DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DIGITAL COBOL Version 2.5 for DIGITAL UNIX[R] Systems SPD 51.16.07 DESCRIPTION DIGITAL COBOL for DIGITAL UNIX Systems is a high-level language for business data processing that operates on the DIGITAL UNIX Operating System. DIGITAL COBOL is based upon the 1985 ANSI COBOL Standard X3.23- 1985 as modified by the X.23a-1989 amendment. It is designed to be closely compatible with both VAX COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Systems and DIGITAL COBOL for OpenVMS Alpha Systems, and DIGITAL COBOL for Windows NT Alpha, with some limitations. DIGITAL COBOL has been validated at the high level by the National Bureau of Standards for conformance to FIPS PUB 21-3, Federal Standard COBOL. DIGITAL COBOL includes various Digital Equipment Corporation extensions to COBOL, such as file sharing and the ANSI Report Writer facility, pointer data types, and enhanced CALL statement. DIGITAL COBOL for DIGITAL UNIX Systems also includes some X/OPEN features. For added flexibility and for compatibility with VAX COBOL, the fol- lowing DIGITAL extensions to COBOL are implemented in DIGITAL COBOL: o The DISPLAY WITH CONVERSION and ACCEPT WITH CONVERSION extensions, which convert data from internal numeric format to "ASCII display format" and "ASCII display" input characters to internal numeric formats, as appropriate. o File sharing and record locking features enable more than one user to access data at the same time. April 1998 o Conditional compilation serves to make debugging easier. o Source program terminal format recognition is supported. Recent enhancements to the DIGITAL COBOL compiler for DIGITAL UNIX include: o CIT3 (COBOL Intermediate Temp) for increased arithmetic compatibility with the current release of VAX COBOL (see details that follow). o ACCEPT support for 4-digit years (see details that follow). o Improved UNSTRING runtime performance improvment for large input buffers and many uses of DELIMITED BY. DIGITAL COBOL implements several COBOL language extensions designed to make programming easier in the DIGITAL UNIX environment: o Names Flag-Manipulates the case of names visible to the linker o CALL statement extensions: BY VALUE, OMITTED, and GIVING o USAGE IS POINTER-Address data type o VALUE IS REFERENCE-Compile time address evaluation o SET TO REFERENCE-Run-time address evaluation o SUCCESS/FAILURE-Class conditions Other extensions include: o Thirty-one-character user names o ACCEPT AT END statement o Single-quote-delimited, non-numeric literals o Hyphen/underscore equivalence in user names o Non-numeric literal argument passing o Enhanced support for "foreign" extensions with improved diagnos- tic messages 2 o Transarc[R] Encina[R] SFS record support for transaction processing ap- plications in conjunction with ACMSxp o X/Open SCREEN SECTION o X/Open specified RETURN-CODE special register o X/Open specified ASSIGN TO syntax o X/Open file sharing and record locking features o X/Open command line and environment variable support via ACCEPT and DISPLAY For recent release specific technical information such as feature en- hancements, bug fixes, restrictions and compatibility charts, please refer to the DIGITAL COBOL V2.5 Release Notes. o X/Open LINE SEQUENTIAL The DIGITAL COBOL compiler produces an object module from a source program. The compiler is capable of producing a source listing with embedded diagnostics indicating the line and position of a source-code error, a machine language listing, a file-name map, a data-name map, a procedure-name map, an external program name map, and a cross-reference listing. The cross-reference listing and maps may be produced in either alphabetical order or in order of declaration. The cross-reference listing distinguishes destructive references to data from read-only references. Object modules produced by the compiler can be linked with other object modules produced by many other languages, including DEC C and Digital Fortran. DIGITAL COBOL is supported by the DIGITAL Ladebug for DIGITAL UNIX Systems debugger and by DEC FUSE. The DIGITAL COBOL product includes a COBOL compiler and the REFORMAT utility. The REFORMAT utility converts source programs from DIGITAL terminal format to ANSI-standard COBOL format and vice versa. Run-Time Library Redistribution 3 The DIGITAL COBOL media kit may include updated Run-Time Library share- able objects. DIGITAL grants the user a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide right to reproduce and distribute the executable version of the run-time libraries designated as and (the "RTLs") provided that the user: o Distributes the RTLs only in conjunction with and as a part of the user's software application product that is designed to operate in the DIGITAL UNIX environment. o Does not use DIGITAL's name, logo, or trademarks to market the user's software application product. o Includes DIGITAL's copyright notice for DIGITAL COBOL on the user's product disk label and on the title page of the documentation for software application product. o Agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend DIGITAL from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attor- ney's fees, that arise or result from the use or distribution of the software application product. Except as expressly provided herein, DIGITAL grants no implied or express license under any of its patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trademarks, or any license or other pro- prietary interests and rights. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported Alpha: AlphaServer 400 Products AlphaServer 1000 Products AlphaServer 1000A Products AlphaServer 2000 Products AlphaServer 2100 Products AlphaServer 2100A Products AlphaServer 8200 Products AlphaServer 8400 Products 4 AlphaStation 200 Products AlphaStation 250 Products AlphaStation 255 Products AlphaStation 400 Products AlphaStation 500 Products AlphaStation 600 Products DEC 2000 Models 300/500 DEC 3000 Model 300, 300L, 300X, 300LX DEC 3000 Model 400, 400S DEC 3000 Model 500, 500S, 500X DEC 3000 Model 600, 600S DEC 3000 Model 700 DEC 3000 Model 800, 800S DEC 3000 Model 900 DEC 4000 Model 600 Products DEC 4000 Model 700 Products DEC 7000 Model 600 Products DEC 7000 Model 700 Products DEC 10000 Model 600 Products DEC 10000 Model 700 Products Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1) Disk space required for installation: Root file system: /0 Kbytes Other file systems: /usr 11,000 Kbytes /tmp 400 Kbytes /var 0 Kbytes 5 Disk space required for use (permanent): Root file system: /0 Kbytes Other file systems: /usr 9,500 Kbytes /var 0 Kbytes These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS DIGITAL UNIX Operating System (SPD 41.61.xx) Version 3.2-G-Version 4.0D - Version 4.0A. OPTIONAL SOFTWARE Required to use ORGANIZATION IS INDEXED: INFORMIX[R] C-ISAM[R] run-time package and license Indexed file support for DIGITAL COBOL Version 2.5 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems requires the use of a non-DIGITAL software product that pro- vides this feature. This release of DIGITAL COBOL has been tested only with Informix Software, Inc.'s C-ISAM Version 5.00 for the UNIX environment on the DIGITAL UNIX System Version 3.2G-Version 4.0D. For specific features of the C-ISAM product, please refer to the then-current INFORMIX Technical Brief. Digital Equipment Corporation is not responsible for functional changes to the C-ISAM product, interfaces, or other aspects of the product that may cause incorrect operation or results with DIGITAL COBOL after the release of DIGITAL COBOL Version 2.5 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems. 6 Ordering information for the INFORMIX C-ISAM product for UNIX (includ- ing DIGITAL UNIX) can be obtained by contacting one of the following Informix offices: Product: Informix C-ISAM Available From: Informix USA: 1-800-331-1763 UK: 44-1784-42-2000 Singapore: 0718-65-298-1716 Japan: 81-3-5562-4599 WWW: GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA Media and documentation for these products are available on the DIGITAL CD-ROM Software Library for DIGITAL UNIX Systems layered products (QA-054AA-H8) or a CD-ROM containing only the DIGITAL COBOL for DIGITAL UNIX Systems product (QA-2BZAA-H8). Documentation in hardcopy format can be ordered separately. ORDERING INFORMATION DIGITAL COBOL for DIGITAL UNIX Systems Software Licenses: Personal Use: QL-2BZAM-2B Concurrent Use: QL-2BZAM-3B Unlimited System Use: QL-2BZA*-** Software Media/Documenation (CD-ROM): QA-2BZAA-H8 7 Software Documentation (Hard Copy): QA-2BZA*-GZ Software Product Services: QT-2BZA*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished only under a license. For more information about DIGITAL's licensing terms and policies, contact your local DIGITAL office. License Management Facility Support: License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use plus Personal Use and Concurrent Use basis. Each Personal Use license allows one identified individual to use the layered product. Each Concurrent Use license allows any one individ- ual at a time to use the layered product. For more information on the OpenVMS License Management Facility, re- fer to the appropriate OpenVMS Operating System SPD or documentation. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from DIGITAL. For more in- formation, contact your local DIGITAL office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by DIGITAL with the purchase of a license for the product. This means that DIGITAL will remedy any nonconformance when it is reported to DIGITAL by the customer during the warranty period. 8 The warranty period is one year. It begins when the software is in- stalled or thirty days after delivery to the end user, whichever oc- curs first, and expires one year later. All warranty related support for this software will end one year after release of the subsequent versions. WARRANTY EXCLUSION DIGITAL does not warrant that the software licensed to customer shall be error free, that the software shall operate with any hardware and software other than as specified in this SPD, that the software shall satisfy customer's own specific requirements, or that copies of the software other than those provided or authorized by DIGITAL shall con- form to the SPD. DIGITAL makes no warranties with respect to the fitness and operability of modifications not made by DIGITAL. If the software fails to function for reasons stated previously, the customer's warranty will be invalidated and all service calls will be billable at the prevailing per call rates. This Software Warranty is effective for licensed software products or- dered in the United States after October 1988 and supersedes all prior versions. The previous information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local DIGITAL office for the most up-to-date information. [TM] ACMSxp, AlphaServer, AlphaStation, CI, DEC C, Digital Fortran, DEC FUSE, DECladebug, DECstation, DECsystem, DECwindows, DIGITAL, OpenVMS, VAX, and the DIGITAL Logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. [R] C-ISAM is a registered trademark of Relational Database Systems, Inc. [R] INFORMIX is a registered trademark of Informix Software, Inc. 9 [R] POSTSCRIPT is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. [R] Transarc and Encina are registered trademarks of Transarc Corporation. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. [TM] X/Open is a trademark of X/Open Company Limited. © 1998 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 10