Software Product Description ________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: Distributed Computing SPD 43.06.04 Environment (DCE), Version V2.0a for Digital UNIX[TM] DESCRIPTION The Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) for Digital UNIX pro- vides an interoperable set of the distributed computing function- ality specified for the Open Software Foundation's (OSF[R]) Distributed Computing Environment, as well as tools for application developers. With DCE, OSF has established a standard set of services and inter- faces that facilitate the creation, use, and maintenance of client /server applications. Digital DCE serves as the basis for an open computing environment where networks of multivendor systems appear as a single system to the user. Since DCE makes the underlying net- works and operating systems transparent, application developers can easily build portable, interoperable applications. Users can locate and share information safely and easily across the entire enterprise. Digital DCE supplies system managers with a set of tools to admin- ister the entire distributed computing environment in a consistent fashion, while also ensuring the integrity of the enterprise. DCE V2.0a for Digital UNIX supports the OSF DCE R1.1 base code, OSF DCE R1.1 Warranty Patch (which includes security replica migration), and also includes OSF DCE R1.2.1 Interface Definition Language (IDL) ex- tensions. The functionality provided in the Distributed Computing Environment product for Digital UNIX includes: o DCE Remote Procedure Call (RPC) that creates and runs client/server applications. o DCE Cell Directory Service (CDS) that provides location-independent naming for resources. o DCE Distributed Time Service (DTS) that synchronizes time in a distributed network environment. o DCE Security Service that provides secure communications and ac- cess through authorization and authentication services. January 1997 AE-PSYZE-TE Distributed Computing SPD 43.06.04 Environment (DCE), Version V2.0a for Digital UNIX[TM] o DCE Distributed File Service (DCE DFS) that provides authenti- cated access to files in a distributed environment. o DCE Interface Definition Language (DCE IDL) a C-like language that provides object oriented client/server bindings for DCE. o DCE Control Program (dcecp) a single common control program that provides the ability to manage and control DCE components. In addition, the DCE Threads Service, providing user-context mul- tiprocessing functionality, is supported by a DECthreads package that is included in the Digital UNIX operating system. Digital's DECthreads package supports POSIX threads Draft 4, as well as the final stan- dard (Draft 10). The DCE product set for Digital UNIX consists of four layered prod- ucts, each licensed separately, to provide customers with maximum flexibility for configuring the environment, known as a DCE cell. The products are: o Digital DCE Runtime Services, which is required for all Digital systems participating in the DCE cell. The DCE Runtime Services kit includes DCE administration tools as well as DCE client func- tions and optional DCE DFS client and server functions. o Digital DCE Application Developer's Kit, which is required for developers of distributed applications, but optional for other users. The Digital DCE Application Developer's Kit provides pro- grammers with an Interface Definition Language (IDL). IDL is an easy-to-use, high-level descriptive language closely resembling the declaration syntax and semantics of ANSI C. The compiler gen- erates stubs that use the C language calling convention. IDL al- lows DCE programmers to develop interface definitions for client and servers. In order to call remote procedures correctly, an in- terface definition must exist that declares the set of remote pro- cedure (operations) the server interface offers to clients. This kit also provides the DCE application programming interfaces. The Generic Security Service Application Programming Interface (GSSAPI) is also supported in this kit. GSSAPI lets you extend DCE secu- rity to distributed applications that handle network communica- tions by themselves. Digital DCE V2.0a for Digital UNIX, imple- ments the latest IDL implementation, conformant to OSF DCE Release R1.2.1. 2 Distributed Computing SPD 43.06.04 Environment (DCE), Version V2.0a for Digital UNIX[TM] o Digital DCE Cell Directory (CDS) Server, one of which is required for each DCE cell. The DCE CDS Server is a central repository con- taining information about the location of resources in the DCE cell. It allows access to resources by a single name, regardless of physical location. o Digital DCE Security Server, one of which is required for each DCE cell. The DCE Security Server protects resources from ille- gal access and provides secure communications within and between DCE cells. The Digital Distributed Computing Environment V2.0a product-set is an implementation of OSF DCE R1.1 for the DCE core services (RPC, Security, CDS, and Time). Using OSF DCE R1.1 and R1.2.1 as a base, DCE V2.0a for Digital UNIX implements such features as: o Distributed File System client and server software that presents the DCE with a global view of a set of files and directories (file system), independent of machine boundaries. Included with the DFS runtime software are user-level commands and utilities to help end-users and cell administrator to set up, run, use, monitor, and manage DFS. o Cell Directory Service - Implementation of multi-cell aliasing and hierarchical cells. o Delegation - The ability to pass security authentication through intermediary servers. o The DCE Control Program - A new feature of the OSF DCE R1.1 code base, the DCE Control Program (dcecp) is a single user interface to all DCE components that is extensible through the TCL util- ity. o Distributed Computing Environment core services support Digital UNIX V4.0's symmetrical multiprocessing "SMP" capability. Additional Digital enhancements include simplified installation and configuration, an integrated login with that of Digital UNIX, and IDL support of C, C++, and FORTRAN as well as IDL development tem- plates to minimize the effort to develop client/server interface def- initions. 3 Distributed Computing SPD 43.06.04 Environment (DCE), Version V2.0a for Digital UNIX[TM] Digital DCE V2.0a is an update to DCE V1.3x, which was certified by the Open Software Foundation to meet all conformance criteria and interoperates with DCE implementations of other major vendors. In addition, for backwards compatibility, Digital DCE V2.0a has lim- ited interoperability within a single cell, with Digital DCE V1.3x. PRODUCT OPTIONS The Digital Distributed Computing Environment functionality is pro- vided in four separately orderable products, designed to provide max- imum flexibility in configuring the software to meet the needs of the user's client/server environment. 1. Digital DCE Runtime Services Kit This is a fully integrated set of services that provides appli- cations with the essential capabilities required to use distributed services. The DCE Runtime Services license is included free with the base Digital UNIX operating system. The Digital DCE Runtime Services kit makes the following DCE fea- tures available to distributed applications: o Remote Procedure Call Runtime API and Library that includes: - Access to DECthreads. - Use of the DCE Cell Directory Service for locating servers. - Use of DCE Security Service for authentication and data in- tegrity. - RPC event logging monitor to assist in debugging client/server applications. o Distributed Time Service (both client and server), featuring the capability to provide time services to both DECnet/OSI and DCE cells. o Distributed File Service (both client and server) featuring full support for the 64-bit DCE DFS architecture. o Administrative tools to manage the DCE core services. o DCE configuration program (dcesetup) to allow you to config- ure your DCE environment. o PC name server proxy agent for communication with Microsoft[R] RPC. 4 Distributed Computing SPD 43.06.04 Environment (DCE), Version V2.0a for Digital UNIX[TM] A group of DCE systems that work together and are administered as a unit is called a cell. Each Digital UNIX system within a DCE cell must run the Digital DCE Runtime Services kit. DCE RPC supports the client/server distribution model that char- acterizes many applications. The Digital DCE Runtime Services kit provides such client/server applications the ability to inter- operate over DECnet/OSI, TCP/IP, and UDP/IP network protocols on the Digital UNIX operating system. The DCE Distributed File Service uses the DCE security, name, re- mote procedure call, and time services to provide access to file system services over a network. The DCE DFS provides a unified, globally distributed file system with all DCE DFS files acces- sible from any DCE DFS client. Every user in a DCE cell accesses a given DCE DFS file by the same file name, regardless of which DFS server is storing the file; inter-cell accesses are also sup- ported through the DCE services. The DCE DFS offers advanced data caching to minimize the adverse performance impact of network op- erations and token management to allow concurrent accesses to file data. The operation and management of DCE DFS are built upon the DCE RPC. DCE naming services allow clients to access files with- out knowing which server stores the data, and the use of DCE se- curity services protects file data against unauthorized use and provides for the authentication of access requests. The DCE Runtime Services includes the basic DCE DFS client and server software. 2. Digital DCE Application Developer's Kit The Digital DCE Application Developer's Kit includes tools re- quired for the development of distributed applications using re- mote procedure calls (RPC). It includes: o IDL RPC stub compiler o Time provider routines o Sample applications o All DCE application programming interfaces including GSSAPI support o IDL development templates o UUIDGEN to allow the generation a 128-bit unique identifier (UUID) used to identify interface definitions 5 Distributed Computing SPD 43.06.04 Environment (DCE), Version V2.0a for Digital UNIX[TM] The Digital DCE Runtime Services kit is required on each Digital UNIX system in the cell. Users must install the Runtime Services Kit before installing the Digital DCE Application Developer's Kit. 3. Digital DCE Cell Directory (CDS) Server The Digital DCE Cell Directory Server provides a consistent mech- anism for naming and locating users, applications, files, and sys- tems within a DCE cell. The Digital DCE CDS Server also includes the Global Directory Agent (GDA). The Global Directory Agent pro- vides a means of linking multiple CDS namespaces via either X.500 or the Internet Domain[R] Name Server (BIND). The Digital DCE Runtime Services kit is required on each system in the cell. Users must install the Runtime Services Kit before installing the Digital DCE CDS Server. Similarly, the DCE CDS Server requires the installation of the DCE Security Server on a sys- tem in the same DCE cell. 4. Digital DCE Security Server The Digital DCE Security Server allows users controlled access to information in a distributed computing environment safely and confidentially. The DCE Security Server accomplishes this through three services: o DCE Authentication Service allows users and resources to prove their identity to each other. The DCE Authentication Service is based on Kerberos, which requires that all users and re- sources possess a secret key. o DCE Authorization Service verifies operations that users may perform on resources. A DCE Registry Service contains a list of valid users. An Access Control List (ACL) associated with each resource determines valid users, through the Registry Service, and the types of operations a user may perform. o DCE Data Integrity Service protects network data from tamper- ing. Cryptographic checksums automatically generated by RPC enable DCE to determine whether data has been corrupted in trans- mission. The Digital DCE Runtime Services kit is required on each system in the cell. Users must install the Runtime Services Kit before installing the Digital DCE Security Server. Similarly, the DCE Security Server requires the installation of the DCE CDS Server on a system in the same DCE cell. 6 Distributed Computing SPD 43.06.04 Environment (DCE), Version V2.0a for Digital UNIX[TM] CONFORMANCE TO STANDARDS The OSF DCE is based on several de facto and de jure standards, in- cluding: o POSIX 1003.4 Draft 4 POSIX Threads o POSIX 1003.6 Draft Access Control Lists o OSF DCE is compatible with the Network Time Protocol standards HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported Digital DCE V2.0a for Digital UNIX is supported on all hardware con- figurations that support Digital UNIX V4.0. Reference can be made to the configuration charts listed in the Digital UNIX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 41.61.xx). Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1): Disk space required for 120M bytes installation: Disk space required for 38M bytes use (permanent): These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. Additional space is required for the DCE DFS client cache; the minimum recommended size for the client cache is 10M bytes. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Digital UNIX Version 4.0 or higher. OPTIONAL SOFTWARE Digital C for Digital UNIX (included in the Digital UNIX operating system). Digital Fortran 7 Distributed Computing SPD 43.06.04 Environment (DCE), Version V2.0a for Digital UNIX[TM] GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the cur- rent version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA CD-ROM This product is available on the Digital CD-ROM Software Library for Digital UNIX. ORDERING INFORMATION DCE for Digital UNIX software and documentation (online) are shipped as part of the Digital UNIX Layered Products CD-ROM, order number QA-054AA-H8. (Customers who desire printed documentation should or- der the appropriate software documentation kit below). 8 Distributed Computing SPD 43.06.04 Environment (DCE), Version V2.0a for Digital UNIX[TM] DCE Runtime Services for Digital UNIX: Software License: Included Free with Digital UNIX 4.0 Software Media: QA-054AA-H8 Software Product Services: QT-01MA*-** Full Administration Software Documentation Kit: QA-01MAA-GZ This complete documentation kit for administrators includes Prentice Hall OSF DCE R1.1 books, Digital product-specific books, and O'Reilly and Associates "Understanding DCE": o Introduction to OSF DCE o OSF DCE Administration Guide, Introduction (Vol. 1) o OSF DCE Administration Guide, Core Components (Vol. 2) o OSF DCE DFS Administration Guide and Reference o OSF DCE GDS Administration Guide and Reference o OSF DCE Command Reference o DCE for Digital UNIX Product Guide o DCE for Digital UNIX Reference Guide o DCE for Digital UNIX Installation and Configuration Guide o DCE for Digital UNIX Configuring the Distributed File Service o Understanding DCE Digital DCE Administration Documentation Software Kit: QA-01MAB-GZ This documentation kit for administrators includes the following Digital product-specific books: o DCE for Digital UNIX Product Guide o DCE for Digital UNIX Reference Guide o DCE for Digital UNIX Installation and Configuration Guide o DCE for Digital UNIX Configuring the Distributed File Service OSF DCE R1.1 Administration Documentation Software Kit: QA-01MAC- GZ This documentation kit for administrators includes the following Prentice Hall OSF DCE books: o Introduction to OSF DCE 9 Distributed Computing SPD 43.06.04 Environment (DCE), Version V2.0a for Digital UNIX[TM] o OSF DCE Administration Guide, Introduction (Vol. 1) o OSF DCE Administration Guide, Core Components (Vol. 2) o OSF DCE DFS Administration Guide and Reference o OSF DCE GDS Administration Guide and Reference o OSF DCE Command Reference DCE Application Developer's Kit for Digital UNIX: Software License: QL-01NA9-AA Software Media: QA-054AA-H8 Software Product Services: QT-01NA*-** Full Application Developer's Kit Software Documentation Kit: QA-01NAA- GZ This Application Developer's documentation kit includes the O'Reilly and Associates Guide to Writing DCE Applications and the following Prentice Hall OSF DCE R1.1 books: o OSF DCE Application Development Guide, Introduction and Style Guide (Vol. 1) o OSF DCE Application Development Guide, Core Components (Vol.2) o OSF DCE Application Develoment Guide, Directory Services (Vol. 3) o OSF DCE Application Development Reference (Vol. 1) o OSF DCE Application Development Reference (Vol. 2) o Guide to Writing DCE Applications DCE CDS Server for Digital UNIX: Software License: QL-01PA9-AA Software Media: QA-054AA-H8 Software Product Services: QT-01PA*-** DCE Security Server for Digital UNIX: Software License: QL-01QA9-AA Software Media: QA-054AA-H8 Software Product Services: QT-01QA*-** 10 Distributed Computing SPD 43.06.04 Environment (DCE), Version V2.0a for Digital UNIX[TM] * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available licenses, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished only under a license. For more informa- tion about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your lo- cal Digital office. License Management Facility Support: This layered product supports the Digital UNIX License Management Facility. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use basis. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the Digital UNIX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 41.61.05) or the DEC OSF/1 Operating System documentation. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more information, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the purchase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. ) 1997 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. [R] Domain is a registered trademark of Apollo Computer, Inc., a subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard Company. [R] Hewlett-Packard is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. [R] Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [R] OSF and OSF/1 are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. 11 Distributed Computing SPD 43.06.04 Environment (DCE), Version V2.0a for Digital UNIX[TM] [TM]Open Software Foundation is a trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, Alpha AXP, AXP, DEC, DECthreads, Digital, Digital UNIX MicroVAX, VAX, VAXserver, and VAXstation are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 12