DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment for DIGITAL UNIX SPD 51.09.07 Version 1.8 DESCRIPTION The DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment (PSE) provides components necessary for the development and execution on DIGITAL Alpha systems of parallel programs written to use Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) or Message Passing Interface (MPI) software. DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment (PSE) comprises two components in one product: o DIGITAL MPI o DIGITAL PVM These components are distinct and are not integrated. Each component can be installed and operated independently. Both the DIGITAL PVM and the DIGITAL MPI facilities provide low-latency message passing between user processes, using shared memory or the MEM- ORY CHANNEL[TM] interconnect as a medium. Both DIGITAL PVM and DIG- ITAL MPI are optimized for DIGITAL Alpha servers, and for Alpha sys- tems connected by MEMORY CHANNEL[TM]. DIGITAL PVM is nearly fully functionally compatible with Version 3.3.9 of the PVM message-passing system from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). There are minor differences which are documented in the prod- uct documentation. DIGITAL PVM does not interoperate with the ORNL PVM implementation. Standard network interconnects are not supported. January 1999 DIGITAL MPI is an implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) specification based on MPICH Version 1.1.1 from Argonne National Lab- oratory and Mississippi State University. Differences between DIGI- TAL MPI and MPICH are described in the product documentation. Stan- dard network interconnects are not supported. A modified version of the MPICH upshot message profiling tool is pro- vided. This modified version has improved time resolution, and an im- proved user interface that can show relationships between non-blocking events. This tool is provided for evaluation only and is not supported. CONFORMANCE TO STANDARDS o MPI: A Message-Passing Interface Standard, June 5, 1995. A de facto standard from the Message Passing Interface Forum. SOURCE CODE INFORMATION o Source code for this product is not available INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS Disk Space Requirements (PVM) Disk space required for use (permanent): Root file system none Other file /usr 9 MB systems: Disk Space Requirements (MPI) Disk space required for use (permanent): Root file system none 2 Other file /usr 6 MB systems: These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported o All DIGITAL Alpha systems running DIGITAL UNIX are supported. o DIGITAL MPI and DIGITAL PVM are designed to run on MEMORY CHANNEL[TM] clusters of DIGITAL Alpha servers, or on stand-alone DIGITAL Al- pha servers. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS DIGITAL PVM or DIGITAL MPI: o DIGITAL UNIX Operating System V4.0a or greater. o TruCluster Production Server Software, Version 1.4 or greater (SPD 36.92.xx) or TruCluster MEMORY CHANNEL[TM] Software, Version 1.4 or greater (SPD 60.55.xx) are required to use MEMORY CHANNEL[TM] as a message passing medium. o MPI only: The DIGITAL Fortran for DIGITAL UNIX Alpha Runtime Sup- port subset (DFARTL). This subset is distributed with DIGITAL UNIX. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about DIGITAL's licensing terms and policies, contact your local DIGITAL office. LICENSE MANAGEMENT FACILITY SUPPORT 3 This layered product supports the DIGITAL UNIX License Management Fa- cility (LMF). License units for this product are allocated on a ca- pacity basis. For more information on the License Management Facil- ity, refer to the DIGITAL UNIX Operating System Software Product De- scription (SPD 41.61.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the DIGITAL UNIX Operating System documentation set. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is available as part of the DIGITAL UNIX Alpha Consol- idated Distribution on CD-ROM. The software documentation for this product is also available as part of the UNIX Online Documentation Library on CD-ROM. YEAR 2000 READY This product is Year 2000 ready. SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software is provided by DIGITAL with a 90 day conformance war- ranty in accordance with the DIGITAL warranty terms applicable to the license purchase. ORDERING INFORMATION DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment Version 1.8 for DIGITAL UNIX Al- pha Systems Software License: QL-2ATA*-AA Software Media: QA-054AA-H8 (ConDist) Software Product Services: QT-2ATA*-** 4 * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local DIGITAL office for the most up-to-date information. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from DIGITAL. For more in- formation, contact your local DIGITAL Services Representative. TRADEMARK INFORMATION [R] OSF/1 is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. [TM] The DIGITAL Logo, DEC, Alpha, AlphaGeneration, TruCluster, DEC Fortran, and DIGITAL are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. ©1999 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 5