HP Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: Hierarchical Storage Management SPD 46.38.21 for OpenVMS Version 4.2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION HP Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) for OpenVMS is a layered soft- ware product that extends the OpenVMS file system to allow efficient management of infrequently accessed (dormant) data. HSM migrates dor- mant data from online storage to less expensive nearline or offline (shelf) storage. The movement of dormant data to shelf storage is called shelving. The shelved data can be automatically and transparently re- turned to online storage when needed. HSM will also save valuable backup time, since the shelved data is already located on secure, removable media. HSM for OpenVMS Operation HSM operates in Basic or Plus Mode. Basic mode uses its own media man- ager and qualifies a limited number of device types. Plus mode allows the use of advanced storage devices. If used for remote tape devices, Plus Mode requires the Remote Device Facility[TM] (RDF) software. See the OPTIONAL SOFTWARE section for details. New and frequently accessed files remain online while older and less active files are automatically, or manually, shelved in accordance with user-defined policies. The directory information and file headers for shelved files are maintained on online storage devices while the data itself is on the shelf device. When access is needed to the shelved data, HSM automatically returns it to online storage. The file attributes may be viewed and modified without bringing the data back online. January 2004 AE-PWNTX-TE Control over the execution of the shelving process is either explicit or implicit. Explicit shelving is a process that has been started in response to a DCL command. The command can be issued directly to the OpenVMS Operating System or executed in an OpenVMS command procedure. Implicit shelving is a process that has been started by HSM in response to a trigger event or policy. The transparent management of HSM is set through HSM policies which: o Specify which files are or are not to be shelved o Set a high water mark on the online storage to automatically trig- ger shelving of dormant data o Set a low water mark as a space recovered goal when your files are shelved o Specify which processes should cause automatic unshelving HSM policies use predefined selection algorithms or scripts contain- ing HSM-specific commands to shelve or unshelve files in response to trigger events. Trigger events are situations that, when set by an HSM policy, cause HSM to move files to shelf storage. Examples of specific trigger events are listed below: o Volume occupancy full o Disk quota exceeded o High water mark reached o Scheduled policy execution Trigger events, used in conjunction with appropriately designed se- lection criteria, free up enough online disk space to satisfy the pol- icy goal. The selection criteria include definitions that determine the appro- priate files to be shelved in response to the need for shelving. Ex- amples of selection criteria include: o Least recently used and size combination o Least recently used 2 o According to a user-defined script HSM for OpenVMS qualifies file access to shelved files on client sys- tems where access is through DFS, NFS, or PATHWORKS. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Qualified Devices: o Specified in the qualfied device table, tape devices, including Dig- ital Linear Tape (DLT) loaders, and large tape libraries, such as the TL893 and TL894. o Remote Tapes Remote tapes can be accessed through the use of the RDF utility. See the OPTIONAL SOFTWARE section for details Device Restrictions: HSM does not provide shelving capability for the following: o Read-only devices such as CD-ROMs, or any disk that is software locked or write-protected o Any device that is not flagged as a disk device in OpenVMS system calls A minimum system configuration to run HSM for OpenVMS includes: o 16 MB memory o One or more CD-ROM drives in the VMScluster o One or more disk drives qualified by OpenVMS 3 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:_Disk_Space_Requirements_(Block_Cluster_Size_=_1)__________ Blocks Item________Needed___Description___________________________________ Install 100,000* Temporary blocks for installation Kit HSM Soft- 45000** Permanent blocks for software ware Catalog 100000 Catalog grows at the average rate of 1.25 blocks for each file copy shelved. HP rec- ommends that 100000 blocks be set aside _____________________initially_for_each_catalog____________________ Note: * This includes Documentation in .PS and .PDF format. ** 10k blocks reside on the system disk;remaining optionally on an- other device. These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS o HSM V4.2 runs on the OpenVMS Alpha V6.2, V7.1-2, V7.2-2, V7.3, V7.3- 1 and V7.3-2 and OpenVMS VAX Operating System V6.2, V7.1, V7.2 and V7.3. HSM V4.2 does not utilize the ODS5 disk structure. NOTE: Storage Management makes every effort to be as current or cor- rect as possible in qualifying our layered products on the Oper- ating System (OS) versions. The use of a particular OS by a cus- tomer can only be guaranteed by the customer's contract with Open- VMS or by a specific service contract. 4 o HSM Basic Mode does not require any software other than HSM and the OpenVMS Operating System. o HSM Plus Mode requires a media manager. If HSM is used with Stor- age Library System, SLS, then HSM will use the SLS media manager, MDMS V2.9H, which comes with SLS. o If HSM is used with Archive Backup System, ABS, then HSM will use the media manager installed by ABS as part of the ABS product in- stallation. This is the same media manager MDMS V4.2 that is pro- vided with the HSM V4.2 kit. o If HSM Plus Mode is not used with either SLS or ABS, then just in- stall the MDMS V4.2 provided in the HSM V4.2. The media manager (MDMS) is still a manual install with HSM V4.2 as users may continue to use SLS/MDMS V2.9H in their environment. o OpenVMS Version 7.2-2 and later provide support for Fibre Channel (FC) connected tape devices. This is accomplished through the use of Modular Data Router (MDR)connected to the FC Switch. MDR con- verts Fibre Channel protocol to SCSI protocol, which the tape de- vice understands. HSM V4.2 has qualified this new feature in Open- VMS 7.2-2 and later as used with MDR. Please refer to OpenVMS V7.3 for a complete listing of supported tape devices. o Network Storage Router (NSR) M2402 by HP is a key component in a complete data protection solution. It allows multiple host servers to communicate with a SCSI tape device over a Fibre Channel link making backup speeds five times faster. HSM has been tested and qual- ified with Network Storage Router (NSR) M2402. o The HSM V4.2 is compatible with the Multipath failover function- ality on Tape devices as provided in OS 7.3-1. OPTIONAL SOFTWARE o SLS Version 2.9G, or ABS Version V4.2, can be used in conjunction with HSM for an integrated Backup and HSM environment. SLS or ABS contains the Media, Device and Management Services software (MDMS). 5 o Remote access to tape devices in Plus Mode requires the Remote De- vice Facility [TM] (RDF). RDF requires a licesne. RDF is available as a component of the media manager, MDMS, which is part of your HSM V4.2 kit. RDF V4.3H has been qualified for HSM V4.2. This ca- pability is turned on through licensing of the following: - Purchase of Storage Library System (SLS) - Purchase of Archive Backup System (ABS) - Purchase of an RDF license directly from Computer Associates In- ternational Inc. License Management Facility This layered product qualifies the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. For more information on the OpenVMS License Management Facility, re- fer to the OpenVMS Operating System Software Product Description or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS Operating Sys- tem documentation set. CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT This layered product is fully qualified when installed on any valid and licensed VMScluster configuration without restrictions. The HARD- WARE REQUIREMENTS section details any special hardware required by this product. The VMScluster Software Product Description (SPD 29.78.xx) describes VMScluster configurations and includes CI, Ethernet, and Mixed Inter- connect configurations. OpenVMS Tailoring For OpenVMS systems, the following classes are required for full func- tionality of this layered product: OpenVMS Required Saveset Programming Support 6 Utilities System Programming Support Secure User's Environment Network Support For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, refer to the OpenVMS Alpha and VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx). Qualified Devices The following libraries and loaders have been tested and qualified by Storage Management Software Engineering. However, Storage Management Software Engineering does not test each of the devices with every pos- sible combination of controllers and host systems. Because the HSM prod- uct and the Media Robot Utility (MRU) run in common environments, these combinations are tested first with MRU. Upon successful completion of the MRU tests, HSM is then tested in representative configurations. Note that MRU is not a prerequisite for HSM. Therefore, to determine if your specific configuration has been qual- ified, follow these steps: 1. If you have a tape drive that is not software-defined as a juke- box (is not a library or a loader device), reference the OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) to determine if your tape drive is qualified for your platform and controller/adapter combination. 2. If your device is software-defined as a jukebox (it is a library or loader device), first check the following list to determine if it has been qualified by the media manager. If the device is listed, see the following instructions: a. Check the OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) to make sure the tape drive(s) in your library/loader are sup- ported for your platform and controller/adapter combination. 7 b. Check the MRU Software Product Description (SPD 64.44.xx) to make sure your library/loader is listed by MRU for your specific con- troller/adapter combination. 3. Assuming your device is correctly connected and configured, it has been qualified by the common media manager. If you have devices that are not shown on the list, they may still be qualified. HP continually tests its software on additional devices that may have been released since the last publication of this SPD. If you have a question about a particular device, contact customer sup- port. ESL9198DLX ESL9198SL ESL9326D ESL9326DX ESL9326SL ESL9595SL MSL5026SL MSL5052SL SSL2020 STK ACS[1] TKZ6x TL891DLX TLZ6L TLZ7L TLZ9L TL810 TL812 TL820 TL822 TL826 TL890 TL891 TL892 TL893 TL894 TL895 TL896 TSL10000 TZ857 TZ867 TZ875 TZ875N TZ877 TZ877N TZ885 TZ887 ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Requires an optional DCSC V3.2 license (SPD 33.59.xx). 8 GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the cur- rent version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA HSM, SLS, and ABS are available as part of the OpenVMS Consolidated Software Distribution on CD-ROM. SOFTWARE LICENSING HSM for OpenVMS is licensed according to the amount of online stor- age customers may free up through shelving files. One base license, which includes 20 GB of storage capacity, is required for each VMSclus- ter or a single system in a non-cluster environment. Base licenses are available for all-VAX clusters, all-Alpha clusters, and mixed archi- tecture clusters. The base licenses are included in the 140GB, 280GB, 500GB, 1000GB, and unlimited capacity packages. Additional storage capacity is licensed by purchasing one or more ca- pacity licenses. Users who want to have virtually unlimited storage capacity, with respect to current system capabilities, can purchase the unlimited capacity license. Note: In order to purchase concurrent upgrade licenses, users must show proof that they previously purchased at least the same number of con- current licenses. This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of HP's stan- dard terms and conditions. For more information about HP's licensing terms and policies, contact your local HP office. 9 ORDERING INFORMATION Base Licenses: VAX only Cluster QL-0NXA9-AA VAX license update ser- QT-0NXA9-L9 vice Alpha only Cluster QL-3J1A9-AA Alpha license update QT-3J1A9-L9 service Mixed Cluster QP-03PAA-01 Concurrent Use Capacity Licenses: 20 GB QL-2AWAA-3B 140 GB* QP-03TAA-01 280 GB* QP-03TAA-02 500GB* QP-03TAA-04 1000GB* QP-03TAA-03 Unlimited capacity* QP-03TAA-05 OpenVMS Software Media: VAX Software Products QA-VWJ8A-A8 CD-ROM VAX On-Line Documentation QA-VYR8A-G8 CD-ROM VAX Media and Documenta- QA-YL48A-H8 tion CD-ROM Alpha Software Products QA-4KL8A-A8 CD-ROM Alpha On-Line Documenta- QA-4KM8A-G8 tion CD-ROM Alpha Media and Documen- QA-03XAA-H8 tation CD-ROM 10 Hard Copy Documentation Kit HSM Documentation Kit QA-0NXAA-GZ OpenVMS Software One Year Subscription Services VAX Software Media CD-ROM QT-VWJ8A-C8 VAX On-Line Documentation QT-VYR8A-C8 CD-ROM VAX Media and Documenta- QT-YL48A-C8 tion CD-ROM Alpha Software Media QT-4KL8A-C8 CD-ROM Alpha On-Line Documenta- QT-4KM8A-C8 tion CD-ROM Alpha Media and Documen- QT-03XAA-C8 tation CD-ROM * This capacity license includes the HSM base licenses. Note: The HSM documentation in the Hard Copy Documentation kit (QA-0NXAA- GZ) consists of: HSM Installation Guide HSM Guide to Operations HSM Command Reference Guide HSM Software Product Description HSM Cover Letter The first three HSM documents are also available in the on-line doc- umentation CD-ROM. MDMS information is incorporated with the HSM doc- umentation set. 11 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES In addition to the media services listed above, a software license up- date service is also available from HP. For more information, contact your local HP office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by HP with the purchase of a license for the products as defined in the Software Warranty Ad- dendum to this SPD. The previous information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local HP office for the most up-to-date information. © Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2004. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional war- ranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omis- sions contained herein. Proprietary computer software. Valid license from HP required for pos- session, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Com- mercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Tech- nical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. 12