DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DEC DATATRIEVE Version 7.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems SPD 52.94.02 DESCRIPTION DEC[TM] DATATRIEVE[TM] for OpenVMS[TM] Alpha[TM] systems is a query, report, and data management tool for the OpenVMS Operating System. It provides a uniform access method for data stored by RMS[TM], Oracle Rdb[TM], and Oracle CODASYL DBMS[TM] files on OpenVMS and data residing in other databases accessible by the DEC DB Integrator Gateway products. Us- ing DEC DATATRIEVE, a novice or experienced user can retrieve or mod- ify data without considering the underlying storage method or phys- ical location. Modes of Operation DEC DATATRIEVE presents information in several different formats. In- formation can be displayed using simple defaults or can be reported on through a more flexible report writer. Information can be displayed on a terminal or workstation, printed on a hard-copy device, or writ- ten to a file. Information can also be presented graphically with user- defined DEC FMS[TM] forms, as well as with DECforms[TM]. Graphics out- put is ReGIS[TM]; it can be managed by devices or converters accept- ing ReGIS. DEC DATATRIEVE also provides an efficient way to access in- formation stored on other Alpha, VAX[TM] or PDP[TM]-11 systems linked by DECnet[TM]. DEC DATATRIEVE can be used interactively to retrieve, modify, store, or delete data using a simple set of commands. Frequently used com- binations of commands can be stored as named procedures and invoked January 1996 AE-Q42HC-TE by name. Programs written in other DEC languages can call DEC DATA- TRIEVE, allowing them to be independent of underlying data storage meth- ods and physical location. A DECwindows[TM] Motif[R] interface to DEC DATATRIEVE is provided. This allows the user to perform a subset of the DEC DATATRIEVE functions using menu bars, scroll bars, pop-up menus, pull-down menus, and but- tons. The user can also use a navigator to browse through the dictio- nary directories, select objects, and execute commands on them directly from pop-up menus. Data Dictionary DEC DATATRIEVE is dictionary driven. DEC DATATRIEVE Version 7.1 has removed the dependencies from Oracle CDD/Repository by supporting a new textfile dictionary in addition to Oracle CDD/Repository. DEC DATA- TRIEVE Version 7.1 provides the following two independent dictionary alternatives: o Data Dictionary using Oracle CDD/Repository for OpenVMS. o DEC DATATRIEVE Textfile-based dictionary. Data Dictionary using Oracle CDD/Repository for OpenVMS Using this dictionary, data descriptions are stored in and retrieved from Oracle CDD/Repository for OpenVMS. DEC DATATRIEVE includes com- mands to store, examine, modify, and delete definitions in the dic- tionary and can use definitions stored by other layered products, such as the Oracle CODASYL DBMS schema definitions or the Oracle Rdb for OpenVMS database definitions. DATATRIEVE requires the Oracle/CDD Repos- itory in order to manage the Oracle CODASYL DBMS databases. DEC DATATRIEVE fully supports CDO format dictionaries, including the ability to access shareable fields. Pieces tracking is also supported for these entities. DEC DATATRIEVE includes full support for DMU for- mat dictionaries as well. Textfile-based Dictionary 2 If Oracle CDD/Repository is present on the system, you can select, at installation time, whether to link DEC DATATRIEVE with Oracle CDD/Repository or not. When Oracle CDD/Repository is linked to DEC DATATRIEVE, its use can dynamically be disabled and enabled at run time by using the SET CDD and SET NO CDD commands. When Oracle CDD/Repository is not linked to DEC DATATRIEVE, the alternative textfile dictionary is enabled. The new textfile dictionary stores the DEC DATATRIEVE object defini- tions as text in text files. Oracle CDD/Repository objects definitions can be extracted and rede- fined as text files in the new dictionary system. Text file defini- tions cannot be shared with compilers and database systems, but can be accessed and manipulated by applications and OpenVMS utilities. Temporary Definition of Objects DEC DATATRIEVE Version 7.1 extends the use the DECLARE command to de- fine DEC DATATRIEVE objects. Such objects are temporary (time scope is within a DEC DATATRIEVE session) and do not depend on any dictio- nary system, since they are stored in memory. Protection - Protection with Oracle CDD/Repository. When DEC DATATRIEVE accesses the data through data definitions stored by Oracle CDD/Repository for OpenVMS, protection provided by Oracle CDD/Repository applies. An Access Control List associated with an ob- ject definition specifies the types of access that are granted to the definition itself and to the defined data. Standard OpenVMS Access El- ements can be used based on usernames, UICs, and rights identifiers. For DMU dictionary objects, passwords and terminals can also be spec- ified. - Protection with the DATATRIEVE resident dictionary using text files. 3 Text file definitions are subject to the OpenVMS ACL protections, and must be defined and managed by the programmer, using the appropriate DEC DATATRIEVE or OpenVMS commands. - Protection with in-memory temporary object definitions In-memory temporary object definitions do not use any protection mech- anisms, and bypass those definitions defined by either Oracle CDD/Repository or the textfile dictionary. Remote Data Access DEC DATATRIEVE provides access to data on remote systems in two way as follows: o Takes advantage of the remote data access functionality transpar- ently provided by the individual data base management systems (for example, RMS remote files, Oracle Rdb remote databases) according to their rules. o Requests a DATATRIEVE server to start on the remote system (Open- VMS Alpha and VAX systems or PDP-11) to manage the data definitions and process data remotely. Most operations are performed on the server node and only selected data is exchanged between the requester and the server systems. To work in this way, a DATATRIEVE system (DEC DATATRIEVE or DATATRIEVE-11) must be installed on the server node. For the Nonprogrammer DEC DATATRIEVE provides the novice user with a tutorial mode called GUIDE Mode. DEC DATATRIEVE offers ADT (Application Design Tool) for the more ex- perienced user who wants to define data structures. ADT takes the user step-by-step through the definition of a domain based on an RMS data file. If DEC DATATRIEVE is used on the same information by experienced and novice users, the novice user can use the full power of the language by invoking procedures designed by the more experienced user. 4 For the Programmer DEC DATATRIEVE is a highly structured language that provides automatic access optimization, data type conversion, and data validation. Loop- ing and control structures, such as IF THEN ELSE, BEGIN END, REPEAT, WHILE, CHOICE and FOR (each record) can be combined and nested to cre- ate complex, powerful procedures. DEC DATATRIEVE responds to programming errors with clear, explicit er- ror messages. The user can issue an EDIT command to invoke a text ed- itor with an erroneous statement as input text, correct the mistake, and resubmit the command. This editor can be either EDT, TPU, or DEC Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) and is controlled by a user logical name assignment. Data Definition DEC DATATRIEVE stores the fixed attributes of each record in the record definition. In addition to COBOL-like attributes, DEC DATATRIEVE al- lows validation criteria, fields whose values are computed at run-time, missing value expressions, and default values. DEC DATATRIEVE supports most data types used by DEC Fortran[TM], DEC COBOL, DEC Pascal[TM], DEC C, and DEC BASIC[TM]. DEC DATATRIEVE also supports Varying String and Segmented String data types in Oracle Rdb for OpenVMS databases. 5 Views A VIEW is an alternative description of data. It can be used to al- low a user access to a subset of the data items in a record. It can restrict a user by including only some of the data items in a record, or it can combine data items from several files. Information can be linked through common values (or set linkages in Oracle CODASYL DBMS) to produce complex hierarchical structures. Using a predefined VIEW, a user can access and display data from several files at once with the same commands used on a single file. Data accessed through a VIEW can be printed and modified, but data cannot be stored or erased using a VIEW. Call Interface DEC DATATRIEVE provides a client/server API. The DATATRIEVE Client li- braries for OpenVMS and Windows[TM] systems are supplied with the kit of the DATATRIEVE product for OpenVMS systems, and can be copied freely to Client systems. DEC DATATRIEVE can be accessed from the following programs: o Programs linked with DEC DATATRIEVE, residing on the same node and process space where DEC DATATRIEVE resides, and written in high- level languages such as DEC Fortran, DEC C, COBOL, DEC BASIC, DEC Pascal, and VAX PL/I. o Programs linked with a DEC DATATRIEVE client library, residing on different nodes or platforms, and written in Visual C++[R], Visual Basic[R] or OpenVMS programming languages. DEC DATATRIEVE automatically converts data from its storage format to the format expected by the program. DEC DATATRIEVE Client for Windows[TM] The DEC DATATRIEVE Client/Server architecture allows existing DEC DATA- TRIEVE users to downsize and distribute their applications and inter- active DEC DATATRIEVE operations. The DEC DATATRIEVE Client for Windows is separately packaged. 6 The DEC DATATRIEVE Client for Windows offers a graphical user inter- face that permits users to: o Browse through the dictionary from a Windows desktop. o Access, modify, and execute their existing DEC DATATRIEVE proce- dures and dictionary objects. o Access the DEC DATATRIEVE language for interactive queries using a graphical query editor. o Operate on data: display, modify, store and plot. o Interoperate (data import/export) with other PC applications. DEC DATATRIEVE Client for Windows Version 1.1 contains the following new features, that permit users to: o Use a query-by-example mechanism in the Query Editor. You can spec- ify a query by providing constraints on field values and simple links between fields, without using the graphical query editor. o Define DEC DATATRIEVE objects using specific dialog boxes that guide in the creation of the objects themselves. o Use plots. DEC DATATRIEVE Client for Windows PLOT statements pro- duce graphic results in the client environment. o Use Client/Server TCP/IP transport in addition to DECnet. Storage Methods DEC DATATRIEVE uses a single, consistent syntax to provide full ac- cess to information stored in RMS for OpenVMS sequential or indexed files (RMS relative files are supported for queries only), Oracle CO- DASYL DBMS, and Oracle Rdb databases. DEC DATATRIEVE can also provide access to information stored in certain IBM[R] mainframe databases through the use of DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DB2[TM], as well as infor- mation stored in ORACLE[R] databases through DEC DB Integrator Gate- way for ORACLE, and SYBASE[R] databases through DEC DB Integrator Gate- way for SYBASE. Data from all these sources can be combined into a sin- gle VIEW. 7 If access to a Oracle CODASYL DBMS database involves explicit set walk- ing or if records must be manually connected or disconnected from sets, the user can employ DEC DATATRIEVE language features that are specific to Oracle CODASYL DBMS access. However, if the user employs VIEWS or implicit set walking, DEC DATATRIEVE can access information in Ora- cle CODASYL DBMS databases using the same syntax used for data from an RMS file or Oracle Rdb. Report Generation The DEC DATATRIEVE REPORT statement can produce simple formatted re- ports without formatting statements. It also allows the user to over- ride the default format when more complex reports are required. Re- ports can either be page-based, printable documents, or table-based formatted data that can be input by a spreadsheet. Column headers and, in page-based reports, page headers containing ti- tle, date, and page numbers are produced automatically. Simple state- ments (AT TOP, AT BOTTOM) create page headers and trailers for con- trol breaks, page breaks or a report summary. DEC DATATRIEVE provides all of its statistical functions and value expressions within the RE- PORT statement. Reports can be output in a variety of output formats: table reports are produced in DTIF format, and page-based reports in DDIF, PostScript[R] and Text formats. Usage of DDIF and PostScript allows a variety of text attributes (size, font types, rendition) to be applied to any part of the report to obtain a boardroom-quality output. These attributes, and other printing characteristics such as page size and orientation, can be selected from DEC DATATRIEVE through simple statements without re- quiring the use of a graphical terminal. Simple character-cell based reports are also available, using the Text format. Using the CDA[TM] converter library, DTIF and DDIF reports can be converted to a vari- ety of output formats, allowing interoperability with a number of pop- ular applications. 8 The Report Writer provides two layout tools: a grid printout of the CDA report layout with placement of rows and columns, including those with varying font types, and graphical printout of the layout page, with placement of the different report objects (such as header, footer, body) Reports can be generated from data stored in RMS files, Oracle CODA- SYL DBMS and Oracle Rdb databases, and other databases accessed through the use of the appropriate DEC DB Integrator Gateways or DEC DATATRIEVE VIEWS that combine any of these without any change in the syntax of the REPORT statement. Graphics DEC DATATRIEVE includes a number of predefined plots invoked with a single command that takes standard record selection expressions as ar- guments and creates bar, pie, line, and scattered point plots of the information selected. Plots can be displayed on Digital Equipment Cor- poration Graphics terminals such as the VT340 (refer to the OPTIONAL HARDWARE section for a list of specific supported terminals). Hard copy can be obtained from terminals by attaching a Digital device which sup- ports the SIXEL protocol (for example, LA50, LA75). For users with DECwin- dows, graphics can be displayed in DECterm windows. The DATATRIEVE Client V1.1 for Windows can display, process, modify, print plots which are created by the plot statement, and export the plot using the clipboard to other applications. Printing to postscript printers is also supported. Compatibility DEC DATATRIEVE for OpenVMS VAX systems and DEC DATATRIEVE for Open- VMS Alpha systems are highly compatible, with the exception of the sup- port for floating point definitions typical of the Alpha platform. 9 DEC DATATRIEVE is largely upward compatible from DATATRIEVE-11. DATATRIEVE-11 provides a utility that extracts the contents of a DATATRIEVE-11 dic- tionary in a format to be entered into Oracle CDD/Repository for Open- VMS. Some syntactic and semantic differences do exist between DATATRIEVE-11 and DEC DATATRIEVE. Procedures copied with the EXTRACT utility can re- quire modification. DEC DATATRIEVE for OpenVMS Alpha systems and DEC DATATRIEVE for Open- VMS VAX systems are highly compatible, with the exception of the sup- port for floating point definitions typical of the Alpha platform. SOURCE CODE INFORMATION The following source code modules are provided with binary, single- use license options on all magnetic distribution media: o Function definitions o Text definitions o Macro library for function and text definitions o Message text o Sample callable DEC DATATRIEVE programs o DEC DATATRIEVE dictionary object definitions: - Plots - Domains - Records - Procedures - Tables o Language INCLUDE files for the DEC DATATRIEVE Access Block (used by Callable DEC DATATRIEVE) o Language INCLUDE files for literal values, external symbols and rou- tine entry point definitions 10 o Language TEMPLATE file for use with DEC Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE) This source code is provided on an "as is" basis without any warranty of any kind, either express or implied. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported Digital AlphaServer[TM] 2100 Systems Digital AlphaServer 2000 Systems: DEC 3000 Work- Models 300, 500, 600, 600S, 700, 800, 900 stations: DEC 4000 Sys- Model 700 tems: DEC 7000 Sys- Models 610, 700 tems: Other Hardware Required: Mass storage with a minimum of 40,000 disk blocks for DEC DATATRIEVE system software for Alpha Systems. Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1): Disk space required for 50,000 blocks installation: (30.7 Mbytes) Disk space required for 35,000 blocks use (permanent): (19.9 Mbytes) 11 These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. Memory Requirements for DECwindows Support: The minimum supported memory for this application running in a stan- dalone DECwindows environment with both the client and server execut- ing on that same system is 8M bytes. The performance and memory usage of DECwindows applications are par- ticularly sensitive to system configuration. Less memory may be re- quired on the client system (the system where the software is installed and executed) if the server (the component that displays the appli- cation) resides on another system. More memory may be required on a system with several applications running, or where it may be desir- able to improve the performance of an application. OPTIONAL HARDWARE Any device supported by the prerequisite software. Graphics can be displayed on VT125, VT240, VT241, VT330, and VT340 ter- minals only. For users with DECwindows, graphics can be displayed in DECterm windows. CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed cluster configuration without restrictions. The HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS section of this product's Software Product Description details any special hardware required by this product. 12 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS For Systems Using Terminals: o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Version 1.5 or higher. For Fullname support OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 is required. For Workstations Running DECwindows: o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Version 1.5 or higher. For Fullname support OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 is required. For Workstations Running DECwindows Motif: o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Version 1.5 or higher. For Fullname support OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 is required. o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha V1.1 For CDA output (PostScript, DDIF, DTIF) the CDA software V2.0 must be installed. In order to accomplish this, the optional OpenVMS DECwin- dows Motif V1.1 Base Kit must be installed, even for systems using ter- minals. OpenVMS Tailoring: The following OpenVMS classes are required for full functionality of this layered product: o OpenVMS Required Saveset o Network Support o Programming Support o System Programming Support o Utilities 13 OPTIONAL SOFTWARE o DECwindows Motif V1.1 or higher o Oracle CODASYL DBMS V5.0 or higher o DECforms V1.4 or higher o DEC FMS V2.3 or higher o DEC Language-Sensitive Editor V1.3 or DEC Language-Sensitive Ed- itor/Source Code Analyzer V3.1 o Oracle Rdb for OpenVMS Alpha V5.1 or higher o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DB2 V1.0 or higher o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for ORACLE V1.0 or higher o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for SYBASE V1.0 or higher o CDA Converter Library (the version supported by DECwindows Motif V1.1 or higher) o DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS Alpha Version 5.7 or higher for Fullname sup- port. o In order to use the DATATRIEVE Client for Windows with the DATA- TRIEVE server, the following software is required by the Client: * Microsoft[R] Windows Version 3.1 or higher, or Microsoft Win- dows 95[R], or Microsoft Windows NT[TM]. * A compiler or interpreter that can access DLL libraries (only required for the DEC DATATRIEVE Call Interface). The following software has been tested to support DECnet connections: * On the Server: - DECnet Extensions Version 5.4 for OpenVMS VAX or DECnet Version 6.0 or higher for OpenVMS VAX. 14 * On the Client: - PATHWORKS[TM] Version 5.0A or higher for Windows 3.1 and 3.11. The following software has been tested to support TCP/IP connections: * On the Server: - DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V3.2 - TGV MultiNet[R] V3.3 * On the Client: - PATHWORKS[TM] Version 5.0A or higher for Windows 3.1 and 3.11 - TCP/IP for Windows 3.11 - TCP/IP for Windows 95 - TCP/IP for Windows NT V3.5 - Trumpet V2.1 Rev.F Certain versions of these products depend upon a specific version of the operating system. Please refer to the Software Product Descrip- tion of the product in question to determine which version is required. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is distributed only on the Digital CD-ROM Software Li- brary for OpenVMS Alpha. 15 ORDERING INFORMATION Unlimited Use Software Licenses: QL-0JKA*-** Software Documentation: QA-0JKAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0JKA*-** Concurrent Use Software License: QL-898A*-3* Personal Use Software License: QL-898A*-2* * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support: This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use plus Personal Use and Concurrent Use basis. This layered product offers a Personal Use license. Each Personal Use license allows one identified individual to use the layered product. 16 This layered product offers a Concurrent Use license. Each Concurrent Use license allows any one individual at a time to use the layered prod- uct. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the OpenVMS Alpha Operating System documentation. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies, con- tact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the SOFTWARE LICENS- ING section of this SPD. © 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. [TM] DB2 is a trademark of International Business Machines Corpo- ration. [R] IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Ma- chines Corporation. [R] Microsoft, MS, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Windows, and Windows 95 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. [R] MultiNet is a registered trademark of TGV, Inc. [R] Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [R] ORACLE is a registered trademark of Oracle Corp. 17 [TM] Oracle CDD/Repository, Oracle CODASYL DBMS, Oracle Expert, Oracle Rdb and Oracle TRACE are trademarks of Oracle Corpora- tion. [R] PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Corp. [TM] Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM] AlphaServer, CDA, DATATRIEVE, DEC, DEC BASIC, DEC Fortran, DECforms, DECnet, DECwindows, FMS, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, PDP, ReGIS, VAX, VAX 6000, VAX Pascal, VMS RMS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 18