DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS, SPD 44.15.05 Version 1.3 DESCRIPTION DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS is a family of layered prod- ucts that run on OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha systems to provide ac- cess to selected PostScript [R] Level 1 and Level 2 printers. The DECprint Supervisor family consists of the following products: o DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS, Base (DCPS-Base)-DCPS-Base drives Digital PostScript printers, and supports files formatted in PostScript and ANSI-Compliant Digital Printing Protocol Level 3 (DEC PPL3). It also supports these printers' special features, such as tray se- lection, two sided printing, and mailbox options for the PrintServer 32 and LN17ps printers. DCPS-Base also allows files formatted in Hewlett-Packard PCL[R] 5 and PCL 5e Printer Languages (PCL 5/5e) to be printed on Digital PostScript printers that have a native (built- in) PCL 5 or PCL 5e interpreter. See the Other Hardware Required section of the SPD for specific models. The license rights to this product are included with the OpenVMS operating system. o DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS, Open (DCPS-Open)-DCPS-Open drives selected third party PostScript printers, and supports files for- matted in PostScript and ANSI (DEC PPL3). It also supports these printers' special features, such as tray selection and two sided printing. DCPS-Open allows files formatted in PCL 5 or PCL 5e to be printed on certain PostScript printers that have a native PCL 5 or PCL 5e interpreter. See the Other Hardware Required section of the SPD for specific models. You purchase the license rights for this product separately. May 1996 AE-PUM0F-TE o DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS, Plus (DCPS-Plus)-DCPS-Plus includes value added features, such as number-up, layup, automatic data type detection, and high speed image printing (VAX systems only), plus the full range of translators for the most popular printer languages. You purchase the license rights for this product separately. DCPS- Plus requires a license for advanced printing features for third- party printers. DECprint Supervisor software consists of the following components: o A print symbiont that processes print requests from the host on which it resides. o Communication software to transmit the request and associated data over the following protocols: - Ethernet to a PrintServer printer via DECnet and TCP/IP using Common Printer Access Protocol (CPAP) - AppleTalk[R] over Ethernet or LocalTalk[R] - Local Area Terminal (LAT) - Serial line o Translators to convert various non-PostScript files into the PostScript language for printing. o Page formatting capabilities such as the ability to print multi- ple page images on a single side of a sheet of paper, and to spec- ify borders, margins, and page offsets. o A series of PostScript tools for application developers. These in- clude a PostScript error handler and Font Encoding Vectors for the ISO Latin Alphabet Number 1 (ISO 8859/1) and Digital Multinational Character Set for use with all the PostScript text fonts that are built into Digital's PostScript printers. 2 Install DECprint Supervisor software on each node that has print queues for PostScript printers. A DCPS-Open license must be installed on each node that has queues which connect to third-party PostScript print- ers. However, systems providing printing through PATHWORKS servers to third-party printers are licensed through PATHWORKS for OpenVMS and do not need a separate DCPS-Open license. A DCPS-Plus license is re- quired for each node that has queues that take advantage of the DCPS- Plus features, whether they connect to Digital or third-party print- ers. To use the value added features with supported third party print- ers, you need both the DCPS-Open and the DCPS-Plus licenses. A system running DECprint Supervisor software can transmit print re- quests to any Digital PrintServer printer on a DECnet or TCP/IP net- work that is defined in its network database. To communicate with a TCP/IP connected PrintServer, install DEC TCP/IP Services for Open- VMS software. Install PrintServer Software (SPD 49.09.xx) to make a PrintServer printer operational. A system running DECprint Supervisor software can transmit print re- quests to a supported desktop PostScript printer in the local area net- work that is equipped with a serial interface port and is connected to a LAT-based terminal server. It can also transmit print requests to a printer with a network interface card (NIC) that supports the LAT protocol. A system running DECprint Supervisor software can transmit print re- quests to any supported desktop PostScript printer on an AppleTalk net- work. In order to communicate with a printer on an AppleTalk network, the system must also run the AppleTalk for OpenVMS network software that accompanies the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) software prod- uct (SPD 35.09.xx). Basic Printing Features Basic printing features are provided by DCPS-Base for Digital PostScript printers, and by DCPS-Open for third-party PostScript printers, within the limitations of the supported print devices. Not all basic features are available on all supported devices. 3 Basic features include: o PostScript printing. The print symbiont passes PostScript files di- rectly to the printer. DECprint Supervisor does not interpret or translate PostScript files. Therefore, they must be created using standard PostScript Level 1 or Level 2 operators as defined within the printer itself. o ANSI (DEC PPL3) printing. DECprint Supervisor translates ANSI files into PostScript for printing on the output device. These ANSI files may contain ASCII text, sixel graphics, and other features of Dig- ital's ANSI-compliant Printing Protocol Level 3. o Selection of input tray via INPUT_TRAY, SHEET_SIZE, or PAGE_SIZE parameters, and output tray via OUTPUT_TRAY, within the limitations of the printer and the tray-naming conventions to provide such fea- tures. o Rotation of the page via the PAGE_ORIENTATION parameter for non- PostScript files only. o Selection of single-sided, double-sided, or tumble printing when available on the printer, via the SIDES parameter. o Formatting of ANSI text files via the /HEADER, /FORM, /SPACE, and /FEED qualifiers and the TAB parameter. o Control of ANSI file margins, page setup, and wrap or truncate op- tions as specified by the DEFINE/FORM commands. o Printing ANSI files with optional fonts via the FONTS_USED param- eter. (The optional fonts are available as a separately orderable SoftFonts kit.) o Status and error messages sent to the user's terminal, may be printed on the job trailer page or job log page, written to a log file, or printed on the operator's console. o Use of device control modules for basic data types via the /SETUP qualifier. PostScript modules may contain any PostScript operators supported by the printer in the printing context. 4 o Accounting information for each print job as follows: sheets of pa- per printed, the number of RMS Gets, and the number of QIO Writes. o Access to the PCL 5 or PCL 5e interpreter native to selected print- ers. Printers for which the native PCL interpreter is supported are listed in the Other Hardware Required section of the SPD. o Access to DCPS product features for printers with an AppleTalk con- nection in a PATHWORKS environment. o Support for PrintServer printers on DECnet or TCP/IP interconnects using CPAP protocol (TCP/IP requires DEC TCP/IP Services for Open- VMS SPD 25.A4.xx for VAX systems or SPD 46.46.xx for Alpha systems). Advanced Printing Features Advanced printing features are provided by DCPS-Plus for either Dig- ital or third-party PostScript printers, within the limitations of the supported print devices. Third-party printers also require the DCPS- Open license. Advanced features include: o Automatic data type detection and switching. The software attempts to determine the data type of the file. If successful, it will au- tomatically translate, if necessary, and print the file. If it can- not determine the file data type, it will use the default data type defined by DATA_TYPE=AUTOMATIC. If the file is printed using the data type defined by DATA_TYPE=AUTOMATIC, the symbiont will look for a switch to PostScript command (%!) and continue to process the rest of the file as PostScript. This switch may occur only once per file. The switch to PostScript feature is not available when DCPS uses a printer's native PCL interpreter to process the file. 5 o Printing non-PostScript data types on the PostScript printer. Trans- lators are provided to translate the following data types into PostScript for printing: - DDIF (bitonal Image subset only) This requires DECimage Appli- cation Services (DAS), which is available only on OpenVMS VAX systems. - PCL Level 4 (as implemented on the HP [R] LaserJet [R] IID) - IBM [R] Proprinter [R] XL24 - ReGIS (monochrome output only) - TEKTRONIX [R] 4010/4014 - ASCII LIST translator that formats and numbers ASCII files. This translator numbers each line of text, creates alternating bars of gray and white in the background, and creates a running head of the file name, and page number. o Printing two or more page images on a single side of a sheet via the NUMBER_UP parameter. o Specifying page layup features via the LAYUP_DEFINITION parameter. Page layup features include Borders, Margins, Margin Alternation, Pages Per Sheet, First Page, Page Order, and Page Grid. Layup def- inition options may be provided directly, as arguments to the LAYUP_ DEFINITION parameter, or indirectly, as the contents of a file spec- ified by that parameter. o Specifying a range of pages of the file to be printed via the PAGE_ LIMIT parameter. o Automatically scaling a page created for one paper size so that it fits on a different paper size via use of both the PAGE_SIZE and SHEET_SIZE parameters on the same print command. o Printing multiple uncollated copies of each sheet via the SHEET_ COUNT parameter. o Use of device control modules for all data types via the /SETUP qual- ifier. ANSI modules may include control sequences. PCL modules may include binary font data. 6 o Support for image printing on PrintServer printers (for printing of DDIF bitonal image files) taking advantage of the fastest im- age printing capabilities of the printer (PostScript Level 1, PostScript Level 2, or Image PDL). This requires DECimage Application Services (DAS), which is available only on OpenVMS VAX systems. ANSI (DEC PPL3) Emulation Printing of ANSI text and sixel graphics is compatible with Digital's ANSI-compliant PPL3 printers. Documents containing PPL3 font cartridge commands will be printed if the system has the appropriate optional SoftFonts kits installed, and the optional font modules are specified with the FONTS_USED parameter. Note: PostScript printers differ in the amount of virtual memory they have available for printing and font storage. Files which require down- loading of fonts may be printed differently, may print more slowly, or may fail to print, on some printers. Third-Party Printing Devices The DCPS-Open license extends to selected third-party PostScript print- ers the support equivalent to that provided for a similar Digital printer with the DCPS-Base license, within the capability of the third-party printer. The Other Hardware Required section of the SPD lists the supported third- party printers. Digital makes no representation relative to the use of this product to drive PostScript devices not listed in this SPD. The use of the DCPS-Open product to drive PostScript devices not listed on this SPD is not warranted nor supported. INSTALLATION STATEMENT Digital requires/recommends that a customer's first purchase of this software product include Digital Installation Services. These services provide for installation of the software product by an experienced Dig- ital Software Specialist. 7 For subsequent purchases of this product, only customers with knowl- edge of OpenVMS generic and execution print queues in clustered and non-clustered environments and, if operating in a DECserver environ- ment, knowledge of DECserver management, should attempt installation of this software product. Digital recommends that all other customers purchase Digital's Installation Services. These services provide for the installation of the software product and Digital PostScript Printer hardware by an experienced Digital Spe- cialist. Before installation of the software by Digital Installation Services, the customer must: o Obtain, install, and demonstrate as operational any equipment and facilities necessary to interface to Digital's communication equip- ment. o Make available for a reasonable period of time, as mutually agreed upon by Digital and the customer, all hardware, communication fa- cilities, and terminals that are to be used during installation. o For verification of installation and connectivity in a multi-node node network, designate and provide access to a host that has pre- viously been installed by Digital. Delays caused by any failure to meet the responsibilities will be charged at the then prevailing rate for time and materials. Installation of DECprint Supervisor software will consist of the fol- lowing: o Verification that all prerequisite software and hardware has been installed. o Verification that a complete set of DECprint Supervisor software media and documentation has been received. o Verification that all hardware and software prerequisites have been met and the equipment is operational. o Installation of DECprint Supervisor software on one system. 8 o Verification that DECprint Supervisor software has been correctly installed by running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). o Modification of the DECnet database or TCP/IP hosts file to add PrintServer node names and addresses. o Modification of the OpenVMS start-up files to automate the start- up of print queues. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS DCPS requires the following processor and/or hardware configurations and at least one of the supported printers. For OpenVMS Alpha Systems Processors Supported Alpha: DEC 2000 DEC 3000 DEC 4000 DEC 7000 DEC 10000 AlphaStation Workstations AlphaServer Systems For OpenVMS VAX Systems Processors Supported VAX: VAXft VAX 4000 VAX 6000 VAX 7000 VAX 8000 VAX 9000 VAX 10000 VAX-11/750 VAX-11/780 9 VAX-11/785 MicroVAX: MicroVAX II MicroVAX 2000 MicroVAX 3100 MicroVAX 3300 MicroVAX 3400 MicroVAX 3500 MicroVAX 3600 MicroVAX 3800 MicroVAX 3900 VAXstation: VAXstation II VAXstation 2000 VAXstation 3100 VAXstation 3200 VAXstation 3520 VAXstation 4000 VAXserver: VAXserver 3100 VAXserver 3300 VAXserver 3500 VAXserver 3602 VAXserver 3800 VAXserver 4000 VAXserver 6000 Processors Not Supported MicroVAX I, VAXstation I, VAXstation 8000, VAX-11/752, VAX-11/730, VAX-11/782 Processor Restrictions A TK50 Tape Drive is required for standalone MicroVAX 2000 and VAXs- tation 2000 systems. Other Hardware Required At least one Digital or third-party PostScript[R] printer, as follows: 10 Digital Printers Digital Desktop and Workgroup Printers o Colormate PS [R] (LF01R) o Colorwriter LSR 2000 (LNC01) o DECcolorwriter 1000 (LF02) o DEClaser 1150 (LN07R) o DEClaser 1152 (LN07C) o DEClaser 2150 (LN05R) o DEClaser 2250 (LN06R) o DEClaser 3250 (LN08R) o DEClaser 3500 (LN14) *** o DEClaser 5100 (LN09) *** o LN17ps ** o ScriptPrinter (LN03R) Digital PrintServer Printers o PrintServer 17 ** o PrintServer 17/600 ** o PrintServer 20 o turbo PrintServer 20 o PrintServer 32 o PrintServer 32 plus o PrintServer 40 o PrintServer 40 Plus Note: DEClaser 3500 and 5100 printers may be connected either by a di- rect serial interface port or a Network Interface Card (NIC) with LAT 11 or AppleTalk protocol. The LN17ps printer may be connected by a Net- work Interface Card (NIC) with LAT or AppleTalk protocol. The Color- writer LSR 2000 printer may be connected by a Network Interface Card (NIC) with the AppleTalk protocol. Third-Party Printers and Printer/Cartridge Configurations o Apple [R] LaserWriter [R] IIg o Apple LaserWriter IIf o Apple LaserWriter II NT o Apple LaserWriter II NTR o Apple LaserWriter II NTX o Apple LaserWriter Plus o Apple LaserWriter Pro 600 o Apple LaserWriter Pro 630 o HP LaserJet [R] III with HP PostScript (Level 1) cartridge o HP LaserJet III with HP PostScript-Plus (Level 2) cartridge o HP LaserJet IIID with HP PostScript (Level 1) cartridge o HP LaserJet IIID with HP PostScript-Plus (Level 2) cartridge o HP LaserJet IIISi with PostScript (Level 1) option ** o HP LaserJet IIISi with PostScript (Level 2) option ** o HP LaserJet 4M ** o HP LaserJet 4M Plus ** o HP LaserJet 4ML ** o HP LaserJet 4MP ** o HP LaserJet 4SiMX ** o HP PaintJet XL300 o TEKTRONIX Phaser 200e 12 o TEKTRONIX Phaser 200i o TEKTRONIX Phaser 220e ** Support for direct printing to native PCL interpreter. ***Support for direct printing to native PCL interpreter when the printer is in autosensing mode. A supported printer must be equipped with one or more of the follow- ing supported interconnects: o EIA-232 (RS-232) serial port o EIA-422 (RS-422) serial port o Ethernet port or Network Interface Card (NIC) o LocalTalk port Note: Printing through a Centronics parallel port is not supported. The following notes apply when using the above interconnects: o EIA-232 serial interfaces are optional with some printers and may need to be purchased separately. o EIA-422 serial interfaces, such as that employed on the HP Paint- Jet XL300, require an EIA-422/EIA-232 converter/adapter. o The HP LaserJet 4SiMX is supported for serial communication when equipped with the Extend Systems ESI-2633A interface card. o LocalTalk interfaces require an EtherTalk/LocalTalk router/adapter for connecting to Ethernet-based local area networks supported by OpenVMS systems. o Ethernet interfaces may require an adapter to connect the printer's Ethernet hardware to that of the local area network. o Ethernet protocols supported for certain Desktop and Workgroup print- ers (not including PrintServer printers) are LAT and AppleTalk. 13 o Ethernet protocols supported for Digital PrintServer printers are DECnet CPAP and TCP/IP CPAP. For Serial Line Configurations Only o At least one Digital or third-party printer listed above o Serial interface and cable for EIA-232 or EIA-422 with converter /adapter o One of the following serial interfaces or terminal servers: - DHV11 (9600 baud) - DZQ11 (9600 baud) - DLV11 (9600 baud) - DHU11 (9600 baud) - DMZ32 (4800 baud) - DMF32 (9600 baud) - DMB32 (9600 baud) - DECserver 100 (9600 baud) - DECserver 200/MC (19.2K baud) - DECserver 250 (19.2K baud) - DECserver 300 (19.2K baud) - DECserver 500 (9600 baud) - DECserver 550 (9600 baud) - DECserver 700 (57.6K baud) - MUXserver 100 (19.2K baud) - MUXserver 300 (19.2K baud) - CVAX serial interface (CXA16, CXB16, CX08, DZQ-11) (9600 baud) - DECserver 90L and 90L+ (38.4K baud) - DECserver 90M (38.4K baud) 14 - DECserver 90TL (57.6K baud) - DECserver 900 (57.6K baud) - LATprint (38.4K baud) All of the interfaces above support EIA-232 and some support EIA-422. The customer must select an appropriate combination of host serial in- terface, cable, and printer serial interface. In some cases, an ex- ternal adapter may be required. Also: o The printer's communications interface must be set for 8-bit, no parity communication. o The interface baud rate must be set to a value less than or equal to the value specified above for the chosen host interface. o Flow control should be set to XON/XOFF for PostScript-only print- ers or DTR/CTS (hardware handshake) for PostScript/PCL 5 printers. For AppleTalk Configurations Only o A printer with an AppleTalk controller o An Ethernet Controller Interface for the client system o An EtherTalk or LocalTalk physical channel for the printer. If the LocalTalk interconnect is used, an EtherTalk/LocalTalk router/adapter must be used to convert between the physical protocols. Refer to the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) SPD 35.09.xx for more infor- mation about configuring AppleTalk networks. For PrintServer Configurations Only o A PrintServer printer o An Ethernet Controller Interface for the client system o An Ethernet physical channel for the printer, and one of the fol- lowing: Ethernet Transceiver (H4000 or H4004) Local Network Interconnect (DELNI) ThinWire Ethernet Station Adapter (DESTA) 15 ThinWire Interconnect (DEMPR) Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1): DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS VAX Disk space required for 11,000 blocks installation: (5.6 Mbytes) Disk space required for use (permanent:) With ALL-IN-1 compatibil- 7,500 blocks ity kit (3.8 Mbytes) Without ALL-IN-1 compati- 5,500 blocks bility kit (2.8 Mbytes) DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS Alpha Disk space required for 15,000 blocks installation: (7.8 Mbytes) Disk space required for use (permanent:) With ALL-IN-1 compatibil- N/A ity kit Without ALL-IN-1 compati- 6,400 blocks bility kit (3.3 Mbytes) These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS For All Systems: o OpenVMS VAX Operating System V5.5-2, V6.0, V6.1, V6.2, V7.0 or OpenVMS Alpha Operating System V6.1, V6.2, V7.0 16 For PrintServer Printer Configurations Only: o A supporting host and PrintServer Software V4.0 or greater. Refer to the PrintServer Software SPD 48.09.xx for more information. o One of the following: - For OpenVMS VAX systems: DECnet for OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2, V6.0, V6.1, V6.2, V7.0 or DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS VAX, V2.0 or higher - For OpenVMS Alpha systems: DECnet for OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 or higher or DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS AXP V4.0 For AppleTalk Printer Configurations Only: o The AppleTalk for OpenVMS network software from the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) Product (SPD 35.09.xx) For DDIF image printing on OpenVMS VAX o DECimage Application Services (SPD 25.E8.xx) Note: DDIF is not supported on OpenVMS Alpha systems. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your reseller, VAR, or local Digital office. DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS, Base The right to use the DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS, Base, is included with the license for the OpenVMS VAX (SPD 25.01.xx) and OpenVMS Al- pha (SPD 41.87.xx) operating systems. 17 This right permits execution of the DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS, Base, software on any licensed processor (i.e., VAX or Alpha computer) for purposes of controlling and providing basic printing features for all Digital PostScript printers controlled by the licensed node. DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS, Open This capacity-based traditional license permits execution of the DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS, Open, software on a single node for purposes of controlling and providing basic printing features for supported third- party PostScript printers controlled by the licensed node. The right to use the DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS, Open, is also included with the license for PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) (SPD 30.50.xx), and PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) (SPD 39.05.xx). The Hardware Requirements section of this SPD lists the supported third- party printers. Digital makes no representation relative to the use of this product with PostScript devices not listed in the SPD. Cus- tomers' use of the product with PostScript devices not listed in the SPD is at their own risk. DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS, Plus This capacity-based traditional license permits execution of the DECprint Supervisor for OpenVMS, Plus, software on a single node for purposes of providing advanced printing features for: o All Digital PostScript printers controlled by the licensed node, and o All third-party PostScript printers listed on the SPD and controlled by the licensed node. (Printing on third-party printers requires the DCPS Open license.) The Hardware Requirements section of the SPD lists the supported third- party printers. Digital makes no representation relative to the use of this product with PostScript devices not listed in the SPD. Cus- tomers' use of the product with PostScript devices not listed in the SPD is at their own risk. 18 License Management Facility This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. License units for this product are allocated on an unlimited System Use basis. Unlimited System Use is an umbrella term used to describe the set of capacity style license offerings. License types included under this umbrella are Traditional and Clusterwide. CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed VMScluster* configuration without restrictions. The Hard- ware Requirements section of this product's Software Product Descrip- tion and System Support Addendum detail any special hardware required by this product. * VMScluster configurations are fully described in the VMScluster Soft- ware Product Description (42.18.xx) and include CI, Ethernet, and DSSI configurations. OpenVMS Tailoring For OpenVMS V5.5-2, V6.0, V6.1, V6.2, V7.0 systems, the following Open- VMS classes are required for full functionality of this layered prod- uct: OpenVMS Required Saveset Network Support (for PrintServer support)* Secure User's Environment Utilities (for support of DECserver connected printers)* DECwindows Application Files (for printing DDIF encoded bitonal im- ages)* * These are optional features. Installations that do not use these features do not need to install the tailoring classes indicated. For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, refer to the appropriate OpenVMS Operating System Software Product Description. 19 OPTIONAL SOFTWARE o Distributed Queuing Service for OpenVMS Alpha V1.3 or OpenVMS VAX V1.3 o DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V2.0 or greater when TCP/IP is used as the communication protocol to PrintServer printers instead of DECnet. o DECimage Application Services for OpenVMS V3.2 o DEClaser Printer Monospaced Soft Fonts o The Appletalk for OpenVMS network software that accompanies PATH- WORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) when Appletalk is used as the com- munication protocol to desktop or workgroup printers. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA For OpenVMS VAX Systems: 9-track 1600 BPI Magtape, TK50 Streaming Tape, CD-ROM This product is also available as part of the OpenVMS VAX Software Prod- uct Library (OpenVMS VAX Consolidated Software Distribution), part num- ber QA-VWJ8A-A8. For OpenVMS Alpha Systems: CD-ROM This product is also available as part of the OpenVMS Alpha Software Library Package, part number QA-03XAA-H8. This product also includes online documentation. 20 For Online Documentation: The software documentation for this product is also available as part of the OpenVMS Online Documentation Product Library, part number QA- VYR8A-G8. For Documentation Only: Use part number QA-09NAA-GZ to order only the documentation for the DECprint Supervisor. The VAX and Alpha platforms share a common set of manuals. ORDERING INFORMATION Software Licenses: DCPS-Open for OpenVMS VAX: QL-09FA*-AA DCPS-Plus for OpenVMS VAX: QL-09LA*-AA DCPS-Open for OpenVMS Alpha: QL-09KA*-AA DCPS-Plus for OpenVMS Alpha: QL-09MA*-AA Software Media and Documentation VAX: QA-09NAA-H* (for TK50, 9 track 1600 bpi Mag Tape) Software Media and Documentation Alpha and VAX: QA-09NAB-H8 (CD-ROM) Software Documentation: QA-09NAA-GZ * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. The QA-09NAB-H8 product is a CD-ROM which contains the savesets for VAX and Alpha platforms, online BOOKREADER documents, PostScript files of the manuals, and the SPD form. The QA-09NAA-GZ documentation applies to both the OpenVMS VAX and Al- pha products. 21 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your Digital reseller or local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD only when the product is used to drive a PostScript device listed in the SPD. [R] Apple, LaserWriter, AppleTalk, EtherTalk and LocalTalk are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. [R] Colormate PS is a registered trademark of NEC. [R] HP, PCL, and LaserJet are registered trademarks of Hewlett- Packard Company. [R] IBM and Proprinter are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. [R] PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. [R] TEKTRONIX is a registered trademark of Tektronix, Inc. [TM] The DIGITAL Logo, ALL-IN-1, Alpha AXP, AXP, CI, CX, DDIF, DEC, DECimage, DEClaser, DECnet, DECprint, DECserver, DECwindows, DELNI, DEMPR, DESTA, Digital, LAT, LN03, LN03 ScriptPrinter, MicroVAX, MUXserver, OpenVMS, PrintServer, Q-bus, ReGIS, ThinWire, TK, ULTRIX, VAX, VMScluster, VAXft, VAXserver, VAXstation, VMS, and WPS-PLUS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 22