DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DIGITAL Office Server for OpenVMS V4.0 SPD: 61.49.00 DESCRIPTION DIGITAL[TM] Office Server for OpenVMS[TM] V4.0 builds upon the proven strengths of both ALL-IN-1[TM] and MailWorks[TM], delivering robust and scalable messaging services to a wide range of mail clients on a choice of server platforms, and communicating with a choice of mes- saging backbones. Key features include: o New Administrator client moves day-to-day administration to a new graphical user interface (GUI) on Windows NT[TM] V4.0 and Windows 95[R]. o Distributed File Cabinet, whereby users on their local system can access messages and documents of any type on remote systems as if they were local. o Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) support over TCP/IP enables access to the new generation of LDAP Directory Services be- coming prevalent on the Internet and intranets. o Personal access to the Office Server File Cabinet from the Inter- net with logon and password authorization in conjunction with the new DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface V4.0 that installs on a lo- cal Internet Server. The ability to publish documents of any type for Public Access is retained. o Multiple backbone support: - X.400 via MAILbus[TM] 400 and DIGITAL X.500 on OpenVMS and UNIX[R] (including smtp/MIME gateway) July 1997 AE-R5XMA-TE - smtp/MIME via direct support of PMDF[R] on multiple platforms without the need for Message Router - VAX[TM]-based Message Router o Multiple client support including Outlook and Exchange with the de- ployment of DIGITAL Office Server MAPI Driver V4.0 (the MAPI driver) o Integral POP3 server o Fault tolerant File Cabinet and AIDA servers enhance reliability for Outlook and Exchange clients o Comprehensive server-based MailWorks migration tool included as stan- dard o Refined VT[TM] interface for MailWorks migrators o Messages are shared between users, thereby reducing disk utiliza- tion experienced by MailWorks customers o Client Access Licensing o Year 2000 ready o Full ALL-IN-1 VT functionality retained for current ALL-IN-1 sys- tems o One common kit for Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1 customers upon upgrading to Office Server may retain their existing Capacity and User licenses, thereby eliminating any admin- istrative overhead. Access to all ALL-IN-1 V3.2 functionality such as WPS-PLUS[TM], Customization Management, Time Management, and Group Con- ferencing, if already activated, is fully retained with the instal- lation of Office Server V4.0. New customers and MailWorks customers will utilize Client Access Li- censing, which also grants the rights to deploy DIGITAL clients such as TeamLinks[TM] and the MAPI driver as well as access to all Office Server capabilities. 2 Office Server provides facilities for mixed groups of Windows NT, Win- dows 95, Microsoft[R] Windows[R] V3.11 and V3.1, Apple[R] Macintosh[R], and VT users in small departments or across the enterprise to commu- nicate, share documents, and work together to raise collective pro- ductivity. Through electronic mail and document sharing across wide area networks, users can collaborate on multimedia information that has been created on desktop, departmental, and corporate systems. In addition, due to Office Server's centralized server-based origins and comprehensive sys- tem management facilities, a minimum management staff is required. TeamLinks CLIENT SUPPORT Services available to TeamLinks Windows V2.5, V2.7, V3.0, and Macin- tosh V2.5, V2.6 clients: Office Server provides workgroup services to TeamLinks clients over TCP/IP, SLIP, DECnet[TM], asynchronous links or AppleTalk[R] (to Mac- intosh devices). The server enables TeamLinks users to gain access to the File Cabinet drawers, folders and documents, messaging service, distribution lists, and management functions with minimum retraining for VT users familiar with ALL-IN-1 and MailWorks. Users employing Windows and Macintosh desktops with their choice of personal productivity applications available for these platforms can transfer documents of any type (including multimedia documents) to the Office Server File Cabinet for secure storage, and send these docu- ments via the messaging service using existing distribution lists. In- tegral distributed document sharing enables TeamLinks users to access any type of document in remote Office Servers and ALL-IN-1 systems. Office Server V4.0 allows users of heterogeneous clients (Windows, Mac- intosh, VT) to coexist and fully participate in workgroup activities. 3 For full details of the facilities available from TeamLinks clients please refer to SPDs 63.25 (Windows) and 48.17 (Macintosh). Note: The level of client service can be extended beyond that offered by the TeamLinks V3.0 Client. A full complement of Application Pro- gramming Interfaces (APIs) is provided to the File Cabinet Server and AIDA Server for application developers. MAPI CLIENT SUPPORT Office Server provides messaging and collaboration services to Mes- saging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) enabled applications such as Outlook, Exchange, and Windows Messaging via the DIGITAL Of- fice Server MAPI Driver V4.0, supplied separately. DIGITAL MAPI Driver V1.0 for ALL-IN-1 is also supported, but is functionally less rich. Mail, directory, File Cabinet, group management, drag and drop, and document conversion operations are supported on 32-bit Windows NT V4.0 workstations and Windows 95 PCs. For full details of the functional- ity offered refer to SPD 61.43.01, and 61.43.00 for V1.0. WORLD WIDE WEB ACCESS Users on the Internet or intranets can access their own personal draw- ers, folders, and documents, as well as any others to which they have been granted access, with user logon and password authorization via the DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface V4.0 supplied separately. Uti- lizing standard Web browsers such as Netscape Navigator[R] and Microsoft Internet Explorer from, for example, an Internet Café, messages and documents can be viewed and downloaded to the PC. In addition, any document placed in a drawer with World Read access or Internet access can be accessed from anywhere on the Internet (sub- ject to firewalls and any requisite tunneling software). No special- ized Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) authoring tool is required on the server to publish documents on the Internet, and updating docu- ments is simply a question of filing a new document in the File Cab- inet for immediate access from the Web. For further details refer to SPD 61.55.00. 4 Important: All documents within the Office Server File Cabinet can be made secure by the inherent security capabilities. However, if these facilities are not used correctly, access from Office Server to the Internet may open up the possibility of security violations. DIGITAL accepts no responsibility for the security of documents within DIGITAL Office Server. OFFICE SERVER ADMINISTRATOR CLIENT The Administrator client can be installed on Intel[R] and Alpha based Windows NT V4.0 workstations and Windows 95 Intel desktops. It pro- vides the system manager a graphical user interface to various admin- istrative tasks. Full VT based system management is also retained, en- compassing all the management capabilities inherited from ALL-IN-1 V3.2. The new Administrator GUI provides management in the following areas: o User management - Create account - Modify account details - Delete account - Rename account - Transfer user o Server management - Manage File Cabinet servers - Manage AIDA servers - Manage senders and fetchers o Log management o General system management 5 The Administrator client will attempt automatic reconnection to the management server in the event of an automatic restart following server failure. Note: The Administrator client requires IP transport and does not sup- port any version of DECnet. MESSAGING AND DIRECTORY SERVICES Office Server is able to communicate with a variety of message trans- fer agents (MTAs) and directory service agents (DSAs). MAILbus 400 With the inclusion of the X/Open[TM] XAPI and XDS interface stubs, cus- tomers may choose X.400 Alpha-based (either OpenVMS or DIGITAL UNIX[TM]) MAILbus 400 and prerequisite DIGITAL X.500 Directory Service Agents as their mail backbone, deploying MTAs and DSAs when and where they wish, with local or remote connection to Office Servers. The Message Router Migration Package V1.0 (QP-042) assists Message Router (MR) customers to migrate from MR to MAILbus 400 by including the MAIL- bus 400 Message Router Gateway (XMR) and MAILbus Directory Migration Toolkit (DMT) as well as the MAILbus 400 MTA and DSA. This package caters for the phased migration of up to thousands of users over an extended period of time. PMDF Another option is Innosoft's PMDF, which delivers an AlphaServer[TM] based smtp/MIME backbone, having direct access to Office Server's MRIF V2.0 interface, without the need for Message Router. PMDF can utilize a variety of directory services, including its own-PMDF-X.500/LDAP Server- as well as the Network profile, integral to Office Server. PMDF does not support Message Router's Distributed Directory Services (DDS). 6 LDAP Office Server supports Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), enabling the utilization of increasingly popular LDAP directory ser- vices. The implementation within Office Server V4.0 enables the use of the VT client and integral Office Server management utilities to populate the following LDAP directories: o PMDF-X.500/LDAP Server o Netscape Directory Server V3.0 Address lookups are also supported from TeamLinks, MAPI driver clients, VT, and Office Server management utilities. Message Router/MAILbus 1 Customers may continue with Message Router for OpenVMS VAX, as the MRIF V2.0 interface is included. The Message Router OpenVMSmail Gateway al- lows Office Server users to exchange messages with users of the Open- VMS Personal Mail Utility. Refer to the Message Router for OpenVMS VAX Software Product Description (SPD 26.33). Message interchange with the Internet and intranets is possible from MAILbus 400, PMDF and Message Router. Internet style addressing is hon- ored by Office Server out-of-the-box. POP3 SERVER Post Office Protocol 3 is supported as standard within Office Server V4.0. Users access their Inbox folder from standard Internet mail clients such as Eudora and Netscape with user name and password authorization. Upon connection, the contents of the Inbox are downloaded to the client for offline processing. Upon reconnection, the processed mail is trans- ferred to a predefined "sendmail" server such as DIGITAL TCP/IP Ser- vices or MultiNet[R] for distribution. The Office Server POP3 Server offers a number of additional features including: o The ability to access any personal Office Server folder or shared drawer, and download the contents to the client. 7 o Honors the "delete/retain message on server" option. The status of messages left on the server can be configured. o Conversion to text of WPS-PLUS (V4.2 and above) and WordPerfect[R] (V4.1 and above) messages and documents as they are transmitted to the client. o Available on both OpenVMS Alpha and VAX. YEAR 2000 READY Office Server is Year 2000 ready. All dates are stored in OpenVMS 64- bit format or NBS format and the supported date range is 17th Novem- ber 1858 to 31st December 9999. Years entered as two digits are defaulted to the century of the cur- rent system date and stored as such. For example, a date string of 29- Apr-74 processed on 5th March 1998 will be stored as 29-Apr-1974, and on 5th March 2001 as 29-Apr-2074. Date searches across the millennium change will behave correctly as the complete date (and time) is stored. DISTRIBUTED FILE CABINET Distributed Sharing Option is included in Office Server as standard, enabling users on remote systems to access documents in nominated draw- ers and folders as if they were local to them. As multimedia documents of all types become larger and distribution lists longer, the ability to directly access information reduces the load on the messaging system, leading to an overall performance im- provement. Typically, groups of users would be notified of the exis- tence of a document in a local folder by a small mail message, which offers the individuals the choice of whether they wish to access it or not. 8 Users with appropriate privileges, administrators, and system managers are able to set up access lists and controls, ensuring that only au- thorized individuals and groups of users can gain access to documents and messages within specifically-defined drawers and folders. This capability is known within ALL-IN-1 as Distributed Sharing Op- tion (SPD: 36.97). MAILWORKS MIGRATION UTILITY Office Server V4.0 includes server-based migration tools to assist in the movement of MailWorks OpenVMS user data and the message store to Office Server. Customers may install Office Server in situ on their existing VAX and Alpha systems or on new Alpha systems and either copy the message store to Office Server format, requiring more disk, or re- name the message store without increase in disk usage. Copying the con- tent ensures that the original MailWorks environment is left unchanged. Note: It is strongly recommended that, as good management practice, a full MailWorks system backup is taken before migration to Office Server. The migration utility includes: o A pre-migration check tool that reports on data relevant to the mi- gration and any conflicts that might arise. o System manager-initiated migration of one or more users at the same time. o The migration of user profiles, file cabinets, and Personal Address Books o Preservation of the integrity of messages. Full instructions on migrating from MailWorks OpenVMS are included with the Office Server V4.0 kit. 9 FILE CABINET/FILE CABINET MANAGEMENT The Office Server File Cabinet is a full multimedia file repository. Documents and messages of any type, such as HTML, Postscript[R], .DOC, .XLS, .PPT, MPP, JPEG, full motion video, audio, and ASCII, can all be stored in the File Cabinet. The File Cabinet offers fault tolerance in that in the event of a File Cabinet Server or AIDA Server failure, upon restart, automatic recon- nection to MAPI clients will be attempted. Such clients include Out- look, Exchange, and Windows Messaging. The File Cabinet adopts the sharing model whereby a message sent to multiple recipients on the local system is not copied to every recip- ient, but pointers are utilized allowing each recipient to read the one copy of the message. This offers two major advantages over the one copy for each recipient model - better performance and much reduced disk storage requirements. The File Cabinet is similar in function to a standard office filing cabinet with drawers containing documents contained within folders. Folders are in alphabetical order and documents within the folders are ordered by date and time of creation. Document information (such as title, date created, document number, author, keywords, and type) is maintained in the File Cabinet. Facil- ities are provided for the user to maintain and manage the contents of the File Cabinet. The user can print or delete more than one doc- ument at a time. Selection of the documents can be made with user-specified criteria. Documents (individual or by folder) can be refiled, cross-filed, or duplicated. Information such as title and associated keywords can be changed. When a document has multiple cross-filings within a single drawer, only one copy of the document body is stored, thereby mini- mizing storage space. Documents deleted by a user are filed in the WASTEBASKET folder un- til it is emptied. 10 The File Cabinet provides access to documents through a common mech- anism, regardless of the format of the documents. Support is provided as standard for document formats of virtually any type, including mul- timedia. In addition, all X.400 P2 attributes can be stored in the Of- fice Server File Cabinet. Document reservation allows each user to protect a document while it is undergoing a series of edits, in situ or remotely, preventing other users from modifying it until unreserved. While it is reserved, other users can read but not edit the document. The document handling model makes a clear distinction between revis- able and final form documents. The model provides clear separation of formatting and printing, so that formatting of documents can be per- formed separately from printing. Mail Janitor A mail janitor utility is incorporated in the base product. It allows the system manager to refile old messages from the READ and OUTBOX fold- ers to the user's WASTEBASKET folder. The manager can set the maxi- mum permitted age of messages in the READ and OUTBOX folders (default 60 days) and a maximum number of messages to delete per folder. Pro- file and Policies options can set and override default actions for num- ber of messages and user length of absence. Checkmail This feature is used to check if the user has any unread or unsent mail in the default mail drawer before entering Office Server and will in- form the user if this is the case. 11 Shared Filing Users can create shared drawers to allow other users to read and edit shared documents. Access controls are provided so that the drawer owner can specify which users or named groups of users are allowed to ac- cess a drawer and the operations they are allowed to perform in it. Concurrence control ensures that certain actions are prohibited while a user is modifying a shared document. For example, while a user is editing a shared document, other users attempting to edit that doc- ument will be informed the document is in use. The Reservation feature enables users on clients such as Outlook, TeamLinks, or VT to reserve a document in the File Cabinet before uploading the document to the user's workstation, thereby indicating to all other users who have access to that document that the document is in the pro- cess of being modified. Anyone subsequently attempting to modify the document is informed that it is reserved by another individual and that only Read access is permitted. Only when the reserver returns the mod- ified document and removes the reservation can others access the doc- ument with more than Read access. Group Services Users with suitable profile settings can define a set of users as a group. Multiple groups can be defined. Groups can be assigned access privileges to shared documents or drawers. Members can be added to or deleted from a group, and associated access rights are automatically assigned or removed. Users can also check what groups they belong to. MAIL The following information is specific to Office Server VT client ac- cess, describing the functionality available. Many of these operations are accessible from TeamLinks and MAPI-enabled applications also. Please check the relevant SPD for a complete list of each product's capabil- ities. 12 The Electronic Messaging application provides a means of exchanging messages with other users. The user can create, edit, print, delete, read, send, answer, and forward messages. The message header (which contains addressee(s), subject, and mail classification) and the text of the message can be edited prior to being dispatched. When creating a message, the user specifies the addressee(s) to whom the message is to be sent. Optionally, any addressee(s) to receive copies or blind copies of the message may be included. In addition, users may specify an expiry date for each message sent, along with importance (low, normal, or high) and sensitivity (Not Sensitive, Company Con- fidential, Private, or Personal). To save time with addressing, the user can create personal distribution lists or nicknames (seen only by the user). Incoming messages can be forwarded, answered, or both. Answers can be directed to the sender only, or to all the recipients of the message. Senders can request confirmation that addressees have received the mes- sage, read it, or both. Priority for delivery of the message can be assigned as Express, First Class, or Second Class. The user can spec- ify that the sending of a message be deferred to a time chosen by the user. Messages appear to the user and are treated as documents. Office Server maintains folders for incoming, read, created, and sent messages. Once a message is sent, one copy of that message (per system or cluster) is shared by the sender and receiver(s) and cannot be edited. Messages can be refiled and cross-filed in the user's File Cabinet. Documents already in the File Cabinet can be sent to other users. The user can choose to have all incoming messages automatically for- warded to another user. Alternatively, the user can create a reply mes- sage that is sent in response to all incoming mail (for example, "I am out of the office until. . ."). Shared filing within Electronic Messaging ensures that operations be- have correctly in shared and distributed environments. Mail operations always take place in the user's MAIN drawer, whatever the previous con- text. 13 An index of attachments to a message can be displayed and a set of op- tions is provided for printing or reading individual attachments. At- tachments can be filed as revisable text or as messages which can be forwarded. The Set Mail User (SMU) option allows a user to perform many mail op- erations on behalf of another user, such as a secretary for a manager. The Grant Mail Access (GMA) option lets users specify other users who may process their mail. The mail header displays both users' names when a mail message is sent by a user employing SMU. Addressing includes: o Automatic recognition of Internet addresses o Integral X.400 addressing support o For backwards compatibility and minimum disruption for users, the continued support of Message Router style addressing, even when the mail backbone has been replaced with MAILbus 400 o The ability to create a distribution list using the list of addresses from a received message header o Nickname support - long nicknames, manipulation of the long mail addresses common on messages sent or received via gateways to other mail systems, and the ability to create a nickname from the sender of a message DIRECTORIES The Directories subsystem provides access to, and maintenance of, di- rectories available to the user. The user can view a directory of tele- phone numbers and addresses which is maintained by the system manager. A directory of all the Office Server users can also be viewed. Facilities are provided for the user to maintain and view a personal telephone directory, nicknames, and distribution lists. With the adoption of MAILbus 400 as the mail backbone, directory ser- vices are provided by DIGITAL X.500. Please refer to SPD 40.77. 14 With the installation of X.500 or MAILbus Distributed Directory Ser- vice, Office Server provides the user with the ability to perform mail directory searches on defined criteria such as name, department, lo- cation, and organization. See also the section on LDAP support above. SYSTEM MANAGEMENT The System Management utilities accessible from VT supplement the ca- pabilities of the Administrator client GUI, and are used to perform routine maintenance, including: o Scheduling and rescheduling of housekeeping procedures o Management of printers o Direct maintenance of NETWORK.DAT, X.500, LDAP, and DDS profiles o Metering and quota management of the shared area A system manager can nominate a user as a system administrator to help with the management of: o File Cabinet and AIDA servers in support of PC and Macintosh clients and other Office Server components o User accounts (create, delete, move, rename) o Mail system Sender/Fetcher processes and queue maintenance o Document archiving o System distribution lists o Drawers, including the restriction of individual user drawer cre- ation o Mail janitor functionality o Suppressing the printing of distribution lists o Scheduling housekeeping tasks o Monitoring Office Server exception and information reports 15 o Initiating Office Server shutdown Office Server administrators do not require OpenVMS system privileges. Office Server supplies a metering facility that enables system man- agers to collect data on resource usage within Office Server sessions for pre-defined events. Application developers can define and create their own additional meters. Meters record the number of times a me- ter is called, CPU usage, Direct I/O, Buffered I/O, and Page Faults. PRINTING The Printing facility provides users with the ability to specify where a document is to be printed, the number of copies, and the output for- mat. The output can be directed to any of the printers available to the Office Server user, to another document, or to the user's termi- nal. Printing and formatting is handled in the background, freeing the terminal for other actions when interaction with the print formatter is not needed. Printer level checking ensures the print destination supports the doc- ument's final form format. Print and LPS print options (LPS20, LPS40, PS17, PS32) can be spec- ified during a print operation. System-defined and user-defined print styles can be utilized for improved ease-of-use. Distribution List Print Suppression Suppression of the distribution list on reading and/or printing of a mail message is determined according to the user's current preferred settings. 16 JOB SERVICES Office Server provides users with the ability to perform operations on their jobs on print, batch, and server queues. Using the multiple select indexing capability, users can get information on jobs, delete them, edit their attributes, and restart currently-executing jobs. Management of queues and jobs can be performed within Office Server. Managers can assign one or more users to manage specific local queues and to requeue jobs to different queues. PROFILE Each Office Server user has a user profile that contains information pertaining to the user. The VT user can access and modify part of their user profile includ- ing full name, address, telephone number, department, and title. In addition, user preference information (such as work week and working hours, editing style, mail notification, and read receipt handling) can be modified. The Manager maintains information such as user privileges, default di- rectory, and form library access. INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT Office Server is designed to support multilingual operations. This sup- port is subject to availability of the specific translation. Office Server can be deployed in a multilingual network and can support mul- tilingual operations on a single system. However, all language kits, including U.S. English, must be the same version. DOCUMENT PROCESSING The Document Processing application enables VT and terminal emulation users to create, edit, print, delete, and read documents. The editor supplied with Office Server is EDT[TM]. 17 DOCUMENT CONVERSION Office Server includes the following supported data types: o Rich Text Format (RTF) o WK1, WK3, DIF, MacWrite[R], DX[TM], WPL, PICT, WordPerfect o PS - the final form PostScript document format Office Server allows all the data types to be read, with the excep- tion of PostScript. The CDA[TM] conversion function is used to con- vert to/from the above data types. Users can send and receive these document types in mail, store them in their File Cabinet, read, print, copy, and convert them. The qual- ity of formatting of the displayed data depends on the CDA facilities provided by the underlying OpenVMS system. Office Server uses the CDA character cell formatter, which gives improved results with correct formatting and the inclusion of externally-referenced files. Office Server attempts to print CDA documents in PostScript if the des- tination printer is capable of it; otherwise, Office Server converts the document to ASCII text before printing. If a user attempts to edit any CDA document using a standard editor, the normal handling results in a message telling the user that the doc- ument format is not supported by the editor. However, the user can con- vert a CDA document into a suitable format for editing, and then use the appropriate editor. Through conversion, there is a potential for formatting attributes to be lost. For conversions on Alpha, DECwindows[TM] V1.2 must be installed and the minimum version of CDA$ACCESS.EXE and DDIF$CC_VIEWSHR.EXE is V1.8. For conversions on VAX, CDA Converter Library V2.2 must be installed, which will also install CDA Run-Time Services V1.0. The minimum ver- sion of CDA$ACCESS.EXE and DDIF$CC_VIEWSHR.EXE is V1.7. 18 VT-SPECIFIC FUNCTIONALITY Office Server offers a VT interface to VT users moving from MailWorks OpenVMS. This interface supports electronic mail, file cabinet, and server-based printing operations. Systemwide Features o Menu navigation for VT and terminal emulation users. o Applications are accessed through a hierarchy of menus. Experienced users can easily bypass menus. o Users can interrupt their current activity to read a new mail mes- sage, display the current time, or access directories. Help VT users can press the Help key to invoke online help for some func- tions of Office Server. The Help facility provides basic information on the function in question without the user having to refer to the documentation. DOCUMENTATION The following documentation is standard with Office Server kits: o Guide to the kit (card) o Guide to the Administration Client kit (card) o Overview and Planning Guide o Installation Guide o Release Notes (on-line) o Management from a VT Terminal o MailWorks Migration Guide o DIGITAL Office Server Administrator Read Me First (on-line) 19 o DIGITAL Office Server Administrator online help Additional copies of the manuals can be purchased separately. INSTALLATION Installation of this product is designed to be simple and swift. Of- fice Server V4.0 supports upgrades from ALL-IN-1 V3.2 Alpha or VAX sys- tems. MailWorks V1.3A customers on OpenVMS V6.2 or higher can install Of- fice Server on existing systems or on new systems and proceed with mi- gration as indicated in a previous section. DIGITAL Service Option This software product will be installed by DIGITAL at no additional charge if purchased concurrently with a Startup Service Package that includes installation service. Updating from previous versions and coexistent versions Customers can upgrade from ALL-IN-1 V3.2 and MailWorks V1.3A but not earlier versions. Office Server does not support coexistent systems; that is, versions of ALL-IN-1 and Office Server may not co- reside on the same CPU, VAX- cluster[TM] or VMScluster[TM] system. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported Alpha: All AlphaServer systems and workstations supporting OpenVMS will support Office Server. Note: Recommended minimum memory size is 64MB. 20 VAX: All VAX processors are supported with the exception of: o MicroVAX[TM]: MicroVAX I o VAXstation[TM]: VAXstation I, VAXstation 8000 o VAX-11/725, VAX-11/730, VAX-11/750, VAX-11/782 Note: Recommended minimum memory size for supported VAX systems is 32MB The amount of memory, processors, and disk drives required by the sup- ported CPUs to run Office Server is dependent on the number of simul- taneous users. This information is being updated on a continuing ba- sis. Contact your local DIGITAL office for specific details. Other Hardware Supported The following terminals are supported for text: o VT100[TM] series (VT100, VT100W, VT101, VT102, VT125) or devices in VT100 emulation mode Note: Some of the Office Server functionality is not accessible from VT100 or VT100W terminals. Refer to the relevant VT manual for in- formation as to the capabilities of each device. o VT200 series (VT220[TM], VT240, VT241) and devices that support VT200 emulation o VT300[TM] series (VT320[TM], VT330[TM], VT340[TM]) and devices that support VT300 emulation o VT420[TM] text video terminal o VT500 text video terminal o VT1000[TM] in VT300 emulation mode or via DECwindows DECterm[TM] mode o All DIGITAL PCs in VT220 or VT300 emulation mode o VAXstation-series terminals 21 Printers Office Server can submit print jobs to most devices that have an as- sociated OpenVMS printer queue. Application support for various printer features varies by the appli- cation used. o Personal: LA70, LA75[TM] Plus DEClaser[TM] 1100, DEClaser 1152 LA310, LA424 o PC Printers (via terminal emulation): EPSON[R] LQ-105#, HP[R] DeskJet[R] 500#, IBM[R] Proprinter[R] X24E#, NEC PinWriter[R] 6300#, Okidata Microline 393+#, Panasonic KX-P1180#, Toshiba[R] ExpressWriter 400# o Shared: DEClaser 3500, DEClaser 2100/plus, DEClaser 2150/plus o Departmental: LP11, DEClaser 3200/plus, DEClaser 3250/plus, Turbo PrintServer[TM] 20, PrintServer 17, PrintServer 32 # denotes that this printer has been superseded, but no testing has been done to ensure that all features of the replacement models are supported. Note: DIGITAL acknowledges that a plethora of third-party PCs, PC BIOS, network interfaces and network software stacks can be deployed in con- junction with PCs and Macintosh computers accessing DIGITAL Office Server. DIGITAL has observed that some combinations of these third-party prod- ucts do not exhibit correct behavior, resulting in intermittent or per- manent user- or system manager-perceived problems. If such conditions occur, DIGITAL reserves the right to recommend combinations of the above 22 that are known to behave correctly to solve actual customer interop- erability problems. In addition, DIGITAL will not be held responsi- ble for supporting combinations of third-party products used in con- junction with Office Server that are known to behave improperly or to consistently exhibit incorrect operation on customer sites. DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS Please refer to the Office Server V4.0 Installation Guide for disk space requirements. CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed VAXcluster or VMScluster configuration within the lim- its of the OpenVMS Cluster Software SPD (29.78.15). This includes VAX only, Alpha only and mixed Alpha and VAX clusters. WARNING: Whether a cluster consists of just VAX or just Alpha systems or a mixture of VAX and Alpha systems, all nodes running Office Server within the cluster must be on the same version of the operating sys- tem and refer to a single and common set of "OA$" logical name def- initions and a single and common SYSUAF file. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ___________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS_VAX___________OpenVMS_Alpha________________________________ OpenVMS for VAX OpenVMS for Alpha V6.2, V7.0, or V7.1 V6.2, V7.0, or V7.1 DECnet-VAX end-node DECnet V1.5 for OpenVMS Alpha V5.5_______________________________________________________________ 23 OpenVMS Tailoring For OpenVMS systems, the following classes of OpenVMS are required for full functionality of this layered product: o Network support o Programming support o System programming support o Secure user's environment o Utilities o BLISS require files For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, refer to the OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha and VAX Software Product Descrip- tion (SPD 25.01). Optional Software o Message Router Migration Package V1.0 o MAILbus 400 Message Transfer Agent for OpenVMS V2.0 o DIGITAL X.500 Directory Service Agent for OpenVMS V3.0 o MAILbus 400 API V2.0 o XMR - MAILbus 400 to Message Router gateway V1.2 o DMT - MAILbus Directory Migration Toolkit V1.0 o MAILbus 400 smtp gateway for DIGITAL UNIX o TeamLinks for Microsoft Windows V2.5, V2.7 and V3.0 o TeamLinks for Macintosh V2.5 and V2.6 o DIGITAL Office Server MAPI Driver V4.0 o DIGITAL MAPI Driver V1.0 for ALL-IN-1 o DIGITAL Office Server Web Interface V4.0 24 o ALL-IN-1 Web Interface V1.0 o PATHWORKS[TM] for DOS V5.0 or higher o PATHWORKS for OpenVMS VAX V5.0 or higher and/or* PATHWORKS V5.0 or higher for OpenVMS Alpha o VAX Message Router V3.3a. Not available on OpenVMS Alpha o VAX Message Router OpenVMS Mail Gateway V3.3 o DECnet-PLUS for OpenVMS V6.2 or later Note: Long node names are not supported o One of the supported JSB TCP/IP stacks o DEC[TM] TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V4.1-12 or higher o Process Software MultiNet V3.5 or higher o Attachmate PathWay[TM] V2.5 or higher o Process TCPware[R] V4.1 or higher o Any product supporting the WinSockets API and PATHWORKS or DEC TCP /IP Services for OpenVMS o For CDA VAX support - CDA Converter Library for OpenVMS V2.2 (VAX only available) o For CDA Alpha support - DECwindows V1.2 for OpenVMS Alpha * and/or indicates that this software is available on OpenVMS Alpha as well as OpenVMS VAX systems and that both may be required on mixed architecture clusters depending upon customer needs. Customers should contact providers of any currently integrated third- party products regarding compatibility with Office Server on VAX and Alpha, or contact their local DIGITAL Sales Office for specific in- formation on layered product availability and interoperability with DIGITAL Office Server V4.0. 25 LICENSING DIGITAL Office Server V4.0 supports two mutually exclusive styles of licensing: o For customers upgrading from ALL-IN-1, traditional Capacity and User (Concurrent and Personal) licensing continues to be supported, en- suring that customers experience no changes to the way they are cur- rently licensed; thereby eliminating any administrative overhead. ALL-IN-1, which is Year 2000 ready, will remain in the price book, and existing traditional licenses will continue to be orderable. o For new deployments of Office Server, and for MailWorks customers evolving to Office Server, Client Access Licensing (CAL) is manda- tory. The Unique Product Identifier (UPI) for the Office Server CAL is 5TD. Client Access Licensing Client Access Licensing has the financial advantage of granting to one user the rights to access the Office Server system and DIGITAL clients in the one license. For example, one CAL would enable a user to ac- cess the Office Server capabilities from a DIGITAL TeamLinks, DIGITAL MAPI Driver, or VT client without incurring the cost of the client soft- ware itself. If the client is developed by a third party however, the rights to install that client on the desktop must be purchased from the third party vendor, as the rights to third party software are not granted by the DIGITAL Office Server CAL. Without exception, one CAL must be acquired for every user featured in the Office Server profile; that is, at all times every registered user must be licensed by one CAL. CALs may be moved between systems as user populations fluctuate, but the number of CALs present on the site must equal or exceed the number of registered users at the site. Note: In OpenVMS clusters, traditional licensing and Client Access Li- censing cannot coexist. For example, one Office Server system licensed by CALs must not be added to an Office Server V4.0 cluster licensed by Capacity or User licenses. 26 Office Server System License In addition to CALs, each Office Server installation must be licensed by one Office Server (system) License (UPI is 5TB). For Office Server deployments on OpenVMS clusters, one system license (QM-5TB9A-AA) is required per OpenVMS system in the cluster. Each Office Server kit (QB-5TBAA-SA) includes the license, media, and documentation for Office Server, and the media, documentation, and li- cense to install one Office Server Administrator client (UPI is 5TC). Additional Administrator Clients may be installed upon the acquisi- tion of additional licenses (QM-5TC9A-AA). Customers with DIGITAL Service agreements All MailWorks and ALL-IN-1 customers paying for DIGITAL New Version Licensing Support agreements (NVLS) will receive the Office Server V4.0 media, documentation, and licenses as part of their agreements. A Li- censing Information Sheet is included in this kit, explaining in de- tail the various licensing terms. Evolving to Office Server from MailWorks and ALL-IN-1 MailWorks customers must replace their existing licenses with Office Server System licenses (QM-5TB9A-AA) and acquire one CAL (QM-5TD9A- A*) for every user/subscriber on each system. MailWorks customers on DIGITAL Service contract will receive 100 free CALs. For VAX systems with greater than 100 users, additional Upgrade CALs (QM-5TD9A-C*) must be purchased equal to the number of subscribers on the system at the time of migration. For Alpha systems, additional Upgrade CALs will be provided free-of-charge. In all cases, users added after the migra- tion must each be licensed by an additional CAL. ALL-IN-1 customers are obliged to retain their existing licenses, be they capacity or user-based. PAKs must remain installed during the in- stallation of Office Server V4.0, as LMF checks will continue. 27 Non-Service Paying Customers Customers without a DIGITAL support agreement should consult their DIGITAL or DIGITAL Partner account manager regarding upgrading to Office Server V4.0. ORDERING INFORMATION DIGITAL Office Server for OpenVMS V4.0 ___________________________________________________________________ Order_No._____Description__________________________________________ Licenses, Media, and Documentation QM-5TB9A-AA One Server License QB-5TBAA-SA One Server License, Media, Documentation QB-5TBAA-SB One Server License, Media, Doc + 25 CALs QB-5TBAA-SC One Server License, Media, Doc + 100 CALs QB-5TBAA-SD One Server License, Media, Doc + 500 CALs QB-5TBAA-MA One Server Upgrade License, Media, Doc QM-5TB9A-CA One Server Upgrade License QA-5TBAA-GZ Documentation Kit QM-5TF9A-AA MailWorks Migration to Office Server 100 CAL License DIGITAL Office Server QM-5TD9A-AA One Client Access License QM-5TD9A-AB 25 Client Access Licenses QM-5TD9A-AC 50 Client Access Licenses QM-5TD9A-AD 100 Client Access Licenses QM-5TD9A-AE 500 Client Access Licenses 28 ___________________________________________________________________ QM-5TD9A-CA One Client Access Upgrade License QM-5TD9A-CB 25 Client Access Upgrade Licenses QM-5TD9A-CC 50 Client Access Upgrade Licenses QM-5TD9A-CD 100 Client Access Upgrade Licenses QM-5TD9A-CE 500 Client Access Upgrade Licenses QM-5TC9A-AA One Administrator Client License QM-5TC9A-CA One Administrator Client Upgrade License QB-5TCAA-SA Administrator Client License, Media, Documentation QB-5TCAA-MA Administrator Client Upgrade License, Media, Docu- mentation Software Product Services QT-5TB9A-TA Office Server New Version License QT-5TBAA-X* Office Server and CAL packages QT-5TBAA-KZ Documentation QT-5TC9A-TA Administrator Client New Version License QT-5TC9A-XA Administrator Client Service QT-5TD9A-T*___CAL__________________________________________________ * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of DIGITAL Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about the licensing terms and policies of DIGITAL, contact your local DIGITAL office. 29 Operational Restriction A TeamLinks or MAPI Driver connection to Office Server cannot be es- tablished if the Office Server account is based on an account where multiple Office Server users share a single OpenVMS account. Each TeamLinks and MAPI Driver user must have an individual Office Server account. Note also: o Every user of Office Server must be a registered OpenVMS and Of- fice Server user with their name registered in the Office Server profile. o Users of non-DIGITAL clients accessing Office Server via the pub- lished APIs, MAPI 1 Driver, or whatever, must also be registered OpenVMS and Office Server users. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS V1.2 License Management Fa- cility. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS License Management Facility Software Product Description (SPD 36.35). SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of services and options are available from DIGITAL. For more information, contact your local DIGITAL office or DIGITAL partner. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by DIGITAL with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. 30 © 1997 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. ALL-IN-1, AlphaServer, CDA, DEC, DEClaser, DECnet, DECterm, DECwindows, DIGITAL, DX, EDT, FMS, LA, LA75, MAILbus, Mail- Works, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, PrintServer, TeamLinks, VAX, VAX FMS, VAXcluster, VAXstation, VMScluster, VMSmail, VT, VT100, VT220, VT300, VT320, VT330, VT340, VT420, VT1000, WPS-PLUS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equip- ment Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. Apple, AppleTalk, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. PathWay is a trademark of Attachmate Corporation. MacWrite is a registered trademark of Claris Corporation. WordPerfect is a registered trademark of Corel Corporation. Hayes is a registered trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Prod- ucts, Inc. HP and DeskJet are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Corporation. IBM and Proprinter are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. PMDF is a registered trademark of Innosoft International Inc. Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Toshiba is a registered trademark of Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba. Microsoft Exchange Server and Windows NT are trademarks, and Microsoft, Windows, and Windows 95 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PinWriter is a registered trademark of NEC Corporation. Netscape and Netscape Navigator are registered trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation. MultiNet and TCPware are registered trademarks of Process Soft- ware Corporation. EPSON is a registered trademark of Seiko Epson Kabushiki Kaisha. 31 UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Lim- ited. X/Open is a trademark of X/Open Company Limited. International CorrectSpell spelling correction system ©1987 by INSO Corporation. All rights reserved. Rogets II Electronic Thesaurus: Electronic Thesaurus portions copyright ©1988 by INSO Corporation. Rogets II: The New Thesaurus ©1980 by Houghton-Mifflin Company. Licensed from INSO Corporation. All rights reserved. Usage Alert: Programs and databases for the Usage Alert li- censed from INSO Corporation. ©1987 by INSO Corporation. All rights reserved. 32