Compaq Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: NAS Base Server 200 SPD 36.86.18 Version 8.3A for OpenVMS VAX Systems DESCRIPTION Compaq NAS Base Server 200 Version 8.3A for OpenVMS[TM] VAX[TM]Systems is a member of the NAS Client/Server Packages family. Each NAS Pack- age is a software product providing a license for the NAS product and documentation. NAS Base Server 200 consists of a set of components that provide a server run-time environment for distributed network applications on OpenVMS VAX systems. These components, along with the operating system, pro- vide uniform services that enable applications to be distributed in heterogeneous client/server environments. The NAS Version 8.3A release documents revisions to component prod- ucts since the previous NAS release. NAS 8.3A supports Compaq Open- VMS Operating System Version 7.3 Use of the components of NAS Base Server 200 Version 8.3A requires a license for NAS Base Server 200 Version 8.3A in combination with the OpenVMS VAX Operating System. Table 1 lists the components included in NAS Base Server 200 for Open- VMS VAX and summarizes license and media information for each compo- nent. Special cases are covered by footnotes. The License (L) column indicates whether or not the customer's NAS Base Server 200 for OpenVMS VAX license includes the right to run each com- ponent product. The Compaq NAS Packages do not license all components referenced in this SPD. November 2002 The version of each NAS component licensed, is as stated within the Software Products Library of the calendar quarter in which the NAS PAK is dated. Update licenses may be purchased for use of later versions of any component. The Media (M) column indicates whether or not the binaries are pro- vided on the OpenVMS VAX Software Products Library CD-ROMs. Over time, some kits may be retired. Check the current Software Products Library Master Index for availability. ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:_Components_in_NAS_Base_Server_200_________________________ SPD NAS_Component_______________Version__number______L_____M___________ _______________________Presentation_Services_______________________ DECwindows[TM] Motif[R] 1.2-6 42.19.xx Y Y for OpenVMS VAX ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________Printing_Services_________________________ DECprint[TM] Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS VAX Base 2.1 44.15.xx N[1] Y Plus 2.1 44.15.xx N[2] Y Open 2.1 44.15.xx N[2] Y ___________________________________________________________________ _________________________Network_Transport_________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ [1]The license rights for this product are included with the Open- VMS VAX operating system. [2]With the release of DECprint Supervior V2.0, license rights are included with the OpenVMS VAX operating system. 2 ___________________________________________________________________ SPD NAS_Component_______________Version__number______L_____M___________ _________________________Network_Transport_________________________ Compaq DECnet-Plus for 7.3 25.03.xx Y Y OpenVMS VAXEnd System Compaq DECnet[TM] for 7.3 42.25.xx Y N[3] OpenVMS VAX End Node Compaq PATHWORKS[TM] 6.1 30.50.xx N[4] Y for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Compaq TCP/IP Services 5.3 46.46.xx Y Y for OpenVMS VAX ___________________________________________________________________ [3]The media for this product is provided with the OpenVMS VAX operating system. [4]Licensed outside of Compaq NAS Packages on a per client basis or obtain concurrent use server licenses separately. ___________________________________________________________________ COMPONENTS Each component of NAS Base Server 200 for OpenVMS VAX Systems is a prod- uct independently offered by Compaq Computer Corporation. Complete de- scriptions of the functional content of these components can be found in the SPD for each product. The OpenVMS VAX Software Product Library CD-ROM contains an NAS_BAS_ SERVER directory. There are two subdirectories: a KIT directory for the product binaries, and a DOCUMENTATION directory containing PostScript[R] and ASCII versions of installation guides, SPDs, and similar documen- tation. The KIT directory is not used. You may print the electronic documentation accompanying the Compaq NAS Packages as reasonably necessary to exercise your license to use Com- paq NAS Packages. 3 The license for NAS Version 8.3A does not provide the right to use any version of the following components: o Compaq PrintServer[TM] Software for OpenVMS VAX o DECmessageQ[TM] for OpenVMS VAX Run-Time Only Option o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS VAX Local Language Versions: - UI/Cesky - UI/Deutsch - UI/Español - UI/Français - UI/Italiano - UI/Magyar - UI/Polski - UI/Russkij - UI/Slovensky UI/Svenska o ObjectBroker[TM] for OpenVMS VAX Run-Time Only o POLYCENTER[TM] Software Distribution for OpenVMS VAX o POSIX[R] for OpenVMS The NAS Version 8.3A license is effective as of November 2002. \bold) ObjectBroker is available from BEA Systems, Inc. BEA MessageQ (for- merly DECmessageQ) is available from BEA Systems, and may be purchased and serviced through Compaq. For information on the POLYCENTER prod- ucts, contact Computer Associates International, Inc. The DECwindows Motif local language versions listed above have been retired. PATHWORKS (Netware) and PATHWORKS (Macintosh), tested but not licensed with NAS Packages, have also been retired. 4 INSTALLATION Compaq recommends that customers unfamiliar with the components of NAS Base Server 200 for OpenVMS VAX Systems purchase Compaq Installation Services. These services provide for installation of the software prod- uct by an experienced Compaq Software Specialist. Only software kits expressly identified in this SPD can be used to in- stall components of NAS Base Server 200 for OpenVMS VAX Systems. Use of other software kits may result in inoperable software configura- tions and may invalidate the software product warranty or software ser- vice contract. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The NAS Base Server 200 supports all valid OpenVMS VAX systems. For questions about the hardware requirements for individual component prod- ucts, customers should consult the HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS section of individual component SPDs. Memory Requirements The minimum supported memory for installation of NAS Base Server 200 for OpenVMS VAX Systems, with all components and subcomponents installed, is 32 MB. The performance and memory usage of NAS Base Server 200 for OpenVMS VAX and applications based on it are particularly sensitive to sys- tem configuration. Full configuration of all subcomponents may require memory in excess of the minimum quoted above. Additional memory may also be required based on system loading and usage patterns of the com- ponents. More or less memory may be required depending on whether clients and servers execute on the same system or on different systems. Additional memory may also improve performance of one or more components. Refer to the component SPDs and installation guides for detailed in- formation about memory usage by components and subcomponents of the NAS Base Server 200 for OpenVMS VAX. 5 Disk Space Requirements When installing the complete set of components of NAS Base Server 200 for OpenVMS VAX, customers must have a minimum of 313 MB of disk space available. This count refers to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the customer's system environment, configuration, and software options. For example, actual disk space required may be less if the customer does not in- stall some components or subcomponents. Customers may require addi- tional disk space to create or expand component databases or to cre- ate user files. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Compaq NAS Packages, Version 8.3A run on the following version of the OpenVMS operating system: OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3. See the Compaq NAS Installation Guide, Appendix D, NAS/Operating Sys- tem Compatibility Matrix for a list of NAS component versions support- ing other Operating System versions. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. ORDERING INFORMATION NAS Base Server 200 Software Licenses: QL-MC1A*-** NAS 200 to 300 Upgrade License: QL-MC3A*-** NAS 200 to 400 Upgrade License: QL-MKRA*-** Software Product Services: QT-MC1A*-** 6 * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA Media and documentation for this product are distributed on the Open- VMS VAX Software Products Library Package, with order numbers as fol- low: o QA-4KL8A-A8 - (binaries) OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library o QA-4KM8A-G8 - (online docs) OpenVMS Alpha Online Documentation Li- brary o QA-03XAA-H8 - (binaries and docs) OpenVMS Alpha Software Library Package Online Documentation Customers can view documentation using the Bookshelf Navigation Util- ity on supported X-windows display devices. Hardcopy Documentation Each component of NAS Base Server 200 for OpenVMS VAX Systems has its own hardcopy documentation set. Customers can order documentation in single copies or as subscriptions. Not all documentation is available in online format. For order numbers, see the ORDERING INFORMATION section in each com- ponent's SPD. Not all documentation is available in online format. SOFTWARE LICENSING Compaq NAS Packages software is furnished under the licensing provi- sions of Compaq Computer Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more information about Compaq's licensing terms and policies, con- tact your local Compaq office, or visit the Software Licensing Info- Center on the World Wide Web at: 7 Consult the SPD for each Compaq NAS Packages component for specific license information. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Compaq. For more in- formation, contact your local Compaq office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software is provided by Compaq with a 90 day conformance warranty in accordance with the Compaq warranty terms applicable to the license purchase. Compaq, the Compaq logo, ACMS, All-In-1, CDA, DECforms, DECintact, In- foServer, LinkWorks, Mailbus, MicroVAX, PolyCenter, StorageWorks, UL- TRIX, VAX, VAXELN, and VMS are Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trade- mark Office. BASEstar, Datatrieve, and OpenVMS are trademarks of Compaq Informa- tion Technologies Group. The following are third-party trademarks: Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Motif is a trademark of the Open Group. ORACLE is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. OSI is a registered trademark of CA Management, Inc. POSIX is a registered certification mark of the Institute of Elec- trical and Electronic Engineers. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or regis- tered trademarks of their respective companies. ©2002, Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. 8