- ital office. BASEstar Open Client is licensed for "Unlimited System Use". To use the BASEstar Open Client you must have a BASEstar Open Server license installed on a BASEstar Open-supported server Node. 10 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Digital Standard Terms and Conditions relating to Digital SPDs. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. © 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, Alpha, AXP, BASEstar, Bookreader, DEC, DE- Comni, DECosap, DECstation, DECsystem, DECnet, Digital, Mi- croVAX, TK, VAX, VAXstation, OpenVMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. [R] Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. [R] MS-DOS, Microsoft, MS Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 11