Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: HP Distributed Queuing Service for OpenVMS, Version 1.3- 2 SPD 28.80.05 DESCRIPTION The standard OpenVMS queue system enables users to use the OpenVMS PRINT command to print files on output devices that are attached to the users local OpenVMS node. The hp Distributed Queuing Service (DQS) uses the DECnet networking system to extend the standard OpenVMS queue system to enable users to: o Print jobs on printers connected to systems other than their own o Show the status of jobs on those systems o Cancel their jobs on those systems o Change the specifications of their jobs on those systems Any node where a print request originates is called a client. Any node with an attached printer that performs the printing is called a server. Any node with DQS software can be configured to operate as only a client or as both a client and a server. The DQS software does not limit the number of client or server nodes or queues. The system manager cre- ates the queues and establishes the correspondence between client queues and queues on server nodes. A queue on a server node can accept jobs from queues on multiple client nodes. January 2005 Features The following is a summary of features available in the hp Distributed Queuing Service software: o Provides an easy means of printing from systems that do not have printers. o The DQS software can be used in any DECnet networking environment. Both Local Area Networks and Wide Area Networks are supported. DQS supports DECnet Phase V fullname functionality. o The DQS software allows multiple OpenVMS systems to share expen- sive or unique printers. o The DQS software does not limit the users choice of printing equip- ment as it can work with standard OpenVMS symbionts and most user- written or user-modified symbionts. o Provides completely transparent support for the following quali- fiers of the OpenVMS PRINT command: /BACKUP /BEFORE /BURST /BY_OWNER /CONFIRM /CHARACTERISTICS /COPIES /CREATED /DEVICE /EXCLUDE /EXPIRED /FEED /FLAG /IDENTIFY /JOB_COUNT /LOWERCASE /MODIFIED /NAME /NOTE /QUEUE /REMOTE /RESTART /PAGES /PASSALL /SETUP /SINCE /SPACE /TRAILER /USER All other OpenVMS PRINT qualifiers are supported, with slight dif- ferences that reflect the distributed environment of DQS. o If the DQS server is temporarily inaccessible when a print command is issued, the DQS client will attempt to transfer the job for print- ing after the DQS server again becomes available. o If a printer becomes unavailable, the corresponding DQS server queue can be configured to direct print jobs to a different DQS server queue. 2 o The DQS software can send notification to the user after a print job has been completed. o Additional queues can be added and queue attributes changed with- out reinstalling the DQS software. o Additional DQS nodes can be added to an existing network of DQS nodes without reinstalling the software on the existing nodes. o The DQS software can be configured to limit access to servers. o The DQS software can be configured to keep records of use. o The DQS commands can be used on non-DQS queues. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Systems Supported: DQS runs on I64, Alpha, and VAX systems supported on OpenVMS. For a detailed list of systems supported on OpenVMS, refer to the HP Open- VMS Operating System for Alpha Version 7.3-1 and 7.3-2 and VAX Ver- sion 7.3 Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the HP Open- VMS for Integrity Servers and HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2 Operating Systems Software Product Description (SPD 82.35.xx) Processor Restrictions: An Ethernet connection is required for each processor that uses the DQS. That processor must support the Ethernet boards supported by DEc- net for OpenVMS. Disk Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1): The following counts refer to the disk space required on the I64 sys- tem disk. Notice that the sizes listed are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on your system environment, configuration, and soft- ware options. 3 Disk space required for 3,700 blocks installation: (1.9 Mbytes) Disk space required for 3,400 blocks use (permanent): (1.7 Mbytes) The following counts refer to the disk space required on the Alpha sys- tem disk. Notice that the sizes listed are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on your system environment, configuration, and soft- ware options. Disk space required for 4,500 blocks installation: (2.3 Mbytes) Disk space required for 2,300 blocks use (permanent): (1.2 Mbytes) The following counts refer to the disk space required on the VAX sys- tem disk. Notice that the sizes listed are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on your system environment, configuration, and soft- ware options. Disk space required for 2,700 blocks installation: (1.4 Mbytes) Disk space required for 1,300 blocks use (permanent): (.7 Mbytes) 4 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS OpenVMS I64 Operating System (V8.2) OpenVMS Alpha Operating System (V7.3-2 & V8.2) OpenVMS VAX Operating System (V7.3) DECnet or DECnet-VAX OpenVMS Tailoring: The following OpenVMS classes are required for full functionality of this layered product: o OpenVMS Required Saveset o Network Support o Secure User's Environment For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, refer to the HP OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha Version 7.3-1 and 7.3-2 and VAX Version 7.3 Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the HP Open- VMS for Integrity Servers and HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2 Operating Systems Software Product Description (SPD 82.35.xx) SOFTWARE LICENSING INFORMATION This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Hewlett- Packard's Standard Terms and Conditions. LICENSE MANAGEMENT FACILITY SUPPORT This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System use basis. The OpenVMS VAX product uses a clusterwide license; the Open- VMS Alpha and Integrity products use a traditional license. 5 For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the HP OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha Version 7.3-1 and 7.3-2 and VAX Version 7.3 Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the HP Open- VMS for Integrity Servers and HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2 Operating Systems Software Product Description (SPD 82.35.xx), or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS Operating System documen- tation set. For more information about OpenVMS licensing terms and policies, con- tact your local HP sales office, or find HP software licensing infor- mation on the World Wide Web at: info/terms/swl_sld.html CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed VMScluster* configuration. The HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS sec- tions of this product's Software Product Description detail any spe- cial hardware required by this product. * VMScluster configurations are fully described in the VMScluster Soft- ware Product Description (29.78.xx) and include CI, Ethernet, and Mixed Interconnect configurations. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the minimum requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA CD-ROM. This product is also available as part of the OpenVMS Consolidated Soft- ware Distribution on CDROM. 6 ORDERING INFORMATION For Integrity Servers Software License: BA364AA Per Processor: BA364AC Software Product Services: For Alpha Servers Software License: QL-0HPA*-** Software Product Services: QT-0HPA*-** For VAX Systems Software License: QA-VENA*-** Software Product Services: QT-VENA*-** SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from HP. For more infor- mation, contact your local HP account representative or distributor. Information is also available from SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software product is provided by HP with a 90-day conformance war- ranty in accordance with the HP warranty terms applicable to the li- cense purchase. © 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP required for pos- session, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Com- mercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Tech- nical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. 7 The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional war- ranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omis- sions contained herein. Printed in the U.S. 8 9